December 2011 - Palomar Mountain State Park
December 2011 - Palomar Mountain State Park
Trails and Tales News for VIP Volunteers in the Montane Sector December 2011 . VIP Events June 21-25 MAU Los Vaqueros campout Photo by Michele 1 Hernandez MBAU Article By Jesse Reyes Early Morning Struggles; Oh boy! It’s one of those mornings with my lack of motivation to break open the sheets on this cold morning. And to think of riding, it’s almost surreal. Well, here we go. The routine incoming motivational calls from one named “Linder”, telling me to come on Reyes, you’ll have fun, it’ll warm up and you’ll feel great! “Sure”, I tell’em, I’ll be there to pick you guys up. In the meantime, I’m staring out the window watching those ominous black clouds, wondering and asking myself “why am I doing this, getting out of a perfectly warm bed to go bear the wind, rain and cold air?” Photo by Michele Hernandez As the morning progresses I continue to ponder and battle within myself about the idea of bailin’ on the ride. Reluctantly, I call my “amigo” Danimal for inspiration or maybe an excuse to cop out. Just as I thought, he says “misery likes company, I’m in”!. By this time, I guess I don’t have an excuse or good enough reason but to join. An hour later, after several coffee and bathroom calls, motivation sinks in. The calls and texts are comin askn “ where r u fool”. Well I tell’em “I’m in town”. Without giving them the clue that I meant the next town over, Poway and headed up the hill. Upon my arrival at the loading dock, I’m greeted with upside down smiles, a couple smirks, clinched fists, flailing arms, open hands ready to give me a hug!. That immediately sets the mood for a great day! As, I exit the driver seat, Linder yells “waaaaaaaaaas Up, Raaaaaayes! As the loading of bikes and bodies commence in preparation for departure. Well, finally at the park, I’m still battling with self-defeating thoughts, wondering how I’m gonna make it through the ride. But through this 2 ordeal friends offer plenty of inspiration, with their smiles, excitement and positive influence. Photos by Michele Hernandez As the ride starts, it’s outta the gate at what seems 18 or 25 miles an hour, I’m outta breath, my hearts pumpin’ and ready to pop outta my chest, my legs are in sheer pain and my arms are numb and tingly. All of this, while I look beside me to only notice smiles, while others are hardly breathing while carrying on conversations, a clear indication of daily riders. I’m thinking to myself “what the……..” I hope they eat………..!. This thought process continues throughout the day and finally settles after several hours. By this time the ride is over and they’re still smiling and chattin’ away, masking the pain. After several of these rides, with this crew, they’re smiles and positive attributes become contagious and have certainly helped me grow, taught me to enjoy and endure pain with a smile. Well, that’s what it’s like riding with the Ramona crew, an enjoyable, growing and educating experience. Ride On! 3 Hoodang 4 Photos by Michele Hernandez Winter is coming to Cuyamaca… 5 IAU News by Cathy Zimmerman and Jean Harnage November was tome for our annual awards banquet. Tim Doyle and Steve Maynaard received volunteer awards. Again we want to thank them for all of their time and dedication. They did Friday nights in the campground, Nature walks and the Junior Ranger program, these important activities would not have happened without them. There is lots of great hiking to be had this time of year. Cool and crisp air, leaves changing and herds of deer spotted on Milk Ranch road and the Meadows going to Stonewall Mine. We had quite a few visitors in the VC midweek, so don't hesitate, if you have time to head up and put in some hours. There is a lot of new merchandise in the gift shop. Tshirts and hats make great Christmas gifts! And don't forget, CRSPIA members get 20% off. 6 TMU ARTICLE by Dave McClure Since this is the month for Thanksgiving, I have been going over in my mind all the things that we have to be thankful about. There are so many things that I truly don’t know where to start. This issue came to mind today as I was working with your Wednesday Trail Crew in the Park. What a beautiful day it was today! The sun was out and the temperature was just right. For those of you who are not taking advantage of the hiking / riding / walking opportunities right now, you don’t know what you are missing. The Oak trees are in the final stages of their fall colors. The ground is nice and green from the recent rains. The air is crisp and clean. So this is one of many things that I am so thankful for this time of year: A beautiful Park with beautiful weather. And it’s all there for us to use and enjoy as much as we wish. Today, we also had the pleasure of meeting some hikers on the Stonewall Peak Trail who were visiting from Boston. It turns out that they are frequent visitors to many parks around the country and they told us that our Park has some of the nicest hiking trails that they have seen. So this is something else that I have to be thankful for; the opportunity to meet so many nice people from all over the world who are eager to share the stories of their travels. And let’s not forget the wonderful and professional Park staff that we constantly interact with. We are most thankful that in this time of budget and personnel cutbacks that the staff continues to do more with fewer resources and always greet us with a smile and a wish for a good day. I am personally thankful for all the Park volunteers in all of the units that work so hard for no compensation to keep Cuyamaca Rancho and Palomar State Parks open and running for all of our visitors. With fuel prices so high right 7 now, simply driving up to the Park can put a hardship on many, yet all of you continue to bite the bullet and come up anyway. And now I will promote my “Hike of the Month”. Today, we worked on the Azalea Glen Loop Trail. This is the trail that connects the Paso Picacho Campground in the area of campsite 80 to the Azalea Glen Fire Road. This trail is in very good condition and lined with Oaks in their fall colors. The ground is nice and green and you truly feel like this is your walk in the woods. It is an easy hike with mostly gentle grades suitable for the entire family. Try this easy hike. You have my promise that you won’t be sorry. Finally, please accept my best wishes for this Holiday Season. However you celebrate your holiday, be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule or many others too numerous to mention (and I won’t forget Festivus (for the rest of us!)), please enjoy a happy and safe Holiday season! And please don’t forget those who are less fortunate than us. Don’t forget to drop a few dollars into the black kettle in front of the store. While you’re in the store pick up a couple of extra toys for the Toys for Tots Barrel (and Thanks Marines, for this wonderful and generous holiday tradition. And a Happy and Safe New Year to all! 8 MAU News by Suzie Kirkwood We’ve already had three patrol cancellations due to bad weather. Three out of the four weekends in November were cancelled. Be sure to keep an eye on the weather forecast before heading out to the park for your patrol. The weather can change fast, so it’s hard to make the call to cancel patrols until at least Thursdays. Often the weekend weather isn’t obvious until Friday or even Saturday. We do the best we can, and err on the side of caution – and safety – when cancelling patrols. Remember, if you feel that it’s not safe to drive out to the park, or ride in the park, it’s always your option to cancel. If you drive to the park and the weather turns bad, please don’t risk riding just because you’re there. Don’t forget to consider trail conditions following wet weather. A couple of weeks ago on a beautiful sunny Sunday after a rainy Saturday, a park visitor’s horse slipped in a rut on Harvey Moore Trail and fell down into the rut and couldn’t get up. Ernie Smith, Walt, me and our two young grandsons hiked up Harvey Moore with ropes, shovels and come-alongs to help get the horse out of the ditch. Luckily, after more than two hours, the horse was able to get up on his own. Wet trails are dangerous and fragile. Photo by Michele Hernandez And then there are perfect days like today! A beautiful, warm and sunny day at the end of November! We are so lucky! Happy Holidays! 9 Volunteer Banquet photos by Mike Hamm 10 CONTACTS: Palomar TMU-Rick Barclay - TMU- Dave McClure - IAU- Jean Harnage- MBAU- Suzie Murphy- MAU- Suzanne Kirkwood- CRSP Park Headquarters (weekdays only) -- 760-765-3020 Paso Picacho Kiosk (for weekends) -- 760-765-3023 Green Valley Kiosk -- 760-765-3024 Palomar Headquarters -- 760-742-3462 Send articles and photos for next month between the 24 th and the 29th toSusan Russo- 11
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