Results using a halo-based group finder in the SDSS and
Results using a halo-based group finder in the SDSS and
Results using a halohalo-based group finder in the SDSS and 2dFGRS Weinmann et al., astroastro-ph/0509147 Yang, Mo and van den Bosch, astro--ph/0509626 astro Wh a haloWhy halo-based group g o p finder? finde ? Attempts to identify galaxies residing in the same dark matter halo. More direct comparisons with models via halo model or halo occupation distribution formalism. Overcomes problems with definitions of environment i incorporating i i a fixed fi d spatial i l or density scale. Gives three separate measures of environment: halo mass; halohalo-centric radius; and large large--scale environment. Problems measuring g environment on a fixed scale. r5 r5 Group G o p finding algorithm algo ithm 1. 2 2. 3. 4. 5. Use FOF algorithm with small linking length to identify potential group centres. Estimate the total group luminosity luminosity. Estimate group mass (using assumed M/L), and thence radius and velocity dispersion. Reassign group memberships to all galaxies using threethree-dimensional density contrast in redshift space. Recompute a luminosityluminosity-weighted group centre and iterate steps 2 2--5 until convergence. Tested using 2dFGRS mock catalogues. ~90% completeness. p ~20% interloper fraction. Better group mass estimates by using estimated Lgroup than by using velocity dispersion. Estimate Lgroup at higher g redshift from low low--redshift calibration, not using the global luminosity f function. ti Late-type fraction Tests of g group o p finding algorithm algo ithm SDSS sample New York University Value Added Galaxy Catalogue, based on SDSS DR2. ‘Main’ Main galaxy sample: r<18 0.01≤z≤0.2 0.01 ≤z≤0.2 Redshift completeness >0 >0.7 7 Stellar masses obtained from 4000 4000Å Å break and H Hδ δA as described by Kauffmann et al. (2003). SFR from emission lines as in Brinchmann et al. (2004); divide by stellar mass to obtain specific SFR. 179197 galaxies. SDSS sample ‘L t type’ ‘Late t ’ ‘I t ‘Intermediate’ di t ’ ‘E l type’ ‘Early t ’ Almost a one one--parameter family of galaxies. 48 1% blue 48.1% bl & active ti (‘late’). 30.7% red & passive (‘early’) 20.1% red & active (‘intermediate) (‘i di ) 1.1% blue & passive – unclassified. More acttive Æ SDSS sample Redder Æ T pe ffraction Type action by b halo mass Use Lgroup, not σ ! -20 20≥ ≥0.1Mr-5logh≥ 5logh≥g -22 Using Us g velocity e oc ty dispersion as a mass estimator washes out mass dependence of type fraction. Type yp fraction of satellite galaxies g by halohalo-centric radius Galactic confo conformity mit S mma of SDSS results. Summary es lts Late type fraction decreases smoothly with halo mass, and decreases (weakly) with luminosity at fixed halo mass. Late type fraction increases with increasing halohalo-centric radius. ~20% 20% intermediate inte mediate ttype pe gala galaxies ies at e every e halo mass, mass luminosity and halohalo-centric radius. Satellite galaxies seem to know about the properties of the halo central galaxy, even for haloes of a given mass. Median galaxy properties depend only weakly on halo mass. A theoretical theo etical inte interlude l de ‘The Gao Effect’: for haloes of a given mass (below about 1013h-1Msun), ) those with more recent formation times are l less clustered. l t d Oldest 20% Y Youngest t 20% Gao, Springel & White (2005) O in other Or othe words… o ds Haloes of a given mass in denser regions form earlier, earlier on average. Wide dispersion Wid di i in i formation times at a given mass and g overdensity. Looking g for the Gao Effect in the 2dFGRS Given the halohalo-based groups (constructed as for the SDSS), calculate the galaxygalaxy-group cross cross-correlation function. Use η parameter for central galaxies to distinguish between early types and late types types. Works for halo masses >1013h-1Msun. Relative bias of halo central galaxies More active Æ Relati e bias split by Relative b ηc Haloes with a more passive central galaxy have a higher relative bias. M i groups with Massive ih passive but relatively faint central galaxies have the highest bias. Consequences q for galaxy g y formation models Ram pressure stripping? Strangulation? Can it explain enhancement of spheroidals? Seems OK for S0s… Harassment? Scales inversely with mass, which seems to give wrong dependence on luminosity. H d to explain Hard l i same radial di l dependence d d in i haloes h l off allll mass. More trouble with luminosity dependence (LSBs more vulnerable). Merger history? Drives differences between haloes, but via other processes; large--scale bias must come from this to some extent. large Conclusions: Gao Effect + galactic g conformity Clustering of central halo galaxy at given halo mass depends on galaxy properties. Properties p of satellite galaxies g correlate with properties p p of central galaxies at given halo mass. This implies a bias dependence on the entire galaxy population p p of a group. g p Older, more clustered halo had galaxies fall in earlier and become late types by some process. If AGN feedback is active in the central g galaxy, y, it’s had more time to act if the halo is older (hence consistent with explanations for the bright end of the galaxy luminosity function). Lc dependence of group clustering strength is harder to explain. Overall type yp fraction as a function of magnitude Colour Colo vs. s concentration concent ation Bimodalit of galaxy Bimodality gala properties p ope ties Type T pe ffraction action by b magnitude magnit de Halo mass and magnitude g byy galaxy type Type yp fraction of satellite galaxies g by halohalo-centric radius Median galaxy gala properties p ope ties P(M|L t pe) P(M|L,type) 0 1(g P(0.1 (g--r)|L,M) )|L M) P(c|L M) P(c|L,M)