Full 2016 schedule
Full 2016 schedule
th th 6 14 15 201 d r an obe t Oc Presented by Kelmscott Agricultural Society Exhibit Schedule Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 1 Primary Sponsor City of Armadale Logo Community Partners Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank® Branch Show Map................................................... 4 Show Admission.......................................... 5 Show Programme........................................ 5 Officials....................................................... 6 Members and Life Members......................... 7 Kelmscott Agricultural Society Membership... 7 Message from the President......................... 8 Message from the Patron and Mayor........... 9 Thank You................................................... 9 William (Bill) Spencer Volunteer Award....... 11 Log Chop Programme................................ 12 How To Exhibit........................................ 14 Information For Exhibitors..................... 14 Exhibit Awards........................................... 16 Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge.... 18 Donors....................................................... 19 Sponsors.................................................... 19 Display Of School Work............................. 20 Primary School Poster Competition............ 20 Show Regulations and By-Laws............. 64 Major Sponsors AUSCON METALS & MACHINERY Exhibiting Sections Supporting Sponsors Supporters Dairy Goat Society of Western Australia 2 Armadale Steel & Industrial Supplies Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Donkey Society of WA A: Student Section..................................... 22 B: Flowers.................................................. 30 C: Vegetables, Fruit and Nuts..................... 33 D: Home Produce, Brew and Wine............. 35 E: Cooking................................................. 37 F: Knitting and Crochet.............................. 40 G: Needlework........................................... 42 H: Crafts, China Painting, Pottery and Ceramics............................................... 44 I: Manual Arts............................................ 46 J: Painting and Drawing............................. 47 K: Photography – Amateur......................... 48 L: Animals in the Children’s World.............. 50 M: Poultry.................................................. 51 N: Pigeons................................................. 52 O: Dairy Goats........................................... 53 P: Donkeys................................................. 55 Q: Sheep.................................................... 56 R: Cattle.................................................... 57 S: Horses in Action..................................... 60 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 3 SHOW Open Friday 14th October 4pm to 9pm • Saturday 15th October 9am to 6pm Delivery entrance for River Markets, variety stalls, exhibitors of flowers, all animals except horses and donkeys. Livestock Parking RIVER MARKETS Kid’s Interactive Zone Raptors and Reptile Centre ARENA S h o w Entertainment Food Court Tennis Courts S i d e Log Chop Variety and Trade Stalls VIP Parking Pre-paid Vendor parking Family Ticket (Two Adults and two Children) : $40 Adults : $16 Seniors * : $10 Children 5 – 16 years, and Companion Card Holders * (Accompanying Carer FREE) : $10 Children under 5 years : FREE Two Day Pass Adults : $24 Children, Seniors, and Companion Card holders : $15 * Applicable Companion/Seniors Card to be produced at the gate. Exhibitors are required to pay admission. Pass outs are available at each gate for exhibitors. FRIDAY 14th OCTOBER RIVER ROAD via Church Street GATE 2 CAR PARKING KAS Members Only GATE 1 Donkeys and Animal Event Pre-paid Vendor No pedestrian access Gate 1 and VIP Parking RIVER ROAD via Rundle Street CAR PARKING ➔ Next to Caravan Park Exhibition Hall Arena First Aid Schools Pavilion Donkeys Toilets Flower Pavilion Sheep Telephone Poultry Cattle Police Animals in the Children’s World Information Animal Drinking Water Show Office ATM Dairy Goats 4 SHOW ADMISSION Old MacDonald’s Farmyard Nursery GATE 4 GATE 3 ORLANDO STREET Kelmscott Primary School NO PUBLIC ENTRY CAR PARKING Continuous Family Entertainment Rides • Amusements • River Market (Sat only) Demonstrations • Animal Exhibits (Sat only) Rushton Park, River Road, Kelmscott Mothers and Senior Citizens’ Rest Areas Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Exhibition Hall and Flower Pavilion Open 5pm to 9pm Competitive displays in Flowers, Vegetables, Fruit, Cooking, Home Produce, Craft, Photography, Art, Needlework, Knitting, Pottery, Painting and Drawing and lots more Primary Schools Pavilion Open 5pm to 9pm Display of Schoolwork by Primary Schools of the District Log Chop Demonstration From 6pm to 8pm By the Progressive Axemen’s Association of WA Inc. Spectacular Freestyle Moto X Shows at 6pm, 7pm and 8pm Entertainment Stage Musical Entertainment Main Stage 5pm to 8:30pm Roaming Entertainment 4pm to 8pm Make Smoking History Fireworks Spectacular 8:30pm Over 80 exhibitors and sellers displaying their products and services in trade, variety, food and over 50 market stalls on the Saturday. SATURDAY 15th OCTOBER Exhibition Hall Open 9am to 5:30pm Flower Pavilion Open 9am to 6pm Schools Pavilion Open 9am to 6pm Exhibiting And Judging Dairy Goats, Cattle, Sheep, Donkeys, Poultry, Animals in the Children’s World, and Small Animal Displays Arena Animal Displays Kid’s Interactive Zone Open 9am to 5pm Brown’s Dairy Cattle Milking Display State Log Chop Event 11.30am to 4:30pm Kelmscott Idol Finals Junior: 1pm to 2:45pm | Senior: 3pm to 4:45pm Entertainment 10am to 6pm Main stage and around the grounds River Markets 9am to 5pm on the River Flats All details correct at time of publication. Refer to website for current programme. Departure time for Animals is 5pm Please note: Persons entering the showground waive all rights in relation to any photograph, image or likeness of them produced while attending the show. The Society retains all property and all images it produces. Kelmscott Agricultural Society Graphic Design by Alice Rowell There are no animal exhibits on Friday Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 5 Kelmscott Agricultural Society (Inc) affiliated with The Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia (Inc.) Rushton Park, River Road, Kelmscott P.O. Box 40, Kelmscott, WA, 6991 (08) 9495 4001 info@kelmscottshow.com.au www.kelmscottshow.com.au facebook.com/kelmscottshow twitter@kelmscottshow 2016 Officials Patron: Dr A Buti MLA, Member for Armadale President: Mr Vaugan James M: 0438 505 579 Vice Presidents: Mr Tim Choules, Mr Marc Poupart Honorary Secretary: Mrs Jan Billan P: 9390 2754 Honorary Treasurer: Mrs Trish Davis Councillors J Billan, P Billan, B Buckingham, Y Busquets, L Choules, TB Choules, TP Choules, J Clark, P Davis, K Fletcher, L Fletcher, P Gallagher, J Grundy, J Gardner, R Ierace, VC James, VW James, R Kitson, C Lankford, L Madunic, A Mucciarone, K Mutton, T Parker, H Paton, M Poupart, L Satur, P Savill, G Stevens, D Taylor 6 Show Manager Peter Savill M: 0407 387 401 Maintenance Coordinator Richard Ierace M: 0438 945 517 Chief Steward Exhibition Hall Yvonne Busquets M: 0438 919 440 Publicity and Marketing Coordinator Peter Billan P: 9390 2754 Chief Steward Grounds Ross Kitson M: 0409 990 583 River Market Coordinator Jan Billan P: 9390 2754 Awards Coordinator Karen Kazimierczak P: 9397 0521 Schedule Coordinator Vaughan James M: 0438 505 579 Entertainment Coordinator Rachel John M: 0411 654 757 Services Coordinator Tom Choules M: 0430 275 119 Entry Recorder Sylvie Michel M: 0405 266 842 School Coordinator Gates and Parking Coordinator Angelo Mucciarone M: 0417 457 961 Show Secretary Jan Billan P: 9390 2754 Grants Coordinator Jay Elliott M: 0401 521 045 Sponsorship Coordinator Peta Gallagher M: 0438 927 311 Ground Space Coordinator – Food Russell Hook M: 0422 148 501 Volunteer Coordinator Teniele Parker M: 0400 396 107 Ground Space Coordinator – Variety Jacqueline Grundy M: 0406 832 085 Hon. Electrical Engineer TC Electrical Services M: 0430 275 119 IT Coordinator Marc Poupart Hon. Veterinary Surgeon Ark Veterinary Hospital P: 9495 1226 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Laura Satur M: 0409 048 479 Life Members Mrs B Buckingham Mrs Y Busquets Mrs L Choules Mr R Easton Mrs J Gardner Mr R Ierace Mr VW James Mr R Kitson Mr C Lankford Ms E Laurie Mrs M Moore Mr A Mucciarone Mr K Mutton Mr G Stevens Ms J Trneny Mr F Tubby Mrs C Von Pirch Members as at 31st May 2016 Mrs J Billan Mr P Billan Mrs B Buckingham Mrs Y Busquets Connor Busquets Mr P Carrigg Mr A Choules Mrs L Choules Madeline Choules Mr TB Choules Mr TP Choules Mrs J Clark Mrs F Clay Mrs J Colyer Mrs K Coulthard Mrs P Davis Mrs T Dunsmore Mr R Easton Mr K Fletcher Mrs L Fletcher Mrs P Gallagher Mrs J Gardiner Ms J Grundy Ms S Hancock Mr T Harrison Mr G Hart Mrs P Hart Mr R Ierace Evan James Mrs J James Mrs M James Mr VC James Mr VW James Zachary James Mrs R Jeffery Mrs K Kazimierczak Mr C Keogh Mrs H Keogh Mr M Keogh Mr R Kitson Mrs P Korb Mr C Lankford Mrs L Madunic Luke Madunic Ms M Madunic Zoe Madunic Mr B Magden Mrs M Moore Mr A Mucciarone Mrs M Munday Miss A Mutton Mr K Mutton Mr R Nokes Mr M O’Neill Ms T Parker Mrs H Paton Mr M Poupart Mrs J Rodgers Ms L Satur Mr P Savill Mr G Shaw Mr G Stevens Ms D Taylor Mrs J Trneny Mr F Tubby Mrs J Tubby Mrs D Wearing Smith Christopher Wilson Mrs M Wilson Mr N Wise Mrs S Wood Mr H Zelones We would like to invite you to become a Member of the Kelmscott Agricultural Society. Your support is required to enable us to contin ue this Community Activity and ensure the Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show remains the ‘Shop Window’ of our District. Fill in the Applic ation for Membership and help the District, the Societ y and yourself? Application For Membership Application Forms are available from our websi te www.kelmscottshow.com.au and from the KAS Office during the period of the show. You may wish to accept nomination to this Council and take part in organising the Show activities. Ordinary Membership – Annual Subscript ion $40 Includes Show badge entry and schedule for Member and Guest, entry to Members car park, attendance at Annual General Meetings and General Meetings of the Society and a vote at the annual election of Society’s Council members. Senior Membership – Annual Subscript ion $20 Includes Show badge entry and schedule for Memb er, entry to Members car park, attendance at ngs of the Society and a vote at the annual electio n of Society’s Council members. Only available for Seniors Annual General Meetings and General Meeti Junior Membership (Under 18) – Annu al Subscription $20 Entitlement includes Show badge entry and sched ule for Junior Member. For persons under the age of 18 on the day of the show Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 7 From the President W elcome to the 118th Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show. This year the Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show is a SmokeFree event thanks to our Primary Sponsor Healthway and I thank our patrons for continuing to respect the rights of others by maintaining a smoke free environment for all of us to enjoy. We have kept all the old favourites and we have also added some new initiatives to keep visitors and families entertained. The Make Smoking History Fireworks Spectacular and the Freestyle Moto X will both be on Friday night. On Saturday, we continue with last years excellent initiative and expand on the highly popular Kids Interactive Zone at the old pool site. This is where kids of all ages can participate in our agricultural Minecraft challenge, rediscover the skills of woodworking and participate in some hands on games and activities with Out of the Box. On the lower oval we also have the Brownes Dairy Cattle Milking Display and the staging of the Prince Phillip Mounted Games, which is a new exciting event for 2016. The Kelmscott Agricultural Society could not stage the show without the support of our Sponsors, award donors, volunteers, schools and community groups. Without their generous support, we would not be able to put on the Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show. The Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show requires significant efforts by a group of volunteers to stage each year. If you would like to join in and support this community event please contact our Volunteer Coordinator to express interest or chat with one of our volunteers during the show. We would love you to join us to enjoy the team spirit that brings our Show together. I would like to make a special mention of the City of Armadale Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Elected Members and Staff for their support given during the year and around the Show Weekend. The 8 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Thank You City of Armadale has been a strong advocate and supporter of the show over many years. Putting on this Community Event is a year round activity for our volunteer committee and the requirements and funds required are ever increasing. We look forward to working with the City of Armadale in the future to ensure that the Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show continues to be the Premier Local Event. Another special mention to three of our life members who have recently been awarded the 25 years WA Volunteer Service Award. I would like to thank Lesley Choules, Vic James and Joan Gardner for their valuable contribution to the Society. Lesley Choules has given us 38 years of efficient and cheerful volunteer service. Her service includes being the Steward in Charge of Crafts and Photography and ensuring the history of the society is preserved. Vic James has dedicated 32 years of service including terms as President, Vice President, Treasurer, Steward in Charge of Pigeons and Poultry and also Cattle and Sheep. Joan Gardner has worked tirelessly for 32 years as the Steward in Charge of the Dairy Produce section. Joan has also assisted over the years in catering for the volunteers and acts as the liaison between the Society and the Serpentine Jarrahdale area. She is a quiet achiever and this 2016 show will be her last year on the committee as she heads into retirement. I would now like to pause and pay respect to three of our life members; Olive Easton, Renee DeRuiter and Carol Spencer who passed away during the year. You will always be remembered for your hard work and dedication to the Society and the wider community. Once again I thank everyone for the support and community spirit given that ensures the Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show a special event. Mr Vaughan James President, Kelmscott Agricultural Society T From the Mayor W elcome to the 118th Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show. Every year, like many other residents of the City of Armadale, I look forward to attending the Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show – one of the few remaining true country shows in the metropolitan area. Agricultural shows have remained an important event in hundreds of communities across Australia since the nineteenth century. Each year, people across the nation look forward to their local show with great anticipation and while each show might be only one weekend of the year, many spend a great deal of time preparing for the spectacle. With a mix of exhibition, competition, festivities, commerce, education, arts and culture, the Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show has been many families’ annual traditional outing for generations. It provides opportunities to reflect on the values and aspirations of our community, celebrate achievements ranging from excellence in cattle breeding to the beauty of a well baked cake, and enjoy a break from the routine of everyday life. Agricultural shows in Australia have proved to be remarkably resilient, and despite it being in its 118th year, the Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show continues to grow in popularity and is enjoyed by our rapidly growing community. The sense of ownership of this splendid annual event is evident not only in its home city, but across the agricultural communities of the entire region. I congratulate the show committee, staff and volunteers on bringing the 118th Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show to fruition. Mayor Henry Zelones OAM JP City of Armadale he Kelmscott Agricultural Society gratefully acknowledges the valued assistance given at every Make Smokng History Kelmscott Show by the many volunteers and local organisations that help make this event the success that it is. The Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show requires a large number of helpers acting as stewards, officials or in helping to set up the exhibition hall, pavilions and showground facilities before, during and after the Show. Our organizing committee is made up entirely of volunteers and they work continually throughout the year. We would also like to thank the Teachers, Support Staff and students of local Primary and Secondary Schools who give up their own time to support our Show. Lastly, the Kelmscott Agricultural Society acknowledges and thanks the many local businesses and community groups who help us during the year to publicise and promote the Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show to the wider community. Remember, this is a Community Event and without your support, the staging of the Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show would not be possible. From the Patron A s Patron of the Kelmscott Agricultural Society it is my pleasure to welcome you all to the 118th Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show The Show could not go ahead without the tireless efforts of the Society’s members and volunteers and I thank them wholeheartedly for their commitment to our community. Growing up in Armadale, I have been to the Show many times. I still enjoy it as much as I did in my youth. Year after year the Show impresses and thrills – it truly is an event that has something for everyone. I am sure that the 2016 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show will be a tremendous success. Hope to see you there! Dr Tony Buti MLA Member for Armadale Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 9 Coastal Group of Affiliated Agricultural Societies The Kelmscott Agricultural Society is a member of the Coastal Group of Affiliated Agricultural Societies. The Coastal Group includes the following Societies who run an agricultural show during the year: Bindoon & Districts Agricultural Society Gidgegannup Agricultural Society Canning Agricultural Horticultural & Recreational Society Wanneroo Agricultural Society Osborne Park Agricultural Society Kalamunda Agricultural Society At the 2015 IGA Perth Royal Show the Coastal Group District Display won the following awards: Best Educational Value Best Innovation Best Interaction Best Representation of District Best Overall Visual Display Highest Points Southern District Highest Overall Points 10 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show At the 2016 IGA Perth Royal Show the Coastal Group will be presenting the largest and most interactive exhibition ever to be presented in the Centenary Pavillion at the IGA Perth Royal Show. Take a moment to attend the Centenary Pavillion at the 2016 IGA Perth Royal Show to witness the display put on by the Coastal Group Volunteers. William (Bill) Spencer Volunteer Award In 2014, a Volunteer award was dedicated to the memory of the late Bill Spencer who was a life member, past president and dedicated over 50 years of volunteer service to the Kelmscott Agricultural Society. The first winner was Norm Wise who volunteered for over 25 years in the Flower pavilion. Norm is typical of the dedicated volunteers who turn up every year that we rely on to stage this community event. The second winner of the Award was Theda Dunsmore. Theda retired as the Steward in Charge of the Photography Section in 2015 after over 12 years of Service. In her time as Steward in Charge, Theda spent many hours ensuring that the Photography section was relevant and shared her vast knowledge to assist exhibitors to present their work in a professional manner. Without volunteers like Theda, we could not put on this event. Vale The Kelmscott Agricultural Society farewelled Olive Easton, Renee DeRuiter and Carol Spencer all life Members in the past year, all of who provided many years of dedicated service. Olive Easton was the Society’s Treasurer for many years, ensuring that the finances were in order and all exhibitors were paid. These were in the days when the Society operated from the old transportable building prior to computers. Renee DeRuiter joined the Society in 1994 and held the position of Vice President, Gates and Parking Coordinator and Ground Space Co ordiantor. He was a passionate member and ensured that the best interests of the Society were upheld and the Kelmscott Show publicised to the wider community. Carol Spencer was our first female president from 1994 to 1997 along with terms as Vice President. When not in an executive position she was always around helping behind the scenes in the Hall and Office. Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 11 Log Chop Programme Presented by the Progressive Axemen’s Association of WA Inc. 6pm to 8pm Friday : Log Chop Demonstration sponsored by Auscon Metals AUSCON AUSCON METALS & MACHINERY METALS & MACHINERY 11:30am to 4:30pm Saturday : State Log Chop Events 1 Kelmscott Agricultural Society 250mm Novice Underhand (Novice competitors only) 2 Battery World Maddington 300mm Underhand (Open Event) 3 Prosser Toyota Gosnells 350mm Underhand Championship (Six best competitors only) 4 Armadale Mower World 300mm B Division Hard Hitting Underhand 5 Kelmscott Agricultural Society 250mm Boys Underhand (Boys 16 and under only) 6 Kelmscott Agricultural Society 2 Board Tree 7 Widdeson’s Hire Services 250mm Standing Block (Open event) 8 Getaway Outdoors Kelmscott Butchers Block 9 Beaver Tree Services Double Handed Crosscut Sawing The largest privately owned metals and machinery specialists in WA 26 Keates Rd, Armadale, 6112 P: (08) 9497 1340 F: (08) 9497 1379 auscon@ausmetals.com.au www.ausmetals.com.au Proud Sponsor of LOG CHOP Friday Night Demonstration LOGISTICS SOLUTIONS FOR HEAVY INDUSTRY We have over 30 years experience in Small Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Equipment. Genuine, personal service and the best prices in town Lawn Mowers • Chain Saws Ride-on-Mowers • Edge Trimmers Pumps and Generators Small Engine servicing Enjoy the Experience! Happy Outdooring! 79 Champion Drive, Seville Grove, 6112 Tel: 9497 1399 Fax: 9497 1499 www.mowerworld.com.au 12 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Free standing marquee structures. All sizes 9337 8388 11 Keegan Street, O’Connor, 6163 8am – 5pm Monday to Friday 8am – Noon Saturday Email: hire@widdesons.com.au How to Exhibit This Exhibit Schedule contains the Sections in which items may be entered for Exhibiting and Competition. 1. Review the section Information For Exhibitors and more detailed information on the Society’s Show Regulations and Bylaws on page 64. 2. Locate the page of the Section you are interested in and there you will find Information, Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting for that section followed by the exhibits classes. CLASS No CLASS DESCRIPTION ENTRY FEE $C E601 Bread, White, Upright 1.50 6. Hand in, email, or post your entry form before the closing date together with the correct entry fee. Armadale Armadale Library – The Butchers Hook – Fairies Forever – Haynes Good News Agency Byford Byford Newsagency and Lotteries Gosnells Gosnells Knowledge Centre (Library) Kelmscott Agricultural Society Office Showground, Rushton Park, from 24th Sept, Saturdays only, 9am to 12noon. 7. Bring your exhibits to the Rushton Park Showground on the days and times shown in the Information for Exhibitors – Exhibits delivery. Kelmscott Cottonwool, Kelmscott Newsagency, Kelmscott Public Library 8. When delivering your exhibit, please make sure your Exhibitor Ticket is firmly attached to your exhibit. Stewards will be available to assist. Seville Grove Seville Grove Library 4. Select the Class appropriate to the exhibit item you are entering. Be sure that your exhibit does match the class descriptions, conditions and requirements. Any variation makes judging difficult and could lead to the disqualification of that entry. 9. Contact the Entry Recorder or the Steward in Charge of the Section if you have any queries Collecting Exhibit Tickets 5. Select the entry form for the Section you are exhibiting in, and complete the particulars as shown in this example for an entry in Cooking: Section E, Group E6, Breads – Class E601. 11. Your exhibits will be available for collection on the Saturday and Sunday at the times under Collect Exhibits on page 15. 3. In each Section the categories in which the exhibits are judged are listed under Group headings and each item has a Group identifier together with the Class No. 10. Awards are presented during the Saturday afternoon of the Show. Prize money collection times are listed under ‘Information for Exhibitors’. Information for Exhibitors Queries See also Show Regulations, By-laws and the relevant Exhibit Section. For additional information contact the Entry Recorder on 9495 4001 or recorder@kelmscottshow.com.au. For Show Information please contact the Show Secretary on 9495 4001 (leave a message). Entry Closing Date Refer to each section for entry closing date. Please submit entry forms as early as possible. Due to the limited time available for the recording of entries, Late entries may be charged a $5 Late Fee Number of entries Exhibitors can enter more than one entry but no more than 5 entries per class. Refer to each section for additional restrictions on number of entries. Student Entries Students in lower age categories may enter exhibits in older age categories and Adult classes, however points awarded in the older categories do not count towards age specific trophies. 14 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Fees The entry fee as stated in each section must accompany the entry form or be paid via Direct Deposit Direct Deposit Electronic transfers can be made to Kelmscott Agricultural Society BSB 066-156 Account No 1030-4870. Place your surname and initials or surname and Family (if a direct deposit for all family members) are put into the reference field when making your payment. Please note the date of payment on your entry form so it can easily be matched. Entry Forms The two entry forms (located at the centre of the schedule and on our website) are: General: Sections A to R Horses: Section S Please leave your entry forms with correct fees in sealed envelopes, or paid via direct deposit at the following locations, or post to: The Entry Recorder, Kelmscott Agricultural Society (Inc.), PO Box 40, Kelmscott, WA 6991, or emailed to recorder@kelmscottshow.com.au Roleystone Roleystone Family Meats Southern River Amherst Village Library All Exhibit Identity Tickets will need to be collected from the KAS Office the week of the Show, or collected when delivering the entries (For Exhibition Hall and Flowers). Animal Exhibitors will receive a livestock pass in the mail if received by Friday 30th September. Alternative arrangements will need to be made with the Entry Recorder for entries received after this date. Exhibits Delivery Flowers Section B, should be delivered to the Flower Pavilion, Showground, Rushton Park, and staged between 6pm and 8pm on Thursday 13th October and between 7am and 10.30am on Friday 14th October 2016. Exhibits will not be accepted after 10.30am Friday. Sections C to J should be delivered to the Exhibition Hall (Kelmscott Hall) Showground, Rushton Park, between 6:30pm and 8:30pm on Thursday 13th October and between 7am and 8.30am on Friday 14th October 2016. Exhibits will not be accepted after 8.30am Friday. Patchwork and Quilting Exhibits in Section G to be delivered to Showground office Rushton Park, between 9am and 4pm Monday 10th October, 2016. Photography Section K to be delivered on Thursday 13th between 6:30pm and 8:30pm only. Exhibits will not be accepted on Friday. Sections L to R, refer to relevant sections of the schedule.Vehicles delivering Exhibits may enter the Showground up to 9.45am on Friday and must be removed from the Showground by 10am on Friday Vehicles will not be admitted after these times. Judging Exhibitors must complete staging their entries in the Exhibition Hall 30 minutes before judging commences. A warning bell will ring at 8.15am. A second ringing at 8.30am requires exhibitors to leave the judging areas. Exhibitors are not permitted in the Hall whilst judging is in progress. Friday 14th October General Exhibit : judging commences 9am Flower Exhibits : judging commences 11am Saturday 15th October Refer to sections L to S for judging times Collect Exhibits The Exhibition Hall will be closed at 5:30pm on Saturday 15th October and re-opened from 6pm until 7pm and on Sunday 16th October between 9am and 10am to collect exhibits. You must show your Exhibit Identity Slip to gain access to Exhibition Hall. Flower exhibitors will be admitted between 6pm and 7pm on Saturday, and between 9am to 11am on Sunday. For Sections L to R, refer to relevant sections of the schedule. All Exhibitors are required to pay admission Pass outs are available for exhibitors. For entrance fees, gate opening times and opening hours of halls and pavilions, refer to pages 4 and 5. Prize Money Prize Winners should show their Exhibit Identity Ticket Envelope at the Show Office during the following times to collect prize money. Prize money not collected at these times will be forfeited: Saturday 15th October 2pm to 4pm and 6pm to 7pm Sunday 16th October 9am to 10am Monday 17th October By prior arrangement with the Treasurer. Awards Refer to page 16 – Exhibit Awards. Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 15 Exhibit Awards Trophies and Awards will be on display in the Main Exhibition Hall and Associated Pavilions. Main Trophies 1. The H.D. Mutton Memorial Trophy for the Highest Aggregate of Points won by any individual exhibitor. Competitors must exhibit in three or more sections. 2. The Hon Tony Buti MLA Patron’s Award for the Highest Aggregate of points won by any individual exhibitor in the Main Exhibition Hall. Competitors must exhibit in three or more sections, i.e. Sections C to K. 3. City of Armadale Centenary Perpetual Trophy for the Highest Aggregate of Points won by any individual exhibitor competing in Section B and a minimum of three or more sections from C to K. 4. Kelmscott Agricultural Society Award for the Greatest Number of Exhibits staged by an individual exhibitor in a minimum of four or more sections, in sections B to K. 5. Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Perpetual Trophy for the Highest Aggregate of Points won by an individual Exhibitor in Sections B to K who has not exhibited for the past two years. 6. WA Classic Sounds Award for the Highest Aggregate of points won by a School Student (Years 7 – 12) exhibiting in one or more sections from Section B to L. 7. Seadragonz Swim School Perpetual Trophy for the Highest Aggregate of points won by a School Student (Years 1 – 6) exhibiting in one or more sections from Section B to L. 8. State Member for Armadale Perpetual Trophy for the Highest Aggregate of Points won per enrolled student by a Primary School in Sections B to L 9. Federal Member for Burt Perpetual Trophy for the Highest Aggregate of Points won per enrolled student by a Secondary School in Sections B to L 10. Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge Award Highest Aggregate of points won by a Kelmscott Senior High School Student (Years 7 – 12) in Students (Years 7 – 12) Classes from Sections E, H, I, J and K. Section Trophies: B01 Renee De Ruiter award for most points in overall Flower Section B02 Renee De Ruiter award for most points in Roses classes B102 to B111 and B201 to B205 B03 Renee De Ruiter award for most points in Classes B101, B112 to B114 and B122 to B130 B04 Armadale Garden & Firewood Supplies award for most points classes B116 to B121 and B131 to B139 B05 Kiss Kiss Bloom award for most points Vases and Bowls – Group B2 16 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show B06 Kiss Kiss Bloom award for most points Flower Arranging (Floral Art) – Group B3 B07 Kelmscott and Districts Garden Club award for most points in Pot Plants – Group B4 B08 E Ross award for most points in Student Flowers Years 3 and under B09 Moore Family award for most points Student Flowers Years 4 to 6 B10 Moore Family award for most points Student Flowers Years 7 to 9 B11 Railway Pharmacy Armadale award for most points Student Flowers Years 10 to 12 B12 Renee De Ruiter Peoples’ Choice Prize for Student Section – Group B5 B13 Armadale Wildflower Society – Robert Harington Trophy for 1st place in Class B303 C01 Joy Roberts Family Memorial Trophy for highest aggregate points in Vegetables, Fruits and Nuts – Groups C1 and C2. C02 Kiss Kiss Bloom award for most points in Vegetables – Group C1 and classes C301 to C305 C03 Kelmscott Transport Agency award for most points in Fruit and Nuts – Group C2 and Classes C306 to C309 C04 Evan James award for most points in Students – Years 6 and Under in Group C4 C05 Zac James award for most points in Students – Years 7 to 12 in Group C4 D01 Armadale Garden & Firewood Supplies award for most points in Dairy Products, Eggs, Jams, Honey, Pickles and Preserves – Groups D1 to D6. D02 Harold and Jean Larke Memorial – Armadale Garden and Firewood Supplies award for most points in Dairy Produce and Eggs – Groups D1 and D2 D03 Joan Gardner award for most points in Jams, Pickles and Preserves – Groups D3, D5 and D6. D04 Jean and Vic James award for most points in Honey – Group D4. D05 Back-2-Basics award for most points in Home Brew – Group D7 D06 Tim Choules award for most points in wine – Group D8 D07 Sandat Bali Yoga award for most points in Students – Years 7 to 12 in Group D9 E01 The Manse Restaurant Perpetual Trophy for most points in Cooking Section E02 Yvonne Busquets award for most points in Scones and Sponges – Group E1 E03 Porter Family award for most points in Cakes – Group E2 E04 The Manse Restaurant award for most points in Pastry – Group E3 E05 Myriad Gifts and Collectables award for most points in Fruit Cakes – Group E4 E06 Alternative Bites award for most points in Breads – Group E6 E07 Bakers Delight South-Metro Tafe award for Best Exhibit in Breads – Group E6 by a South Metro student E08 Alternative Bites award for most points in Gluten Free Cooking – Group E7 E09 Peter and Jan Billan award for most points in Miscellaneous Cooking – Group E8 E10 Lorraine Moore Memorial award for most points in Students Cooking Year 6 and under from Group E9 E11 Kelmscott CWA award for most points in Students Cooking Years 7 to 12 from Group E9 E12 Sandra Walker award for best My Favourite Cake – Class E926 E13 Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge Award for most points in Student Cooking (Years 7 – 12) by a Kelmscott Senior High School Student F01 A and L. B. Choules award for most points in Knitting and Crochet F02 Wizard Pharmacy – Kelmscott award for most points in Hand Knitting – Group F1 F03 Gosnells Machine Knitters Club award for most points in Machine Knitting – Group F2 F04 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show award for most points in Crochet – Group F3 F05 Trish Davis award for most points in Dolls and Toys – Group F4 F06 Meg Taylor award for most points in Special Classes – Group F5 F07 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show award for most points in Knitting and Crochet by a student – Years 1 to 6 – Group F7 F08 Cottonwool Creations award for most points in Knitting and Crochet by a student – Years 7 to 12 – Group F7 G01 Kelmscott Agricultural Society Perpetual Trophy donated by Westcoats Embroidery for Highest Aggregate Points in Needlework Section. G02 Cottonwool Creations award for most points in Dressmaking and Machine Sewn Articles, Cross-Stitch, Tapestry and Hand Needlework – Groups G1, G2, G5 and G7 G03 Westcoats Embroidery award for most points in Dolls and Toys (Group G3) and Reborn Dolls (Group G4) G04 Pat Campbell Memorial Trophy award donated by A Floral Moment for most points in Patchwork Quilting – Group G6 G05 Cottonwool Creations award for most points in Needlework by a Student – Year 6 and under – Group G9 G06 Kelmscott CWA award for most points Needlework by a Student – Year 7 to 12 – Group G9 H01 Roma Jeffery award for most points in Crafts, China Painting, Pottery and Ceramics H02 Evelyn Mills award for best Folk Art. H03 Hilary Clark award for Most points in China Painting, Pottery and Ceramics – Amateur and Novice Classes. 04 Hilary Clark award for Most points in China Painting, Pottery and Ceramics – Open and Hobbyist Classes H05 Fairies Forever award for most points in Crafts, Students – Years 6 and under – Group H5 H06 Cottonwool Creations award for most points in Crafts, Students – Years 7 to 12 – Group H5 H07 Rebecca Francis award for best exhibit in Ceramics Students – Years 7 to 12 – Group H7 H08 Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge Award for most points in Student Crafts (Years 7 – 12) by a Kelmscott Senior High School Student H09 Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge Award for most points in Students Pottery and Ceramics (Years 7 – 12) by a Kelmscott Senior High School Student I01 Bunnings Warehouse award for most points in Manual Arts Section I02 ADF Engineering award for most points in Manual Arts, Students – Years 7 to 12 I03 Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge award for most points in Students Manual Arts (Years 7 – 12) by a Kelmscott Senior High School Student J01 Waterwheel Gallery award for Best Exhibit in Painting and Drawing – Group J1 J02 Fairies Forever award for the Best Exhibit in Painting and Drawing, by a student – Pre-primary and under. J03 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show award for Best Exhibit in Painting and Drawing, by a Student – years 1 and 2 J04 Down Under Signs award for Best Exhibit in Painting and Drawing, by a Student – years 3 and 4 J05 Down Under Signs award for Best Exhibit in Painting and Drawing, by a Student – years 5 and 6 J06 Waterwheel Gallery award for Best Exhibit in Painting and Drawing, by a Student – years 7 to 9 J07 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show award for Best Exhibit in Painting and Drawing, by a Student – years 10 to 12 J08 Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge Award for most points in Students Painting and Drawing (Years 7 – 12) by a Kelmscott Senior High School Student. K01 Examiner Newspapers award for most points in Photography Section K02 Norvek Framers and Photo Printers award for most points in Enlargement – Group K1. K03 Examiner Newspapers award for most points Adult Photography – Group K2 K04 Kitson Family award for most points in Photography Students – Year 6 and under – Group K4 K05 Horrie Jones Memorial Trophy for most points in Photography – Students Years 7 to 12 – Group K5 K06 Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge Award for most points in Students Photography (Years 7 – 12) by a Kelmscott Senior High School Student Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 17 L01 Cyril Rushton Memorial award for most points in Animals in the Children’s World L02 Better Pets and Gardens Kelmscott award for best Presented Animals in the Children’s World Exhibit L03 ADF Engineering award for The Stewards Choice in Animals in the Children’s World M01 Northam Chaff And Fodder Co. award for Champion Bird of Show M02 Northam Chaff And Fodder Co. award for Reserve Bird of Show M03 Better Pets and Garden award for Best Display Pair – Group M1 M04 Northam Chaff And Fodder Co. award for Best Hard Feathered – Groups M2 and M5 M05 Northam Chaff And Fodder Co. award for Best Standard Breed – Groups M3 and M4 M06 Caroline Mak and Anthony Lee Dental Surgeons award for Best Soft Feathered Bantam in Groups M6 and M7 M07 Northam Chaff And Fodder Co. award for Best Water Fowl – Group M8 M08 Kazimierczak Family award for Best Junior Exhibit, Year 12 & Under – Group M9 O01 Jackie Richardson Memorial Trophy for Supreme Champion Doe O02 Connelly Family award for Junior Champion Doe O03 Connelly Family award for Doe with Best Udder O04 DGSWA award For Champion Kid O05 Betdale trophy for Dam and Daughter O06 Daisydale Debutante Trophy for Champion Anglo Nubian Doe O07 Woodyville Anglo Nubians award for Breeders Trio O08 Kalama Stud award for type and production Doe O09 Currie Park Stud award for 24HR Type and Production Doe O10 Dandalee Park Stud award for most successfull exhibitor P01 Donkey Society of WA award for champion In Hand classes P02 Gill Baddeley award for champion in Working Equine classes P03 Endeavon Products award for In Hand Turnout – Class P108 P04 Growers Agrishop award for Judges’ Choice Q01 Growers Agrishop award for Best Exhibit Sheep (other than Wiltshire and Wiltipoll). Q02 Growers Agrishop award for Best Melanian and Coloured Sheep R01 Yvonne Busquets award for Supreme Dexter R02 Wayne Hardingham award for Champion Dexter Male 18 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show R03 Armadale Hardware & Building Supplies award for Champion Dexter Female R04 Porter Family award for Champion Junior Handler S01 Horseland Kelmscott award for most points gained by a rider in Hacking from Group S1 S02 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Junior Rider from Group S1 S03 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Small Pony Hack 12.2h and under from Group S1 S04 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Large Pony Hack over 12.2h up to and including 14h from Group S1 S05 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Senior Rider from Group S1 S06 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Small Hack over 14h up to and including 15h from Group S1 S07 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Hack over 15h from Group S1 S08 Budget Stockfeeds award for Champion Small Pony Show Hunter – 12.2h and under Group S2 S09 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Large Pony Show Hunter – over 12.2h up to and including 14h – Group S2 S10 Pelennor Morgan Stud award for Champion Show Hunter Small Hack – Over 14h up to and including 15h – Group S2 S11 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Show Hunter Hack over 15h – Group S2 Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge The Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge is open to Kelmscott Senior High School students only. The Special awards are available in the following sections Section E :Cooking Section H:Crafts, China Painting, Pottery and Ceramics Section I :Manual Arts Section J :Painting and Drawing Section K:Photography – Amateur Overall Trophy : Refer to Main Trophy 10 To be eligible for these awards, Kelmscott Senior High School Students need to enter the applicable classes and note their school on the entry form. The Kelmscott Agricultural Society thanks the Kelmscott Senior High School Board for their donation and for their support in encouraging their students to enter the Show. Donors Every year, local business, community groups and community members support the Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show by donating awards and prize money for various exhibition classes and via placing adverts in this Exhibition Schedule. The Kelmscott Agricultural Society thanks these groups for supporting the local community. We have listed the 2016 donors below to provide some recognition for their support. ADF Engineering A Floral Moment Armadale Garden and Firewood Supplies Armadale Hardware and Building Supplies Alternative Bites Avlon Park Dexter Stud Back 2 Basics Gill Baddeley Bakers Delight Billabong Dexter Stud Betdale Better Pets and Gardens Brenn Ridge Dexter Stud Budget Stockfeeds Bunnings Armadale Yvonne Busquets Butchers Hook Tony Buti MLA Chittering Downs Dexter Stud Lesley and Adrian Choules Connelly Family Cottonwool Creations Currie Park Stud CWA Kelmscott Dandalee Park Stud Daisydale Debutante Trish Davis DGSWA Eaglenook Wiltshire Stud Keysbrook Endeavon Products Fairies Forever Fidock and Co. Real Estate Rebecca Francis Joan Gardner Gosnells Machine Knitters Club Wayne Hardingham Vaughan and Marlinda James Jean and Vic James Roma Jeffery Kalama Stud Karen Kazimerczak Kelmscott and District Sponsors The Kelmscott Agricultural Society thanks our sponsors for their support and commitment to the 118th Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show. Without their co-operation, many events would not be possible. All of our sponsors are listed on the inside front cover and we request you support these Sponsors in order to enable us to continue staging this Community Event. More information about our sponsors can be found on our website at www.kelmscottshow.com.au. If you would like to become a sponsor of the Show, please contact the Sponsorship Coordinator. Garden Club Kelmscott Senior High School Kelmscott Transport Agency Matt Keogh MP Kiss Kiss Bloom Ross Kitson Kirup Park Maggie Burke Real Estate Caroline Mak and Anthony Lee Dental Surgeons Milne Agrigroup Kelmscott Evelyn Mills Mary Moore Margaret Moore Ken Mutton Myriad Gifts Nardie Wiltshire Stud Gidgegannup Northam Chaff and Fodder Norveck Framers and Photo Printers Pelennor Morgan Stud Porter Family Railway Pharmacy Armadale Renee DeRuiter Riseview Dexter Stud Ross Ethel Mark Rushton Rushton Family Sandat Bali Yoga Sienna Hills Dexter Stud Smalltime Dexter Stud South-Metro Tafe Meg Taylor Janet Trneny Waterwheel Gallery Sandra Walker Wedgetail Ridge Dexter Stud Wildflower Society of WA Armadale Branch Wizard Pharmacy Kelmscott Woodyville Anglo Nubians Award Presentation Times The awards and trophies will be presented on Saturday 15th October at the following times Junior Kelmscott Idol 2:30pm Dairy Goats 3pm Poultry 3:15pm Cattle 3:30pm Sheep 3:45pm Senior Kelmscott Idol 4:30pm Exhibition Hall 4:30pm Flowers 5:30pm Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 19 Display of Schoolwork By Students attending schools in the City of Armadale and District Sponsored by Seadragonz Swim School All primary schools are invited to present a display. This display is not for competition. Display space in the Schools Pavilion will be allotted to each school. Each school is required to stage their display between 7am and 9am Friday 14th October. The display is to be collected between 7am and 9am Monday 17th October. Please contact Steward in Charge Pamela Halliday on 9495 1237 or 040 335 9495 for more info. Kelmscott Primary School is the coordinating school for 2016. The Kelmscott Agricultural Society thanks all the Schools for their presentation of school work at the Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show. A Donation will be made to all schools submitting work for this display. Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Primary School Poster Competition Sponsored by Sizzler Kelmscott A poster competition for Primary School Students will be run during 3rd term with the theme: Happiness All posters will be displayed over the weeks prior to the Show with award-winning entries displayed at the Show. Entry Classes: 1. Pre-Primary/Kindergarten 2. Year 1 3. Years 2 to 3 4. Years 4 to 5 5. Years 6 All posters to be A3 in size with no collage or glitter. No digitally generated posters will be accepted. Entries in Pre-Primary/Kindergarten may utilise pre-printed Show titles and dates. Entries Close Friday 9th September 2016 and must be delivered to the Kelmscott Public Library. Enquires to Robyn Morton, 9390 8011. (In school hours, please leave a message) 20 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Proudly supporting Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show. Banking products and personal service that help make communities bigger. Drop into your nearest branch at Roleystone Shopping Centre, Roleystone or phone 9397 7466 to find out more. bendigobank.com.au Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited, ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 237879. S48450-3 (312103_v2) (25/07/2016) A Information 1. Entry Closing date: Section B to C: 5pm, 7th October 2016. Section D to K: 5pm, 30th September 2016 2. Exhibit delivery; Staging and Judging times see Information for Exhibitors on page 14 of this Schedule. 3. Exhibits in Section B may be staged on the Thursday between 6pm – 8pm and on Friday from 7am – 10.30am. Exhibits will not be accepted after 10.30am Friday. A warning bell will be rung at 10.30am, 10.45am and finally 11.00am Friday, when all exhibits must be staged and ready for Judging. 4. Exhibits in Section K can only be delivered on Thursday night between 6:30pm – 8:30pm. No exhibits will be accepted on Friday. 5. Students can also exhibit in the Adult categories in the main classes. Please refer to the schedule for details. 6. Refer to Section L on page 50 for all student classes in Animals in the Childrens World. Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. Refer to specific requirements listed in each Group. Entry Fee 50¢ for each entry. Awards and Prize Money Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards prize cards and prize money to each class B08 E Ross award for most points in Student Flowers Years 3 and under B09 Moore Family award for most points Student Flowers Years 4 to 6 B10 Moore Family award for most points Student Flowers Years 7 to 9 B11 Railway Pharmacy Armadale award for most points Student Flowers Years 10 to 12. B12 Renee De Ruiter Peoples’ Choice Prize for Student Section – Group B5 C04 Evan James award for most points in Students – Years 6 and Under in Group C4 C05 Zac James award for most points in Students – Years 7 to 12 in Group C4 22 A Student Section Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show D07 Sandat Bali Yoga award for most points in Students – Years 7 to 12 in Group D9 E10 Lorraine Moore Memorial award for most points in Students Cooking Year 6 and under from Group E9 E11 Kelmscott CWA award for most points in Students Cooking Years 7 to 12 from Group E9 E12 Sandra Walker award for best My Favourite Cake – Class E926 E13 Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge Award for most points in Student Cooking (Years 7 – 12) by a Kelmscott Senior High School Student F07 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show award for most points in Knitting and Crochet by a student – Years 1 to 6 – Group F7 F08 Cottonwool Creations award for most points in Knitting and Crochet by a student – Years 7 to 12 – Group F7 G05 Cottonwool Creations award for most points in Needlework by a Student – Year 6 and under – Group G9 G06 Kelmscott CWA award for most points Needlework by a Student – Year 7 to 12 – Group G9 H05 Fairies Forever award for most points in Crafts, Students – Years 6 and under – Group H5 H06 Cottonwool Creations award for most points in Crafts, Students – Years 7 to 12 – Group H5 H07 Rebecca Francis award for best exhibit in Ceramics Students – Years 7 to 12 – Group H7 H08 Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge Award for most points in Student Crafts (Years 7 – 12) by a Kelmscott Senior High School Student H09 Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge Award for most points in Students Pottery and Ceramics (Years 7 – 12) by a Kelmscott Senior High School Student I02 ADF Engineering award for most points in Manual Arts, Students – Years 7 to 12 I03 Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge award for most points in Students Manual Arts (Years 7 – 12) by a Kelmscott Senior High School Student J02 Fairies Forever award for the Best Exhibit in Painting and Drawing, by a student – Pre-primary and under. J03 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show award for Best Exhibit in Painting and Drawing, by a Student – Years 1 and 2 Student Section J04 Down Under Signs award for Best Exhibit in Painting and Drawing, by a Student – Years 3 and 4 J05 Down Under Signs award for Best Exhibit in Painting and Drawing, by a Student – Years 5 and 6 J06 Waterwheel Gallery award for Best Exhibit in Painting and Drawing, by a Student – Years 7 to 9 J07 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show award for Best Exhibit in Painting and Drawing, by a Student – Years 10 to 12 J08 Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge Award for most points in Students Painting and Drawing (Years 7 – 12) by a Kelmscott Senior High School Student. K04 Kitson Family award for most points in Photography Students – Year 6 and under – Group K4 K05 Horrie Jones Memorial Trophy for most points in Photography – Students Years 7 to 12 – Group K5 K06 Kelmscott Senior High School Challenge Award for most points in Students Photography (Years 7 – 12) by a Kelmscott Senior High School Student Prize Money: 1st $5, 2nd $3 (UNO) * 1st $10, 2nd $5 (Special Class E926) Prize Money Donated by the Wildflower Society of W.A – Armadale Branch for the following classes: ** 1st $12, 2nd $8 (Class J214 and J218) *** 1st $20, 2nd $10 (Class J223) Students – Years 3 and under Class No. B502 Happiness theme with flowers and foilage B503 Lego with flowers and foilage (Garden on a tray – maximum size 30cm x 20cm) B504 Novelty stocking ‘Mr Grass Head’ Students – Years 4 to 6 Class No. B505 Novelty Miniature Garden B506 Floral Arrangement from Mum’s Kitchen B507 Floral Arrangement – Explosion of Colour Students – Years 7 to 9 Class No. B508 Table Centre Decoration B509 Flowers and Foliage in a Bag B510 Recycle. Reuse must include flowers and foilage. Use a recycled vase like container and/or recycled items Students – Years 10 to 12 Class No B511 Pot Plant or plants – max diameter of pot 15cm – grown by the exhibitor for a minumum of three months B512 Arrangement of flowers/foliage inspired by a painting or photograph – let your creative spirit run wild. Exhibit must be accompanied by the original or a good copy of the painting/photograph B513 Arrangement with wood and native flowers/foliage Flowers Vegetables, Fruit and Nuts Steward in charge: Mrs Julie Clark tel: 0419 463 945, KAS Counciller email : julie.clark@kaswa.org.au Student Flowers Group B5 1. All student flowers, except Pot Plants (Floral Art), when staged become the property of the Society (Rule 7 – see pg 64). 2. Pot and Container dimensions shall be the internal maximum width. 3. Flowers must not be staged in any receptacle showing a name or distinguishing mark. 4. All classes to include some flowers a/or foliage Students – Pre-Primary and under Class No. B501 Flower creation (flower can be from paper or other material and decorated) Steward in charge: Mr Ken Mutton tel: 9361 4679, KAS Counciller Student Vegetables, Fruit and Nuts Group C4 1. All exhibits in Group C4 to be bonafide property of and grown by the Exhibitor (Rule 7 – see pg 64), except for classes C410 to C413, C423 to C425. 2. All root crops to be washed. All to have half tops on. 3. All citrus to be clipped, short stalk and button intact. 4. Exhibits will be judged for table quality and not for market. Students – Years 6 and under Class No. C401 Peas in Pod, (10), any variety C402 Broad Beans in Pod, (10), any variety C403 Longest Carrot C404 Radishes (6), any variety Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 23 A C405 Any other vegetable C406 Mulberries, 1 punnet C407 Largest Citrus C408 Best citrus, any kind C409 Any other fruit C410 Face of a clown – using a whole potato for base of face – Years 3 and under C411 Fruit and/or vegetables and/or nuts – Catterpillar – Years 4 to 6 C412 Decorated Butternut Pumpkin (with option to incorporate other vegetables, fruit or nuts) C413 Mixed plate of Vegetables by a Primary School (3 varieties) Students – Years 7 to 12 C414 Peas in Pod, (10), any variety C415 Broad Beans in Pod, (10), any variety C416 Longest Carrot C417 Radishes (6), any variety C418 Any other vegetable C419 Mulberries, 1 punnet C420 Largest Citrus C421 Best citrus, any kind C422 Any other fruit C423 Fruit and/or vegetables and/or nuts – Any Animal (named) – Years 7 to 9 C424 Fruit and/or vegetables and/or nuts – Any Animal (named) – Years 10 to 12 C425 Decorated Butternut Pumpkin (with option to incorporate other vegetables, fruit or nuts) Home Produce Steward in charge: Mrs Joan Gardner tel: 9525 5850, KAS Counciller Students Home Produce Group D9 1. All exhibits must be Home Made, prepared or bottled since the last Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show. See Rule 8 – page 64. 2. All exhibits to be in Clear Glass Jars with plain screw lids, or glass clip-on lids. Avoid using 24 A Student Section Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show lids from pickle jars or other strong flavoured preserves. Remember presentation is judged. 3. A ll Jams, Jellies, Pickles and Preserves exhibited Must be in 250g to 400g Jars (No other sizes will be accepted) 4. J ams judged on colours, consistency and flavour. All jars to be labeled. Students – Years 3 and under Class No. D901 Largest Egg (Hen) D902 Painted Hen’s Egg, egg must be boiled Students – Years 4 to 6 Class No. D903 Largest Egg (Hen) D904 Painted Hen’s Egg, egg must be boiled Students – Years 7 to 12 Class No. D905 Largest Egg (Hen) D906 Painted Hen’s Egg, egg must be boiled D907 Lemon butter D908 Marmalade (any variety) D909 Chutney (any variety) D910 Relish (any variety) Cooking Steward in charge: Mrs Helen paton tel: 0408 955 898, KAS Counciller Student Cooking Group E9 1. A ll exhibits must be Home Made and the work of the exhibitor. 2. A ll exhibits to be placed on cardboard plates provided by KAS. 3. D ecorated Cakes. Cake boards must be on cleats or legs. Dummies may be used. Ribbon, wire, stamens and manufactured pillars are permitted. No wire must penetrate cake covering. Artificial flowers are not permitted. 4. N ote: all exhibits in the Cooking Section (with the exception of decorated cakes and fruit cakes) will remain the property of the KAS and will not be able to be collected due to health and safety issues. Student Section Students – Years 6 and Under Class No. E901 Scones, 6 E902 Fancy Cakes, 6, papers removed E903 Biscuits, 2 varieties, 2 of each E904 Lamingtons, 6 E905 Sponge, sandwich, unfilled E906 Decorated Cake, sponge or plain E907 Sweets (confectionery), 1 variety, 8 pieces, dainty E908 Chocolate Cake, no icing E909 Pikelets, 6, to be round and evenly cooked E910 Jam Tarts, 6 E911 School Lunch Box, own container E912 Iced and decorated milk arrowroot biscuits, 5 E913 Anzac Biscuits 5 Students – Years 7 to 12 Class No. E914 Scones, 6 E915 Fancy Iced Cakes, 6 E916 Biscuits, 2 varieties, 2 of each, dainty E917 Anzac Biscuits (5) E918 Lamingtons, 6 E919 Sponge, unfilled E920 Decorated Cake, Sponge or plain E921 Sweets (confectionery), 1 variety, 8 pieces, dainty E922 Chocolate Cake, no icing E923 Pikelets, 6, to be round and evenly cooked E924 Tarts 6 – 3 x lemon, 3 x strawberry E925 School Health Cake – Attach recipe E926 * My Favourite Cake – 2014 International Year of Family Farming theme, not to exceed 30cm E927 Chocolate Whoopie Pies, 3 E928 Jam Drops, 5 E929 Marble Cake (un-iced) E930 Shortbread, 5 E931 Muffins, 4 E932 Butter Biscuits, 5 E933 Vanilla Biscuits Plain, 5 E934 Chocolate Chip Biscuits, 5 Knitting and Crochet Steward in charge: Mrs Pat Long tel: 9390 5330 Student Knitting and Crochet Group F7 1. All exhibits must be the work of the Exhibitor. 2. No article can be entered in this section if it has won 1st Prize in any previous Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 3. No exhibit shall have identification of owner visible. 4. Please put your Exhibitor Ticket on each entry. Students – Year 3 and Under Class No. F701 My first knitted piece – yarn of choice, any method F702 Loom band creation F703 Crocheted Amigurumi Animal, any size F704 Any other article Students – Year 4 to 6 Class No. F705 My first hand knitted piece – yarn of choice F706 Loom band creation F707 Crocheted Amigurumi Animal, any size F708 Any other article Students – Year 7 to 9 Class No. F709 Hand knitted scarf – yarn of choice F710 French knitted placemat – yarn of choice F711 Loom band creation F712 Any other article Students – Year 10 to 12 Class No. F713 Hand knitted beanie – yarn of choice F714 Hand knitted scarf – yarn of choice F715 Toy or doll with knitted or crocheted garments F716 Any other article Needlework Steward in charge: Mrs Betty Buckingham tel: 9398 2044, KAS Counciller Student Needlework Group G9 1. Articles which have previously taken a first prize in a Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show are not eligible to compete in this Section. 2. Articles shown in this section must not have been washed except for patchwork and quilting. Transfer and embroidery markings may be removed by rinsing in cold water 3. All framed pictures and wall hangings must have facilities for hanging. 4. Please put your Exhibitor Ticket on each exhibit. Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 25 A Students – Years 3 and under Class No. G901 Piece of Embroidery (inc. tapestry, cross stitch and ribbon embroidery) G902 Soft Toy G903 Pincushion G904 Hessian with Wool Embroidery G905 Reborn Doll G906 Any other article Students – Years 4 to 6 Class No: G907 Piece of Embroidery (inc. tapestry, cross stitch and ribbon embroidery) G908 Soft Toy G909 Pincushion G910 Hessian with Wool Embroidery G911 Reborn Doll G912 Any other article Students – Years 7 to 12 Class No. G913 Embroidered article (inc. tapestry, cross stitch and ribbon embroidery) G914 Patchwork article G915 Article in Machine sewing G916 Toy or doll G917 Reborn Doll G918 Any other article Crafts, Pottery and Ceramics Steward in charge: Mrs Eileen Waddington tel: 9390 7118 Students Arts and Crafts Group H5 1. All exhibits must be the work of the Exhibitor. 2. No article can be entered in this section if it has won 1st Prize in any previous Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 3. No exhibit shall have identification of owner visible. 4. Please put your Exhibitor Ticket on each entry. * * H504, H516 and H527 – No larger base than 30cm x 30cm 26 A Student Section Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Students – Year 3 and under Class No. H501 Origami any article H502 Modelling any medium H503 Any article matchsticks, pegs, popsticks H504 Any other article * * H505 Colours of Nature – any medium H506 Lego model, Kit Form, including instruction sheet H507 Lego model, Own Design – must be on base board not to exceed 26cm x 26cm H508 Greeting card – Birthday theme H509 Greeting card – Christmas theme H510 Scrapbooking – One Page H511 Decorated Terracotta plant pot up to 17cm diameter – painted (sealed). H512 Decorated Terracotta plant pot up to 17cm diameter – any form of decoration other than painting (sealed). H513 Collection of Badges, Shells, etc mounted and displayed on board (Size not to exceed 50cm x 25cm) Students – Years 4 to 6 Class No. H514 Any article fabric craft H515 Decorated Box (not larger than a shoe box) H516 Modelling any medium H517 Origami any article H518 Any other article * * H519 Colours of Nature – any medium H520 Greeting card – Birthday theme H521 Greeting card – Christmas theme H522 Scrapbooking – One page H523 Scrapbooking – off the page (must contain a photo) H524 Lego model, Kit Form, including instruction sheet H525 Lego model, Own Design. Must be on base board not to exceed 26 x 26cm. H526 Decorated Terracotta plant pot up to 17cm diameter – painted (sealed). H527 Decorated Terracotta plant pot up to 17cm diameter – any form of decoration other than painting (sealed) H528 Collection of Badges, Shells, etc mounted and displayed on board (size not to exceed 50cm x 25cm) Student Section Students – Years 7 to 12 Class No. H529 Article featuring beads/sequins H530 Article fabric craft H531 Any article not elsewhere specified * * H532 Origami any article H533 Friendship Bracelet H534 Greeting card – Birthday theme H535 Greeting card – Christmas theme H536 Colours of Nature – any medium H537 Scrapbooking – One Page H538 Decorated Terracotta plant pot up to 17cm diameter – painted (sealed). H539 Decorated Terracotta plant pot up to 17cm diameter – any form of decoration other than painting (sealed). Students Pottery Group H6 1. All exhibits must be the work of the Exhibitor. 2. No article can be entered in this section if it has won 1st Prize in any previous Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 3. N o exhibit shall have identification of owner visible. 4. Please put your Exhibitor Ticket on each entry. Students – Years 6 and under Class No. H601 Animal, hand built H602 Rocket/Spaceship, hand built H603 Container, hand built H604 Any other article, hand built Students – Years 7 to 12 Class No. H605 Animal, hand built H606 Rocket/Spaceship, hand built H607 Container, hand built H608 Any other article, hand built Students Ceramics Group H7 1. All exhibits must be the work of the Exhibitor. 2. No article can be entered in this section if it has won 1st Prize in any previous Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 3. N o exhibit shall have identification of owner visible. 4. Please put your Exhibitor Ticket on each entry. Students – Years 6 and under Class No. H701 Animal – ceramics H702 Rocket/Spaceship – ceramics H703 Container – ceramics H704 Any other article – ceramics Students – Years 7 to 12 Class No. H705 Animal – ceramics H706 Rocket/Spaceship – ceramics H707 Container – ceramics H708 Any other article – ceramics Manual Arts Steward in charge: Mr Ian Hamilton tel: 9390 8991 Student Manual Arts Group I5 1. All exhibits must be the work of the Exhibitor. 2. No article can be entered in this section if it has won 1st Prize in any previous Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 3. No exhibit shall have identification of owner visible. 4. Please put your Exhibitor Ticket on each entry. Students – Year 6 and Under Class No. I501 Article of woodwork I502 Wire Sculpture I503 Ring pull art made from recycled materials Students – Years 7 to 12 Class No. I504 Article of woodwork I505 Article of metalwork I506 Birdhouse made from recycled materials I507 Garden ornament made from recycled materials I508 Any other article made from recycled materials with a size limit 45cm x 45cm x 45cm Painting and Drawing Steward in charge: Mr Kim Fletcher tel: 9399 2388 Student Painting and Drawing Group J2 1. All exhibits must be the work of the Exhibitor. 2. Please adhere to Medium descriptions and Maximum Size and Framing requirements. See also Show Regulations and By-laws rule 18. Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 27 A 3. Please put the Exhibitor Ticket on the front of each entry. 4. No Painting or Drawing can be entered in this section if it has previously won 1st Prize in any Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 5. Due to limited exhibiting space in this section there is a limit of ten (10) entries per exhibitor. Size: 50cm x 35cm maximum including mounting, no frames and no glass. Artwork to be on paper or light unframed canvas only. Students – Pre-primary and under Class No. J201 My Family, in crayon J202 My Home – any media J203 Any subject Students – Years 1 and 2 Class No. J204 My pet/s, in crayon J205 Our Garden – coloured pencil J206 The day of dinosaurs. A painting or coloured drawing Family owned and operated, our one stop shop is right here in Kelmscott where our friendly and experienced staff are ready to help you accomplish your musical dreams. Come in and see us! 9495 1986 223 Railway Avenue, Kelmscott www.classicsounds.com.au 28 A Student Section Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show J207 Any subject – collage or mixed media Students – Years 3 and 4 Class No. J208 A farm scene, painted J209 A Tree, in pencil J210 A vase of flowers – coloured drawing or painting J211 Any other subject or mixed media Students – Years 5 and 6 Class No. J212 Landscape – any medium J213 Black and white drawing – pen, pencil, charcoal J214 ** W. A. Wildflower(s) – any medium J215 ‘Under the Sea’ – any medium Students – Years 7 to 9 Class No. J216 Tourist Poster: Attractions of the AK area – any medium J217 Portrait – any medium J218 ** A painting – W. A. Wildflower(s) J219 Drawing – any other subject Students – Years 10 to 12 Class No. J220 Painting or drawing any subject depicting action J221 Portrait – any medium J222 Still life – any subject and medium J223 *** Decorative border/design featuring at least two (2) distinctive wildflowers. Photography Steward in charge: Mrs Kath Coulthard tel: 9390 0804 Student Photography 1. PRIOR TO DELIVERY please put Class Number and Name on the back of each exhibit. 2. All photos must be mounted preferably using light card. This requirement is for judge and display purposes AS WELL AS AVOIDING DAMAGE TO PHOTOS that need to be attached to boards USING DRAWING PINS. Note that NO GLASS or SOLID FRAMES are allowed 3. I f titles are used they must be placed at the bottom of the exhibit immediately under the picture. Student Section 4. A ll exhibits, except the mounting and developing, must be the work of the exhibitor of amateur status. 5. Photographs which have won a First Prize in a previous Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show are not eligible for competition. 6. Due to limited exhibiting space in this section there is a limit of ten (10) entries per exhibitor. 7. The KAS reserves the right to return entry forms and monies for this section should the maximum number of entries be exceeded or if the overall photography exhibit space available reaches its limit. 8. Traditional or digital photos in black and white or colour will be accepted into all groups. Student Photography – Year 6 and Under Group K4 Maximum mounted size: 13cm x 18cm or 234sq cms Class No. K401 Pet study K402 Still Life K403 My family K404 My favourite Place K405 Flower(s) Study K406 Open Student Photography – Years 7 to 12 Group K5 Maximum Mounted Size: 23cm x 33cm or 759sq cms Class No. K501 Portrait K502 Still Life K503 Converging Lines and patterns K504 Action and Motion K505 Open NOTE: Still Life is the depiction of a man-made grouping or arrangement of inanimate objects such as fruit, toys, vases, flags, candles, baskets, stones or cut flowers. The photographer designs the picture. Flowers out in the garden on a still day are NOT still life. Front Section Important Information For Exhibitors PRIOR TO DELIVERY of Photos to the Showground: 1. Attach your entry ticket as per the illustration below so that the group, class and entry number is showing on the front bottom right hand corner. The top portion of the ticket should be firmly taped to the back of the mounting. 2. For security reasons, make sure that your name and class number are clearly written on the back of the photo or mounting. K Class No. K106 Exhibit Identity No. Entry ticket 3261 Back John Smith Class No. K106 Tape Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 29 B B Flowers Steward in charge: Ms Julie Clark, tel: 0419 463 945 and email: julie.clark@kaswa.org.au, KAS Councillor Information 1. Entry Closing date: 5pm, 7th October 2016. Cut flower entries will be accepted at the KAS office until 12 midday, Wednesday 12th October 2016 2. Refer to Information for Exhibitors on page 14 for Exhibit Delivery, Staging and Judging times. 3. Exhibits may be staged on the Thursday between 6pm – 8pm and on Friday from 7am – 10.30am. Exhibits will not be accepted after 10.30am Friday. 4. A warning bell will be rung at 10.30am, 10.45am and finally 11.00am Friday, when all exhibits must be staged and ready for Judging. 5. Exhibitors are not permitted whilst judging is in progress. 6. S tudent Classes are now listed in Section A – Student Classes on Page 22. Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. All exhibits in this section except Flower Arranging (Floral Art) and Children’s Classes shall be grown by the Exhibitor. All flowers, except Pot Plants and Flower Arranging (Floral Art), when staged become the property of the Society (Rule 7 – see pg 64). 2. Should only one exhibit be received in any one Class, no prize will be awarded unless in the opinion of the Judge, such exhibit would have obtained a prize had there been competition. (Rule 30 – see pg 65). 3. A Bowl must be equal or greater in width than in height and the mouth at its shortest measurement must be at least two thirds of the width. 4. A Vase must be greater in height than width (Wall vases excepted). 5. Pot and Container dimensions shall be the internal maximum width. 6. Competitors to supply own vases and bowls for Vase and Bowl Classes except classes marked (t). Please attach name under base. 7. Flowers must not be staged in any receptacle showing a name or distinguishing mark. 8. No buds to be shown on Roses in ‘distinct’ Classes, otherwise buds count as blooms. 9. Distinct – Different colours, NND – Not necessarily distinct, NES – Not elsewhere specified 30 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Entry Fee $1.50 For each entry (Group B1 to B4) Awards and Prize Money Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards prize cards and prize money to each class. Sashes and ribbons are awarded to the following: Champion or Best: a) Rose, b) Gerbera, c) Gladiolus (chosen from Specimen Group B1), d) Formal Bowl, e) Formal Vase, f) Informal Exhibit, g) Hanging Basket and h) Pot Plant (chosen from Pot Plant Group B4). B01 Renee De Ruiter award for most points in overall Flower Section B02 Renee De Ruiter award for most points in Roses classes B102 to B111 and B201 to B205 B03 Renee De Ruiter award for most points in Classes B101, B112 to B114 and B122 to B130 B04 Armadale Garden & Firewood Supplies award for most points classes B116 to B121 and B131 to B139 B05 Kiss Kiss Bloom award for most points Vases and Bowls – Group B2 B06 Kiss Kiss Bloom award for most points Flower Arranging (Floral Art) – Group B3 B07 Kelmscott and Districts Garden Club award for most points in Pot Plants – Group B4 B13 Armadale Wildflower Society – Robert Harington Trophy for 1st place in Class B303 Prize Money: 1st $10, 2nd $5 (Groups B1, B2 and B4) 1st $14, 2nd $7 (Group B3) Flowers Group B1 Class No. B101 Gladiolus, 1 spike B102 Roses, 6 blooms, at least 4 distinct, named B103 Roses, 3 blooms, distinct, named B104 Roses, 1 bloom, named B105 t Roses, vase of, 3 all one colour, named where possible B106 t Roses, 3 vases, 3 in each, 3 varieties, named when possible B107 Rose, Polyantha, 1 cut, may be named B108 Rose, cluster flowered, 1 cut may be named B109 Rose, David Austin 1 cut, may be named Flowers B110 Rose old fashioned/heritage, 1 cut may be named B111 Miniature Roses, 3 cuts, NND B112 Sweet Peas, 1 vase, 4 cuts NND B113 Sweet Peas, 3 distinct, 3 cuts of each B114 Hippeastrums, 1 cut B115 Clivia, 1 cut B116 Snapdragons, 3 distinct, 1 cut of each B117 Snapdragons, 3 one colour B118 Poppies, vase of 12 cuts B119 Stocks, vase of 6 cuts, any colour laterals allowed B120 Stocks, 6 cuts 4 distinct, no laterals B121 Vase of Calendulas not exceeding 6 cuts B122 Pansies, 6 distinct, collars allowed B123 Pansies, 3 distinct, collars allowed B124 Gerberas, single, 3 NND B125 Gerberas, double, 3 NND B126 Geranium Ivy, 3 trusses, distinct B127 Geraniums NES, 3 trusses, distinct B128 Pelargoniums, 3 trusses, distinct B129 Iris, Bearded, 1 cut B130 Iris, 3 cuts, NND, any variety B131 Garden Flowers, Annuals 3 cuts NES, NND B132 Garden Flowers, Perennials, 3 cuts, NES, NND B133 Flowers of Bulbs, Corms, Tubers or Rhizomes, 3 cuts, distinct. B134 Flowering or Ornamental Tree or Shrub, 3 cuts distinct B135 Flowering, Ornamental Tree, Shrub or climber, 1 cut B136 Australian Native Flowering Tree or shrub, 3 distinct cuts B137 Australian Flowering Native Tree or shrub, 1 cut B138 Flowers Australian native, 3 cuts NND B139 Flower Australian native, 1 cut t See Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting. B207 Sweet Peas, bowl of B208 Stocks, vase of B209 Poppies, vase of B210 Garden Flowers, vase of mixed at least 3 varieties B211 Garden Flowers, bowl of mixed, at least 3 varieties B212 Garden Flowers, vase of 1 variety, NES B213 Nasturtiums, bowl of B214 Floating Bowl Flower Arranging (Floral Art) Group B3 Horticultural Material must predominate throughout. No artificial fruit or flowers are permitted unless stated on schedule. Maximum space allowed is 55cm wide and 45cm deep. Class No. B301 Table arrangement of Flowers and Candles B302 Just for beginners. As you like it B303 Decorative arrangement of Native Western Australian Flora B304 Basket with Gift and Flowers B305 Arrangement in plant pots Vases And Bowls Group B2 Flowers to be grown by exhibitor Supply own vases and bowls Class No. B201 Roses, vase of, not exceeding 12 blooms, named where possible B202 Roses, bowl, not exceeding 24 blooms B203 Roses, bowl of full blown, named where possible B204 Rosebuds, vase of 12 B205 Vase Miniature Roses B206 Lavender, bowl of Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 31 B C Flowers Pot Plants Group B4 Pots not to exceed 25cm. Hanging baskets not to exceed 40cm. Overall height and width of pot and plant not to exceed 90cm. Self watering pots allowed. All plants to be grown by the exhibitor in unmarked pots for a minimum of 3 months. Class No. B401 One in Bloom NES B402 Foliage Plant, Not Variegated, other than fern B403 Foliage Plant – Variegated B404 Fern other than Maidenhair B405 Maidenhair fern B406 Ferns, 3 pots any variety, not to exceed 20cm B407 Cacti or succulent, one only B408 Cacti and/or Succulents, 3 pots Distinct not to exceed 20cm B409 1 Orchid, Paphiopedilum, in bloom B410 1 Orchid, Cymbidium, in bloom B411 1 Orchid, Cattleya, in bloom B412 1 Orchid, Dendrobium, in bloom B413 1 Orchid – Australian native B414 Any other Orchid B415 Plant grown in unusual container, other than orchid Maggie Burke R E A L E S TAT E 538 Brookton Highway, Roleystone t: 9496 1122 f: 9496 1120 office@maggieburke.com.au 32 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show B416 Hippeastrum, in flower, grown in pot B417 Begonia – Flowering B418 Begonia – Foliage B419 Bromeliad – 1 pot – not to exceed 25cm B420 Annual Flowers in bloom, grown in pot not to exceed 25 cm B421 Hanging Basket, Maidenhair, any variety B422 Hanging Basket, 1 fern, other than maidenhair B423 Hanging Basket, more than one variety B424 Hanging Basket, foliage other than fern B425 Hanging Basket, 1 in bloom other than orchid B426 Hanging Basket, orchid in bloom B427 Plant grown on a board, Board not to exceed 25cm x 25cm B428 Any plant or plants – pot size min 20cm – max 40cm – overall height not to exceed 120cm B429 Native West Australian Plant – container not to exceed 30cm in diameter or width and length not greater than 30cm. The WA Horticultural Council Inc. State Championship – Pot Plants B430 Pot Plant – 4 plants, distinct genera. Containers not to exceed 25.5cm in diameter Our team is delighted to be a sponsor of the 2016 Kelmscott Show Vegetables, Fruit and Nuts Steward in charge: Mr Ken Mutton, KAS Councillor tel: 9361 4679 Information 1. Entry Closing date: 5pm, 7th October 2016. 2. Refer to Information for Exhibitors on page 14 for Exhibit Delivery, Staging and Judging times. 3. Student Classes are now listed in Section A – Student Classes on Page 22. Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. All exhibits in this section to be bonafide property of and grown by the Exhibitor (Rule 7 – see pg 64), except for Group C4 classes C410 to C413, C423 to C425. 2. All root crops to be washed. All except Classes C102, C103 and C104 to have half tops on. 3. All citrus to be clipped, short stalk and button intact. 4. Exhibits will be judged for table quality and not for market. 5. Flat trays for exhibits supplied by KAS Entry Fee $1.50 for each entry (Group C1 to C3) Awards and Prize Money Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards Prize Cards and Money Prizes. C01 Joy Roberts Family Memorial Trophy for highest aggregate points in Vegetables, Fruits and Nuts – Groups C1 and C2. C02 Kiss Kiss Bloom award for most points in Vegetables – Group C1 and classes C301 to C305 C03 Kelmscott Transport Agency award for most points in Fruit and Nuts – Group C2 and Classes C306 to C309 Prize Money: 1st $10, 2nd $5 (Group C1 to C3) * 1st $14, 2nd $7 (Class C101) Vegetables Group C1 Class No. C101 * Collection of 6 varieties of Vegetables; if Root Vegetables, display 3 specimens of such varieties. C102 Potatoes (5), any variety white flesh. C103 Potatoes (5), red. C104 Potatoes (5), yellow flesh C105 Beetroot, bunch of 3 C106 Beetroot, Heirloom Variety, 3 colours, 1 of each colour C107 Radish, Icicle, bunch of 6 must be white C108 Radish, Globe, bunch of 6 C109 Turnips, bunch of 3 C110 Carrots, bunch of 3 C111 Carrots, Heirloom Variety, 3, 1 of each colour C112 Cabbage, 1 head C113 Mini Cabbage C114 Any type of Sprouts, 1 punnet C115 Silver Beet, 1 head (not cut) C116 Spinach, 1 head (in own vessel of water) C117 Rhubarb, 5 stalks with half leaves C118 Peas in Pod, (10) sugar or snow varieties C119 Peas in Pod, (10) any other variety C120 Broad Beans, (10) C121 Lettuce (any variety) in own container C122 Pumpkin, 1 Butternut C123 Pumpkin, 1 any other variety C124 Bunch of Mixed Herbs, (not dried – and in own vessel of water) C125 Any vegetable not listed, named C126 Broccoli bunch, not less than 3 heads C127 Cauliflower, 1 head C128 Mini Cauliflower C129 Leeks (2) C130 Capsicum Green on plate (3) C131 Capsicum Red on plate (3) C132 Capsicum Yellow on plate (3) C133 Spring Onions – 6 in bunch C134 Garlic – 3 Bulbs C135 Choko – 3 only C136 Tomatoes (ordinary) (3) C137 Tomatoes, Roma (6) C138 Tomatoes, Cherry (12) C139 Zucchini C140 Sweet Corn (3) C141 Choy, any kind (5) C142 Kale (5) C143 Chard (5) C144 Presentation basket vegetables, must be home grown Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 33 C Vegetables, Fruit and Nuts Fruit and Nuts Group C2 Class No. C201 Loquats, pear shaped, 1 kg C202 Loquats, 1 kg, any other variety C203 Loquats, best bunch C204 Oranges, Half Flat Tray, Valencia C205 Oranges, Half Flat Tray, Navel C206 Lemons, Fresh, Half Flat Tray C207 Grapefruit (3) C208 Lemons, fresh (3) C209 Lemons, most in one bunch C210 Mandarins (3) C211 Oranges (3) C212 Cumquats, not less than 12 C213 Fruit, 4 distinct kinds, 2 of each kind C214 Citrus Fruit, 4 distinct kinds, 2 of each kind C215 Strawberries, not less than 12 C216 Mulberries, 1 punnet C217 Passionfruit (3) C218 Macadamias, 250 grams C219 Nuts, any other variety, 250 grams, named C220 Any other fruit not listed C221 Presentation Basket Fruit and/or Nuts Novelty Classes Group C3 Class No. C301 Largest Pumpkin C302 Largest Potato C303 Longest Broadbean Pod C304 Ugliest Vegetable C305 Longest Carrot C306 Largest Grapefruit C307 Largest Orange C308 Largest Lemon C309 Ugliest Fruit C310 Orange (1) with the thinest skin D Home Produce, Brew and Wine Steward in charge: Mrs Joan Gardner, KAS Councillor, tel: 9525 5850 Information 1. Entry Closing Date: 5pm, 30th September 2016 2. Refer to Information for Exhibitors on page 14 for Exhibit Delivery, Staging and Judging times. 3. Student Classes are now listed in Section A – Student Classes on Page 22. Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. All exhibits must be Home Made, prepared or bottled since the last Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show. See Rule 8 – page 64. 2. All exhibits to be in Clear Glass Jars with plain screw lids, or glass clip-on lids. Avoid using lids from pickle jars or other strong flavoured preserves. Remember presentation is judged. 3. All Jams, Jellies, Pickles and Preserves exhibited Must be in 250g to 400g Jars (No other sizes will be accepted) 4. Jams judged on colours, consistency and flavour. All jars to be labeled. Entry Fee $1.50 for each entry (Group D1 to D8) Proudly sponsoring the Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Our philosophy is to provide you with a quality, relaxed and painless, dental solution. Our dedicated team will endeavour to provide all our patients with high quality services across all aspects of dentistry and patient care. Phone: 9495 7999 2915 Albany Hwy, Kelmscott www.kelmscottdental.com.au 34 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Awards and Prize Money Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards Prize Cards and Money Prizes. D01 Armadale Garden and Firewood Supplies award for most points in Dairy Products, Eggs, Jams, Honey, Pickles and Preserves – Groups D1 to D6. D02 Harold and Jean Larke Memorial – Armadale Garden and Firewood Supplies award for most points in Dairy Produce and Eggs – Groups D1 and D2 D03 Joan Gardner award for most points in Jams, Pickles and Preserves – Groups D3, D5 and D6. D04 Jean and Vic James award for most points in Honey – Group D4. D05 Back-2-Basics award for most points in Home Brew – Group D7 D06 Tim Choules award for most points in wine – Group D8 Prizes Money: 1st $10, 2nd $5 (Group D1 to D8) Dairy Produce Group D1 Class No. D101 Butter, home-made 500 grams D102 Yoghurt, natural Eggs Group D2 Class No. D201 Eggs, hen, white, half dozen D202 Eggs, hen, brown, half dozen D203 Eggs, hen, tinted, half dozen D204 Eggs, duck, any variety, half dozen D205 Eggs, hen, 1 dozen D206 Eggs, bantam, any variety half dozen D207 Eggs, any other variety, half dozen D208 Painted Hen’s Egg, egg must be boiled Jams Group D3 All Jams and Jellies exhibited must be in 250g to 400g jars (no other sizes will be accepted) Class No. D301 Collection of Jams, 3 varieties, 1 of each D302 Marmalade, 2 kinds, 1 of each D303 Marmalade, shredded or grated, 1 jar D304 Marmalade, other than shredded or grated, 1 jar D305 Apricot Jam, 1 jar D306 Peach Jam, 1 jar D307 Fig Jam, 1 jar D308 Plum Jam, 1 jar D309 Melon Jam, 1 jar D310 Strawberry Jam, 1 jar D311 Sweet Chilli Jam, 1 jar D312 Jam, AOV, 1 jar D313 Collection of Jellies, 3 varieties, 1 of each D314 Jelly, 1 jar any variety Honey Group D4 Class No. D401 Honey, liquid standard colour light 2 x 500gram jars D402 Honey, liquid standard colour dark 2 x 500gram jars D403 Honey, natural granulation 2 x 500 gram jars D404 Chunk Honey, 2 x 500 gram jars of (liquid) honey each containing a piece of comb honey of same source D405 Beeswax, white in one block not less than 1 kg and not more than 1.5 kg D406 Beeswax, yellow in one block not less than1 kg and not more than 1.5 kg Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 35 D Home Produce, Brew and Wine Pickles Group D5 All Pickles exhibited must be in 250g to 400g jars (no other sizes will be accepted) Class No. D501 Tomato Sauce D502 Sauce, any other variety D503 Chutney, any variety, 1 jar D504 Caramelised Onion Jam, 1 jar D505 Relish, any variety, 1 jar D506 Cauliflower Pickle, 1 jar D507 Clear Mixed Pickle, 1 jar D508 Sweet Pickles, any variety, 1 jar D509 Sour Pickle, any variety, 1 jar D510 Pickles, any variety, 1 jar D511 Onions, Brown Pickled, 1 jar D512 Onions, White, Pickled, 1 jar D513 Olive, Any Variety, Pickled, 1 jar D514 Collection of Pickles, 3 jars, other than fruit, 3 varieties D515 Pickled Beetroot 1 Jar D710 Apple Cider Alcoholic D711 Pear Cider Amateur Wine Group D8 Conditions of Entry 1. R estricted to amateur wine makers. Products not available for sale. 2. Th e Chief Steward or Judge may transfer any entry to another class if it is considered wrongly entered. 3. Th e Chief Steward or Judge may disqualify any entry if considered to be falsely represented. 4. O pen Wine Spoils. Class No. D801 Ginger Beer Alcoholic D802 Fruit Wine, Dry D803 Strawberry Liquor D804 Sparkling Wine, Dry or Sweet D805 Novelty Wine D806 Grape Wine, Sweet D807 Grape Wine, Dry All Dry Wines will be tasted first. Preserves Group D6 All Preserves exhibited must be in 250g to 400g jars (no other sizes will be accepted) Class No. D601 3 pieces of fruit leather, any varieties D602 Lemon butter, 1 jar D603 Passionfruit butter, 1 jar D604 Fruit Mince, 1 jar D605 Preserved bottle fruit, any variety D606 Preserved lemons, 1 jar Home Brew Group D7 Exhibit entered in each class shall consist of two bottles. Class No. D701 Lager/Pilsner, Mash Brewed Ingredients D702 Lager/Pilsner, Kit Ingredients D703 Bitter, Mash Brewed Ingredients D704 Bitter, Kit Ingredients D705 Pale Amber Ales, Kit Ingredients D706 Brown Ales, Mash Brewed Ingredients D707 Brown Ales, Kit Ingredients D708 Stout, Mash Brewed Ingredients D709 Stout, Kit Ingredients 36 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show E Cooking Sponsored by: The Manse Restaurant Steward in charge: Mrs Helen Paton, KAS Councillor, tel: 0408 955 898 Information 1. Entry closing date: 5pm, 30th September 2016. 2. Refer to Information for Exhibitors on page 14 for Exhibit Delivery, Staging and Judging times. 3. Student Classes are now listed in Section A – Student Classes on Page 22. Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. All exhibits must be Home Made, and the work of the exhibitor. 2. All exhibits to be placed on cardboard plates provided by KAS. 3. Decorated Cakes. Cake boards must be on cleats or legs. Dummies may be used. Ribbon, wire, stamens and manufactured pillars are permitted. No wire must penetrate cake covering. Artificial flowers are not permitted. 4. Note: all exhibits in the Cooking Section (with the exception of decorated cakes and fruit cakes) will remain the property of the KAS and will not be able to be collected due to health and safety issues. 5. A novice is a competitor who has not won a prize in any Show(Rule 24, page 64). Entry Fee $1.50 for each entry (Groups E1 to E8 UNO) * $2 for each entry (Classes E501 to E506 and E510) Dinner Tue to Sat (Sun and Mon by arrangement) Lunches by arrangement 31 Church Avenue, Armadale, 6122 9399 6078 www.themanse.theguide.com.au Awards and Prize Money Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards prize cards and prize money E01 The Manse Restaurant Perpetual Trophy for most points in Cooking Section E02 Yvonne Busquets award for most points in Scones and Sponges – Group E1 E03 Porter Family award for most points in Cakes – Group E2 E04 The Manse Restaurant award for most points in Pastry – Group E3 E05 Myriad Gifts and Collectables award for most points in Fruit Cakes – Group E4 E06 Alternative Bites award for most points in Breads – Group E6 E07 Bakers Delight South-Metro Tafe award for Best Exhibit in Breads – Group E6 by a South Metro student E08 Alternative Bites award for most points in Gluten Free Cooking – Group E7 E09 Peter and Jan Billan award for most points in Miscellaneous Cooking – Group E8 Prizes: 1st $10, 2nd $5 (Groups E1 to E8 UNO) * 1st $30, 2nd $15 (Classes E501 to E506 and E510) Scones and Sponges Group E1 Class No. E101 Scones, 6 Plain E102 Scones, 6 Fruit E103 Scones, 6 Pumpkin E104 Sponge, Sandwich, no butter, unfilled E105 Sponge, sandwich, containing butter, unfilled E106 Swiss Roll, filled E107 Decorated Sponge Cake, not novelty E108 Cornflour Sponge Sandwich, not iced or filled Cakes Group E2 Note: Square, Rectangular or Round Tin, not a Ring Tin Class No. E201 Chocolate Cake, Iced, no filling, round tin E202 Health Cake (attach recipe) E203 Orange Cake, Iced, oblong tin E204 Sultana Cake E205 Carrot Cake, no icing E206 Carrot and Walnut Cake, not iced E207 Apple Cake, round tin, to be dusted with icing sugar. Paper must always be removed Pastry Group E3 Class No. E301 Apple Pies, to be dusted with icing sugar, 3 small E302 Large Apple Pie, to be dusted with icing sugar E303 Christmas Fruit Mince Pies, 6 E304 Cream Puffs, unfilled, 6 E305 Pizza, Any variety Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 37 E E306 Quiche, not to exceed 24cm E307 Mince Meat Pies, 2 individual, not party pies E308 Sausage Rolls, 4 on plate approx. 5cm long Fruit Cakes Group E4 Note: Baked in Round Tin Class No. E401 Fruit Cake, not iced, recipe must include honey. See (optional) Recipe 1 E402 Boiled Fruit Cake – please ensure all fruit cakes are not under cooked. E403 Light Fruit Cake E404 Plum Pudding, Steamed in basin E405 Grandmother’s economical plum pudding (See Set Recipe 2, cost of ingredients approx. $3) Decorated Cakes Group E5 Note: Cake Boards must be on Cleats or Legs Class No E501 * Decorated Cake, any special occasion – One or Two Tiered E502 * Decorated Wedding Cake – One or Two Tiered E503 * Novelty Decorated Cake E504 * Decorated Christmas Cake E505 * Decorated Cake (Novice) E506 * Decorated Cake, not novelty E507 Corsage – on presentation board E508 Plaque suitable for top of 30th Pearl Anniversary Cake E509 Decorated Miniature Cake – suitable for a special occasion. Entry to be contained within the perimeter of a 15cm board – All decorations to be scaled accordingly E510 * Dolly Varden Cake (no Plastic Dolls) E511 * Decorated Teapot & Cup Breads Group E6 Class No. E601 Bread, White, Upright E602 Bread, White, 3 Strand Plait E603 Bread, Wholemeal E604 Bread, Multigrain E605 Bread Rolls, 3 varieties 1 of each E606 Yeast Buns, fruit and spices, 3 E607 Jubilee Twist E608 Machine made Multigrain E609 Machine made White 38 E Cooking Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Gluten Free Cooking Group E7 Note: All cooking in this group must be Gluten Free. Please attach recipe to exhibit. Class No. E701 Savory Muffin any variety (3) E702 Slice any variety (3) E703 Biscuits (6) E704 Cupcakes (4) E705 Sweet muffin(4) E706 Tea cake E707 Pizza E708 Profiteroles (4) Miscellaneous Cooking Group E8 Class No. E801 Chocolate afternoon tea slice (dainty) 6 pieces E802 Muffins, 4, paper cups removed E803 Chocolates, homemade gift presentation (dainty) E804 Sweets (confectionery), homemade, 1 variety, 8 pieces dainty E805 Sweets (confectionery), homemade, 3 varieties, 2 of each, dainty E806 Baked Afternoon Tea Slice, 3 varieties, 2 pieces of each (dainty) E807 Pavlova, unfilled E808 Rolled Oat Biscuits, 6 E809 Afternoon Tea Biscuits, 3 varieties, 3 of each (dainty) E810 Shortbread, round, uncut E811 Date Loaf, baked in open loaf tin, approx. 11cm x 22cm E812 Afternoon Tea Cakes, 3 varieties, 3 distinct foundations, (cake paper must be removed), 3 of each (dainty) E813 Lamingtons, 6, medium size E814 Pikelets, 6, to be round and evenly cooked E815 Any other cake not elsewhere specified – to be named. E816 My favourite cake, including recipe: on own presentation plate, not to exceed 35cm E817 6 small patty cakes decorated, can be butterfly, papers removed E818 Meringues, small, 6 E819 Gingerbread House not to exceed 40cms E820 Berry friands, 4 E821 Marble Cake (un-iced) E822 Anzac Biscuits (5) E823 Jam Drops (5) Cooking AS CAKE ITIONAL HONEY CHRISTM AD TR : E ON E CIP RE L OPTIONA INGREDIENTS 500 grams raisins, chopped 250 grams sultanas glace cherries, 125 grams each dates, up apricots and ginger in syr rum f roo r-p Half a cup ove 250 grams butter 4 large eggs 1 cup honey 1tsp almond essence ed 60 grams walnuts, chopp ur flo al me 2 cups whole ur Half a cup self-raising flo our nfl cor p cu a Quarter of 2 tsp mixed spice d walnuts Extra glace cherries an for decoration SET RECIPE TW O METHOD in bowl, add 1. Place prepared fruit covered for rum and allow to stand 24 hours. preheat oven ollect ingredients and 2. C to 130o C. together, eat butter and honey 3. B with almond e add eggs one at a tim beat until to essence, and continue y. am mixture is light and cre r and he et ift dry ingredients tog 3. S honey d an r add to creamed butte . Line rum d an it mixture along with fru with tin ke ca a deep 20cm (8”) round . per pa of pro both brown and grease h wit e at cor De poon in mixture firmly. 4. S d an ts, lnu extra cherries and wa bake for 3 hours. : GRANDMOTHE RS ECONOMICAL INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon bu tter ½ cup of brown sugar 1 cup mixed frui t 1 cup plain flour 1 teaspoon of bi carb soda Cinnamon/Nutm eg to taste 1 cup boiling wa ter – add last COST OF INGRE DIENTS APPROXIMATELY $3 PLUM PUDDING METHOD 1. Cream butter and sugar 2. Mix in the othe r dry ingredient s 3. Add the boilin g water, mix we ll. 4. Put this mixtu re into a damp, lightly floured cloth. T ie tightly and pla ce in a pot of boiling wa ter. 5. Cook for 2 hour s (Water may ne ed to be topped up) 6. Remove from pot, allow to stan d at least 30 min utes before removing cloth. Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 39 F Knitting and Crochet Steward in charge: Mrs Pat Long, tel: 9390 5300 Information 1. Entry closing date: 5pm, 30th September 2016. 2. Refer to Information for Exhibitors on page 14 for Exhibit Delivery, Staging and Judging times. 3. S tudent Classes are now listed in Section A – Student Classes on Page 22. Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. All exhibits must be the work of the Exhibitor. 2. No article can be entered in this section if it has won 1st Prize in any previous Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 3. No exhibit shall have identification of owner visible. 4. Please put your Exhibitor Ticket on each entry. 5. Baby’s Set: Three garments consisting of 1 pair Booties, Bonnet, Jacket or Dress. Sets are to be pinned together. No shank buttons. 6. Crochet Lacework may be lightly tacked onto coloured card. 7. Standard sizes: Doilies maximum 25cm (10”); Runners and Table Centres maximum 75cm (30”); Tablecloth minimum 1 metre. 8. Please check that you have entered your exhibit in the correct section and correct class. Entry Fee $1.50 for each entry (Groups F1 to F6) Awards and Prize money Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards Place Cards and Prize Money F01 A and L. B. Choules award for most points in Knitting and Crochet F02 Wizard Pharmacy – Kelmscott award for most points in Hand Knitting – Group F1 F03 Gosnells Machine Knitters Club award for most points in Machine Knitting – Group F2 F04 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show award for most points in Crochet – Group F3 F05 Trish Davis award for most points in Dolls and Toys – Group F4 F06 Meg Taylor award for most points in Special Classes – Group F5 Prize Money: 1st $10, 2nd $5 (Groups F1 to F6) 40 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Hand Knitting Group F1 Class No. F101 Outfit for infant under 1 year, 3 pieces F102 Lady’s jumper or cardigan F103 Man’s jumper or cardigan F104 Baby’s shawl F105 Baby’s cardigan (no shank buttons) F106 Knitted scarf or cowl, open selection of hand spun yarn to make the scarf or cowl F107 Any other article, hand spun yarn F107 Any other article, pure wool F108 Any other article, pure cotton F109 Any other article, synthetic yarn F110 Tea cosy, To be Exhibited on a Tea Pot F111 3 Coat hangers F112 Picture knitting and/or Fair Isle Machine Knitting Group F2 Class No. F201 Baby’s shawl F202 Baby’s outfit, 2 pieces (no shank buttons) F203 Child’s cardigan or jumper 2 – 6 years F204 Child’s summer top 2 – 6 years F205 Lady’s summer top F206 Adult cardigan or jumper F207 Any other article Crochet Group F3 Class No. F301 Outfit for infant, under 1 year, 3 pieces F302 Baby’s shawl F303 Baby’s cardigan F304 Child’s jumper or cardigan F305 Child’s dress F306 Lady’s cardigan F307 Crochet hat or beanie, use appropriate style of hand spun yarn. F308 Afghan rug or bedspread F309 Table centre F310 2 Doilies F311 3 Coat hangers F312 Any other article, pure cotton F313 Any other article, pure wool F314 Any other article, synthetic F315 Knee rug F Knitting and Crochet Dolls and Toys Group F4 Class No. F401 Doll dressed in knitted or crocheted garments F402 Crocheted Doll Garment F403 Knitted Doll Garment F404 Hand Knitted Toy F405 Knitted Teddy Bear F406 Crocheted Amigurumi Animal, any size Special Classes Group F5 Entry in these classes is limited to exhibitors aged 75 years and over. Class No. F501 Knitted rug F502 Crocheted Rug F503 Hand knitted Toy F504 Any other article – knitted F505 Any other article – crocheted F506 Any other article suitable for infant or child Weaving, Spinning and Dyeing Group F6 All articles to be made from natural fibres; e.g. wool, mohair, alpaca, silk, cotton, etc. unless otherwise stated. Use of synthetic fibres to be restricted to specific category stating it can be incorporated into item or skein. Sample of fibre/fibres to be attached to item. If dyed, natural colour plus dyed sample attached to item. Knitted or Crochet item using Handspun Yarns Attach sample of staple or sliver used to make the skein. Class No. F607 Scarf made using handspun yarn F608 Beanie any size from handspun yarn F609 Any item incorporating art style yarns Hand-Dyeing Sample of fleece/sliver/carded fibre in natural colour before dyeing. Thickness of yarn is personal choice Class No. F610 White Locks of fleece dyed then spun into a yarn F611 Natural coloured locks dyed and then spun into a yarn Felting Attach samples of fibres/fabric used in item Class No. F612 Item made using wet felting method F613 Item made from knitted felting F614 Item made from needle felting F615 Item made incorporating two of the above methods of felting Weaving Class No. Please ensure samples of fibres are attached to item. F601 Item using natural fibres either dyed or using natural colour of fibre, e.g. scarf, bag, vest etc. F602 Item using variety of fibres and incorporating use of novelty style yarns. Spinning Attach sample of staple or sliver used to make the skein. Class No. F603 Skein of wool natural colour between 4 – 5 ply (14 – 15 wraps per inch as a guide) plyed yarn. F604 Skein of wool natural colour approx. 8 ply (12 wraps per inch as a guide) plyed yarn. F605 Skein of wool incorporating two or more fibres any thickness. Maybe single or plyed yarn. F606 Skein of single spun yarn, any thickness using a variety of fibres incorporated into yarn. Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 41 G G Needlework Sponsored by Westcoats Embroidery Steward in charge: Mrs Betty Buckingham, KAS Councillor, tel: 9398 2044 Information 1. Entry closing date: 5pm, 30th Sept 2016. 2. Refer to Information for Exhibitors on page 14 for Exhibit Delivery, Staging and Judging times. 3. Note: Patchwork And Quilting. These exhibits will be judged at an earlier time. Therefore Group G5 exhibits only should be delivered to the KAS Showground Office on Monday 10th October, between 9am and 4pm. 4. S tudent Classes are now listed in Section A – Student Classes on Page 22. Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. Articles which have previously taken a first prize in a Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show are not eligible to compete in this Section. 2. Articles shown in this section must not have been washed except for patchwork and quilting. Transfer and embroidery markings may be removed by rinsing in cold water 3. Standard sizes: Doilies maximum 25cm (10ins); Runners and Table Centres, maximum 75cm (30ins); Tablecloth minimum, 1 metre. 4. All framed pictures and wall hangings must have facilities for hanging. 5. Dressmaking – G1, Machine Sewn Articles – G2, Dolls and Toys – G3, Reborn Dolls – G4: Articles in these Groups may feature hand or machine embroidery, beading, decoration or any other embellishments as appropriate to the article. 6. A Quilt is a textile piece which consists of 3 layers held together with stitching (Quilting) or tied in order to hold the three layers together. 7. Please put your Exhibitor Ticket on each exhibit. 8. Please check that you have entered your exhibit in the correct group and correct class. Entry Fee $1.50 for each entry (Group G1 to G8) Awards and Prize Money Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards Prize Cards and Prize Money. 42 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show G01 Kelmscott Agricultural Society Perpetual Trophy donated by Westcoats Embroidery for Highest Aggregate Points in Needlework Section. G02 Cottonwool Creations award for most points in Dressmaking and Machine Sewn Articles, CrossStitch, Tapestry and Hand Needlework – Groups G1, G2, G5 and G7 G03 Westcoats Embroidery award for most points in Dolls and Toys (Group G3) and Reborn Dolls (Group G4) G04 Pat Campbell Memorial Trophy award donated by A Floral Moment for most points in Patchwork Quilting – Group G6 Prize Money: 1st $10, 2nd $5 (Group G1 to G8) Dressmaking Group G1 See also item 5, Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting. Class No. G101 Girl’s or Ladies dress G102 Boy’s outfit G103 Child’s sunsuit G104 Babies wear G105 Any article, stretch fabric G106 Any outfit, not 1 piece, any fabric G107 Nightwear – Ladies, Gents or Children’s G108 Garment featuring embellishment G109 Any garment not elsewhere specified G110 Any garment – beginners Machine Sewn Articles Group G2 See also item 5, Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting. Class No. G201 Pillowcase, any style G202 Cushion – any embroidered cushon – machine sewn only G203 Appliqué – any article G204 Apron G205Textile Art G206 Article not elsewhere specified G207 Article featuring machine embroidery – not computerised G208 Article featuring computerised machine embroidery only Needlework Dolls and Toys Group G3 See also item 5, Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting. Note: Toys include Teddy Bears Class No. G301 Doll dressed in machine sewn fabric garments G302 Doll dressed in hand sewn fabric garments G303 Doll Garment – machine sewn fabric G304 Rag doll G305 Toy – in felt G306 Toy – in fur G307 Toy – any other fabric G308 2 or more toys in a related group in fabric, felt or fur G309 Teddy Bear in Fabric G310 Teddy Bear in Fur G311 Novelty Teddy Bear G312 Bear making, professionals G313 Bear making, beginners Reborn Dolls Group G4 See also item 5, Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting. Class No. G401 Reborn doll G402 Reborn doll dressed in machine clothes G403 Reborn doll dressed in handmade clothes G404 Reborn doll clothes must be made by exhibitor Cross-Stitch and Tapestry Group G5 Class No. G501 Cross-stitch framed pictures or wall hangings. No over embroidery, embellishments or decorations allowed G502 Cross-stitch, any article. Over embroidery and any type of embellishment allowed G503 Tapestry picture-Wool. Worked area not to exceed 45cm x 45cm G504 Long stitch, tapestry picture. Size not to exceed 60cm x 60cm Patchwork and Quilting Group G6 a. See Information for earlier delivery and judging of exhibits only in this Group. b. Please provide sleeves for displaying quilts c. Definition of quilting see Item 6 Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting d. Cushions not to have inserts – Patchwork only e. * Class No G611 is a no fee entry class, article only for display purpose Class No. G601 Traditional bed quilt pieced G602 Quilt, innovative non-traditional G603 Quilt, predominantly appliquéed G604 Miniature quilt – max 50cm in any one direction G605 Small quilt – max 150 cm in any direction G606 Wall hanging G607 Novelty Patchwork Covertlet using nontraditional fabrics, with or without batting – Maximum size 1m x 1m G608 Any other article featuring applique and/or Patchwork or Quilting – including cushions and excluding quilts G609 Two person quilts or wall hanging G610 Any quilted article – beginners G611 * Exhibition only – a quilt, wall hanging or other article which you do not wish to have judged – or a quilt made by a group Hand Needlework Group G7 Class No. G701 Embroidered tablecloth, duchess set or household linen G702 Any article candlewicking G703 Any article featuring stumpwork/dimensional G704 Any article embroidered – any type of embroidery not elsewhere specified G705 Embroidered picture other than tapestry or cross stitch. Any style, any additional embellishments allowed G706 Any article featuring ribbon embroidery (may include some silk) G707 Any article Hardanger G708 Article featuring Chicken Scratch G709 Article featuring Silk Ribbon only G710 Tapestry Picture, Needlepoint (Framed) G711 Article featuring Brazilian Embroidery (must use twisted rayon thread) Special Classes Group G8 Entry in these classes is limited to exhibitors aged 65 years and over. Class No. G801 Any article – hand sewn G802 Any article – machine sewn G803 Any article – cross-stitch or tapestry Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 43 H Crafts, China Painting, Pottery and Ceramics Steward in charge: Mrs Eileen Waddington, tel: 9390 7118 Information 1. Entry closing date: 5pm, 30th September 2016. 2. Refer to Information for Exhibitors on page 14 for Exhibit Delivery, Staging and Judging times. 3. Pottery Amateur and Ceramics Novice means a competitor who has had less than 9 months experience. 4. Pottery Open and Ceramics Hobbyist means a competitor who has had more than 9 months experience. 5. S tudent Classes are now listed in Section A – Student Classes on Page 22. Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. All exhibits must be the work of the Exhibitor. 2. No article can be entered in this section if it has won 1st Prize in any previous Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 3. Exhibit must be made in the last 12 months for Groups H2, H3 and H4. 4. No exhibit shall have identification of owner visible. 5. P lease put your Exhibitor Ticket on each entry. 6. C heck that you have entered your exhibit in the correct Section and correct Class. Entry Fee $1.50 for each entry (Groups H1 to H4) Awards and Prize Money Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards Prize Cards and Money Prizes. H01 Roma Jeffery award for most points in Crafts, China Painting, Pottery and Ceramics H02 Evelyn Mills award for best Folk Art. H03 Hilary Clark award for Most points in China Painting, Pottery and Ceramics – Amateur and Novice Classes H04 Hilary Clark award for Most points in China Painting, Pottery and Ceramics – Open and Hobbyist Classes Prize Money:1st $10, 2nd $5 (Groups H1 to H4) Arts and Crafts Group H1 Class No. COTTONWOOL Sewing and Craft Supplies Contact Kay or Brian for friendly expert service and advice Shop 3/211 Railway Avenue Kelmscott 6111 Tel: (08) 9495 1876 Email: coopers@dollscoop.com www.cottonwoolshop.com 44 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show H Crafts, China Painting, Pottery and Ceramics H101 Article, 1 only. Any other medium not elsewhere specified, not embroidered H102 Small gifts, 3, for lady, man or child H103 Any article – Christmas theme – Open H104 Any article – Australian theme H105 Colours of Nature – any medium H106 Jewellery, own design, novice – mounted on black card H107 Jewellery, own design, open – mounted onblack card H108 Any article fabric craft H109 Mosaic – Open – no larger than 50cm x 50cm H110 Fabric craft, wall hanging H111 Decorative Folk Art on any Surface H112 Traditional Folk Art on any Surface H113 Australiana Folk Art on any Surface H114 Stitch a card x 3 – no stickers H115 Greeting cards x 3 Open Cards are not to exceed 11cm x 15cm when closed Greeting cards to be mounted on black backing card H116 Scrapbooking – 2 pages H117 Scrapbooking – off the page –must contain a photo and be an item not to go in an album, frame, canvas etc. H118 Decorated Terracotta plant pot up to 17cm diameter – painted. (sealed) H119 Decorated Terracotta plant pot up to 17cm diameter – any form of decoration other than painting. (sealed) China Painting Group H2 China Painting Amateur Class No. H201 Hand Painted Vase, jug, tea pot – any subject H202 Any piece – featuring Colours of Nature H203 Plate – any subject China Painting Open Class No. H204 Hand Painted Vase, jug, tea pot – any subject H205 Any piece – featuring Colours of Nature H206 Plate, any subject Pottery Group H3 Pottery Amateur Class No. H301 Hand built article H302 Any Article – pottery Pottery Open Class No. H303 Hand built article H304 Wheel thrown article H305 Any Article – Pottery Ceramics Group H4 Ceramics Hobbyist Class No. H401 Featuring glazing H402 Featuring underglaze any design H403 Greenware adaptation – cutouts, carving and sizing only H404 Any Article Ceramics H405 Featuring stains any subject Ceramics Novice Class No. H406 Featuring Stains any subject H407 Featuring underglaze any design H408 Featuring overglaze only H409 Featuring stains, animals, birds and figurines H410 Greenware adaptation – cutouts, carving and sizing only H411 Any Article Ceramics Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 45 I J Manual Arts Steward in charge: Mr Ian Hamilton, tel: 9390 8991 Information 1. Entry closing date: 5pm, 30th September 2016. 2. Refer to Information for Exhibitors on page 14 for Exhibit Delivery, Staging and Judging times. 3. S tudent Classes are now listed in Section A – Student Classes on Page 22. Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. All exhibits must be the work of the Exhibitor. 2. No article can be entered in this section if it has won 1st Prize in any previous Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 3. No exhibit shall have identification of owner visible. 4. Please put your Exhibitor Ticket on each entry. 5. Check that you have entered your exhibit in the correct Section and Class. Entry Fee $1.50 for each entry (Groups I1 to I4) Awards and Prize Money Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards Prize Cards and Money Prizes. I01 Bunnings Warehouse award for most points in Manual Arts Section Prize Money: 1st $10, 2nd $5 (Groups I1 to I4) Leather Group I1 Class No. I101 Leather belt I102 Leather – sculpture work I103 Leather – bag or handbag, or pouch, or money belt – 1 item only I104 Leather – any other item I105 Leather – group of 2 or more articles that must complement each other I106 Leather – any article by a Novice I107 Pyrography any article (Leather Burning) Metalwork Group I2 Class No. I201 Metalwork – sculpture small I202 Metalwork – candelabra I203 Metalwork – practical item I204 Blacksmithing – any article 46 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show I205 Any other article Woodwork Group I3 Class No. I301 Any article featuring hand carving I302 Any article of wood turning work I303 Any article featuring inlaid work in timber I304 Cabinet making – small I305 Any article of woodwork – small I306 Any article of woodwork – large I307 Any wooden article – kit form I308 Pyrography any article (Woodburning) Recycled materials creations Group I4 Class No. I401 Birdhouse made from recycled materials I402 Garden ornament made from recycled materials I403 Ring pull art made from recycled materials I404 Any other article made from recycled materials with a size limit 45cmx45cmx45cm Painting and Drawing Sponsored by Down Under Signs Steward in charge: Mr Kim Fletcher, KAS Councillor, tel: 9399 2388 Information 1. Entry closing date: 5pm, 30th September 2016. 2. Refer to Information for Exhibitors on page 14 for Exhibit Delivery, Staging and Judging times. 3. Student Classes are now listed in Section A – Student Classes on Page 22. Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. All exhibits must be the work of the Exhibitor. 2. Please adhere to Medium descriptions and Maximum Size and Framing requirements. See also Show Regulations and By–laws rule 18. 3. All exhibits in classes J101 to J110 to be framed ready to be hung. Unframed Canvases are acceptable. No photo frames with affixed metal type hangers accepted. 4. Please put the Exhibitor Ticket on the front of each entry. 5. No Painting or Drawing can be entered in this section if it has previously won 1st Prize in any Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 6. Due to limited exhibiting space in this section there is a limit of ten (10) entries per exhibitor. Entry Fee $1.50 for each entry – Group J1 Awards and Prize Money Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards Prize Cards and Money Prizes. J01 Waterwheel Gallery award for Best Exhibit in Painting and Drawing – Group J1 Prize Money: 1st $10, 2nd $5 – Group J1 UNO Special Prize Money Donated by the Wildflower Society of W.A – Armadale Branch for the following classes: * 1st $30, 2nd $15 (Class J110) Painting and Drawing Open Group J1 Size: overall not to exceed 4,200 sq cms Class No. J101 Landscape – oils, acrylic J102 Landscape or Seascape – water colour, gouache or pen wash (ink) J103 Portrait (head or full length) – any medium J104 Animals or Birds – any medium J105 Mixed Media – any subject J106 Any subject – pastel J107 Drawing, any subject – pencil, conté, charcoal, ink J108 Interpretation of the theme ‘Happiness’, any medium J109 Small painting, not exceeding 900sq cms. Any subject, any medium J110 * Western Australian wildflower(s). Water colour, oil, acrylic. Agricultural Art Award 2016: The Royal Agricultural Society of WA is associated with numerous approved competitive fine arts awards and affiliated agricultural society art awards that are held throughout Western Australia. From these awards, entries are nominated and submitted to the Perth Royal Show’s annual Agricultural Art Award. The Kelmscott Agricultural Society will nominate one of the winners from Group J1 in 2016 that depicts a rural theme into the 2017 Perth Royal Show Agricultural Art Award. The winner nominated will need to be from the same Council as the Kelmscott Agricultural Society to be eligible. Important Information For Exhibitors Any exhibit that does not meet the maximum size and framing requirements, including being ready to be hung, and does not have the exhibit ticket fastened will not be accepted. Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 47 K K Photography – Amateur Sponsored by Examiner Newspapers Steward in charge: Mrs Kath Coultard, tel: 9390 0804 Information 1. Entry closing date: 5pm, 30th September 2016. 2. Refer to Information for Exhibitors on page 14 for Exhibit Delivery, Staging and Judging times. Exhibits can only be delivered on Thursday night between 6:30pm – 8:30pm. No exhibits will be accepted on Friday. 3. S tudent Classes are now listed in Section A – Student Classes on Page 22. Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. P RIOR TO DELIVERY please put Class Number and Name on the back of each exhibit. 2. All photos must be mounted preferably using light card. This requirement is for judge and display purposes AS WELL AS AVOIDING DAMAGE TO PHOTOS that need to be attached to boards USING DRAWING PINS. Note that NO GLASS or SOLID FRAMES are allowed 3. I f titles are used they must be placed at the bottom of the exhibit immediately under the picture. 4. All exhibits, except the mounting and developing, must be the work of the exhibitor of amateur status. 5. P hotographs which have won a First Prize in a previous Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show are not eligible for competition. 6. D ue to limited exhibiting space in this section there is a limit of ten (10) entries per exhibitor. 7. The KAS reserves the right to return entry forms and monies for this section should the maximum number of entries be exceeded or if the overall photography exhibit space available reaches its limit. 8. T raditional or digital photos in black and white or colour will be accepted into all groups. Entry Fee $1.50 for each entry (Groups K1 to K3) Sign Fabrication and Installation Magnetic Signs • Banners Full Sign Writing Services Vehicle and Fleet Marketing Screen Printing • Illuminated Signs Computer Lettering Foam and Perspex Cut-outs 08 9497 1155 31 Owen Road, Kelmscott, WA, 6111 Fax: 08 9399 6058 Mob: 0414 350 334 48 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Photography – Amateur Awards and Prize Money Ken Mutton donates Prize Money towards classes Enlargement Group K1 and Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards Prize Cards for all sections. K01 Examiner Newspapers award for most points in Photography Section K02 Norvek Framers and Photo Printers award for most points in Enlargement – Group K1. K03 Examiner Newspapers award for most points Adult Photography – Group K2 Prize Money: 1st $10, 2nd $5 (Groups K1 to K3) Enlargement Group K1 Minimum size, mounting not included: 20cm x 25cm or 500sq cms Maximum size including mounting board: 30.5cm x 38cm or 1159sq cms Class No. K101 Portrait K102 The Everchanging Sky K103 Sports in Action K104 Reflections and patterns, K105 Landscapes K106 Nature study K107 Flower Study K108 Architecture K109 Open Adults Group K2 Maximum mounted size: 13cm x 18cm or 234sq cms Class No. K201 Baby study – up to 3 years K202 Child or children at play K203 Scenic, natural environment K204 Flower Study K205 Animal Study K206 Sunset/Sunrise K207 Open Representing the past – Pre 1960 Group K3 Maximum mounted size: 23cm x 33cm or 759sq cms The photos entered must be taken by the exhibitor. Photos Pre 1960 could include fashions, heirlooms, buildings, kitchen utensils, machinery and tools just to name a few. Class No. K301 Open Important Information For Exhibitors PRIOR TO DELIVERY of Photos to the Showground: 1. A ttach your entry ticket as per the illustration below so that the group, class and entry number is showing on the front bottom right hand corner. The top portion of the ticket should be firmly taped to the back of the mounting. 2. F or security reasons, make sure that your name and class number are clearly written on the back of the photo or mounting. Front Section K Class No. K106 Exhibit Identity No. Entry ticket 3261 Back John Smith Class No. K106 Tape Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 49 L Animals in the Children’s World M Poultry Stewards in charge: Desiree and Adrianna Della Franca, tel: 9397 7398 Contact: Mr Ross Kitson, KAS Councillor, tel: 0409 990 583 Information 1. Entry closing date: 7th October 2016 at 5pm. 2. E xhibitors will be issued two livestock entry passes for the delivery of their exhibits. 3. Prize money paid out from 4pm Saturday at the Show. Information 1. Entry closing date: 5pm, 30th September 2016. 2. Exhibitors will be issued 2 livestock entry tickets for the delivery of their exhibits. 3. P rize money paid out from 4pm Saturday at the Show. Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. E xhibits will be judged on presentation and appeal. 2. E xhibit Entry is via Gate 4 2. S taging of exhibits must occur between 8am and 8.45am. Exhibits must be ready for judging by 11am on Saturday of the Show. 3. E xhibitors to provide their own Pens and Staging. 4. Cage must comply with Animal Welfare guide lines. 5. Water and loading ramps available on site 6. E xhibits must remain staged until 5pm. 7. C lass L112 and L113 to be delivered to Exhibition Hall on Thursday night 13th October if exhibitor has no other entries in Section L Entry Fee 50¢ for each entry Awards and Prize Money Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards Prize Cards and money prizes. L01 Cyril Rushton Memorial award for most points in Animals in the Children’s World L02 Better Pets and Gardens Kelmscott award for best Presented Animals in the Children’s World Exhibit L03 ADF Engineering award for The Stewards Choice in Animals in the Children’s World Prize Money: 1st $10, 2nd $5 Children Years 12 and Under Group L1 Class No. L101 Female and Progeny L102 Guinea Pigs – Pet – Non standardised L103 Mice L104 Puppy or Dog L105 Bird in Cage – Budgerigar, Canary or Galah etc. L106 Fish L107 Crazy Crabs 50 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show L108 Rabbits L109 Hen – Chicken or Rooster, L110 Duck or Duckling L111 Rats L112 Pet Rock (Best dressed or painted) – Years 7 and under L113 Pet Rock (Best dressed or painted) – Years 7 to 12 L114 Any other pet, large* Call KAS for display requirements L115 Any other pet, small 2970 Albany Highway Kelmscott ph: 9495 1226 email: arkvet@iinet.net.au Professional, caring service for your pets. Servicing the area for over 30 years. Housecall service available Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. Vehicles delivering Exhibits may enter the Showgrounds up to 8:30am via Gate 4 and must be removed from the Showgrounds by 8:45am. Vehicles will not be admitted after 8:30am 2. All birds must be penned by 8.30am Saturday, ready for Judging at 9am and remain penned until 5pm 3. Any birds being infested with Lice, Stickfast Flea or Scaly Leg Mite WILL NOT be accepted and must be immediately removed from the pavilion. 4. Definitions: AC – Any colour, AOC – Any other colour, AOV – Any other variety Entry Fee $1.50 for each entry Awards and Prize Money Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards prize cards and money prizes. Rosettes plus money prizes of $4 will be awarded to the following: M51 Best Standard Pair; M52 Best Bantam Pair; M53 Best Standard Hard Feathered; M54 Best Standard Heavy Breed; M55 Best Standard Light Breed; M56 Best Bantam Hard Feathered; M57 Best Soft Feathered Bantam Heavy Breed; M58 Best Soft Feathered Bantam Light Breed; M59 Best Water Fowl; M60 Best Novice Junior; M61 Best Junior; M01 Northam Chaff And Fodder Co. award for Champion Bird of Show M02 Northam Chaff And Fodder Co. award for Reserve Bird of Show M03 Better Pets and Garden award for Best Display Pair – Group M1 M04 Northam Chaff And Fodder Co. award for Best Hard Feathered – Groups M2 and M5 M05 Northam Chaff And Fodder Co. award for Best Standard Breed – Groups M3 and M4 M06 Caroline Mak and Anthony Lee Dental Surgeons award for Best Soft Feathered Bantam in Groups M6 and M7 M07 Northam Chaff And Fodder Co. award for Best Water Fowl – Group M8 M08 Kazimierczak Family award for Best Junior Exhibit, Year 12 & Under – Group M9 Prize Money: 1st $8, 2nd $4 Pairs Group M1 Standard Display Pairs Class No. M101 Hard Feathered AV M102 Standard Heavy Breed AV M103 Standard Light Breed AV M104 Water fowl AV Bantams Display Pairs Class No. M105 Hard Feathered Bantam AV M106 Soft Feathered Light breed AV M107 Soft Feathered Heavy breed AV M108 Bantam Water Fowl Pair AV Standard Hardfeathered Group M2 Class No. Male Female M201 M202 Indian Game AC M203 M204 Modern Game AC M205 M206 Old English Game Black/Red dark leg M207 M208 Old English Game Black/Red light leg M209 M210 Old English Game Duckwing AC M211 M212 Old English Game AOC M213 M214 Standard Hard Feathered AOV Standard Heavy Breed Group M3 Class No. Male Female M301 M302 Australorp AC M303 M304 Langshan AV AC M305 M306 Orpington AC M307 M308 Plymouth Rock AC M309 M310 Rhode Island AC M311 M312 Sussex AC M313 M314 Wyandotte, White M315 M316 Wyandotte Laced Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 51 M M317 M318 Wyandotte AOC M319 M320 Heavy Breed AOV Standard Light Breed Group M4 Class No. Male Female M401 M402 Ancona AC M403 M404 Araucana AC M405 M406 Hamburgh AC M407 M408 Leghorn White M409 M410 Leghorn Brown M411 M412 Leghorn AOC M413 M414 Polish AC M415 M416 Silkie AC M417 M418 Light Breed AOV Bantam Hardfeather Group M5 Class No. Male Female M501 M502 Indian Game AC M503 M504 Modern Game Black Red M505 M506 Modern Game Pile M507 M508 Modern Game AOC M509 M510 Old English Game Black Red Partridge M511 M512 Old English Game Black Red Wheaten M513 M514 Old English Game Duckwing AC M515 M516 Old English Game AOC M517 M518 Bantam Hardfeather AOV Soft Feathered Heavy Breed Bantam Group M6 Class No. Male Female M601 M602 Australorp AC M603 M604 Langshan AC M605 M606 Pekin Black M607 M608 Pekin Buff M609 M610 Pekin White M611 M612 Pekin AOC M613 M614 Plymouth Rock AC M615 M616 Rhode Island AC M617 M618 Sussex AC N O Poultry M619 M620 Wyandotte Gold Laced M621 M622 Wyandotte Silver Laced M623 M624 Wyandotte White M625 M626 Wyandotte AOC M627 M628 Soft Feathered Heavy Breed Bantam AOV Soft Feathered Light Breed Bantam Group M7 Class No. Male Female M701 M702 Ancona AC M703 M704 Leghorn Brown M705 M706 Leghorn White M707 M708 Leghorn AOC M709 M710 Rosecomb, AC M711 M712 Sebright AC M713 M714 Soft Feathered Light Breed Bantam AOV Water Fowl Group M8 Class No. Male Female M801 M802 Campbell AC M803 M804 Indian Runner AC M805 M806 Muscovy AC M807 M808 Pekin M809 M810 Rouen M811 M812 Waterfowl AOV M813 M814 Mallard AC M815 M816 Silver Appleyard M817 M818 Waterfowl Bantam AV M819 M820 Geese M821 M822 Turkey Juniors Year 12 and Under Group M9 Class No. Male Female M901 M902 Standard Hard Feather AV M903 M904 Standard Soft Feather AV M905 M906 Bantam Hard Feather AV M907 M908 Bantam Soft Feather AV M909 M910 Waterfowl AV M911 Barnyard Fowl Male (not purebred) M912 Barnyard Fowl Female (not purebred) Pigeons – Cancelled for 2016 To prevent the spread of a contagious virus affecting WA Pigeons, the Australian National Pigeon Association and FUPS Management have cancelled all Pigeon Shows for 2016. 52 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Dairy Goats Staged by the Dairy Goats Society of Western Australia Enquiries: Mrs Robyne Coe, tel: 9397 0376, Judge: Mr Rick Howard Information 1. Entry closing date: 5pm, 30th September 2016. 2. All entries to KAS Entry Recorder. 3. Kid pens are available. Please note on Entry Form if required. 4. Vehicles delivering Exhibits may enter the Showgrounds up to 8:30am via Gate 4 and must be removed from the Showgrounds by 8:45am. Vehicles will not be admitted after 8:30am 5. Exhibitors will be issued with the following livestock entry passes for the delivery of their exhibits on the Saturday morning: 1 to 3 exhibits – 2 entry tickets 4 to 6 exhibits – 3 entry tickets 7 exhibits and over – 4 entry tickets 6. Exhibits must be staged by 8.45am ready for judging by 9.30am on Saturday. 7. P rize money paid out from 4pm Saturday at the Show. Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. Conducted under the Rules and Regulations of the Kelmscott Agricultural Society and the Dairy Goats Society of Western Australia. 2. All stock must be registered with the Dairy Goats Society of Western Australia and be from CAE Free Herds. 3. Exhibitors are required to ensure all livestock entering the show grounds are correctly identified and provide the Steward in Charge with a copy of their NVD/waybill prior to staging. 3a. Exemptions: Stud stock may be identified by their registered breed society mark instead of the owner’s registered brand or earmark. When accompanied by their mother, young animals can also travel without being branded or earmarked. 3b. Calves, lambs, kids and stud stock are Not Exempt from correct NLIS identification. 4. Exhibits must remain staged until 5pm. However Exhibitors travelling in excess of 100kms may apply to the Chief Steward for special permission to leave earlier. Entry Fee $1.50 for each entry Awards and Prize Money Kelmscott Agricltural Society awards 1st and 2nd place money prizes, Ribbons to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and sashes to the following: Supreme Senior Champion Doe Senior Champion Saanen Doe Reserve Senior Champion Saanen Doe Senior Champion Toggenburg Doe Reserve Senior Champion Toggenburg Doe Senior Champion British Alpine Doe Reserve Senior Champion British Alpine Doe Senior Champion Anglo Nubian Doe Reserve Senior Champion Anglo Nubian Doe Doe with Best Udder Champion Goatling Reserve Champion Goatling. Junior Champion Doe Reserve Junior Champion Doe Junior Champion Saanen Doe Junior Champion Toggenburg Doe Junior Champion British Alpine Doe Junior Champoin Anglo Nubian Doe Champion Doe Kid Reserve Champion Doe Kid Champion Buck Kid Reserve Champion Buck Kid Junior Champion Buck Reerve Junior Chamion Buck Senior Champion Buck Reserve Senior Champion Buck Sashes for the following donated by the Dairy Goat Society of Australia Federal Council: Grand Champion Buck Grand Champion Doe O01 Jackie Richardson Memorial Trophy for Supreme Champion Doe O02 Connelly Family award for Junior Champion Doe O03 Connelly Family award for Doe with Best Udder O04 DGSWA award For Champion Kid O05 Betdale trophy for Dam and Daughter O06 Daisydale Debutante Trophy for Champion Anglo Nubian Doe Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 53 O P Dairy Goats O07 Woodyville Anglo Nubians award for Breeders Trio O08 Kalama Stud award for type and production Doe O09 Currie Park Stud award for 24HR Type and Production Doe O10 Dandalee Park Stud award for most successfull exhibitor Prize Money: 1st $10, 2nd $5 Dairy Goats Group O1 Class No. O101 Smartest on parade – goat and handler (handler’s name to appear on entry form) O102 Veteran Doe in Milk Age 6 years and over. O103 Saanen Doe, 3 years and under 6 years, in milk O104 Toggenburg Doe, 3 years and under 6 years, in milk O105 British Alpine Doe, 3 years and under 6 years, in milk O106 Anglo Nubian Doe, 3 years and under 6 years, in milk O107 Saanen Doe, under 36 months, in milk O108 Toggenburg Doe, under 36 months, in milk O109 British Alpine Doe, under 36 months, in milk O110 Anglo Nubian Doe, under 36 months, in milk O111 Any other DGSS recognised breed, under 6 in milk O112 Type and Production Doe in milk. Open to Does who have completed lactation in the last 24 months. To be accompanied by production figures. Points to be calculated as per Royal Show Schedule. O113 24 Hour Type and Production Doe in milk. Open to does tested in 24 hour production test during the last 24 months. Figures to be submitted with entries. O114 Doe with best udder, 1st lactation O115 Doe with best udder, subsequent lactation Doe with Best Udder O116 Dry Doe, any dairy breed, must have kidded at least once Senior Champion Saanen Doe Reserve Senior Champion Saanen Doe Senior Champion Toggenburg Doe Reserve Senior Champion Toggenburg Doe Senior Champion British Alpine Doe Reserve Senior Champion British Alpine Doe Senior Champion Anglo Nubian Doe Reserve Senior Champion Anglo Nubian Doe 24 months, unkidded O119 British Alpine Goatling 12 months and under 24 months, unkidded O120 Anglo Nubian Goatling 12 months and under 24 months, unkidded O121 Any other DGSA Breed Coating 12 months and under 24 months, unkidded Champion Goatling Reserve Champion Goatling O122 Saanen Doe Kid, under 6 months. O122 Toggenburg Doe Kid, under 6 months O124 British Alpine Doe Kid, under 6 months O125 Anglo Nubian Doe Kid, under 6 months O126 Any other recognised DGSA Breed Doe Kid, under 6 months O127 ADB Doe Kid 6–12 months Champion Doe Kid Reserve Champion Doe Kid Junior Champion Saanen Doe Junior Champion Toggenburg Doe Junior Champion British Alpine Doe Junior Champion Doe Reserve Junior Champion Doe Grand Champion Doe O128 Dam and Daughter, any dairy breed to be drawn from single pen classes. O129 Sire’s Progeny Pair, same Sire different Dams. To be drawn from single pen classes. Sire’s name to be shown on entry form. O130 Dam’s Progeny Pair. To be drawn from single pen classes. Dam’s name to be shown on entry form. O131 ADB Buck under 6 months O132 ADB Buck 6–12 months Champion Buck Kid Reserve Champion Buck Kid O133 ADB Buck over 12–24 months Junior Champion Buck Reserve Junior Champion Buck O134 ADB Buck over 24 months Senior Champion Buck Supreme Senior Champion Doe Reserve Senior Champion Buck Grand Champion Buck O117 Saanen Goatling 12 months and under 24 months, unkidded O118 Toggenburg Goatling 12 months and under O135 ADB Sire and Son O136 Breeders Trio O137 ‘Junior Handler’ 5 to 15 years of age 54 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Donkeys Staged by Donkey Society of WA Enquiries: Mrs Lesley Pascoe, tel: 6142 2926 Information 1. Entry closing date: 5th October 2016 at 5pm 2. Vehicles delivering Exhibits may enter the Showgrounds up to 8:30am via Gate 1 and must be removed from the Showgrounds by 8:45am. Vehicles will not be admitted after 8:30am 3. Exhibitors will be issued with the following livestock entry passes for the delivery of their exhibits on the Saturday morning: 1 to 3 exhibits – 2 entry tickets 4 to 6 exhibits – 3 entry tickets 7 exhibits and over – 4 entry tickets 4. Exhibits must be staged by 8.45am ready for judging by 10am Saturday. 5. Exhibits must remain staged until 5.00pm. 6. P rize money paid out from 4pm Saturday at the Show. Entry Fee $1.50 for each class entered Awards and Prize Money Ribbons to 2nd place and sashes to Champions from Classes P1 to P3 Sash ‘High Point Equine’ for highest accumulated points P01 Donkey Society of WA award for champion In Hand classes P02 Gill Baddeley award for champion in Working Equine classes P03 Endeavon Products award for In Hand Turnout – Class P108 P04 Growers Agrishop award for Judges’ Choice Prize Money: 1st $10, 2nd $5 Champion In Hand Equine judged from 1st place getters Classes P101 – P106. Sash and trophy awarded to Champion In Hand Equine. Sash for Reserve Winner Junior Classes Group P2 For inexperienced children (under 10yrs) Class No. P201 Junior Ridden whilst lead P202 Junior Handler/Obstacle – in hand (with assistance) Ribbons awarded to winners Working/Obstacle Equine Classes (In Hand) Group P3 Class No. P301 Junior Handler (under 16 years) P302 Equine up to and including 18 months old P303 Equine over 18 months P304 Open long reining course Champion Working Equine judged from 1st place getters Classes P301 – P304. Sash and trophy awarded to Champion Working Equine. Sash for Reserve Winner Ridden Classes Group P4 Class No. P401 Junior Rider (under 16 yrs old) P402 Open Ridden/Obstacle Equine Ribbons awarded to winners In Hand Classes Group P1 Class No. P101 In Hand Jack P102 In Hand Jenny (under 11 hands) P103 In Hand Jenny (11 hands and over) P104 In Hand Gelding (under 11 hands) P105 In Hand Gelding (11 hands and over) P106 In Hand Foal (up to and including 18mths old) P107 In Hand Jenny and Foal P108 In Hand Turnout Ribbons awarded to individual classes Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 55 Q Q Sheep Steward in charge: Mr Ross Miller, Wiltshire Sheep, tel: 9525 2498. Contact: Mr Ross Kitson KAS Councillor, tel: 0409 990 583 Information 1. Entry closing date: 5th October 2016 at 5pm 2. Vehicles delivering Exhibits may enter the Showgrounds up to 8:30am via Gate 4 and must be removed from the Showgrounds by 8:45am. Vehicles will not be admitted after 8:30am 3. Exhibits must be staged by 8.45am ready for judging by 10am on Saturday. 4. Exhibitors will be issued with the following livestock entry passes for the delivery of their exhibits on the Saturday morning: 1 to 3 exhibits – 2 entry tickets 4 to 6 exhibits – 3 entry tickets 7 exhibits and over – 4 entry tickets 5. Exhibits will be judged on Grooming and Presentation. 6. Exhibitors will be required to provide their own halters. 7. Pens will be provided. Water and loading ramps available on site. 8. Prize money paid out from 4pm Saturday at the Show. 9. Exhibits remain staged until 5pm. Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. Registered sheep competing in the Wiltshire classes must be registered in a recognized Flock Book and flock book or breeder number must be written on the entry form. 2. Judging and inspections will conform to the Inspectors Breed society standards as listed in the Australian Stud Breeders Association Flock Book 2007. 3. Exhibitors are required to ensure all livestock entering the show grounds are correctly identified and provide the Steward in Charge with a copy of their NVD/waybill prior to staging. 3a. Exemptions: Stud stock may be identified by their registered breed society mark instead of the owner’s registered brand or earmark. When accompanied by their mother, young animals can also travel without being branded or earmarked. 3b. Calves, lambs, kids and stud stock are Not Exempt from correct NLIS identification. 56 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 4. A ll appeals are to be lodged with the Steward in Charge. 5. A ll sheep exhibited should be free of infectious diseases. Entry Fee $2 for each entry. Awards and Prize Money Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards ribbons and prize money, plus sashes for: Best Exhibit Sheep (other than Wiltshire and Wiltipoll). Q01 Growers Agrishop award for Best Exhibit Sheep (other than Wiltshire and Wiltipoll). Q02 Growers Agrishop award for Best Melanian and Coloured Sheep Wiltshire and Wiltipoll Sheep Classes sponsored by Milne Agrigroup Kelmscott, Nardie Wiltshire Stud Gidgegannup, Eaglenook Wiltshire Stud Keysbrook. Sash and Trophy for: Champion Novice, Wiltshire Best Prepared Team, Novice, Wiltshire Champion Ram, Wiltshire Champion Ewe, Wiltshire Best of Breed, Wiltshire (to be selected from the Champion Ram or Ewe) Best Breeding Pair under 1½ years old, Wiltshire, Champion Ewe, Wiltipoll Champion Ram,Wiltipoll Best of Breed,Wiltipoll Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $10, 3rd $5 (Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd given when over 6 entries in a class) Sheep Group Q1 Class No. Ewes Q101 Crossbred ewe under 1½ years shown in wool Q102 Crossbred ewe with lambs at foot Ewes Rams Q103 Q104 Merino Q105 Q106 British Breed Q107 Q108 Melanian and Coloured Q109 Q110 Any other breed Q111 Three Prime Lambs Q112 Junior Judging (by invitation). $250 Prize money for Class Q112 donated by LJ Hooker Atwell Sheep Wiltshire and Wiltipoll Sheep Novice – Group Q2 Class No. Ewes Rams Q201 Q202 Wiltshire under 1½ years showing not more than 2 incisor teeth Q203 Q204 Wiltshire over 1½ years showing more than 2 incisor teeth Q205 Breeding pair (ram and ewe) under 1½ years to show not more than 2 incisor teeth Q206 Ewe any age with lamb/s at foot (the lambs must be pure bred or a registered appendix flock). Wiltshire and Wiltipoll Sheep Open – Group Q3 Class No. Ewes Rams Q301 Q302 Wiltshire under 1½ years showing not more than 2 incisor teeth R Q303 Q304 Wiltshire over 1 ½ years showing more than 2 incisor teeth Q305 Wiltshite Breeding pair (ram and ewe) under 1½ years to show not more than 2 incisor teeth Q306 Ewe any age with lamb/s at foot (the lambs must be pure bred or a registered appendix flock). Ewes Rams Q307 Q308 Wiltipoll under 1 ½ years showing not more than 2 incisor teeth Q309 Q310 Wiltipoll over 1 ½ years showing more than 2 incisor teeth Q311 Wiltipoll Breeding pair (ram and ewe) under 1½ years to show not more than 2 incisor teeth Q312 Ewe any age with lambs at foot (the lambs must be pure bred or a registered appendix flock). Cattle Dexter Group of Western Australia State Breed Show. Steward in charge: Fenella Sept, tel: 0427 199 301. Contact: Mr Ross Kitson KAS Councillor, tel: 0409 990 583 Information 1. Entry closing date: 5th October 2016 at 5pm 2. Vehicles delivering Exhibits may enter the Showgrounds up to 8:30am via Gate 4 and must be removed from the Showgrounds by 8:45am. Vehicles will not be admitted after 8:30am 3. DCAI Show regulations to be signed and submitted with entry forms and fees 4. Prize money will be available at the trophy presentation at 3.30pm Saturday at the Show. 5. Exhibits must be staged by 8.45am ready for judging by 9am on Saturday. 6. Exhibitors will be issued with the following livestock entry passes for the delivery of their exhibits on the Saturday morning: 1 to 3 exhibits – 2 entry tickets 4 to 6 exhibits – 3 entry tickets 7 exhibits and over – 4 entry tickets 7. Exhibits remain staged until 5pm, however Exhibitors travelling in excess of 100kms are permitted to leave at 4pm. Conditions and Guide to Exhibiting 1. Age is actual age at date of judging at the show. 2. An Exhibitor may only exhibit an animal which is registered in the DCAI Herd book or appropriate herd book. Copies of registration must be available for inspection if required and accompany all entry forms. 3. Exhibitors are required to ensure all livestock entering the show grounds are correctly identified and provide the Steward in Charge with a copy of their NVD/waybill prior to staging. 3a. Exemptions: Stud stock may be identified by their registered breed society mark instead of the owner’s registered brand or earmark. When accompanied by their mother, young animals can also travel without being branded or earmarked. Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 57 R 3b. Calves, lambs, kids and stud stock are Not Exempt from correct NLIS identification. 4. A ll cattle must be owned by the exhibitor at the closing date for entry 5. D uring judging, breed uniform must be worn 6. H andlers of stock must exercise control over animals in their care at all times. A handler whose animal becomes uncontrollable in the ring, shall be ordered by the Stewards to leave the ring, together with the animal 7. B ulls over 12 months are to have nose rings fitted. 8. B ulls 6 – 12 months are to have nose clips or nose rings fitted. 9. Females 12 months or over are to have nose clips fitted. 10.All exhibits are to be double tied with halters and neck ropes, when not in the ring. 11.All fodder requirements, feed boxes and water troughs are the responsibility of the exhibitor. 12.The Show Committee takes no responsibility for accidents caused to, or by, an exhibitor’s animal while on show premises. Exhibitors should arrange their own insurance. 13.The Show Committee reserves the right to adjudicate on any points or questions not provided in these Regulations and to make alterations deemed necessary, in accordance with KAS requirements. 14.It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to follow Stewards directions and to be ready on time for the classes in which their animals are entered 15.All cattle are expected to be good examples of the appropriate breed 16.Exhibitors must obey the instructions of Judge, Stewards and/or Show Committee at all times. 17.Dexter Cattle Breeders shall use the Dexter Cattle Entry Form that can be downloaded from www.kelmscottshow.com.au In interpreting the Regulations, any decisions made by the Show Committee shall be final, and no correspondence will be entered into with any exhibitor. Entry Fee $2 for each entry (All Classes) Awards and Prize Money Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards prize money 58 R Cattle Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show for all classes and sashes for: Junior Champion Dexter Bull Senior Champion Dexter Bull Junior Champion Dexter Female Senior Champion Dexter Female Dexter Group of WA awards 1st, 2nd, 3rd place ribbons to all classes. Prize money and broad ribbons for Champion and Reserve Champion Trophies are presented to all Champions and Supreme Dexter. R01 Yvonne Busquets award for Supreme Dexter R02 Wayne Hardingham award for Champion Dexter Male R03 Armadale Hardware & Building Supplies award for Champion Dexter Female R04 Porter Family award for Champion Junior Handler Prize Money: 1st $10, 2nd $5 Sponsors for 2016 Dexter State Breed Show Avalon Park Dexter Stud, Billabong Dexter Stud, Breann Ridge Dexter Stud, Chittering Downs Dexter Stud, Glenwarlock Dexter Stud, Riseview Dexter Stud, Sienna Hills Dexter Stud, Small Time Dexter Stud, Wedgetail Ridge Dexter Stud, Dexter Cattle Promotion Group of WA, Dexter Cattle Promotion Group of South West Dexter Cattle Grades – Group R1 Please note classes may be increased and reserve ribbons awarded if sufficient entries are received Class No. R101 Registered Grade female 9 months and over (This class includes all Grade 2 and 3) R102 Grade Progeny Group (Two Grade 2 and/or Grade 3 females with the same sire or dam – drawn from single pen classes) R103 Grade Dam and Daughter (Two grade females or G3 and her registered PB progeny, not calf at foot, drawn from single pen classes) Steer Classes – Group R2 Grade or purebred, no permanent teeth. (These classes are subject to entry numbers and may be reduced to a single class if sufficient entries are not received) Class No. R201 Steer under 280kg R202 Steer over 280kg Cattle Champion Dexter Steer Purebred Classes – Group R3 Class No. R301 Bull Calf under 9 months R302 Heifer Calf under 9 months Champion Calf From winners of classes R301 and R302, Reserve Champion Calf R303 Bulls 9months and under 15 months R304 Bulls 15months and under 21 months Junior Champion Bull From winners of classes R303 and R304 from Reserve Champion Junior Bull, includes 2nd place getter from Champion class Class No. R305 Bulls 21months to 33 months R306 Bulls over 33 months Senior Champion Bull From winners of classes R305 and R306. Reserve Champion Senior Bull, includes 2nd place getter from Champion class Grand Champion Bull From Junior and Senior Champions R307 Females 9 months and under 14 months R308 Females 14 months and under 17 months R309 Females 17months and under 21 months Junior Champion Female From winners of classes R307 – R309). Reserve Junior Champion Female, includes 2nd place getter Champion class R310 Females Dry – over 21 months R311 Females 21 months to under 33 months R312 Females 33 months to under 60 months R313 Females 60 months and under 120 months R314 Females 10 years (or 120 moinths) and over Senior Champion Female From winner of classes R310 – R314. Reserve Champion Female, includes 2nd place getter from Champion class Senior Champion Female From Junior and Senior Champions Supreme Dexter From Male and Female Grand Champions Group Classes – Group R4 Class No. R401 Progeny Group (2 Purebred Dexters with the same sire or dam-drawn from single pen classes) R402 Dam and daughter (2 females, not calf at foot) R403 Exhibitor’s Class (3 Registered Dexters that represent the studs breeding directions) Any other breed of Small Cattle – Group R5 Class No. R501 Bull 10 mths and under 17 mths R502 Bull 17 mths and under 24 mths Junior Champion Bull From winners of classes R501 – R502 R503 Bull 24 mths and over Senior Champion Bull Champion Bull From Junior and Senior Champions R504 Female 10 mths and under 16 mths R505 Female 16 mths and under 22 mths Junior Champion Female From winners of classes R504 – R505 R506 Female 22 months and under 36 months R507 Female 36 months and over Senior Champion Female From winners of classes R506 – R507 Grand Champion Female From Junior and Senior Champions Supreme Champion any other Small Breed From Male and Female Grand Champions Supreme Champion R508 Exhibitors class (two animals that best represent the direction of the stud – drawn from any exhibits in single pen classes) Handler Classes – Group R6 Class No. R601 Handler under 14 years R602 Handler 14 to 18 years Champion Junior Handler From winners of classes R601 – 602 R603 Adult Handler 18 years and under 26 R604 Adult Handler 26 years and under 50 R605 Adult Handler 50 years and older Champion Adult Handler Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 59 S S Horses in Action Sponsored by Horseland Kelmscott Conducted in conjunction with the Wallangarra Riding and Pony Club Inc. Ring Master: Linda Fletcher, tel: 9399 2388. Information 1. Entry closing date: 5pm, 5th October 2016. Late entries or entries on the day will be accepted, with late entry fee of $10. If fee is not included with entry, it is considered a late entry. 2. Th e Horses in Action are being staged at the Wallanngara Riding and Pony Club, Fletcher Park at the end of Moore Street in Wungong and not at the Showgrounds.Entry from 6:30am. 3. Competitors’ parking will be according to instructions given by Attendants. Conditions 1. Age Events are as per ages on the date of the Show. 2. Adults may ride ponies in Official events only, providing weight and height appropriate. 3. The competitor shall be deemed the owner. No horse shall be ridden by more than one competitor without the payment of the additional fee. 4. To maintain the judging program, competitors are requested to be ready to enter the ring immediately when called by the Ring Announcer. 5. While the rotation of classes will, as far as possible, be adhered to, the Ring Master has the right to alter the sequence if necessary. 6. The KAS reserves the right to cancel any event if deemed necessary. 7. C ompetitors are responsible for cleaning up after their horses. 8. A child is defined as someone aged 17 years and under as at Show date. Points Points in this section will be awarded as follows: 1st – 3 points, 2nd – 2 points, 3rd – 1 point, Champion – 4 points. Sashes, Rosettes, Ribbons and Prize Money awards are as described in each event section. 60 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Awards Trophy awards are as follows: S01 Horseland Kelmscott award for most points gained by a rider in Hacking from Group S1 S02 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Junior Rider from Group S1 S03 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Small Pony Hack 12.2h and under from Group S1 S04 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Large Pony Hack over 12.2h up to and including 14h from Group S1 S05 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Senior Rider from Group S1 S06 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Small Hack over 14h up to and including 15h from Group S1 S07 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Hack over 15h from Group S1 S08 Budget Stockfeeds award for Champion Small Pony Show Hunter – 12.2h and under Group S2 S09 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Large Pony Show Hunter – over 12.2h up to and including 14h – Group S2 S10 Pelennor Morgan Stud award for Champion Show Hunter Small Hack – Over 14h up to and including 15h – Group S2 S11 Horseland Kelmscott award for Champion Show Hunter Hack over 15h – Group S2 Official Hacking Group S1 Programme commences at 8am on Saturday. Entry Fee: $35, Fee for second rider: $5 per class. (No Refunds) Late entries and entries on the day will be required to pay late entry fee (refer Information Note 1). This entitles nominees to enter all classes for which they are eligible. Height Certificate to be sighted on the day. Kelmscott Agricultural Society awards Prize Money and Ribbons to 3rd place. Classes S101 and S123 are awarded a Rosette for 1st place. Prizes: 1st $15, 2nd $8, 3rd $5. Horses in Action Official Ponies Class No. S101 Smartest on Parade S102 Rider 11 years and under S103 Rider 12 to 14 years S104 Rider 15 to 17 years Champion and Reserve Champion Junior Rider S105 Novice Pony Hack 12.2h and under S106 Novice Pony Hack over 12.2h up to and including 14h S107 Pony Hack 12h and under S108 Pony Hack over 12h up to and including 12.2h S109 Pony Hack over 12.2h up to and including 13h S110 Pony Hack over13h up to and including 13.2h S111 Pony Hack over 13.2h up to and including 14h S112 Lightweight Pony Hack 12.2h and under S113 Lightweight Pony Hack over 12.2h up to and including 14h S114 Med/Heavyweight Pony Hack 12.2h and under S115 Med/Heavyweight Pony Hack over 12.2h up to and including 14h S116 Ladies/Girl’s Pony Hack 12.2h and under S117 Ladies/Girl’s Pony Hack over 12.2h up to and including 14h. S118 Gents/Boy’s Pony Hack 14h and under S119 Child’s Pony 12.2h and under S120 Child’s Pony over 12.2h up to and including 14h S121 Lightweight Child’s Pony 14h and under S122 Med/Heavyweight Child’s Pony 14h and under Champion Small Pony Hack 12.2h and under (classes S105, S107, S108, S112, S114, S116, S118, S119, S121, S122) Reserve Champion Small Pony Hack 12.2h and under drawn from remaining plus second place winner in class which provided Champion Champion Large Pony Hack over 12.2h up to and including 14h (classes S106, S109, S110, S111, S113, S115, S117, S118, S120, S121, S122) Reserve Champion Large Pony Hack over 12.2h up to and including 14h drawn from remaining plus second place winner in class which provided Champion Note: Classes S118, S121 and S122: If the winner is 12.2h or under they must compete in the Champion Small Pony Hack and if over 12.2h must compete in the Champion Large Pony Hack. Winner of class S118, S121 and S122 must only compete for Champion in the correct height. Official Galloways and Hacks Class No. S123 Smartest on Parade S124 Rider 18 to 30 years S125 Rider 31 Years and over Champion Senior Rider Reserve Champion Senior Rider S126 Novice Small Hack over 14h up to and including 15h S127 Novice Hack over 15h S128 Small Hack over 14h up to and including 14.2h S129 Small Hack over 14.2h up to and including 15h S130 Hack over 15h up to and including 15.2h S131 Hack over 15.2h up to and including 16h S132 Hack over 16h S133 Lightweight Small Hack over 14h up to and including 15h S134 Lightweight Hack over 15h S135 Med/Heavyweight Small Hack over 14h up to and including 15h S136 Med/Heavyweight Hack over 15h S137 Ladies Small Hack over14h up to and including 15h S138 Ladies Hack over 15h S139 Gents Hack over 14h S140 Child’s Hack over 14h up to and including 15h S141 Child’s Hack over 15h Champion Small Hack over 14h up to and including 15h (classes S126, S128, S129, S133, S135, S137, S139, S140) Reserve Champion Small Hack over 14h up to and including 15h drawn from remaining plus second place winner in class which provided Champion. Champion Hack over 15h (S127, S130, S131, S132, S134, S136, S138, S139, S141) Reserve Champion Hack over 15h drawn from remaining plus second place winner in class which provided Champion. Note: Class S139: If the winner is 15h or under they must compete in the Champion Small Hack and if over must compete in the Champion Hack over 15h. Winner of Class S139 must only compete for Champion in the correct height. Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 61 S Official Pony Show Hunter Group S2 Follows Official Pony Hack Programme Entry Fee: $35, Fee for second rider: $5 per class. (No Refunds) Late entries and entries on the day will be required to pay late entry fee (refer Information Note 1). Prizes: 1st $15, 2nd $8, 3rd $5 Class No S201 Novice Show Hunter Pony 12.2h and under S202 Novice Show Hunter Pony over 12.2h up to and including 14h S203 Show Hunter Pony 12h and under S204 Show Hunter Pony over 12h up to and including 12.2h S205 Show Hunter Pony over 12.2h up to and including 13h S206 Show Hunter Pony over 13h up to and including 13.2h S207 Show Hunter Pony over 13.2h up to and including 14h S208 Lightweight Show Hunter Pony 12.2h and under S209 Lightweight Show Hunter Pony over 12.2h up to and including 14h S210 Med/Heavyweight Show Hunter Pony 12.2h and under S211 Med/Heavyweight Show Hunter Pony over 12.2 up to and including 14h S212 Ladies/Girl’s Show Hunter Pony 12.2h and under S213 Ladies/Girl’s Show Hunter Pony over 12.2h up to and including 14h S214 Gents/Boy’s Show Hunter Pony 14h and under. S215 Child’s Show Hunter Pony 12.2h and under S216 Child’s Show Hunter Pony over 12.2h up to and including 14h. S217 Lightweight Child’s Show Hunter Pony 14h and under S218 Med/Heavyweight Child’s Show Hunter Pony 14h and under Champion Small Show Hunter Pony 12.2h and under (classes S201, S203, S204, S208, S210, S212, S214, S215, S217, S218) Reserve Champion Small Show Hunter Pony 12.2h and under drawn from remaining plus 2nd place winner in class which provided Champion. Champion Large Show Hunter Pony over 12.2h 62 S Horses in Action Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Horses in Action up to and including 14h (classes S202, S205, S206, S207, S209, S211, S213, S214, S216, S217 S218) Reserve Champion Large Show Hunter Pony over 12.2h up to and including 14h drawn from remaining plus second place to winner in class which provided Champion Note: Class S214, S217 and S218 If the winner is 12.2h or under they must compete in the Champion Small Show Hunter Pony and if over 12.2h must compete in the Champion Large Show Hunter Pony. Winner of class S214 must only compete for Champion in the correct height. Champion Show Hunter Hack over 15h (classes S220, S223, S224, S225, S227, S229, S23I, S232, S234) Reserve Champion Show Hunter Hack over 15h drawn from remaining plus 2nd place to winner in class which provided Champion. Note: Class S232. If the winner is 15h or under they must compete in the Champion Show Hunter Small Hack and if over must compete in the Champion Show Hunter Hack over 15h. Winner of Class S232 must only compete for champion in the correct height Official Hack Show Hunter S219 Novice Show Hunter over I4h up to and including 15h S220 Novice Show Hunter over 15h S221 Show Hunter Small Hack over I4h up to and including 14.2h S222 Show Hunter Small Hack over I4.2h up to and including 15h S223 Show Hunter Hack over 15h up to and including 15.2h S224 Show Hunter Hack over 15.2h up to and including 16h S225 Show Hunter Hack over 16h S226 Lightweight Show Hunter over 14h up to and including 15h S227 Lightweight Show Hunter over 15h S228 Med/Heavyweight Show Hunter over 14h up to and including 15h S229 Med/Heavyweight Show Hunter over 15h S230 Ladies Show Hunter over 14h up to and including 15h S231 Ladies Show Hunter over 15h S232 Gent’s Show Hunter over 14h S233 Child’s Show Hunter over 14h up to and including 15h S234 Child’s Show Hunter over 15h Champion Show Hunter Small Hack over 14h up to and including 15h (classes S219, S221, S222, S226, S228, S230, S232, S233) Reserve Champion Show Hunter Small Hack over 14h up to and including 15h drawn from remaining plus second place winner in class which provided Champion. There will be a demonstration of the Prince Phillip Mounted Games on the Saturday at the Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show Showgrounds. Prince Phillip Mounted Games Teams contain national riders, some from the local Wallangarra Riding and Pony Club. Exciting and exhilarating performances and compared by Scott McNamee. Refer to the Show Website for times. Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 63 Show Regulations and Bylaws. The Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 2016. Judging General 1. The Exhibition Hall and Pavilions will be open to the public on Friday 14th October from 5pm to 9pm; and on Saturday 15th October the Exhibition Hall from 9am to 5.30pm, Flower Pavilion 9am to 6pm and Schools Pavilion from 9am to 6pm. 30. In the event of there being no competition in any class, prizes may be given if the judges certify to particular merits. They are specially requested to withhold prizes even where there is competition, if the exhibits are of inferior description, or not suitable for the class in which they are competing, and they may award a second (or third prize where applicable) instead of a first, or may divide prizes. 43. The Society shall be under no liability for any loss or damage suffered by any exhibitor in respect of any property exhibited by him, any of its servants or otherwise howsoever. 2. Admission Friday and Saturday – Adults $16; Seniors $10; Children 5 years to 16 years $10; Family Ticket (2 Adults and 2 Children) $40; Companion card holders (Accompanying Carer FREE) $10. Applicable Senior or companion card to be produced at the gate. Exhibitors are required to pay admission. A two day pass is available for Adults $24; Seniors $15; Children 5 to 16 years $15. 3. Kelmscott Agricultural Society (Inc.) membership fee of $40 entitles the Member to one Member’s Ticket, one Guest Ticket and entry to member’s car park. Also gives voting rights at the Annual General Meeting. The Junior Members (under 18), fee is $20, but carries no voting rights. The Junior Member receives one Junior Member’s Ticket. Councillor’s Membership fee is $20 (only available to KAS Councillors), Senior Membership fee is $20 and entitlements entitles the Member to one Member’s Ticket and entry to member’s car park. Also gives voting rights at the Annual General Meeting. 4. All Exhibit Entry forms must be forwarded to reach the Entry Recorder by the date shown in the Information for Exhibitors. Late entries accepted at the discretion of the Entry Recorder. Late entry fee may be charged. 5. The entry fee must in all cases be forwarded with the entry form. No entry will be accepted unless this is done. 6. Every exhibit must be a bona-fide property of the exhibitor, both at the time of entry and on the day of the Show, excepting ring events, when the nominator shall be deemed to be the owner and will be allowed to borrow vehicles, harness or furnishings. 7. All exhibits in Sections B (except in Flower Arranging (Floral Art) and Children’s Classes), and all exhibits in Section C (except Section C classes C410 to C413, C423 to C425), shall be grown by the exhibitor. All flowers staged become the property of the Society (pot plants and flower arranging (floral art) excepted). 8. The KAS Council reserves the right to refuse, cancel or accept conditionally any entry without giving any reason for so doing. Entry fee will be forfeited for non-staging of exhibits. 9. All entries are received subject to these Regulations and By-laws and the ordinary Rules of the Royal Agricultural Society. Stock 10. All stock must be competition ready. Exhibitors must take full responsibility for placing their exhibits before the judges. 11. All male animals in breeding classes must be visibly entire. Any marks of spaying on females will disqualify from competing in such classes. Before any prize is awarded in entire classes, animals will be liable to be examined for unsoundness by the veterinary surgeon appointed by the Society. The decision of the veterinary surgeon shall be absolutely final and binding on all parties. Any entry by an exhibitor will be deemed an acceptance of this clause. 12. No stallion will be allowed on the ground without an approved anti-rearing bit. 13. No stock shall be eligible to compete which has been declared by the veterinary surgeon during the Show to be suffering from any kind of parasite, contagious or infectious disease; neither shall stock be entitled, if in that condition, to receive a prize if awarded, unless the committee shall consider the owner of such stock was not to blame in the matter. The veterinary inspector shall give his decision in writing, duly signed, to the secretary and such opinion shall be final as regards the conditions of such stock. 64 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 14. Should an exhibitor request the attendance of a veterinary surgeon, all costs associated with the attendance of the veterinary surgeon will be borne by the owner of the injured or diseased animal. Veterinary services for Dairy Goats, Sheep and Cattle are not available during the Show and exhibitors should seek their own veterinary services if required. Exhibits 15. The whole arrangements as to position, classification and grouping of exhibits shall be under the control of the KAS Council. 16. All exhibits must be staged by time as stated in the schedule. This does not apply to Horses in Action, in which case exhibits must be on the ground at least one hour before the advised time of starting the event or competition for which they are entered. 17 Only exhibitors will be permitted to enter the Exhibition Hall prior to judging, all children must be accompanied by an adult. All exhibitors must leave the hall immediately after the delivery of exhibits to stewards. 18. Exhibitors shall arrange the exhibits under the direction of the Stewards, no exhibits shall be afterwards moved without the sanction of the Stewards, under penalty of disqualification. 19. The owner or exhibitor of any exhibit or stand of exhibits disapproved of as an exhibit by the KAS Council or its nominees must immediately remove such exhibit or stand of exhibits from the ground on notice to that effect. 20. Exhibitors should ensure their exhibits are entered in the correct class. The Chief Stewards reserve the right to transfer any exhibit from one class to another if it is deemed inappropriate for the class entered. 21. Exhibitors must ensure that their exhibits comply with specifications within each class, i.e. number of exhibits within a class, or maximum or minimum size of item. 22. Any exhibit incorrectly entered will be marked “not in accordance with the schedule requirements”, and will not be judged. No names, initials or other marks of identification are to be placed on exhibits except the official cards. 23. Any exhibitor giving a wrong description of his or her exhibit with the intention of deceiving or defrauding the Society, shall be disqualified from exhibiting at any further Show and particulars of the case shall be published in the proceedings of the Society. Exhibitors will be required to make a Statutory Declaration regarding their entries should the committee so desire. 24. A novice means a competitor who has not won a prize in any Show. 25. A maiden is defined as a horse which has not won a First Prize in any WA Agricultural Society Show prior to the time of competition. 26. No competing exhibit will be allowed to wear any ribbon, badge or mark while being judged. (This does not refer to decorating ribbons or livestock identification marks). 27. Exhibitors will render themselves liable to disqualification of the exhibit for removing any official placard, ticket or ribbon affixed or posted by the stewards, or by affixing of any other placard, ticket or ribbon in lieu thereof, or by refusing in any way to carry out instructions, and the Society shall incur no responsibility by enforcing these regulations. 28. Exhibits in Sections C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K must remain staged until 5.30pm on Saturday when the Hall will be cleared. Exhibitors will be re-admitted between 6pm – 7pm on Saturday or between 9am – 10am on Sunday to collect their exhibits onproduction of their Exhibitor Identity Tickets letter/envelope. 29. No stock or other exhibit, except Horses in Action, may be removed before 5pm on Saturday unless advised otherwise in the Schedule. 31. In the event of a tie for an aggregate trophy, the Champion or Best points will be used as a tie breaker. If there is still a tie the Exhibitor with the most First Places will be awarded the trophy. The relevant Chief Steward’s decision will be final. The Public and exhibitors will NOT be allowed in the hall or flower pavilion during judging. The Judge’s decision in all cases is final. 32. In awarding Champion Awards in all sections excepting the Flower Section, the judges will select only from the exhibits which have gained first prize in classes eligible. In the Flower Section, Champion Awards, where given, will be awarded to the best bloom shown. 33. Reserve Champions will be selected from the first and second prize winners in their respective divisions. Awards 34. Third prize points are awarded to Sheep entries only. 35. One Prize Card only is issued for each prize won and each exhibit may compete for one prize only, other than specials, Section A and P, and Pen Classes are excepted. The Society’s scale of points is: Champion 4 points Best Exhibit 3 points First Prize 3 points Second Prize 2 points Reserve Champion 3 points Third Prize 1 point Points for Champion or Best will be added to totals only as a tie-breaker. 36. An exhibitor or attendant refusing to attach the Prize Card to any exhibit to which a prize is awarded, and to keep the same on during the hours of the exhibition, will, on proof thereof to the Council, forfeit all prizes awarded to such exhibit during the Show and may be disqualified from again competing. 37. Any prize which may be withheld in consequence of any valid reason shall be forfeited to the Society. 38. Should any exhibit, having gained a prize, be disqualified (either by protest or for any other reason) the next on the list does not necessarily obtain such prize. The Council or its nominees with or without the advice of the Judge shall decide the questions. 39. Persons contravening any of the Society’s Rules and Regulations shall forfeit any prize which may be awarded to them. 40. Prize money not collected as specified in Information for Exhibitors shall be forfeited to the Society unless prior arrangements are made with the Secretary. Dangerous, Objectionable or Diseased Exhibits/Displays or Articles. 41. Should the Council or its nominees have any reason to suspect that any exhibit/display/ article is dangerous or objectionable, they may have same removed from or refuse its admission to the grounds. Protests 42. All protests must be given in writing to the Secretary, accompanied by a fee of $20, before 3pm on the day of the Show, excepting ring events. Protests for ring events must be lodged within a quarter of an hour of the judge’s decision. The money shall be absolutely forfeited to the fund of the Society if the protest is deemed, on due consideration, unfounded or frivolous. 44. Every reasonable care will be taken of exhibits, but no responsibility will be incurred by the Society. Ordinary precautions will be taken to guard against fire, and to protect the property of the Society and the exhibitors, but exhibits will not be insured at the cost of the Society. 45. The Society will not be responsible for any accident that may be caused through or by the exhibit or exhibitors, and it shall be a condition of entry that each exhibitor shall hold the Society blameless and indemnified against any legal proceedings from such accidents. 46. No entertainment shall be allowed on the Ground without written permission of the Society. 47. Horses or dogs that are not competing are not allowed on the grounds without prior approval of KAS Council or its nominees. 48. No Auction, Sale of Goods or Exhibits will be allowed, except by written permission of the Society. 49. The holding of Raffles on the Showground is not permitted except by written permission of the Society. 50. The sale and use of water pistols, fireworks or sparklers is strictly forbidden on the Showground. In addition items deemed unsafe by the Consumer Protection Division of the Department of Commerce are strictly forbidden on the Showground. 51. Trophy and Award winners are reminded that a short note of thanks to the award donor would be appreciated. If you do not have the address, letters may be left with the Secretary or the Award Coordinator. 52. The Society shall act and be governed by the uniform by-laws of the Affiliated Agricultural Societies of Western Australia. 53. Changes or modifications to the Exhibition Schedule or these Show Regulations and Bylaws may be required after the Schedule is Printed. These changes will be listed on our website www. kelmscottshow.com.au 54. Persons entering the Showgrounds waive all rights in relation to any photograph, image or likeness of them produced while attending the Show. The society retains all property and images it produces. Privacy Statement 55. The information provided by you in your Application for Entry is collected and used by the Kelmscott Agricultural Society (Inc.) (KAS) to organise and conduct Competitions at the Make Smokng History Kelmscott Show. The KAS may publish details such as your Name, Suburb and Exhibit details in any KAS publication (including websites) or communication. Such information may also be made available to, and published by the media. The KAS may also use your contact details to contact you about future Shows. The KAS will not disclose your personal information without your consent for any other purpose unless required or authorised by law. You may request access to your personal information and if necessary, request that our records of that information be corrected, by writing to the Secretary, Kelmscott Agricultural Society (Inc.), PO Box 40 Kelmscott WA 6991. Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 65 Locally Owned Locally Run Employs Local People Supports Local Businesses When you support local business, our whole community benefits. It creates local jobs, greater variety of service and a more vibrant community in which we live. We support local businesses ... ... shouldn’t you? 1 Gilwell Avenue, Kelmscott, WA, 6111 PO Box 425, Armadale, WA, 6991 Tel: 9390 1377 Fax: 9390 1577 Email: production@examinernewspapers.com.au 1 August to 31 October 2016 Art I Culture I Food Wine I Events I Experiences Set among the stunning backdrop of the picturesque Darling Scarp, Spring into Armadale will showcase Armadale as the place to be, explore and experience. For a full listing of events find out more at www.visitarmadale.com.au +61 8 9394 5410 visitorcentre@armadale.wa.gov.au 1519_COA SiA Kelmscott Show_A5_Ad.indd 1 66 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 6/07/2016 10:17 am Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show 67 68 Make Smoking History Kelmscott Show