newfoundland club of san diego regional speciality – feb. 20, 2015


newfoundland club of san diego regional speciality – feb. 20, 2015
The Newfoundland Club of San Diego, Inc.
Specialty Edition 2015
Joe Wucherer, Show Chair
Winter in San Diego? 77 Degrees and sunny! The show was held at the Del Mar Fairgrounds which is a little
north of San Diego and right on the ocean.
Sweepstakes was judged by Ms. Diane Landstrom, who is from Litchfield Park, AZ.
Best in Sweepstakes was Karablue’s Sentimental Journey [owners Rick & Donna Humphreys].
Best Opposite to Best in Sweepstakes was Honey Lane’s Worth the Wait [owners Brian Storms & Kelli LePore]
Best in Veteran Sweepstakes was CH. Lifeguard’s Midnight Slayer [owner Shirley McLelland], Best of Opposite in
Veteran Sweepstakes was CH.Kevaura’s Midnite Wildfire CDX [owner Kathy Mitchell]
Breed was judged by Mr. Garry Newton who is from Richmond, TX. His selections were as follows:
Best of Breed – GCH.Ch. MTN High Calypso, CD [owners Peggy Lange & Lynn Kitch]
Best of Winners – Oceano Darbydale Xtreme Country Diva [owners JoAnn Carr Wucherer & Joe Wucherer]
Best of Opposite Sex – CH. Darbydale’s The Journey Continues [owner Carol Bergman]
Select Dog – GCH.CH Heartsease King of the Jungle [owners M Joan Casler & Lynne Anderson,
Pamela Jackson & Jill Latchaw]
Select Bitch – CH. Lifeguard’s Midnight Slayer [owner Shirley McLelland]
Award of Merit – CH. Homeport Pride of the Great Mohegan [owners Christina Cameron & Ian Cunningham]
Our appreciation and thanks go to all the exhibitors and handlers, all committee members, and the board of the
Newf Club of San Diego. Special thanks to our long time Stewards Nancy Wolf and Sharon Gilbert. The
beautiful Wilton Armetale trophies were designed and selected by the Trophy Committee - Joan Swanson
Hamilton and JoAnn Carr Wucherer. The exhibitor gifts [the beautiful embroidered towels] were designed and
produced by Bonnie O”Neil.
See you all next year.
Joe Wucherer, Show Chair
Board Meeting Minutes 14, Catalog 16-19, Photos & Winners 3-11
Remembering 12-13, Rescue Meeting Minutes 15, Trophy Donations 2
NCA Regional Specialty Show
Trophy Donations
February 20, 2015
Best in Specialty Show: Pam Morgan & Joyce Roland in Memory of Juliet and Taylor
Best of Winners: Katie Jacobsen in memory of Wynship’s Mariah of the Sea
Best Opposite Sex: Joe & JoAnn Wucherer in memory of BIS,BISS, AM, Mex Intl CH Wynship’s Top Gun
Winners Dog: Joe & JoAnn Wucherer and Wynship Newfs
Winners Bitch: Kerry & Craig Dennis in memory of VN CH “Gus”
Puppy Dog 6-9: Heidi Forrest in honor of my 2 beloved boys VN GCH Hudson & VN CH Luke
Dog 12-18: Jerry Luchsinger & Bonnie O’Neil in memory of Bear & Angel
Open Dog Black: In memory of VN WA CH Karableu’s Ocean Breeze CDX, RE WRDX1 DD3 TDD3 (obie)
missed by Rodney & Carrie Cook
Open Dog AOAC: Kathy Garcia in memory of Wynship’s Midnite Sentinel
Veteran Dog: Pat Gallaher in the loving memory of the love all the Newfs gave us and the love we still
American Bred Dog: Eric & Nancy Wolf in memory of Hudson and Onslow
Puppy Bitch 6-9: Anonymous
Bitch 12-18: CeCe Guyatt & Trinity Cove Newfs
Open Bitch Black: CeCe Guyatt & Trinity Cove Newfs
All Supported Entry trophies for Saturday, February 21, 2015 are sponsored by
The Newfoundland Club of San Diego, Inc.
The Club would like to thank all those that contributed to the Specialty trophies.
This year’s specialty show is dedicated to
Our friends and fellow breeders
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thanks to
Lynn Kitch
for all the
candid shots!
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GCH. CH.MTN. High Calypso, CD(Ch. Kilyka’s Fireside Black Fire, CD x GCH. Ch. Mtn High Oceano
Altitude With Altitude) Breeder: Peggy Lange & Gigi Griffith. Owners: Peggy Lange & Lynn Kitch
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CH. Darbydale’s The Journey Continues (Ch. Darbydale’s All That And More x Ch Darbydale’s Girl Talk)
Breeder: Carol Bernard-Bergmann. Owner: Carol Bergman
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thanks to
Lynn Kitch
for all the
candid shots!
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Best of Winners; Winner’s Bitch;1st Open Bitch: Oceano Darbydale Xtreme Country Diva (Ch. The
Centurion of Oceano E Acqua Terra x Ch Darbydale Because I’m So Sweet Enough at Oceano)
Breeder: Monica Perusquia & Gigi Griffith. Owners: JoAnn Carr Wucherer & Joe Wucherer.
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Select Bitch; Best In Veteran Sweepstakes; 1st Veterans 7 yrs & under 9 yrs Bitches: Ch. Lifeguard’s Midnight
Slayer (Midnight Lady’s Lonsome Cowboy x Ch Lifeguard’s Sexy Diva) Breeder: Joseph Reinisch & Anita
Reinisch. Owner: Shirley J. McLelland.
Select Dog: GCH. Ch. Heartsease King of the Jungle (Ch. Three-ponds Play it Again x Topmast’s Lucy Maud
Montgomery) Breeder: M. Joan Casler. Owner: M. Joan Casler & Lynne Anderson, Pamela Jackson & Jill
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thanks to
Lynn Kitch
for all the
candid shots!
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1st Puppy 6-9 bitches: 1st Sweeps puppy 6-9 bitches: Kodiak Acres Once Upon A Dream at Trinity Cove (
GCH. Ch. Kodiak Acres Bowaters Dark Shadows x Mastway’s Twinkle Little Star At Kodiak Acres. Breeder:
Sheila Luca & Keith Mallinson. Owner: CeCe Guyatt & Sheila Mallinson.
Reserve Winner’s Dog: 1st 12-18 mos dogs: Veni Vidi Vici Dinastiya Soverchenstva (Rain Coast How Can I
Fall x Beguschaya Po Volnam Hasta La Vista) Breeder: V. E. Artemenko. Owner: Natalia Pugulova.
1st Veteran 7 yrs & over Dogs; Best Opposite in Veteran Sweepstakes: Ch. Kevaura’s Midnite Wildfire CDX
(Ch. Midnite Bay’s Smart Asset x Ch. Respon’s AKA Cookie CD) Breeder: Kevin & Laura Gallagher & James &
Nancy Sponsler. Owner: Kathy Mitchell
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Best in Sweeps;1st puppy Bitch 6-9 mos: Karablue’s Sentimental Jurnee (Gch. Ch. Darbydale’s The Journey
Continues x Ch. Bayle of Green Parc’s) Breeder Rick & Donna Humphreys. Owners: Rick Humphreys & Donna
Best Opposite to Best In Sweeps; 1st Sweepstakes 12-15 mos dog: Honey Lane’s Worth The Wait (Ch. Honey
Lane’s Smoke on the Water x Ch. Honey Lane’s Life of the Party) Breeder: Kelli LePore. Owner: Brian Storms &
Kelli LePore.
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Non-Pictured Winners
Award of Merit: Ch. Homeport Pride of the Great Mohegan. Owners: Christina Cameron & Ian Cunningham.
1st Puppy, 6-9 mos dogs: Heartease Just Watch Me. Owners: M. Joan Casler & Sam Casler & Jill Latchaw
1st open Black Dogs: Brooksides Hot Topic at Onxy Bay. Owners: Robert Helland & Rebecca Super & Theresa
1st Open any other allowed Color Dogs: Trinity Cove’s Jax or Better. Owner: CeCe Guyatt
1st 12-18 mos Bitches: Honeylane Hannah at Kintra. Owners: Sandra Lee Martin & Alexander Flanigan & Kelli
American Bred Bitches: Goldcoast’s You’re So Vain at Poseidon. Owner: Kerry Dennis & Craig Dennis
Pat McMartin
The Newfoundland Club of San Diego has lost one of
our founding members. Pat McMartin passed away
on July 9th. Pat was one of our members who
"started" it all with the original group who met on
Wednesday nights. We called ourselves the
"Wednesday Night Capers", meeting every
Wednesday night in a medical office parking lot in
Mira Mesa. We worked our Newfs, so-cialized,
shared information and became friends. As we
decided to make our group more official, Pat was
very instrumental in forming who we are today. Pat
and his wife Ruth moved up to Washington state in
1995, but he was always a member of our San Diego
group. Ruth and their son Rob knew that while Pat
lived in Washington, he was a San Diegan at heart.
Pat was laid to rest at Glen Abbey Memorial Park in
Chula Vista on July 17th.
He will be missed.
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Lois May Apfel
May 4, 1935 – May 2, 2014
Lois was a truly unique woman.
Lois was born in Wisconsin and had the opportunity to
live in several loca-tions during her service years in the
Navy. She and her family settled down in San Diego.
Lois was a member of the Newfoundland Club of San
Diego for over 15 years. She participated in our events,
was an active supporter of the New-foundland Working
Dog as a water test committee member, co-chair of working seminars and stewarding whenever needed.
Lois did not listen to what the limits are on our
Newfoundlands, probably be-cause she had Rhodesian
Ridgebacks prior to Newfys. She made her own rules. Her
Newfs, Cimi, Lyric and Neela earned titles in obedience,
tracking, agility and multiple WD and WRD’s.
Lois is survived by her daughters Debra Apfel, Teri
Koslowski, 2 grandchil-dren and 2 great grandchildren.
She will be missed
Mary Killian
April 17, 1951 – December 21, 2014
Mary Killian was a founding member of the
Newfoundland Club of San Diego and an active member
of the Newfoundland Club of San Diego (NCSD), the
Newfoundland Club of Southern California (NCSC) and the
Newfoundland Club of America (NCA).
As a devoted ambassador of the Newfoundland Dog,
Mary participated in con-formation and working dog
events promoting our wonderful breed. Mary was the
first NCSD member to gain the title of Versatile
Newfoundland (VN) on one of her Newfs. While fulfilling
the journey towards this accomplishment Mary became a
NCA working judge, in both water and draft events and
made friends across the country. A little known fact was
that among her giant New-foundlands Mary always had a
whimsical Scottish Terrier named MacTavish.
In addition, Mary brought smiles to many as she and her
Therapy dogs shared their love with the ill and infirm.
Mary’s final wish was that her ashes, and those of her
beloved dogs, who had passed on before her, be
scattered over the Grand Canyon, a place they all shared
and enjoyed in life. Mary passed away from
complications of a stroke and is survived by her daughter
Dawn and long time companion Andy.
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NCSD Board Meeting Minutes
DATE: March 10, 2015
Location: Marie Callendar’s in Escondido, CA
Meeting Called to Order by: CeCe Guyatt Time: 6:20 p.m.
Attendees: CeCe Guyatt, Joe Wucherer, JoAnn Wucherer, Wayne Hamilton, Bonnie O’Neil
Minutes from last meeting: Minutes from previous meeting reviewed by the board, approved and published
in NewfWaves.
Treasurer’s Report:
been paid to date.
Checking acct. - $1,445.16, CD - $5,521.29 (to renew in July 2015). All bills have
Historian: No report.
Members at Large, Wayne Hamilton: No report.
Committee Reports:
Conformation: Joe Wucherer reported that the Specialty went very well this year. Although entries were
down slightly, feedback on the show has been good. The final accounting hasn’t been completed, but should
show a small profit. The suggestion was made that classes start slightly later (at 10 a.m.) next year.
Membership: Annual dues, due May 1st, will stay the same. A certificate is to be created by Bonnie O’Neil,
in keeping with the decision last month to offer a complimentary 1-year membership to people who receive
puppies from breeders who are Club members.
NewfWaves : A special edition of NewfWaves is to be sent out later this month, featuring the Specialty.
Working: Work is continuing on a possible 2-day water test, possibly with the Southern California Club, in
Program/Activities: The annual Walk in the Park is scheduled for Saturday, April 11. Details are being
finalized for a “Dog Emergency” seminar in May (Joe), Fiesta Island Fun Day on Saturday, June 20 (Bonnie);
a Rummage Sale on Saturday, Aug. 22 (JoAnn); the annual Halloween Party on Oct. 24 and the annual
Blessing of the Animals (JoAnn) in January, 2016. Email flyers will be sent out with more details as they
become available.
Newf Boutique: Pictures of logo items from Lands End will be posted on the website. Orders are to be sent
by email to JoAnn Wucherer,
New Business: Current Board Members have agreed to stay in office for another year. A Slate of officers,
including a request for any new nominations will be sent out by email.
Website: All Board members were encouraged to monitor the NCSD website.
to update information and pictures.
Bonnie will work with Diana
Time Adjourned: 7:25 p.m.
Date, Time and Location of Next Board Meeting: Sunday, May 10th -- General Membership Pizza Party
(without fur kids) – details to be sent out by flyer.
Respectfully submitted by Bonnie O’Neil, Secretary
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DATE: March 10, 2015
Guyatt, President
LOCATION: Marie Calendar’s in Escondido, CA MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY: Cece
TIME: 7:36 p.m.
ATTENDEES: CeCe Guyatt, Joe Wucherer, JoAnn Wucherer, Bonnie O’Neil, Wayne Hamilton
MINUTES: Minutes of previous meeting reviewed by the Board, approved and published on NCSD website and in the
NewfWaves newsletter.
Checking: $ 2,898.34
$ 14,225.01 (renewal in July, 2015)
NEWFS CURRENTLY IN RESCUE: None currently in Rescue locally.
OLD BUSINESS: No activity
Date, Time and Location of Next Board Meeting: Tentatively set for Sunday, May 10th, a General Membership Pizza Party
(without fur kids) – details will be sent out by flyer.
Respectfully submitted by Bonnie O’Neil, Secretary
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Judge; Ms. Diane Landstrom
Puppy, 6-9 Months Dogs.
(15) Heartsease Just Watch Me. Dog. Owner: M. Joan Casler & Sam Cas-ler & Jill Latchaw..
(17) Dreamsea's Stormin Norman. Dog. Owner: Ellen Selsted.
12-15 Month Dogs.
(23) Honey Lane's Worth The Wait. Dog. Owner: Brian Storms & Kelli LePore..
15-18 Months Dogs.
(19) KaraBleu E Oceano's A Story To Tell. Dog. Owner: Rick Humphreys & Donna Humphreys & Gigi Griffith..
(21) Veni Vidi Vici Dinastiya Soverchenstva. Dog. Owner: Natalia Pugulo-va.
Puppy, 6-9 Months Bitches.
(36) Shadrack's Aim'N For The Gold. Bitch. Owner: Sharal Cole & Steven & Jean McAdams..
(38) Kodiak Acres Once Upon A Dream At Trinity Cove. Bitch. Owner: CeCe Guyatt & Sheila Mallinson..
12-15 Months Bitches.
(40) KaraBlue's Sentimental Jurnee. Bitch. Owner: Rick Humphreys & Donna Humphreys..
(42) Honeylane Hannah At Kintra. Bitch. Owner: Sandra Lee Martin & Alexandra Flanigan & Kelli LePore..
Best In Sweepstakes ____40________
Best Opposite to Best In Sweepstakes ____23______
Veteran Sweepstakes
Veterans, 9 Years & Over Dogs.
(55) Springhaven's Homeport Classic. Dog. Owner: Wayne G. Hamilton & Joan Swanson Hamilton..
(57) CH. Kevaura's Midnite Wildfire CDX. Dog. Owner: Kathy Mitchell.
Veterans, 7 Years & Under 9 Years Bitches.
(74) CH. Lifeguard's Midnight Slayer. Bitch. Owner: Shirley J. McLelland.
Veterans, 9 Years & Over Bitches.
( 70) CH Saltydogs Cpt Colors Wild Thing CGC CD. Bitch. Owner: Dennis Gebhart & Celia Gebhart..
Best In Veteran Sweepstakes ____74________
Best Of Opposite In Veteran Sweepstakes ___57___
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Specialty Classes
Judge:Mr. Garry Newton
Puppy, 6-9 Months Dogs.
15 HEARTSEASE JUST WATCH ME. BQ578564. [ CAN ]. 08/14/2014. Breeder: M. Joan Casler. By: GCH. CH. Heartsease
King Of The Jun-gle - Heartsease My Girl, CGC CD RN WRD. Dog. Owner: M. Joan Casler & Sam Casler & Jill Latchaw.
Agent: David Bullett.
17 DREAMSEA'S STORMIN NORMAN. WS47477301. [ AKC ]. 05/25/2014. Breeder: Mary Killian. By: Dockside's Hometown
Hero - CH. Dreamsea's Chocolate Pearl. Dog. Owner: Ellen Selsted.
12-18 Month Dogs.
Tot Best of Breed
19 KARABLEU E OCEANO'S A STORY TO TELL. WS45674501. [ AKC ]. 11/16/2013. Breeder: R. & D. Humphreys, K. & G.
Griffith, J. Row-land. By: CH. KaraBleu's Tryst With Darbydale - CH. Oceano E KaraBlue Ecco Domani Per Acquaterra. Dog.
Owner: Rick Hum-phreys & Donna Humphreys & Gigi Griffith. Agent: Gigi Griffith.
21 VENI VIDI VICI DINASTIYA SOVERCHENSTVA. UKU0174998. [ UK ]. 09/22/2013. Breeder: V. E. Artemenko. By: Rain
Coast How Can I Fall - Beguschaya Po Volnam Hasta La Vista. Dog. Owner: Natalia Pugulova. Agent: Kim Griffith.
23 HONEY LANE'S WORTH THE WAIT. WS46124603. [ AKC ]. 01/01/2014. Breeder: Kelli LePore. By: CH. Honey Lane's
Smoke On The Water - CH. Honey Lane's Life Of The Party. Dog. Own-er: Brian Storms & Kelli LePore. Agent: Kristin
Open, Black Dogs.
25 KARABLEU'S GREEN BAY PACKER FOUR BRETT FAVRE. WS40938902. [ AKC ]. 04/20/2012. Breeder: Donna & Richard
Humphrey's. By: GCH. CH. Darbydale's All That And More - CH. Bayle Of Green Parc's Newfoundlands. Dog. Owner: Ann J.
Jatczak & Rick & Don-na Humphreys. Agent: Kim Griffith.
27 BROOKSIDE'S HOT TOPIC AT ONXY BAY. WS38455402. [ AKC ]. 06/24/2011. Breeder: Rebecca Super & Ginny Graham.
By: CH. Honeylanes Highlight - CH. Brookside's Head Over Heals. Dog. Owner: Robert Helland & Rebecca Super & Theresa
Weber. Agent: Kristen Coronado.
29 CAPRICCIO'S ROCKY MTN HIGH. WS44720101. [ AKC ]. 06/20/2013. Breeder: Pamela S. Rubio & Peggy Lange. By: CH.
Capricio's For Baby - Mtn. High Aspen For Cariccio. Dog. Own-er: Linda Kennard & Robert Kennard & Pamela S Rubio.
Agent: Terry Weber.
31 SUN VALLEYS SIR GAWAIN OF CAMELOT. WS40243803. [ AKC ]. 01/27/2012. Breeder: Lou Ann Lenner. By: GCH. CH.
Legacy's Sir Lucan Of Camelot - Numa Who's That Girl At Sun Valley. Dog. Owner: Dr. Vu Nguyen & Gregory Dotzman.
Open, Any Other Allowed Color Dogs.
33 TRINITY COVE'S JAX OR BETTER. WS43861801. [ AKC ]. 02/22/2013. Breeder: CeCe Guyatt & Marie-Pierre Delaunay.
By: CH. Council Cup's Star Of Kodiak Acres, RN - CH. Glamorous Geor-gia De L'lliade Et L' Odyssee. Dog. Owner: CeCe
35 HOMEPORT'S CONSEQUENCE OF EXCELLENCE. WS35070401. [ AKC ]. 07/13/2010. Breeder: Joan Swanson-Hamilton &
Wayne Hamilton. By: Topmat's Springhaven Judd - CH. Springhaven's Heart Of Callista. Dog. Owner: Joan SwansonHamilton & Wayne Hamilton.
Winners Dog_27_Reserve _21__Points_4_ Dogs_10__
Puppy, 6-9 Months Bitches.
36 SHADRACK'S AIM'N FOR THE GOLD. WS47682602. [ AKC ]. 06/11/2014. Breeder: Steven McAdams & Jean McAdams.
By: GCH. CH. Longship's New England Patriot - CH. Windswept & Shadrack Aim'N To Up The Ante. Bitch. Owner: Sharal
Cole & Steven & Jean McAdams. Agent: David Bullett.
38 KODIAK ACRES ONCE UPON A DREAM AT TRINITY COVE. WS47789802. [ AKC ]. 08/06/2014. Breeder: Sheila Luca &
Keith Mallinson. By: GCH. CH. Kodiak Acres Bowater's Dark Shad-ows - Mastway's Twinkle Little Star At Kodiak Acres. Bitch.
Owner: CeCe Guyatt & Sheila Mallinson.
12-18 Months Bitches.
40 KARABLUE'S SENTIMENTAL JURNEE. WS46290801. [ AKC ]. 11/24/2013. Breeder: Rick & Donna Humphreys. By: GCH.
CH. Darbydale's The Journey Continues - CH. Bayle Of Green Parc's. Bitch. Owner: Rick Humphreys & Donna Humphreys.
Agent: Kim Griffith.
42 HONEYLANE HANNAH AT KINTRA. WS46124602. [ AKC ]. 01/01/2014. Breeder: Kelli LePore & Linda De Witt. By: CH.
Honeylane's Smoke On The Water - CH. Honeylane's Life Of The Party. Bitch. Owner: Sandra Lee Martin & Alexandra
Flanigan & Kelli LePore. Agent: Kristin Coronado.
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American Bred Bitches.
44 FLEUR DE LIS HELLENA HANDBASKET. WS40556608. [ AKC ]. 03/23/2012. Breeder: Helen Mercier. By: CH. Fleur De Lis
Raising Cane - Fleur De Lis Eurostar's De Paris. Bitch. Owner: Denise Hatakeyama. Agent: Kristin Coronado.
46 GOLDCOAST'S YOU'RE SO VAIN AT POSEIDON. WS44039203. [ AKC ]. 04/15/2013. Breeder: Janet Cohen. By: CH.
Goldcoast I Walk The Line - CH. Goldcoast Coming To America. Bitch. Own-er: Kerry Dennis & Craig Dennis. Agent: Kim
Open, Black Bitches.
48 FLEUR DE LIS JUICY COURTURE. WS40556604. [ AKC ]. 03/23/2012. Breeder: Helen Mercier. By: CH. Fleur De Lis
Raising Cane - Fleur De Lis Enrostar's De Paris. Bitch. Owner: Denise Hatakeyama. Agent: Kristin Coronado.
50 OCEANO DARBYDALE XTREME COUNTRY DIVA. WS43873607. [ AKC ]. 05/13/2013. Breeder: Monia Perusquia & Gigi
Griffith. By: CH. The Centurion Of Oceano E Acqua Terra - CH. Darbydale Because I'm So Sweet Enough At Oceano. Bitch.
Owner: Jo Ann Carr Wucherer & Joe Wucherer. Agent: Kim Griffith.
52 TRINITY COVE'S FOREIGN AFFAIR. WS43861802. [ AKC ]. 02/22/2013. Breeder: CeCe Guyatt & Marie-Pierre Delaunay.
By: CH. Council Cup's Star Of Kodiak Acres RN - CH. Glamorous Georgia De L'lliade Et L'Odyssee. Bitch. Owner: CeCe
54 OCEANO'S VAVACIOUS MERMAID SPLASHES FOR HAPIPAWS. WS40084101. [ AKC ]. 02/21/2012. Breeder: Marci
Smilanich. By: GCH. CH. Darbydale's All That And More - CH. Oceano's Calm Of The Sea. Bitch. Owner: Deborah Jordan &
Gigi Griffith.
Agent: Kim Griffith.
Winners Bitch_50_ Reserve_54_Points_4_ Bitches_8_
Veteran, 7 Years & Over Dogs.
55 SPRINGHAVEN'S HOMEPORT CLASSIC. WS06136701. [ AKC ]. 09/29/2003. Breeder: Jeffrey Givens & Joanne Givens.
By: CH. Springhaven's Going My Way - Springhaven's Payton. Dog. Owner: Wayne G. Hamilton & Joan Swanson Hamilton.
57 CH. KEVAURA'S MIDNITE WILDFIRE CDX. WS10171702. [ AKC ]. 09/06/2004. Breeder: Kevin & Laura Gallagher And
James & Nancy Sponsler. By: CH. Midnite Bay's Smart Asset - CH. Respons' AKA Cookie CD. Dog. Owner: Kathy Mitchell.
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Best Of Breed Competition
#19 From the 12-18 Class
61 CH. DARBYDALE'S THE JOURNEY CONTINUES. WS38704401. [ AKC ]. 05/20/2011. Breeder: Carol Bernard-Bergmann.
By: CH. Darbydale's All That And More - CH. Darbydale's Girl Talk. Dog. Owner: Carol Bergmann. Agent: Kim Griffith.
63 GCH. CH. HEARTSEASE KING OF THE JUNGLE. WS36977801. [ AKC ]. 05/27/2009. Breeder: M. Joan Casler. By: CH.
Three-pond's Play It Again - Topmast's Lucy Maud Montgomery. Dog. Owner: M. Joan Casler & Lynne Anderson, Pamela
Jackson & Jill Latchaw. Agent: David Bullett.
65 CH. BREAKWATER'S & CAPTAIN COLORS TUCK-N-ROLL. WS41849101. [ AKC ]. 08/18/2012. Breeder: Dee Adrian &
Brooke Beck. By: CH. Kiredor's Trading Paint - Anchorbay-N-Breakwater's Can Do Cara. Dog. Owner: Dennis Gebhart &
Celia Gebhart. Agent: Kristen Coronado.
67 GCH. CH. LEGACY'S SIR LUCAN OF CAMELOT. WS27620601. [ AKC ]. 06/02/2008. Breeder: Linda Morley-Roser And
Betty McDonnell. By: CH. Kilyka's Fireside Black Fire CD - CH. Kilyka's Legacy Kendra Tempest. Dog. Owner: Dr. Vu
Nguyen & Gregory Dotzman And Linda Morley-Roser.
69 CH. HOMEPORT PRIDE OF THE GREAT MOHEGAN. WS35070403. [ AKC ]. 07/13/2010. Breeder: Joan Swanson
Hamilton & Wayne Hamilton. By: Topmast's Springhaven Judd - CH. Springhaven's Heart Of Callista. Dog. Owner:
Christina Cameron & Ian Cunning-ham.
72 GCH. CH. MTN HIGH CALYPSO, CD. WS39336601. [ AKC ]. 11/10/2011. Breeder: Peggy Lange & Gigi Griffith. By: CH.
Ki-lyka's Fireside Black Fire, CD - GCH. CH. Mtn High Oceano Altitude With Atitude. Bitch. Owner: Peggy Lange & Lynn
Kitch. Agent: Kim Griffith.
74 CH. LIFEGUARD'S MIDNIGHT SLAYER. WS24964806. [ AKC ]. 01/21/2008. Breeder: Joseph Reinisch And Anita
Reinisch. By: Midnight Lady's Lonsome Cowboy - CH. Lifeguard's Sexy Diva. Bitch. Owner: Shirley J. McLelland.
Best Of Breed ___72___Best Of Winners ___50______
Best Of Opposite Sex To Best Of Breed ____61_______
Select Dog____63_____Select Bitch______74_______
Award of Merit_______69_______________________
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