July 28 - the Island Clippings!
July 28 - the Island Clippings!
July 28, 2016 • Issue 1049 • $1.00 Serving St. Joseph Island since 1995 Connecting our Community Visit us online at www.islandclippings.com email: islandclippings@gmail.com Tel: 705 246-1635 Fax: 705 246-7060 Cruisin’ The Hilton Beach Car Show WOW! THOSE HILTON BEACH FOLKS really know how to put on a show! The usually-quiet village was bulging at the seams with over 100 fantastic ‘classic’ cars, their proud owners and the throngs of people who came to see them all. And rumour has it that the day was just too darned hot for some car nuts to come out to show off their treasures. That might have been true, although there was a hint of a tantalizingly-refreshing onshore breeze to make things a tad more pleasant. The show was well worth braving the heat though, with the lakeside streets lined chock-a-block with equally-hot iron. There were treasures – 4 wheeled and ‘other’ in all ages, makes, models, colours and pedigrees, including a brand new 2017 Jaguar, visiting from Toronto. The Ladies’ Choice Award ($50 Gift from the Dry Dock) went to a 1947 Ford Tow Truck “Mator” owned by Gloria and Gord Hawdon of St. Joseph Island. Continued on next page Northern Advantage Office: 705-942-6000 A PART OF YOUR COMMUNITY CAR SHOW . . . continued from cover The Nick Palumbo Memorial Award ($50 Gift Certificate from Tilt’n Hilton) was presented by Nick’s daughters Sarah & Marissa to Corey Beaulieu of Sault Ste. Marie, for his lowered 1971 Chevy C-10 Best in Show ($100 Esso Gas Card from Highway 17E Trading Post) honours went to Fred Tucker of Sault Ste. Marie for his 1963 Coupe Split Window Chevy Corvette. The music was hot too, as Flathead Ford, sponsored by Riverwalk Condominiums, had people dancing in the street with their own classics from the 50’s and 60’s. unteers, who was eloquently grateful in her praise of the event, its attendees, participants and of course, all of the volunteers who made it all happen. She told us “The Special Events team is overwhelmed with the incredible generosity of our sponsors who covered the costs of advertising, dash plaques and decals as well as the countless gifts and prizes. This event is 100% volunteer operated. We would like to thank each and every person and business for their contribution, big or small. The Village was bustling and had a real cheery vibe.” she beamed. We think we can definitely agree with her on that! We caught up with Caroline Miller, one of the organizing vol- HOT H OT SU SUMMER SUMME R DE DEALS ALS FOUR DAYYS ONLYY! Parttners With h The Restaurant THURS. JULY SAVE $50 Breakfast Buffet SA AVE $30 14 49 4 9 249 24 9 99 99 99 99 Two Gas Side Dry Dock #4949 Limite Sunday, July 31 9 am to 12 noon $ SA AVE 25% 99 399 15 % SA AVE 20% 74 15 574 26 624 OFF O FF Port rtable Fan ns 15 % 12.95 tax included OFF OF FF Dock Do Hard rdw dw war are 705-297-23 41 3003 Baseline Road, Hilton H Beach, 705-246-2475 7 Page 2 FIDDLEHEAD Wabi Sabi celebrates its 16th Year Show and Sale PRESENTS “YOU DON’T HAVE TO UNDERSTAND why you’re drawn to it, but you do have to accept it as it is” - Robyn Griggs. Concert Series The highly acclaimed Wabi Sabi Fine Craft Exhibition and Sale will be unveiling an exciting 16th season at Richards Landing’s Old Town Hall next week. The show, featuring its Meet and Greet begins on Friday, August 5th through Sunday, August 7th, from 10 am to 5 pm daily. In concert Tuesday, August 2 Wood, soap stone, jewellery, stained glass and photography will be featured with fabric composition, quilts, metal sculptures, pottery, clay sculpture and art pieces created from natural materials. Textiles, weaving and basketry will also be part of this most diverse show. Participating guest artists from Northern Ontario are: Jon Butler, photography, Sandy Cline, soap stone carvings, Michele Forrester and Hans Wesselius, wood sculpture, Lynn Gerard, calligraphy, Fran Holland, quilts, Phil Jones, stone sculpture, Lynn Latreille, textile bags, Maggie Nardi, clay pottery, Cheryl Maahs, jewellery/stained glass lamps, Diana Madill, metal and copper sculpture, Jennifer McLeod, reclaimed wooden bowls and boxes, Terryl Ryan, basketry and weaving, Diane Stewart, fabric compositions, Tracy Marie Stevens, birch bark containers, and Paula Walsh, raku pottery. The Committee organizers are: Adele Hill, clay sculpture, Andrew Tiltins, wood and stone, Ann Suzuki, silk batik, Errol Caldwell, wood turning and David Solomon, box maker. This very unique show has attracted admirers and buyers from the US and Canada and we fully expect that it will once again be one of this year’s most highly praised events. For further information please contact Adele Hill at 705 9490293. Tell her the Foxes sent you! Kari Gamble, RMT Offering in home Registered Massage Therapy SOUP service only Serving Echo Bay to Thessalon Call and book an appointment today! My Services include: 30 minutes.....$50.00 60 minutes.....$80.00 90 minutes.....$120.00 * Extra $10 charge for Echo Bay, Bruce Mines and Thessalon or if required by distance to be travelled. I accept cash, credit, cheque as well as email money transfer. Call 705-971-2249 Email: karilynngamble@hotmail.com Gift Certificates also available Page 3 Richards Landing Town Hall – 1211 Richards St. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Showtime at 8:00 p.m. Admission: $10 at the door Call (705) 246-2625 for more information Tree and Hedge Removal Services OPEN LATE & WEEKENDS. CALL ANYTIME! • Hazardous tree removal • Tree stump grinding & removal • Tree cutting, shaping & hedge removal • Tree & shrub pruning & removal • Residential and Commercial • Fully insured up to $2 million We cut down and remove dead wood, big or small trees 24 hour, year round service FREE no obligation estimates Serving St. Joseph Island and all of Algoma Tel: 705 254-9150 Jenna Headed for the Nationals! By Teresa Parker THE ISLAND’S OWN JENNA FLEMING, who won the Javelin Championship at the Legion’s Provincial Track and Field competition, will be traveling to Sainte-Thérèse, Quebec to compete in the National (aka Dominion) tournament, the first week in August. DOUG HOOK watercolours & reproductions 44th ANNUAL SUMMER SHOW All of Jenna’s travel expenses to Sainte-Thérèse will be paid by the Provincial and National Legion Committees. And, to help cheer her on further, our Legion Branch 374, St Joseph Island also donated a monetary gift to help her with any incidental expenses she might have. Best of luck Jenna! You make us proud. JULY 29, 30, 31 & AUG. 1 10 am ‘til 5 pm EACH DAY OLD TOWN HALL RICHARDS LANDING for more information 705 246 2457 doughook.com doug.hook@sympatico.ca L to R: Steve Frech, Committee Chair, Jenna and Mary Ann Boyle, Youth Track and Field Chair. Photo by Teresa Parker Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/Islandclippings/?ref=aymt _homepage_panel & Please Share! The Anglican Parish of St. Joseph & St. George invites you to come and worship with us on Sunday, July 31 at 10:30 a.m. at our Annual Outdoor Worship Service at Women’s Institute Park in Richards Landing. Pot Luck Luncheon to follow. Please bring a chair and utensils. We are honouring Ches Wallace's 90th Birthday No Service at St. George or Jocelyn Page 4 Page 5 Fiddlehead Soup Serves Up a Tasty Musical Treat. HOT NEW ARRIVALS! Just in time for summer! • Children’s clothing from Gap and Baby Gap • Men’s and Women’s Golf Attire • Men’s, Ladies and Kid’s Running Shoes • Purses from Michael Kors, Coach and Kate Spade EASTERN ONTARIO FOLK TRIO FIDDLEHEAD SOUP brings their eclectic collection of music to Richards Landing on Tuesday August 2nd as part of the ‘Just Passing Through’ concert series. The trio joined forces in 2013 when three members of a celtic ceilidh band got together to learn some songs outside of the traditional celtic fare – creating a unique sound. Mon – Sat 10-5 and Sun 12 - 5 Follow us on Facebook! http://facebook.com/stjoeDealHouse Intrigued by the odd rhythms of Scandinavia and other traditional music and fascinated by the tones and intricacies of different languages, the trio quickly amassed a set of eclectic tracks in 9 different languages and spanning several centuries. The trio also began writing their own music, drawing inspiration from events happening around them. Continued on page 9 BOA ATER ERS RS! JOIN US FOR R THE SECO OND ANN NUAL Richards La anding Municipal Marin na %2$7(56·<$5'6$/( At the Marina 1140 Richards Street, Ric chards Landing Saturday, Aug A ust 6, 10 a.m. ² 2 p.m. Day & Night Buy, Sell, or Trade your Nautical goods Boaters reserve your FR RE EE Table Today! 705-246-2625 Ret etail Vendors $75.00 CANADI IAN POWER SQ QUADRON will be on hand to pro ovide info about their courses, an a d voluntary ´9HVVHO&RXUWHV\&KHFNVµ MOVING SERVICES PLUS! OPEN LATE & WEEKENDS. CALL ANYTIME! Local and long distance moving to any place in Canada. Save money, Do it yourself, you load and unload 20 foot cube trailer • Free, no obligation estimates • “Last Minute” Moving • Packing and Unpacking Services • We move big screen tvs, upright pianos, woodstoves and safes RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL This e event shares the stage with the CanAm Powerbo oat Pok ker Run, so arrivve early and resserve your sp pot. t Call the Insured Professionals at 705 254-9150 Page 6 6DWXUGD\ \-XO\WK )HVWLYLWLHVEHJLQDWSP&RPHHDUO\WRHQMR\ )ORDWMXGJLQJEHJLQVDWSP3DUDGHEHJLQVDWSP )RRGDQG*DPHVRI&KDQFH $//352&(('6*2727+(+,/721%($&+5(&5($7,21352*5$06 3LHVDW&RPPXQLW\+DOO /LRQV&OXE3DQFDNH%UHDNIDVW6XQGD\-XO\VWDW&RPPXQLW\+DOO$0-30 ůĂƐƐ͗ŽƐƚƵŵĞƐ ůĂƐƐ͗tĂŐŽŶƐ ůĂƐƐ͗sĞŚŝĐůĞƐ ϭĞƐƚŚŝůĚƐŽƐƚƵŵĞ;ϱΘƵŶĚĞƌͿ ϭ͘ĞƐƚŚĂŶĚĚƌĂǁŶǁĂŐŽŶ ϭ͘ĞƐƚĂŶƟƋƵĞͬĐƵƐƚŽŵǀĞŚŝĐůĞ Ϯ͘ĞƐƚŚŝůĚƐŽƐƚƵŵĞ;ϲ-ϵLJƌƐͿ Ϯ͘ĞƐƚŚŝůĚƐĚĞĐŽƌĂƚĞĚďŝŬĞŽƌ ƚƌŝŬĞ Ϯ͘ĞƐƚĚĞĐŽƌĂƚĞĚǀĞŚŝĐůĞ ϯ͘ĞƐƚŚŝůĚƐŽƐƚƵŵĞ;ŽǀĞƌϭϬLJƌƐͿ ϯ͘ĞƐƚĚĞĐŽƌĂƚĞĚdsͬ'ŽůĨĂƌƚ 12+256(625321,(6 &ŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͗ ůĂƐƐ͗&ůŽĂƚƐ ϭ͘ĞƐƚŽŵŝĐ&ůŽĂƚ WŚŽŶĞ͗ϳϬϱ-Ϯϰϲ-ϮϮϰϮ Ϯ͘ĞƐƚĂĚǀĞƌƟƐŝŶŐŇŽĂƚ ŵĂŝů͗ŝŶĨŽΛŚŝůƚŽŶďĞĂĐŚ͘ĐŽŵ ϯ͘ĞƐƚŇŽĂƚďLJĨĂŵŝůLJŐƌŽƵƉ tĞďƐŝƚĞ͗ŚƩƉ͗ͬͬǁǁǁ͘ŚŝůƚŽŶďĞĂĐŚ͘ĐŽŵ ϰ͘ĞƐƚŇŽĂƚďLJĂŶŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĞĚŐƌŽƵƉ 'HVLJQDWHG+DQGLFDSSHG3DUNLQJLV$YDLODEOH Page 7 Page 8 Featuring veteran folkie Doug Hendry on 12string and cittern and mother-and-daughter fiddle team Glenna Hunter and Ursa Meyer (who soon added viola, piano and cello to their repertoire), Fiddlehead Soup is known for its engaging and earthy performances, lush instrumentation and captivating 3-part harmonies. With the pending release of its first fulllength CD, “Alterity”, Fiddleheap Soup is embarking on a summer tour across Canada, bringing its unique blend of music to new audiences in venues large and small along the way. From 9:30 am to 5:30 pm daily Closed Sundays Tomatoes, pickles, beans, peas and raspberries now, peaches soon plus lots of other goodies. Open Holiday Monday 4378 Government Road Just outside Desbarats. Follow the blue market signs A SL N For all your wood burning needs! Phone Lorne Barlow 705-785-3504 barlowsweeps@yahoo.com Official Repair Technician for Pellet and Wood Stoves, endorsed by Stove Builders International FIREWOOD FOR SALE Call 705 257-7006 Rod Wessell and Son Published weekly by Heather & Brian Fox HOW TO REACH US: The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damage arising from errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the ad in which the error occured. There shall be no liability for non-insertion of any ad. Cost for ads may be adjusted from time to time due to price increases of postage, paper and ink. Ads cannot be copied. The editor reserves the right to edit, revise, classify or reject an ad. Articles submitted do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editor. For sales, installations, inspections, repairs and cleaning 8 am to 8 pm Closed Sunday and Monday 705 246-0282 • Septics • Road Building • Lot Clearing Open Storage Available Call 246-2811 Days or evenings and weekends By email: islandclippings@gmail.com By phone: 705 246-1635 • By fax: 705 246-7060 By mail: The Island Clippings, 5285 5th Side Road, R. R. 1, Hilton Beach, Ontario P0R 1G0. Off-Island Subscription Rates: $65. per year plus tax. BRUCE MINES WETT Certified - Fully Insured Eat-in or Take Out Pizza & Wings Tuesday’s show is $10 and doors will open at 7.30 pm. For more information, contact stjoetreasury@bellnet.ca and for more information on Fiddlehead Soup, visit fiddleheadsoup.com. Their show is sure to be mighty tasty! BARLOW CHIMNEY SWEEPS D Following the release of an EP “Unfurling” in 2014, the trio has been performing as relentlessly as possible. Fiddlehead Soup has become a fixture at festivals and coffee houses around Eastern Ontario. Desbarats Country Produce I FIDDLEHEAD . . . continued from page 6 KENTVALE Sales & Service 712 K Line Road You must see this 127 year old www.kentvale.com General Store 246-2002 www.kentvale.com DON’S GARAGE Remodeling•Renovation•Maintenance ISLAND HOME IMPROVEMENT ,6/$1'+20(,03529(0(17 Tel: 705 246-2545 GENERAL HANDYMAN SERVICES Fax: 705 246-1289 Your Island TUPPERWARE RR#1 RICHARDS LANDING ON Call GREG 989•7794 IHI@live.ca Catalogues, products and service Available at Kent’s Corner Susan Strader, Consultant islandtupperware@hotmail.com Page 9 705 246-7029 HAZARD TREE REMOVAL • Professional • Certified • Trained • Experienced • Local Call Matt at (705) 542-9951 Carl Thomas Broker/Owner 705-246-8585 Northern Advantage Office: 705-942-6000 View More Pictures on line at www.carlthomas.ca. carlthomas@royallepage.ca www.carlthomas.ca Caroline Miller Salesperson 416 931-1449 cell 705 542-9967 cell 705 942-6000 office Carolinemiller@royallepage.ca rice p w e n STUNNING VISTAS A RUSTIC LANE Private location for this newer ranch style home set in a 100 acre maple bush. This stunning open concept features 2.5 baths, hardwood floors, full basement, huge garage and separate 28 x 36 Shop. a "MUST SEE" at $479,000. Striking off grid Viceroy Home with great views over Desbarats Lake. Floor to ceiling windows flood 3 levels with natural light. Fully furnished including stainless steel appliances, hickory cabinets, woodstove and 700 sq ft decking. Full basement. Located on 6 acres $479,000. TURN KEY SWIMMING, FISHING & BOATING Bright and cheery 4 season cottage with spectacular veiws of the channel from the front porch. Immaculately restored with Napolean propane FP, new flooring, insulation, shingles, windows. Garage and extra lot included. $169,000. Bright 4 BR cottage features pine and cedar interior with skylights. Sliding doors to wraparound deck and beautiful yard with spectacular views. Wood burning cedar sauna with shower and change room. Dock and deck. Workshop with loft. $229,000. WOODED 50 ACRES Cozy bungalow with radiant heat from outdoor furnace. Metal roof and vinyl siding. Large outbuildings including pole barn and garage. Lots of wildlife and trails for the ATV. Relaxation, water sports, fishing, just reading a great book by the waters edge or on the large deck watching the sunset. Added bonus watching the freighters pass by. All new upgrades to this Island Retreat. $129,000. $189,000. RICHARDS LANDING! Enjoy coffee on the huge rear deck in the morning sun with access from the dinette. Modern 3BR bungalow in the Landing with large rear yard. Well appointed with partially finished full basement, ensuite bath and separate dining area. Great location to walk to shops, post office, restaurants, library and marina. $189,000 rice p w e n ISLAND RETREAT! AFFORDABLE COTTAGE: IDEAL COUNTRY Neat and cozy 2BR with custom field stone FP sitting on 11A. Huge rear deck with view of lake Huron. Perfect retirement home minutes from Desbarats and marina. $154,000. Enjoy the summer at Sun Set Point, St. Joseph Island. Dinette/ kitchen combo, living room and large screened porch facing the water. Sit back and relax and watch the ships make their way up and down the channel and take in the glorious sunsets. Large lawn for lots of play area plus the water. $104,900. RETIRE ON THE LAKE Ideal retirement property on Twin Lakes. Open concept with ceramic floors, full basement and detached 28x32 insulated garage with drywall, hydro, screened in porch along entire back of house overlooking lake. Large dock/deck at water’s edge. $239,000 PINE CONE COTTAGE BRIGHT AND SPACIOUS! COUNTRY COMFORT! Quiet location on lightly traveled private road with access to the water. 3BR with natural cedar interior, main floor master and large upstairs family room. Large bunkie or convert to workshop. Reasonably priced at $109,000. 2 BR bungalow with views of Lake Huron. Located in village of Hilton Beach, features cozy main floor family room with gas fireplace, new shingles, windows and furnace. Large deck for summer entertaining. $159,900. BEAUTIFUL SAND BEACH Perfect waterfront home with beautiful sand beach. Large level lot with 1.5 car garage, 1.5 storey with large 2nd storey playroom, bedroom with ensuite. Open concept main floor. Propane heater. Covered porch runs along entire back of house overlooking water. Back up generator & extra storage building. $229,000 Professionally designed and built in 2002 capturing the spirit and romance of a vintage camp. Attention to detail and craftsmanship is evident in the stone fireplace, oak flooring, woodwork, vaulted ceilings and cedar siding. Open concept design leads through French doors to screened porch. Beautiful views of the North Channel from this mature treed waterfront lot. $339,000. CHARMING ENGLISH COTTAGE 3 BRM 4 season cottage. 1350 sq ft. Hardwood flooring. Wood burning stone fireplace in sunken parlour & master. Sunny kitchen, dining, walk-in pantry. Story book like property (shy of 4 acres) with pasture, mature apple trees & old homestead. Courtyard & lush gardens. $399,000. PERFECT LOCATION: STORY BOOK YARD Beautiful (2) bedroom, open concept living/dining/kitchen. Chalet style (4) season cottage with floor to ceiling windows and stunning cedar interior woodwork. Wood stove. Insulated basement. Screened gazebo & 800 sq ft tiered deck overlook storybook manicured grounds. Stream runs through property. Abundant wildlife & birds. 50 ACRES OF PRIVACY YOU'LL LOVE THE VIEW! Sunlight floods the kitchen/dining /living rooms. (3) BDM home with hardwood floors. Full basement. Wood burning fireplace on both levels. Frog pond. Gardens. Fruit trees. Sauna. Greenhouse. Chicken Coop. Double Garage. Sugar Shack. Lake front home on the island with hardwood and ceramic floors and maple cupboards in new kitchen, wood stove and sliding doors to large wrap around deck overlooking the water. 1 1/2 car garage for the water toys. Deep level lot with sand at the shore. Just move in and enjoy the summer. $215,000. $349,000 $219,900. Page 10 Tucked behind acres of mature forest and nestled along 358ft of water frontage in a quiet secluded bay, this 3Br year round home features hardwood and ceramic floors, vaulted ceilings and 400sq ft waterside deck and boat launch. Out buildings include large heated garage/workshop, chicken coop, potting house, unique pole barn with viewing tower. Turn key at $429,000. HOUSE AND SHOP! 5A country property with charming 3BR house, double garage and 2000sq ft Steel shop with 3 overhead doors, cement floor, insulated and heated and presently operating as auto repair garage which equipment can be purchased separately. Ideal for a tradesman or hobby garage. Call for more info. $279,000. Murray Pritchard Salesperson 705 356-1416 office 705 849-0976 cell 705 356-0094 fax murray@royallepage.ca isti NEW l ng SOUTHERN EXPOSURE Terrific opportunity for first time buyer. Amazing views. SANDY beach! Sleeping bunkie. Unique waterfront gazebo/kitchen. With deck. Manicured yard. $89,000. feature FOUR SEASON WATERFRONT Ranch style house with 2500 sq ft. living space near Bruce Mines. 4 bedrooms. 2 bath. Games room. Main floor laundry. Tiered deck overlooking water & 50 ft. sand beach. $289,000. istin NEW l g SAILORS ENCAMPMENT 3 BR year round home on private and secluded matured treed waterfront lot with beautiful rear yard overlooking the kid friendly sand beach. Bunkie, sauna and two car garage with loft. Watch the ships and enjoy fabulous sunsets. $239,000. GREAT LOCATION Well maintained 3 + 1 bedroom home in Richards Landing. Walking distance to all amenities. Upgraded kitchen, living room and windows, 1 ½ baths. Hardwood floors, large deck overlooking with porch/sun room. Basement is partially finished with 3 pc bath. There is a large garden and a wired detached garage with workshop. 200 amp electrical service. $169,900. Call Murray Pritchard. GREAT SUMMER RETREAT ROOM FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Charming seasonal property with level, shallow waterfront on St. Joseph Island. 8’ wide wrap around deck overlooking the Lake, Pine ceilings in cozy 2 bdrm cottage with woodstove, new countertop & cabinets in kitchen, new flooring, separate eating area, some newer windows. $94,900. Charming (3) BRM cottage with spectacular sweeping views from the kitchen/dining/living rooms. 140 sq ft elevated deck overlooks a second deck perched on the water. Bright white new kitchen. Ideal for a family compound. $400,000. Price tag includes listed cottage/property next door. LIVE AT THE LAKE! COOL LAKE BREEZES! Spacious waterfront ranch close to Richards Landing. Open concept with living room and family room opening unto huge 10 x 30 Florida Room facing the water. Large level lot with over 350 ft of waterfront. Garage/workshop with additional ATV storage. $249,000. Elegant waterfront home with large level lot, sand beach, dock, heated bunkie and detached garage. New kitchen designed for people who like to cook and entertain leads to large deck for barbecues and summer parties. Well appointed throughout. Just move in and enjoy all the seasons on St. Joseph Island. $325,000. PRIME PROPERTY IN A PRIME LOCATION!! Exclusive property with s stunning view of Sailors Encampment. This 2.9 acre property overlooks shipping channel. 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath home, stone fireplace & walk out basement. Small serviced cabin. Well kept grounds offer a spectacular view to the south as well. Mixed evergreen, hardwood and apple trees & local wildlife. $450,000. NESTLED ON THE SHORELINE Amazing opportunity for the first time cottage owner. (3) bedroom bungalow with amazing views. Beautiful old stone fireplace. Quaint porch overlooking shoreline. Grape vine covered patio area. $169,000 Call Murray Pritchard. COMMERCIAL LOTS istin NEW l gs BUILDING LOTS BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Commercial building in downtown Hilton Beach close to the marina. Presently operated as a restaurant which can be continued or converted to other uses. Turn your business idea into a reality. Great opportunity for year round or seasonal business. Call for more info $95,500. Building lot in Richards Landing $17,500 Country building lot, 3.5A $17,500 ISLAND COMMERCIAL Create your own employment on Beautiful St. Joseph Island at this established bakery and cafe. Price includes land, building and equipment. Great visibility and high traffic area as you enter the island. Continue the exiting business model or initiate your own ideas. Great business opportunity. VARIETY STORE PLUS! A unique opportunity to operate a well established store in Hilton Beach. Convenience store, Lotto, LCBO outlet. High traffic location and near the waterfront and busy marina. Page 11 A GREAT LOCATION! Located on Richards St just south of the Town of Richards Landing, this 15A building site is ideal for an executive home, hobby farm or other possibilities. Call Carl for more details. $119,000. • ST. JOSEPH ISLAND WATERFRONT RED MAPLE DRIVE... Northern Advantage, Brokerage Helping you is what we do Independently owned and operated DAVID NELSON Cell 705-941-1947 Sales Representative • CALL ME FOR ST. JOSEPH ISLAND HUNTING/WOOD AND WATERFRONT LOTS davidontheisland@gmail.com 1071 Sailors Encampment Cozy log cottage! Enjoy the peace & quiet. Close to all Island amenities. $129,900 1581 Bridge Road, (Mom’s Restaurant) Well established popular restaurant in high traffic location. 70+ seats. Great opportunity! $229,900 2328 Huron Line Bright & spacious in a gorgeous country setting this significantly updated 3 bdrm bungalow has it all! $229,900 3236 Ash Street Gorgeous island home on 5 town lots. Custom designed & built with natural cedar siding. Village Lots. $359,900 3770 Hamilton Bay Dr. Bright & spacious open concept waterfront on 1 acre! $209,900 1552 Sailor’s Encampment 228’ of sandy shoreline! Updated & well maintained, character home $295,000 1295 C Line Road Spacious custom built 1600 sq. ft. brick home. Features too numerous to list and all on 10 acres. $369,900 3345 Haight Road Gorgeous cottage with spectacular view of Twin Lakes. $234,900 51 Island Gawas Bay Own your own island! Stunning setting in Gawas Bay with gorgeous cottage. 224,900 3034 Ringham Extensively renovated 2 bdrm bungalow. Excellent pellet stove for cost efficient heating. $118,500 1710 15th Side Road Quality throughout in this bright 3 bdrm with 2 car garage & more! $269,900 3389 Joques Bay Rd 1355 Richards Excellent brick bungalow with spectacular view overlooking Richards Landing & the North Channel! $359,900 5140 Wierzbicki 42 Acres with 1240’ frontage with cottage & garage! $250,000 Waterfront 3 bdrm, open concept with loads of glass. $229,900 Joques Bay Rd Lots 6, 7, 8 & 9 Canoe Point Rd. 4 bdrm camp on excellent recreational property all on 147 acres. $149,900 567 Desbarats Lake Rd Stunning waterfront home on 15 Acres with patio doors, deck & gazebo. Features too numerous to list! $695,000 3302 Twin Lakes Drive Bright & spacious seasonal get-a-way cottage! Page 12 $129,900 410’ water frontage on Canoe Point Road $369,900 2061 U Line Rd Solar power 2 bdrm with garage with over 4700 feet of Pristine Waterfront on 114 Acres. 395,000 530 Pumpkin Point Rd Bright & spacious immaculate 3 bdrm 3 bath home on 3.5 acres. $269,900 5 Year Fixed 2.59% 5 Year VRM 2.25% (OAC/Subject to change) PRIVATE MORTGAGES AVAILABLE!! 1st & 2nd Mortgages/Refinances/Renewals APPLY @ www.AlgomaMortgage.com Recreational Waterfront & Non-Residents Dan Alessandrini AMP Broker/Owner Agent #M09001322 Get a FREE Mortgage Check Up! QUEEN & GORE 705-256-LOAN (5626) The Real Estate Stop Inc, Brokerage is independently Owned and Operated Licence #10572 willson.marshall LAWYERS C. Bruce Willson, B.A., LL.B., LL.M. Lindsay D. Marshall, B.A., J.D. For all your Residential & Commercial Real Estate needs. Let us take care of you with courteous and professional Services. • Purchases • Sales • Mortgages • Title Searches • Title Insurance 494 Albert Street, East Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Tel: (705) 942-2000 • Fax: (705) 942-6511 Page 13 From the Lions Den QUAR RTETTE on Au August ugust 3rd is SOLD OUT. No tickets will be available at the door. Barbra Lica Aug. 10 @ 8pm m $V RQH RI &DQDGD·V WRS XSFRPLQJ MD]] DUWLVWV %DUEUD /LFD GHVFULEHVKHUVW\OHDVVRPHZKHUHEHWZHHQVLQJHUVLQJZULWHU YLQWDJH SRS DQG MD]] /LFD VPLOHV ZKHQ VKH VLQJV DQG \RX FDQ KHDU WKDW VPLOH HYHQ UHFRUGHG RQ KHU WZR DOEXPV +HU EULJKWFOHDUDQGKDSS\YRFDOVDQGXSEHDWVRQJZULWLQJZHUH LQVSLUHG E\ 'RULV 'D\ (OOD )LW]JHUDOG DQG ,UYLQJ %HUOLQ DQG VKH OLVWV IHOORZ IUHHVSLULWHG VLQJHUVRQJZULWHUV 5HJLQD 6SHNWRU DQG 6DUD %DUHLOOHV DV KHU FXUUHQW IDYRXULWH DUWLVWV &%&5DGLRQDPHGKHURQHRI&DQDGD·V7RS)HPDOH-D]] 6LQJHUV DQG 7RURQWR·V -D]] )0 VDLG VKH·V ´D GD]]OLQJ SHUIRUPHU ZKR KDV WDOHQW WR EXUQ DQG YRFDOV WKDW ZLOO NQRFN \RXRYHUµ Fathead Aug. 17 @ 8pm m 6HYHUDO PHPEHUV RI )DWKHDG KDYH SHUIRUPHG RYHU WKH \HDUV DW RXU 6HULHV EXW DV SDUW RI RWKHU DFWV )LQDOO\ ZH·UH EULQJLQJ WKLV LQFUHGLEOH -XQRZLQQLQJ EOXHV HQVHPEOH WR 6W -RVHSK ,VODQG )DWKHDG FDPH WRJHWKHU LQ DQG KDYH EHHQVKDULQJWKHLUEOHQGRIEOXHVIRONIXQNDQGVRXORQWKH 1RUWK$PHULFDQ IHVWLYDO FLUFXLW HYHU VLQFH 0DGH XS RI -RKQ 0D\V$O/HUPDQ%RE7XQQRFK3DSD-RKQ.LQJDQG%XFN\ %HUJHU WKLV ZHOOUHVSHFWHG JURXS RI PXVLFLDQV FUHDWH DQ HQHUJHWLF EOHQG RI EOXHV SHSSHUHG ZLWK UE IXQN\ JRVSHO WLQJHG VRXO DQG IHHOJRRG URFN UROO 5HDO %OXHV PDJD]LQH VDLG )DWKHDG KDV LW DOO ´WDOHQW SHUVRQDOLW\ KXPRXU XQLWHG YLVLRQDQGDOLWWOHELWRIKRRGRRYRRGRRµ BUY YOUR TICKETS ONLINE www.oldtownhall.ca ~~~ Old Town Town Hall Concert Series The Lions’ Den Rolls Out the Red Carpet – For You! The St. Joseph Island Lions’ Club invites new members. If you have a little time and a lot of enthusiasm, the Club invites you to help make the Island community the best it can be. Lions orchestrate a variety of fundraising events that include pancake breakfasts, arts festivals, and are involved in community nights. Events that would benefit from new members’ involvement. These activities are largely fun times but also include highway clean-up and Pet Cemetery maintenance. You could even be appointed Vice President in charge of corn popping at events if you wish! Opportunities galore await you. Who we are and what we do. Lions’ Clubs International comprise the world’s largest service club organization and celebrate the motto “We serve” in every community where they’re established. The St. Joseph Island Lions’ Club is one of 46,000 clubs, located in over 200 countries, that represent over 1.3 million members. Meetings are held once a month to keep tabs on activities, occasionally to hear a guest speaker, and receive news about international counterparts. There is also an optional monthly social gathering. Best part – all public donations – 100% – go to a variety of charities and bursaries. The St. Joseph Island Lions are particularly proud to participate in the annual Purina Walk for Dog Guides. It raises several thousand dollars each year and 100% of those donations are sent to The Lions Foundation Canada Dog Guides Training Centre in Oakville. We could do more….we would like to do more…..so we need more volunteers. Please consider joining the Lions to make the Island an even better place to call home. For more information, call our Lions Club Membership Chairperson Susan Kerr at 705 989-4110 or email her at: Suzycue44@gmail.com. You can also contact President Mike Trainor (Mike.Trainor@rogers.com), 1st Vice President. Gerry Rahn (rgerryconnie@gmail.com) or 2nd Vice President Jack Priest (Snailspace592@gmail.com) And please LIKE us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/sjilions We pitch in to make our community the best it can be by orchestrating fundraising events, buying playground equipment and building tennis courts. Are YOU up for joining in? Hilton Beach Community Hall, Hilton Beach Page 14 PIES FOOD BOOTHS PARADE KID’S GAMES BINGO CLASS A (5 & UNDER) PARADE PRIZE LIST 1st - $5. 2nd - $4. 3rd - $3. Best Tricycle Best Original – Girl Best Original – Boy Best TV Character Best Nursery Rhyme Character Best Princess/Fairy Best Hand Drawn Cart/Wagon CLASS D Best Decorated 4 Wheeler 1st - $20. 2nd - $15 3rd - $10 Judge’s Choice #1 - $20. Judge’s Choice #2 - $20. CLASS B (6-8 YEARS) 1st - $5. 2nd - $4. 3rd - $3. Best Clown Best Original – Girl Best Original – Boy Best TV Character Best Group/Couple Best Princess/Fairy CLASS E ANTIQUE CARS CLASSIC CARS TRACTORS Judge’s Choice 1st - $20. Judge’s Choice 2nd - $15. Note: Class A, B,C Note: Class D,E,F All entrants must be in Costume. Judging at Clansmen Motel by 6:15 SHARP! Judging on Littleton Street 6:15 SHARP Floats & Others must be in line for judging. CLASS C (9 YEARS & OVER) 1st - $5. 2nd - $4. 3rd - $3. Best Clown Best Original – Girl Best Original – Boy Best TV Character Best Group/Couple CLASS F Judge’s Choice 1st - $35. Judge’s Choice 2nd - $30. Judge’s Choice 3rd - $20. Note: Class F Best-organized Group/Society Best Decorated Car Best Pioneer/Historic Float Best Family Group RICHARDS LANDING FRIDAY JULY 29 7PM CENTENNIAL GROUNDS Please Note: NO HORSE ENTRIES! PROCEEDS TO NORTH SHORE HEALTH NETWORK RICHARDS LANDING Page 15 St. Joseph Island Museum Moment WELL, FOR A THIRD YEAR IN A ROW, the Teddy Bear picnic was a soggy one. The morning started out with a huge downpour; not the thing anyone likes to see when hosting an outdoor event. Eventually the rain ceased, but the skies were a deep grey, the temperature a little cooler but still humid. It looked like at any moment there could have been a downpour but thankfully for 3 hours we were spared. Lots of brave children and their parents arrived and enjoyed the activities we had planned for them. Just as the afternoon was coming to a close, the rain decided to join us as well. RIDE AWAY WITH GREAT SAVINGS THIS SPRING. When you want versatility, comfort and some savings in your pocket, get your hands on a Husqvarna. Stop by to view our many in store specials. There’s never been a better time to get legendary Husqvarna performance and innovation for less. The Hilton Union Public Library presents in concert (www.ritahosking.com) with Kora Feder opening IN STORE SPECIALS! Thursday, August 4th @ 8 pm at The Hilton Community Hall For more information visit your local Husqvana dealer or husqvarna.ca $20/person. $10 ages 6 - 13 5 and under free. Tickets available at the door Refreshments available at the intermission KENTVALE Sales & Service 712 K Line Road • Richards Landing (705) 246-2002 The Rita Hosking Family Trio www.kentvale.com This is a fundraiser for the Hilton Union Public Library Page 16 A Legacy of Caring Since 1965 Celebrating Fifty Years Proud supporters of your community; our family providing your Continued on page 19 family with dignified, affordable service in We will not be undercut Over 15 years’ experience Senior’s discounts available Call for a free, no obligation estimate. Beggs Funeral Home Limited Menard Funeral Home Inc. Driftwood Cremation Centre Inc. FULLY INSURED We specialize in tree/limb removal 705 255-7047 • garr3jazz@yahoo.ca Page 17 175 Main Street, Thessalon 705-842-2520 72 Lakeside Avenue, Blind River 705-356-7151 ©2006 Copyrighted Material your time of need. GEE’S TREE REMOVAL SERVICE used $275. Motorcycle jack stand $80. Call: 705 246-2866. There will not be any Friday Night Foods due to Community Night FOR SALE 1990 L4150 Kubota tractor with four wheel drive, back tires and loader. Asking $10,200. Call 705 246-2342 Industrial poultry plucker: $3,000. 1986 Camaro: $4,000. ‘as is’. Call 705 246-2022. Leave message if no answer. 91 GMC 3/4 ton 4X4 with 350 engine. Running gear solid-body not so much. Asking $750. OBO. Call 705 246-0656 Tire: P265/70R17 m+s never used $90. Pump: 3/4hp Master Craft shallow well w/mounted 8.6 gal. pressure tank, barely Marine Railway, 70 ft of track, 12V remote wireless controlled winch. All Aluminum. Open to offers. Call 705 246-2111 Free perennials. You dig. Sue 705 246-0711 Lots and lots of fishing gear & equipment; adjustable heavy steel beam post; 8 foot electrical mast. Call 705 246-0262 Square bale hay elevator: $200. Call 705 246-2011 Stereo AM-FM receiver, 180W Kenwood 5150, 3 pairs of input jacks & 3 sets of speaker terminals + 2 AR6 speakers: $25. Call 705 971-4361 1990 Smoker Craft, 14' deep V design; Nissan 18 hp 2 stroke motor; boat lift and swivel seats with covers. In excellent condition. Many extras. $4,000. Call 705 971-4361 ITEMS WANTED Old cedar/canvas canoe in need of restoration. Call Dave at 647 973-6150 NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL! SALES Large multi-family garage sale at 1386 Orrell-Callahan Drive on Beech Beach. This Saturday July 30th from 8 am until 12 pm. Something for everyone. Worth the drive. Saturday July 30 and Sunday July 31, 9 am to 3 pm both days. Tools to treasures and from books to blankets and so much more. 2420 D Line, just east of Kent’s Corner. 1693 Lake St. in the garage many new items added weekly. We have fresh baking including pies bread and cookies to name a few. We also have a large collection of clothes that sell for .25 a piece. Tons of other items available. Yard Sale: Saturday, July 30th. 2732 Canoe Point Road. 8:30 to 10:30 (no early birds please). Moving sale. Something for everyone. WORK WANTED Looking for part-time employment. Approx 10 hrs a week. Living in Hilton Beach. I'm 60 years young female. Light house keeping. Pet care. Child care. Please call me 705 5757757 REAL ESTATE Day & Night • Residential Roofing & Repairs • Additions, Garage & Deck • Sheds & Fences • Workmanship Guaranteed • Asphalt Shingles • Soffit & Fascia • Window & Door Installations • Serving All of Algoma District FREE ESTIMATES • RESIDENTIAL • FULLY LICENSED & INSURED $2 MILLION GENERAL LIABILITY LIMIT • WSIB COVERAGE Lakefront Bungalow; 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom open concept, large sunroom, deck has electric retractable awning, all facing the lake. 1,357 sq. ft., maintenance free with new roof on house and garage. 1.7 acres with with 134 feet of sandy shoreline. Many extras, low taxes. For more details, call 705 246-3939 Call the Insured Professionals at 705 254-9150 ANNOUNCEMENTS GENERAL CONTRACTING SERVICES PLUS Sales Associate Part/FullTime Requirements: • Ability to be a team player • Motivated • Strong customer service skills • Knowledgeable in the following areas: building materials, plumbing, paint, electrical. • A background in construction would be a definite asset. 8709 Hwy 17 E. Bruce Mines, ON 705 785-3739 Job Duties: Working with the public, problem solving, operating forklift and delivery truck, and stocking shelves. Bible Verse Signs: The Gospel Text Mission is currently taking requests to display one of their KJV Bible Verse Signs on your property. You provide the location, prayerfully choose the KJV verse and we furnish the sign. Ownership of the sign stays with the mission. Installment and maintenance are free and the area serviced is between Espanola and Sault Ste. Marie. Kindly send your particulars to: burgundy9@canada-11.com AlgomaTrad Camp - Immersive Basketry course with Haliburton School of Art Master Basket-Maker Sheila Ziman $300 covers all materials, plus five days of workshops (Aug. 15-19th). To reserve a spot please call 705-257-6106. Lunch is optional. Full registrations for camp open until Aug. 4. www.algomatrad.ca. Community Night Pasta Dinner from 4 pm to 6 pm on Friday, July 29th at the Legion Hall in Richards Landing. Admission: Adults $10. Children 10 and under $5. Everyone welcome. Every Tuesday, July 12 to August 2 at the Hilton Beach Community Hall: Dance Class for Teens, 1 hour from 5 pm: $10. Dance Align Tone Full Body Workout, 1 hour from 6:30 pm - $12. Contact nbenzlife@gmail.com Calling All Pie Bakers! Hilton Beach Recreation Committee is looking for pies for Community Night July 30th. Please drop off at the Hilton Beach Community Hall between 10 - 12. Algoma Public Health says No Cream Pies, No Custard Pies, No Meringue and No Farm Eggs. Fruit Pies ONLY! D OGS O NLY G ROOMING BY S HELENA Truly personal attention... Grooming one dog at a time - yours! Please bring resume in person to Kentvale Home Hardware, 712 K Line Road, Richards Landing. Questions please call 705-246-2002. Professional dog grooming services Page 18 Volunteers needed to run games at Hilton Beach Community Night, Saturday, July 30th. Students earn your Community Service Hours. Call 705 2600058 or 705 246-2242 Jocelyn Township Grounds: The House of History, Mountain School and Machine Shed will be open this Sunday, July 31 from 1 to 4 pm. You and your friends can examine all the displays, both inside and on the grounds with the help of Beth, Norma, Denzil and Robert. Th a THANK YOU The Victorian Tea was a great success! Thank you everyone who helped with your special treasures, keepsakes and flowers, your baking and your help in making it so wonderful. Set the date for Sunday of the July long weekend for next year! The Hilton Union Library Board VOLUNTEER BARTENDERS NEEDED. Evenings and some weekends. Smart Serve is required (course available online). FRIDAY FOODS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. Fry cooks, food prep, servers and dishwashers. (No experience necessary. Training will be provided) STUDENT VOLUNTEER HOURS AVAILABLE for various tasks/hours; food prep, dish washing, serving, yard maintenance, building cleaning and much more. The Royal Canadian Legion Br. 374 St. Joseph Island is a nonprofit organization focused on supporting Veterans and their families, community seniors and youth. Our fund raising events have for many years and continue to provide financial support to many local groups. MUSEUM MOMENT . . . continued from page 17 In our haste of packing up as the rains came, I did try to thank all those who helped, however I would like to repeat this in case it was missed. It takes a lot of volunteers to have an event, especially the picnic. There are lots of activities that take extra manpower, so I do like our volunteers to know just how much they are appreciated. Help us help our community by Volunteering! Legion Membership Not Required. Our R.C.L. Branch relies on the invaluable support of VOLUNTEERS! For more information please contact the office: 246-2494, Anne 246-7269 or Michelle 989-5226 Thank you to the board members and volunteers who helped out with the various activities. The museum’s three summer students who helped with the prep leading up to the event and then also the cleanup after. Emma from the children’s library who helped out with story time, The St. Joseph Township Fire Department for bringing their firetrucks and Sparky along. Aardvark, great show as always, Parks Canada for bringing some fun activities and finally a big thank you to all of the children and parents who decided to take a chance on the weather and come to the museum. In other museum news, something new this year we are working on is the Artifact of the week. Each week we examine the many artifacts here and as a group we collectively decide which item to devote some time to research. This has been a fascinating little activity and we have learned so much already. So next time you visit the museum, be sure to see the item of the week. Carrie Kennedy-Uusitalo, Curator Visit Moose Sweats First! Do you need a baby gift for a new arrival or an older little one. WE HAVE EXPANDED OUR BABY SECTION Books, “Sophie the Giraffe”, Sippy cups, feeding dishes, puppets and interactive toys Soft bamboo sleepers, towels and washcloths ADVANCED URBAN FORESTRY Pacifiers that close before it hits the floor, and cloth travel high chair Fully Insured • Tree Removal • Tree & Hedge Pruning • Lot Clearing • Forestry and Landscape • Design & Improvements • Spring Clean-up PROFESSIONAL ARBORIST OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK MONDAY - SATURDAY 10 - 5 • SUNDAY 11 - 5 24 Hour Emergency Services Free Estimates Discounts available for seniors & churches Email: allenalexander@outlook.com Phone: 705 257-8360 Page 19 246-2777 RICHARDS LANDING Classified Ads and Announcements The Island Clippings is pleased to publish personal Classified Advertising and Public Service Announcements of 50 words or less, free of charge to Island residents, as a community service. Other than personal for sale ads (please limit three items) the announcement must be of value to the community. We reserve the right to decide if the ad is of service to the community. Please identify yourself when sending in a classified or your ad will not be published. Ads or announcements for non-residents or items or services, to be sold for profit, or generate income or events charging an entrance fee (which includes “not for profit organizations”) as well as items valued at over $1,000. will incur a nominal charge of $10. plus HST. We reserve the right to determine if a fee is required. We reserve the right to edit down to 50 words or less. Business or commercial ads, including those placed by individuals do not qualify as Classified ad or Public Service Announce- ments. Such advertising must be via display advertising, governed by our published rates in effect at that time. Ads or announcements will appear in one issue, but may be repeated, to a maximum of three weeks (space permitting). Advertiser must resubmit ad each week. To ensure space for everyone, please limit your content to a maximum of 50 words. Ads can be placed by: Email to: islandclippings@gmail.com or by phone 705 246-1635 (from 9 – 5, Mon-Fri) or fax 705 246-7060. Mail to: Island Clippings RR1, Hilton Beach, ON P0R 1G0 Or for non timely ads simply put it in our pick-up box conveniently located at Gardiner’s Corner. Kent’s Corner & the Hilton Beach Waterfront Centre. Sorry, we’re not available on Sundays. WHAT’S HAPPENING ON ST. JOE Friday Hens & Stitches, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10 am to 12 pm, Island Cast-a-Weighs, Calorie Watchers,moved to Hilton Beach Waterfront Centre, near Post Office, same time - 8:30 am The Children’s Library, Lego Club (July only) 7 pm - 8:30 pm Hilton Union Library - 1 pm to 5 pm & 7 pm to 9 pm Tuesday Cribbage (singles), Legion Hall - 7:30 pm St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 1 pm to 6 pm Free pool all day in the Legion lounge Children’s Library 10 am - 3 pm, Story time at 10:30 am Andrea S. Young, RMT REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPIST 88 Barr Road S. Desbarats St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 1 pm to 6 pm 705 542-2840 Friday Foods at the Legion Children’s Library 10 am - 3 pm, Story time at 10:30 am AA Meeting, United Church (new addition, side door) - 8 pm Saturday The Children’s Library - 10 am to 3 pm Hilton Union Public Library - 11 am to 5 pm Childcare Algoma C.A.P. Children’s Playgroup - 10 am to noon at Free Methodist Church Wednesday richwood hair design DONNA BOND Life Labs at the Dr. Trefry Centre - 9:30 to 10:30 am OWNER/HAIRSTYLIST Free pool all day in the Legion lounge Free pool in the Legion lounge 705 971-4220 St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 11 am to 1 pm, (Device Lessons) - 1 pm to 6 pm Bridge, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm to 5 pm (Open to all seniors) 705 246-0036 St. Boniface Roman Catholic, Hilton Beach at 4:30 pm. St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 10 am to 8 pm Sunday Food Bank, United Church, Richards Landing (side door) 1 pm to 3 pm Unit 1, Waterfront Centre Hilton Beach JULY ATM 12-7 Children’s Library 10 am - 3 pm, Story time at 10:30 am WEDNESDAY TO SUNDAY Free Methodist, 10th Side Rd. Coffee, tea and friendship at 10:30 am. Worship service 11 am. Hilton Union Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm Ice Cream Bar & Gift Store Bingo, Legion - doors open at 6:30 pm Island Bible Chapel, Richards Landing. Lord’s Supper 10 am, Family Bible Hour 11:15 am. MAPLE SYRUP • PUDDINGSTONE KIDS DIY CRAFTS FROZEN ENTREES League pool in the Legion Lounge at 7:30 HILTON BEACH MARINA 705 989 4102 The Anglican Parish of St. Joseph & St. George worships at 11 am at Holy Trinity, Jocelyn Grace United, Hilton Beach. 9:30 am. Harmony St. Marks United, Richards Landing. 11 am. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, at MacLennan Hall, Primary, Priesthood, Relief Society.10 - 10:40 Sunday School 10:50 - 11:30 Sacrament Meeting 11:40 - 12:30 Monday Euchre, Legion Hall - 7:30 pm Wednesday Food at the Legion 7:30 to 9 pm Thursday Dr. Trefry Centre’s Day Out Program - 9 am to 3 pm. Coffee Connections 9 am, Dr. Trefry Centre, Come for a coffee! Children’s Library 9 am - 12 noon, Storytime at 10:30 am, After school Program 3:30 pm to 5 pm, Free pool all day in the Legion lounge St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 10 am to 9 pm Senior’s Exercise Class, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm Bridge, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm to 4 pm (Open to all seniors) The Children’s Library, 10 am - 3 pm, Storytime 10:30 am Senior’s Exercise Class, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10 am St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 10 am to 9 pm Debbie’s Hair Hut A full service family salon offering only the finest hair products. Debbie Shaughnessy - Owner 705 246-0457 Woody's Automotive For all your automobile, snowmobile & ATV repairs Free pool all day in the Legion lounge Carpet Bowling for 50 Plus, Legion - 1 pm 705 246-8800 Hilton Beach St. Joseph Twp, Public Library - 5 pm to 8 pm Page 20
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