Your Island Newspaper - the Island Clippings!
Your Island Newspaper - the Island Clippings!
October 8, 2009 • Issue 718 Serving St. Joseph Island since 1995 “Your Island Newspaper” Visit us online at email: Tel: 705-246-1635 Fax: 705-246-7060 U.S. Invasion Repulsed! THE INVADERS CAME under cover of the rain and mist, coming ashore at Fort St. Joseph last Friday morning. With Islanders asleep in their beds or going about their usual business, there was no warning of any hostilities, and certainly not of any invasion by American troops! Luckily, a small contingent of British soldiers from the Royal Newfoundland Regiment and the Glengarry Light Infantry Without hesitation, the combined force of British troops quickly formed up their battle lines, loaded their muskets and bravely marched out to confront the invaders. It was a quick and decisive battle, in spite of the challenges the soldiers faced in keeping their ‘black powder’ dry in the rain and wind. After several sharp volleys, the air thick with gunpowder smoke, the invaders retreated to their boats and left. There were no casualties reported on either side. happened to be visiting the Fort from their base at Fort Willow in Barrie. They had come to Fort St. Joseph from their temporary base at Ermatinger House in the Soo that morning - part of their ‘pilgrimage’ to visit the historic forts and sites along the upper Great Lakes that played major roles in the War of 1812, the last time Canada had been invaded. At the end of the morning’s ‘hostilities’, the British Union Jack, although torn in half by the biting wind, still proudly flew over our Fort! Our thanks and gratitude to ‘The King’s Men’ of Fort Willow, for saving our beloved Island, and for giving us such a great show - and also to the wonderful staff of Fort St. Joseph for providing such good, hot coffee and cookies! The Real Estate Stop David Nelson Sales Representative “Your Island Realtor” 949-7867 • 246-2757 Mike Brow Brown, wn,, MPP/député é Algoma-Manitoulin Algoma - Manittoulin Donation to MMH Auxiliary from Community Night AT THE MATTHEWS MEMORIAL Hospital Auxil- Community ccoffee Community off ffeee & C Chat hat with Mike Brown w ith M ike B rown iary’s General Meeting on Thursday, October 1st, Treasurer Diane Tasse (left) presented the MMH Auxiliary President Shirley Lapish (right) a cheque for $5,000 from proceeds raised during last July’s Community Night festivals. Dr. Tr Dr. Trefry refry Centre Thursday, Thursday y, October 15 5 7pm-9pm Everyone E veryone iiss w welcome. elcome. e The funds are used to purchase equipment and necessities for Matthews Memorial Hospital. On behalf of the MMH Auxiliary, we wish to thank everyone who attended and donated to the festivities, which in turn helps our Island hospital. TToll oll free: 1-800-831-189 1-800-831-1899 9 mbrown.mpp@liberal.ola a. Photo by Teresa Parker www .mikebrown.onmpp..c The Rest of the Story About Jack O’ Lanterns OCTOBER SPECIALS! 2008 CHEV CREW CAB 4X4 DIESEL $ 48,900 LOADED LEATHER INTERIOR, 57K # TAX & LIC 2008 CHEV EXT CAB 4X4 DIESEL $ 44,900 LOADED CLOTH INTERIOR, 38K # TAX & LIC 2006 CHEV EXT CAB 4X4 Z71 $ 21,900 5.3L V8 LOADED CLOTH INTERIOR, 58K # TAX & LIC 2006 CHEV CREW CAB 4X4 Z71 $ 22,900 5.3L V8 LOADED CLOTH INTERIOR, 53K # TAX & LIC 2006 CHEV CREW CAB 4X4 Z71 $ 5.3L V8 LOADED CLOTH INTERIOR, 44K 22,900 $ 14,900 # 2005 EQUINOX AWD LOADED, CLOTH INTERIOR, SUNROOF, 56K TAX & LIC # # INCLUDES 1 YEAR POWER TRAIN WARRANTY# TAX & LIC It’s worth the drive! 842-2433 THIS STORY HAS SEVERAL VERSIONS based on an old Irish legend about a drunk named Jack. One day he was out in the woods and tricked Satan into climbing a tree to throw down some fruit. Once Satan had helped him, he carved a cross into the tree and trapped him there. He then struck a deal that, in exchange for being freed, Satan would leave his soul alone when he died. This backfired when Jack died, since Heaven would not take him in. When he kept bothering the Devil to let him into Hell, the Devil gave him a burning ember instead. He carried the ember in a hollowed out turnip (sometimes described as rotton) to light his way, as he wandered through eternal darkness on the earth. Eventually the turnip was replaced with the pumpkin in America and became the modern Jack-o-Lantern. CHEVROLET • BUICK • PONTIAC • GMC 214 Main Street, Thessalon Page 2 Hilton Beach Jail Gets ‘Life’! By Lavera Crack Carl Thomas Broker of Record THERE WAS A LOT MORE TRAFFIC on South Street, Satur- 705-246-8585 day morning, with several volunteers working, and curious onlookers dropping by, to see what all the hammering was about. Thankfully, the rain held off as restoration work began on the old “lock up” (jail). ESTABLISHED BUSINESS ON BUSY CORNER! Located on the Trans Canada and the entrance to the island this 3+Acre site has lots of extra potential. Presently selling regular and premium gas, diesel and propane. Variety and gift store with video rentals and Lotto Terminal. Additional 3 bedroom bungalow for the owner or extra rental income. Good year round business serving travellers and the locals, fishermen and snowmobilers. If you love living and working in Northern Ontario, this is a profitable enterprise with ideal location and a great place to call home. Call Carl for more details and price. The first order of business was to remove a tree overhanging the roof. Charlie Nelson took on this project with his backhoe. Next, he carefully removed the front part of the old roof to expose the rafters. All rotten wood will be replaced with donated lumber, courtesy of Ralph Nelson. The rear section is quite salvageable, with only a few boards needing replacement. Up in the bucket went Donna Lambert, trusty rake in hand. Her assignment was to pull out all the debris left from Charlie’s roof punch. Tarps were used to catch the old shingles, rotten wood, moss, ant & hornet nests. Wayne Ingram provided a dump trailer, which was filled by the willing hands of Dana Stevens, Nancy Keenan, Donna Lambert and Lavera Crack. Up went the scaffolding by Wilfred Stevens, Wayne Ingram and John Crack. Wayne and Wilfred then began the task of replacing the roof. Then you've found the perfect place. Watch the world go by from the large wrap around deck overlooking the lake and ideal for entertaining guests, family and barbeques. Rear yard slopes gently down to waterside deck and deep waterfront. The great room is warmed with floor to ceiling fireplace and wall of windows for viewing all four seasons. Other main floor features include laundry, 2 bedrooms, full bath, large dining area off well organized kitchen featuring plenty of cupboards and counter space. Second floor master suite with walk thru closet, ensuite bath with whirlpool tub. Large sitting room overlooking great room is perfect for curling up with a good book or gathering the family for fun and games. Call for a personal tour of this year round lake front home. According to an article in the old Plow and Packet, October 2006 issue, this structure was likely built in 1888. It performed its duties until 1920, although the Township of Hilton and the Village of Hilton Beach continued to appoint Constables after it closed, to keep the peace and enforce the bylaws. The Hilton Jail has the distinction of being the second smallest jail in LOOKING FOR LAKE FRONT LIVING? $265,000. Butkovich & Associates Office: 705-942-6000 Continued on page 5 Page 3 Helping buyers and sellers for over 25 years with practical experience in farm properties, commercial, residential, rural and waterfront. TRY OUR COFFEE AT : The Lighthouse Grill Mom’s Restaurant AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT : Ambeault’s Confectionery Shane & Heather Hoffmann Dinelle’s II • Kentvale RR # 1 Richards Landing Island Bar & Grill Phone: (705) 246-7093 Kent’s Corners Desbarats Farmers’ Market V i s i t u s a t w w w . s j ic o f f eer ISLAND TOUCH THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Andrea Young, RMT 246-1433 Gift Certificates Day and evening appointments available BridgeLink Medical Centre Richards Landing Fresh Bread Baked Daily Special Order Cakes Dessert Trays Pasteries Hot Lunches Light Meal Menu Pizza & Wings Soups & Sandwiches D I L A N S OPEN 7 AM TO 8 PM DAILY 7 DAYS A WEEK • 246-0282 Imperial Painting OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR BUSINESS! They keep our local economy healthy and make publishing the Island Clippings possible! Biggar’s Pure Maple Products Maple syrup, candy, butter & granulated sugar Plus handmade maple wooden crafts - pens, buckets, boxes etc. 2820 Hwy. 548 • Hilton Beach 705-246-0394 Debbie’s Hair Hut 1615 20th Side Road, St Joseph Island 246-0457 A f u l l s e r v ic e f a m i l y s a lo n o f f e r i n g o n l y t h e f i n e s t h a ir p r o d u c t s . Debbie Campbell - Owner KENTVALE Unexpected Natural Cleaners Around-the-house staples that moonlight as dirt busters Use ketchup to: Remove tarnish from copper and brass cookware. Squeeze ketchup onto a cloth and rub it on pots and pans. They should go back to their coppery color in minutes. Rinse with warm water and dry with a towel. Oatmeal: Scrub very dirty hands. Make a thick paste of oatmeal and water; rinse well. Rice: Clean the inside of a vase or a thinnecked bottle. Fill three quarters of the vessel with warm water and add a tablespoon of uncooked rice. Cup your hand over the opening, shake vigorously, and rinse. Cornstarch: Clean grease spills on carpets. Pour cornstarch onto spots and let sit for 15 to 30 minutes before vacuuming. Hydrogen Peroxide: Disinfect a keyboard. Dip a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide to get into those nooks and crannies. Rubbing Alcohol: Erase permanent-marker stains from finished wood floors or solid-surface countertops. Pour rubbing alcohol onto a cotton ball and apply. Test on hidden area first. The Helpful Place Dan Braido 705- 542-7139 P. O. Box 115 Hilton Beach P0R 1G0 Rod Wessell and Son Sales & Service 712 K Line Road You must see this 121 year old General Store 246-2002 Reflexology Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist • Septics • Road Building • Lot Clearing Dinah Horner Certified Foot Reflexologist Call 246-3860 or 246-1433 Call 246-2811 Days or evenings and weekends Island Touch Therapeutic Massage BridgeLink Medical Centre B & L Installations Seamless Eavestroughs “Your Quality Installer” for Siding, Soffit & Fascia Call “Bud” Tel: 257-1101 248-3247 PHYSIO AND FITNESS take control of your health Linda Hyndman, Registered Physiotherapist No Referral Required 971-4620 BridgeLink Medical Centre Page 4 Published weekly by Heather & Brian Fox HOW TO REACH US: By email: By phone: 246-1635 • By fax: 246-7060 By mail: The Island Clippings, 5285 5th Side Road, R. R. 1, Hilton Beach, Ontario P0R 1G0. Or simply use one of the Island Clippings boxes conveniently located at Ambeault’s, Kent’s Corners or the Hilton Beach Post Office. Off-Island Subscription Rates: $60. per year plus tax. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damage arising from errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the ad in which the error occured. There shall be no liability for non-insertion of any ad. Cost for ads may be adjusted from time to time due to price increases of postage, paper and ink. Ads cannot be copied. The editor reserves the right to edit, revise, classify or reject an ad. Articles submitted do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editor. HILTON BEACH JAIL ... continued from page 3 In 1920, the Hilton Jail took on a new role when the local Women’s Institute decided this would be a good building to set up a Library to serve the community. These women installed the shelving themselves to save the carpenter’s fee. The Library was housed in the jail until 1929 when plans began to build a new library on Main Street. Ontario and perhaps in all of North America, with a frontage of 20 feet, 6 inches and a depth of 16 feet, 8 inches. This small, thick-walled concrete building has three cells with flat iron grid doors, pressed tin ceilings and two elongated ironbarred windows facing the street. Local miscreants were ‘sentenced’ to serve time in the jail, but they were never actually locked in! They simply ‘served their time’ then went home! Only one ‘criminal’ is known to have stayed in jail overnight. The “Jail Committee” made up of volunteers began organizing in 2006, submitting a proposal to the Village of Hilton Beach Council to preserve this historic building. This proposal was accepted by Council and minor fundraising began. Donations to date total approximately $900. Plans are now underway, thanks to Tim Keenan, for a major fundraiser. He commissioned his friend Ken Bradford, a well known local artist, to paint the Hilton Jail. Tim purchased the painting and all rights to reproduce it. The painting is now in the process of being made into prints to be sold, with all proceeds going to the preservation and refurbishing of the “Lock Up”. More information can be obtained from Tracy Stevens or Donna Lambert, Committee members. The restored jail will take on its new life as a local tourist attraction. So a word of caution to those young vandals who broke the sash on the door the other night and ran off - we will soon have a place to accommodate you for the night! In the Hilton Beach Inn 2 4 6 -0 0 6 3 Fresh Pickerel Special! With Stuffed Green Pepper OR Choice of Garden Salad PLUS Choice of Fries, Mashed, or Baked Potato $16.99 + tax Friday, Saturday & Sunday We specialize in glass, but ... WE DO RENOVATIONS TOO! Fall Hours: RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • New Windows • Doors • Siding • Glass Repairs • Mirrors • Screens • Drywall • Roofing • Cottage & Home Maintenance, Repairs & Painting Sunday to Thursday: 8 am to 7:30 pm Friday & Saturday: 8 am to 10 pm. Closed on Thanksgiving Monday, October 12th. 246-1999 Fax: 246-1429 Cell: 945-1999 Page 5 1611 P Line, St. Joe Island (at 10th) RECIPE CORNER Lynda Reynolds’ Salt Substitute 1 tsp. chili powder 2 tsp. ground oregano 2 tsp. black pepper 1 Tbsp. garlic powder (not garlic salt) 3 Tbsp. dry mustard 6 Tbsp. onion powder (not onion salt) 3 Tbsp. paprika 3 Tbsp. poultry seasoning E D Mix all ingredients together. Dump out the salt shaker and replace with above mixture. IG BY H- SPE GOOD- ED W O SA Y TO S O L N IA L-U P • HEL LO H Lavera Crack’s Cheese And Onion Pie Are you tired of waiting for other internet providers to reach your area, XPLORNET CAN. As the leading high-speed provider for rural and remote communities all across Canada, Xplornet has the technology to bring fast, reliable Internet service to everyone who wants it, in every corner of the country. First time ever free Satellite Equipment! You pay only $ 249 basic installation $99 one time activation fee While quantities last Packages starting from $ 49.99 Month One-time activation fee varies by contract term. Intallation fees will apply and are determined by local dealer. This is an old Lancashire, England recipe from the Crack Family. 1 large spanish onion butter/margarine cheddar cheese pie crust Chop onion in small pieces and sauté in frying pan with 2 tablespoons butter/margarine until soft. Salt & pepper to taste. Place bottom pie shell in pie plate; layer some onions on bottom; crumble chunks of cheddar cheese on top; spread rest of onions on this layer; add a bit more cheese on top. Put top crust on and bake at 350. Just before pie is finished (about 30 min.) baste with can milk, remove when golden brown. Thanks Lynda and Lavera! Hey! We’ve been getting some new recipes. Thank you! Thank you! ...if you have some you would like to submit, keep them coming, either by email or drop in our handy drop boxes at the Hilton Beach Post Office, Ambeault’s or Kent’s Corners. Then we won’t bother you for a while. Thanks! MacKay’s Island Pharmacy Ask your local dealer how you can get Xplornet high-speed today. (9:30 am to 5 pm Mon-Fri) Convenient Drop-off at Hospital for after hour and/or Weekend Pickup Soo Video T. V. 84 Albert St. East (705) 254-5751 We can provide ALL your pharmacy needs With fuel prices soaring, give us a try; You won’t be disappointed Messaging Service for Ordering & Call Back BridgeLink Medical Centre, Richards Landing Bring in or show us this ad and receive 10% off sunglasses and certified products 246-0650 “We go the extra mile for you” Page 6 A Big ‘Deposit’ to the Food Bank! NATALIE ALLARD, OWNER of the Hilton Beach Inn, proudly delivers the proceeds from her recent ‘People Auction’ to benefit our Food Bank. On Saturday, September 3rd, Natalie invited her customers to bid on the services of several local volunteers, with the proceeds to be donated to the Food Bank. The auction raised over $700 – money that’s badly-needed to provide nourishing food for more than 30 local families. Annual Flu Shot Clinic A routine flu shot clinic will be held for patients of Drs. Robert Armstrong and Lenka Snajdrova age 65 and over on October 15 (all day), October 21(all day) and October 23 (morning only). This is NOT the H1N1 flu shot. CALL TODAY FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT 246.2477 “It seems that generous donations of money to the Food Bank are up this year, but donations of actual food are down”, says Natalie. “With Thanksgiving coming, we felt that we should concentrate on the ‘food’ side!” With the help of Tony Trecroce, who borrowed a truck, and Bill Van Schaik, who helped with the shopping, Natalie took the money raised to a grocery store and returned with a load of staple foods, carefully selected for their practicality and ‘shelf life’. When praised for her efforts, Natalie characteristically shrugged off any personal credit. “We were happy and proud to do it!” she smiled. “The biggest thanks go to all of the participants – volunteers and bidders – in our People Auction. It’s their generosity and caring that made this possible!” Pride is what we have. Vanity is what others have. 3003 Base Line Hilton Beach Some drink at the fountain of knowledge. Others just gargle. Phone: 246-2475 Hours: 9 - 5 Monday thru Saturday Page 7 3125 Third St. Hilton Beach 971 Diamond Lake Rd. Echo Bay 2750 Canoe Pt. Rd. St. Joseph Island 5210 Wierzbicki Dr. St. Joseph Island 348 ABC Puddingstone Rd. Desbarats St. Joseph Island. Across from beach and beautiful full service marina. 3 Bedroom home with large living room with vaulted ceilings and large gas fireplace. Beautifully landscaped double lot. Attached double garage with built-in storage. Master suite has ensuite. Shows like new. $374,900.00 Over 400 feet of shoreline on Diamond Lake. 2 Bedroom home has newer roof, furnace, septic, hardwood floors, updated windows, drilled well, boathouse with guest Bunkie and sauna. Workshop and shed. Dock at shoreline. Stone gas fireplace. Year round road. Half log siding. $299,900.00 Beautiful brick and siding home with large master bedroom with patio door to balcony. Separate office area and loft. Main floor laundry, whirlpool area with views of the lake. Large detached garage, heated, insulated, drywalled with staircase to guest suite. Lot next door also available. $339,900.00 Waterfront. St. Joseph Island. Walk the beautiful sand beach. Garden doors to deck with glass railings. Updated 3 piece bath with sauna, oversized attached garage, main floor laundry, large docking system good for boating and swimming. $249,900.00 Exceptional piece of property. Over 260 acres of bush, fields, gardens, creek and pond. Log cabin over looks pond. House is over 2000 sq.ft. Large games rooms with L shaped wet bar and patio door to large wraparound deck.Large detached garage with walkup attic. Plus large barn. $549,900.00 3080 Hilton Rd. St. Joseph Island 4198 Old Moffat Bay Rd. Waterfront on St. Joseph Island. Beautiful view of Moffat Bay from this two bedroom cottage. Large deck, boat house/could be guest bunkie. Good useable waterfrontage for swimming or boating. 1277 Richards St. St. Joseph Island 767 Lakeshore Dr. Waterfront 30 minutes east of Sault Ste. Marie. Enjoy the beautiful views from this 3 bedroom hi rise bungalow with fully finished basement. Double attached garage. $289,900.00 3173 Haight Rd.St. Joseph Island St. Joseph Island. Well established business. High traffic location on Hwy. 548. Hilton General Store has LCBO Outlet, Lotto. Deli coolers and meat counter, 2nd storey undeveloped – used for storage. 3 bedroom home attached to store for owner-occupied business – currently rented. $249,900.00 Two bedroom bungalow, with some newer windows. One block from beach or marina. Great as a summer getaway or year round home. Town water and sewer. Close to school, hospital and shopping. $59,900.00 $138,500.00 This move in condition 3 bedroom bungalow on Twin Lakes features vaulted cedar ceilings and walls, patio doors off master bedroom with wrap around deck. Open concept living room/dining room + kitchen with patio doors off dining room. Dock at water edge, well treed for privacy. $199,900.00 1203 Gore St. St. Joseph Island 2972 Soo Mill Rd. St. Joseph Island Waterfront, St. Joseph Island. Mostly updated bungalow with newer kitchen, windows, metal roof, eaves and soffits. Oversized single garage. Large deck, shared drilled well. Close to Hilton Beach off Canoe Point Road. Good usable waterfront. $189,900.00 Lot 77 Stump Rd. Bruce Mines Newer 3 bedroom chalet style cottage on beautiful Cooper Lake. Maintenace free ext. and vinyl windows. Generators built in with electric start propane generators included. Boat launch and beach close by. 1 hour east of SSM. $64,900.00 Prime location downtown Richards Landing. Extensively updated building all wiring and 200 amp panel, windows, refinished hwd. flrs. Main room is approx. 1032 sq. ft. with 11 ft. ceilings. Large deck at front with wheelchair access, office area and workspace off the main room. Parking out front plus out back. $169,900.00 1163 Adcock Dr. St. Joseph Island 1202 Gore St. Richards Landing Excellent location! Downtown Richards Landing on St. Joseph Island. Well established restaurant, comes with house behind. Close to Beach and Marina. $159,900.00 3853 X Line, Hilton Beach 2032 Canoe Point Road St. Joseph Island waterfront home or cottage. Newer windows and roof. Balcony off master bedroom with views of the lake. Drilled will and septic (just pumped). Year-round road. Close to Hilton Beach. Newer oil stove, patio doors to deck, wheelchair accessible. $129,900.00 St. Joseph Island - Scenic views from this open concept 4 bedroom 3 bathroom home on Gawas Bay. Master with ensuite, main flr laundry. Two car detached garage with bunkie, woodworking shop and art studio. Sandy beach, big dock, minutes from Hilton Beach. $499,000.00 Breathtaking Landscaping surrounds this beautiful cedar 3 bedroom home on the water. Good sized guest house or shop has water and electricity. Beautiful hardwood floors, large master suite with two sided fireplace, very open concept. $279,000.00 1155 F & G Line, St. Joseph Island Vacant Land, 2559 Q and R Line Rd. St. Joseph Island 3419 Hamilton Bay Rd. St. Joseph Island St. Joseph Island. 200 acres of land with roads and trails. River runs through back 100 acres – was a tree farm at one time. Back 100 acress fronts on M and N Line. Seasonal road is snowmobile trail in winter. Good access. $129,900.00 80 acres of field and bush features 2 bed log home with full walkout basmt, several out buildings, with separate corrals, beaver pond with creek running through property. Great for horses, or hunt camp. $139,900.00 Quality built tudor style home. Large master suite with screened balcony. 3 bedrooms up plus main floor den and office. 2 sided stone fireplace. Separate breezeway has staircase to studio or separate bedroom. Almost 8 acres of mostly hardwood. $224,900.00 Vacant Land, Weirzbicki Dr. Lot 50 St. Joseph Island 9 Taylor St, Bruce Mines 1.66 acres on St. Joseph Island. Great lot to build your dream home or cottage. 2nd last lot in subdivision, so very quiet and private. Over 240 ft. of shoreline, driveway in, but needs trimming. Lots of sand. Year round road. Close to Marina for boat storage. $44,900.00 Beautiful views on the bay. Watch the sunset from the wrap around deck. Nicely landscaped yard with boat house and storage shed. Walk out basement has full 2 bdr. suite or in law suite. presently rented, 2 large bedrooms, 2nd bath. High speed internet and natural gas. $219,900.00 Vacant Land, Lots 233 & 234, Ninth Street, Hilton Beach 5950 Jocelyn Drive, St. Joseph Island Build your dream home on these 2 private, wooded lots, just south of Hilton Beach. Only 12 minutes to bridge and blocks from the beach and marina. $21,500.00 137 & 141 Tancred St. SSM Historic brownstone townhouse, with attached duplex, 7-8 bedrooms, updated plumbing and electrical, newer windows and roof, convenient downtown location. $329,900.00 Beautiful sand beach in sheltered bay. 5 bed cottage with hardwood flrs, pine walls, stone fireplace, newer wrap around deck, year round road, newer bath. Shows well. $169,900 Vacant Land, 5483 Ellwood Blvd. St. Joseph Island 3079 Hilton Rd. Hilton Beach 1304 Spring Street, St. Joseph Island St. Joseph Island waterfront lots. Beautiful sunsets from these west-facing lots. Good usable waterfront. 3 Lots totaling 361 feet of shoreline. Lots 25 & 26 have driveway and are cleared. Power at the Road. $69,900.00 Excellent retirement or summer home. Large marina and beach mins. away. Newer kitchen, baths, furnace plus wood stove insert. Formal dining room and hardwood floors. Main floor master as a family room with garden doors to deck. Large yard. $119,900.00 Very private 3.5 acre lot with stream/pond running through and Lake views, 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom home with formal dining rm, master with ensuite, central vac. and double attached garage. 1 block from school, minutes to marina and beach. $269,900.00 55 Cooper Lake 647b Lakeshore Dr. Desbarats Cottage with public access to lake and boat launch. Great hunting and fishing. crown land close by. Propane power and heated by wood stove. Vaulted ceilings. newer laminate floors. 16x20 deck. Property available next door as well. Has hunt camp on it. $84,900.00 Usable waterfront in this 2 bedroom home. Open concept, vaulted ceilings, beautifully landscaped yard with garden shed, woodshed, single garage, newer roof and heat trace cable. Newer Kitchen. Park your boat at the dock, sheltered on both sides. $239,900.00 Lot 7 Conc. 13 Base Line St. Joseph Island. 100 Acres, mostly hardwood, has been selectively logged yrs ago. Backs on Koshkawong trail, trails and roads throughout. $89,000.00 1216 Gore St. Richards Landing 5246 Wierzbicki Dr. St. Joseph Island 135 Lakeshore Dr. Desbarats 1081 F & G Line Road, St. Joseph Is. Close to beach and marina. This four year old, 3 bedroom bungalow has over 1430 sq ft with open concept living/dining/kitchen. In floor heating plus wood stove, huge master, walk in closet and ensuite, with garden doors to hot tub. $269,900.00 Waterfront on St. Joseph Island. Beautiful sand beach. 2 big bedrooms plus 3rd room off sunroom. 120' feet of shoreline. 3 car garage. Year round road. Open concept, hardwood floors. wood burning stove, large deck. well and septic. $199,900.00 Waterfront overlooking Brown's Island. Newer roof, oak kitchen, updated gas furnace and central air. Large garage insulated and heated. Large loft area above for future development. New garden shed and gazebo at shore. $269,900.00 St. Joseph Island 39.22 acre farm with extensively updated wlkout bungalow. Newer roof, windows, siding, septic, furnace, kitchen, flooring, baths, doors, etc. Large barn has water and electricity. Several stalls for horses. Beautiful views. $279,900.00 To view virtual tours of these properties and many many more visit 3908 Hamilton Dr. $950/week 3 bedroom, spacious home with wood fired sauna and deep water with dock for easy access by boat. 5268 Wierzbicki Drive $1000/week or $180/Night Walk for miles down a beautiful sandy beach or cuddle up in this 3 bedroom cottage with all the comforts of home. Full kitchen with dishwasher, satellite tv and sun room. 1709 Russell St. $1100/week or $200/night So much to do not far to go. Privately placed cottage in the heart of Richards Landing. Sand beach, dock for large boats. Great for business retreat or just a weekend away from the city. 2032 Canoe Point Rd.$1500/wk Scenic views of Gawas Bay make this 4 bdrm, 3 bathrm open concept home ideal for a summer getaway. Sand beach,big dock, minutes from boat launch. Available year round. J.W.Ambeault Water Well & Pump Technician Licenced MOE P.O. Box 179 Richards Landing ON P0R 1J0 (705) 246-2284 Wessell Firewood Processed Hardwood Firewood 246-0334 Hilton Beach Marina a Beehive of Activity! THE HILTON BEACH MARINA was buzzing with activity Saturday, as most of the ‘resident’ sailboats were hoisted out of the water onto cradles for their winter storage. The work crew was impressively organized, literally swarming all over the boats! As one boat was being secured in its cradle on shore, another was being hoisted, while another was being readied for lifting, while still more were being brought over from their dock spaces to await their turn. It was a well-orchestrated and marvelous event to watch from a safe distance, with no accidents, injuries or misadventures to any boats, workers or spectators! At the end of the day, only a few lonely boats still remained forlornly in the water, their owners no doubt hoping for that ‘just one last outing’! Delivery Available Any Questions Regarding Services Please Call Kevin or Katie Mrs. Mac’s 246-0123 Mon - Thurs 11 am - 8 pm Friday - 11 am - 9 pm Saturday - 11 am - 8 pm Sunday - Closed Tastes like Home But it’s Mrs. Mac’s COMPUTER • Repairs • Tune-up • Virus removal • Set-up • Training • Wired and Wireless Networks CALL GEORGE 246-2112 Ursula Urscheler Confidential Family & Marriage Counselling Drug & Alcohol Counselling Specializing in Grief Counselling BridgeLink Medical Centre, Suite 202 Tel: 246-2221 by Appointment Only After-hours and weekend sessions available Landing Feet First Marcy Clark Registered Practical Nurse 246-0604 In-home treatment of Basic, Advanced & Diabetic Foot conditions Official retailer of Biofreeze & Orthotics by Foot Levelers Inc. Manicures, Pedicures & Paraffin Wax treatments also available Ask about our party specials!! Little Johnny’s kindergarten class was on a field trip to their local police station where they saw pictures tacked to a bulletin board of the 10 most wanted. One of the youngsters pointed to a picture and asked, “Is it really the photo of a wanted person”. “Yes,” said the policeman. “The detectives want very badly to capture him”. Little Johnny asked, “Why didn’t you keep him when you took his picture?” KENT’S COR 246-1234 N Monday to Thursday 6 am to 8 pm E Fridays 6 am to 9 pm Saturday 8 am to 8 pm R Sunday 8 am to 7 pm S VISA/MC/Debit/ATM Page 10 David R. Porter, CMA MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING & C O N S U LT I N G S E R V I C E S Waterfront Centre, Hilton Beach, Ontario P0R 1G0 for all your accounting needs Personal • Business • Farm & Corporations Bookeeping • Financial Statements • Business Plans Income Taxes (E-file) Phone/Fax (705) 246-3153 Res. (705) 246-3460 PC Doctor by George Skardis QUESTION: I started using the new MSN Messenger 9 and I wonder what happened to my contact list? The Fall Outdoor Power Celebration ANSWER: Your contact list is not missing and has not been deleted by Microsoft in the last flurry of modifications to the old Messenger. Rest assured that you are not the only one to question recent changes. Upon signing into MSN Messenger 9 the familiar contact list for offline and online contacts has been repositioned to the bottom of a scroll list. Recently added features have displaced the familiar offline/online contact list that would normally appear at the beginning of each session. The newly added features are labeled Favourites, Groups, Friends, and What’s New. To remove unwanted features, locate the Change Contact List Layout button on the toolbar bar containing the search box, the Add a Contact button, and the very, very important Show Menu button. Click on Change Contact List Layout. The Options Layout window pops up. Clear checkmarks from checkboxes for the following options: Show Favourites, Show Groups, Show the Tab Bar, and Show the What’s New List. Click OK. More like the classic Messenger? Get back into Change Contact list Layout. Place a checkmark in checkboxes for Show Offline Contacts and Show Offline Contacts in a Separate Category. Click OK. Now you will be able to tell who is offline or online more easily. Beware of the small arrow-head to the left of each category name. This is a very small control and blends into the general background too easily. As your mouse pointer rolls across this control, the arrow-head glows. Left click the arrow-head to collapse or expand the offline and online contact lists. The graphic designers outdid themselves by adding a slight directional shift to acknowledge successful mouse clicks. Next to the Change Contact List Layout button find the Show Menu button. Left click on Show Menu. On the drop-down menu, left click on Show Menu Bar. This reveals the classic menu bar across the Messenger window for those familiar with the old menu system. Thank you Microsoft for allowing customization. Husqvarna 235 34.4 cc / 16” reg $299.99 Husqvarna 240e 40 cc / 16” reg $379.99 Husqvarna 440e 40 cc / 16” reg. $439.99 Husqvarna 445 45 cc / 18” reg. $469.99 Husqvarna 450e 45 cc / 18” reg. $559.99 Husqvarna 460 60 cc / 18” reg. $659.99 249.99 $329.99 $389.99 $ 429.99 $ 519.99 $599.99 Putting superior power, quality and value in your hands this fall Bonus Offer Includes X-Torq Saw Box Replacement chain Retail value $75.00 QUESTION: How do I get the new MSN Messenger 9? ANSWER: Use your favourite search engine or Google the following keywords: download messenger 9. This should take you to,, a Microsoft website. Click on Download. The first stage is a small download (1 mb) which puts the Windows Live Installer program on your computer. Choose RUN. On the next pop-up, click RUN also. This starts the full Windows Live installation process. From the selection list of available Windows Live add-ins, choose only Messenger. This download alone will exceed 50 megabytes and should be a real concern to anyone still on dial-up. Follow directions. Don’t accept any plug nickels. Good luck! $ filing kits, chain and mix oil sold separately. KENTVALE The Helpful Place Sales Sales&&Service Service 712 K Line Road, Richards Landing 712 K Line Road Richards Landing (705) 246-2002 Page 11 (705) 246-2002 New Funding for Algoma R.I.D.E. Program 946-8966 More Police Checks Mean Safer Roads in Algoma-Manitoulin Open Thur.-Sun. 11am to 8:30 pm The Ontario government is helping to reduce car accidents and save lives in Algoma-Manitoulin by supporting police officers who conduct Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (R.I.D.E.) spot checks. a casual dining experience THANKSGIVING SUNDAY BRUNCH OCTOBER 11TH. Two seatings 11 am & 1 pm. Reservations required. Menu Items: Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, vegetables, baked pasta and dessert for $15.95. Book today…seats are filling quickly. Don’t forget about our Prime Rib Buffet Friday Oct 16th and 17th starting at 4:30 pm $18.95. No menu will be available during this time. Saturday October 24th - Coffee and Food Pairing Evening with the St. Joseph Island Coffee Roasters. We need at least 25 participants to run this evening so tickets will be sold in advance. $17.95 “R.I.D.E. is one of the most effective programs in North America to combat drinking and driving and make Ontario’s roads even safer. More police checks mean safer roads,” said Mike Brown, MPP for Algoma-Manitoulin. Police services in Algoma-Manitoulin will receive a total of $88,500 for this year’s R.I.D.E. efforts. 170 Municipal and First Nations police services and OPP offices across Ontario will immediately benefit from increased funding. More than 8,000 Ontario police officers will be funded for a second year – double the number of officers compared to 2007-2008. In 2008-2009, Ontario increased its commitment from $1.2 million to $2.4 million to support year round spot checks. That amount will be maintained for 2009-2010. Last year, police conducted close to 784,000 spot checks, resulting in 970 impaired driving charges and 1,900 12-hour licence suspensions. The visibility of R.I.D.E. spot checks also serve as an effective public education and awareness campaign to deter impaired driving. Sudoku answer on page 16 ~ By ~ Home Improvements 246-2110 24 x 24 shell labour & materials $10,999.00 plus taxes prices available for all sizes Page 12 The Lost Ring Chase Edward Allister Glawson Here’s a heart-warming story about how things can work out if you care and try enough, written for us by an Island resident who wishes to remain anonymous. “About 17 years ago my daughter was going to Lake State University in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. While out with friends, she found a high school graduation ring that obviously belonged to a male. She tried to no avail to find the rightful owner. When she came home, she told me how she had found the ring. She gave it to me and told me to do with it as I pleased. I put it away and every once and a while I would take it out and look at it, and wonder how I could return it to the rightful owner. I showed it to many friends over the years and was given a lot of suggestions as to what could be done with it. One was to melt it down and make myself something out of it. There was a lot of gold in the ring and a large blue stone, but it was engraved with a name inside and some personal achievements in sports, honouring this person. I just couldn’t bring myself to do anything with it because I knew it wasn’t mine and somewhere someone was missing this treasure. Proud parents Dallas and Hillary are happy to have Chase Edward Allister Glawson home safe and sound. Chase was born September 16, 2009 at 1:45 pm. Weighing 7 lbs, .5 oz. 20.5” long. Excited first time grandparents Lynn and Jane Kent. Third grandchild for Keith and Barb Glawson of Winnipeg. Sixth great grandchild for Harold and Edith Kent. Special nephew to Jennifer,Tricia, Phil and Jai-Lynne, and first cousin for Makenna and Avery. Well, I pulled it out again and again - it haunted me. I knew the ring had come from a small city in Michigan. Suddenly, it dawned on me! I had made a friend who was a Dean, retired from the Michigan School system. I e-mailed him and, in a few days, he called me back with a phone number for the high school from which the owner had graduated. After talking with the secretary at the school, I felt sure I was on the right track. I knew they could not give me any information over the phone. She said someone would call me back. I left my name and number and waited for the call. That night, I received a call from a man in Boca Raton, Florida. It wasn’t long into the conversation that I knew I now had the rightful owner! I mailed it through our terrific Canadian snail mail and, after almost two weeks, I got a call from him. He was so excited he could hardly talk. It had been his high school graduation gift from his Mom who just happened to be a teacher at the same high school he graduated from, and still is to this day. When he told me how happy he was, I told him he couldn’t be any happier than me, knowing the ring was finally back where it belonged.” Thanks for sharing this great story with us! Northern Quality Meats Open: 8 am to 5 pm Mon. to Thurs. Phone: (705) 782-4224 Fax: (705) 782-0533 Deplonty Rd., R. R. #1, Provincial Government290 Inspected Bruce Mines, ON P0R 1C0 Toll Free: 1-866-202-2535 Local Meat from Farmer Please call... between 8am &the 3pm Monday to Friday to You! FREEZER PACKAGES FREEZER ORDERS $100.00 Freezer Pkg. Sides of Beef $2.65 lb. Steak or Roast Beef steak $30.00 $20.00 Ground beef Ground beef lb. $25.00 $25.00 Hinds of Beef $3.10 Italian Sausage Roasting chicken $15.00 $15.00 Pork Chops Pork Chops $15.00 Fronts of Beef $2.25 lb. $15.00 Italian style sausage $15.00 or make upSides your own ofpackage Pork $1.55 lb. Whole $4.95 lb. Special Freezer OrdersLamb (c&w) * * $60.00 25wrapped lb ground beef $2.65lb cut and Sides of beef All above $75.00 Package Hinds of beef Fronts of beef Sides of pork Whole lamb $3.10lb $2.25lb $1.55lb NA $4.95lb Peameal Bneless Chicken Breast Ground beef Roasting chicken Beef tenderloin $3.99lb $5.19lb $2.45lb $2.49lb $7.00lb Fresh Local Beef, Pork & Lamb Available! Call for more information Prices effective to October 29/09 $16.00 Frozen Turkey 5lb Beef pattiesDEBIT MACHINE AVAILABLE $15.00 Chicken legs b/a 5lb Italian sausage $15.00 T-boneMines 5lb Pork chops290 Deplonty Road • Bruce $20.00 Sirloin Steak 5lb box Minute steaks Phone: 705-782-4224 • Toll Free: 1-866-202-2535 $18.00 Chicken breast 5lb box Pork cutlets $18.00 Rib Eye Steak 5lb Centre Chops Page 13 $1.99lb $1.99lb $7.99lb $5.99lb $3.19lb $6.99lb Fresh local beef, pork & lamb available - call for information Prices effective - February 1 - February 28, 2009 ARTICLES FOR SALE 1995 Kawasaki 4 Wheeler Like new, low milelage in excellent condition. Back seat & winch. Asking $3,000. OBO within reason. Call 246-2551. 2002 silver Pontiac Sunfire, low mileage – only 55,000 km. Asking $6,500 or Best Offer – Certified. Call 246-0880 or 542-5733. If no answer, leave message. 12 ft. aluminum boat & trailer. $600 or Best Offer. Call 246-0880 or 542-5733. If no answer, leave message. 2007 26ʼ Hobbi Toy Hauler. New - never used and ready to go. Light weight with lots of room to haul the toys. Can hold up to four full size motorcycles or ATV's and sleep six. Must be seen! Call Dan 246-1953. Boat trailer - good condition. Suitable for 12 to 14 foot boat. Open to reasonable offers. Call Dan 246-1953. Simmons Couch/Day bed. $150. OBO. Call 246-3403 please leave message. 1994 Yamaha Waveraider – 700cc engine, two person, mint condition, without trailer. $2250. 246-0384 or 246-2990 1996 COBRA 36 ft. 5th Wheel. 2 Slide-outs, mint condition; fully-equipped; hardwood maple flooring, central vac, washer, dryer, full kitchen, heat & A/C; ready to go! Call 246-1948 Wood Burning Stove: Vermont Castings “Resolute” In excellent condition. Suitable for any room in your home or cottage. Must be seen to be appreciated $500. Call 246-2349 Warnock Hersey certified wood stove, with 16”, 2- 24”, 2-36”, tee. and cap, SS chimney pieces. $500. OBO. 48” x 80” mirrored sliding closet doors. Still wrapped, never installed. Retail value, $99 Make an offer. Call 2461650. FreeSpirit recumbent stationary bike with rowing arms. Bought for $400. Computerized gizmo to measure distance/speed/calories burnt, etc. Used mostly as a clothes rack. $200. Ask for Chunky Robert or Chubby Sue at 246-1963. 20” TV, New, asking $200. or OBO.Turned on about 20 times. No room for it. Call 246-2881. 5 hp chipper/ shredder $125. Kenmore washer, like new. $200. Call 246-1092 14ʼ Elgin aluminum boat, swivel seats and EZ Hauler tilt trailer, like new. 9.8 Mercury motor. Hilton Beach. Call 246-3708 Complete Maple Syrup operation, 50 acres, currently 2,000 taps, oil fired evaporator, vacuum system with tank, R.O. with tanks, established dealer, closing date May 1/10. Will train. Call 246-1120 2007 Chev Trailblazer. Loaded, 4 wheel drive, sun roof, OnStar, good condition. Call 246-1120 Kenmore Dryer - $50. Call 246-2293. Chocolate Lab puppies from excellent background. Great family and hunting dogs. Ready to go November 14th. $400. Reserve your puppy today! Call 246-0427 A good selection of Pumpkins, squash, & tomatoes, plus corns stalks & bales for decorating. Anytime at Rainbow Ridge Farm as its "self serve" or if you need to call 2462683,.. oh and Bunnies too!! FREE for removal – Cloth sofa and matching chair, brocade; beige with tiny pink roses. Hilton Beach. Call 246-7066. WANTED Maple syrup making equipment, ie. boil pan, spiles and old wood stove. May consider small evaporator if price is right. call 541-9860 ask for Marc Wanted Aladdin oil lamps or parts for Aladdin lamps. Call 246-2089. SERVICES Fall is here. You deserve a break. Let me clean your house. Free estimate. Call Wendy 246-7081 Butch Shaw will be cutting and wrapping wild game at 1374 C - Line Road. Deer - $55, moose to be determined at the time of cutting. Call 246-7124. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sorry, the Hunters Safety Course is now full. So, we will not be able to take any more applicants. Mrs. Macʼs will be CLOSED THANKSGIVING MONDAY. We wish our customers a very Happy Thanksgiving! The annual CASS Sprint Duathlon will be held on Sat. Oct. 18 at CASS. Registration at 9 am, race starts at 9:30. A minimum of $25 donation to CASS Hockey to participate. Prizes for the top 3 individuals and teams! For more info, contact Carole at CASS 782-039 or at home after 6 pm at 246-3235. Youʼre not too late! Sparks, Brownies and Guides register now. Just call Kim 246-2207, Susan 246-0722 or Heather 246-2572. S.K. and up. Tuesdays after school until 5 pm. BEGIN YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING at the BOOK FAIR at S.J.I.C. School, on Wednesday, October 21, from 8:30 – 3:30 or after school 3:30 – 6:30 pm and again on Thursday, October 22, from 8:30 – 3:30 pm. Page 14 New to the Island. Jockey Person to Person! New in Canada and celebrating its first full year of business. Itʼs quality, guaranteed ladies wear, in a wide variety of dressy, casual & sports and it can be all yours! You may want to become one of Jockeyʼs new Comfort Specialists and or you can become a Hostess and enjoy free or greatly reduced clothing. For only $199. + shipping and taxes, you could receive up to 18 pieces of apparel. Want to make some money for Christmas? Call me, Shirley Meeks, for a personal showing @705-246-2444. I will help get you started with no pressure. Smart Serve - Responsible Alcohol Beverage Service Training Course being offered at Branch 374, Royal Canadian Legion in Richards Landing. 10:30 am - 2:30 pm on Saturday October 10th. Cost: No cost for Legion members. $30. for non-members. Limited space available.To sign up for the course call the Legion at 246-2494 or Jim Bayler at 246-3810. FAMILY DANCE – presented by AlgomaTrad. Saturday, October 31, 8 pm at the Richards Landing Legion. Come as you are or in disguise. Music by Schryer/O'Gorman/Lefebvre and special guests. Caller Dan Gorno. Great fun for all ages. Recreational Hockey Program - Johnson Township Community Centre, Desbarats. Registration night and free skate, Wednesday, October 14, 6:30 pm ages 4 to 7; 7:30 pm ages 8 to 13. Equipment swap Wednesday, October 14th and 21st; donations accepted. Info: Pat 782-6601 x 205, St. Joseph Township Residents. Please be advised that due to an overabundance of unacceptable items the Share Shed, located at the St. Joseph Township Landfill, will have new hours starting October 13th. It will be open Saturdays ONLY from 8 am - 2 pm. Please Note: Drop Offs outside of the Share Shed are not permitted. Volunteers Needed at the St Joseph Township Share Shed, located at the municipal landfill. Your help is needed on an occasional basis, Saturdays from 8 am to 2 pm (or part thereof). Duties would be to help organize and monitor the use of the Share Shed. Please call Melanie at 246-0188 Hunters & Anglers Meeting Thursday, October 8th at 8 pm. Guest speaker from Ontario Fur Managers. Need homework help? The Children's Library is offering free tutoring sessions on Saturdays with Andrea, who is studying at LSSU. She will be glad to help out. Just call 246-2877 or 246-3952. Quilting - 1-3 pm Downstairs Hilton Hall except for the 3rd week when it is held at the Trefry Centre. The St. Joseph Island Horticultural Pumpkin Decorating Contest! This yearʼs Categories are: Heaviest, Tallest, Biggest and Smallest (must come from your pumpkin patch). Pumpkins in other categories can be purchased and/or come from your pumpkin patch: Best Decorated (painted with no carving), Best Dressed, Funniest, Scariest, Animal (can be any animal not only animals associated with Halloween), Cartoon or Famous Characters, Most Creative/Unique, Most Disgusting, Scenic (for example a tree, cemetery, etc.). The Special Category for 2009 is the Halloween Cat. You can draw any design on a pumpkin to carve or paint with felt pens or acrylic paints or you can try stencils from websites such as www.spook All categories are open to Adults as well as to Children. The Country Road Open House Prize Winner at Yandeauʼs Garden is Sheila Phillips of Batchewana Bay. Congratulations! Proud parents Dallas and Hillary are happy to have Chase Edward Allister Glawson home safe and sound. Chase was born September 16, 2009 at 1:45 pm, Weighing 7 lbs, .5oz. 20.5” long. Excited first time grandparents Lynn and Jane Kent. Third grandchild for Keith and Barb Glawson of Winnipeg. Sixth great grandchild for Harold and Edith Kent. Special nephew to Jennifer, Tricia, Phil and Jai-Lynne, and first cousin for Makenna and Avery. Come on out to the ACW Harvest Festival Tea & Bazaar at the Richards Landing Public School on Oct. 24th from 1 pm to 3 pm. Check out the baking and craft tables and then sit and relax over tea and desserts. Our Tea is being held in conjunction with the Horticultural Societyʼs “Pumpkin” contest. See you there! BRUCE MINES INSURANCE 73 Taylor St., Box 189, Bruce Mines, ON P0R 1C0 BROKERS Ltd. Meeting your Home, Auto and Commercial Insurance Needs Bus (705) 785-3436 Fax (705) 785-3747 R 24 HO U Y NC E G R E M E ! SERVICE FUELS (ALGOMA) INC. The Family Owned & Operated BIGGEST LITTLE OIL COMPANY In Town! • Maintenance Plan • Budget Plans • Furnace Oil • Off Road/Clear Diesel & Gasoline • Stove Oil • Oil Furnaces & Firelplces • Oil Boilers • Water Heaters • Automatic Delivery • Seniors Discount 942-5766 Toll Free 1-866-550-9912 347 Lake Street Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 5 pm Page 15 CHURCH SERVICES Saturday: St. Boniface Roman Catholic, Hilton Beach 4:30 pm. Sunday: Holy Trinity Anglican, Jocelyn at 11 am. Free Methodist, 10th Side Rd. 11 am. Island Bible Chapel, Richards Landing. Lordʼs Supper 10 am, Family Bible Hour 11:15 am. Grace United, Hilton Beach. 9:30 am. Harmony St. Marks United, Richards Landing. 11 am. Advertising in the Island Clippings works! Classified Ads and Announcements Answer to puzzle on page 12 The Island Clippings is pleased to publish personal Classified Advertising and Public Service Announcements, free of charge to Island residents, as a community service. Ads or announcements for nonresidents, businesses, or items or services to be sold for profit will incur a nominal charge of $10. plus GST. This includes the sale of real estate, rental of real estate or the sale of items valued at over $1,000. Ads or announcement will appear in one issue, but may be repeated upon request, to a maximum of three consecutive weeks. To ensure space for everyone, please limit your content to a maximum of 50 words. Ads can be placed by: Email to or by phone 246-1635 (from 9 – 5, Mon-Fri) or fax 246-7060 Mail to: Island Clippings, RR1, Hilton Beach, ON P0R 1G0 Or simply put it in one of our pick-up boxes conveniently located at Ambeault’s, Kent’s Corners and the Hilton Beach Post Office. Deadline for all material is noon Tuesday. WHAT’S HAPPENING ON ST. JOE Friday Saturday Hens & Stitches, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10 am to 12 pm Island Cast-a-Weighs, Calorie Watchers, Hilton Community Hall (rear door, basmt) - 8:30 am Friday Foods Menu available at the Legion - 5 pm to 9 pm AA Meeting, United Church (new addition, side door) - 8 pm Childrens Library - 10 am to 3 pm Story time - 10:30 am Hilton Union Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm Free pool all day in the Legion lounge Open Air Market - Hilton Beach, Under the yellow tent - 10 am to 2 pm Nordic Walking Group, Tranter Park - Meets at 9 am Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Top Quality Hardwood Cut, split & delivered $70. /cord* Call Angie at 941-0215 * For Local delivery The Calico Hen Telephone: (705) 246-0875 Sunday Monday FIREWOOD Bridge, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm to 5 pm (Open to all seniors) 60+ Exercise Program, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10:30 am Euchre, Legion Hall - 8 pm ($3.00 per person) Carpet Bowling for Seniors, Legion - 1 pm St. Joseph Twp, Public Library - 6 pm to 9 pm Hilton Union Library - 3 pm to 5 pm & 7 pm to 9 pm Children’s Library - 6 pm to 9 pm CAPC Play & Learn Best Start Hub - 9:30 to 11:30 am, Free Methodist Church Women’s Physical Activities, Public School Gym - 6:30 pm to 8 pm Cribbage (singles), Legion Hall - 7:30 pm ($3.00 per person) Quilting - 1-3 pm, Downstairs Hilton Hall except the 3rd week held at the Trefry Centre. Pool, Legion - 7:30 pm St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Food Bank, United Church, Richards Landing (side door) - 1 pm to 3 pm Children’s Library - 9 am to 12 pm Story time - 10:30 am Hilton Union Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm and 7 pm to 9 pm Dr. Trefry Centre’s Day Out Program - 9 am to 4 pm Children’s Library - 9 am to 12 pm Story time - 10:30 am Darts at the Legion (Starting as Open; may change) - 7:30 pm Page 16 Antiques - Art - Used Books Jewellery - Photos - Knitting Supplies Dawn Tweedle - owner/artisan 1188 Richards St., Richards Landing, ON P0R 1J0 Changes Hair Salon For Appointments Please Call 941-0802 Julie Stevens 246-3518 Your Island Print Shop email: 246-0942
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