Virginia Turfgrass Research Update
Virginia Turfgrass Research Update
2015 Virginia Turfgrass Research Update NOTE. Please note that this research report is published to promote rapid dissemination of information from researchers to our industry professionals. Many of the results presented are from studies that are in progress. Final conclusions can only be appropriately drawn after studies have been completed, the data statistically analyzed, the interpretations scrutinized by peer review procedures, and the results published in accepted research publications. Therefore, the data in this report are not for publication without the expressed consent of the senior researcher. 2 Virginia Tech Turfgrass Research Field Day The Turfgrass Team of Virginia Tech and the Virginia Turfgrass Council welcomes you to the Virginia Turfgrass Research Field Days! We sincerely appreciate your support of our efforts and encourage you to make this YOUR Field Day by participating in discussions with our faculty, staff, and students. The collaborative and cooperative efforts of our Turfgrass Team in research, teaching, and outreach are major reasons for the success of our programs and we are here to assist you! Please feel free to contact any of us if we can be of assistance to you. Name Shawn Askew Whitnee Askew Jeff Derr Sam Doak Erik Ervin Mike Goatley Pat Hipkins David McCall Xungzhong Zhang Dept. PPWS CSES PPWS CSES CSES CSES Pest. Prog. PPWS CSES Expertise Weed Science Agronomy Weed Science Turf Education Physiology Agronomy Pesticide Safety Pathology Physiology Phone 540-231-5807 540-231-5312 757-363-3912 540-231-7283 540-231-5208 540-231-2951 540-231-6543 540-231-9598 540-231-9788 E-mail Virginia’s Turfgrass Field Day provides you an opportunity to see the ongoing research that forms the basis of our Cooperative Extension educational programming throughout the Commonwealth. A large part of the research you view today is supported by funding from the Virginia Turfgrass Foundation, so you are seeing research funded by and in support of its own industry. NOTE that this research report is published to promote rapid dissemination from researchers to our industry professionals. Many of the results presented are from studies that are in progress. Final conclusions can only be appropriately drawn after studies have been completed, the data statistically analyzed, and the interpretations scrutinized by peer review procedures. Therefore, the data in the publication are not for publication with the expressed consent of the senior researcher. Thanks to our research program sponsors and supporters over the past year. It is in large part their funding that keeps our programs viable and productive. These companies and individuals that made such a difference in our efforts are featured on the next page. And finally, thanks to the specific sponsors of our Field Days. Many different companies contribute to the costs of staging this annual event. 3 Table of Contents Page (s) 3 Turfgrass Team Contact Informa on 4‐5 Table of Contents Research Cooperators and Sponsors 6 Turgrass Research Center Weather Data 7 Agronomic Research Updates Amending Urban Soils with Organic Residual By‐products for Improved Tall Fescue Drought Resistance 8‐9 Can Adding Auxin to Trinexapac‐ethyl Increase Summer Creeping Bentgrass Rooting? 10‐11 Evaluating the potential benefits of adding compost and/or microclover to new and estab‐ lished turfgrass stands 12‐17 Fall Traffic Tolerance and Spring Recovery of Bermudagrass Cultivars to Simulated Fall Foot‐ ball Traffic Winter temperature moderation under commercial and experimental turf blankets. Pest Control Research Updates 18‐23 24‐27 Integrating Nitrogen, Iron, and Paclobutrazol Programs for Poa, Moss, and Dollar Spot Sup‐ pression in Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens 28‐29 Moss Control Programs for Putting Greens 30‐31 Preemergence Crabgrass and Goosegrass Control with Specticle® FLO in Warm‐Season Turf 32 Broadleaf Herbicides for Hard‐to‐Kill Blackberry Species 33 Programs for Long‐Term Roughstalk Bluegrass Control in Cool‐Season Turf 34 Programs for Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua L.) Seedhead Suppression on Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostris stolonifera L.) Putting Greens 35 Preemergence crabgrass control in bermudagrass 36 Preemergence crabgrass control in tall fescue 37 Pylex and Pylex plus Turflon Ester for goosegrass control in bermudagrass 38‐40 Tolerance of ornamental grasses to preemergence herbicides 41‐43 Tenacity + Princep + Pennant Magnum for goosegrass control in bermudagrass 44‐47 Bermudagrass suppression in tall fescue 48 4 Bermudgrass suppression in hybrid bluegrass 49 Corn gluten for crabgrass control 50‐51 Spot treatment control of dallisgrass using Tribute Total 52‐53 Tribute Total + Dismiss for postemergent dallisgrass control 54‐56 MSMA alternative programs for dallisgrass suppression 57‐59 Perennial ryegrass transitioning in bermudagrass 60‐61 The Influence of Iron Sulfate and its Elemental Components on Dollar Spot Suppression. 62 Evaluation of Fungicides, Plant Activators, and Turf Pigments for Increased Shade Tolerance. 63 Efficacy of selected turf insecticides on earthworm populations. 64 Variety Evalua ons Seashore Paspalum Variety Trials 65 2012 Supplemental Trial (KY Bluegrass and Tall Fescue) 66 NTEP Management 67 2010 NTEP Perennial Ryegrass 68‐69 2012 NTEP Tall Fescue 70‐71 2011 NTEP KY Bluegrass 72‐73 2014 Creeping Bentgrass Trials (Pu ng Green) 74‐75 2014 Creeping Bentgrass Trials (Fairway) 76 2013 NTEP Bermudagrass 77 CTBT Management 79 2013 CTBT Perennial Ryegrass 80‐81 2014 CTBT Kentucky Bluegrass 82‐83 5 Research Cooperators and Sponsors Adama USA Ajinomoto Alexandria Sanitation Authority AMVAC Chemical Andersons Arysta Life Sciences BASF Corp Bayer Environmental Science Blacksburg Country Club (Bill Keene) Chantilly Turf (Ray and Mark Weekley) Charlotte Country Club Chevy Chase Club (Dean Graves) Cooperative Turgrass Breeders Test Country Club of Virginia (Christian Sain, Troy Fink) Dow Chemical FMC Professional Products Farmington Country Club (Scott Kinnan) GCSAA, Environmental Institute for Golf Grigg’s Brothers Hanging Rock Golf Course, Salem (Brian Duweiss) Helena Chemical Hell’s Point Country Club Hermitage Country Club Independence Golf Club (Dan Taylor) International Towne and Country Club (Nathaniel Guldseth) ISK BioSciences ITAC, Rodney Hopkins John Deere Landscapes Kinloch Golf Club (Trevor Hedgepeth) Koch Brothers/Mendel Biologicals Landscape Supply Company Lake Chesdin Golf Club (Dick Fisher) Lebanon Turf Meade Tractor Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Moghu Research Center Moghu USA Monsanto Nasal Ranger Inc. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (Univ. of MD) National Turfgrass Evaluation Program NuFarm Oakwood Sod Farm Ocean Organics PBI Gordon Company Precision Hawk Primland Resort (Brian Kearns and Greg Caldwell) Quail Hollow Country Club Quali-Pro Richmond Strikers, West Creek Fields Riverside Turf Farm Roanoke Country Club (Dan Wheeler) Sedgefield Country Club, Greensboro, NC Seed Research of Oregon Simplot Sipcam Advan Smith Turf and Irrigation Southern States Cooperative Spectrum Technologies Sports Turf Managers Association Spotswood Country Club (Kip Fitzgerald) Spring Creek Golf Club, Gordonsville (David Callahan) Stoller Enterprises SubAir Systems, LLC Summit Agro Syngenta Professional Products The Olde Farm Golf Club (Ryan Severidt) The Pete Dye River Course of Virginia Tech (Mark Cote) The Toro Company The Water’s Edge Country Club, Penhook (Jeff Snyder) The Waterfront Country Club, Moneta (Read Harris) The Williamsburg Club TurfScout, LLC TurfScreen Tuscarora Country Club University of Virginia Athletics (Jesse Pritchard, CSFM) UPI USDA/NTEP program USDA-NIFA USGA-Green Section Valent USA Virginia Agriculture Council Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation Virginia Golf Course Superintendents Association Virginia Green Lawn Care, Gil Gratton Virginia Sports Turf Managers Association Virginia Tech Athletics Virginia Tech Golf Course (Jason Ratcliff) Virginia Tech Recreational Sports (Chad Kropf) Virginia Turfgrass Council Virginia Turfgrass Foundation Westlake Golf Course (H. T Page) Williams Brothers Tree and Lawn Service (Joe and Chapman Williams) The Willilamsburg Club (Jeff Whitmire) Willow Oaks Country Club, Richmond (Eric Frazier and Jordan Booth) Winton Country Club, Amherst (Mike Zirkle and Robert Habel) Woodberry Forest GC (Don Carlson) Woodward Turf Farms (Jeff Everhart and Scott Woodward) 6 VT Turfgrass Research Center Weather Data 7 Amending Urban Soils with Organic Residual By‐products for Improved Tall Fescue Drought Resistance Objec ve: To compare various biosolids‐based organic amendments and inorganic fer lizer for produc on of turfgrass in urban soils. Ra onale: Urban development is a leading cause of soil degrada on. The loss of organic‐ and nutrient‐rich topsoil and subsequent compac on of subsoil results in an unfavorable roo ng medium for suppor ng plant growth and prone to erosion and runoff. The produc on of organic‐ and nutrient‐rich biosolids (i.e., municipal wastewater sludge treated to permit use as a soil amendment and nutrient source) in urban areas provides a poten ally valuable tool for renova ng such disturbed soils by improving physical, chemical and biological proper es. Biosolids treated to destroy all detecta‐ ble pathogens (via PFRP, or Process to Further Reduce Pathogens), prevent vector a rac on, and low in pollutants (such as heavy metals) are termed Excep onal Quality (or EQ) and can safely be applied in urban lawns and gardens. Procedures: EQ biosolids products tested included the following: (1) dewatered anaerobically digested and pasteurized biosolids from Alexandria, Virginia (Alexandria Renew Enterprises, ARE); (2) ARE biosolids blended with sand and saw‐ dust at a ra o of 50% biosolids/25% sand/25% sawdust; and (3) biosolids generated at three wastewater treatment facili es in Spotsylvania County and composted with wood chips (Livingston Compost). The Livingston compost, ARE dewatered biosolids, and an ARE blended product were applied to supply turfgrass plant available nitrogen (N) require‐ ments, as was an inorganic fer lizer treatment. Another ARE blended product was applied to supply phosphorus re‐ quirements as determined by soil tes ng. For this product, the balance of the turfgrass N needs were supplied with in‐ organic N fer lizer. Rates used were based on an annual agronomic tall fescue N requirement of 200 lbs/acre and P rate of 57 lbs/acre. Research plots were established in September 2013. Irriga on treatments commenced in May 2014. Two irriga‐ on rates were applied based on evapotranspira on (ET) es mated with on‐site atmometers measurements every three days. Irriga on regimes were 0% and 80% ET replacement. Turfgrass color and quality, soil moisture percentage, NDVI, clipping yield, broadleaf weed and disease pressure were measured bi‐weekly from establishment through June 2015. Treatment design is provided in figure below. Results: During the ini al season (September 2013‐August 2014), fer lizer treatment outperformed the biosolids‐based treatments for clipping yield, NDVI, and turf quality in both irrigated and non‐irrigated plots. There were fewer differ‐ ences among treatment in turfgrass quality in the unirrigated than in the irrigated plots. During the ini al season, fer ‐ lizer likely performed be er than biosolids because the applica on rate was split throughout the season (unlike the biosolids which were applied en rely prior to plan ng), which enabled the N to be used more efficently. During the September 2014‐August 2015, all nutrient sources were split throughout the year. Biosolids products performed as well or be er than the fer lizer during this period, likely due to residual effects of the organic products and greater N use efficiency due to split applica ons. Inves gators: A. Boyd, E.H. Ervin, G. Evanylo, J. Dickerson, and X. Zhang Sponsor: Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Material Suppliers: DC Water, Alexandria Renew Enterprises, and Spotsylvania County 8 Experimental Layout Irrigation 4 Alexandria dewatered biosolids 3 Alexandria biosolids P rate 1 fertilizer control 5 Spotsylvania biosolids compost 2 Alexandria biosolids N rate Nonirrigation 5 Spotsylvania biosolids compost 1 fertilizer control 4 Alexandria dewatered biosolids 2 Alexandria biosolids N rate 3 Alexandria biosolids P rate Nonirrigation 2 Alexandria biosolids N rate 4 Alexandria dewatered biosolids 5 Spotsylvania biosolids compost 3 Alexandria biosolids P rate 1 fertilizer control Irrigation 3 Alexandria biosolids P rate 5 Spotsylvania biosolids compost 2 Alexandria biosolids N rate 1 fertilizer control 4 Alexandria dewatered biosolids Nonirrigation 5 Spotsylvania biosolids compost 3 Alexandria biosolids P rate 4 Alexandria dewatered biosolids 2 Alexandria biosolids N rate 1 fertilizer control Irrigation 1 fertilizer control 2 Alexandria biosolids N rate 5 Spotsylvania biosolids compost 3 Alexandria biosolids P rate 4 Alexandria dewatered biosolids Irrigation 1 fertilizer control 5 Spotsylvania biosolids compost 2 Alexandria biosolids N rate 4 Alexandria dewatered biosolids 3 Alexandria biosolids P rate Nonirrigation 3 Alexandria biosolids P rate 4 Alexandria dewatered biosolids 1 Fertilizer control 5 Spotsylvania biosolids compost 2 Alexandria biosolids N rate Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4 1: fer lizer control 2: Alexandria biosolids N rate 3: Alexandria biosolids P rate + supplemental N fer lizer to normalize PAN with treatment 4: Alexandria dewatered biosolids 5: Spotsylvania biosolids compost 9 Can Adding Auxin to Trinexapac‐ethyl Increase Summer Creeping Bentgrass Roo ng? Objec ve: This study was to test if addi on of auxin and auxin precursor tryptophan to trinexapac‐ethyl can improve roo ng of creeping bentgrass pu ng green during summer. Jus fica on Trinexapac‐ethyl has been widely used as a plant growth regulator to suppress shoot growth and improve turf quality in golf course management, but its effects on root growth and func on are not clear. Auxin, a phytohormone, has been shown to improve root growth and delay leaf senescence, especially under abio c stress condi ons. Tryptophan is an important precursor for auxin biosynthesis. Our previous growth chamber studies indicated that foliar applica on of tryptophan significantly increased leaf and root auxin [(indole‐3‐ace c acid (IAA)] content, and root biomass in creeping bentgrass under deficit irriga on. Our greenhouse studies also showed that applica on of auxin [(indole‐3‐ butyric acid (IBA)] increased tall fescue leaf IAA content and root biomass under drought stress condi on. Therefore, adding auxin to trinexapac‐ethyl may improve root growth and func on as well as turf quality in creeping bentgrass. Research Procedure The experiment was conducted on the creeping bentgrass pu ng green at Turfgrass Research Center. The plots (6x6 ) were arranged in a randomized block design with four replica ons. The treatments were applied biweekly begin‐ ning on May 20, 2015, and nitrogen fer liza on (28‐8‐18) was applied at 0.15 lb N/1000 2 biweekly. The mowing height was 0.110 inch and irriga on was provided to prevent drought stress. Turf quality was rated based on a visual scale of 1 to 9 (9 = the best). On August 10, three soil cores were collected from each plot at 0‐6 inch deep and roots from two cores were washed free of soil and weighed a er drying at 65 ºC for 72 h, and roots from the third cores were washed and used for analysis of root viability. The treatments were as follows: Primo Maxx (11.3% trinexapac‐ethyl): 0.125 oz/1000 2. Indole‐3‐butyric acid (IBA): 2 µM. Tryptophan : 300 µM. Primo Maxx + IBA (0.125 oz/1000 2 + 2 µM) Primo Maxx + Tryptophan (0.125 oz/1000 2 + 300 µM). Control. Field plot map 1 2 3 4 5 5 3 1 6 2 4 2 4 5 1 6 3 6 5 4 3 2 1 TRC 6 10 Table 1. Turfgrass quality, root biomass and viability responses to foliar applica on of trinexpac‐ethyl alone or in com‐ bina on with auxin or tryptophan in creeping bentgrass pu ng green. Treatment 1. Primo Maxx 2. IBA 3. Tryptophan 4. Primo Maxx + IBA 5. Primo Maxx + Tryptophan 6. Control LSD (0.05) Root biomass (g) 0.131a Root viability Turf quality (1-9, 9 = the best) (A490/g FW) 1.37a Aug. 10 6.6ab Ave. 6.4a 0.205a 0.107a 0.133a 0.361a 0.108a 0.270 1.27a 1.05a 1.20a 1.45a 1.15a 0.69 6.9ab 6.4b 7.0a 7.1a 6.4b 0.55 6.5a 6.3a 6.6a 6.6a 6.3a 0.30 Results Adding IBA or tryptophon to TE did not significantly impact root biomass and viability at 5% probability level. TE and tryptophan tended to increase root biomass and viability when compared to the control (Table 1). In addition, TE tended to improve root viability and IBA tended to increase root biomass when compared to the control. Adding IBA or tryptophan to TE improved turf quality as rated on Aug. 10, but the treatments did not impact turf quality based on the average over quality ratings during the summer. Location: Turfgrass Research Center Researchers: Xunzhong Zhang, Erik H. Ervin, Jon Dickerson, and Kyle Dupper 11 Evalua ng the poten al benefits of adding compost and/or microclover to new and established turfgrass stands Demonstra on Project Leaders: Mike Goatley, Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist; Whitnee Askew, Turfgrass Program Manager Demonstra on Project Cooperators: Na onal Fish and Wildlife Founda on, University of Maryland, Penn State Uni‐ versity, Mike Zirkle, Golf Superintendent, and Robert Habel (Winton Country Club, Amherst, VA). Background and demonstra on purpose. Virginia Tech (along with Penn State University) conducted a satellite demonstra on project as part of a University of Maryland– funded grant from the Na onal Fish and Wildlife Founda‐ on examining the poten al benefits of compost and/or microclover addi on on turfgrass performance (and possi‐ ble improvements in water quality) as part of turfgrass management programs. Microclover is essen ally a smaller version of the tradi onal white clover (Trifolium repens L.) that produces less visible flowers than naturalized white clover stands common throughout the mid‐Atlan c. This plant offers the poten al of serving as a low growing ground cover that sa sfactorily complements the turfgrass Figure 1. The establishment demonstration area was tilled on Sept 26 and compost amendment added and seeded on Sept in appearance and can provide nitrogen by way of its sym‐ 27, 2012. bio c rela onship with Rhizobium bacteria. The objec ves of these demonstra ons were: 1) to evaluate and promote the adop on of compost incorpora on prior to turf establishment as a best management prac ce within new residen al developments and/or evaluate surface ap‐ plica ons of compost to exis ng mature turfgrass stands; 2) to reduce lawn N fer lizer use by promo ng the use of lawn seed mixtures that contain microclover; and 3) to show that stormwater runoff volume can likely be reduced and stormwater quality improved by implemen ng the first and second objec ves within a residen al development and improving water infiltra on and percola on rates by amending the soil with compost. General descrip on of the materials and methods in these demonstra ons. This demonstra on took place at Winton Country Club in Amherst, VA. The exis ng vegeta on was a mixed stand of cool‐season turf that was predominantly a wider bladed tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) of unknown origin. One trial demonstrat‐ ed how pre‐plant incorpora on of compost affected the establishment and long‐term performance of tall fescue and/ or microclover, and the second trial demonstrated the re‐ sponse of an exis ng mixed‐stand of cool‐season turf to surface applica ons of compost and/or microclover. This loca on was designated for low‐input trials (reduced mow‐ ing, infrequent use of irriga on, etc.). he establishment demonstra on site was lled on 26 Sep‐ tember 2012 with a tractor mounted power‐takeoff driven ller. The plots were then smoothed and firmed (Figure 1). Final plot prep was done by hand raking to remove any large stones or other debris. The treatments for the establishment demonstra on trial Figure 2 Compost volumes equaling a 2 inch depth were calwere 1) 2 inches of compost pre‐plant incorporated culated and added to amended plot with a front end dump loader and a small utility tractor. (Figures 2 and 3) plus ‘Faith’ tall fescue seeded at 6 lbs of 12 pure live seed alone (designated as Com+TF in the data tables) with a 2 inch depth of compost incorporated into the top 4” of the exis ng soil, 2) a 6 lb/1000 sq seeding rate of a 95%:5% weight mixture of ‘Faith’ tall fescue:microclover, designated as ComTF+MC in the data tables, 3) Tilled and seeded with the 6 lb per 1000 2 of the Faith tall fescue:microclover mixture (designated as Till+TF+MC in the data tables), and 4) Tilled and seeded with Faith tall fescue at 6 lbs of pure live seed per 1000 2 (designated as Till+TF in the data tables). The required seed amounts were pre‐weighed prior to plan ng and the Figure 3. The compost was incorporated with a rear-tine seed were planted in mul ple direc ons across the plot with a garden tiller, targeting a final goal of mixing 2 inches of compost into the top 4 inches of the tilled soil. 3 drop spreader. The seed were lightly raked into the pre‐ pared seedbed with a garden rake. The treatments for the amendment trial were 1) 0.25 inch depth of surface applied compost alone (designated as Com in the data tables), 2) 0.25 inch depth of surface‐applied compost + surface‐applied microclover at a level of 2.1 lbs of pure live seed per 1000 2, 3) no compost or microclover seed (designated as None in the data tables) and 4) no compost but microclover seeded at 2.1 lbs of pure live seed per 1000 2 (None+MC in the data tables). Prior to seeding and compost applica ons, all plots were mowed to an approximate 1 inch cu ng height and clippings were blown away from the plots. Figure 4. Appropriate volumes of compost equaling a The plots were then hollow‐ ne core aerated with 3/8 inch 0.25 inch depth over the plot area were measured and diameter holes on 4 inch spacing in 2 direc ons. The compost applied by hand to the amendment demonstration plots. and microclover seed were applied by hand (Figure 4) and the treatments were raked in by hand across the plots using a gar‐ den rake. Irriga on was applied on a light and frequent basis for the first two weeks a er seeding. Irriga on was not ap‐ plied at any other me other than for soil moisture prepara‐ on for saturated hydraulic conduc vity measurements. The 0.25 inch depth of compost was applied to treatments 1 and 2 again in September 2013. The plots were rated for ini al establishment, percent (%) plot cover, % weed cover, % microclover, turf color (1‐9 scale where 1 = completely brown to 9 = dark green), plot quality (where 1 = very poor to 9 = excep onal), plot density (where 1 Figure 5. The double ring infiltrometer procedure was = barren of vegeta on to 9 = dense vegeta on coverage). Sat‐ used to measure saturated hydraulic conductivity on all urated hydrauling conduc vity (related to infiltra on) was also the demonstration plots in both the establishment and amendment trials. measured using a double ring infiltrometer (Figure 5). An analysis of variance was performed on all data and due to the measurements being repeated over me, the treat‐ ment means were evaluated using the Area Under the Progress Curve (AUPC) analysis. AUPC analyses provide a quan ta ve summary of variable responses over me, for comparison across years, loca ons, or management tac cs. 13 This analysis allows all data gathered over me to be evaluated as a single value for each treatment, and al‐ lows comparisons of treatment means. Results and Discussion Establishment trial. It was observed that the compost‐ amendment treatments in this trial actually delayed the germina on and establishment of both the tall fescue and microclover in October and November ra ngs fol‐ lowing our ini al establishment a empt of 27 Septem‐ ber, 2012. One challenge faced in our plot establishment was only having access to a hand‐held garden ller for Figure 6. The compost-amended plots (with or without microclover addition) consistently provided the best coverage, less weed the incorpora on of such a large amount of compost into the exis ng soil. It is thought that a more thorough pressure, and highest quality, density, and color ratings for the duration of the trial. incorpora on of the compost into the exis ng soil would benefit ini al establishment. The most drama c and consistent treatment responses for the dura on of the trial a er establishment was complete were observed from the compost incorpora on treatments (Figure 6). The Com+TF and Com+TF/MC treatments had the highest ground cover ra ngs over the dura on of the trial (Table 1). These treatments containing compost (with or without microclover) also had higher plot quality, color, and density ra ngs over the trial, and lower weed cover ra ngs. While the Till+TF treatment standard was not always sta s cally different from the Till+TF/MC plot, the addi‐ on of the MC consistently improved the response variable.Microclover persistence in the treated plots at best was in the 25‐30% range based on visual ra ngs (data not shown). Table 1. Area under the progress curve (AUPC)z analyses of visual estimates of percent ground cover, weeds, and microclover, and visual quality, color, and plot density of new establishment plots that were tilled and seeded with tall fescue with or without compost incorporation and microclover seed on 27 September 2012. Treatmenty Ground Weed covMicroclover Plot qual- Plot color Plot density coverx er ity ---------------------------------------------------AUPC------------------------------------------------------- Com+TF 51220.0 a 7797.4 d 1091.3 c 3239.0 a 3449.6 a 3354.2 a Com+TF+M 51061.9 a 8469.6 c 12642.8 a 3179.3 a 3466.1 a 3415.0 a C Till+TF+MC 48562.2 b 15831.9 b 6662.5 b 2476.3 b 2633.3 b 2599.2 b Till+TF 47839.4 c 16975.9 a 145.0 d 2405.6 b 2541.0 c 2538.3 b z AUPC analyses provide a quantitative summary of variable responses over time, for comparison of treatment means across years, locations, or management tactics. y Com+TF = a two inch depth of compost incorporated into the top 4 inches of a prepared seedbed prior to planting tall fescue at 6 lbs of pure live seed per 1000 ft2; Com+ TF+MC = a two inch depth of compost incorporated into the top 4 inches of a prepared seedbed prior to planting a 95/5 (% by weight) mixture of tall fescue + microclover at 6 lbs of pure live seed per 1000 ft2; Till+TF+MC = existing soil tilled to a 4 inch depth prior to planting a 95/5 (% by weight) mixture of tall fescue + microclover at 6 lbs of pure live seed per 1000 ft2; Till+TF = existing soil tilled to a 4 inch depth prior to planting tall fescue at a level of 6 lbs of pure live seed per 1000 ft2. x Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to Fisher’s Protected LSD test at p ≤ 0.05. Amendment trial. For the amendment trial, it was observed in fall 2012 ra ngs a er the 27 Sept plan ng date that the compost topdress‐ ing treatment generally seemed to improve the germina on and establishment of the fescue and microclover in the seeded plots rather than delaying germina on and establishment as was observed in the Establishment trial. 14 As for the establishment trial the surface applied compost amendments generally improved turfgrass performance var‐ iables (Table 2). Com+MC had slightly less overall ground cover than Com‐applied alone, but conversely, Com+MC had less weed popula on than compost alone. In this trial, the compost applica on tended to promote weed popula ons just as it did the exis ng mixed stand of cool‐season turfgrass. The two compost treatments gave similar results for quality, color and density ra ngs. The microclover‐alone treatment had significantly lower performance ra ngs for al‐ most all variables. Table 2. Area under the progress curve (AUPC)z analyses of visual estimates of percent ground cover, weeds, and microlover, and visual quality, color, and plot density of amending established mixed cool-season turfgrass stand plots with or without compost topdressing and microclover seed on 27 September 2012. Treatmenty Ground Weed covMicroclover Plot qual- Plot color Plot density coverx er ity ---------------------------------------------------AUPC------------------------------------------------------- Com 61947.2 a 12021.6 b 492.5 c 2777.8 a 2878.0 a 3225.8 a Com+MC 59995.3 b 9783.1 c 14065.6 a 2797.4 a 2924.0 a 3180.1 a None 58071.3 b 13518.4 a 0.0 c 2412.2 b 2534.5 b 2805.6 b No Com 55855.3 c 13723.1 a 10508.1 b 2345.7 c 2472.5 c 2651.3 c +MC z AUPC analyses provide a quantitative summary of variable responses over time, for comparison of treatment means across years, locations, or management tactics. y Com = surface applied compost at 0.25 inch depths on 27 September 2012 and 9 October 2013; Com+MC = com post surface applied at 0.25 inch depths on 27 September 2012 and 9 October 2013, and microclover surface applied at 2 lbs of pure live seed per 1000 ft2 on 27 September 2012 and again on 3 May 2013. No Com/MC = no compost or microclover amendment; No Com + MC = no compost application but microclover applied at 2 lbs of pure live seed per 1000 ft2 on 27 September 2012 and a repeat application on 3 May 2013. x Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to Fisher’s Protected LSD test at p ≤ 0.05. Saturated hydraulic conduc vity – Establishment trial. The two compost amendment treatments with either TF alone or the TF/microclover mix had the highest saturated hydraulic conduc vity values over the six events (Table 3). The standard llage plus TF/microclover treatment was not sta s cally different from the compost amended plots seeded with tall fescue and microclover, but the rela ve con‐ duc vity rates were s ll almost 25% greater over that period. It is typical for there to be large variability between repli‐ ca ons when determining soil saturated hydraulic conduc vity rates in the field. However, with the six replica ons completed, we were s ll able to demonstrate that the compost amendment was very effec ve in increasing water infil‐ tra on and percola on rates into those plots. The value of pre‐plant incorpora ng significant compost amendments was certainly evidenced in this trial based on the very large AUPC values reported (Table 3). Saturated hydraulic conduc vity – amended plots. There was again a strong tendency for the compost amended plots to increase soil saturated hydraulic conduc vity (Table 4), with the Com+MC treatment having a significantly greater conduc vity rate than either no compost/microclover treatment (None in the data table) or NoCom+MC treatment. The applica on of microclover did not affect saturated conduc vity levels. The core aera on unit used 3/8 inch diame‐ ter nes on 4 inch spacing, penetra ng to an approximate 2 inch depth. A more powerful unit with larger core size and deeper penetra on would likely only increase the saturated hydraulic conduc vity values of the soil, especially for the compost‐treated areas. Summary from the Amherst, VA demonstra ons Bases on the aggressiveness of the microclover stands in the other demonstra on trials at the University of Maryland and Penn State University, it suggests to us that microclover addi ons to an exis ng turfgrass stand might require more intensive management/a en on than was u lized in our demonstra ons at Winton Country Club. So li le microclo‐ ver remained a er the fall plan ng of September 2012 that microclover had to be re‐established in May 2013. Micro‐ 15 clover from the May 2013 re‐establishment persisted in the treatment plots, but it certainly did not rapidly expand as was observed in the Maryland and Pennsylvania trials that were kept under more intensive management systems. We never observed more than 35% microclover establishment in treated plots. Such levels are not necessarily a bad thing as it is generally deemed desirable that a mixed sward of turfgrass and microclover would comprise an ideal stand of vegeta on that benefits the turfgrass, reduces fer lity inputs, and ul mately improves water quality through these en‐ hancements. The naturalized white clover at the site did not seem to have any issues increasing in popula on over me in all plots and responded par cularly well to the compost treatments as well While there was an increase in microclover popula‐ ons in the compost treatments, the differences were not nearly as large as an cipated. Table 3. Area under the progress curve (AUPC)z analyses of saturated hydraulic conductivity measurements (mm)y in the establishment trial plots that were tilled and seeded with tall fescue with or without microclover and with or without compost incorporation on 27 September 2012. Treatmentx AUPCw Com+TF 50.2 a Com+TF/MC 43.8 a Till+TF/MC 32.3 ab Till+TF 20.4 b z AUPC analyses provide a quantitative summary of variable responses over time, for comparison of treatment means across years, locations, or management tactics. y Saturated hydraulic conductivity measurements taken on 14 June, 24 July, and 4 September in 2013, and 29 May, 11 July, and 8 September 2014. x Com+TF = a two inch depth of compost incorporated into the top 4 inches of a prepared seedbed prior to planting tall fescue iat 6 lbs of pure live seed per 1000 ft2; Com = TF/MC = a two inch depth of compost incorporated into the top 4 inches of a prepared seedbed prior to planting a 95/5 (% by weight) mixture of tall fescue + microclover at 6 lbs of pure live seed per 1000 ft2; Till + TF/MC = existing soil tilled to a 4 inch depth prior to planting a 95/5 (% by weight) mixture of tall fescue + microclover at 6 lbs of pure live seed per 1000 ft2. Till + TF = existing soil tilled to a 4 inch depth prior to planting tall fescue at of 6 lbs of pure live seed per 1000 ft2. w Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to Fisher’s Protected LSD test at p ≤ 0.05. Our demonstrations suggest that long-term microclover persistence in low-input turfgrass systems might require more attention in mowing (i.e. more frequent mowing in order to reduce the shading effect and competition of the turfgrass) in order to promote microclover establishment and persistence. Perhaps the challenge we observed in our demonstration trials is similar in concept to what is frequently observed in native vegetation establishments in the mid-Atlantic? It has been reported repeatedly that some level of Table 4. Area under the progress curve (AUPC)z analyses of saturated hydraulic conductivity measurements (mm)y in amended mixed cool-season turfgrass stand plots with or without compost topdressing and microclover seed on 27 September 2012. Treatmenty AUPCx Com 28.8 ab Com+MC 29.6 a None 20.8 b No Com +MC 17.9 b z AUPC analyses provide a quantitative summary of variable responses over time, for comparison of treatment means across years, locations, or management tactics. y Com = surface applied compost at 0.25 inch depth on 27 September 2012 and 9 October 2013 ; Com+MC = compost surface applied on previous dates listed and microclover surface applied at level of 2 lbs of pure live seed per 1000 ft2; None = no compost or microclover amendment; No Com + MC = no compost application but microclover applied at level of 2 lbs of pure live seed per 1000 ft2; x Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to Fisher’s Protected LSD test at p ≤ 0.05. 16 chemical weed control (something that the end user is ultimately trying to remove from the management program) is almost always required during the establishment of the native vegetation in order to achieve the ultimate goal of a visually appealing and reduced input vegetation system. The compost treatments utilized, large scale approaches such as incorporating 2 inches of product into the top 4 inches of soil in the establishment demonstration and smaller scale approaches like topdressing with 0.5 inch depth of compost total in the amendment trial, resulted in significant and generally desirable turfgrass responses in terms of plot coverage, color, quality and reduced weed competition. There was a delay in turf and microclover emergence from the compost treatments in the establishment trial, but ultimately the compost treatments reduced weed populations in both trials. As expected, soluble salt levels were quite high with this compost source (as they are with most compost materials) and it is possible that initial establishment would be enhanced if the compost was applied, incorporated, and allowed to be firmed and filtered by supplemental irrigation or rainfall events. Composts that are not fully cured have been shown to delay or reduce plant establishment rates by way of ammonia volatilization, but the source used in these trials was deemed to be a very stable, mature source. Also positively demonstrated for the compost treatments in both demonstration trials was an increase in soil saturated hydraulic conductivity. Very large differences in water infiltration and percolation rates were observed in the establishment trial with its 2 inches of incorporated compost, but even the annual topdressing of 0.25 inch of compost (inconjunction with the core aeration event) provided significant increases in hydraulic conductivity as compared to plots receiving no compost. These findings have very positive implications for the reduction of stormwater runoff and for providing the turfgrass and microclover root systems additional water that otherwise would be unavailable to the plants. Acknowledgements: Special thanks to Winton Country Club and its agronomic staff (Mike Zirkle and Robert Habel) for providing the demonstration location and for all of the assistance in plot establishment and general maintenance. Thanks to Mark Maslow of Southern Landscape Group, Inc., of Lynchburg for compost delivery to the Winton CC site. Thanks to overall demonstration project Primary Investigator Dr. Mark Carroll of the University of Maryland, Penn State Project Manager Dr. Pete Landschoot, and Dr. Tom Turner of the University of Maryland for their assistance, as well as that of Dr. Jeff Derr and Mr. Adam Nichols of the Hampton Roads Agriculture Research and Extension Center in Virginia Beach, VA. Thanks also to Dr. Shawn Askew for assistance with data management and analysis. 17 Fall Traffic Tolerance and Spring Recovery of Bermudagrass Cul vars to Simulated Fall Football Traffic Evaluators: Mike Goatley, Ben Kraemer, Whitnee Askew, Shawn Askew, and Jon Dickerson Cooperators: Na onal Turfgrass Evalua on Program Ra onale: Bermudagrass use on athle c fields con nues to grow across Virginia with the release of improved, cold tolerant varie es. The 2007 NTEP Bermudagrass Trial that ended in spring of 2013 offers a unique opportunity to evalu‐ ate these cul vars for their fall traffic tolerance and spring greening/recovery characteris cs in a climate where winter temperatures can be extreme. Material and Methods: The research was conducted on the now‐completed 2007 NTEP bermudagrass variety trial con‐ taining a variety of 31 bermudagrasses that are commercially available as either seeded or vegeta ve cul vars. The plots received 1 lb of N per 1000 sq per ac ve growing month from May through August and were mowed 2x weekly at a 1.5 inch cu ng height. Simulated fall football traffic was administered repeatedly to the same strip within the plots each fall (traffic for fall 2014 strips was in a previously non‐trafficked area of the plot) using a modified Brinkman Traffic Simulator making six individual passes over the plots in a single day on a weekly basis for a period of 10 weeks (ini ated in the first week of September in both 2014 and 2015 and con nuing for the next 10 weeks). The plots were periodically evaluated for visual es ma ons of % bare ground in the falls of 2013 and 2014 late winter/spring of 2014, and for overall % spring bermudagrasss greening of the trafficked plots in the springs of 2014 and 2015. Normalized Differen al Vegeta on Index (NDVI) and Ra o Vegeta on Index (RVI) values were also collected periodically during fall and spring evalua ons on both trafficked and non‐trafficked plots for a digital assessment of plot color, health, and density. All treatments were replicated three mes and the data were analyzed by ANOVA and mean separa ons per‐ formed using the Student’s t‐test (p = 0.05) where appropriate. Results and Discussion: Sta s cal analyses indicated that there were cul var main effects for the fall visual ra ngs on % bare ground and spring visual ra ngs on % bermudagrass greening. ANOVA indicated RVI data explained variances in treatment differences slightly be er than NDVI data, likely due to RVI data providing a be er assessment of bare ground in the trafficked treatments. There was a significant year x cul var x traffic interac on for the fall RVI data, so cul var mean comparisons were made within the fall seasons of both 2013 and 2014 according to these interac ons. For Spring RVI data, there was a significant cul var x traffic interac on and the mean cul var responses were combined across both spring seasons of the research trial. As expected, RVI means were lower for all trafficked plots compared to non‐trafficked plots for all evalua ons. The cul vars that had the lowest % bare ground numbers across the fall seasons of 2013 and 2014 (based on them be‐ ing in the top two sta s cal categories, Table 1) were La tude 36, Tifway, Northbirdge, Yukon, SWI‐1057, Premier Pro experimental PSG 9Y20K, Patriot, Oks 2004‐2, Hollywood, experimental RAD‐CD1, and Princess 77. The least fall traffic tolerant grasses were Midlawn, NuMex Sahara, experimental J‐720, Sunsport, and experimental SWI‐1117. Of course, while maintaining the highest density possible is an important part of providing the highest quality, safest playing sur‐ face for football, the ability to also persist in a cold part of the transi on zone climate (such as in Blacksburg, VA with longitude/la tude of 37.23 North, 80.42 West) is also important. Spring greening ra ngs considered how well the ber‐ mudagrass survived the winters because grasses that might rate very high in terms of maintaining fall density, might have very poor winter survival characteris cs following a cold winter. The winters of 2013‐14 and 2014‐15 both fea‐ tured periods when temperatures dipped below 0o F, with there being no snow cover during these extreme tempera‐ ture periods in 2013‐14, but snow cover of ≥ 4 inches was in place during the extreme temperature periods of winter 2014‐15. The grasses that demonstrated the highest % spring greening levels in the top two sta s cal categories were: Yukon, La tude 36, Northbridge, Patriot, Riviera, Premier Pro, Hollywood, and the experimental OKS 2004‐2 (Table 2). The grasses that had the lowest % spring bermudagrass greening were Numex Sahara, the experimental BAR 7CD5, Sunsport, experimentals IS‐01‐201, PSG 91215, SWI 1122, PSG 94524, SWI 1083, Princess 77, Midlawn, SWI 1117, and SWI 1081. The % spring greening values ranged from as low as 19.9% for NuMex Sahara to 44.8% for SWI 1081 (Table 2). 18 Table 1. Mean visual percent bare ground ra ngs for bermudagrass cul vars in the 2007 Na onal Turfgrass Evalua on Program trial averaged across all ra ng dates for the fall of 2013 and 2014 as affected by simulated traffic equaling six football games per week over a ten week period from early September through October in each year. Cul var % bare ground Midlawn 36.5 a NuMex Sahara 28.5 b J‐720 26.2 bc Sunsport 26.1 bc SWI‐1117 24.6 bcd SWI‐1083 22.2 cde BAR 7CD5 21.7 cdef IS‐01‐201 20.2 cdefg SWI‐1122 19.8 cdefgh PSG 91215 19.4 defgh Gold Glove 16.7 efghij SWI‐1081 16.4 efghijk Veracruz 15.8 efghijk PSG PROK 15.2 fghijkl Royal Bengal 14.4 ghijklm SWI‐1113 14.1 ghijklm Pyramid 2 13.6 hijklm Riviera 13.0 ijklm SWI‐1070 12.6 jklmn Princess‐77 11.8 jklmno RAD‐CD1 10.9 jklmno Hollywood 10.5 jklmno OKS 2004‐2 10.3 jklmno Patriot 10.2 jklmno PSG 9Y20K 10.0 klmno Premier Pro 8.6 lmnop SWI‐1057 8.5 mnop Yukon 8.2 mnop Northbridge 6.1 nop Tifway 5.6 op La tude 36 2.3 p LSD (0.05) 6.6 z Means followed by the same le er are not significantly different according to Student t‐tests at p ≤ 0.05. 19 These data con nue to support current Virginia Tech recommenda ons (Virginia Turfgrass Variety Recommenda on List, h p://‐17/CSES‐17_pdf.pdf) regarding the use of bermudagrass varie es with demon‐ strated long‐term cold tolerance characteris cs. Cul vars such as Yukon, La tude 36, Northbridge, Premier Pro and Hollywood appear in the highest sta s cal ranking categories for both fall and spring performance criteria. Therefore, these grasses will con nue to be very important in their general purpose use in Virginia, but in par cular on heavily trafficked spor ng venues. Ra o Vegeta on Index (RVI) measurements were made to provide a non‐subjec ve assessment of turfgrass density and greening. As an cipated, all non‐trafficked bermudagrass plots had higher RVI values than their trafficked counter‐ parts, and to some degree, if a variety had higher (or lower) RVI values in the non‐trafficked plots, it also tended to have higher (or lower) RVI values in the trafficked strips (Table 3). When considering the RVI values of the trafficked plots for named bermudagrass varie es of par cular importance in Virginia sports fields, varie es such as La tude 36, Yukon, Hollywood, and Princess 77 were in the highest two sta s cal categories in both fall 2013 and 2014. However, bermudagrass varie es’ Northbridge, Patriot, and Premier Pro were not in the highest sta s cal ranking categories in 2013, but were in 2014 (Table 3). For spring greening, it was an cipated that RVI would be a more relevant technique of digital analyses measuring both bermudagrass greening and plot density. Again (and as expected) the non‐trafficked plots all had higher RVI values than their trafficked counterparts (Table 4). The non‐trafficked RVI data give an assessment of spring greening rate/ winter recovery ra ngs for the various grasses, and in general most of the named varie es correspond well with varie‐ es that are currently on the Virginia/Maryland Turfgrass Variety Recommenda on List. Named varie es with demon‐ strated cold tolerance and performance in Virginia that are in the top sta s cal categories include Yukon, Midlawn, Hollywood, Riviera, La tude 36, Patriot, Northbridge, Premier Pro. Tifway and Princess 77 remain very popular bermu‐ dagrass varie es in the warmest parts of the state and provide good fall turf density ra ngs for heavily trafficked turf, but their spring recovery poten al in the coldest climates is suspect. Experimental RAD‐CD1 and OKS 2004‐2 have not yet become commercially available, but they fared well for both fall and spring performance criteria in the Blacksburg loca on. 20 Table 2. Mean visual spring greening ra ngs for bermudagrass cul vars in the 2007 Na onal Turfgrass Evalua on Program trial averaged across all spring ra ng periods in 2014 and 2015 as affected by sim‐ ulated traffic equaling six football games per week over a ten week period from the first week of Sep‐ tember through October of the previous fall seasons. Cul var % spring bermudagrass greeningz Yukon 94.7 a La tude 36 93.5 a Northbridge 90.1 ab Patriot 88.8 ab Riviera 74.6 bc Premier Pro 74.1 bc Hollywood 72.9 bc OKS 2004‐2 72.9 bc PSG 9Y20K 71.5 cd RAD‐CD1 67.3 cde Tifway 66.4 cde SWI‐1057 60.2 cdef IS‐CD10 54.9 defg SWI‐1070 54.5 efgh Veracruz 52.4 efgh PSG 9BAN 52.2 efghi SWI 1113 50.2 efghij PSG PROK 46.1 fghijk PST‐R6FLT 45.6 fghijk SWI 1081 44.8 fghijkl SWI 1117 44.8 fghijkl Midlawn 43.8 fghijkl Princess 77 40.0 ghijkl SWI 1083 37.4 hijklm PSG 94524 35.1 ijklm SWI 1122 35.1 ijklm PSG 91215 34.7 jklm IS‐01‐201 31.7 klm Sunsport 31.6 klm BAR 7CD5 27.6 lm NuMex Sahara 19.9 m LSD (0.05) 1.5 z Means followed by the same le er are not significantly different according to Student t‐tests at p ≤ 0.05. 21 Table 3. Fall 2013 and 2014 Ra o Vegeta on Index (RVI) measurements within non‐trafficked and trafficked strips of bermudagrass cul vars in the 2007 Na onal Turfgrass Evalua on Program trial. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐RVIz‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Fall 2013 y Fall 2014 Cul var Non‐trafficked Trafficked Non‐trafficked Trafficked SWI‐1113 7.53 a 5.34 a 6.07 bcde 2.87 bcdefghi SWI‐1057 7.15 ab 5.33 ab 5.90 bcdefg 2.94 bcdefghi La tude 36 7.11 ab 5.11 abc 6.38 ab 3.28 abcd Yukon 6.90 abc 5.07 abc 6.00 bcde 3.59 a PSG 9Y20K 6.87 abc 5.37 a 5.95 bcde 2.87 bcdefghi RAD‐CD1 6.76 abcd 5.36 a 6.07 bcde 3.19 abcdef Hollywood 6.50 bcde 5.06 abc 6.25 bc 3.32 abc Royal Bengal 6.49 bcde 4.87 abcde 5.84 bcdefg 3.20 abcdef SWI‐1070 6.49 bcde 4.98 abcd 5.85 bcdefg 2.97 bcdefghi OKS 2004‐2 6.47 bcde 4.91 abcde 5.87 bcdefg 3.28 abcd Tifway 6.42 bcdef 4.76 cdefg 6.11 bcde 3.26 abcde Pyramid 2 6.41 bcdef 4.83 bcde 5.40 efghij 3.03 abcdefgh PSG PROK 6.38 bcdef 5.13 abc 6.17 bcd 2.75 cdefghi Gold Glove 6.14 cdef 4.81 cdef 5.13 ghij 2.52 ghi Riviera 6.13 cdefg 4.66 cdefgh 5.71 bcdefg 2.87 bcdefghi Veracruz 6.02 defgh 4.65 cdefgh 5.58 cdefghi 2.62 fghi Princess 77 5.99 defghi 4.88 abcde 6.18 bcd 3.08 abcdefg Northbridge 5.90 efghij 4.26 ghij 6.05 bcde 3.38 ab PSG 91215 5.78 efghij 4.51 defghi 5.17 fghij 2.70 efghi SWI‐1122 5.75 efghijk 4.53 defgh 5.87 bcdefg 2.90 bcdefghi Premier Pro 5.66 fghijkl 4.35 fghij 7.05 a 3.00 bcdefghi SWI‐1081 5.64 fghijkl 4.63 cdefgh 5.58 cdefghi 2.89 bcdefghi Sunsport 5.35 ghijklm 4.41 efghij 5.17 fghij 2.71 efghi SWI‐1117 5.32 hijklm 4.28 ghij 5.93 bcdef 2.54 ghi Patriot 5.22 ijklm 3.93 jk 5.80 bcdefg 3.17 abcdef PSG 94524 5.13 jklm 4.26 ghij 5.43 defghij 2.42 i IS‐01‐201 5.13 jklm 4.21 hij 5.36 efghij 2.75 cdefghi BAR 7CD5 4.98 klm 3.96 jk 4.84 hij 2.42 i SWI‐1083 4.91 lm 4.01 ij 5.59 cdefgh 2.66 fghi Numex Sahara Midlawn 4.70 m 4.60 m 3.96 jk 3.49 k 4.91 ij 4.75 j 2.76 cdefghi 2.46 hi LSD (0.05) 0.78 0.51 0.77 0.58 z All RVI means for non‐trafficked bermudagrass cul var plots were significantly greater than corresponding RVI means for the trafficked bermudagrass plots within the same cul var and fall season. y Means within a column followed by the same le er are not significantly different according to Student t‐ tests at p ≤ 0.05. 22 Table 4. Spring 2014 and 2015 Ra o Vegeta on Index (RVI) measurements of non‐trafficked and trafficked bermudagrass cul vars in the 2007 Na onal Turfgrass Evalua on Program trial. Cul var ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐RVIz‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Non‐traffickedy Trafficked Yukon 5.68 a 4.61 a Midlawn 5.12 ab 2.67 defg PSG 9Y20K 5.05 ab 3.19 cdef RAD‐CD1 5.01 abc 3.62 bc Hollywood 4.99 abc 3.42 cd Riviera 4.98 abc 3.31 cde OKS 2004‐2 4.97 abc 3.74 bc La tude 36 4.79 bcd 3.51 bcd Patriot 4.75 bcd 4.32 ab Northbridge 4.67 bcde 3.37 cd Pyramid 2 4.57 bcdef 3.17 cdef Premier Pro 4.52 bcdef 2.36 fg PSG PROK 4.43 bcdefg 2.71 defg Tifway 4.35 bcdefgh 2.70 defg SWI‐1113 4.32 bcdefgh 2.38 fg SWI‐1057 4.16 cdefghi 2.76 defg BAR 7CD5 4.11 defghi 2.26 g Veracruz 4.10 defghi 2.49 efg SWI‐1070 4.02 defghi 2.94 cdefg Princess 77 4.00 defghi 2.51 efg Royal Bengal 3.90 efghi 2.73 defg SWI‐1081 3.88 efghi 2.36 fg PSG 91215 3.79 fghi 2.17 g Gold Glove 3.65 ghij 2.23 g SWI‐1083 3.60 ghij 2.67 defg SWI‐1122 3.57 hij 2.70 defg NuMex Sahara 3.38 ij 2.41 fg PSG 94524 3.37 ij 2.40 fg Sunsport 3.37 ij 2.90 cdefg IS‐01‐201 3.35 ij 2.69 defg SWI‐1117 2.98 j 2.49 efg LSD (0.05) 0.85 0.84 z All RVI means for non‐trafficked bermudagrass cul var plots were significantly greater than corre‐ sponding RVI means for the trafficked bermudagrass plots within the same cul var. y Means within a column followed by the same le er are not significantly different according to Student t‐tests at p ≤ 0.05. 23 Winter temperature moderation under commercial and experimental turf blankets. Researchers: Mike Goatley, Whitnee Askew, Shawn Askew, David McCall, and Jon Dickerson Cooperators: Virginia Turfgrass Foundation, Virginia Agriculture Experiment Station Rationale: Turf blankets are sometimes used on bermudagrass athletic fields and golf putting greens to provide protection to extreme winter weather and/or to promote the establishment and development of overseeded perennial ryegrass. Blankets are essentially a requirement for ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens in this state in order to protect this closely mown turf to winter extremes. Objective: Identify the differences in temperature moderation under commercially available and experimental blanket sources that are permanently installed on a Patriot bermudagrass turf from early December to early March in the winters of 2013-14 and 2014-15. Materials and Methods: A range of cover materials and colors with sizes ranging from 100 to 150 sq ft were installed in the first week of December of 2013 and 2014 to a Patriot bermudagrass turf grown on a modified sand-based soil and maintained as a bermudagrass athletic field at a regular 0.75” cutting height entering into winter dormancy. The standard commercially available cover sources in this trial were Evergreen (Covermaster Inc.), Surline Gray, White, and Orange (Surline Turf, Tuscaloosa, AL), and Xton Black and White (Xton Inc., Florence, AL). The ‘experimental’ source (Aluminet’) is commercially available but is not currently used as a turf blanket. Electronic data loggers with two external sensors (Forestry Suppliers, Inc., Jackson, MS) that record daily highs and lows for 7 days were installed under the blankets and data were manually recorded on weekly intervals in 2013-14 and external sensors set to record temperatures at 15 minute intervals (Onset Corp. HOBO U12 4-channel outdoor external data loggers, Bourne, MA) were installed in December 2014. Data collection ceased on March 9 of each year. Daily high and low temperatures were recorded under all cover sources as well as an ambient soil temperature of an uncovered Patriot bermudagrass surface. From these data, mean daily maximum temperatures, daily minimum temperatures, daily range in temperatures, and single point in time extreme maximum and minimum temperatures were calculated. Each cover treatment was replicated three times. An ANOVA was conducted on the temperature data and when appropriate, mean separations (Student’s t-test) for the cover temperature responses (p = 0.05) were performed. Table 1. Temperature moderations at the canopy surface of a Patriot bermudagrass turf as affected by the permanent installation of commercially available and experimental blanket sources from Dec. 6 2013 through March 9, 2014 at the Turfgrass Research Center of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. Mean daily Mean daily Mean maxiMean miniMean daily Grand mean maximumz minimum mum extreme mum extreme range -------------------------------------------------------------Co------------------------------------------------------Surline Gray 16.0 ab -3.6 a 31.9 ab -13.6 a 45.5 ab 6.2 b Evergreen 18.4 a -2.9 a 32.4 a -13.5 a 45.8 ab 7.7 a Surline White 13.0 c -3.2 a 27.0 cd -14.0 a 41.0 bcd 4.8 Xton White 14.2 bc -3.3 a 28.5 bcd -14.6 a 43.2 bc 5.5 bc Xton Black 15.0 bc -3.0 a 27.7 -12.9 a 40.7 bcd 6.0 b -2.8 a 20.3 -16.1 a 36.4 d 3.3 13.3 bc -3.0 a 25.5 -12.6 a 38.0 cd 13.7 bc -4.9 b 29.5 abc -21.7 b 51.3 a 4.4 2.7 -1.2 3.6 4.2 6.7 1.1 Aluminet Surline Orange Uncovered Control LSD (0.05) 9.5 d z cd e d cd e 5.1 bcd de Means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to Student t-test at p ≤ 0.05. 24 Results and Discussion: There were significant temperature x year interactions so all data are presented within respective years for the research trial. In both years, the highest average maximum daily temperatures (18.4 and 15.5 C, respectively) were observed for the Evergreen blanket (Tables 1 and 2). The experimental Aluminet cover had the lowest average maximum daily temperature in 2013-14 (9.5 C, Table 1), but it was the uncovered control that was the lowest average maximum daily temperature in 2014-15 (11.4 C, Table 2). There was not as much treatment separation in this category in the winter of 2014-15 where all treatments except for the Evergreen blanket provided statistically similar responses (Table 2). For the average daily minimum temperature, the soil surface temperature for the uncovered control was significantly colder than all other cover treatments in 2013-14 (Table 1), and was significantly colder than Xton Black, Xton White, Surline White, and Surline Gray in 2014-15 (Table 2). All cover sources tended to raise minimum daily temperatures, but the glanket responses were inconsistent between the years. The warmest average daily minimum in 2013-14 was recorded for the experimental Aluminet (Table 1), while the warmest average minimum temperature in 2014-15 was recorded for Surline Gray (Table 2). Given the high variability in temperatures possible under protective turf covers, maximum and minimum daily extreme temperatures were determined for each cover and replication. There was more variability in cover treatment response to maximum extreme temperatures in 2013-14 than 2014-15 but it was consistent in that the Evergreen Turf Blanket had the highest maximum extreme temperatures in both years at 32.4 C in 2013-14 and 38.5 C in 2014-15 (Tables 1 and 2). The coolest maximum extreme temperature was observed for the experimental Aluminet (20.3 C) in 2013-14 (Table 1) and the Surline White cover in 2014-15 (Table 2). It is interesting that the coolest maximum extreme was not the uncovered control, indicating that soil surface temperatures are likely modified by a shading effect of some of the covers. Winterkill is usually a combination of factors, but by its very nature single low temperature extremes would likely contribute to a loss of a warm-season grass such as bermudagrass. The data category that would best consider single low temperature reading responses would be the minimum extreme temperature recorded. The average single low temperature for the uncovered control was 21.7 C (Table 1), and that was over 5C colder than the next coldest temperature of -16.1 C for the Aluminet experimental. Similarly, the coldest average minimum extreme temperature in 2014-15 was recorded for the uncovered control at -16.7 C, and that was 3.2 degrees C colder than Aluminet in that year. Looking for some consistency between treatments, Xton Black had the second warmest average minimum extreme in 2013-14 (12.9 C, Table 1) and the warmest in 2014-15 (8.7C, Table 2). Removing the experimental Aluminet from consideration, all cover treatments resulted in average minimum extremes that were at least 7.1 C warmer in 2013-14 and 6.2C warmer in 2014-15. Table 2. Temperature moderations at the canopy surface of a Patriot bermudagrass turf as affected by the permanent installation of commercially available and experimental blanket sources from Dec. 6 2014 through March 9, 2015 at the Turfgrass Research Center of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. Mean daily Mean daily Mean maxiMean miniMean daily Grand mean maximumz minimum mum extreme mum extreme range in Surline Gray 13.0 b -2.0 a 31.2 b -8.9 a 40.1 bc 2.8 a Evergreen 15.5 a -3.2 ab 38.5 a -12.9 bc 51.5 a 2.7 a Surline White 11.5 b -2.2 a 28.6 b -10.5 ab 39.1 c 2.5 a Xton White 13.6 ab -2.6 a 32.7 b -9.9 ab 42.6 bc 2.7 a Xton Black 13.3 ab -2.2 a 31.6 b -8.7 a 40.3 bc 2.8 a Aluminet 13.3 ab -2.9 ab 31.9 b -13.5 bc 45.4 abc 2.5 a Surline Orange Uncovered Control LSD (0.05) 13.3 ab -2.9 ab 32.1 b -10.4 ab 42.5 bc 2.5 a 11.4 b -4.1 b 29.7 b -16.7 46.4 ab 1.4 b 2.4 1.4 4.4 3.8 7.2 0.6 c z Means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to Student t-test at p ≤ 0.05. An average daily range was calculated because large swings in temperature underneath permanently installed blankets can lead to desirable (and perhaps sometimes undesirable) biological activity of the covered bermudagrass. The highest average daily range in 2013-14 was observed for the uncovered control (51.3 C) followed by the Evergreen cover (45.8 C) and the Surline Gray (45.5 C). All other treatments had significantly lower ranges than the uncovered control (Table 1), with the lowest range in temperature being the experimental Aluminet (36.4 C), followed by Surline Orange (38.0 C) and Surline White (41.0 C). In 2014-15, the largest average daily range was recorded for the Evergreen (51.5 C), which was statistically comparable to the uncovered control (46.4 C) and Aluminet (45.4 C) covers. The lowest average daily range in 2014-15 was received with the Surline White cover (39.1), more than 12 C less in average daily temperature range than for the Evergreen blanket. 25 A grand mean average (an average over all temperatures recorded for the duration of the two trials) was also calculated and in 201314 (Table 1), the Evergreen cover had a significantly higher grand mean temperature (7.7 C) than all other treatments, with the lowest grand mean being recorded for the experimental Aluminet (3.3 C). In 2014-15 grand means for all cover treatments had a very tight range from 2.5 to 2.8 C, and all treatments were warmer than the uncovered control at 1.4 C. All blanket sources feature temperature moderations that could be considered ideal for certain situations of turfgrass protection, growth, and development. Of most importance in this climate in making a selection of an overwintering cover for winter protection of bermudagrass would likely be choosing a blanket that provides optimum performance when considering mean minimum daily temperatures and mean minimum extreme temperatures. Almost all blankets except for the experimental Aluminet provided statistically enhanced temperature characteristics compared to the uncovered control for average daily minimum temperatures in both 201314 and 2014-15, as well as the mean minimum extreme temperature in 2013-14 (Table 1). Mean separations were most prominent for the mean minimum extreme temperatures of 2014-15 where the warmest extreme lows were observed for Xton Black (-8.7 C), Surline Gray (-8.9 C), Xton White (-9.9 C), Surline Orange (-10.4 C) , and Surline White (-10.5 C). Other very important considerations not evaluated in this trial include the effects of these covers on soil moisture during long-term covering events. Xton Black and White covers will essentially be impermeable to rainfall or supplemental irrigation, followed by Evergreen, and then followed by the Surline covers and the Aluminet experimental. Winter desiccation can be an important contributor to winterkill. Finally, the ease in handling is an important consideration, especially if the covers are intended to be used for frequent installation and removal as might be done for bermudagrass golf greens. All of these factors should be considered in the selection of a cover that best fits the needs of a particular facility and climate. 80 High and Low Temperatures from Dec. 2013 through March 2014 70 High Low 60 Temperature in F 50 40 30 20 10 0 ‐10 Date 26 80 High and Low Temperatures from Dec. 2014 through March 2015 70 High Low 60 50 Axis Title 40 30 20 10 0 ‐10 Date 27 Integra ng Nitrogen, Iron, and Paclobutrazol Programs for Poa, Moss, and Dollar Spot Suppression in Creeping Bent‐ grass Pu ng Greens Objec ve: Determine the best bi‐weekly rate of nitrogen (as ammonium sulfate) to tank‐mix with previously deter‐ mined best‐rates of iron sulfate and paclobutrazol for effec ve suppression of Poa annua, moss, and dollar spot in a creeping bentgrass pu ng green. Ra onale: Results from a recent 4‐yr study indicated excellent suppression of Poa annua, moss, and dollar spot in a creeping bentgrass pu ng green with season‐long biweekly applica ons of iron sulfate at 0.5 lb product/M (= 0.1 lb Fe/M) mixed with paclobutrazol (41% a.i.) at 0.25 oz product/M. However, foliar nitrogen was kept low at 0.1 lb N/M from ammonium sulfate. Dollar spot outbreaks are o en more prevalent under low‐N programs such as this. Thus, our objec ve was to determine if greater dollar sport suppression could be achieved by increasing bi‐weekly N rates in combina on with iron sulfate and paclobutrazol. Procedures: The trial was conducted on a mature sand‐based Penn A4 pu ng green. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with 4 replica ons and applied at 30 gal water/acre. Treatments (see Table 1) be‐ gan on April 28, with applica ons every 14 days un l October 27. The green is mowed 5 mes per week at 0.110 inches and irrigated as needed to prevent stress. Poa and moss popula ons were assessed using a grid system prior to treat‐ ment ini a on and every 8 weeks a er. Dollar spot disease symptoms were allowed to develop naturally and then quan fied using a grid system. Following data collec on, chlorothalonil was applied to halt disease and allow bentgrass recovery. Results: Preliminary results in the table above indicate that the treatments had li le effect on Poa popula ons from April to June. All Poa levels dropped most likely as a direct response to the environment, not treatment. Moss popula‐ ons dropped from April to June with the largest effect coming from the highest biweekly N amount of 0.3 lb/M, with li le ini al effect of Fe or paclobutrazol. There were minor treatment differences in terms of dollar spot incidence with the 3‐way combina on at the two highest N rates resul ng in the lowest disease in July. Futher cumula ve effects should become apparent as treatments are con nued through the fall. Loca on: Turfgrass Research Center, Blacksburg Researchers: Erik Ervin, Kyle Dupper, Jonathan Dickerson, and David McCall Sponsors: Na onal Turfgrass Evalua on Program, Virginia Ag Council, Virginia Turfgrass Founda on 28 Treatment (Lb or oz/M) N @ 0.1 Poa% Apr 16a Poa% June 1.8a Moss% Apr 9.6a Moss% June 14.6a DS%, July 10.8a Quality, July 4.6e N @ 0.2 6.4a 1.2a 5.8a 5.0abc 11.2a 4.9de N @ 0.3 8.6a 0.8a 4.8a 2.2c 9.6a 5.4b-e Fe @ 0.1 + N @ 0.1 6.8a 1.6a 6.2a 10.4ab 8.4ab 6.4a-d Fe @ 0.1 + N @ 0.2 10a 2.0a 6.6a 7.6abc 7.8ab 6.3a-e Fe @ 0.1 + N @ 0.3 7.0a 1.2a 6.2a 1.6c 6.4ab 5.9a-e Pac @0.25 + N@0.1 4.6a 2.0a 6.0a 8.0abc 9.4a 5.3cde Pac @0.25 + N@0.2 5.6a 1.2a 6.4a 3.1bc 8.2ab 5.8a-e Pac @ 0.25 + N @ 0.3 8.2a 1.4a 7.8a 1.6c 9.0ab 5.4b-e Fe + Pac + N @ 0.1 7.8a 2.5a 7.0a 11.0ab 5.6ab 6.8abc Fe + Pac + N @ 0.2 6.8a 1.6a 6.0a 5.4abc 3.6b 7.3a Fe + Pac + N @ 0.3 4.6a 1.8a 4.8a 1.4c 3.4b 7.0ab 29 Moss Control Programs for Pu ng Greens Objec ve: To determine the efficacy of mul ple fungicide and herbicide programs on the control of silvery thread moss on golf course pu ng greens. Ra onale: As green heights are driven lower by a desire to achieve faster ball roll speed, creeping bentgrass turf becomes less compe ve with weeds. Silvery thread moss (STM) (Bryum argenteum Hedw.) is becoming an increasing issue on pu ng greens. With expected registra on of methiozolin (PoaCure) for annual blue‐ grass control on greens, STM could become even more troublesome. Superintendents use a plethora of different chemical and cultural methods to control STM on greens but results can be inconsistent as STM tends to rapidly recover following control efforts. Procedures: This study was ini ated on May 26, 2015 on two different creeping bentgrass pu ng greens at the Turfgrass Research Center (TRC). Treatments were applied as follows: Applica ons were made with a CO2 powered hooded sprayer calibrated to deliver 90 gpa. Treatments included: Civitas, Quicksilver, Quicksil‐ ver+Civitas, Appear, Appear+Civitas, Daconil, Daconil+Civitas, Daconil+Appear, Daconil+Appear+Civitas, FeSO4, FeSO4+Civitas, Dismiss, Dismiss+Civitas, and an untreated check for comparison. For product rates, please consult the plot map for this trial. All treatment programs were applied every 2 weeks. Visual turf and moss cover, turf injury, moss control, and turf quality were assessed at applica on ming, 1 WAT, 2 WAT, and that schedule was repeated every month un l the trial was completed. NDVI and radiometer readings were taken in conjunc on with visual ra ngs to assess turf and moss health. Results: Throughout this study, Quicksilver and Quicksilver+Civitas has been significantly be er at control‐ ling moss than any other treatment un l the 10th and 11th week ra ng dates. By the 11th week ra ng all Da‐ conil containing treatments and Dismiss containing treatments had reached the same level of control as Quicksilver. While Quicksilver treatments had 99 to 100% control at 11 weeks, Daconil containing products had 88 to 96% control and Dismiss containing products had 90 to 94% control. Only Dismiss containing prod‐ ucts caused turfgrass injury, which caused a max range of 30 to 55% injury during the study. Civitas helped to mask the injury caused by Dismiss. The Civitas containing treatments also caused an increase of algae pre‐ sent in plot areas dropping overall quality ra ngs, and inhibi ng the bentgrass from filling in voids le by the dying moss. Loca on: Turfgrass Research Center, Blacksburg, VA Researchers: John Brewer, David McCall, and Dr. Shawn Askew Sponsors: Various 30 Moss Control Programs For Pu ng Greens Rep 4 Rep 3 Rep 2 Rep 1 14 5 14 1 8 12 13 2 9 4 7 3 Treatments: 1 Untreated 2 Civitas 3 Quicksilver 4 Quicksilver + Civitas 5 Appear 6 Appear+ Civitas 7 Daconil 8 Daconil+ Civitas 9 Daconil+ Appear 10 Daconil+ Appear+ Civitas 11 FeSO4 12 FeSO4+ Civitas 13 Dismiss 14 Dismiss+ Civitas 7 10 3 4 10 6 11 5 12 7 12 6 13 3 4 7 5 11 9 8 11 9 2 9 3 2 1 10 348.5 fl oz/A 6.7 fl oz/A 6.7 fl oz/A + 348.5 fl oz/A 261.4 fl oz/A 261.4 fl oz/A + 348.5 fl oz/A 141.5 oz wt/A 141.5 oz wt/A + 348.5 fl oz/A 141.5 oz wt/A + 261.4 fl oz/A 141.5 oz wt/A + 261.4 fl oz/A + 348.5 fl oz/A 10.9 LB/A 10.9 LB/A + 348.5 fl oz/A 1 fl oz/A 1 fl oz/A + 348.5 fl oz/A 31 2 13 8 11 4 1 5 12 6 8 10 13 1 14 6 14 Preemergence Crabgrass and Goosegrass Control with Specticle® FLO in Warm-Season Turf Objective: To compare preemergence crabgrass and goosegrass control efficacy of Spect(i)cle® FLO with current industry standard in bermudagrass and zoysiagrass. Rationale: Specticle products from Bayer Crop Science control crabgrass and goosegrass equally well and competitive to industry standards. Indaziflam is the active ingredient in Specticle products. Indaziflam is an alkylazine herbicide that controls annual grasses, sedges, and several broadleaf weeds by inhibiting cellulose biosynthesis. The new mode of action for indaziflam also facilitates turfgrass professional with an effective alternate control option for group 3-resistant annual bluegrass and goosegrass and group 14-resistant goosegrass. Procedures: Trials were initiated on April 9, 2015 on bermudagrass and zoysiagrass lawns at the Turfgrass Research Center, Blacksburg, VA. Treatments consisted of Spect(i)cle® FLO at 9 fl oz/A, Spect(i)cle® FLO at 4.5 fl oz/A applied twice at 6 week interval, and Barricade® 4 FL at 32 fl oz/A. Treatments also included a non-treated check for comparison. Visual assessments were collected for turf and weed green cover and injury/control on 0-100% scale. Injury or control was rated percent reduction in green cover. Turf quality was also assessed on 1-9 scale, with 1 being dead turf and 9 being uniform green turf with maximum quality. Results: Because of inherent differences in weed pressure between the bermudagrass and zoysiagrass sites, data will be presented separately for each site. None of the treatments injured desired turfgrass. All herbicidal treatments maintained bermudagrass cover >56% and equivalent to non-treated check (65%) at 3 months after initial treatment (MAIT). Split applications of Spect(i)cle® FLO at 4.5 fl oz/A controlled crabgrass 100%, which was equivalent to a single Spect (i)cle® FLO application at 9.5 fl oz/A (95%) and higher than Barricade® 4 FL at 32fl oz/A (90%), 3 MAIT. At 3 MAIT, goosegrass cover in non-treated plots was <5%. All herbicidal treatments also controlled goosegrass 90% and equivalent to each other, 3 MAIT. By 4 MAIT, Spect(i)cle® FLO treatments maintained higher crabgrass (97-99%) and goosegrass (100%) control; however, Barricade® 4 FL controlled crabgrass and goosegrass 80 and 70%, respectively. Location: Turfgrass Research Center, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA Researchers: Sandeep S. Rana and Shawn D. Askew Sponsors: Bayer Crop Science 32 Broadleaf Herbicides for Hard‐to‐Kill Blackberry Species Objec ves: To compare efficacy of industry‐leading broadleaf herbicides for blackberry species control and fine fescue response. Ra onale: Golf course superintendents must constrain budgets in response to reduced revenue and increased costs of chemicals, fer lizer, fuel, and other inputs. Low‐maintenance turf has been increasingly adopted in out‐of‐play areas on the golf course to combat these budget restraints. Reduced inputs, such as biannual mowing, has led to unique weed problems in low‐maintenance turf areas. One of the most prominent broadleaf weeds to encroach is blackberry (Rubus spp.). Blackberry is resistant to common 3‐way herbicides used on golf courses for broadleaf weed control. Procedures: This study was ini ated on June 17, 2015 at two sites including: one blackberry control site at the Virginia Tech golf course and a fine fescue tolerance site at the Glade Road Research Facility. Treatments were applied as fol‐ lows: Applica ons were made with a CO2 powered boom sprayer calibrated to deliver 30 gpa. Treatments included: Turflon Ester Ultra at 32 fl oz/A, Spotlight at 40 fl oz/A, MSM Turf at 0.5 and 1.0 oz wt/A, Turflon at 32 fl oz/A+MSM at 0.5 fl oz/A, Spotlight at 40 fl oz/A + MSM at 0.5 fl oz/A, Avenue South at 6 pt/A, T Zone at 4 pt/A, Speedzone at 5 pt/A, Solitaire 1.00 lb ai/A, Escalade 2 at 3.75 pt/A, Garlon P&D at 8 pt/A, Garlon P&D at 8 pt/A +MSM at 0.5 oz wt/A , and an untreated check for comparison. All MSM Turf containing treatments received 0.25% v/v of NIS. For the blackberry control site, cover and control were rated every 2 weeks un l 8 weeks a er treatment (WAT), and then will be rated monthly un l leaf drop. The fine fescue tolerance trial was rated for cover and injury every 2 weeks un l injury had completely recovered from the treatments. Results: The best treatments at 8 weeks includes any program containing triclopyr, fluroxopyr, or metsulfuron. The top three programs include Turflon ester+MSM Turf, Turflon ester alone, and Spotlight+MSM Turf and controlled blackber‐ ry at least 98%. Three‐way herbicides like Speedzone had some of the fastest ac vity at 1 week a er treatment, but by 8 weeks regrowth of the blackberries had reduce control to below 60%. The ul mate performance of these products for blackberry control depends on assessments to be made next year. Loca on: Virginia Tech Golf Course Researchers: John Brewer and Dr. Shawn Askew Sponsors: Various 33 Programs for Long-Term Roughstalk Bluegrass Control in Cool-Season Turf Objective: To determine herbicide programs and application timings for long term roughstalk bluegrass (Poa trivialis L.) control in Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) turf. Rationale: Chemical control options for roughstalk bluegrass are limited. The currently available chemical control option for roughstalk bluegrass in Kentucky bluegrass is spot treatment with glyphosate, which distrupts turf uniformity and doesn’t provide long-term control. Methiozolin (PoaCure) is a new isoxazoline herbicide under development by Moghu Research Center (Yuseong, Daejeon, Korea) that has controlled roughstalk bluegrass with safety to creeping bentgrass, perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and tall fescue in Virginia. Procedures: Trials were initiated on October 22, 2013 (GR1) and October 21, 2014 (GR2) on a Kentucky bluegrass research fairway at the Glade Road Research Facility, Blacksburg, VA. Treatments consisted of methiozolin (PoaCure) at 55 and 82 fl oz/A applied four times at two-week intervals in fall or spring or twice at two-week intervals in fall and spring, methiozolin at 55 fl oz/A applied twice in fall followed by (fb) methiozolin plus primisulfuron* (Beacon, 0.5 oz/ A) or amicarbazone (2 oz/A) applied twice in spring; primisulfuron at 0.5 oz/A applied twice at two-week intervals in spring; and amicarbazone at 2 oz/A applied twice at two-week intervals in spring. Treatments also included a nontreated check for comparison. Results: At 8 months after initial treatment (MAIT), none of the herbicide treatments injured the desired turf above commercially acceptable levels (>30%). For this preliminary report, data for each trial were analyzed separately. At GR1, any program that contained fall methiozolin treatments improved Kentucky bluegrass cover to more than 67% and significantly higher than non-treated check and treatments that did not contain methiozolin or when methiozolin was only applied in spring, which had less than 40% Kentucky bluegrass cover 8 MAIT. Improved Kentucky bluegrass cover resulted from near complete roughstalk bluegrass control when methiozolin was applied in fall. By 20 MAIT at GR1, all methiozolin containing treatments, except methiozolin at 55 fl oz applied four times in spring, controlled both roughstalk and annual bluegrass >90%. At GR2, methiozolin generally performed better and faster on roughstalk and annual bluegrass control compared to GR1. In both GR1 and GR2, methiozolin applied in spring controlled smooth crabgrass preemergence >80%. Data from these trials suggest that fall applications of methiozolin alone or methiozolin containing herbicide programs provide better roughstalk bluegrass control compared to spring only programs. Location: Glade Road Research Facility, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA Researchers: Sandeep S. Rana and Shawn D. Askew Sponsors: Moghu Research Center, Yuseong, Daejeon, South Korea 34 Programs for Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua L.) Seedhead Suppression on Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostris stolonifera L.) Pu ng Greens Objec ve: To determine effec veness of early applica on program of plant growth regulators for annual bluegrass seedhead suppression on creeping bentgrass pu ng greens. Ra onale: Annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) seedheads in spring disrupts both aesthe cs and playability of creeping bentgrass (Agros s stolonifera L.) pu ng greens. Plant growth regulators (PGR) are frequently used to suppress annu‐ al bluegrass seedheads on creeping bentgrass greens. With the future of Embark (mefluidide) in ques on, effec ve Proxy (ethephon) programs for Poa seedhead suppression may become more important. The standard recommenda‐ on is Proxy at 5 fl oz/1000 sq. . mixed with Primo Maxx (trinexapac‐ethyl) at 0.125 fl oz/1000 sq. . applied in spring with ini al applica on at 50 GDD units at base temperature 50F or 400 GDD units at base 32F followed by a repeat ap‐ plica on 3‐4 week later. Unfortunately, we s ll observe erra c results from one year to another even when GDD mod‐ els are used to ini ate PGR applica ons. Procedures: Field trials were conducted at the Spotswood Country Club, Harrisonburg, VA and at the Virginia Tech Golf Course, Blacksburg, VA from November 20, 2015 through June 11, 2015. Treatments included Proxy at 5 fl oz/1000 sq. . alone and Proxy plus Primo Maxx at 0.125 fl oz/1000 sq. . applied in late fall (November 20, 2014) followed by re‐ peat applica ons at 50 GDD50 spring applica on (April 2 April 30, 2015); Proxy alone applied post‐snow (March 9, 2015) Proxy plus Primo Maxx spring applica ons; Proxy and Proxy plus Primo Maxx applied only in spring. Treat‐ ments also included non‐treated check for comparison. Results: In both the trials, Poa seedhead cover peaked at 24 weeks a er ini al treatment (WAIT) or 4 weeks a er first spring treatment. None of the PGR programs injured turfgrass more than commercially acceptable level (>30%). At 24 WAIT, fall first spring Proxy plus Primo Maxx applica on suppressed Poa seedheads >95%, which was equivalent to fall first spring Proxy alone applica on (>88%) and higher than Proxy alone applied post‐snow Proxy plus Primo Maxx in spring (<73%). Proxy alone and Proxy plus Primo Maxx applied only in spring suppressed Poa seedheads varia‐ bly between the trials. Proxy alone and Proxy plus Primo Maxx suppressed Poa seedheads between 53‐75% and 39‐ 63%, respec vely when applied only in spring. By 2 weeks a er second spring treatment, fall spring applica ons of Proxy alone or Proxy plus Primo Maxx applica on suppressed Poa seedheads >90% and higher than spring only applica‐ ons. Proxy alone applied post‐snow Proxy plus Primo Maxx in spring suppressed Poa seedheads 80‐89%. Loca on: Turfgrass Research Center, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA Researchers: Sandeep S. Rana, Shawn D. Askew, and J. R. Brewer Sponsors: Bayer Crop Science 35 Preemergence crabgrass control in bermudagrass Objec ve: to compare single versus split applica ons for preemergence crabgrass control. Ra onal: Split applica ons should extend the length of crabgrass control. Procedures: RCB 4 reps plots 6’ by 10’, Established ‘Tifway’ bermudagrass Treatment A: 3/21/14 Air temperature 64 F rela ve humidity 23% 15% cloud cover wind SW 10 MPH Treatment B: 5/14/14 Air temperature 66 F rela ve humidity 97% 25% cloud cover wind NNE 5 MPH Results: Quali Pro oxadiazon and Quali Pro prodiamine gave excellent crabgrass control in this study. The split applica‐ on of both dithiopyr treatments did be er than the single applica on. Only the highest rate of Spec cle provided ac‐ ceptable crabgrass control at 90 DAT. Loca on: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr and Adam Nichols Sponsors: Virginia Turfgrass Founda on, Virginia Turfgrass Council Southern crabgrass Rate Treatment Fl Oz/A Appl. 6/14/14 6/14/14 6/19/14 7/18/14 8/21/14 % CONTROL % COVER % COVER % COVER % COVER 54 DAT 54 DAT 0 83 96 99 99 90 DAT 36 119 DAT 65 153 DAT 99 DAT2 DAT2 DAT2 1 Untreated Check 2 QP Dithiopyr 2L 16 AB 55 7 16 20 24 3 QP Dithiopyr 2L 32 A 74 14 42 50 53 4 QP Oxadiazon SC 121 A 99 1 4 6 8 5 QP Prodiamine L 32 A 99 1 2 3 4 6 Dimension 2EW 16 AB 63 8 12 11 15 7 Dimension 2EW 32 A 75 14 35 45 50 8 Ronstar FLO 121 A 100 0 2 4 4 9 Barricade 4FL 32 A 98 1 4 6 9 10 Specticle FLO 4.5 A 53 34 59 65 70 11 Specticle FLO 4.5 AB 58 25 59 66 70 12 Specticle FLO 6 A 70 13 50 51 56 13 Specticle FLO 9 A 83 5 15 19 23 14 13 24 27 27 LSD (P=.05) 36 Preemergence crabgrass control in tall fescue Objec ve: to compare single versus split applica ons for preemergence crabgrass control. Ra onal: Split applica ons should extend the length of crabgrass control. Procedures: RCB 4 reps plots 6’ by 10’, Established ‘Southern Belle’ tall fescue Treatment A: 3/21/14 Air temperature 64 F rela ve humidity 23% 15% cloud cover wind SW 10 MPH Treatment B: 5/14/14 Air temperature 66 F rela ve humidity 97% 25% cloud cover wind NNE 5 MPH Results: Quali Pro prodiamine and Barricade gave the best overall control of southern crabgrass in this study. The split applica on of both dithiopyr treatments and Pendulum did be er than the single applica on. There was some en‐ croachment of bermudagrass in certain check plots, which probably reduced the crabgrass stand. Loca on: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr and Adam Nichols Sponsors: Virginia Turfgrass Founda on, Virginia Turfgrass Council Southern crabgrass percent cover Rate Treatment Fl OZ/A Jun-19-2014 Jul-18-2014 Aug-21-2014 90 DAT 36 DAT2 119 DAT 65 DAT2 153 DAT 99 DAT2 14 36 45 1 Untreated Check 2 QP Dithiopyr 2L 16 fl oz/a AB 6 15 20 3 QP Dithiopyr 2L 32 fl oz/a A 21 39 49 4 QP Prodiamine L 32 fl oz/a A 1 4 6 5 Dimension 2EW 16 fl oz/a AB 9 19 24 6 Dimension 2EW 32 fl oz/a A 14 30 44 7 Barricade 4FL 32 fl oz/a A 3 6 8 8 Pendulum AquaCap 1.5 lb ai/a AB 10 16 26 9 Pendulum AquaCap 3.0 lb ai/a A 13 29 41 6 16 23 LSD (P=.05) 37 Pylex and Pylex plus Turflon Ester for goosegrass control in bermudagrass Objec ve: Goosegrass is a troublesome weed in turfgrass, as it generally is more difficult to control than crabgrass species. We evaluated the poten al for Pylex (topramezone) applied along or in combina on with Turflon Ester (triclopyr) for goosegrass control and bermudagrass tolerance. We compared these treatments to Revolver. Ra onal: Addi onal op ons are needed for selec ve goosegrass control in bermudagrass. Procedures: RCB 4 reps plots 6’ by 10’. This trial was conducted on an established stand of ‘Tifway 419’ bermudagrass, with plots 6’ by 10. Four applica ons, spaced roughly one week apart, were made for each treatment. For turf toler‐ ance, the treatments were made 6/10/14 under 81 F air temperature, 65% rela ve humidity and 30% cloud cover, 6/17/1 under 84 F air temperature, 65% rela ve humidity and 10% cloud cover, 6/26/14 under 84 F air temperature, and 20% cloud cover Goosegrass was grown in pots and treated at either the 2‐3 leaf or 2‐3 ller growth stage. In both situa ons, 4 applica ons to goosegrass spaced roughly one week apart were made. Goosegrass was treated at a different me than bermudagrass. Results: Bermudagrass injury increased when the Pylex rate was increased or when Turflon Ester was added to Pylex (Table 1). Unacceptable injury to bermudagrass was noted at 3 days a er the 2 applica on (3 DAT2), at 9 DAT2, and at 6 DAT3 from all treatments containing Pylex. At 16 days a er 4 applica ons (16 DAT4), bermudagrass injury was at acceptable levels when Pylex was applied alone but was unacceptable when Turflon Ester at 1 fl oz/A was added to Pylex at either 0.1 or 0.2 fl oz/A. Revolver did not cause any bermudagrass injury in this trial. Three applica ons of Pylex at 0.2 fl oz/a with or without Turflon Ester gave essen ally complete control of goosegrass when applied at the 2‐3 leaf stage (Table 2). A er 4 applica ons, Pylex applied alone at 0.1 fl oz/A gave unacceptable control, but control was acceptable when Turflon Ester was added to that rate. Four applica ons of Pylex applied alone at either rate gave excellent control of 2‐3 ller goosegrass (Table 3). Adding Turflon Ester to Pylex at either rate resulted in poor control of llered goosegrass. Addi onal research is needed to reduce bermudagrass injury while maintaining goosegrass control when applying Pylex. Adding Turflon Ester to Pylex increases bermudagrass injury and may antagonize the goosegrass control provid‐ ed by Pylex. Loca on: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr and Adam Nichols Sponsors: BASF, Virginia Turfgrass Founda on, Virginia Turfgrass Council 38 Table 1. Bermudagrass tolerance to the applied treatments. Bermudagrass injury on a 1-9 scale 7/13/14 Treatment 3 DAT 1 Non-treated 2 3 4 5 6 Pylex 0.1 fl oz/a MSO 0.5 % v/v Pylex Turflon Ester MSO 0.1 fl oz/a Pylex 0.2 fl oz/a MSO 0.5 % v/v Pylex Turflon Ester MSO 0.2 fl oz/a 1 7/20/14 7/26/014 10 DAT 16 DAT 3 DAT2 9 DAT2 8/2/14 22 DAT 6 DAT3 8/10/14 8/18/14 8/25/14 30DAt 8 38 DAT 45 DAT DAT4 16 DAT4 23 DAT4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.3 4.3 5.3 4.8 2.6 1.5 1.0 3.3 4.9 6.5 7.0 5.6 4.5 3.3 3.0 4.8 5.8 5.8 4.0 3.3 2.3 4.8 6.4 7.4 8.1 7.1 5.1 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 fl oz/a 0.5 % v/v 1 fl oz/a 0.5 % v/v Revolver 17.4 fl oz/a LSD (P=.05) Rating Unit 1-9 index/scale, 1 = no injury, 9 = complete death, 4 = unacceptable injury. Table 2. Goosegrass control when treatments were applied to 2-3 leaf goosegrass. Percent control 2-3 leaf Goosegrass Treatment 1 Non-treated 2 3 Pylex 0.1 fl oz/a MSO 0.5 % v/v Pylex 0.1 fl oz/a Turflon Ester 4 5 0.5 % v/v Pylex 0.2 fl oz/a MSO 0.5 % v/v Pylex 0.2 fl oz/a MSO 1 7/18/14 7/25/14 7/31/14 8/7/14 8/15/14 8 DAT 16 DAT 1 DAT3 23 DAT 8 DAT2 29 DAT 6 DAT3 36 DAT 13 DAT3 44 DAT 21 DAT4 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 34 55 44 67 66 65 48 64 63 87 89 87 58 96 98 100 100 100 93 99 99 100 98 98 56 84 97 100 99 97 20 25 36 24 28 28 fl oz/a MSO Turflon Ester 6 1 7/10/14 fl oz/a 0.5 % v/v Revolver 17.4 fl oz/a LSD (P=.05) 39 Table 3. Goosegrass control when treatments were applied to 2-3 tiller goosegrass. Percent control 2-3 tiller Goosegrass Treatment 1 Non-treated 2 3 4 5 6 Pylex 0.1 fl oz/a MSO 0.5 Pylex 0.1 fl oz/a 7/25/14 7/31/14 8/7/14 8/15/14 8/22/14 8 DAT 1 DAT2 15 DAT 8 DAT2 21 DAT 6 DAT3 28 DAT 7 DAT4 36 DAT 15 DAT4 43 DAT 22 DAT4 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 51 63 86 94 93 14 36 33 25 29 26 30 65 75 99 100 100 16 48 64 87 94 90 8 43 55 55 64 53 10 17 23 18 23 26 % v/v Turflon Ester 1 fl oz/a MSO 0.5 % v/v Pylex 0.2 fl oz/a MSO 0.5 Pylex 0.2 fl oz/a % v/v Turflon Ester 1 fl oz/a MSO 0.5 % v/v Revolver 17.4 fl oz/a LSD (P=.05) 7/18/14 40 Tolerance of ornamental grasses to preemergence herbicides Objec ve: to iden fy safe and effec ve herbicides for weed container in ornamental grass produc on Ra onal: There are few preemergence herbicides registered for ornamental grass produc on. Procedures: Conducted at the research sta on, Virginia Beach RCB 4 reps 1 gallon pots 100% pine bark 3 pots per species per plot Osmocote + 15‐9‐12 plus minors 12.5 g/pot at plan ng planted 5/27/14 and irrigated Species planted: Chasmanthium la folium, Pennisetum alopecuroides, Calamagros s acu flora, Schizachyrium sco‐ parium, Panicum virgatum, and Eragros s curvula. Applica on 1: treated 5/27/14 90 Fair temperature 42% rela ve humidity partly cloudy 50% cloud cover wind 5‐10 MPH West irrigated ½ hour a er applica on Height at treatment: Panicum 12.5”, Schizachyrium 9.5”, Calamagros s 18”, Eragros s 18.5”, Pennisetum 16” Chas‐ manthium 14” Applica on 2 – treated 7/10/14 83 F air temperature, 67% rela ve humidity, wind 6 MPH SW irrigated ½ hour a er applica on Results: At 36 DAT1, no herbicide treatment reduced shoot fresh weight of Schizachyrium, Panicum, Eragros s, Pen‐ nisetum, or Chasmanthium, although there appeared to be a slight decrease in Panicum shoot weight at the highest rate of Gallery. Dimension at 2 lb ai/A reduced shoot weight of Calamagros s compared to untreated plants, and the two lower rates of Dimension appeared to reduce shoot weight in this species. A er the second herbicide applica on, no treatment reduced regrowth shoot weight of Schizachyrium, Panicum, Eragros s, or Pennisetum although Pendu‐ lum‐containing treatments appeared to cause approximately a 10% reduc on in Schizachyrium regrowth weight. Di‐ mension at 2 lb ai/A appeared to reduce regrowth shoot weight of Calamagros s. Pendulum AquaCap plus Gallery re‐ duced shoot weight in Chasmanthium, although all herbicide treatments appeared to cause a decrease in shoot weight of this species. When compared to untreated plants, no herbicide treatment reduced seedhead produc on in Schi‐ zachyrium, Panicum, Pennisetum, or Chasmanthium. Eragros s and Calamagros s did not produce seedheads during the trial. Weed control increased as the herbicide rate increased. At the lowest rate tested, Gallery, Dimension, and Pendulum all provided similar control of mulberry weed (69‐80%). At the lowest rate tested, Dimension provided the best spo ed spurge control. Pennisetum alopecuroides, Calamagros s acu flora, Schizachyrium scoparium, Panicum virgatum, and Eragros s curvula tolerate the herbicides used in this study. Chasmanthium la folium tolerated all herbi‐ cide treatments a er one applica on, but there appeared to be about a 20% reduc on of growth a er 2 applica ons. Loca on: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr, Jillian Rajevich, and Aman Rana Sponsors: IR‐4 Project, Hoffman Nursery 41 Table 1. Shoot fresh weight 36 days a er the first applica on. Rate Shoot fresh weight g per plant 36 DAT 7/1/14 Treatment lb ai/A Non-treated Schizachyrium Panicum Calamagrostis Eragrostis Pennisetum Chasmanthium 25.1 101.3 20.9 69.6 35.1 33.0 Gallery SC 1.0 25.8 92.1 18.5 65.2 35.2 26.3 Gallery SC 2.0 24.9 96.3 23.2 73.4 37.8 31.3 Gallery SC 4.0 19.7 83.7 21.3 66.8 30.5 26.8 Dimension 2EW 0.5 18.2 89.7 15.3 65.3 41.8 26.3 Dimension 2EW 1.0 25.3 106.1 14.8 84.5 39.9 36.0 Dimension 2EW 2.0 23.7 103.1 11.8 67.8 40.7 30.3 Gallery SC 1.0 29.5 96.8 16.9 62.6 28.4 29.0 + Dimension 2EW 0.5 Pendulum 2G 3 21.8 92.3 24.5 65.4 37.7 29.5 Pendulum 2G 6 20.3 92.1 21.3 62.9 42.0 34.8 Pendulum 2G 12 20.7 90.9 20.6 62.8 29.4 35.5 Pendulum AquaCap 3.0 19.8 83.7 20.9 70.3 36.6 31.5 + Gallery SC 1.0 8.3 23.2 6.9 21.5 14.3 10.3 LSD (P=.05) Table 2. Shoot fresh weight 35 days after the second application. Rate Treatment Regrowth shoot fresh weight g per plant 79 DAT1 35 DAT2 8/14/14 lb ai/A Schizachyrium Panicum Non-treated Calamagrostis Eragrostis Pennisetum Chasmanthium 146.5 95.8 28.1 64.7 83.7 50.8 Gallery 1.0 146.1 104.9 29.8 68.4 80.8 39.3 Gallery 2.0 149.4 101.9 34.2 78.7 85.8 41.5 Gallery 4.0 148.8 96.8 34.2 71.8 86.5 40.6 Dimension 0.5 128.7 97.4 31.1 60.5 86.9 39.8 Dimension 1.0 145.5 111.6 31.0 71.0 84.0 43.2 Dimension 2.0 139.3 106.5 18.8 54.4 90.7 39.6 Gallery 1.0 155.8 109.1 30.4 70.8 88.0 45.4 + Dimension 0.5 Pendulum 2G 3 109.8 93.8 28.7 73.2 88.2 36.8 Pendulum 2G 6 129.8 88.8 30.8 63.0 77.7 46.7 Pendulum 2G 12 133.0 84.5 43.6 72.6 76.9 44.3 Pendulum AquaCap 3.0 123.8 90.3 27.6 81.6 86.6 36.6 + Gallery 1.0 37.7 25.9 14.6 21.0 19.6 13.4 LSD (P=.05) 42 Table 3. Tolerance of ornamental grasses to preemergence herbicides Number of seedheads Rate Treatment Panicum Jul-282014 lb ai/A Non-treated Pennisetum Chasmanthium Schizachyrium Jul-28-2014 Aug-13-2014 Sep-22-2014 0.5 22.3 15.0 26.5 Gallery 1.0 4.8 17.3 10.5 42.0 Gallery 2.0 3.0 22.0 19.8 46.8 Gallery 4.0 4.0 12.5 20.3 39.0 Dimension 0.5 3.8 24.5 17.8 57.3 Dimension 1.0 2.0 30.0 11.0 52.5 Dimension 2.0 2.8 25.5 9.0 44.3 Gallery 1.0 2.5 17.8 17.5 42.5 + Dimension 0.5 Pendulum 2G 3 2.3 14.0 11.8 50.5 Pendulum 2G 6 2.0 21.5 13.5 61.8 Pendulum 2G 12 2.5 17.3 11.8 47.3 Pendulum AquaCap 3.0 3.5 35.8 13.5 56.5 + Gallery 1.0 3.7 15.2 13.0 26.5 LSD (P=.05) Table 4. Weed control following preemergence herbicide application. Number per plot 6/18/14 22 DAT Mulberry Spotted weed spurge Rate Treatment lb ai/A Non-treated Percent control 7/3/14 38 DAT Mulberry weed Spotted spurge 41.5 42.3 8 0 Gallery 1.0 14.3 13.5 69 38 Gallery 2.0 4.0 2.3 90 76 Gallery 4.0 0.8 0.3 99 95 Dimension 0.5 19.5 17.8 80 79 Dimension 1.0 14.3 10.3 96 88 Dimension 2.0 14.3 9.5 96 89 Gallery 1.0 8.5 5.3 89 83 + Dimension 0.5 Pendulum 2G 3 21.0 24.0 71 39 Pendulum 2G 6 19.5 14.3 95 53 Pendulum 2G 12 14.0 10.3 98 81 Pendulum AquaCap 3.0 12.8 9.0 75 50 + Gallery 1.0 9.4 7.5 14 20 LSD (P=.05) 43 Tenacity + Princep + Pennant Magnum for goosegrass control in bermudagrass Objec ve: Goosegrass is a troublesome weed in turfgrass, as it generally is more difficult to control than crabgrass species. We evaluated the poten al for Pylex (topramezone) applied along or in combina on with Turflon Ester (triclopyr) for goosegrass control and bermudagrass tolerance. We compared these treatments to Revolver. Ra onal: Addi onal op ons are needed for selec ve goosegrass control in bermudagrass. Procedures: RCB 4 reps plots 6’ by 10’. This trial was conducted on an established stand of ‘Tifway 419’ and ‘Tifsport’ and ‘Tifsport’bermudagrass, with plots 6’ by 10. Four applica ons, spaced roughly one week apart, were made for each treatment. For turf tolerance, the treatments were made 6/10/14 under 81 F air temperature, 65% rela ve humidity and 30% cloud cover, 6/17/1 under 84 F air temperature, 65% rela ve humidity and 10% cloud cover, 6/26/14 under 84 F air temperature, and 20% cloud cover Goosegrass was grown in pots and treated at either the 2‐3 leaf or 2‐3 ller growth stage. In both situa ons, 4 applica ons to goosegrass spaced roughly one week apart were made. Goosegrass was treated at a different me than bermudagrass. Results: Applying Tenacity plus Princep or Tenacity plus Princep plus Pennant Magnum caused unacceptable injury to Tifway 419 bermudagrass. Significant injury was s ll apparent 32 days a er the second applica on. Adding Pennant Magnum to Tenacity plus Princep at 16 fl oz/A increased the injury to Tifway 419. Less injury from these treatments was seen in Tifsport bermudagrass, with no injury apparent at 32 days a er the second applica on. .Loca on: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr and Adam Nichols Sponsors: Syngenta, Virginia Turfgrass Founda on, Virginia Turfgrass Council 44 Tenacity + Princep + Pennant Magnum for goosegrass control in bermudagrass Tifway 419 Bermuda grass injury 1-9 scale 16 45 DAT DAT 24 DAT 31 DAT 37 DAT 32 DAT2 3 DAT 9 DAT 3 11 DAT2 18 DAT2 24 DAT2 DAT2 7/25/14 7/31/14 8/7/14 8/15/14 8/22/14 8/28/14 9/5/14 Treatment 1 Untreated Check 2 Tenacity 5 fl oz/a AB Princep 8 fl oz/a AB Capsil 3 4 5 6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.8 5.9 4.3 6.5 6.4 6.6 3.5 2.8 6.6 4.5 6.6 6.4 6.6 3.1 2.8 5.4 4.0 6.6 6.0 6.3 2.9 3.0 6.6 5.0 7.5 7.1 7.4 4.3 4.0 2.5 2.8 2.8 4.9 5.3 2.6 0.6 1.1 0.6 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.25 % v/v AB Tenacity 5 fl oz/a AB Princep 8 fl oz/a AB Pennant Magnum 21 fl oz/a AB Capsil 0.25 % v/v AB Tenacity 5 fl oz/a AB Princep 16 fl oz/a AB Capsil 0.25 % v/v AB Tenacity 5 fl oz/a AB Princep 16 fl oz/a AB Pennant Magnum 21 fl oz/a AB Capsil 0.25 % v/v AB MSMA 2 lb ai/a AB Sencor 5.3 oz wt/ AB a LSD (P=.05) Injury scale: 1= no injury, 9 -= complete death. 45 Tenacity + Princep + Pennant Magnum for goosegrass control in bermudagrass Tifsport bermuda grass injury 1-9 scale 3 DAT Treatment 7/25/14 1 Untreated Check 2 Tenacity 5 fl oz/a AB Princep 8 fl oz/a AB Capsil 3 4 5 6 9 DAT 16 DAT 24 DAT 31 DAT 37 DAT 45 DAT 3 DAT2 11 DAT2 18 24 32 DAT2 DAT2 DAT2 7/31/14 8/7/14 8/15/14 8/22/14 8/28/14 9/5/14 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.4 2.3 4.4 2.4 1.5 1.0 2.0 3.5 2.8 5.1 2.5 1.5 1.0 2.3 3.4 2.8 4.3 2.6 1.6 1.0 2.3 3.4 2.8 5.3 2.9 2.0 1.1 4.0 1.9 3.0 2.0 3.6 2.4 1.4 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.25 % v/v AB Tenacity 5 fl oz/a AB Princep 8 fl oz/a AB Pennant Magnum 21 fl oz/a AB Capsil 0.25 % v/v AB Tenacity 5 fl oz/a AB Princep 16 fl oz/a AB Capsil 0.25 % v/v AB Tenacity 5 fl oz/a AB Princep 16 fl oz/a AB Pennant Magnum 21 fl oz/a AB Capsil 0.25 % v/v AB MSMA 2 lb ai/a AB Sencor 5.3 oz wt/ AB a LSD (P=.05) 46 Tenacity + Princep + Pennant Magnum for goosegrass control in bermudagrass Goosegrass – percent control Jul-252014 Jul-312014 Aug-72014 16 DAT 3 DAT2 Aug-152014 24 DAT 11 DAT2 3 DAT 9 DAT 45 DAT324 DAT2 0 0 0 0 0 91 95 96 100 100 96 100 100 100 100 97 100 99 100 100 96 100 100 100 100 96 100 99 100 100 7 6 3 0 00 Sep-5-2014 DA T2 1 Untreated Check 2 Tenacity 5 fl oz/a AB Princep 8 fl oz/a AB Capsil 3 4 5 6 0.25 % v/v AB Tenacity 5 fl oz/a AB Princep 8 fl oz/a AB Pennant Magnum 21 fl oz/a AB Capsil 0.25 % v/v AB Tenacity 5 fl oz/a AB Princep 16 fl oz/a AB Capsil 0.25 % v/v AB Tenacity 5 fl oz/a AB Princep 16 fl oz/a AB Pennant Magnum 21 fl oz/a AB Capsil 0.25 % v/v AB MSMA 2 lb ai/a AB Sencor 5.3 oz wt/ AB a LSD (P=.05) 47 Bermudagrass suppression in tall fescue Objec ve: find selec ve ways to remove common bermudagrass from cool‐season turfgrass. Ra onal: Wild type common bermudagrass can be managed with sequen al applica ons. Procedures: RCB 4 reps plots 6’ by 10’. Established ‘Southern Belle’ tall fescue Treatment A: treated 5/28/14 Air temperature 88 F 44% rela ve humidity 50% cloud cover wind W 6 MPH Treatment B: 6/17/14 Air temperature 86 F rela ve humidity 61% wind WSW 5 MPH 5% cloud cover Results: Turflon Ester + Pylex provided the highest bermudagrass suppression, followed by and Acclaim applied alone. There appeared to be antagonism of bermudagrass control when Turflon Ester was added to either Acclaim Extra or Fusilade. Loca on: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr and Adam Nichols Sponsors: Virginia Turfgrass Founda on, Virginia Turfgrass Council Treatment Percent common bermudagrass suppression in tall fescue 29 DAT 36 DAT 43 DAT 7 DAT 15 DAT 20 DAT 9 DAT2 16 DAT2 23 DAT2 6/4/14 6/12/14 6/17/14 6/26/14 7/3/14 7/10/14 Rate 1 Nontreated 2 Turflon Ester 1.0 lb ae/a X-77 1.0 % v/v Turflon Ester 1.0 lb ai/a Acclaim Extra 0.125 lb ai/a Turflon Ester 1.0 lb ai/a Pylex 0.033 lb ae/a MSO 1.0 % v/v Turflon Ester 1.0 lb ai/a Tenacity 0.25 lb ai/a X-77 0.25 % v/v 6 Acclaim Extra 0.125 7 Pylex 3 4 5 8 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 14 21 31 31 24 23 39 54 69 59 46 35 70 95 100 100 98 11 11 11 18 9 0 lb ai/a 24 40 59 80 94 86 0.033 lb ae/a 15 43 64 80 80 68 MSO 1.0 % v/v Tenacity 0.25 lb ai/a 5 6 4 10 8 4 X-77 0.25 % v/v Turflon Ester 1.0 lb ai/a 14 13 21 39 48 41 Fusilade 0.09 lb ai/a X-77 0.25 % v/v Fusilade 0.09 lb ai/a 20 39 55 74 80 63 X-77 0.25 % v/v 2.6 7.3 7.7 7.8 7.1 8.6 LSD P=.05 48 Bermudgrass suppression in hybrid bluegrass Objec ve: find selec ve ways to remove common bermudagrass from cool‐season turfgrass. Ra onal: Wild type common bermudagrass can be managed with sequen al applica ons. Procedures: RCB 4 reps plots 6’ by 10’. Established ‘Thermal Blue’ hybrid bluegrass Treatment A: treated 5/28/14 Air temperature 88 F 44% rela ve humidity 50% cloud cover wind W 6 MPH Treatment B: 6/17/14 Air temperature 86 F rela ve humidity 61% wind WSW 5 MPH 5% cloud cover Results: Turflon Ester + Pylex and Acclaim applied alone provided the highest bermudagrass suppression. There ap‐ peared to be antagonism of bermudagrass control when Turflon Ester was added to either Acclaim Extra or Fusilade. Loca on: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr and Adam Nichols Sponsors: Virginia Turfgrass Founda on, Virginia Turfgrass Council Treatment Percent common bermudagrass suppression in hybrid bluegrass 29 DAT 36 DAT 43 DAT 7 DAT 15 DAT 20 DAT 9 DAT2 16 DAT2 23 DAT2 6/4/14 6/12/14 6/17/14 6/26/14 7/3/14 7/10/14 Rate 1 Nontreated 2 Turflon Ester 1.0 lb ae/a Capsil 1.0 % v/v Turflon Ester 1.0 lb ai/a 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 13 19 26 35 23 23 41 59 69 58 46 35 64 94 98 99 98 11 16 19 13 6 0 Acclaim Extra 0.125 lb ai/a Turflon Ester 1.0 lb ai/a Pylex 0.033 lb ae/a MSO 1.0 % v/v Turflon Ester 1.0 lb ai/a Tenacity 0.25 lb ai/a Capsil 0.25 % v/v 6 Acclaim Extra 0.125 lb ai/a 19 43 58 79 95 94 7 25 43 65 88 80 73 5 5 5 3 4 1 9 14 23 31 51 39 18 39 55 78 86 80 4 5 7 5 6 7 4 5 8 9 10 Pylex 0.033 lb ae/a MSO 1.0 % v/v Tenacity 0.25 lb ai/a Capsil 0.25 % v/v Turflon Ester 1.0 lb ai/a Fusilade 0.09 lb ai/a Capsil 0.25 % v/v Fusilade 0.09 lb ai/a Capsil 0.25 % v/v LSD P=.05 49 Corn gluten for crabgrass control Objec ve: to evaluate the effec veness of corn gluten as an organic alterna ve for crabgrass control. Ra onal: There is a demand for organic products for weed management. Procedures: RCB 4 reps plots 6’ by 10’. Established tall fescue. Applica on A: treated 3/21/14, 57 F Air temperature 29% rela ve humidity 0% cloud cover wind 3 MPH N Applica on B: treated 5/21/14, 77 F Air temperature 69% rela ve humidity 40% cloud cover wind 3 MPH W Rates for corn gluten are in lb N/1000 sq . Applica on rates were 10 and 20 lb/1000 sq , 8% N Results: Treatments containing fer lizer caused an increase in turf color at 61 and 125 DAT compared to the treatment that did not receive fer lizer (Treatments 1, 6, and 7). There was essen ally no difference in color among treatments at 137 and 175 DAT. Apparently the N effect had run out by these me periods. Treatments that did not contain Pen‐ dulum (pendimethalin) had lower quality at 137 and 175 DAT due to brown patch and smooth crabgrass infesta ons. Corn gluten did not control crabgrass in this study, while Pendulum gave excellent control. Plots that were fer lized with corn gluten or a conven onal fer lizer without applica on of Pendulum had higher infesta ons of brown patch – perhaps the higher density of crabgrass in these plots resulted in greater canopy moisture, resul ng in greater amounts of Rhizoctonia. Loca on: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr and Adam Nichols Sponsors: Virginia Turfgrass Founda on, Virginia Turfgrass Council Tall fescue color 1-9 scale Pest Name 5/21/14 Treatment 1 61DAT Untreated Check 7/24/14 8/5/14 9/1/14 125 DAT 64 137 DAT 76 175 DAT 114 DAT2 DAT2 DAT2 6.0 5.9 6.0 6.3 2 Anderson's 12-3-12 0.8 lb ai/1000 ft2 AB 7.9 6.8 5.4 5.5 3 Anderson's 12-3-12 1.6 lb ai/1000 ft2 A 8.8 7.5 5.6 5.5 4 WOW Corn Gluten 0.8 lb ai/1000 ft2 AB 8.8 7.0 5.9 6.0 5 WOW Corn Gluten 1.6 lb ai/1000 ft2 A 9.0 7.0 6.3 6.0 6 Pendulum 2G 1.5 lb ai/a AB 6.8 5.9 6.1 6.0 7 Pendulum 2G 3.0 lb ai/a A 6.8 5.5 5.5 5.8 8 Pendulum 2G 1.5 lb ai/a AB 7.9 7.0 5.9 5.8 8.4 7.0 6.1 5.8 0.4 0.6 0.9 NS Anderson's 12-3-12 0.8 lb ai/1000 ft2 9 Pendulum 2G 3.0 lb ai/a Anderson's 12-3-12 1.6 lb ai/1000 ft2 AB A A LSD (P=.05) Color: 1= brown, 9 = dark green. 50 Pest Name Tall fescue quality 1-9 scale Rating Date 5/21/14 7/24/14 8/5/14 9/12/14 Days After First/Last Applic. 61 DAT 125 DAT 64 DAT2 137 DAT 76 DAT2 175 DAT 114 DAT2 5.1 4.5 4.5 4.0 2 Anderson's 12-3-12 0.8 lb ai/1000 ft2 AB 6.9 5.5 4.4 3.8 3 Anderson's 12-3-12 1.6 lb ai/1000 ft2 8.0 5.9 4.8 4.0 4 WOW Corn Gluten 0.8 lb ai/1000 ft2 AB 8.4 5.4 4.6 3.8 5 WOW Corn Gluten 1.6 lb ai/1000 ft2 A 9.0 5.4 4.8 3.8 1 Untreated Check A 6 Pendulum 2G 1.5 lb ai/a AB 7.3 6.1 6.0 5.1 7 Pendulum 2G 3.0 lb ai/a A 7.4 6.1 5.8 5.8 8 Pendulum 2G 1.5 lb ai/a AB 7.5 6.5 5.9 5.5 7.9 5.5 5.9 5.6 0.4 0.6 0.5 1.1 Smooth crabgrass Smooth crabgrass Anderson's 12-3-12 0.8 lb ai/1000 ft2 AB 9 Pendulum 2G 3.0 lb ai/a Anderson's 12-3-12 1.6 lb ai/1000 ft2 A A LSD (P=.05) Quality scale 1+ dead turf, 9 = high quality. Corn gluten for crabgrass control Rhizoctonia Rhizoctonia sp. sp. Treatment 1 Untreated Check 2 Anderson's 12-3-12 3 7/24/14 8/5/14 8/5/14 9/12/14 % % % cover % cover 125 DAT 64 DAT2 137 DAT 76 DAT2 137 DAT 76 175 DAT 114 DAT2 DAT2 15 16 15 30 0.8 lb ai/1000 ft2 AB 29 28 16 35 Anderson's 12-3-12 1.6 lb ai/1000 ft2 19 23 14 29 4 WOW Corn Gluten 0.8 lb ai/1000 ft2 AB 28 25 20 41 5 WOW Corn Gluten 1.6 lb ai/1000 ft2 A 29 29 19 43 6 Pendulum 2G 1.5 lb ai/a AB 9 10 0 0 7 Pendulum 2G 3.0 lb ai/a A 11 13 0 0 8 Pendulum 2G 1.5 lb ai/a AB 8 8 0 0 9 6 0 0 13 12 Anderson's 12-3-12 9 Pendulum 2G Anderson's 12-3-12 A 0.8 lb ai/1000 ft2 AB 3.0 lb ai/a 1.6 lb ai/1000 ft2 LSD (P=.05) A A 51 9 24 Spot treatment control of dallisgrass using Tribute Total Objec ve: iden fy selec ve treatments for dallisgrass control. Evaluate the efficacy of spot treatments using Tribute Total in combina on with differing surfactants and with/without ammonium sulfate on the control of dallisgrass. Ra onal: Dallisgrass is one of the most important weeds in bermudagrass. Procedures: RCB 4 reps plots 6’ by 10’. Applica on Timing: Year One: Applica on A: September 16, 2013 Applica on B: October 16, 2013 Applica on C: October 28, 2013 Applica on D: May 05, 2014 Year Two: Applica on A: September 05, 2014 Applica on B: October 3, 2014 Applica on C: October 17, 2014 Applica on D: June 10, 2015 Results: A er mul ple applica ons over 2 years, the pplied treatments are providing excellent dallisgrass control, with some treatments giving complete control in April 2015. Dallisgrass does appear, though to be re‐invading treated plots, though, by June 2015. Bermudagrass cover has increased due to dallisgrass control. Loca on: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr and Adam Nichols Sponsors: Bayer, Virginia Turfgrass Founda on, Virginia Turfgrass Council 52 Mean percent dallisgrass cover Trt # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LSD (p=0.05) September '13 April '14 z 90 a 77 a 75 a 93 a 95 a 87 a 84 a 76 a 90 a 86 a 23 71 a 11 bc 9 bc 13 bc 10 bc 7 bc 10 bc 4c 20 b 13 bc 13 Dallisgrass Cover (%) June '14 July '14 September '14 April '15 96 a 60 bc 65 b 34 d 34 d 29 d 34 d 21 d 41 cd 41 cd 23 97 a 84 ab 86 ab 70 cd 65 de 65 de 58 de 55 e 79 bc 70 cd 13 81 a 65 bc 61 bc 68 ab 59 bc 59 bc 56 bc 50 c 63 bc 63 bc 16 24 a 0b 1b 3b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 8 June '15 70 a 2b 3b 4b 3b 2b 4b 1b 3b 3b 6 z Means are the average of four replicates. Means followed by the same le er do not differ significantly according the Least Significant Different test (p = 0.05) Mean turfgrass cover Trt # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LSD (p=0.05) Bermudagrass Cover (%) April '14 June '14 April '15 June '15 z 3a 44 a 35 a 25 a 24 a 35 a 39 a 36 a 21 a 36 a 26 2c 33 b 31 b 53 ab 64 a 66 a 61 a 73 a 53 ab 55 ab 25 3e 33 cd 33 cd 25 d 70 a 56 ab 70 a 55 ab 48 bc 53 b 16 8e 78 a-d 74 d 75 cd 90 ab 91 a 86 a-d 89 abc 76 bcd 74 d 15 Means are the average of four replicates. Means followed by the same le er do not differ significantly according the Least Significant Different test (p = 0.05) z 53 Tribute Total + Dismiss for postemergent dallisgrass control Objec ve: Evaluate the efficacy of adding Dismiss to Tribute Total for the postemergent control of dallisgrass. Evalu‐ ate spot spray applica ons versus broadcast applica ons. Ra onal: Adding Dismiss may speed up control and possibly improve overall dalisgrass control. Procedures: RCB 4 reps plots 6’ by 10’. Applica on informa on: A: August 21, 2014 – 89°F, Mostly cloudy, 79% rela ve humidity, 7 MPH winds out of the north‐northeast. Site was irrigated seven days a er applica on with overhead irriga on. B: September 18, 2014 – 74°F, Sunny, 62% rela ve humidity, 9 MPH winds out of the east. Site was irrigated three days a er applica on with rainfall C: September 05, 2014 – 87°F, Partly cloudy, 73% rela ve humidity, 5 MPH winds out of the southwest. Site was irri‐ gated three days a er the applica on with rainfall. D: October 03, 2014 – 71°F, Mostly Sunny, 84% rela ve humidity, 9 MPH winds out of the northeast. Site was irrigated eight days a er applica on with rainfall. E: June 10, 2015 – 83°F, Sunny, 49% rela ve humidity, 9 MPH winds out of the northeast. Site was irrigated four days a er applica on with rainfall. Results: Adding Dissmiss to Tribute Total resulted in faster inury development in dallisgrass but did not increase long term control compared to Tribute Totall applied alone. Loca on: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr and Adam Nichols Sponsors: Bayer, Virginia Turfgrass Founda on, Virginia Turfgrass Council 54 Plot: 6' x 10' Trt. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Treatment Untreated Check Tribute Total + MSO Tribute Total + Dismiss + MSO Tribute Total + MSO Tribute Total + Dismiss + MSO Tribute Total + MSO Tribute Total + Dismiss + MSO Rep Application Timing Description 1 2 Rate 103 202 0.07 Oz wt /GAL CDE Spot 102 201 0.5 % v/v CDE Spot 0.07 Oz wt /GAL CDE Spot 104 203 8 Fl oz/A CDE Spot 0.5 % v/v CDE Spot 3.2 Oz/A CDE Broadcast 107 206 0.5 % v/v CDE Broadcast 3.2 Oz/A CDE Broadcast 101 204 0.25 Lb ai/A CDE Broadcast 0.5 % v/v CDE Broadcast 3.2 Oz/A AB Broadcast 105 207 0.5 % v/v AB Broadcast 3.2 Oz/A AB Broadcast 106 205 0.25 Lb ai/A AB Broadcast 0.5 % v/v AB Broadcast 3 4 304 406 303 401 302 407 305 404 301 405 306 403 307 402 Dallisgrass Injury (%) Trt. # 1 2 Treatment Untreated Check Tribute Total + MSO 3 Tribute Total + Dismiss + MSO 4 Tribute Total + MSO 5 Tribute Total + Dismiss + MSO 6 Tribute Total + MSO 7 Tribute Total + Dismiss + MSO LSD (p=0.05) z 10 DAC y 19 DAC 27 DAC 35 DAC 42 DAC 53 DAC 63 DAC 0c 40 b 0c 20 b 0c 23 b 0d 53 c 0d 84 c 0d 96 bc 0c 94 ab 63 a 20 b 23 b 63 b 91 b 98 abc 97 a 40 b 20 b 18 b 51 c 83 c 95 c 90 b 60 a 18 b 20 b 56 c 85 c 96 bc 94 ab 40 b 59 a 78 a 93 a 98 a 40 b 59 a 75 a 91 a 98 a 3 7 7 z 6 5 100 a 99 ab 3 97 a 96 a 5 DAC = Days a er applica on C – September 05, 2014 y Means are the average of four replicates. Means followed by the same le er do not differ significantly accord‐ ing the Least Significant Different test (p = 0.05) 55 Mean percent dallisgrass and bermudagrass cover Dallisgras Cover (%) Trt. # 1 2 Treatment Untreated Check Tribute Total + MSO 3 Tribute Total + Dismiss + MSO 4 Tribute Total + MSO 5 Tribute Total + Dismiss + MSO 6 Tribute Total + MSO 7 Tribute Total + Dismiss + MSO LSD (p=0.05) z 251 DAIT y 292 DAIT Bermudagrass Cover (%) 251 DAIT 292 DAIT 23 a 0b 64 a 10 b 2a 13 a 8a 38 a 1b 7b 19 a 46 a 1b 5b 9a 33 a 1b 13 b 7a 38 a 1b 13 b 21 a 41 a 3b 9b 18 a 40 a 10 18 25 36 DAC = Days a er applica on C – September 05, 2014 y Means are the average of four replicates. Means followed by the same le er do not differ significantly accord‐ ing the Least Significant Different test (p = 0.05) z 56 MSMA alterna ve programs for dallisgrass suppression Objec ve: iden fy selec ve treatments for dallisgrass control. Ra onal: Dallisgrass is one of the most important weeds in bermudagrass s well as other turf species. Procedures: RCB 4 reps plots 6’ by 10’. Year One Applica on A: September 16, 2013 Applica on B: September 24, 2013 Applica on C: May 05, 2014 Applica on D: May 14, 2014 Applica on E: October 07, 2013 Applica on F: May 28, 2014 Applica on G: October 16, 2013 Applica on H: June 03, 2104 Year Two: Applica on A: September 05, 2014 Applica on B: September 15, 2015 Applica on C: June 10, 2015 Applica on D: June 17, 2015 Applica on E: September 29, 2014 Applica on F: TBD Applica on G: October 03, 2014 Applica on H: TBD Results: A er mul ple applica ons between 2013 and2015, most treatments are providing good to excellent dallis‐ grass control. Loca on: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr and Adam Nichols Sponsors: Syngenta, Virginia Turfgrass Founda on, Virginia Turfgrass Council 57 Mean percent dallisgrass cover Plot size: 6'x10' Trt # 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Treatment Untreated Check MSMA + Capsil Monument + Capsil Celsius + Revolver + Capsil Monument + Capsil Celsius + Revolver + Capsil Monument + Capsil Monument + Capsil A20819A + Capsil Monument + A20819A + Capsil Fusilade II + Capsil Fusilade II + Tenacity + Capsil Tenacity + Turflon Ester Ultra + Capsil Pylex + Turflon Ester Ultra + MSO Tenacity + Turflon Ester Ultra + Fusilade II + Capsil Rate 2 0.5 0.53 0.5 3.7 26.2 0.5 0.53 0.5 3.7 26.2 0.5 0.53 0.5 0.53 0.5 33 0.5 0.53 33 0.5 6 0.5 6 8 0.5 8 16 0.5 1.5 16 0.5 8 16 6 0.5 Pt/A % v/v Oz/A % v/v Oz/A Fl oz/A % v/v Oz/A % v/v Oz/A Fl oz/A % v/v Oz/A % v/v Oz/A % v/v Fl oz/A % v/v Oz/A Fl oz/A % v/v Fl oz/A % v/v Fl oz/A Fl oz/A % v/v Fl oz/A Fl oz/A % v/v Fl oz/A Fl oz/A % v/v Fl oz/A Fl oz/A Fl oz/A % v/v Application Timing 1 111 ABCD 103 ABCD AE 106 AE CF CF CF AC 102 AC EF EF EF ACEF 104 ACEF ACGH 110 ACGH ACGH 107 ACGH ACGH 112 ACGH ACGH ACGH 108 ACGH ACGH 113 ACGH ACGH ACGH 105 ACGH ACGH ACGH 109 ACGH ACGH ACGH 101 ACGH ACGH ACGH 58 Rep 2 3 4 205 312 409 211 307 408 213 311 403 206 301 411 201 303 406 212 313 402 204 306 401 209 302 407 210 308 413 202 309 412 203 305 404 208 310 405 207 304 410 September '13 April '14 Trt # 51 a 1 68 az 2 1e 69 a 3 26 bcd 67 a 4 20 cde 80 a 5 34 a-d 77 a 6 39 abc 76 a 7 48 ab 61 a 8 55 a 91 a 9 0e 59 a 10 1e 74 a 11 1e 74 a 12 13 de 75 a 13 2e 82 a LSD (P=.05) 23 37 Dallisgrass Cover (%) June '14 July '14 September '14 May '15 65 a 61 abc 65 a 41 a 7c 8d 20 e 1c 10 c 40 c 31 cde 1c 19 bc 58 abc 55 ab 1c 15 bc 45 c 46 a‐d 1c 14 c 40 c 41 bcd 1c 76 a 78 ab 64 a 15 b 23 bc 50 c 53 ab 3c 7c 2d 35 b‐e 1c 5c 10 d 26 de 0c 36 b 49 c 49 abc 3c 64 a 81 a 64 a 5 bc 18 bc 53 bc 53 ab 1c 22 27 21 11 June ' 15 62 a 2d 2d 1d 3d 3d 38 b 4d 1d 1d 9 cd 26 bc 2d 20 z Means are the average of four replicates. Means followed by the same le er do not differ significantly according the Least Significant Different test (p = 0.05) Mean percent bermudagrass cover Trt # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 LSD (P=.05) Bermudagrass Cover (%) April '14 June '14 May '15 June '15 z 10 a 19 a 38 a 16 a 32 a 25 a 23 a 19 a 8a 7a 10 a 11 a 18 a 28 15 c 71 a 76 a 55 ab 58 ab 75 a 18 c 59 ab 2c 1c 46 b 1c 0c 24 7d 54 c 75 ab 71 ab 76 ab 86 a 11 d 69 bc 3d 4d 6d 2d 11 d 18 6c 86 a 89 a 93 a 91 a 93 a 34 b 85 a 5c 11 c 38 b 2c 26 b 14 z Means are the average of four replicates. Means followed by the same le er do not differ significantly according the Least Significant Different test (p = 0.05) 59 Perennial ryegrass transi oning in bermudagrass Objec ve: evaluate treatments for removal of overseeded perennial ryegrass from bermudagrass. Ra onal: to determine the op mum treatments for transi oning back to bermudagrass Procedures: RCB 4 reps plots 6’ by 10’. Applica on Informa on: A: April 13, 2014 – 68°F, Mostly sunny, 71% rela ve humidity, 8 MPH winds out of the south‐southeast. Site irrigated two days a er applica on with rainfall Results: Katana, Negate, and Tribute Total were the most effec ve for perennial ryegrass control. Loca on: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr and Adam Nichols Sponsors: Quali Pro, Syngenta, Virginia Turfgrass Founda on, Virginia Turfgrass Council Plot: 6' x 12' Trt. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Treatment Nontreated Negate + Capsil QP Rimsulfuron + Capsil Monument + Capsil Revolver Katana + Capsil Kerb + Capsil Tribute Total + Capsil Rate 1.5 0.25 1 0.25 0.35 0.25 17 1.5 0.25 1 0.25 2 0.25 Oz/A % v/v Oz/A % v/v Oz/A % v/v Fl oz/A Oz/A % v/v Lb ai/A % v/v Oz/A %v Rep 1 2 3 4 103 202 303 401 107 201 305 407 105 204 308 402 106 203 304 405 104 205 301 408 101 208 307 404 102 207 306 403 108 206 302 406 60 Ryegrass Injury (%) Trt. # Treatment 1 2 Untreated Check Negate + Capsil 3 QP Rimsulfuron + Capsil 4 Monument + Capsil 5 Revolver 6 Katana + Capsil 7 Kerb + Capsil 8 Tribute Total + Capsil LSD (p=0.05) Rate z 9 DAT y 1.5 0.25 1 0.25 0.35 0.25 17 1.5 0.25 1 0.25 2 0.25 Oz/A % v/v Oz/A % v/v Oz/A % v/v Fl oz/A Oz/A % v/v Lb ai/A % v/v Oz/A %v 14 DAT 23 DAT 35 DAT 45 DAT 65 DAT 0c 6a 0d 15 a 0c 55 a 0c 63 ab 0c 84 a 45 e 78 bc 5a 8c 20 b 6c 16 c 53 de 4 ab 10 bc 20 b 50 b 61 b 71 bcd 3b 4 ab 8c 15 a 8c 55 a 5c 80 a 11 c 95 a 58 cde 100 a 0c 0d 3c 5c 0c 53 de 5a 13 ab 50 a 80 a 81 a 80 ab 2 4 11 18 17 21 z DAT = Days after treatment – April 13, 2015 y Means are the average of four replicates. Means followed by the same letter do not differ significantly according the Least Significant Different test (p = 0.05) Bermudagrass Cover (%) Trt. # 1 2 Treatment Untreated Check Negate + Capsil 3 QP Rimsulfuron + Capsil 4 Monument + Capsil 5 Revolver 6 Katana + Capsil 7 Kerb + Capsil 8 Tribute Total + Capsil LSD (p=0.05) z Rate z 35 DAT y 1.5 0.25 1 0.25 0.35 0.25 17 1.5 0.25 1 0.25 2 0.25 18 b 56 a Oz/A % v/v Oz/A 8.8 b % v/v Oz/A 53 a % v/v Fl oz/A 11 b Oz/A 71 a % v/v Lb ai/A 25 b % v/v Oz/A 70 a %v 18.98 y 45 DAT 65 DAT 50 b 81 a 70 b 91 a 23 c 68 b 64 b 89 a 23 c 88 a 78 b 97 a 50 b 73 b 88 a 91 a 15.22 10.81 DAT = Days after treatment – April 13, 2015 Means are the average of four replicates. Means followed by the same letter do not differ significantly according the Least Significant Different test (p = 0.05). 61 The Influence of Iron Sulfate and its Elemental Components on Dollar Spot Suppression. Objec ve: This research was established to determine if ferrous sulfate and its elemental components are capable of reducing dollar spot epidemics. Ra onale: Creeping bentgrass is normally impacted by dollar spot (Sclero nia homoeocarpa) throughout the growing season in the Mid‐Atlan c. Iron sulfate has been used mainly for a quick green‐up on bentgrass turf in the past. Re‐ ports have suggested that it can also be used to suppress annual bluegrass and silvery threadmoss. There is limited data available that shows the impact of ferrous sulfate on dollar spot epidemics. Procedures: A field trial was conducted at the Virginia Tech Turfgrass Research Center in Blacksburg, VA, between June and August 2015 and was arranged in a randomized complete block design. Individual plots measured 5 x 6 with four replica ons of each treatment. The trial was conducted on a mature ‘Penn A‐4’ creeping bentgrass pu ng green with a history of severe dollar spot epidemics. The green was built to USGA specifica ons (90% sand, 10% peat moss). All treatments were applied bi‐weekly as liquids with a CO2 pressurized boom sprayer equipped with TTI 11004 nozzles. Treatments consisted of ferrous sulfate (Hi‐Yield FeSO4, 1lb pr/1000 2), elemental sulfur (HiYield Sulfur, 0.21 lb pr/1000 2), chelated iron (Sprint EDTA, 0.22 lb pr/1000 2), applied at 2 gallons of spray solu on per 1000 2. Infec‐ on center counts, dollar spot percentage per plot, and turf quality ra ngs were taken on a weekly schedule following the first applica on. Turf quality was on a scale from one to nine where nine is the highest quality and six is minimally acceptable. As dollar spot progressed to unacceptable levels across all plots, a contact fungicide (chlorothalonil) was applied to slow the epidemic. Results: Ferrous sulfate improved turf quality and reduced dollar spot pressure. Fe‐EDTA also improved quality, but didn’t consistently reduce dollar spot as well as ferrous sulfate. Sulfur had no effect on turfgrass quality or dollar spot pressure, rela ve to the control. The area under the disease progression curve (AUDPC) was calculated as a quan ve summary of disease intensity over me. Infec on center counts and visual es ma on of percent disease were lowest in plots treated with ferrous sulfate. Ferrous sulfate and Fe‐EDTA were sta s cally similar for infec on centers, but percent disease was lower in ferrous sulfate plots. The sulfur was comparable to the untreated control. Loca on: Virginia Tech TRC, Blacksburg, VA Researchers: Cam Shelton, David McCall, Nate Reams and Erik Ervin 62 Evalua on of Fungicides, Plant Ac vators, and Turf Pigments for Increased Shade Tolerance. Objec ve: This research was established to determine if applica ons of certain fungicides can improve turf quality in shaded environments on bentgrass fairways. Previous research has shown benefits with some of these fungicides on bermudagrass with similar condi ons. Ra onale: Creeping bentgrass is rela vely shade tolerant but the plants tend to be thin and delicate under high shade stress environments. Because the plant is not healthy, it is more likely to become diseased under high shade condi‐ ons. Most fungicides used in this trial are commonly used to control several common diseases of bentgrass. Lexicon (pyraclostrobin + fluxopyroxad) and Heritage Ac on (azoxystrobin) contain strobilurin (QoI) fungicide ac ve ingredi‐ ents, which may enhance tolerance to abio c stresses. Heritage Ac on and Daconil Ac on contain acibenzolar‐S‐ methyl (ASM), which induces plant defenses against bio c and abio c stress. Chipco Signature contains fosetyl‐Al and a synthe c pigment, and is commonly used as part of a summer stress program primarily on pu ng greens. Foursome is a synthe c pigment that is used to enhance turf aesthe cs. Each product was evaluated for improved shade stress tol‐ erance. Procedures: A field trial was conducted at the Virginia Tech Glade Road Research Center in Blacksburg, VA, between June and August 2015 and was arranged in a randomized complete block design. Individual plots measured 6 x 6 with four replica ons of each treatment. The trial was conducted on a mature ‘L93’ creeping bentgrass fairway. The fairway was built on na ve clay soil. All treatments were applied on a 21 day interval as liquids with a CO2 pressurized boom sprayer equipped with TTI 11004 nozzles. Treatments of Lexicon (0.34 & 0.47 floz/1000 2), Chipco Signature (4 oz/1000 2), Daconil Ac on (3.5 floz/1000 2), Heritage Ac on (0.4 floz/1000 2), and Foursome (0.4 floz/1000 2) were compared against untreated controls. We applied at a spray volume of 1 gallons of spray solu on per 1000 2. Percent cover of creeping bentgrass and turf quality (1‐9 scale, 9 = dark green and healthiest, 6 = minimally acceptable) were visually assessed weekly following ini al applica on. Con nuous spectral reflectance was measured and used to es ‐ mate turf quality using the ra o vegeta on index (RVI = NIR 760nm/Red 670nm). A shade structure built for this trial was approximately four feet above the surface to allow air movement over the canopy. This shade cloth was installed on June 17 and removed on July 15 un l turf quality in most plots declined to unacceptable levels. The shade cloth was installed again on August 8. Results: Turf cover and density were highest in plots treated with Lexicon (both rates), Heritage Ac on, and Daconil Ac on. Overall turf quality was also highest in these treatments. Plots treated with Chipco Signature and Foursome had higher visual quality than untreated plots, but were inferior to the other treatments. Objec ve reflectance measure‐ ments (RVI and related indices) indicated highest turf quality in plots treated with Lexicon and Heritage Ac on. All oth‐ er treatments compared favorably with untreated plots. Loca on: Glade Road Research Center, Blacksburg, VA Researchers: Cam Shelton and David McCall Sponsor: Kyle Miller, BASF 63 Efficacy of selected turf insec cides on earthworm popula ons. Objec ve: The primary objec ve was to determine the efficacy of insec cides used for white grub control in turfgrass to earthworms Ra onale: White grubs are by far the most important turfgrass pests in Virginia. Many insec cides are available for white grub control; however, the poten al nega ve effect of these insec cides and their applica on ming on earth‐ worms is not well known. This research inves gated the poten al nega ve effects of selected turf insec cides and their applica on ming on earthworm popula ons in golf course turf. Procedures: The study included seven insec cide treatments: chlorantraniliprole (Acelepryn), imidacloprid (Merit), trichlorfon (Dylox), dinotefuran (Zylam), clothianidin + bifenthrin (Alo ), thiamethoxam (Meridian), clothianidin (Arena) that were applied at higher field rates and a untreated control. A laboratory experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the above‐men oned insec cides on the Canadian night crawler, Lumbricus terrestris (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae), which is commonly found in turf. A total of 15 mature earthworms were placed in pots half‐filled with soil and allowed to move into the soil. Insec cides were applied as drenches at the higher field rates. Each treatment was replicated four mes. One week a er treatments were applied, pots were emp ed and earthworm mortality was determined. A field experiment was carried out at Virginia Tech Campus Course during the spring and summer of 2015. Insec cides at higher field rates were applied on plots arranged in a randomized factorial block design and there were four replica‐ ons of each treatment. Two weeks a er treatments were applied; a 20 cm (about 8 inch) diameter plas c pipe piece was inserted to the ground to the depth of about 3 cm in each plot. To sample natural earthworm popula ons, a sus‐ pension was made by mixing ground yellow mustard with water at the rate of 10 grams of ground yellow mustard per liter of water. Earthworms were sampled from areas inside the pipe by pouring 1 liter water‐mustard suspension and wai ng for earthworms to move to the soil surface for five minutes. The earthworms were collected in alcohol and iden fied later. Results: Insec cides caused significantly different mortality to worms in the laboratory trial. One week a er treat‐ ment, the highest mortality to worms was caused by Zylam (about 99%) and Merit (about 89%). Insec cides such as Acelepryn caused very low mortality to worms. Surprisingly, other insec cides used in the trials such as Arena, Meridi‐ an and Dylox also caused very low mortality to worms in the laboratory. Our field study did not show significant treat‐ ment effects on worm mortality. On average 2.25 live earthworms were recovered from sampling area on control plots. Lowest numbers of live worms (average 0.75 worms/ 324.12 cm2 area) were recovered from Meridian treatment. High‐ est numbers of live worms were recovered from Acelepryn treatment (average 3.25 worms/ 324.12 cm2 area). The earthworms sampled in the field were iden fied and were all L. terrestris. Loca on: Virginia Tech golf course. Researchers: Sudan Gyawaly, Tom Kuhar, and Curt Laub Sponsors: Virginia Ag Council, Virginia Turfgrass Founda on 64 Seashore paspalum variety trials Objec ve: determine the cold tolerance and adaptability of seashore paspalum to southeastern Virginia. Evaluate both seeded and vegeta ve varie es of seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum) in our climate for cold‐tolerance and disease suscep bility. Ra onal: with its high salt tolerance, there are places that might be suitable for this turfgrass. Procedures: RCB 4 reps plots 4’ by 4’. Results: Seeded seashore paspalum cul vars did not establish well, mainly due to weed compe on. Vegeta ve types did not establish as well as bermudagrass and bermudagrass greened up earlier in spring, perhaps due to greater cold tolerance. Loca on: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr and Adam Nichols Sponsors: Virginia Turfgrass Founda on, Virginia Turfgrass Council Seeded variety mean percent turfgrass cover Trt # Treatment 1 Sea Spray 2 Hybrid #2 3 952 4 Yukon LSD (P=.05) Turfgrass Cover (%) June '14 June '15 14 b 16 b 6b 9c 15 b 4d 49 a 93 a 18 5 Vegeta ve variety test Trt # Treatment 1 Sea Isle 2000 2 Sea Isle Supreme 3 Sea Isle 1 4 Sea Spray 5 SeaDwarf 6 Sea Star 7 952 8 Hybrid # 2 9 Aloha 10 Yukon LSD (P=.05) Turfgrass Cover (%) June '14 June '15 63 abc 79 ab 78 ab 86 ab 68 abc 39 de 58 abc 60 bcd 61 abc 76 abc 78 ab 69 abc 49 cd 49 cde 56 bcd 24 e 29 d 23 e 85 a 97 a 28 28 65 Spring Greenup(%) April '15 10 bc 8 bc 4c 6 bc 13 b 5 bc 3c 2c 3c 60 a 9 Turfgrass Cultivar Management Objective: Evaluate turfgrass cultivars, tall fescue and KY Bluegrass for quality, performance, and overall adaptability as turfgrasses for functional, recreational, and aesthetic uses in Virginia. Procedure: The following table lists the parameters under which each test is maintained. All quality ratings are on a scale of 1 to 9 with 9 as “best” (a rating of 5 indicates acceptable turf). Plots are maintained at 3 in and fertilized with 2-4 lbs N annually. Results: Please contact the cooperators below for results.. Researchers: Michael Goatley and Whitnee Askew Name Short Stop 3 Tonto Titan RX Faith Crossfire 3 N 3 Titan Ultra Corona K10‐114 4‐11 Empire Cayenne Blank Mustang 4 Blank Rep 1 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 Rep 2 224 209 214 220 207 230 225 210 223 213 228 206 208 211 219 Name Rep 1 Rep 2 Bladerunner 2 116 204 AST 5112 117 221 DTT 43 118 212 Thermal Blue 119 205 Dorado 120 202 Madison 121 217 Speedway 122 218 Golconda 123 215 Guardian 41 124 229 KY 31 125 216 Venture 126 201 Blackwater HE 127 227 SR 8650 128 222 709509 129 226 DTT 20 130 203 Rep 3 309 325 304 326 330 329 302 323 318 310 303 317 320 308 327 66 Rep 3 312 322 311 315 313 321 301 324 314 307 305 319 328 306 316 NTEP Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs Objective: Evaluate turfgrass cultivars for quality, performance, and overall adaptability as turfgrasses for functional, recreational, and aesthetic uses in Virginia. Procedure: The following table lists the parameters under which each test is maintained. All quality ratings are on a scale of 1 to 9 with 9 as “best” (a rating of 5 indicates acceptable turf). Cultivar Trial Entries Mowing Height N fertility program 2010 Perennial Ryegrass 88 1-2” 0.5-1 lbs/1000 sq ft/growing mo 2011 KY Bluegrass 82 2” 2-4 lbs/1000 sq ft annually 2012 Tall Fescue 116 3” 2-4 lbs/1000 sq ft annually 2013 Bermudagrass 37 1.5” 1 lb/1000 sq ft/growing month 2014 Bentgrass Putting Green 20 0.11” 0.2 lbs/1000sq ft /growing mo 2014 Bentgrass Fairway 17 0.5’ 0.25-.05 / 1000 ft sq/growing mo Results: Please visit the NTEP web site at: for results from these sites as well as those from various areas across the country. Researchers: Michael Goatley, Erik Ervin, Jon Dickerson and Whitnee Askew 67 NTEP Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs 2010 NTEP Perennial Ryegrass Trial 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 1 60 2 61 3 62 4 63 5 64 6 39 65 7 40 66 8 41 67 9 42 68 10 43 69 11 44 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 70 12 45 71 86 13 46 72 87 14 47 73 88 15 27 48 74 16 28 49 75 17 29 50 76 18 30 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 51 77 19 31 52 78 20 32 53 79 21 33 54 80 22 34 55 81 23 35 56 82 24 36 57 83 25 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 37 58 84 26 38 59 85 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 57 83 58 84 59 85 60 86 61 87 62 46 88 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 1 63 47 2 64 48 3 65 49 4 66 50 5 67 51 6 68 52 7 69 53 8 70 21 54 9 71 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 22 34 55 10 72 23 35 56 11 73 24 36 12 74 25 37 13 75 26 38 39 14 27 76 40 15 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 77 41 16 29 78 42 17 30 79 43 18 31 80 44 19 32 81 45 20 33 82 Southgate 2010 NTEP Perennial Ryegrass Trial Location: Turf Research Center – Blacksburg, VA Cooperator: Dr. J. Mike Goatley and Whitnee Askew Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Entry Variety Plot # Plot # Plot # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Rinovo CL 11701 Pizzazz 2 GLR Pangea GLR APR 2036 Linn Uno DLF LGD‐3026 DLF LGD‐3022 Sideways Wicked Playoff 2 Evolu on LTP‐RAE Allante Insight 101 103 105 107 109 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 133 137 141 145 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 Entry Variety 314 317 320 323 326 329 332 335 339 344 349 353 357 362 366 370 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 68 Sienna Brightstar SLT CL 307 APR 2320 Haven PPG‐PR 121 PPG‐PR 128 PPG‐PR 133 PPG‐PR 134 LTP‐PR 135 PPG‐PR 136 PPG‐PR 137 PPG‐PR 138 PPG‐PR 140 PPG‐PR 142 PPG‐PR 143 Rep 1 Plot # Rep 2 Plot # Rep 3 Plot # 149 153 157 161 165 169 173 177 181 185 142 146 150 154 158 162 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 374 378 382 386 337 341 346 351 355 359 363 367 371 375 379 383 28 NTEP Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs 2010 NTEP Perennial Ryegrass Trial Location: Turf Research Center – Blacksburg, VA Cooperator: Dr. J. Mike Goatley and Whitnee Askew Entry Variety Rep 1 Plot # Rep 2 Plot # Rep 3 Plot # 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 PPG‐PR 164 PPG‐PR 165 BAR Lp 10969 BAR Lp 10972 BAR Lp 10970 2NJK BAR Lp 7608 Pinnacle APR 2445 Fiesta 4 GO‐G37 CS‐20 ISG‐36 ISG‐31 A‐35 CS‐PR66 CST JR‐178 JR‐192 SR 4650 Karma Mach I RAD‐PR62 RAD‐PR55R IS‐PR 409 IS‐PR 463 IS‐PR 469 IS‐PR 479 IS‐PR 487 166 170 174 178 182 186 112 115 118 121 124 127 130 134 138 143 147 151 155 159 163 167 171 175 179 183 187 102 104 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 387 342 347 352 356 360 361 365 369 373 377 381 385 312 316 319 322 325 328 331 334 338 343 348 301 303 305 307 309 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 IS‐PR 488 IS‐PR 489 IS‐PR 491 IS‐PR 492 DLF LGT 4182 ISG‐30 PST‐204D PST‐2NKM PST‐2DR9 106 108 110 113 116 119 122 125 128 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 311 315 318 321 324 327 330 333 336 Entry Variety 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 69 PST‐2MG7 PST‐2TQL Dominator PST‐2MAGS PST‐2K9 PST‐2BNS PST‐2ACR Rio Vista Octane Bonneville PSRX‐4CAGL GO‐DHS GO‐PR60 Sox Fan PRX‐4GM1 SRX‐4MSH Pick 4DFHM Palmer V Rep 1 Plot # Rep 2 Plot # Rep 3 Plot # 131 135 139 144 148 152 156 160 164 168 172 176 180 184 188 132 136 140 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 340 345 350 354 358 364 368 372 376 380 384 388 302 304 306 308 310 313 NTEP Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs 2012 NTEP Tall Fescue Trial 2012 NTEP Tall Fescue Trial Location: Turf Research Center – Blacksburg, VA Cooperator: Dr. J. Mike Goatley and Whitnee Askew Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Entry Variety Plot # Plot # Plot # Entry Variety 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Terrano KY‐31 Regenerate Fesnova ZW 44 W45 U43 LSD Aquaduct Catalyst Marauder Warhawk Annihilator Comp. Res. SST 204 Res. Blk4 1037 1020 1013 1044 1068 1008 1092 1032 1025 1080 1056 1043 1029 1001 1101 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 3100 3096 3068 3112 3063 3025 3082 3040 3075 3054 3110 3015 3085 3116 3102 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 70 JS 819 JS 818 JS 809 JS 916 JS 825 MET 1 F711 IS‐TF 291 IS‐ TF 276 M2 IS‐ TF 305 SEL IS‐ TF 269 SEL IS‐ TF 282 M2 IS‐ TF 284 M2 QR‐21 TY 10 Rep 1 Plot # Rep 2 Plot # Rep 3 Plot # 1098 1079 1105 1015 1084 1112 1104 1109 1049 1054 1007 1042 1018 1021 1006 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 3029 3113 3071 3001 3057 3043 3088 3099 3061 3109 3012 3093 3049 3097 3066 2012 NTEP Tall Fescue Trial Location: Turf Research Center – Blacksburg, VA Cooperator: Dr. J. Mike Goatley and Whitnee Askew Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Entry Variety Plot # Plot # Plot # Entry Variety Rep 1 Plot # Rep 2 Plot # Rep 3 Plot # 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Exp TF‐09 SRX‐TPC PSG‐WE1 Pick‐W43 Grade 3 PSG‐PO1 U45 B23 ATF 1612 ATF 1704 Burl TF‐2 Burl TF‐136 LTP‐FSD LTP‐TWUU LTP‐F5DPDR IS‐TF 289 MET 6 SEL IS‐TF 330 TF‐287 IS‐TF 307 SEL IS‐TF 308 SEL IS‐TF 311 IS‐TF 285 IS‐TF 310 SEL IS‐TF 272 IS‐TF 1736 IS‐TF 1754 Hemi Firebird 2 1030 1063 1066 1035 1094 1034 1058 1010 1038 1070 1106 1046 1022 1082 1026 1050 1031 1004 1073 1045 1036 1003 1053 1059 1074 1012 1024 1067 1099 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 3027 3073 3107 3024 3036 3013 3078 3050 3111 3008 3032 3004 3022 3018 3064 3047 3090 3038 3070 3045 3023 3017 3014 3033 3108 3002 3081 3055 3086 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 PSG‐GSD PSG‐8BP2 PSG‐TT4 Faith K12‐13 K12‐05 PPG‐TF‐156 PPG‐TF‐157 PPG‐TF‐169 PPG‐TF‐170 PPG‐TF‐137 PPG‐TF‐135 PPG‐TF‐115 PPG‐TF‐105 PPG‐TF‐172 PPG‐TF‐151 PPG‐TF‐152 PPG‐TF‐148 PPG‐TF‐150 Bizem CCR2 MET‐3 W41 PPG‐TF‐145 PPG‐TF‐138 PPG‐TF‐139 PPG‐TF‐142 RAD‐TF‐89 RAD‐TF‐92 1116 1011 1052 1085 1048 1107 1023 1014 1047 1095 1093 1040 1071 1091 1017 1083 1061 1110 1076 1009 1041 1027 1055 1016 1113 1028 1065 1100 1108 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 3091 3009 3114 3026 3103 3003 3065 3105 3037 3028 3042 3084 3062 3067 3079 3016 3087 3021 3098 3010 3044 3058 3089 3056 3031 3019 3046 3080 3041 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Bullseye PST‐5EV2 PST‐5GRB PST‐5SALT PST‐5STD PST‐5DZP PST‐5RO5 PST‐5BPO PST‐5BRK DB1 RZ2 TD1 DZ1 T31 1051 1057 1033 1090 1114 1075 1102 1087 1069 1039 1078 1089 1072 1096 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 3039 3034 3101 3006 3048 3059 3077 3052 3074 3020 3083 3005 3051 3095 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 GO‐DFR K12‐MCD PST‐5EX2 PST‐5MVD RAD‐TF‐83 RAD‐TF‐88 BAR Fa 120878 BAR Fa 121089 BAR Fa 121091 BAR Fa 121095 PST‐R5NW Burl TF‐69 Falcon IV Falcon V 1077 1002 1111 1086 1062 1115 1005 1019 1088 1060 1097 1081 1064 1103 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 3094 3011 3030 3115 3007 3104 3092 3035 3076 3072 3060 3053 3069 3106 71 Southgate Drive 72 319 77 336 1 353 50 370 6 335 45 352 27 369 51 236 36 235 35 318 19 219 19 218 18 302 23 202 2 201 1 301 48 170 21 169 78 270 70 153 64 152 23 269 69 136 38 135 37 253 53 119 4 118 10 252 52 102 3 101 58 Picnic pavilion 371 31 354 58 337 33 320 35 303 78 271 71 254 54 237 37 220 20 203 3 171 29 154 20 137 9 120 32 103 57 372 59 355 63 338 74 321 5 304 9 272 72 255 55 238 38 221 21 204 4 172 68 155 49 138 72 121 50 104 77 373 7 356 46 339 54 322 53 305 40 273 73 256 56 239 39 222 22 205 5 173 22 156 65 139 31 122 51 105 48 374 32 357 10 340 42 323 81 306 67 274 74 257 57 240 40 223 23 206 6 174 63 157 19 140 5 123 1 106 33 375 15 358 11 341 71 324 39 307 20 275 75 258 58 241 41 224 24 207 7 175 30 158 36 141 75 124 40 107 39 376 29 359 60 342 36 325 17 308 70 276 76 259 59 242 42 225 25 208 8 176 24 159 66 142 43 125 59 108 56 377 26 360 80 343 18 326 62 309 37 277 77 260 60 243 43 226 26 209 9 177 61 160 18 143 15 126 45 109 54 378 61 361 14 344 21 327 43 310 47 278 78 261 61 244 44 227 27 210 10 178 28 161 11 144 71 127 44 110 6 379 30 362 69 345 73 328 75 311 72 279 79 262 62 245 45 228 28 211 11 179 25 162 81 145 67 128 12 111 47 380 4 363 79 346 64 329 22 312 56 280 80 263 63 246 46 229 29 212 12 180 62 163 8 146 42 129 74 112 13 381 28 364 12 347 2 330 13 313 25 281 81 264 64 248 47 230 30 213 13 181 27 164 80 147 70 130 73 113 82 382 65 365 3 348 16 331 55 314 8 282 82 265 65 248 48 231 31 214 14 182 60 165 35 148 17 131 52 114 55 366 41 349 52 332 82 315 76 266 66 249 49 232 32 215 15 166 7 149 34 132 41 115 2 367 57 350 44 333 24 316 68 267 67 250 50 233 33 216 16 167 79 150 69 133 16 116 26 368 66 351 38 334 34 317 49 268 68 251 51 234 34 217 17 168 76 151 46 134 53 117 14 NTEP Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs 2011 NTEP KY Bluegrass NTEP Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs 2011 NTEP KY Bluegrass Cooperators: Dr. J. Michael Goatley and Whitnee Askew Location: Virginia Tech Turf Research Center Entry Variety Rep 1 Rep 2 Plot # Plot # Rep 3 Plot # Entry Variety Rep 1 Plot # Rep 2 Plot # Rep 3 Plot # 1 BAR 12PP 612 123 201 336 42 Avid 146 242 340 2 BAR 8PP 504 115 202 347 43 Empire 142 243 327 3 America 102 203 365 44 Burl 3-51 127 244 350 4 A05-361 119 204 380 45 Burl 06-11 126 245 335 5 Cabernet 140 205 321 46 PST-K4-3 151 246 356 6 Award 110 206 370 47 PST-K9-90 111 247 310 7 Nu Chicago 166 207 373 48 PST-K10-106 105 248 301 8 Kenblue 163 208 314 49 BAR Pp 119327 155 249 317 9 J-1770 137 209 304 50 Barduke 121 250 353 10 J-1136 118 210 357 51 Baron 122 251 369 11 Rush 161 211 358 52 131 252 349 Barvette HGT 12 Sudden Impact 128 212 364 53 BAR VV 112916 134 253 322 13 J-1853 112 213 330 54 BAR Pp 110358 109 254 339 14 A05-204 117 214 361 55 BAR Pp 119326 114 255 331 15 A05-329 143 215 375 56 BAR VV 118532 108 256 312 16 Oasis 133 216 348 57 Skye 103 257 367 17 A98-363 148 217 325 58 Blue Coat 101 258 354 18 RAD-1492 160 218 343 59 AKB 2555 125 259 372 19 A04-38 157 219 318 60 A00-4199 182 260 359 20 A05-360 154 220 307 61 A06-26 177 261 378 21 PpH 9131 170 221 344 62 Pick TD8 180 262 326 22 DPPp 818 173 222 329 63 SRX 5321 174 263 355 23 Pp 10847 152 223 302 64 Pick TD9 153 264 346 24 Pick 033 176 224 333 65 Blackjack 156 265 382 25 Pick MP07 179 225 313 66 Arrowhead 159 266 368 26 Pick 4340 116 226 377 67 PST-K9-99 145 267 306 27 SRX 466 181 227 352 68 Lunar 172 268 316 28 SRX 2758 178 228 381 69 PST-T10-18 150 269 362 29 SRX 4338 171 229 376 70 Endurance 147 270 308 30 LTP-08-6 175 230 379 71 PST-K9-97 144 271 341 31 A00-2882 139 231 371 72 Rubix 138 272 311 32 Keenland 120 232 374 73 3733 130 273 345 33 A06-46 106 233 337 74 Dauntless 129 274 338 34 A05-TB-382 149 234 334 75 A05-999 141 275 328 35 H99-1653 165 235 320 76 A06-47 168 276 315 36 Blue Note 158 236 342 77 RAD-507 104 277 319 37 Legend 135 237 309 78 A04-36 169 278 303 38 A05-306 136 238 351 79 Shamrock 167 279 363 39 A03-1017 107 239 324 80 A01-1106 164 280 360 40 A04-74 124 240 305 81 Midnight 162 281 323 41 RAD-849 132 241 366 82 Thermal Blue 113 282 332 73 2014 NTEP Creeping Bendtgrass Putting Green Trial Location: Turf Research Center – Blacksburg, VA Cooperator: Dr. Erik Ervin and Jon Dickerson Creeping Bentgrass Putting Green NTEP 2014 14 15 1 10 12 11 19 8 17 2 9 20 4 13 5 7 6 18 3 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 13 5 11 15 1 4 8 16 7 10 18 3 9 14 6 12 17 2 20 BL BL BL BL Warm-season green Road Creeping Bentrgrass Putting Green 1 Luminary 2 DLFPS‐AP/3054 3 DLFPS‐AP/3018 4 DLFPS‐AP/3056 5 DLFPS‐AP/3058 6 DLFPS‐AP/3059 7 Pure Select 8 Penn A‐1 9 Penncross 10 L‐93 XD 11 Armor 12 Kingdom 13 Nightlife 14 V‐8 15 GDE 16 DC‐1 17 PST‐ROPS 18 Shark 19 Barracuda 20 Declaration 74 Creeping Bentgrass NTEP Pu ng Green: First Summer Results Objec ve: Evaluate in‐development creeping bentgrass entries against standard cul vars for pu ng green perfor‐ mance under western Virginia climate condi ons for five years. Ra onale: Turfgrass breeders con nue striving to develop creeping bentgrass cul vars that are stress‐tolerant while providing a dense and uniform year‐round playing surface. Golf course superintendents must know how poten al new cul vars compare to current cul vars for pu ng green performance under regional weather condi ons. Procedures: Twenty entries were seeded at 1 lb/M onto a prepared USGA sand rootzone in September 2014. The trial is arranged in three randomized complete blocks. Establishment proceeded through spring 2015, with a mature mow‐ ing height of 0.110” achieved in May. Weeds, diseases, and insects have been controlled on a preventa ve basis. Visual ra ngs of percent ground cover during spring establishment were taken along with overall turfgrass quality. Quality ra ngs are visual assessments of overall plot uniformity, texture, density, and color on a 1 to 9 scale, with 9 = best pos‐ sible quality and 1 = dead plots. Results: All plots had 70% or greater coverage by early May 2015, with ‘Shark’ filling in the fastest. When averaged over May‐August, PST‐ROPS, Shark, DC‐1, and V‐8 had the highest turfgrass quality. The newer standards, Penn A‐1 and Lu‐ minary, were equivalent sta s cally to the best entries, but trending down, while the old standard, Penncross, had the lowest quality, mostly due to inadequate density when mowed at 0.110”. No. Designation Sponsor Cover %, May Quality Average May to Aug (9=best) 1 Luminary Standard 77 a-c 5.8 a-c 2 DLFPS-AP/3054 DLF Pickseed 78 a-c 6.1 a-c 3 DLFPS-AP/3018 DLF Pickseed 83 a-c 6.2 a-c 4 DLFPS-AP/3056 DLF Pickseed 73 c 5.8 a-c 5 DLFPS-AP/3058 DLF Pickseed 75 bc 5.4 cd 6 DLFPS-AP/3059 DLF Pickseed 85 ab 6.0 a-c 7 Pure Select Tee-2-Green 80 a-c 6.1 a-c 8 Penn A-1 Standard 80 a-c 5.8 a-c 9 Penncross Standard 82 a-c 4.6 d 10 L-93XD Jacklin 78 a-c 5.9 a-c 11 Armor Jacklin 75 bc 5.5 b-d 12 Kingdom Jacklin 80 a-c 5.8 a-c 13 Nightlife Jacklin 80 a-c 5.9 a-c 14 V-8 Jacklin 82 a-c 6.3 a-c 15 GDE Semillas Fito 78 a-c 6.0 a-c 16 DC-1 Mountain View 83 a-c 6.4 a-c 17 PST-ROPS Mountain View 78 a-c 6.7 a 18 Shark Mountain View 87 a 6.5 ab 19 Barracuda Mountain View 82 a-c 5.9 a-c 20 Declaration Standard 78 a-c 5.5 b-d Location: Turfgrass Research Center, Blacksburg Researchers: Erik Ervin and Jonathan Dickerson Sponsors: National Turfgrass Evaluation Program 75 2014 NTEP Creeping Bendtgrass Putting Green Trial Location: Turf Research Center – Blacksburg, VA Cooperator: Dr. Erik Ervin and Jon Dickerson Creeping Bentgrass Fairway NTEP 2014 Tech Electric 11 13 9 15 2 17 14 4 7 3 16 8 12 1 6 5 10 BL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BL 9 14 17 12 16 7 5 4 13 6 2 15 8 1 10 11 3 BL ßMcCall Fairway Lawn Height KBG 2014 NTEP National Bentgrass (Fairway/Tee)Test 1 DLFPS‐AT/3026 2 007 3 Penncross 4 Crystal Blue Links 5 Greentime 6 L‐93 XD 7 Armor 8 Kingdom 9 Nightlife 10 V‐8 11 DC‐1 12 PPG‐AT104 13 H10G‐OP 14 Shark 15 Barracuda 16 PST‐ORBS 17 PST‐DCV6 76 NTEP Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs 2013 NTEP Bermudagrass Trial 2013 NTEP Bermudagrass Trial Cooperators: Dr. J. Michael Goatley and Whitnee Askew Location: Virginia Tech Turf Research Center Entry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Variety Tifway La tude 36 Patriot Celebra on NuMex‐Sahara Princess 77 MBG 002 OKS 2009‐3 OKS‐2011‐1 OKS 2011‐4 JSC 2‐21‐1‐v JSC 2‐21‐18‐v JSC 2007‐8‐s JSC 2007‐13‐s JSC 2009‐2‐s JSC 2009‐6‐s Riviera Yukon North Shore SLT Rep 1 Plot # 113 135 129 105 126 118 112 131 137 136 133 125 119 122 115 123 117 134 120 Rep 2 Plot # 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 Rep 3 Plot # Entry Variety 315 301 325 306 320 305 329 335 304 322 337 314 308 336 333 303 330 309 328 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 77 12‐TSB‐1 MSB 281 11‐T‐251 11‐T‐510 DT‐1 FAES 1325 FAES 1326 FAES 1327 PST‐R6P0 PST‐R6T9S PST‐R6CT Bar C291 OKC 1131 OKC 1163 OKC 1302 Astro Wayland Goodyear Rep 1 Plot # 104 109 124 106 127 102 121 103 107 130 128 101 108 114 132 116 111 110 Rep 2 Plot # 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 Rep 3 Plot # 326 319 316 312 324 327 321 332 323 307 331 302 311 313 318 317 310 334 78 CTBT Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs Objective: Evaluate turfgrass cultivars for quality, performance, and overall adaptability as turfgrasses for functional, recreational, and aesthetic uses in Virginia. Procedure: The following table lists the parameters under which each test is maintained. Cultivar Trial Entries N fertility program 105 Mowing Height 2” 2013 Perennial Ryegrass 2014 KY Bluegrass 97 2” 2-4 lbs/1000 sq ft annually 0.5-1 lbs/1000 sq ft/growing mo Results: Please contact the researches below or the Cooperative Turfgrass Breeders Test.. Researchers: Michael Goatley and Whitnee Askew 79 CTBT 2013 Perennial Ryegrass Trial SPONSOR CULTIVAR Peak Gene cs PPG‐PR 196 NexGen APR2687 PSG PSG‐21‐10 DLF Thrive PST PST‐2SHRP PSG Linn DLF DLF‐PR‐569 PST PST‐2FIND‐13 PSG PSG‐HLTY PST Gray Fox DLF DLF‐PR‐575 DLF DLF‐PR‐523 DLF DLF‐PR‐583 Peak Gene cs PPG‐PR 197 PSG PR‐09‐6 DLF DLF‐PR‐579 NexGen Penguin Peak Gene cs Homerun PSG GSI‐3‐12 NexGen APR2790 Rep 1 Rep 2 1 189 2 199 3 172 4 160 5 196 6 123 7 184 8 175 9 149 10 188 11 138 12 203 13 117 14 130 15 159 16 147 17 122 18 126 19 109 20 134 80 Rep 3 270 213 264 230 218 258 309 271 260 234 306 212 237 275 248 255 298 262 302 273 SPONSOR Peak Genetics DLF PST PSG PSG Peak Gene cs Peak Gene cs NexGen DLF NexGen Peak Gene cs NexGen PST PST PST PST PST DLF PSG PST DLF DLF PST DLF DLF PST PST NexGen NexGen NexGen DLF PST PST NexGen DLF PST NexGen PSG PST Peak Gene cs PSG PSG Peak Gene cs NexGen PSG CULTIVAR Rep 1 Rep 2 PS 10 21 200 Aspire 22 205 PST‐2SURV 23 125 PSG‐HLY 24 166 4JPR 25 177 PPG‐PR 234 26 157 27 173 PPG‐PR 228 APR2680 28 179 Gator 3 29 108 Pop 30 141 PPG‐PR 231 31 190 APR2344 32 204 Manha an 6 GLR 33 145 PST‐2RDY 34 132 35 142 PST‐2LTD PST‐2PDA 36 164 PST‐2MPX1 37 124 Stamina 38 155 PSG‐HLT 39 158 PST‐2TPR 40 186 DLF‐PR‐580 41 161 DLF‐PR‐563 42 146 195 PST‐2ETS 43 Esquire 44 156 Monsieur 45 140 PST‐2ED1 46 111 PST‐2BD1 47 148 APR2154 48 162 APR2397 49 194 APR2320 50 106 DLF‐PR‐561 51 198 183 Brightstar SLT 52 PST‐3IP 53 163 APR2659 54 181 DLF‐PR‐521 55 193 PST‐2MG7 56 191 APR2394 57 139 PSG‐20‐10 58 113 Silver Dollar 59 167 PPG‐PR 229 60 209 Harrier 61 129 Fiesta 4 62 136 Apple GL 63 170 APR2540 64 201 DSL5B1 65 131 Rep 3 286 303 299 292 224 284 259 246 221 282 250 307 274 251 256 241 268 312 285 288 249 308 238 304 244 287 211 215 311 278 314 233 276 216 239 252 313 283 225 247 305 277 254 293 261 81 SPONSOR CULTIVAR NexGen APR2554 DLF Allstar 3 NexGen APR2524 NexGen Soprano Peak Genetics PPG‐PR 171 DLF DLF‐PR‐578 NexGen APR2385 Peak Gene cs PPG‐PR 227 NexGen APR2662 DLF Diligent Peak Gene cs PPG‐PR 168 DLF Banfield DLF DLF‐PR‐565 NexGen APR2688 PST PST‐2A2 DLF DLF‐PR‐553 PST PST‐2A12 NexGen APR2399 DLF DLF‐PR‐564 Peak Gene cs PPG‐PR 232 PST PST‐224 PST PST‐2TFC DLF DLF‐PR‐537 NexGen APR2445 DLF DLF‐PR‐562 PST PST‐2CITM PSG PSG1037‐12K NexGen APR2104 PST PST‐2BDT Peak Gene cs PPG‐PR 167 PSG Zoom NexGen APR2237 NexGen Line Drive GLS Peak Gene cs PS 9 PST PST‐2REB NexGen APR2477 PSG Karma NexGen APR2679 PST PST‐3MP3 DLF Bandalore Rep 1 Rep 2 66 169 67 151 68 118 69 114 70 187 71 180 72 182 73 174 74 152 75 143 76 168 77 110 78 171 79 153 80 210 81 115 82 208 83 119 84 135 85 150 86 107 87 185 88 178 89 112 90 121 91 202 92 176 93 144 94 197 95 207 96 120 97 165 98 116 99 127 100 192 101 137 102 206 103 128 104 154 105 133 Rep 3 217 236 300 232 297 272 310 219 266 296 269 223 245 281 257 243 289 227 265 267 279 214 242 295 240 235 315 290 222 220 301 228 231 294 253 226 291 229 263 280 CTBT 2014 Kentucky Bluegrass Trial Southgate Drive —-> SPONSOR CULTIVAR PPG A08‐2 PST K13‐137 Rutgers Dauntless PST K13‐141 PPG A10‐873 PST T12‐31 NexGen AKB2120 Check Bewitched PST T10‐18 PST T13‐34 DLF‐Pick TB 677 DLF‐Pick A06‐643 PPG A06‐3 DLF‐Pick TD‐5 PPG A06‐2 TRC gravel Road ↑ Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 1 129 208 2 156 256 3 114 244 4 171 196 5 186 220 6 104 236 7 167 233 8 136 261 9 108 231 10 178 235 11 162 207 12 125 268 13 127 260 14 187 210 15 176 277 SPONSOR CULTIVAR NexGen AKB1147 DLF‐Pick TD‐8 Rutgers A04‐68 DLF‐Pick Keeneland PST K10‐107 PST T14‐40 NexGen AKB510 DLF‐Pick PST‐K9‐103 DLF‐Pick A10‐4 PST K11‐125 DLF‐Pick Crest Rutgers A12‐2 Check Touchdown Rutgers A12‐3 PST K12‐133G 82 Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 16 193 285 17 181 198 18 116 289 19 110 221 20 160 212 21 152 200 22 165 243 23 139 286 24 142 222 25 175 217 26 130 253 27 128 206 28 121 251 29 103 197 30 124 201 SPONSOR CULTIVAR Rutgers A98‐3366 DLF‐Pick TD‐2 DLF‐Pick TD‐7 NexGen KH3492 DLF‐Pick Sombrero NexGen AKB1892 PPG A06‐19 Check America Rutgers A06‐671 PST T10‐22 NexGen AKB2839 NexGen AKB1820 NexGen AKB1812 PST K10‐111 DLF‐Pick Mercury Check Right PST K14‐152 NexGen AKB1764 PST K12‐132 PST T14‐39 NexGen Ridgeline DLF‐Pick A08‐3 Rutgers A12‐1 PST T14‐38 NexGen AKB434 PST K14‐148 NexGen AKB2403 NexGen AKB2836 DLF‐Pick Haromine NexGen AKB1661 Rutgers A04‐1381 NexGen AKB2404 PPG A99‐523 PST K13‐143 NexGen AKB2313 Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 31 166 223 32 183 264 33 191 203 34 109 230 35 194 265 36 120 275 37 173 195 38 137 248 39 119 238 40 111 290 41 177 204 42 158 232 43 118 228 44 133 278 45 184 225 46 174 214 47 164 270 48 180 250 49 123 281 50 190 245 51 99 216 52 149 288 53 143 280 54 98 267 55 172 255 56 140 271 57 170 237 58 161 213 59 100 269 60 154 284 61 145 218 62 157 263 63 107 252 64 150 258 65 105 227 SPONSOR CULTIVAR Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 DLF‐Pick PST‐K10‐106D 66 153 249 NexGen AKB1162 67 185 273 PPG A05‐342 68 146 266 Check Mallard 69 141 199 DLF‐Pick A09‐258 70 182 229 NexGen AKB2949 71 113 202 NexGen AKB1078 72 163 241 Check Bluenote 73 102 215 NexGen AKB1184 74 188 279 Check Midnight 75 126 211 DLF‐Pick A10‐5 76 117 234 NexGen AKB1193 77 131 257 PST K11‐118 78 189 247 DLF‐Pick Spi ire 79 112 291 PST K14‐155 80 155 254 Check Ken Blue 81 132 239 PPG A10‐1 82 101 272 DLF‐Pick Rhapsody 83 135 240 Check Bedazzled 84 144 219 PST K13‐139 85 192 259 DLF‐Pick A09‐353 86 122 205 DLF‐Pick Crest 5K‐12 87 148 226 PST K13‐140 88 115 283 Check Geronimo 89 159 246 PST K13‐138 90 151 224 NexGen AKB2543 91 138 287 NexGen AKB2310 92 106 242 DLF‐Pick DDOKM 93 134 262 PPG A99‐2897 94 179 209 PST K10‐110 95 168 274 PPG A98‐1001 96 147 282 DLF‐Pick TD‐4 97 169 276 83 Research Cooperators and Sponsors Adama USA Ajinomoto Alexandria Sanitation Authority AMVAC Chemical Andersons Arysta Life Sciences BASF Corp Bayer Environmental Science Blacksburg Country Club (Bill Keene) Chantilly Turf (Ray and Mark Weekley) Charlotte Country Club Chevy Chase Club (Dean Graves) Cooperative Turgrass Breeders Test Country Club of Virginia (Christian Sain, Troy Fink) Dow Chemical FMC Professional Products Farmington Country Club (Scott Kinnan) GCSAA, Environmental Institute for Golf Grigg’s Brothers Hanging Rock Golf Course, Salem (Brian Duweiss) Helena Chemical Hell’s Point Country Club Hermitage Country Club Independence Golf Club (Dan Taylor) International Towne and Country Club (Nathaniel Guldseth) ISK BioSciences ITAC, Rodney Hopkins John Deere Landscapes Kinloch Golf Club (Trevor Hedgepeth) Koch Brothers/Mendel Biologicals Landscape Supply Company Lake Chesdin Golf Club (Dick Fisher) Lebanon Turf Meade Tractor Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Moghu Research Center Moghu USA Monsanto Nasal Ranger Inc. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (Univ. of MD) National Turfgrass Evaluation Program NuFarm Oakwood Sod Farm Ocean Organics PBI Gordon Company Precision Hawk Primland Resort (Brian Kearns and Greg Caldwell) Quail Hollow Country Club Quali-Pro Richmond Strikers, West Creek Fields Riverside Turf Farm Roanoke Country Club (Dan Wheeler) Sedgefield Country Club, Greensboro, NC Seed Research of Oregon Simplot Sipcam Advan Smith Turf and Irrigation Southern States Cooperative Spectrum Technologies Sports Turf Managers Association Spotswood Country Club (Kip Fitzgerald) Spring Creek Golf Club, Gordonsville (David Callahan) Stoller Enterprises SubAir Systems, LLC Summit Agro Syngenta Professional Products The Olde Farm Golf Club (Ryan Severidt) The Pete Dye River Course of Virginia Tech (Mark Cote) The Toro Company The Water’s Edge Country Club, Penhook (Jeff Snyder) The Waterfront Country Club, Moneta (Read Harris) The Williamsburg Club TurfScout, LLC TurfScreen Tuscarora Country Club University of Virginia Athletics (Jesse Pritchard, CSFM) UPI USDA/NTEP program USDA-NIFA USGA-Green Section Valent USA Virginia Agriculture Council Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation Virginia Golf Course Superintendents Association Virginia Green Lawn Care, Gil Gratton Virginia Sports Turf Managers Association Virginia Tech Athletics Virginia Tech Golf Course (Jason Ratcliff) Virginia Tech Recreational Sports (Chad Kropf) Virginia Turfgrass Council Virginia Turfgrass Foundation Westlake Golf Course (H. T Page) Williams Brothers Tree and Lawn Service (Joe and Chapman Williams) The Willilamsburg Club (Jeff Whitmire) Willow Oaks Country Club, Richmond (Eric Frazier and Jordan Booth) Winton Country Club, Amherst (Mike Zirkle and Robert Habel) Woodberry Forest GC (Don Carlson) Woodward Turf Farms (Jeff Everhart and Scott Woodward) 84