OPP Golden Helmets Visit Hilton Beach
OPP Golden Helmets Visit Hilton Beach
September 17, 2015 • Issue 1,009 • $1.00 Serving St. Joseph Island since 1995 Connecting our Community Visit us online at www.islandclippings.com email: islandclippings@gmail.com Tel: 705 246-1635 Fax: 705 246-7060 OPP Golden Helmets Visit Hilton Beach And Bring a Story of Brave Determination By Teresa Parker many were from the Soo, Desbarats and other places throughout Algoma as well. The parking lot of Woody’s Automotive was full of motorcycles with plates from not only Ontario, but many from the to again be treated to the professional motorcycle precision USA as well. Then with the sound of sirens wailing, engines team of 20 OPP officers, each highly trained in executing intri- rumbling, and the lights flashing to entertain us, the Master cate, synchronized maneuvers, all at the same time, to enterof Ceremonies, Constable Pete Tucker, a 20 year veteran of tain the masses; and that they did. The large crowd that lined the Niagara detachment quipped “I’m glad they’re not after both sides of Marks Street came not only from St. Joseph Isme!” Everyone was thinking the same thing and all laughed. land, but in talking to some folks in the crowd, we learned that WE, THE PEOPLE OF ST. JOSEPH ISLAND were fortunate Northern Advantage Office: 705-942-6000 Continued on next page A PART OF YOUR COMMUNITY GOLDEN HELMETS . . . continued from cover Although still a member of the elite team, Pete Tucker no longer performs or rides. You see, on June 26th of 2014, he was on training maneuvers doing a VIP escort practice on Highway 400 in Barrie when suddenly a Canada Goose flew in front of him, hitting him in the face and knocking him unconscious. Now out of control, the motorcycle continued forward at over 100 km/hour, striking a guard rail before stopping. That collision with the guard rail caused him to lose most of his left leg. His injuries were massive and he had stopped breathing. He was rushed to hospital, then airlifted by ORNGE air ambulance to Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto where he was in a coma for 3 weeks. He endured six surgeries in a 10day period. While in hospital, the doctors removed several tiny goose feathers from his lung, which had caused pneumonia. He also contracted a bacterial infection. His other injuries included damage to his right knee which required additional surgery, a severe head injury requiring partial facial reconstruction, a crushed larynx and he went into kidney failure. After four months in the hospital, he was able to return home in October 2014 on his wife Michelle’s birthday, one that we’re sure she will never forget. She asked the doctors for one of the goose feathers taken from his lung, which she Constable Pete Tucker Sylvan Circle Art and Artisan Tour 15TH ANNIVERSARY September 19, 2015 9 am to 5 pm This is the 15th year of our self-guided art and artisan tour. Starting in Echo Bay, the tour extends around Highway 638, through Leeburn and Rydal Bank to Bruce Mines and back along Highway 17E to Echo Bay, approximately 100 kilometres. There are 61 artists at halls and studios along the route. Locally grown or locally prepared foods are available for purchase at a number of locations along the route. For information contact 705 248-1545 or www.sylvancircle.ca. Page 2 now keeps in a locket that’s inscribed with one word: Blessed. He has since learned to live with his injuries and his new waterproof, computerized prosthetic leg. Pete was offered a retirement package but refused it. Brave and strong, he returned to work full time in January of this year, a mere few months after such a horrific accident and such terrible injuries. It was with his dedication and strong spirit that he was the MC for the entire show. Pete Tucker has inspired me and I am sure those others in the crowd as well. What I got from Pete that day is “Sometimes life knocks you down, but life is worth living and you work past the struggles and heartaches … because life is worth living!” The weather was perfect, the team’s performance was as expected, exciting and flawlessly executed and everyone enjoyed the wonderful show. But perhaps the true star of the show was the one team member who wasn’t riding … who had arrived there by following his own hard and difficult road … the road back from his terrible injuries. Thank you Golden Helmet Team for a wonderful performance and thank you Pete for sharing your story. You are truly an inspiration. Photos by Teresa Parker The Corporation of The Township of St. Joseph seeks a DAY OUT PROGRAM LEADER The Day Out Program at the Dr. H.S. Trefry Memorial Centre requires an enthusiastic and energetic Leader to design, manage and deliver supportive programs to individuals two days a week. The Day Out Leader will plan and prepare creative programs for mental and physical stimulation of seniors and disabled persons. A complete job description is available at the Trefry Centre, the Township Office, or on the Township website at: www.stjosephtownship.com Applicants must have reliable transportation, and a minimum CPR and First Aid certification. Please address cover letters with resumes by 4:00pm on Friday, September 25 to: Clerk Administrator The Township of St. Joseph P.O. Box 187, 1669 Arthur St. • Richards Landing, ON P0R1J0 Phone: 246-2625 Fax: 246-3142 • Email: stjoeadmin@bellnet.ca Page 3 NORTH SHORE PRODUCE 1 mile west of St. Joseph Island turnoff on Highway 17 Corn, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, beets, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, canned goods, rugs and quilts. Open Mon. Wed. & Fri. 9 am to 6 pm Saturday 9 am to 4 pm Dr. Dean Love CUSTOM SAWMILLING Chiropractor Available Every Day of the Week Sawmill will travel. at 1139 D Line, Richards Landing Call 246-1628 for an Appointment Cuts logs 30” in diameter, 20 feet long. Saw will cut 1 log or 100 logs. Call Jim at 705 246-7430 FIREWOOD FOR SALE ISLAND HOME IMPROVEMENT ,6/$1'+20(,03529(0(17 Call 705 257-7006 Remodeling•Renovation•Maintenance GENERAL HANDYMAN SERVICES Call GREG 989•7794 IHI@live.ca ALGOMA SHRINK-WRAP Shrink Wrapping We ’ve At Competitive Prices Go Boats, Equipment t Yo u C Cars, Green Houses ove Trailers red Chris Deller 1-705-246-0116 Email: dellerc@sympatico.ca COMPUTER PROBLEMS? • virus / malware removal • slow PC clean up services • email setup / configuration • advice / support & tutoring Call David Chuipka 705-246-0711 • Cell 705 255-0007 Email: dlcnetworks@gmail.com R.V.’s KENTVALE Sales & Service 712 K Line Road You must see this 125 year old www.kentvale.com General Store 246-2002 www.kentvale.com Published weekly by Heather & Brian Fox HOW TO REACH US: HAZARD TREE REMOVAL • Professional • Certified • Trained • Experienced • Local DON’S GARAGE RR#1 RICHARDS LANDING ON Tel: 705 246-2545 Fax: 705 246-1289 Call Matt at (705) 542-9951 I • Septics • Road Building • Lot Clearing Open Storage Available Call 246-2811 Days or evenings and weekends A SL N Eat-in or Take Out Pizza & Wings D Rod Wessell and Son STARTING JUNE 2nd, Closed Sunday and Monday Open Tuesday through Saturday 8 am to 6 pm starts Sept 8 • 705 246-0282 Page 4 By email: islandclippings@gmail.com By phone: 705 246-1635 • By fax: 705 246-7060 By mail: The Island Clippings, 5285 5th Side Road, R. R. 1, Hilton Beach, Ontario P0R 1G0. Or simply use one of the Island Clippings boxes conveniently located at Ambeault’s. Kent’s Corner and the Hilton Beach Waterfront Centre Off-Island Subscription Rates: $65. per year plus tax. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damage arising from errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the ad in which the error occured. There shall be no liability for non-insertion of any ad. Cost for ads may be adjusted from time to time due to price increases of postage, paper and ink. Ads cannot be copied. The editor reserves the right to edit, revise, classify or reject an ad. Articles submitted do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editor. St. Joseph Island Museum Moment MONDAY I CLOSED UP THE BUILDINGS for the very last time this season. Now to get down to business winterizing them and working on my ever growing to do list before I “retire” for the winter. This likely will be my last museum moment of the season and I would now like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped me at the museum this season, whether by volunteering, helping with our events, donations, memberships etc. I’ve said it before but this Island is full of kind and generous people. Naming everyone by name can be a daunting thing, as I would never want to leave anyone out, but I do keep a list of Friends of the Museum here at the museum that I update frequently, this list is extremely important to me as all of the names on it have helped me by contributing to the museum in some way. A hearty thank you to you all, it is much appreciated! As I reflect over the season, I have learned so many new things. Each day something new and exciting comes my way and I truly love the opportunity to do this. Over the course of the summer I’ve been extensively researching in our archives and concentrating on our photo collection. I have gleaned so much history from this. I have also helped people connect the dots with their family history, authors do some research for upcoming novels they are writing but perhaps one of the most touching things I have witnessed this summer was the homecoming of a portrait of Samuel Hunt’s wife Elizabeth or “Bess” as she was more commonly known. It was just an ordinary weekday afternoon, when a couple from the US dropped in with their 106 year old aunt who just happened to be the daughter of Samuel and Bess, she carried a large oval portrait under her arm. After exchanging some family information and stories, I was honoured to tell them we would love to have it in our collection. We talked family history for a time and when it was time to go, they all had tears in their eyes and thanked me profusely for accepting the portrait. On the way out, the 106 year old daughter touched the portrait and proclaimed her mother home. Moments like this make my job exciting, touching and so rewarding. I would like to thank the Museum Board for their continued support and their patience with a rather green curator. So with that thought I will sign off for the season. Wishing everyone a wonderful fall and winter. I’ll be back next spring for another exciting season at the St. Joseph Island Museum. Carrie Kennedy-Uusitalo, Curator A Legacy of Caring Since 1965 Celebrating Fifty Years Tree and Hedge Removal Services OPEN LATE & WEEKENDS. CALL ANYTIME! • Hazardous tree removal • Tree stump grinding & removal • Tree cutting, shaping & hedge removal • Tree & shrub pruning & removal • Residential and Commercial • Fully insured up to $2 million We cut down and remove dead wood, big or small trees Proud supporters of your community; our 24 hour, year round service FREE no obligation estimates Serving St. Joseph Island and all of Algoma Tel: 705 254-9150 family providing your family with dignified, affordable service in Beggs Funeral Home Limited Menard Funeral Home Inc. Driftwood Cremation Centre Inc. 175 Main Street, Thessalon 705-842-2520 72 Lakeside Avenue, Blind River 705-356-7151 Page 5 ©2006 Copyrighted Material your time of need. Page 6 Sudoku (answer on page 14) Please join us for the weekly free drop-in computer skill tutorial at the Hilton Union Public Library this Wednesday from 7 to 9 pm. Stop by with a problem, or come in just to listen to the questions asked; there is always something new to learn! We will be glad to help answer any computer related question, as time permits. The Library also offers free access to OverDrive, an online library for e-readers. Please stop by to connect your device. Please email us at hiltonlibraryIT@hotmail.com, or call 705-255-3520 with any questions, suggestions or tutorial topic ideas. Funding provided by the Government of Ontario REQUEST FOR QUOTES WINTER SAND The Township of St. Joseph is seeking quotes for the supply and stockpiling of roughly 600 cu yards of winter sand to the Township shed, with approximately 50 cubic yards to be removed from shed and remixed. Deadline for quote submissions is Friday, September 25, 2015. Carol Trainor, A.M.C.T. Clerk Administrator Ph: 705-246-2625 stjoeadmin@bellnet.ca It has been a terrible summer for Humpty Dumpty but he is having a great fall! 8709 Hwy 17 E. Bruce Mines, ON 705 785-3739 Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 374, St. Joseph Island D OGS O NLY G ROOMING BY S HELENA invites you to attend its annual Honours and Awards Dinner Truly personal attention... Grooming one dog at a time - yours! Thursday, October 8, 2015 Professional dog grooming services for all breeds Roast Beef Dinner Served by the Ladies Auxiliary Guest Speaker: Comrade Errol Caldwell Co-Chair, Rural Agri-Innovation Network “Local Food Production in Algoma” Reception – 5:30 p.m. Dinner – 6:30 p.m. Tickets $25. available Legion Office or Lounge – 705-246-2494 Page 7 Carl Thomas Broker/Owner 705-246-8585 Northern Advantage Office: 705-942-6000 View More Pictures on line at www.carlthomas.ca. carlthomas@royallepage.ca www.carlthomas.ca d sol COUNTRY STARTER OR RETIRE! PERFECT RANCHER! Affordable, cozy country bungalow on level treed lot with large detached garage. Perfect for your first home or downsizing in retirement. Large country kitchen with appliances included, 2BRs, full bath and large undeveloped loft area would add additional space. 9 yr old 3BR open concept with cathedral ceilings. Bright and cheery easy living with radiant heat and wood stove, built in appliances and main floor laundry. Stamped concrete drive and walkways leading to huge rear deck. Ideal location. Walk to the bank, post office, restaurants and shops. $99,000 $244,900. IDEAL COUNTRY Neat and cozy 2BR with custom field stone FP sitting on 11A. Huge rear deck with view of lake Huron. Perfect retirement home minutes from Desbarats and marina. $164,900. ESCAPE FROM THE CITY! Great island living on private road close to Richards Landing with water access. Modern 3BR home with front and rear decks. Low taxes and lots of privacy. Enjoy it for the summer or year round. $129,000. LIVE FREE — ALMOST AFFORDABLE COTTAGE: Rebuilt in 2011 with massive LR/DR/KIT living area with 2 BRs, bath and wrap around deck on the main level. Collect income from the 3BR upper living area. Both units beautifully decorated and finished. Quiet in town location and easy walk to the beach, marina, restaurants and shops. $199,900. Enjoy the summer at Sun Set Point, St. Joseph Island. Dinette/ kitchen combo, living room and large screened porch facing the water. Sit back and relax and watch the ships make their way up and down the channel and take in the glorious sunsets. Large lawn for lots of play area plus the water. $109,900. A PART OF YOUR COMMUNITY isting l w e SWIMMING, FISHING & BOATING n Bright 4 BR cottage features custom pine and cedar interior with (3) skylights. Sliding doors open up to wraparound deck and beautifully manicured yard with spectacular views and stunning sunsets. Wood burning hand crafted cedar sauna with shower and change room. Driveway extends down to lake for boat access. Dock and deck. Workshop with loft. $229,000. BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT, CANOE POINT Private location. Upstairs has 2BR, 11/2 Baths and living area. Master BR has deck to enjoy the morning sunrise. Main level features open concept LR/DR/KIT, hot tub and laundry. New windows. 24 x 32 garage is handyman's dream. Gorgeous view of the lake $369,000. Call Murry Pritchard Salesperson 705-849-0976 A GREAT LOCATION! Located on Richards St just south of the Town of Richards Landing, this 15A building site is ideal for an executive home, hobby farm or other possibilities. Call Carl for more details. $119,000. LOTS COUNTRY CHARMER! SAILORS ENCAMPMENT 3 BR year round home on private and secluded matured treed waterfront lot with beautiful rear yard overlooking the kid friendly sand beach. Bunkie, sauna and two car garage with loft. Watch the ships and enjoy fabulous sunsets. $249,000. CHARMING & COZY COTTAGE! Nestled among the pines and cedars this private 1.5 storey season cottage features a unique blend of new and reclaimed wood and may one of a kind hand crafted wood details. Fabulous view from the 2 tier deck and loft of the lake. Lighthouse and sailboats. Clean sandy beach for swimming and bonfires. $249,900. WORLD CLASS SUNSETS! PURE COUNTRY! Enjoy panoramic views of the water and the passing ships from the huge wrap around deck. Great family cottage with 4 BR, open concept kitchen/ LR/DR and front sun room with fold out couch for extra sleepers. Nice level lot with great sand beach at Sunset Point. $199,000. Beautiful country location on 7A just outside Thessalon, 3+1 BR, 2.5 baths, large country kitchen, huge familyroom and hardwood floors. Large 2 tiered deck, screened gazebo and 3 car garage for all the outdoor toys. Very well kept 1+1 bedroom home on 4.5A lot. 30 minutes to Sault Ste. Marie. Open concept living room, dining and kitchen area, deck and nicely landscaped yard. 2 large garages, excellent for the handyman. A Must See! $220,000. Call Murray $225,000 Pritchard 705-849-0976. TOTALLY RENOVATED This 2 bedroom bungalow has been totally renovated and has a large fenced in lot with detached garage. New kitchen, bathroom, flooring, pellet stove, hot water tank and more. Municipal water and septic system. Some finishing left to be completed. Call Ken for details. $124,500. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Beautiful waterfront on Gordon Lake. Over 500ft of shoreline with 3 furnished 2BR cottages with 3pc baths and newer UV filtration system. Relax in one and rent out 2 or rent all three with additional rental trailer sites. Boat launch, pool, docks, fish cleaning station at ideal location at mouth of Thessalon River. Call for more details. Page 8 Building lot Richards Landing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34,000 2A private wooded site off V Line . . . . . . . . . .$26,000 Waterfront Lot Tenby Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,500 3A zoned Commercial corner of U Line and 5th Side Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$29,000 3.5A Treed lot Huron Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$17,500 Building Lot Hilton Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$25,000 5th Side Rd Whiskey Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.000 CANOE POINT BUILDING LOTS PAINT WON'T DO IT! This 4BR 2 Bath bungalow needs a plumber, electrician, heating contractor and a gardener; and that’s just for starters. This is the ultimate FIXER UPPER. Besides the price, nice street with view of the water and large lot, the only redeeming feature of this Bruce Mines home is the price. $89,000. Deep water frontage and view of 3 sisters lighthouse. Lot 1: Drive way is in, building site is cleared, underground hydro to building apron, lakeside deck is built. $151,000. Lot 2: Drive way is in, cleared building site, still plenty of mature trees $128,500. Caroline Miller Salesperson 416 931-1449 cell 705 542-9967 cell 705 942-6000 office Carolinemiller@royallepage.ca Ken White Salesperson 705 942-6000 office or cell at 705-254-9825 cell ken@whitehousesales.com feature listings sting i l w e n TURN KEY Wake up to a stunning sunrise and enjoy quiet peaceful mornings in this bright and cheery 4 season cottage with spectacular views of the St. Joseph Channel from the front deck. Immaculately restored cottage. Electric FP in each BR. Napolean propane FP in LR. Ensuite 2pc bath in master. Main floor mud/laundry room. New flooring, insulation, shingles, windows and air exchanger. Kenmar clean space floor liner in crawl space value at $15,000. Includes adjacent lot with gardens and potting Shed. $189,000. HILTON BEACH PRIVACY Private (3) season/rec property on 3 acres. Large deck links Cottage & Bunkie. Open concept, hardwood floors, wood burning fireplace, & large screened porch. Studio/bunkie, wood shed, tin shed, workshop. Charming guest cottage ideal for a restoration project. Gorgeous sunsets. Pond. & apple trees. Trailheads nearby. Wildlife & birds. $379,000. A RUSTIC LANE leads to this very private place with 100 acres of mature maple bush in sought after mountain location with a newer ranch style home set in a sun warming glen. This charming 3 BR 2.5 bath home featuring hardwood floors, a bright open concept plan, full basement and huge garage plus separate 28 x 36 shop. If there ever was a "MUST SEE" this is it at $499,000. A SPECIAL SUMMER PLACE! The whole family will enjoy this island cottage retreat on the shipping channel. Open concept 3 BR with large kitchen/dining area, huge rear deck, fenced yard, level shaded rear yard with beach area and easy boat launch. Great sunsets and freighter watching. $159,000. GORGEOUS WATERFRONT ONCE IN A GREAT WHILE! the perfect property comes for sale. Private and secluded 38A mature treed lot with charming 3BR year round home with 358ft of waterfront. Home has had an addition and upgrade in 2009 and features hardwood and ceramic floors, vaulted ceiling and 400 sq ft waterside deck. Also includes 24 x 40 heated garage, potting house, unique barn with loft and viewing tower overlooking Bamageseck Bay and an area to launch your boat. All this for $419,000. 10 yr old, 1550 sq ft waterfront home in the heart of Richards Landing, walk to all amenities, featuring 3+1 Bdrms, 3 baths including large ensuite with over sized jacuzzi tub. Gleaming hardwood floors thru out. Sit on your brick patio with your morning coffee, enjoying the sun while overlooking the water to the bridge. Call Mark G. Scornaiencki 705 257-0524 to view this stunning home. SAND, SUN & SUNSETS! Spend the summers or year round at this beautiful lakefront home on level landscaped lot with sandy beach for kids, renovated pine interior with newer flooring, doors, windows and shingles. Huge rear deck overlooks the water and great views of the freighters and sunsets. Just move in and enjoy. $199,000. 100 ACRE RETREAT 2 storey log home is full winterized for seasonal or year round living, large front deck and balconies for views over the wooded acerage. Lots of ATV trails, stream and access to 500 Acres of crown land. Lots of wild life. $249,000. PERFECT SUMMER GETAWAY Immaculate winterized 2 bdr., open concept kitchen/living space. Cedar interior, wood stove, finished basement, screened gazebo, 800 sq.ft. tiered deck. Manicured grounds, scenic view, stream runs through property. Abundant wildlife & birds. 21.5 ft trailer available for $5,000. $239,900. COMMERCIAL STUNNING SUNSETS This waterfront bungalow was renovated in 2007 and is basically a new home. Open concept with panoramic views of the shipping channel and gorgeous sunsets. Maintenance free exterior, wrap around deck, hot tub, wood fireplace, two car garage with bunkie, and 160 feet of frontage. Great retirement home or cottage. $205,000. Call Ken White Salesperson 705-254-9825 www.whitehousesales.com PINE CONE COTTAGE Professionally designed and built in 2002 capturing the spirit and romance of a vintage camp. Careful attention to detail and craftsmanship is evident in the local stone fireplace, custom oak flooring, woodwork, railings, cabinetry, vaulted ceilings and cedar siding. Open concept design leads through Andersen french doors to huge screened porch. Beautiful views of the North Channel from this mature treed waterfront lot. $339,000. LIVE, WORK, PLAY! VARIETY STORE PLUS! A unique opportunity to operate a well established store in Hilton Beach. Convenience store, Lotto, LCBO outlet. High traffic location and near the waterfront and busy marina. Call Ken White 705 254-9825 Page 9 Long established family business on in town acre lot. Variety and gift store with Lotto. 40 x 60 steel building for additional business uses. Extra lot for additional expansion. Charming 3BR home with full basement for owner or additional rental income. Great family opportunity. ISLAND COMMERCIAL Create your own employment on Beautiful St. Joseph Island at this established bakery and cafe. Price includes land, building and equipment. Great visibility and high traffic area as you enter the island. Continue the exiting business model or initiate your own ideas. Great business opportunity. TRUCKLOAD SALE From the Lions Den PRICES IN EFFECT SEPT. 16-27, 2015 Insulated Chimney Pipe 67 49 8999 9899 6" x 12" #3139706 Reg. 74.99................. 6" x 24" #3139714 Reg. 99.99............... 6" x 36" #3139722 Reg. 109.99............. SAVE $15 Submersible Sump Pump 1/3HP #83722031 Reg. 114.99 .......... pt Se 18 65 SAVE 10% 4 DAYS ONLY 15 TRU SAVE $3 LOAD SAVI CK S NG Partners With . 17-20, 20 Bundle Dakota 3-Tab Asphalt Shingles 16 stock colours. 32.3 sq. ft. Bundle. Reg. 21.65 SAVE 10% 9999 SAVE $2 Discharge Hose Kit #7495575 Reg. 9.99 .... 7 99 Fibreglass Insulation R12-15 For 2" x 4" Walls #30140050 Reg. 37.10 ................. 3339 4485 R20-15 For Attics & Walls #30140050 Reg. 49.83 ................. 3003 Baseline Road, Hilton Beach, 705-246-2475 10, 000 Steps Toward Healthy Living By Robert Kerr AT LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL and most Lions Clubs around the world, the official year runs from July 1st to June 30th. When the year ends it is traditional for Lions Clubs to lay low for the months of July & August and ramp back up in September. It would appear that the St. Joseph Island Lions Club did not get the memo. This past summer has been very busy. It actually began with a very successful Purina Walk for Dog Guides at the end of May. The popcorn booth was at most events that took place anywhere on the Island all summer. There were special pancake breakfasts held for family reunions and a sailor’s race. The food booth was open at the Richards Landing Community Night and the popcorn wagon was at both the Richards Landing and Hilton Beach Community nights and winding up its season at the Jocelyn Harvest Fest. Some special members built a great float that won recognition in both the Community Day Parades. While this was taking place, the club continued with its regular Pancake Breakfasts, eye glass collections & mint sales. Lions International has been supplying manpower and financial aid to war-torn countries and those affected by natural disasters (water, wind, fire and rain) which seemed to occur on a more regular basis this year. It has been quite a year. The St. Joseph Island Lions Club’s first business meeting of the year is on Wednesday, September 16 at the Hilton Beach Community Hall. We will be putting together a plan as to the direction we will be headed this year. Stay tuned. t Algoma Public Health Staff will be on hand to inspire and help you reach the goal of 10,000 steps a day! t Take the first steps and learn about walking with a pedometer, healthy eating, safe stretching and goal setting t Free 4-week healthy living program located at: The Township Office, Richards Landing The Township of St. Joseph is currently seeking the services of a back-up Custodian to provide occasional commercial cleaning and maintenance at various locations. This casual position would be required in the absence of the regular custodian. Healthy eating and physical activity go hand in hand for a healthy lifestyle Dates: Oct. 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2015 Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Includes a presentation, Q&A period, tips and tricks as well as a group walk! Place: Township Office 1669 Arthur Street, Richards Landing Fee: No cost. Pedometers will be provided. Qualified candidates are asked to submit a resume and cover letter outlining your experience before Tuesday, September 22, 2015 to: Carol O. Trainor, Clerk Administrator The Township of St. Joseph 1669 Arthur St., PO Box 187, Richards Landing, ON P0R 1J0 stjoeadmin@bellnet.ca • 705-246-2625 Register by calling the Township Office at 705-246-2625 Ext. 201 Page 10 Island Insight Letters to the Editor printed in the Island Insight Column reflect the views of the writer and not necessarily those of the Island Clippings. Dear St. Joseph Islanders and North Shore Neighbours: What Can We Do Here? Well, we have all seen those heart-breaking photos....terrified children, desperate mothers and fathers trying to escape the horror of life in Syria. I am heart-moved to distraction because I so want to do something and am stumped as to what I can do. Churches, service groups, municipalities, individuals, medical folk, military folk, farmers, landowners, landlords....all of us need to get together and welcome 2 or 3 families to our lovely home. Let’s strike up a working committee to plan for this....to ensure we are doing whatever we can, as soon as possible. I understand that our Prime Minister is going slowly, wanting to ensure that all refugees coming to Canada are screened for our own protection. We are not blind and are aware that among those being rescued are Syrian criminals and terrorists taking advantage of the mass exodus. I get that. But as things speed up, hundreds of thousands of families will be needing we citizens to welcome them, support them as they settle into this foreign and confusing country, and to be kind and welcoming. Count me in. I can teach English as a Second Language. I can befriend, donate clothing, drive the newcomers around to Value Village to buy stuff, teach them how to open a bank account, use an ATM (although they are probably more sophisticated than we think)....we can pool our ideas and resources....WE CAN MATTER. Please...let’s do something. Susan Kerr, Richards Landing Page 11 705-949-7867 Office 705-941-1947 Cell DAVID NELSON Sales Representative 3081 Second REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE Open concept side split within walking distance to all amenities, beach & marina. david@realestatestop.com 141 Birkshire Place Executive home with custom kitchen, sunken family rm & living rm. A must see! $495,900 1581 Bridge Road, (Mom’s Restaurant) Well established popular restaurant in high traffic location. 70+ seats. Great opportunity! $229,900 3100 Mark St Affordable 2+1 solid brick bungalow. Close to all amenities. $109,900 3236 Ash Street Gorgeous island home on 2.5 acres. custom designed & built with natural cedar siding. $359,900 3112 Marks Street Affordable commercial building & contents in high traffic area! $119,500 $179,000 1552 Sailor’s Encampment 1295 C Line Road 228’ of sandy shoreline! Updated & well maintained, character home $295,000 Spacious custom built 1600 sq. ft. brick home. Features too numerous to list and all on 10 acres. $369,900 3345 Haight Road Lot 35 Desbarats Lake Gorgeous cottage with spectacular view of Twin Lakes. $234,900 1116 Pudding Stone Lots 6, 7, 8 & 9 Canoe Point Rd. 5258 Wierzbicki Page 12 1785 Shore Rd 3149 Walnut $79,900 5302 Wierzbicki Drive 3144 Mariner’s Way $550,000 768’ Front 18 acres Solid 3 bdrm on large lot. Walk to Marina & Beach $79,900 Serviced waterfront lot! Water, sewer & hydro available at lot line. $69,900 73 Hurley, Echo Bay The home you dreamed of! 5 bdrm, 3 bath, expansive 22’ ceiling & more! Gorgeous Waterfront bright & spacious open concept home has been completely renovated! Spacious 4 bdrm waterfront home. Wet bar, sauna & more! $299,000 Year round waterfront home with sandy beach, 2 double garages, expansive deck & more! $194,900 1355 Richards Excellent brick bungalow with spectacular view overlooking Richards Landing & the North Channel! $394,900 Open concept, 3 bdrm waterfront home/cottage $189,900 1311 Richard Street Quality home in prime location! $149,900 $439,900 410’ water frontage on Canoe Point Road $369,900 2195 Huron Line Hwy 548 55 Acres of field & forest with 1800 ft of waterfront all combined with a 2800 sq ft stunning quality home! $599,000 3770 Hamilton Bright & spacious cottage on Lake Huron close to amenities! $219,000 5 Year Fixed 2.59% 5 Year VRM 2.00% Dan Alessandrini AMP Broker/Owner Agent #M09001322 Chantal Trahan Mortgage Administrator Landy Renner Mortgage Administrator Kim Whitmell Office Administrator (OAC/Subject to change) PRIVATE MORTGAGES AVAILABLE!! 1st & 2nd Mortgages/Refinances/Renewals APPLY @ www.AlgomaMortgage.com Recreational Waterfront & Non-Residents Get a FREE Mortgage Check Up! QUEEN & GORE 705-256-LOAN (5626) The Real Estate Stop Inc, Brokerage is independently Owned and Operated Licence #10572 willson-carter LAWYERS C. Bruce Willson, B.A., LL.B., LL.M. Lindsay D. Marshall, B.A., J.D. For all your Residential & Commercial Real Estate needs. Let us take care of you with courteous and professional Services. • Purchases • Sales • Mortgages • Title Searches • Title Insurance 494 Albert Street, East Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Tel: (705) 942-2000 • Fax: (705) 942-6511 www.willsoncarter.com Page 13 Friday Night Foods at the Legion Diane Tassse will be making her last rib night of the season as well as the regular menu. Entertainment will be EZEE Country Entertainment supplied by volunteer musicians Come and try your luck at the meat draw! Take out available FOR SALE Used 4 Mercedes 18 inches rims & Continental 265/60R18 winter tires. Barely used Dunlop M&S 205/60R16 tires (2) Best offers. Call 705 910-0336 2003 Nissan Sentra, 231,000kms. Runs well but needs new brakes and catalytic convertor. $500 Call Jody at 705 246-0616. Fiberglas Golden Hawk squaresterned Canoe (Ducks Unlimited Edition) 12.9 feet long. Very stable - Ideal for hunting and fishing. Valued at $1400. US new. Asking $800. Can. Please call 705 246-2634 or view at 604 B Line. Sofa Bed. Modern design, brown, velour cover, 5'-6" width, in very good condition. Only $75. I can email a picture. Call 705 246-3133. 60 lb. Compound Bow in case with accessories asking $600 OBO. Yard Machine Snow Blower 10hp/29" $500. OBO. Call 705 246-2881 Single axle, self-adjusting, rollerbunk boat trailer – suitable for a boat up to 20 feet. $ 750. Three used whirlybird type roof vents. $10. each or 3 for $25. Call 705 246 2482. Firewood: cut, split and delivered: $85/cord or you can pick it up for $70/cord. Call 705 2971879 GARAGE/YARD SALES Moving Sale: Furniture, tools, household, garden and lots of other stuff. 1399 Littleton St. Richards Landing. Sat & Sun. Sept 19 & 20, 9 am to 3 pm. Please, Please, Please no early birds. AUCTION SALE Auction: Saturday, Sept. 19, at the residence of Helen Richardson, 1741 Lucy St., Richards Landing. Viewing 9 am, auction at 11 am. Antique and modern furniture, vintage toys, lots of dishes and crystal, teeter bed, children’s furniture, tools, antique clocks, antique coal oil lamps, and loads more. Food wagon will be on site. Rain or shine, we hope to see you there. LOST & FOUND Soft leather change purse in the vicinity of Twin Rocks Apartments. If found, please keep the money, but I’d dearly love this keepsake back and I’d be glad to hear from you at 705 2462629. Thank you! WORK WANTED PSW looking for private work in the evenings after 4 call Brandy 705 975-1816 HELP WANTED Would like someone to witch a location for a well. Please call 246-2751 FOR RENT Littleton FourPlex, spacious two bedroom apartment, available October 1, 2015. New appliances, new flooring, toilet and sink. For viewing call Susan Littleton at 705 246-2764 Outside Storage Available for your trailer, boat or RV in a patrolled, gated area at reasonable rates. Located on St. Joseph Island. Call 705 2462552 for details. WANT TO RENT Needed for a family visit for July 2016 a lovely waterfront house, preferably on the Island, but a bit further afield will be considered. Require all comforts and room for a family of 4, with an occasional overnight guest. References available. Please call me Susan Kerr 705 257-6797 or email info and photos to my son at mat.apex@yahoo.ca. thanks for your support! The St. Joseph Island Horticultural Society's award night for their August Flower and Vegetable Exhibition will be featured this month. Meeting takes place at Harmony St. Marks Church Hall, Thursday, September 24 at 7 pm. All welcome! Teen Game Night Start Up. Game On! 2015-2016 season starts Saturday September 19th 6 to 9 pm at Royal Canadian Legion lounge in Richard Landing. All Teens age 13 to 18 are invited...NO COST to join. The more you attend, the more of an ever increasing chance you have to win a colossal prize. Adult volunteers welcomed and needed for occasional Saturdays. For more information please contact Anne 705 2467269 ANNOUNCEMENTS The Hunters & Anglers are offering the Hunter's Safety Gun Course on Sept. 25, 26, 27. Pre-registration is required; please call Tolbert at 705-2463093. A Pie Making Event to support the Syrian Relief Fund! Harmony St. Marks and Grace United Church are selling delicious, homemade apple pies ready for you to bake. Place your order with Norma Shell at 705-2462222, pies $10 each. Pickup will be from 10 am- 12 noon, Saturday, October 3rd at Harmony St. Marks Church Hall. Help us to benefit those in need, our Sudoku Answer (puzzle on page 7) We will not be undercut Over 15 years’ experience GEE’S TREE REMOVAL SERVICE Snow Plowing Tenders The St. Joseph Island Hunters and Anglers would like to receive submissions for snow removal from the driveway and parking area at the Conservation Center on the 20th Side Road, St Joseph Island. The driveway is about a kilometer long and would have to be cleared each Wednesday afternoon, each Friday afternoon, the first Tuesdays afternoon each month, and the second Thursday afternoon of each month. There will be other special occasions when it will need to be cleared at the executive’s direction. All persons interested, please submit your name and contact information to P.O. box 41. Richards Landing by October 1st 2015. Full contract details will be explained shortly thereafter. Call for a free, no obligation estimate. FULLY INSURED 25% off during the month of SEPTEMBER We specialize in tree/limb removal 705 255-7047 • garr3jazz@yahoo.ca Page 14 Your Island Garage Building Expert ... Book Now for All Your Projects Shell includes Labour & Materials 24’ x 28’......$16,260 26’ x 26’ .....$16,360 28’ x 30’ .....$20,330 plus taxes Ask us for pricing on other sizes! This autumn we can look forward to falling leaves and rising gas prices. We'll be raking it up while the oil companies are raking it in. garageplus@yahoo.ca Please see back cover for guidelines on classified advertising before placing ads. Mark Henderson 246-2110 Visit Moose Sweats First! Has your heart been broken by the death of a loved one? ? Beyond the Broken Heartt is a support group for those wh ho are grieving the death of a loved one. The group will explo ore WKHLVVXHVRIJULHIDQGRIIIHUVSHFL¿FFRSLQJVWUDWHJLHV Please join us on the t journey through grief. Do you need a baby gift Thursdays from 7pm to 8:30pm (starting September 24th) h) at the St. Joseph Island Free Methodist Church (corner of Hilton n Rd and 10th Side Rd) FOR MORE INFO CAL LL Debbie LaRocque 705-246-271 14 Bryon Hall 705-246-350 02 for a new arrival or an older little one. WE HAVE EXPANDED OUR BABY SECTION Books, “Sophie the Giraffe”, Sippy cups, feeding dishes, puppets and interactive toys Soft bamboo sleepers, towels and washcloths Pacifiers that close before it hits the floor, and cloth travel high chair OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK MONDAY - SATURDAY 10 - 5 • SUNDAY 11 - 5 246-2777 Page 15 RICHARDS LANDING Classified Ads and Announcements The Island Clippings is pleased to publish personal Classified Advertising and Public Service Announcements of 50 words or less, free of charge to Island residents, as a community service. Other than personal for sale ads (please limit three items) the announcement must be of value to the community. We reserve the right to decide if the ad is of service to the community. Please identify yourself when sending in a classified or your ad will not be published. Ads or announcements for non-residents or items or services, to be sold for profit, or generate income or events charging an entrance fee (which includes “not for profit organizations”) as well as items valued at over $1,000. will incur a nominal charge of $10. plus HST. We reserve the right to determine if a fee is required. We reserve the right to edit down to 50 words or less. Business or commercial ads, including those placed by individuals do not qualify as Classified ad or Public Service Announcements. Such advertising must be via display advertising, governed by our published rates in effect at that time. Ads or announcements will appear in one issue, but may be repeated, to a maximum of three weeks (space permitting). Advertiser must resubmit ad each week. To ensure space for everyone, please limit your content to a maximum of 50 words. Ads can be placed by: Email to: islandclippings@gmail.com or by phone 705 246-1635 (from 9 – 5, Mon-Fri) or fax 705 246-7060. Mail to: Island Clippings RR1, Hilton Beach, ON P0R 1G0 Or simply put it in our pick-up box conveniently located at Ambeault’s. Kent’s Corner & the Hilton Beach Waterfront Centre. Sorry, we’re not available on Sundays. WHAT’S HAPPENING ON ST. JOE Friday Hens & Stitches, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10 am to 12 pm 705 246-0036 Carpet Bowling for 50 Plus, Legion - Refreshments Available - 1 pm St. Joseph Twp, Public Library - 5 pm to 8 pm Island Cast-a-Weighs, Calorie Watchers, Hilton Community Hall (rear door, basmt) - 8:30 am Hilton Union Library - 3 pm to 5 pm & 7 pm to 9 pm Walking at the Legion - 9 am to noon Children’s Library 10 am - 3 pm, Storytime at 10:30 am Cribbage (singles), Legion Hall - 7:30 pm ($4.00 per person) Friday Foods at the Legion Free pool all day in the Legion lounge AA Meeting, United Church (new addition, side door) - 8 pm Children’s Library 10 am - 3 pm, Storytime at 10:30 am Saturday The Children’s Library - 10 am to 3 pm Tuesday Quilting - 1-3 pm, Main Floor Waterfront Centre, Hilton Beach except the 3rd week held at the Trefry Centre. 705 246-0036 Hilton Union Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm Childcare Algoma C.A.P. Children’s Playgroup - 10 am to noon at Free Methodist Church Free pool all day in the Legion lounge Yoga, Old Town Hall, RL - 7 to 8:30 pm, drop-ins welcome St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 10 am to 3 pm St. Boniface Roman Catholic, Hilton Beach at 4:30 pm. Teen Game Night - Legion lounge - 6 pm to 9 pm Sunday The Anglican Parish of St. Joseph & St. George worships at 11 am at Holy Trinity, Jocelyn Free Methodist, 10th Side Rd. Coffee, tea and friendship at 10:30 am. Worship service 11 am. Island Bible Chapel, Richards Landing. Lord’s Supper 10 am, Family Bible Hour 11:15 am. Grace United, Hilton Beach. 9:30 am. Harmony St. Marks United, Richards Landing. 11 am. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, at MacLennan Hall, Primary, Priesthood, Relief Society.10 - 10:40 Sunday School 10:50 - 11:30 Sacrament Meeting 11:40 - 12:30 Monday Walking at the Legion - 9 am to noon Wednesday Walking at the Legion - 9 am to noon Nordic Pole Walking at the Legion - 10 am Free pool in the Legion lounge Bridge, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm to 5 pm (Open to all seniors) 705 246-0036 St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 10 am to 3 pm Children’s Library 10 am - 3 pm, Storytime at 10:30 am Hilton Union Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm Phone number: 705 255-3520. League pool in the Legion Lounge at 7:30 Wednesday Food at the Legion 7:30 to 9 pm richwood hair design DONNA BOND OWNER/HAIRSTYLIST 705 971-4220 Unit 1, Waterfront Centre Hilton Beach HILTON BEACH GIFT Thur-Mon Certificates 12-7 ATM Ice Cream Bar & Gift Store LOCAL MAPLE SYRUP - PUDDINGSTONE ART & CRAFTS - POTTERY - WOOD - BOOKS KNITTING & SEWING 705-989-4102 Andrea S. Young, RMT REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPIST 88 Barr Road S. Desbarats 705 542-2840 BUBBLES ISLAND CLEANING SERVICE BUSINESS & RESIDENTIAL CLEANING UPHOLSTERY/CARPET CLEANING PHONE 705 542-9215 EMAIL: BUBBLESICS@HOTMAIL.COM Thursday Woody's Automotive For all your automobile, snowmobile & ATV repairs 705 246-8800 Hilton Beach Dr. Trefry Centre’s Day Out Program - 9 am to 3:30 pm. Coffee Connections 9 am, Dr. Trefry Centre, Come for a coffee! Bridge, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm to 4 pm (Open to all seniors) 705 246-0036 Children’s Library 10 am - 3 pm, Storytime at 10:30 am Free pool all day in the Legion lounge Exercise Class, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10 am Exercise Class, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm Free pool all day in the Legion lounge Deadline for display ads is Mondays at 3 pm Food Bank, United Church, Richards Landing (side door) - 1 pm to 3 pm Euchre, Legion Hall - 7:30 pm ($4.00 per person) Children’s Library Lego Club. 7 pm to 8:30 pm, Library open Deadline for classifieds is noon Tuesdays The Children’s Library, 10 am - 3 pm, Storytime 10:30 am St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 3 pm to 8 pm Page 16 Debbie’s Hair Hut A full service family salon offering only the finest hair products. Debbie Shaughnessy - Owner 705 246-0457
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