§rasmu§+ Programm§
§rasmu§+ Programm§
§rasmu§+ Programm§ Key Action 1 - Mobility for leErnerg and gtaff * Hlghar Ěducatlon §tudent and §taff Moblllty Inter-instltutiona11 agreem§nt 201 6-2g27,7 between programm€ countrles IMlnlmum requlrementeJ' The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. They commit to respect the quality requírements of the ťrasmus Charter for Higher Education in all aspects related to the organisation and management of the mobility, in pafticular the recognition of the credits awarded to students hy the partner institution, A. [nformation about higher education institutions lnctitutlonal €oo rdlnator; UNIVERZITA PALACKEllO V oLoMoucl cz 0LoMoUc01 Yvona Vyhnánková Internatíonal Re|atlons Offiee Křížkovského8,77t 47 Olomoue Tel.i +42o 585 631 041 Fax:, +42Q 585 631 140 E-mail : yvona.vyhnankova@upol.cz Generai: http :,//www. u pal,cz/ en Facu Ity: hltp / l www,lf .upo|, cz/ en : D€BaÉm€nt!l co9rdinator; Prof, MUDr, ]iří Ehrmann, Ph,D. Vlce-Dean for Jnternational Reiations 1 ' lnter-institutlonaI agreement§ can be signed by two or ínorg hi6her education lnstitutions l-tigher Education ln*titutions have to agree on the period of va|idity of this agreement partnership. ' clauses may be added to this template agreement to better refleď the nature oí the institutignal possible updates, Contact details to reach the senior ofíicer in charge oí this agreement and of its 4 / and Study in Énglish Programs Hněvotínská 3, 779 0O O|omouc Te|l +420 585 632 466 E-mail: Jiri.ehrmann@gmail,com Administrative contact: zuzana, kullova@upol.cz Academic contsct/ Depaftm€ntal coořdinator Faculty of Medicine: Prof. Dr. Christoph-Thomas Germer Dean of Student Affairs contacti Barbara Moll D WURZBURí}r http;//www.uni- Josef-Schneider-Str, 2, D7 97080 Wúrzburg, Gerrnany Tel, +49.931.2OL55224 Wuerzburg.de/ E-mail; mgll bíóukw,de .uni-wuerehqrg,de Fax +49.93I.20155222 jULtU§_MAxIHlLIAN5_ uNIVf;RsrÁT WÚRzBuRG General: Admlnl§trátlv6 coÉtact! International; htto: //www.international Faculty: htto://www,uni- Instatutaona| Coordinator/ Head wuerzbu&delueberlfak Mr, Florian Evenbye Uníversity Mobitity Coordinator Internatíonal office, sanderring 2 EÉl of International office: 97 07 § lN u ltaeten/med izinlstartsei irzburg, Gerrna ny Tel, +49 93L 3L8 2298, Fa,4 +4g 931 318"2603 E-mail : florian,evenbye@uniwuerzbur§Lde B. Mobility ngmberss per academic y€ar {Paragraph to be added, if the agreement is signed for more than one acadetnic year: The partners cammit to amend the table below in case of changes in the mobility data by no later than the end of January in the precedinE academíc year.] ' vtobilíty numbers can be glven per sending/receiving insiitutions and per education field {optionat*: http://www.uis.unesco.ora/Education/Paae5/internationa!-standard-classifiCotion-of-education,asDxJ D W|jRZBUB01 ez oLottloucsl 0912 Medlclne !§t , 2ró 2 §l;udents/ 24 rnonths [*Optlona!: sublecí arga §ode & name and §tudy cycle are opttlnal, Inter-lnstitutional agreement§ arc not caínpulsory for Student Mobiliťy for Traineeshtps or Staff Mabillťy far Tralning, ínlťlťutlansmay aErge tó cooperaťe on the organisation of traineesítip; ín thií ca§e they sllould lndiťate ťhe number of sťudents that Ihay inťend ťo send ta the partner cuunťry, Toťal duratign tn manths/days of the sťudent/staff mobitlťy periods C, 0r average duraťign can be indicated lf relevant,l Recommended language skills The sending institution, following agreement with the receiving institution, is responsible for providing §upport to its nominated candidates so that they can haye the recommended language skills at the start of the study or teaching period: 'For an easier and consi§tent understanding oí language reguirernents, use oflhe Common §uropean of Reference for Languages {CEFR) is retommended, see http://europass.cedefop.eurooa.euleottesources/european-languaqe-levels-cefr Frarnework For rnore details on lhe language of instrtlďion recornrnendations, see the cour§e catalogue of eaci,1 institution {Links provided on the first page]. D. Additional řequirements DWUBZSUBG01I Language conr§És: lnternational students ryith knowledge ol B? German or less are asked to particapat€ |n th€ intpnsive cour§a§ before thEir studies in Wúrzburg start, The courses are free of charge and are gítered four weeks in S*p{ember and March {subject to clrange}, A tutor Brogíam is ofíered for all internationa| *udents for having a better §tart with all practical issues like opening a bank account, registrations procedures etc.: htto:1/www.internation?|.uni-wuerzburp.delen/studium, Faculty speciŤic inforrnation is in_wuerzburr/tutoren provided through řacu|ty gl Medicine r,rrebsíte ; řrttp://www.uni-wuerzburg,de/ueber/fakultaeten/medizin/studiurn_und_lehre,/internationales/incoming/ The University of Wúrzburg we|cornes students and staff with disabi|ities and provides an information and assistance {enter. Learn moí€ at http:/lwww.behi0d§lrtenbeauftragter.uni-wuerzbure,de/kis/ Cantaft p€rson; Mrs Sandra Ohleníorst, Universitát Wúrzburg, Kl9, Am Hub|and, 97070 ýýúrzburg. Tel.: O937t31-84g52, Irnail; kis@u!i-wu gr.zburq,de CZ OIOMOUCOI: Al| incoming students must be norninated by ttreir hpme ínstitutipn befote the deadlír,le date, App|ications with reguirsd documents need to be íorrryarded to týl§ Zilzana }tamdanieh at zuzana.hamdanieh@upo| .ct by our deadlines dates, for d€tailed lníormation regarding available cour§€5 at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry oí Palacký University in Olomouc, please eontact Ms Zuzana Kullová at zuzana,kullova@upol.cz. §. Calendar 1, Applications/information 0n nCIminat€d student§ must reach the receiving institution by: Later R§mlnBtions can be later Bominatíons ean be [* ťp be adapťed in case 0f a trime§ter systemJ 2. Thc receiving institutlon wlll send |ts decision wlthln 4 weeks, Un|verrlty of Wiirzbu16; Aít§r havang reeeived the paper applieatipn (Brlnted online application) the letter of admissipn will be send withín a max. perlod of six rryeekg, 3. A of Reeords r,vill be lssued bv the receivlng ín§tittttipn no later th§n S weeks after the pcriod has finished at the receiving Hťl, Transeript ásse§§rn€nt 4. Termination oí the a6reernent: §eptember 2077 or,otherwise agreed upon by both partners. F. Information 1. Grading svstems of the institutions {It is recomrnended that receiving institutions provide ťhe sťatistical distribution of grades according to the descriptions in the ECTS users'guide7. A tink to a webpage can be engugh, T|,1e table wíll ťacilitate the interpretation of each grade awarded to students and will facilitate the credit ťransfer by the sending institution.J D wue;ZBunol Student peďormances are graded individually and not on a statistical basis. In general, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Wúzburg uses the grading system charted below, Alternatively, departrnents may evaluate student peďormance by usíng the "pass" / "fai|" distinction. Grade cl Description 1 very good 2 good 3 satisfactory 4 sufficient 5 not stlíf,icient OL§NDUCoI More information available at http://www.upol.czlen/groups/studying/ects-credit-system/ 2. Visa The sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance, when required, in securing visas for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasrnus Charter for Higher Education. Inforrnation and assistan§e can be provided by the following contact points and information sources: 7 htto;//ec.europa,eu/education/lifelong-learning-nolicv/9§ts en,htm D 1,yUBz8UR01 íncorníng students family narnes A-L: Ms. Nicoie SCHiťllTT - €maíl: níp0le.schrnítt@uni-wuerzburg, d€ Tel,; +49 931 3I8 2$g4 Incoming §tud€nt§ Z: famíly names M- Ms" Ange|a F§NSK§ - Emaill Éngela.fenskeóuni-wuerzbur:9,de 3. Insurance The sending and receiving instítutions wi|l provide a§sí§tance in obtaining insurance for incoming and outbound mobile participant§l accCIrding to the requírernents of the Hrasrnus Charter for Higher Edueation, The receiving institutíon nlill ínform rnobile participant§ of ca5e5 in whlch lnsurance cover is not a*Jtomatically provided. trníormation and a55i6ťance can be provided by the follon,ing ťontact point§ and inforřnation source§; t4s Zuzana Hamdanleh zuzana,hamdanieh6UDol,cž '|ell +420 5B5 63í 108 Incoming student§ family names A-L; Ms, Nicole scHMíTr - Émail; nícole,schrnitt@uni:wuerzburg. Tel,: +49 93l3I8 2894 htt§ : íwww-inter_national. uni: wuerzburg.de de lncomíng students famiNy names t4-Zl Ms" Angela FENSKE - Emaill angelp.,f.*nske@uní-wugrzburo,de Tel. ; 4. Hougino ťeceivíng institution wi|l guide incoming rnobiae partícipant§ in finding accoínmodatíofi, áccording to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Educatían. The trnformation and asgistance can b€ provided by the following per§on§ and inforrnation §Ource§: Ms Zuzana Hamdaníeh zuzana.hamdanieh6upol.cz Tel: +42D 5S5 63t 108 lncoming §tudent§ farnily narnes A-L; Ms, Nico|e 5CHMiTT - Ernail; niEole,schmitt@uni-Wuerzburg,de 931 318 28a4 T*l, ; httD l/WWw. ínternational,Uni. wue.r?b.uro.de + 49 Incoming students family names M-Z: Mg, Anoe|a FE|ISKÉ * Email: angela,fenske@uni-wuerzburo,de Tel.: +49 8 8604 G. SIGNATURE§ OF TtlE INSTITUTION§ (legal repre§entatives) l D I,VURZBUROí B -01- 2016 Prof, Or, Christoph-Thomas Germer Dean of Student Aííairs Faculty of Fledicine /r,U.Jutó &L jh Dekanat r,} i: r ,.],;,:i E Scanned signatures are aceepted i, j i,i i,.ig: l: í . Í'j] i;ii l"$ilii i' ťťl.iií: ;"; Ll i'i] i,liij :, l - i' : ::i', * 2 l li;rLlijil i+; ii,u'ij i;::i;u r0