August 1 - the Island Clippings!


August 1 - the Island Clippings!
August 1, 2013 • Issue 906 • $1.00
Serving St. Joseph Island since 1995
Connecting our Community
Visit us online at
Tel: 705 246-1635
Fax: 705 246-7060
“These People Must Be Crazy!”
everyone at the Richards Landing Centennial Grounds last
Friday night as the pouring rain tried – and failed – to put a
damper on this year’s Community Night.
Hosted annually by the Matthews Memorial Hospital Auxiliary as its principal fundraising event, the Richards Landing
Community Night is always one of the highlights of the summer. Every year, people come from far and wide to watch the
parade, feast on tasty foods from the concession stands and
try their luck at fun games and funny activities like the dunking booth, which is always good for laughs at the expense of
some poor, good-natured ‘victim’.
It appeared that this year’s event might be cancelled as Friday’s heavy rain and thunderstorms plagued the island all day
and into the evening.
As the day wore on, the Island Clippings, the Royal Canadian
Legion, the Municipal offices and no doubt many residents
were all receiving calls or emails, inquiring whether the event
would or wouldn’t be happening. Since none of us really
knew either, the callers were simply told to show up and see
what happens. That’s what WE did!
Perhaps the rain actually helped in some ways. We stopped
first at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, where we learned
that the Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary Pasta Supper (in the nice,
warm, dry indoors) had been a huge success; so much so that
they reportedly ran out of pasta to serve!
Down the hall in the Legion lounge, things were a little different as some of the Legion colour party clustered at the windows looking out to the rain-drenched parking lot, watching
vainly for the arrival of the Pipes and Drums of the 49th Field
Regiment. Always a favourite at every parade, could the pipe
The Real Estate Stop
Continued on next page
David Nelson
Sales Representative
“Your Island Realtor”
949-7867 • 246-2757
island ScOOp
Community Night starts early...
get Ready for HILTON BEACH PARADE...Ice Cream
special Guest LUCY from McKenna Enterprises
Will be in from 4 PM to 10 PM
CRAZY PEOPLE...continued from page 1
band not actually be coming this year, thinking that the parade would be rained out?
The uncertainty about whether or not the parade would take
place in the still-pouring rain brought about some good natured inter-service ribbing among the Legionnaires. We overheard one wit comment “The air force would have cancelled
hours ago!” while former paratrooper George Patterson
quipped “heck, this is just when the ARMY would go out!”
for Caricatures, Photo may be taken before the Parade to be picked up after
Hilton Beach Waterfront Centre 705 989-4102
Back by Popular Demand!
Beach Volleyball
Saturday August 3rd, at 12:00 noon
Please bring canned food for our Food Bank
and at 9 pm, ‘Five Below Zero’
will be playing on the patio!
Friday August 9th, blues and
bluegrass by Larry Gross and
Tom Gilker on the patio at 8 pm
10 AM TIL 5 PM
FOR MORE INFO, 705 246-2457
George clearly knows what he’s talking about. From amidst
the sodden sound of the rain drumming on the roof came
drumming sounds of a different kind. Was it? Yes it was! The
unmistakable sound of massed pipes and drums, off in the
distance and coming our way! Parade or not, rain or not, the
49th Field Regiment band was here and advancing up the
street! And behind them came the flashing lights and sirens
of St. Joseph Township’s fire trucks.
Out into the cold and rain we all went, only to be amazed at
the sight of people emerging from under every possible kind
of cover, all rushing to get into position for the parade. The
miserable weather seemed quickly forgotten as the somewhat
shrunken parade – many of the participants and floats missing – regally and bravely came up the street and turned into
the Centennial Grounds.
Rain or not, Community Night was on!
We followed the throng into the grounds and were amazed
once again to see that the food booths were all open (with
lineups at every window for every kind of food) as were
many of the games and attractions. Under the cover of the
small concert stage, the pipes and drums were entertaining
with their customary post-parade concert, with many of
their audience still standing out in the drenching rain, still
happy to be there.
Page 2
We wandered by the dunking booth and stopped to wonder about the irony of such
an activity …. everybody there was already soaked to the skin, so how much worse
could a dunking be? We didn’t stick around to find out!
The mood was happy and festive, in spite of the cold, wet weather. The most common greeting from everyone we met was something to the effect of “These People
Must Be Crazy to be out here in this!”, again rather ironic, coming from someone
who was obviously just as ‘crazy’ to be there themselves.
It was a little awkward to balance one’s food and drink while holding on to an umbrella and a camera, but Heather managed it AND kept her camera dry ….mostly.
Some diehards were there without even a raincoat or hat, let alone an umbrella! And
THEY called US crazy!
Threading his way through the crowd was an equally-soaked Mike Mantha, our MPP,
who told us that we should gather at the large bandstand (where a rather damp game
of Bingo was underway) to witness a special, surprise presentation.
And special it was! Assisted by St. Joseph Township Mayor Jody Wildman, Mr. Mantha made presentations to two of our long-time leading citizens, Lorraine Aelick and
Tel: 705 246-2545
Fax: 705 246-1289
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“Island Cove” Gallery • Kodak Kiosk & ATM
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Hilton Beach Waterfront • 705 989-4102
Continued on page 4
Published weekly by Heather & Brian Fox
By email:
By phone: 246-1635 • By fax: 246-7060
By mail: The Island Clippings, 5285 5th Side Road, R. R. 1, Hilton Beach, Ontario P0R 1G0.
Or simply use one of the Island Clippings boxes conveniently located at Ambeault’s, Kent’s Corners
or the Hilton Beach Post Office.
Off-Island Subscription Rates: $65. per year plus tax.
The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damage arising from errors in advertisements beyond the
amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the ad in which the error occured. There shall be no liability for
non-insertion of any ad. Cost for ads may be adjusted from time to time due to price increases of postage, paper and ink. Ads
cannot be copied. The editor reserves the right to edit, revise, classify or reject an ad. Articles submitted do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of the editor.
Page 3
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CRAZY PEOPLE...continued from page 3
“Bud” Wildman, each of whom has been awarded the Queen
Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, one of the highest honours our government can bestow upon an individual.
Created in 2012 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of
Queen Elizabeth’s ascension to the throne, the medal recognizes outstanding, long term dedicated involvement and leadership in one’s community. Congratulations to both on this
great honour! Even though the presentation took place under
such wet, miserable conditions, what better venue than a
Community Night for that recognition to take place!
Saturday, August 17th, 2013
August 17th, 2013
Join us in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the
Island Triathlon;
in celebration
of the the
of the
event in Northern Ontario held in beautiful
St. Joseph Island Triathlon; the premier multisport
Richards Landing
event in Northern Ontario held in beautiful
Adult (age 16 +)Richards
races include:
So all in all, this year’s Community Night will surely go into
the record books as among the more memorable ones … not
so much for the rain stopping it, but for the number of people
who wouldn’t LET the rain stop it! These People Must Be
16 +) races
and Duathlon*
Olympic/International Triathlon and Duathlon*
or in relay
Children participate in Kids
of Steeland
in age
in relay
from 3 and under up to 15
And we’re proud to live among them.
in Kids ofhas
in age
St. Joseph
Island Triathlon
that Qualifier
range from
up to 15
the Northern
for 3the
There’s still more summer fun in store! Don’t miss the Hilton
Beach Community Night this coming Saturday!
Games for competitors born in 1998 & 1999.
Joseph Island Triathlon has been named
See our website for more information.
the Northern Qualifier for the Ontario Summer
for competitors born in 1998 & 1999.
our website for more information.
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Page 4
Starting at
$1,699 99
Jocelyn Residents Have their Say
about Bell Towers
BELL MOBILITY CONSULTANT Deborah Williamson returned to the Island last week, to continue her round of public meetings with residents about the planned new
communications towers. She met Tuesday night with
St. Joseph Township residents, while Wednesday brought her
to Jocelyn Township.
About 20 people turned out in Jocelyn to see, hear and speak
about the new towers. It appears that the vast majority of
those in attendance, coming from the island’s most widespread rural township, were happy to hear the news.
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Bruce Mines, ON
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Ms. Williamson explained how a Bell surveyor had spent
close to a year exploring the island and mapping out a detailed design for how a network of towers would have to be
located for optimum service. This is especially important in a
landscape like ours, with many hills and just as many dips
and hollows. The towers must be able to have “line of sight”
to the next tower, in order to receive and relay signals.
The design calls for five towers, as previously reported in our
July 18th issue. Two towers are planned for Jocelyn: a 61
metre high tower at 825 P Line near the A Line and the other,
dubbed the ‘Beech Beach Tower’ will be 76 metres high and
located at 5845 5th Side Road.
The process is complex and lengthy. Ms. Williamson’s job is
to work with all parties – the engineers, municipalities,
landowners, etc. to get everything arranged, followed by the
important preliminaries to building, such as soil testing to
determine the type of foundation required. Once all details
are worked out, approvals must be obtained from the federal
agencies with jurisdiction and, since some sites are located on
highways, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation must also
provide land use permits.
She also advised that while Bell, as a federally-regulated body
is exempt from local zoning bylaws, Industry Canada will not
issue the necessary permits without Bell first working out details with landowners, and the final go-ahead must be ratified
by the Council of each municipality involved.
Bell is also required to allow a 30 day period for comments
and response from the public, particularly those who live
within a radius of 3 times the tower’s height. You can therefore still express any comments or concerns about the project,
either by mail using the comment sheets provided, or by
email to Ms. Williamson at before
August 14, 2013.
After that, the ball will start rolling!
Page 5
Professional dog grooming services for all breeds
Pim Street
Community Church
Invites you to come hear
Special Guest Speaker
Levi Sabine
This Sunday 11:00 am
All are welcome
369 Pim Street • Sault Ste Marie
the tradition of
excellence in canadian
music continues
The 18th Annual Old Town Hall
Summer Concert Series
Jack de Keyzer
W E D N E S DAY , A U G U S T 7 T H , 8
Multiple Juno and Maple Blues award winner Jack de
Keyzer is not just a guitarist/singer/songwriter/producer,
he’s one of Canada’s music legends! In his over 30 year career, he has earned the reputation as one of the finest blues
guitarists in the country.
Oliver Jones
with Ranee Lee
W E D N E S DAY , A U G U S T 14 T H , 8
A close friend and disciple of the late Oscar Peterson, Oliver
began performing in night clubs at the age of nine. He is recognized as one of the most skilled Canadian jazz pianists in
history. The multiple award winner is accompanied by the
equally-accomplished Ranee Lee, one of Canada’s top jazz
Darrelle London
W E D N E S DAY , A U G U S T 21 S T , 8
She’s a fresh, new vocal talent who is taking the international music scene by storm. Darrelle’s rise to stardom has
been helped along the way when she caught the eye and ear
of noted performers like Chantal Kreviazuk, who co-wrote
three songs with her, and Sarah McLaughlan, who chose her
as the Toronto Lilith Talent Search winner.
Seating is limited so get your tickets soon! Tickets for
all 3 concerts are $80 per person and $35 per person
for single concerts. To order or for more information,
call 705 246-0055 or visit
St. Joseph Island
Museum Moment
I AM VERY HONOURED to work at the St. Joseph Island Museum. In fact, I believe my ‘Gramma Gramma’ (my great
grandma) or better known to the Museum as Margret McKay,
is looking down on me very proudly. We were very close, and
she was a very dedicated founding member of the Museum.
I had been to the Museum before, when I was just a little girl. I
do remember always looking forward to going into the barn to
lift up the blanket that was on the hearse to see the ‘dead’ mannequin. I also faintly remember some places, such as the bedroom in the log house, which used to be closed off, now it’s
completely open. I am amazed by the evolution of the Museum and I would gladly boast about how far it has come.
What I am here to talk about however, is an artifact with
which for me was “love at first sight.” This artifact is a violin. I
have been playing violin around six years, so right away I
wanted to research more about it. It was quite humorous to
find out that it was none other than my ‘Gramma Gramma’
who had donated it in 1995.
Sadly this violin has little information on it. I would love to
have this violin looked at to find out more about it. How old is
it? Who made it? And my most itching question, is it still
playable? This leads me into telling you of my dream that I
would love to become a reality. You see, violins richen with age
(like wine). Their sound becomes deep and pure. The older the
violin the better the violin, and this violin is very old. If only I
could get it re-stringed and re-haired.
Coincidentally, a while back I had been asked to play violin at
the Museum. I think it would be amazing to play the old violin
that my great grandma donated. Having this violin fixed
would be beneficial not only to me but the Museum too. The
Museum would not have only restored this violin but now
they would have a live display case. I would be able to use it for
what it was made for, as well as doing something I love, playing music.
The 5th Annual St. Joseph Island Museum Teddy Bear Picnic
was a big success this year. The winners were:
Largest Bear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randy Fiegehen
Smallest Bear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joshua Spence
Oldest Bear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maria Campbell
Best In Costume Bear. . . . . . . . . Serena Down
Very Loved Bear . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evan Brown
Best Bear Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Audrey Vair
Other Animal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Landon Phillips
Best Dressed Bear . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeanette Wessell
Hairiest Bear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kyle Brown
Baldest Bear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jake Bower
Funniest Hat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emily Brown
Most Original Hat . . . . . . . . . . . Lea Stoutenburg
Fanciest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heather Weingartner
Vanessa Ervin, Student
Page 6
Community Night
Saturday, August 3rd
Parade judging begins at 6:15 pm
Parade at 7:00 pm
Food, Games of Chance etc. after the Parade
Parade Prize List
Class A: Costumes
1. Best Child’s costume ( 5 yrs, & under)
2. Best Child’s costume (6-9 yrs.)
3. Best Child’s costume (over 10 yrs.)
Class B: Bikes/Floats
Class D: ATV’s / Golf Carts
1. Best decorated ATV
2. Best decorated golf cart
Class E: Floats
1. Best comic float
2. Best advertising float
3. Best float by family group
4. Best float by an organized group
1. Best hand drawn wagon
2. Best children’s float
Class C: Vehicles
1. Best antique/custom vehicle
2. Best decorated vehicle
For more information
Phone: 705 246-2242
Designated Handicapped Parking is Available
Page 7
Carl Thomas
Broker of Record
Northern Advantage
View More Pictures on line at
n ew l i st i n
Office: 705-942-6000
n e w l i s t i nLAKEFRONT SANTUARY!
It's easy to unwind at this furnished 3BR home
overlooking St. Joseph Channel. Well appointed
with modern kitchen and bath. Large familyroom
with woodstove and larger rear deck, both overlooking the water. Go jump in the lake after a
visit to the wood fired sauna. Deep waterfront
for the boat. The perfect cottage at $179,000.
4BR 2 Bath year round home on Sterling
Bay. Large rear deck and gazebo face the
water. 2 BR bunkie and double garage with
loft area for workshop. Gentle sloping lot
to good useable waterfront. $189,000.
n ew l i st i n
11 year old open concept with 20’ vaulted
ceiling in great room with gas FP, 3BR,
3Baths, lots of hardwood flooring, wheelchair accessible in-law suite and full
basement. 2 car garage with loft, bunkie
and 106 ft of deep waterfront.
Perfect summer 3BR cottage on the shipping
channel with wide expanse of sand beach for
swimming. Mature trees for shade on the
huge back deck overlooking the water and
glorious sunsets. pack up the family
s o l d
Private end of the road location with deep
waterfront and nicely treed lot with gentle
slope to the water. 2BR summer cottage
with screened in porch, deck, newer siding and wood stove. Lots of out buildings
for storage and appliances and furnishings included. $154,900.
This 2 bedroom bungalow has a great
view overlooking Gawas Bay. All newer
windows in the main part and laminate
flooring thru-out. Oversized 2 car
garage and your own private dock and
beach for fishing and swimming. 5 minutes to the bridge. Great summer retreat
at $175,000 Call Terry
Great waterfront home on scenic Sterling Bay, St.
Joseph Island. Large open concept living, dining,
kitchen area and master bedroom on second level.
First level has a large family room, guest bedroom and
sauna. New flooring throughout. Two car garage with
loft plus a large workshop with 220 wiring. Maintenance free exterior with vinyl siding
and metal roof. Beautiful yard and good useable waterfront with great boating, fishing
and swimming. $239,900.
from this 3200 sq ft, 4BR, 4Bath waterfront
gem. No telling what you can cook up in the
2 station dream kitchen, dramatic two storey
grand room with FP and huge rear deck
overlooking the water. Lots of areas to getaway and relax in the den, enclosed
porches, bonus room over the garage and
2000 sq ft of finished space in the walk out
lower level. Have it all for $499,000.
Take morning walks with the dog and enjoy the sights
and sounds of the lake at this idyllic cottage tucked in
the trees along the X Line on St. Joseph Island. Modern kitchen and bath, large dining room, family room,
wrap around porch and large heated double garage
will bring happiness to the lucky buyer at $138,900.
Perfect waterfront on Canoe Point, 2
acre lot sloping to deep water and
concrete boat ramp. View all the water
activites from the huge sun room,
family room with fireplace or rear
deck. Full walk out basement with infloor heating, and patio doors to patio. Commercial sized garage with
12 ft door for RV storage. It has it all at $289,000.
Just move in and relax in this open concept ranch style home with
new windows, flooring and decor. Great views of the water from the
great room with wood stove, the 3 season
sun room or the back deck with hot tub.
Private lot with double garage, storage
and wood shed. Put your feet up and
enjoy island living. $239,000.
l o t s
8 Acre building lot on Canoe Point $29,000
3 Acre building lot on Canoe Point $24,900
1 Acre building lot on Government Rd $15,000
86 Acre bush and open field near Richards Landing $99,000
256 Acre hunting lot near the fort $150,000
123 Acre bush and open fields near Stribling Pt. $160,000
50 Acre water access only near Big Point $90,000
100 Acre maple bush on the I Line $129,000.
Page 8
Terry Uusitalo
Sales Representative
705-942-6000 Cell 705 257-9602
new price
Charming 3BR chalet overlooking the water. Totally renovated in 2005 with
newer kitchen, gas fireplace, woodstove,
quality flooring and windows. Large garage
with workshop and 2nd floor bunkie for visiting family and friends. Sandy beach and
dock for swimming and fishing. Quick and
easy access to Hwy 17. $259,000.
This year round 3BR 2 Bath ranch style home with level treed lot is ideal for
all your summer activities with swimming
area, dock and boat launch. Open concept
living with newer master BR with ensuite,
fireplace in large living room, flooring and
front deck overlooking the water. Extra 2 BR
bunkie for family and friends when they
visit. $244,000.
Beautiful 3 bedroom waterfront home on Copper Bay Rd., only minutes from Bruce Mines.
Built on a very private 2 acre lot with great
views of the North Channel. Has had many
updates including both bathrooms, kitchen,
flooring and a 4 zone radiant heating system.
There are vaulted ceilings, lots of windows, a large wrap around deck, HWD
flooring throughout and the "almost new" appliances are included. Available
for immediate possession. Offered at $275,000.
This St. Joseph Island waterfront home has 3
bedrooms and a beautifully treed lot with deep
water. There is a large kitchen with maple cupboards,
cathedral ceilings, oil forced air furnace, gas
fireplace, central air, new shingles and a double
car garage. The waterfront has large shale rock
and has great views of Hamilton Bay. Owner motivated. Offered at
Large 1 floor open concept 3BR plan with FP
in family room, formal LR and 2 Baths. Large
wrap around deck overlooking sweeping lawns
and the shipping channel. Garage/workshop
and other out buildings. Just move in and
enjoy. $219,900.
Beautiful hardwood floors on main level with
huge kitchen, large dining area and inviting
wood stove in living area. Main floor bedroom
and laundry. Newer double garage and all located on large in town lot with easy access to
the marina, beach, post office, restaurants and
shops. Easy living, easy price. $139,900.
Totally renovated 2BR open concept bungalow on level wooded lot overlooking the shipping channel, featuring new siding, shingles,
flooring, most windows and new covered
deck. Everything’s done, just relax and enjoy.
n ew l i st i n
Large modern open concept ranch tucked back on 3.4A wooded lot. Everything conviently located with in-floor heating. Garage converted to main floor
familyroom for extra playroom. Lots
of hydro available for this heated 24 x
48 steel sided shop with large bay
door and cement floor. Located on
paved road near Richards Landing.
Perfect waterfront home with sand beach.
3BR, 2 Baths, Formal DR, wood FP and
hardwood floors. Balcony off 2nd floor BR
and huge rear deck off family Rm overlook
the water. Oversized double garage with
undeveloped loft area. Perfect weekend getaway or year round living. $249,000
A beautiful waterfront home on Canoe Pt.
Road with 150’ of frontage on the North Channel. This home has 3 bedrooms, large open
concept living room/dining area with cathedral
ceilings, hot tub/sauna room, large den/sunENJOY GENTLE BREEZES!
room and a large country kitchen. Other features include a single attached garage, lots of 4BR lakeside ranch open concept with floor to
hardwood flooring, a large deck overlooking the water. This home has a very
ceiling stone FP, newer windows and flooring
private setting with good usable waterfront. $389,900.
with patio doors off LR to large rear deck and
beautiful views of the lake. Affordable lakefront
on the island with most furnishings included.
Just move in and relax. $196,900.
the perfect year round waterfront residence
comes available at the north end of the island
near Stribling Point. Beautifully maintained 3
bedroom home with open concept living area
Beautiful gardens and waterfront compliment
with a large expanse of windows overlooks the
this luxurious 4BR home with designer Kit,
shipping channel. Extra features include an ingleeming hardwood and tile, main and upper
sulated and wired bunkie for extra family and friends, a wood deck for summer
familyrooms, sun room and great views of the
and gorgeous water views, 20 x 24 garage/workshop. This house is in mint
water from all principal rooms. Balcony, decks,
condition and is perfect for summer or year round living on the island.
sauna and 2 car garage. Lakeside living at its
best $429,000.
Page 9
Sweet Rides on a Sunny Saturday
There was a little bit of everything
there …. vintage Ford Model As,
sleek sports cars, beautifully-painted
and prepped pickup trucks (that
we’re sure will never carry anything
rougher than feathers or pillows)
family sedans from the fifties and
muscle machines from the 60s and
70s – and that’s just the vehicles that
were parked!
solutely miserable weather, the
village of Hilton Beach lucked
out again, being blessed with a
beautiful day for this year’s Classic Car Show. Just like ‘Arts at the
Dock’ the previous weekend, Saturday offered a warm, sunny day
with a gentle breeze with which
to stroll along the waterfront, admiring the view and appreciating
the laid back, relaxed atmosphere.
And there was so much to view
and admire! The waterfront literally glistened with freshly waxed
beauties of every make and description, although we did notice a few
specks of dust and a slight scratch on the
fender of the ‘invisible car’ entry. We think
the eagle-eyed judges noticed too. Its owners
will have to do a little better with their detailing, if they wish to drive it away with one of
the prizes next year!
Fine Craft
Exhibition & Sale
August 9, 10 & 11, 2013
10 am - 5 pm
The Old Town Hall
Richards Landing, St. Joseph Island
Page 10
Cruising slowly
through the crowds
were several other
hot classics, driven
over for the day by
other auto enthusiasts. It was also ‘Hog
Heaven’ for more
than a few motorcyclists, just passing
through. These folks
may not have been registered as exhibitors, but
they were displaying their own ‘rides’ just as
proudly as those sitting alongside their gleaming
So perhaps the Hilton Beach Classic Car Show
had more in common with ‘Arts at the Dock’
than just nice weather! This sunny summer afternoon too was all about works of art - of the
automotive kind.
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705-246-2066 •
Page 11
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Home Improvements
Mark Henderson 246-2110
Island Insight
Letters to the Editor printed in the Island Insight Column reflect the views of the writer
and not necessarily those of the Island Clippings.
A true community night
w w w. m a r i a s c a b i n s . c o m
take control of your health
No Referral Required 971-4620
Linda Hyndman, Registered Physiotherapist
BridgeLink Medical Centre
• Professional
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• Trained
• Experienced
• Local
Although we have raised our families in Ottawa, Thunder Bay, Burlington, BC and
the Soo, our kids have grown up enjoying St. Joe’s summers and Gawas Bay sunsets.
And those wonderful summers have always revolved around Richards Landing Community Night.
Our commitment to Community Night springs from many sources... Grandma Barb
and Grandpa Jim are cogs of the hardworking machine that year after year string the
lights and tack up the flags and cut up the pies and auction off the quilts that we all
expect to see every last Friday of July.
But we have also had many summer visits to St. Matthews Memorial - a stitch or two
here, a prescription and a reassuring word there. The hospital has been pretty important to us and raising funds for it, a bit of a passion. So when we headed to the
grounds with rain pounding down and thunder and lightning above, we figured that
we volunteers would be the lone attendees at Community Night 2013.
We could not have been more wrong. As we waited soggy
and downhearted, we heard the pipers of the 49th and a
cheer went up from the crowd lining the route. And
when the plucky parade ended, the crowd, umbrellas in
hand and coins at the ready, turned to the games and to
the pie booth and we volunteers looked at each other
and grabbed our supplies.
Call Matt at
(705) 542-9951
Dimes were tossed and balls thrown and pandas won.
They lined up for pie as the rain hurled in sideways and
they laughed and visited through the cold and the wet.
What a community!
369 Queen Street East, Suite 100
Sault Ste. Marie, ON
P6A 1Z4
Ph: 705-941-2900
Fax: 705-941-2903
Next year, we will be hoping for sun and even bigger
crowds, but we will forever remember the year that it
poured down and the community showed up.
Shari Duffin, on behalf of the Jackson clan of Gawas Bay
Specializing in Log Hauling
Colin Gowlett
3969 Base Line Road
Hilton Beach, On. P0R 1G0
Tel 705-254-6813 • Cell 705-542-3373
1611 P Line, St. Joe Island (at 10th)
The Helpful Place
Line Road
Richards Landing
(705) 246-2002
General Store
Covering all your glass and
renovation requirements ...
• Residential • Commercial • Automotive
New Windows, Doors & Siding,
Glass Repairs Thermal Units, Mirrors etc.
Cell: 945-1999
Page 12
They keep our local economy
healthy and make publishing
the Island Clippings possible!
Municipal Treasurer
Hello to all on “The Island“
(as I used to know it)
My name is Gary Williston, and I lived in the Soo from 1963
until 1986. I have known quite a few Island residents and
people that are from there (Cracks are included). I had
many a great “partay!” on that wonderful Island and remember it with great fondness.
There was the old Dew Drop Inn and others, like the still
wonderful Tilt’n Hilton.
Many of the entertainers that were there over the years I
know and played with at times (ex String Bean).
Now two of my sisters (Kaye and Faye) and a brother
(Danny) live there full time. I sort of envy them, but I left the
area in 1986 and visit as much as I can. It is still a wonderful
place. I think of that wonderful place, with the deer and the
maple stuff and all, at many times. It was and still is a great
place to live and to visit at all times of the year.
But I have moved back to my roots which is New Brunswick.
Here we have many of the great things you do, maple stuff,
deer, moose and oh yeh! did I mention Lobster and
Scallops? (just to mention a couple) Anyway I do miss the Island at times.
Thank You and enjoy your great spot on this earth.
The Township of St. Joseph is seeking a positive, high energy individual to join their
management team in the full time position of Treasurer. The successful candidate will
be responsible for all statutory and administrative duties of Treasurer for the
municipality, and will work closely with all departments to ensure coordination of
financial controls and the sound overall financial management of the municipality.
Qualified candidates should possess the following:
• A minimum of 5 years experience in an increasingly responsible accounting
• Diploma or Degree in Accounting, Business Administration or related studies
(commerce, economics, etc.) from an accredited college or university
• A professional accounting designation (CGA, CMA), or equivalent public sector
experience with the ability to achieve such designation may also be considered
• Diploma in Municipal Accounting or Municipal Administration will be considered
a definite asset
• Knowledge of and prior experience with interpretation of property tax legislation
• Municipal and/or public sector financial experience will be considered a definite
• Computer literacy using an MS Windows environment
A sound knowledge of USTI Asyst Financial Software, municipal government
processes, the Municipal Act, 2001 and other applicable legislation is desired.
Demonstrated leadership, communications, supervisory and interpersonal skills are
required, in addition to proficiency in administrative, analytical, organizational and
time management skills. A detailed job description is available at
Qualified and bondable candidates should submit a cover letter and detailed resume
no later than Thursday, August 8 at 12:00 pm to:
Personnel Committee, The Township of St. Joseph
P.O. Box 187, Richards Landing, ON P0R 1J0
Phone: 705-246-2625 • email:
We thank all applicants that apply, but only those selected for an interview will be
contacted. The Township of St. Joseph is an equal opportunity employer offering
a competitive benefits package.
Gary Williston (with a bit of envy)
Perhaps YOUR
future waits for
you here!
Don’t Miss Out on the Sounds
of Life Any Longer
Experience the difference that the latest hearing
instrument technology can make in your life.
Hear what you’ve been missing!
No referral required.
773 Great Northern Road,
Suite 12
Sault Ste. Marie
Tel: 705 575-2428
Our Blind River office is also
available to serve you.
We will not be undercut
Over 15 years’ experience
Call for a free,
no obligation estimate.
A successful home-based business on St. Joseph Island is
available for purchase by the right buyers. We’re looking for
the people who have the vision and energy to take things to
the next level.
• Tired of ‘the rat race’?
• Looking for better opportunities?
• Want a better, more fulfilling life?
• Enjoy small town and country living?
• Are you a strong communicator?
• Want to be your own boss and set your own work schedule?
• Do YOU have good community spirit and want to help
make a difference?
Then come and live your dream!
We specialize in tree/limb removal
705 255-7047 •
Contact the Island Clippings for details.
Serious inquiries only, please! Confidentiality assured.
Tel: 705 246-1635
Fax: 705 246-7060
R.R. #1, Hilton Beach, Ontario P0R 1G0
Page 13
Friday Night Foods
at the Legion
The special is Cold Plate
buffet without the
regular menu.
Entertainment for
the evening is
Old Country
Entertainment supplied by
volunteer musicians
Come and try your luck
at the meat draw!
Take out available
Go Safe! Go Steel! 30 ft. sailboat fully equipped. Mason Design. At Bruce Mines Marina.
Price $9,995. Call 705 246-2661
or 705 254-5760
Be ready - Ariens Snowblower
8HP running order. $150. Call
705 246-0176
Free to a good home: 8 week
old adorable kittens. Please call
705 246-2453
Free: a navy blue love seat;
great condition.
Call 705 246-3093
Minnkota Endura 40 Ib. electric
trolling motor. Nearly new, excellent condition. $150. Call 705
Washer & Dryer in good working
condition. White in colour. $50.
for the pair. Call 705 246-7430
FREE to give away: two door
yellow refrigerator in working
condition and an older table saw
with motor. Call 705 246-7430
3 Shaw Direct satellite dishes: 1
regular digital, 1 digital HD and
1 HD PVR. $100 takes all
three. Call 705 246-7094
4 used ATV tires: 2 are 25 x 10
x 12 and 2 are 25 x 8 x 12. $60
for all 4. Call 705 246-0873
Sears Craftsman 6.75 hp selfpropelled, rear bag lawnmower:
$125; Champion lawn mower
with 3.5 hp Briggs & Stratton
engine, recently tuned up; 20”
cut: $60; Wall-mounted workbench, brand new, still in box.
$200 retail price, asking $125;
Call 705 246-2232 or 705 5429888.
Is there a little girl interested in
some Barbie dolls and clothes –
Free? Call Lorrena at 705 2462103
Custom cover for F-150 Extended Cab. Used once. Original price $350; will sell for $125.
Call 705 246-7293
Left handed PingEye 2 irons
and Ping bag. New grips. $150.
Call 705 246-7293
Sailboat, small catamaran; 150
kg capacity; rough condition but
sails well. Ready to go sailing.
$275. Call 705 246-1474
Toast coloured circular solid
wood table and 4 matching ladderback chairs; green glass
hand-made hanging light fixture;
wooden three quarter bed and
springs. Call 705 246-1282
Good home(s) for two cats.
Mike and Willie are six year old
neutered brothers. Indoor/outdoor cats, good mousers, very
affectionate and cuddly. Mike is
a tuxedo (black and white) and
Willie is orange and white. If interested call 705 246-3293
Looking for a spray gun with
hose to fit Simoniz Model 1600
electric pressure washer. Call
705 246-0176
Childcare needed for 7 year old
twins. Hours and rates negotiable. Call 705 246-3765
Rowboat in useable condition.
Call 705 246-3765
Apartment: Downtown
Richards Landing, 3 bedrooms
with walk-in closets, 2 baths,
laundry and kitchen appliances.
Non-smoking; no pets. 1st and
Last months’ rent required. Call
705 246-1024 evenings.
2 Bedroom Cottage for rent
with a lovely view of the shipping channel. Sleeps 7. Beach
across the road.
Call 705 246-2552
Vacation Apartment for Rent:
Sailors’ Encampment. Perfect
for two (can sleep 4). Fantastic
view of St. Mary’s freighter
channel. Nice beach, fishing
pier. Available September:
$300/week; $800/month. No
smoking inside; no pets. Call
705 246-2363
Yard Sale: Saturday, August 3rd
at 2964 Hilton Road from 8 am
to 12 noon.
Two-day Yard Sale, Saturday
August 3 and Sunday August 4.
9 am to 3 pm both days weather
permitting, at 3879 5th Side
Road Hwy. 548
Giant Garage Sale! 2400A
Canoe Point Road (Chalet YVR)
Saturday, August 3rd 9-1 pm.
No early birds! Furniture:
couches, dressers, tables etc.
Housewares, rugs, window coverings. cupboards, countertop,
diswasher, oven & sink. All
priced to sell!!!
Garage/Yard Sale: Sat. August
3rd, 9 am - 3 pm. 2820 Hwy 548
Conc.V at Biggar's. Household
items, wood working tools, miscellaneous maple syrup equipment, too much to mention.
Come check it out.
Garage/Yard Sale: Saturday August 3rd, from 9 am to 12 noon
at 2787 Gawas Bay Road, at
the cabins. A real variety.
Multi-family Yard Sale, Saturday
August 3rd, from 9 am to 12
noon at 1788 Hillside Drive (off
Camp D’Ours Island). Something for everyone.
Attention LifeLabs Users: Due
to the Civic Holiday, LifeLabs
will be coming to the Dr. H.S.
Trefry Memorial Centre on Friday, August 9, instead of
Wednesday, August 7. LifeLabs
will resume coming on Wednesdays, as normal, the following
week. Please feel free to call
705 246-0036 with any questions.
Come to the beautiful Historical
12 sided barn in Sowerby on
Basswood Lake Rd, just off hwy
17 on Thurs. Aug. 1st, 7:30 pm
to see Folk music trio
“Wildwood Soul” with Benoit
(fiddle, banjo, vocals) and Zach
Schryer-Lefebvre (guitar, cello,
vocals) with Lorissa Scriven (vocals, guitar). Find out more
about the group at
Page 14
m or watch a video at
watch?v=4pZTs06UlHk. Doors
open at 7pm - $15. Accompanying children under 12 are welcome at no cost.
Look who’s 75! Happy Birthday
Frank Forge. From your wonderful family.
Mountain View Grounds: Next
Sunday, August 4th, the displays of historical articles in and
around the House of History, the
Mountain School and the Machine Shed will be available for
you to examine and enjoy, from
1 to 4 pm. There to greet you
will be Mike, Ed, Ken, Linda,
Jeanne and Alice. You could be
treated to a spin in Ed and
Jeanne’s 1929 Ford Model A,
so bring your cameras along.
Thanks to everyone who helped
to make the Grace church Bake
Sale another great success.
Bakers, buyers, workers,
helpers and supporters all contributed to the day. Your support
is greatly appreciated
It did the heart good to see the
community support the Hospital
parade, food booths and even
play games in the pouring rain.
My personal thanks to those
who brought pie, worked in a
soggy pie booth or bought pie.
Thanks to the Island Market for
selling the remaining 5 pies.
Grace Burmaster
Thank you to all our family and
friends for your thoughtfulness,
kind expressions of sympathy,
cards, donations and food on
the passing of Evelyn Bishop.
We were so fortunate to have
her with us so long. We will miss
her dearly. A bit of trivia: Evelyn
lived 36,776 days and made
each one count. Special thanks
to Pat Brown for the heartfelt
service, nephews Ben, Bruce
and Dennis for playing Mom’s
favourite hymns, Connie for the
flowers and finally to Mom’s relatives from Brampton, Kitchener
and Ottawa who made a special
effort to be here. The family of
Evelyn Bishop.
Visit us online and read the
Clippings in colour!!
In Memory of Ken James. It
has been a year, July 31, since
the passing of Kenny. Thank
you to all that have shown so
much compassion and support
to myself and to my family.
Kenny was an extraordinary
loving husband, Papa Ken,
grandpa, brother, son, uncle
and friend to so many. He left
many wonderful memories behind. We miss his smile, his
joking ways, and the things he
used to say. May he be looking
down on all of us with that huge
smile and tell us all 'Life is too
short....enjoy it to its fullest'.
Forever in our hearts and always loved and remembered,
Your loving wife Gillie
Deadline for
display ads is
Mondays at 3 pm
St. Joseph Island
Deadline for
classifieds is noon
Your Island Grocery
Store ... fresh meat,
Advertising in the
Clippings Works!
produce, groceries and
Downtown Richards Landing
705 246-2500
Another Great One Gone
or email us at
The music world lost one of its giants last week, as noted
songwriter, singer and musician JJ Cale passed away from a
heart attack at the age of 74.
12:00 NOON - 4:00 PM ON SUNDAYS
In his career spanning more than 50 years, he released 14 albums of his own, with even more of his works recorded by
music legends like Eric Clapton, Waylon Jennings, Johnny
Cash, Carlos Santana, Tom Petty, The Band and the Allman
Brothers, just to name a few.
Visit Moose
Sweats First!
His unique, laid-back blend of blues, country and jazz earned
him recognition as the father of the “Tulsa Sound” and he
won several industry awards, including a Grammy for his
‘Road to Escondido’ album with Eric Clapton. He was also
immortalized in film by the 2006 documentary ‘To Tulsa and
Back: On Tour With JJ Cale.’
Even if you’ve never heard of him, we’re sure you’ve heard –
and enjoyed - his music.
Sat. Aug. 3rd
10 am until 2 pm
Clothing at
$5. $10. $20.
cash only
MONDAY - SATURDAY 10 - 5 • SUNDAY 11 - 5
Page 15
Classified Ads and Announcements
The Island Clippings is pleased to publish personal
Classified Advertising and Public Service Announcements of 50 words or less, free of charge to Island residents, as a community service. Other than personal for
sale ads (please limit three items) the announcement
must be of value to the community. We reserve the
right to decide if the ad is of service to the community.
Please identify yourself when sending in a classified.
Pu bli c Ser v i ce An n ou n cem en ts . Such advertising
must be via display advertising, governed by our published rates in effect at that time.
Ads or announcements will appear in one issue, but
may be repeated, to a maximum of three weeks (space
permitting). Advertiser must resubmit ad each week.
To ensure space for everyone, please limit your content
to a maximum of 50 words.
Ads or announcements for non-residents or items or
services, to be sold for profit, or generate income or
events charging an entrance fee (which includes “not
for profit organizations”) as well as items valued at
over $1,000. will incur a nominal charge of $10. plus
HST. We reserve the right to determine if a fee is required. We reserve the right to edit down to 50 words
or less.
Ads can be placed by: Email to:
or by phone 705 246-1635 (from 9 – 5, Mon-Fri) or fax
705 246-7060.
Mail to: Island Clippings
RR1, Hilton Beach, ON P0R 1G0
Or simply put it in one of our pick-up boxes conveniently located at Ambeault’s, Kent’s Corners and the
Hilton Beach Post Office.
Sorry, we’re not available on Sundays.
Bus i ne ss o r co mm ercia l ads , i nclu din g tho se pla ced
b y i n d i v i d u a l s d o n o t q u a l i f y a s C l a s si f i e d a d o r
The Children’s Library, 10 am - 3 pm, Storytime 10:30
Hens & Stitches, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10 am to 12 pm
705 246-0036
Island Cast-a-Weighs, Calorie Watchers, Hilton
Community Hall (rear door, basmt) - 8:30 am
Walking at the Legion - 9 am to noon
Friday Foods at the Legion
St. Joseph Twp, Public Library, 12 noon - 7 pm
AA Meeting, United Church (new addition, side door) - 8 pm
Pickleball - WI Court, 9 am - 12 noon
Tennis - WI Court, 6 - 9 pm
The Children’s Library - 10 am to 3 pm
Nordic Walking Group - Tranter Park at 10 am.
Hilton Union Public Library - 11 am to 5 pm Phone number: 705 255-3520.
St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm.
Pool in the Legion lounge - 11 am to 3 pm.
St. Boniface Roman Catholic, Hilton Beach at 4:30 pm.
Jam Session, Legion - 3 pm to 6 pm
Tennis - WI Court, 9 am - 12 noon
Pickleball - WI Court, 1 - 4 pm
The Anglican Parish of St. Joseph & St. George
worships at 11 am
Free Methodist, 10th Side Rd. Coffee, tea and friendship at
10:30 am. Worship service 11 am.
Island Bible Chapel, Richards Landing.
Lord’s Supper 10 am, Family Bible Hour 11:15 am.
Grace United, Hilton Beach. 9:30 am.
Harmony St. Marks United, Richards Landing. 11 am.
Pickleball - WI Court, 9 am - 12 noon
Tennis - WI Court, 1 - 4 pm
Pickleball - WI Court, 6 - 9 pm
Bridge, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm to 5 pm & 7 pm - 9 pm
(Open to all seniors) 705 246-0036
60+ Exercise Program, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10:00 am
Euchre, Legion Hall - 7:30 pm ($4.00 per person)
Walking at the Legion - 9 am to noon
Free pool all day in the Legion lounge
Carpet Bowling for 50 Plus, Legion
- Refreshments Available - 1 pm
Pickleball - WI Court, 9 am - 12 noon
Tennis - WI Court, 6 - 9 pm
St. Joseph Twp, Public Library - 10 am to 9 pm
Hilton Union Library - 1 pm to 5 pm &
7 pm to 9 pm - Phone number: 705 255-3520.
The Children’s Library, Nature & You - 7 - 8:30 pm
The Children’s Library, 10 am - 3 pm, Storytime 10:30
Cribbage (singles), Legion Hall - 7:30 pm
($4.00 per person)
Quilting - 1-3 pm, Downstairs Hilton Hall except the 3rd week
held at the Trefry Centre. 705 246-0036
St. Joseph Twp, Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm
Zumba, Richards Landing Old Town Hall - 7 pm to 8 pm
Tennis - WI Court, 9 am - 12 noon
Pickleball - WI Court, 6 - 9 pm
Walking at the Legion - 9 am to noon
Nordic Pole Walking at the Legion - 10 am
Bridge, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm to 5 pm
(Open to all seniors) 705 246-0036
St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 9 am to 6 pm
Food Bank, United Church, Richards Landing
(side door) - 1 pm to 3 pm
The Children’s Library, 10 am - 3 pm, Storytime 10:30
Hilton Union Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm Phone number: 705 255-3520.
Bingo in Legion Hall - 7:15 pm
Pool & Food, Legion Lounge - 7:30 pm
Pickleball - WI Court, 9 am - 12 noon
Tennis - WI Court, 6 - 9 pm
St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 11 am - 9 pm
Dr. Trefry Centre’s Day Out Program - 9 am to 3:30 pm.
705 246-0036
The Children’s Library, 10 am - 3 pm, Storytime 10:30
Tennis - WI Court, 9 am - 12 noon
Pickleball - WI Court, 6 - 9 pm
Page 16
Marine and
Small Engine Service
Call or text Ted at 705 254-8991.
From 2:30 pm until 11:00 pm
weekdays and anytime on
Harmony Tea Room’s
final season.
Wed. - Sat., 11:30-3:30
until Aug. 30th
Hope 2 C U 4 T
Serenity Spa
facial, pedicure, massage,
hot rock & much more ...
Arlene: Esthetician
Andrea S. Young, RMT
88 Barr Road S.
705 542-2840
St. Joseph Island
1812 Merchandise
Betsy Ross, Union Jack and Canadian
flags; British and American soldier
aprons; Island 1812 ball caps and golf
shirts are available at the Jocelyn or
St. Joseph Township Offices.
Debbie’s Hair Hut
A full service family salon offering
only the finest hair products.
Debbie Shaughnessy - Owner
PHONE 705 542-9215
Changes Hair Salon
For Appointments
Please Call
Julie Stevens
Calico Hen
Telephone: (705) 246-0875
Antiques - Art - Used Books
Jewellery - Photos - Knitting Supplies
Dawn Tweedle - owner/artisan
1188 Richards St.,
Richards Landing, ON P0R 1J0