06 Fall Catalog Book2.indb


06 Fall Catalog Book2.indb
page 2
Super Gals!
page 4
To Heart
FAQ.................... . . . ............................6
Got Anime Club. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
t o o n s (d ome st ic a n ima t ion )........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1
live action..................................................32
Language/Culture Books
b egi n n e r ja p a n e se. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7
i n t erm e d ia t e t o a d v a n c e d ja p a n e se. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7
w o rkb ook s & me mor y a i d s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8
d i ct i o n a r ie s & p or t a b le r e f e r e n c e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8
cl as s i c ja p a n e se t a le s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8
cu l t u r a l b ook s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9
co o ki n g b ook s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9
Books & Manga (graphic novels)
art , film & f a n b ook s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1
an i m e a n d f ilm g u id e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1
h o w t o d r a w. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
j ap an e se ma n g a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2
o t h er a sia n ma n g a . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2
amerimanga.............. . . .................................76
Wall Art............... . . . . . . . . . ...................82
Interac t i v e D V D & Games. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3
Apparel.......... . . .... . ... . . . . ....................84
Bags. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6
Merchandise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7
Plush. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0
Order Forms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3
Adult Items............ . . . . . . . ..............Sealed
It’s hard to believe that the summer is almost over, and that we
have passed one year here at our new facility. Time sure travels
fast, and it seems as though there are never enough hours in the
day. Pretty soon the leaves will start changing! Heck, next year will
be our 20th year - boy, do I feel old.
The anime and manga market continues to mature, with lots of new
and interesting titles coming out this fall. The big trend over the
last year or so seems to be TV series sets in thinpak packaging.
We have some of our own series, including Comic Party, His &
Her Circumstances, Gravitation, and Boogiepop Phantom, being
packaged into value priced sets for this holiday season. If you’ve
never checked out these programs, this is a great chance to get a
really good buy on these superb programs! Plus they take up less
space on the shelf!
Personally, I’m just excited about our recent release of Ninja
Nonsense. This show, reviewed by one website as the front-runner
for the best comedy of the year, is just hilarious. We’ve set up a
special website for the series at http://ninja.rightstuf.com - check
it out for details about the show, plus great extras such as avatars,
wallpapers, ringtones, video clips and more!
You can also keep in tune with what’s hot and what’s new in the
world of anime and Manga by checking out our bi-weekly podcast!
These can be subscribed to with iTunes or you can listen to them
on any MP3 player or on your PC. The newest episodes are always
posted to http://www.animetoday.com.
As we look towards 2007, I am pleased to say we’re making progress
on our restoration and impending release of To Heart, which is
discussed herein. This charming show, which is spoofed in the first
episode of Comic Party, is sure to warm the hearts of anyone who
remembers time as a teen. Of course, as I have repeatedly said
before, it has never been a better time to be an anime fan - with
great new anime and manga titles coming every month, it’s a far
cry from when we started back in 1987.
I truly enjoy my visits with fans with the conventions I visit and by
email. A business survives and prospers through the input of its
customers, and we certainly appreciate your business. If you have
any thoughts on what we might do better or any other suggestions,
please feel free to email them to me directly. A great fall and
holiday season to you and your family!
Have a great year!
Best regards,
Shawne Kleckner, CEO/President
Front cover image: Super GALS © 2001 MIHONA FUJII / SHUEISHA • TV TOKYO • GALS! PROJECT. (Coming December 2006)
Back cover image: Ninja Nonsense © 2004 Ryoichi Koga / MediaWorks / Ninin ga Shinobuden Production Committee. (Now Available!)
Contents ©2006 The Right Stuf International, Inc. All rights reserved. Production and Design by Right Stuf International. All images are copyright of their respective owners. Opinions expressed may not be those of The Right Stuf International Inc.,
but instead their overworked Art Department staff. Right Stuf cannot be held responsible for typographical errors. For comments or questions about this publication, please email the company at info@rightstuf.com. Visit us online at www.rightstuf.com
But then came Anime Expo 2006 and everything changed.
After seeing the huge number of fans requesting to see the remainder
of the show and not to mention the numerous emails that kept piling
up in his own inbox requesting we license the remainder of the series,
Shawne had decided to take matters into his own hands. A few
inquiries, an intense series of negotiations, and one contract
later, Super Gals 2 was ours.
The announcement of Right Stuf’s acquisition of Super Gals
Season 2 stunned those at Anime Expo and left many racing
to the nearest computer terminal to add their name to the
growing list of fans pre-ordering the title.
In the midst of setting up last-minute pre-Anime Expo details, I asked Shawne, “So, what’s
the big title you’ve been hinting at for the last two weeks?” He looked at me with a big
grin on his face and told me we’d picked up the elusive second season of Super Gals.
Of course, being the consummate professional that I am, I then asked in a very calm
manner for confirmation. He nodded and, since I am not only a professional but quite the
knowledgeable fangirl, I told him that sounded like a great license – that is, I promptly
shrieked “No way! Seriously?! I love that show!!” and demanded to know the release date
so I could pre-order it the second we finished hauling t-shirts to Shawne’s car.
GAL Power!
Whaaat? You haven’t heard of Super Gals?! *gasp* Put simply,
Super Gals is the story of Ran, stylish gal extraordinaire, and
the crazy exploits she gets up to with her equally chic friends
in Shibuya, Tokyo’s most fashionable district. The show is
alternately hilarious and dramatic, is full of bright colors and
bold character designs, and contains more energy than a mouth
full of Pop Rocks and soda.
Animated by the famous Studio Pierrot, whose animation empire spans everything from
Urusei Yatsura and Fushigi Yuugi to Saiyuki and Naruto, and directed by the eclectic
Tsuneo Kobayashi (Midori Days / The Twelve Kingdoms / Victorian Romance Emma),
Super Gals was destined for great things. Two complete 26 episode seasons were made
and broadcast in Japan from 2001-2003, and the first season was quickly made available
on DVD. But somehow the second season never quite made it off the TV screen - not even
in Japan.
GALs Gotta Have Specifics!
It’s a daunting prospect picking up further seasons of a series that
has been started by another company. Once fans have seen a show a
certain way, they come to expect that the entire series will be completed in
the same manner. This leads to a lot of difficulties when you have a totally
different set of staff and crew working on the same show. Directors tend to
have different viewpoints on the direction of the show and actors different
takes on characters. If fans loved the first version, they’re unlikely to be happy
with any changes to that might occur as the show progresses. So, with this in
mind, we tackled Super Gals Season 2.
We knew that it had already been a huge gap of time since the series had been originally
released on DVD. So, in order to get it into the hands of fans as soon as possible and to
make the show financially viable, we opted to go with a subtitle-only box set release of the
complete second season. Then, in order to maintain series consistency, we hired the same
person who worked on season 1 - renowned translator Shoko Oono. And of course, just
like ADV’s release, Right Stuf’s release will have liner notes to explain all the references,
translating decisions, and in-jokes.
Adding our own Right Stuf touches, the design team is working to create a
box set which echoes ADV’s own box design for the first season. Further,
because Super Gals is a text-heavy show, each episode will have two
available subtitle tracks - one containing both dialogue and on-screen
translations, and one which contains just the dialogue translations. And
since this release is all about the fans, as a special thank you we’ll be
including the names of the first 600 who pre-ordered the set as a special
feature on the DVDs.
GALs in the USA
Super Gals hadn’t even finished airing in Japan before American anime company ADV
Films snapped it up for release in the US. The first volume made its English debut in
September 2003. Five more volumes quickly followed, with the sixth and final volume of the
first season being released in April 2004. The first season had received critical acclaim and
praise, and everyone was really looking forward to the second season. That last volume
had included a preview for episode 27, and it seemed only a matter of time before fans
would find out what was next for the gals of Shibuya.
But then… nothing. The second season seemed to have become an elusive creature. ADV’s
press releases had gone silent regarding further volumes of Super Gals, and the fans
continued to wait. As time went by, the fans began to hound ADV at conventions and in
online forums asking what had happened to their beloved show. Was ADV working on it?
Did they even have the license? Were they at least looking into it? Most importantly, fans
wanted to know, when would they finally be able to see the rest of the series?
Months went by and then the months turned into years. ADV explained
to fans that they did not have the license to the rest of the series, but they
were looking into it. After years of hoping, fans finally came to believe
that the series was stuck in licensing limbo and that ADV would never
license the rest of the show.
We know you’ve waited long enough for this second season to happen,
which is why we’re extremely proud to bring you the Super Gals Season 2: The Heart
of Shibuya box set this December – perfect for a marathon session during a Christmas
candy-fueled all-nighter, or for savoring episode by episode with a hot cup of egg-nog.
Until next spring (when I will have finally found out if Yuya ever succeeds in telling Ran how
he feels about her!),
Lisa Marie
by frame,
lly going through each episode, frame
This is the stage we’re in now – carefu
inspect each
And so in 2006 work finally began!
in the original print. Paying close atten
to restore
and repairing a lot of the problems
magic of the digital world, we’re able
other large debris, and through the
frame for spots, dirt, grit, glue, or any
the video to a virtually spotless condi
one of the more
in the show. This has proven to be
the aforementioned frame jitter seen
nter vertically or horizontally, but they
We’re also working hard to reduce
se many
s that look
difficult aspects of restoration, becau
nd a group of clean, centered frame
also distorted when they were captu
set. It’s not an easy task!
use those to replace the damaged
identical to the damaged frames, and
a bit harder
removed. The frame jitter fixes are
ples of glue and dirt that have been
On these pages, you’ll see a few exam old version and the new side-by-side, the improvement is startling.
to show in print form, but if you watch
Here at Right Stuf, we
being a fan-oriented co de ourselves on
mpany – when we
release a show, we wa
nt to
as we possibly can. Bu present it as well
2004, we were given ou in the summer of
r greatest challenge
yet: To Heart.
For those new to the sho
w, To Heart is a romanc
e series that aired in Jap
It’s based on one of the
an back in early 1999.
most popular Japanese
dating sims of all time:
as you can imagine, the
Aqua Plus’ To Heart. So
series is filled with num
erous pretty girls – but it
the stereotypical traps of
doesn’t get up caught in
modern-day harem anim
e. There is no “spineless
female love interest” here
male lead” or “abusive
. The characters in To Hea
and grow, we get to take
rt have realistic emotion
s, and as they live, love
every step with them.
Unfortunately, while thos
e in Japan already knew
To Heart from the video
was unlikely to have eve
game, our US audience
r heard of the series. In
order to build an audienc
To Heart’s sister series fi
e, we decided to release
rst: Comic Party. Absolut
ely filled with references
Comic Party was a com
and cameos to To Heart,
edy series that mainstream
successful in the States.
fans could easily identify
Finally, we knew the time
with, and it became very
was right to bring To Hea
anime fans everywhere
! There was just one little
problem… the video qua to English-speaking
received was so poor that
lity of the masters we
we simply couldn’t release
Although most anime toda
y is sketched and then
scanned into computers
Heart was created befo
re the big digital revolutio
and stored digitally, To
n – it was sketched and
painted cels and capture
d completely on film. Afte
r all the capture was don traced onto handand spliced, or glued, all
of the various pieces of
film together to create the the editor stepped in
It was a pretty regular proc
final version of the show.
ess in the animation indu
stry back then.
Unfortunately for To Hea
rt, two things happened
during this process. First
weren’t aligned properly
, sometimes the cels
when they were being
seems to move or jitter
slightly on-screen. Second tured to film… which means that the image
, the adhesive used duri
seems to have been rath
ng the splicing process
er inexpertly applied, and
blobs of white along the
thus every time a scene
changes, there are gian
top or bottom of the fram
e. This looks like damage
glue they used to patch
the film back together!
d film, but it’s actually the
Of course, then there are
also all the typical prob
time, the film itself begins
to degrade, forming visib associated with shows produced on film: over
le spots, along with a buil
d up of dust and dirt.
One of the best ways to
repair all of these issues
quickly learned that that
to do a complete film rest
would be impossible –
oration. However, we
the original To Heart film
years ago, so the materia
masters were destroyed
ls we had now were all
we were going to get. Unw
search for a way to rest
ore the video began.
illing to settle, our
One of the most time-con
suming parts of the To Hea
rt restoration project was
actual restoration at all
– it was finding a good
n’t the
way to restore the video
place! Without the original
in the first
film source, all the correcti
done digitally. There’s a
ons were going to have
lot of great video restorat
ion software out there use be
Hollywood studios – but
d by big
studio could pay. Cheape rtunately they have price tags that only a big Holl
r programs could fix som
e of the issues, but wou
cause washed out colo
ld also
r or video distortion. We
didn’t want to trade one
problems for another.
set of
But after a long search,
the solution was found!
We came across a grea
suite that would require
t soft
us to do a bit more by han
was just what we were
d, but the output was clea ware
looking for.
n, which
the first fully-restored episode of To
judge! This past August, we debuted
Well, that’s up to you – the fans – to
next spring, you’ll be just as pleased.
Otakon to much success; and we hope
next spring, anime fans!
this release is ready to go, so see you
We’ll be glued to our computers until
Judy DeFrieze
Assistant Producer
printed catalog, this means that we
have to charge a small fee for it (but
don’t you think it’s worth it?) However,
you can get your money right back by
using the $4 off coupon on page 91!
(Not to mention the tons of other great
coupons back there.)
This title has not been rated.
Generally acceptable for children.
No nudity. Possible mild violence.
12+ 13+
May contain violence, brief
nudity, and/or mild language.
May suggest sexual situations,
but no situations are shown.
Parental discretion advised.
Extreme violence, explicit nudity,
and/or extreme language may
be contained in the picture. May
contain sexually explicit material.
Absolutely not for anyone under
18 years of age.
Please note: Ratings used within our
system are oftentimes provided by the
manufacturer of the product. Because
of the differences in ratings used by
these companies, we have combined
their systems, with the descriptions
of the ratings listed above. Right Stuf
does not set ratings (except for its
own products) and is not responsible
for errors, omissions, or inaccurate
ratings. These ratings are guidelines
only, and are subject to change.
Running Time / Video Length
Next to the age rating of each
item, you will see the approximate
running time listed for each video.
Depending on the manufacturer,
running times may or may not
include extra bonus features such
as previews. A N/A indicates that the
running time is not available.
Edited and Uncut
Although many fans screech in horror
at the very thought of altering the
original Japanese version of a show,
for a series to make it to American TV
(or even into some retail stores) they
must often be edited. This means that
scenes containing nudity, excessive
violence, blood, and foul language
are altered or even totally removed.
Anime purists may want the original
in all its glory, but parents of young
TV viewers do not. Manufacturers
recognized this and often release
both the Edited (TV Version) and the
Uncut (Original Version) of the show.
Closed Captioning (CC)
While most DVDs these days have
subtitling, not all have Closed
Captioning (CC). For those titles
which we know have this feature, we
have listed CC in the line containing
the item’s part number.
Release Dates
If an item has not yet been released
at the time of this catalog’s printing,
you may see a release date listed for
the item. However, manufacturers can
(and often do) change these release
dates due to production delays. If you
are ordering an item with a release
date and are concerned whether this
item is on schedule, please feel free to
check the item’s release date through
its online listing, contact Customer
Service at 1-800-338-6827, or
even email Customer Service at
The digital “mosaic” effect is
sometimes placed over the relevant
bits during a particularly adult
sequence prior to the title being
exported from Japan. When we are
aware that a particular volume or
title has this effect, we’ll mark it as
Mosaic in the volume listing.
This means Original Video Animation.
In normal terms, this means a direct
to video release.
Essential Anime / Anime Legends /
Signature Series Editions
On certain DVDs from ADV Films,
Bandai, and Geneon Entertainment,
you will see them marked as
“Essential Anime,” “Anime Legends”,
or “Signature Series.” These are rereleases of the original DVDs at lower
prices. However, these new versions
may or may not include all of the
features that were found on the
original release. If you are concerned
that the DVD you are considering
buying might not contain the features
that you’re looking for, please feel
free to contact Customer Service or
check the item’s listing through our
online store.
A UMD, or Universal Media Disc, is a
format designed specifically to play
on Sony’s PlayStation Portable (PSP)
video game system. These discs
cannot currently be played by any
other system.
Why do you charge for your catalog?
Unfortunately, paper does cost
money. In order to keep producing a
When does your next catalog come out?
Why, every spring and fall!
Where are the Adult products?
Since our catalog is delivered to
anime fans of all ages, we’ve taken
special precautions to ensure
the younger fans are not exposed
to products that contain explicit
violence, adult situations, or sexual
content (18+). Products of this
nature have been placed in a special
section just for adults. Please feel
free to remove this section - it really
won’t hurt our feelings.
Please be aware that this does not
mean that all items in the regular
sections are intended for young
children. To help parents, we’ve taken
special care to make sure that products
are marked with age ratings.
What’s this “Got Anime” thing?
An easy way to get an additional
discount on your favorite anime items.
For a small yearly membership fee
you get additional discounts, a Got
Anime bumper sticker, newsletters
and members only specials! Read
more about the Got Anime Purchasing
Club on page 8. Please note that
international members of the Club
will no longer receive mailings, due
to postage cost.
Memberships are non-transferable,
and will remain with the billing address
of your account. If you move, please
make sure to contact us with your
updated information, so that we can
update your membership information.
Why don’t you carry that many imports?
Limited availability of imports and
lack of timely distribution of such
overseas items make it difficult to
provide quality imports on a timely
basis. We are continuously scouring
the market to find a stable way to
bring imports to our customers and
hope to do so in the future.
Why don’t you have <Title Here>
Audio Soundtrack CD from Japan?
Um...I know I’m getting bad at
geography, but I’m pretty sure that’s
an import - see above question
regarding imports. You also might
want to check our Soundtracks
section because a number of titles
are now being released domestically.
I really want to learn Japanese...
What resources do you have?
Tons! Right Stuf now has an entire
section dedicated to helping our
customers learn about Japan and the
Japanese language! Whether you’re
just starting out, or you’re ready
to move onto the next level, make
sure to check out our “Language/
Culture Books” section on page 37.
It includes everything from textbooks
and workbooks to memory aids and
intermediate readers!
On the Web: www.rightstuf.com.
By E-Mail: info@rightstuf.com
By Fax: (515) 986-1129
(Please use FINE mode)
By Mail:
The Right Stuf International
PO Box 680
Grimes, IA 50111
Our friendly Customer Service
department can be reached by phone
8am to 5pm Central Standard Time
(CST) Monday through Friday at:
By Phone:
Domestic (US): 1-800-338-6827
International: (515) 986-1028
Please don’t email your order, it’s
very unsecure and someone could
steal your credit card number.
Can I get a new order form?
You can give us the information on
the form or on any scrap of paper.
As long as we can read it, you are
fine (hieroglyphics just wasn’t our
specialty in any life). You can also
print one from our online pdf at:
How can I check on my order?
If you placed your order through our
online store (www.rightstuf.com) you
can check your order status when
you login. Otherwise, simply call our
friendly Customer Service people
at 1-800-338-6827 or email us at
How long is a typical item “out of stock” for?
With a few exceptions, DVD delays
can be measured in days. There are
some freak delays, but 2-4 weeks is
usually a safe figure. However, please
keep in mind that some items are
directly imported from Japan, and
may be in short supply even there,
and should the vendor be out of
stock at the time of our re-supply
order with them, it may be a bit
longer. We keep thousands of items
in stock, and our computer system
automatically adjusts stock levels
based on demand.
Can I use my coupons for an online order?
Yes, you can. Simply use the Coupon
Code that is on your coupon when you
place your online order. You can only
use one coupon per order and only
one catalog coupon per customer.
Can I order online Daily Deals or Special
Pre-Order Discounted items through the
mail or over the phone?
Sorry, but these special offers are
only available through our online
store at www.rightstuf.com and if you
check in often enough, you might find
some amazing deals online!
How many coupons can I use?
You can only use one coupon per
order and some coupons can only
be used through our online store.
Please see coupon details for
specific restrictions.
Do I need to add sales tax?
Only if you happen to live in Iowa.
If I move, should I inform you?
Certainly a good idea (Right Stuf
would be the FIRST notice I’d send if
I were you), especially if you want to
keep getting stuff from us. Just drop
us a quick note, giving us your old
address, and your new address, so
that we can update our records.
I saw a coupon on the internet, can I use it?
Some coupons and short term deals,
such as “Shawne’s Daily Deals”, can
only be used through our website and
cannot be honored for mail-in orders.
This is generally due to specific date
or manufacturer requirements which
cannot be imposed on mail-in orders.
Please review the specific restrictions
of the coupon to see if it can be
applied to your mail-in order.
I saw a special deal / daily deal on the
website, can I put it on my mail-in order?
See coupon explanation above.
Why do you hold my order for 18 days
when I pay by check?
Even with all this cool technology, not
all banks are utilizing Check21, and
so checks can still require at least 18
days to clear. In a perfect world, this
would not be so.
What’s this NSF charge?
“Non-Suf ficient Funds” means,
in English, your check bounced.
This is bad. We will charge you for
this. There is a $25 charge for all
returned checks.
Do you take Discover / VISA /
MasterCard / American Express ?
Yes to all. About the only plastic that
we don’t take are standard ATM and
gasoline cards.
If I order using a credit card,
when do you charge it?
Credit cards (by law in our state,
actually) get charged only when the
product actually ships. Unless there’s
some freaky deposit problem, that’s
the only time.
I’m an international customer.
What’s with this extra data you need?
With international mail and credit card
fraud becoming a growing problem,
we felt it was better to ask you for
additional information rather than
charge everyone outside the country
a lot more for their stuff. For first
time orders only, we require a copy
of some form of address verification
which shows your address along
with a photocopy of BOTH the FRONT
AND BACK side of your credit card.
For security purposes you may black
out one set of digits. Upon request,
Right Stuf can provide a secure
website location for our international
customers to submit this information.
This policy only affects first-time
international customers; however,
should your address or credit card
information change, we will re-request
this information in order to protect
you and to update our records. This
policy is in place to help keep credit
card fraud to a minimum and to
ensure that our customers have the
utmost security when ordering with
our company.
How long does it take to ship an order?
From the time we receive the order
and place it in our system, standard
processing time to ship it is 24-48
hours. If some of the items are on
back order, it can take an average
of 10-14 business days for us to
receive the back-ordered items.
Then standard processing time goes
into effect.
What are your methods of shipping?
Please see our order form for details
and prices.
Are there more shipping options available?
Additional shipping options are
available for orders placed by
phone or through our online store
How much is the shipping charge for
prepacks/box sets?
Shipping is simple: use the amount
for a SINGLE item.
I’m not at home during the day.
Can you ship to my office?
Certainly (in fact, we prefer to do
this to ensure that you actually get
your stuff), but please give us all the
information that you can, including
the name of the company, so that
your friendly delivery person can get
your package to you. We require that
you include the business’ name in
the address. We are happy to work
with you to get the product to you as
quickly as possible. Unfortunately
for American Express cardholders,
American Express’ own restriction
policies will not allow this. You could
also choose to have the product
shipped to you by mail instead. Please
note, this policy applies only to our
domestic customers; for International
customers, we must ship to the billing
address on your credit card.
I chose express delivery and my order
still took 2 weeks to arrive. Why?
You must have ordered a product
that we didn’t have in stock at the
time that we received your order.
If an item is out of stock when we
receive your order, we still ship it
out by express delivery the moment
we receive it from the manufacturer.
Although we do keep significant stock
on the items in our catalog, there are
times when there may be delays
getting items from the manufacturer,
as discussed above.
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
than happy to replace the product.
Unopened DVDs and VHS can be
returned for Right Stuf store credit (or
in the case of credit cards, refunded to
the issuing card.) All returns/refunds
must be processed within thirty (30)
days of the date on your purchase
invoice. If you need to complete
a return/refund, please obtain a
return authorization number from
Customer Service at 800-338-6827
or visit our online request form at:
Do I have to pay shipping to return a
Yes, but we will pay the shipping to
send the replacement back to you.
We suggest using the least expensive
shipping method available. Should an
item have accidently been shipped to
you which you did not order, we will
reimburse your shipping costs to
return the item to us.
The packaging said it would include
<special item>, but mine doesn’t have it!
Unfortunately, we have no control
over what the manufacturers decide
to place inside of their products.
Sometimes the manufacturers do
provide special extras, but we cannot
guarantee that these items will be
inside of the products that we receive.
However, should the item not be in
your DVD, we would suggest that you
contact the manufacturer directly.
Of course, we are always happy to
forward your request on for you!
I saw this show that I think might have
been Japanese Animation. Do you have it?
We get questions like this all the time
in the company email box. If you can
give us enough information, someone
can usually identify the program.
Please understand, though, that if
you ask us about something where
“there’s a girl who’s like a magic user,
a guy with a sword who has big hair,
and a villain who wants to take over
the universe, and I think there are
some cat girls in it” there’s a problem.
This describes about half the films
ever made. Also, knowing what a
series or movie is doesn’t mean that
it’s available in the US as a licensed
product, but it’s likely that it is.
Why isn’t <title here> available in the US?
You might be surprised to find out
how much of anime is available
in the US. Of the few titles that
remain unlicensed, some titles have
their rights disputed, or licensors
want more money than a title can
possibly generate in this market,
and, of course, some are currently in
negotiation. With the exception of a
few TV series (which are a different
matter entirely, due to their length),
this just about covers it. We do not sell
fan subs of non-licensed products, or
pirated copies of licensed titles.
When I got my <insert title here>, it was
bad. What do I do?
If your merchandise is defective due to
a flaw in manufacturing, we are more
Can I special order items that are not on
the website?
Simply put. If it isn’t on our website,
we can’t get it.
What happens if my country will not allow
me to have this sort of DVD / My order
was seized by the border ... what now?
Sorry. Please consult with the postal
authorities of your country prior to
placing an order for adult items. We
will not be responsible for seized
shipments, and cannot provide
refunds for seized products.
What are some good shows for children?
Although this is truly a matter of
personal preference, we recommend
Totoro, Kiki’s, Pokemon, Kimba, Flint:
Time Detective, and Astro Boy for
young anime fans. You might also
consider the Sanrio titles like Hello
Kitty. Look for the “ALL” age rating in
item listings for child-friendly titles.
What’s the most horrible, tasteless adult
anime you offer?
That really depends largely on the
person you ask. Some would say
Cool Devices and Night Shift Nurses,
others Love Doll and Bible Black.
These titles are certainly not for the
squeamish, and are most definitely
only for adults. Look for them in the
Adult catalog.
What is Region Coding?
Region coding is a geographical
restriction for DVDs and players
that allow for licensing of specific
materials within different areas, or
Regions, of the world. Since DVD
players are region specific, you
need to make sure that the DVD
you purchase is coded for the same
region as your player.
What region is your DVD player?
If you purchased your player from a
retail outlet in the US, it should be
Region 1. You can check the Region
coding on your DVD by looking for the
Region Code symbol on either the
silkscreen or the packaging.
Region Coding List:
1 - United States of America,
2 - Europe, including France,
Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Arabia,
Japan and South Africa
3 - Korea, Thailand, Vietnam,
Borneo and Indonesia
4 - Australia and New Zealand,
Mexico, the Caribbean, and
South America
5 - India, Africa, Russia and former
USSR countries
6 - People’s Republic of China
What Region are your DVDs?
We primarily carry Region 1 Discs.
However, we do have a small handful
of DVD titles that are multi-region
and even Region-free. We’ve tried to
mark them where possible.
Why is THIS DVD better than THAT DVD?
Like many things, it’s the talent of
the people who did the mastering.
Although the format supports a very
high quality image, the preparation
of the material determines how good
the final will actually look.
Can my DVD play in a Playstation?
It depends on the DVD. There have
been instances of some DVDs having
difficulty playing. While the vast
majority will work just fine, we cannot
guarantee all anime DVDs will play
correctly on your Playstation.
15+, 16+, 17+
Strong violence and strong
language. Prevalent nudity may be
contained within the picture. Mild
sexual situations may be shown.
Although DVDs allow for the possibility
of dual language anime, it is not
always possible to license a title for
dual language release in the States.
So, you end up with manufacturers
releasing Subtitle Only (SUB ONLY)
or English Dubbed Only (DUB ONLY)
DVDs. Subtitled DVDs display the
dialogue on the bottom of the screen
while the actual voices are still in
Japanese. Dubbed means the music
(probably) is intact, but the voices have
been redone in English. In our online
system, you will note that subtitled
is represented by (S) and dubbed is
represented by (D). You might also
see (Hyb) which means that both the
subtitled and dubbed versions are
available on the same DVD.
I went to your online store and I wanted to
order, but I don’t have a credit card? Help!
Should you prefer to flip through
the online store to select items,
you can actually use it to place an
order by mail! Simply select all of
the items you want and place them
in your cart. When you proceed to
checkout, make sure to choose
the “faxed or mailed order” option.
This will generate a printed form
with everything already added up
for you (no more calculators!) Just
print this form and mail it in with
your payment. Although you can use
the online store to generate your
order, nothing will be recorded by
our system so make sure that you
don’t lose your form or you’ll have
to re-enter everything all over again!
Please note that online coupons are
not valid on mail-in orders.
Ratings System
To benefit our customers, we have
implemented a rating system for
many of our products based on our
staff’s knowledge of each title’s
content, as well as input from the
various anime suppliers.
Will I get your next catalog?
If you’ve ordered something from
us in the last 6 months, you will
automatically receive the new catalog
when it is shipped. If not, you may
find that you’ll stop receiving catalogs
(and you will have to send us the
current catalog fee to reactivate your
catalog status).
How can I contact you?
Contact us day or night 7 days a
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Vol. 1: Warrior Reborn
13+ • #FUN08222 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Grappler vs Gripper
13+ • #FUN08225 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Jungle Warfare
13+ • #FUN08226 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Tough Love
13+ • #FUN08228 • 70 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Young Champion
13+ • #FUN08232 • 70 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: King Hanma
13+ • #FUN08234 • 70 mins • $26.98
Vol. 7: The Hunted
13+ • #FUN08236 • 70 mins • $26.98
Vol. 8: A Brother’s War
13+ • #FUN08238 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 9: Illegal Tactics
13+ • #FUN08242 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 10 Released 11/14/06
13+ • #FUN08244 • 100 mins • $22.48
In a cruel twist of fate, Shin Kazama
is tricked into serving as a mercenary
for Area 88: a hell on earth where men
survive by gunning down anyone who
stands in their way. To return home,
Shin must sell his soul to the battlefield
and pave the road back to Japan with
the corpses of his fallen opponents.
With your annual membership fee, you get:
• An additional 10% off our already low prices!*
• A copy of the latest catalog and newsletters on the latest releases. **
• Members-only special promotions not available anywhere else!
• A membership card
So, how does this all work? Simple: to order an annual
membership, select the proper type of Got Anime membership
below and write it on your order form just like any other
product. Once we receive your order, we’ll send you an official
card with your own membership number! Make sure to use
your number whenever you order and mark your Got Anime
discount on the order form!
Want to use your membership right now?
If you’re ordering other products at the same time you’re
purchasing your membership, simply enter “newmember”
for your member number. Your permanent number will be
sent with your order.
13+ • #DAEO001 • 195 mins • $26.98
In the year 2005, a computer virus
called “Pluto Kiss” destroyed the
networks of computers all around the
world. As free access to the networks
recovered, people became crazed
over a full-immersion virtual gaming
environment called “The World.” But
when reality and virtual reality collide,
a mysterious accident leaves Wave
Master Tsukasa permanently logged in.
Anime Legends Collection
13+ • #AV80262 • 675 mins • $44.98
Catalog #:
Your Cost:
Catalog #:
Your Cost:
Catalog #:
Your Cost:
It has been four years since the
incident in .hack//SIGN. Many of those
who witnessed it no longer come to
“The World.” It is a different place. A
safer place. Shugo and his twin sister
Rena have won a very special prize in a
contest - they get to use the character
likenesses of the legendary Kite and
Black Rose. Unusual things keep
happening around them, but they’re
too busy having fun to really worry. It’s
probably nothing. Probably...
Complete Collection
13+ • #AV80266 • 325 mins • $35.98
Vol. 1 Released 2/6/07
13+ • #IN032 • 100 mins • $22.48
Figuring Out Your Discount
Need to Renew Your Membership?
Don’t miss out on the great anime benefits
that the Got Anime Club brings you - renew
your membership for another year today!
1. US Customers • $12.00
Catalog #: gotanimerenew
2. Canadian Customers • $12.00
Catalog #: gotanimerenewc
3. International Customers • $12.00
Catalog #: gotanimerenewi
*Remember, discount applies only to our everyday low price and excludes specially imported items, gift certificates, and magazine subscriptions.
Prepacks, Closeouts, Website Specials or Bargain Bin ($5–6) products which are already heavily discounted cannot be futher discounted using
your membership. If in doubt, you can check the Got Anime Store at www.gotanime.com or call our friendly customer service at 1-800-338-6827.
**Members outside the US will not receive mailings, due to postage costs.
Once upon a time, there was one
very unlucky young man. No job, no
girlfriend, no sense of direction. But one
day, after failing another job interview,
a street fortune teller informs him his
luck will soon change. Who would ever
believe that three pretty girls would just
suddenly appear in his room?
Complete Collection
13+ • #AV23005 • 325 mins • $44.98
12 year old Misaki Suzuhara is
enthralled with the latest trend: Angelic
Layer, a game where players battle it
out by mentally controlling dolls known
as “Angels.” Encouraged by a strange
man named Icchan, Misaki creates
her own Angel, Hikaru, and enters a
local tournament. But will Misaki get
the hang of the game fast enough to
advance? Thinpak edition.
Box Set
13+ • #DALBX2 • 650 mins • $44.98
>OVA 1
Kuromi just landed her dream job at
the famous animation studio Petit, and
boy is she in for a rude awakening! As
the new head of the ultimate team of
slackers, it’s up to her to finish “Time
Journeys Episode 2,” or fans everywhere
will be let down. Will Kuromi’s love of
cartoons clean up this horrible mess...
or make an even bigger one?
13+ • #USMD2334 • 40 mins • $8.99
>OVA 2
Kuromi is more determined than ever to
make it in the anime business. But all
hell breaks loose when the boss quits
smoking just when the workload bursts
Astro Boy
In an effort to learn more about the
aliens that have been plaguing the
planet for years, Dr. Noguchi and his
assistants, Maki Agata and Takuto
Kenishiro, examine the remains of
a scavenged alien. However, in the
process of reviving the monster, aptly
named “Frank,” rogue soldiers invade
the Morgue facility, inadvertently killing
both Dr. Noguchi and Maki, while leaving
Takuto scarred and heartbroken.
Anime Legends Collection
13+ • #AV80265 • 650 mins • $44.98
In the year 2000, Dr. Boynton creates a
super-robot in his deceased son’s image.
He calls the robot Astro Boy. Astro Boy
can swim oceans, leap over mountains,
and even fly into space on his own power.
However, Astro Boy can’t replace his son.
Dr. Boynton becomes dissatisfied with
the boy robot and disowns him. Astro Boy
is then befriended by Dr. Packadermus
J. Elefun of the Institute of Science,
who guides him through his adventures.
Endowed with super strength, rocketpowered flight, a selfless heart and a
kind demeanor, Astro Boy fights a neverending crusade against the forces of evil!
Each Ultra Set contains 52 episodes
of the original 1963 US series, fully
restored; and includes extras such as:
interviews with series producer Fred Ladd;
select original Japanese episodes (with
English subtitles); original character and
merchandise galleries; and collector’s
booklets featuring episode guides and
articles on the history of Astro Boy!
Ultra Box Set 1 Limited Edition (11 Disc Set)
ALL • #RSDVD2013 • DUB ONLY • 1200 mins • $116.99
Ultra Box Set 2 Limited Edition (11 Disc Set)
ALL • #RSDVD2014 • DUB ONLY • 1200 mins • $116.99
1. Add up the total cost of all of your items*
2. Multiply this sum by 0.10
3. Enter this amount on your order form in the
Got Anime Discount box. That’s it! You’re done!
One of the very first anime series ever
created, Astro Boy is back and better
than ever! This second DVD collection
covers the final 52 episodes, restored
to pristine detail, and includes a ton of
amazing extras like deleted scenes, a
special 24-page Collector’s Booklet,
PLUS an entire DVD full of bonus
material, including Japanese episode
#193 - the final episode, never before
seen in the US!
Ultra Box Set 2 Limited Edition (11 Disc Set)
ALL • #RSDVD2014 • DUB ONLY • 1200 mins • $116.99
In Miss Yukari’s English class, every day
is an adventure. First off, there’s the
teacher herself. A bit of an airhead, she
may have graduated from high school,
but she sure hasn’t left. And with the
arrival of not one, but two transfer
students - one ten-year-old prodigy and
one space cadet - it’s going to be an
interesting year! Thinpak edition.
Box Set
13+ • #DAZBX2 • 650 mins • $62.98
Feeling his training to be the strongest
fighter in the world is going nowhere,
Baki Hanma quits his program, believing
that the only coach he needs is himself.
Baki stumbles on his first step into this
Eureka Seven
new world. Will he learn from his errors
and achieve his potential?
13+ • #USMD2489 • 45 mins • $17.99
out of control. Can Kuromi overcome
this almost insurmountable obstacle?
Everyone knows about Boogiepop:
meet her one dark night and you’ll
disappear... People tell each other the
stories and laugh, but no one truly
believes that she exists in this day and
age... The glass shatters. Time stands
still. Five years ago, a string of grisly
murders shook the city to its core... and
now, in the present, psychic echoes
reverberate... Thinpak edition. Includes
the entire TV series and the live action
Boogiepop and Others movie.
Box Set Released 10/31/06
15+ • #RSDVD2019 • 360 mins • $44.99
Just another love story? No way! After
ages of hearing about what girls have
to say about relationships, Boys Be...
steps forward to reveal the flip side
of love - what’s really going on from
a guy’s point of view! Meet Kyoichi,
Makoto and Yoshihiko - three normal
high school guys with just one thing on
their minds: girls.
Vol. 1: Spring
13+ • #RSDVD8051 • 75 mins • $26.99
Vol. 1: Spring + Artbox
13+ • #RSDVD8050 • 75 mins • $35.96
Vol. 2: Summer
13+ • #RSDVD8052 • 100 mins • $26.99
Vol. 3: Autumn
13+ • #RSDVD8053 • 75 mins • $26.99
Vol. 4: Winter
13+ • #RSDVD8054 • 75 mins • $26.99
Gen is a cheerful elementary school
student living in Japan during World
War II. Even through years of living
with difficult wartime rationing and
impoverished conditions, Gen and his
family have managed to maintain a
relatively normal and happy life. All that
is about to change when an atomic
bomb destroys their city in an instant.
Contains movies 1 and 2.
13+ • #PD12801 • SUB ONLY • 170 mins • $26.98
When honor means nothing and power is
everything, can love survive? A legendary
pair of rival ninja clans battle to end
years of slaughter as a forbidden love
struggles to prevail. Fate will decide if
the ultimate declaration must be made:
To the one I love... prepare to die.
Vol. 1
15+ • #FUN08502 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2
15+ • #FUN08504 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3 Released 11/14/06
15+ • #FUN08506 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 1 Released 1/23/07
13+ • #IN027 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 1 Released 1/9/07
13+ • #IN000 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 1 Released 11/14/06
13+ • #FUN05891 • 100 mins • $26.98
Ichigo Kurosaki has always been able
to see ghosts, but he never imagined
he’d be fighting them! When his family
is attacked by a Hollow, a malevolent
spirit that preys on human souls, Ichigo
teams up with a Soul Reaper named
Rukia to save them. Injured during the
battle, Rukia lends her powers to Ichigo
to finish off the monster. Now, while
Rukia heals, Ichigo must take her place
as a substitute Soul Reaper in order
to protect the innocent from Hollows
intent on killing them.
Box Set
16+ • #PD12537 • 405 mins • $40.48
Carrying on his deceased father and
brother’s will, Manabu Yuuki joins the
Space Defense Force to protect the
safety of the Galaxy Railways. The fleet
transports countless galactic citizens
from one planet to the next, protected
by the SDF against terrorists, meteor
storms, and malicious alien life. These
are the stories of those that travel the
Galaxy Railways system and the people
that are sworn to protect it.
Vol. 1: Ahead Full!
13+ • #FUN05852 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: His Father’s Son
13+ • #FUN05854 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: The Vastness Within
13+ • #FUN05856 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Leaps of Faith
13+ • #FUN05858 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Manabu’s Decision
13+ • #FUN05862 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: Eternal Hope
13+ • #FUN05864 • 100 mins • $26.98
Curiosity is part of any 10-year-old’s
life, but Sakura just broke the seal on
a magical book and released all of the
mischievous spirits imprinted on the
cards inside! Kero, the Guardian of the
Clow Cards, is horrified to find all of the
cards gone and tells Sakura she must
become the Cardcaptor and retrieve
them! Uncut version.
Box Set 1: Clow (eps 1-35)
16+ • #PD12612 • SUB ONLY • 875 mins • $89.98
Box Set 2: Sakura (eps 36-70)
16+ • #PD12613 • SUB ONLY • 875 mins • $89.98
Vol. 1: Death’s Angel
14+ • #FUN07722 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: A New Tokyo
14+ • #FUN07724 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: East Meets West
14+ • #FUN07726 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Hired Gun
14+ • #FUN07728 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Line in the Sand
14+ • #FUN07732 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: Guardian Angel
14+ • #FUN07734 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 1: The Investigation is Afoot
13+ • #FUN07836 • 225 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: In Hot Pursuit
13+ • #FUN07838 • 150 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Ill-fated Imposters
13+ • #FUN07794 • 150 mins • $26.98
From Leiji Matsumoto! Warrior Zero, a
battle-weary admiral, lost his reason
for living during the war for Earth. Now
Jimmy Kudo is a cocky teenage
detective, known far and wide for his
crime solving skills. While working a
particularly gruesome case, Kudo is
attacked in the darkness by two strange
men and force-fed an experimental
drug. The strong poison renders him
unconscious, and when he awakens he
is horrified to find that he is trapped in
his boyhood form!
Vol. 1 Released 11/29/06
13+ • #DBH01 • 100 mins • $22.48
When Yuji, a high school teenager,
discovers that he has a new incurable
virus, he’s left with only one option:
undergo artificial hibernation and hope
that the future holds a cure. But when
Yuji awakens, the world he knew is
gone. While he’s been sleeping, the
Earth has been taken over by BLUE, a
mysterious creature that eats anything
for food - including human beings.
Now, Yuji must fight not only for his
own survival, but for that of the entire
human race! Contains the entire Blue
Gender TV series and the Blue Gender
Movie: The Warrior.
Complete Collection
13+ • #FUN05250 • 631 mins • $53.98
Boogipop Phantom
A new law’s been passed. Ordinary
folks are now allowed to carry firearms;
shoot, they’re even legally allowed to
use ’em. You might think that crime
would increase, but the arrest rate’s
gone down. After all, the only prison a
dead man needs is a hole in the ground.
It’s hard to tell if she’s from Heaven or
Hell, but an angel’s just come to Earth.
She’s an enigma, but with her partners
Sei, Amy, and Meg, she’s the best
chance this town’s got. Her name’s Jo.
And there’s a new sheriff in town.
serving the mechanized victors, Zero
carries out his orders without the will
to resist. Then he receives a mission
unlike any other: travel to the farthest
reaches of the universe to hunt down
a single wanted man, a mysterious
space pirate and his former best
friend, Captain Herlock.
Here it is, your perfect gift of horror
for Halloween! On October 31st, get
the full Boogiepop Phantom anime
TV series along with the Boogiepop &
Others live-action film in a single great
box set! If you’re a horror or mystery
fan, you’ll be blown away by this dark
and grisly tale of murder, government
conspiracy, and evil!
Box Set Released 10/31/06
15+ • #RSDVD2019 • 360 mins • $44.99
How can blood from one victim,
murdered on the street, wind up on
the wall of an abandoned building, the
railing of a rooftop, and broken glass of
an upper apartment window?
Vol. 1: Truth About Revenge
13+ • #FUN07824 • 75 mins • $17.98
Vol. 2: Knight Baron Mystery
13+ • #FUN07826 • 75 mins • $17.98
Vol. 3: Triple Threat
13+ • #FUN07828 • 75 mins • $17.98
Vol. 4: Phantom Thief Kid
13+ • #FUN07832 • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 5: Covering Up
13+ • #FUN07834 • 75 mins • $17.98
13+ • #FUN07790 • 95 mins • $22.48
Three young girls, strangers to each
other, share an instinctual passion
and talent for music. Brought together
from distinctly different worlds, the
three meet by chance at the concert
of their idol, the glamorous and
sophisticated prodigy of an illustrious
music school. The concert strikes
a chord in each of their hearts and
unites them with a common dream of
stardom. Thinpak edition.
Complete Collection
13+ • #DTRBX1 • 325 mins • $40.48
Box Set
16+ • #PD12624 • 675 mins • $89.98
The year is 1928. Jazz is hot, bootleg
liquor is king and the idle rich of a
nation have discovered a horrifying
new pastime: summoning demons! To
combat this growing threat, a new order
of Holy Warriors has arisen. This is the
story of Sister Rosette, an elite Exorcist
in the Order of Magdalene, whose soul
has been bound by alchemy to that of
the devil Chrono. Armed with sacred
ammo, Rosette and Chrono form an
unstoppable team, ready to wage war at
a moment’s notice... because when the
gates of hell are opened, someone has
to put the devils back! Thinpak edition.
Complete Collection
14+ • #DCHCBX2 • 600 mins • $80.98
Vol. 1
13+ • #AV23330 • 225 mins • $35.98
Destiny or delusion? It’s a hilarious
rollercoaster of laughter and confusion
when Taishi, the ultimate otaku, drags
his friend Kazuki into the swirling world
of ambition, hatred, and love - the world
of fan comics! Poor clueless Kazuki
must sink or swim when he’s dumped
straight into the middle of a massive
comic convention. Lost amidst hoards
of buyers, sellers, and cosplayers,
Kazuki is about to be baptized by fire,
all in order to lead him toward his true
calling: to take over the world through
fan comics! Thinpak edition.
Box Set
13+ • #RSDVD2017 • 463 mins • $44.99
Kazuki and Mizuki are college
students immersing themselves in the
otaku subculture. Kazuki has grown
more confident in his abilities as a
doujinshi (amateur comic) artist, but
will all of the girls distract him or help
him succeed? And what of Taishi’s
plans for world domination?
Vol. 1: Let’s Get this Party Started!
13+ • #DCMP001 • 125 mins • $26.98
Chako and her fellow students are barely
able to keep their Cosplay Club alive.
But don’t underestimate this group of
spunky girls! They’ll survive a barrage
of pervy newcomers, cosplay rivalries,
costume disasters and dating mishaps
in order to compete in the World Series.
17+ • #DCX001 • 75 mins • $22.48
An industrial disaster in the Other
World has unleashed a gargantuan
monster, and the Z fighters are taking
action! Janemba’s arrival has thrown
the dimensions into turmoil, leaving the
door between worlds gaping open, and
the dead are rising from their graves.
To combat this juggernaut, Goku must
power up to his rare Super Saiyan 3
form, but shockingly, the move is not
enough! Uncut version.
13+ • #FUN03876 • 55 mins • $22.48
Complete Collection
14+ • #DCHSBX2 • 325 mins • $40.48
The Wind Gang is a group of clockwork
and steam controllers who believe
in using their creations in battle to
violently create the new Industrial Era.
They attack the peaceful village of
a young clockwork controller named
Hiwou one day and completely destroy
it. Hiwou and his friends escape with a
giant clockwork doll named Homura.
Together they begin a journey to find his
father and restore peace to the land.
Elemental Gelade
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
A white prince gives Hibari a PataPi, a
mechanical pet that goes beyond just
a kid’s toy - this pet has extraordinary
powers. When a mysterious black
prince tries to steal her prized pet,
Hibari forms the Cyber Team with other
PataPi owners. Together they’ll try to
solve the mystery! Thinpak edition.
Box Set
13+ • #DCTABX1 • 650 mins • $44.98
Long ago, an evil magician used his
powers to bring a statue to life - creating
the terrible monster, Hirudegarn! It was
only through the use of two magic
whistles that Hirudegarn was defeated
and peace retuned to the galaxy. But
when a mysterious stranger named
Hoy arrives on Earth with the secret of
Hirudegarn’s revival, the Z fighters must
turn to Tapion himself to answer Hoy’s
dangerous threats. Uncut version.
13+ • #FUN03878 • 55 mins • $22.48
Playing a baseball game with his
friends Yuka and Kohei, Dandoh hits
a wild fly ball which crashes into the
principal’s potted plants. Rather than
getting mad, the principal admires
Dandoh’s swing and introduces him to
the world of golf. It’s now an adventure
in golf as Dandoh is under the watchful
eye of a former pro-golfer. They enter a
tournament together and play for a shot
at the national championships!
Complete Collection
13+ • #AV26286 • 625 mins • $71.98
Maia is having a very, very bad day.
Her life-long dream to join the elite
Ocean Agency are demolished when,
despite everyone’s high expectations,
she fails the entrance exams. Then she
gets evicted! Penniless, homeless, and
unemployed, Maia finds herself in the
middle of a shoot-out between fugitive
convicts and the Nereides - sexy agents
who only take the most high-paying and
dangerous jobs. Desperate, Maia takes
the only job she can find: playing bait in
the Nereides’ next operation!
Box Set
16+ • #PD12851 • 650 mins • $134.98
One year ago, an alien spacecraft
crashed into Tokyo Bay, leaving the
crew stranded on Earth. The aliens
were granted Japanese citizenship and
began a home-stay program to learn
about human culture. When one DearS
goes astray and wanders into the life
of high school student Takeya, the
adventure begins... and this DearS is
about to learn things they don’t teach
you in school!
Vol. 1
16+ • #PD12505 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 2
16+ • #PD12506 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 3
16+ • #PD12507 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 4
16+ • #PD12508 • 75 mins • $22.48
Enter a decimated world deep within
the desert, where a less-than-noble
hero fights for less-than-noble causes
and chases a voluptuous love interest
for less-than-decent reasons. A world
where war is a way of life, sarcasm
is a mode of communication and the
unexpected is always on the menu.
Vol. 1: Enter the Desert
15+ • #FUN06902 • 88 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: The Desert Duo
15+ • #FUN06904 • 88 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Vixen of the Desert
15+ • #FUN06906 • 88 mins • $26.98
Girls Bravo
Vol. 4: Desert Dung
15+ • #FUN06908 • 88 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Under the Desert
15+ • #FUN06912 • 88 mins • $26.98
The bitter-cold winter of Hokkaido meets
the warmth of the human heart as six
women suffer through their own tragic
love stories before fate brings them all
together. We begin with Atsuko, whose
arranged marriage collapses in the
face of a love triangle.
Mika Suzuki wants to be the best
teacher in the world, but standing
under five feet tall with a baby face and
a tendency to cry, her students just
can’t take her seriously. She may be an
adult, but she seems more like a little
kid! With a class full of “energetic” kids
- from the jock to the narcissist to the
resident otaku - can Mika control the
chaos in her classroom?
Vol. 1: Atsuko/Karin
13+ • #DDDT001 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Kyoko/Suomi
13+ • #DDDT002 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Shoko/Akari
13+ • #DDDT003 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 1
13+ • #PD12571 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 2
13+ • #PD12572 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 3
13+ • #PD12573 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 4
13+ • #PD12574 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 5
13+ • #PD12575 • 100 mins • $22.48
The king of the Netherworld has died
and the demons are building their own
empires in an effort to take control.
However, the late king’s son has arrived
to reclaim his rightful place as ruler!
Along to help him is his vassal, Etna, with
her Prinny squad, and Flonne, an angelin-training originally sent to assassinate
the old king. Join our three intrepid
(and somewhat eccentric) heroes as
they initiate their plan to conquer the
Netherworld, Heaven and Earth!
Welcome to the absolutely hilarious (not
to mention ridiculous) world of Dokkoida!
Suzuo, 19-years-old, desperately needs
a job. Any job. Doing anything. Somehow
poor Suzuo manages to end up signing
up to test a new mechanical suit that
gives him superhero powers! The only
problem is that he also looks super
ridiculous. Now our diaper-dressed hero
is going to have to battle it out with
wacky A-class criminals, also sporting
their own power suits!
Vol. 1 Released 12/19/06
13+ • #PD12865 • 100 mins • $26.98
Box Set
13+ • #PD12848 • 300 mins • $53.98
Poor Daisuke’s life has been
complicated by an ancient family curse
that causes him to transform into the
legendary thief Phantom Dark every
time he becomes... enamored... with
the object of his desires! Unfortunately,
the only way can return to his true form
is for his true love to fall in love with
the real Daisuke, but when she’s only
got eyes for Dark, what hope does he
have? Thinpak edition.
Complete Collection
13+ • #DDNABX2 • 650 mins • $80.98
MOVIE 8, 10, 11 BROLY 3-PACK
The ultimate Super Saiyan is roaring in
this three-movie set of total destruction.
With more power than anyone has ever
seen, who can possibly hope to stop this
monster of fury? Contains Broly: The
Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly: Second
Coming, and Bio-Broly. Uncut version.
Set (Movies 8, 10, and 11)
12+ • #FUN03856 • 145 mins • $26.98
Reiji Oozora is a completely lazy bum.
He’s the “tardy champion” at school,
a terrible student, and he gives up
on everything! Unable to stand seeing
her childhood friend waste away his
youth, Maiko Yukino introduces Reiji to
a virtual reality game called “Dragon
Drive,” in which players are partnered
with dragons and then fight each other
in a virtual reality city.
Complete Collection 1 (eps 1-18)
7+ • #AV23311 • 500 mins • $35.98
Complete Collection 2 (eps 19-38)
7+ • #AV23312 • 500 mins • $35.98
attacked by a deformed super-being.
What was this unidentified monster that
attacked her, and who was the figure
that came in between them?
Vol. 1 Released 11/21/06
16+ • #PD12910 • 100 mins • $26.98
Hitomi Kanzaki is a typical high school
girl, with typical high school problems.
But when a vision of a young man
battling a dragon becomes a reality,
her life changes forever. Drawn into a
vortex with the swordsman, Van, Hitomi
is thrust into the strange world of Gaea.
Entangled in a struggle between life
and death, Van must learn to master
the suit of armor Escaflowne.
Anime Legends Collection
13+ • #AV80154 • 625 mins • $44.98
Eureka Seven tells the story of a young
boy named Renton, whose life just
plain sucks. That is, until a giant robot
crashes into his house. Piloted by a
girl named Eureka, this encounter will
lead Renton to being pursued by the
military and pulled into a web of drama,
intrigue, and non-stop action. Renton’s
time to daydream is over.
Vol. 1
13+ • #AV20800 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 2
13+ • #AV20801 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 3
13+ • #AV20802 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 4 Released 10/24/06
13+ • #AV20803 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 5 Released 12/5/06
13+ • #AV20804 • 100 mins • $22.48
Cou, the bumbling rookie of the “Red
Lynx” sky pirate squadron, has just
discovered the treasure of a lifetime: a
mighty member of the ancient race of
Edel Raids. Ren, at first glance, seems
to be a shy and defenseless girl, but
she holds within her a power that many
are willing to kill for. When Cou takes
it upon himself to protect Ren on her
journey to a mysterious place called
Edel Garden, he immediately makes
new friends and dangerous enemies.
Vol. 1: React
13+ • #PD12728 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Foundations
13+ • #PD12729 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Teamwork Released 10/17/06
13+ • #PD12730 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #PD12731 • 100 mins • $26.98
The Sacred Book of the land of Eija
has been rediscovered, and with it
the legends of a mysterious and allpowerful ship. Now Princess Crystal
of Megaronia has set forth on a quest
to recover the ship and its ultimate
weaponry. All that stands between her
and total domination of the world is a
small group of piratical misfits.
13+ • #DEL001 • 100 mins • $26.98
The domed city of Romd is an
impenetrable would-be utopia where
humans and robots coexist and
everything is under complete government
control - or so it appears. While working
on a mysterious murder case, Re-l
Mayer, a female detective, receives a
foreboding message that something
is going to “awaken.” That night, she’s
In the year 2015, half of the human
race is dead, and the survivors face
a terrifying last judgment from giant
Angels. A handful of teenagers are
trained to pilot the colossal superentities known as Evangelions and
battle the Angels on their own terms...
whatever the cost to their minds and
souls. This Platinum Edition has been
digitally remastered by Gainax to create
beautiful, vibrant video and crisp,
sparkling 5.1 surround sound audio
for both audio tracks. It includes the
original 26 broadcast episodes, plus
the director’s cut versions of episodes
21-26. Thinpak edition.
Complete Collection
14+ • #DNGEBX2 • 650 mins • $80.98
The 10th Anniversary Edition of Gainax’s
cult classic Evangelion.
Box Set Released 11/14/06
14+ • #DNGEBX3 • 750 mins • $224.98
No anime is safe from the barrage of
parodies and “subtle” jokes contained
in this series. Excel, a female agent
for ACROSS, deals with all manners
of the insane. What’s a girl to do
but cause as much destruction and
mayhem as possible? With a cast that
should be institutionalized, this show
will make you laugh, make you cry,
and definitely make you question your
sanity. Thinpak edition.
Complete Collection
15+ • #DEXBX1 • 650 mins • $53.98
The city is in the grip of a crazed
bomber and nobody is safe as a
crushing wave of terror washes over the
innocent citizens. Planes, trains, and
massive towers all threaten to light up
the night sky; the sick whims of a brutal
lunatic played out in sudden balls of
fire. Conan Edogawa finds himself in a
desperate race against the clock. It’s
an explosive game of cat and mouse
with a deviant madman... and every
second counts.
Koyaman finds himself enrolled at
Cromartie High, where everybody is
a delinquent! Logically, therefore, he
must be the toughest in his class by the rather twisted logic that only a
really tough rabbit would lie down with
lions. Thus begins a story that parodies
every cliché of tough-guy anime that
you’ve ever heard of... and some you
haven’t! Thinpak edition.
Vol. 4: Wrong Answers Resolved
13+ • #FUN07796 • 150 mins • $26.98
A country boy arrives in the big city
to go to college. He’s shocked and
amazed by the variety and prevalence
of Persocoms: personal computers
designed to look and act like animals or
even people! Too poor to afford one of
his own, Hideki is overjoyed to discover
a discarded Persocom in a trash heap.
However, this gift of fate turns into a
mystery as his Persocom, Chi, appears
to be able to operate without her OS.
How real is real? Thinpak edition.
The youth of Tatsumiya Island believed
that they had ordinary lives - until the
advent of the Festum, extraterrestrial
intelligent life forms intent on assimilating
all humans. Abruptly, their once peaceful
island transforms into a high-tech
military fortress to counterattack the
hostile aliens, for only they can pilot the
robot known as Fafner.
A strange group of kids called “The
Children of Befort” are searching for the
girl who is the key to their happiness.
For 500 years they have wandered from
life to life seeking for her reincarnation.
Vol. 1
13+ • #AV23470 • 125 mins • $17.98
Vol. 2
13+ • #AV23471 • 100 mins • $17.98
Ten years ago a secret was waged by
master mages and their servants to
obtain the Holy Grail. The result was
devastating for everyone involved.
Today, the Holy Grail War is begining
again, but this time with new masters.
One such master, Shirou, must come
to grips with the reality of war when he
unknowingly summons his own servant,
Saber - said to be the most powerful
servant of all. Can Shirou prevent the
destruction that marked the first war?
Vol. 1 Released 12/19/06
13+ • #PD12871 • 100 mins • $26.98
Ippo Makunouchi’s gentle spirit and
lack of confidence make him an easy
target for the bullies at his high school,
who regularly beat him up. Then he’s
rescued from a beating by Takamura, a
larger-than-life professional boxer who
inspires Ippo to learn the art of boxing.
Vol. 1: The First Step
13+ • #PD12214 • 115 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: The Debut Match
13+ • #PD12215 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Test of Endurance
13+ • #PD12216 • 115 mins • $26.98
Naota wants to be normal. But with a
talented brother leaving Japan for the
US to play baseball, everyone now looks
at him a bit differently. His brother’s
girlfriend is acting strange and now
there’s an even stranger girl hitting on
him. Literally. With a bass guitar.
In the wake of the climactic events
played out in SquareEnix’s Playstation
video game world of Final Fantasy VII,
the ruins of Midgar stand as a testament
to the sacrifices made in order to bring
peace. However, as a mysterious illness
rapidly spreads and old enemies stir,
the solitary hero Cloud must once again
step out of his self-imposed seclusion
and stand against the dark forces
converging on his world!
15+ • #COL11896 • 101 mins • $24.26
Meet Recca Hanabishi. He’s an average
teenager with the not-so-average goal
of becoming a ninja. After pledging to
protect the lovely Yanagi Sakoshita, he
Ultimate Collection Released 11/21/06
13+ • #SPFCDVD05 • 200 mins • $62.96
The Sohma family is cursed; however,
this is no ordinary family curse. When
a member of the family is embraced
by a person of the opposite gender,
they transform into an animal of the
Chinese Zodiac! The Sohmas have
managed to keep the curse private for
Taking place two years after the
events of volume 13, The Conqueror
of Shamballa reunites the Elric
brothers for Fullmetal Alchemist’s
explosive finale. Packed with even
more of the spectacular action that
hallmarked the television series, it’s a
fitting conclusion to the Elric brother’s
long journey. Familiar faces return,
new enemies emerge, and the last
mysteries surrounding the Gate are
13+ • #FUN08172 • N/A mins • $26.98
generations, but when a young Tohru
Honda stumbles upon their secret,
conflict erupts as Zodiac rivals clash
in this most unusual household. Tohru
must promise to keep the secret - or
face the consequences!
Box Set
13+ • #FUN03100 • 490 mins • $89.98
On the surface, Kaname Chidori
appears to be a normal, popular high
school student. The problem is, she
doesn’t realize just how popular she
is. Unbeknownst to her, a group of
terrorists believe she possesses the
special powers of “The Whispered,”
and they’re out to kidnap her. Thinpak
Complete Collection
15+ • #DFMBX2 • 600 mins • $80.98
High-yield explosives and hilarity come
together with a bang as the somber
soldier and his unwitting target brave
everything from lovesick “terrorists” to
an unforgiving teacher who is bent on
Vol. 1: Full Metal Pandemonium!
15+ • #DFMF001 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Full Metal Fracas!
15+ • #DFMF002 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Full Metal Fervor!
15+ • #DFMF003 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Full Metal Mania!
15+ • #DFMF004 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 1 Released 11/14/06
16+ • #FUN08531 • N/A mins • $26.98
Mitsuki Koyama dreams of becoming
a singer... but she only has one year
left to live! With the help of Takuto and
Meroko, two Spirits of Death, she passes
an audition, gets a manager, and starts
recording her first song! Watch Mitsuki as
she tries to make her dreams a reality.
Vol. 1: I Want to Sing
13+ • #DISFM01 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 2: Full Moon Debuts!
13+ • #DISFM02 • 100 mins • $22.48
As children, brothers Edward and
Alphonse used the clandestine science
of alchemy to try the unthinkable resurrecting their dead mother. They
failed, unleashing an alchemic reaction
that ripped their bodies apart. Four
years later, Ed and Al are combing the
country for a rumored stone that could
amplify their alchemy and bring their
girls are going to have to collect more
Lost Technology, save more planets,
and rescue more lost kittens than this
“Twin Star Team.”
Complete Collection
13+ • #AV23108 • 350 mins • $31.48
bodies back to normal. And it appears
they may have found it - in a strangely
prosperous desert village.
Vol. 1: The Alchemist’s Curse
13+ • #FUN08132 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: The Scarred Man of the East
13+ • #FUN08134 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Equivalent Exchange
13+ • #FUN08136 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: The Fall of Ishbal
13+ • #FUN08138 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: The Cost of Living
13+ • #FUN08142 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: Captured Souls
13+ • #FUN08144 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 7: Reunion on Yock Island
13+ • #FUN08146 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 8: The Altar of Stone
13+ • #FUN08148 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 9: Pain and Lust
13+ • #FUN08152 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 10: Journey to Ishbal
13+ • #FUN08154 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 11: Becoming the Stone
13+ • #FUN08156 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 12: Truth Behind Truths
13+ • #FUN08158 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 13: Brotherhood
13+ • #FUN08162 • 100 mins • $26.98
Born into an aristocratic family in
Paris, Albert sets out on a journey
with his best friend, Franz, to escape
his privileged yet dull life. They travel
to Luna, on the surface of the moon,
and meet a very wealthy man named
The Count of Monte Cristo. Becoming
completely fascinated with The Count’s
mysterious charm, Albert welcomes
him into Paris’ high society. But soon
Albert will discover the Count’s true
motive: revenge.
Vol. 1
16+ • #PD12577 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2
16+ • #PD12578 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3
16+ • #PD12579 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4
16+ • #PD12580 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5
16+ • #PD12581 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6
16+ • #PD12582 • 100 mins • $26.98
Taking place two years after the last
episode, the Elric Brothers must reunite
to prevent ultimate catastrophe as the
worlds of reality and alchemy collide.
13+ • #FUN08172 • N/A mins • $26.98
Many people have searched for it, many
have stolen it, and many will kill for it.
The Gad is a seemingly magical stone
that, once making a strong spiritual
connection with someone, will grow
into a very powerful robot known as
a Techode: a mechanical being that
embodies the will of the bonded
Box Set
13+ • #PD12856 • 650 mins • $134.98
The five Galaxy Angels are back again
with a mission for more gut-busting
laughs! After discovering the Lost
Technology, it’s only a matter of time
before the Angel Brigade falls back
into mischief. During their assignment
the girls must investigate a haunted
mansion, but as it turns out, it’s a hideout for thieves.
Complete Collection
13+ • #AV23119 • 285 mins • $35.98
There’s a new upstart squad that’s
gunning to make the Angel Brigade
look bad and take over their work. The
The last thing Kei remembers is
the train running over him. Now he
finds himself in a room filled with
strangers, all recently deceased, and
all resurrected by the strange black
sphere known only as Gantz. But
their reprieve from death may only be
temporary. Unless they can complete
the brutal missions that Gantz assigns,
none of them will live long enough
to leave the room. Is this strange
“afterlife” real, or just a dream?
Box Set (eps 1-13)
17+ • #DGZBX100 • 325 mins • $62.98
The fragile bonds that hold the
survivors together are frayed to the
breaking point, but in Gantz’s game,
survival is impossible without a warm
body guarding your back. As the Gantz
reaches into the “real” world and a
fresh batch of resurrectees is offered
up on the altar of slaughter, Kurono
finds himself partnered with a new lady
killer. If looks could kill, he’d already
have died a second time, but will she
be his salvation or his death?
Box Set (eps 14-26)
17+ • #DGZBX200 • 325 mins • $62.98
Mamoru is an ordinary grade school
student, until the day when his class is
caught up in a ferocious attack by the
mechanoid alien Zonders. Gai Shishio
is sent by the UN alien defense force
“3G” to defend the planet, and Mamoru
also joins. They wage all out war against
Vol. 1: Arcadian Project
13+ • #PD12530 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Ultimate Sacrifice
13+ • #PD12531 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Human Force
13+ • #PD12532 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: New Divergence
13+ • #PD12533 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Rebirth
13+ • #PD12534 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: Next Evolution
13+ • #PD12535 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 7: Going Home
13+ • #PD12536 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3
13+ • #AV23472 • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 4
13+ • #AV23473 • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 5 Released 11/28/06
13+ • #AV23474 • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 1: A Ninja’s Test
16+ • #VIZ192437 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 2: Secrets of the Hokage
16+ • #VIZ192537 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 3: Angel of Fire
16+ • #VIZ192637 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 4: The 400 Year Old Truth
16+ • #VIZ192737 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 5: The Iron Fist
16+ • #VIZ19283 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 6: The Demon’s Face
16+ • #VIZ19293 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 7: Scorching Glance
16+ • #VIZ23494 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 8: The Invisible Foe
16+ • #VIZ23511 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 9: The Stolen Technique
16+ • #VIZ23512 • 100 mins • $22.48
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Fullmetal Alchemist
meets the mysterious Kagehoshi, who
vows to kill Recca unless he summons
his hidden power to produce flame. Does
Recca have the strength to unleash his
flames, or will he go up in smoke?!
Vol. 4: Dream of a KO
13+ • #PD12217 • 115 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Forward! Forward!
13+ • #PD12218 • 115 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: Death Match
13+ • #PD12219 • 115 mins • $26.98
Vol. 7: Smash Force
13+ • #PD12220 • 115 mins • $26.98
Vol. 8: The Champ and I
13+ • #PD12221 • 115 mins • $26.98
Vol. 9: The Speed Star
13+ • #PD12222 • 115 mins • $26.98
Vol. 10: The Red Wolf
13+ • #PD12223 • 115 mins • $26.98
Vol. 11: The Japan Featherweight
13+ • #PD12224 • 115 mins • $26.98
Vol. 12: Look of Determination
13+ • #PD12225 • 115 mins • $26.98
Vol. 13: Youth of Fire
13+ • #PD12226 • 115 mins • $26.98
Vol. 14 Released 10/31/06
13+ • #PD12227 • 115 mins • $26.98
Vol. 15 Released 12/19/06
13+ • #PD12228 • 115 mins • $26.98
Vol. 1: Heir to the Throne
7+ • #AWDVD0650 • 100 mins • $26.96
Vol. 1 + Artbox
7+ • #AWDVD0651 • 100 mins • $31.46
Vol. 2 Released 11/7/06
7+ • #AWDVD0657 • 100 mins • $26.96
Box 1 (Vol. 1-2) (w/bonus)
13+ • #DGTMBX1 • 500 mins • $31.48
Box 2 (Vol. 3-4)
13+ • #DGTMBX2 • 300 mins • $31.48
Box 3 (Vol. 5-6)
13+ • #DGTMBX3 • 300 mins • $31.48
It is Sasahara’s first day of college,
and a fateful choice awaits him. Which
college clubs will he choose to join? But
Sasahara is no ordinary young man; a
dark secret lurks within his soul. For
one thing, he knows what “cosplay”
is, and he’d like to know more. He’s
heard of doujinshi, and he... needs
to know more. Enter Genshiken, the
barely legitimized Society for the Study
of Modern Visual Culture, home to all
subspecies of Otaku!
Premium Collection
13+ • #AWDVD0632 • 375 mins • $80.96
You come home and find your home
broken into. The place is totally
ransacked and your favorite lamp from
Granny Spencer is gone! Don’t despair!
Call Ban and Ginji, the Get Backers.
They’ll dodge bullets, go up against evil
foes and risk their lives to get back your
stuff. They’re only one phone call away,
and they’re ready to take your case!
Thinpak edition.
Box Set
13+ • #DGBK100 • 625 mins • $53.98
Vol. 1: Endless Illusion
13+ • #PD12738 • 100 mins • $26.98
Female cyborg Major Motoko Kusanagi
and her fellow police officers of Section
9 hunt down a host of criminals in both
the real and online worlds. In the course
of their work, Kusanagi and Section 9
must do everything from resolving
hostage crises to hunting down runaway
state-of-the-art killing machines.
Box Set Released 10/31/06
13+ • #ME25265 • 780 mins • $89.98
Uprisings over the treatment of a
wave of Asian immigrants threaten the
political landscape, and the new Prime
Minister brings in Section 9 to offer
their services - but on a much tighter
leash than they’re used to. They must
stop an assassin who is killing highranking officials and outmaneuver
an incredibly talented thief, all under
the supervision of the mysterious and
disturbing man known as Gohda.
Vol. 1
13+ • #ME25207 • 120 mins • $22.48
Vol. 2
13+ • #ME25208 • 120 mins • $22.48
Vol. 3
13+ • #ME25209 • 120 mins • $22.48
Vol. 4
13+ • #ME25210 • 120 mins • $22.48
Vol. 5
13+ • #ME25211 • 120 mins • $22.48
Vol. 6
13+ • #ME25212 • 120 mins • $22.48
Vol. 7
13+ • #ME25213 • 120 mins • $22.48
When nearby construction disturbs a
spiritual resting place, its disgruntled
denizens do what any supernatural
being would do after a rude awakening
– they terrorize the local school. And
that means it’s up to a scruffy band
of young ghostbusters to expel their
satanic schoolmates before everyone
gets sent to permanent detention!
Vol. 1: Freshmen Frights
13+ • #DGHS001 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Sophomore Scares
13+ • #DGHS002 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Junior Jitters
13+ • #DGHS003 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Senior Screams
13+ • #DGHS004 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Graduation Ghoulies
13+ • #DGHS005 • 100 mins • $26.98
The classic Giant Robo series is back!
Dr. Shizuma has created the “Shizuma
Drive,” a power source which has
replaced all forms of energy on Earth.
But during the development of the
drive, a darker secret was discovered:
if all three of the original prototypes are
brought together they will usher in Earth’s
greatest age of darkness! Now, the evil
Big Fire organization has assigned Lord
Alberto to capture Dr. Shizuma and the
last of the three prototype Shizuma
Drives! Can a young Daisaku and Giant
Robo stop them before they plunge the
world into total darkness? Also contains
the Ginrei special.
Complete Economy Set
13+ • #AWDVD0644 • 420 mins • $22.46
Box Set Released 11/28/06
17+ • #PD12862 • 600 mins • $107.98
Five years ago, as the Mimetic Beasts
laid waste to Japan, Dannar Pilot Go
saved young Anna Aoi’s life. Now,
as they prepare to march down the
aisle, a new Beast appears and Go is
summoned into battle once more. But
he’s not going alone if his bride to be
can help it! The two stubborn mecha
pilots bump heads, egos, and other
bits, but if Anna and Go can mate their
robots’ interlocking parts, they’ll form
the ultimate marriage of man, woman
and machine!
Earth’s last hope: a gravity-powered
god of circuits and steel known as
Gravion! Thinpak edition.
Sequel to the original series! Sandman
and his ragtag crew of misfits and
loners are back at it again, saving
the earth from the deadly Zeravire
invasion... only this time, they won’t
be the only ones on duty! Enter the
elite G-Soldier Squadron, the first
unit of the government’s attempt to
mass-produce Gravion technology. Led
by ace pilot Faye, will the G-Soldiers
push the Earthgertz gang out of a job?
Thinpak edition.
Complete Collection
15+ • #DGVBX4 • 300 mins • $35.98
Vol. 1: Engage & Destroy
15+ • #DGOD001 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Til Death Do Us Part
15+ • #DGOD002 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Nuclear Family Meltdown
15+ • #DGOD003 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Two’s a Combat Team, Three’s a Crowd
15+ • #DGOD004 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: International Affairs
15+ • #DGOD005 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: Deep Penetration
15+ • #DGOD006 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 7: War Bride
15+ • #DGOD007 • 75 mins • $26.98
All Shuichi ever dreamed about was
following in the footsteps of his pop
idol, Ryuichi Sakuma. Shuichi has even
managed to get his band signed to a
major recording label! Unfortunately,
the studio deadlines are looming and
Shuichi still doesn’t have the lyrics
done for any of the songs. What he
needs is a little inspiration! While Hiro
recommends finding a girlfriend, fate
has other things in store for Shuichi...
Walking through the park, Shuichi’s
latest lyrics flutter away and land at
the feet of the stunningly cool Eiri
Yuki, who completely crushes Shuichi
by telling him he has “zero talent.”
Now, Shuichi’s so annoyed that he’s
managed to finish his song just so
he can find and confront Eiri Yuki
once again. But are his actions really
motivated by anger, or has he actually
fallen in love? Thinpak edition.
Box Set Released 10/31/06
13+ • #RSDVD2015 • 325 mins • $53.99
Kumiko is the heir of the Oedo Yakuza
family, but her dream is to teach the
youth of Japan. She puts aside her
cunning nature and lands a teaching
job. Now Kumiko is determined to
understand the teenage mind, teach
higher math, and carry on a little
romance. That is, if she can stop
her loyal army of brutal hitmen from
murdering any misbehaving students.
Shuichi is a total wreck. With deadlines
for the band’s next album looming,
the pressure is on, but the normally
energetic Shuichi has become listless
and fallen into a writing slump. It’s all
because Yuki has suddenly become
cold and distant. Depressed and
anxious, Shuichi doesn’t want to think
about lyrics – he just wants to know
how to get Yuki to talk to him! If the
band doesn’t manage to break him out
of his slump soon, it could mean the
end of Bad Luck for good!
16+ • #RSDVD8044 • 60 mins • $44.99
Economy Set
13+ • #AWDVD0638 • 325 mins • $17.96
On the eve of an invasion by a soulless
army of aliens known as the Zeravire,
the enigmatic billionaire Sandman
gathers the world’s leaders at his castle
to unveil the ultimate weapon that is
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Complete Collection
14+ • #DGVBX3 • 325 mins • $35.98
Kiyoshi Imawano and his family have
just found a new home; however,
what they fail to realize is that the old
residents have not moved out just yet!
But that’s just the beginning of things
- an undead monk, secret government
agents, even UFOs start showing up.
It’s up to Kiyoshi to find out why the
house is troubled by all these strange
occurrences and save his family
- and possibly the world - from interdimensional terrors.
Complete Collection
13+ • #AV22870 • SUB ONLY • 444 mins • $35.98
In ages past, a man and a woman
tasted forbidden love. Even though
they could not be together, they made
a vow that would transcend time. In
modern day, Yuusuke, a student at the
Kanenone all-boys academy, is one of
the reincarnated lovers. When an allgirls class is transferred to the school
for a summer session, could one of
them be his past romance?
Vol. 1: Co-ed Casualties
16+ • #AWDVD0625 • 100 mins • $17.96
Vol. 2: Nature Girls
16+ • #AWDVD0649 • 100 mins • $17.96
Vol. 3: Kimono Nights
16+ • #AWDVD0656 • 100 mins • $17.96
During the age of the Japanese
Civil War, the faithful samurai Yajiro
Torajima is surrounded by an enemy
army. At the last moment, the bountiful
Rushuna appears and saves him. Yajiro
and Rushuna challenge countless
opponents with his sword and her
talent for reloading on the bounce.
Premium Collection
13+ • #AWDVD0647 • 300 mins • $71.96
Tough on the outside, all heart on
the inside, GTO, a.k.a. Great Teacher
Onizuka, is a former motorcycle gang
member who becomes a teacher
to make a difference and... to meet
girls? Using his street smarts to
deal with colleagues, students and
troublemakers, Onizuka finds that he
too has many lessons to learn! While
some of these lessons may seem
harsh, will students come to respect
his sincerity?
Box Set 1 (Vol. 1-5)
16+ • #TPDV1772 • 500 mins • $89.99
Enter the world of Gilgamesh, where the
sky has been turned into a psychedelic
mirror and civilization is only a shadow
of its former self. Gorgeous animation,
breakthrough character designs, and
stunning visuals make this suspenseful,
addictive tale of mystery, magic, and
espionage a gothic masterpiece.
Vol. 1: Orphans of the Apocalypse
14+ • #DGLM001 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Cage Without A Key
14+ • #DGLM002 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: A Wake for the Undead
14+ • #DGLM003 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Under a Blood Red Sky
14+ • #DGLM004 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: As Truth Breaks Like Glass
14+ • #DGLM005 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: In the Soul Eclipse
14+ • #DGLM006 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 7: All Fall Down
14+ • #DGLM007 • 75 mins • $26.98
Fantastic Children
Trinity Blood
Box Set 2 (Vol. 6-10)
16+ • #TPDV32225 • 500 mins • $89.99
On the planet of Endless Illusion, a
lone man adorned in a tuxedo roams
the wild and lawless frontier. Armed
with a shape-shifting sword and a
powerful armor, Van’s sole purpose
in life is to find the mysterious clawed
man who murdered his bride. After
saving a town from vicious outlaws,
he reluctantly takes on a travel
companion: the young Wendy Garrett.
In exchange for his help in finding her
brother, she offers herself to Van as a
bride, but that’s the least of his worries
as more deadly enemies await!
Vol. 1: Endless Illusion
13+ • #PD12738 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Abandoned Past
13+ • #PD12739 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Separate Ways
13+ • #PD12740 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #PD12741 • 100 mins • $26.98
The year is After Colony 195. The
space colonies have grown tired of
the oppressive rule by the Earth
government. Resistance forces in the
colonies have created five special
Mobile Suits called Gundams. Now
the future of the colonies rests in
the hands of five ruthless young men
and their abilites to carry out their
missions on Earth. It’s the beginning
of Operation Meteor!
Anime Legends Collection 1 (eps 1-25)
13+ • #AV80193 • 625 mins • $44.98
Anime Legends Collection 2 (eps 26-49)
13+ • #AV80194 • 650 mins • $44.98
Cosmic Era 71. A war is underway
Coordinators and unmodified Naturals.
The Natural-dominated Earth Alliance,
struggling to catch up with the
Coordinators’ superior technology, has
secretly developed its own Gundam
mobile suits at a neutral space
colony. Through a twist of fate, a
young Coordinator named Kira Yamato
becomes the pilot of the Alliance’s
prototype Strike Gundam, and finds
himself forced to fight his own people
in order to protect his friends.
Vol. 1: Grim Reality
13+ • #AV26000 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Unexpected Meetings
13+ • #AV26001 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: No Retreat
13+ • #AV26002 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Desert Warfare
13+ • #AV26003 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Archangel’s Flight
13+ • #AV26004 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: Momentary Silence
13+ • #AV26005 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 7: Suspicious Motives
13+ • #AV26006 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 8: Eternal Crusade
13+ • #AV26007 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 9: Evolutionary Conflict
13+ • #AV26008 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 10: Days of Destiny
13+ • #AV26009 • 125 mins • $26.98
With both PLANT and Earth Forces
entering a state of uneasy truce, the
world has once again found itself at
The original series that inspired Battle
of the Planets and G-Force! In the 21st
century, the evil organization Galactor
has their sights set on global conquest.
Their use of terrorism and high-tech
mayhem has the world in the clutches
of fear! The only thing standing in the
way of complete global dominance is
the International Science Organization
(ISO) and its chief scientist, Professor
Kozaburou Nambu. Dr. Nambu’s
primary weapon in the fight for freedom
is his top-secret experiment: the five
kids who make up the Science Ninja
Team. Bird, go!
Box 4 (Vol. 7-8)
13+ • #DGTMBX4 • 300 mins • $31.48
Box 5 (Vol. 9-10)
13+ • #DGTMBX5 • 300 mins • $31.48
Box 6 (Vol. 11-12)
13+ • #DGTMBX6 • 300 mins • $31.48
Box 7 (Vol. 13-14)
13+ • #DGTMBX7 • 300 mins • $31.48
Box 8 (Vol. 15-16)
13+ • #DGTMBX8 • 300 mins • $31.48
Box 9 (Vol. 17-18) Released 10/17/06
13+ • #DGTMBX9 • 250 mins • $31.48
Vol. 17 Released 10/17/06
13+ • #DGTM017 • 125 mins • $13.48
Vol. 18 Released 10/17/06
13+ • #DGTM018 • 125 mins • $13.48
Guns and swords and giant robots, oh
my! Van wanders the lawless Planet
of Endless Illusion seeking revenge
on a mysterious clawed man for the
murder of his bride. But the clawed
man isn’t the only villain Van will have
to fight during his travels… With slick
animation and a jazzy soundtrack to
match, Gun x Sword is the epitome of
cool: full of hot action, hot fights and
hot women.
Yukinari has been bullied and abused
by girls all his life and has developed
a fear of women. In fact, just being
around them makes him break out in
hives! One day, he is transferred to an
all-female world. There he meets the
beautiful and mysterious Miharu who
inexplicably doesn’t affect him. He
manages to return to his own world,
accompanied by Miharu, but shortly
after, other girls follow them to his world
and his life turns into a big mess!
the Zonders with their advanced
vehicles, weapons and AI robots. When
their backs are up against the wall,
Gai Fuses with Galeon and 3G’s Gao
Machines to form the indomitable King
of all robots: GaoGaiGar!
Gun X Sword
Complete Collection
14+ • #DHLBX1 • 425 mins • $35.98
Speed Grapher
Vol. 1
13+ • #AV26030 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 2
13+ • #AV26031 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 3
13+ • #AV26032 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 4
13+ • #AV26033 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 5 Released 11/28/06
13+ • #AV26034 • 100 mins • $22.48
Contains all three Gundam SEED
movies (The Empty Battlefield, The Far
Away Dawn, and The Rumbling Sky)
plus the trilogy soundtrack!
Trilogy Box Set + CD Released 11/28/06
13+ • #AV26024 • 285 mins • $35.98
The year is 4699. A young adventurer
on a desperate mission sets off to
find Captain Ahab and his crew of
outlaw whale hunters. Only Ahab can
save his planet from the most horrific
beast known throughout the universe:
Moby Dick.
Vol. 1: Ahab Awaits
13+ • #DGWW001 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Across the Galaxy
13+ • #DGWW002 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: The Moad Trail
13+ • #DGWW003 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Hearts of Steel
13+ • #DGWW004 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Death & Rebirth
13+ • #DGWW005 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: The Final Countdown
13+ • #DGWW006 • 100 mins • $26.98
Officially, the Social Welfare Agency
is supposed to be in the business of
saving lives. In reality, the agency gives
terminal patients the ability to survive…
but there’s a price. The survivors
must become the government’s secret
assassination force. When Henrietta
barely survives the brutal slaughter of
her family, she awakens to her new
life at the Agency with no memory of
her past. She’s been given a second
chance at life… But at what cost?
Complete Collection
13+ • #FUN08200 • N/A mins • $44.98
Box Set
16+ • #PD12847 • 300 mins • $53.98
With the death of his mother, nerdy
Taro Hanaukyo travels to Tokyo to meet
his grandfather. What he finds is a huge
estate full of beautiful maids. However,
when his grandfather disappears, Taro
is handed the family’s inheritance and
becomes the head of the Hanaukyo
Family. Now Taro spends his days at the
mercy of those maids’ antics, whose
first and only priority is to “serve the
head of household, Master Taro!”
Vol. 1
13+ • #ANHG01 • 100 mins • $26.96
Vol. 2
13+ • #ANHG02 • 75 mins • $26.96
Vol. 3
13+ • #ANHG03 • 100 mins • $26.96
Vol. 4
13+ • #ANHG04 • 100 mins • $26.96
Vol. 5
13+ • #ANHG05 • 100 mins • $26.96
Vol. 6 Released 12/05/06
13+ • #ANHG06 • 100 mins • $26.96
Vol. 7 Released 1/16/07
13+ • #ANHG07 • 75 mins • $26.96
Let’s visit Stump Village to see Hello
Kitty and all of her cute friends! Each
day is a new surprise, like inventing a
seesaw nutcracker, making sunglasses
out of vegetables, and building a
yummy-looking cookie town. Sometimes
they play and sometimes they fight with
each other, but it doesn’t take long for
them to become good friends again.
What are they playing today? This is the
very first claymation of Hello Kitty!
Vol. 1: A Place of Fun! Released 10/31/06
ALL • #PD12811 • DUB ONLY • 55 mins • $13.48
A secret war is brewing in the night - a
war in which humanity is only a pawn.
The mysterious Hellsing Organization
deploys within the shadows to protect
ordinary mortals from the undead
legions that would prey upon us. Now,
as the ghouls and vampires increase
in number, they threaten the human
police, forcing the deployment of the
Hellsing Organization’s ultimate weapon
- the rogue vampire, Arucard!
Signature Series Box Set
16+ • #PD12850 • 325 mins • $53.98
A darker, bloodier retelling of the above,
but sticks closer to the story as told in
the manga.
Vol. 1 Released 12/5/06
16+ • #PD12825 • 50 mins • $22.48
Vol. 1 Special Edition Released 12/5/06
16+ • #PD12832 • 50 mins • $40.48
Hellsing the way the original author
intended! With gorgeous new
animation, the story is retold… new
points… new perspectives… and
the same great English cast! If you
were hoping for more action-packed,
gun-toting, vampire slaying… rejoice,
because Hellsing Ultimate delivers!
Vol. 1 Released 12/5/06
With a two-tone hairstyle and a streak of
immaturity, Hikaru Shindo finds an old
Go board with a hidden surprise: trapped
within the Go board is Fujiwara-no-Sai,
the ghost of an ancient Go master! In
the blink of an eye, Sai becomes part of
Hikaru’s consciousness, and Hikaru soon
begins to learn the true essence behind
this ancient game of skill and strategy.
16+ • #PD12825 • 50 mins • $22.48
Vol. 1: The Go Master’s Descent
ALL • #DHNG01 • 100 mins • $22.48
Like a drug, Yukino Miyazawa was
addicted to admiration and praise from
those around her. She worked hard
to become the perfect student - the
perfect girl. But that was before... him.
Souichirou Arima. The instant she met
him, she hated him. Without even trying,
he snatched the very glory from her
hands. To take back what is rightfully
hers, Yukino is putting all her efforts
into plotting her revenge; but was love
part of the plan? Thinpak edition.
Box Set Released Winter 2006
13+ • #RSDVD2016 • 780 mins • $53.99
Sophie, a quiet girl working in a hat
shop, finds her life thrown into turmoil
when she is literally swept off her feet
by a handsome but mysterious wizard
named Howl. The vain and vengeful
Witch of the Waste, jealous of their
friendship, puts a spell on Sophie, so
she embarks on an incredible odyssey
to lift the curse, and enters a magical
world where fire talks, dogs spy for
their wizard owners, and a ramshackle
castle flies across the countryside.
7+ • #BVH4139903 • 119 mins • $26.99
Misou managed to get through all
of high school and college without a
girlfriend. In fact, a wizened fortuneteller predicted that it is his destiny to
be alone for his entire life! When Misou
sees the beautiful Nagisa, his heart
is awakened for the first time. He has
serious competition, however, from the
flawlessly handsome Kaizuka and the
amazingly ugly Kujira!
Complete Collection
13+ • #AWDVD0655 • 220 mins • $17.96
In the year 2048, the world’s attention
has been captured by the Immortal
Grand Prix, where hi-tech fighting
mechs race at speeds faster than 350
mph. Fresh from their victory in the
minor-league IG-2, Team Satomi has
catapulted up to the major leagues. But
Team Satomi is going to have to tighten
up their teamwork if they’re going to
win their first race against Team Sledge
Mamma, a team that doesn’t play by
the rules.
Vol. 1
13+ • #AV22770 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2
13+ • #AV22771 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 3
13+ • #AV22772 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 4
13+ • #AV22773 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 5
13+ • #AV22774 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 6 Released 11/14/06
13+ • #AV22775 • 70 mins • $22.48
2225 AD: an act of sabotage has sent
a space station plummeting towards
a dense plasma phenomena known
as the Sea of Geduld. With only hours
to spare before the collapse of the
station, a group of teens seek safety
aboard the Ryvius, an interstellar
spacecraft hidden inside the station.
With the adult crew killed, these young
astronauts must rely on their training,
courage, and most importantly, each
Anime Legends Collection
13+ • #AV80267 • 650 mins • $44.98
When Kagome fell down the well at the
Higurashi shrine, she was transported
into a mirror world of ancient Japan,
filled with demons, spirits, and magical
creatures! As if that weren’t enough,
she also woke Inuyasha, a handsome
(but stubborn) dog-demon. Now the two
are unwilling travel companions as they
search for the Shikon Jewel, a stone
filled with mystical power.
Box Set (eps 1-27)
13+ • #VIZ201637 • 675 mins • $89.98
In rescuing a damsel in distress,
Miroku’s Wind Tunnel starts to unravel.
Will he be swallowed whole by the void?
Then, Kohaku - brought back from the
dead by a shard of the Sacred Jewel is implicated in several murders. Sango
is ordered to steal Tetsusaiga from
Inuyasha, or else Kohaku will die a
second time!
Box Set (eps 28-54)
13+ • #VIZ23033 • 675 mins • $89.98
Together with half-demon Inu Yasha and
friends, Kagome continues the quest to
collect the shards of the Sacred Jewel.
With the threat of archenemy Naraku
lurking at every turn, our heroes must
face an array of foes, including a
jealous dark priestess, an evil mountain
sage, giant ogres, and deadly traps in
the third season of Inu Yasha.
Box Set (eps 55-81)
13+ • #VIZ23525 • 675 mins • $89.98
Kagome and Inuyasha spend a day
in Kagome’s time for a much needed
rest. Now, if only Inuyasha would stop
visiting the Higurashi Shrine, Kagome
could concentrate on her homework!
Meanwhile, back in the Feudal Era, Koga
encounters the female Wolf-Demon,
Ayame. When she claims that Koga
promised to marry her, Koga doesn’t
know what to do… nor does he even
remember making such a promise!
Vol. 28: Promise of the Past
13+ • #DIY28 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 29: Castle of Evil
13+ • #DIY29 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 30: Monkey Business
13+ • #DIY30 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 31: Duplicates and Dilemmas
13+ • #DIY31 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 32: Glow of the False Jewel
13+ • #DIY32 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 33: Unexpected Encounters
13+ • #DIY33 • 75 mins • $22.48
Inu Yasha and his friends are lured into a
deadly trap that makes each of them live
out their worst fears. Later, while traveling
over a snow-covered landscape, Miroku
encounters a woman from his past...
along with his children?! Plus, Inu Yasha,
his friends, and Koga find themselves at
the beginning of a long battle against a
deadly group of mercenaries know as the
Band of Seven!
Vol. 34: Children of the Snow
13+ • #DIY34 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 35: The Band of Seven
13+ • #DIY35 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 36: A Half-Demon’s Tears
13+ • #DIY36 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 37: Two Souls, One Body
13+ • #DIY37 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 38: Battle on the Sacred Island
13+ • #DIY38 • 75 mins • $22.48
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Vol. 39: The Black, Impure Light
13+ • #DIY39 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 40: Divine Malice
13+ • #DIY40 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 41: Naraku Reborn
13+ • #DIY41 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 42: Farwell My Beloved
13+ • #DIY42 • 75 mins • $22.48
After the ordeal with Naraku’s latest
incarnation, Kagome takes some time
rest by returning to her own time. Little
did she realize that she’d get roped into
helping out her friends with the school
festival. To make matters worse, the
rare dried food that she took back to
her grandpa as a gift turns out to be a
dried up demon!!
Vol. 43: Demons in the Modern Age
13+ • #DIY43 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 44: The Most Dangerous Confession
13+ • #DIY44 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 45: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru
13+ • #DIY45 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 46: An Ancestor Named Kagome
13+ • #DIY46 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 47: On a Pale Horse Released 10/24/06
13+ • #DIY47 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 48 Released 11/21/06
13+ • #DIY48 • 75 mins • $22.48
Takes place after volume 18 of the
TV series. 200 years ago, InuYasha’s
father sealed away a powerful demon
from China named Hyoga... A Shikon
Jewel shard awakens Hyoga’s son,
Menomaru, inspiring him to absorb
the remains of his father’s power to
take control of the world! It’s now up
to InuYasha and his friends to stop this
nearly invincible foe!
13+ • #VIZ201533 • 100 mins • $22.48
This movie takes place after volume
31 of the TV series. For Inuyasha and
his friends the short period of peace is
once again shattered as a new enemy
emerges. Kaguya, the self-proclaimed
Princess from the Moon, begins a plan to
plunge the world into a perpetual night
of the full moon. Inuyasha, Kagome,
Miroku, Sango and Shippo must once
again unite to face the new threat.
13+ • #VIZ203037 • 100 mins • $22.48
Many years ago, the Great Dog Demon
wielded the Three Swords of the Fang.
Upon his death, he bequeathed a sword
to each of his sons, Inuyasha and
Sesshomaru, leaving the third sword,
the wrath-filled Sounga, locked away
forever. Now that the Sounga’s power
has been awakened, these two battling
brothers must put away their sibling
rivalry and face off against a force that
spells doom for all mankind!
13+ • #VIZ234257 • 100 mins • $22.48
peace. Yet for some, the war never
ended. Shin Asuka, a coordinator who
lost his entire family during the Battle
of Orb, now fights with ZAFT in their
newest prototype: the Impulse Gundam.
When one of these machines is stolen
by Federation forces, the world once
again spirals towards chaos.
Ten-year-old Hare enjoys a peaceful life
of school, video games, and household
chores - until his mother adopts an
orphan girl named Guu, a girl who’s not
exactly what she seems. The insidious
Guu turns poor Hare’s life inside out
when she reveals that she’s actually a
pan-dimensional, mind-reading, magicusing monster with a sarcastic wit,
an unlimited appetite, and a taste for
driving Hare insane!
Vol. 2: The Go Club’s Strategem
ALL • #DHNG02 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 3: The Third Player
ALL • #DHNG03 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 4: The Ghost in the Net
ALL • #DHNG04 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 5 Released 11/29/06
ALL • #DHNG05 • 100 mins • $22.48
What teenage boy wouldn’t want to spend
his days surrounded by a pack of beautiful
women? Chitose, that’s who! He just
moved out of the orphanage and back into
his deceased parents’ house, but instead
of lounging around the ultimate bachelor
pad, he’s dodging discipline from his five
new mothers! His high school teachers
have adopted him, and the only thing that
overshadows their good looks is their nearpsychotic maternal zeal. Thinpak edition.
Vol. 1: Eclipse of the Star
13+ • #DKS007 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Tale of Two Rivals
13+ • #DKS008 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Better Angels of Our Nature
13+ • #DKS009 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Return to the Rising Sun
13+ • #DKS010 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Angel & Anathema
13+ • #DKS011 • 100 mins • $26.98
Gun X Sword
13-year-old Aoba Tsuzaki is a modeling
fanatic who spends her days happily
building plastic robots. But rumbling
beneath the surface, an evil enemy of
mankind threatens to destroy the Earth.
Aoba is unwittingly recruited into Angel,
an elite fighting force that not only pits
its giant robots against the Ancient
Jinki, but against an unseen evil that is
working behind the scenes.
Vol. 1
15+ • #DJK001 • 125 mins • $26.98
Jubei Yagyu was the greatest swordsman
in all of Japan. However, not even he
could defeat death. Before he died, he
asked his disciple, Koinosuke, to find
his successor: Jiyu Nanohana, a normal
eighth-grade girl. There’s just one
problem - she doesn’t want anything
to do with it! Will she learn to accept
her destiny, or will she be killed by the
assassins who have been waiting over
300 years to take revenge?
Special Edition Box Set
13+ • #AV80097 • 390 mins • $35.98
“You imposter... I am the true Yagyu
Jubei the Second!” Jubei vs. Jubei?!
The spirit of a legendary samurai,
Yagyu Jubei, is resurrected in two
teenage girls. One is in Jiyu Nanohana,
an ordinary junior high student who
unwillingly channels the power of the
great swordsman through her “Lovely
Eye Patch.” The other is Freesia Yagyu,
who claims to be the daughter and
the rightful successor of Yagyu Jubei
herself. A showdown 300 years in the
making is about to begin!
Box Set
13+ • #PD12849 • 325 mins • $80.98
When sixteen-year-old Sora Naegino
arrives in the U.S., she has a chance
encounter with mysterious man who
immediately recognizes her potential.
Sora can’t believe her luck when the
stranger turns out to be Kalos, owner of
the Kaleido Stage, a circus extravaganza
with death defying stunts, flying trapeze
artists, and magical clowns. But things
are never really that easy, and Sora
will have to turn cartwheels to get past
a Kaleido Stage diva named Layla.
Thinpak edition.
Complete Collection
13+ • #DKSBX2 • 650 mins • $44.98
His and Her Circumstances
Rated one of the best romances of all
time, Gainax’s amazing series returns
in a spectacular new collection!
Yukino Miyazawa worked hard to
maintain the mask of perfection
which drew mountains of admirers
to her, but when a new “ace” boy
transfers to her school, her coveted
spotlight is snatched away. While
she’s obsessively plotting to destroy
him, Yukino discovers that fate has
something else in store for her: love.
Box Set Released Winter 2006
13+ • #RSDVD2016 • 780 mins • $53.99
Vol. 1: Little Diety
13+ • #PD12719 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Power of Love
13+ • #PD12720 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Discovery Released 10/17/06
13+ • #PD12721 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4 Released 12/19/06
13+ • #PD12722 • 100 mins • $26.98
Shy, timid Himeko happily attends
school with both the popular and
beautiful Chikane and her childhood
friend Souma, blissfully unaware of
what’s in store for her. However, the
destiny of these three changes on
Himeko’s 16th birthday when the mark
of the sun appears on her chest. What
does this solar mark represent? At the
same time, why has a black aura of
agony burst forth from Souma? Who
is the enemy? The legend of the eightheaded beast returns to Japan!
Vol. 1: Solar Priestess
16+ • #PD12715 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Lunar Priestess
16+ • #PD12716 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Destiny Eclipsed
16+ • #PD12717 • 100 mins • $26.98
Disgusted by human arrogance, the
Karas turns his back on the laws
he helped uphold for so long, taking
the name Ekou and leading a group
of mechanized demons in an attack
against the human race. Meanwhile,
a detective named Kure, who works at
the police division in charge of demonrelated incidents, opens a case involving
a series of bizarre murders that look
like the work of a water demon.
Vol. 1: The Prophecy
16+ • #M2038 • 90 mins • $17.98
Vol. 2: The Revelation Released 4/3/07
16+ • #M2039 • N/A mins • $17.98
Special Edition Released 4/3/07
16+ • #M2070 • N/A mins • $44.98
Based on Akira Kurosawa’s 1961
masterpiece, Yojimbo. George Kodama
is a pretty intelligent tough guy
investigating an incident that occurred
in the small town of Kimujuku over 15
years ago. However, the local town folk
have been feeling a bit uneasy since
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Kyo Kara Maoh
To provide an impartial mediator to the
various planetary governments of the
Global Union, the Galactic Organization
of Trade and Tariffs, was simultaneously
formed to settle economic disputes
amongst the member planets. Existing
in the shadows of the G.O.T.T. is
the ES Force, G.O.T.T.’s primary law
enforcement organization. ES Force
members Eclair and Lumiere are on
the front line, pursuing all manner of
criminals and bringing them to justice.
Box Set
13+ • #FUN07540 • 600 mins • $80.98
On the Mediterranean Sea, there lies
the beautiful Kingdom of Genes. It is
ruled by three lovely, mostly innocent
princesses and the power of technology.
The surrounding kingdoms all fall one
by one to a mysterious Giant Robot
(TM). Worse yet, the Robot is under the
control of several decidedly unattractive
Old Guys. When they set their sights on
Genes, the Fate of the World (also TM),
rests on the maid-outfit clad shoulders
of Kana, the second princess.
Vol. 1: Robot Girls Released 10/31/06
13+ • #AWDVD0631 • SUB ONLY • 100 mins • $17.96
Vol. 2: Metal Hearts Released 11/21/06
13+ • #AWDVD0646 • SUB ONLY • 60 mins • $17.96
Sequel to the original TV series. Koua
Academy is a prestigious school for the
future leaders of Japan. However, a dark
plot between students and teachers spells
doom for those who don’t make the cut.
During a rash of mysterious “suicides,”
Sena Izumi arrives as a transfer student.
He seems to be an ordinary freshman,
but by night he is a member of the
assassin group that secretly attempts to
rid the academy of evil once and for all!
Complete Collection
16+ • #AWDVD0580 • 325 mins • $26.96
Sana Kurata may be a famous TV star,
but her life is anything but perfect! Her
classroom at school is controlled by a
gang of boy bullies led by the nasty Akito!
They’re wreaking havoc in the classroom,
but has Sana finally discovered Akito’s
secret weakness? She had better be
cautious because when she acts there
may be consequences!
Vol. 1: School Girl Super Star
13+ • #FUN05782 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Hayama Hijinks
13+ • #FUN05784 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Crush of Truth
13+ • #FUN05786 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Moving and Shaking
13+ • #FUN05788 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Spilled Beans
13+ • #FUN05792 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: Sana’s Bombshell
13+ • #FUN05794 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 7: Adult Sized Secrets
13+ • #FUN05796 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 8: Sana’s Duty
13+ • #FUN08562 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 9: Fixing Friends Released 10/17/06
13+ • #FUN08564 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 10 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #FUN08566 • N/A mins • $26.98
Koshiro and Nanoka are brother and
sister who have been separated since
Nanoka was a baby. When the time
comes for her to enter high school, it is
decided that the two will live together.
After being sucked down a toilet and
into an alternate dimension in volume
1, Yuri has come to take his demon
kingship seriously. It’s a good thing,
too, because his kingdom is facing its
greatest threat yet under his rule. The
only way to keep the country safe is
to gather four dangerous forbidden
boxes hidden away for centuries and
lost to time. It’s a difficult quest, and
the first season of Kyo Kara Maoh
ends with a bang as both a forbidden
box and a lost friend are deep in
enemy territory.
Vol. 9
13+ • #PD12526 • 100 mins • $22.48
This is easier said than done. The two
have already been on a date! Although
they try to have a platonic relationship,
it becomes increasingly tense. Will the
two hold off, or will the temptation
prove too difficult?
Box Set
16+ • #PD12857 • 325 mins • $53.98
When Yuri Shibuya decides to take a
stand against some local bullies, they
decide to dunk him in a toilet, and he
finds himself sucked into another world
where he’s told he’s the new “Maoh”
(Demon King)! While Yuri’s convinced
that they must have got it wrong, he’s
also managed to get himself into big
trouble - part of his staff wants to date
him, part of them hate him, the exqueen just plain wants him, and, thanks
to local customs, Yuri has even managed
to get himself engaged to another guy!
Is he ever going to be able to get out of
this crazy world and back to his own?
Vol. 1
13+ • #PD12518 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 2
13+ • #PD12519 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 3
13+ • #PD12520 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 4
13+ • #PD12521 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 5
13+ • #PD12522 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 6
13+ • #PD12523 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 7
13+ • #PD12524 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 8
13+ • #PD12525 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 9
13+ • #PD12526 • 100 mins • $22.48
Ueki is an average junior high student
who has the power to change trash into
trees. This power was granted to him
by Mr. K so that Ueki can participate
in the “Battle of the Supernatural
Powers.” If Ueki wins, Mr. K becomes
the new King of the Celestial World,
while Ueki will receive the “Talent
of Blank,” allowing him to choose
whatever talent he desires.
Vol. 1: Battle Commencement
13+ • #PD12752 • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 2: Friends and Enemies
13+ • #PD12753 • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 3: A Gift From the Sky
13+ • #PD12754 • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 4 Released 11/21/06
13+ • #PD12755 • 100 mins • $17.98
The laughs and romance of all three
Love Hina movies (Christmas, Spring,
Again) have all been collected into
one DVD box set! Follow the life of
Keitaro and his quest to fulfill a lifelong promise to a long-lost love and
enter the prestigious Tokyo University.
He’ll find himself fighting off the girls of
the Hinata Apartments, but better yet,
he might find a chance at love... if it
doesn’t kill him first!
Collection (Christmas, Spring, and Again)
13+ • #AV80263 • 218 mins • $35.98
Ritsuka’s innocent childhood days
came to a bloody end when he lost the
one person who understood him. His
brother Seimei was always his guiding
star, and without him Ritsuka was lost.
The enigmatic Sobi appears to change
all that. Sobi was once partners with
Seimei, a sacrifice who gave his energy
so Sobi could fight. Now Sobi has come
to Seimei looking for a new partner. Will
Ritsuka find happiness chained to Sobi?
Vol. 14: For Larva or Money
13+ • #PD12544 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 15: Thievin’ Ain’t Easy
13+ • #PD12545 • 125 mins • $22.48
Lupin is back in 5 crazy big screen
adventures! Contains: Secret of the
Twilight Gemini; Pursuit of Harimao’s
Treasure; Dragon of Doom; Voyage to
Danger; and Dead or Alive.
13+ • #FUN03990 • N/A mins • $26.98
Released 12/19/06
13+ • #FUN03991 • N/A mins • $26.98
Lupin III and his right-hand gunman Jigen
are hot on the trail of a counterfeiter
who swindled them. When their search
leads them to the secluded European
country of Cagliostro, they find far more
than they bargained for!
Special Edition
13+ • #M2066 • 90 mins • $22.48
In an alternate reality where magic
exists and an individual’s status in
society is measured by their magical
abilities, inept Kazuki Shikimori just
doesn’t seem to fit in. Though he
attends a prestigious school for the
elite, his abilities are abysmal, and he’s
constantly teased by his classmates.
Vol. 1: Lost and Found
13+ • #AWDVD0613 • SUB ONLY • 100 mins • $17.96
Vol. 2: Soul of Chains
13+ • #AWDVD0615 • SUB ONLY • 100 mins • $17.96
Vol. 3: Hope on the Run
13+ • #AWDVD0624 • SUB ONLY • 100 mins • $17.96
As the world’s most wanted thief,
Lupin travels the globe seeking exotic
treasure, lovely ladies and good times.
Interpol Inspector Zenigata chases
him through every country, vowing to
capture him. Yet Zenigata’s traps never
seem to work out in his favor. Will
Lupin’s sexy and mysterious rival Fujiko
help Lupin in his next heist or lead him
into Zenigata’s next ambush?
Vol. 1: The World’s Most Wanted
13+ • #PD11945 • 150 mins • $22.48
Vol. 2: Love Heist
13+ • #PD11946 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 3: Family Jewels
13+ • #PD11947 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 4: Thieves’ Paradise
13+ • #PD11948 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 5: Mission: Irresistible
13+ • #PD11949 • 150 mins • $22.48
Vol. 6: Lupin the Target
13+ • #PD11950 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 7: Royal Scramble
13+ • #PD11951 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 8: Sweet Betrayals
13+ • #PD11952 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 9: Scent of Murder
13+ • #PD11953 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 10: Enchanted Lupin
13+ • #PD11954 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 11: From Moscow With Love
13+ • #PD12541 • 150 mins • $22.48
Vol. 12: The Flying Sword
13+ • #PD12542 • 150 mins • $22.48
Vol. 13: All’s Fair in Love and Thievery
13+ • #PD12543 • 125 mins • $22.48
Dragon Ball Z
Kazuki’s luck takes a dramatic twist
when three beautiful girls come calling
on him, each with their own agenda.
Vol. 1
14+ • #DMB001 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2
14+ • #DMB002 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3
14+ • #DMB003 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4
14+ • #DMB004 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5
14+ • #DMB005 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6
14+ • #DMB006 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 7
14+ • #DMB007 • 75 mins • $26.98
The year is 2009: Ten years of furious
conflict and frenzied construction have
turned an alien wreck into a human
triumph: the colossal space battleship
Within the dark recesses of Horai
Island, a group of half-demons live
under the demonic rule of the Four
War Gods. Escaping with barely a
shred of hope, Ai, the youngest of the
half-demons, returns to the island with
Inuyasha, who must face not only the
Four War Gods, but also the past he left
behind on the island fifty years ago.
13+ • #VIZ235279 • 100 mins • $22.48
What would you do if you suddenly
became a god? When little Yurie
discovers that she is a god, she begins
her new life exploring what it means to
be a god and her struggle to properly
fulfill all the responsibilities it entails.
From finding stray gods to dealing with
Martians, her life is about to become
more than ordinary.
Complete Collection
13+ • #AV23506 • 650 mins • $44.98
the arrival of this wandering stranger.
As Sora’s stage time is usurped by
the dashing Leon Oswald, an Asian
beauty named May Wong appears
and proclaims herself the next Layla
Hamilton. She is certain to win a leading
role, and if she’s lucky, Leon’s attention.
But they are not the only unexpected
newcomers to Kaleido Stage. One little
runaway will find herself in some very
hot water thanks to Sora’s never-ending
eagerness to help!
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The final box set to the amazing Maison
Ikkoku series has finally arrived! Don’t
miss the conclusion to the hilarious
love story which has touched so many
hearts. Will Godai finally manage to
land the girl of his dreams? Find out in
this Right Stuf exclusive box set!
Box Set 8 (eps 85-96)
13+ • #DMIBS8 • 300 mins • $44.98
Vol. 11: Virus Busters! Released 10/17/06
ALL • #DMM11 • DUB ONLY • 88 mins • $13.49
up attached to his wrist. Seiji’s fighting
days may be over, but his girl trouble is
just beginning!
Handheld Collection
13+ • #AWDVD0660 • 350 mins • $35.96
During the 20th century, the world
experienced a large-scale war between
humans and monsters. Time has
passed and a new century has begun.
When Bocca hears of the “Warriors of
Melos” - warriors who still fight against
the monsters - he decides to join them.
But his path won’t be an easy one…
Box Set
16+ • #PD12859 • 600 mins • $107.98
Macross. On the day of the ship’s
launch, the world waits with bated
breath to witness mankind’s next
giant leap. Hovering above the planet,
though, the Zentradi, a merciless
warrior race, seek to advance their
agenda of destruction and conquest...
The country of Gazth-Sonika has been
engaged in a civil war, struggling to
stay afloat amidst attacks from the antigovernment faction Garza. A mysterious
book in a young girl’s possession may
be the only key to uncovering the truth
and ending the war. When the invincible
agent Madlax is hired to protect those
in search of the book, Gazth-Sonika
dispatches a ruthless soldier to make
sure that it stays hidden!
Vol. 1: Connections
14+ • #DMAD001 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: The Red Book
14+ • #DMAD002 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: The In-Between
14+ • #DMAD003 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Elda Taluta
14+ • #DMAD004 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Convergence
14+ • #DMAD005 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: Sacrifice
14+ • #DMAD006 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 7: Reality
14+ • #DMAD007 • 75 mins • $26.98
Because home is where the heart lives!
One of the most beloved manga series
of all time, Maison Ikkoku is a love
story which takes place in Japan... but
that doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen
anywhere. You’ll fall in love with the
wacky inhabitants of the run-down
boarding house Maison Ikkoku as
they try to alternately help and hinder
the blossoming romance between a
bumbling college student and his lovely,
young apartment manager.
Box Set 1 (eps 1-12)
13+ • #DMIBS1 • 300 mins • $44.98
Box Set 2 (eps 13-24)
13+ • #DMIBS2 • 300 mins • $44.98
Box Set 3 (eps 25-36)
13+ • #DMIBS3 • 300 mins • $44.98
Life on Mars is hard for those who live
there. As the economy worsens, work
becomes scarce and food becomes
expensive and highly prized. Gram and
his friends try to do the best they can,
but he finds himself on the run with the
most notorious pirates on Mars. The
only problem is he soon starts to enjoy
the adventure!
Vol. 1
13+ • #AV23430 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2
13+ • #AV23431 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3
13+ • #AV23432 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4
13+ • #AV23433 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 5
13+ • #AV23434 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 6
13+ • #AV23435 • 100 mins • $22.48
Complete Collection Released 11/28/06
13+ • #AV23436 • 650 mins • $44.98
In the future, Net Battling is all the
rage! Using sentient programs called
Net Navis, users can log in and fight it
out in tournaments across the globe.
Fifth grader Lan Hikari has just been
given a Navi of his own – Mega Man.EXE
– and he’s ready to rise to the top!
Unfortunately, a terrorist group called
World Three is deleting everything in
its path, and Mega Man is next on their
sinister hit list!
Vol. 1: Jack In!
ALL • #DMM01 • DUB ONLY • 88 mins • $13.49
Vol. 2: Log On!
ALL • #DMM02 • DUB ONLY • 88 mins • $13.49
Vol. 3: Power Up!
ALL • #DMM03 • DUB ONLY • 88 mins • $13.49
Vol. 4: Download
ALL • #DMM04 • DUB ONLY • 88 mins • $13.49
Vol. 5: N1 Grand Prix!
ALL • #DMM05 • DUB ONLY • 88 mins • $13.49
Vol. 6: Upgrade!
ALL • #DMM06 • DUB ONLY • 88 mins • $13.49
Vol. 7: Net City!
ALL • #DMM07 • DUB ONLY • 88 mins • $13.49
Vol. 8: DenTech Troubles!
ALL • #DMM08 • DUB ONLY • 88 mins • $13.49
Vol. 9: Battlechip in!
ALL • #DMM09 • DUB ONLY • 88 mins • $13.49
Vol. 10: Grave Warning!
ALL • #DMM10 • DUB ONLY • 88 mins • $13.49
An ancient legend says that if one
were to partake of the flesh of the
mermaid, one would be granted eternal
life. Yuta ate the mermaid’s flesh 500
years ago and since then he has lived
a lonely never-ending life. Wishing to
have a normal life, he searches the
world for a mermaid, hoping she can
tell him how to become mortal again.
When he arrives in a village, he meets
a girl named Mana, who also became
immortal by eating a mermaid’s flesh.
Together, they start their journey to
regain their humanity.
Box Set
16+ • #PD12860 • 325 mins • $62.98
Based on the well-known literary
character, Michel is a “Little Prince”
of a boy who holds the secrets of life.
But the evil Black Hammers are out to
take the precious goods that belong to
Michel’s magical and mystical world.
In flies Kim to the rescue! In a vintage
plane with a few tricks of her own, this
amazing girl is the only one who can
save Michel and the fairies.
Vol. 1: The Pilot & The Prince
13+ • #DMCH001 • 125 mins • $13.48
Vol. 2: The Rose & The Fox
13+ • #DMCH002 • 125 mins • $13.48
Vol. 3: The Forest & The Fog
13+ • #DMCH003 • 100 mins • $13.48
Seiji “Mad Dog” Sawamura is the
ultimate high-school punk. Just when
he thinks his only girlfriend will be his
right hand, his right hand becomes an
actual girl! Midori Kasunago wished
she could be by Seiji’s side, and ends
Moon Phase
While a photographer is investigating
a mysterious castle, he discovers
a captivating young vampire girl
who’s been trapped there for years.
Unknowingly, he frees her - and
ensnares them both in a struggle for
love, power, and authority among the
undead and other dark forces. The
girl’s peaking vampire powers, alluring
beauty and uncontrollable personality
have now been unleashed upon the
Vol. 1 Released 10/17/06
15+ • #FUN08392 • N/A mins • $26.98
Vol. 2 Released 11/28/06
15+ • #FUN08394 • N/A mins • $26.98
Before coming to the Fuka Academy,
all Mai Tokiha wanted was to live an
ordinary high school life - but that’s the
last thing she’s going to get. It turns
out that Mai is a HiME, one of twelve
girls with supernatural powers that are
gathered at this school to fight the
Orphans, demons that dwell around
the school.
Vol. 1
13+ • #AV20730 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 2
13+ • #AV20731 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 3
13+ • #AV20732 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 1: Upon the Shoulders of Giants
13+ • #DMCR001 • 150 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Under Crimson Skies
13+ • #DMCR002 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Dangerous Divisions
13+ • #DMCR003 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Fallen Angels
13+ • #DMCR004 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: When Worlds Collide
13+ • #DMCR005 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6 Released 10/24/06
13+ • #DMCR006 • 125 mins • $26.98
Box Set 4 (eps 37-48)
13+ • #DMIBS4 • 300 mins • $44.98
Box Set 5 (eps 49-60)
13+ • #DMIBS5 • 300 mins • $44.98
Box Set 6 (eps 61-72)
13+ • #DMIBS6 • 300 mins • $44.98
Box Set 7 (eps 73-84)
13+ • #DMIBS7 • 300 mins • $44.98
Box Set 8 (eps 85-96)
13+ • #DMIBS8 • 300 mins • $44.98
Maison Ikkoku
Vol. 5: Shinobi Weapons Released 10/24/06
13+ • #DNR05 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 6 Released 11/29/06
13+ • #DNR06 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $17.98
Ah, how the mighty have fallen! Caged
inside a little boy’s body and banished
to Earth by the almighty Odin, the stillproud and powerful Loki now runs
the Enjaku Detective Agency. Joined
by his trusted assistant Yamino and
a beautiful (but accident prone) high
school girl named Mayura, Loki earns
a living probing the darkest corners of
the paranormal, the occult, and the
otherwise peculiar.
Growing up can be painful - especially
when you fall down a flight of stairs,
suffer severe head trauma, and
wake up with the mental capacity of
a kindergartener. Now 17-year-old
Nanaka Kirisato has to grow up all
over again. Nanaka thinks she’s been
through a magical transformation, and
she just can’t wrap her head around
the head trauma. But if she thought
fitting in as an unpopular bookworm
was hard, subtracting eleven years
certainly won’t help.
Vol. 1: Not So Magical Mishap
13+ • #DNK001 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Reality! Rivalry! Ridicule!
13+ • #DNK002 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Nanaka vs Nanaka!
13+ • #DNK003 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 1: The Basics of Magic
15+ • #FUN07762 • 150 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Magic & Combat
15+ • #FUN07764 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3 Released 10/17/06
15+ • #FUN07766 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4 Released 11/28/06
15+ • #FUN07768 • N/A mins • $26.98
Monsters resembling the ancient
Oni begin attacking the laboratory
where Prof. Saotome is developing
the Getter Robo, a robot so powerful
it overwhelms ordinary pilots! Prof.
Saotome then locates three of the
most dangerous men on the planet
to draft as pilots: Ryoma the fighter,
Hayato the bezerker and Benkei the
Box Set
16+ • #PD12846 • 325 mins • $62.98
Fifteen years in the future, a violent
battle takes place between the
dimension La’cryma, that protects
humanity, and the dimension ShangriLa, that plans the annihilation of all
space and time. The key to stopping
Shangri-La’s invasion is a mysterious
object known as “The Dragon’s Torque.”
A group known as the Dragon Calvary is
being sent through space and time to
find it.
Vol. 1 Released 10/17/06
13+ • #M2063 • 150 mins • $22.48
Vol. 2 Released 1/16/07
13+ • #M2068 • N/A mins • $22.48
Vol. 3 Released 4/17/07
13+ • #M2071 • N/A mins • $22.48
Vol. 4 Released 7/24/07
13+ • #M5007 • N/A mins • $22.48
Led by a mysterious voice, Kotaro
awakens from a long slumber and
comes to Papuwa Island, a tropical
paradise hidden away from the world
of man. However, as soon as he arrives
a traumatic experience causes him
to lose his memories and forget the
horrifying secret that binds him to the
strange island. Now Kotaro begins his
new life in a world of transvestite fish,
fruity pink dinosaurs and hallucinationinducing poisonous mushrooms.
Vol. 1: Wild Things
13+ • #DPA001 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Zombie Samba
13+ • #DPA002 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 1 Released 12/19/06
16+ • #PD12923 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 1 + Artbox Released 12/19/06
16+ • #PD12922 • 100 mins • $35.98
College freshman Morisato Keiichi gets
more than he bargained for when he
goes dialing for dinner and gets an
unexpected delivery: Belldandy, a real
live, honest to goodness Goddess!
Belldandy grants him a wish, and
Keiichi decides that what he really
needs is a girlfriend!
Premium Box Set Released 11/7/06
13+ • #AWDVD0659 • 650 mins • $152.96
Collector’s Edition Set
13+ • #ANMDV1089 • 156 mins • $35.98
Cute, buxom ninja-trainee Shinobu’s
“way of the ninja” is totally mixed up!
And it’s all thanks to the perverse
A young man named Monkey D. Luffy
dreams of becoming King of the
At the dawn of the millennium in
Tokyo, advanced robotic vehicles called
Labors are heavily relied upon to build
fortifications to protect Japan from
global rising sea levels. A maverick team
from the Metropolitan Police led by Noa
Izumi and Azuma Shinohara uncover a
devilish scheme to infect Tokyo’s 8,000
Labors with the BABEL virus.
Regular Edition
13+ • #BUDH0101DVD • 100 mins • $26.99
Set three years after the first film,
Patlabor 2 draws police commanders
Deep within the Hidden Leaf Village,
sharp and cunning ninja carry amazing
talents and powers, and Naruto
Uzumaki carries an amazing secret.
Twelve years ago, the fourth Hokage
sacrificed himself to save the village by
sealing the Nine-tailed Fox Spirit inside
this orphaned newborn. Now, this
plucky prankster must do what it takes
to achieve his life-long goal to become
the next Hokage!
Box Set 1
16+ • #DNRBS1 • 325 mins • $44.98
Box Set 1 Special Edition
16+ • #DNRBSSP1 • 325 mins • $62.98
US TV broadcast version.
Vol. 1: Enter Naruto
13+ • #DNR01 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 2: Dangerous Mission
13+ • #DNR02 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 3: The Forest of Chakra
13+ • #DNR03 • DUB ONLY • 88 mins • $17.98
Vol. 4: The Broken Seal
13+ • #DNR04 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $17.98
Volume 4 brings the nonsense
to an end! Kaede introduces the
ninjas to the bizarre holiday called
“Christmas”; everyone’s favorite
faceless ninja, Sasuke, takes
center-stage in his own episode;
and Onsokumaru finally reveals “the
secret” to Shinobu! Enjoy the end of
2006’s number-one ninja comedy!
Vol. 4: Exit the Ninja Released 11/28/06
ALL • #DPMM008 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $17.98
15+ • #RSDVD8064 • 80 mins • $26.99
Ki’ichi Gotoh and Shinobu Nagumo into
the hunt for Tsuge, a rogue officer of the
Japan Self-Defense Force connected
with an escalating wave of terrorist
attacks. But the investigation into the
plot is guarded by secrets both personal
and political as the awakening fear of
terror in Tokyo is slowly answered by
the dream-like fade of democracy into
martial law.
Regular Edition
13+ • #BUDH0103DVD • 113 mins • $26.99
Meet Yucie, a girl under a spell. Yucie
wants to be a Platinum Princess, and
the only way to do that is to attend the
Princess Academy. But that’s not as
easy as it sounds. Under the guidance
of Queen Ercell, and with the unwitting
help of a schoolmate named Glenda,
Yucie finds herself embarking on an
epic quest to obtain the fabled Tiara of
Eternity! Thinpak edition.
Box Set
13+ • #DYCBX1 • 650 mins • $53.98
Miu Nomura once loved to play the
piano. As a little girl, the music made
her heart soar and she eagerly shared
her songs with all those around her.
Now an introverted teenager, Miu has
become too shy to express her feelings
- even through her music. When Miu
develops a crush on a classmate,
her piano teacher, the moody Mr.
Shirakawa, notices a sudden and
remarkable change in Miu’s playing.
Can he help her rediscover the joy of
the piano and find the courage to share
her heart and music once more?
Complete Collection
13+ • #RSDVD2107 • 240 mins • $53.99
Jubei Chan 2
2075 AD. The dream of working and
living in space has become a reality.
However, a new threat has arisen:
space debris! A space debris collection
agency is formed, but it’s a money-losing
venture for the corporation. Follow the
men and women of the “Half-Section”
and witness the harrowing experience
that is involved with such dangers.
Vol. 1
13+ • #AV26300 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2
13+ • #AV26301 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3
13+ • #AV26302 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4
13+ • #AV26303 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 5
13+ • #AV26304 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 6
13+ • #AV26305 • 100 mins • $22.48
Complete Collection Released 11/28/06
13+ • #AV26306 • 650 mins • $44.98
Maiku Kamishiro grew up in an orphanage with no memory of his past. His
sole possession is a childhood picture
of himself and another person, who he
believes to be his long lost twin sister.
Upon discovering his old home, two
young girls show up on his doorstep,
both claiming to be his long lost sister. Maiku’s life is about to be turned
upside down. How will Maiku be able
to keep his mind on school and work
while trying to figure out which one of
these girls is his sister and which one
is the love of his life?
A girl named Duck falls in love with
a prince. One day, a bizarre old man
emerges and gives her a magical
pendant that transforms her into the
waltzing Princess Tutu. Now she must
choose - for those who accept their fate
find happiness, those who defy it, glory.
Vol. 1: Marchen
14+ • #DPTT001 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Traum
14+ • #DPTT002 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Erwachen
14+ • #DPTT003 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Prinz und Rabe
14+ • #DPTT004 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Schwert und Feder
14+ • #DPTT005 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: Abschied
14+ • #DPTT006 • 100 mins • $26.98
Pero, a sword-wielding musketeer
cat, is on the run! He’s guilty of the
ultimate crime: rescuing mice from
certain doom. In hot pursuit are three
bumbling police cats, trying their best
to bring Pero to justice. While evading
capture, Pero stumbles upon an
unfortunate boy named Pierre, who
is mistreated by his two greedy and
selfish brothers. Pero soon convinces
Pierre that he is better off leaving this
deprived life behind him.
ALL • #DT007 • 80 mins • $22.48
Explosions peal into the night as the
White House is rocked in an attack by
a single mysterious man. Now Yomiko
Readman, codename: The Paper, is
about to find herself absorbed into
Anime Legends Collection Released 11/28/06
13+ • #AV21037 • 325 mins • $35.98
Enjoy the Pokemon story from the
beginning! Meet our hero, Ash, in his
hometown of Pallet Town where boys
and girls are encouraged to begin their
Pokemon journeys!
Season 1 Box Set Released 11/21/06
ALL • #DPMBS1 • DUB ONLY • 650 mins • $35.98
Ten DVDs commemorating the top
Pokemon characters as selected by
votes from fans are being released.
Each disc showcases a single character
with 3 classic episodes featuring its
Vol. 1: Pikachu
ALL • #DPMAN01 • DUB ONLY • 66 mins • $8.98
Vol. 2: Jigglypuff
ALL • #DPMAN02 • DUB ONLY • 66 mins • $8.98
Vol. 3: Charizard
ALL • #DPMAN03 • DUB ONLY • 66 mins • $8.98
Vol. 4: Squirtle
ALL • #DPMAN04 • DUB ONLY • 66 mins • $8.98
Vol. 5: Blastoise Released 10/24/06
ALL • #DPMAN05 • DUB ONLY • 66 mins • $8.98
Vol. 6: Eevee Released 10/24/06
ALL • #DPMAN06 • DUB ONLY • 66 mins • $8.98
Vol. 7: Bulbasaur Released 10/24/06
ALL • #DPMAN07 • DUB ONLY • 66 mins • $8.98
Ash and his friends continue their
adventures, this time visiting Maisie
Island, Wazoo Island, and the ABC
Islands on their way to Mossdeep City
and the Hoenn League. Ash is ready to
win his eighth badge. Catch the action
during the Showdown at Linoone!
Vol. 1
ALL • #DPMAB01 • DUB ONLY • 110 mins • $13.49
Vol. 2
ALL • #DPMAB02 • DUB ONLY • 110 mins • $13.49
Vol. 3 Released 10/17/06
ALL • #DPMAB03 • DUB ONLY • 110 mins • $13.49
Vol. 4 Released 10/17/06
ALL • #DPMAB04 • DUB ONLY • 110 mins • $13.49
Kiddy Grade
Vol. 1: God & Detectives
13+ • #DMSL001 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Love & War
13+ • #DMSL002 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: All Things Evil
13+ • #DMSL003 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Destiny’s Children
13+ • #DMSL004 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Sisters of Fury
13+ • #DMSL005 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: All Seeing Eye
13+ • #DMSL006 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 7: End of Days
13+ • #DMSL007 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vampires, robots, sorcery... And that’s
all before gym class! Wizard-in-training
Negi Springfield is only 10 years old,
but he also happens to be the newest
English teacher at the all-girl Mahora
Academy. Too bad a bachelor’s degree
and an enchanted staff can’t prepare a
lad for the chaos of being surrounded
by dozens of junior high girls!
Vol. 1: King of the Pirates
ALL • #DOPC01 • DUB ONLY • 66 mins • $17.98
Vol. 2: The Circus Comes to Town
ALL • #DOPC02 • DUB ONLY • 66 mins • $17.98
Vol. 3: The Teller of Tales
ALL • #DOPC03 • DUB ONLY • 75 mins • $17.98
Vol. 4: The Cat’s Ninth Life
ALL • #DOPC04 • DUB ONLY • 75 mins • $17.98
Vol. 5 Released 10/24/06
ALL • #DOPC05 • DUB ONLY • 110 mins • $17.98
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Ninja Nonsense: The Legend of Shinobu
Vol. 4
13+ • #AV20733 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 5 Released 11/14/06
13+ • #AV20734 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 1: Enter the Ninja
15+ • #RSDVD8061 • 90 mins • $26.99
Vol. 2: Psychedelic Summer
15+ • #RSDVD8062 • 90 mins • $26.99
Vol. 3: Ninjas on First Released 10/31/06
15+ • #RSDVD8063 • 80 mins • $26.99
Vol. 4: Exit the Ninja Released 11/28/06
15+ • #RSDVD8064 • 80 mins • $26.99
Pirates. When he’s captured by a band
of pirates, Luffy escapes to a naval
base ruled by an evil captain. Luffy
saves the famous swordsman, Zolo,
from execution in exchange for Zolo
joining his crew, and the real adventure
begins! TV broadcast version.
tutelage of her headmaster: a strange,
yellow, spherically pudgy… creature…
named Onsokumaru! It’s total insanity
as he sends her off on one ridiculously
inappropriate challenge after another!
The first test? Collect girls’ underwear!
Box Set Released 10/24/06
13+ • #PD12861 • 625 mins • $143.98
13+ • #ME41392 • 90 mins • $17.99
Meet Ryoko Mitsurugi, high school
girl and the champion of “K fights,” a
school-recognized system of dueling to
resolve disputes. When Ryoko comes
across a mysterious pendant, she’s
called upon to champion more than
just school conflicts – she must defend
an entire world!
Box Set
13+ • #TPDV1442 • 325 mins • $71.99
Vol. 1 Released 12/19/06
14+ • #FUN02342 • N/A mins • $26.98
Box Set
15+ • #DLRBX1 • 600 mins • $35.98
One silent, misty night, Karou sets out in
search of the murderer that’s tarnishing
the name of her fencing school. Instead,
she finds Kenshin – an enigmatic
wanderer carrying a strange reverseblade sword. And with that, the curtain
rises on this feudal tale of swords, honor,
and redemption for a regretful past.
Economy Box Set
13+ • #RKDVD0582 • 675 mins • $71.96
The Legend of Kyoto chronicles the
story of Kenshin as he faces off
against the king of chaos, Shishio.
This underworld tyrant plans to destroy
Japan by recreating the Revolution,
and then having Japan restructured to
his own image. He has recruited the
Juppongatana, ten of the world’s most
deadly fighters, to stop Kenshin. Yahiko
and Sanosuke struggle to get stronger
so they can help Kenshin before a sea
of enemies overtakes him.
Economy Box Set
13+ • #RKDVD0602 • 875 mins • $80.96
Economy Box Set
13+ • #RKDVD0610 • 825 mins • $71.96
Prequel to the TV series. Chise is a
cute and delicate teenage girl who was
transformed into the Ultimate Weapon,
even though she wants nothing more
than to be a normal girl in love. As
the war escalates, we see more of the
fearsome destruction inflicted by her
on both enemy and friend alike, and
we meet the coldhearted Commander
Mizuki, an earlier, less powerful version
of the weapon Chise has become.
15+ • #DSKOVA • 60 mins • $26.98
Shuuji and Chise find themselves
caught amidst a war of destruction
that needs to be fought. Shuji one day
discovers that his girlfriend has been
turned into “The Ultimate Weapon,”
an engineered weapon capable of
destroying entire cities. Discover how
Chise and Shuji divert their focus on
war, destruction and killing into love
and strength.
Complete Collection
16+ • #DSKBS • 312 mins • $71.98
Enter the world of Saiyuki! A unique
universe of beauty and betrayal,
where sacred scrolls battle enchanted
weaponry and where dragons can
transform into jeeps. A land of magic
and menace, where four reluctant
heroes are just as concerned about
having a good time, a stiff drink, and
a beautiful woman as they are about
saving the world. Thinpak edition.
Complete Collection Released 10/31/06
13+ • #DSYBX3 • 1250 mins • $89.98
The legendary Sanzo group continues
on the path to saving the world from the
revival of Gyumaoh and his demons. As
they travel, Goku, Gojyo, Hakkai and
Sanzo use their tremendous powers to
restore peace to Shangrila. However,
Samurai 7
Samurai 7 is finally coming to an end
with volume 7! Befitting of such a
marvelous show – you’ve got three
choices with the final volume: a
standard edition, an artbox edition,
and a limited collector’s edition. The
samurai have fought long and hard in
the defense of Kanna village, and at
last, the final battle is at hand…
Vol. 7: Guardians of the Rice
13+ • #FUN05826 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 1
16+ • #PD12584 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2
16+ • #PD12585 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3
16+ • #PD12586 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4 Released 10/24/06
16+ • #PD12587 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5 Released 12/26/06
16+ • #PD12588 • 100 mins • $26.98
In a futuristic war-ravaged country on
the brink of collapse, the once powerful
samurai are coming to the end of their
rule. Bandits roam the countryside with
savage intent. A powerless village hires
7 ronin, samurai with no master, to
defend their way of life.
Vol. 1: Search for the Seven
13+ • #FUN05802 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Escape from the Merchants
13+ • #FUN05804 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: From Farm to Fortress
13+ • #FUN05808 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Battle for Kanna
13+ • #FUN05812 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Empire in Flux
13+ • #FUN05818 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: Broken Alliance
13+ • #FUN05822 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 7: Guardians of the Rice
13+ • #FUN05826 • 105 mins • $26.98
Vol. 7 + Artbox
13+ • #FUN05830 • 105 mins • $31.48
Mugen’s a buck wild warrior - violent,
thoughtless and womanizing. Jin is a
vagrant ronin - mysterious, traditional,
well-mannered and very strong. These
two fiercely independent warriors
couldn’t be more different from one
another, yet their paths cross when
Fuu, a ditzy waitress, saves them
from being executed when they are
arrested after a violent swordfight. Fuu
convinces the two vagrant young men
to help her find a mysterious samurai
“who smells of sunflowers.” And their
journey begins.
Box Set
16+ • #PD12781 • 650 mins • $179.98
An environmental catastrophe has
caused some humans to undergo
genetic mutations; these “enhanced”
humans are known as Alters. Kazuma
has spent his entire life relying on his
special powers to survive, but when
a secret organization called “Holy”
threatens to take away his freedom, he
will be left with a choice to join or die.
His fight to seek the truth will rage and
consume humanity and Alter alike!
Anime Legends Collection Released 10/24/06
13+ • #AV80261 • 650 mins • $44.98
The kingdom of Kuruda has known
many warriors, but none greater than
the Sevalle, an elite breed whose
mastery of martial arts has made them
legendary. But for the 59th Sevalle,
Elle Ragu, a.k.a. Shadow Skill, being a
legend is shaping up to be something
of a drag. After all, adventure alone
First impressions can be misleading!
Shiina nearly died when the current
swept her out to sea. Instead, she was
rescued by a mysterious star-shaped
creature and plunged into a strange
adventure! Her new friend Hoshimaru
leads her into a maelstrom of alien
attacks and to a secret society of
psychic children. Is Shiina destined
to become one of them? And is her
new pet truly a friend, or a threat to
all humanity?
Complete Collection
16+ • #USMD2498 • 325 mins • $44.99
Yuji Sakai is about to learn that there is
more to the world than going to school
and finding a girlfriend when he meets
a sword-wielding girl with fiery red eyes
and flame-colored hair. Denizens of the
Crimson Realm are invading our world
and it’s up to the Flame Haze, Shana,
to slay them. However, when Yuji gets
in the way of her sword, he learns that
death is much more different than he
imagined it would be.
Vol. 1: The Torch Bearer
13+ • #PD12775 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 1/CD Combo Pack
13+ • #G53622 • 100 mins • $35.98
Vol. 2 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #PD12776 • 100 mins • $26.98
What if one day, you discovered
that the world wasn’t quite what it
seemed? Life is rather quiet for Hajime
Murata. But when student council vice
president Kyoichi Moriguchi challenges
a mysterious new transfer student
to a fight, Hajime rushes over just in
time to see the simple brawl turn into
a startling display of psychic powers!
Hajime is determined to figure out the
truth about the world he thought he
already knew. This is his story; a tale
of aliens and humans, starships and
spies, and friends who are often more
than they appear.
Vol. 1: Altered Perceptions
7+ • #RSDVD8035 • 125 mins • $26.96
Vol. 1 + Artbox + Tshirt
7+ • #RSDVD8034 • 125 mins • $40.46
Vol. 2: Tense Confrontations
7+ • #RSDVD8036 • 125 mins • $26.96
Vol. 3: Deadly Limitations
7+ • #RSDVD8037 • 150 mins • $26.96
Vol. 4: Secret Revelations
7+ • #RSDVD8038 • 125 mins • $26.96
Vol. 5: Fateful Conclusions
7+ • #RSDVD8039 • 125 mins • $26.96
Yuzu Hieda was just an average high
school student and part-time Shinto
priestess. But then she was given a
mission in the form of her classmate,
Tadahiro Amatsu. Tadahiro has a secret
buried behind his left eye; a secret that
has attracted the attention of an evil
sorcerer and his army of demons! To
fight the evil, Yuzu assembles a team of
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Speed Grapher
What was supposed to be a
simple investigative job changes
photographer Saiga’s life forever.
When he intrudes on a bizarre secret
ritual involving a young girl in an
underground club, he dies for the
disruption. That is… he should have
died. Instead, the ritual has granted
him extraordinary powers - among
them: the ability to kill with even the
slightest snap-shot from his camera.
Box Set
13+ • #DSPRBX2 • 650 mins • $44.98
Vol. 1: A New Sonic Hero
ALL • #FUN07942 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $15.28
Vol. 2: The Chaos Factor
ALL • #FUN07952 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $15.28
Vol. 3: Satellite Swindle
ALL • #FUN07944 • DUB ONLY • 80 mins • $15.28
Vol. 4: Beating Eggman
ALL • #FUN07946 • DUB ONLY • 80 mins • $15.28
Vol. 5: Sonic Scream Test
ALL • #FUN07948 • DUB ONLY • 80 mins • $13.48
Vol. 6: Countdown to Chaos
ALL • #FUN07954 • DUB ONLY • 80 mins • $13.48
Vol. 7: Revenge of the Robot
ALL • #FUN07956 • DUB ONLY • 80 mins • $13.48
Vol. 8: Shadow
ALL • #FUN07958 • DUB ONLY • 80 mins • $13.48
Vol. 9: Into the Darkness
ALL • #FUN07962 • DUB ONLY • 80 mins • $13.48
Vol. 10: Beginning of the End
ALL • #FUN07964 • DUB ONLY • 80 mins • $13.48
Vol. 11 (Season 5 Set) Released 10/31/06
ALL • #FUN07966 • DUB ONLY • 280 mins • $15.28
Vol. 1
17+ • #FUN08702 • 100 mins • $26.98
five powerful priestesses and prepares
to master the magic arts.
Complete Collection
13+ • #AWDVD0607 • 325 mins • $26.96
According to legend, there was a group
of warriors known as the Mutsu clan
who were a match for any samurai,
even though they fought without
weapons. To keep a young nobleman
safe, a passerby by the name of
Yakumo Mutsu becomes his bodyguard.
The young master soon realizes he has
gained the protection of a legendary
and invincible weaponless warrior.
Economy Box Set
13+ • #AWDVD0653 • 650 mins • $80.96
Wataru Minakami was at the top of
a confusing new world, Sonic’s soon
the target of a high-stakes, high-speed
chase. The officers on his tail are from
the S-Team: a police squad of elite
racers who’ll stop at nothing to get
their man... or their hedgehog!
his class in middle school and had a
pretty comfy life in Tokyo. When he
unexpectedly fails his only high school
entrance exam because of a computer
glitch, his life is suddenly thrown into
utter chaos! Jeeves, Wataru’s trusted
butler, sends him off to attend school
at Stargazer’s Hill... Upon his arrival,
Wataru encounters many friendly,
cute girls. This isn’t a problem – until
he finds out they are all his sisters!
Thinpak edition.
In his super Sonic debut, the heroic
hedgehog smashes into Dr. Eggman’s
heavily-guarded compound to snatch
the seventh Chaos Emerald. In a
panic, Eggman hits the button that
initiates Chaos Control. Blasted into
Experience the supernatural action,
forbidden lust and conspiracy of
this futuristic thrill ride! Death is
in the hands of a photographer,
assassinations are running rampant
and all answers revolve around a
beautiful and unimaginably powerful
young girl.
Vol. 1
17+ • #FUN08702 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2
17+ • #FUN08704 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3
17+ • #FUN08706 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4 Released 11/28/06
17+ • #FUN08708 • 100 mins • $26.98
What are the Blade Children? This
is a question Ayumu Narumi has
been asking himself since his brother
disappeared two years ago. But today
Ayumu has been accused of murder.
While he tries to defend himself against
growing allegations, Ayumu must
unwrap the mystery of his innocence.
Box Set Released 10/17/06
13+ • #FUN07310 • 400 mins • $71.98
Claude and his father are on a mission
to investigate the unexplored planet
Mirokinia. But when they arrive at
the planet, Claude mysteriously gets
transported to another planet called
Expel. Wandering around in the woods,
Claude saves a girl named Rena from
a monster. Rena tells him that he is
the Legendary Warrior of Light whom
she’s been looking for. The two set
off in search of the Sorcery Globe,
which is believed to be the source of
evils. Their journey will determine the
Armed with Merrill’s cunning, Genie’s
strength and Melissa’s prayers, this allgirl band has no trouble raiding ruins unless a magic seal blocks the way. The
girls decide to hire a magician; alas, all
of the available magicians prefer reading
to raiding, except Louie. Thinpak edition.
After the epic of Kyoto, Kenshin and his
group settle back into their usual cycle
of adventures. Old friends like Yutaro
and Misao make appearances, as do
new villains like Shogo Amakusa, a
rogue warrior who fights with the same
sword style as Kenshin.
Vol. 1: Fight for the Ones You Love
13+ • #DSSK001 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Brothers & Sisters in Arms
13+ • #DSSK002 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Call of the Black Howling
13+ • #DSSK003 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: The Fall
13+ • #DSSK004 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Timor Mors Mortis
13+ • #DSSK005 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: Emergence of the Beast
13+ • #DSSK006 • 100 mins • $26.98
a secret organization of superheroes
determined to save the world.
A peaceful temple hides a corrupt
secret. Will Sanzo fall victim to the
deadly truth? After that, a den full of
disgruntled bears is on the hunt, and
Sanzo and the others just happen to be
in the crosshairs. To top it off, a newly
unstoppable Kougaiji is waiting for
them. Will they ever make any progress
on their journey?
doesn’t pay the rent, and living check
to check takes its toll on even the
fiercest warrior.
there are many who wish for the victory
of the dark side...
Vol. 2: Summer Heat
13+ • #PD12750 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 3: Winter Adventures
13+ • #PD12751 • 100 mins • $22.48
For the 73rd class of cadets of the
Defense University of the small planet
Kibi, a shakedown cruise on the fleet’s
new starship Amaterasu is a fitting leadup to graduation. Upon returning to their
home planet, however, they are shocked
to hear news of a declaration of war by
the aggressive kingdom against Kibi.
Vol. 1: Revolution
13+ • #PD12661 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Memories
13+ • #PD12662 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Truth
13+ • #PD12663 • 125 mins • $26.98
13+ • #M2057 • 101 mins • $17.98
Join Chika, Miu and Matsuri as they go
about their daily lives full of adventure
and discovery. Follow the intrepid trio
as they try to make a surprise birthday
gift. Then meet Ana, a transfer student
originally from England who pretends
to be a foreigner. This becomes more
difficult to pull off when the girls pay
a visit to her happy home. And when
Chika & Company find out where Nobue
is working, they decide to pay her a
visit... with disastrous results!
Vol. 1: Cute is as Cute Does
13+ • #PD12749 • 100 mins • $22.48
Evil mastermind M. Bison is determined
to attack civilization and conquer the
world. Can legendary warriors Ken
and Ryu thwart his manic plans? The
ultimate battle between good and evil is
about to begin! Uncensored and uncut!
They’re smart, they’re hip, and they’ll
shop ‘til they drop. They’re the sharpest
pack of high school escapees to ever
roam the streets of Shibuya. But watch
out for their leader, Ran Kotobuki.
When this rebel GAL sets her sights on
something, she’s an irresistible force that
even the most immovable object can’t
defy. With the help of her best friends,
Ran always gets what she wants. Well...
almost always. Thinpak edition.
Box Set
13+ • #DSGBX2 • 650 mins • $44.98
Finally - the Super GALS are back! For
the first time ever on DVD, you can see
the rest of Ran’s adventures in Shibuya!
The gang’s all here: Ran, Miyu, Aya, Rei,
Nii (er, Yuya), even monkey-boy Tatsuki.
Get ready for more characters, more
romance, more Shibuya slang, and
more Ironclad Rules than ever before!
Vol. 2
13+ • #M2067 • 150 mins • $22.48
Vol. 3 Released 1/16/07
13+ • #M2069 • N/A mins • $22.48
Vol. 4 Released 3/20/07
13+ • #M5005 • N/A mins • $22.48
Vol. 5 Released 6/26/07
13+ • #M5006 • N/A mins • $22.48
Box Set Released Winter 2006
13+ • #RSDVD2018 • SUB ONLY • 650 mins • $44.98
Meet supernatural sleuth and writer
Kantaro Ichinomiya. Kantaro spends
his days traveling the Japanese
countryside, fighting demons and
writing about his adventures in hopes
of finding the resting place of the
mysterious demon-eating goblin. Will
Kantaro be able to solve feudal Japan’s
growing demon problem AND finish his
book by his editor’s deadline?
Vol. 1
13+ • #M2051 • 150 mins • $22.48
Hibio’s mother is a globe-trotting
adventurer who’s been away from
home most of his life. In order to get
permission to research an ancient
tribe, she must offer a special gift to
its princess. Much to Hibio’s surprise,
he’s the gift! Returning home from
school one day, he finds the beautiful
princess Nima waiting for him. She’s
come to collect her new husband, but
the strange modern world and a host
of rivals are standing between her
and happiness!
13+ • #AWDVD0648 • 60 mins • $17.96
Vol. 1
15+ • #FUN08452 • N/A mins • $26.98
2087: Humanity is about to lose its
position as the dominant life form
on Earth, as an endless swarm of
biomechanical beings known as the
Venomoids descends from space.
Earth’s Space Knights are no match
for the Venemoid champions, the
Teknomen. When Ringo Richards and
Star Summers find a wounded stranger
named Blade, humanity gains one last
hope. Blade is able to transform into
a Teknoman. Now he fights to protect
Earth against those who were once his
family and friends.
Vol. 1
7+ • #AWDVD0629 • DUB ONLY • 350 mins • $26.96
Vol. 2
7+ • #AWDVD0642 • DUB ONLY • 375 mins • $26.96
Vol. 3
7+ • #AWDVD0652 • DUB ONLY • 375 mins • $26.96
Sequel to the original OVA series.
Tenchi seeks answers from his past
while Ryoko faces the present head
on. But the gang’s world gets turned
updside-down when they receive a
strange visitor. After composing himself,
Tenchi discovers that the mysterious
visitor is not his mom, but a long-lost
sister who has come to inform him
of his arranged marriage and, more
importantly, his new fiancee, Noike.
Vol. 1: Here Comes the Bride
13+ • #FUN07658 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2 Released 10/17/06
13+ • #FUN07664 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3 Released 11/28/06
13+ • #FUN07660 • N/A mins • $26.98
This series takes place a year after the
events of the original Tenchi Muyo OVAs.
Seina Yamada has the worst luck. When
he tries to walk down stairs, he trips.
When he rides his bike, it falls apart.
And when a giant spaceship crashes on
Earth, it almost lands right on his head!
Box Set
13+ • #FUN07600 • 650 mins • $80.98
Souichiro and Bob want to rule their
new school, but just as they begin
cracking heads, their plan is shot to
hell. First there’s the Natsume sisters
and their Juuken Club. If the older
sister, Maya, isn’t kicking their ass,
then the younger sister, Aya, is trying
to force feed Souichiro and make
him her husband! Then there’s the
Student Executive Council that sends
executioners to “educate” anyone who
questions the council’s authority! Their
education is just beginning!
Vol. 1
16+ • #PD12489 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 2
16+ • #PD12490 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 3
16+ • #PD12491 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 4
16+ • #PD12492 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 5
16+ • #PD12493 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 6
16+ • #PD12494 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 7
16+ • #PD12495 • 75 mins • $22.48
Vol. 8
16+ • #PD12496 • 100 mins • $22.48
Professor Kaneda creates the ultimate
soldier robot, Tetsujin, as a substitute
for his son, Shotaro, whom he believed
died in a bomb raid on Tokyo during
World War II. To prevent the army from
using Testujin as a tool for destruction,
the professor hides it on a remote
island. Ten years after the war, Tetsujin
is finally resurrected after 28 attempts
made by the late Professor Kaneda’s
protege, Professor Shikishima.
Vol. 1: Monster Resurrected
13+ • #PD12597 • 115 mins • $17.98
Vol. 2: Tetsujin vs. the Mafia
13+ • #PD12598 • 115 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: The Phantom Thief
13+ • #PD12599 • 92 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4: Kyoto Burns
13+ • #PD12600 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5: Conspiracy
13+ • #PD12601 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 6: Advance! Tetsujin
13+ • #PD12602 • 100 mins • $26.98
Ichise’s grief only allows him to enjoy
the pain of the fighting pits in the
underground city of Lukuss. However,
when a gang punishes Ichise by
cutting his arm and leg off, his will to
live overcomes the odds and attracts
the attention of the ruling Orugano
syndicate that controls the cybernetic
Texhnolyze technology which is usually
reserved for the elite.
Complete Lenticular Set
16+ • #PD12808 • 550 mins • $134.98
“There’s nothing I can do to make a
difference. Wars will be fought. People
will die,” Takeru said. “I’ll never matter.”
He didn’t know how wrong he was.
Takeru has a very special place in this
universe. And he doesn’t know how
special until he meets a beautiful girl
who falls from the stars.
Vol. 1: Falling Star
15+ • #DUBW001 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Eye of the Beholder
15+ • #DUBW002 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 1 Released 2/6/07
13+ • #M5002 • N/A mins • $22.48
Vol. 2 Released 5/15/07
13+ • #M5003 • N/A mins • $22.48
Deep under the ground of the capital city
of Tokyo exists a forgotten sunless world
called “Tokyo Underground.” From this
world, two mysterious figures, Chelsea
Rorec and Ruri Sarasa, come escaping
and find a temporary safe haven in the
home of Rumina Asagi. Villains chasing
them appear on Rumina’s doorstep
and the fierce fight awakens Rumina’s
latent Wind Powers. Resolving to protect
Ruri from the evil forces pursuing her,
Rumina’s adventure begins!
Box Set
13+ • #PD12853 • 650 mins • $80.98
out: join the military, get a cushy desk
job, and then retire with a big fat
pension check. The perfect plan...until
he wandered into a hostage situation
and somehow managed to save an
admiral! Now Tylor, a man who wouldn’t
know what discipline was if it bit him on
the backside, has been made Captain
of the space cruiser Soyokaze! The crew
of this run-down ship is the craziest ragtag team of misfits you’re ever likely to
see, and they’re not too fond of their
complacent new leader. But they had
better learn to work together, because
they’re about to go head to head with
the mighty Raalgon Empire! For better
or for worse, the Earth’s fate has been
placed in the hands of a man who’s
either a total idiot, or an absolute
genius... Ultra Set includes two bonus
DVDs and the TV Series soundtrack.
Ultra Edition Box Set (6 DVDs + 1 CD Set)
15+ • #RSDVD2010 • 948 mins • $89.99
Six long months have passed... The
Raalgon Empire has developed a
horrible new type of weapon and
Tylor has been charged with the duty
of intercepting them as they’re being
transported. But when all that could
go wrong, does go wrong – the crew of
the Soyokaze finds themselves at the
mercy of their enemies. As the hours
tick down toward their execution, the
crew wonders, has their irresponsible
captain misled them or is this all a part
of some greater strategy? Ultra Edition
includes a bonus DVD and the OVA
The legendary Vash the Stampede is
a gunfighter so ruthless that he has a
$$60 Billion bounty on his head and
entire towns evacuate at the rumor of
his arrival. Fortunately, the real Vash
the Stampede is more heroic - even if
he does act like a complete idiot. Couple
him with two insurance representatives
trying to locate and stop him, and you’ve
got a terrific gun-slinging comedy! This
remix edition has been newly encoded
and contains both English and Japanese
5.1 surround sound along with the
original Japanese 2.0 mix.
Vol. 1
13+ • #PD12819 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2
13+ • #PD12820 • 125 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3
13+ • #PD12821 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 4 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #PD12822 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 5 Released 12/5/06
13+ • #PD12823 • 125 mins • $26.98
Centuries ago, man’s Armageddon
birthed the vampires’ wrath. As man
and immortal clash, a reality-shattering
threat looms. Hope resides solely in a
new breed of hunter operating under
the Vatican’s authority. The true battle
between holiness and evil has begun.
Vol. 1
15+ • #FUN08452 • N/A mins • $26.98
Vol. 2 Released 11/7/06
15+ • #FUN08454 • N/A mins • $26.98
Vol. 3Released 12/19/06
15+ • #FUN08452 • N/A mins • $26.98
The legend begins when a mysterious
blond stranger confronts the teenager
Youko, and she is pulled into another
world to face her destiny. Thus begins
Youko’s perilous and mystic journey to
the Kingdom of Kei on an epic road of
espionage, terror, and betrayal.
Premium Box Set 1 (Vol. 1-5)
13+ • #AWDVD0542 • 550 mins • $89.96
Premium Box Set 2 (Vol. 6-10)
13+ • #AWDVD0569 • 550 mins • $89.96
Justy Ueki Tylor had his life all planned
Ultra Edition Box Set (4 DVDs + 1 CD Set)
13+ • #RSDVD2011 • 455 mins • $62.99
Despite his parents’ protests, Kazuto
Tokino has taken it upon himself to run
his late grandfather’s bathhouse. When
the alien Princess Valkyrie destroys it,
Kazuto is mortally wounded. With a
magical kiss, she saves his life, but in
the process she’s transformed into an
8 year old! Now Kazuto must defend the
Tokino bathhouse, not only from hordes
of alien invaders who are trying to find
Valkyrie, but also from Valkyrie herself!
Vol. 1: Bedlam, Bathhouse & Beyond
13+ • #DUPV001 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Crash Course in Craziness!
13+ • #DUPV002 • 100 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Pirates, Princess, Proposal
13+ • #DUPV003 • 70 mins • $26.98
The big wedding is just around the
corner, so it’s time to get prepared.
Nope, it’s not the rehearsal dinner;
it’s the rehearsal for married life!
Princess Mehm is worried about the
obvious complications surrounding the
relationship between Kazuto and his
age-challenged fiancee Valkyrie. So,
the blue-lipped beauty has ordered the
two to participate in a role-playing sim
to see how they handle the day-to-day
drudgery of ‘til death do us part.
13+ • #DUPV004 • 70 mins • $26.98
This is a story of one girl’s hope for
love, another girl’s study of magic,
and their friendship to overcome the
challenges set before them. Get ready
for the ultra-cool, ultra-funny, ultraromantic Ultramaniac!
Box Set
7+ • #PD12858 • 650 mins • $107.98
Box Set
13+ • #PD12852 • 650 mins • $80.98
Take the comedy and gun-toting action
of Trigun and slam it together with the
vampires of Hellsing and you’ve got this
summer’s biggest blockbuster from Gonzo:
Trinity Blood! Carefree Abel Nightroad
seems like just a poor priest wandering
the countryside, with barely a few coins
to rub together for a cup of coffee. In
reality, he is one of the Vatican’s ultimate
weapons: a Crusnik – a being which feeds
on vampires. Abel is sent out to uncover
the secrets behind the Rosen Kruez – a
society mainly comprised of vampires who
are bent on the destruction of the world.
world’s fate...
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Trinity Blood
Anime Legends Collection Released 10/24/06
13+ • #AV80260 • 650 mins • $44.98
There is an old legend that speaks of a
hidden paradise on Earth - a paradise
which only wolves can find. And while
thought to have been extinct for
hundreds of years, wolves indeed still
walk the Earth, hidden among mankind.
Now, a group of outcast wolves set out
to find Paradise: Kiba, Hige, Toboe, and
Tsume. Each wolf is driven by their own
personality and desires, but together
they are pursued by humans seeking
to quench their own thirst for power.
A difficult and long journey lies ahead,
with Paradise waiting to be found.
Anime Legends Collection 1 (eps 1-18)
13+ • #AV24014 • 450 mins • $35.98
Anime Legends Collection 2 (eps 19-30)
13+ • #AV24015 • 300 mins • $35.98
Collector’s Edition
16+ • #USMD2521 • 225 mins • $22.49
Cardcaptor Sakura
Joe is just your average dude. He has
two great loves: his girlfriend Silvia and
Captain Blue, the action-movie superhero.
When Silvia is magically captured by
a celluloid monster, Joe gets himself
swallowed into the screen to save her.
This is the US broadcast version.
Vol. 1
7+ • #PD12694 • DUB ONLY • 65 mins • $17.98
Vol. 2
7+ • #PD12695 • DUB ONLY • 65 mins • $17.98
Vol. 3
7+ • #PD12696 • DUB ONLY • 75 mins • $17.98
Vol. 4
7+ • #PD12697 • DUB ONLY • 75 mins • $17.98
Vol. 5
7+ • #PD12698 • DUB ONLY • 75 mins • $17.98
Vol. 6 Released 12/5/06
7+ • #PD12699 • DUB ONLY • 75 mins • $17.98
A force of space explorers - Keith,
Lance, Hunk, Pidge, and Sven - are sent
to find the last princess of planet Arus,
Allura, and the keys to Voltron. Together
they find the five robot lions that make
up the legendary robot. As King Zarkon,
an evil warlord, rains down destruction
across the universe, our heroes form
Voltron at the last moment, and begin
a new war against his cruel empire.
Box Set 1
ALL • #AWDVD0645 • DUB ONLY • 375 mins • $35.96
Box Set 2 Released 11/21/06
ALL • #AWDVD0662 • DUB ONLY • 350 mins • $35.96
Led into an illegal mission against a
military ally, Armored Trooper Chirico
Cuvie stumbles upon a secret his
government would do anything to
hide: the body of a beautiful woman
suspended in a capsule of energy.
For this discovery, Chirico’s superiors
leave him to die in the hands of enemy
troops. He escapes with his life, but
is forced to flee to the criminal haven
of Uoodo City. Here, amid the outlaws
and beggars, Chirico begins his galactic
quest for justice!
Complete Collection
13+ • #USMD2515 • SUB ONLY • 1260 mins • $134.96
The sexy girls of the unknown J-pop
band “Mixed Juice” are determined
to make it to the top, and they’ll do
whatever it takes to get there! The girls
team up with a genius mad scientist to
become the first band on the moon.
Will they be the hottest thing on the
charts? Thinpak edition.
Complete Collection
13+ • #DWSBX1 • 300 mins • $40.48
Love is on the run as the deliciously
wicked Lady Raindevila conspires to rid
the world of romance and love! However,
armed with a mysterious ruby ring left by
her mother, the unsuspecting Momoko
finds herself caught in the middle of
this cosmic battle. She’s cute, she’s
sassy, and she’s full of love! But will it
be enough? Thinpak edition.
Complete Collection 1 (eps 1-27)
13+ • #DWPBX3 • 675 mins • $35.98
Complete Collection 2 (eps 28-51 + 4 OVAs)
13+ • #DWPBX4 • 700 mins • $35.98
In a world where witches abuse their
From CLAMP and Madhouse! Two groups
of supernaturally powered warriors
begin a prophetic battle to shape the
future – a clash that will rock the
foundations of the planet! One young
man holds the key to Earth’s destiny
– but to choose the side of good, he
may spell doom for all creation.
Box Set
13+ • #PD12810 • 650 mins • $112.48
14-year-old Yusuke Urameshi is a
young rebel frustrated by his total lack
of direction. But, when he sacrifices his
own life to save a child from a deadly
traffic accident, everything changes.
Yusuke’s noble sacrifice gives him a
second chance. He is allowed to return
to Earth from the Afterworld – but not to
the life he left behind! Uncut version.
Box Set (eps 1-25)
13+ • #FUN06253 • 480 mins • $89.96
Life for these teens refuses to settle
down as the Spirit World makes a
chilling discovery. The Toguro Brothers
faked defeat during Yusuke’s last case,
in an elaborate plan by the trillionaire
Sakyou. Now Toguro hits Yusuke with a
terrible threat: enter a vile competition
run by the criminal world, or watch
everyone he knows be hunted down
and murdered! Uncut version.
Box Set 1 (eps 26-46)
13+ • #FUN06244 • N/A mins • $89.96
Box Set 2 (eps 47-66)
13+ • #FUN06245 • 429 mins • $89.96
Yusuke is ready for the return to normal
life even if it means going back to the
rigors of the daily grind. But a new threat
is preparing to continue the twisted
dream of Sakyo and has begun the
process of opening a tunnel between
the Living and Demon Worlds! To make
matters worse, ordinary humans have
Yusuke Urameshi suffers from a
recurring nightmare that he just can’t
shake. Are there deeper meanings
hidden behind the bizarre occurrences?
Genkai sends Yusuke to the home of a
former Spirit Detective. But what he
doesn’t know is that someone knows
his destination... and more about his
past than he ever thought possible!
Uncut version.
Box Set (eps 95-112)
13+ • #FUN06670 • 372 mins • $89.98
Box sets of the series in 13 to 14 episode
Box Set 1: First Battles (eps 1-14)
13+ • #FUN05992 • 350 mins • $31.48
Box Set 2: Second Wind (eps 15-28)
13+ • #FUN05994 • 350 mins • $31.48
Box Set 2 + Keychain
13+ • #FUN05995 • 350 mins • $31.48
Box Set 3 + Keychain Released 12/19/06
13+ • #FUN06007 • N/A mins • $31.48
Vol. 1
ALL • #FUN05468 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $13.48
In a remote area thousands of miles
from Egypt lies a great pyramid that
contains an incredible secret: a portal
to the world of the Capsule Monsters!
It’s a battle for survival as Yugi trades
in his duel disk for a capsule shooter
in a life-threatening challenge that is so
much more than just a game! Edited
Part 1
ALL • #FUN05458 • DUB ONLY • 95 mins • $13.48
Part 2
ALL • #FUN05488 • DUB ONLY • 95 mins • $13.48
Unbeknownst to the general population,
an alien force opened an interdimensional gate in Antarctica over 30
years ago in an attempt to invade the
Earth. The unified forces of Earth formed
an elite military unit under command of
the United Nations to combat the aliens
and to push them back towards their own
dimension. But the war still rages on...
Vol. 1: Danger Zone
13+ • #AV22900 • 75 mins • $26.98
Vol. 2: Fog of War
13+ • #AV22901 • 60 mins • $26.98
Vol. 3: Evacuation
13+ • #AV22904 • 45 mins • $26.98
Kiyo, an intelligent but introverted
student, hates going to school and has
trouble making friends... until one day
when Zatch comes crashing through
his bedroom window! Zatch is a present
from Kiyo’s father, who saved the little
tot on an archaeological dig and hopes
that Zatch will help motivate Kiyo to
go to school and make friends. What
is Kiyo going to do with this kid Zatch,
who suddenly sticks to him like glue?
US TV broadcast version.
Vol. 1: The Lightning Boy from Another World
13+ • #DGH01 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 2: The Dark Mamodo
13+ • #DGH02 • DUB ONLY • 88 mins • $17.98
Vol. 3: The Invincible Folgore
13+ • #DGH03 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 4: A New Pledge...
13+ • #DGH04 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 5: The Dark Lord of the Cursed Castle
13+ • #DGH05 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 6: Another Zatch Released 10/17/06
13+ • #DGH06 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $17.98
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Voltron: Defender of the Universe
If you were a child of the 80’s, then
you’re sure to remember Voltron: a
legendary story about five heroes who
piloted incredible robot lions, which
combined to form the giant robot
warrior, Voltron! Now Media Blasters
has brought a piece of your childhood
back to life with this first DVD set,
containing the first 15 episodes,
completely remastered with a 5.1
English track, and all packaged in a
collector’s tin!
Vol. 1
15+ • #FUN08452 • N/A mins • $26.98
Scheduled for routine military exercises,
Kadomatsu and the crew of Japan’s
newest and most modern battlecruiser,
Mirai, are ready to test out the ship’s
state-of-the-art AEGIS systems. Instead,
they find themselves transported back
to June 4th, 1942 - the date of the
crucial Battle of Midway, where the
Japanese fleet was dealt a crippling
blow. They are forced to fight a U.S.
submarine in a battle that should
never have occurred, and the crew
pledges not to do anything to alter
history further. But the flow of history
may already be diverted...
Vol. 1: Future Shock
13+ • #PD12767 • 92 mins • $22.48
Vol. 1: Future Shock + Artbox
13+ • #PD12766 • 92 mins • $31.48
Vol. 2 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #PD12768 • 92 mins • $22.48
who enter the mystical land of Eternia!
Join He-Man and the Masters of the
Universe as they battle against Skeletor
and his crew of dastardly villains! The
power has returned!
Season 1 Box Set 1 (eps 1-33)
7+ • #BCI464949 • DUB ONLY • 710 mins • $44.96
Season 1 Box Set 2 (eps 34-65)
7+ • #BCI465189 • DUB ONLY • 688 mins • $44.96
Season 2 Box Set 1 (eps 66-98)
7+ • #BCI467109 • DUB ONLY • 710 mins • $44.96
Season 2 Box Set 2
7+ • #BCI467179 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $44.96
Astronaut John Blackstar’s shuttle
passes through a black hole and into
an ancient alien universe where he
crashes on the planet Sagar. Trapped,
he is rescued by the gentle Trobbits,
who live under the tyranny of the
Overlord, possessor of one half of an
all-powerful sword. In return for their
help, Blackstar sets out to save planet
Sagar along with his allies: his dragon,
Warlock; the shape-shifter Klone; and
the sorceress, Mara.
Complete Series Set
7+ • #BCI472129 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $17.98
Lead by Demitri Maximov, Lord of the
Vampires, and Morrigan Aensland, a
powerful succubus, the fiery demon
Pyron assembles an army to conquer the
world: the Dark Stalkers! But the good
guys are fighting back! The catwoman
Felicia rallies a band of freedom-loving
Dark Stalkers: the merman Rikou, the
werewolf Jonathan Talbain, the golem
Victor von Gerdenheim, the sasquatch
Bigfoot, and his nephew Hairball.
Out of the Shadows (eps 1-13)
ALL • #DDS001 • DUB ONLY • 286 mins • $26.98
Box Set 1 Released 10/10/06
7+ • #BCI469879 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $35.98
Civilization is gone, replaced by a feudal
conglomeration of floating islands.
Humanity struggles to survive but it
isn’t easy - especially when there are
dragons almost everywhere! Luckily,
with pests comes pest control - and for
Lian-Chu and Gwizdo, Dragon Hunters
When Orko accidentally winds up on
Earth during the Christmas winter,
he befriends two children who share
stories of goodwill and merriment that
the holidays embrace. When they finally
return to Eternia, the holiday spirit
is spread amongst the entire Royal
Palace, but this overflowing goodwill
attracts the unwelcome attention of
Horde Prime and Skeletor...
Christmas Special
7+ • #BCI63079 • DUB ONLY • 51 mins • $17.98
Vol. 1: So Many Dragons, So Little Time
7+ • #PD12783 • DUB ONLY • 99 mins • $17.98
Vol. 2: Dead Dragon Walking
7+ • #PD12784 • DUB ONLY • 99 mins • $17.98
Vol. 3 Released 10/24/06
7+ • #PD12785 • DUB ONLY • 75mins • $17.98
Vol. 4 Released 11/21/06
7+ • #PD12786 • DUB ONLY • 75mins • $17.98
Spin-off of the original He-man series.
For the honor of Grayskull! A true
heroine has arrived on the planet
Etheria to champion a desperate
struggle for freedom in a war-torn land
ruled by an intergalactic army of vicious
fiends! Our heroine is Adora, princess
of the planet Etheria and He-Man’s
twin sister. She leads a band of heroic
Rebels to battle, and conceals a secret
identity as the magnificent She-Ra,
Princess of Power!
Season 1 Box Set Released 11/7/06
7+ • #BCI472149 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $44.96
Economy Collection Released 11/21/06
13+ • #AWDVD0663 • DUB ONLY • 675 mins • $26.96
Season 1 Box Set Released 12/26/06
7+ • #BCI472269 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $44.96
extraordinaire, no job is too small, and
no fee too big!
The 1980s series returns! Six kids enter
the Dungeons & Dragons ride at an
amusement park and are transported into
the world of swords and sorcery, where,
with the help of the Dungeonmaster, they
try to find their way back home.
Box Set Released 12/5/06
7+ • #BCI472589 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $49.48
After saving the Earth from a
devastating collision with a runaway
comet, Flash Gordon is forced to
crash-land his spaceship on Mongo - a
bizarre planet ruled by the tyrannical
Emperor, Ming the Merciless. Flash and
his companions, Dale Arden and Dr.
Hans Zarkov, face slavery and death
at the hands of the evil Ming. To save
themselves and liberate the citizens
of Mongo, they set off on a series of
thrilling adventures.
Complete Series Set
7+ • #BCI470079 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $35.98
Nerdy Aimee and popular Doyle get
transfered up, way up, to Galaxy High!
It’s a school where strange creatures
from all over the universe go to school
side-by-side. But with misfit classmates
like Milo De Venus, Booey Bubblehead
and Beef and the Bonk Bunch, you can’t
be too cool for school without a supply
of liquid nitrogen. Aimee finds herself
Miss Popularity, but Doyle is relegated
to the nerd pile for the first time ever!
Vol. 1
ALL • #AWDVD0636 • DUB ONLY • 175 mins • $8.99
Vol. 2
ALL • #AWDVD0643 • DUB ONLY • 150 mins • $8.99
The boys are back in town! The
animated spin-off of the multiple 1980s
Ghostbusters live action movies.
Set 1 Released 11/21/06
7+ • #BCI472299 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $35.98
Excitement and adventure await those
Law of Ueki
The Irken armada is poised to
conquer the universe, but it would
be a lot easier without Invader Zim!
Thickheaded, brash, and overzealous,
Zim has wrecked Irken plans for the
last time. Seizing the opportunity to rid
themselves of this nuisance forever,
they send Zim on a “secret” mission
to a planet far away on the edge of
the universe: Earth. Now Earth’s only
hope rests with a young UFO-hunting
paranormal enthusiast named Dib.
The legend began with Prince Valiant
and his quest for Camelot... with brave
knights and shadowy practitioners of
It is 1580, and the unholy armies of
Lord Nobunaga Oda steadily spread
across Japan. Narrowly escaping
the slaughter of her clan, a young
ninja steals into the shadows. She is
Ayame, the last of the Kasumi Clan,
and the dagger she wields is one of
three, mystical blades... Contains both
the Wrath of the Ninja movie and the
original mini-series Yotoden: Chronicle
of the Warlord Period.
Box Set (eps 67-94)
13+ • #FUN06660 • 644 mins • $89.98
suddenly acquired bizarre
powers. Uncut version.
powers, a special organization hunts
this new threat to society - the STN.
Their most powerful agent is a young
craft user named Robin. Her mysterious
gift to summon deadly flames will
determine the fates of her colleagues.
move in to break it up. However, the
arrival of a pair of mysterious, metalclad bikers and a revolt among the
disgruntled construction crew makes
for a situation that spirals dangerously
out of control...
17+ • #DT009 • SUB ONLY • 115 mins • $22.48
his body, he discharges his surplus
energy by playing high voltage rock ‘n’
roll with his electric guitar. He spends
his days looking for lost lizards in the
alleyways of Tokyo, and his nights
fighting the reptilian part of his brain
that is making him increasingly violent.
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
17+ • #DT008 • SUB ONLY • 55 mins • $22.48
Box Set 1 (eps 1-33)
7+ • #BCI469679 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $26.98
Box Set
7+ • #BCI472139 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $17.98
>2003 SERIES
Vol. 1: Attack of the Mousers
ALL • #FUN07102 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $15.26
Vol. 2: Meet Casey Jones
ALL • #FUN07112 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $15.26
Vol. 3: The Way of Invisibility
ALL • #FUN07122 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $15.26
Vol. 4: The Shredder Strikes
ALL • #FUN07132 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $15.26
Vol. 5: Notes from Underground
ALL • #FUN07142 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $15.26
Kyo Kara Maoh!
Save the universe and look fabulous?
No problem for the Winx Club! Using
their fantastic magical powers and
incredible teamwork, the Winx Club
battles their enemies, the Witches, and
Lord Darkar with the help of the super
hunky heroes from Red Fountain.
Vol. 1: Welcome to Magix!
ALL • #FUN07882 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $13.48
Vol. 2: The Power of Dragon Fire
ALL • #FUN07884 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $13.48
Vol. 3: Bloom’s Secret Past
ALL • #FUN07886 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $13.48
Vol. 4: Stolen Dragon Fire
ALL • #FUN07888 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $13.48
Vol. 5: Battle for Alfea
ALL • #FUN07892 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $13.48
Naosuke and his wife Tomiko set out to
build their dream home. They’re looking
for something visionary and unique, so
they turn to Mr. Yanagisawa, a slightly
eccentric, unlicensed architect fixated
on American classic design. However,
they must use Tomiko’s conservative
father to obtain the proper permits and
do the actual building of the house. It’s
war on the home front with two such
determined men debating every little
detail down to the last nail.
13+ • #PD12802 • SUB ONLY • 115 mins • $26.98
Big bucks bodyguard Naoto Kiba is hired
to be the “Bodyguard of Darkness” to
protect the Soryukai Family from the
thieving Ishimine. Without weapons,
Kiba conquers the enemy, and fight
scene upon fight scene packs it in, with
pinky slicing, torture, drugs, sex and
violent exchanges prevailing.
17+ • #TSDVD0635 • SUB ONLY • 93 mins • $17.96
16+ • #TVD3038 • SUB ONLY • 92 mins • $22.46
17+ • #TSDVD0641 • SUB ONLY • 78 mins • $17.96
Did you ever wish with all your heart to
achieve some apparently unattainable
goal? A group of high school graduates,
led by Moss, do just that, embarking
on a terrible journey into the unknown.
Pushed by peer and parental pressure,
they visit a mysterious shrine, offering
gifts to a vengeful ghost, Kaew, and
pledge their souls rather than fail
their entrance exams into prestigious
universities. Their desires are met, but
at a grim price.
Having led a sheltered and pampered
life at home, Shigeyuki Numata has
been the underachieving, troubled teen
slacker in his somewhat dysfunctional
family, but he’s about to get severely
schooled when Yoshimoto, a hardnosed tutor with his own unique brand
of hands-on teaching, crashes into
his life. With a renewed sense of
purpose, Shigeyuki gets accepted into
a reputable school, but Yoshimoto’s job
is not done yet!
17+ • #TSDVD0637 • SUB ONLY • 85 mins • $17.96
13+ • #PD12804 • SUB ONLY • 106 mins • $26.98
Set in a barren, futuristic Tokyo of
highways and wastelands, a rowdy
group of punk bands and their fans
gather to protest the construction of
a nuclear power plant. Riot police and
the factory owner’s yakuza friends soon
Takashi Kamiyama, normal high school
student - completely normal, really
- makes the abnormal decision to
attend Cromartie High. It’s known for
having more violent thugs, prehensile
mohawks, alien landings, and enrolled
gorillas than any other Japanese high
17+ • #TSDVD0632 • 85 mins • $26.96
Lightning Takeshi’s cover is blown while
executing a hit on a mobster. Soon the
Matsuma gang is after Takeshi and his
entire family. Takeshi’s brothers are
important men in a rival gang and will
do whatever it takes to protect Takeshi.
Meanwhile, Takeshi falls for the female
witness and resolves to go straight.
Family loyalties will be tested and blood
will be spilled.
Meet the Fuccons, a typical 2 1/2
person American family inexplicably
transported to the land of the rising
sun. Okay, maybe they’re not perfect Dad is a bit stiff and wooden, Mom is
plastic and empty headed and Mikey’s...
well, Mikey’s just a little dummy. But
when it comes to standing firm in the
face of this new and alien environment,
the family that’s made together stays
together, and it certainly doesn’t hurt
that the Fuccons are as thick skinned,
rigid and inflexible as they come.
16+ • #TLAB001 • SUB ONLY • 288 mins • $26.96
Vol. 0: Meet The Fuccons
17+ • #DFCC000 • 30 mins • $5.38
Vol. 1: Oh Mikey!
17+ • #DFC001 • 104 mins • $17.98
Vol. 2: It’s a Fuccon World
17+ • #DFC002 • 110 mins • $17.98
Vol. 3: Fuccon! Fuccon! Fuccon!
17+ • #DFC003 • 52 mins • $17.98
Loaded with blood and mayhem, the
first collection from Danger After Dark
is a trio of action-packed cult-favorites
from Japan. Contains Suicide Club,
Moon Child, and 2LDK.
Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan and more of
the world’s greatest menaces have
been detained on Monsterland, a
seemingly inescapable island corral.
But humanity’s worst fears become all
too real when malevolent aliens free
the monsters in a plot to subjugate
mankind. Only the heroic crew of the
spaceship Moonlight SY-3 can prevent
this catastrophic giant monster battle
royale from tearing the Earth apart!
Movie + Soundtrack CD
7+ • #DDAM002 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $17.98
Based on the experiences of manga
author Hanawa Kazuichi, this film
examines the absurdly regimented
lives of five not-so-hardened criminals.
The cons spend their days obsessing
over menial chores, dutifully obeying
the arcane prison rules (where even
doing a crossword puzzle can put you
in solitary), and dreaming of their next
meal. Contentment can come in the
most unexpected of forms.
15+ • #PPL003 • SUB ONLY • 93 mins • $22.48
Reptile investigator Dragon Eye
Morrison has possessed high-voltage
superpowers ever since a childhood
accident at a power station. With
megawatts of power coursing through
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The fighting green team is back in a brand
new animated series! Watch the Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles as they fight against
the evil Shredder and his army of Foot
Soldiers. The new character designs give
this series an edgier feel to match the
fast-paced action. In the first volume, the
lair of our favorite heroes is destroyed
by a horde of Mousers! Despite master
Splinter’s orders to stay put, the fierce
some foursome heads out for their first
real battle. Follow along with everyone’s
favorite turtles - it’s guaranteed to be one
shell of a good time.
Vol. 1: Attack of the Mousers
ALL • #FUN07102 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $15.26
Yukio enjoys a seemingly successful life
with his family, including a beautiful but
fragile wife whom he met under strange
circumstances by a river. However,
everything changes one night with the
arrival of a terrifying stranger who looks
just like him... with a terrifying secret
that will change their lives forever.
The Hidden Blade is the epic tale of
Munezo, a samurai being displaced in a
rapidly changing Japan. He was raised
to respect tradition and the demanding
moral code of the samurai, but now
circumstances are forcing him to make
difficult personal and political choices.
After a political coup fails, he is ordered
to prove his innocence by finding and
killing Yaichiro, a former friend, samurai,
and brilliant swordsman.
15+ • #CH2989DVD • SUB ONLY • 84 mins • $17.99
A young boy becomes an unlikely hero
when he is chosen as the “Kirin Rider”
and must lead Japan’s ancient Yokai
spirits in their apocalyptic war against
the evil monsters. A lavish remake of
the 1968 film Yokai Daisenso from
director Takashi Miike.
16+ • #TVD2020 • SUB ONLY • 132 mins • $22.46
17+ • #TSDVD0633 • 124 mins • $26.96
The super turtle is pitted against both a
misguided military and a hideous race
of man-eating, flying reptiles! Aiding
Gamera in his fight are a courageous
naval officer, an intrepid ornithologist
and a beautiful young psychic. It’s a
slam-bang, knock-down, monster slugfest as Gamera turtle-waxes the evil
Gyaos through downtown Tokyo!
12+ • #DGM001 • 90 mins • $17.98
A freak meteor shower near Sapporo,
Japan brings with it more than just a
killer light show. Electrical problems,
overgrown plant life and a whole slew
of rather irritable critters also drop in to
threaten the human race. Local science
instructor Midori Honami is called to
assist the brave Colonel Watarase to
find a way to successfully combine their
efforts with their reptilian protector, or
both will face ultimate distruction!
12+ • #DGM002 • 100 mins • $17.98
Still reeling after the hard-fought battle
to repel Legion, Japan is now reminded
of a deadly foe from the past. The
Gyaos have returned, and this time
the ornery man-eating birds have not
only increased their numbers, but also
added a menacing new member, Iris, to
their destructive little club.
12+ • #DGM003 • 110 mins • $17.98
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
They’re the biggest heroes ever
transformed and empowered by globs
of weird, glowing green alien ooze.
They’re a family filled with love for each
other - and committed to battling evil
wherever they find it.
Vol. 6: Shredder Strikes Back
ALL • #FUN07152 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $15.26
Vol. 7: Return to New York
ALL • #FUN07162 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $15.28
Vol. 8: The Search for Splinter
ALL • #FUN07172 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $15.28
Vol. 9: Turtles in Space
ALL • #FUN07182 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $15.28
Vol. 10: Secret Origins
ALL • #FUN07192 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $15.28
Vol. 11: The Ultimate Ninja
ALL • #FUN07202 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $13.48
Vol. 12: Croc Attack!
ALL • #FUN07212 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $13.48
Vol. 13: Battle Nexus
ALL • #FUN07214 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $13.48
Vol. 14: City At War
ALL • #FUN07216 • DUB ONLY • 80 mins • $13.48
Vol. 15: Alien Invasion
ALL • #FUN07218 • DUB ONLY • 80 mins • $13.48
Vol. 16: Worlds Collide
ALL • #FUN07222 • DUB ONLY • 80 mins • $13.48
Vol. 17: Return of the Ultimate Ninja
ALL • #FUN07224 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $13.48
Vol. 18: Shredder’s Final Countdown
ALL • #FUN07226 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $13.48
Vol. 19: Mutants and Monsters
ALL • #FUN07228 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $13.48
Vol. 20: Turtles Against H.A.T.E.
ALL • #FUN07232 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $13.48
Vol. 21: Hun on the Run
ALL • #FUN07234 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $13.48
Vol. 22 (Season 4 Set)
ALL • #FUN07236 • DUB ONLY • 300 mins • $15.28
evil... with high honor and deep magic...
with the thrilling and treacherous
journey from boyhood to manhood!
This is the legend of a sixteen-year old
prince, brave and daring and bursting
with energy and passion. Fiercely loyal
and astoundingly clever, he is a young
man whose quest leads him and his two
friends, Arn and Rowanne, to Camleot.
After surviving a terrifying car wreck
that killed her best friend, Mi-ju, a
brilliant cellist, longs for a peaceful and
stable life as a music teacher at a local
college. But when horrifying memories
of the accident begin to surface,
her tranquil life quickly becomes a
nightmare. A supernatural evil seeks
revenge against her and her family,
and until she knows the reason why, no
one is safe.
Three of Oshii’s early live action
theatrical features all in one set!
Contains: Talking Head, Stray Dog, and
Red Spectacles. These are the stories
of men whose lives are forever changed
by deceit, betrayal, and murder, and
whose sole purpose is either to live as
wolves or to live as sheep.
Becoming a ninja vixen means strict
discipline and hard work, and the
members of N-Class just haven’t got
what it takes. One cadet is aroused all
the time, one is mistaken for a man,
one can’t stop eating - these girls
aren’t even the best of the worst. That
is, until their sexy classmate is brutally
attacked. The misfits of N-Class have to
act with all the sensual power at their
command to save their teammate and
restore honor to their class!
Created by slicing and dicing the first
two Lone Wolf & Club movies, Robert
Houston’s epic grindhouse mash-up,
Shogun Assassin, tells the tender
tale of a mighty swordsman trying to
balance his career as an assassin
with the problems of being a single
dad while being stalked by legions of
extremely hypertensive ninjas.
Cinema Trilogy Set Released 11/28/06
13+ • #AV80270 • SUB ONLY • 316 mins • $35.98
During World War II, the Japanese military
established a secret underground
laboratory in Tokyo. By March 1945,
they had transformed a soldier into a
half-man/half-machine ultimate soldier
called Mikadroid. But American B-295s
firebombed the city, and Mikadroid and
the lab were apparently destroyed...
Now 45 years later, the site is home to
a complex that includes the disco club
Layla, and a faulty basement generator
has reactivated Mikadroid. The cyborg
prowls the basement levels, killing
anyone in its path.
17+ • #DTO011 • SUB ONLY • 113 mins • $17.96
13+ • #PD12803 • SUB ONLY • 83 mins • $26.98
In 19th century Japan, an American
journalist searches for the prostitute
he’d loved and left behind years
earlier. But on an island where demons
and whores rule the night, a deformed
courtesan awaits with a tale of extreme
cruelty and perverse vengeance. What
follows is an unspeakable orgy of
torment and depravity, where the lusts
of the dammed will inflict wounds that
remain forever.
17+ • #DV14466 • SUB ONLY • 63 mins • $15.28
On August 15th, 1945, the Japanese
people faced utter destruction.
Millions of soldiers and civilians were
dead, the rest were starving, and
their cities had been reduced to piles
or rubble - two of them vaporized by
atomic bombs. The government was
deadlocked; some ministers called
for surrender, and other argued that
honor demanded a final battle on
home soil. To break the impasse, the
cabinet took the unprecedented step
of asking the Emperor to decide the
fate of the nation.
17+ • #ANMDV1149 • SUB ONLY • 157 mins • $26.98
After a young theology student
flees a hit-and-run accident, he is
plagued by both his own guilt-ridden
conscience and a mysterious, diabolical
doppelganger. But all possible escape
routes lead to Hell - literally.
17+ • #CC1651DDVD • SUB ONLY • 101 mins • $26.96
While Mayumi is being beaten by an
especially cruel teacher, strapped
to a rocking horse clad only in
her underwear, a woman appears
identifying herself as the “Kekko
Kamen.” Completely naked except for a
red mask covering her face, she stands
up to defend the tormented Mayumi
and battle the sadists of Manglifon
school. Contains all four Kekko Kamen
movies: Kekko Kamen; Kekko Kamen:
The MGF Strikes Back; Kekko Kamen
Returns!; and Kekko Kamen Surprise!!
Movie Pack (4 Movies)
17+ • #TSDVD0644 • SUB ONLY • N/A mins • $35.96
After being blackmailed and wrongly
imprisoned for 13 years, a beautiful
woman is finally set free. Now her brutally
elaborate plan for vengeance against the
true criminal can begin to unfold.
16+ • #TVD3024 • SUB ONLY • 115 mins • $20.66
One the eve of her 19th birthday, Mizuki
doesn’t have a lot to celebrate about.
Hurt and disillusioned, Mizuki runs
from everything and is drawn by some
unknown force to a dilapidated estate.
Deep within the house Mizuki discovers
the mysterious Adam (Hyde), playing
a hauntingly familiar melody on the
guitar. Melancholy and full of secrets, it
seems that Adam, and the house, have
a strange, irresistible link to Mizuki.
13+ • #PD12800 • SUB ONLY • 112 mins • $22.48
One of the most powerful of Yasujiro Ozu’s
family portraits, Late Spring tells the story
of a widowed father who feels compelled
to marry off his beloved daughter. Loyal
Ozu players Chishu Ryu and Setsuko
Hara command this poignant tale of love
and loss in postwar Japan, which remains
as potent today as ever.
13+ • #LAT040DVD • SUB ONLY • 110 mins • $35.98
13+ • #USMD2520 • 70 mins • $17.99
Anjyu is a sexy and cruel ninja who
meets a buxom orphan girl, Yuki.
Despite the innocent girl’s pleas, Anjyu
refuses to teach Yuki the seductive
secret arts of the ninja. But when a
diabolic member of her old clan hunts
her down, this “demon” must work with
an “angel” to find the ultimate sensual
weapon: the Tears of the Fallen Angel!
Released 10/24/06
17+ • #PD12886 • SUB ONLY • 68 mins • $17.98
Rogue ninja Shinobu uses all the
weapons at her command to terminate
the local corrupt politicians - including
her seductive body! Hunted by her
former lover and captured by a sadistic
assassin, the helpless Shinobu is
drugged and ruthlessly tortured - until
this magnificent Ninja Vixen slices
through the threads of fate with her
shining and sexy blade.
Reporter Nukada’s next big story is
investigating the hidden secrets of
Japanese phone sex clubs. His editor
puts him in touch with Midori, an
employee at a telephone club, who may
be able to help him out with his story.
But when Midori is discovered at the
scene of a brutal and bloody murder,
Nukada is unexpectedly exposed to
an unseen world of hard bondage and
rough sex.
17+ • #ATU038 • SUB ONLY • 66 mins • $22.48
17+ • #PD12885 • SUB ONLY • 81 mins • $17.98
Iris, a ninja vixen, is searching for a
samurai who can help defeat her sister,
the powerful Queen Dark Mist. After
meeting the mute and beautiful Bell,
who wields the fantastic power of the
Flame of Seduction, the sexy samurai
girls brave any danger, baring their souls
and bodies in the pursuit of justice!
17+ • #PD12884 • SUB ONLY • 75 mins • $17.98
Art imitates death when one man’s
obsession with artistic freedom results
in Hell on Earth. Nakadai stars as a
troubled artist commissioned by a
despotic ruler to paint a picture of
paradise, only to find that he can only
depict the evils that surround him.
17+ • #ANMDV1099 • SUB ONLY • 95 mins • $26.98
Three men, calling themselves the
Rainbow Kids, and one old woman easy money, right? Not this time. As the
Rainbow Kids try to pull this stunt off, it
creates an international news sensation,
turning their simple plan into a media
circus. It’s kidnappers vs. the police in
a strategic battle for Mrs. Yanagawa,
using the media as the middleman.
13+ • #PD12805 • SUB ONLY • 120 mins • $26.98
One of the most beloved movie epics
of all time, Akira Kurosawa’s Seven
Samurai tells the story of a sixteenthcentury village whose desperate
inhabitants hire the eponymous
warriors to protect them from invading
bandits. This edition features a newly
restored, high-definition digital transfer
and new English subtitle translation.
3 Disc Edition
13+ • #CC1649DDVD • SUB ONLY • 206 mins • $35.98
Seven Samurai
Moon Phase
In the year 2025, mankind begins its
triumphant expansion into space. But
when a returning spaceship crash-lands
on the streets of Tokyo, it unleashes a
deadly cargo: Negadon, a giant, vicious
monster from beneath the surface of
Mars! Now, only Dr. Narasaki and his
long-abandoned robot Miroku can save
the Earth. In a clash of titans that will
shake the planet to its core, it’s giant
robot versus space monster for the fate
of all mankind!
Akira Kurosawa’s classic has been
fully restored and immortalized in this
gorgeous 3-disc collection! This classic
tale of courage, hope, and sacrifice
belongs in everyone’s DVD collection.
And with great bonus features such
as commentaries, behind-the-scenes
specials, interviews, and essays, you
have all the enticement you should
3 Disc Edition
13+ • #CC1649DDVD • SUB ONLY • 206 mins • $35.98
A cyber terrorist bent on revenge
attacks Tokyo with a menacing giant
robot called the Black Ox. Its power is
so great that the entire combined might
of the Japanese police is no match for
it. Amid the chaos and destruction,
elementary school student Shotaro
Kaneda receives a phone call from an
elderly man who reveals an astounding
secret: his deceased father created
Tetsujin 28, a giant robot powerful
enough to stop the Black Ox!
13+ • #PD12806 • SUB ONLY • 114 mins • $17.98
Concerning itself with a young man’s
gradual mutation into a metal-being,
Tetsuo takes a surreal journey into a
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
13+ • #TVD3016 • SUB ONLY • 67 mins • $22.46
Released 2/20/07
N/R • #M5001 • N/A mins • $17.98
Toshiro Mifune - his name is synonymous
with Japanese film in general, and
the swashbuckling samurai warrior
in particular. But what made Mifune
a legend was his broad acting range;
action, romance, comedy - he could
do it all! This collection contains the
following films, all digitally restored and
presented in anamorphic widescreen:
Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo; Incident at
Blood Pass; Samurai Banners; Red
Lion; and Samurai Assassin.
Ultimate Collection
13+ • #AV006201 • SUB ONLY • N/A mins • $89.98
Released 10/30/06
17+ • #ANMDV1159 • 87 mins • $26.98
When the world is threatened by alien
invaders and giant prehistoric monsters,
there is only one agency equipped to
handle the situation: The Science Patrol,
an ultra-sophisticated police force
equipped with high-tech weaponry and
spacecrafts. Led by Captain Muramatsu,
the team defends the planet from the
unknown. Unbeknownst to the team,
one of their members, Hayata, has
the ability to transform into the giant
superhero from Nebula M7B, Ultraman!
Set 1 (eps 1-20)
7+ • #BCI470249 • 450 mins • $35.98
Vermilion Pleasure Night is a variety
show that stands out even by the
offbeat standards of Japanese late
night television. Gorgeous models and
goofy mannequins, claymation and
stop-motion, J-pop music videos, and
a pee-wee playhouse with violently
desperate housewives; you’ve never
seen or experienced anything like this
rainbow-hued, mind-tripping, sonic and
sensual assault.
Vol. 1: Optic Erotica
15+ • #DVP001 • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 2: Vox Stimuli
15+ • #DVP002 • 100 mins • $17.98
Vol. 3: Creme de la Creme
15+ • #DVP003 • 140 mins • $17.98
A threat is uttered, a blade is drawn, a
flash of cold steel and then... A dozen
attackers now lie silent, dispatched
by the lightning sword of one blind
man: Zatoichi. A humble masseur
and gambler, Zatoichi wanders the
countryside of early Japan, going from
town to town plying his trade and
rolling the dice. With a kind heart and
lethal sword skill, he is protector of the
innocent and the ruin of wicked men.
Set. 1 (eps 1-5)
17+ • #TSDVD0542 • SUB ONLY • 240 mins • $26.96
Set 2 (eps 6-9)
17+ • #TSDVD0603 • SUB ONLY • 120 mins • $26.96
Set 3 (eps 10-13)
17+ • #TSDVD0612 • SUB ONLY • 180 mins • $26.96
Set 4 (eps 14-17)
17+ • #TSDVD0628 • SUB ONLY • 180 mins • $26.96
Set 5 (eps 18-21)
17+ • #TSDVD0642 • SUB ONLY • 225 mins • $26.96
A vicious space-outlaw, Zeiram, has
escaped to earth, and has been
followed by the attractive female
bounty hunter Iria, and her assistant,
Bob (a computer). When she sets a
dimensional trap so she can fight the
monster without raising the awareness
of the earthlings, two power company
employees accidentally stumble into
the trap, too. Iria now has to save
the Earthmen and defeat the monster
before her dimensional trap closes on
them all forever. Contains both movies
Special Edition Released 11/7/06
16+ • #TSDVD0649 • 191 mins • $26.96
What does it take to make someone
happy? Wealth? Fame? Power? For
hyperactive, materialistic Sakiko, it’s
finding a suitcase stuffed with 500
million yen. She sets out on a manic
quest to track down the case, mastering
a bizarre range of activities, like rockclimbing and scuba-diving, as she goes.
Released 10/24/06
17+ • #PD12887 • SUB ONLY • 66 mins • $17.98
17+ • #ANMDV1129 • SUB ONLY • 85 mins • $17.98
dark and disturbing world where D.I.Y.
body transformations and post-human
women with deadly robot arms form the
fabric of a strange new reality.
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
language/culture books
So now you’ve done it. You’re totally hooked on anime and manga and all you
want is more, more, more! While you could wait for everything you want to
finally get picked up for the States, you could also take the next step and learn
Japanese yourself! To help you along on your quest, Right Stuf has created
the section you see before you. We’ve gathered some of the top textbooks
and learning aids to get you started along with many cultural books. Looking
for something that you don’t see here? Drop us a line and let us know what
you’re searching for!
YesJapan.com has achieved cult status
with students of Japanese language with
its innovative online study tools, kanji
quiz materials, and originally produced
television shows that make it fun to
learn about Japan. “Best of YesJapan”
is loaded with their best shows, each
filled with fun topics related to Japan or
the Japanese language. Included are
“Tricks to sound good in Japanese,”
“Techniques to impress your Japanese
friends,” “Brushing off people in
Japanese,” and the famous “Date with
Keiko” episodes.
Vol. 1 DVD
ALL • #YJ001 • DUB ONLY • 480 mins • $17.96
This series was designed for beginning
students of the Japanese language at
the university level, and intended for
use in the classroom as well as for selfstudy. Each lesson is based on a single
communicative objective and uses a
“guess and try” approach to learning,
which encourages problem-solving
instead of rote learning. Each volume
comes with an audio CD.
Vol. 1 + Audio CD
ALL • #080483377X • 272 pgs • $47.95
A resource for any student! Provides
grids for writing practice, reading
exercises and writing exercises. The
lessons are composed of dialogues,
exercises and quizzes. The appendicies
in the back of the book include answers
to the exercises in the chapters to
further self-study. This book features
romaji instead of kanji and kana. It
can be used independently, but is best
when used in conjunction with the
“Japanese for Busy People” audio CDs
and workbooks (sold separately).
Vol. 1
ALL • #4770018827 • 232 pgs • $25.00
Vol. 2
ALL • #4770018843 • 288 pgs • $27.00
Vol. 3
ALL • #477001886X • 248 pgs • $29.00
Same as the above, but focuses on
pushing the usage of kana and kanji
over romaji. RECOMMENDED.
Vol. 1
ALL • #4770019874 • 256 pgs • $25.00
Vol. 2
ALL • #4770020511 • 296 pgs • $27.00
Vol. 3
ALL • #477002052X • 296 pgs • $29.00
Learn to correctly pronounce the words
you’re learning! Each companion audio
CD set contains 2-3 audio CDs that
correspond to the textbook volumes.
Designed for people beginning their
study of the Japanese language at the
basic level. It covers the first semester
of college-level beginner’s Japanese,
and contains 14 lessons, each
representing one week’s instruction.
Each volume includes a CD-ROM.
Vol. 1 (2 disc set)
ALL • #4770019092 • 120 mins • $45.00
Vol. 2 (3 disc set)
ALL • #4770021364 • 200 mins • $60.00
Vol. 3 (3 disc set)
ALL • #4770021372 • 200 mins • $60.00
Vol. 1
ALL • #0804835047 • 400 pgs • $59.95
Vol. 2
ALL • #0804835063 • 464 pgs • $59.95
Even at the intermediate level, students
of the Japanese language are often
continually scratching their heads over
the usage of verbs. It is no wonder
that they should feel the need for a
solid reference book; one they can
continually turn to throughout their
studying careers. The introduction takes
the first step toward comprehension by
pointing out the features of Japanese
verbs that stand in contrast to their
English counterparts.
ALL • #4770026838 • 256 pgs • $19.00
Designed for classroom use as well as
self-study, this book’s objective is to
lead beginning students to the point
where they are able to communicate
effectively in practical, everyday
encounters. It presents dialogues and
expressions in Japanese together with
useful cultural information, enabling
students to use the language as a
native speaker would in a variety of
real-life situations. Focuses on kanji
and kana over romaji.
ALL • #870408534 • 384 pgs • $29.00
For anyone interested in the language
and the culture of the “Land of the
Rising Sun,” this book is an ideal
alternative as it offers an entertaining
Now, before you leap into this section, here are some notes on the Japanese
language for total beginners:
Japan has three different sets of writing: hiragana (a syllabic alphabet usually
used for native words), katakana (a syllabic alphabet usually used for foreign
words), and kanji (symbols representing whole words/concepts). “Kana”
refers to both hiragana and katakana. You’ll want to start out learning kana,
and then work your way up to kanji.
You’ve probably also heard the term romaji tossed around. Romaji is basically
writing out Japanese words using the western (“Roman”) alphabet. So while
“dog” is “䬓䬻” in written Japanese, you may also see its romaji form of “inu”
in Western textbooks.
The best way to get a true grasp on the language is to start with a series
that focuses on hiragana and katakana, but some Westerners aren’t
as comfortable learning that way. For those of you who just want a quick
jumpstart, you may want to check out the books that focus on romaji. We’ve
tried to mark which style each book uses.
way of learning the basics of Japanese.
Whether or not you are interested in
manga, you can pick up the basics from
these clear and concise lessons divided
into 30 chapters with plenty of practical
exercises and a mini-guidebook of the
160 essential kanji. An appendix in the
back of the book contains answers to
and explanations for the exercises in
the chapters, furthering self-study.
Vol. 1
ALL • #4889961151 • 269 pgs • $24.00
Vol. 2
ALL • #4889961860 • 208 pgs • $21.00
Vol. 3
ALL • #4889961879 • 208 pgs • $22.00
This is a “real manga, real Japanese”
approach to learning. Presenting all
spoken Japanese as a variation of three
basic sentence types, this book shows
how to build complex constructions
step by step. Every grammar point
is illustrated by an actual Japanese
manga to show how the language is
used in real life.
N/R • #1880656906 • 312 pgs • $24.95
Initially written for the tourist visiting
Japan, Practical Japanese is actually
a very handy reference for anyone
interested in quickly acquiring a working
knowledge of spoken Japanese. With
approximately 350 essential words and
130 pages of practical conversational
usage, this handy book provides
the basics needed to converse in
simple Japanese. Over 200 simple
illustrations allow even beginners to
express themselves.
Released 10/30/06
N/R • #4805308524 • 96 pgs • $12.95
All students of Japanese, whether they
have studied physics or not, know the
word “particle,” and they realize that
particles, like English prepositions,
require a special effort to master. All
About Particles covers 69 particles;
the most common ones along with the
less frequent. These particles have
over 200 usages - sufficient to keep
most students hard at work for a good
many years.
ALL • #4770027818 • 128 pgs • $16.00
For people wanting to take a step
beyond the textbooks; for anyone
wishing to speak like a native without
spending two or three decades in the
country learning how to do it - for such
people as this, Beyond Polite Japanese
has collected some 500 words and
phrases of prodigious interest.
ALL • #4770027737 • 176 pgs • $17.00
Reading great books in the original
language should be the culmination
of language study, but reading
Japanese literature unassisted is a
daunting task that can defeat even
the most able of students. Breaking
into Japanese Literature is specially
designed to help you bypass all the
frustration and actually enjoy classics
of Japanese literature.
ALL • #4770028997 • 240 pgs • $19.95
Having grasped the rudiments of
Japanese grammar, what the student
needs next are more words, more
phrases and more turns of phrase.
One answer to this problem is found in
affixes - nifty little prefixes and suffixes,
written with a single kanji, that can be
attached to ordinary words to create
new ones. Just as you can attach
“super-” to almost any noun to create
a new one (super-interesting), you can
attach its Japanese equivalent in the
same way (cho-omoshiroi).
practice and assimilate what they
learned in the first volume of the
series. This workbook offers more than
150 complementary activities divided
into six sections that enable students
to practice writing hiragana, katakana
and kanji, as well as to optimize the
vocabulary and grammar that were
taught in the textbook itself.
Vol. 1 Released 11/30/06
ALL • #4889962085 • 96 pgs • $15.00
Vol. 1
ALL • #4770019076 • 184 pgs • $19.00
Vol. 2
ALL • #4770020376 • 260 pgs • $24.00
Vol. 3
ALL • #4770023316 • 264 pgs • $27.00
ALL • #4770027990 • 128 pgs • $15.00
Of the many difficulties presented by
kanji, this book takes up one: the fact
that many of them look so very much
alike. This book helps the student
overcome this problem of kanji’s
kissing cousins and spitting images
and become aware of the subtle
differences that distinguish one kanji
from another. With numerous exercises
and charts, the tell-tale signs that give
each kanji away are indelibly imprinted
on the mind.
ALL • #4770024983 • 144 pgs • $15.00
An integrated course for learning to read
and write the 2,000 basic Japanese
characters. It introduces the kanji that
are now in everyday use. Devised for
either home or classroom use, this
book has been tested and refined by
years of use in university classes.
ALL • #834802228 • 328 pgs • $19.98
The Japanese in MangaLand Workbook
1 is a perfect way for readers to
For quick mastery of hiragana and
katakana, this concise text provides
grids for writing practice, reading and
writing exercises.
ALL • #4770020961 • 80 pgs • $10.00
Japanese Verbs at a Glance is unique in
its concise coverage of Japanese verbs
from four points of view: conjugation,
usage, compound verbs, and idiomatic
expressions. This diversity makes the
book a useful tool to students at both
beginning and intermediate levels.
ALL • #4770027656 • 192 pgs • $17.00
Learn all of your essential kanji with
these great flash cards! Volumes 1
and 2 focus on the elementary kanji
prescribed by the Japanese Ministry
of Education for grades 1-3 of school.
Volume 3 expands upon this and
covers the more advanced characters
Between Kanji Starter volumes 1 and
2, students can learn a quarter of the
2,000 characters designated for “daily
use” by the Japanese government.
Volume 1 concentrates on pictographs
and contains 200 kanji with memory
aids, explanatory drawings, examples of
kanji formation by combining elements,
and common-use word compounds. It
comes in a handy size and contains a
complete stroke-count index.
Vol. 1
ALL • #1933330147 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
ALL • #1933330155 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Learning Hiragana and Katakana
is a systematic and comprehensive
overview of the two kana systems
needed to read and write Japanese.
With expanded writing and preparation
space, this revised edition offers
ample provisions for practice, review
and self-testing at several levels. It
also includes a detailed reference
section explaining the origin and
function of kana and the various kana
combinations. This book also includes
a detailed pronunciation guide.
Released 11/15/06
ALL • #0804838151 • 144 pgs • $16.95
The New Nelson Japanese-English
Character Dictionary has over 70,000
entries, with over 1,200 characters
and modernized definitions added in
this new edition, keeping pace with
the evolution of Japanese. Its crossreferences include the Japan Industrial
Standard code number for each mainentry character, as well as the mainentry character’s reference number in
Morohashi’s Dai Kanwa Jiten.
The memorization of countless kanji is
often a daunting task for those seeking to conquer the Japanese language,
but now that obstacle has just become
a little less intimidating with the arrival of Tuttle’s Kanji Cards! Each set
contains hundreds of flash cards with
easy-to-read kanji, useful compounds,
radicals and stroke count on one side
and the kanji’s meaning, stroke order
and verbs on the reverse. It’s everything you need to help you on your way
to Japanese reading proficiency!
Vol. 1 (448 cards)
ALL • #0804833974 • 16 pgs • $19.95
A timeless work, beloved since the Middle
Ages, takes a new form in this modern
edition. The Tales of Ise contains 125
vignettes following a valiant hero from his
“coming of age” to his death. Included here
are sixteen black-and-white woodblock
prints originally published in 1608.
ALL • #0804833214 • 432 pgs • $19.95
This book follows five determined
women in their always amorous and
usually illicit adventures. The five
heroines are Onatsu, already wise in
the ways of love by the age of sixteen;
Osen, a faithful wife unjustly accused
of adultery; Osan, a Kyoto beauty who
falls asleep in the wrong bed; Oshichi,
willing to burn down a city to meet her
samurai lover; and Oman, who has to
compete with handsome boys to win
her lover’s affections.
Set in eighteenth-century Japan, The
Flower Mat unravels the story of a
young bride born into a traditional
family, groomed in the virtues of ideal
womanhood, and finally tempered
in tragedy brought about by political
intrigue. This book is an account of
personal development and responsibility
in the life of one Japanese woman.
Released 11/15/06
N/R • #0804833338 • 176 pgs • $14.95
Geisha in Rivalry, first published in
1918, is set against the backdrop of
Tokyo’s Shimbashi geisha district. The
story of three geisha: imperious Rikiji;
gaudy Kikuchiyo; and the naive heroine
Komayo. Geisha in Rivalry follows them
in their search for a place in a world
that offers no easy route of escape
from their profession.
N/R • #0804833249 • 208 pgs • $15.95
N/R • #0804833184 • 640 pgs • $17.95
Smaller, more portable version of Martin’s
regular dictionary.
This comprehensive and updated
dictionary offers precise definitions in
both English to Japanese and Japanese
to English sections in over 18,000
entries, provided in both romanized
Japanese, kanji and kana, with
sample phrases. Perfect for classroom
reference or for porting around in your
pocket on your next trip to Japan.
ALL • #0804815887 • 744 pgs • $12.95
This handy book provides all the
vocabulary and phrases you need for
your first day in Japan. Revised and
Published in 1692, This Scheming
World represents the culmination of
Ihara Saikaku’s genius in realistically
portraying the characters, customs,
and events of his day. Most of the
stories in the book are told as incidents
or episodes relating to New Year’s Eve,
when in those days it was the custom
to balance all debits and credits for the
year, and thus a time when the drama
of life - its tragedies, comedies, and
farces - reached its climax.
N/R • #0804833397 • 128 pgs • $14.95
N/R • #0804801843 • 272 pgs • $12.95
Written centuries before the time of
Shakespeare and Chaucer, The Tale
of Genji marks the birth of the novel and after more than a millennium, this
seminal work about the life and loves
of Prince Genji, master poet, dancer,
It’s not surprising that Go is one of the
oldest games still being played today
- it’s also one of the most challenging,
stimulating, and fascinating games
around. Go Basics provides a simple
but thorough introduction that’s perfect
for beginners. With its easy to follow
instructions - and over 600 diagrams
showing examples of how to play - you’ll
be ready to enjoy this classic game
right away. Includes CD-ROM.
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
This Scheming World
N/R • #0804836884 • 160 pgs • $16.95
N/R • #0804838275 • 224 pgs • $14.95
N/R • #0804833389 • 248 pgs • $16.95
47 Ronin Story is the classic Japanese
story of Lord Asano of Ako and one
of the bloodiest vendettas in Japan’s
feudal history. In a shocking clash
between the warriors and the merchant
class of seventeenth century Japan,
there emerged the most unlikely set
of heroes: the forty-seven ronin, or exsamurai, of Ako.
ALL • #0804819122 • 760 pgs • $18.95
This book presents a broad crosssection of Japanese prose: historical
tales like the famous story of the Forty
seven Ronin; non-fiction reporting on
marriage, funerals, and the author’s
gory eye-witness account of hara-kiri;
fairy tales and stories of superstition
featuring vampire cats and magic foxes;
and even three sermons written by a
priest belonging to the Shingaku sect,
which professes to combine Buddhist,
Confucian and Shinto teachings.
Kyoto in the twelfth century was a
magnificent city, but crime, disorder,
and lust were rampant. The people
were abused by the nobility while
armed Buddhist monks terrorized
court and commoner alike. In despair,
the Emperor called upon the Heike and
Genji clans to quell civil disturbances.
Although the clans succeeded, they
quarreled over the spoils of war and
plunged the country into a century
of warfare. This novel describes the
rise to power of Kiyomori of the Heike
clan during this turbulent time from
a youth sunk in poverty to Emperor’s
Chief Councillor.
ALL • #0804820368 • 1616 pgs • $69.95
Kanji Cards
N/R • #0804833680 • 160 pgs • $6.95
Released 11/15/06
N/R • #0804838232 • 224 pgs • $14.95
This whimsical look at Japan’s
“language of no language” introduces
70 gestures that will help you hurl
insults, flirt, agree, excuse yourself,
cross the street, and even make
promises - wordlessly! Some are
deadly, some are practical, and some
are wacky, but all are genuine and used
today on the streets of Japan, at home,
and in manga and anime. Finally, a way
to tell someone at a loud party, “Hey!
Your underwear is showing!” in four
easy hand motions.
ALL • #1933330015 • 160 pgs • $9.95
Inazo Nitobe, a Japanese philosopher
writing in eloquent English, outlines
the origins of bushido, or the way of
the samurai, and shows how the code
permeates traditional Japanese culture.
Nitobe’s extensive research results in
an eclectic and far-reaching book. He
delved into Buddhism, Shintoism, and
Confucianism while seeking similarities
and contrasts by citing philosophers
going back to the Romans, the Greeks
and Biblical times.
N/R • #0804836280 • 160 pgs • $12.95
The Code of the Samurai is a fourhundred-year-old explication of the
rules and expectations embodied in
Bushido, the Japanese way of the
warrior. Bushido has played a major
role in shaping the behavior of modern
Japanese government, corporations,
society, and individuals, as well as in
shaping the modern martial arts within
Japan and internationally.
N/R • #0804831904 • 128 pgs • $14.95
In this newly revised edition of their
classic work, Mason and Caiger trace
the enthralling evolution of modern
Japan from its early pre-history
though the post-Cold War period to
the collapse of the Bubble Economy
in the early 1990s. New findings
shed additional light on the origins of
Japanese civilization and the birth of
Japanese culture.
N/R • #080482097X • 408 pgs • $18.95
This is a thorough examination of the
traditional Japanese art of iaijutsu.
Included are introductions to sword care
and selection, general etiquette and the
training uniform and gear, proper basic
sword procedure, techniques and drills
for practice and demonstration, kata,
and sword testing; as well as the story
of the Chushingura (the 47 Ronin).
N/R • #0804870233 • 280 pgs • $16.95
Barriers of culture and social etiquette
can be just as difficult to overcome
as grammar. Until now, these aspects
of learning to communicate with a
new culture could only be learned by
trial and error. This book fills the gap
and gives you the tools you need to
effectively communicate in Japanese,
with the Japanese. RECOMMENDED.
Ihara Saikaku, great observational
author of Japan’s Edo period (16031867), wrote about many things,
but most frequently nature, sex,
and, dearest to his heart, money.
This Scheming World focuses on the
eternal war waged between debtors
and collectors and is considered
the pinnacle of his work. From “The
Night of Insults” to “Even Gods Make
Mistakes Sometimes,” the book is
full of amusing stories about debtors
attempting to avoid repaying loans
with sound advice still relevant today.
N/R • #0804833397 • 128 pgs • $14.95
without the usual commercial bias,
driving straight to the heart of Musashi’s
incisive martial arts stratagems.
sections present incisive strategems
from assessing the foe to proper
treatment of troops to espionage.
N/R • #0804835209 • 128 pgs • $13.95
N/R • #0804830800 • 128 pgs • $12.95
This complete handbook reveals the
lore of the samurai sword, fascinating
both for owners and for the intrigued.
It details the origins and development
of the samurai sword, its historical
background, styles, famous schools,
and differences in construction,
outlining methods of identifying and
researching the sword, as well as
caring for it properly.
N/R • #0804805091 • 192 pgs • $21.95
ALL • 176 pgs • #1880656426 • $14.95
Dr. Mitsuo Kure vividly details the
origins of the samurai and their rise
to power, presents a chronological
history of the main battles, personnel,
and general themes, and makes a
thorough study of samurai armor
and weaponry, fortifications, and the
changes in strategy and armor upon the
introduction of firearms and cannon.
Japan is an intriguing country of
contrasts that has fascinated visitors for
centuries. This compelling photographic
essay explores the beauty of this modern
nation that is still steeped in ancient
traditions. From country roads to towering
skyscrapers, from the zen-like tranquility
of rock gardens to the frenzy of life in the
cities, from ancient temples and palaces
to modern neon-lit shopping centers,
Journey Through Japan is a study of “The
Land of the Rising Sun.”
ALL • #0804836396 • 120 pgs • $29.95
What can account for Japan’s unique
relationship with robots as potential
colleagues in life rather than as
potential adversaries? This book
attempts to answer this fundamental
query by looking at Japan’s histrorical
connections with robots, its present
fascination and leading technologies,
and what the future holds.
ALL • #4770030126 • 160 pgs • $26.95
Often used to explain Japanese
business competition, Musashi’s Book
of Five Rings is more properly a definitive
treatise on mortal combat from one
of Japan’s most formidable warriors:
the martial arts luminary Miyamoto
Musashi. Famed martial artist Stephen
Kaufman has translated this classic
N/R • #0804832870 • 192 pgs • $34.95
In the tradition of The Martial Artist’s
Book of Five Rings, one of America’s
karate offers new interpretations of
fundamental martial arts texts. This
book includes new translations of
essays on leadership, correct behavior,
character, and values.
N/R • #0804834881 • 160 pgs • $14.95
In Soul of the Samurai, Cleary delves into
the key influence of Zen on the samurai’s
combat style, from its emphasis on
detachment - meaning a willingness to
sacrifice life (including one’s own) - to the
attempt to clear the mind and “be in the
moment,” which freed the swordsman’s
mind from distractions and allowed him
to act in an instant.
N/R • #0804836906 • 156 pgs • $14.95
Sun Tzu’s Art of War is perhaps the best
known and highly regarded treatise
on strategy ever written. Although its
wisdom is over two thousand years old,
its principles are timeless for today’s
The Complete Book of Sushi is a
definitive collection of traditional,
contemporary and innovative recipes
for lovers of this Japanese cuisine.
Fresh and delicious, sushi is one of the
healthiest foods you can eat, as it’s low
in fat and high in essential vitamins
and minerals. Aesthetically pleasing,
sushi is also surprisingly simple to
make. This practical book will show you
how to create beautiful and elegant
sushi dishes with ease.
ALL • #0794603165 • 240 pgs • $29.95
While eating out in Japan can be an
exotically delicious dining experience,
it is not without its potential pitfalls.
How do you tell a poisonous piece of
pufferfish from an innocuous piece of
sushi? Squeamish About Sushi is a
tantalizing, tongue-in-cheek guide to
Japanese food.
N/R • #0804838356 • 52 pgs • $12.95
Now, with this practical and attractive
guide, you can learn to make sushi at
home. Sushi’s step-by-step instructions
and photographs show you how to make
a variety of dishes using easy to follow
recipes suitable for both beginners and
experienced cooks.
Released 10/30/06
ALL • #0804838461 • 96 pgs • $12.95
Sushi made with vegetables can be
both a feast for the eyes and a treat
for the palate. Author Brigid Treloar’s
step-by-step instructions, using only
the freshest ingredients and subtle
seasonings, make creating dishes such
as cucumber and sesame rolls, grilled
shiitake sushi, asparagus and sweet
red pepper sushi rolls, or soba noodle
sushi a breeze. You’ll even find recipes
for sushi made with brown rice.
N/R • #0794650023 • 112 pgs • $18.95
This workbook can be used both in the
classroom as a supplement and outside
the classroom for homework and review.
This fully illustrated workbook includes:
sentence pattern drills for better, quicker,
and more natural Japanese sentences;
situation drills for more accurate and
relevant usage of sentences and
expressions; and vocabulary drills for
speedy and long-lasting vocabulary
retention. It can be used independently,
but is best when used in conjunction with
the “Japanese for Busy People” audio
CDs and text books (sold separately).
musician and painter, continues to
enchant readers throughout the world.
Vol. 1 (448 cards)
ALL • #0804833974 • 16 pgs • $19.95
Vol. 2 (448 cards)
ALL • #0804833982 • 16 pgs • $22.95
Vol. 3 (512 cards)
ALL • #080483685X • 16 pgs • $24.95
Vol. 4 (537 cards) Released 10/30/06
ALL • #0804836868 • 32 pgs • $29.95
updated with Japanese syllabic script
and standard romaji transcription, this
edition contains a unique phonetic
system that will encourage you to try
communicating on your own after just
a few lessons. This book is a must have
for all your expeditions to Japan!
language/culture books
learned in higher grades, while Volume
4 presents the most advanced and
complex kanji.
16+ • #MM1598164449 • 224 pgs • $7.99
During a break on his premiere tour
for the smash-hit pop band Bad Luck,
lead singer Shuichi Shindo comes
home to spend some quality time with
his boyfriend, Eiri Yuki, the famous
romance novelist. However, he finds
their apartment empty and the only
thing waiting for him is a mysterious,
alarming note. Has something horrible
happened to his lover? Does it have
any connection to that gorgeous lady
who’s been stalking the writer for the
past few weeks?
16+ • #MM1598165747 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Ai Buster, the prequel to //SIGN. This
novel follows the avatar Albireo and his
love interest, Lycoris, through The World
- the most advanced game ever created!
Vol. 1
12+ • #MM1595328696 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
12+ • #MM1598164074 • 192 pgs • $7.99
In order for Akira to save her
younger brother, who suddenly lost
consciousness in the middle of playing
in The World, she enters The World as
the swordswoman Black Rose. There,
Black Rose squares off against the
double-knife fighter, Kite. (Note: Takes
place during the video games.)
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598164473 • 224 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1598164481 • 224 pgs • $7.99
“Don’t be sad,” Mio tells her family on
her deathbed. “One way or another I
will return.” And one day, as promised,
she does. For her husband and young
son, love has miraculously triumphed
over death. But the question remains:
is Mio here to stay? When her husband
starts looking for answers, he discovers
that the secret of his wife’s return is
linked to the past... and the future.
Released 11/21/06
16+ • #VIZ1421507625 • 300 pgs • $19.99
There is an urban legend that children
tell one another about a shinigami that
can release people from the pain they
may be suffering. This “Angel of Death”
has a name: Boogiepop. And the
legends are true. Boogiepop is real.
13+ • #1933164166 • 264 pgs • $9.99
Witness the first appearances of the
mysterious Towa Organization - a player
in the Boogiepop Phantom anime series
Vol. 1
13+ • #1933164204 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 10/15/06
13+ • #1933164239 • N/A pgs • $9.99
Having lost his memory in an accident,
Toru Takahisa is taken in by Fujishima,
an older man claiming to be his
friend. However, Fujishima is cold and
unwieldy, refusing to tell Toru anything
about his past. What unravels is a
dramatic love story that entangles the
intricate relation of past and present.
In Japan, ju-on is a deadly curse that
takes on a life of its own. Always
seeking new victims, it’s a grudge
that doesn’t stop - it can’t be stopped.
Anyone unfortunate enough to meet up
with a ghost killed by the grudge is then
killed, and so it spreads...
13+ • #DHGN159582071X • 275 pgs • $8.95
Destination is a state of mind. Kino
wanders around the world on the back of
Hermes, her unusual, anthropomorphic
motorcycle, only staying in each
country for three days. They experience
happiness, sadness, joy, pain, peace,
and violence on amazing adventures. In
their travels they discover that the world’s
imperfections hold its true beauty.
Vol. 1: Book One of the Beautiful World
13+ • #MM1598164554 • 208 pgs • $7.99
16+ • #1569708878 • 250 pgs • $8.95
Tony is a rough-and-tumble jack-ofall-trades with extraordinary physical
prowess and a fierce fighting attitude.
His encounter with Gilver, a mysterious
swordsman swathed in bandages,
changes his life dramatically for the
worse. Tony is thrust into the dark
underworld of an unsolvable case,
separated from his partner and his
loved ones, and pushed over the edge
of desperation. Who’s forcing him into a
corner? What do they hope to achieve?
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598164503 • 224 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598164511 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Section 9 has faced countless
adversaries in the real world and
in cyberspace, but none like “The
Awakened.” It is believed that this
lethal group of terrorists can take
over the minds and bodies of almost
anyone. When Major Kunasagi captures
one of the victims, she hacks into his
cyberbrain to learn the ringleader’s
identity - and what she discovers leads
her on a journey deep into the heart of
cyberspace, a journey that shakes her
to the core.
Vol. 1: The Lost Memory
13+ • #DHGN1595820728 • 275 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 2: Revenge of the Cold Machines
13+ • #DHGN1595820736 • 275 pgs • $8.95
The shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu has
absolute power over Japan, and he has
a plan to write the next thousand years
of its history. Two rival ninja clans will
meet in a battle to the death, and the
victor will decide who rules Japan for
a millenium. But in the midst of this
bloody war, an unlikely romance blooms
between Gennosuke of the Kouga clan
and Oboro of the Iga clan.
Released 12/31/06
17+ • #0345495101 • 336 pgs • $13.95
Keitaro Urashima is the only boy living in
Hinata Lodge, an all-girl dorm. Despite
the fact that he’s kind of a screw-up,
the competition to hook up with him is
fierce, and hilarious cat-fights ensue.
An already tumultuous living situation
escalates to an uproar when Keitaro
and the girls get the news that their
home will transform into a commercial
inn, with strangers from outside their
school as guests!
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598164457 • 264 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1598164465 • 264 pgs • $7.99
Kim is an average schoolboy who hates
math but loves to read the latest copy
of “Star Fighter.” His daydreaming life
spirals into a nightmare as his little
sister slips into a mysterious coma. A
bizarre visitor from the realm of Magic
Moon tells him there is a way to free her
from the enchantment of eternal sleep.
The Manhwa Novella Collections are
anthologies of the most prominent
Korean authors and their works.
Each volume contains a selection
of popular short works from famous
Korean authors.
Collection 1
13+ • #1600091601 • 240 pgs • $11.99
Collection 2
13+ • #160009161X • N/A pgs • $11.99
Collection 3 Released 10/15/06
13+ • #1600091628 • N/A pgs • $11.99
Collection 4 Released 11/15/06
13+ • #1600091636 • N/A pgs • $11.99
Collection 5 Released 12/15/06
13+ • #1600091644 • N/A pgs • $11.99
After barely graduating from the
academy, Naruto officially becomes a
full-fledged ninja and starts accepting
assignments. He’s thrilled about
embarking on his first big job, a
bodyguard mission, but his enthusiasm
soon turns to panic when his group
is ambushed by the powerful, vicious
Demon Brothers. Can Naruto triumph
over these fearsome foes?
Released 11/21/06
13+ • #VIZ1421506033 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Not only is Yuichi the most mysterious,
and sought-after guy at school, he’s
got an excellent shot at getting into
a prestigious university... and no one
knows this better than his secret love,
Wataru. But instead of a vacation break
spent celebrating beneath the fragrant
sway of summer blossoms, both boys
must surrender to Yuichi’s grueling
study schedule.
Vol. 1: Lonely Ring Finger
16+ • #1569709041 • 246 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 2: Left Hand Dreams of Him
16+ • #1569708851 • 250 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 3 Released 10/25/06
16+ • #1569708843 • 250 pgs • $8.95
Once, he was the feared assassin Hitokiri
Battosai. Now he is Rurouni Kenshin, a
wanderer who traded his killing blade
for a reverse-edge sakabato and vowed
to protect all those within his sight.
Kenshin’s new life brings him to Kyoto,
where he joins the Kamiya Kasshin-ryu
dojo. But the peaceful routine of the
dojo is disrupted when Tae, a waitress
at Akabeko restaurant, asks for their
help. A simple case of a missing book
soon becomes a dangerous mystery as
Kenshin and his friends are tangled in
deep secrets and dark plots!
Released 10/17/06
15+ • #VIZ1421506041 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Planet Martine is suddenly attacked
by alien invaders known as the Abh!
They are of human origin, but have
been genetically modified so that each
Abh has superior talent, skill, beauty,
and longevity. Martine’s president
surrenders completely in the face of
the Abh’s awesome military power.
Through a bizarre twist of fate, his son
Jinto becomes a nobleman in the Abh’s
vast, intergalactic empire.
Vol. 1: Princess of the Empire
13+ • #MM1598165755 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Lina Inverse, our heroine, is a teenage
sorceress who’s primarily motivated
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595320946 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595320954 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595325794 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595325808 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1595325816 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1595325824 • 192 pgs • $7.99
13+ • #MM1598164937 • 192 pgs • $9.99
A stunning collection of the color
illustrations of Yoshiyuki Sadamoto,
the character designer of Evangelion.
Includes 74 color pages of paintings
and designs from Evangelion plus
nearly 50 pages from The Wings of
Honneamise, Nadia, and other works.
Newly reformatted in hard cover to
mirror the original Japanese edition!
13+ • #VIZ1421507676 • 120 pgs • $24.99
12,090 A.D. It is a dark time for the
world. Humanity is just crawling out
from under three hundred years of
domination by the race of vampires
known as the Nobility. The war against
the vampires has taken its toll: cities lie
in ruin, the countryside is fragmented
into small villages and fiefdoms that
still struggle against nightly raids.
Every village wants a Hunter - one of
the warriors who have pledged their
laser guns and their swords to the
eradication of the Nobility. But some
Hunters are better than others, and
some bring their own kind of danger
with them...
Vol. 1
17+ • #DHGN1595820124 • 300 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 2
17+ • #DHGN1595820140 • 300 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 3
17+ • #DHGN1595820310 • 300 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 4
17+ • #DHGN1595820930 • 300 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 5
17+ • #DHGN1595820949 • 280 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 6 Released 12/13/06
17+ • #DHGN1595821066 • 280 pgs • $8.95
This is a full color art book dedicated
to yaoi by Youka Nitta, creator of
Embracing Love. Inside are lavishly
illustrated pictures of Youka’s work.
Only the Ring Finger Knows
Yuichi Kazuki is the most popular boy in
school; he’s smart, good looking, and
kind to everyone he meets. Everyone,
that is, except Wataru Fujii. Wataru
can’t figure out why, but maybe it has
something to do with their matching
rings…? A cross between His and Her
Circumstances and Gravitation, Only
The Ring Finger Knows is about two
boys hiding behind public facades and
finding love in spite of them. This novel
contains both the original story the
successful manga was based off of and
the first sequel, The Lonely Ring Finger.
Vol. 1: Lonely Ring Finger
16+ • #1569709041 • 246 pgs • $8.95
17+ • #1569709017 • 100 pgs • $24.95
An absolutely key resource for fans of
the smash-hit anime series! Packed with
full-color artwork, production sketches,
mecha and weapon designs, exclusive
interviews with key staff and more, Full
Metal Panic! The Anime Mission is a
voyage deep into the creation of the
Full Metal Panic! anime.
15+ • #MFPFB1 • 100 pgs • $19.98
Devoted exclusively to the splashy,
kinetic cartoon series, this anime
profile collection features actual cel
artwork along with extensive character
biographies and an episode guide.
There’s even a cool poster included for
your wall!
Released 11/21/06
13+ • #VIZ142150426X • 96 pgs • $14.99
The stylish artwork of the television
program has now been compiled into
A collection of sketches, studies,
and schematics, Appleseed ID is a
companion book for the cyberpunk
saga Appleseed. Shirow Masamune
takes you on a guided tour of one of
his most beloved worlds; exploring
the people, places, organizations and,
of course, technology that make the
universe of Appleseed the sci-fi hotspot
that it is.
Released 12/20/06
16+ • #DHGN1593076908 • 144 pgs • $14.95
Bring home more of the gorgeous art
of Bizenghast! This limited edition art
book has art from the manga as well
as brand new illustrations by M. Alice
LeGrow. It also comes with 12 pages of
stickers and 24 mini-posters so you can
beautify anything you own.
13+ • #MM1598167480 • N/A pgs • $7.99
This artbook is filled with pages of
luscious, full-color art! Includes Chi in
all her lovely dresses, interesting poses
and her alternate personality!
13+ • #MM159816595X • 120 pgs • $17.99
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
In this compilation based on the
series, artists ranging from Takagi
Nobuyuki (Kokoro Toshokan and Pure
Marionation) to Peach-Pit (creator
of DearS) themselves have created
hilarious stories featuring the hottest
characters from DearS.
Fullmetal Alchemist
a prestige format, hardcover book for
both collectors and fans. Included in
this book is art inspired by the anime,
along with initial character designs,
cel art and production notes, plus
an interview with Yoshiyuki Itoh, the
character designer for the anime!
Released 10/17/06
13+ • #VIZ1421507668 • 96 pgs • $19.99
Translated faithfully from the Japanese
edition, this coffee table book contains
all of the Fullmetal Alchemist color
artwork by manga artist Hiromu
Arakawa from 2001 to 2003. Includes
a special two-page message from
Hiromu Arakawa.
13+ • #VIZ1421501589 • 96 pgs • $19.99
edition is formatted the same way as
the original Japanese book.
13+ • #VIZ1421507153 • 96 pgs • $19.99
Contains eighty-eight pages of stunning,
full-blown, full-color artwork by HanaKimi series creator, Hisaya Nakajo.
Characters and situations come to life
in this over-sized and lavishly illustrated
artbook. For anyone who is in full
bloom, this book’s for you.
Released 11/21/06
13+ • #VIZ1421507293 • 88 pgs • $19.99
More than 100 pages of breathtaking
artwork from the Pita-Ten series.
13+ • #MM1598163914 • 122 pgs • $19.99
The Art of Fushigi Yugi features the
detailed artwork of Yuu Watase.
Including over 100 pieces of art - with
new drawings and paintings produced
especially for this book - this new
The fanbook for the anime Please
Teacher is here! Included are pages
- as Boogiepop finds himself hunted by
the synthetic human known only as
“Spooky E.” All the while, the deadly
“Imaginator” is out to change the world
one mind at a time. Can you escape
from the clutches of the Imaginator...?
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM159816452X • 344 pgs • $10.99
by her voracious appetite for all things
decadent, rich, and tasty. Brazen and
unabashed, Lina crosses paths with
equally powerful sorcerers, magicians,
swordsmen, and villains... all of whom
frequently want something she wants,
has, or is looking to find. Of course, Lina who never really learned to share - is not
particularly receptive to their attentions...
Each novel includes several full-color and
numerous B&W illustrations!
Bad Luck’s lead singer and lyricist,
Shuichi Shindo, is a total wreck. With
deadlines for the band’s next album
looming, the pressure is on, but the
normally energetic Shuichi has become
listless and fallen into a writing slump.
It’s all because Yuki - the great love
of his life - has suddenly become cold
and distant. Depressed and anxious,
Shuichi doesn’t want to think about
lyrics. He just wants to know how to get
Yuki to talk to him!
Kim must fly a spaceship, become a
knight, fight fantastical creatures, and
journey through a freakish world to
wake his sister!
Vol. 3: White Maze Released 11/8/06
13+ • #DHGN1595820744 • 276 pgs • $8.95
From Range Murata’s picturesque
portrayal of two teens on a motorcycle
riding into the unknown, to Yoshitoshi
Abe’s tale of dark fantasy, to Mami
Itou’s butcher gone awry, diversity of
narrative competes with a high level
of artistic experimentation in this
monumental work.
Vol. 1
17+ • #1569709394 • 162 pgs • $24.95
Vol. 2
17+ • #1569708983 • 160 pgs • $24.95
Vol. 3
17+ • #1569708916 • 164 pgs • $24.95
Get the facts on your favorite rurouni
in one comprehensive volume. If you
thought you knew everything about
Nobuhiro Watsuki’s Rurouni Kenshin,
think again. Into the bustling streets of
Tokyo, the capital of Japan and epicenter
of the Meiji Restoration, enters Himura
Kenshin, a rurouni or “wanderer.”
13+ • #VIZ1421501600 • 200 pgs • $14.99
This Samurai Champloo art book was
directly translated from the original
Roman Album edition. Main characters
Mugen, Jin, and Fuu are each profiled
at length, all twenty-six episodes are
Released 11/30/06
15+ • #0345494849 • 240 pgs • $10.95
This gorgeous retrospective embraces
the full scope of Amano’s work with
Vampire Hunter D: in the novels, as
inspiration for the animators of the
two theatrical films, rare paintings,
and illustrations created for release as
limited edition prints.
15+ • #DHGN1595820617 • 200 pgs • $39.95
Originally published in France, Worlds
of Amano presents an overview of
Yoshitaka Amano’s diverse work. This
vast introduction allows one to take in
the full measure of the immense talent
of this famous Japanese illustrator who
is so well known for his designs of the
Final Fantasy video games.
Released 12/13/06
17+ • #DHGN1595820647 • 156 pgs • $27.95
Over 500 encyclopedic entries with
commentary and film references - let
the Anime Companion be your guide!
Find out why characters wear belly
bands and what nosebleeds really
mean. Learn about the Edo Jidai and
those games they play at New Year’s.
Vol 1
N/R • #1880656329 • 176 pgs • $16.95
Vol 2
N/R • #1880656965 • 176 pgs • $18.95
This revised edition contains in-depth
entries on anime both famous and
obscure and an index/film finder. It is
40% larger than its predecessor with
all-new entries on hundreds of anime
released after 2001, updates on older
entries, and over 50,000 words on
anime creators (like Tezuka and Otomo)
and genres (“Early Anime, “Science
Fiction and Robots,” etc.). This is the
revised and expanded edition.
Released 11/15/06
N/R • #1933330104 • N/A pgs • $29.95
Dragon Ball Z
Patrick Galloway, who last looked at
samurai movies in Stray Dogs and
Lone Wolves, now takes on Asian
masters of suspense, exploitation,
the supernatural, and bone-chilling,
blood-curdling fear and evil. The films
featured here are pan-Asian, including
Korea and Thailand, and represent a
Japan’s elite artists unite to produce
a spectacular tome of beauty. Each
volume in this series is comprised of
short manga, lavishly illustrated by
different artists who have all been handpicked by renowned designer Range
Murata (Last Exile/Blue Submarine No.
6). Volume 1 includes works by Range
Murata himself as well as work by many
others including the amazing Yoshitoshi
Abe (Lain/Haibane Renmei) and the
talented Ugetsu Hakua (Burst Angel).
Vol. 1
17+ • #1569709394 • 162 pgs • $24.95
mix of classics and the contemporary
cutting edge. Included are overviews of
genres, cultures, and viewing tips.
Released 11/15/06
N/R • #1933330120 • 248 pgs • $19.95
Delve into the world of Evangelion in
a quest to answer the multitudes of
questions that have arisen from this
landmark series. From the material
world of New Tokyo-3 and the mechanics
of the Evas to the spiritual significance
of the battle to destroy the Angels, this
book uncovers the little-known facts
and tackles the big subjects of the
world of Evangelion.
12+ • #974596140 • 192 pgs • $11.95
A tell-all account of GAINAX and a
behind-the-scenes journey into the
anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, the
memoirs of a man who experienced it
all leaves no stone unturned. Yasuhiro
Takeda brings to light the truth about
everything from the untold stories of
Eva to the GAINAX tax evasion scandal
that plagued its production.
13+ • #MEV001 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Beings who possess animal-like powers
walk among humans in this alternate
universe. These mysterious mutants,
the +Anima, are shunned by society.
Four outcasts in particular - Cooro,
a boy with crow-like powers; Husky, a
fish-boy; Senri, a bear +Anima; and
a girl named Nana, who wields the
power of the bat - search for others
like themselves while trying to gain
acceptance in a world cruel to anyone
or anything that is different.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598163477 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1598163485 • 208 pgs • $9.99
All the girls say Mashiro Ichijo is
everything a guy should be - gentle,
polite, kind, soft-spoken and handsome
- but the problem is, he’s not quite a
guy! Neither is he a girl, and most of
his life has been spent hiding this fact
from his peers. When a mysterious
school nurse brings him to a new class
he needs to graduate, he finds it’s not
quite as easy to keep secrets when you
find other people in your dreams!
Vol. 1
16+ • #1933617160 • 208 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/30/06
16+ • #1933617179 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 3 Released 3/31/07
16+ • #1933617241 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Learn the ins and outs of drawing shojo
manga from the masters themselves!
Yuu Watase, Mayu Shinjo and many
others lead you through the steps to
creating your own manga, including
tips and tricks for using screen tone
and digital coloring. A materials index
includes what your favorite manga-ka
use to make their magic.
Released 10/17/06
13+ • #VIZ1421507692 • 200 pgs • $14.99
Learn the techniques of Japan’s top
manga and anime artists! Step-by-step
methods to help today’s up-and-coming
illustrators master the use of pen, brush,
paint, marker, screen tones, computer
modeling, and other tricks of the trade.
Gain insight into the weapons of choice
of today’s top creators, especially those
brands and tools that are so hard to
find outside Japan.
Vol. 1 Released 10/18/06
16+ • #DHGN1593076258 • 144 pgs • $14.95
On his way home from school one day,
Kaoru Hanabishi runs into a young
woman in traditional Japanese clothing.
She is very lost, and he ends up helping
her in her search to find someone.
Having failed, the two retire to Kaoru’s
apartment, where they find out that he
was the one she was looking for all
along. Her name is Aoi Sakuraba and
she has come to be his wife...
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1591826454 • 232 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1591826462 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1591826470 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #MM1591826489 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #MM1591826497 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #MM1591826500 • 196 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
16+ • #MM1595323708 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Itsuki Minami is the toughest kid at
Higashi Junior High - easy on the
eyes, but dangerously rough when he
needs to be. Plus, Itsuki lives with the
mysterious and sexy Noyamano sisters,
so life’s never dull. But it gets downright
dangerous when Itsuki leads his school
to victory over some vindictive Westside
punks with gangster connections. Now
he stands to lose his school, his friends,
and everything he cares about.
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345492781 • 224 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #034549279X • 192 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3 Released 1/31/07
13+ • #0345492803 • 192 pgs • $10.95
Kippei has a lot to figure out, like what
to make for Yuzuyu’s lunch and how to
drop her off at kindergarten while still
getting to high school on time. Kippei is
enjoying his time with Yuzuyu, but not
everyone is happy about it. The girls
at school miss their quality time with
Kippei, and one decides to play dirty to
get him back.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421507110 • 208 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ142150569X • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1421505703 • 176 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1421505711 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 5 Released 12/5/06
13+ • #VIZ142150572X • 184 pgs • $8.99
At the center of this epic tale of Heaven,
Hell, and forbidden love is high-school
student Setsuna Mudo. He’s no angel
- he’s completely tactless around girls,
has an unpredictable temper, and can
become extremely violent. That he
comes from a broken home and is in
love with his sister Sara just makes
matters worse! Then Setsuna’s reality
becomes seriously twisted when his
past life as an angel starts to plague
the present and threatens to destroy
the future...
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1591162459 • 198 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #VIZ1591163129 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
16+ • #VIZ1591163927 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
16+ • #VIZ1591164958 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
16+ • #VIZ1591165768 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
16+ • #VIZ1591166276 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
16+ • #VIZ1591167450 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
16+ • #VIZ159116799X • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
16+ • #VIZ1591168627 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
16+ • #VIZ1421500582 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 11
16+ • #VIZ1421501260 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 12
16+ • #VIZ1421502593 • 200 pgs • $9.99
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Yuri is a young man caught in the act
of burying his mother. He is discovered
by a beautiful young girl named Anna,
who matter-of-factly offers to help him
“properly” dispose of the body, removing
all fillings and cutting off the fingertips
to thwart identification. It turns out that
Anne wants Yuri to become her partner
in killing, though in fact it’s much more
than that.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MAF001 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MAF002 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MAF003 • 200 pgs • $9.99
World War Three is over, but for nomad
soldier Deunan Knute and her cyborg
lover, Briareos, the greatest challenge
lies ahead, not in the abandoned cities
and DMZs of a post-war battlefield,
but on the streets of a new “utopia.”
Features an Appleseed tale, plus reams
of detailed information and art of the
characters, machines, and weapons
of Appleseed, presented as originally
published in Japan.
Released 11/22/06
16+ • #DHGN1593076428 • 104 pgs • $17.95
13+ • #COM1588992985 • 168 pgs • $17.95
summarized and illustrated with screen
captures, and the “Backstage Champloo”
chapter features interviews with Director
Shinichiro Watanabe, Character Designer
and Chief Animator Kazuto Nakazawa,
and Art Director Takeshi Waki.
Vol. 13
16+ • #VIZ1421503891 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
16+ • #VIZ1421505207 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15
16+ • #VIZ1421505215 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 16
16+ • #VIZ1421505223 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 17 Released 12/12/06
16+ • #VIZ1421505231 • 192 pgs • $9.99
of beautiful digital images, an
original short story, sketches, creator
commentary and loads of extras.
Vol. 8
16+ • #MM1595323716 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
16+ • #MM1595323724 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
16+ • #MM1595323732 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
16+ • #MM1595323740 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
16+ • #MM1595323759 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
16+ • #MM1595323767 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
16+ • #MM1598162012 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Released 11/8/06
16+ • #DHGN1593074468 • 160 pgs • $14.95
Young Takuya has it tough. Ever since
his mother passed away it has been
his job to take care of his baby brother
Minoru while their father, Harumi,
works long hours. Takuya must sacrifice
the playtime usually associated with
childhood for the responsibilities of
an adult. But all work and no play
has Takuya incredibly frustrated and
resentful of his little brother.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421502348 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1421505738 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 3 Released 12/5/06
13+ • #VIZ1421505746 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vietnam, 1973: an American soldier
goes mad and slaughters his comrades.
New York, 1985: charismatic gang
leader Ash receives a mysterious drug
from a dying man whose last words are
“Banana Fish.” Behind the mysterious
acts of violence runs a conspiracy
that could set the mafia, the U.S.
government, and NYC on fire!
Vol. 1 (2nd Ed)
16+ • #VIZ1569319723 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2 (2nd Ed)
16+ • #VIZ1569319731 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3 (2nd Ed)
16+ • #VIZ1591161061 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4 (2nd Ed)
16+ • #VIZ1591161339 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5 (2nd Ed)
16+ • #VIZ1591164176 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6 (2nd Ed)
16+ • #VIZ1591164184 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7 (2nd Ed)
16+ • #VIZ1591164192 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8 (2nd Ed)
16+ • #VIZ1591164206 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
16+ • #VIZ1591168635 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
16+ • #VIZ1421500485 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 11
16+ • #VIZ1421501341 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 12
16+ • #VIZ1421502607 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
16+ • #VIZ1421503905 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
16+ • #VIZ142150524X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15
16+ • #VIZ1421505258 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 16
16+ • #VIZ1421505266 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 17 Released 12/12/06
16+ • #VIZ1421505274 • 192 pgs • $9.99
The Red King ruthlessly murders
Tatara before the horrified eyes of the
townspeople. Now it’s up to Sarasa
to keep everyone else from being
slaughtered as well. She can do this
by pretending to be her brother and
leading the people of her village to
safer ground. But how long can she
keep up the pretense of being savior
of the world?
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ156931974X • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #VIZ1569319758 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
16+ • #VIZ159116091X • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
16+ • #VIZ1591161231 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
16+ • #VIZ1591162467 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
16+ • #VIZ1591163137 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
16+ • #VIZ1591163676 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
16+ • #VIZ1591163684 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
16+ • #VIZ1591163692 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
16+ • #VIZ1591166284 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 11
16+ • #VIZ1591167469 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 12
16+ • #VIZ1591168007 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 13
16+ • #VIZ1591168643 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 14
16+ • #VIZ1421500175 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 15
16+ • #VIZ142150135X • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 16
16+ • #VIZ1421502615 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 17
16+ • #VIZ1421503913 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 18
16+ • #VIZ1421505282 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 19
16+ • #VIZ1421505290 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 20
16+ • #VIZ1421505304 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 21 Released 12/12/06
16+ • #VIZ1421505312 • 192 pgs • $9.99
The Iga clan and the Kouga clan have
been sworn enemies for more than four
hundred years. Only the Hanzo Hattori
truce has kept the two families from
all-out war. Now, under the order of
Shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa, the truce has
finally been dissolved. Ten ninja from
each clan must fight to the death in
order to determine who will be the next
Tokugawa Shogun. But Oboro of the Iga
the handsomest (and cruelest) boys in
the dorm?
The Band of the Hawk, led by Guts and
Casca, successfully rescued Griffith
from the Midland King’s dungeon…
but are now on the run for their lives.
The King, mad with rage, resorts to
sending the Knights of the Black Dog in
pursuit. Renowned for their gruesome
cruelty, animalistic mentality, and their
horrifying leader, Wyald, they won’t give
up their chase till every member of the
Band of the Hawk is dismembered,
limb from limb.
Vol. 11
17+ • #DHGN1593074700 • 240 pgs • $13.95
war between the robotic denizens of the
M.I.B. bureau and the Tipharians?
Vol. 1
17+ • #0345482700 • 208 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 2
17+ • #0345482719 • 208 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 3
17+ • #0345482727 • 208 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 4 Released 2/28/07
17+ • #0345490460 • 208 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 1: Angel Reborn
13+ • #VIZ1569318247 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2 Angel of the Innocents
13+ • #VIZ1569319766 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3: Angel Eternal
13+ • #VIZ1591161355 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4: Angel of Protest
13+ • #VIZ1591162815 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5: Haunted Angel
13+ • #VIZ1591162823 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6: The Angel and the Vampire
13+ • #VIZ1421500574 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7: Guilty Angel
13+ • #VIZ1421504332 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8: Fallen Angel Released 12/12/06
13+ • #VIZ1421508656 • 208 pgs • $9.99
The kingdom of Metallicana is under
siege by evil armies of monsters.
The desperate defenders turn to a
legend that says a virgin’s kiss may
awaken the wizard “Dark Schneider”
from his slumber inside the innocent
boy Lucien. Thanks to his sister
Yoko, Lucien metamorphoses into
the powerful, lecherous wizard. With
demons, dragons, and other dark
forces roaming the land, and Dark
Schneider barely under control, the
question remains: will Metallicana ever
know a lasting peace?
Vol. 1
17+ • #VIZ1569319529 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
17+ • #VIZ1569319685 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
17+ • #VIZ1591162475 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
17+ • #VIZ1591163269 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
17+ • #VIZ1591165067 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
17+ • #VIZ1591161347 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
17+ • #VIZ1591167426 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
17+ • #VIZ1591168376 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
17+ • #VIZ1421500507 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
17+ • #VIZ1421502194 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
17+ • #VIZ1421503794 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
17+ • #VIZ1421504340 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
17+ • #VIZ1421504359 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Alita returns! Reconstructed by Doc Ido,
Alita has lost her memory. But there’s
one thing her body hasn’t forgotten: the
Panzer Kunst, the most powerful fighting
technique ever known. Can Alita stop the
Hakufu Sonsaku, a young girl blessed
with a large chest but a small brain,
lives in the country with her mother.
She is a Toushi, and as such she has
a burning desire to beat people up, but
her mother has forbidden it. One day
at school she encounters a Toushi who
wants her to join Yoshuu school, and
says if she refuses her new best friend
will be a hospital bed. Hearing this, she
immediately refuses.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1591827434 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1591827442 • 168 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1591827450 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #MM1591827469 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #MM159182947X • 168 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #MM1591829488 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
16+ • #MM1595326022 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
16+ • #MM1595329021 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
16+ • #MM1598166867 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Eimi’s fellow residents are a little
bit crazy but a lot of fun. They’ve got
a secret mission planned for Eimi’s
initiation as a new resident... and it
has something to do with sneaking
into the boys’ dormitory and returning
with a special keepsake! Can Eimi pull
it off without getting caught by one of
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421505754 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/5/06
13+ • #VIZ1421505762 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Goddess Pandora has been sent to
Earth to collect “gifts” that were spread
among humans. Sure, she has a nice
body that can tempt anyone, but when
she uses her powers, she shrinks to a
young girl’s body! The only way for her
to regain her voluptuous power is to
kiss her reluctant peon, Aoi.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598164880 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/12/06
16+ • #MM1598164899 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Fourteen-year-old Yukio Tanaka is
one heck of a boring guy. He has no
hobbies, a weak taste in music, and
only a small vestige of a personality.
His shy and somewhat neurotic
personality makes him his own worst
enemy. Little does he know that his
life will be forever changed when he
meets rocker Ryusuke Minami, an
unpredictable sixteen-year-old with a
cool dog named Beck.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1595327703 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1595327711 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM159532772X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #MM1595327738 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #MM1595327746 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6 Released 12/12/06
16+ • #MM1595327754 • 192 pgs • $9.99
After enduring three years of intense
training, Beet is determined to rid the
world of all the Vandels (monsters)
using his five Saiga, supreme weapons
inherited from other Vandel Busters,
including his own brother Zenon.
With his childhood friend Poala by
his side, Beet sets out on his journey,
destined to one day become the King
of adventurers.
Vol. 1
ALL • #VIZ159116690X • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 2
ALL • #VIZ1591166918 • 184 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 3
ALL • #VIZ1591166934 • 216 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 4
ALL • #VIZ1591167507 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 5
ALL • #VIZ1591168066 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 6
ALL • #VIZ1591168716 • 216 pgs • $7.95
His name is Guts, a feared warrior
spoken of only in whispers. Bearer
of a gigantic sword, an iron hand,
and countless scars, his flesh is also
indelibly marked with The Brand, an
unholy symbol that draws the forces of
darkness to him and dooms him as their
sacrifice. But Guts won’t take his fate
lying down; he’ll cut a swath of carnage
through the damned and anyone else
foolish enough to oppose him!
Vol. 1
17+ • #DHGN1593070209 • 224 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 2
17+ • #DHGN1593070217 • 240 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 3
17+ • #DHGN1593070225 • 240 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 4
17+ • #DHGN1593072031 • 240 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 5
17+ • #DHGN1593072511 • 240 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 6
17+ • #DHGN159307252X • 224 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 7
17+ • #DHGN1593073283 • 232 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 8
17+ • #DHGN1593073291 • 232 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 9
17+ • #DHGN1593073305 • 240 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 10
17+ • #DHGN1593073313 • 240 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 11
17+ • #DHGN1593074700 • 240 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 12
17+ • #DHGN1593074820 • 232 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 13
17+ • #DHGN1593075006 • 240 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 14 Released 11/29/06
17+ • #DHGN1593075014 • 240 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 15 Released 1/24/07
17+ • #DHGN1593075774 • 240 pgs • $13.95
Welcome to the intense and exciting
world of Beyblading - a game that
consists of two highly customized tops
charging at each other with magical
creatures called Bit Beasts emerging
from them. Tyson, together with his
friends Kai, Daichi and Max, travel the
world to exotic locales on a quest to
become the world’s best Beybladers.
Vol. 1
ALL • #VIZ1591166217 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 2
ALL • #VIZ1591166977 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 3
ALL • #VIZ1591167051 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 4
ALL • #VIZ1591167191 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 5
ALL • #VIZ1591167930 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 6
ALL • #VIZ1591168570 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 7
ALL • #VIZ1421500191 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 8
ALL • #VIZ1421501295 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 9
ALL • #VIZ1421502496 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 10
ALL • #VIZ1421503808 • 184 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 11
ALL • #VIZ1421504375 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 12
ALL • #VIZ1421504383 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 13
ALL • #VIZ1421504391 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 14 Released 12/5/06
ALL • #VIZ1421504405 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Futaba, a boy that has grown up in an
overprotected family, suddenly finds
himself on the other side of the world,
where he meets Kiara, the Amaranthine.
They journey to find Kiara’s true master,
and along the way they meet a curious
cast of characters, including the wizard
Belbel and the prince Vidit.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM159816371X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1598163728 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Train Heartnet, also known as “Black
Cat,” was an infamous assassin for a
secret organization called Chronos...
until he abandoned that cold-blooded
existence to live life on his own terms as
an easygoing bounty hunter. But is Train’s
past as far behind him as he thinks?
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ142150605X • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #VIZ1421506068 • 224 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #VIZ1421506076 • 216 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #VIZ1421506084 • 224 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 5 Released 11/7/06
16+ • #VIZ1421506092 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Manji, a ronin warrior of feudal Japan,
has been cursed with immortality. To rid
himself of this curse and end his life of
misery, he must slay one thousand evil
men! His quest begins when a young
girl seeks his help in taking revenge
on her parents’ killers... and his quest
won’t end until the blood of a thousand
has spilled!
Vol. 1: Blood of A Thousand
17+ • #DHGN2395 • 136 pgs • $14.95
Vol. 2: Cry of the Worm
17+ • #DHGN3006 • 176 pgs • $14.95
Vol. 3: Dreamsong
17+ • #DHGN357X • 208 pgs • $14.95
Vol. 4: Silent Wings
17+ • #DHGN4126 • 176 pgs • $14.95
Vol. 5: Silent Wings II
17+ • #DHGN4444 • 184 pgs • $14.95
Vol. 6: Dark Shadows
17+ • #DHGN469X • 192 pgs • $14.95
Vol. 7: Heart of Darkness
17+ • #DHGN5319 • 240 pgs • $16.95
Vol. 8: Gathering
17+ • #DHGN5467 • 208 pgs • $15.95
Vol. 9: Gathering II
17+ • #DHGN5602 • 216 pgs • $15.95
Vol. 10: Secrets
17+ • #DHGN156971746X • 232 pgs • $16.95
Vol. 11: Beasts
17+ • #DHGN7419 • 192 pgs • $14.95
Vol. 12: Autumn Frost
17+ • #DHGN1569719918 • 192 pgs • $16.95
Vol. 13: Mirror of the Soul
17+ • #DHGN159307218X • 256 pgs • $17.95
Vol. 14: Last Blood
17+ • #DHGN1593073216 • 256 pgs • $17.95
Vol. 15: Trickster
17+ • #DHGN1593074689 • 224 pgs • $16.95
Vol. 16 Released 12/20/06
17+ • #DHGN1593077238 • 200 pgs • $16.95
Killy wanders, seemingly endlessly,
fighting other futuristic nightmares,
in search of something called Net
Terminal Genes. If Killy is going to
find the treasure he seeks, he will
need more help and information than
the inhabitants of the beleaguered
outposts he finds can offer. He needs
to find a larger cluster of civilization,
but he’ll have to survive the trip to get
there, first...
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1595328343 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1595328351 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM159532836X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #MM1595328378 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #MM1595328386 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6 Released 11/7/06
16+ • #MM1595328394 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Ichigo Kurosaki has always been able to
see ghosts, but this ability doesn’t change
his life nearly as much as his close
encounter with Rukia Kuchiki, a soul
reaper and member of the mysterious
Soul Society. While fighting a Hollow,
an evil spirit that preys on humans who
display psychic energy, Rukia attempts
to lend Ichigo some of her powers, but
much to her surprise, Ichigo absorbs
every last drop of her energy.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591164419 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591164427 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1591164435 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1591164443 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1591164451 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1591167280 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1591168074 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1591168724 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ1591169240 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 10
13+ • #VIZ1421500817 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 11
13+ • #VIZ1421502712 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 12
13+ • #VIZ1421504030 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 13
13+ • #VIZ1421506114 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 14
13+ • #VIZ1421506122 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 15
13+ • #VIZ1421506130 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 16 Released 12/5/06
13+ • #VIZ1421506149 • 200 pgs • $7.95
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
that can release people from their pain.
And the stories are true. Boogiepop is
real. When a rash of disappearances
involving female students breaks out at
Shinyo Academy, the police and faculty
assume it’s just a bunch of runaways.
Yet, Nagi Kirima knows better. Something
mysterious is afoot. Is it Boogiepop, or
something more sinister...?
Vol. 1
13+ • #1933164182 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1933164212 • 256 pgs • $10.99
Meet the all-new, all-different Boogiepop!
When a female student is abducted and
on the verge of being raped, Boogiepop
rushes onto the scene just in time to
save the day. But Boogiepop’s new male
alter-ego, Akizuki Takaya, finds himself
in the middle of a crime wave with ties
going back to his previous mantle’s
Vol. 1
16+ • #1933164220 • 184 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #193316431X • 184 pgs • $10.99
Secret crushes and hidden desires...
after-school strolls and walks on the
wild side... These are just some of the
Enter Misaki, perhaps the most
innocent and sincere young lady there
ever was. It’s almost inconceivable that
she could be a vampire. And with her
powers as a vampire, she could easily
entice any human to do her bidding...
but she chooses not to. Especially
when it comes to Kuroe, a young
author who has a deep running past
with vampires.
Vol. 1
13+ • #INF1596972513 • 210 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #INF1596972521 • 220 pgs • $9.95
Three centuries ago, a vampire by the
name of Migiri was running a reign
of terror across Japan, when a hero
named Naonosuke Kobayashi cut off
his head and sent him to eternal rest...
until now. With the help of his right hand
man Kuraha, Migiri has been brought
back to life and granted a sacrifice in
the form of the beautiful young Kikuri.
The only thing standing in the way of
Migiri’s restoration is Yusuke Himukai,
who is sworn to protect Kikuri!
Vol. 1
17+ • #MM1598163329 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
17+ • #MM1598163337 • 192 pgs • $9.99
There is an urban legend that children
tell about a shinigami called Boogiepop
One Piece
places where high school students
stop on the journey of discovering love.
Valentine’s Day is approaching and the
competition to give and get chocolates
is causing a frenzy! Ordinary guys and
the girls of their dreams tip-toe along
the fine line between friends and
something more!
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1595320997 • 216 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1595321004 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1595321012 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #MM1595321020 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #MM1595321039 • 196 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #MM1595321047 • 196 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
16+ • #MM1595321055 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
16+ • #MM1595321063 • 196 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
16+ • #MM1595321071 • 196 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
16+ • #MM159532108X • 196 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11 Released 11/7/06
16+ • #MM1595321098 • 196 pgs • $9.99
clan and Gennosuke of the Kouga clan
have fallen deeply in love...
Although a truly gifted hairstylist, Kiri
Koshiba has no interest in using her
talent to pursue fame and fortune,
unlike the three popular boys in the
“Scissors Project” at school. Determined
to become the best makeover team in
Japan, they give showy makeovers to
handpicked girls. As much as Kiri tries
to shy away from the Scissors Project
spotlight, she finds herself responding
to beauty’s call...
Vol. 7
ALL • #VIZ1421500760 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 8
ALL • #VIZ1421501473 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 9
ALL • #VIZ1421502704 • 184 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 10
ALL • #VIZ1421507714 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421502895 • 184 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1421503522 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1421503530 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1421503549 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 5 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #VIZ1421503557 • 208 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421506157 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1421506165 • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 3 Released 12/5/06
13+ • #VIZ1421506173 • 184 pgs • $7.99
From birth, Cesare Borgia was
surrounded by shadows. Damned by his
own father and driven by the demons,
his quest for power threatens to set
the world of Renaissance Italy ablaze
- unless one innocent person can drive
away the poisonous shadows ravaging
him! Enter the world of the Borgias. A
world of unspeakable conspiracies and
forbidden desires...
Oh My Goddess!
When Tsukushi’s only friend, Makiko,
accidentally offends F4 leader Tsukasa,
she defends her. Enraged, Tsukasa
puts the dreaded red tag in Tsukushi’s
locker - a sign that she is now a target
for the abuse of the entire school.
But when Tsukushi fights the gang
with their own weapon, Tsukasa finds
himself falling for her!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1569319960 • 216 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1569319979 • 216 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1569319987 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1591161126 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ159116141X • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1591163145 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1591163706 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1591163714 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ1591163722 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
13+ • #VIZ1591166292 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 11
13+ • #VIZ1591167477 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 12
13+ • #VIZ1591168015 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 13
13+ • #VIZ1591168651 • 176 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 14
13+ • #VIZ1421500183 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 15
13+ • #VIZ1421501368 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 16
13+ • #VIZ1421502623 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 17
13+ • #VIZ1421503921 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 18
13+ • #VIZ1421505320 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 19
13+ • #VIZ1421505339 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 20
13+ • #VIZ1421505347 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 21 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #VIZ1421505355 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Ms. Fujiwara is rather unusual young
lady. For starters, she possesses the
power to control water. She also prefers
to wear her hair short and dress like
a boy. You would think Ms. Fujiwara
would be an odd fit at her public high
school, but between the destructive and
demented school president, the kooky
and somewhat stalker-like school nurse,
and the obsessed underclassman who
wants to be her disciple, Sunao may be
the sanest person at the school.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598161598 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1598161601 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM159816161X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Toki Mishiba, Nobuto Nakajyo, and
Kazuo Saitoh are hired to play the Biz
Game; a game much like capture the
flag, only with company secrets and
insane amounts of money involved. At
first they think it’s a crazy-but-fun way to
get some money, but as the game goes
on, they hear stories about mysterious
deaths on the news, and recognize
the victims as members of the teams
they’ve beaten in the game.
16+ • #MM1598163272 • 248 pgs • $9.99
Kazuki Mutou is mortally wounded saving
a girl from a strange monster, but is
given a new life through the power of the
alchemically made Core Iron. Along with a
second chance, this grants him the ability
to use his own Buso Renkin, or Alchemy
Weapon. Joining forces with Tokiko, the
Buso Renkin user he’d saved earlier and
who gave him the Core Iron, he uses his
newfound powers to fight the malevolent
High-school mystery fan Jimmy Kudo
is one of his high school’s best minds,
but he gets his reality checks from his
childhood friend and almost-girlfriend
Rachel Moore. Nothing can keep
Jimmy from a case - until he follows a
suspicious man into a park and ends
up unconscious. When he awakens,
he has been transformed into a puny
grade schooler! While waiting to be
restored to adolescence, Jimmy takes
on the name “Conan” and helps
Rachel’s incompetent private detective
father solve all of the murder mysteries
that come their way.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591163277 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591165873 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ159116589X • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1591166322 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1591166330 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1591168384 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ159116978X • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1421501112 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ142150166X • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #VIZ1421503166 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #VIZ1421504413 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
13+ • #VIZ1421504421 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
13+ • #VIZ142150443X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14 Released 11/21/06
13+ • #VIZ1421504448 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Supernatural phenomena and strange
occurrences are no sweat for the
agency, headed by Asagi Nanami. As
“freak” activity grows to a terrifying fever
pitch, Asagi’s assistants - Naoki, Tokiko,
and helper Mahime Yoshino, solve
several major “freak” cases. Freaks are
creatures with the ability to possess
humans and prey on their weaknesses.
However, Asagi and his gang are no
ordinary humans; each is equipped with
a special power to vanquish Freaks.
Vol. 1
13+ • #COM1588993000 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Shinjuku at night is not a safe place.
Therefore, young college hopeful
Tomoe Tatsumi lucks out by bumping
into Mitsugu Kurokawa, a white-collar
worker with a heart of gold. Charmed
by Tatsumi’s naivete, Kurokawa
actually finds himself being more
generous than usual. In the course of
helping Tomoe-kun find a place to live
in Tokyo, Kurokawa offers to rent out
his extra room.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780976604532 • 200 pgs • $12.50
Vol. 2
16+ • #9780976604549 • 200 pgs • $12.50
Megumi, a 9-year-old martial arts
enthusiast and all-around rapscallion
always wanted to be “the manliest
man on earth.” After saving a sorcerer
from a group of local toughs, Megumi
is presented with a magic genie which
can grant any wish. Unfortunately, this
genie is slightly hard of hearing, and
misconstrues Megumi’s original desire
as wanting to become the “womanliest
woman on earth,” and in a flash,
Megumi’s Y chromosome is swapped
for an X.
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ1591163978 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
15+ • #VIZ1591164672 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
15+ • #VIZ1591165032 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
15+ • #VIZ1591166209 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
15+ • #VIZ1591166314 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
15+ • #VIZ1591167744 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
15+ • #VIZ1591168392 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
15+ • #VIZ1591169798 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
15+ • #VIZ1421500698 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
15+ • #VIZ1421501678 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
15+ • #VIZ1421503174 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
15+ • #VIZ1421504464 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
15+ • #VIZ1421504472 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
15+ • #VIZ1421504480 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15 Released 11/14/06
15+ • #VIZ1421504499 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #MCC001 • 190 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MCC002 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MCC003 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MCC004 • 182 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MCC005 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MCC006 • 194 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MCC007 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MCC008 • 232 pgs • $9.99
Anise can’t believe her luck when she
finds herself at the same high school as
famous former child star Siva. Although
the cool and handsome Siva seems
unapproachable, Anise manages to
become his friend, but she’s surprised
to discover Siva’s secret: for years,
he’s been switching identities with his
twin brother, Cipher!
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401208029 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1401208037 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #1401208045 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #1401208053 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #1401208061 • 176 pgs • $9.99
A Claymore – a female warrior named
for the sword she carries – travels
from medieval village to village to
destroy Yoma, monsters who disguise
themselves as humans and who are
almost impossible to kill. Claymores are
half-humans, half-demons who willingly
transformed themselves by mixing their
blood with monster’s blood.
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421506181 • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #VIZ142150619X • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #VIZ1421506203 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #VIZ1421506211 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 5 Released 12/5/06
16+ • #VIZ142150622X • 200 pgs • $7.99
>-DEAIA continuation of the gripping and
cutting-edge Confidential Confessions,
this series deals exclusively with the
seedy underbelly of the sex industry.
Using emotionally moving storylines
and multi-dimensional characters, here
is a shocking look into the hard-hitting
issues that teens face today.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598163868 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1598163876 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Nobara’s family wants her to inherit the
role of mistress, serving rich patrons at
her family’s old-fashioned Japanese
restaurant. No thanks! When Nobara
transfers to Crimson Field High School,
known for its top notch volleyball team,
it turns out that her mother will stoop
Boys Be...
You learn about love through
experience – and these are some of
the wildest experiences ever! Each
chapter of Boys Be is a new tale about
discovering love, and all the craziness
that can follow. Whether it’s two best
friends falling for the same girl, a
lonely girl looking to replace her lost
love, or a young couple desperately
trying to find a private place to kiss,
this series shows every side of
romance you can think of – and a few
you probably can’t!
Vol. 11 Released 11/7/06
to dirty tricks to keep her daughter off
the court. With assistance from her
feisty Aunt Momoko, who has some
connections at Crimson Field, Nobara
decides to start playing offense.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421501406 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1421503964 • 184 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1421505770 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 4 Released 12/5/06
13+ • #VIZ1421505789 • 184 pgs • $8.99
Welcome to Cromartie High - a melting
pot of underachievers and overzealous
bullies, where the fist rules and the
student body has the combined I.Q. of
a rusty nail. After a whole lot of bad
judgment and a little bad luck, Takashi
Kamiyama is now attending this academy
of dunces. Here, his only homework will
be defending himself against the foulmouthed robots, semi-intelligent apes
and masked villains that roam the halls
of Cromartie High School!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MCM001 • 168 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MCM002 • 208 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MCM003 • 184 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MCM004 • 168 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MCM005 • 176 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MCM006 • 176 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MCM007 • 176 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 8 Released 10/31/06
13+ • #MCM008 • 176 pgs • $10.99
Karin is a cute little girl who also
happens to be a vampire - with a
twist. Once a month, she experiences
intense bleeding from her nose - we’re
talking gushers! In other words, she’s
a vamp with blood to spare, so rather
than stealing blood from humans she
actually gives her blood to them. If
done right, this can be an extremely
positive experience that benefits the
“victim” as much as the vampire. The
problem is that Karin never seems to
do things right!
Kaijitsu has never known a proper
family. Her dad’s a deadbeat and her
mom changes husbands like most
people change socks. Kaijitsu isn’t
alone in her dysfunction - Taro and
Natsu, the hottie step brothers she
hasn’t seen in seven years, are also
refugees from negligent parents in
search of a home. Abandoned by
everyone but each other, the three notquite-siblings make one last attempt at
building a family...
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598163221 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM159816323X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 Released 12/12/06
16+ • #MM1598163248 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Trigun Maximum
16+ • #MM1595321098 • 196 pgs • $9.99
Gun-toting Sister Rosette Christopher
is on a mission to annihilate the
demonic threat that plagues her world.
Along with her companion Chrono, her
rampage might lead to the destruction
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Vol. 1
13+ • #0976895722 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #0976895765 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #1933617004 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #1933617047 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 5 Released 11/30/06
13+ • #1933617101 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 6 Released 2/28/07
16+ • #193361711X • 200 pgs • $10.99
He is Yo Himomura, deadly assassin for
the 108 Dragons, the Chinese Mafia.
But to those in the criminal underworld
who fear him, he is Crying Freeman, the
killer who sheds tears at the fate of his
victims. Young, handsome, sensitive,
and an artist, Yo has been hypnotically
programmed by his Dragon masters to
kill on command. He cannot resist his
masters’ commands to kill; his masters
cannot stop his tears of remorse.
Vol. 1
17+ • #DHGN1593074786 • 408 pgs • $14.95
Vol. 2
17+ • #DHGN1593074883 • 400 pgs • $14.95
Vol. 3
17+ • #DHGN1593074891 • 408 pgs • $14.95
Vol. 4 Released 12/13/06
17+ • #DHGN1593074980 • 408 pgs • $14.95
Set in a fictional end of the 19th century
England, the story revolves around
Allen Walker, a teenager who is cursed
with a cross mark on his hand. The
cross turns his arm into an enormous
weapon which he uses to hunt down
and kill akuma. An akuma, generated by
a 1,000-year-old phantom, is implanted
into a human’s soul during a moment of
devastation and despair. The phantom
uses the demons to then carry out his
goal: destroy all humankind.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421506238 • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1421506246 • 184 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 3 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #VIZ1421506254 • 200 pgs • $7.99
In the near future, the population
lives underwater. Ai Mayuzumi is the
daughter of the head of the research
lab in one of the underwater cites.
When terrorists attacks Ai’s city, she
becomes involved with an all-female
counter-terrorist group!
16+ • #MM1598165976 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
16+ • #0976895706 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #0976895749 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #0976895781 • 192 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #1933617020 • 192 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 5 Released 11/30/06
16+ • #193361708X • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 6 Released 2/28/07
16+ • #1933617098 • 200 pgs • $10.99
of more than demons! When the two
come across Azmaria - a young girl with
a voice capable of opening the gates
of Heaven - Sister Rosette and Chrono
know they must save her from her cruel
stepfather’s wicked plan.
Vol. 2
13+ • #COM1597960950 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3 Released 12/18/06
13+ • #COM1597960969 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Homunculus monsters and protect his
friends and the rest of mankind.
Death Note
One fateful morning, Hirofumi awakens
to discover he has no memory of the
previous two years. He has forgotten
his classmates and everything he’s
learned at school. All he recalls is the
car accident that caused his amnesia.
When he finds a letter written to
himself, he is shocked to discover
that he has been romantically involved
with the tragic and handsome Daigo!
Can true love triumph over the loss of
memory? And will Hirofumi be able to
make Daigo smile again?
Light and L’s game of cat & mouse
takes a deadly turn as a tapestry of
plot threads find themselves tied
together and major revelations come
to light. This gripping thriller never
lets up, and neither L nor Light gives
an inch of ground in their fierce battle
of wits. Death Note’s seventh volume
marks the series’ turning point as a
new threat rises from the ashes of an
old one.
16+ • #1569709009 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 7
15+ • #VIZ1421506289 • 208 pgs • $7.99
Released 3/21/07
16+ • #156970869X • 200 pgs • $12.95
Kei Yoshikawa is a feisty young boy,
troubled by problems at home and
annoyed at school. One day, after a
sudden fainting spell, Kei is examined
by the doctor and given shocking news:
he is actually supposed to be a girl!
As “Kei” disappears and “Megumi”
enrolls back into school, his/her girl
pal Makoto is Kei’s only ally who knows
his secret. However, his former male
friends figure things out before long,
and suddenly, “Megumi” is the object
of their affections!
Vol. 1
16+ • #1569708908 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2 Released 12/13/06
16+ • #1569708894 • 200 pgs • $12.95
A young girl named Rahzel is abruptly
sent off to see the world by her father.
She is alone on her journey... until
Aliens have landed on Earth and are
now a normal part of society. These
beautiful beings have been given the
name “DearS.” In order for the DearS
to learn Earth’s customs, they are sent
to random high schools to “home-stay.”
When Takeya helps a DearS in his
school, she calls him “Master.” Thus
begins the humorous life of Takeya and
his sexy alien follower, Ren, who tries to
figure out the wacky customs of Earth!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595323082 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595323090 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595323104 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595323112 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1595327975 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1595327983 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1598161857 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598168614 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Light Yagami is an ace student with great
prospects - and he’s bored out of his
mind. But all that changes when he finds
the Death Note, a notebook dropped by
a rogue Shinigami death god. Any human
whose name is written in the notebook
dies, and now Light has vowed to use
the power to rid the world of evil. But
when criminals begin dropping dead, the
authorities send the legendary detective
L to track down the killer.
Hikaru No Go
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ1421501686 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
15+ • #VIZ1421501694 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 3
15+ • #VIZ1421501708 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 4
15+ • #VIZ142150331X • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 5
15+ • #VIZ1421506262 • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 6
15+ • #VIZ1421506270 • 224 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 7
15+ • #VIZ1421506289 • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 8 Released 11/7/06
15+ • #VIZ1421506297 • 208 pgs • $7.99
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Vol. 23
13+ • #MM1598161849 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
16+ • #1401205453 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #1401205461 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #140120547X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #1401205488 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #1401205496 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #1401210201 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
16+ • #140121021X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8 Released 11/15/06
16+ • #1401210228 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Dante is a demon slayer and bounty
hunter with a demon heritage of his
own that haunts his past. He’s currently
unemployed - and bored to death.
Opportunity knocks in the form of a
missing-child case, which his friend and
manager, Enzo, offers him.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598160311 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1598165585 • 192 pgs • $9.99
So... You wake up one day after a twoyear nap and discover that your father
is dead. What do you do? Take over his
kingdom and rule with an iron fist, of
course! Laharl may be new to the whole
Overlord scene, but with the help of
the demon-girl Etna and the angel-ditz
Flonne, he’s going to be the best ruler
the Netherworld’s ever seen. All he has to
do is get by the hordes of halfwit hellions,
foil an inter-dimensional plot and keep
his own vassals from trying to kill him.
Released 9/20/06
13+ • #BBDISG02 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Daisuke Niwa is an ordinary, if slightly
unlucky, middle school student. On his
fourteenth birthday, he comes down
with a “condition” that has plagued
the men in his family for three hundred
years: when he sees his crush, Risa,
he transforms into his alter ego, the
phantom thief Dark. Unfortunately, when
Dark sees his crush, Risa’s twin Riku, he
transforms back into Daisuke. The only
cure for this craziness is if Daisuke can
get Risa to fall in love with him...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM159182799X • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1591828007 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1591828015 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1591828023 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1591828031 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1591829550 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1591829569 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1591829577 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #MM1595327940 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #MM1595327959 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #MM159816810X • 192 pgs • $9.99
14-year-old Rin Amami is a gifted
dancer who has been forced to give
up his dream of becoming a singer like
his mom because of his deep, frog-like
voice. A chance encounter with the idol
singing group Beatmen, however, gives
him the opportunity to bring his old
dream to life.
Dragon Ball Z
Mitsu has always been looked upon by
men as the Dolis - the ideal girl, the
eternal partner in any man’s dream,
the perfect lover... When Kishi falls
head-over-heels in love with Mitsu, he
soon discovers another side to this
seemingly flawless woman.
Released 11/7/06
16+ • #MM1598164406 • 192 pgs • $14.99
Released 1/15/07
16+ • #DHGN1593076975 • 224 pgs • $14.95
This laugh-out-loud series stars
goofy scientist Senbei Norimaki, his
hyperactive robot Arale Norimaki, and
their comical misadventures with bad
guys and not-so-super heroes. They
live in Penguin Village where pigs walk
upright and the sun eats ice cream to
cool off. Nobody in the village suspects
Arale is one of Senbei’s inventions
- even though she has superhuman
strength and is always smashing into
the town police car!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ159116950X • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591169518 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1591169917 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1421501651 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1421501732 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1421501740 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1421506319 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1421506327 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ1421506335 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 10 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #VIZ1421506343 • 192 pgs • $7.99
After witnessing the deaths of his
classmates in a train wreck, Teru
discovers two survivors: Ako and
Nobuo. As they try to devise a plan to
stay alive, the lack of light and food,
combined with the stench of decay,
will lead one of them down a dark and
demented path.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1595329145 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1595329153 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1595329161 • 232 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #MM159532917X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5 Released 1/9/07
16+ • #MM1595329188 • 192 pgs • $9.99
If you think a man-eating witch is
dangerous, imagine having to face
the one-eyed monster that ate it. In a
farcical tale of hijinks and swashbuckling
adventures, Rath, Rune and Thatz
become the Dragon Knights. And though
they may have to work together, no one
says they have to like it.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1931514402 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1931514410 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1931514429 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1931514437 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1591820693 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1591821029 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1591821118 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1591821126 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #MM1591821134 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #MM1591821142 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #MM1591821150 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
13+ • #MM1591824400 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
13+ • #MM1591824419 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
13+ • #MM1591824427 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15
13+ • #MM1591824435 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 16
13+ • #MM1591824443 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 17
13+ • #MM1591824451 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 18
13+ • #MM1591829615 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 19
13+ • #MM1591829623 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 20
13+ • #MM1591829631 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 21
13+ • #MM1595326340 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 22
13+ • #MM1595326359 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595321195 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595321209 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595321217 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595321225 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1595321233 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1595321241 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM159532125X • 192 pgs • $9.99
In the aftermath of a strange
earthquake, an entire elementary
school vanishes, leaving nothing but
a hole in the ground. While parents
mourn and authorities investigate,
the students and teachers of find
themselves somewhere far away... As
panic turns to terror and the rules start
to fall apart, a 6th-grade boy named
Sho and his friends must try to survive
in a hostile new world.
Vol. 1
17+ • #VIZ1421507226 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 10/17/06
17+ • #VIZ1421507234 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 Released 12/19/06
17+ • #VIZ1421507242 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #BLU1598160079 • 384 pgs • $14.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #BLU1598160087 • 405 pgs • $14.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #BLU1598160095 • 405 pgs • $14.99
In the near future, most of humanity
is wiped out by a brutal new virus
that hardens the skin while dissolving
internal organs. Those who aren’t
immune are either severely crippled
or live with cybernetically enhanced
bodies. A paramilitary force known as
the Propater topples the United Nations
and seeks world domination. Elijah,
searching for his mother, travels towards
the Andes Mountains with a combat
robot where he encounters a group of
anti-Propater freedom fighters.
Vol. 1
17+ • #DHGN1593074069 • 216 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2
17+ • #DHGN1593074549 • 208 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 3
17+ • #DHGN1593075294 • 224 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 4
17+ • #DHGN1593075448 • 208 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 5 Released 11/1/06
17+ • #DHGN1593076347 • 216 pgs • $12.95
Densuke just enrolled at the exclusive
Zashono academy. He’s eager to
participate in extracurricular activities,
but he never expected to join the
mysterious Eiken Club. Strangely
enough, every other member is a busty
co-ed, and many of the club activities
involve bikinis. But Densuke isn’t
interested in anyone but the shy and
beautiful Chiharu. Will he overcome the
wall of women that stand between him
and true love?
Unbeknowest to humans, angels walk
among us. Save for the occasional
annual angelic convention, they are
scattered across the globe interacting
with humans and their crises. Chihaya
and Kagetsuya consistently find
themselves in different parts of the world
dealing with an array of characters and
their hopeless problems. This seems to
be the only source of their worries, until
news arrives of a growing legion of fallen
angels plagued by the “Black Cancer.”
Vol. 1
16+ • #AWNOV0542 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #AWNOV0563 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #AWNOV0604 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #AWNOV0623 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #AWNOV0640 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #AWNOV0649 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
16+ • #BLU1598160060 • 400 pgs • $14.99
After a routine raid, rookie air pirate
Daisuke’s just your average 14-year-old
– assuming that all the 14-year-olds you
know have been trained since birth in the
high art of thievery! But Daisuke’s real
problems start when he confesses to
- and is rejected by – the beautiful Risa.
Now, thanks to a family curse, whenever
Daisuke sees his lady love, he turns into
his alter-ago, the suave and debonair
Dark! The only way to break the curse
is to get Risa to fall in love with him, but
she seems to be falling for Dark instead!
Equal parts comedy, romance, and highstakes art theft action, DNAngel is the
perfect escapist entertainment.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM159182799X • 184 pgs • $9.99
High School is hard for Kayano. When
she tries to confess her love to the
kind but distant Yuichi, the school bully
Takeru makes her life hell. But things
get worse when Kayano’s mother gets
engaged to Takeru’s father, the school
principal! How will she cope with
having the devil himself living in her
own home?
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598160923 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1598160931 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM159816094X • 192 pgs • $9.99
she meets Alzeido, a mysterious lone
traveler on a mission to find his father’s
killer. Even though they initially don’t get
along, the two become travel partners,
helping each other on their respective
journeys. Little by little, Alzeido opens
his heart to Rahzel.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598165984 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598165992 • 192 pgs • $9.99
A drama series from the creator of Doll
centered around an embalmer in Japan.
As with all Mitsukazu Mihara’s manga,
The Embalmer features some creative
episodic stories; this time around with
a life and death theme.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598166468 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/12/06
16+ • #MM1598166476 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401211321 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/20/06
13+ • #140121133X • 192 pgs • $9.99
With no memories and only a roseshaped scar on his forehead as a clue,
a young boy ponders his legacy while
on the run with the girl who rescued
him from a group of armed warriors.
She takes him to a scientist who seems
sure Rose is the Emperor’s clone, and
that this young boy must assume the
mantle of leadership. But opposing
forces have created another clone from
the Emperor’s DNA... and the struggle
for power begins.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401211216 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/29/06
13+ • #1401211224 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Fulcanelli is an “Enchanter,” an ancient
engineer/alchemist who is able to
imbue the weapons and gadgets
he constructs with magical powers.
Transformed into a demonic being after
his death, he is always side by side
with his brash, buxom demon lover,
Eukanaria. Due to circumstances still
unknown, Fulcanelli is now in need of
a new body to inhabit, and until one
is found, Eukanaria must guard the
pendant containing Fulcanelli’s soul
from demonic forces.
Vol. 1
16+ • #1569708665 • 184 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2 Released 11/1/06
16+ • #1569708657 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Dr. Mine Kuyjou is a brilliant and
beautiful scientist who lives for her
work. But then she meets someone who
challenges everything she knows: Shuro,
a genetically engineered superhuman
who can manipulate people into doing
anything he chooses. More terrifying
for her is the discovery that Shuro has
a clone, Isaac, who shares Shuro’s
powers but has a deadly hatred for the
human race. Now it’s up to Mine and
Shuro to destroy Isaac before Isaac can
destroy the world!
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345491882 • 208 pgs • $10.95
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Mingchao lives in the good-old
American West with her grandfather
- and her Hollywood dreams. After
her grandfather dies, he leaves her
a strange weapon known as the Etogun that has mystical powers linked to
zodiac animals. She decides to pack up
and take aim at her goal of stardom.
Vol. 1
12+ • #MM1595321306 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
12+ • #MM1595321314 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
12+ • #MM1595321322 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
12+ • #MM1595321330 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
12+ • #MM1595321349 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
12+ • #MM1595321357 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
12+ • #MM1595321365 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
12+ • #MM1595321373 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Angelic
Days is a re-imagining of the anime
where choosing the right girl may be
more important than saving the world!
Shinji, Askua, and Rei are enrolled in a
special high school that will train them
to become Eva pilots. But Angelic Days
has a lot more to do with the daily
struggles of high school than monsters
from outer space.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MEA001 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MEA002 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Today the city - tomorrow, the world!
That’s the plan of Il Palazzo, the
haughty pretty-boy leader of ACROSS,
a secret society based somewhere
deep beneath Fukuoka, Japan. It’s a
good thing he’s starting small, because
ACROSS begins its bid for global
domination with just two members: Il
Palazzo, and Excel, the teenaged girl
smitten with him.
Vol. 1
17+ • #VIZ156931988X • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
17+ • #VIZ1569319898 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
17+ • #VIZ1569319901 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
17+ • #VIZ159116110X • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
17+ • #VIZ1591161363 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
17+ • #VIZ1591162319 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
17+ • #VIZ1591162327 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
17+ • #VIZ1591162335 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
17+ • #VIZ1591162343 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
17+ • #VIZ1591166446 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 11
17+ • #VIZ1591167221 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 12
17+ • #VIZ1591167752 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 13
17+ • #VIZ1421501430 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Here is Greenwood
Vol. 14
17+ • #VIZ1421504812 • 232 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15 Released 12/12/06
17+ • #VIZ142150846X • 216 pgs • $9.99
Sena Kobayakawa is about to start
his first year in high school and he’s
vowed not to get picked on anymore.
Unfortunately, the sadistic captain of
the football team already has his eye
on Sena and his lightning-fast speed.
With a wacky cast of characters that
includes team captain Hiruma, who has
an uncanny resemblance to a demon,
and a good-natured front lineman who
inexplicably has a head shaped like a
chestnut, enjoy all the bone-crushing
action and slapstick comedy that
manga has to offer!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591167523 • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591168090 • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1591168740 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1421500744 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1421501139 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1421502747 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1421504057 • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1421506378 • 216 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ1421506386 • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #VIZ1421506394 • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 11 Released 12/5/06
13+ • #VIZ1421506408 • 200 pgs • $7.99
dream is to become a firefighter. But
fresh out of the training academy, he
quickly runs into problems. Fearless
to the point of recklessness, Daigo
thinks too much about impressing his
beautiful high school teacher with his
new uniform. He shows his mettle when
a fire breaks out at his old school, but
Daigo will need to learn humility before
he can call himself a true firefighter.
Vol. 1 (2nd Ed)
13+ • #VIZ1569319553 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1569318794 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1569318816 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ156931991X • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1591160936 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1591161371 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1591163153 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1591164648 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ1591166349 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
13+ • #VIZ1591166357 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 11
13+ • #VIZ1591167957 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 12
13+ • #VIZ1591169801 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 13
13+ • #VIZ1421501309 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 14
13+ • #VIZ1421503182 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 15
13+ • #VIZ1421504510 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 16
13+ • #VIZ1421504529 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 17 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #VIZ1421504537 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Meet Recca Hanabishi - a high schooler
who hopes to become a real ninja. His
life is unexpectedly thrown for a loop
when he meets a mysterious girl named
Yanagi and he swears to protect her!
Now Recca must learn how to navigate
the world of ninja warriors. But he has
In Victorian-era England, a young girl is
rescued from a life of destitution and
raised to become a proper British maid.
Emma meets William, the eldest son of
a wealthy family, and immediately falls
in love with him. William shares her
feelings, but the strict rules of their
society prevent their relationship from
ever coming out in the open.
Vol. 2
13+ • #0345491890 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #0345491904 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4 Released 2/28/07
13+ • #0345491912 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Coud Van Giruet discovers a most
unusual bounty: Ren, an “Edyll Raid,” is
a living weapon that reacts with a human
to become a fighting machine. As he
realizes that Ren is even more prized than
he thought, she is captured by an evil
man who sells Edyll Raids on the black
market. Can Coud and the agents of the
Elemental Gelade Protection Agency
team join forces and rescue her without
killing themselves... or each other?
sex, they each turn into their Chinese
Zodiac animal!
15-year-old Firiel Dee always believed
she was a simple country girl. But
on her birthday, two strange events
happen that will change her life: her
father presents her with her mother’s
necklace, and she’s invited to a ball at
the count’s castle. When she arrives in
style at the court wearing the necklace,
she discovers that not only does the
necklace prove she’s of royal blood,
but she’s also a candidate to be the
next queen! A tale of high adventure
and intrigue!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598166204 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1591160669 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #VIZ1591160677 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
16+ • #VIZ1591160944 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
16+ • #VIZ1591161258 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
16+ • #VIZ1591161932 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
16+ • #VIZ1591163161 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
16+ • #VIZ1591164486 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
16+ • #VIZ159116480X • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
16+ • #VIZ1591164818 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
16+ • #VIZ1591166365 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 11
16+ • #VIZ1591167418 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 12
16+ • #VIZ1591167965 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 13
16+ • #VIZ1591168589 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 14
16+ • #VIZ1421500140 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 15
16+ • #VIZ1421501317 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 16
16+ • #VIZ142150250X • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 17
16+ • #VIZ1421503816 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 18
16+ • #VIZ1421504545 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 19
16+ • #VIZ1421504553 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 20
16+ • #VIZ1421504561 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 21 Released 12/12/06
16+ • #VIZ142150457X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Forced to enroll in school one month late
after recovering from a serious illness,
Harutaro is doing his best to remain
optimistic about the entire situation.
The other students are working hard to
make Haru feel welcome - especially his
chubby, loveable pal, Shota. However,
Kai Majima, President of the Manga
Club and all-around hard case, seems
to be the one person intent on making
Harutaro’s school life a living nightmare.
Vol. 1 Released 1/17/07
16+ • #1569708746 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2 Released 4/11/07
16+ • #1569708738 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 1 Released 1/31/07
13+ • #034549265X • 208 pgs • $10.95
On her way home from school one
day, Noriko is unexpectedly plunged
into a strange and extraordinary
fantasy world. Her troubles compound
exponentially when she is rescued and
befriended by the handsome Izark.
He may be brave and courageous,
but inside him lurks the darkest evil
imaginable. And according to an
ancient prophecy, Noriko possesses
the power to unleash that evil. Now,
inexorably bound together, these two
unlikely allies must navigate a world
both wondrous and hostile.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591165997 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591166012 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1591166039 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1591167701 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ159116835X • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1591169720 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1421500884 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1421502208 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ1421503220 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #VIZ1421505371 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #VIZ142150538X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
13+ • #VIZ1421505398 • N/A pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13 Released 11/14/06
13+ • #VIZ1421505401 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Tohru Honda was an orphan, living
in a tent in the forest. Little did she
know that the land she was staying
on belonged to the Sohma family.
After stumbling upon the teenage
squatter, the Sohmas invite Tohru to
stay in their house in exchange for
cooking and cleaning. Everything’s
going well until she discovers the
Sohma family’s greatest secret: when
hugged by members of the opposite
Gung-ho young secret agent Sosuke
Sagara gets assigned to go undercover
and protect high-school student
Kaname Chidori from a band of
international terrorists. But Sosuke’s
background as a counter-insurgent
guerilla isn’t the best possible
preparation for high-school...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MFP001 • 168 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MFP002 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MFP003 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MFP004 • 160 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MFP005 • 172 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MFP006 • 172 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MFP007 • 172 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MFP008 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #MFP009 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Sousuke has finally lost his mind and
his memory! Rehashing his previous
exploits will keep Kaname busy, but
it doesn’t take long for this soldier to
bounce back with a bang - literally!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MFO001 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MFO002 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MFO003 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MFO004 • 168 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MFO005 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Alchemy: the power to alter the natural
world. A dangerous energy which should
not be taken lightly. When two brothers,
Edward and Alphonse Elric, attempt to
harness alchemy to grant their dearest
wish, things go wildly astray. Now, the
soul of one brother is locked in a living
suit of iron while the other has lost his
limbs. They roam the globe in search of
the ultimate alchemical treasure, the
Philosopher’s Stone. But the world is
crawling with ruthless alchemists who
are also pursuing the same thing as
the brothers...
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ1591169208 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
15+ • #VIZ1591169232 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
15+ • #VIZ1591169259 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
15+ • #VIZ1591169291 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
15+ • #VIZ1421501759 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
15+ • #VIZ1421503190 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
15+ • #VIZ1421504588 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
15+ • #VIZ1421504596 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
15+ • #VIZ142150460X • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10 Released 11/21/06
15+ • #VIZ1421504618 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Prequel to the original series. When
schoolgirl Takiko Okuda attempts
to destroy her father’s translation
of “The Universe of the Four Gods,”
she is instead literally sucked into
the story, becoming the Priestess of
Genbu in an epic journey to find the
seven Celestial Warriors!
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ1591168961 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 2
15+ • #VIZ1591169119 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 3
15+ • #VIZ1421502887 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 4
15+ • #VIZ1421505797 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 5 Released 11/7/06
15+ • #VIZ1421505800 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 1
16+ • #0345492331 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2 Released 3/15/07
16+ • #0345493206 • 208 pgs • $12.95
Twelve-year-old Mitsuki loves singing
and dreams of becoming a pop star.
Unfortunately, a malignant tumor in
her throat prevents her from pursuing
her passion. However, two surprisingly
fun-loving harbingers of death grant
Mitsuki a temporary reprieve from her
illness and give her singing career a
magical push start.
Self-styled Kogal queen Kotobuki Ran
and her friends just wanna have fun,
which includes shopping, hanging out,
and scamming meals off gullible guys.
Unfortunately, their “hood” - Shibuya - is
in constant danger of being despoiled
by dirty old men, street gangs, nasty
Kogal rivals, and other societal evils.
But with a little help from her friends
and a toughness born of coming from
a family full of cops, Ran takes on the
bad guys (and gals) with gusto!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591169283 • 208 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #140120550X • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1401205518 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #1401205526 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #1401205534 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #1401205542 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #1401208444 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #1401208452 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8 Released 11/22/06
13+ • #1401208460 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Hirao and Yabe were both members
of the Kendo team years ago, when
Yabe was the undisputed strongest.
Then something happened and Yabe’s
life took a 180 degree turn. Hirao now
resents Yabe’s playful flirting with Yuri,
and is doing his best to protect her.
Meanwhile, the attention of all three
is having lots of unwanted side effects
for Yuri. Will the four ever get this mess
straightened out?
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598161539 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1598161547 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598161555 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Kamishina Fuuto would like to think
he’s a normal boy, but he is the
reincarnation of the High Priest of
Darashaal, a tiny Asian country that
has just celebrated the inauguration
of... its new high priest. Clearly, only
one of them is the true priest, and
unfortunately for Kamishina, it’s him.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598166077 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/12/06
16+ • #MM1598166085 • 192 pgs • $9.99
It’s the spring of freshman year, and
Kanji Sasahara is in a quandary. Should
he declare his love for manga and
anime by joining an otaku club, like
he has always wanted to? Meanwhile,
Saki Kasakabe also has a dilemma.
How can she turn her boyfriend, anime
fanboy Makoto, into a normal guy?
Vol. 6
16+ • #MM1591826381 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
16+ • #MM1591829690 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
16+ • #MM1591829704 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
16+ • #MM1591829712 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
16+ • #MM1591829720 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
16+ • #MM1591829739 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
16+ • #MM1591829747 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
16+ • #MM1591829755 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
16+ • #MM1591829763 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15
16+ • #MM1591829771 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 16 Released 11/7/06
16+ • #MM159182978X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Mai Taniyama and her classmates
have heard the rumors that the creepy
old high school is haunted. So one
rainy day they gather at the old school
to tell ghost stories, hoping to attract
one of the spirits. But all Mai and her
friends find are Kazuya Shibuya, the
owner of Shibuya Psychic Research,
a Buddhist monk, a medium, and an
outspoken Shinto priestess. Surely one
of them will have the talents to solve
this mystery…
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345486242 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #0345486250 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #0345486269 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #0345486803 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #0345491378 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 6 Released 12/31/06
13+ • #0345491386 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 7 Released 3/15/07
13+ • #0345491394 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 1
16+ • #0345481690 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #0345481704 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
16+ • #0345481712 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4
16+ • #0345482425 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 5
16+ • #034549153X • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 6
16+ • #0345491548 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 7
16+ • #0345491556 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 8 Released 3/15/07
16+ • #0345491564 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Blonde and pragmatic, Ginji Amano has
the power to generate currents with his
body like an electric eel. Brunette and
rambunctious, Ban Mido has the power
to create illusions. Together, they are
the GetBackers. They can get back
anything taken from clients, and their
success rate is (almost) 100%!
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1591826330 • 216 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1591826349 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1591826357 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #MM1591826365 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #MM1591826373 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Shaman King
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
gynophobia - and an allergic reaction
when girls touch him. He befriends
an alien named Miharu, who comes
from a planet that houses only women.
Yukinari is able to touch Miharu without
breaking into a sweat. He returns to his
own world, accompanied by Miharu;
but shortly thereafter, other girls follow
them to his world... and his life turns
into one big mess.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598160400 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1598160419 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1598160427 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #MM1598160435 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #MM1598160443 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6 Released 12/12/06
16+ • #MM1598160451 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Deep in the heart of 19th century
London, a young nobleman named
Cain walks the shadowy cobblestone
streets of the aristocratic society into
which he was born. Forced to become
an earl upon the untimely death of his
father, Cain assumes the role of head
of the Hargreaves, a noble family with
a dark past.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ142150233X • 208 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1421502372 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 3 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #VIZ1421504774 • 192 pgs • $8.99
For four decades, Golgo 13 has been
the world’s greatest assassin for hire sometimes to settle a private score, and
sometimes to change history! His real
name and nationality are unknown - but
his legend is everywhere. G13 never fails
a job, and never sees his clients again...
unless they try and betray him!
Vol. 1
17+ • #VIZ1421502518 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
17+ • #VIZ1421503824 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
17+ • #VIZ1421504626 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
17+ • #VIZ1421504634 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5 Released 10/17/06
17+ • #VIZ1421504642 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6 Released 12/19/06
17+ • #VIZ1421504650 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Firiel is a 15 year old girl who lives with
her poor foster parents, the Hollys, in
the remote mountain highlands of Sera
Field. When she is invited to a fancy ball
in town, she discovers that her past is
more complicated then she had thought
- as she may be heir to a throne!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598166204 • 192 pgs • $9.99
an ace up his sleeve: he harbors the
ability to control fire!
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1421500361 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1421500590 • 176 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1421501252 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1421502666 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1421503972 • 168 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1421504766 • 184 pgs • $8.99
Good Witch of the West
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1591826039 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1591826047 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1591826055 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1591826063 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1591826071 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM159182608X • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM159532402X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1595324038 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #MM1595324046 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #MM1595324054 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #MM1595324062 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
13+ • #MM1595324070 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
13+ • #MM1595324089 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
13+ • #MM1595324097 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM1598160230 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1591829399 • 188 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM159532416X • 210 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM159532576X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595325778 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595325786 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595329978 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598166492 • 192 pgs • $9.99
A distant relative, Ray Balzac Courland,
shows up at a Rochefort family party
and becomes intrigued by Florian
and his beautiful “amethyst” eyes. Ray
offers to pay off the Rochefort debt in
exchange for ownership of Florian, and
much to Florian’s dismay, his mother
agrees. Florian’s new life as Ray’s
property immediately gets chaotic as
he discovers that Ray is actually the
famous phantom thief, Noir, who has
been haunting Paris!
Vol. 1
16+ • #BLU1598161024 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #BLU1598161032 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 Released 10/31/06
16+ • #BLU1598161040 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Rushuna is a beautiful, blonde Senshi
(gun expert) who travels the world
with one purpose: to make the world a
peaceful place. She does this by taking
away the people’s will to fight by giving
them a smile. However, the journey of
nonviolence is never an easy one, so
watch out when she is forced to display
her amazing gun skills...
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598166239 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/12/06
16+ • #MM1598166247 • 192 pgs • $9.99
The prequel to GTO! Before Ekichi
Onizuka would become the “Greatest
Teacher in the World,” he and Ryuji
Danma were members of infamous
biker gang, Oni Baku. When not out
riding around and getting into trouble,
this duo could be found in school, trying
to pick up young women!
Vol. 1
17+ • #MM1598162942 • 384 pgs • $12.99
Vol. 2
17+ • #MM1598162950 • 405 pgs • $12.99
In the world of the Cosmic Era, a war
is underway between the genetically
enhanced breed of humans known as
Coordinators and those who remain
unmodified, called Naturals. The
struggling to catch up with the
Coordinator’s superior technology, has
secretly developed its own Gundam
mobile suits at a Natural space colony.
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345470451 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #0345471792 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #0345472306 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #0345477944 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #0345477952 • 208 pgs • $10.95
As a tentative cease-fire between
the Earth Alliance and ZAFT is being
carefully crafted, ZAFT terrorists plot
with Neo Roanoke to drag both sides
into open war. Their plan: storm ZAFT
territory and steal several Gundam
Mobile Suits.. .and that’s only the
beginning. They’re also scheming to
engineer a catastrophic event; one
designed to drive the Earth back down
a bloody path.
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345492749 • 192 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2 Released 11/30/06
13+ • #0345492757 • 192 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3 Released 3/15/07
13+ • #0345492765 • 192 pgs • $10.95
Lowe, the Professor, Liam and Kisato
are Junk Techs, traveling through space
searching for parts to salvage, repair
and sell. During a mission, Lowe comes
across a top-secret Mobile Suit known
as Red Frame. Their lives are about to
change forever...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1591829380 • 188 pgs • $9.99
Daughter of a brilliant professor,
Asuna is a below-average student at
Ecole du Ciel, where teachers and
other students constantly belittle
her. However, with the world spiraling
toward war, Asuna’s headed for a crash
course in danger and love as everyone
prepares for combat...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595328513 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595328521 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM159532853X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595328548 • 192 pgs • $9.99
When Grandpa Koizumi creates the
“Guru Guru Bone,” the family’s female
puppy, Ponta, is in for an adventure!
She nibbles on the bone and turns into
a real human girl! Venturing out of the
house, she’s saved from getting hit by
a car by Mirai Iwaki. Unfortunately, the
accident also switches her back into
her normal puppy self. Using the power
of the Guru Guru Bone, Ponta switches
back and forth from dog to girl, but can
she win Mirai’s affections?
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345480953 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #0345480961 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #0345481410 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #034548097X • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #0345481429 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #0345481437 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 7 Released 1/31/07
13+ • #0345481445 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Japanese-American track-and-field star
Mizuki is transferring to a high school
in Japan... but not just any high school!
To be close to her idol, high jumper
Izumi Sano, she’s going to an all-guys’
high school... and disguising herself
as a boy! But as fate would have it,
they’re more than classmates... they’re
roommates! Now, Mizuki must keep
Kotarou Oohira is a boy with the
clueless touch - he has an unusual type
of ESP that is transmitted via physical
contact. When he accidentally gives his
cousin Tatsuki the “gift”, he comes to
realize that there is much more to his
powers than he ever imagined!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595321535 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595321543 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595321551 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM159532156x • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1595321578 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1595321586 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1595321594 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Even more unusual is her relationship
with fellow transfer student Hyoue
Inugami, the hottest guy in school. But
the truth is that Amane is a powerful
psychic and Hyoue is her guardian
demon-dog, whose powers are fueled
by her kiss! And when Amane lets her
“dog” off his leash, no vengeful spirit
is safe!
Vol. 1
16+ • #0976895730 • 208 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #0976895773 • 208 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 3 Released 11/30/06
16+ • #1933617012 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 4 Released 2/28/07
16+ • #1933617055 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Eriko and her two best friends - Yuma
and Ayano - are excited to enter the
more sophisticated realm of higher
learning. However, they soon find
out that life without a constant male
presence isn’t quite as sophisticated
as they thought. The vulgarity and
lack of cleanliness they had hoped
to escape emerges in full force when
the all-female student body lets it all
hang out!
Vol. 1
13+ • #COM1588992004 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #COM1588992012 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #COM1588992020 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #COM1597960845 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #COM1597960586 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #COM1597960594 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7 Released 11/27/06
13+ • #COM1597960519 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Young Shindoh Hikaru is much like
many young boys his age except for one
small thing... he communicates with a
ghost! A long time ago, during the
Meet Sabato Obiga, a hapless young
teen trying to find himself in the world,
which is made all but impossible by
his frighteningly flamboyant family.
Scaring away every girl he brings home,
Sabato’s family seems to revel in his
misery - but could there be more to
their torment than meets the eye?
Vol. 1
ALL • #VIZ159116222X • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 2
ALL • #VIZ1591164966 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 3
ALL • #VIZ159116687X • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 4
ALL • #VIZ1591166888 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 5
ALL • #VIZ1591166896 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 6
ALL • #VIZ1421502755 • 216 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 7
ALL • #VIZ1421506416 • 216 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 8 Released 11/7/06
ALL • #VIZ1421506424 • 216 pgs • $7.95
When Gon learns his father Ging
- whom he thought was dead - is a
famous Hunter, he aspires to follow
in his footsteps and track down
monsters, treasures and words of
magic. But first, he has to pass the
arduous and dangerous Hunter test.
Gon quickly befriends two other Hunter
wannabes: Kurapika, who’s motivated
by vengeance; and money-hungry
Leorio. The adventure begins when the
would-be hunters run through a forest
filled with dangerous animals - and
even more dangerous rivals. Test taker
Hisoka is killing off the competition!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591167531 • 184 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ159116785X • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ159116849X • 192 pgs • $7.99
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1591169925 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1421501848 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1421501856 • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1421503328 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1421506432 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ1421506440 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #VIZ1421506459 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 11 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #VIZ1421506467 • 200 pgs • $7.99
of safe haven for Riya, an escape from
the life of music he’s been bound to.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1591827221 • 234 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM159182723X • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1591827248 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #MM1591829909 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #MM1591829917 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #MM1595327991 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7 Released 11/7/06
16+ • #MM1598167987 • 192 pgs • $9.99
The Hybrid Child is an amazing android
that can grow if it is lavished with
enough love and care from its owner.
Neither fully machine nor fully human,
the various Hybrid Child models
develop strong emotional bonds with
their owners. This volume contains
several short stories of love, sacrifice,
and drama.
16+ • #1569709025 • 184 pgs • $12.95
In the year 22 H.C., Shinjuku is
populated by monsters and goblins.
Humans are endangered and the town
is rife with crime. Natsuki Sasahara is
a rookie at the Police Company and a
newbie bounty hunter. Scouted by her
superior, Batanen Fujioka the werewolf,
she is half-human, half-catbeast with
magical powers and she is getting the
hang of the business...
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1595322949 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1595322957 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1595322965 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #MM1595322973 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #MM1595322981 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #MM159532299X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
16+ • #MM1595323007 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Makoto meets a couple of girls at a
New Year’s Eve party, one of which
he falls in love with. One month later,
Makoto helplessly listens on the phone
as the girl is strangled to. He vows to
use his underground connections, the
“G-boys”, to catch the murderer.
16+ • #MM1598163213 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
17+ • #1569709866 • 208 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2
17+ • #1569709858 • 208 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 3
17+ • #156970984X • 208 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 4
17+ • #1569708975 • 208 pgs • $12.95
Hayate’s parents sell him as an organ
donor to the yakuza - an idea Hayate
isn’t too crazy about, so he decides to
kidnap someone and ransom them for
150 million yen. The girl he attempts
to kidnap, though, misinterprets
Hayate’s intentions and thinks that he
is confessing his love for her. The girl,
Negi Sanzenin, turns out to be the only
daughter of a super wealthy family.
Negi buys Hayate from the yakuza and
to pay her back, Hayate agrees to be
her butler.
Vol. 1 Released 11/14/06
13+ • #VIZ1421508516 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Amane’s not like other girls. With her
ice queen demeanor and naivete, she’s
become quite the misfit on campus.
Heian period, a man named Fujiwara
no Sai was a skilled and cunning player
of the popular Chinese game Go. After
surrendering to an unfortuante fate, he
finds his soul bound to Earth until he
completely masters the game.
School Zone
Atsushi’s a nice guy - maybe too nice
and generous. He takes Riya in for
the night and helps him with his hand
injury. Atsushi realizes there is much
more Riya than appears on the surface,
and learns just how difficult Riya’s life
actually is. Not only does he have a
personality disorder, but there’s an
aggressive senior at his school who has
his eye on him. Atsushi becomes a sort
Vol. 1
16+ • #1569709238 • 192 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #1569708932 • 208 pgs • $12.95
For centuries, the eternal Rain Jewlitt
has escaped attacks from assassins
and bounty hunters who want to
uncover his timeless secret. One of his
pursuers, the Grim Reaper Zol, lost his
life while attempting to kill Rain. In the
wake of Zol’s death, his 18-year-old
granddaughter Machika vows to avenge
her grandfather’s death and put an end
to Rain’s immortality.
In the shadow of Akina Mountain,
street racers take on one of the most
dangerous roads in the world. Among
them, a Trueno AE86 tears through the
pass like a phantom. Behind the wheel
is Takumi Fujiwara, a tofu delivery boy
on his way to becoming the greatest
street racer ever. But even with so
much natural talent, nothing could
have prepared Takumi for the world of
hardcore street racing.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1931514984 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1591820359 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1591820367 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1591820375 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1591820383 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1591820391 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1591820405 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1591820413 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #MM1591821096 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #MM159182110X • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #MM1591821746 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
13+ • #MM1591824621 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
13+ • #MM159182463X • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
13+ • #MM1591824648 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15
13+ • #MM1591824656 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 16
13+ • #MM1591829925 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 17
13+ • #MM1591829933 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Dr. Slump
After having finished a job at Research
Colony Mendel, a mysterious mobile
suit approaches the colony - likely
with hostile intent. When Lowe Gear
intercepts in the Red Frame, the pilot
opens fire... and thus begins another
exciting adventure set in the Gundam
Seed universe! Mobile Suit Gundam
SEED X Astray continues where
Gundam Seed Astray R left off.
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1591163293 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #VIZ1591163986 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
16+ • #VIZ1591163994 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
16+ • #VIZ1591164583 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
16+ • #VIZ1591164974 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
16+ • #VIZ1591164982 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
16+ • #VIZ1591164990 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
16+ • #VIZ1421500078 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
16+ • #VIZ1421501384 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
16+ • #VIZ142150264X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
16+ • #VIZ1421503948 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
16+ • #VIZ1421505428 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
16+ • #VIZ1421505436 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14 Released 10/17/06
16+ • #VIZ1421505444 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15 Released 12/19/06
16+ • #VIZ1421505452 • 192 pgs • $9.99
The year is Cosmic Era 70. The world
is a dangerous place, and the universe
has been taken over by thieves and
pirates. Lowe Gear, a brilliant junk-tech
mechanic, discovers a top-secret Mobile
Suit in the midst of space debris. This
mysterious Mobile Suit seems to have
been on the top of everyone’s holiday
shopping list - and now everyone is
after Lowe!
her secret in the classroom, the locker
room, and her own bedroom.
Hikaru is finally on his way to the Pro
Exam, but first he needs to get past
the preliminaries! Hikaru no Go has
always been a page-turner, but the
pro-test and its preliminaries are the
most intense chapters of Hikaru and
Sai’s saga yet. Gorgeously illustrated
as always by Death Note’s Takeshi
Obata, the raw emotions of winning
and losing pour out of every page, and
you’ll be rooting for Hikaru all the way
to the end.
Vol. 8 Released 11/7/06
ALL • #VIZ1421506424 • 216 pgs • $7.95
Someone has assembled a group
of high school girls - rumored to be
witches - and dropped them off in
the woods. Among them is Makoto, a
private eye with an uncanny, almost
otherworldly, ability to get the bad
guy. But one by one, the witches die
a violent death... Can Makoto use his
sixth sense to prevent bloody carnage
from overflowing?!
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598164988 • 192 pgs • $9.99
When Japanese schoolgirl Kagome
stumbles through a boarded-up well
within an ancient shrine, she falls back
in time to sixteenth-century Japan. There
she becomes the protector of a feudal
village, the master and friend of InuYasha, a hot-tempered half-demon dogboy, and the caretaker of the magical
Shikon Jewel against the demonic
forces of the present and past!
Vol. 1 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1569319472 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 2 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1569319480 • 200 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 3 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ156931960X • 200 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 4 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1569319618 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 5 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591160529 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 6 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591160537 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 7 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591161142 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 8 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591161150 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 9 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ159116236X • 192 pgs • $8.95
Covers the events of the exciting
episodes of the TV and video series,
using actual, full-color film frames to
narrate the story. Color.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591162025 • 216 pgs • $11.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591162394 • 216 pgs • $11.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1591163188 • 216 pgs • $11.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1591164621 • 216 pgs • $11.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ159116592X • 216 pgs • $11.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1591165946 • 220 pgs • $11.95
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1591166128 • 216 pgs • $11.95
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1591167388 • 216 pgs • $11.95
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ1591167973 • 216 pgs • $11.95
Vol. 10
13+ • #VIZ1591168597 • 216 pgs • $11.95
Vol. 11
13+ • #VIZ1421500221 • 216 pgs • $11.95
Vol. 12
13+ • #VIZ1421501236 • 216 pgs • $11.99
Vol. 13
13+ • #VIZ1421502526 • 216 pgs • $11.99
Vol. 14
13+ • #VIZ1421503840 • 216 pgs • $11.99
Vol. 15
13+ • #VIZ1421504820 • 216 pgs • $11.99
Vol. 16
13+ • #VIZ1421504839 • 216 pgs • $11.99
Vol. 17 Released 10/17/06
13+ • #VIZ1421504847 • 216 pgs • $11.99
Vol. 18 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #VIZ1421504855 • 216 pgs • $11.99
Shy Ichitaka has a crush on his high
school classmate Iori, but ever since
she posed for semi-provocative swimsuit
photos, she’s had a lot of sleazy guys
hitting on her. His life gets even more
complicated when his childhood friend
Itsuki moves back from America and
ends up living in his house! How will
Ichitaka hide a barely clothed Itsuki
from his crush Iori?
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1591169526 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #VIZ1591169534 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #VIZ1591169690 • 184 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #VIZ142150054X • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #VIZ1421501880 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #VIZ1421503336 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 7
16+ • #VIZ1421506483 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 8
16+ • #VIZ1421506491 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 9
16+ • #VIZ1421506505 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 10 Released 11/7/06
16+ • #VIZ1421506513 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Jan is a brilliant young chef at a top-class
restaurant in Tokyo called Gottancho. His
hopeless arrogance and self-confidence
regarding his cooking techniques force
him to incessantly challenge Kiriko - a
talented chef of Gottancho.
To save his mother’s life, Jotaro must
tame his dark forces and travel around
the world to Cairo, Egypt, where a
hundred-year-old vampire thirsts for the
blood of his family. But the road is long,
and an army of evil Stand Users wait to
kill Jojo and his friends.
Vol. 1
13+ • #COM256X • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #COM2578 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ159116754X • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591168503 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1421503360 • 204 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ142150653X • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1421506548 • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 6 Released 12/5/06
13+ • #VIZ1421506556 • 200 pgs • $7.99
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Judas, cursed for his sins, is the spirit
of Death - he is without form, and has
enslaved young Eve to carry out the
most heinous of acts. Together in spirit
and body, they must slay 666 people
so that Judas can regain his humanity.
Using Eve as his vessel of destruction,
the dark, blood-soaked journey will leave
a trail of sin, death, and - hopefully for
Judas - redemption.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598166301 • 192 pgs • $9.99
One day, high school student Hiro
decides to apply as a monitor for a new
gadget called JUNK. Soon he receives
a strange looking device in the mail.
Upon activation, Hiro is encased in a
powered armor JUNK suit granting him
incredible strength, speed and agility.
But Hiro’s repeat abuse at the hands
of the school bullies leaves him hungry
for revenge... not super heroism.
Vol. 1 Released 11/27/06
13+ • #COM1597961078 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2 Released 3/29/07
13+ • #COM1597961086 • 200 pgs • $9.95
The young ninja Kagetora has been
assigned to serve a renowned family
of martial artists. Upon arrival, he’s
assigned to teach the heir of the
dynasty, the clumsy Yuki, the deft
moves of self-defense and combat.
One day Yuki will head her family dojo,
and that means problems for Kagetora
- because for a ninja like him to fall in
love with his master is a betrayal of
his duty, the ultimate dishonor, and
strictly forbidden.
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345491416 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #0345491424 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #0345491432 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4 Released 12/31/06
13+ • #0345491440 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 5 Released 3/15/07
13+ • #0345491459 • 208 pgs • $10.95
A pair of young aspiring mystery writers
tries to crack the most bizarre, baffling,
and hilarious cases around them. But
as clues often lead to a dead end,
lucky for our duo the Masked Detective
always seems to show up in the nick of
time to help!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598164996 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Karin is an underperforming klutz - until
a ring left to her by her recently dead
mother becomes a sort of talisman
and turns her into a magical girl with
incredible powers! Of course, there’s
a rude boy and some very bad guys
involved, too, along with the usual
requisite dose of utterly disarming
Koge-Donbo cuteness!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595328475 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595328483 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595328491 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Harlequin Pink: Idol Dreams
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595328505 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1598161865 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Released from a thousand-year
imprisonment, eighty-eight demons
return to present-day Japan. A band
of young warriors that has power over
the elements takes up the fight against
the evil creatures. However, conflict
within the group of warriors splinters it
into two opposing camps that rage war
against each other. Amidst the carnage
and battle, salvation for all rests in the
Maiden of Water, who has power over
the demons.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1595329242 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1595329250 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1595329269 • 192 pgs • $9.99
By day, Kusakabe Maron is an
ordinary high school girl. By night,
she is Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne,
the reincarnation of Joan of Arc!
Her mission: to hunt down demonpossessed paintings and exorcise the
evil spirits! Too bad accomplishing
this mission puts her into conflict with
the authorities, who view her as a
mysterious stranger vandalizing works
of art.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401205550 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1401205569 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #1401205577 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #1401205585 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #1401205593 • 168 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6 Released 11/15/06
13+ • #1401208428 • 192 pgs • $9.99
A bizarre virus turns people into
monsters, and the only way humanity
can survive is to keep tight control on
those who are infected. In this dark and
menacing world, all who are infected
must be killed to prevent the spread of
the virus!
Vol. 1 Released 12/12/06
16+ • #MM1598166336 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Life is pretty dull for four-eyed high
school student Karin. She has never
thought of herself as beautiful or
glamorous, yet one day she finds
Kiriya, the hottest guy in school, taking
pictures of her. Things are further
complicated when Yuka, the most
popular girl in Karin’s school, takes a
romantic interest in Kiriya and views
Karin as her rival.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591163943 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591163951 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1591167019 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1591168023 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1591169860 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1421501392 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1421503255 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1421505460 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ1421505479 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #VIZ1421505487 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Yukino is the perfect student. Or at least
that’s how she appears to the outside
world. But when the curtains are
drawn, a lazy young egomaniac lurks
who will do anything and everything to
be the top student in her school. Yukino
finds her resolve put to the test as the
more perfect Soiichiro arrives on the
scene. Yukino is desperate to regain
her status, but when all the dust has
cleared, she finds something more.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1931514798 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1931514801 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1591820588 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1591820596 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1591821800 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1591821819 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1591824729 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1591824737 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #MM1591824745 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #MM1591824753 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #MM1591824761 • 216 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
13+ • #MM159182477X • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
13+ • #MM1595325875 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
13+ • #MM1595325883 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15
13+ • #MM1595325891 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 16
13+ • #MM1595325905 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 17
13+ • #MM1595325913 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 18
13+ • #MM1595325921 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 19
13+ • #MM1598161822 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 20
13+ • #MM1598161830 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Being a girl is harder than it looks...
Vol. 18
13+ • #MM1591829941 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 19
13+ • #MM159182995X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 20
13+ • #MM1591829968 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 21
13+ • #MM1591829976 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 22
13+ • #MM1591829984 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 23
13+ • #MM1595320008 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 24 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1595320016 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #COM2586 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #COM1588992594 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #COM1588992608 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #COM1588992616 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
13+ • #COM1588992624 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
13+ • #COM1588992632 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
13+ • #COM1588992640 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
13+ • #COM1588990001 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 11
13+ • #COM1588993027 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 12
13+ • #COM1588993035 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 13
13+ • #COM1588993094 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 14
13+ • #COM1597960322 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 15
13+ • #COM1597960330 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 16
13+ • #COM1597960349 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 17
13+ • #COM1597960357 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 18
13+ • #COM1597960365 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 19
13+ • #COM1597960373 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 20
13+ • #COM1597960381 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 21
13+ • #COM159796039X • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 22 Released 12/18/06
13+ • #COM1597960403 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 23 Released 2/29/07
13+ • #COM1597961191 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 24 Released 4/28/07
13+ • #COM159796042X • 208 pgs • $9.95
Hikaru No Go
Vol. 10 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591162378 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 11 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591163323 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 12 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591163331 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 13
13+ • #CTIY013 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 14
13+ • #CTIY014 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 15
13+ • #CTIY015 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 16
13+ • #VIZ1591161134 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 17
13+ • #VIZ1591162386 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 18
13+ • #VIZ1591163315 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 19
13+ • #VIZ1591166780 • 200 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 20
13+ • #VIZ1591166268 • 200 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 21
13+ • #VIZ159116740X • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 22
13+ • #VIZ1591168406 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 23
13+ • #VIZ1421500248 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 24
13+ • #VIZ1421501864 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 25
13+ • #VIZ1421503832 • 192 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 26
13+ • #VIZ1421504669 • 208 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 27 Released 10/17/06
13+ • #VIZ1421504677 • 208 pgs • $8.95
For Hazumu, this couldn’t be truer,
because just the other day, she... was a
he. Shunned by the girl of his dreams,
Hazumu gets lost and is promptly
squashed by a space ship. Feeling guilty,
the alien rebuilds Hazumu’s body... but
as the wrong gender! Now Hazumu must
learn how to be the girl his parents always
wanted while dealing with a love triangle
between two girls - his childhood friend
and the girl who rejected him/her!
Vol. 1 Released 12/15/06
16+ • #1933164344 • 192 pgs • $10.99
Kamiya Seizaburo is a young wouldbe warrior who, though lacking in
combat experience, possesses a fiery
enthusiasm to both aid the Mibu-Roshi
(the group that would later become
the Shinsengumi) and to avenge his
wrongfully murdered family. But what no
one suspects is that Seizaburo is actually
a girl named Tominaga Sei in disguise!
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ1421501899 • 200 pgs • $8.95
Vol. 2
15+ • #VIZ1421505819 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 3 Released 11/7/06
15+ • #VIZ1421505827 • 200 pgs • $8.99
When an aspiring writer moved by the
classic tale Alice in Wonderland meets
a group of magically gifted young girls,
the literary fuel for a new and truly
fantastic “Alice” story is revealed. Key
Princess Story is a fantastic adventure
of a hopeful scribe and a group of
girls with special powers in pursuit of
the missing third book of Alice called
“Eternal Alice.”
Vol. 1 Released 10/30/06
13+ • #COM1597961124 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2 Released 1/29/07
13+ • #COM1597961132 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3 Released 4/28/07
13+ • #COM1597961140 •N/A pgs • $9.95
On the surface, Jiro appears to be a
normal teenage boy - he’s riddled with
self-doubt, has trouble making friends,
and owns a guitar he doesn’t know
how to play. But he’s really Kikaider,
a super-powered android with a secret
“Gemini” device implanted in his brain
to help simulate human qualities!
Professor Gill, a former associate of
Kikaider’s creator, is hunting for the
Gemini device - and he’ll go to any
lengths to recover it!
By day, Yoshimori Sumimura is just a
regular kid going to junior high school,
but by night, he is a “kekkaishi”
- a demon-fighter. His neighbor is
16-year-old Tokine Yukimura, who
is also a kekkaishi! Unfortunately,
their families don’t get along, since
each believes themselves to be the
“true practitioners” of the art of the
kekkaishi. Will Yoshimori and Tokine’s
friendship overcome their family’s
ancient rivalry?
Vol. 1
17+ • #140120693X • 204 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
17+ • #1401206948 • 194 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
17+ • #1401206956 • 210 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
17+ • #1401206964 • 194 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5 Released 10/18/06
17+ • #1401206972 • 210 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591169682 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591169704 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1421500671 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1421502534 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1421504863 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1421504871 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7 Released 11/21/06
13+ • #VIZ142150488X • 200 pgs • $9.99
Hajime Kindaichi is your classic
underachiever. It’s no wonder everyone
thinks he’s a loser. But when cast
members start dying in a production
of Phantom of the Opera, it’s young
Kindaichi’s moment to shine. With
his amazing deductive reasoning, the
class slacker must put on a class act
investigation before the “Phantom”
strikes again!
Vol. 1: The Opera House Murders
13+ • #MM1591823544 • 240 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2: The Mummy’s Curse
13+ • #MM1591823552 • 256 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3: Death TV
13+ • #MM1591823560 • 232 pgs • $9.99
Kare Kano
Vol. 4: Smoke and Mirrors
13+ • #MM1591823579 • 232 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5: Treasure Isle
13+ • #MM1591823595 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6: Legend of Lake Hiren
13+ • #MM1591823609 • 232 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7: The Santa Slayings
13+ • #MM1591824788 • 280 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8: No Noose is Good Noose
13+ • #MM1591824796 • 288 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10: Kindaichi The Killer Part 1
13+ • #MM1591824818 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11: Kindaichi The Killer Part 2
13+ • #MM1595326952 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12: Playing the Fool Part 1
13+ • #MM1595326960 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13: House of Wax
13+ • #MM1595326979 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1595326987 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Sora is a young energetic boy looking
forward to exploring the world with
his friends Riku and Kairi. One day a
mysterious force causes Sora to gain a
special weapon known as the Keyblade.
Meanwhile, Donald and Goofy leave
their castle to search for the king and
the chosen one who holds the “key” to
saving the world.
Set (Vol. 1-4)
ALL • #MM1598168088 • 576 pgs • $23.99
Sora, Donald and Goofy, realize their
magic and skills have been completely
stripped away - and now Sora must
travel on his own!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598166379 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1 Released 1/30/07
13+ • #9780345496201 • 208 pgs • $10.95
As the series that launched the hit
anime nears its end, the drama
continues to rage! Soichiro is put to
the test when he discovers his father’s
deadly plans. Will Soichiro be able
to unravel the mystery behind his
parents’ tragic past in time to stop his
father, Reiji? Meanwhile, Yukino has
an announcement that will change
Vol. 20
13+ • #MM1598161830 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1591163358 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1591164702 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1591165253 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1591166160 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1591167159 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ1591167868 • 184 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 10
13+ • #VIZ1591168511 • 184 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 11
13+ • #VIZ1591169933 • 184 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 12
13+ • #VIZ1421501171 • 184 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 13
13+ • #VIZ1421502364 • 184 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 14
13+ • #VIZ1421504189 • 184 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 15
13+ • #VIZ1421506564 • 184 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 16
13+ • #VIZ1421506599 • 184 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 17
13+ • #VIZ1421506602 • 184 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 18 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #VIZ1421506610 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Shoei Academy is a prestigious private
school for boys from well-to-do families.
New teacher Mr. Reiji Kurashina soon
finds himself to be the center of
attention! What does cool and collected
Kurashina-sensei do when he becomes
the object of love?
Vol. 1 Released 4/11/07
16+ • #156970838X • 200 pgs • $12.95
This series follows the adventures of
five handsome, heroic boys: Seiya the
Pegasus Saint, Shiryuu the Dragon
Saint, Hyouga the Cygnus Swan Saint,
Shun the Andromeda Saint, and Ikki
the Phoenix Saint. It all begins when
they first earn their armor and slowly
learn the secrets and responsibilities
of being Bronze Saints.
Avenging his father’s murder was a matter
of honor for Jintetsu. But his father’s
murderer was a corrupt official, and now
the government is hunting Jintetsu down.
There’s only one problem: Jintetsu’s
already dead. Jintetsu’s ravaged body
was found by Genkichi, a master inventor,
who gave him a new indestructible steel
body - just what he’ll need to face down
the gang that’s terrorizing his hometown
and the mobster who ordered his father’s
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591162254 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591162262 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1591162998 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 1
13+ • #034549203X • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #0345492048 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3 Released 12/31/06
13+ • #0345492056 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 1
17+ • #MM1598165305 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/7/06
17+ • #MM1598165313 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Land of the Blindfolded
To Outsuka Kanade, everyone spends
their days wearing a blindfold – a
blindfold that keeps them from seeing
things they aren’t meant to see.
However, every now and then, her own
blindfold slips, and she gets a glimpse
of the future. Too bad those glimpses
don’t tell her how to handle Naitou
Arou, the new boy in school who has the
ability to see a person’s past! Poignant
and philosophical, The Land of the
Blindfolded ponders the use of trying to
change the future if you’re the only one
who can see.
Vol. 1
7+ • #1401205240 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Your body is their business! Five young
university students find all that “useless”
stuff they know - channeling, dowsing,
ESP - gives them a direct line to the dead
- the dead who are still trapped in their
bodies and can’t move on. The five form
the “Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service”:
whether suicide, murder, accident, or
illness, they’ll carry your body wherever
it needs to go to free your soul!
Vol. 1
N/R • #DHGN1593075553 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2 Released 1/24/07
N/R • #DHGN1593075936 • 224 pgs • $10.95
In a European school dorm, Georges
Saphir is admired and loved by
everyone. However, afraid of others
doing him harm, he has never allowed
anyone to get close. Why is it then that
misfit Robert can effortlessly step over
this line Georges has drawn, and see
right through him?
Vol. 1
13+ • #1569709335 • 208 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #1569709327 • 232 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #1569709319 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #1569709300 • 178 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 5 Released 12/6/06
13+ • #1569709297 • 208 pgs • $12.95
Yen and Jin are brothers in elementary
school and successors in the Ragun
family craft of defeating evil spirits.
In this world, the battle with spirits
comes down to a game of guessing
your opponent’s “name.” Once you
know the name you gain control over
the fight. Both Yen and Jin have secret
names only they know... and must keep
them secret, or risk death!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595323597 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595326030 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595328033 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4 Released 12/6/06
13+ • #MM1598168010 • 192 pgs • $9.99
High school student Outsuka Kanade
can sometimes see a person’s future.
Naitou Arou can turn his psychic ability
to see past events on or off at will, even
using it to see an object’s “memories.”
Are these teenaged seers made for
each other? And who’s right: Arou with
his “hands off” policy about meddling
in people’s lives, or Kanade whose
more proactive stance has already had
unhappy consequences?
Vol. 1
7+ • #1401205240 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
7+ • #1401205259 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
7+ • #1401205267 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
7+ • #1401205275 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
7+ • #1401205283 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
7+ • #1401210163 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
7+ • #1401210171 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
7+ • #140121018X • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
7+ • #140121052X • 200 pgs • $9.99
Seemingly ordinary Kosuke Ueki
has been chosen to be a contender.
Granted the power to change trash
into trees, Ueki has two disadvantages
to overcome: one, he doesn’t know
he’s a participant in the tournament,
and two, how the heck can anyone win
a battle with the power to turn trash
into trees?
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421507161 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ142150717X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #VIZ1421507188 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Eiri is an art student who works parttime at an antique shop, where he
becomes obsessed with Cossette, a girl
whose portrait is on sale in the store.
Her portrait has a tragic story behind
it: people who own the painting have
all been murdered in bizarre ways...
But when Cossette’s spirit appears in
front of Eiri, she asks him to save her.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1595329315 • 216 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1595329323 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 Released 12/12/06
16+ • #MM1595329331 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Master thief Liling-Po passes his first
test and is accepted as part of an
elite “treasures retrieval” team. Their
initial foray takes them into the home
of a merchant where, disguised as
housekeepers, they begin to identify
and snatch up parts of the eight
magical treasures they’re after...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595325190 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595325204 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595325212 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595325220 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1595325239 • 192 pgs • $9.99
A high school girl finds a cell phone and
soon begins receiving phone calls from
a man who claims to see the future.
For grins, he’s decided to share this
knowledge with Chiko - specifically,
he can see when and where people
are going to commit suicide. He guilts
Chiko into being his pawn, telling her
the time and location of the next death
so that she will race against time to try
and save the person’s life.
Released 10/31/06
16+ • #MLN001 • 176 pgs • $9.99
When Hoshino sees Hegishi for the first
time, he asks her to be his girlfriend.
While she might be shocked, Negishi
agrees to allow Hoshino to walk her
home, while he explains why he is in
love with her. Touched, Negishi begins
to feel something for this strange young
boy from her school. A fun, romantic
comedy, Love Roma is about the simple
kind of relationships we all longed for
when we were young.
Vol. 1
16+ • #034548262X • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #0345482638 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
16+ • #0345482646 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4
16+ • #0345482654 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 5 Released 2/28/07
16+ • #034549251X • 208 pgs • $10.95
27-year-old Nishioka is a selfish and
irresponsible - yet talented - young
photographer living on his own in the
world. Then there’s Matsukawa, a man
working for an advertisement agency,
who infallibly makes Nishioka’s work
a smash hit. At first glance, these
two look like they don’t get along, but
underneath it all there’s actually a
Kotori is an average high school boy
burdened with an exceptional older
sibling. Being brought up under the
same roof as his legendary drop-deadgorgeous brother, Kujaku (a name that
literally means “peacock”!), has given
Kotori a bit of an inferiority complex. This
all changes when a his male classmate,
Akaiwa, takes a shining to him and the
two begin a rocky relationship.
Exotic, smart and lethal, Number Nine
is a field operative for an organization
committed to fighting injustice. Little is
known about “Universal Blue” except
that it’s the last line of defense against
terrorists and criminals. Even less is
known about its field operatives - though
it’s whispered that they possess the ability
to change the course of world history.
And Number Nine is one of them.
Vol. 1
16+ • #BLU1598163582 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #BLU1598163590 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401205402 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1401205410 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #1401205429 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #1401205437 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #1401205445 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #1401208576 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #1401208584 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #1401208592 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9 Released 11/8/06
13+ • #1401208606 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Following the gruesome death of his
brother, Seimei, 12-year-old Ritsuka
Aoyagi transfers to a new school where
his cold attitude leaves him alone and
friendless. When Ritsuka discovers a
posthumous message from his brother
indicating he was murdered, Ritsuka
and Seimei’s mysterious friend Soubi
begin a search to find Seimei’s killer
and uncover the truth. But Soubi has
his own motives for helping Ritsuka…
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598162217 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1598162225 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1598162233 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Merleawe is told her presence is needed
for the sake of her country. Merleawe, who
studies magic, is persuaded by Vaith to
pretend to be the Great Wizard Sylthfarn.
Since she bears a striking resemblance
to the great wizard, she fools everyone,
except those who know her. Pretending
to by Sylthfarn, she promises to protect
the people. But will she be able to live
up to those noble words?
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598163280 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1598163299 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM1598163302 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Private detective Reiji Akiba has a
theory about those awkward moments
and weird coincidences we all
encounter in life. They are actually
encounters with the dead; their way
of sending us a message. But you may
not want to open such strange mail
from beyond - not unless you can see
the ghostly attachment, like Akiba can.
And not unless you carry a gun that can
kill what isn’t alive, like Akiba’s aptly
named Kagutsuchi, “the tool between
God and earth”...
Vol. 1
13+ • #DHGN1593075669 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2 Released 11/15/06
13+ • #DHGN159307591X • 208 pgs • $10.95
Ginta Toramizu is a 14-year-old junior
high schooler who doesn’t have a
lot going for him: he’s near-sighted,
doesn’t do well in school, he’s not good
at sports, and to top it off, he’s short!
But Ginta is a dreamer and has had
the same dream 102 times: it’s always
in the same fantasy world where he
is a hero blessed with all the special
abilities he lacks in real life. Then one
day a mysterious figure appears at his
school and summons him - to the world
of his dreams!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ159116902X • 208 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591169038 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1591169046 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1421500531 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1421501902 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1421503204 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1421504898 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1421504901 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ142150491X • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 10 Released 11/21/06
13+ • #VIZ1421504928 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Seiji Sawamura is the toughest 17year-old in town, feared by all for his
fighting prowess and his deadly “devil’s
right hand.” But at heart, Seiji just
wants a girlfriend. Then one day, Seiji
wakes up to discover his “devil’s right
hand” has turned into... a miniature gal
named Midori! It turns out Midori has
always had a crush on Seiji, and her
desperate wish to be connected to him
has somehow really come true!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591169054 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591169062 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1591169070 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1421502542 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1421502879 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1421504952 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1421504960 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1421504979 • 216 pgs • $9.99
Brilliant doctor Kenzo Tenma risks his
reputation and promising career to save
the life of a critically wounded young
boy. Unbeknownst to him, this child is
destined for a terrible fate. Conspiracies,
serial murders, and a scathing depiction
of the underbelly of hospital politics are
all masterfully woven together in this
compelling thriller.
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ1591166411 • 224 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
15+ • #VIZ1421501120 • 216 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
15+ • #VIZ1421502550 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
15+ • #VIZ1421503859 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5 Released 10/17/06
15+ • #VIZ1421504987 • 232 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6 Released 12/19/06
15+ • #VIZ1421504995 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Will a half-mermaid, half-human girl
bring an end to the feud between
humanity and the mer-people - or bring
about the destruction of all life on
Earth? As a merman named Shona is
returning to his birthplace, he meets a
young human, Jimmy, who suffers from
amnesia. Together, Jimmy and Shona
set off to find the missing girl.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401208258 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1401208266 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #1401208274 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #1401208282 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5 Released 12/20/06
13+ • #1401208290 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Museum of Terror is a series of horror
stories by horror manga-ka Junji Ito.
Vol. 1
16+ • #DHGN1593075421 • 376 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #DHGN1593076126 • 376 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 3 Released 10/25/06
16+ • #DHGN1593076398 • 392 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 1 Released 1/30/07
13+ • #9780345496218 • 240 pgs • $12.95
Yuuichi Tate is overjoyed: he gets to
go to a brand new high school. Of
course, then he just happens to find
out the school he chose is under
frequent attack by strange creatures
called “Orphans,” and the school
set up a special task force of female
members called “HiMEs,” using
various elements as their powers to
battle these invaders.
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
After the gruesome death of his older
brother Seimei, Ritsuka transfers to a
new school, but he’s quickly branded
a social outcast. Then, one day after
school, Soubi appears. Mysteriously
assigned by Seimei to be his friend
and protector, Soubi becomes
Ritsuka’s guardian in a secret world
he never knew existed… a world which
wants to kill him. Now, Ritsuka’s only
chance to stay alive and to discover
what really happened to Seimei lies
with Soubi.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598162217 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #0345471202 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
16+ • #0345471806 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4
16+ • #0345477847 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 5
16+ • #0345477855 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 6
16+ • #0345477863 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 7
16+ • #0345477871 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 8
16+ • #0345465407 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 9
16+ • #0345482735 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 10
16+ • #034548441X • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 11
16+ • #0345492315 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 12 Released 11/30/06
16+ • #0345494636 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 1 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598166514 • 200 pgs • $9.99
This is the story of two 20-year-old women
who share the same name. Even though
they come from completely different
backgrounds, they somehow meet and
become best friends. The world of Nana
is a world exploding with sex, music,
fashion, gossip and all-night parties.
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ1421501082 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 2
15+ • #VIZ1421503786 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 3
15+ • #VIZ1421504790 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 4
15+ • #VIZ1421504804 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 5 Released 2/6/07
15+ • #VIZ1421510197 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Ten-year-old Negi Springfield, just
graduated from a British school for
wizards, is being sent to Japan to teach
English... at an all-girls high school. And
although he’s under strict instructions
not to display his magic powers, Negi
just can’t resist using them to help
others - even though his conjuring
sometimes makes things worse!
Vol. 1
16+ • #034547046X • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 13 Released 2/28/07
16+ • #0345495055 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Kiri Minase’s model dad passed on his
stunning male looks to his only child...
unfortunately, Kiri’s a girl! Tohya Enishi
is the love of her life. In order to protect
her Tohya as he enters the world of
male modeling, Kiri becomes a male
model herself. Things get complicated
when others start to fall for Kiri and her
male alter ego!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598161652 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1598161660 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598161679 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4 Released 3/15/07
13+ • #0345492064 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Ayumu Shiiba is studying for the
all-important high school entrance
exams. She is struggling to get by,
but thankfully has help from her best
friend Shii-chan, who is at the top of
their class. Test results come back and
their friendship falls apart when Ayumu
surpasses Shii-chan’s scores and gets
into her high school of choice, while
Shii-chan doesn’t!
Vol. 1 Released 3/14/07
16+ • #1569708479 • 200 pgs • $12.95
burning love for each other...
After learning that the new owner of the
portrait nearly killed himself, Eiri makes
up his mind to save Cossette.
Dr. Osanai Kirihito has uncovered a
fatal medical condition that transforms
humans into dog-like beasts: the
Monmow disease. Dr. Kirihito catches
the disease, becoming his own patient.
Released 10/24/06
16+ • #1932234640 • 828 pgs • $24.95
When college student Keiichi Morisato
accidentally dials the Goddess Technical
Helpline, he’s delivered the living,
breathing, literal goddess Belldandy...
and one wish. When he jokingly asks
her to stay with him forever, he gets his
wish, and one hilarious headache after
another as Keiichi and his Goddessout-of-water adjust to the inevitable
clash of the Spiritual Plane and the
Material World!
High school tough girl Aria is notorious
for taking on her school’s worst bullies.
But punching out jerks is nothing
compared to what happens when she
finds herself inexplicably drawn to the
demonically possessed Sakura, a guy
who would as readily rip apart his own
parents as seek her healing embrace.
Sakura says Aria has the power to
save him, but will she be able - or even
willing - to?
Vol. 1
16+ • #1933617144 • 208 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/30/06
16+ • #1933617152 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 3 Released 3/31/07
16+ • #193361725X • 200 pgs • $10.99
has forgotten: to enjoy his music no
matter where he is.
Vol. 1
16+ • #0345481720 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #0345481739 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
16+ • #0345481747 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4
16+ • #0345482417 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 5
16+ • #0345482697 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 6
16+ • #0345483685 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 7
16+ • #0345483693 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 8 Released 1/31/07
16+ • #0345485319 • 208 pgs • $10.95
In this story, our heroine, Shinobu, is
a female ninja in training. The only
trouble is, she seems more interested
in hanging out with her friend Kaede,
and the fact that her ninja Master is a
round yellow thing that pretends to be
hawk isn’t helping. Come join the world
of Shinobuden, where each chapter is
an adventure jam-packed with antics,
parodies, and laughs.
Vol. 1
16+ • #INF1596972211 • 160 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2 Released 10/31/06
16+ • #INF159697222X • 160 pgs • $9.95
The son of a famous pianist, Shinichi
Chiaki has always wanted to study
abroad. However, his fear of planes
and water make it impossible for him
to follow his dream. Then, one day he
meets Megumi Nada. This oddball girl
cannot cook, clean, or even read her
own score, but she can play the piano
in incomparable Cantabile style. And
she teaches Chiaki something that he
Naka is an aspiring young model with
a problem: her face tenses up into a
terrifying spectacle whenever she gets
nervous on photo shoots! Naka’s rival is
Umi, the hottest model at their agency.
But Naka soon discovers Umi’s secret and hilarity ensues behind the cameras!
Vol. 1 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM1598166549 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Teenage monsters lose their hearts and
heads in a relentlessly gory collection
of dark humor and horror! Carving a
comical niche in modern horror manga,
Toru Yamazaki’s Octopus Girl serves
up disgusting dishes of heartbreak
and revenge on land and sea. Have
a side order of nervous laughter with
your main course of bloodcurdling fear,
some gore with your teen angst, and
some killer instincts with your kawaii!
Vol. 1
17+ • #DHGN1593074808 • 192 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2
17+ • #DHGN1593075405 • 192 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 3
17+ • #DHGN1593076118 • 192 pgs • $12.95
A set of stories from author Hiroaki
Samura. The main offering, “Ohikkoshi,”
follows the turbulent paths of several
twenty-something art students as they
fall in love, fall in lust, play in rock
bands, ride motorbikes, eat, sleep
(together), and try to avoid making life
decisions while drunk.
Released 10/18/06
16+ • #DHGN1593076223 • 248 pgs • $12.95
Ten years ago, they took him. He
doesn’t know who. For ten years he
has been confined in a private prison.
He doesn’t know why. For ten years his
only contact with the outside world has
been a television set and the voices
of his jailers. In time, he lost himself.
He changed... transformed himself into
something else... something hard...
something lethal.
Vol. 1
17+ • #DHGN1593075685 • 208 pgs • $12.95
Madoka is a high school student who
is recruited by Nabeshima (the guy in
the bunny suit) to work for the GSG
(Gokuraku So Gei: a transportation
service to heaven). Nabeshima is just
way too busy, and since Modoka seems
to have the power to see lost souls, he’s
recruited to help lighten the workload.
But many of the dead are reluctant to
leave this world, feeling they have not
accomplished all that they should have
in their lives.
Vol. 1
13+ • #140121116X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/8/06
13+ • #1401211178 • 200 pgs • $9.99
In a world of pirates, one man wants
to become the greatest of them all:
Monkey D. Luffy, who gained strange
powers from eating the cursed GumGum Fruit! As a child, Luffy was
inspired by listening to the tales of
the buccaneer “Red-Haired” Shanks.
Now grown, Luffy sets out in search of
“One Piece,” the greatest treasure in
the world!
Vol. 1: Romance Dawn
13+ • #VIZ1569319014 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 2: Buggy the Clown
13+ • #VIZ159116057X • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 3: Don’t Get Fooled Again
13+ • #VIZ1591161843 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 4: The Black Cat Pirates
13+ • #VIZ1591163374 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 5: For Whom the Bell Tolls
13+ • #VIZ1591166152 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 6: The Oath
13+ • #VIZ159116723X • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 7: The Crap Geezer
13+ • #VIZ159116852X • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 8: I Won’t Die!
13+ • #VIZ1421500752 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 9: Tears
13+ • #VIZ1421501910 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 10: Ok, Let’s Standup
13+ • #VIZ1421504065 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 11: The Meanest Man in the East
13+ • #VIZ1421506637 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 12: The Legend Begins
13+ • #VIZ1421506645 • 192 pgs • $7.95
972 A.D. Kyoto has become a corrupt
center filled with ubiquitous samurai and
onmyoji, who care only about gaining
political power. Facing uncontrollable
famine and widespread disease, the
Imperial Court sends the famous
samurai Minamoto no Raiko to recover
the legendary gem, the Magatama,
which is said to hold the power to save
the world. But when Raiko falls ill, his
youngest sister, Hikaru, decides to
make the journey in his place!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598165038 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598165046 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Upon the death of his grandmother,
country boy Akira Nonaka is taken in
by the immensely wealthy and powerful
Takatou family. There, he is told that he
is a candidate to become the next heir
to the Takatou name. However, there
is another candidate - the princely,
handsome Rei - who turns out to be a
cousin of Akira’s.
Vol. 1
16+ • #156970936X • 184 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #1569709149 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 3
16+ • #1569709130 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 4 Released 10/18/06
16+ • #1569709122 • 184 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 5 Released 1/18/07
16+ • #1569708398 • 200 pgs • $12.95
In this screwball romantic comedy, a
poor girl at a rich kids’ school ends
up working for the school’s swankiest
club - and gets mistaken for a boy! One
day, Haruhi, a scholarship student at
exclusive Ouran High School, breaks
an $80,000 vase that belongs to the
“Host Club,” a mysterious campus
group consisting of six super-rich (and
gorgeous) guys.
Jio is a young boy with a tragic past
who only trusts one thing in the world:
money. Little does he suspect that
he is actually a very powerful O.P.T,
and inside him sleeps a demon of
incredible ferocity. He meets up with a
girl named Ruby who wants to become
a treasure hunter like her famous
father before her. Though Jio doesn’t
believe in friendship, he agrees to be
Ruby’s bodyguard, and together they
go on a dangerous quest to discover as
many O-Parts as they can.
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ1591169151 • 184 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 2
15+ • #VIZ1591169909 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 3
15+ • #VIZ1421500620 • 192 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 4
15+ • #VIZ1421501929 • 184 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 5
15+ • #VIZ1421503298 • 176 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 6
15+ • #VIZ1421505843 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 7
15+ • #VIZ1421508648 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 1 Released 12/12/06
15+ • #VIZ1421508559 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Orphen, a sorcerer with an understudy
and a sidekick, has attracted the
attention of a beautiful young girl
with an interest in magic. But before
instructing the young vixen on the
finer points of wand wielding, he must
keep his day job and complete another
mission of magic-for-hire. But it’ll take
more than a little hocus pocus to finish
this job! Orphen has his spellbinding
hands full, and no disappearing act will
get him out of the line of fire!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MSC001 • 168 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MSC002 • 160 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MSC003 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Long ago, a group of friends banded
together, and now the whole gang has
been reincarnated in the present. Each
has a reminder of the past: a butterflyshaped birthmark on their thumb. When
the marks touch, they catch glimpses of
their shared past. Tsubame insists that
he and Kanoko are fated to be together.
By the time Kanoko finds out it’s not true,
it’s too late: she’s already fallen for him.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401210759 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1401210767 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 Released 12/27/06
13+ • #1401210775 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Released 5/30/07
16+ • #1569708355 • 184 pgs • $12.95
Poor Mugi Tadano... The sixteen-yearold is heartbroken after his girlfriend
moves away. To ease his troubled state,
Mugi takes a summer job at his friend
Kazuki’s beachside snack bar/hotel
on a tropical island. It seems like the
perfect plan - until Kazuki sets Mugi up
on a date with Yuu, who’s supposed to
be, well, a little less than perfect.
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345486277 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #0345486285 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #0345486897 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #0345486900 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 5 Released 12/31/06
13+ • #0345493249 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 6 Released 3/15/07
13+ • #0345493257 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Path of the Assassin, called Hanzo no
Mon in Japan, is the story of Hattori
Hanzo, the fabled master ninja whose
duty it was to protect Tokugawa Ieyasu.
But before he could do that, he had
to grow up and learn how to love the
ladies! As the secret caretaker of such
an influential future leader, not only
does Hanzo use vast and varied ninja
talents, but in living closely with Ieyasu,
he forms a close friendship with the
young shogun.
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Sakuya and Wakyo are reincarnated
and reunited only to discover that Bishusama - their master and mentor from a
past existence - is in their midst and in
grave danger from vengeful demons!
Still unsure of their own powers and
the nature of their cunning and elusive
enemy, they must race against time to
rescue Bishu from the dark forces that
roil within his reincarnated form.
When Kazura is sent to live in Mizuki’s
house, she learns that she’s really
there to become his wife! Furious,
Kazura tries to leave, but discovers
that she was given as payment for
her deceased grandfather’s debts. But
things aren’t what they seem to be in
this household. Mizuki can call back
people’s souls, and Kazura wants him
to bring back her grandfather!
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401207464 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1401207472 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #1401207480 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #1401207499 • 226 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #1401207502 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6 Released 12/6/06
13+ • #1401210325 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598163612 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1598163620 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
17+ • #DHGN1593075022 • 320 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
17+ • #DHGN1593075030 • 312 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3 Released 10/25/06
17+ • #DHGN1593075049 • 312 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4 Released 12/27/06
17+ • #DHGN1593075057 • 304 pgs • $9.95
Kairi and Momo are now attending
university together and are finally
happy. Sae has been left behind after
failing her last year of high school
due to her poor attendance. We follow
Sae’s adventures as she reunites with
a childhood love and deals with high
school life (gulp!) again.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598165178 • 192 pgs • $9.99
High school student Fujimaru Yukari
knows a potential star when she sees
one... because she sees the special
“aura” they give off, in the form of
angelic wings. Yukari’s fellow student,
the beautiful Katsuragi Ryoko, has
a small pair of wings herself, and is
one of these aspiring talents. She’s
so talented, in fact, that no one even
knows that “she” is actually a boy in
disguise! Now, to make her own downto-earth dream come true, Yukari has
to help her new friend become a star.
Vol. 1 Released 10/25/06
ALL • #1401211305 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Lucia is the new girl at school. She and
her sister run a public bath that’s all
the rage. When Lucia meets a terrificlooking surfer boy, there’s just one little
problem: Lucia is a mermaid - and not
just any mermaid, but a princess on an
important mission to save the seven
seas from an evil force bent on taking
control of the marine world. Such a
responsibility doesn’t leave much time
for romance.
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345491963 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #0345491971 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #034549198X • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4 Released 1/31/07
13+ • #0345491998 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Fruits Basket
Alice’s dreams of being a lovely woman
living on the moon provide an escape
from her job babysitting the holy terror
Rin. When he goes one step too far,
she slaps him, causing him to fall off
a balcony and into a coma. When he
awakens, he seems changed - and
From Far Away
Vol. 1 (2nd Ed)
8+ • #DHGN1593073879 • 192 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2 (2nd Ed)
8+ • #DHGN1593074573 • 192 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3 (2nd Ed)
8+ • #DHGN1593075391 • 192 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4 (2nd Ed) Released 10/25/06
8+ • #DHGN1593076231 • 192 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 5
8+ • #DHGN3294 • 160 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 6
8+ • #DHGN3963 • 176 pgs • $14.95
Vol. 7
8+ • #DHGN4312 • 152 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 8
8+ • #DHGN4495 • 176 pgs • $14.95
Vol. 9
8+ • #DHGN4746 • 152 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 10
8+ • #DHGN522X • 232 pgs • $16.95
Vol. 11
8+ • #DHGN5408 • 176 pgs • $14.95
Vol. 12
8+ • #DHGN5513 • 280 pgs • $18.95
Vol. 13
8+ • #DHGN6854 • 216 pgs • $15.95
Vol. 14
8+ • #DHGN7664 • 240 pgs • $16.95
Vol. 15
8+ • #DHGN1569719217 • 256 pgs • $17.95
Vol. 16
8+ • #DHGN1569719500 • 272 pgs • $18.95
Vol. 18
8+ • #DHGN1593072171 • 256 pgs • $17.95
Vol. 19-20
8+ • #DHGN159307316X • 312 pgs • $18.95
Vol. 21
8+ • #DHGN1593073348 • 176 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 22
8+ • #DHGN159307400X • 176 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 23
8+ • #DHGN1593074638 • 176 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 24
8+ • #DHGN1593075456 • 176 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 25 Released 12/13/06
8+ • #DHGN1593076444 • 176 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #MSC004 • 168 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MSC005 • 168 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MSC006 • 168 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
17+ • #DHGN1593075693 • 208 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 3 Released 12/6/06
17+ • #DHGN1593075707 • 216 pgs • $12.95
Ai is the only royal princess of Ai-Land,
a magical kingdom caught in the midst
of a horrific revolution. When Princess
Ai makes a hasty escape from her wartorn land, she finds herself in modernday Tokyo. Confused and in shock, Ai
wanders the streets in this strange new
land to unravel the secrets that could
tear her and her kingdom apart...
Box Set (Vol. 1-3)
13+ • #MM1427800014 • 576 pgs • $24.99
Ryoma Echizen just joined the Seishun
Gakuen Middle School tennis team,
which is known for being one of the
most competitive teams in Japan.
Ryoma has proven his skills by winning
four straight American junior tournament
titles. With his skills, Ryoma challenges
a rule of Seishun Gakuen that freshmen
don’t represent the team to play in
tournaments until summer.
It was the Age of Iron: a time when
mankind was just starting to understand
its ability to exploit the earth and all
its natural resources. But a war was
brewing - a war between a village of
iron miners and the animal gods of the
surrounding forest. Marked with the
curse of a rampaging boar god, young
Ashitaka sets off on a journey to cure
his mysterious affliction. Little does he
know that the fate of the entire world is
now resting on his shoulders!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591164354 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591164362 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421505975 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1421505983 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Ouran High School Host Club
Vol. 1 Released 11/1/06
13+ • #1569708568 • 208 pgs • $12.95
Ryo Takatsuki appears to be a normal
high school student – he’s smart,
independent-minded, and the other
kids look up to him. But recently it
seems everyone is after him! Ryo is
pulled from his ordinary life when he
learns that a mysterious organization
has replaced his arm with a powerful
nanomachine-driven weapon called
ARMS. A group of special agents is out
to get him, and his best friend Katsumi
is missing!
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1569318891 • 216 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #VIZ1591160588 • 224 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
16+ • #VIZ1591161010 • 216 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
16+ • #VIZ1591161657 • 216 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
16+ • #VIZ1591163382 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
16+ • #VIZ1591164885 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
16+ • #VIZ1591165229 • 232 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
16+ • #VIZ1591167329 • 216 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
16+ • #VIZ1591167337 • 216 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
16+ • #VIZ1421500736 • 216 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 11
16+ • #VIZ1421501945 • 216 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 12
16+ • #VIZ1421503867 • 224 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 13
16+ • #VIZ1421505029 • 224 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 14
16+ • #VIZ1421505037 • 216 pgs • $9.99
Her mother was a wrestling champion,
her father a lightweight world boxing
champion, her grandfather the first
Japanese to become the world
champion of Muay Thai kick boxing but high school girl Elle doesn’t want
to fight! She just wants a normal life,
but is it possible with such a violent
family history?
Vol. 1 Released 11/7/06
15+ • #VIZ1421508745 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Ouran High School Host Club just gets
better with every volume, and six is
no exception. It’s time for the Ouran
school festival! The festivities offer a
rare glimpse into the club members’
family lives when their parents arrive.
Fresh, funny, and full of bishounen
cosplay action, Ouran High School
Host Club is impossible for any
comedy or shojo fan to pass up.
Vol. 6
15+ • #VIZ1421505843 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Transylvania Rose is a bored angel who
descends to Earth to clean a few souls.
When she witnesses a depressed
undertaker slitting his wrists, Rose
rips off one of her wings and gives it
to the undertaker, trapping them both
somewhere between heaven and hell
- and life and death!
16+ • #MM1598165054 • 192 pgs • $9.99
A detective becomes involved with a
mysterious young boy who has with
telekinetic powers and his violent sister.
13+ • #MM1598166638 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1569319626 • 304 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1569319634 • 224 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591160626 • 224 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591160634 • 216 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591160642 • 224 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591160650 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591161290 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591161304 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591162831 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ159116284X • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 11 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591162858 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 12 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591162866 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 13 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591162874 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 14 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591162882 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 15 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591162890 • 240 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 16 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591162904 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 17 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591162912 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 18 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591162920 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 19 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591162939 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 20 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591162947 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 21 (2nd Ed Small Format)
13+ • #VIZ1591162955 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 22
13+ • #VIZ1569318905 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 23
13+ • #VIZ159116060X • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 24
13+ • #VIZ1591160618 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 25
13+ • #VIZ1591161282 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 26
13+ • #VIZ1591162963 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 27
13+ • #VIZ1591164591 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 28
13+ • #VIZ1591165849 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 29
13+ • #VIZ1591166810 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 30
13+ • #VIZ1591167760 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 31
13+ • #VIZ1591168600 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 32
13+ • #VIZ1421500728 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 33
13+ • #VIZ1421502569 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 34
13+ • #VIZ1421505053 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 35
13+ • #VIZ1421505061 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 36 Released 11/14/06
13+ • #VIZ142150507X • 192 pgs • $9.99
When the all-powerful Dark Stone
awakens after 50 years and falls into
the hands of the evil Demon Card, the
world is in terrible danger. With the dark
side looming, a boy called Haru may be
the world’s single hope of revitalizing
The Recipe for Gertrude
Shojo and shonen: two great tastes
that taste great together! Gertrude is
a patchwork demon made from other
demon’s body parts searching for the
“recipe” that made him – but he’ll
have to avoid the demons who want
to steal back what’s rightfully theirs!
Fortunately, he’s just met Susugi
Sahara, an “ordinary” human girl who’s
turning out to be surprisingly helpful
in his quest... Action-adventure and
romance combine to create a delicious
treat in The Recipe for Gertrude.
Vol. 1
7+ • #1401211100 • 200 pgs • $9.99
the sacred stone Rave and escaping
the clutches of evil.
was sent to Japan to groom Tsuna for
his future life as a big mafia boss!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1591820642 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1591820650 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1591822106 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1591822114 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1591822122 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1591822130 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1591825172 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1591825180 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #MM1591825199 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #MM1591825202 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #MM1591825210 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
13+ • #MM1591825229 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
13+ • #MM1595320180 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
13+ • #MM1595320199 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15
13+ • #MM1595320202 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 16
13+ • #MM1595320210 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 17
13+ • #MM1595320229 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 18
13+ • #MM1595320237 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 19
13+ • #MM1595320245 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 20
13+ • #MM1595320253 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 21
13+ • #MM1595320261 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 22 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM159532626X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ1421506718 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Michelle is a romantic daydreamer
and hardcore book collector. Maggie
is a soft-spoken bookworm who always
gets mistaken for a boy. Anita is an
athletic tomboy who doesn’t have time
for reading. Together, they’re the Paper
Sisters: three very different siblings
united by a strange power. Michelle,
Maggie, and Anita all have the ability to
control paper in anyway they desire.
Vol. 1 Released 11/21/06
13+ • #VIZ142150510X • 200 pgs • $9.99
Tsuna, a timid junior high student, is a
failure at school, sports, and social life.
But everything changes for Tsuna when
Reborn, a fedora-wearing, gun-toting
toddler who claims to be an Italian hit
man, shows up at his house. Reborn
Sapporo has become overrun with
thousands of athletes all thirsting for
the chance to come out victorious
Championships. The Jonan High
School varsity basketball team has
beat the odds in getting there, but
they’ll soon learn that playing against
neighborhood kids pales in comparison
to the kind of game the championships
will give them.
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
hands appear out of a puddle on the
street and drag her into the water.
She emerges to find that she has
been transported to an ancient village
somewhere in the Middle East. She is
then captured by armed troops and
taken to the queen’s palace!
Vol. 13
15+ • #VIZ142150555X • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 14
15+ • #VIZ1421505568 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15 Released 11/14/06
15+ • #VIZ1421505576 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ159116429X • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
15+ • #VIZ1591164303 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
15+ • #VIZ1591164311 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
15+ • #VIZ159116432X • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
15+ • #VIZ1591164338 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
15+ • #VIZ1591167809 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
15+ • #VIZ1591168473 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
15+ • #VIZ1591169887 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
15+ • #VIZ1421500663 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
15+ • #VIZ1421501953 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 11
15+ • #VIZ1421503271 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 12
15+ • #VIZ1421505541 • 192 pgs • $9.95
A serial killer stalks the streets
murdering innocent girls. Twenty-nine
grisly murders have been committed,
with no clues as to the killer; that
is, until the town receives a strange
visitor: a beautiful young woman who
can raise the dead. She is Reiko the
Zombie Shop, necromancer for hire. For
a price, she’ll wake your dead, if only to
find a clue to their demise; but she’s
not responsible for what the dead will
say or do once they awaken!
Vol. 1
16+ • #DHGN1593074131 • 192 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #DHGN159307459X • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM193151402X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM159182074X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1591822211 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM159182222X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1591822238 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM159182530X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1591825318 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1591825326 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #MM1591825334 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #MM1591825342 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #MM1591825350 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
13+ • #MM1595326170 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
13+ • #MM1595326189 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
13+ • #MM1595326197 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15
13+ • #MM1595326200 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 16 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM1595326219 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Sahara is a normal high-school girl
whose life is turned upside down when
she meets “Gertrude,” a 100-yearold demon who looks like a teenaged
boy. Gertrude is a man-made demon,
constructed from the parts of various
other demons and brought to life through
a “recipe” from an ancient spellbook.
Vol. 1
7+ • #1401211100 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 10/18/06
7+ • #1401211119 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Youri is ecstatic after her first kiss
with her handsome childhood friendturned-boyfriend, Himuro. One night,
Fullmetal Alchemist
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1591160596 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #VIZ1591161169 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
16+ • #VIZ1591161428 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
16+ • #VIZ159116267X • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
16+ • #VIZ1591162688 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
16+ • #VIZ1591162696 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
16+ • #VIZ159116270X • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
16+ • #VIZ1591162718 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
16+ • #VIZ1591162726 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
16+ • #VIZ1591162734 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 11
16+ • #VIZ1591168465 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 12
16+ • #VIZ1591169879 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 13
16+ • #VIZ1421501279 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 14
16+ • #VIZ1421501937 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15
16+ • #VIZ1421503263 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 16
16+ • #VIZ1421505495 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 17
16+ • #VIZ1421505509 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 18
16+ • #VIZ1421505517 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 19 Released 11/14/06
16+ • #VIZ1421505525 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1591164370 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1591164389 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1591164397 • 224 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1591164400 • 224 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1591167876 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1591168538 • 184 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ159116995X • 184 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 10
13+ • #VIZ1421500701 • 184 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 11
13+ • #VIZ1421502011 • 176 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 12
13+ • #VIZ1421503379 • 184 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 13
13+ • #VIZ1421506661 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 14
13+ • #VIZ142150667X • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 15
13+ • #VIZ1421506688 • 176 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 16 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #VIZ1421506696 • 184 pgs • $7.95
Ranma is an exceptional martial artist.
Trained by his father, he has traveled
all over Japan and China in the attempt
to hone his abilities. Unfortunately,
he also has an unusual problem...
whenever splashed with cold water, he
turns into a girl! What’s worse, now it
seems his father is pushing him into an
arranged marriage!
strangely connected to Alice. Meanwhile,
at school, Alice meets a pair of boys
with an oddly close relationship. She
soon learns that they, too, have dreams
of living on the moon.
Why is Kouno receiving such an overly
warm welcome at his new all boys’
school? Sure, he’s pretty handsome
for his age, but such a response is
usually reserved for cute girls... Little
does Kouno know about the secret
Hime, or Princess, system in effect at
the school. Cute boys are chosen to
dress up as girls at school events to
provide a touch of femininity in the sea
of testosterone!
Vol. 3 Released 11/14/06
13+ • #VIZ1421505991 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4 Released 12/5/06
13+ • #VIZ1421506009 • 176 pgs • $9.99
against the government. Just as the
police are tasked to bring these men
to justice, they are given a “secret
weapon”: a young girl with a mysterious
past named Kasumi Asakura. She may
look innocent, but she walks softly and
carries a big gun.
Vol. 1 Released 11/7/06
16+ • #MM1427800251 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Kurumi Ayaki is a police officer with a
record of excellence on the force and
the guts and guile to back it up. She is
summoned to solve those crimes that
have been classified as unsolvable.
Partnered with a mysterious young
genius that is unable to feel emotions,
she acts as his eyes and ears to piece
together clues... even as her own
personal life falls apart around her.
At the dawn of creation, the world
was beautiful and peaceful. Gods and
humans lived in blissful tranquility
together under the Heavenly Emperor’s
rule. But Taishakuten rebelled against
the Emperor, and a turbulent age began.
300 years later, the Guardian Warrior of
the northland, hears astrologer Kuyou’s
last prediction: “Six stars will strike the
earth. You’re the dark star that goes
against heaven. Your journey begins
when you find the child of a vanished
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595324844 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595324852 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595324860 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595324879 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1595324887 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1595324895 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1595324909 • 192 pgs • $9.99
One day Jun finds a website that asks
him to put his order in his desk drawer,
and thinking it’s a joke, he does.
The following day a suitcase arrives
containing a doll named Shiku that
comes to life when wound. Welcome to
the world of Rozen Maiden, where Jun
must protect and serve a living doll, and
another universe becomes reality...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598163124 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1598163132 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Katsura, a second year in his high
school’s archery club, has a hard time
controlling his nerves. His “secret
weapon” is his brother’s best friend
and childhood buddy, Sou! One hug
from Sou and Katsura’s nerves are
soothed to a peaceful calm. But he
can’t keep Sou around him forever. As
he wonders how he’ll survive without
Sou’s hugs, his friend Kouichi suddenly
asks if he can be the one to save him,
and kisses him! What now?!
Vol. 1 Released 10/25/06
16+ • #1569709203 • 228 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598160257 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1598160265 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1598160273 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #MM1598160281 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #MM1598161806 • 192 pgs • $9.99
The government has been conducting
experiments to genetically engineer a
human. Its first creation is a girl named
Rizel. While healthy and cheerful,
12-year-old Rizel also possesses the
uncanny need for love to further her
development. Enter Iwaki Tomonori,
your average 15-year-old boy. His
world is turned upside-down the
day he arrives home to find that the
government has just announced that
he’s a married man!
13+ • #MM1595329013 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Appearances can be deceiving. There
is trouble in Tokyo as a mysterious
terrorist organization called ALICE plots
The fearsome foursome continue
their journey west towards ShangriLa, encountering new challenges and
new adventures along the way. The
Minus Wave that apparently drove all
the youkai in the land mad looks like
it might have missed one, as Sanzo,
Gojyo, Hakkai and Goku meet a lone
guardian and the band of children he
cares for.
Tokyo, 1921: After the horrific
Demon War, Japan is a peaceful and
prosperous place... with the occasional
monstrous robot crashing around town.
Not to worry; there’s always a lovely
young girl waiting to cut down these
robots, samurai-style. Ensign Ogami, a
recent Naval Academy graduate, finds
himself in Tokyo.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595329420 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595329439 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595329447 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4 Released 12/6/06
13+ • #MM1598168002 • 192 pgs • $9.99
At the dawn of the 17th century, at the
end of the era of civil wars, in a world
of chaos, the epic Battle of Sekigahara
was joined. One man emerged from the
largest battle ever fought on Japanese
soil, a terrible warrior of unspeakable
power. He was nicknamed “the
unconquerable.” Kyoshiro is a peaceful
medicine peddler who harbors the
soul of an assassin. He accompanies
a young bounty hunter across Japan in
search of a murderer and on a quest
to discover the terrible secret of his
own identity.
W Juliet
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1591822254 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1591822262 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1591822270 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #MM1591822491 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Shima works as a jack-of-all-trades who
accepts various jobs over the internet.
His first job is to protect a male teenage
supermodel from a stalker. After the
case is solved, the two team up and
solve a wide variety of cases together.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598165321 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM159816533X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Controversial, tough, angry, highly
skilled, and lost in a time of peace, the
characters of Satsuma Gishiden tell a
quasi-historical tale of social caste and
brutal reprisal.
Vol. 1
17+ • #DHGN1593075170 • 264 pgs • $14.95
Vol. 2 Released 12/20/06
17+ • #DHGN1593075189 • 280 pgs • $14.95
In “Mirror,” a narcissistic girl’s reflection
begins to take mean-spirited command
of her life. In “Demon’s Revenge,”
a sadistic samurai master bent on
seeking retribution for his son’s injuries
finds the tables of vengeance turned
against him. Find out what Japanese
readers have known for many years:
you haven’t been scared until you’ve
been scared by Umezu Kazuo!
Vol. 1: Reflections
14+ • #DHGN159307476X • 232 pgs • $14.95
Vol. 2: Insects
14+ • #DHGN1593074867 • 232 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 3: Faces
14+ • #DHGN1593074875 • 232 pgs • $13.95
She is a second-year high school
student with a single all-consuming
question: Will the boy she likes ever
really notice her? He is the school’s
most notorious juvenile delinquent
and he’s suddenly come to a shocking
realization: he’s got a huge crush, and
now he must tell her how he feels. Lifechanging obsessions, colossal foul-ups,
grand schemes, deep-seated anxieties,
and raging hormones - School Rumble
portrays high school as it really is: overthe-top comedy!
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345491475 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #0345491483 • 208 pgs • $10.95
School Zone is a series about ordinary
children who encounter the strange
and terrifying at their very own school,
and discover that many ghost stories,
urban legends, and superstitions are
truly and horribly real.
Vol. 1
14+ • #DHGN1593074328 • 192 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2
14+ • #DHGN1593074336 • 192 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 3
14+ • #DHGN1593074344 • 192 pgs • $12.95
How far will one man go for love? Find
out in Seimaden, the tale of Lawless,
who agreed to become a demon in
order to free his one true love Alice
from a demon king! Lawless became
the next Demon King, and Alice was
freed - with death.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401206999 • 180 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1401207006 • 180 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #1401207014 • 180 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #1401207022 • 180 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #1401207030 • 144 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #1401207049 • 180 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7 Released 12/27/06
13+ • #1401207057 • 180 pgs • $9.99
Budding poet and lyricist Aine is on
her way to an audition when she
barely avoids getting struck by a car!
Not only is she lucky to be alive, but
her brush with death turns out to be
a date with destiny. The driver of the
car is Sakuya, the charismatic and
fabulously handsome lead singer for a
band called Lucifer. Sakuya decides he
wants a relationship, both professional
and personal, with Aine. There’s only
one small requirement: the lyrics Aine
writes must be erotically charged.
Vol. 1
17+ • #VIZ159116205X • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
17+ • #VIZ159116334X • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
17+ • #VIZ1591164494 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
17+ • #VIZ1591164117 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
17+ • #VIZ1591165601 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
17+ • #VIZ1591166713 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
17+ • #VIZ1591167345 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
17+ • #VIZ1591168031 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
17+ • #VIZ1591168678 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
17+ • #VIZ1421500132 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
17+ • #VIZ1421501074 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
17+ • #VIZ1421502658 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
17+ • #VIZ1421503956 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
17+ • #VIZ1421505592 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15
17+ • #VIZ1421505606 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 16
17+ • #VIZ1421505614 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 17 Released 12/12/06
17+ • #VIZ1421505622 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Nana has no memory of his childhood
earlier than age 12 when a store
owner took him in and named him
Nana. Mitsuha is on a quest to find
a missing childhood friend. The two
meet when Mitsuha ends up crashing
at Nana’s place at the insistence of a
mutual friend. At first Nana loathes the
very existence of Mitsuha. However,
he gradually warms up to his sincerity
and kindness and finds happiness in
awakening beside him.
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Released 1/13/07
16+ • #1569708495 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Sergeant Keroro is the commanding
officer of the Space Invasion Forces
Special Advance Team of the 58th Planet
of the Gamma Storm Cloud System,
sent to the planet Pokopen (aka Earth)
to collect intelligence for his planet’s
invasion force. He is also a frog.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1591827035 • 188 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1591827043 • 188 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1591827051 • 196 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM159182706X • 188 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1591827078 • 188 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1591827086 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1595324488 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1595324496 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #MM1595327967 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #MM1591823447 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #MM1598165968 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM1598168657 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Crying Freeman
Nakaya, a high school sophomore and
ice hockey player, has just lost his
mother and ends up moving in with
Shino, his long-lost father. Shino’s
anime voice acting job recently ended,
so he finds work on boys’ love radio
dramas to make ends meet. He gets
paired up with the ever-cool Tenryuu
and the two bond while yet another coworker hits on Shino.
show business ambitions of her own!
Vol. 1
16+ • #BLU1598163167 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #BLU1598163175 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Kugayama is a gifted music teacher, but
also a man with little ambition or desire.
Born to a wealthy and prominent family,
Kugayama passes his days simply going
through the motions and existing. When
ex-student Azuma Tanaka requests his
help in studying for a prestigious music
school’s entrance exam, his budding
youth and enthusiasm invoke a
passion in Kugayama that he has never
experienced before.
Yuzu would very much like to be a regular
girl; but unfortunately for her, she and
her sisters are miko priestesses at the
Asagiri Shrine, and their role is to keep
the spirit world in balance. When Yuzu’s
cousin Tadahiro arrives, the spirit world
suddenly becomes out of balance and
targets him.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598163434 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1598163442 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Kyoko always thought that Sho, whose
family took her in when she was small,
was her prince charming. However,
when Sho heads for Tokyo to make it
big as a musician, Kyoko goes with him
and has to quit high school to support
his dream. But soon, being in the big
city makes Kyoko realize that she has
Vol. 1
17+ • #MM159182740X • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
17+ • #MM1591827418 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
17+ • #MM1591827426 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
17+ • #MM1595320318 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
17+ • #MM1595320326 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
17+ • #MM1595320334 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
17+ • #MM1595328106 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
17+ • #MM1595328114 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
17+ • #MM1595328122 • 240 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10 Released 11/7/06
17+ • #MM1595328130 • 192 pgs • $9.99
race. I cannot see if the child is good or
evil, but I know only this child can spin
the wheel of heaven’s destiny...”
Vol. 3
13+ • #0345491491 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4 Released 12/31/06
13+ • #0345491505 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 5 Released 3/15/07
13+ • #0345491513 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
16+ • #DHGN1593075359 • 192 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 4
16+ • #DHGN1593076096 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 5 Released 12/13/06
16+ • #DHGN159307610X • 184 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 5
16+ • #MM1591825415 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #MM1591825423 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
16+ • #MM1591825431 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
16+ • #MM159182544X • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
16+ • #MM1591825458 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
16+ • #MM159532450X • 216 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
16+ • #MM1595324518 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
16+ • #MM1595324526 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
16+ • #MM1595324534 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
16+ • #MM1595324542 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15
16+ • #MM1595324550 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 16
16+ • #MM1595324569 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 17
16+ • #MM1595324577 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 18
16+ • #MM1595324585 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 19
16+ • #MM1595324593 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 20 Released 11/7/06
16+ • #MM1595324607 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421505851 • 184 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ142150586X • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 3 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #VIZ1421505878 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Released 3/28/07
16+ • #156970841X • 200 pgs • $12.95
It is a merciless world where sorcerers
wielding magic are in complete control.
In the Spooner Continent, powerless
commoners spend each day tyrannized
by these sorcerers. To put an end to
their malevolence, Big Mama sends
out an elite group of warriors - the
Sorcerer Hunters.
Vol. 1 (2nd Ed)
16+ • #MM1595324941 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 (2nd Ed)
16+ • #MM159532495X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 (2nd Ed)
16+ • #MM1595324968 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4 (2nd Ed)
16+ • #MM1595324976 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5 (2nd Ed)
16+ • #MM1595324984 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6 (2nd Ed)
16+ • #MM1595324992 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7 (2nd Ed)
16+ • #MM159532500X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Strawberry Marshmallow follows the life
of Nobue Ito, her younger sister Chika,
and her friends Miu and Matsuri. These
cute girls try to solve problems and help
each other out in the most adorable
ways, from helping someone to quit
smoking or organizing a sleepover at a
friend’s house.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598164945 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598164953 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Class is in session - but the curriculum is
like nothing you have ever seen! Trapped
in a fantastic realm where angels and
devils coexist, young Pam Akumachi
must be become a devil to safely return
home. But to do so, Pam must study as
one of several Devil Apprentices.
Vol. 1
13+ • #COM1597960438 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #COM1597960446 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3 Released 11/27/06
13+ • #COM1597960454 • 192 pgs • $9.95
very hungry, so when Saga decides to
help her, Sugar followed Saga home!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MSF001 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Little witches Chocolat and Vanilla are
best friends, but only one of them
can be Queen of the Magic World. To
determine who it will be, they must go
to the Human World. Whoever attracts
the most human boys… wins! It may
sound simple, but winning hearts is
tricky business. The girls had planned
to be best friends forever, but both
of them want to be Queen. Will their
rivalry ruin their friendship?
Did you know fairies make the snow fall?
In a small European town, there was a
hard-working girl named Saga. One day,
she met a tiny little apprentice fairy that
no one else could see named Sugar who
was searching for a “Twinkle” to become
a full-fledged Snow Fairy! Sugar was also
Chris Lightfellow knows the horror of
war - her father died in battle when
she was just a little girl. Now, wanting
to become a soldier like him, she
enters a military school and becomes
a knight after graduating. When her
commanding officer is killed in the line
of duty, Chris shows her fellow knights
her true strength - in every war, a hero
must rise out of the destructive ashes
to usher in the peace!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1591827655 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1591827663 • 180 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1591827671 • 180 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM159182768X • 180 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1595324356 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1595324364 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1595324372 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1591824338 • 180 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #MM1598161814 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
17+ • #0345486315 • 208 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2
17+ • #0345486323 • 208 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 3 Released 2/28/07
17+ • #0345490487 • 208 pgs • $12.95
One of the most famous and lauded
shojo manga ever published, Swan is
Ariyoshi Kyoko’s best-selling classic
about a girl who strives to become a
great ballerina.
Vol. 1
ALL • #1401205356 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
ALL • #1401205364 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
ALL • #1401205372 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
ALL • #1401205380 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
ALL • #1401205399 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
ALL • #1401208665 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
ALL • #1401208673 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8 Released 10/25/06
ALL • #1401208681 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ1421507641 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/5/06
15+ • #VIZ142150815X • 200 pgs • $8.99
Nanase, a beautiful young telepath,
comes back to her hometown to settle
down... but her life soon becomes
more than unsettling. Using her
telepathic powers, Nanase combats
vengeful enemies and stumbles across
others possessing telepathic powers
themselves. On a train, she meets
Tsuneo, a man with the power to tell
the future.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1595329382 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1595329390 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1595329404 • 216 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4 Released 11/7/06
16+ • #MM1595329412 • 192 pgs • $9.99
The trouble and fun began when high
school student Tenchi inadvertently
released the marooned space pirate
Ryoko from his grandfather’s shrine.
Now Ryoko and a host of other
attractive and temperamental alien
women are all competing for Tenchi’s
attention. How much love does one
poor Earth boy have to give?
Vol. 1 (2nd Ed)
13+ • #VIZ1591166101 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2 (2nd Ed)
13+ • #VIZ159116611X • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3 (2nd Ed)
13+ • #VIZ1591167833 • 176 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4 (2nd Ed)
13+ • #VIZ1591168708 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5 (2nd Ed)
13+ • #VIZ1421501066 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6 (2nd Ed)
13+ • #VIZ1421502801 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7 (2nd Ed)
13+ • #VIZ1421505908 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8 (2nd Ed)
13+ • #VIZ1421505916 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9 (2nd Ed) Released 11/14/06
13+ • #VIZ1421505924 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #CTTM010 • 184 pgs • $15.95
Vol. 11
13+ • #CTTM011 • 184 pgs • $15.95
Vol. 12
13+ • #CTTM012 • 184 pgs • $15.95
In one unusual Tokyo high school,
education takes a backseat to brawling
as warring clubs wreak havoc in the
hallways and chaos in the classrooms,
all vying to be the baddest team around!
Although they often contribute their fair
share, only a handful of students serve
to stem the tide of violence in this
untamed outpost. These are the few,
the proud, the powerful: the members
of the Juken Club!
Dragon Ball
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401205607 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1401205615 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #1401205623 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #1401205631 • 232 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #140120564X • 232 pgs • $9.99
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Train Man (Densha Otoko)
Discover the story that Japan has been
going crazy over! It happened one night
when a geeky otaku referred to only by
his online handle “Train Man” saves a
beautiful woman from a drunk man on
the train. When she sends him a thank
you gift, Train, who has never had a
girlfriend in his life, is at a loss for what
to do. In desperation, he turns to an
online chat room for advice on how to
win the girl of his dreams!
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401211410 • 182 pgs • $9.99
A retelling of the above story. Written by
Hitori Nakano.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421508486 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #VIZ1421508494 • 192 pgs • $9.99
A retelling of the above story. Written by
Machiko Ocha.
Released 11/7/06
13+ • #9780345496195 • 192 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #1401208517 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #1401208525 • 240 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #1401208533 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #1401208541 • 216 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10 Released 10/18/06
13+ • #140120855X • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11 Released 12/20/06
13+ • #1401208568 • 208 pgs • $9.99
A fantasy featuring two sword-packing
brothers who must find their father’s
killer in war-torn ancient China. As they
search for revenge, they’re sidetracked
by adventure, stumbling upon the
secrets of their origin while meeting up
with plenty of weapon-wielding women
and foes only too happy to take them
out before they finish their quest!
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401206697 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1401206700 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #1401206719 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #1401206727 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #1401206735 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #1401206743 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Ever since a brief stint as a child
model, Hikaru Takabayashi has been
tormented by jealous classmates.
Transferring to the elite all-girls Seika
Academy should have given her a
chance to start over. Unfortunately,
her new roommate, Izumi, is a superpopular TV idol! But Izumi is far from
the perfect girlfriend of her onscreen
persona, and when Hikaru learns the
truth, Izumi and her stern (and sexy!)
bodyguard Akizuki will do whatever it
takes to keep her silent.
Vol. 1
16+ • #0976895714 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #0976895757 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #097689579X • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #1933617039 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 5 Released 11/30/06
16+ • #1933617128 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 6 Released 2/28/07
16+ • #1933617136 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Satoru Tendou, a cameraman for the
school newspaper, has confessed his
love to track star and childhood friend
Shirou Sawaguchi every spring since
entering high school. Each year Shirou
has rejected him claiming that his
confession is a sick joke. As the spring
of their third year approaches, Satoru
is starting to wonder if he should give
up on his unrequited love or risk being
rejected a third time.
16+ • #1569709211 • 184 pgs • $12.95
Matsuyuki Takeru could not have
anticipated the decidedly different turn
his life has taken. After his mother’s
death, life continued at a reasonably
normal pace - he studied hard for
exams, played fantasy role-playing
games, even fell in love. But things
begin to change when he discovers a
half-sister he didn’t know about and a
strange boy starts appearing, claiming
to be a warrior reborn. When fantasy
becomes reality, will every choice he
makes affect the outcome?
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401208142 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1401208150 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #1401208169 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #1401208177 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5 Released 11/1/06
13+ • #1401208185 • 192 pgs • $9.99
On the distant planet of Deloca,
teenagers are enrolled in either the
standard School Train... or the Special
Train, an exclusive education system
that takes them across the planet to
develop them into above-average adults.
Shy and meek Reiichi finds himself
onboard the Special Train when a run-in
with a rebellious spirit, Arena, turns his
life upside-down and forces him to face
dangers and situations that make him
learn the true meaning of living.
Vol. 1 Released 12/30/06
13+ • #1933617187 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 2 Released 3/31/07
13+ • #1933617195 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Perpetual geek and social basket case
“Train Man” has never had a girlfriend.
But fate steps in during a train ride when
he rescues a gorgeous fellow passenger,
Hermess, from a drunken rider. But
when Hermess later contacts him, that’s
one situation he can’t handle. Train
Man immediately goes online to solicit
advice. Soon he is bombarded with
advice regarding how, when and where
he should ask her out. Will Train Man
find true love, or will all this pressure to
come out of his shell be too much for
him to take? Written by Hitori Nakano.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401211410 • 182 pgs • $9.99
Life was good for Sumire Iwaya... until
the day she discovered her boyfriend
was cheating on her, she got demoted at
work, and her life spiraled into the dumps.
Things take a turn for the better when she
crosses paths with Momo, a homeless guy
with a colorful past who puts a bounce in
her step. It takes two to tango, but when
Sumire’s first love reappears in her life,
will this be the last waltz?
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM159532139X • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1595321403 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1595321411 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #MM159532142X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #MM1595321438 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #MM1595321446 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
16+ • #MM1595321454 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
16+ • #MM1595324380 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
16+ • #MM1595324399 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
16+ • #MM1595326405 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Will Anderson is the nephew of a modernday Al Capone. He lives in New York,
goes to a ritzy private school, and dotes
on his charming little cousin Kate. When
he runs into a man and his pet penguin
in Central Park, life turns complicated!
Will is swept up into the “business” of
the Trash Company, an odd-jobs outfit
whose main work tends to involve stolen
jewels and a whole lotta trouble!
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM159816516X • 208 pgs • $9.99
Our hero Vash the Stampede
disappeared for two years after blasting
a crater onto the moon above the desert
planet he saved from annihilation. But
with good people and bad alike trying
to track him down, he won’t stay lost for
long! Count on more crazy gunslinger
action, new dastardly villains... and a
new outfit, to boot!
Vol. 1: The Hero Returns
14+ • #DHGN1593071965 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2: Death Blue
14+ • #DHGN1593071973 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3: His Life As A..
14+ • #DHGN159307266X • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4: Bottom of the Dark
14+ • #DHGN1593073143 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5: Break Out
14+ • #DHGN1593073445 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6: The Gunslinger
14+ • #DHGN1593073518 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7: Happy Days
14+ • #DHGN159307395X • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8: Silent Ruin
14+ • #DHGN1593074522 • 224 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9: LR
14+ • #DHGN1593075278 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10: Wolfwood
14+ • #DHGN1593075561 • 240 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 11 Released 11/1/06
14+ • #DHGN1593076746 • 192 pgs • $9.95
It is the distant future, a postapocalyptic world after the destruction
brought about by Armageddon. The
war between humans and vampires
continues, now as a struggle between
two factions: the Vatican and the New
Human Empire. Yet many desire a
peaceful co-existence between the two
species. However, standing between
them and this goal is the Rosenkreuz
Orden, a group of vampire extremists.
Vol. 1 Released 11/7/06
17+ • #MM1598166743 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Sakura is the princess of Clow,
and possessor of a mysterious,
misunderstood power that can change
the world. Syaoran is her childhood
friend, and leader of the archaeological
dig that cost him his father. Their names
and faces may be familiar, but nothing
about this story is what you think it is.
Because this is another reality, where
whatever you least expect can happen,
and does...
Vol. 1
15+ • #0345470575 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
15+ • #0345471822 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
15+ • #0345471830 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4
15+ • #034547791X • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 5
15+ • #0345477928 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 6
15+ • #0345477936 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 7
15+ • #0345477979 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 8
15+ • #0345484282 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 9
15+ • #0345484290 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 10
15+ • #0345484304 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 11
15+ • #0345485289 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 12 Released 1/31/07
15+ • #0345485327 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Cameraman Morioka Kouhei is
researching Castle Shebartsvere.
Inside, he meets a mysterious little
girl, Hazuki, who’s been trapped there
for two years. Utilizing her charms,
Hazuki manages to get Kouhei to
set her free. When Kouhei returns to
Japan, he discovers that Hazuki has
followed him!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM159532948X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595329498 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595329501 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM159532951X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM1595329528 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345486293 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #0345486307 • 224 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #0345486811 • 224 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4 Released 10/31/06
13+ • #034548682X • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 5 Released 1/31/07
13+ • #0345494873 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Yamato is ready for a fresh start, and
where better than in the hustle and
bustle of Tokyo? So when his aunt
invites him to stay in her boarding
house, it’s an offer Yamato can’t
refuse. There’s just one teensy weensy
catch: it’s an all-girls housing complex
and spa! Things get even more nervewracking when he meets his neighbor
Suzuka, a beautiful track-and-field star.
She’s not just the cutest girl Yamato’s
ever met - she’s also the coolest, the
smartest, and the most intimidating!
Usagi is the granddaughter of the
leader of a prestigious ninja village, but
she’s such a klutz she’s never made
it out of the kiddie class. Frustrated
with Usagi’s lack of progress, her
grandfather sends her to marry a local
lord and have lots of ninja babies. But
the lord has no interest in her or her
childbearing potential!
Vol. 4 Released 2/29/07
13+ • #COM1597960462 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
13+ • #MM1598167960 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11 Released 12/7/06
13+ • #MM1427800294 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
7+ • #AWNOV0654 • 368 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ1591162580 • 228 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 2
15+ • #VIZ1591164230 • 232 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 3
15+ • #VIZ1591164249 • 232 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 4
15+ • #VIZ1591164257 • 232 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 5
15+ • #VIZ1591164265 • 232 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 6
15+ • #VIZ1591166675 • 232 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 7
15+ • #VIZ1591168554 • 232 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 8
15+ • #VIZ1591169976 • 224 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 9
15+ • #VIZ1421501163 • 216 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 10
15+ • #VIZ1421502232 • 232 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 11
15+ • #VIZ1421504170 • 224 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 12
15+ • #VIZ1421506807 • 232 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 13
15+ • #VIZ1421506815 • 224 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 14
15+ • #VIZ1421506823 • 232 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 15 Released 11/7/06
15+ • #VIZ1421506831 • 232 pgs • $7.95
Ami and Noa are the best of friends
- except when it comes to cute guys,
particularly ones they both fall for,
which happens a lot. Then the claws
are unsheathed and war is declared!
One evening they go to a party and
each fall for a different guy! As their
respective relationships blossom all
seems right with the world - that is,
until Ami discovers that the apples of
their eyes are really rotten to the core.
Vol. 1
12+ • #MM1595329560 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
12+ • #MM1595329579 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
12+ • #MM1595329587 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
12+ • #MM1595329595 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Tokugawa Era Japan: a new government
has just taken power and the land is in
disarray. Amidst the turmoil, a young
man sets out on a journey seeking
spiritual enlightenment by the way of
Vol. 1
17+ • #CTVB001 • 248 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2
17+ • #CTVB002 • 240 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 3
17+ • #CTVB003 • 232 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 4
17+ • #CTVB004 • 208 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 5
17+ • #CTVB005 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
17+ • #VIZ1569318948 • 216 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
17+ • #VIZ1591160731 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
17+ • #VIZ1591161193 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
17+ • #VIZ1591162564 • 216 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
17+ • #VIZ1591163404 • 224 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 11
17+ • #VIZ159116396X • 224 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 12
17+ • #VIZ1591164346 • 216 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 13
17+ • #VIZ1591164516 • 216 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 14
17+ • #VIZ1591164524 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 15
17+ • #VIZ1591164532 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 16
17+ • #VIZ1591164540 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 17
17+ • #VIZ1591164559 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 18
17+ • #VIZ159116642X • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 19
17+ • #VIZ1591166438 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 20
17+ • #VIZ1591165830 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 21
17+ • #VIZ1421507412 • 224 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 22
17+ • #VIZ1421508184 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 23 Released 10/17/06
17+ • #VIZ1421508265 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Guilt-Nazan is a vampire aristocrat who
was sealed into a cross by Kyouji’s
ancestor more than 100 years ago.
Now Kyouji has revived him - although
he was resurrected as a doll and can
only transform into his real figure when
he sucks blood from Kyouji’s sister
Tonae... But when you combine Goth
clothes and hot vampires, slowly but
surely everyone will start to feel like
one big family!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598165194 • 192 pgs • $9.99
In an epic battle, King Phelios defeats
King Dusel, but both are mortally
wounded. As the two lay dying, Dusel
prophesies that they will meet again
and vows that he will be triumphant.
When Dusel is reincarnated as a baby
wildcat, he’s adopted by Phelios’ greatgranddaughter Ishtar. Unknown to his
new owner, Dusel continues his quest
for revenge - to destroy Ishtar’s family.
But would she care even if she knew?
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1591823692 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1591823706 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1591823714 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
15+ • #0345484304 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1591825563 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1591825571 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM159182558X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1591825598 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1591825601 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #MM159182561X • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #MM1595324402 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #MM1595324410 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
13+ • #MM1595324429 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
13+ • #MM1595324437 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
13+ • #MM1595324445 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15
13+ • #MM1598162128 • 272 pgs • $9.99
To what distance would you go for your
one true love? In the midst of an alien
invasion, Mikako joins the resistance,
leaving behind the one young man
she loves. As she goes deeper into
space, Mikako’s only connection with
her boyfriend is through cell-phone text
messages. The war rages on and years
pass, but Mikako barely ages in the
timelessness of space while Noboru
grows old. How can the love of two
people, torn apart by war, survive?
13+ • #MM1598165291 • 240 pgs • $9.99
For Reiji, a gifted violinist with no
formal training, success may be the key
to escaping from his miserable home
life. Mitsuko was also a prodigy until an
accident left her unable to play. Now
she is going to help Reiji achieve the
goal she could never attain. Passions
and rivalries play out against the
backdrop of the music world.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401210686 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1401210694 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #1401210708 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Sixteen-year-old tomboy Ito Miura has
been chosen to play Romeo in Romeo
and Juliet! The problem? She doesn’t
want the male role! So, who will be
Juliet? The favorite for the part, beautiful
and vain Tsugumi, must compete with
the cute new transfer student, Makoto
Amano. Makoto not only has the looks,
but her audition proves that she has the
acting chops to play any role assigned.
But Makoto has a secret, and if rival
Tsugumi, or anyone in the school, finds
out, it could ruin Makoto’s life and drag
Ito down as well!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591165989 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591166020 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1591166004 • 184 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1591167817 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1591168481 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1591169895 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1421500655 • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1421502054 • 192 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ142150328X • 208 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 10
13+ • #VIZ1421505630 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 11
13+ • #VIZ1421505649 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 12
13+ • #VIZ1421505657 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13 Released 11/14/06
13+ • #VIZ1421505665 • 200 pgs • $9.99
It’s a gorgeous mansion, and four
handsome friends are allowed to live in
it for free! There’s only one hitch - within
three years they must transform the
owner’s wallflower niece into a lady! How
hard can it be? Enter Sunako Nakahara,
the agoraphobic, horror-movie-loving,
pockmark-faced, frizzy-haired, fashionilliterate recluse who tends to break
into explosive nosebleeds whenever she
sees anyone attractive. This project is
going to take more than our four heroes
ever expected: it needs a miracle!
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345479122 • 224 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #0345479491 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #0345479998 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #0345480015 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #0345480945 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #0345483707 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 7
13+ • #0345483715 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 8
13+ • #0345485262 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 9
13+ • #0345485270 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 10 Released 12/31/06
13+ • #0345485300 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 11 Released 3/15/07
13+ • #034549475X • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598166786 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Banned from his school’s soccer team
for being too short, Sho Kazamatsuri
decides there’s only one thing left to
do: switch schools! But even a change
in scenery doesn’t help this wannabe.
On campus, he is mistakenly introduced
to everyone as a hotshot soccer player.
When the truth is revealed, Sho drops
out of school in total disgrace. Now
on his own, the spunky teenager must
work twice as hard to make his dreams
come true. He wants to play soccer so
bad, he’s willing to hustle day and night
to make it happen.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591166853 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591166861 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1591166926 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1591167272 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1591167892 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1591168368 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1591169739 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ142150068X • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ1421502062 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #VIZ1421503409 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #VIZ1421506858 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 12
13+ • #VIZ1421506866 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 13
13+ • #VIZ1421506874 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 14 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #VIZ1421506882 • 200 pgs • $7.99
The first story in this anthology, “Who
Fighter,” is a play on the legendary “Foo
Fighters,” the nickname given to the
mysterious, UFO-like fireballs that were
sighted by World War II pilots. An ace
Japanese pilot manages to shoot one
of the fireballs down... or does he? The
second story, “Heart of Darkness,” is
Takizawa’s unique take on the Joseph
Conrad novel that inspired the film
Apocalypse Now. Finally, a short piece,
“Tanks,” closes out the collection with
a surreal voyage through one hundred
years of armored vehicle battles!
16+ • #DHGN1593076266 • 208 pgs • $11.95
Kaito Yagami is a florist/gardener by
day and a hired assassin by night. He
kills using poisons from plants to make
money to care for his brother who is
confined in a hospital. A mysterious
woman, Sugaru, brings these orders to
the flower shop.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598163736 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1598163744 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Watanuke Kimihiro is a man haunted
by visions, until he is drawn to the
mysterious witch Yuuko, who offers to
help vanquish the spirits that torment
him... for a price. Now, to pay off his
debt, Watanuki must work for Yuuko in
her shop where wishes are granted to
those in need...
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345470583 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #0345471199 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #0345471814 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #034547788X • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #0345477898 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #0345477901 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 7
13+ • #0345483359 • 208 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 8 Released 11/28/06
13+ • #0345483367 • 208 pgs • $10.95
England. France. Germany. What
common thread binds these three
nations together? Answer: each
is famous for producing unique,
distinctive, delicious bread. But what
of Japan? Is there not a doughy,
gastronomic delight they can claim as
their own? The answer is no... until
now! Kazuma Azuma, a 16-year-old
boy blessed with otherworldly baking
powers, has taken it upon himself to
create Ja-pan, the national bread of the
land of the rising sun!
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ1421507196 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/14/06
15+ • #VIZ142150720X • 200 pgs • $9.99
The patriarch of the Nekogami family is
dead, and his grandson Sukekiyo is the
rightful heir. There is just one problem:
Sukekiyo is away at war, whereabouts
unknown. Only one person can inherit
the fortune, and the triplets Yoki, Koto
and Kiku aren’t going to let Sukekiyo’s
fiancee, Tamayo, walk off with prize.
With a fortune at stake, it’s kill or be
killed as the Nekogami family goes up
against demons, thieves and each other
to protect the family... and the cash!
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1591163250 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1591165210 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1591166683 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1591168120 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1421500264 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ142150278X • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 10
13+ • #VIZ1421506955 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 11 Released 12/5/06
13+ • #VIZ1421506963 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Through a series of coincidences,
Yoshinori wound up having to fill in for
his beautiful older sister as a model for
a bridal gown. Now, he has discovered
that he has a liking for cross-dressing,
and that by doing so, he is learning a
great deal about what it means to be a
woman - and a man.
Vol. 1
17+ • #MM159816290X • 216 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
17+ • #MM1598162918 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 Released 12/12/06
17+ • #MM1598162926 • 192 pgs • $9.99
A mysterious videotape sends Yugi and
his friends to Duelist Kingdom, the
island home of super-rich American
game designer Maximillion Pegasus.
There, Yugi must compete with the
world’s greatest Duel Monsters players
for the honor of fighting the man
who made the game! But this is no
ordinary tournament... the fate of Yugi’s
grandfather hangs in the balance. And
even if he makes it to the final round,
can Yugi possibly face the power of
Pegasus’ Millennium Eye?
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591166144 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591167167 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ159116771X • 216 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1591167590 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1591168112 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1591168562 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1591168775 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1591169984 • 224 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 9
13+ • #VIZ1421500523 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Released 10/18/06
13+ • #BBYKK01 • 208 pgs • $9.99
A battle has broken out among rival
sorcerers. The most nefarious group,
the Necromancers, is killing young
girls in Hong Kong to read the future
in their entrails. Carno, a human youth
raised by Aeromancers in a different
dimension, is summoned back to his
homeworld to join in the battle. Does
Carno have what it takes to survive
in a world of political alliances and
emotional entanglements?
Vol. 1
17+ • #1401207375 • 240 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
17+ • #1401207383 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
17+ • #1401207391 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
17+ • #1401207405 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
17+ • #1401207413 • 220 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6 Released 11/22/06
17+ • #1401210260 • 208 pgs • $9.99
It was a typical day for Yusuke: go to
school at noon, get kicked out by the
teacher, fight with his rival Kuwabara,
and head for home in time to wake
his mom from her drunken stupor. But
when he throws himself in front of a car
to save a little kid’s life, he becomes
Tokyo’s toughest teenage ghost!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1569319049 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591160820 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1591161835 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Kid Muscle isn’t anybody’s idea of a
hero. But he is the son of legendary
intergalactic wrestler King Muscle and
when evil threatens the galaxy, the
Kid’s true muscles bulge through! A
gang of evil wrestlers called the DMP
is trashing the Earth. Obviously, Kid
Muscle has only one choice: organize a
wrestling gang to destroy the DMP.
the sword, prepared to slay anyone who
might get in his way!
CLAMP’S gorgeous crossover series
continues! It combines characters from
dozens of different series like Cardcaptor
Sakura, Chobits, Magic Knight Rayearth,
CLAMP Campus Detectives (and more!)
and mixes them in a beautiful fantasy
adventure that’s not to be missed. In
this latest volume, Shaoran and the
crew have been transported to a world
of high-tech machinery. A great race is
scheduled to take place soon… and the
prize is one of Sakura’s feathers! Will
they master controlling the mechanical
“Dragonflies” in time?
Satou is a 22-year-old college dropout
who has become a recluse... that is, until
he meets Misaki, a mysterious young
girl who invites him to join her special
“project.” Slowly Satou comes out of his
reclusive shell, and his hilarious journey
begins, filled with mistaken identity,
panty shots, Lolita complexes, and an
over-protective mother!
Nobuhiko finds out that his grandfather
has made a new fighting HFR called
Signal. He persuades the Professor to
reprogram Signal from being a battle
robot to being his older brother and
friend. During the programming, an
accident occurs resulting in Signal
transforming into Chibi Signal whenever
Signal’s aggressive battle programming
wasn’t changed yet so he is somewhat
scary by Nobuhiko’s standards.
Tsubasa, RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
or make Gamma even harder to kill
than he is already.
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ142150152X • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/5/06
16+ • #VIZ1421501538 • 192 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591165865 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #VIZ1591165881 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #VIZ1591165903 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #VIZ1421502828 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #VIZ1421502836 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #VIZ1421503875 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #VIZ1421505134 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #VIZ1421505142 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9 Released 10/17/06
13+ • #VIZ1421505150 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #VIZ1421505169 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Elwood was a knife-thrower caught in
a life of crime until he met Gamma
Akutabi, class “S” criminal, and a man
with a 6-foot chainsaw and a metal
hand. Soon, Elwood is caught up in
Gamma’s quest for the most precious
objects n the world, the Rings that
might give new life to Elwood’s sister...
In a world filled with magic and oozing
with RPG elements, a young female
spellcaster is destined to save the land!
Tamayo Akiyama, a former member of
CLAMP, has crafted a unique shojo
fantasy adventure.
13+ • #MM1598165216 • 192 pgs • $9.99
When Jackie’s ex-lover Noah dies, she
decides the best and quickest way to
get over the love of her life is to hold
a personal ritual with Noah’s ashes.
Jackie consumes the ashes in the form
of smoothies for 12 days, hoping the
pain will subside with her profound
reaction to Noah’s death. While she
and her partner-in-crime Nick, Noah’s
brother, spend the time in the closed
space her apartment, they slowly
become consumed by Noah’s tragedy.
Released 11/7/06
16+ • #MM1598166913 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Sei-Ann, an orphaned young lady
who was raised in the care of a
noblewoman, decides she’ll become
the prince’s bride. One day, she gets
her chance when the prince visits
her guardian’s residence. Before she
knows it, she’s invited to work at the
Royal Palace as a maid. What’s more,
one of the Crown Prince’s brothers
falls in love with her. But suddenly, SeiAnn learns that she may be the last
surviving heir to a family which was
closely tied to the Royal Family - but
later branded as traitors!
Vol. 1
13+ • #INF1596970642 • 180 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2 Released 12/31/06
13+ • #INF1596970650 • 182 pgs • $10.95
In a dystopian future, AEGIS paints
a picture of the love and friendship
between orphans Jino and Izare.
Having gained independence from
Revro, the earth secretly trains an
army of boys. Jino and Izare are
abandoned to the camp, and Izare
silently sacrifices himself to keep his
promise to Maria that he’d look after
Jino. But Jino escapes the soul-killing
cruelty of the camp. With Jino in his
heart, Izare remains to become an
ultimate weapon.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1600091008 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1600091016 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 Released 12/15/06
13+ • #1600091024 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595323031 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM159532304X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Dong-Young is a royal daughter of
heaven, betrothed to the king of hell but she ran away before her wedding.
The four guardians of heaven were
ordered to find the angel princess. But
she’s hiding on earth disguised a boy!
Vol. 1
13+ • #8952744675 • 180 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #8952744748 • 200 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #8952744829 • 200 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4
13+ • #8952746007 • 200 pgs • $10.95
From a small lake nestled in a
secluded forest far from the edge
of town something strange emerged
one day: three young girls - Shem,
Ham and Japheth. Equipped with
magical powers, they are charged
with saving all the creatures of Earth
from becoming extinct. But there is
someone or something sinister trying
to stop them... While saving our world
from destruction, these sisters live like
normal human girls: They go to school,
work at a flower shop, hang around
with friends and even fall in love.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598162624 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1598162632 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Tom Anjery, vice-chief of the Almost
Highly Classified Team at the GIS
(Global Intelligence Services), receives
an order to relocate the team’s office
and privately operate it independent
of the GIS, due to a budget reduction.
The team gets a new office in a
remote village, but to appropriate the
operational funds on their own, they
decide to hold two jobs. Tom arranges
a bar on the first floor and an office on
the 2nd floor of their new building and
[barely] manages them both.
Lady Snowblood
Vol. 1 Released 11/15/06
ALL • #1600091288 • 200 pgs • $17.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595323279 • 294 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595323287 • 196 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595323295 • 196 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595323309 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1595323317 • 196 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1595323325 • 280 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1595323333 • 264 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1595323341 • 196 pgs • $9.99
Sting may look harmless and naive,
but he’s really an excellent fighter
and a wannabe bounty hunter in a
futuristic wild wild west. He’s trying to
make it in this rowdy world after being
abandoned by his father. When Sting
comes across a notice that advertises
a reward for a criminal outfit called
Gold Romany, he decides that
capturing the all-girl gang of bad guys
is his ticket to fame and fortune!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595325581 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM159532559X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595325603 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595325611 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM159532562X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1595325638 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM1595325646 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Myung-ja’s father, head of Song-Song
Records, has just passed away. An
eccentric man, he had put a crazy
stipulation in his will that keeps Myungja from inheriting the company outright!
In order to claim her inheritance, she
has to find four genius boys that he met
in the past and bring them together to
form Korea’s greatest boy band!
Vol. 1
13+ • #1933809434 • 180 pgs • $11.50
With a worldwide war raging between
humans and monsters, the young
delivery men of the Gaya Desert Post
Office do not pledge allegiance to
any country or king. They are banded
together by a pledge to deliver. “Fast.
Precise. Secure.” Banya, the craziest
and craftiest of the bunch, will stop at
nothing to get a job done.
Vol. 1
13+ • #DHGN1593076142 • 184 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2 Released 12/20/06
13+ • #DHGN1593076886 • 184 pgs • $12.95
to recover the lost sword. Under the
supervision of the heavenly princess
Aroomee, Soma must deal with the
chaos that his deeds have produced.
Miyoul is a feisty, boy-crazed girl who
is in love with Guelin, a tall, dark,
and handsome high school boy. But
Heerack, a short and scrawny junior
high boy, has the hots for Miyoul, and
worships her every move. Of course,
Miyoul is awfully embarrassed of him
and tries to avoid him like the plague!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598164910 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM1598164929 • 192 pgs • $9.99
After an imprisonment of five days in
Heaven, which equals five years on
Earth, Soma is sent to the human world
When a prince’s soon-to-be-bride
elopes two days before their wedding,
her desperate family dress up their
young son and send him to get married
in her place. With his deep blue eyes
and flowing blond hair (and strategically
placed apples), nobody bats an eye at
the pretty pubescent standing before
them. But how long can he keep up
the charade? Despite the odds stacked
against them, the two princes share
adventures and intimacies.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1600090303 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1600090311 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #160009032X • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4 Released 10/15/06
13+ • #1600090338 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Yooi works day and night in hopes of
one day paying off her father’s debts.
Lida comes from privilege, the heiress
to an unbelievable fortune. But when
the two girls meet and discover the
one thing they have in common is
their identical faces, their lives take
an unexpected turn. As Yooi accepts
the irresistible offer of becoming Lida
and she finds herself in over her head,
being chased by assassins and falling
for Lida’s fiancé. Meanwhile, Lida is
completely unaware of the shocking
revelation awaiting her.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1600090397 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1600090400 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #1600090419 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4 Released 12/15/06
13+ • #1600090427 • 192 pgs • $9.99
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
The adventure begins! King Jaryoon
of Hahyun is attacked by a monstrous
emissary from the nefarious vizier,
Shiyan. The swordsman Rayan appears
and slays the monster with PaSa, a
powerful blade originally crafted by
Shiyan himself.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1591822548 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1591822556 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1591822564 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1591824214 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1591824222 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1591824230 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1591824249 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1591824257 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #MM1591824265 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #MM1595323872 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #MM1595323880 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
13+ • #MM1595323899 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
13+ • #MM1595326456 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
13+ • #MM1595326464 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15
13+ • #MM1595326472 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 16
13+ • #MM1595326480 • 192 pgs • $9.99
High school student Hae-Won Song has
just placed third in Cake Magazine’s
manhwa creator talent search. She’s
the youngest winner in the history of
the contest! Not only does she have her
story published but she also gets the
chance to work with one of her manhwa
idols - who has a surprise for her. And
as if that wasn’t reward enough, she’s
also reunited with the former teacher
who inspired her winning story.
Vol. 1
13+ • #8952746074 • 200 pgs • $10.95
Muchaca Smooth is a legendary
man-for-hire: a deadly combination
of assassin, bodyguard, private
investigator and bounty hunter. He is
also an aficionado of The Movement,
an era of hip-hop musical brilliance
that barely survived to the end of the
20th century.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM159532531X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1595325328 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Born into a shaman family, Sunbi
has inherited the power to see and
communicate with spirits. Early on,
she doesn’t understand that none of
her schoolmates can see them. Her
powers make her the amorous target
of hedonistic demons even as a child.
Long shielded from the reality of her
power, she finally learns the secret
of her mother’s death, and why her
grandmother was never able to leave
their village.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1600090753 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1600090761 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #160009077X • 184 pgs • $9.99
Samurai Executioner
Vol. 4 Released 12/15/06
13+ • #1600090788 • 216 pgs • $9.99
Ddam Shim is not having a good year.
She failed to enter the specialized
university for prosecutors, so she’s
studying to re-take the exam and living
in a dorm room that’s no bigger than
a bathroom. Of course bad things
always come in three’s - the final
straw that broke Ddam’s back was
getting dumped by her boyfriend on
their date. His reason for the breakup?
Well... aside from her not getting into
university, he’s not too happy about
her hallucinations.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1933809353 • 180 pgs • $11.50
Chunhoo Kang lives in a world of crime,
sex and intrigue. He’s the Nihon Saikono
Warrior, Japan’s greatest fighter in the
yakuza underworld. However, he’s also
Korean. Haunted by past sins, Chunhoo
abandons his life of crime to search for
the young woman and son he forsook
decades ago.
Vol. 1
16+ • #1600090575 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/15/06
16+ • #1600090583 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Welcome to Faeries’ Landing, a place
where the real world and the faerie
realm collide. Ryang doesn’t know that
supernatural beings descend on his
town at night, but when he stumbles on
the Faerie Bath, he ends up becoming
guardian of Fanta, a very fetching
faerie. While it doesn’t seem bad at
first, when Fanta reads Ryang’s fortune,
she reveals to him that his destiny is to
encounter 108 doomed relationships...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1591826098 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1591826101 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM159182611X • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1591826128 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1591826136 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1591826144 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1595323953 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1595323961 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #MM159532397X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #MM1595323988 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #MM1595323996 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
13+ • #MM1595324003 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
13+ • #MM1595324011 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
13+ • #MM1595326553 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Catsby, twenty-something nobody, loses
his girl-friend to another man. A richer
man. His pal Houndu treats him to
wine, women and song, but there’s no
forgetting the lost Persu. The thousand
humiliations of youth are poured upon
Catsby, who feels far too much to
begin with, and whose prospects go
from bad to worse. Now he’s petrified
by his father, now drunk on the floor,
now freaking over a blind-date, now
convinced it’s all for nothing.
Vol. 1
16+ • #1600090001 • 224 pgs • $17.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #160009001X • 288 pgs • $17.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #1600090028 • 272 pgs • $19.99
Vol. 4 Released 12/15/06
16+ • #1600090036 • 280 pgs • $19.99
Ancient prophecy foretold of a baby
that would be the catalyst for the
Apocalypse. At the anointed time, nine
Grand Masters of Martial Arts raced to
a remote mountaintop to prevent the
terrible prophecy from being fulfilled.
But 17 years later, a young boy with a
knack for trouble, a lust for ladies, and
a wicked fighting technique crosses
paths with the child of the apocalypse
and he’s in for more kung fu action
than he can handle!
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1595322884 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1595322892 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1595322906 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #MM1595322914 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Kiyomaro Takamine is a brilliant junior
high student whose inflated ego has
made him a major target for teasing
at school. So his father sends him a
bizarre birthday present - a strange
little boy named Gash - to help him
make friends and reform his bad
attitude. Gash brings with him a
mysterious red volume of spells, and
Kiyomaro discovers that Gash has
magic powers that are unleashed by
reading from the book!
So-jin had given up soccer years ago
after losing to her rival, Shin-bee. But
when she transfers into a co-ed high
school, the “football” bug returns, and
she challenges the boys to a soccer
Vol. 10
13+ • #VIZ1421500787 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 11
13+ • #VIZ1421501503 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 12
13+ • #VIZ1421502070 • 208 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 13
13+ • #VIZ1421502771 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 14
13+ • #VIZ1421503395 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 15
13+ • #VIZ1421504081 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 16
13+ • #VIZ1421506904 • 200 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 17
13+ • #VIZ1421506912 • 192 pgs • $7.95
Vol. 18 Released 12/5/06
13+ • #VIZ1421506920 • 192 pgs • $7.95
has gathered all of these characters
under her roof!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595325484 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM1595325492 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Da-Ae, an aspiring comic artist, comes
across Seon-Nam, a softie whose
ultimate goal is simply to become a
“tough guy.” Seon-Nam is gradually
attracted to Da-Ae, but it seems like the
bond between them is turning out to be
a curse. Da-Ae and Seon-Nam fall in
love with each other, not knowing that
they are connected by a complicated
family history. Da-Ae’s mother and
Seon-Nam’s father had an affair before
they were killed in a car accident.
Vol. 1
13+ • #8952744632 • 200 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #8952744950 • 200 pgs • $10.95
Ara has had a crush on the hottest
boy in high school. When she works up
the nerve to ask him out, she gets all
glammed up - and boozed up - and ends
up kissing Young-Woo, the wrong boy!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595322396 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM159532240X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595326561 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM159816208X • 192 pgs • $9.99
In real life, Roto, Boromid and AhDol are average kids with average
problems, but in the virtual world of
Lost Saga, they’re heroes. They might
even become legends - if they can stop
bickering long enough to level up.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595323457 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595323465 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595323473 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595323481 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM159532349X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1595323503 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1595323511 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM159532352X • 192 pgs • $9.99
A genius biologist, Dr. Gangjae Lee is a
happy husband who has been married
for 7 years to Jaehee, a woman whose
astonishing beauty captivates men.
While living a double life as a college
research professor, Dr. Lee secretly
participates in a human cloning project
run by Dr. Suh. But one day, his wife,
whom he treasures more than his own
life, gets brutally murdered and the
story takes a different turn...
Vol. 1 Released 10/15/06
13+ • #1600091407 • 200 pgs • $9.99
In life, Majeh was a gifted swordsman.
In death, he acts as a reaper for the
King of Hell, collecting souls of the
dead. All this changes when a rift
opens up between Hell and Earth and
evil spirits begin escaping to the mortal
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1591821878 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1591821886 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1591821894 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1591824826 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1591824834 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1591824842 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1591828678 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1591829143 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #MM1595325972 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #MM1595325980 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #MM1598160591 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
13+ • #MM1598160605 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
13+ • #MM1598160613 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598168673 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Abandoned as a baby, Misty-Rain is
saved from certain death by a witch
who brings her up as her own. Far from
humans, she is raised as one of the
Dokebi, a magical race from Korean
myth. Among them she is happy and
content, until one day when she loses
the trust of her protector, causing the
enchantment that had kept the secret
of her true identity to be broken. She
is cast out to the world of her birth
and must find her place among her
own kind.
Vol. 1
ALL • #1600090451 • 240 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
ALL • #160009046X • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
ALL • #1600090478 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4 Released 11/15/06
ALL • #1600090486 • 216 pgs • $9.99
A mysterious hooded skeleton promises
an enthralling adventure. Whether this
hooded stranger is foe or friend will
only be revealed with the passage of
time... Tian and Drei von Richenstein,
two unlikely heroes, embark on an
adventure filled with excitement,
intrigue, and comic relief. Their
adventures are complicated by the fact
that they have a knack for making allies
into new enemies...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595325263 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595325271 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM159532528X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Witness the riveting account of Puss,
the loveable chain-smoking cat...
Snowy, a spectator to the some of
the village’s strangest scenes... Niky,
a flagrant freeloader who shamelessly
squats in Laya’s house... and Laya
herself, the magical, mystical witch who
As the leader of the vicious Furies
gang, Dai seduces everyone who lays
eyes on him, only to blind them to his
own barbaric nature. When an honest
schoolboy named Jaehee rescues a
beautiful girl from being mugged by the
Furies, he can’t possibly realize how
this brief encounter will plunge him into
a downward spiral of unbridled passion
and unfathomable pain.
Vol. 1
16+ • #1600090055 • 240 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #1600090060 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #1600090079 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4 Released 10/15/06
16+ • #1600090087 • 184 pgs • $9.99
At the turn of the century, Earth
encounters a state of emergency by
humankind. Some of the surviving
humans launch a number of fleets for
their existence: The Constitution Series,
the main computer dispatched to the
space for the planet development
plan. Hundreds of years later, a few
successful fleets of the series begin
to aid humankind exist in the space.
But the second Space War is just
waiting around the corner for these
two entities that will not compromise
the fate of Earth.
13+ • #1600090540 • 180 pgs • $17.99
Perverto is just a regular 17-year-old... with
the unavoidable nickname, “pervert.” To
escape his bad reputation, he transfers
to a new school for a fresh start. But on
his first day there, he’s falsely accused
of groping a girl named Hongdan on the
subway. To make matters worse, she
happens to be another new student who
has just transferred to his new school
and into his very class.
Vol. 1 Released 11/15/06
16+ • #1600091245 • 160 pgs • $9.99
Gun has always been a problem kid, but
after a tearful plea from his mom he
decides to turn over a new leaf. Vowing
to abandon fighting and troublemaking,
Gun transfers to a new high school,
attempts to be a good student, and
rents a room at the local co-ed dorm.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595323600 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595323619 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595323627 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595323635 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1595323643 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Prepare to overdose on laughter as you
enter JTK’s aptly named Hospital and
meet its staff of quirky characters: Dr.
Don Juan, a lady’s man who hasn’t
failed to kill every patient he operates
on; Dr. Kang who will do anything for
another liter of RH-A type blood; Nurse
Lee, a former supermodel who gets
diced into pieces, and many more.
Vol. 1
ALL • #1600090257 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
ALL • #1600090265 • 168 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
ALL • #1600090273 • 168 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4 Released 11/15/06
ALL • #1600090281 • 168 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
ALL • #1600091202 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 10/15/06
ALL • #1600091210 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Eunhee is a rich superstar suffering
from boredom. Gain is a homeless
vagabond with the face of an innocent
child. By a whimsical twist of fate, they
find themselves sharing Eunhee’s cozy
bachelor’s pad. Eunhee’s apartment is
spacious enough for two, but there is
only one bedroom. Soon Eunhee and
Gain find themselves next to each
other as they share the warmth of
their dreams.
Vol. 1
16+ • #1600090559 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #1600090567 • 216 pgs • $9.99
The prequel to NOW. In need of talented
warriors to help lead their people,
O’Rhang Yhun is sent on a mission
by his master into enemy territory to
find and bring back his eldest brother.
Unfortunately for O’Rhang, his second
eldest brother betrays him by branding
him as a traitor.
Vol. 1
13+ • #INF1596970413 • 240 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #INF1596970421 • 240 pgs • $10.95
Just before the fall of the mighty Korean
Kingdom of Goguryeo, a lone man
roamed the land, causing destruction
beyond imagination. He unleashed Sa
Shin Mu, a form of martial arts never
before seen in this world. When peace
suddenly returns to the land, it’s said
that this warrior was killed by none
other than his own younger brother, also
able to use Sa Shin Mu. Now, 20 years
after the fall of the Goguryeo Kingdom,
a new rumor is spreading that a secret
manual detailing this legendary martial
art has resurfaced.
Vol. 1 (2nd Ed)
13+ • #INF1596971819 • 200 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2 (2nd Ed) Released 12/31/06
13+ • #INF1596971827 • 176 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3 Released 6/18/07
13+ • #INF1596971835 • 174 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4 Released 10/15/07
13+ • #9781596971844 • 174 pgs • $10.95
Hey is a normal teenage girl who has
a crush on the hot teenage singer
EZ. But Hey has to deal with EO, who
always seems to be in the wrong place
at the wrong time! Whenever Hey tries
to approach EZ and confess her feeling
toward him, EO messes things up for
her. Will EZ think of Hey only as a fan?!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598166816 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598166824 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Sang is a fearlessly spunky young girl
in search of the Demon School Hades.
Fortunately for her, she comes across
a group of misfit monsters that are
ditching class from the Demon school.
She then convinces them to sneak her
into a class that only monsters are
allowed to attend...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595323198 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595323201 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM159532321X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595323228 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1595323236 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1595323244 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1595323252 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Orion is the beautiful and mysterious
new teacher at school. He immediately
catches the attention of Sebin, the
snobbish daughter of a rich gang leader.
When Orion is involved in protecting her
from gang rivalry, it becomes apparent
that there is more to this teacher than
just a pretty face. Not only are students
surprised, but Orion’s effort entangles
the already troubled relationships of
the different students.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1600090656 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1600090664 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #1600090672 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4 Released 11/15/06
13+ • #1600090680 • 192 pgs • $9.99
In the year Universal Century 0091,
Sinan is a mecha pilot for the Mars
colony in its war with the Moon colony.
An explosion catches him off guard
and Sinan wakes up to find that he
has been mysteriously transported to
an entirely different world called Horai,
with a civilization similar to that of
Earth’s middle ages. There, Sinan ends
up rescuing a girl named Mayi from
a group of thugs lead by a burly thug
named Pantera.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595325379 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595325387 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595325395 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595325409 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1595325417 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Ami Won is a klutzy yet innocent girl
who thinks she’s just average. Her
mother always expected her to become
an exemplary woman; unfortunately,
her mother passed away when Ami
was still young. However, Ami gets
her chance to shine when her father
is elected president of Korea! Now,
as the president’s daughter, will this
ordinary girl step into the extraordinary
role of a lifetime?
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595322345 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595322353 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595322361 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM159532237X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1595322388 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1595326588 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Lang-bee knows the value of money.
After her mother runs a vitamin drug
scam and goes on the lam, Lang-bee
is alone and must fend for herself.
Lang-bee repays the people scammed
by her mom with the money she makes
working for her fellow students. When
she pursues her love interest in Dan
Won, the rich, emotional heir to a
corporate empire, Lang-bee competes
against Yuka Lee, her nemesis, in the
chase. Who will he choose?
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598163094 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1598163108 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM1598163116 • 192 pgs • $9.99
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1595322620 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1595322639 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 17
13+ • #MM1595326618 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 18
13+ • #MM1595326626 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Ivan Isaacs was once a priest. Devoted
to his faith, he would have given up
anything for it. Then the establishment
he believed in turned on him, sending
him headlong into Hell. Now, he’s
back. With the priesthood now corrupt
with demons, the undead, and black
prayers, he has returned with the help
of the demon Belial, a voice in the
darkness who offered Ivan a chance at
vengeance in exchange for his soul.
It is the end of the great Tang Dynasty.
China is in violent chaos due to the
infamous Jin Kang Rebellion. Fearing
the inevitable destruction, Concubine
Liu tearfully entrusts the care of her
baby daughter Princess Yi Fu to a
common citizen named Tang Hui...
and the whole of China is never the
same again.
The universe is divided into the 4th,
5th and 6th worlds. JD is raised by
Grandpa Griford to be the last hope
for the 4th world, which is set on
destroying the 5th. This is a comingof-age journey about one boy realizing
his recast powers - that just might save
the world!
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1591820081 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM159182009X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1591820103 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #MM159182088X • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #MM1591822017 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #MM1591822025 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
16+ • #MM1591822033 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
16+ • #MM1591822041 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
16+ • #MM159182205X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
16+ • #MM1591825113 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
16+ • #MM1591825121 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
16+ • #MM159182513X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
16+ • #MM1591825148 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
16+ • #MM1591825156 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15 Released 11/7/06
16+ • #MM1591825164 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #COM1597960799 • 176 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #COM1597960802 • 176 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3 Released 10/30/06
13+ • #COM1597960810 • 176 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4 Released 1/29/07
13+ • #COM1597960829 • 176 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 5 Released 4/28/07
13+ • #COM1597960837 • N/A pgs • $9.95
The story is about Jun Pil-Hyun, who
is a feminine pretty boy who tries to
learn to be a manly man and win over
the heart of his crush, Che Song-Ah,
as well as escape the pressures of his
disapproving father. He also wants to
put Yi, his manly nemesis, in his place.
He ends up finding a comic book titled
“Escape from Being a Pretty Boy” and
finds that it is a complete parallel to
his life.
Vol. 1 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598166581 • 192 pgs • $9.99
When her mother moves to Germany to
go to school, Yuna decides to visit her
over the summer, only Yuna manages to
fall off a cliff and be heroically rescued
by Rieno, an 18-year-old knight from
the land of Phantasma. In exchange
for saving her life, Yuna agrees to
marry Rieno and become his queen.
Now, Yuna is torn between her normal
world back home and her new life as
Phantasma’s queen.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595322574 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595322582 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595322590 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595322604 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1595322612 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Three hundred years ago the sorcerer
Kalutika Maybus sealed the vampire
Deshwitat in limbo after killing his
fiancee Lilith. For centuries, Deshwitat’s
mind calculated revenge while his
body slumbered... until now. A band of
spiritual investigators has inadvertently
broken the seal that binds him, and
Deshwitat has been released.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1591822165 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1591822173 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1591822181 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM159182219X • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1591822203 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1591825245 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1591825253 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1591825261 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 9
13+ • #MM159182527X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 10
13+ • #MM1591825288 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 11
13+ • #MM1591825296 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 12
13+ • #MM159532027X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 13
13+ • #MM1595320288 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 14
13+ • #MM1595320296 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 15
13+ • #MM159532030X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 16
13+ • #MM159532660X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Faeries’ Landing
Vol. 1 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598166646 • 192 pgs • $9.99
When a group of seven young college
students go off to enjoy a weekend
getaway at a remote mountain villa,
secrets that haunt the friends are
unveiled which lead to bizarre love
triangles, tragic relationships, and
betrayal. And when hallucinations and
strange disappearances begin, their
dream vacation turns into a nightmare...
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598165062 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/7/06
16+ • #MM1598165070 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Lena Ha is a tough and beautiful girl
who is also the captain of the Kendo
team. Though skilled in swordplay,
she is totally unprepared when she
discovers that she has fallen in love
realm. Now Majeh must hunt down and
destroy these demons before the rift is
permanently opened.
Seyoung is an ordinary 17-year-old
schoolgirl who is used to playing
mediocre roles in her school’s drama
productions. Her real-life drama
develops as she finds herself falling for
her childhood playmate Hyunwoo, who
is drifting away from her and toward
a TV star schoolmate named Hyemi.
Seyoung lives out her youth as if all the
world’s a stage, but as she basks in the
bright lights of innocence she seeks
someone in the audience to recognize
the light within her.
Vol. 5
16+ • #MM1595322922 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6 Released 11/7/06
16+ • #MM1595322930 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
15+ • #0976604515 • 176 pgs • $11.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781933809052 • 190 pgs • $11.50
In the era after the Battle of Mount Hyjal,
the world thought it finally would be at
peace. However, when an immense
power emanates throughout the land,
all eyes turn in search of its source...
Based on the worldwide online gaming
phenomenon, Warcraft: The Sunwell
Trilogy spans the realms of the Orcs,
Humans, Elves and the Undead.
Han Sae Lee is every girl’s dream: tall,
dark, and handsome with a whole lot of
attitude. He knows he’s the catch, but
right now, he’s interested in catching a
brazen, blond brat and teaching him a
lesson or two... How can one skinny (but
very cute!) boy with sticky fingers (he
stole Han Sae’s wallet when they first
met) give him the run around so easily?
Released 10/30/06
16+ • #1933809531 • 180 pgs • $12.50
How do you distinguish between the
love from a cute neighborhood girl
(who’s like a little sister to you), and the
love from the hottest, yet quirkiest, girl
in school? This is exactly the question
Myung-Ho has to ponder when both his
neighbor’s cute little daughter, Ji-Hae,
and his school’s most popular diva, YuRi, make him their valentines.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1591827809 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1591827817 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595320342 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1595320350 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1595320369 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1595320377 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7
13+ • #MM1595320385 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 8
13+ • #MM1595320393 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
16+ • #INF1596972319 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2 Released 11/30/06
16+ • #INF1596972327 • 196 pgs • $9.95
Once, there was a legendary kingdom
called Joseon. The heroic warrior Hong
Gil-Dong created this Utopian land and then suddenly disappeared. But
time passed, and a band of ruthless
warriors invaded the kingdom, leaving it
in utter ruins... Now, Hong Gil-Dong has
returned, determined to raise his village
from the ashes. But evil forces lurk in
the shadows, observing our hero’s every
move and waiting for the opportunity to
strike down Utopia’s avenger...
Vol. 1 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM1598166700 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Moon Bin Lee dreams of living in
a different time - a time in which
Spunky but clumsy Rika is a witch in
training. Her first assignment on her own
is to rescue a princess from her abductor,
the demon king. But it turns out that
they’re not your everyday princess and
demon king, and there’s much more to
their story than meets the eye. But that’s
OK. Rika and her cat Nomi are not your
average novice witch either.
Vol. 1
16+ • #1933164123 • 192 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/15/06
16+ • #1933164301 • 192 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 1
ALL • #MM1595320636 • 96 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
ALL • #MM1595320644 • 96 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 3
ALL • #MM1595320652 • 96 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 4
ALL • #MM159532674X • 96 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 5
ALL • #MM1595326758 • 96 pgs • $7.99
Follow the misadventures of Blank,
a screwed-up secret agent with a
serious lapse in memory, and Aki, the
confused tomboy whom he has sworn
to protect, as they go deep undercover
in that most dangerous of places - high
school! Between cramming for classes,
mixing it up with the school thugs,
and uncovering a dark plot laid by the
terrorist organization Raizen, the two
may just fall in love - if they don’t kill
each other first!
Vol. 1 Released 12/12/06
16+ • #MM1598167790 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595327126 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595327134 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Mingo is a 26-year-old cartoonist with
a fiery temper who breaks up with
her easy-going musician boyfriend
Jerry. They decide to stay friends, even
though they still have feelings for each
other. Along for the ride are Mingo’s
younger sister Sam, who has never
dated, and Mingo’s romantic idealist
co-worker Jinjin.
Vol. 1 (hardcover) Released 2/29/07
N/R • #COM1597961159 • N/A pgs ^8 $19.95
Vol. 1 (softcover) Released 2/29/07
N/R • #COM1597960411 • N/A pgs ^8 $26.95
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598165453 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1598165461 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Marie loves her fiance Woobin dearly,
but Woobin dies in a tragic accident
and Marie must return from France to
rebuild her shattered life with Woobin’s
family. There exists only one problem:
Woobin’s younger brother Gangbin looks
exactly like him. The flame of passion
erupts between them but a car collision
takes Marie’s life. Soon after, Gangbin
receives a letter in the mail that Marie
wrote just before her death...
Vol. 1
ALL • #1600091903 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/15/06
ALL • #1600091911 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Moolchi is just another shy, unassuming
boy whose greatest talent is running
away from bullies. Then one day,
Moolchi’s father sends him a most
unusual gift: a stunningly proportioned
“girl.” She calls herself “Six” and
mumbles incoherently about having
a “prime directive.” This strange and
exquisite creature quickly turns the
Moolchi’s life upside-down, violently
disposing of junior-high hooligans and
anybody else who gets in his or her
way, all while wearing a getup that
would make Barbarella blush.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1600090206 • 176 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1600090214 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #1600090222 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4 Released 10/15/06
13+ • #1600090230 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Having been born in a secret
government laboratory that cultivated
esper (telepathic) powers within
humans, Shuuichi and two sisters,
Sumire and Katsumi, are forced to
Some among the undead feel that now
is the time for a coup that would leave
humanity at the mercy of the “dark
creatures.” Agents in the Catholic Church
also feel ready to strike against “evil,”
with just as little regard for the cost to
human life. The power to stave off this
ultimate, destructive conflict between
evil and righteousness rests in two wise
and powerful undead brothers. The only
problem is they haven’t spoken to each
other in a hundred and fifty years...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598162659 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1598164716 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1427800073 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Thaddeus and Mercutio are guardians
in the Afterlife, maintaining the peace
in this strange world of the dead that
gets more crowded every day. As the
population reaches its limit, the organic
mass that is the body of this world
begins to show signs of sickness and
decay! The inquisitive Thaddeus sets out
to find an answer to it all, much to the
chagrin of his best friend Mercutio, who
needs help finding his one true love.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598166921 • 192 pgs • $9.99
There are thousands and thousands
of parallel universes out there, and
it’s the Agents’ job to make sure you
never see them! Three new trainees
have just joined the Agents’ ranks,
including a surprise recruit: fourth
grader Boo. The problem is that Boo is
young and small, even for her age - not
to mention a scaredy-cat. But Boo will
learn that being small and quiet has
great advantages, too!
Vol. 1
ALL • #MM1598168029 • 96 pgs • $4.99
Alex and Sandy are two normal guys
just trying to get through college. That
is, until their troublemaking hamster,
Echiboo, gets them thrown out of
John Lyon, a wise-cracking, hot shot
New York cop, has the most kills out
of anyone on the force. But one day he
takes down the wrong perp, a hulking
voodoo serial-killer who is said to be
unkillable. The voodoo killer’s bereaved
mother places a dread curse on Lyon.
Along with a sexy psychiastrist who
thinks he’s nuts, Lyon must struggle to
survive and figure out how to erase the
curse before it’s too late.
Fifteen-year-old Damon Cole, who’s
just arrived on the moon, is one of
the first students at the new Earthlight
Academy. It’s tough being the new
kid - but it’s even worse when your
mother is your teacher. And when
your father is Chief Administrator of
the entire colony, that’s really asking
for it. Damon just wants to kick back
and fit in. But soon he’s drawn into the
life of a pretty girl named Lise and her
abusive boyfriend.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598167057 • 200 pgs • $9.99
With rare exception, girls are fatally
drawn to jerks! Upon discovering
this sore and sobering truth, Penny
takes it upon herself to form her own
underground club to identify these
boneheads and cure her girl friends of
their addiction to them. But her plan
comes crumbling down when she is
falsely accused of actually going out
with one of these guys. And it doesn’t
help that she finds herself falling in love
with him!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598165852 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1 Released 11/15/06
16+ • #193316428X • 192 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 1 Released 11/15/06
13+ • #1933164190 • 192 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598161296 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM159816130X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Amber and Jeanie, a pair of twin
sisters, enroll in an Australian boarding
school. But shortly after school begins,
the twins uncover a dark, mysterious
secret: Students have been known to
walk off into the surrounding bushlands
- where they have vanished completely,
without a trace!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598163825 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598163833 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Shobu Kirifuda is a comical but
determined boy who collects Duel
Masters cards. He participates in
dramatic tournaments with his cards
against colorful opponents. His duels
bring fantastic creatures from five
insidious Engineers, the grim boarding
school dedicates itself to raising the
next generation of mad scientists and
evil geniuses!
Vol. 1 Released 12/15/06
ALL • #1933164247 • 192 pgs • $10.99
Free Running: an extreme sport that
is not just a sport; it’s a philosophy
in motion that utilizes the urban
landscape in a fantastical acrobatic
ballet. Its practitioners seek the
ultimate freedom as they vault off
of walls, back flip onto rooftops, and
catapult over water towers.
When Christie settles in the Artist Alley
of her first ever anime convention,
she only sees it as an opportunity to
promote the comic she has started
with her boyfriend. But conventions are
never what you expect and soon the
whirlwind of events sweeps Christie off
her feet and changes her life. What do
you do when you fall in love with a guy
who is going to be miles away from you
in just a couple of days?
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
Grace, a bedridden girl with no reason
to live, is visited one night by a
mysterious boy who invites her to leave
her room. As they journey together to
strange and wonderous cities, it slowly
becomes clear that the boy is dead!
In this simple yet poignant story that
deals with the universal themes of life,
death and dreams, will Grace finally
find the courage to let go of this life
and join him?
13+ • #MM159816709X • 192 pgs • $9.99
Join Brothers Stinky and Stan Grosse
as they embark on extraordinary - albeit
smelly - adventures! From the dense
jungle of the boys’ imagination where
they stumble upon a lost temple (psst:
it’s in their backyard), to a class trip at
the science museum, you’ll just have to
follow your nose to find out where the
boys will end up next.
Vol. 1
ALL • #MM1598160494 • 96 pgs • $4.99
Little Lucy Snow was meant to be
enjoying her first day at the nice
elementary school in town; however,
a macabre twist of fate sees her
enrolled instead at Miss Weaver’s
Academy for the Scientifically Gifted
and Ethically Unfettered - also known
as Hollow Fields. Located on the
outskirts of Nullsville and run by the
Join the misadventures of a group of
particularly disturbing trick-or-treaters
as they go about their macabre
business on Halloween night. Believing
that the apples they received at their
first house of the night are the cause of
the bad candy they’ve been receiving,
the kids plot deadly revenge on the old
lady who handed out the cursed fruit.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595328319 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595328327 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1595328335 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Meet Archeron, an innocent young
pup from the horned wolf-like race
the “da’kor.” After a chance encounter
with a beautiful elf, Archeron sets
out on a seemingly innocent quest
- trying to locate another elf who has
been missing for the past twelve
years. Together with his newfound
companions, Archeron quickly learns
that the world is not the peaceful
place he believed it to be; instead it is
embroiled in prejudice, hidden danger,
and unexpected mystery.
normal. Normal, that is, until the day
Timmy orders his very own ninja! As a
little kid, who needs imaginary friends,
or even man’s best friend, when you
can have your very own ninja? Timmy,
and the town of Cherry Creek, may
never be the same...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598167286 • 96 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM1598167294 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Maeve, a succubus-in-training, is sent
to the human world by her mentor,
Veril, to learn how to blend in and hone
her skills of seduction. However, things
get a little complicated after she meets
Aiden, a smart but unmotivated student
at her new high school. Unfortunately
for her, Sylne, the head succubus of the
Demon World, has sent a spy on her
former protégé to catch any missteps.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598162667 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598162675 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Whether they’re sneaking into E3,
entangled in their most recent
gaming scenario, saving Tokyo from
devastation by rampaging zombies, or
even taking those timid steps towards
love, experience the world and most
Vol. 1
13+ • #1933164131 • 160 pgs • $14.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/15/06
13+ • #1933164271 • 160 pgs • $14.99
When Kat moves to a posh private
school, things seem perfect - that is,
until a clique of rich, popular kids frame
Kat’s science teacher dad for stealing
school property. Can Kat and her
new friend, rebellious computer nerd
Mouse, prove who the real culprits are
before Kat’s dad loses his job?
Vol. 1
12+ • #MM1598165488 • 96 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 2 Released 1/30/07
12+ • #MM1598165496 • 192 pgs • $5.99
In Last Hope, a group of unlikely friends
are thrown together and forced to run
from a horrific foe. To escape the evil
forces hounding them, they will have
to journey through countless unknown
lands, through space and time, into
the realms of imagination, and beyond
death itself.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1933164026 • 192 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #1933164263 • 192 pgs • $10.99
Class rivals June and Lucia vie for
the honor of being named the Queen
of Light. But will petty jealousies and one cute boy - interfere with the
Queen’s duty of protecting the school
from the evil King of Darkness?
Vol. 1 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM1598166395 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Meet Timmy McAllister, a normal kid
who lives in the 100% pure vanilla town
of Cherry Creek, Indiana (pop. 23,745)
where everyone and everything is -
Chibi Vampire
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598165097 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM1598165100 • 192 pgs • $9.99
homework doesn’t exist and what is
best in life is living by a warrior’s ethic.
However, this 20th-century student
should be careful what he wishes for,
as he must suddenly come to terms
with why he constantly finds himself
living life in the 13th century as the son
of a prominent warrior family!
civilizations to life in the battle zone. He
may not always emerge victorious, but
Shobu’s passion for the game always
makes him a winner.
Bud Waterston is a decent looking
guy in full hormonal bloom. He’s
heading for college, and imagines the
sexual liberation he will face living in a
dormitory full of other post-teens in full
hormonal bloom. But like all best laid
plans (no pun intended), nothing goes
as Bud hopes or expects. His roommate
turns out to be a closeted homosexual
and all the good-looking girls in the
dorm are interested in somebody else.
with her long-lost stepbrother! Unable
to withstand her emotions, Lena runs
away and has a near-death experience
that takes her to a new world where
her destiny is changed forever. Thus,
the adventure begins!
Vol. 1
13+ • #INF1596970316 • 210 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #INF156970324 • 200 pgs • $9.95
their dorm rooms. With no where else
to turn, the boys move into an anime
clubhouse with five crazed yaoi fangirls
who call the shots!
Vol. 1
13+ • #8952744616 • 180 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #895274473x • 180 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3
13+ • #8952744810 • 180 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 4 Released 10/30/06
13+ • #8952745000 • 200 pgs • $10.95
Released 10/15/06
ALL • #1600090532 • 232 pgs • $17.99
Octopus Girl
endure a difficult life as test subjects
until their escape. Years later, these
siblings are still being sought after by
unknown organizations that are after
Shuuichi’s powers, as he is what they
refer to as the “zero-sample” with the
ability to cause “zero-shock.”
Nan-Fan is a princess of the Tong
dynasty in ancient China. When war,
terror, and strife begin to plague her
country, her father forces her into an
alliance; however, the man chosen
for her is the infamous second prince
of Dali called the “Battle Demon”!
No one has seen this masked Battle
Demon’s face and lived to tell about it.
The entire country expects Nan-Fan to
sacrifice herself and marry the demon
Prince, but Nan-Fan has some ideas of
her own...
her new best pet is actually a biter?!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595325999 • 160 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595326006 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1
ALL • #DHGN1593071639 • 152 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2
ALL • #DHGN1593071183 • 176 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 3
ALL • #DHGN1593073054 • 224 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 4
ALL • #1401211267 • 240 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 1 Released 11/15/06
16+ • #1933164255 • 192 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598167316 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Everyone knows about the story of
Shahrazad and her wonderful tales of
the Arabian nights. For one thousand
and one nights, she entertained the mad
Vol. 1
13+ • #8952744705 • 180 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 2
13+ • #8952744772 • 200 pgs • $10.95
Vol. 3 Released 10/30/06
13+ • #8952744934 • 200 pgs • $10.95
Tory Blake is an average-looking 15year-old boy, who possesses an uncanny
sense of time and a photographic
memory. A self-proclaimed genius, he
is spoiled, anti-social and cynical. His
boredom is cured when a beautiful but
secretive boy his own age moves across
the street from his apartment.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598161326 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/7/06
13+ • #MM1598161334 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Amanda is a lonely little girl. Her mother
means well, but doesn’t have a lot of
time for her and agrees to let her have
a pet. Amanda chooses a ferret (Peach)
because ferrets aren’t ordinary and,
darn it, neither is she! But her mom
sets up two big rules: 1) Amanda has
to care for Peach, and 2) Peach can’t
ever bite Amanda. What will little, lonely
Amanda do now if her mom finds out
When Cree’s bass player bails on her
band, she finds herself in a bind. Then,
through a twist of fate, she meets Izsak,
bass player extraordinaire, and all her
problems are solved! But when a pair
of mysterious figures begins to stalk
the band, her world quickly turns into
one big bad dream. Between Izsak’s
dark past and shadowy future, can the
light of Cree’s promising romance with
him survive?
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598167375 • 192 pgs • $9.99
When Miharu Ogawa gets a call
from her parents, telling her to come
straight home from school, she
prepares herself for the worst. After
all, the last time this happened, she
ended up as a contestant on a kiddy
game show! But nothing she could ever
have imagined could have prepared
her for their “great news”… Miharu is
getting married! How’s a spirited and
independent teenager who has never
even kissed a boy supposed to deal
with suddenly having a fiancé she’s
never even met?
Vol. 1 Released 1/10/07
N/R • #DHGN159307624X • 184 pgs • $12.95
After having survived his initial visit,
Toby has returned home and has grown
up. As he has grown he has noticed
that many things have come very easily
to him, even when under pressure.
Little does he know that Jareth, the
Goblin King, has been looking out for
his best interests...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598167251 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Doyle and Abby are sloppy assassins,
but they get the job done. However,
that’s not good enough for an assassins
guild that is getting more pressure
from the public to keep assassinations
clean, and to revoke the licenses of
those who can’t. This just means that
Doyle and Abby have to take on a
big hit to pay the fines. But when the
hit ends up being one of Doyle’s exgirlfriends, Abby gets jealous.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598167405 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Each volume features ten original
stories written and illustrated by
aspiring American manga artists.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1591822246 • 248 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1591825369 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #MM1591825377 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #MM1591825385 • 224 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #MM1595328157 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #MM1595328165 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Megan is a regular college student by
day, but at night, she dreams her way
into the Meridian University – a place
spirits travel to before they are reborn
into the world of the living. One night, as
Megan peers through the shutter of her
camera, she discovers a mystery so deep
that she questions her own existence,
and begins a search for answers.
I Luv Halloween
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1591823617 • 182 pgs • $9.99
The Warmongers are the most
feared force in the galaxy. Gigantic
and imposing, the Warmongers are
masters of grand design and hell-bent
on complete domination through force
and nefarious technologies. One by
one, planets are crumbling under the
Warmongers’ steely boots... Except
the planet Hub, an icy world, with a
single area called Refuse City as its
only oasis. Snow, a young man with a
scarred face, arrives on Hub to escape
his mysterious past...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM159816743X • 192 pgs • $9.99
In celebration of Star Trek’s 40th
anniversary, five new “episodes” set
in the Original Star Trek series have
been created, each by a different
creative team. The episodes include
the last survivors of gender war live
on as spirits in machinery and take
control of Enterprise; a dying race
unwittingly creates the ultimate
resistance to disease; a small colony
tries to cheat death by uploading its
collective consciousnesses into a
satellite; and more.
13+ • #MM1598167448 • 192 pgs • $9.99
“Love Jessica” - That’s what Leah finds
on the back of a love letter to her sister,
but who is this Jessica? When more
letters, flowers and gifts start popping
up, Leah goes undercover to discover
her sister’s secret.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598161350 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1598161369 • 192 pgs • $9.99
There are fallen angels who live among
us; who torment and tempt every
person they encounter, looking for a
weakness to exploit. Their sole purpose
is to destroy lives wherever they can
and Riley, a vulnerable girl with a tragic
past, seems to be the perfect target...
Or is she?
Vol. 1 Released 12/15/06
13+ • #1933164328 • 192 pgs • $10.99
The forces of evil have come back to rip
peace from the twice-peaceful Kingdom
of Dikay! The land’s only hope lies in one
man, who many years ago vanquished
the evil tyranny: Van Von Hunter, the
Hunter of Evil... stuff! Together with his
loyal memory-challenged sidekick, he
faces off against the former ruler of
Dikay, who has come back to reclaim
his throne!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595326928 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1595326936 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3 Released 12/12/06
13+ • #MM1595326944 • 192 pgs • $9.99
This is the story of Sara Pezzini, a New
York street detective, and how she came
to wield the most powerful artifact
in the universe: the Witchblade. Her
journey takes her through the murderfilled alleys of New York to the highest
towers of society as a supernatural war
is waged within her own soul.
Vol. 1
13+ • #BE1594096716 • 220pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/30/06
13+ • #BE9781594096723 • 220 pgs • $9.99
As a child, Ameya had always considered
his cat more a sibling than a pet. As
the years went by, their bond grew ever
tighter. But the day his feline “brother”
died was the day Ameya withdrew from
the world. Several years later, Ameya
encounters a drenched stray cat in the
park. Little does he know what fate has
in store for him...
Sultan with the adventures of Aladdin,
Ali Baba, Sinbad, genies, and many
other mystical creatures. But what if
Shahrazad was actually a boy desperate
to save his sister’s life? What kind of
strange things would he do to make sure
that he survives to tell the tale?
can’t find what you want?
more items online!
of Tokyo through the eyes of Largo
and Dom - the uber gamers of the
21st century!
Vol. 2
16+ • #MM1595322019 • 184 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #MM1598160052 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4 Released 11/7/06
16+ • #MM1598167588 • 192 pgs • $9.99
can’t find what you want?
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Original Soundtrack 1
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wall art
Burst Angel
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Rurouni Kenshin
Rurouni Kenshin
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Group
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Beach Swimsuits
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Ocean Wave
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Burst Angel
Case Closed
Rurouni Kenshin
Samurai 7
Samurai 7
Samurai 7
Samurai Champloo
Scryed (S-Cry-Ed)
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Jo & Meg
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Sakura Blossoms
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Wall Scroll (29” x 41”): Sun
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
#GE9651WS $19.98
Interactive DVD Games
This type of game is typically like
a “Choose Your Own Adventure”
novel. As the story progresses, you
you are given several options to
select from during different points
in the game. The story changes
each time depending on which
options you select.
Fruits Basket
Ghost in the Shell
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
FLCL Survival Game
#GE9653WS $19.95
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Haruko on Vespa
#GE9656WS $19.95
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Mamimi & Naota & Canti
#GE9654WS $19.95
Poster (22” x 34”):
Tohru, Yuki and Kyo
#GE5140 $4.95
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
#GE9679WS $19.95
Ghost in the Shell:
Stand Alone Complex
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
#GE9619WS $19.95
The more traditional style of Japanese
games, these can range from
dating sims to “Choose Your Own
Adventure” to even regular arcade
style games. Read the descriptions
for further details. Each game lists
which platform it runs on.
Animamundi is a gothic horror game alive
with decadence and sensuality. Count
Georgik Zaberisk has achieved fame
and fortune as the personal physician to
the king of Hartland, but the poor health
of his sister Lillith forces him to resign.
Then, one day, Georgik learns about
homunculi, artificial humans that can
supposedly be created through alchemy;
however, the kingdom of Hartland
outlawed the dark arts. But to save his
sister, Georik has no choice but to move
deeper and deeper into the forbidden
world of alchemy...
MAC/Windows CDROM Game
17+ • #HIAPPCOO3 • SUB ONLY • $39.99
Ghost in the Shell:
Stand Alone Complex
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
#GE9621WS $19.95
Gunslinger Girl
Gunslinger Girl
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Bad Luck
#GE9693WS $19.95
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Eiri & Shuichi
#GE9694WS $19.95
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
#GE9644WS $19.95
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
#GE9645WS $19.95
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
At The Beach
#GE9690WS $19.98
The game comes with two different
story segments: South Island and
Winter Lake. South Island: During
winter vacation, Aoi proposes that they
go visit her villa in the southern islands.
They take a cruise ship but on the way
the weather turns nasty and the ship
capsizes. They are left wondering if a
rescue team will come looking for them.
Winter Lake: During winter vacation,
Tina wants to go to the ocean again.
Kaoru points out that they had just
been to the ocean. With perfect timing,
Mayu shows up to invite them to her
vacation home for the holidays.
Windows CDROM Game
15+ • #HIAPPC001 • SUB ONLY • $39.99
Kiddy Grade
Kyo Kara Maoh
Kyo Kara Maoh
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
#GE9601WS $19.95
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
#GE9658WS $19.95
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
#GE9668WS $19.95
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Naruto & Sasuke
#GE9676WS $19.95
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
#GE9687WS $19.95
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
#GE9683WS $19.95
You are abruptly asked to manage an
unprofitable amusement park. Now you,
the girls, a highly motivated passionate
manager, and several new part-timers
must work together to bring the park
back to its former glory.
Interactive DVD Game
13+ • #HIAP0003 • SUB ONLY • $19.99
In Dragonia, a legend tells of five great
orbs that could be used to make dragons
do one’s bidding. In the present, an evil
man, who has the rare ability to control
these legendary orbs, has hatched a
plan to take control of the country using
their power. Now, only another person
capable of controlling the orbs can stop
him. But can Ryu, Jamka, Fiana or Tran
hunt down the orbs in time?
Interactive DVD Game
13+ • #HIAPOO07 • SUB ONLY • $29.99
across time so that events in one affect
those in other times. Each era has its
own main character. As you play the
game, you will encounter changes in
the natural environment as well as the
awareness and values of mankind.
Interactive DVD Game Vol. 1: Present
15+ • #HIAPPOO09 • SUB ONLY • $29.99
Interactive DVD Game Vol. 2: Past
15+ • #HIAPPOO10 • SUB ONLY • $29.99
Interactive DVD Game Vol. 3: Future
15+ • #HIAPPOO11 • SUB ONLY • $29.99
Right before summer vacation, you
finally make up your mind to ask
beautiful Kaho Serizawa out, but the
very next day you wake up to realize
that summer vacation is over and you
have “day dropped,” or time-slipped,
to September 1st. Going to school
in a state of confusion, you find your
classmates grief-stricken. They tell you
that your girlfriend Kaho has died in a
tragic accident. How can you be dating
Kaho when you don’t even remember
asking her out? Day dropping back and
forth into time, you grapple with the
problem of how to prevent the terrible
fate that awaits the girl of your dreams.
Interactive DVD Game
13+ • #HIAP0005 • SUB ONLY • $29.99
Seven people have become trapped in
the underwater marine sea park LeMU.
Not only are water, air and food in short
supply, but they have only 119 hours
before the park’s bulkhead will collapse.
The bonds among the seven grow stronger
as they fight to find a way to escape.
Windows CDROM Game
17+ • #HIAPPCOO2 • SUB ONLY • $39.99
This work is about three eras - the
past, present and future - spanning
some 10,000 years that are linked
In Ishika & Honori, you take on the role
of Araka, a dispatch coordinator for
the Paranormal Defense Force (PDF).
Araka supports PDF agents Ishika and
Honori, twin priestesses with tons of
shamanistic talent and an even larger
penchant for trouble. Together, the
three of you must regain the totem spirit
creatures that fuel the cute priestesses’
psychic powers and defeat the masters
of paranormal evil!
Interactive DVD Game
13+ • #HIAP0006 • SUB ONLY • $19.99
KOIYOUBI - DAY OF LOVE Maho has been anticipating her reunion
with you for a long time. However, when
you actually reunite, she becomes enraged
that you have completely forgotten about
her! Now, in order to have her revenge,
she poses as her younger brother in order
to gets closer to get closer to you.
Interactive DVD Game
13+ • #HIAP0002 • SUB ONLY • $19.99
Long, long ago, a world existed in which
mages and humans lived in harmony.
However, the humans feared the great
power of the mages and hunted them
down. Despairing, the mages sought
refuge and the world of magic was
created. Now, three young wizards will
cross over into the world of humans... Two
of them are elite, and one a total dropout. Can they reunite the two peoples?
Interactive DVD Game
13+ • #HIAP0004 • SUB ONLY • $29.99
You are Sayori - a high school student
who is spending her summer vacation
helping at an archaeological excavation.
One day, you happen to discover a
pendant. That night, a girl appears to your
dreams, begging you to save her. She is
Hatsuhime, princess of the Mochizuki
clan, and she was murdered a hundred
and fifty years ago. The next morning,
you awaken in an unknown place which
feels strangely familiar. You are living in
Hatsuhime’s time, in Hatsuhime’s castle,
and in Hatsuhime’s body. It is your job to
save her from her tragic destiny..
MAC/Windows CDROM Game
17+ • #HIAPPC004 • SUB ONLY • $39.99
Burst Angel
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Jango in Back
#GE9638WS $19.98
Burst Angel
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”)
#GE9636WS $19.95
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T-Shirt (Blue): Chiharu
Boys Be...
Baseball Cap
Fullmetal Alchemist
Wristband: Al’s Blood Mark
T-Shirt (Grey): Mr. K
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Ghost in the Shell:
Stand Alone Complex
Baseball Cap: Motoko
Wristband: Kumagoro
T-Shirt (Black): Watch
#AW10085S $14.95
#AW10085M $14.95
#AW10085L $14.95
#AW10085X $14.95
#AW10085XX $15.95
T-Shirt (Black)
Fullmetal Alchemist
T-Shirt (Red): Logo
#AW10001S $14.95
#AW10001M $14.95
#AW10001L $14.95
#AW10001X $14.95
#AW10001XX $15.95
Boys Be...
Inu Yasha
T-Shirt (White): Chiharu Jacket
M #5510M
L #5510L
XL #5510X
XXL #5510XX
T-Shirt (Orange): Splatter
M #8344M
L #8344L
XL #8344X
XXL #8344XX
Evangelion, Neon Genesis
Wristband: Logo
T-Shirt (Black): Nerv Logo
M #2280M
L #2280L
XL #2280X
XXL #2280XX
Bandana: Sand Village
Bandana: Sound Village
Baseball Cap (Green/Blue):
Headband: Leaf Symbol
Headband: Mist Village Logo
Wristband: Metal Leaf Symbol
T-Shirt (Brown): Kumagoro
S #5514S
M #5514M
L #5514L
XL #5514X
XXL #5514XX
T-Shirt (Black): Gun
#BW10004S $14.95
#BW10004M $14.95
#BW10004L $14.95
#BW10004X $14.95
#BW10004XX $15.95
Inu Yasha
T-Shirt (Black): Eyes
Sound Village Metal Sign
Ninja Nonsense
T-Shirt (Black): Sasuke Army
M #5517M
L #5517L
XL #5517X
XXL #5517XX
Samurai Champloo
T-Shirt (Green): Double Sword
S #BF10003S $14.95
M #BF10003M $14.95
L #BF10003L $14.95
XL #BF10003X $14.95
XXL #BF10003XX $15.95
Samurai Champloo
Bandana: Leaf Village
Baseball Cap: Kakashi
T-Shirt (Blue): Shuichi & Eiri
S #5502S
M #5502M
L #5502L
XL #5502X
XXL #5502XX
T-Shirt (Red):
Japanese Passport
Fullmetal Alchemist
T-Shirt (Red):
It is Forbidden to Urinate Here
Kyo Kara Maoh
T-Shirt (Blue):
Otaku (Oakley Parody)
Wristband: Al’s Blood Mark
T-Shirt (Black): Gravity Tour SD
S #5505S
M #5505M
L #5505L
XL #5505X
XXL #5505XX
T-Shirt (Black): Close Up
M #2721M
L #2721L
XL #2721X
XXL #2721XX
Kyo Kara Maoh
Girls’ Fitted T-Shirt (Blue):
Japanese Passport
Alphonse Alchemy
T-Shirt (Black):
Yokozuna (Sumo Parody)
Fullmetal Alchemist
Tank (Black): Kumagoro
S #5504S
M #5504M
L #5504L
XL #5504X
XXL #5504XX
T-Shirt (Black): Barrel Down
S #BW10003S $14.95
M #BW10003M $14.95
L #BW10003L $14.95
XL #BW10003X $14.95
XXL #BW10003XX $15.95
T-Shirt (White): Signs
#BF10037S $14.95
#BF10037M $14.95
#BF10037X $14.95
#BF10037XX $15.95
Ninja Nonsense
T-Shirt (Royal Blue):
Samurai Executioner
T-Shirt (White)
Ninja Nonsense
T-Shirt (White):
Shinobu and Kaede
Mist Village Metal Sign
Sand Village Metal Sign
Samurai Champloo
Beanie: Logo
T-Shirt (Black): Shadow
M #BF10006M $14.95
L #BF10006L $14.95
XL #BF10006X $14.95
XXL #BF10006XX $15.95
Tenjho Tenge
Cadet Cap
Babydoll (Pink): Cat Smile
S #BB20015S $14.95
M #BB20015M $14.95
L #BB20015L
XL #BB20015X
Fleece Cap: Black Cat
Crying Freeman
T-Shirt (Grey): Aki
Boys Be...
can’t find what you want?
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Cowboy Bebop
Cowboy Bebop
Handbag (12” x 12”): Ein
#GE3151 $17.99
Messenger Bag (18” x 12”)
#GE3134 $39.98
Fruits Basket
Fruits Basket
Backpack: Momiji
#GE3169 $17.99
Backpack: Shigure
#GE3165 $19.95
Burst Angel
Burst Angel
Keychain (1.5”): Jo Metal
#GE3629KC $6.99
Keychain (1.5”): Sei Metal
#GE3630KC $6.99
Fruits Basket
Backpack (9” x 11”): Kyo
#GE3121 $19.95
Burst Angel
Keychain (1.5”): Amy Metal
#GE3631KC $6.99
Fruits Basket
Fruits Basket
Fruits Basket
Fruits Basket
Case Closed
Lucky Bag (8” x 9”): Kyo Face
#640BKFACM $17.99
Messenger Bag (14.5” x 12”):
Yuki, Riceball, Kyo
#650BFBYRK $29.99
Messenger Bag (14.5” x 12”):
Yuki, Riceball, Kyo Silkscreen
#650BFB3SS $34.99
Wallet (5” x 9.5”):
Yuki, Riceball, Kyo
#615BFB3SS $9.99
Hobo Bag (11” x 13”):
#GE3188 $24.99
Messenger Bag
(14.5” x 12”): Hiro
#650BGRCHA $34.99
Released 2007
Pin Set (1.25”)
#GE7324 $5.99
Keychain (3”): Chi
#GE3290KC $4.49
Talking Action Figure (7.5”):
#TOY1599 $24.99
Enamel Pin Set (1.5”):
Ren & Miu Chibi
#GE7340 $5.99
Enamel Pin Set (1.25”):
Ren & Miu Logo
#GE7339 $5.99
Keychain (3”): Miu Metal
#GE3701KC $6.99
Gundam SEED
Messenger Bag (14.5” x 12”):
Kumagoro Hug
#650BGRRAB $34.99
Messenger Bag (14.5” x 12”):
Nittle Grasper
#650BGRTSB $34.99
Messenger Bag (14.5” x 12”):
Stars on Stage
#650RGRSOS $34.99
Messenger Bag (18” x 12”):
Eiri & Shuichi
#GE3186 $39.98
Wallet: Kumagoro Hug (5”)
#615RGRRAB $9.99
Messenger Bag (18” x 12”)
#GE3163 $39.98
Intial D
Intial D
Inu Yasha
Kyo Kara Maoh
Rurouni Kenshin
Wallet (5” x 9.5”): Pentegram
#615BHEPEN $9.99
Messenger Bag (16” x 12”)
#GE3145 $39.98
Messenger Bag (18” x 12”)
#GE3159 $39.98
Hobo Bag (11” x 13”): Kirara
#GE3137 $24.99
Messenger Bag
(18” x 12”): Yuri
#GE3171 $39.98
Messenger Bag (18” x 12”)
#GE3158 $39.98
Samurai Champloo
Sasmurai Champloo
Samurai Champloo
Samurai Champloo
Your Kung Fu Is Weak
Messenger Bag (18” x 12”):
#GE3140 $39.98
Messenger Bag (18” x 12”):
#GE3138 $39.98
Wallet (4.5” x 3.5”)
#GE3001 $17.99
Wallet (3” x 4”)
#GE3002 $17.99
Messenger Bag (14.5” x 12”):
Vash Stance
#650RTGFLS $34.99
Released 2007
Courier^3 Bag (14.5” x 12”)
#634XYKFIW $29.99
Messenger Bag (14.5” x 12”):
Chi Star Pillow
#650BCCSTP $34.99
Fruits Basket
Fruits Basket
Fullmetal Alchemist
Keychain (3”): Ren Metal
#GE3700KC $6.99
Prinny Fleece Cap (12” x 14”)
#BGFCDI01 $19.95
Yellow Coffee Mug (11 oz)
#BGMUFC01 $8.99
Bobble Head (7”): Kyo
#GE7520 $19.99
Keychain (5”): Yuki
#GE3348KC $4.50
Keychain (2”)
#GE3339KC $6.99
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Keychain (3”): Al
#GE3708KC $4.50
Necklace (1” pendant):
Al’s Blood Mark
#GE7761 $11.98
Keychain (1.5”): Armstrong
#GE3590KC $6.99
Keychain (3”): Ed
#GE3707KC $4.50
Keychain (4”): Ed & Al
#GE3500KC $4.50
Keychain (charms are each 1”):
Ed & Al
#GE3589KC $5.99
can’t find what you want?
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Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Keychain with Light (5”):
Al’s Side Mark
#GE3683KC $5.99
Necklace (1” pendant):
Edward’s Symbol
#GE7707 $11.98
Necklace (1.5” pendant):
Proof Icon
#GE7760 $11.98
Necklace (2” pendant): Snake
#GE7714 $11.98
Keychain (5”): Naruto Weapon
#GE3548KC $4.50
Keychain (3”): Naruto with
Kunai Knife
#GE3570KC $4.50
Keychain (3”):
Sakura Sitting Pose
#GE3571KC $4.50
Keychain (5”):
Sakura Weapon
#GE3550KC $4.50
Keychain (4”):
Sasuke Weapon
#GE3549KC $4.50
Keychain (3”): Symbol Metal
#GE3755KC $6.99
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Necklace (1.5 pendant”):
Snake with Alchemy
#GE7753 $11.98
Playing Cards (3.5”)
#GE2008PC $6.99
Pocket Watch (3”)
#GE7705 $29.99
Ghost in the Shell:
Stand Alone Complex
Fullmetal Alchemist
Keychain with Light (5”):
Al’s Blood Mark
#GE3684KC $5.99
Fullmetal Alchemist
Keychain (charms are each 1”):
Group Metal
#GE3705KC $6.99
Keychain (1.5”)
#GE3642KC $6.99
Pin Set (1.25”):
Schuichi & Kumagoro
#GE7343 $5.99
Necklace (3” pendant)
#GE7740 $11.98
Keychain with Light (5”):
Leaf Village
#GE3682KC $5.99
Pin Set (1.5”):
Naruto & Sakura
#GE7338 $5.99
Keychain (3”): Camomile
#GE3718KC $4.49
Keychain (3”): Eva
#GE3714KC $4.50
Keychain (3”): Konoka
#GE3715KC $4.49
Keychain (3”): Nodoka
#GE3716KC $4.49
Inu Yasha
Inu Yasha
Inu Yasha
Inu Yasha
Inu Yasha
Inu Yasha
Read or Die
Saiyuki Reload
Samurai Champloo
Samurai Champloo
Scryed (S-cry-ed)
Sonic X
Action Figure (6”): Kagura
#TOY1930B $11.99
Action Figure (6”): Koga
#TOY1930A $11.99
Keychain (3”): Inu Yasha
#GE3674KC $4.50
Keychain (3”): Kirara
#GE3675KC $4.50
Necklace (1.5” pendant)
#GE7779 $11.98
Necklace (1” pendant): Kirara
#GE7777 $11.98
Pin Set (1.5”): Anita & Maggie
#GE7328 $5.99
Keychain: Hakkai (2”)
#GE3351KC $4.50
Keychain: Momo (2”)
#GE3413KC $4.50
Lighter (2.5”)
#GE7902 $17.99
Keychain (3”): Symbol Metal
#GE3620KC $6.99
Keychain (2.5”):
Rouge the Bat
#GE3704KC $4.50
Inu Yasha
Sonic X
Sonic X
Tenjho Tenge
Tenjho Tenge
PVC Statue (1/8 Scale): Sango
#TOY1583B $24.99
Baseball Cap:
Metal Leaf Village Sign
#GE2219 $23.99
Keychain (3”): Iruka Side Pose
#GE3574KC $4.50
Keychain (3.25”):
Kakashi Reading
#GE3573KC $4.49
Keychain (3”):
Leaf Metal Weapon
#GE3588KC $6.99
Keychain (charms are each 1”):
Naruto & Kakashi Metal
#GE3732KC $6.99
Keychain (2.5”): Shadow
#GE3703KC $4.50
Keychain (2.5”): Sonic
#GE3702KC $4.50
Keychain (3”): Maya
#GE3353KC $4.50
Pin Set (1.5”): Aya & Maya
#GE7327 $5.99
Lighter (2.25”): Vash
#GE7904 $17.99
Necklace (3” pendant):
Wolfwood Cross
#GE8601 $11.98
can’t find what you want?
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Fruits Basket
Fruits Basket
Plush (6”): Ayame
#GE6942 $12.99
Plush: Kyo
#GE6931 $12.99
Plush (10” x 6.5” x 5”): Grunty
#GE6043 $24.99
Fruits Basket
Fruits Basket
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Plush (6”): Shigure Dog
#GE6933 $12.99
Wrist Plush (9” x 3” x 2”): Kyo
#GE6125 $9.99
Plush (8”): Alphonse
#GE6911 $12.99
Plush (8”): Ed New Clothes
#GE6934 $12.99
Plush (8”): Edward with
Machine Arm
#GE6122 $12.99
Plush (6”): Roy Sitting Pose
#GE6929 $12.99
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Ghost in the Shell:
Stand Alone Complex
Plush (13” x 9” x 7”):
#GE6930 $17.99
Last Exile
Paranoia Agent
Rurouni Kenshin
Rurouni Kenshin
Plush (14”): Kumagoro
#RSM8099 $24.99
Plush (8”): Goat
#GE6077 $12.99
Pillow Plush (12”): Maromi
#GE2809 $24.99
Plush (8”)
#GE6935 $12.99
Plush (8”): Kaoru
#GE6937 $12.99
Saiyuki Reload
Samurai Champloo
Sonic X
Tenjho Tenge
Tenjho Tenge
Pillow (12” x 12” x 2.5”)
#GE2807 $19.95
Plush (5”): Momo
#GE6119 $10.99
Plush (9”): Shadow
#GE6928 $14.99
Plush (8”): Aya
#GE6922 $12.99
Plush (8”): Maya
#GE6921 $12.99
Plush Pillow (12.5”)
#GE6070 $17.95
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If you have any questions about the use of this coupon, please email at info@rightstuf.com, or call us at 1-800-338-6827.
If you have any questions about the use of this coupon, please email at info@rightstuf.com, or call us at 1-800-338-6827.
Domestic & International Shipping Options
Please Mail
USPS Standard
UPS Standard
UPS Express
Other Countries
(USPS Mail)
10-14 Days
$3 for first + $1 each
(Priority Mail)
2-5 Days
$4 for first + $1 each
2-5 Days
$4 for first + $1 each
(2nd Day Air)
2 Days
$9 for first + $2 each
(Sent via Mail)
1-2 Weeks*
$7 for first + $2 each
(Sent via Mail)
1-2 Weeks*
$15 for first + $3 each
1 item
2 items
3 items
4 items
* International Shipping times are aproximate due to Customs Inspections.
Completed Form To:
The Right Stuf International
P.O. Box 680
Grimes, IA 50111
Or Fax To:
(515) 986-1129
If you live inside the US and your order exceeds $49 (without freight) then Economy Shipping is
FREE for domestic customers.
Our domestic standard rates are simple: in the US including APO (AA, AE, AP), FPO, PR, GU
and VI please use the Domestic Shipping Options. Please be aware that if you have a PO
Box, or are stationed in the service, our standard shipping is by mail because UPS will not
deliver to these locations. If you live outside of the areas above, please use our International
Shipping Options.
Shipping companies may charge an additional fee for delivering your package to a foreign
country. Such fees and customs duties are not included in our shipping price, and are your
responsibility. We will not be responsible for seized shipments, and cannot provide refunds for
seized products. Please check to make sure you are in compliance with all local laws if you
are ordering an adult product(s). For first time orders only, we require a copy of some form of
ID (can be drivers license, passport, credit card statement, utility bill, etc..) which shows your
address along with a photocopy of BOTH THE FRONT AND BACK side of your credit card. For
security purposes, you may black out one set of digits. This information is to help keep credit
card fraud down and is for your protection as well. Upon request, Right Stuf can provide a secure
website location for our international customers to submit this information.
You are hereby authorized and deputized to make copies of this order form. As long as we can
read it and all the information is there, you’re fine. Copy away. You can also print one from our
website at: http://www.rightstuf.com/orderform
Discover Credit Card Users
Billing Address
Please allow 2–6 weeks for delivery. It will almost certainly
be closer to 2 than 6 weeks, but we like to error on the side
of caution. Shipping confirmations are often sent via email
Flip your card over and look at the signature box.
You should see your credit card number (or only
a portion of it) followed by a special 3-digit code.
This 3-digit code is your Security Code (CVV2).
MasterCard Credit Card Users
Flip your card over and look at the signature box.
You should see your credit card number (or only
a portion of it) followed by a special 3-digit code.
This 3-digit code is your Security Code (CVC2).
Please make sure that there is someone at the address we
are shipping your product to who can sign for your package.
If someone will not be available at your home, consider
h av i n g the package shipped to your work address (include
your company name). If your package is returned to us, we
will charge you additional shipping to reship it.
Express shipping means that your order will be shipped via 2
Business Day UPS. Actual shipment time can vary based on
whether the item(s) is in stock at the time we receive your
order. If you need your order as soon as possible, please
consider placing your order over the phone (800-338-6827)
or through our secure online store (www.rightstuf.com)
Phone: (
Phone: (
(please provide email address or daytime phone number in case we have questions about your order.)
We accept Checks and Money Orders in US funds. Sorry, no
international checks. Please make all checks / money orders payable to The Right Stuf International, Inc. Because
not all banks utilize Check21, all checks require at least
18 days to clear our bank. Sorry, no CODs.
We also accept the following payment methods: MasterCard,
Visa, American Express, or Discover. Sorry, you can’t use your
Mom’s Sears card ... or your Dad’s BP card. For security
purposes, we may contact you for additional information
which may delay your order.
‘GIFT CERTIFICATE’ on this order form and write in the amount you’d like to give.
Don’t forget to fill in the quantity! NOTE: Shipping charges do not apply to Gift
Got Anime Membership Number:
I found the below most useful
when placing this order:
Certificates, Got Anime Memberships or Catalogs.
❏ Fall 2006 Catalog
❏ Spring 2006 Catalog
❏ Fall 2005 Catalog
❏ Website
❏ Other: _____________
❑ Discover
❑ Mastercard
❑ Check
❑ Visa
❑ American Express
❑ Money Order
For assistance, please contact our Customer Service 1-800-338-6827
Name as it appears on card:
Credit Card Number:
If your merchandise is defective due to a flaw in
manufacturing, we are more than happy to replace the
product. Unopened DVDs can be returned for Right Stuf
store credit (or in the case of credit cards, refunded to
the issuing card.) All returns/refunds must be processed
within thirty (30) days of the date on your purchase invoice.
If you need to complete a return/refund, please obtain
a return authorization number from Customer Service
at 800-338-6827 or visit our online request form at:
USPS Standard
UPS Standard
UPS Express
❑ Canada
❑ Other Countries
If your order
exceeds $49,
Expiration Date:
Credit Card Security Code: (See reverse for details)
If Ordering adult product, I certify that I am at least 18 years old.
Date of Birth:
Domestic & International Shipping Options
Please Mail
USPS Standard
UPS Standard
UPS Express
Other Countries
(USPS Mail)
10-14 Days
$3 for first + $1 each
(Priority Mail)
2-5 Days
$4 for first + $1 each
2-5 Days
$4 for first + $1 each
(2nd Day Air)
2 Days
$9 for first + $2 each
(Sent via Mail)
1-2 Weeks*
$7 for first + $2 each
(Sent via Mail)
1-2 Weeks*
$15 for first + $3 each
1 item
2 items
3 items
4 items
Products returned without a return authorization number, or
those more than thirty (30) days after the invoice date, will be
returned to the customer.
If the package was damaged while in transit (crushed
box): if delivered by UPS, please contact UPS directly at
(800) PICK UPS or if delivered by Mail, please contact
your local postmaster.
Save Money! Add a Got Anime Purchasing Club Membership (See page 8 for more details)
(please check only one)
Now available in any whole dollar amount from $5 on up! Just add the item number
Preorder release dates can (and often do) shift about without
the manufacturer informing us. If you are concerned about
your preorder status, please contact customer service at any
time or check the latest information on product updates on
our website (www.rightstuf.com).
American Express Credit Card Users
Look for the 4-digit code printed on the front
of your card just above and to the right of your
credit card number. This 4-digit code is your
Security Code (CID).
(AmEx and Int’l must be the same address as billing. If using a credit card, we may contact
you for additional information before your order can ship.)
Flip your card over and look at the signature box.
You should see your credit card number followed
by a special 3-digit code. If you have chosen to
use a Discover credit card for your order, the
security code is required.
Visa Credit Card Users
Shipping Address
(if paying by credit card, this address must match your credit card billing information)
* International Shipping times are aproximate due to Customs Inspections.
Completed Form To:
The Right Stuf International
P.O. Box 680
Grimes, IA 50111
Or Fax To:
(515) 986-1129
If you live inside the US and your order exceeds $49 (without freight) then Economy Shipping is
FREE for domestic customers.
Our domestic standard rates are simple: in the US including APO (AA, AE, AP), FPO, PR, GU
and VI please use the Domestic Shipping Options. Please be aware that if you have a PO
Box, or are stationed in the service, our standard shipping is by mail because UPS will not
deliver to these locations. If you live outside of the areas above, please use our International
Shipping Options.
Shipping companies may charge an additional fee for delivering your package to a foreign
country. Such fees and customs duties are not included in our shipping price, and are your
responsibility. We will not be responsible for seized shipments, and cannot provide refunds for
seized products. Please check to make sure you are in compliance with all local laws if you
are ordering an adult product(s). For first time orders only, we require a copy of some form of
ID (can be drivers license, passport, credit card statement, utility bill, etc..) which shows your
address along with a photocopy of BOTH THE FRONT AND BACK side of your credit card. For
security purposes, you may black out one set of digits. This information is to help keep credit
card fraud down and is for your protection as well. Upon request, Right Stuf can provide a secure
website location for our international customers to submit this information.
You are hereby authorized and deputized to make copies of this order form. As long as we can
read it and all the information is there, you’re fine. Copy away. You can also print one from our
website at: http://www.rightstuf.com/orderform
Discover Credit Card Users
Billing Address
Please allow 2–6 weeks for delivery. It will almost certainly
be closer to 2 than 6 weeks, but we like to error on the side
of caution. Shipping confirmations are often sent via email
Flip your card over and look at the signature box.
You should see your credit card number (or only
a portion of it) followed by a special 3-digit code.
This 3-digit code is your Security Code (CVV2).
MasterCard Credit Card Users
Flip your card over and look at the signature box.
You should see your credit card number (or only
a portion of it) followed by a special 3-digit code.
This 3-digit code is your Security Code (CVC2).
Please make sure that there is someone at the address we
are shipping your product to who can sign for your package.
If someone will not be available at your home, consider
h av i n g the package shipped to your work address (include
your company name). If your package is returned to us, we
will charge you additional shipping to reship it.
Express shipping means that your order will be shipped via 2
Business Day UPS. Actual shipment time can vary based on
whether the item(s) is in stock at the time we receive your
order. If you need your order as soon as possible, please
consider placing your order over the phone (800-338-6827)
or through our secure online store (www.rightstuf.com)
Phone: (
Phone: (
(please provide email address or daytime phone number in case we have questions about your order.)
We accept Checks and Money Orders in US funds. Sorry, no
international checks. Please make all checks / money orders payable to The Right Stuf International, Inc. Because
not all banks utilize Check21, all checks require at least
18 days to clear our bank. Sorry, no CODs.
We also accept the following payment methods: MasterCard,
Visa, American Express, or Discover. Sorry, you can’t use your
Mom’s Sears card ... or your Dad’s BP card. For security
purposes, we may contact you for additional information
which may delay your order.
‘GIFT CERTIFICATE’ on this order form and write in the amount you’d like to give.
Don’t forget to fill in the quantity! NOTE: Shipping charges do not apply to Gift
Got Anime Membership Number:
I found the below most useful
when placing this order:
Certificates, Got Anime Memberships or Catalogs.
❏ Fall 2006 Catalog
❏ Spring 2006 Catalog
❏ Fall 2005 Catalog
❏ Website
❏ Other: _____________
❑ Discover
❑ Mastercard
❑ Check
❑ Visa
❑ American Express
❑ Money Order
For assistance, please contact our Customer Service 1-800-338-6827
Name as it appears on card:
Credit Card Number:
If your merchandise is defective due to a flaw in
manufacturing, we are more than happy to replace the
product. Unopened DVDs can be returned for Right Stuf
store credit (or in the case of credit cards, refunded to
the issuing card.) All returns/refunds must be processed
within thirty (30) days of the date on your purchase invoice.
If you need to complete a return/refund, please obtain
a return authorization number from Customer Service
at 800-338-6827 or visit our online request form at:
USPS Standard
UPS Standard
UPS Express
❑ Canada
❑ Other Countries
If your order
exceeds $49,
Expiration Date:
Credit Card Security Code: (See reverse for details)
If Ordering adult product, I certify that I am at least 18 years old.
Date of Birth:
Domestic & International Shipping Options
Please Mail
USPS Standard
UPS Standard
UPS Express
Other Countries
(USPS Mail)
10-14 Days
$3 for first + $1 each
(Priority Mail)
2-5 Days
$4 for first + $1 each
2-5 Days
$4 for first + $1 each
(2nd Day Air)
2 Days
$9 for first + $2 each
(Sent via Mail)
1-2 Weeks*
$7 for first + $2 each
(Sent via Mail)
1-2 Weeks*
$15 for first + $3 each
1 item
2 items
3 items
4 items
Products returned without a return authorization number, or
those more than thirty (30) days after the invoice date, will be
returned to the customer.
If the package was damaged while in transit (crushed
box): if delivered by UPS, please contact UPS directly at
(800) PICK UPS or if delivered by Mail, please contact
your local postmaster.
Save Money! Add a Got Anime Purchasing Club Membership (See page 8 for more details)
(please check only one)
Now available in any whole dollar amount from $5 on up! Just add the item number
Preorder release dates can (and often do) shift about without
the manufacturer informing us. If you are concerned about
your preorder status, please contact customer service at any
time or check the latest information on product updates on
our website (www.rightstuf.com).
American Express Credit Card Users
Look for the 4-digit code printed on the front
of your card just above and to the right of your
credit card number. This 4-digit code is your
Security Code (CID).
(AmEx and Int’l must be the same address as billing. If using a credit card, we may contact
you for additional information before your order can ship.)
Flip your card over and look at the signature box.
You should see your credit card number followed
by a special 3-digit code. If you have chosen to
use a Discover credit card for your order, the
security code is required.
Visa Credit Card Users
Shipping Address
(if paying by credit card, this address must match your credit card billing information)
* International Shipping times are aproximate due to Customs Inspections.
Completed Form To:
The Right Stuf International
P.O. Box 680
Grimes, IA 50111
Or Fax To:
(515) 986-1129