Volume 50 Number 2 - Tibetan Spaniel Club of America
Volume 50 Number 2 - Tibetan Spaniel Club of America
GCH DRAGONSONG MIRAMICHI'S SILK STOCKINGS 2012 National Specialty Inside This Issue Message from the President/ Membership Applicants..................................3 Editor’s Note/Advertising............................................4 Q & A with Herb Rosen...............................................5 Board Meeting, AKC Delegate Meeting..................6, 9 TSCA General Membership Meeting........................14 2012 National Winners/Official Photos...............17, 23 “Harlow’s Story”--BOB National Winner....................21 Judging the National “A Critique by Linda Foiles”...........................22 “Hardy”--BOS National Winner..................................22 2nd Specialty Winners & Photos..............................31 Flea and Tick Control by Dr. Sharon Adams............34 New Champions and Title Holders...........................37 AKC Outstanding Sportsmanship Award..................41 Listing of ROM and ROMX.......................................41 Advertisements Shilo..............................................................30 Terry Jones/ Improv......................................20 Cynara..........................................................43 AKC Delegate Herb Rosen 11404 Lhasa Lane Lutherville, MD 21093-1415 410-252-7555 tibbielove@aol.com AKC Legislative Liaison & Website Manager Susan Mullins 1413 Hyner Circle Richmond, VA 23231 hysams@verizon.net Archives, Regional Chair Coordinator, & Rescue Chair Mallory Cosby Driskill 123 Perry Lane Goode, VA 24566 434-525-7710 ambrier@aol.com 2012 Officers & Board of Directors President William “Bill” Chaffee 469 Langford Creek Road Van Etten, NY 14889-9752 williampchaffee@yahoo.com Past President Mallory Cosby Driskill 123 Perry Lane Goode, VA 24566 ambrier@aol.com Vice President Jean Briggs 332 Weatherwax Road Averill Park, NY 12018-5920 jeanbriggs43@hotmail.com Robert Churchey P.O. Box 20645 Mesa, AZ 85277 ruyaridge@aol.com Recording Secretary Connie Buckland 608 N. Wintergarden Rd. Bowling Green, OH 43402 westviewk9s@aol.com Corresponding Secretary Susan Mullins 1413 Hyner Circle Richmond, VA 23231 hysams@verizon.net Treasurer Dianne Tyree P.O. Box 67 Brookline, NH 03033 di24kk9s@wexfordgold.com Donna Etchinson 17603 E. 79th Street N. Owasso, OK 74055-5820 dvetchison@gmail.com Martha Feltenstein 245 E. 32nd Street New York, NY 10016 zuleika371@aol.com Karen Shilliday 4330 Pinewood Lane York, PA 17402-3325 ksflipside@yahoo.com Christine Whitehead 10914 W. Coolridge St. Phoenix, AZ 85037-1352 rincentibbies@aol.com Breeder Referral Andrea Struble 29 Myrtle Ave. Waynesboro, PA 17268-1625 717-762-5074 rastruble@comcast.net Membership Chair Pamela Glave & Karen Hand 321 Jaywood Road Williston, SC 29853-5117 803-292-9581 plumtree@tds.net Sunshine Coordinator Michelle R. Bustamante 15504 CR 18 Fort Lupton, CO 80621 720-220-2703 sweetibbies@gmail.com Eye Registry & Health Committee Carol V. Srnka 6352 Iradel Road Trumansburg, NY 14886 607-387-9668 carsrnk@aol.com Newsletter Editor Mary Novocin 7223 Wilson Rd. Mt. Airy, MD 21771 301-829-2647 cynaracollies@comcast.net Versatility Chair Karen Chamberlain 550 Pacific Ave. York, PA 17404 717-848-6457 keflipside@hotmail.com Judges Education Chair Linda Foiles 6880 Sperryville Pike Boston, VA 22713 540-547-3483 flolintwo@aol.com Show Records Cindie Swaim 23374 Kingsbury Rd. Middleton, ID 83644 208-585-9013 jlswaim585@msn.com Ways and Means Dianne Tyree P.O. Box 67 Brookline, NH 03033 di24kk9s@wexfordgold.com Junior Coordinator Susan Hope 2395 Highway 36E Milner, GA 30257 404-405-3451 Specialty Coordinator Ruth Davis P.O. Box 945 Placitas, NM 87043 505-867-4510 royaltibbs@aol.com Applying for TSCA Membership President’s Message As I begin my term as President of TSCA, I want to thank several dedicated members who have done a great job as they now step down and the new Board takes over. Mallory Driskill and Kay Dickeson, along with Pat Silberman, Bonnie Bieber and Sharon Paynter, you deserve a huge thanks from all of us. It is only because of volunteers like you and the work you do that These applicants will be reviewed at the next Board TSCA remains a great parent club. The following persons have applied for membership of the TSCA, Inc. Any comments or letters regarding these applicants must be sent to the Membership Chairpersons, Pam Glave and Karen Hand at plumtree@tds.net. Meeting: To Donna Etchison and her crew, thanks for inviting us to Tulsa. We had a very good National Specialty week and it is always good to see folks from other parts of the country. Our hats are off to you! Pertti Marjomaa and Jouni Seppanen Fagerkullantie 6 02400 Kirkkonummi, Finland Sponsors: Martha Feltenstein & Mallory Cosby Driskill The 2013 National will be in Florida in February. I know Karen Williams James & Deborah Bush 20 Diven Drive York Haven, PA 17370 Sponsors: Mary Hartman & Chris Longley Kitty Burke & Kathy Gertler 310 Faust North Rd. Bethel, PA 19507 Sponsors: Harold Hartman & Karen Ronay Helen Richards 412 8th Street Moody, TX 76557 Sponsors: Jody Thomas & Shirley Carroll Sal and Cathy Tramaglini 4420 NE 122nd St. Vancouver, WA 98686 Sponsors: Liana Craven and Trish D. Snyder Dawn Gabig 21108 Lake Wood Trail Kirksville, MO 63501 Sponsors Kay Dickeson and Marie Firos Welcome New Members! Pamela Glave & Karen Hand TSCA Membership Chair will keep us informed over the next few months. Start now planning your trip to the panhandle. Please extend a warm welcome to our new officers and board members – Jean Briggs, Dianne Tyree, Karen Shilladay, Donna Etchison and Christine Whitehead. Also take a minute to look at the committees we have – we always need volunteers for many things so please contact any board member if you have thoughts, comments, complaints, OR would like to volunteer! The fall board meeting will be held at the end of September during the Wine Country show circuit in Romulus, NY. This weekend includes the Finger Lakes Tibetan Spaniel Specialty, a TSCA Supported entry and lots of fun for everyone. The timing is perfect – halfway between the 2012 and 2013 Nationals. If you have anything you would like your board to discuss, please ask Connie Buckland to put it on the agenda. We have several items that need completion and they are high on our list of things to finalize. The TSCA Constitution and By-Laws are now being completed by Dianne Tyree and Alan Reznik. We need a volunteer to step up and take over the updating of the Standing Rules – the ones we have are several years out of date (come on now, don’t be shy – we need your help). Several others items are also under discussion. Our committees are moving forward nicely. Rescue, headed up by Mallory and Martha, has been working with the Trust and several tibbies have been adopted. Thank you. Andi Struble took over Breeder Referral from Pat Silberman and has added her own touch to it. Don’t forget to keep her informed of your litters as well as adults to be placed. Mary Novocin is ready to get the newsletters out on schedule – I can’t wait to see her style of publication. Contact Mary with ads, articles and information. To the other committees – keep up the great work you do. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns regarding TSCA. My job keeps me on the road most weeks and I may not be able to read email every day but I do try. My best regards, Bill 3 Advertise In The Newsletter Deadline for Issue #3 is 9/1/2012 Editor’s Note Greetings TSCA Members! Full Page Ad is $20 Half Page Ad is $15 Quarter Page Ad is $10 Business Card Size is $5 Litter Announcement is $5 Paypal ID item : sale@tsca.ws I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new TSCA Newsletter Editor. It is with much excitement and some trepidation that I took on this job. I have received so much support and help by many of you that I feel blessed to be part of such a wonderful club that is so devoted to this breed. Pictures should be sent as a JPEG 300 dpi or better. Advertisement should be print ready and sent to: Mary Novocin cynaracollies@comcast.net Cindy Chambers has done a wonderful job and has left some mighty big shoes to fill. I hope to get the NL out in the same timely manner as Cindy has done in the past. I want to thank Susan Mullins for answering all my emails so quickly and giving me lots of guidance and encouragement. Also my thanks goes to Mallory Driskill, Linda Foiles, and Herb Rosen, who took the time to speak with me about his dogs and to dig through his old show photos to share with me. This is just to name a few that have given their time and help. Newsletter cost - Issue #1 - 2012 - $401.09 Revenue from ads - $140.00 Issue #3 of the Newsletter will feature Stud Dogs. Advertising is easy and cost is minimal. There’s no better way to get the word out about your dog! The Newsletter is online at TSCA.ws and will be seen in color! I have tried very hard to be as accurate as possible, but as I am human and prone to human errors (even with the help of computers) there may be a few mistakes along the way. I encourage you to let me know when you see an error, especially in names and addresses. I will make every effort to correct them. I am already planning some future editions. The next newsletter will be focusing on Stud Dogs. This will be a great opportunity to spotlight your stud dog, so if you have a stud dog you want members to know about----ADVERTISE! We will end the year with a feature on Brood Bitches, then begin the first quarter of 2013 with The National again, followed by an Up and Comers issue. Any member who would like to be interviewed or has an interesting tale to tell in regards to this or future subjects, please contact me. I want to hear from you! I look forward to meeting more of you in the future and if there are any suggestions you might have for the newsletter, please contact me. Kindest Regards, Mary Novocin 4 Q & With Herb Rosen A Bet’R Kennel 1. When and where did you get first Tibetan Spaniel? Betty was the driving force when it came to the Tibbies. She and I traveled to England to visit several well know breeders. Our first visit was with Linda Micklethwait and CH. Calamalca Cassidy her lovely thatched roof English home to see her kennel “Wildhern,” this was only the beginning. First AKC Champion She took us to several other famous Tibbie breeders Tibetan Spaniel to see what years of quality breeding had produced. We knew that we had to bring these lovely Tibetan Spaniel puppies back to America. On our next visit to the UK, Linda introduced us to Mrs. Wynyard of the Braeduke Kennels, Miss Hourihane of Amscor/Amcross Kennels, and Mrs. McCartney of the Fairstar Kennels. These were names that formed our foundation stock from the United Kingdom. AM, CAN., GB. CH. Amscor Solo Man, ROM BOB Westminster KC 1986 & 1987 In 1974 we brought our first imports starting with a beautiful black and tan bitch we named “Wildhern Winni Tu”, and then later we brought over “Fairstar Cho-Sun” and then “Wildhern Full of Fire.” We imported eight dogs all together from England to form our Bet’R Kennel. 2. What were some of your highlights in those earlier years after the breed was accepted by the AKC? Calamalca Cassidy became the first AKC Champion Tibetan Spaniel in 1984. Ch. Amscor Solo Man, ROM won BOB at Westminster Kennel Club in 1986 and 1987 and later was an all-breed group winner. Ch. Wildhern Full of Fire won BOB at Westminster Kennel Club as well. AM., CAN., BER. Ch. Fairstar Cho-Sun was the first Tibetan Spaniel International Champion and was the first Tibetan Spaniel to win BOB at Westminster Kennel Club in 1984. Both Ch. Fairstar Cho-Sun and Ch. Wildhern Full of Fire were very influential sires in the 80’s and 90’s. Ch. Wildhern Full of Fire produced Best in Show winner Ch. Krisala Petite Gourmet as well as having over 20 champion offspring. 3. What qualities in the breed were you looking for when you went to England? CH. Wildhern Full of Fire Sired over 20 champions We went to England looking for coat, head quality (such as bite, etc.), nice turn of stifles and good top lines. 4. What other breeds were/are you involved with? AM, CAN, BER., CH. Fairstar Cho-Sun First International Champion BOB at Westminster KC 1984 We started with the Lhaso Apso breed, that is why we named our street Lhasa Lane. When backyard breeders made the breed mean we moved on to Whippets and saving ex-racing Greyhounds. Betty started the local chapter of Greyhound Pets of America. The organization is still active and saves hundreds of dogs that otherwise would be put down. I liked the Min Pins and finished many from our breeding, but Betty did not like what we had to do to make their ears stand up. They would cry and that was enough for her and we turned to the sweet Tibbies. Today, I am still living and loving the Tibbies, with a litter now and then. It has been my desire to always have at least five in our home to enjoy. 5 TSCA Board Meeting Park Inn-Tulsa OK May 22, 2012 The meeting of the Officers and Board of Directors of the Tibetan Spaniel Club of America, Inc., was called to order by President Mallory Driskill at 7:41 P.M.., May 22, 2012 at the Park Inn, Tulsa OK. The following were present: Mallory Driskill, Bill Chaffee, Susan Mullins, Connie Buckland, Jean Briggs, Dianne Tyree, Robert Churchey. Guests present: Colleen Chaffee, Christine Whitehead, Susan Hope, Ruth Davis & Jody Thomas. Absent were: Kay Dickeson, Martha Feltenstein, Sandi Lidster and Donna Etchison. A motion was made by Connie Buckland to accept the minutes of the fall meeting, Robert Churchey second. Motion passed. REPORT OF OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Mallory Driskill welcomed everyone and hoped they all have a wonderful specialty. VICE PRESIDENT: Bill Chaffee welcomed the new board members, Jean Briggs, & Dianne Tyree. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: Susan Mullins reported that AKC is now asking clubs to allow for at least 50% of the grooming space at shows be free. Most clubs are not pleased with this new ruling. Susan also reports that any information received from AKC that is relevant to our breed is forward to the membership either by notices on the TSCA website (www.tsca.ws), TSCA E-group, or in the TSCA Newsletter. RECORDING SECRETARY: Connie Buckland reported that the ballots for the 2014 Specialty judge have been mailed to the membership with a deadline of 6/15/2012. Also, letters were received from Sharon Paynter, Bonnie Bieber, and Pat Silberman effective 5/1/2012. The board voted appoint Dianne Tyree, Jean Briggs and Donna Etchison to fill the vacant position from 5/15/2012 until the new slate of officers takes over on 6/1/2012. TREASURER: See attached report 2013 National Specialty - (Karen Williams)--see attached report AKC Legislative Liaison (Susan Mullins)--Susan reports any information from AKC either on the TSCA E-group, TSCA Website (www.tsca.ws) or via the TSCA Newsletter. Archives (Mallory Driskill) –Mallory Driskill reports that people are still sending various things for the archives. She will take anything pertaining to Tibetan Spaniels and/or the TSCA. If you have anything you wish to give to the archives, please contact Mallory. Breeders Directory & Referral (Andi Struble) --See attached report Health (Carol Srnka)--See attached report 6 Judges Education (Linda Foiles)--See attached report Juniors Program (Susan Hope)--Susan Hope reported having some problems getting the reports from AKC with the ranking. She will also giving out awards at the banquet for the top Tibbie Juniors. There is a new website from AKC (Today’s Best Junior) that give the juniors ranking by group, breed and all breed. A motion was made by Robert Churchey to follow the calendar year for recording the junior’s wins. Susan Mullins second. Motion passed. Regional Club Coordinator (Mallory Driskill) --No new activity. Dinner break-8:32 P.M. Resume 8:51 P.M. Rescue (Mallory Driskill & Martha Feltenstein)—Mallory Driskill reported the lately rescue has been quite active. There were two dogs in California who were placed in rescue as their owner was ill. Shortly after taking the dog, the lady passed away. Rescue was unable to trace the ownership of these two dogs. The male was placed quickly and the blind female was placed with a TSCA member. A ten year old dog was taken to a vet to be put down, the vet wouldn’t do it. The breeder was located, but knew nothing of the situation and took the dog back. Another dog is being sent to Mallory and possible home. There was also a dog in Roanoke with kennel cough, boarded at a kennel. A club member stepped up and took the dog. A Tibbie was found in Ohio, the trust filled and returned all the paperwork to have the dog released to a club member, but nothing came of it. Show Records (Cindie Swaim)--ROM and ROMX certificates will be awarded at the banquet. Cindie would like to see the ROM/ROMX application placed on the TSCA website. Specialty Coordinator (Ruth Davis) - -Things are running smoothing---by working together all is working well. The 2013 specialty will be in Ft. Walton Beach, Fl. the end of February. Sharon Paynter will be doing judging the specialty and Mallory Driskill will be doing sweepstakes. Becky Johnson will be doing sweepstakes for the supported. Barbara Alderman and Jean Fournier will be judging the other days. All contracts have been signed and returned. A site for 2014 is still being discussed. Sunshine (Michelle Bustamante) --see attached report Versatility (Karen Shilliday) --see attached report Ways & Means (Dianne Tyree)--see attached report AKC Delegate (Herb Rosen) –see attached report Newsletter (Mary Novocin)—Mary Novocin is working on several articles for future issues. She has some great ideas. Her first issue will be the national issue. She is looking for ideas, ads, and articles. If you have something of interest, please let Mary know. Constitution/By-Laws—AKC had originally approved the changes except for foreign membership being allowed to vote---they do not want foreign members to have the privilege of voting. A motion was made by Susan Mullins and seconded by Bill Chaffee, that Dianne Tyree be the committee chair with Allan Reznik and Connie Buckland added to the committee. Motion passed. Dianne will be in contact with AKC and Bonnie Bieber who originally chaired the committee to get the changes previously worked on and will be getting the new constitution/by-laws ready for a membership vote soon. 7 Update Standing Rules – tabled Specialty Guidelines (Colleen Chaffee) – New copies handed out. The board made some minor changes and once made, a final copy will be sent to the board for approval. This has been a huge project and hopefully, these guidelines will be extremely helpful to future show chairs. Some discussion was done on the possible changes to some of the drawings in the Illustrated Standard since we have had an update to the breed standard. There are only approx. 150 Illustrated Standards left, and we will have to have more printed. Colleen Chaffee is to meet with Linda Foiles on the updates to the Illustrated Standard. This will reviewed again in the fall. Some discussion was done on the possibilities of updating the judge’s selection process. We need to check with other clubs with memberships similar to ours as to how they do the judge selection for their specialties. Any ideas for suggestion will be greatly appreciated It was also discussed that photos of the specialty trophies not be posted before the specialty. The following were elected into membership in the TSCA pending publication in the TSCA Newsletter: Kitty Burke & Kathy Gertler, James & Deborah Bush, Petti Marjomaa & Journi Seppanen, and Helen Richards. Motion to adjourn was made by Bill Chaffee – second by Robert Churchey—passed Meeting adjourned at 10:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Connie Buckland, TSCA Recording Secretary m o r T F he Pa t s a l B st A Were You Here in 1992? 8 First Tibetan Spaniel Club of America, Inc. AKC recognized National Specialty 1992-Kentucky -- 125 Tibbies were entered! Ed Sledzik judged. AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB DELEGATES MEETING MARCH 13, 2012 Delegates seated since last meeting was introduced Vote for new member clubs Report of the Financial Officer The value of the AKC stock has improved slightly from last year’s report. However, Dog Registration: 2 million, but still down by 1 million Liter registration still down Show Entries are up 2.5%. Loss per show event entries $2.75 Expenses are down 2 Million due to the cutting of extra personnel plus additional reductions. A vote was taken to elect the Candidates for Vacancies on the Board- Class of 2016 Elected were: Patricia M. Cruz Heart of the Plains KC NY. William J. Feeney Sir Francis Drake KC CA. Thomas Powers Kennel Club of Beverly Hills CA. Vote on proposed amendment to Chapter 3 Section 1 of Rules Applying to Dog Shows Dog Show Classifications, to create 11 groups: An individual delegate’s count was required to determine a negative vote and was defeated. A later vote of the new Board endorsed Alan Kalter as the new Board Chair. It was noted in Dog News, that: “Any Board member who is willing to support Alan Kalter, will determine the future of our sport and hobby for years to come” Herb Rosen AKC Delegate Judges Education Report – May 2012 Seminars presented since Oct. 2011 – Presenters: Mallory Driskill & Linda Foiles – Greenville, SC Linda Foiles – Kansas City, MO. An exhibitor and newcomer to Tibbies, at the show, was nice enough to allow the judge attendees to go over her dogs. She had 6 Tibbies. Because she was so gracious to allow the use of her dogs; I sent her an Illustrated Standard. I was contacted by the AKC, Tim Thomas, to send a complete Judges Education packet because the Japanese Kennel Club has adopted all AKC breed standards. The AKC wanted all judge’s packets to send for translation to that JKC for educational purposes. Judges Education was contacted by FLTSA to send Illustrated Standards to the 2 sweepstakes judges that are judging sweeps this fall. The standards have been sent and received. FLTSA has offered to pay the mailing postage. I would like to be reimbursed for the roughly $6.00 it took to purchase mailing envelopes and pay postage. 9 The Board has previously approved a Judges Seminar to be held in Texas January 2013. The seminar will be held in conjunction with the Non-Sporting Group in Texas. I will work with club members in Tx. to supply dogs for the seminar. We currently have about 150 copies left of the . Submitted Linda C. Foiles, AKC# 3785 Judges Education Chairperson Way and Means Report There are a couple of items I’ve looked into for Ways and Means, but can’t move forward without a logo. Our current logo has a few issues. First, we don’t know who holds the copyright to it, second no one can seem to locate the original, it doesn’t reproduce well and the name of the organization is missing. I would like to get some estimates from canine artists for a new logo design. One that TSCA holds the copyright to as well as original art work. Once we have that we that completed we can move forward with TSCA Ways and Means items. Umbrellas, car ornaments (a metal or plastic logo that is affixed to the grill of your auto) and the jackets that were previously discussed. Dianne Tyree 2013 Specialty The Florida Specialty is on track. Sharon Paytner, Mallory and Becky Johnson have all returned their signed contracts and I have hired Barbara Alderman and Jean Fournier for the supported entries. I have also finalized the Show Secretary contract and identified trophies. We will be offering members an opportunity to sponsor trophies and plan to launch a website after the 2012 Specialty. We are exploring the possibility of offering the new AKC Coursing Ability Test to afford our members the opportunity to earn this new AKC Title. If there is an interest we may be able to offer seminars on the genetics of coat Colorado or new advances in canine oncology being developed in Florida. We are all looking forward to 2013 and hope the membership is as well. Health Committee Report – Spring 2012 Wish I could be in Tulsa to give this report in person. In August I was able to attend the Purina/CHF/Parent Club Health Conference in St Louis. This was my 4th conference and the information is enlightening and it is wonderful to be able to network with so many dog lovers who are passionate about keeping our chosen breeds healthy! Short excerpts from the conference are being produced on Genome Barks, I forward them to the TSCA list as they become available and hope that you are able to listen to them. Let me start with a couple of reminders. 1. Tibbies are eligible for CHIC. They need Patella and CERF exams. To date there are 69 Tibbies in the CHIC database, up from 33 last year at this time! This is a great tool to research the health of dogs and their pedigrees for breeding purposes, as well as for people researching the breed for purchasing. 10 2. This year I set up a Tibetan Spaniel Health Survey on the OFA website. http://www.offa.org/surveys/ survey_tibetanspaniel.html It is a totally anonymous survey. So far we have had 280 responses. The survey is still up and I would encourage people to go to the survey ad fill it in, it is relatively simple to use, you do one dog at a time and do not have to do all of your dogs in one sitting! 3. Please continue to send any Health clearances to me. They will be published in the end of year Newsletter. I have checked the current results of the Survey and am happy to report that it appears that Tibbies continue to be a very healthy, hardy little dog and do not have any glaring health issues. This is a tribute to the concerned breeders/members of TSCA! Thank you all for caring enough to breed the very best! Dr Sharon Center is continuing her liver shunt research – following is the full report after 3 ½ years of research. If anyone would like me to send this report to them directly just let me know! ( Full copy at the end of this report.) I will continue to try to answer questions about health issues or put you in touch with people who can answer your questions. Thanks again for allowing me to be the Health Committee chairman. Sincerely, Carol Srnka Progress Report: 42 month Report Due: 12/31/2011 Report Received: 3/7/2012 Recommended for Approval: (Content of this report is not confidential. A grant sponsor’s CHF Health Liaison may request the confidential scientific report submitted by the investigator by contacting the CHF office. The below Report to Grant Sponsors from Investigator can be used in communications with your club members.) Original Project Description: Background: Portosystemic vascular anomalies (PSVA) and microvascular dysplasia (MVD) are related genetic disorders causing malformation of the liver circulation. This trait affects a number of small pure breed dogs, causing high serum bile acid values (SBA) and has a prevalence ranging from 30% to 80% in various breeds and related dogs. Objective: The goal is to identify a genetic marker for PSVA/MVD that will allow development of a genetic test. Extensive pedigree studies support an autosomal dominant but incompletely penetrant mode of transmission, explaining the dismal success of attempted trait elimination based on SBA. It is important to eliminate this trait because affected dogs cause owner dissatisfaction, financial burden, and negative breed publicity, in addition to patient suffering. The researchers have discovered significant linkage between the PSVA/MVD trait and genetic markers on one chromosome in a large family of Tibetan Spaniels. Findings have been confirmed with flanking markers and demonstration of similar linkage in Cairn Terriers, Maltese, and Havanese. The researchers will pursue further genetic mapping (microsatellites, SNPs) of the PSVA/MVD trait in these and additional breeds, and undertake association mapping using DNA banked from unrelated pure breed dogs with PSVA (n=70). Candidate genes associated with abnormal vascular development in humans will be explored. 11 MS mapping efforts. We are further interrogating these regions in additional dogs (of these breeds) and thereafter in other breeds using restriction fragment PCR studies. These regions suggest real potential for developing a genetic test for PSVA/MVD prediction. Work in this project has importantly excluded a number of candidate genes and transcription factors on the mapped chromosome. Strongest SNP signals are located > 20 Mb downstream of our best MS LOD scores that served as the initial start-point of fine mapping. These signals also are downstream of the initially fine mapped area (Illumina GoldenGate Custom Array). Genomewide SNP mapping also completed on dogs involved in this study (GWA SNP supported by another agency) also has permitted identification of potential candidate genes interactive with the haplotype gene region identified on the chromosome mapped herein. Our custom Sequence Capture array has been completed on 2 PSVA and 2 controls and is underway in an additional 3 PSVA affected and 1 control dog of the Cairn Terrier and Yorkshire Terrier breeds; (disease prevalence in these breeds ~32% and ~65-80%, respectively). The Sequence Capture Array findings are being validated by PCR and sequencing of discovered variants in a larger number of dogs. The Sequence Capture array was designed using information derived from mapping work in this project, information derived from a Neonatal Canine Liver transcriptome our team prepared (funded by Cornell University), and GWA SNP mapping of PSVA/MVD dogs supported by another agency. A succinct update of findings pertinent to this project will be forwarded when the Sequence Capture Array data is fully analyzed. 2012 TSCA Performance Report There continues to be a small but very dedicated group of TSCA members who participate in a wide variety of performance venues with their Tibetan Spaniels. In order of popularity for Tibbies these venues include: Therapy work, Agility, Rally Obedience, Obedience and even Tracking. Other (non AKC) performance venues that we have report of Tibbies trying and enjoying include: Musical Freestyle, Heelwork to Music, Tre-Ball, Flyball, and K9 Nose work. This year, at the banquet , we will be awarding the High Score in Obedience and Number 1 Agility Tibbie awards along with new Versatility awards. We send heartfelt congratulations to all TSCA members who participate in these venues and have the “courage” to enter the competition ring with their Tibbie partner. Karen Shilliday 12 Sunshine Report How Many Cards Ed Sledzik 5 Mary Jo Bish 1 John Mullins 1 Sharon Payner 2 Jo K 3 Kay Dickeson 1 Gina Podsednik 1 Pat Sarles 1 Karen Hand 1 Total Cards 16 New TSCA Breeder Referral Contact Person Hello TSCA Members, After 10 years as TSCA’s Breeder Referral chair, Pat Silberman has stepped down. Thank you, Pat, for a decade of volunteer service! I am writing to introduce myself as the new contact for Breeder Referral. Over the dozen years I’ve been privileged to be owned by Tibbies (I have four), I’ve met many of you at dog shows, Tournaments of Tibbies & other Tibbie-related events, mostly in the East Coast/Mid-Atlantic region. I live in Pennsylvania, not far from Gettysburg. Pat lives in my neck of the woods and we worked together to complete the transition. The 2012 Breeder Directory, as well as the application for inclusion in the 2013 Directory, are both available on the TSCA website on the Breeder Directory page. (www.tsca.ws) How does Breeder Referral work? The annual TSCA Breeder Directory contains the names, locations and contact information of those breeders who sign up for it ($15 fee). This fee also includes unlimited listings in the Breeder Referral database of available Tibbies throughout the year. However, any TSCA breeder may list available Tibbies in the referral database at any time for a fee of $5 per litter, and/or $5 per individual adult. While the Directory is available on the TSCA website and therefore accessible to the public, the database of available Tibbies is not published. When I receive an enquiry from a potential new owner, I refer them to all breeders in the database who have an available Tibbie that could possibly “fill the bill” for them, based on what the person is searching for (age, gender, geographical location, willingness to travel, shipping options, etc.). At press time, there are 39 available Tibbies in the referral database, from puppies to adults, both pets and show prospects. Since March, I have received 10 enquiries from potential Tibbie owners in California, Massachusetts, Missouri, Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and New York. I provided referrals to 13 different breeders, some more than once (total of 31 referrals). Each time I give breeder information to a potential new owner, I send an email to the breeder(s) to alert them about the possible ensuing enquiry. Then, each breeder will use whatever procedure they normally follow to screen buyers and assure a good home for their Tibbies. The fall newsletter will include an application for the 2013 Directory. The deadline for that is mid-November, but applications (available online now) may be sent in at any time. I hope this all makes sense! Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or to add your available Tibbies to the Breeder Referral list. I will also be happy to send a 2013 Directory application or current Breeder Directory by snail mail. Andrea (“Andi”) Struble TSCA Breeder Referral 717-762-5074 rastruble@comcast.net 13 TSCA GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING FRIDAY, MAY, 25, 2012 PARK INN – TULSA, OK The annual meeting of the Tibetan Spaniel Club of America, Inc. was called to order by President Mallory Driskill at 8:05 p.m., May 25, 2012, at the Park Inn, Tulsa, OK The minutes of the last annual meeting were read by Recording Secretary. A motion was made by Robert Churchey to accept the minutes. A second was made by Susan Mullins. Motion Passed. REPORTS: (Mallory Driskill) – Mallory Driskill wanted to THANK the membership for all their help and support throughout all the years that she has served on the TSCA Board. Everything has been greatly appreciated. (Bill Chaffee) – Bill Chaffee wanted to thank Mallory Driskill for all her years of service as well as those Board members who are also stepping down. All their work for the breed has been truly appreciated. He also wanted to give a BIG thank you to Donna Etchison for everything she has done for this specialty despite all the problems. (Susan Mullins) – Susan Mullins reports that AKC is always sending updates. Anything that needs to get to the membership will be posted on the TSCA E-group, TSCA website (www.tsca.ws), on in the TSCA Newsletter. If you have any questions regarding any TSCA information please contact Susan Mullins. (Connie Buckland) – Connie Buckland reports that the final ballot for the 2014 Specialty judge has been sent out to the membership with a deadline of June 15, 2012. Also, since no one ran for the board from the floor, she has cast the ballot electing the slate of officers which take effect on June 1, 2012. They are President: Bill Chaffee, Vice President, Jean Briggs, Corresponding Secretary, Susan Mullin, Recording Secretary, Connie Buckland, Treasurer, Dianne Tyree, Board Members, Donna Etchison, Karen Shilliday, Christine Whitehead. Current board members are Martha Feltenstein and Robert Churchey. (Kay Dickeson) – See attached report (Donna Etchison) – Donna Etchison thanks everyone for coming to Tulsa and supporting the specialty. Despite the various problems, everyone is having a good time. The clothing order is “missing in action” via UPS. She will keep everyone up to date on the progress on when and where they are. The mistake that was made with the ribbons was made by Onofrio, which they will correct and get it taken care of. (Karen Williams) – See attached report (Mallory Driskill) – Mallory Driskill is still collecting anything Tibetan Spaniel as well as any information on Tibetan Spaniels for the archives. Please contact Mallory Driskill if you have anything you would like to donate. (Andi Struble) – See attached report (Kay Dickeson) – Nothing new to report (Linda Foiles) – See attached report 14 (Susan Hope) – Susan Hope reported that of the top 5 Tibbie Juniors, 2 of them attending the Eukanuba show in Florida in December. She is also in the process of revamping the guidelines for the Junior program. AKC also has a new way of reporting Juniors ranking. This should help in keeping track. (Mallory Driskill) – There really hasn’t been any interesting in starting a new regional club. (Martha Feltenstein & Mallory Driskill) – Mallory Driskill reports that rescue is working with the Trust in regards to several recent rescues (see minutes of the May 22, 2012 Board meeting for specifics). Mallory Driskill would like to see more of the membership step up to the plate to help out. Rescue can only succeed with the help of everyone. (Cindy Swaim) – The ROM and ROMX certificates will be awarded at the annual banquet on Saturday evening. Cindy Swaim would also like to see the ROM and ROMX application be placed on the TSCA website so that it will be easier for people to get the information to her. (Ruth Davis) – See attached report (Carol Srnka) See attached report (Mary Novocin) – The specialty issue will be the first issue as the editor. Mary Novocin has many ideas for articles etc. Let’s support Mary Novocin with the Newsletter by sending articles, ads etc. If you would like more information, please contact Mary Novocin at cynaracollies@comcast.net (Karen Shilliday) – See attached report (Dianne Tyree) – See attached report (Herb Rosen) – See attached report The Constitution and By/Laws are still being worked on. A new committee consisting of Dianne Tyree, chairperson, Allan Reznik and Connie Buckland will be working on them and hopefully have the ready for a membership vote soon. The Standing Rules are also in need of updating. If anyone is interested in taking on the job, please contact any of the Officers or Board members. With the new ruling that AKC has made with regards to eligibility requirements for allowing club members approved by the parent club to judge a National Specialty, and that there are over 200 judges licensed to judge Tibbies at this time, it is time to think about reviewing how are judges selection is done. The board will be looking into how other parent clubs of our size do their Judges selection. The Trust has approached the Board asking that they be allowed to have a table or area for fundraising during the National week. After some discussion among the membership, Robert Churchey made a motion to allow the Trust to do a fundraiser at the National. Susan Mullins second. Robert Churchey then amended the motion to allow the Show Chairman, and Trustees to coordinate together and set a specific area as to where and when the Trust will do their fundraising. Connie Buckland second. Motion passed. A motion was made by Dianne Tyree and second by Susan Hope that the Purina Pro Club funds be donated to the Trust. Motion passed. 15 Colleen Chaffee made a motion to allow the Trust to have 1 free page of advertising in the TSCA Newsletter for items that will be available. The motion was seconded by Robert Churchey. The motion passed. A motion was made by Colleen Chaffee that the meeting be adjourned. Second by Robert Churchey. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:41 p.m.. Respectfully submitted Connie Buckland Recording Secretary Treasury Report TSCA, Inc Cash Flow 6/1/2011 Through 5/16/2012 16 Tibetan Spaniel Club of America, Inc. May 23, 2012 National Show - Tulsa, OK SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Ms. Becky Maag Puppy Dogs 6 Mos & Under 9 Mo 1 WESTVIEW'S NOTHIN'S TUFF ENUFF- Buckland 2 SHILO HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW - Carroll 3 KOKONOR JERSEY BOY WONDER OF WEXFORD Tyree 4 ALDEA PARTY CRASHER AT BB JO'S -Thomas & Ford 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Ms. Becky Maag Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs 7 Yrs & Under 10 Yrs 1 CH ZEN TAO BLUECREAM TEDDY BEAR - Minks Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs 10 Yrs & Older 1 CH VAHAN MODRA PISNICKA - Chaffee Veteran Sweepstakes Bitches 7 Yrs & Under 10 Yrs 1 CH NAMTRAH WEXFORD DIVINE DECADENCE - Tyree Puppy Dogs 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos & Hartman TIBROKE'S KEEP UR OPINION TO URSELF- Dickeson WEXFORD WHITE HEAT RED HOT PEPPER -Tyree & 2 CH AFTON'S SHADOW OF YOUR SMILE - Ctibor Reznik Best In Veteran Sweepstakes SHILO-TIPPITOES TU HITZ THE JACKPOT- Carroll. CH ZEN TAO BLUECREAM TEDDY BEAR EVANLAKE LAST OF THE MOHICAN-Kopreski & BREEDER: Owner Zdrodowski By Ch Tashi Wow Zen Tao-Ch Zen Tao Panda Bear OWNER: Marianne Minks Junior Dogs 12 Mos & Under 15 Mos NAMTRAH SEEING DOUBLE - Hartman AKI SHIMA THE GAME'S AFOOT- Berg Best of Opposite Sex In Veteran Sweepstakes Puppy Bitches 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos RINCEN SIWER SERAPH - Whitehead. SHENANWOOD MIDNIGHT CONFESSIONS - Chaffee. RAGMOP'S SEASON OF THE WITCH - Vernon & Mooberry & Pat Burriss SIR ADANIS SIMPLY GLAMOROUS - Smith& Adanes CH NAMTRAH WEXFORD DIVINE DECADENCE BREEDER: Mary F & Harold B Hartman II By Ch Dragonhold Party Of Five-Ch Namtrah Divine Secrets OWNER: Dianne Tyree & Harold & Mary Hartman Puppy Bitches 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos 1 HIDESERT ZIVA'S A DIVA -Thompson 2 SANDON'S KINDA LUCKY- Dickeson 3 WEXFORD SSS-STEAM HEAT A'LA PASHMINA Tyree & Reznik 4 PARTITIME SWEET BABY SASHA - Minks Junior Bitches 12 Mos & Under 15 Mos 1 NAMTRAH BRIALLU SUGAR PIE HONEY BUNCH Hatman & Smith 2 BRIALLU NAMTRAH AMERICAN HONEY- Smith 3 NAMTRAH FAIRY DUST-Hartman Junior Bitches 15 Mos & Under 18 Mos 1 SHILO HALLELUA CHORUS - Carroll Best In Sweepstakes WESTVIEW'S NOTHIN'S TUFF ENUFF BREEDER: Owner By GCh Shenanwood Ain't Nothin New To Me - Ch Westview Sandhill B Itch E Bob Bee OWNER: Connie Buckland Best of Opposite Sex In Sweepstakes RINCEN SIWER SERAPH BREEDER: Christine Whitehead. By GCH Ricnchen Heir Apparent-Rinchen Ebony 'N Ivory OWNER: Christine Whitehead 17 Tibetan Spaniel Club of America, Inc. May 23, 2012 National Show, Tulsa, OK REGULAR CLASSES Judge: Mrs Linda C Foiles Puppy Bitches 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos Puppy Dogs 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos 1 RAGMOP'S SEASON OF THE WITCH - Vernon & Moo1 WESTVIEW'S NOTHIN'S TUFF ENUFF - Buckland berry & Burriss 2 ALDEA PARTY CRASHER AT BB JO'S - Thomas & Ford 2 SIR ADANIS SIMPLY GLAMOROUS - Smith & Adanes 3 PECAN VALLEY GONE TO THE DARK SIDE-Jacobson 3 SHENANWOOD MIDNIGHT CONFESSIONS Chaffee 4 PECAN VALLEY PS I LOVE YOU - Jacob 4 KOKONOR JERSEY BOY WONDER OF WEXFORD Tyree Puppy Bitches 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos 1 SANDON'S KINDA LUCKY - Dickeson Puppy Dogs 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos. 2 WEXFORD SSS-STEAM HEAT A'LA PASHMINA - Tyree 1 WEXFORD WHITE HEAT RED HOT PEPPER -Tyree & & Reznik Reznik 3 PARTITIME SWEET BABY SASHA - Minks 2 EVANLAKE LAST OF THE MOHICAN- Kopreski & Zdro 4 SHILO'S TIZ A TANGERINE DREAM - Lashley & Carroll dowski 3 SHILO-TIPPITOES TU HITZ THE JACKPOT - Carroll Twelve To Eighteen Month Bitches 4 PRIMAH'S ALFIE OF YORK - York 1 PV'S KEEPIN UP WITH APPEARANCES - Jacobson 2 SHILO HALLELUA CHORUS - Carroll Twelve To Eighteen Month Dogs 3 PECAN VALLEY'S SMOOTH CRIMINAL - Jacobson 1 NAMTRAH AKI SHIMA CHARIOT OF FIRE - Hartman Novice Dogs 1 ZEN TAO HEART OF MY HEART - Minks Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs 1 DUART'S CHEVALIER D'OR - Briggs 2 AKI SHIMA THE GAME'S AFOOT - Berg 3 NAMTRAH SEEING DOUBLE - Hartman 4 TIBROKE'S KEEP UR OPINION TO URSELF - Dickeson American-Bred Dogs 1 DUART'S CHRISTMAS PRESENT - Kopreski Open Dogs 1 TIBROKE CRIMINAL INTENT- Seely 2 QHUN SIR ADAMS PETER PAN SHADOW - Jarman & Adams-Power Winners Dog/Best Bred By Exhibitor DUART'S CHEVALIER D'OR BREEDER: Jean M Briggs By Hi-Fire Dancing BearCh Improv Girls Gone Wild OWNER: Jean M Briggs Reserve Winners Dog Amateur-Owner-Handler Bitches 1 QHUN WYNSWEPT AUTUMN GOLDEN LEAF - Jarman & Raider 2 QHUN WYNSWEPT SURPRISE SURPRISE - Jarman & Raider Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches 1 NAMTRAH BRIALLU SUGAR PIE HONEY BUNCH Hartmans & Smith 2 RINCEN SIWER SERAPH - Whitehead 3 HIDESERT ZIVA'S A DIVA - Thompson 4 ZEN TAO PIECE OF MY HEART - Minks Open Bitches 1 NAMTRAH WEXFORD HOLY CANNOLI-Smith & Hartman 2 PARTITIME RAZZLE DAZZLE - Minks 3 NAMTRAH FAIRY DUST - Hartmans 4 WESTVIEW JIGME NAGU BSTANSIG KHANDRO AT RUYA - Scalf & Churchey Winners Bitch/Best of Winners NAMTRAH WEXFORD HOLY CANNOLI BREEDER: Dianne Tyree & Harold & Mary Hartman By Ch Kokonor's Big Sky Country-Ch Pembetans Snicker Doodle OWNER: Barbara & Piper Smith & Mary & Harold Hartman WESTVIEW'S NOTHIN'S TUFF ENUFF BREEDER: Owner By GCh Shenanwood Ain't Nothin New To Me-Ch Westview Sandhill B Itch E Bob Bee Reserve Winners Bitch/Best Puppy OWNER: Connie Buckland SANDON'S KINDA LUCKY BREEDER: Don & Sandi Bingley By Sandon's Jumping Jack Flash-Ch Pecan Valley Onyx OWNER: Kay F Dickeson 18 Tibetan Spaniel Club of America, Inc. May 23, 2012 National Show, Tulsa, OK Judge: Mrs Linda C Foiles Veteran Dogs 10 Yrs & Older 1 CH VAHAN MODRA PISNICKA-Chaffee 2 CH AMBRIER DON DIEGO DE LA VEGA - Sparsc Hill Veteran Bitches 7 Yrs & Under 10 Yrs 1 CH NAMTRAH WEXFORD DIVINE DECADENCE - Tyree & Hartmans 2 CH AFTON'S SHADOW OF YOUR SMILE - Ctibor Stud Dog 1 QHUN SIR ADAMS PETER PAN SHADOW - Jarman & Adams-Powers 2 CH ZEN TAO BLUECREAM TEDDY BEAR - Minks Brood Bitch 1 CH RUYA RINCHEN NORBU OF FINIKI - Scalf & Churchey & Strassels 2 PARTITIME GRACEOFMYHEARTZENTAO - Minks Brace 1 CH WYNSWEPT KNOCKOUT - Raider WYNSWEPT HEAD OVER HEELS - Raider 2 QHUN WYNSWEPT SURPRISE SURPRISE - Jarman & Raider WHUN WYNSWEPT OOPSIE DAISY - Jarman & Raider Best of Breed Competition GCH DRAGONSONG MIRAMICHI'S SILK STOCKINGS BREEDER: Pamela Bradbury By Yotisha's BackTo Dragonsong-Ch Dragonsong Kyi-Ann OWNER: Deborah K Koopman Best of Opposite Sex CH NAMTRAH BRIALLU BUILT TO LAST BREEDER: Mary & Harold Hartman By Ch Namtrah Under Construction-Ch Ambrier Wing It At Namtrah OWNER: Piper & Barbara Smith & Mary & Harold Hartman Select GCH SHILO TIME FOR A GOOD TIME BREEDER: Owner By Ch Aldea When Your're Hot You're Hot-Aldea See A Memory at Shilo OWNER: Shirley Carroll AGENT: Christopher Keith Awards of Merit GCH MOGOLLON'S MISS BEATRIX POTTER BREEDER: Claudia and Lionel Klikoff By Ch Tamzil's Bodi Bijam-Ch Tibroke Mogollon LaLapalooza. OWNER: Claudia Klikoff and Lionel Klikoff CH PARTITIME GRACEOFMYHEARTZENTAO BREEDER: Marsha Ivany By Ch Zen Tao Bluecream Teddy Bear-Ch Zen Tao Maif of My heart Owner: Marianne Minks CH SHENANWOOD AIN’T NOTHIN’ NEW TO ME BREEDER: Collenn Bias Chaffee & William Chaffee By Ch Tibroke’s Nothin’ Left To Imagine-Ch Shenanwood’s Simply Sinful Owner: Connie Buckland & Colleen Bias Chaffee JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION JUDGE: Mrs Linda C Foiles Open Junior 1 Mary Claire Ctibor Handling: GCH CH CALIROSE GEMBOX A DREAM REMEMBERED Open Intermediate 1 Elizabeth Ctibor Handling: GCH CH HI-HOPE FIRST MAN ON THE JOB FOR CALIROSE Master Class 1 Lauren A Moore.73086182001 Handling: CH KRISALA'S ESSENCE OF ELEGANCE Best Junior Handler Mary Claire Ctibor Handling: GCH CH CALIROSE GEMBOX A DREAM REMEMBERED Breeder: Vicki Sabo & Jim Sabo By Ch Tamrae Sanville Rhedd Butler-Ch Calirose Puppet On A String Owner: Mary Claire Ctibor & Vicki Sabo CH QHUN WYNSWEPT AUTUMN BREEZE BREEDER: Owners By Ch Wynswept Yankee Doodle-Wynswept Chocolate Treasures OWNER: Peggy & Alison Jarman & Donna & Randall Raider 19 CH Zik-Zak's Severus Slur X Improv You Go Girl Breeder: Christy Collins Like mother, like daughter--two group placing, very special, and sweet, Tibbies. Thank you Christy for letting us share in the lives of these two wonderful girls. CH Ziestan Tiny Tao X CH Improv Girl from Ipanema Breeder: Owners 20 Owners: Terry & Nikki Jones & Christy Collins Best of Breed TSCA, Inc. 2012 National GCH DRAGONSONG MIRAMICHI'S SILK STOCKINGS UKC BIS CH. AKC BISS GR. CH. CH. Dragonsong Miramichi's Silk Stockings is our introduction to the world of Tibbies. I am forever grateful to Pamela Bradbury for allowing Harlow to engrace us with pure joy and love. Pam said as a little baby she was "special.” That she is, in our eyes. I had contacted Pam because some of her dogs had the look I was looking for. I was told she had an older female puppy. I was not interested in an older puppy and she sent me photos of Harlow when she was about 9 or so weeks old. I took one look at her and said she was the one. Even though I really thought I wanted to acquire a male, I went to Michigan to observe her and I returned home with this little 11 week old bundle of joy. She started her show career with multiple Best Puppy in Show wins, along with multiple Group Placements. She finished her Championship quickly, undefeated from her first point to her last. When she went through her adolescent blow of coat (no hair shall we say) I thought I would try showing at a UKC show. I had never attended a UKC show before. I just wanted to make sure she still knew what going to dog shows meant as she loves the shows and would not be attending any AKC shows until her coat grew back in. Her first time in the ring, she went Best In Show. I never purchased the photo because she looked so naked. I am sure you all know what I mean. Not only the body coat flies but tail, pantaloons, chest coat, and feathers as well. She looked like a plucked chicken! Her second show was Reserve Best in Show. I decided maybe I should try to finish her title so two weeks later she showed again and earned another Reserve Best in Show, quickly finishing her UKC Title. I had looked forward to going the Tibbie National in Tulsa since I was not able to attend the previous year. So I sent in her entry. To my dismay, being a typical female she decided to blow her coat, again! Though this time she salvaged a bit of her furnishings! They always seem to know when you want them to look their best and they decide to prove you wrong. I had wanted to take her to Canada for some shows this summer, so we went in for our second rabies shot 9 days prior to the National. To our shock, she had a very, very bad reaction to the vaccine, even though we had taken all precautions and had administered what we knew was the least offensive vaccine now available. Two hours later she was in dire distress. She collapsed and very shallow breathing. Her body temp had skyrocketed and I knew in my heart if seizures started we would more than likely lose her. It was a long 20 miles to the vet office. She survived and spent some time with the veterinarian. She has always been a healthy Tibbie, never sick a day in her life, so this was just totally unexpected. Three days before the National, she still could hardly walk. It was as if every muscle and joint in her body was rigid. I had decided I would just go and observe the National and take her with me. We had never been separated and this way I could attend to her. Since my husband works long hours, I could not leave house dogs at home. So I bathed my Golden Retriever puppy for the trip. Harlow kept looking at me speaking with her eyes and saying "Well ...are you going to bathe ME? So I filled the bathtub and allowed her to stand in shoulder deep warm water. It seemed to revive her body. I enticed her with food to walk back and forth using the water for therapy. The next day she appeared to be much better, though during all this time she was on a detox program which needed to be continued for 3 weeks. The day we left for the National she was eager to go. When we got to the motel, she was her fiery self, announcing to the whole world she had arrived. Yes, she thinks she is a Princess! I thought "maybe" we can do this. I never thought about winning anything. I was just hoping that she would be able to make a good showing. I had picked up her arm band, got her brushed for the ring. When I returned to the ballroom, I realized that it was hotter than h. in there. I guess the air conditioning was not working. I called home and told my husband I was pulling her, it was just too hot. This was about 20 minutes prior to BOB judging. Since she had endured such a high fever from her reaction, she was having trouble regulating her body temp. I told him it just was not worth risking her health. He encouraged me, saying "She is telling you she wants to show....go in. IF she gets in trouble just excuse yourself. However you are there, give her a chance". So we competed. When Harlow was awarded Best of Breed, all I could do was fight back the tears. Though it was a dream come true, some how all I could do was hug her while thinking what a special little girl she is and how I almost lost her. It was very emotional for me. She is my soul mate. She has shown me how sacred our bond is and just what a huge heart she has. I want to say "Thank You" to Linda Foiles for awarding her BOB at the National. What a thrill! But even more so, just knowing how strong my relationship is with Harlow....well there are just NO words to explain that emotion. Win or lose, Harlow is number one in my heart and my husband Sonny feels exactly the same way. My only regret is that Sonny was not there to share with us. Thank you Pamela for allowing the Princess to call our home her palace. Thank you to the TSCA for a wonderful National.! It is one we will never forget! Debi, Sonny and Harlow 21 Best of Opposite Sex TSCA, Inc. 2012 National CH NAMTRAH BRIALLU BUILT TO LAST We were so thrilled that Hardy was awarded the BOSB at the 2012 TSCA National Specialty under esteemed breeder/judge Linda Foiles! Hardy was bred by Harold and Mary Hartman of Namtrah Tibetan Spaniels. He lives here at Briallu with Piper and me, and we co-own him with Mary and Harold. We love this wonderful little guy! I have had Welsh Springer Spaniels for over 30 years, and we added Tibetan Spaniels to our household a short number of years back. For all of those years, our policy was to keep only bitches, and males we wanted to show and hold on to, we sent out on co-ownerships. But Hardy made us break our own rules. When we met him at the Hartman’s, and were able to select him out of three litters of puppies, our minds were quickly made up. He was coming to live at our house! Piper took Hardy to his Championship with a limited number of shows. He and Piper make an excellent partnership. She presents him very nicely, and he shows his heart out for her! We made the long drive out to Tulsa with three women, eight Tibbies, and a very loaded van full of essentials for the week. We were certainly rewarded for all of our efforts, when Piper showed Hardy to BOSB at the National, and I got to stand alongside of her with Noli, our beautiful girl who was BOW/WB. A dream-day, at a wonderful TSCA National Specialty! Barbara S. Smith BRIALLU TIBETAN SPANIELS & WELSH SPRINGER SPANIELS W inners Dog was awarded to Duart’s Chevalier D’Or and came from the Bred by Exhibitor class. This young male was attractive with nice breed type. His head was very appealing with lovely eyes, ear set and cushioning. He possessed good legs, both coming and going. He is a balanced, moderate Tibbie of good bone, well ribbed with good depth of body. He showed well in spite of the heat in the ballroom. W inners Bitch/Best of Winners was awarded to Namtrah Wexford Holy Cannoli and came from the Open Bitch class. She was feminine in every sense of the word. Her body outline was well balanced with good rib, a strong loin and a level back. She used herself well both coming and going. Her lovely eye, cushioning and underjaw gave an ape like expression on a gold face. She was also my Best of Winners in the end. B est of Breed was awarded to GCH. Ch. Dragonsong Miramichi’s Silk Stockings for her overall balance length of leg, expression, top-line and her correct coat. She used herself well both coming and going, with her head carried proudly giving an impression of quality. B est of Opposite Sex was awarded to Ch. Namtrah Briallu Built To Last. This male showed true Tibbie expression with the lovely eye and scowl, with ears positioned correctly and with a hint of lift. His body length was slightly longer than he was tall with moderate bone and a well fitted correct double, silky coat. His color, while immaterial was very striking and rich. 22 GCH DRAGONSONG MIRAMICHI'S SILK STOCKINGS CH NAMTRAH BRIALLU BUILT TO LAST 23 DUART'S CHEVALIER D'OR WESTVIEW’S NOTHIN’S TUFF ENUFF NAMTRAH WEXFORD HOLY CANNOLI SANDON’S KINDA LUCKY 24 GCH MOGOLLON'S MISS BEATRIX POTTER CH PARTITIME GRACEOFMYHEARTZENTAO CH SHENANWOOD AIN’T NOTHIN’ NEW TO ME 25 GCH SHILO TIME FOR A GOOD TIME No Official Photo Available CH QHUN WYNSWEPT AUTUMN BREEZE QHUN SIR ADAMS PETER PAN SHADOW CH RUYA RINCHEN NORBU OF FINIKI 26 CH NAMTRAH WEXFORD DIVINE DECADENCE CH WYNSWEPT KNOCKOUT & WYNSWEPT HEAD OVER HEELS Mary Claire Ctibor Handling: GCH CALIROSE GEMBOX A DREAM REMEMBERED 27 WESTVIEW’S NOTHIN’S TUFF ENUFF RINCEN SIWER SERAPH 28 CH ZEN TAO BLUECREAM TEDDY BEAR CH NAMTRAH WEXFORD DIVINE DECADENCE 29 Owner/Breeder: Shirley Carroll "Shilo" 6483 Hwy 90A East Gonzales, TX 78629-2765 830-540-4365 (Cell) 830 637 9368 email: shilo@gvtc.com 30 Tibetan Spaniel Club of America (Reg'l) 5/24/2012 Judge: Dr. Wanda V Spediacci Best of Breed CH SHENANWOOD AIN'T NOTHIN' NEW TO ME (Dog) BREEDER: Colleen Bias Chaffee & William Chaffee By Ch Tibroke's Nothin' Left To Imagine-Ch Shenanwood's Simply Sinful OWNER: Connie Buckland & Colleen Bias Chaffee Best of Opposite Sex CH AMETHYST OF LOLLIPOP (Bitch) BREEDER: Pascale Kolly Badan By Arundina Turbulence-Gulab Pul-l-Khumri OWNER: Mallory Cosby Driskill Winners Dog/Best of Winners (From the Bred-By-Exhibitor Class) TIBROKE'S KEEP UR OPINION TO URSELF BREEDER/Owner: Kay F Dickeson By Ch Judo's Tibroke's Sugar Daddy-Ch Tibroke's The Jig Is Up Reserve Winners Dog (From the 6-9 mos. Puppy Class) WESTVIEW'S NOTHIN'S TUFF ENUFF BREEDER/Owner: Connie Buckland By GCh Shenanwood Ain't Nothin New To Me-Ch Westview Sandhill B Itch E Bob Bee Winners Bitch (From the Bred-By-Exhibitor Class) HIDESERT ZIVA'S A DIVA BREEDER/Owner: JB & Lexine Thompson By Ch Lemar Nanjo Pedal To The Metal-Ch Ragmop Te Amo Mia Amore Reserve Winners Bitch (From the 12-18 mos. Class) SHILO HALLELUA CHORUS BREEDER/Owner: Shirley Carroll By Ch Yeti 's EZ Duz It At Shilo-Ch Shilo's Holiday Garland Select GCH SHILO TIME FOR A GOOD TIME (Dog) BREEDER/Owner: Shirley Carroll By Ch Aldea When Your're Hot You're Hot-Aldea See A Memory at Shilo GCH DRAGONSONG MIRAMICHI'S SILK STOCKINGS (Bitch) BREEDER: Pamela Bradbury By Yotisha's BackTo Dragonsong-Ch Dragonsong Kyi-Ann OWNER: Deborah K Koopman 31 Tibetan Spaniel Club of America (Reg'l) 5/24/2012 Best of Breed CH SHENANWOOD AIN'T NOTHIN' NEW TO ME Best of Opposite Sex CH AMETHYST OF LOLLIPOP Select Dog GCH SHILO TIME FOR A GOOD TIME No Official Photo Available 32 Select Bitch GCH DRAGONSONG MIRAMICHI'S SILK STOCKINGS No Official Photo Available Winners Dog/Best of Winners TIBROKE'S KEEP UR OPINION TO URSELF Reserve WD WESTVIEW'S NOTHIN'S TUFF ENUFF Winners Bitch HIDESERT ZIVA'S A DIVA Reserve WB SHILO HALLELUA CHORUS No Official Photo Available 33 F l e a s a n d T i c k s They are downright awful this year…!!! This article is to help you make an educated choice in what is best for you and your pets. Fleas Portions of this article are derived from an article written by Carol S. Foil, DVM, MS, Diplomate A.C.V.D. The Facts on Fleas 1. Fleas are the most common external parasite of companion animals. 2. Flea allergy dermatitis is the most common skin disease of dogs and cats! 3. Flea control has always been a challenge for veterinarians and pet owners because the adult fleas cause the clinical signs, yet the majority of the flea population (eggs, larvae and pupae) are to be found off the pet in and around the home. 4. The ideal flea control program utilizes products that target the various stages of the flea life cycle, not only the adult fleas on the pet. In order to help you to select the most appropriate products to achieve a flea-free existence for an allergic pet, we will start by telling you about the life cycle of the flea. The Life Cycle of the Flea: Ctenocephalides felis You know the old say , “A picture is worth a 1000 words”.. well this is it…an online video - The Dirt on Fleas: An Educational Video - produced by Comfortis with Michael Dryden, DVM, PhD http://www.comfortis4dogs.com/about-fleas/default.aspx It is a real eye opener… Ticks I’ve got a personal story about ticks and what they can do to our dogs. I will admit that I had not been as careful about flea and tick control as I should have been. The facts: I live in medium sized town.. in the middle of town. I have a privacy fence around my city lot. Jack, a 7 year old Lhasa Apso – yes I have Lhasas as well as Tibbies – got a tick bite in my yard. He had been nowhere else. He had a severe reaction – Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Erlichia. He was a very sick dog. From all this he also developed glaucoma and is now completely blind. My point is that nowhere is safe from ticks and fleas…nowhere. And, there can be severe repercussions from non use and non-compliance with flea/tick control. Now for some information From a researched article by Sharon Wootton, Herald Columnist www.songandword.com There are 800-or-so species of ticks, in the class Arachnida, which includes spiders, scorpions and mites, all eight-legged, joint-legged invertebrates. Ticks, however, are particularly skilled at spreading pathogens, some of which can be fatal. There are hard ticks and soft ticks. Most hard ticks have a shield (scutum) that covers all or most of its body; soft ticks do not. The mouth parts of a hard tick can be seen if you look down on them; a soft tick's mouthparts are hidden from that angle. Both types of ticks have distinct life stages. Oddly enough, a larva emerges from the egg with six legs. Nonadult ticks aren't choosy about their hosts. Even a snake will do if no warm-blooded animals are near. A soft tick feeds multiple times during each stage (a hard tick only once a stage). Soft adult females lay multiple batches; hard ticks lay one large batch. And the life cycle of a soft tick is longer than a hard tick. If you find ticks, they are most likely to be the particularly sneaky hard ticks. They hunker down on the edges of grass or leaves and wait … and wait … and wait with their front legs out. This behavior is called questing, and some can wait for months, or in some species, a year or more if necessary. They can grab onto clothes, skin, fur or hair of a passing warm-blooded host. Then the quest is for flesh and blood. Some ticks need more than one host to complete its life cycle. These predatory maneuvers are extremely successful: fossil records go back at least 90 million years. Soft ticks are more like bedbugs, hanging out in nests (or beds) of their host. Female ticks live longer because the males die after mating, leaving the feeding to the females, who die after depositing their batch, or batches, of eggs. The Center for Disease Control (www.cdc.gov, 800-232-4636) in Washington, D.C., and MedicineNet.com offer the latest in tick advice: 1. Know where ticks are most likely to be found, then avoid the area if possible. 2. Wear light-colored clothing so that the dark ticks can more easily be seen. Tuck pants into boots or socks if walking through grasses. 34 3. 4. 5. 6. To help prevent the free rides, use products with DEET on your skin. Products with permethrin can be used on boots, camping gear and clothes. You can put your clothes in a dryer for an hour on high and that should kill any hiding in seams. Check for ticks at the end of an outing. Shower after being outdoors. To remove the tick, skip the folklore remedies, such as using the hot end of a burnt match or "painting" the tick with nail polish or gasoline. Some traditional approaches may cause the tick to release more fluids into the bite. a. Use a small pair of tweezers. b. Do not yank on the tick because that risks leaving mouth parts behind. Flip it on its back and slowly pull upwards. c. To avoid leaving barbed mouth parts, a dermatologist writing for About.com suggests pulling gently enough to lift the skin, then holding that position for the three or four minutes it will take for the tick to be convinced to back out. d. Flush the tick down the toilet. e. Clean the bite area and your hands (remember those pathogens) with rubbing alcohol or soap and water. Use an antibiotic cream. Don't forget to clean the tweezers. f. If you have a tick bite followed by a fever or rash, see a doctor. If you have any concerns about diseases, bag the tick and freeze it in case the doctor needs to identify the tick. Now it’s your turn to make choices.... I have included a comparison table on Flea and Tick products. It should give you enough information that with your veterinarian you can make the best choice for you and your dogs. Sharon Adams Owned by Tibetan Spaniels and Lhasa Apsos Mother of the Vet Informational chart from Flea Product Comparison - VeterinaryPartner.com - a VIN company!.htm 35 T 36 New champions & Title Holders Dog Date Titled CH Avalon Schtop All Zis Fooling Around Wilhelmina (B) Avalon Delmar Cone Of Silence X CH Wassong's Funny Cide Of Avalon Owner: Robert S. Chrnalogar Breeders: Rebecca Sumner & Sue Ledoux Jan 5 CH To Be Free Of Lollipop (D) Joy Of Lollipop X Amandine Of Lollipop Owner: Linda L Champoux Breeder: Pascale Kolly-Badan Jan 5 GCH CH After Eight Of Lollipop (B) Just Love Me Of Lollipop X Happy Girl Of Lollipop Owner: Linda L Champoux Breeder: Pascale Kolly-Badan Jan 6 CH Ruya Asanga Bear From Snowy Mountain (D) CH Toyway Resaidar X CH Ruya Rinchen Norbu Of Finiki Owners: Michelle L Urpsis & Phyllis J Scalf Breeders: Phyllis J Scalf & Robert Churchey & Jim Strassels Jan 7 Tibroke's Touched By An Angel, RN (B) CH Tibroke's E-Z Pickens X CH Tibroke's I Wish I May Owners: Shannon O'Neal & Shelly R Potter Breeders: Betty Ann Seely & Kay F Dickeson Jan 7 CH Lionheart's The Last Samuri (D) CH Flolin When It Rains It Pours X CH Asawin The Divine Miss M Owner: Chase Waddell Breeder: Chase Waddell Jan 8 CH Primah's Pretty Treasure (B) CH Gjnjah's Treasure Hunt X CH Tibroke's Primaheart Thief Owner: Carole Zieris Breeders: Carole Zieris & Kay F Dickeson Jan 8 GCH CH Mogollon's Miss Beatrix Potter (B) CH Tamzil's Bodhi Bijam X CH Tibroke Mogollon Lalapalooza Owners: Lionel Klikoff & Claudia Klikoff Breeders: Lionel Klikoff & Claudia Klikoff Jan 14 GCH CH Bar-Nb's Queen Of The Silver Dollar (B) CH Peluche-Nb's Karmic Kowboy X CH Kayobi Saucy Sally Owners: Mary Ann Welch & Shirley Welch Breeders: Carolynn P Shenk & Debra S Barfield Jan 21 CH Aki Shima Chicago Gangster CD OA NAJ (D) CH Aki Shima Namtrah XKVader X Aki Shima's Just The Facts Owners: Doreen Shiers & Barbara Berg Breeder: Barbara Berg Jan 29 GCH CH Kan Sing's Tenzin (D) CH Lorac's Yeshe Wongchhu X CH Ambrier's Nanda Devi Owner: Martha Feltenstein Breeders: Martha Feltenstein & Diego Garcia Feb 2 CH Wassong's Ambrier's Northern Dancer (B) CH Ambrier's Zesty Zesty Sudz X CH Triple E Wassong Slew Of Gold Owners/Breeders: Patricia C Sarles & Mallory Cosby Driskill & Kevin F Wassong Feb 4 CH Improv-Dreams Let's Go Racin' Boys (B) GCH Krisala's Chasin' A Dream X Glenmar's Stargazer Owners: Christy Collins & Cherie Blitzkie Breeders: Christy Collins & Robyn Brandenburg Feb 5 GCH CH Krisala's Chasin' A Dream (D) CH Ziestan Tasseli X CH Krisala's Candy Coated Owners: Christy Collins & Becky Maag Breeder: Becky Maag Feb 11 37 New champions & Title Holders Dog 38 Date Titled GCH CH Qhun Wynswept Autumn Breeze (B) CH Wynswept Yankee Doodle X Wynswept Chocolate Treasures Owners/Breeders: Peggy Jarman & Donna Kay Raider & Randall A Raider & Alison Jarman Feb 11 CH Elray's Stardust Cowboy BN OA O AJ MXP AJP OFP (D) CH El Ray Rapheal In Afton X CH Lebeck's Dixie Chick Owner: Toni Rohlke Breeders: Dr. Lee S Nelsen & Bonnie F London Feb 11 CH Aki Shimas Boda Udderly Divine Of Namtrah (B) CH Aki Shima's Boda The Solid One CD X CH Aki Shima Plum Divine Of Namtrah Owners: Barbara Berg & Vanessa Everett & Mary F Hartman & Terry Mattiesen Breeders: Barbara Berg & Mary F Hartman & Harold B Hartman II Feb 12 CH Lionheart's Betts Jacks To Open Trips To Win (D) CH Flolin When It Rains It Pours X CH Asawin The Divine Miss M Owners: Sabrina Ayala & Chase Waddell Breeder: Chase Waddell Feb 18 CH Hisown Mia Mora (B) CH Royal D's Way To Hisown X CH Tamzil Hisown E-Z To See Why Owners/Breeders: Michelle Bustamante & Paul III Bustamante Feb 19 CH Oak's Tuqute Little Deuce Coupe (D) CH Kaje's Dandy Payback X CH Tuqute Kaje's Hello Josephine Oaks Owner: Patricia G Gilliard Breeder: Patricia G Gilliard & Pamela Glave & Karen Hand Feb 19 GCH CH Ambrier's Tibroke's Feel Me Up (B) CH Feelings Of Lollipop X CH Ambrier's Chomo-Lung-Ma Owners/Breeders: Kay F Dickeson & Mallory Cosby Driskill Feb 19 CH Shilo Shaydes Of Gray (D) CH Shilo Here's Tu The Party X CH Shilo-Yeti Liberte Abounds Owner: Shirley Carroll Breeder: Shirley Carroll & Susan Lingle Feb 19 GCH CH Ruya Sarai's I'M Too Finiki For You (D) CH Toyway Resaidar X CH Westview's Sarai Of Finiki Owners: Phyllis J Scalf & Ian Wheeler & Robert Churchey & Jim Strassels Breeders: Jim Strassels & Robert Churchey & Phyllis J Scalf March 2 CH Flolin Lionheart Take A Chance (D) CH Tamzil's Happenstance At Kexby X CH Flolin Masiana Owners: Linda C Foiles & Carolyn Waddell Breeder: Linda C Foiles March 4 Tashi Feather CDX OA OAJ (B) CH Tashi Dondieh X Tashi Dzum Kimi Ku Owners: Eugene D Edkins & Georgette Edkins Breeder: Jeanne Holsapple March 9 Priscilla Pinkie Jemima BN RN (B) Owners: M. Kathleen Greene & Lawrence P. Schmidt March 10 CH Tibroke's Chantilly Lace (B) GCH Tibroke's Organized Crime X CH Judo's Tibroke's Imagine This Owner: Georgine Abramson Breeder: Kay F Dickeson March 11 GCH CH Lorac's That Lonestar Cowboy (D) CH Lorac's Widow Me That X Tibroke's Fairest In The Land Owners: Thomas M Taylor & Carol Taylor & Mary L Acker Breeder: Marianne Filemyr March 15 New champions & Title Holders Dog Date Titled CH Tin-Man Soul Sister (B) GCH Ambrier's Tin-Man My Jekyll Doesn't Hyde At Tuqute X CH Ambrier Sweet Dreams R Made O These Owner/Breeder: Sheri Rose March 23 CH Gjnjah's Infinite Glory (B) CH Ziestan My Litl Felipe X CH Gjnjah's Eternal Glitter RN MX MXJ XF Owner/Breeeder: Gina T Podsednik March 24 CH Aki Shima Chicago Gangster CD OA OAJ (D) CH Aki Shima Namtrah XKVader X Aki Shima's Just The Facts Owners: Doreen Shiers & Barbara Berg Breeder: Barbara Berg March 24 GCH CH Shenanwood Double Trouble BN RN (D) CH Shenanwood Refuse To Lose X CH Shenanwood Keeper Of The Flame Owners: Debra A Bain & Colleen Bias Chaffee Breeders: Colleen Bias Chaffee & karen Shilladay March 30 CH Shenanwood Simply Scandalous (B) CH Tibroke's Nothin' Left To Imagine X CH Shenanwood Simply Sinful Owners/Breeders: Colleen Bias Chaffee & William P Chaffee March 31 CH Tibroke's High Intensity (D) CH Lorac's Widow Me That X CH Tibroke's I Wish I May Owners: Colleen Bias Chaffee & Kay F Dickeson Breeder: Kay F Dickeson April 1 CH Dreamcast Catching The Ring (D) GCH Ambrier's Tibroke's Beamer Ball X CH Hysam-Ambrier What Did I Say Owners: Janet Habiger & Michael Kennedy Breeder: Michael C Kennedy & Susan R Mullins & Janet Habiger April 7 CH Duart’s Same Song Second Verse (B) CH Duart's You've Got A Friend X CH Duart's Summertime Sensation Owners/Breeders: Jean Briggs & June Kapos April 7 CH Namtrah Tonka Tough (D) CH Aki Shima Chicago Gangster CD OA OAJ X Namtrah Divine Confection Owners/Breeders: Harold B Hartman II & Mary F Hartman April 7 GCH Afton’s Eagle Scout (D) CH El Ray Rapheal In Afton X CH Eagle Crest Soaring In The Breeze Owners: Joan Bailey & Sandy Hodges Breeders: David Finke & Joan Bailey & Sandy Hodges & Joline Finke & Clayton Mooney April 7 GCH Kenwood’s Po Po (B) CH Ambrier's The Black Knight X CH Tibroke's Fly By Night Owner: Ella Lim Breeder: Carol Ann Stevens April 7 CH Tsand’s Sweet Midnight Shadow (D) CH Tsand's Midnight Fortune X CH Tsand's Sweet Tea Owner/Breeder: Sandra J Lidster April 12 CH Tsand’s Sweet Sun Shine(B) CH Tsand's Midnight Fortune X CH Tsand's Sweet Tea Owner/Breeder: Sandra J Lidster April 13 39 New champions & Title Holders Dog 40 Date Titled CH Wassong On To Glory (D) GCH Flolin Evening Escort X CH Triple E Wassong Slew Of Gold Owner: Deena Scouten Breeders: Patricia C Sarles & Kevin F Wassong April 14 CH Genesis Let There Be Light At Mandala Too (B) CH Genesis Redeemer Boaz X CH Genesis Special T Sarah Owners: Moira K Sullivan & Laura Burkhart & Micah BJ Scott Breeder: Laura Burkhart April 15 CH Starlite The Gremlin (D) CH Pelkyi Starlite Diamonds Are Forever X CH Starlite Angel Eyes Owners: Sharon Lucernoni & Michael Lucernoni Breeders: Thomas M Taylor & Carol Taylor April 15 CH Aquila Mischief Managed CH Aangkichi Midnight Magic X CH Tamzil Makin Mischief At Aquila Owner/Breeder: Elaine Oxborrow April 15 CH Lorac’s That’s All Folks (D) CH Lorac's Widow Me That X Tibroke's Fairest In The Land Owners: Nada Kajander & Martha Feltenstein Breeder: Marianne Filemyr April 21 CH Morgan’s Light Up My Life (D) CH Wynswept Out Like A Light X Morgan's Black Beauty Owners: Jeanne Bain & Donna Kay Raider & Randall A Raider Breeder: Jeanne Bain April 21 GCH Improv Dorje Ball Of Fire (B) CH Ziestan Tiny Tao X CH Improv Girl From Ipanema Owners/Breeders: Mary T Jones & Christy Collins & Nicole Jones April 21 CH Jadarr’s You Have Chosn Wisely,BN (D) CH Jadarr's Baileys Irish Cream X Oldcharm Confide In Me Owners: Arlene G Tanel & Evan Resende & Meghan Tanel & Lauren Tanel Breeder: Arlene G Tanel April 21 CH Zen Tao Cast In Bronze CH Zen Tao Tankha Piu X CH Zen Tao Bata Bear Owner/Breeder: Marianne Minks April 22 CH Santera Playing To The Ritz CH Santera Playing For Keeps X Santera Grandee Moca Owner/Breeder: Sandra L Novocin April 23 CH Sunkala’s Ruby Red Soda Pop GCH Westview's Run The Table X CH Westview Sandhill's Pop-A-Long Owner: Lori Wirth Breeders: Lori Wirth, Michelle Maynard, & Connie Buckland April 29 CH Starlite Rivendell Lucky Charm CH Dragonhold Party Of Five X CH Starlite Born Ti-Be Wild Owners: Carol & Thomas Taylor Breeders: Bonnie J Bieber & Sarah Bieber April 29 This year’s AKC Outstanding Sportsmanship Award was presented to Ruth Davis, for her many years of service to the TSCA. Ruth came to Tibbies from Shelties and has had the breed now for over 30 years. Ruth has worn many hats while working for the club, ranging from Chairing two Specialties, Recording Secretary, manning the CA. AKC Meet The Breed Booth, Yearbook Editor, and etc. She joins the other four recipients who have also been honored. 2008 - Ron Preston, 2009 - Herb Rosen, 2010 - Susan Mulllins, 2011 - Carol Srnka, and now 2012 - Ruth Davis. R O M 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ch. Kofuku Windom Sweet Shorty Too. Owned by Marilynn Miller (Mailed) Ch. Lin Chi No One Else on Earth. Owned by Linda Hendrix (Mailed) Ch. Ambrier Sweet Dreams R Made O These. Owned by Sheri Rose (Mailed) Ch. Zen Tao Bata Bear. Owned by Marianne Minks (Mailed) Ch. Ambrier’s Chomo-Lung-Ma. Owned by Mallory Cosby Driskill & David Kirkland Ch. Ambrier’s Tibroke’s Feel Me Up. Owned by Mallory Cosby Driskill & Kay Dickeson Wynswept Chocolate Treasures. Owned by Donna & Randall Raider Ch. Baby Love of Lollipop. Owned by Mallory Cosby Driskill Ch. Topaz Westview Pic-Me-Up. Owned by Connie Buckland Ch. Ruya Rinchen Norbu of Finiki. Owned by Phyliss Scalf, Robert Churchey, & Jim Strassels R O M X 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 0 1 1 Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. 2 0 1 1 Tamzil’s Truly Gracious. Owned by Cindie Swaim & Liana Craven. (Mailed) Namtrah Wexford Divine Decadence. Owned by Dianne Tyree, Harold & Mary Hartman Ambrier’s Chomo-Lung-Ma. Owned by Mallory Cosby Driskill & David Kirkland Toyway Resaidar. Owned by Connie Buckland & Mickey Maynard Westview’s Sarai of Finiki. Owned by Phyllis Scalf, Robert Churchey, & Jim Strassels 41 Cynara Flolin Chasin’ The Limelight We are excited to introduce this six month old puppy out of GCH Krisla’s Chasin’ A Dream and CH Flolin Angel In My Pocket (Award of Merit - 2011 TSCA National). Lila will make her debut in the show ring this summer along with her sister - Flolin Cynara Chasin’ Glory owned by Linda Foiles. “Lila” owners/breeders: mary novocin & linda foiles 42 cyna ra ’ s em a i l : cyna ra co l l i es@co m ca st.net fl o l i n’ s em a i l : fl o l i ntwo @a o l .co m FINGER LAKES TIBETAN SPANIEL ASSOCIATION Now is the time to start planning your fall show schedule to include a trip to the beautiful Finger Lakes region of Central New York and the Wine Country Cluster, September 27 – 30, 2012, held at Sampson State Park on the shore of Seneca Lake. What could be better - 4 days of dog shows, LOTS of Tibbies and their people, and big majors everyday!!! Let the Finger Lakes Tibetan Spaniel Association be your host for the weekend. We are hosting our Ninth Annual Specialty with Sweepstakes–the show schedule is below. Kanadasaga Kennel Club – Thursday, September 27, 2012 Judge – Eva Berg Finger Lakes Kennel Club – Friday, September 28, 2012 Judge – Ruth Zimmerman Elmira Kennel Club– Saturday, September 29, 2012 FLTSA Specialty Judge – Beverly Capstick Sweepstakes judge – Luann Williams Onondaga Kennel Association – Sunday, September 30, 2012 TSCA Supported Entry Judge – James Reynolds Sweepstakes judge – David Swartwood Jim Rau Dog Shows Ltd is the superintendent. www.raudogshows.com As well as the shows, we have a great weekend of fun and information planned. Thursday night, it’s DINNER AROUND THE CAMPFIRE! Tibbie folks are invited to gather around for soup and salad, along with dessert. Bring along a chair and something to drink and enjoy the food, campfire and other tibbie folks! This will be in the pavilion. If anyone would like to help with salad fixings, please let Connie Buckland <westviewk9s@aol.com> know what you will bring. For Friday afternoon, it’s the FLTSA Annual meeting at the pavilion. Pizza and soda will be supplied by FLTSA (donations will be accepted). Following the meeting and lunch, we are pleased to announce that Dr. Eric C. Ledbetter, ACVO, Associate Professor of Opthalmology at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine will speak on "Canine herpesvirus-1 ocular disease in mature dogs". Please let Carol Srnka <carsrnk@aol.com> know if you are planning to attend. Since it was so well-received in the past few years, FLTSA will be having a buffet at the pavilion Friday night. This will be by pre-reservation only so that we will have enough food on hand to let everyone eat as much as they can hold. The cost per person is $17, which will include soda and bottled water. Please BYOB if you want. Mail your reservations and payment to Carol Srnka, 6352 Iradell Road, Trumansburg, NY 14886 by September 12. After judging on Saturday, please join us for the Finger Lakes Tibetan Spaniel Association dish-to-pass luncheon at the Pavilion on the lake. ALL TIBBIE FOLKS ARE WELCOME! Along with this is our annual “Tibetan raffle/auction” with lots of great items! Table settings and soda will be supplied by FLTSA. Please let Jean Briggs < jeanbriggs43@hotmail.com> know what you will be bringing for the luncheon – after all we don’t want to end up with just macaroni salad. Sunday after judging, it’s time to say so long to friends and wish them a safe trip home. THANKS FOR COMING! 43 CH NAMTRAH BRIALLU BUILT TO LAST 2012 National Specialty