TurfGrass Times
TurfGrass Times
TurfGrass Times December 2014 Volume 20 Issue 12 Christmas Edition www.nwigcsa.org Follow us on Twitter @NWIGCSA Your 2014 NWIGCSA Board Northwest Illinois Golf Course Superintendent Association President 2014 Board of Directors Sue Spahr Swan Hills Golf Course Golf Course Smspahr4@comcast.net Vice President Sue Spahr CGCS Short Hills Country Club TimGravert@ShortHillsCC.com Secretary/Treasurer Matt Dutkiewicz Ingersoll Golf Course MattDutkiewicz@RockfordParkDistrict.org Directors Andy Young Scott White Matt Dutkiewicz Dennis Hamilton Past President Glenn Bereiter, CGCS Newsletter Editor Scott White purdueturf@comast.net 815-302-4834 Executive Secretary Grant Rundblade Reinders Grundblade@reinders.com Presidents Message from Your Newletter Editor Scott White I would like to take this opportunity to thank the membership for your continued support of the NWIGCSA. As many of you know, I will be stepping down from my editor position after this issue. I recently took the Superintendent Position at Urbana Country Club and I will be relocating to central Illinois. Over the past two years I have tried to update and change the Turfgrass Times into a light and fun informational E-newsletter. I would like to think I succeeded and I hope you have enjoyed it. Chad Papke of Rockford Country Club has accepted the position and will be your new Editor in 2015. I know he’ll do a great job for the Northwest. I hope to see you all at the Christmas Party before I leave so be sure to sign up ASAP. Thank you all for your friendship and I look forward to servicing the CIGCSA and seeing you at blended events in the future. The Northwest is a great association to be a part of and you couldn’t ask for a better group of individuals to network with. Happy Holidays Scott NWIGCSA CHRISTMAS PARTY This year we will once again be hosting this event at Forest Hills CC, next week, at 11:00am on Wednesday, December 10th. There is NO COST (It's FREE!!) to attend this event, all we ask is that you bring a toy to be donated to a less fortunate young child to make their holiday a little brighter. There will be plenty of food, beverages, and holiday cheer to go around. We will be raffling off some great prizes as well, so stock up on our raffle tickets! None of this would be possible if not for our awesome sponsors! We would like to thank: Burris Equipment JW Turf Healthy Grow Pro Gro Reinders Arthur Clesens Acme Materials Waupaca Sand & Solutions This is going to be a great opportunity to network with your peers, share some of the great successes you had this year, some of the things that maybe didn't go as planned and maybe just some great stories that came out of this season. We truly hope to see you at this event as we close out another great season in the NWIGCSA. Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a Golfboard Previous fs a One of the best reads of the year. Great guy and one of our very own, be sure to read Matt’s story. Congratulations to Ed and Cecilia Are you receiving Dr. Nangle’s scouting Report? If not contact him at Ed Nangle PhD Director of Turfgrass Programs Chicago District Golf Association Office: (630) 685-2307 Cell: (630) 423-1925 www.cdgaturf.org Follow us on Twitter @Turfresearch Contact Dennis Hamilton (815) 391-3067 Any thoughts on the new grow the game idea of the 15” hole? If you have experience at your course using the 8” or 15” cups, we would love to hear what you have to say. TurfGrass Times The TurfGrass Times is the primary communication tool for the NWIGCSA and a resource for all of those in the golf course related industries. What better way to get your company’s name, product line, services and message in front of those that use them the most? The support of the advertisers has made the TurfGrass Times possible. We completed all 12 issues on time in 2014 and we look forward to making the publication even better in 2015. All newsletter questions will be handled by the New Editor Chad Papke, who can be contacted by 815-877-8683 or via email Cpapke2@comcast.net Thank You for your continued support Changes for 2015 The newsletter will continue to be a monthly E-newsletter which will be sent out the first week of every month. We believe the information will be more current and we’ll be able to stay in better touch with our membership. The newsletter will be rotating the advertising every other month to help it stay fresh, limit the amount of ads while maximizing the value of each vendor’s advertisement. The association will be offering vendors the ability to purchase a vendor spotlight once a year for the additional cost of $100. This will give the vendor an opportunity to spotlight a new product they are trying to push in the marketplace. The information will be submitted by the vendor including ads, product descriptions, pictures, research, and contact information. Basically whatever the vendor would like our readers to know. If you have a new product launching in May or a discount special in June. You pick the month and submit the information and we’ll get it into the newsletter. *Note only one spotlight will be available every month so sign up quickly, it’s a first come first service basis. New advertising fees have been discounted slightly when purchasing 6 issues for the season before January 31 FORMAT: 12 issues per year. The issues may vary in length and will contain your ad as you submitted it. The twelve issues will be electronic version that will be posted on our website, www.nwigcsa.org There will be a hyperlink on each ad to your website, along with a section in the issue where your website will be listed with a hyperlink. ADVERTISING RATES: Full Page-7.5”w X 9.5” 1/2 Page-7.5”w X 4.875” 1/4 Page-7.5”w X 2.375” Business Card-3.75”w X 2.25” Volume Pack Discount $420.00/ 6 Issues $300.00/ 6 Issues $120.00/ 6 Issues $70.00/ 6 Issues Per issue $80 per issue $60 per issue $30 per issue $15 per Issue Mechanical: The quality of your advertisement will depend on the file you send us. We would like to resolve the clarity problems of the past and help control the cost and ease of putting the newsletter together. Please formulate your ad so it can be cut and pasted into a normal word format. PAYMENTS: Advertisements can be submitted at any time, but all payments should be received no-later than January 31st. Payments made after this date will be changed the non- discounted per issue rate. The attached advertising agreement must be completed with an attached check or by supplying a credit card number. Please Mail To: Rockford Country Club Attn.: Chad Papke 2921 N. Main St Rockford IL 61103 If you need any help or answer any questions about the TurfGrass Times please don’t hesitate to call Chad Papke at 815-877-8683 or Cpapke2@comcast.net TurfGrass Times Advertising Agreement Company_________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________ Phone # ___________________________Email Contact Person _______________________________________________________________ o Check # o Credit card information must be completed online at www.nwigcsa.org Payable to NWIGCSA If your ad will change from 2014, please send Chad the new material. We would like to give our advertisers every opportunity to have the very best ad quality. Please contact Chad Papke Cpapke2@comcast.net or 815-877-8683 for more information on how to submit your advertisements. Ad Sizes _____Full Page – 7.5” X 9.75”/ $420.00/ 6 issues or_____ issues at $80 per issue _____1/2 Page – 7.5”X 4.875”h /$300.00/ 6 issues or_____ issues at $60 per issue _____1/4 Page – 7.5” X 2.375”/ $120.00/ 6 issues or_____ issues at $30 per issue _____Business Card - 3.75” X 2.25”/$70.00/ 6 issues or_____ issues at $15 per issue