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PDF - Crotched Mountain
C RO T C H E D M O U N TA I N Annual Report 2014 No Ordinary Joe Building a Life in the Community BOARD OF TRUSTEES As of June 30, 2014 * CHARLES H. BALDWIN Bedford, New Hampshire * DAVID H. BARNES, ESQ. Treasurer Manchester, New Hampshire BONNIE B. BENNETT PRESIDENT’S LETTER Support through Life’s Most Difficult Journeys Jaffrey, New Hampshire RAYMOND BENOIT Bedford, New Hampshire W. CARL COOLEY, M.D. Concord, New Hampshire JAY DINKEL Amherst, New Hampshire BRIAN DONOVAN Shrewsbury, Massachusetts Mountain remains a vital part of the picture ADRIENNE FERRO EVANS for many. In this year’s Annual Report, Concord, New Hampshire we’ll highlight a few of our past patients GILBERT L. FULD, M.D. Keene, New Hampshire and students and tell you about their lives GRETCHEN B. GAUL Amherst, New Hampshire * BENJAMIN F. GAYMAN, ESQ. beyond the physical place called Crotched Secretary Manchester, New Hampshire Mountain and how we strive to build a CHARLES GIACOPELLI, ESQ. lifelong alliance with people with disabilities. Manchester, New Hampshire For me, an ongoing success story that JOHN S. GIKAS Manchester, New Hampshire keeps getting better is that of Brenda JANET GREEN Cambridge, Massachusetts Henderson. Brenda had a stroke in the fall RT. REV. DONALD P. HART Peterborough, New Hampshire of 2006. She was admitted to Crotched DAVID HEDSTROM, D.D.S. Greenfield, New Hampshire Mountain Specialty Hospital in January * DEANNA S. HOWARD Lebanon, New Hampshire 2007, and began a long journey of intensive SHARI M. JANKOWSKI rehabilitation that enabled her to return to Merrimack, New Hampshire * LESLIE KENNEY her own home in May 2008. While a Peterborough, New Hampshire * BRUCE KING New London, New Hampshire HAROLD D. LOSEY, JR. Concord, New Hampshire CHARLTON MACVEAGH, JR. Marlborough, New Hampshire RICHARD E. MANDEVILLE West Newbury, Massachusetts JAMES G. MCGUIRE, M.D. New London, New Hampshire LUCAS M. MERROW Rollinsford, New Hampshire * JAMES C. PIET Concord, New Hampshire MARK PROLMAN Nashua, New Hampshire SUSAN A. REEVES, RN, Ed.D. Deb Burke, CMCC care manager, Brenda Henderson, past CM Specialty Hospital patient and CMCC client and Patty Blanchard, Brenda’s personal care service provider welcome friends into Brenda’s cozy home. A T CROTCHED MOUNTAIN, physical issues that she still works on today. But this story isn’t about her time at Crotched Mountain; it’s about how she But that doesn’t mean we built a life that is different from before lose touch. The reach of our and that is ripe with opportunity, challenge supports go far beyond our Greenfield campus. People who come to Crotched New Boston, New Hampshire address aphasia and other cognitive and returned to her community and has since * MARSHALL ROWE (partial term) * BARBARA RUSSELL (partial term) cognitive and occupational therapies to people come and people go. New London, New Hampshire Vice Chair Concord, New Hampshire patient, Brenda received physical, speech, and reward. Brenda lives independently in her Mountain for rehabilitation or education own home with the help of a number of leave here to follow their own life paths in home- and community-based supports Hopkinton, New Hampshire their communities. With residential, recre- coordinated by Deb Burke of Crotched * CAROL STONER, Ph.D. (partial term) ational, assistive technology and care Mountain Community Care. Supports management services state-wide, Crotched include personal care services that assist * DONALD L. SHUMWAY Sudbury, Massachusetts * NANCY VANVRANKEN, M.D. Concord, New Hampshire * JAMES W. VARNUM Chair Etna, New Hampshire RICHARD G. VERNEY Bennington, New Hampshire On the Cover Joe Reed and Doug Morehouse are part of a volunteer building team for Habitat for Humanity in Conway. Story on page 4. * CYNTHIA E. YUKNEWICZ Amherst, New Hampshire * Board of Directors Photography by Joan Crooker, Geoff Forester, Geoff Garfinkle, Michael Havey, Liz LaRose, Stephanie Turek. Printed on Monadnock Astrolite Silk, donated by Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc., Bennington, NH. In addition to family and friends, Brenda finds companionship at her church and through a brain injury support group she attends. According to Deb, “Brenda has so much to offer in energy, intelligence and attitude. She is a joy to be around!” “I like being positive and not giving up,” says Brenda, who kept her positive attitude following a diagnosis of breast cancer in 2011 that was successfully treated. “Brenda is loved by all who have the privilege of knowing her. She works so hard at making her daily life a success despite her challenges,” adds Deb. “My goal was to live in my own house again like I did before my stroke and I am, thanks to the help I received from Crotched Mountain and from so many other organizations and people.” We’re thrilled that Brenda’s life is filled with such pleasures and that her independence has allowed her to resume her interests and pursue new goals. Please enjoy The Dream Team: Brenda and Patty like to explore home decorating sites on the computer. Patty also helps Brenda with communication on the computer as well as in the community. the other profiles included in this report—Chauntelle, who continues to make amazing progress after a brain injury, and Joe, a recent graduate of Crotched Mountain School Brenda with housekeeping, shopping, errands and medical who has found support, friendship, livelihood and more in appointments. And even though Brenda needs few modifi- his new community. cations to support her physically, her global aphasia, which Watch Brenda’s appearance on NH Chronicle when Work- interferes with receptive and expressive language, makes campNE, a teen volunteer organization, helped make repairs to communicating difficult. Her aide helps her understand her home: wmur.com/new-hampshire-chronicle/friday- and communicate with others in the community. august-8th-work-camp/27431582 Deb also advocates for Brenda in her transactions with Social Security, Medicaid, fuel assistance, therapeutic services and other health care. All of these supports empower Brenda to live her life as she chooses. And, as Brenda reports, she chooses to enjoy the Red Sox—sometimes at Fenway Park. She likes to follow other sports and explore house decorating trends and ideas. As an avid reader, her love of books helps her to continually improve her receptive language skills, as well as her ability to express herself. Brenda’s work with New Hampshire Vocational Brenda’s positive can-do attitude shines in so many ways. Rehabilitation is ongoing, as she identifies jobs that fit her skills and interests. She served as a volunteer driver for a time and enjoyed that immensely. She says she’d also like to work with animals, or be a companion to people who are unable to get out into the community. When asked what she would most like others to know about her, D ONALD L. S HUMWAY P RESIDENT AND CEO Brenda replied, “I like to be with people. I love to socialize!” 1 CHAUNTELLE’S PATH TO HEALING Enjoyment is Good Medicine Thanks to Crotched Mountain Accessible Recreation and Sports, (CMARS) Chaun’s life has been filled with enjoyable and challenging activities including biking, kayaking, swimming and skiing. H AVE YOU EVER NOTICED about the first couple of months. that time flies when “My family tells me I first spoke on you’re doing something Christmas when I wished my cousin a you enjoy? It’s true for most of us and Merry Christmas over the phone.” Chauntelle Alkinburgh, a former “When she spoke those words patient at Crotched Mountain we were both shocked and thrilled,” Specialty Hospital, is no exception. recalls Chaun’s mother, Georgia, who Chauntelle was admitted to reports the family was given very little Crotched Mountain in the fall of hope for Chaun’s recovery by the 2008 after a car accident in which medical staff where Chaun received she sustained serious injuries including trauma care following the accident. a brain injury. Her prognosis wasn’t good upon admittance. Her Func- One of Chaun’s earliest memories of functioning on a scale of 1 to 7, Chaun still works to increase mobility in her left hand and improve her balance with this simple catch and throw exercise. was 1 in every domain, indicating a were all 6s and 7s, indicating full tional Independence Measurement (FIM), which measures six domains when emerging from the coma is of the therapy pool and the enjoyment of being in the water. Prior to the accident Chaun was a physical education teacher and swim coach, need for total assistance with all independence. She reports it was a the kind that “likes to get right in on activities of daily living. She year of hard work and, surprisingly, the activities with my students.” An remained in a coma for six weeks. a lot of pleasure. athlete who loves to move—on a When she was discharged, almost a year later to the day, her FIM scores Chaun, as her family and friends call her, doesn’t remember much 2 bike, on the soccer field and in and on the water as a swimmer—Chaun credits recreation therapy for niece and nephew became reg- much of her motivation and ulars at the Specialty Hospital, progress in recovery. accompanying their aunt to Sarah Graham, CTRS/L, speech therapy sessions to cheer one of Chaun’s recreation her on. therapists, accompanied her to Since leaving Crotched water movement therapy and Mountain, Chaun has kept in other recreational activities touch with CM’s recreational around the campus, including offerings through Crotched bowling and yoga. There are Mountain Accessible Recre- many good memories of mile- ation and Sports (CMARS), stones attained. One of her enjoying biking, kayaking and favorites took place at Sunset skiing. Kristin Harris, CMARS Lake, a nearby waterfront area program director, notes that owned by Crotched Mountain. “Chaun gets a lot of satisfac- She swam out to a floating dock and back with her left arm still not fully functional. Chaun’s Mom, Georgia, has been with Chaun on every step of her recovery. tion, joy and sense of accomplishment in her participation, in addition to the positive “That was a pretty exciting accom- therapist Jen Forkey, MSPT,CBIS, benefits of a good workout. It’s much plishment because I was a lifeguard recalls that working through the pain easier to be motivated and work hard and swim instructor before my in her left arm was a significant if you’re doing something you love.” accident and it really felt like I was consideration in therapy. “That slowed making progress.” her down, which was against her nature.” Jen says Chaun was at her best An athlete who loves to move—on a bike, on the soccer field and in and on the water—Chaun credits recreation therapy for much of her progress. And, ever motivated to further her recovery, Chaun also enrolled in pottery classes at the Sharon Arts when encouraging others. “It helped Center near her home to strengthen her see how far she had come. She and increase mobility in her left even coached me as I trained for a hand. The colorful and functional triathlon!” evidence of her skill is on display all Prior to leaving Crotched Mountain, Chaun moved to an apartment on campus where she was responsible around her parents’ home, where Chaun lived after her discharge. This fall, Chaun moved back to for planning and preparing meals, Troy, New York, close to where she keeping her schedule and living as lived at the time of her accident and independently as possible. “I didn’t an area where many of her family members live. She has an apartment Another activity that made time want to go at first. I didn’t want to fly for Chaun was Cognitive Therapy, leave my friends on the unit,” says and plans to continue to pursue her which began three months into her Chaun. But it wasn’t long before she interests in photography and pottery, rehabilitation. “Cognitive therapy got the hang of managing the details renew her driver’s license and explore employment opportunities where she helped me remember things from of her daily life and going back to before the accident. We did activities visit her friends on the Specialty can use her Masters degree in Health that really exercised my brain and Hospital unit. Education. “Family is very important helped it recover. And I learned memory strategies that I still use Both Chaun and Georgia still keep in touch with friends they made to me. I’m looking forward to having so many friends and relatives close today,” says Chaun. “I missed it when at Crotched Mountain. “Patients, by,” Chaun remarks. “We’re sad to see I advanced out of the class.” family members and staff were like her go,” adds Georgia with tears in one big family. We all knew each her eyes. “But we know that it’s time were balance and walking, which she other and cared about each other,” for Chaun to move ahead with her still works on today. Her physical says Georgia. Even Chaun’s young life. She’s ready now.” Her biggest physical challenges 3 Joe’s Got People Tim, Joe and Rachel gathered to celebrate Joe’s birthday at Joe’s house in Conway. A T CROTCHED MOUNTAIN, our mission to forge lifelong alliances with the people communicating his needs and would sometimes resort to aggressive behav- up a storm, smiling from ear-to-ear.” No one knows this transformation iors. Colleen Elliott, Joe’s classroom better than Tim Hogue, community we serve is paramount. Sometimes teacher for six years, remembers that transition coordinator at CMS, who those alliances involve services, some- it was through focusing on coping was a para-educator when he met Joe. times advocacy and sometimes and communication skills that Joe “The first time Joe and I connected,” friendship. Joe Reed, a 2012 graduate learned to regulate his emotions and Tim remembers, “it was Thanksgiving of Crotched Mountain School (CMS) make better choices. He began to vacation, and we built model cars who now lives in Conway, acquired experience success. together. He was pretty quiet; we didn’t some very close friends—some would even say family—for a lifetime. Joe came to Crotched Mountain “When he first arrived, he barely spoke. He was afraid to form rela- say much to each other.” As months passed, Tim and Joe tionships and express himself,” continued to spend more time School as a residential student in Colleen recalls. “When he left, he was together. Tim, a former carpenter and 2006. At the time, Joe had difficulty big man on campus. He would chat locksmith, is a skilled craftsman. 4 He wondered if Joe might take an interest in carpentry. “I’ll never forget the look on Joe’s face when he saw the workshop,” says Tim. “His face lit up! The first thing he wanted to build was an armoire. He’d seen one in someone’s room.” It turned out Joe had a real knack for woodworking. Not only did they build an armoire, they built a chest of drawers and a desk and chair all from oak harvested at Crotched Mountain. The pieces furnish Joe’s bedroom. As Joe’s social and coping skills evolved, so did his relationship with Tim. One weekend, Tim asked Joe if he’d like to spend the weekend with Tim and his wife, Rachel. “Joe seemed a little uncertain, so I dropped the idea,” says Tim. Until about 18 months later. Joe was finding he was ready for more independence and out of the blue asked Tim, “Can I still come live with you?” Tim and Rachel rallied. Joe Joe shows off the desk and chair he and Tim built from lumber harvested at Crotched Mountain. His room is also furnished with a chest of drawers and armoire they built together. spent weekends with them while they New Hampshire. He lives in a group building a coffee table with NCIL became certified foster parents. In residence operated by North Country staff psychologist Dr. Bob Sisson. 2010, Joe moved in with Tim and Independent Living (NCIL). Wendy We’re always happy to see Joe. He works hard, and when he finishes one task he asks for another. Ultimately, Joe says he wants to Oster, program manager, says that Joe live independently. He demonstrates has created an active, interesting life his commitment to this goal by listing for himself. all the things he’s mastered already With staff support, Joe is employed and those he still works on—starting five days a week at Attitash, a nearby with making his bed and doing his ski resort, where he works in hospitality. laundry to shopping, cooking and get- He delivers Meals on Wheels. He ting to work and other appointments. volunteers at the local community “He’s got people,” observes Tim. kitchen, and at Habitat for Humanity “There were key staff members at Rachel, where he stayed until gradua- on Thursdays, where he joins a regular CMS who were there for Joe over the long term. It was just what he needed.” tion. “He became a member of the crew of volunteers currently building a family. He had his chores—laundry, block of apartments. Doug Morehouse cooking and helping around the oversees the building project. “We’re they needed. Recently, on the day house,” says Tim. And they traveled always happy to see Joe. He works before Joe’s birthday, they met at It seems that everyone got what to Mississippi to visit Rachel’s large hard and when he finishes one task he Joe’s house. Along with presents and family where, she reports, “Joe was asks for another. And boy, does he love a huge piece of mud pie, there was a welcomed with many warm hugs.” lunch!” Doug says laughing. birthday card from Tim and Rachel. After graduation in 2012, Joe returned to his home area in Conway, When Joe’s not volunteering, he hikes, fishes and is designing and 5 It read, “Happy Birthday Son, Love Tim and Rachel.” Noteworthy Activities Bruins Game Raises $27,000 Telling via Telemedicine E ACH YEAR, ATECH Services in Concord evaluates, recommends and oversees the programming and use of hundreds of communication devices for people with autism across New Hampshire. Following an initial evaluation, ATECH specialists often have multiple follow-up appointments over Ready, Set Connect! participant Max and ABA therapist extended periods of time to Kelly Vigneault help ATECH speech language pathologist Phyllis Watson test out the Double. adjust both software and hardware to custom-program a way visual and audio communication. device to an individual’s changing The Doubles were funded by the needs. Needless to say, that’s a lot DOUG FLUTIE JR. FOUNDATION of travel for ATECH therapists and FOR AUTISM, which provides for families, teachers and others resources and information to famiwho work with ATECH clients. With lies and others who support people the recent purchase of three Doubles with autism. “We’re thrilled to be for remote consultation this is no able to increase and ease access to longer the case. The Double is an vital services with these devices,” iPad mounted on a remote-controlled said ATECH director DENNIS mobile platform that allows for two- BRADLEY. Students Joe and Krista break in the new lanes. Bowling Alley Gets Rehab Crotched Mountain School enjoys a newly renovated bowling alley, now known as the MARY & WILLIAM KIERNAN LANES. The work was made possible by a legacy gift made by Mrs. Kiernan. “Seeing the looks on the faces of the students made me very happy that we could help,” said Mrs. Kiernan. On Sunday, February 9, the Crotched Mountain Wild, a team of employees and friends of CM, took to the ice against the Boston Bruins Alumni before a crowd of more than 650 fans in the fourth annual Bruins Alumni Classic. Nearly $27,000 was raised in support of the CMARS program. “We are honored to support the CMARS program, which provides hundreds of sports experiences each year to children and adults with disabilities,” says R ICK M IDDLETON , Bruins Alumni captain. “Every time we’ve played the Crotched Mountain Wild, it has been a great day on the ice for a great cause!” Bruins alumni Terry O’Reilly and CMS graduate Joe Gilbert, who dropped the first puck. Science Fair Proves Fun and Factual Classroom Awards Many folks turned out to see the exhibits at this year’s Crotched Mountain School Science Fair. From testing soap bubble longevity in varying weather conditions to Mountain Dew bottles that glow in the dark, the experiments our students conducted were imaginative and educational. First Place - PENNY CRANDALL’s middle school class for their Structure of Paper Towels experiment. Second Place - AMI O’KEEFE’s class for their Solar Powered S'more Oven. Third Place - Tie: MARIE WILSON’s class for their Gummy Bear Expansion experiment and JESSICA GRANGER’s class for their Viscosity experiment. The following awards were presented: Individual Awards First Place - RICHARD for his Biodiesel Fuel experiment Second Place - SHANE for his Air Ball experiment Third Place - HUNTER for his Mystery Stain Remover experiment 6 Accessible Trails Are Feeling The Love! T HE TD BANK CHARITABLE F OUNDATION donated $15,000 to Crotched Mountain Foundation to support the maintenance of our fully accessible trails— David Barnes, CM board member; Mary McLaughlin, Northern New England/Upstate New York Healthcare Finance team leader for TD Bank; Donald L. Shumway, CM president and CEO; Stacey Donlon, vice president, Healthcare Finance at TD Bank; Steven Webb, president/NH Market for TD Bank; and Tom Zubricki, CM vice president of Finance. this, in addition to the more than 30 bank employees who volunteered their time and energy to CM during a recent TD Bank Day of Caring event. Quality Designation Earned Tree Farm of the Year Crotched Mountain Specialty Hospital (CMSH) achieved a critical benchmark in its mission to provide the highest quality healthcare and rehabilitative services to our patients. CMSH became the first rehabilitation hospital in New Hampshire to achieve ISO 9001 compliance from DNV Healthcare. This designation has long been a mark of continuous quality management and improvement in manufacturing and other business settings and is easily transferable to the healthcare industry with its emphasis on patient safety and satisfaction through innovation and best practices. “This is a huge accomplishment of which we are very proud,” said DONALD L. SHUMWAY “Congratulations to our staff and board members who have worked tirelessly over the past three years to make the organizational and cultural changes needed to achieve this highly regarded quality management program. Hillsborough County Conservation District named CM the 2013 Hillsborough County Tree Farm of the Year. A certified tree farm for 27 years, the tract includes a total of 1,247 acres on Crotched Mountain, with portions within Greenfield, Francestown and Bennington. CM received the award for its commitment to provide outdoor recreation while maintaining natural beauty and maximizing diversity. Jon Nute, Hillsborough County Forester for UNH Cooperative Extension; Michael Redmond, senior vice president of Crotched Mountain; and Bob Todd of Todd Land Use Consultants and CM Forester for the past 30 years. Awards and Honors Physical Therapist JENNIFER FORKEY, MSPT, renewed her Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS) certification. KRISTIN KOSTECKI, a program coordinator in Residential Services, received a BS in Human Services from Springfield College. BENJAMIN CAYES, CTRS/L, recreational therapist, earned his BS in Recreation Management and Policy from the University of New Hampshire. He also earned his national certification in Therapeutic Recreation from the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification. GEOFF GARFINKLE, CTRS/L, director of Therapeutic Recreation, was reappointed for a second three-year term on the Board of Directors at the Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce and remains an active Advisory Board Member for the Department of Recreation Management and Policy at the University of New Hampshire. LIZ LAROSE, director of Marketing and Communications, was named president-elect of the Yankee Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. DON SHUMWAY, president and CEO, received awards for leadership and service in his work on behalf of people with disabilities. He received the Sandy Garrity Award from Gateways Community Services; Champions of Mental Health Lifetime Achievement Award from Riverbend Community Mental Health Services and the Leadership Award from One Sky Community Services. CYNTHIA HICKS, residential counselor, received her BA in Child Psychology from Southern New Hampshire University. Caring Gets Things Done We keep volunteers busy at Crotched Mountain, where we are grateful to host a variety of corporate, civic and other community volunteer groups every season of the year. Volunteers from TD Bank, Liberty Mutual and Greenfield Congregational Covenant Church donated time and energy over the spring, summer and fall to paint, plant, maintain trails and buildings, visit with patients and students and make CM a more beautiful, warm and A Liberty Mutual volunteer goes for the stubborn leaves! welcoming place. 7 Philanthropy and Financial Report July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 T HE MOST IMPORTANT GIVING BY SOURCE $3,299,000 message you’ll receive in this report is summed up in two words: Thank you. While this page FOUNDATIONS 10% conveys important data, what it really tells is a story CORPORATIONS 2% TRUSTS 14% about people—people engaged in the true spirit of philanthropy BOARD 2% —extending goodwill to fellow members of our shared communities. This report also provides us a platform to extend our broad and heartfelt gratitude to all of you who make Crotched Mountain a philanthropic priority. With thanks to over 1,600 individuals, businesses, corpo- INDIVIDUALS 26% rations, foundations and trusts, we celebrate an outstanding milestone: nearly $3.3 million in charitable donations. Your BEQUESTS & OUTSIDE TRUSTS 45% commitment to the programs and services of Crotched Mountain ORGANIZATIONS 1% underscores the value of our mission to offer a lifelong alliance to people with disabilities. Indeed, your support directly influences the success of our Strategic Plan’s key initiatives for its School, SOURCES OF REVENUE $55,823,000 Specialty Hospital, and Community Services, such as: • Providing School teaching staff with training in cognitive behavioral strategies that help students with significant emotional COMMERCIAL INSURANCE 2% and behavioral disabilities learn new skills that enable them to succeed in school. CONTRIBUTIONS & BEQUESTS 2% OTHER 8% INVESTMENT INCOME 4% MEDICAID 22% • Adding new state-of-the-art patient monitoring equipment in the Specialty Hospital that provides doctors and nurses timely access to information vital to making life-saving clinical decisions. • Providing oral health services to adults with disabilities who often haven’t seen a dentist in years. Added benefits include LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICTS 39% improved diet and increased participation in community activities, leading to overall improved physical and emotional health. OTHER STATE & FEDERAL AGENCIES 23% In equal measure, nearly 350 volunteers have improved the lives of our students and clients by dedicating over 5,800 hours of their time, labor and compassion. It’s impossible to put a dollar value on this commitment. We extend our deep gratitude to all ALLOCATION OF REVENUE our volunteers for their essential contributions. With this glance back at the successes of 2013-2014, we COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES 10% look ahead to bold plans for 2014-2015. Key among them is a multi-million dollar initiative to fund projects that will ensure ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 10% the perpetuation of Crotched Mountain’s world-class integrated THERAPEUTIC & DIAGNOSTIC 9% DEVELOPMENT 1% services for our clients. Dedicated to serving individuals with disabilities and their FACILITIES & EQUIPMENT 11% families… embracing personal choice and development… build- RESIDENTIAL CARE & SUPPORT 26% ing communities of mutual support. This is the mission you support, these are the results your contributions made possible. Thank you. EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL 12% MEDICAL SERVICES 21% Kathleen Cragin Brittan Vice President of Development 8 Crotched Mountain Honor Roll Contributors, July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 W E ARE deeply grateful to all those who choose to be a part of our commitment lists you will see comments we received to children and adults with as part of our recent disabilities through their donor survey. We are contributions to Crotched Mountain. Louise I. Gillis Priscilla and Richard Goff Richard F. Gor ton Linda M. Grucel Maryann and George Hall, Jr. James Haller Gail and Joseph Harrington, Jr. Leona Herber t Jean and George Hieken Peter G. Hindle Louise M. Houde Carol and John Hubbard Patricia and Rober t Jenkins Marilyn P. Jewett Judith and Homer Johnson, Jr. Ar thur Kamberis Mathilda and Chester Kaminski Donald B. Keefe Richard P. Keefe, III M. Kathleen and Edward Kingsbury Marguerite and Kenneth Knight Jean and Vernon Knowlton Judith E. Kolada Gerard A. Lachance Jacqueline and Alber t Lang Ann M. LaPlante Pauline E. Lavoie Jean and Raymond Lincoln Loretta and Rober t Locatelli Mary A. Maccarone A. W. MacKenzie Maryann and Peter Magoun Janet R. Mallard Susan and Nicholas Mandravelis Judith and Edward Markey Arline and Nicholas C. Marro, Sr. Mary Ann and Frank Mastro William E. McCabe Irene and Thomas McManus Kathleen and James Melitus Esther L. Merrill Richard J. Mitropoulos Richard K. Murphy Beverly and David Nor ton Geraldine and Thomas O'Brien Winifred and Dr. Charles O'Neil Anne and Thomas O'Reilly Barbara and Ernest Pantos Joanne and George Pappas Lena Pappas Rachel and Gerard Paquette Joanne Perkins Rose and William Perry Alber t C. Peterson Yvonne Petit Louis F. Petroni Bruce D. Philbrick Karen Pick Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Por t Throughout these grateful for all the positive feedback and INDIVIDUALS encouragement. Our donors are generous PHILANTHROPIST’S CIRCLE 50+ YEARS Prudence and John Giffin FOUNDER’S CIRCLE 40+ YEARS Patricia and Richard Schuren Dorothy and Richard Verney CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE 30+ YEARS Gloria and Joseph Allis David J. Bailey, Jr. Capt. F. K. Bajowski, Jr. Rober t H. Baldi Charles H. Baldwin Janet S. Barrell Richard C. Beeman Mary and Ralph Bennett Mary D. Bens Elinor A. Bettencour t Aldona V. Blaisdell Jacqueline and John Bland Linda and Carl Blicker Janet and Dr. Thomas Bolland Rosemarie and Donald Boudrot Edith Bowen Eleanor and David Brewster Richard W. Bridgeo Helen and Richard Brockelman Mary and Kenneth Brown Kathleen and Joseph Buckley Hope W. Burnett Judith and Peter Caliri Rita M. Calkins Susan W. Carlson Henry R. Caron Marguerite and Rober t Caron Josephine and Frank Carrara Ar thur A. Car ter, Jr. Nancy and Richard Carvill Stefania W. Caverly in so many ways! G. Steve Chirigotis, Col. USAF, Ret. Dr. Stanwood B. Churchill Marie and William Cole Sharon and Ronald Cole Ann and Richard Condon Ann Marie and Thomas Connors Mar tha and William Cooper Mar tha and Bernard Corson Fern and Roy Cota, Sr. Jean and Geoffrey Crofts Mildred R. Cronin Christo Dadasis Eugene M. Darling, Jr. Irene P. Davis Ralph A. D'Elia Virginia and George Delude Rev. Rober t J. Densmore Rober t J. Devaney, Jr. Jean and Richard DeVincentis Josephine and Richard Digilio Lorraine and Ar thur Dion Henry L. Doody Irene C. Dubois Joel L. Ekstrom Jane and Donald Estes Bernadette Evans Mary and Dr. Elwin Falkenham James F. Farquhar Dr. Charles S. Faulkner, II Susanna Favreau S. Jean Fernandez Iva G. Fisher Lorraine and Donald Flanders Rober t W. For tnam Stephen Foster John F. Galvin Faye E. Gardner Elizabeth and Mark Gelarderes Carolyn and Rober t Gibbons Thelma and Kenneth Gibbs John S. Gikas 9 Maureen Por ter Rev. John Post Richard M. Power Peter R. Raymond Lorraine and Charles Rayno Norma and Rober t Reich Ruth A. Reider Mabel C. Richardson Sylvia and H. Rome Julene and Alan Rosenman Ruth Roundy Eleanor C. Russell Nancy and Dr. Eckar t Sachsse Deborah K. Sack Lucille C. Savage Lois and Lawrence Scammon Norma and Joseph Schults Frances and Richard Smith Donald R. Spalding Francesca and Clinton Springer Kathryn and Henry Stober, Jr. Wilma Strachan Herman C. Streitburger Marjorie and Philip Struhsacker Andrew R. Supplee Jean and David Sweeney Peter Tamulewicz Mary Tatoyian Dolores A. Thorng Clementina and Anthony Triglione Ruth C. Tuttle Rober t L. Van Tichelt Margaret Walker Jane W. Waterhouse Linda and John Wesley Sandra and Howard Weston Ruth B. Whipple Frederick E. Whitcher Eleanor and Allen Winecour PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE 20+ YEARS Anonymous Nancy T. August Deborah E. Babson Charlotte and Reynold Belletete Bonnie B. Bennett Denise and John Byrne Audrey Carvalho Eileen and Richard Connor Ar thur H. Dyer Shirley and William Franchi Anne and Edmond Garfinkle Carol and Benjamin Gayman Richard E. Jacobs Helen C. Kingsley Debora and Rober t Kizik Mary Frances and Don Lawler Enid Lubarsky C RO T C H E D Dede and Charlton MacVeagh, Jr. William I. O'Connell, Ed.D. Barbara and Allan Peskin Yvette and Stanley Plodzik, Jr. Dr. Janis H. Stoklosa Dr. Carol and Howard Stoner Elizabeth B. Sullivan Maria and Dr. Kimball Temple Alfred L. Thurlow Kelly and David Ward Major W. Wheelock MEMBER’S CIRCLE 10+ YEARS Anonymous (5) Evelyn R. Abbott John H. Adams Sherry and David Ahearn Alice E. Aittama Marion and Frank Almeida Susan and Douglas Anderson Patricia and Dr. Fred Appleton Louise and Jacques Aquillon Helen and Alfred Araskiewicz Marion and Thomas Arkell Mary and Mark Armstrong Lucille M. Atkinson Ernestina and James Aubry Robin and John Ayotte Margaret Backus Tom Badgley Jayne Bailey Allan Barnard David H. Barnes Dorothy T. Barre Lillian and J. Leo Barry Sharon and Rober t Batchelder, Sr. Jill D. Bates William H. Bearden Deborah Beaudoin Sharon and Mar tin Beaver Lucille and Lionel Bedard Patricia and David Beffa-Negrini Amedine and Rev. Igor Bella Patricia A. Belleville Paul R. Belyea Jonna and Lorenzo Benet, Jr. Polly N. Berry Rober t R. Bezubka Sandra and Milton Blackington Leatrice and Roland Blanchette Madeline Blidberg Kim and James Bock Florence and Wallace Bordeau Annette and Emile Bouchard Henry M. Boulette Mimi D. Bravar Timothy L. Brewer Dick Brewster Joanna Breyer Pauline Brine Carol and Ronald Brodeur Minna Brodsky Agneta and Dr. Neal Brown Regina R Brunelle Grove W. Bryant Joanna R. Cameron Bull Katherine M. Bullard Edward D. Bureau M O U N TA I N H O N O R A Christopher Byrnes Patricia and Rober t Cabral Amiris and John Cadagan David J. Cadorette Jocelyn and Craig Cain Christina D. Campbell Marilyn K. Campbell Patricia and Stephen Caruso Clifford D. Caseley Andrea Cauldwell Virginia M. Chandler Barbara H. Chase Dorothy E. Chase Janine and Henry Chiampa Patricia J. Christie Peter Clark Thomas F. Cleary Rober t Clement Barbara E. Clifford Patricia R. Cobb Kathleen Y. Coffey Ar thur M. Cohen Stacey W. Cole Bernard E. Colgan Wendie and Garnet Colpitts Adrienne and Wayne Colsia Rober t Congdon David P. Conley John J. Connolly Gregory Connors Danelle and Rober t Cook Jeanette I. Cook Dr. Seddon Savage and Dr. Carl Cooley Wilma C. Corrigan Katherine Cousins Doris J. Covey Lance E. Cramer Patricia and Richard Cravedi Paul T. Cronshaw Joan and Roger Crooker, Jr. James R. Cross Rosalie M. Croteau Nancy Crystal Grace S. Cullom Patricia A. Cutting Edna A. Dancy Arlene A. Dar t Nancy M. Daskal Frank A. Davis Nancy and Dr. Henry Dawes Alice M. De Lucia Paula and Thomas DeAngelis Phyllis DeLaurier Jeanne T. Derome Charles E. Des Ruisseaux Rita Descoteaux Nancy and Peter Desjardins Veronique A. Desmarais Richard V. Desrosiers Janet and George DeVito, Jr. Jeanine E. Dexter Salvatore Diberardinis, Jr. Lynn and Neal Dini Antonia and John Dinkel Rachel and Wilbrod Dion Phyllis E. DiPrizio Rachel Dohanian Marianne C. Doher ty RO L L Our Supporters Have Spoken CROTCHED MOUNTAIN’S SUPPORTERS should have received our first-of-its-kind survey seeking suggestions on ways to improve our fundraising. We thought our closest friends might welcome the chance to tell us how they prefer to practice charitable giving, but we did not anticipate the quantity and depth of your responses. We are thrilled! The survey sought opinions on the timing, frequency and methods of our fundraising requests and communications. We’ve received a tremendous number of responses, and every one is a highly valued set of instructions and suggestions on all aspects of our philanthropic mission. The majority of respondents now receive communications tailored to individual preferences. Anonymous responses, when pooled together, are equally helpful in our efforts to find ways to fundraise more wisely. Now that you’ve told us how much you appreciate the survey, we plan to keep the dialogue going. A survey will be distributed regularly, but please don’t wait! Contact us at any time to share your thoughts and suggestions. And look for some of your wonderful survey comments throughout the Honor Roll in this Annual Report. LL OF Virginia Doher ty Jennifer A. Donelan Diane and John Donovan Maria and Ar thur Douglas Kathleen and Richard Doyle Kevin L. Draper Linda W. Dresser Sandra and Fred Dube Pauline A. Dubuque Frank A. Dudman Phyllis H. Dugas Donna V. Dunlop and Andrew Spahr Joan and William Dunn Luther P. Durgin Virginia B. Durost Rober t A. Dutton Gail and Rodney Dyer Cecile E. Dyszczyk Jane and Frank Ecker t Leo Elinian Jessie and Wade Elliott Diane and Geno Eriquezzo Michelle and Jonathan Eriquezzo Dr. Donald M. Ettelson Jane Cooper Fall Dr. Edward J. Farmlett Brian Faughnan Anthony G. Favale Henry H. Ferrell, III Leah Fiasconaro-Conway Sylvia M. Findell Colleen P. Finegan Non and Lawrence Finkelstein Patrick J. Fitzgerald Patricia R. Fleurie Jane P. Forrestal and William K. Fluhr 10 Andrea M. Foisy Daniel S. Foley Mary Ann Foley Barbara J. Foran Holle and Allen Forbes Diana and Kenneth Forrence Ilona M. For tune Diane and Thorstein Fossnes Rev. Leo L. Frechette Richard W. Freeman, Jr. Cheryl and Stanley Fry Helen W. Fryer Alice and Dr. Gilber t Fuld Mary Alice Fuller ton John W. Furlong R. Thomas Gage Ber the Gagnon Selena and Michael Gallen Jane and Michael Gamboli Bronislawa Garant Germaine and Walter Garrish Ruth and Howard Gaskill Gretchen and Thomas Gaul Sherry and Ross Gauthier Thomas W. Gegan Janice and Donald Gelinas Terry and Charles Giacopelli Rosalie and George T Giannetti, Sr. Mary J. Gilber t Rober t R. Giordano Linda and Zaven Giragosian Amy and Andrew Glover Darrell C. Gobel Eleanor and Walter Goddard J U LY Lorraine and Roland Goddard Walter H. Goodnow Dorothy Goodrich Suzanne M. Gorman E. M. and Rober t E. Grady Beth and Kenneth Graf Jane and David Graham Elizabeth and Dennis Green Patricia and David Gregg Leopold J. Grenon Adelaide and Alfred Grimm Philip A. Grisafi Margaret A. Groetz Jacqueline and Raymond Guillemette Kathy A. Haaker Rober t W. Haberman Claudia J. Hackett Molly C. Hajjar Ann and William Hallahan Jacqueline P. Hamilton Jean Hammonds Annette B. Handy Elfriede G. Hanley Rober t F. Hanratty Dorothy and Carl Hardwick Lisa and Jeffrey Hargreaves Kristin D. Harris Elizabeth and Rt. Rev. Donald Har t Linda and Joseph Har t Kevin A. Har te Michael Havey Juliana Hayden Pearl and Harry Haymes Joanne and Thomas Head Alma A. Healey Jeanne E. Heath Judith E. Heck Marilynne and Dr. David Hedstrom Muriel and Edmund Henault The help you provide to those who are in need of such services is a tremendous blessing. Learning of their progress must bring hope to others. Ronald C. Hendricks Mary Beth and Fred Her tel William Hickmott Pen-Che Ho Frank W. Hogg Katharyn and Dr. Roland Hok Caroline and G. Clay Hollister Elinor and Thomas Hooker Alton M. Hopkins Ronald D. Horne Kim and Rober t Horyn Madeleine J. Houle Elsie J. Howard Nancy and Ray Howell Pam and Dean Hoyt 2 0 1 3 Irina and Stanley Hultin Susan and Jerry Hunter Louise W. Huntoon Randi and Sen. Tim Hutchinson Ray P. Hutchinson Patricia and Carl Ingelstrom Richard Isakson Patricia A. James Nancye J. Jenkins Kathleen and Ned Johnson Adrienne M. Johnson Marilyn P. Johnson Kathleen and Stanley Judge Peter Kageleiry Jennifer and Chester Kaminski, Jr. Ruth and Dr. Lawrence Kane Paul W. Kearney Howard W. Keegan Carol and Ronald Keenhold Marcia and Richard Keller Loretta L. Kenison Fredrick Kennett Leslie and Dr. Robin Kenney Elizabeth A. Kerwin Beverly Kibby Evelyn and John Kiernan Elizabeth and Dennis Kilduff Patritia K. Kiley Marie and Russell Kincaid Jane and David Kittredge Jacqueline B. Klose Mark T. Knights Theresa and Donald Knowlton Kristine and Peter Kokas Shannon and Christopher Kolb Peg Alzmann and Paul Koning David G. Kraft Sally and J. Gifford Kriebel Betty A. La Grassa Winona P. Lacoss Jeanne and Ovide LaMontagne Katherine and Rober t LaMontagne Ber tha A. Landry Hannah P. Landsman Gail Landy Richard A. Larkin Barbara and Rober t LaRochelle Allen Larrabee Nathalie J. Latulippe Gerd Laudien Pearl A. Lavalley Anita and Michael Lawler Ernestine and Kent Lawrence Joanne M. Lazinsky Raymond A. LeBoeuf David T. Lee James R. Leighton Jean and Richard Leopold Marguerite and Thomas Levesque Caroline and George Lewis Paul J. Leyden Christine Emma Linderman Barbara P. Locke Linda and Anthony LoProto Kris and Harold D. Losey, Jr. B. Eleanor Loskamp Anneleen J. Loughlin Frances M. Lovejoy - J U N E 2 0 1 4 Thomas Lubelczyk Jennie Lucero F. Cameron Ludwig Nancy Lynch Gerard MacLellan Donna L. Mangold Joan M. Manning Elizabeth and Kenneth Marchilena Pauline and Richard Marquis Constance and James Marrion Patricia A. Mar tin Charlene and Lawrence Mar tin Ann and William Marvin Kimberly E. Mason Mary and Joseph Massa Padma R. Mathur, M.D. Diana and David Mattoon Judith A. Maule Philip B. Mays Dr. Maureen E. McCanty and Dr. Dennis J. Card Philip McCarron Bill G. McCrillis Eugenia F. McDonald Jeanne and Peter McGillen Paul McGuirk Priscilla H. McKuskie Phyllis E. McLynch Mary and John McMahon Patricia D. McMahon John F. Melita John P. Merrill Robin and Lucas Merrow Joyce L. Meyer Linda Michelsen Elizabeth Miesfeldt Joan and Richard Miller Agnes and Edward Miner Gail and John Mintken Marguerite and Donald Moffett Janetta and Ken Mohler Carol and Charles Monaco Josephine and William Monbouquette Carol A. Moody Richard Morrison Judith E. Moskevich Dianne Mrak Edmund J. Murphy Elva Muzzey Gene Nettleton Cynthia and Russell Neumann Jeannette Nieder Janet E. Nixon Rita and Rober t Norander John Nor thcott June Novo Carol and Dale Ober Susan and Thomas O'Connor Lisa O’Grady Linda and Willis Ottery William J. Pananos Noelle D. Collins Paradis Barbara and Dr. Barrie Paster Carolyn and Rodney Patenaude Maggie and Christopher Paul Sandie and Bill Peabody Jacqueline and Ted Pelletier Muriel and Claude Pelletier Janet I. Pendlebury Jeanette and Francis Penney 11 Paul Pepin Nancy Jo and William Perry Lynn and Daniel Perry Anne D. Peterson Nancy and Richard Peterson Augusta and Amb. Joseph C. Petrone Anita B. Phillips Tyler B. Phillips, Sr. Gail and Ben Plummer Priscilla and Richard Poirier Jean and Raymond Pool There are many worthwhile charities in the world today but many of us need to make the difficult choice of where those dollars will be sent. Crotched Mountain has helped me feel I am taking a part, I believe a very small part, in a greater good. Dr. Norma Powell Carole J. Power Darlene and Royce Prive Heidi and John Provencal George Pyro Evelyn M. Quigley Marlies and Walter Radermacher Patricia and Philip Ragnio Julianne and Richard Rain Cynthia, Rober t, Joe and Katie Ramsay Jacqueline J. Ray Suzanne and Peter Read Laura and Michael Redmond Rose M. Reed Scott G. Reed John P. Reid M. Susan and L. Mark Reiner Irene and Gordon Rhyner Mary J. Ribeiro Col. Anne Richards, Ret. Karolyn and Bruce Ricker Peter Robar t Karen E. Rober ts Peter D. Roos Barbara A. Rose Ber tha and Edmond Rousseau Vangie H. Ruskowski Barry Ryan Muriel and William Sakellson Lori Jo and Tom Samyn Susan and Michael Sassano C RO T C H E D Arpiar G. Saunders, Jr. Kathleen M. Saviano Janet U. Schaefer Clifton L. Schandelmayer Alan D. Schlemmer Ruth and John Schmid Louise T. Schmidt Sally and Brian Schofield Palla and Merle Schreurs Richard C. Schwabe Diane and Mark Scott Elizabeth M. Seales Rachel Seamans Charlotte and Clyde Seavey Caroline A. Sevier Elmer M. Sewall Edmund and Rober ta Shaw Lois and Leslie Shaw John F. Shepard Miriam and Donald Shumway Margaret and Francesco Siega Claire and Michael Sills Michael H. Sisitsky Marion Skinner Mary M. Skoby Shirley R. Small Donna and Jeffrey Smith Douglas A. Smith Rober ta C. Smith Shawn M. Smith Mary Jane and Rober t Solomon Catherine and John Sommers Rita and R. David Springs Janet and Rober t St. Jean Esther Stafford-Cain Cecilia Stanin David B. Staples Mary and James Starke Rober t S. Steiner t Therese and Stephen Stepenuck Myr tle M. Stevens Jane Stieglitz Jean W. Stockfleth Judith Streeter Jeannette I. Sturrock Jeanne M. Sullivan Walter A. Sullivan Barbara Summers and Willard Goodwin Genevieve A. Svoboda Francis A. Swiech Leo J. Sylvain Lourdes and Bruce Tangarone Sean M. Teague Dixie and Cameron Tease Sharon S. Thagard Sylvia L. Thayer Rober t Therrien, Jr. Patricia A.Thomas Marietta and Theodore Tocci Adrienne Topliffe Audrey S. Torrey Evelyn C. Trageser Constance C. Tremblay Paul E. Troxell Arline and George Trudel, Jr. Jeanne and Philip Tulley Paul W. Tuminowski Marylee and E. Philip Turcotte M O U N TA I N Helen and Stephen Ulicny Dorothy and Bruce Ullrich Doris and Jerome Underwood Ernest R. Underwood Linda and Frank Underwood James C. Van Dongen Kathleen and Bruce Varney Lucinda and James Varnum Roland P. Vigneault Nancy and Irwin Wakcher Barbara and Alfred Ward John T. Webb Dina and John Weber Kathleen and William Weibel Karen Weinberg-Kanin Kathy Weiner Beverly and Thomas Westheimer Nancy and Douglass White Patricia C. Whitney Sandra and Kevin Whitney Suzanne A. Whitney Pamela A. Wiggin and Carol A. Barker Nancy P. N. Wilbur Barbara and Gerald Wilkins SMSGT. Ryan Willey and Family Nice job! You provide a very rewarding service to those in need— Thank you too! Thomas E. Williams Winifred L. Williams William F. Wilmoth, Jr. Ruth Wilson Sharon and Richard Wilson Danette and Stephen Wineberg Frieda Winter Marilyn and Walter Wiwczar Thomas F. Wolf Kay M. Woods Patricia and Raymond Woolson Susan U. Wright Nancy and Philip Yeaton Joyce and Gary Young Cynthia and William Yuknewicz Majorie Zaremski Patricia and Rober t Zeamans Isadora Zlotowicz Jennifer Zola SUPPORTER’S CIRCLE 5+ YEARS Anonymous (3) Michael Anderson Rober t E. Bagshaw Lorriane and Richard Baldassari Irene R. Barninger Joyce E. Barry Paul F. Bastardi Diane Bati H O N O R RO L L Ron Beaulieu Mary J. Beaver Susan J. Beeman-Hollins and Rober t J. Hollins Raymond Benoit Marilyn and Rober t Bergevin Doris and Ralph Bodette James F. Bogue The Boland Family Jonathan F. Bourne Sen. Peter Bowman Kenneth Braccio Tammy and Michael Branca Carl P. Brigada, Jr. Frederick G. Briggs David G. Brill Kelley M. Brooks Eleanore F. Brooks and James J. Griffin, Jr. Joanne R. Brown Lawrence A. Brown Diane L. Burdick Constance M. Bureau Pauline L. Calderwood Pam and Brian Canty Sanford K. Carlisle Donna M. Carlson-Blastos Elizabeth Gillan Caulo and Peter Caulo The Caveney Family Ruth and Wesley Cobb William E. Cohane, Jr. Ann and Melvin Cohen Sharon L. Colbroth Ann and Christopher Conway Gardner D. Cook Elizabeth Coolidge and Jeffrey Stolz Sr. Marie M. Couture Lucilla H. Crocker Kim and Chris Curran Ann Cur tis Joyce and William Dacier James Daly Maria A. D'Amico Guy A. Daniello Nancy and Roy Davis Mario DeCarolis Carol M. Decker Jeannine and Roger Denoncour t Doris M. Desautel Nanette and Brian Donovan Barbara Dubray Dorothy A. Dudley Dorothy and Donald Dunbar Kathleen and Michael Etzel JoAnn S. Eurich Donna B. Evans Lucia P. Ewing Tom Ewing Christine and Neil Falcone Christine and Eric Falkenham Eleanor B. Fallon Mary and Tim Feltz Hollis E. Field, Jr. Augustine J. Fiori Stacy Fiske Christine and Woodbury Fogg 12 Lisa and George Foote Jane and Allen Forbes Jeffrey A. Foster Ramona and Teddy A. Foster Judith M. Francesconi Kate and Tony Gamboli Teresa and David Geaney Sandra M. Gelinas Anna and Daniel Giacopelli Linda C. Gill Cynthia J. Glover Joel W. Gomarlo, Sr. Pamela and L.Taylor Goode Frances J. Gosselin G. June C. Goulson Joseph M. Graciano Helen and Clarence Grant Lumina Greenway Clara M. Gregory Margaret H. Gross Shirley S. Haddock David Hamilton Wendy and Mitch Hankin Margarette Hardy Edith and David Harris Judith and Douglas Hatfield Luz M. Hernandez Beverly S. Hill Marjorie G. Hockmuth Joseph W. Hogan Phoebe B. Honig Patricia and Theodore Hopkins Donna and Stephen Hor ton Deanna S. Howard Emily and Dr. James Hurley Tibor Ivanyi Ann and Carl Jacobs Janice and Stephen Janaitis Shari and James Jankowski Jeanne and Stanley Jaskolka Joanna E. Jones Charles F. Kane, M.D. Thomas J. Keaveney Cheryl A. Keegan Willard L. Keirstead Diane L. Kent Kenneth C. Keyser Katherine E. Kiley Dorothy A. Kimball Mary and Bruce King Joan and James Kirwin Kristina and Dr. Gregory Kriebel Christine Labombard Jennifer and Kyle Lamerand Louise P. Langley Mark V. LaPor te Jeannette R. P. LaPrad Mary Leadbeater and Michael Strack Ger trude G. Lepine Bette and John Lessard Cristina and David Lewis Susan D. Licsak Alcide G. Light Hon. Stephen Limon Katherine N. Linehan Carolyn W. Lockhar t Daniel Lyons Beatrice and Milton MacDow June and Andrew Mackey J U LY Richard J. Mailhot Donald A. Marble Cindy Mar tell Lorraine T. Mar tin Roger J. Matthews Charles N. McCormack Frank McDougall Christine and Cur t McGee Ann and James McGuire Mark J. McHugh Mary P. McMahon Caitlin McPherson Irene M. Messier and Christopher Messier Jeffrey J. Morgan Davi Lyn Morse and Gregory Bubnash John B. Murphrey Harold F. Murphy Valerie and Carl Narsasian Anne Page Patricia and Donald Painchaud Mary J. Parker Joan M. Patterson and The Jakubiak Family Joseph P. Perrigo Jamie C. Pickering Brian B. Pierce Patricia and James Piet Kenneth T. Pinhero Lois and Roger Pinsince Lynette and James Plumb Beverly and Alber t Pollard Elaine and Daniel Priestley Betty Putnam Ralph K. Putnam Gloria and Donald Quigley Barbara A. Quinlan Susan Reeves, Ed.D. Joseph H. Reiser t, Jr. Kathryn Renzi Rene P. Richard June and Douglas Richter Maureen O. Ripple Dennis Rober ts Joseph W. Robinson Marilyn and Edwards Ross David Ross Barbara and Gordon Russell Jacqueline and Thomas Rzasa Paul R. Sahler Margaret Salvas Valerie and Rober t Savastano Dennis Schafer John B. Schulte Ann Marie Sennott Kathleen and Donald Severance Travis Ellen Shattuck Betty and Alfred Shipley Frances J. Shippee Herber t M. Shumway George F. Sichelstiel George Christopher Smith Alfreda A. Smith Amelia Borman and John Smitka Mary Snider Marilyn and Bruce Soper Trudy J. Soucy 2 0 1 3 John J. Spanks, Jr. Elizabeth and Werner Splettstoesser Marguerite H. St. Cyr Rudi K. Standke Linda and William Starace Daniel H. Stearns Elizabeth Steele Roger C. Steele Karen and Philip Stefanini Randi A. Stein Kim Stevens Pia Sunderland Beverly W. Sutherland William H. Sweet Ger trude Szymcik Peter D. TenBroeck Ginny Timmons Joan and Gordon Tinkham Helene and Joseph Tracey Faith Mansell Trueax Joseph J. Tulley Patricia and Dennis Tulley Janet and George Van Dyke Rev. Theodore L. Van Patten Eileen Vandenburgh Nancy J. VanVranken, M.D. Ruth I. Viola Mary B. Waldo Lorraine and Lloyd Walker Sheila and Raymond Walker Stephen R. Walker Lucy Weeks Hannah Lacy West Raymond Patrick West Sarah Barnes Whelchel Maita A. Whipple James W. Whitney Laurel and Daniel Will Sandra H. Willey Earl M. Young Olivia and Paul Yuknewicz Laurie and Thomas Zubricki NEW FRIEND’S CIRCLE 1-5 YEARS Anonymous Amanda Alber tian Julianne and William Allen Lillian Alpaugh Edward Alt Michael Aranda Victoria Arico Mr. and Mrs. Normand Arsenault Deborah and Thomas Atkinson Dorothy and Donald Ayer Hilde Baer t Brandon Baker Patricia and Rober t Ballard Maureen and Anthony Barila Nancy and Gordon Barnard Valerie Barnes Allison Barrows Kathy Bar ton Carol A. Bednarowski Nelson Beers - J U N E 2 0 1 4 Your organization appears to be run in an excellent manner and is so valuable. Keep up the good work! Cindy Bell Susan Belliveau Marie Bemont Barbara Bernier Siang Kiang and Paul Beswick Jan Bevacqua Heather Bierschenk Kit and Fred Bigony Marylouise and Lawrence Blond Brian Blood Brian Bogardus Elena Boissoneau Kimberly Boothroyd and George Shaker, Jr. Heidi Boudreau Joe Boutin, Jr. Christina and Mark Brigham Kathleen Cragin Brittan and David Brittan Barbara and Leo Brochu Howard B. Brodsky Heidi and Bob Brown Karen Brown Rebecca Brown Stephen Bucklin Linda and Paul Bullock David Burgess Patti Burlingame Nicole and Jeffrey Burnett Bonnie Lou Burnett Candace Hope Burnett Karen Cantillo Dennis Caraviello Kenneth Carlton Joan and Dick Carr Olivia Casa Sharon Cassady Alice and Michael Celello Mar tin Champagne Jean and Richard Chisholm Kur t Christensen Billie-Jo Christian Kim Ciborowski Henry J. Ciborowski Jeanne and Eric Clapper Jeff Clark Alison and Richard Cohen Carol and Philip Cohen Raquel Colby Jenna Comeau Richard P. Connor Susan and Michael Cook Wendy Cooper Judy Copeland Alfred F. Coper tino Jr. Carol and Mark Correa 13 Michael Coulters David A. Couturier Bradford E. Cox Linda Cox Richard Cuff Angie Dacey Bianne and Billy Dacier Patricia and Sen. Louis D'Allesandro Jack Danahy Paula Davis Denise and William Debassio Philip DeCarolis Patricia Delaney and Irwin Blau Chad Denning Sam W. Di Francesco Lisa DiCesare Colleen Dichard Caroline Dodge Phyllis and Frank Donovan Laurie and John Douglass Ruth Driscoll Josee Dupont and Patrick Terry Lorraine Duval David Effron Mike Egan Mar tha and Rober t Eichler Donna Esposito Jason Factor Cara Falconi John T. Fallace Jean and Carmelo Fallace John and Irene Fanaras James Farnswor th Gail Ferreira Richard Ferrin Bridget Ferrin-Smith Julie Fiasconaro Frank Figearo Dana Finch Danielle and Paul Finlay Beverly A. Fisher Michelle A. Foote Kenneth Foraste Miles Forma Paula Forrest Ber tha and Dennis Fowler Wendy Fragala Patricia and Jeryl Frankenfield Susan T. Frost Jessica Fuller Karen Fuller David Gagnon Donna and Rober t Galli Claudia and Chris Gardner Francois Gauthier Tina Gelanis Ray Giard Theresa and George Gilman Gina and Rory Goff Deidre and Jonathan Goldberg Enid and Theodore Goldberg Tobey Goldfarb Cindy and Philip Goldstein Daniel Gottlieb Carol Gould Janet and Dr. Allan Green Phyllis A. Groezinger David D. Hall C RO T C H E D Barbara and Larry Hansen Sherri Hard Jean Harding Shauna and Kenneth Harring Lorraine W. Harrington Ben Harris Jacqueline Harris Naomi and Donald Hazlett Allisen and Jeffrey Heath Barbara Hegar ty Arlene Heidel Mark Her tzberg Anita and Paul Hesier Larry Hevey Marilyn and Michael Hickey Paula Higgins Maryann Hill Timothy E. Hogue Hillary Holian Susan A. Hood Janet and Thomas Hopkins Melissa and Rober t Horowitz Virginia Howard Scott Hoyt Debra and David Huffman Pamela Hunt Dr. Tamara Hunt Patricia Clancey Iannacone and Richard Iannacone Stephen Ide Judith E. Ierlan John P. Irwin Joseph Jabonaski Yoonseon Jang Helen C. Jarvis Peter Jensen Raija K. Jensen Jill Johanning Gail and Carl Johnson William Johnson Jamie Josselyn Tracey Jozokos Jeanne I. Kaczynski Patricia Kalinkski Cheryl Kalns Rober t Kaplan Nancy J. Katin Brody Kaufhold Edmond Kelly Kate and Steven Kelly Marie and Walter Kelly Phyllis and James Kelly Karen Kersting Gwen and Stephen Kincaid Eric Kingston Pam Kingston Edward Kirby Helen E. Koehler Ama Koenigshof Nancy and John Kohl Bill Kolasinski Margret H. Kolbjornsen Jenny and Michael Krinsky Karl C. Kuban, M.D. Peter LaBounty Norm Lafond, Sr. Kay Lamarre M O U N TA I N Jake Lamstein Walter E. Lantz Alyssa Lappen Liz LaRose and Mike Dionne Cynthia Lautner Mike Learner Steve Legge Cynthia Lemay Mark D. Leo Celeste C. Lesmerises Paul G. Lessard Barbara and Peter Letvinchuk Barry Levitt Elizabeth Licht You provide such good care to many. Thank you. Wylma and George Lindberg Foto Loli Elena Lombardi Eileen and Ralph Lombardi Bradford Lombardi Ellen Loranger Pamela and Eric Lorimer Jana and Joshua Lothrop Amy Lowe Amy Lyons Erin Lyons Reuben Lyons Ian MacDonald Frederick R. Macleod Cynthia and John Madden Christine M. Madore Joan and Paul Magoon Patricia Mahoney Donald Mahoney Kathryn and John Manchester Lisa and Richard Mann Carole L. Mapes Dorothy E. Marcus Patricia and Gary Marcus Rober t L. Maresca Kathleen Markwell Marilyn J. Marshall Christine M. Mar torano Diane and Alex Mavrogeorge Timothy C. May Angie Mazarakis Nate McBride John D. McCarron Jennifer McCarron William McColgan Karen McCormick Deirdre and John McElhatton Francis X. McElroy Kristen McGraw Kathy and Ron McKay Gordon McKernan Julie and Alec McKinney David Melendy Victoria E. Mellon Marjorie S. Merwin H O N O R RO L L Ethel and George Merwin John M. Miller Holly Mohan Darla Barss Monbouquette Eric C. Moore Nancy Morris Maura M. Morrison Elizabeth R. Moynihan Ruth Mozeika Teresa Mullet Rita Murphy Jamie Naylor R.L. Nepomuceno Stanley Newsham John D. O'Connell Ami O’Keefe Carol O’Leary Gary Olney Kathleen and Rev. Daniel F. Osgood Barbara Pardus James A. Parison Elaine and Rober t Patzwall Beth and John Paulson Dr. Rober t A. Peraino Dorothy D. Peterson Janet and John Pickels Teresa Pine Suzanne M. Pitsios Barbara Post Anita Postaljian Mike Potito Frederick L. Pratt Michael Przybyla Doreen and Edward Quinn Mandeep Rana, M.D. Jenna Ravanis Margaret and Harlow Raymond Gordon E. Reed Ashley Reynolds Norma and Walter Richardson Jolene Riggleman Kyra B. Ritter Carla Robbins Randi and Ronald Robson Nancy and Alan Robson Elaine and Douglas Rogers Billie T. Rosoff Beatrice Rossi Christine A. Rossiter Amy Rothstein Beverly and Abraham Rothstein Janet L. Roundy Susan Olmstead Roundy-Figearo James W. Rowse, Jr. Lorrie A. Rudis David Ruedig Eline and Bernt Ruediger Gwen Rumburg Darlene Sampaio Mary E. Sanders John Scanlan Katherine Scaramella Carol L. Schapira Tim Schloemer Gretchen Schwar tz Walter Schwarz 14 Linda and Walter Scott Kelsey Shannon Carolyn Shreck Nataliya Shvydka Laura and Judson Sieber t Mary and Richard Sieber t Heather Whipple-Simard and Stephen Simard Michelle Small Frederick Smith, Jr. Donna E. Smith Dr. Theresa Smith and Dr. Bruce Auerbach Eleanor and Vaughn Stewar t Edmond Stolkner Angel Stracqualursi Kelly and Glenn Stuar t Tina and Shaun Sullivan Patrick Sweeney Sheryl Sweet Michael J. Szelog Ruth P. Taylor Dixie Tease Sarah Tello Alba Thomas Allen Thurston Kenneth Tiber t Jesseca and Dr. Rober t Timmons Monica and Alcy Torres Judy and Jay Transue Anna Tulley Stephanie Turek Katelyn and Scott Turner Michelle Vander Heyden and Gunnar Blix Debora Verrier Katie E. Vilamarim Katie J. Vitousek Judith and George Volungis Linda and Bob Walden Shari Wales Eugenia A. Walker Barbara Waters Peter J. Weber Rose Weidlich Alice D. Welcher Bernard Welton Vicent A. Wenners, Jr. Randy Wheeler Minnie E. White Daphne Whitemore and Alber t Deblois Francis Whitney Leona R. Whitney Mar tha and Rober t Wilber Janet and P. Lance Williamson Anne Wilson Doreen and Ralph Wilson Jennifer Wilson Mary and Richard Wood Barbara Wright Michael Wyrostek Stephen M. Yakovakis Sherilyn Young J U LY CORPORATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS 2 0 1 3 - Grand Royal Arch Chapter of MA CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE 30+ YEARS Belletetes, Inc. Bethesda Lodge #30 I.O.O.F. Franklin & Worcester Pomona #4 Harvey Industries, Inc. Jolly Roger Village Assoc. Knights of Columbus Council #6902 Laconia Emblem Club #80 Lebanon Emblem Club #358 Monroe United Methodist Women Nashua Emblem Club #170 Rocky’s Rangers Sanel Auto Par ts Story Land PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE 20+ YEARS Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield The Melanson Company, Inc. Monadnock Community Hospital Savings Bank of Walpole Toadstool Bookshop MEMBER’S CIRCLE 10+ YEARS American Legion Aux. #34 American Steel Erectors, Inc. Anthem, Inc. Cambridge Trust Company Dole & Bailey, Inc. Frontier Capital Management Company, LLC Hillsboro Ford Income Research & Management Liber ty Mutual NEPC NH Association of Fire Chiefs Philanthropic Lodge F. & A.M. Public Consulting Group Rare Coins of New Hampshire, Inc. Sullivan Lodge #12 I.O.O.F. USI New England 2 0 1 4 HMP Fence Services SUPPORTER’S CIRCLE 5+ YEARS Hoer tdoerfer Dentistry, PLLC T-Bird Mini Market TD Bank All Metals Industries, Inc. Holloway Motor Cars of Manchester Christian Par ty Rental Kelley Bros. Devine Millimet & Branch Leon’s Auto Center Wells Fargo Home Mor tgage Edmunds Hardware Store Mason Congregational Church YourCause, LLC Capital Investigating & Adjusting, LLC PHILANTHROPIST’S CIRCLE 50+ YEARS J U N E Keane & Beane, P.C. Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Legg Mason Investment Council Eckhardt & Johnson, Inc. Marsh & McLennan Agency Garnet F. Colpitts Plumbing, Heating Massachusetts MassMutual & Electrical The Frank Massin Agency, Inc. Trends of Fashion Uptack Plumbing and Heating, Inc. Walier Chevrolet Dr. Rober t Wyman Insurance Co. Giorgio’s Ristorante Greater Peterborough Chamber of McLane, Graf, Raulerson & FOUNDATIONS Mosse & Mosse Associates, Inc. Paul and Edith Babson Foundation Middleton Commerce Hampshire 100 IBM Employee Services Center MVP Healthcare, Inc. Bean Family Foundation New England Utility Constructors, Inc. Boston Bruins Foundation New Boston Pizza Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies New England Golf Guide RBC Wealth Management Ann DeNicola Trust NH KOPS Honor Society Doug Flutie Foundation for Autism Nobis Engineering Studley Home, Inc. Olea Salon Todd Land Use Consultants, LLC Underwood Engineers, Inc. The daughter of a United Methodist Women Workplace Systems, Inc. friend of mine was treated at Crotched Mountain after her NEW FRIEND’S CIRCLE 1-5 YEARS accident. What you Aflac AIM Mutual Insurance Company accomplished was American Veterans Post #2 amazing. Aubuchon Hardware Auto Par t International O’Reilly Trucking and Excavation, LLC Bank of New Hampshire Patsy’s Inc. Battaglia Foundations Peter S. Jensen & Associates, LLC Bennington Garage Philadelphia Insurance Company Bond Auto Par ts Pine State Elevator Company Bourgoine Logging, LLC The Doris L. Benz Trust New Hampshire State Police Benevolent Association Office Max Anonymous Fidelity Charitable Fund For tview Foundation Ar thur Getz Foundation John A. and Carol A. Hubbard Charitable Foundation Blanche Hyslop Fund at The Boston Foundation James F. Kelly and Fernande Kelly Charitable Trust Kingsbury Fund New Hampshire Charitable Foundation NH State Council on the Ar ts Otter Brook Foundation Parker Nelson Foundation Constance O. Putnam Foundation Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc. TD Charitable Foundation Trust Family Foundation Pizza Peddler and Mini Mar t, LLC Brady’s Bar & Grill, Inc. PSNH Women's Committee Clark & Lavey Benefits Solutions Revolabs, Inc. Clark-Mor tenson Agency, Inc. Riverdale Farm, LLC Corrections Corporation of America Rober t J. Devereaux Corp. Economy Plumbing and Heating, Inc. Edward Jones Gragil Associates Sanel Auto Par ts GE Foundation SK Management, Inc. Hardy Healthcare, PLLC Spor ts Arena Hockey Shop, LLC High Tide Take Out Studio 105 Hair Design, LLC Hills Brothers Construction, Inc. 15 Fidelity Foundation Give with Liber ty Markem-Imaje Corporation Microsoft Corporation Pew Charitable Trusts Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. Raytheon Company Take Flight, LLC United Technologies Corporation Sylvester Baxter Royal Arch Chapter Yusen Associates, Inc. Gifts Program Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Second Wind Water Systems Harding Plumbing and Heating BAE Systems Employees’ Matching RTM Communications, Inc. S.W. Tucker Landscaping Fenton Family Dealerships CORPORATE MATCHING GIFTS Sun Life Financial C RO T C H E D GIFTS IN KIND Bee Cusick Mary AmRheim Devine Millimet & Branch Allen & Mathewson Energy Corp. Kathy Anderson Carole Angus Hilde Baer t Pauline Baker Jonathan Ballou Valerie Barnes Shanon Bean Laiming Benoit Roger Bergevin Judith Berman Lucille Bineau Elizabeth Blankenstein Bluegreen Corporation Suzanne Boisclair Ron Borvell Boston Red Sox Kathy Boulet Thank you for all that Crotched Mountain’s organization and staff does to help the less fortunate. Brady's Bar & Grill, Inc. Gretchen Brown Helen Brown Lea and Dr. Frederick Bruch, Jr. Patricia Byrne Carolyn L. Caouette C'est la Vie Theresa Chase Gary Cheney Christian Par ty Rental Mal Clapp Beth Cleary Community Caregivers of Derry Concord Hospital Mary Constant Karen Cowan Crotched Mountain Ski & Ride Jennifer Crowell CRVNA Hospice M O U N TA I N Marlene and Michael Damery Richard DiPippo Eugenie Dogbe Nanette and Brian Donovan Donna Downing Tonya DuBois Peggy Easley H O N O R Lucille Lafond Jessica Landry Brian LaRochelle Cathy Lenane Terry Lessard Mark Licht Charles Lincoln Ann Luca Julia Lynch Eastman Community Assoc. Nancy Lynch Jonathan Eriquezzo Eric Mandelbaum Geoff Forester John Maynard Envisage Nail Spa & Boutique Peg Flint Louis For t Susan T. Frost Malcolm Fuller Kate Garrett Gretchen and Thomas Gaul Carol and Benjamin Gayman Manchester Monarchs Bethany Marshall Karen McCormick Catherine Meinen Kristie A. Mello Jerry Menard Meredith Bay Colony Club Mark Michaud Karen Gerber Pamela Mills Giorgio’s Ristorante Pam Mosca F. P. Gillick Rick Goodwin Alan Gray RO L L Monadnock Quilters’ Guild The Mountain Corp. Nashua Crossing Senior Living Great New Hampshire Restaurants Leah Nepomuceno Phil Harris Anne and Thomas O’Reilly Sheri Hamel Kevin A. Har te Michael Havey Heather Helton Malcolm Hession High Tide Take Out Emily Odey Russell Page Pearl Restaurant and Oyster Bar Theodore Perry Peterborough Players Rober t Peverly Roland Hill Andrea Philbrook Ann Hiscox Patricia Piet Elaine Hirshan Jeremy Hoffman Home Depot Esther Hopkins Barbara Hudgik Susan and Jerry Hunter Florence Ingersoll Inns at Mill Falls J.M. Princewell, LLC Deborah Picard Melody Prince R.C. Brayshaw & Co., Inc. Nancy Randlor Laura and Michael Redmond Jean Rex Katherine Richardson The Riverhouse Cafe Julie Shope Andrew Jenks Doreen Sicotte Tina Johndrow Amy Smull Lorrie Kacamburas Jackie Spurr Dawn Jewett Lois and William Jones Elizabeth S. Keefe Keene Country Club Bette Sikes Ken Southard Paul Stockfletch Eileen Ketcham Rober t Kimball Amy Kipphut The Knitting Connection, Inc. 16 You are doing tremendous good in the lives of—and for—so many families. Never give up! You are making a profound difference in the lives of those you serve to help and heal. Scott Thayer Sue Theuner Linda Tremblay Patricia Tucker Patricia Turner The Union Leader Corp. Debora Vandermolen Linda Vayens Dorothy and Richard Verney Leslie Vogt Waterhouse Restaurant Diane M. Weaver Patricia Welin Shirley Whitcher Steve White Sally and James Wilson Dave Winters Kevin Woods Nancy Wright Yankee Farmer Yasvin Communications Cynthia and William Yuknewicz Kim Zbikowski Thomas Zubricki J U LY 2 0 1 3 - J U N E 2 0 1 4 A Celebration of Life and Love Contributors, July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 G IFTS OF ESTATE celebrate the legacy of cherished friends of Crotched Mountain while providing for the future well-being of our unique programs and services. Gifts are also made by friends of Crotched Mountain who wish to remember someone special. We are pleased to recognize the following individuals whose lives we celebrated over the past year. DON KENT LEGACY SOCIETY IN HONOR OF Jack Barnes Mary B. Waldo CJ Cain Barbara Hegar ty Father Bernard Campbell Rev. Rober t J. Densmore Crotched Mountain’s 60 years Mary and Joseph Massa Crotched Mountain’s programs Helen W. Fryer Dana Rober t Haberman Andrew Donovan Phyllis and Frank Donovan Maria Drescher Joseph H. Reiser t, Jr. Edmon J. Fitzgerald Patrick J. Fitzgerald Caitlin Gamboli Kate and Tony Gamboli Francis McElroy Elaine and Rober t Patzwall Lorraine and Lloyd Walker Gretchen and Thomas Gaul Stephen Bucklin Michael Gaul Margaret Salvas Brian Giammarino Alyssa Lappen Margaret Glover Amy and Andrew Glover Sherri Hard Patricia Thomas Katherine Hill Beverly Hill Katie, Caitlin and their families Barbara Wright Leah Keller Marcia and Richard Keller Garrett Kelly Marie and Walter Kelly Joseph Klucinec Carol and Mark Correa Jean and Carmelo Fallace John T. Fallace Elizabeth Licht Linda and Paul Bullock Susan K. Mansfield Margret H. Kolbjornsen Anonymous Anonymous* John H. Adams Ar thur Adler Theodore S. Bacon, Jr.* Janet and Dr. Thomas Bolland Edith Bowen Lorraine and Alan Cleland Jill Collier Stanley D. Coombs Joey Czernicki BEQUESTS & TRUSTS Elizabeth and David Dickey Jean G. Anderson 1996 Charitable Janet Green Anonymous (4) Remainder Unitrust Frank W. Bar tlett Trust Christine L. Beck Trust Phyllis Birch Revocable Living Trust Charles A. and Jessie M. Brooks Trust Alber t E. and Clara F. Chorley Fund Sarah Cogswell Irrevocable Trust Helen Goodwin Crathern Trust Desfosses Family Revocable Trust Beatrice J. Ellison Trust Ernest O. Guer tin Trust Fred D. Hemenway Trust Anne S. Howells Charitable Trust Leola Stacy Hubbard Fund David W. Kiley, Jr. Revocable Trust McGuirk Children Florence B. Mudgett Trust Roger Nash II Irrevocable Trust Harry K. and Frances D. Noyes Memorial Fund Mildred W. and Charles P. Page Fund Pool Family Fund Johanna Schoenherr Trust Nancy P. Shea Trust Michael T. Sherman Foundation Priscilla and Richard Goff Rober t W. Hall Susan B. Isbell Brian Jervis Marilyn P. Johnson Marcia Kayser Mary and William Kiernan Rober t Kingston Carole and Alber t Loening Paul McGuirk Mary and John McMahon David Miller Alber ta R. Mooney* Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Por t Elizabeth H. Potter* Ronald M. Ramsey Rev. Alice Rober ts Rober ta C. Smith Donna and Jeffrey Smith Marilyn and Bruce Soper Dr. Carol and Howard Stoner Ruth B. Whipple Patricia C. Whitney *deceased 2013-2014 Estate of Elaine H. Sorensen Harriet Ward Trust Elizabeth H. Whittemore Charitable Trust 17 Elliot Mattheson Pamela A. Wiggin and Carol A. Barker Josephine and William Monbouquette Darla Barss Monbouquette Bill Pappas Irene M. and Christopher Messier Regina Retschen Marcia and Richard Keller Richard Siebert Arlene Heidel Richard Sieber t The Mykkanens, The Martins, The Davis’, The Lorimers Eric R. Lorimer Those who attend Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center Muriel and Claude Pelletier IN MEMORY OF George A. Backus Margaret Backus Mary D. Bastardi Paul F. Bastardi Charlie Bates Jill D. Bates Kenneth Foraste Barbara Bentley Beverly A. and Alber t Pollard Michelle Bilik Shannon and Christopher Kolb Jeffrey Bonchard Jacqueline and Alber t Lang Suzanne Bowman Peter Bowman Clint Burt Nancy and Roy Davis Caitlin Majorie Zaremski Dennis J. Carlson Susan W. Carlson Dr. Luke Caveney The Caveney Family Jennifer Chase Theresa Chase Marlene Chisholm Judith E. Ierlan Janet Clark Mar tha and Bernard Corson Gordon M. Clement Rober t Clement C RO T C H E D June S. Cook Gardner D. Cook Joni M. Couturier Susan and Douglas Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ayer Paula and Thomas DeAngelis Suzanne M. Pitsios Jolene Riggleman Anne Wilson Lucille and Alfred Couturier David A. Couturier Phyllis and Herman T. Cramer Lance Cramer Myrna Crewe Ruth and Wesley Cobb Mildred R. Cronin David J. Bailey, Jr. Beverly A. Fisher David Hamilton Joanne Perkins Michael J. Dagostino M. Susan and L. Mark Reiner A. J. Daley Susan J. Beeman-Hollins and Rober t J. Hollins Deceased Friends/Classmates of Crotched Mountain School Norm Lafond, Sr. Donald E. Desrocher Jeannette R. P. LaPrad Joseph A. Desrosiers Richard V. Desrosiers Brian Robb Dickey Beth and Kenneth Graf Robert Donovan Christopher Byrnes Phillip M. Dubois Anonymous Legg Mason Investment Council Sandie and Bill Peabody Richard Dubray Barbara Dubray William D. Dubuque Pauline Dubuque Elisabeth S. Dyer David Burgess Rosemary M. Farnsworth James Farnswor th Charlene Fitzgerald Barbara Pardus Shirley Fogg Christine and Woodbury Fogg Mary M. Foley Daniel S. Foley Lester H. Fortune Ilona M. For tune Ann Friedel Dorothy and Donald Dunbar Barbara Furlong John Furlong Paul Guay Patricia and Rober t Zeamans Jean Heath Jeanne E. Heath M O U N TA I N Keep doing great work! Also, you need not send me any reminders. I won’t forget you. I promise! Linda R. Hickmott William Hickmott Lillian I. Hogan Joseph W. Hogan Robert Hopkins Julianne and William Allen Patricia and Rober t Ballard Allan Barnard Nancy and Gordon Barnard Carol A. Bednarowski Howard B. Brodsky Kenneth Carlton Patricia and Louis D’Allesandro Rober t Dutton Richard Ferrin Patricia and Jeryl Frankenfield Claudia and Chris Gardner Janet and Thomas Hopkins Gail and Carl Johnson Patricia Kalinski Richard A. Larkin Kathryn and John Manchester Ann and William Marvin Diane and Alex Mavrogeorge Richard M. Power Margaret and Harlow P. Raymond Katherine Scaramella Eleanor and Vaughn Stewar t Vincent A. Wenners, Jr. Daphne M. Whitemore and Alber t L. Deblois Janet and Lance Williamson Georgette Huard Workplace Systems, Inc. Hurd Mary Frances and Don Lawler Mary Ide Stephen Ide Willis Jewett Marilyn P. Jewett Helen B. Johnson Adrienne M. Johnson Joseph A. Kaczynski Jeanne I. Kaczynski William G. Kagler Mary and John McMahon Mary P. McMahon Charlene Kamitian Diane Bati Ruth Kamitian Diane Bati H O N O R RO L L Kara Carol M. Decker Eleanor Keefe Richard P. Keefe, III Patrick J. Kelly Karen V. and Philip Stefanini Barbara Kizik Debora and Rober t Kizik Kristen Roger C. Steele Risto Laisi Raija K. Jensen Mary P. Lawrence Ernestine and Kent Lawrence Dr. Richard Lawrence Ernestine and Kent Lawrence Carmen L. Light Alcide G. Light Daniel Mackey Virginia Howard June and Andrew Mackey Jill Matsumoto Hon. Stephen Limon Elizabeth R. Moynihan Jeannette E. McCabe William E. McCabe William F. McCann Frederick M. McCann John Merwin Ethel and George Merwin Marjorie S. Merwin Brandon Mills Cynthia, John Madden and Family Anne and Thomas O’Reilly Michael F. Reed Claire and Norman Roberge Diane and Dennis Sweeney Patricia and Bob Zeamans Paul F. La Montagne Therese and Stephen Stepenuck Rosa Montes Anonymous Nathan Mountain Dennis Schafer Maurice Muzzey Elva Muzzey My Family and Friends Dorothy E. Chase My Friend Ger trude G. Lepine My Mother and Father Regina R. Brunelle My Mother and Father Sandra H. Willey My Siblings Dolores A. Thorng My Son, David Evelyn C. Trageser 18 My Three Sons Phyllis E. McLynch Janet O’Connell John D. O’Connell Leslie C. Olmstead Richard A. Roundy, Jr. Ruth Roundy Robert A. Ouellette Florence and Wallace Bordeau Anthony Papoulias Joanne Perkins Jennifer Parent Susan Belliveau Barbara Bernier Stacy Fiske Walter E. Lantz Jana and Joshua Lothrop Christine M. Mar torano Mason Congregational Church Maura M. Morrison New Hampshire State Police Benevolent Association NH KOPS Honor Society Barbara A. Quinlan Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Quinn Laura and Michael Redmond Leona R. Whitney Crotched Mountain truly is ‘Miracle Mountain’ and has been for many years. Our daughter, Colleen, was at Crotched Mountain 1965-68, and Miracle Mountain was part of her healing! Thank You! Joseph G. Pavick Lynn and Daniel Perry Dr. Karen Pendleton Christine Emma Linderman Linda and Willis Ottery Francis A. Petit Yvonne Petit Fran Piasek Rober t F. Hanratty Dr. Howard E. Pratt Cristina and David Lewis Mary Leadbeater and Michael Strack J U LY Janice Prive Darlene and Royce Prive Jack Putnam Betty Putnam William Quigley Evelyn M. Quigley Anthony J. Renzzulla Theresa and George Gilman Erin Robbins Nathalie J. Latulippe Ruth Roundy Lillian Alpaugh Susan and Michael Cook Caroline Dodge Frank Figearo Janet L. Roundy Susan Olmstead Roundy-Figearo Judy and Jay Transue Ella R. Rutter Katherine E. Kiley George Sarkes Lorriane and Richard Baldassari Pauline Schwalbe Isadora Zlotowicz Dimitra Sklavounos Giorgio's Ristorante Janet Smith Alfreda A. Smith Steve Smith Debra and David Huffman David Charles Staples David B. Staples Robert Stevens Gail and Ben Plummer Jacqueline Streitburger Herman C. Streitburger James Sturtevant Terry Lessard Paul B. Svoboda Genevieve A. Svoboda Neil Szymcik Ger trude Szymcik Edward Tatoyian Mary Tatoyian Carolann Treiber Donna and Jeffrey Smith 2 0 1 3 - Philip C. Tulley, Sr. Jenna Ravanis Philip C. Tulley, III Amanda Alber tian Susan and Douglas Anderson Maureen and Anthony Barila The Boland Family Barbara and Leo Brochu Joyce E. and William J. Dacier Paula and Thomas DeAngelis Augustine J. Fiori Judith M. Francesconi Frances J. Gosselin Barbara and Larry Hansen Naomi and Donald Hazlett Larry Hevey Paula Higgins Gwen and Stephen Kincaid Kristine and Peter Kokas Jennifer McCarron Patricia and Donald Painchaud Janet and John Pickels Anita Postaljian Revolabs, Inc. Kyra Ritter Elaine and Douglas Rogers Clifton L. Schandelmayer Trudy J. Soucy Anna Tulley Jeanne and Philip Tulley Joseph J. Tulley Patricia and Dennis Tulley Katelyn and Scott Turner Katie Vitousek Anne Wilson Yusen Associates, Inc. Stephen Valla Sandra M. Gelinas Hendrika Van Dongen James C. Van Dongen Dorothy and Lawrence Whitney Patricia Whitney Gloria P. Willey SMSGT. Ryan Willey and Family Gertrud Z. Wolf Thomas F. Wolf Paul Wolosz Dr. Janis Stoklosa Donald Wood Minnie E. White J U N E 2 0 1 4 VOLUNTEERS E we are blessed to receive the gift of volunteer time, energy and talent from individuals, businesses, groups and organizations. These volunteers play a big role in the lives of our students and clients in so many ways, and their service is an inspiration to us all. For their generous commitment, we thank each and every person and applaud the businesses and organizations that make volunteerism a corporate value. ACH YEAR Sabine Duran Gail D’Urso Sarah Ellis Mike Egan Owen Ellerkamp Bill Ferguson Carole Ferguson Allison Finlay Dan Fotter Anne Gabel Noel Gillis Rob Gillis Kim Grant-Neary Of the forty significant charities we give to, Crotched Mountain INDIVIDUALS Nancy Annis John Adams Tom Badgley Ann Barry Heather Bierschenk John Boardman David Brittan Diane Brown Keith Brown to send this type of survey. We commend you on this effort to streamline! Mick Brown Al Harvey Laurie Bryan Ezra Hodgson Nathan Brown Jared Burnett Rober t Celona Jennifer Civitelia Katie Cleasby Nellia Hickerson David Holmes Dan Horne Hailey Johnson Bob Kaplan Barbara Cleveland Terry Kayne Atticus Collette Gail Landy Kerry Close Debbie Colpitts Howard Collyer Lukas Labedzki Meg Lanphear Allen Larrabee Joanie Connelly Lorraine Lindenberg Shelli Cook Debra Leo Katie Cousins Don Crooker Joan Crooker Cindy Davenpor t Meghan Linehan Isabelle Leo Mark Leo Jared Lewis Linda Davis Lucille Lomazzo Paul Davis Christine Long Marcia Davis Tierney Dennehy Kay DeBurro Stacey Driscoll Max Dorman 19 is the only one Catherine Long C RO T C H E D We’re extremely pleased with Crotched Mountain and wish we could give more. Tina Mappus Emily Waller Alex Weyerhauser Marie-Claire Wheeler Patricia Whitney Michaela McElhatton Janet McEwen Jan McGonagle Alison Meltzer Macy Meltzer Jan Miller John Miller Gail Mintkin Oliver Mutch Dan Nelson Michelle Neville Marcia Orr Michael Orr Joe Orzio Christine Parsons Dave Peabody Amanda Pierce AND Girls Hockey Team Ingrid Aho, Andria Daragon, Hannah Garfinkle, Lilly Grisafi, Sam Hanlon, Casey Kania, Jordan Kania, Anna Kilian, Jen Lehrman, Steph Leandri, Sarah Letourneau, Catherine Long, Sarah Perreault, Lily Smith Dan Sousa Patrick Spain Jennifer Tulley we would be most grateful. Amanda Schafer, John Schulte, the generosity of employees Stanley Newsham, Amanda Peri, Many companies will match Dianna Sheridan, Lynda Sillner, who give to charitable Shannon Williams increasing your gift to your Tanya Robinson, Peter Weber, organizations, thereby special charity. If you are interested, please see your gift to Crotched Mountain I am 84 and have reason to contribute to many needy charities. I am blessed and happy to do what I can. St. Anselm’s College For more information about the various ways to make a gift, including a personal Sean Casey, Matthew Gunzelmann, illustration of the many Rachel Silverman advantages, please contact: Michelle Robinson, Ashley Scoville, favorable charitable tax THE DEVELOPMENT OFFICE St. Anselm’s College Jazz Band CROTCHED MOUNTAIN Elise Homan, Nora Ann Walsh ONE VERNEY DRIVE Anthony Ciampi, Staci Herman, GREENFIELD, NH 03047 800.394.3311 TD Bank Day of Caring Calvin Bates, Yoshiaki Chiba, Max Clary, Jordan Ferreras, Danny Figueroa, Harry Flores, Mark Franklin, Michael Grill, Nicohlas Lemieux, Hyelan Love, Sebastian McLinden, Brianna Moore, Charley Neisner, Cein Ozdeliorman, Michelle Robinson, Benjamin Simon, Benjamin Wright, SiYi Zhou Tina Daniels, Ellyn Gonier, Katie Sutherland to help individuals with Randi Moriar ty, David Murray, Public Service of New Hampshire Peggy Stokes Mary Suprenant James (Mitch) Mitchell, disabilities achieve their goals, Nancy Lockhar t, could double, or even triple. Grand Valley State University Anita Stevens you would like to make a gift Monadnock Quilters’ Guild Peter Spain Alex Stack Jaclyn Jastings, Ar thur Knight, adults we serve each year. If Samantha Yeaw Emilee Rudis Liam Schumacher thousands of children and further information on how a Maryssa Williams, Taryn Wing, Tucker Desisto, Peter Dunphy, Kim Schumacher and programs available to the human resources office for Dublin High School Joe Sewell continues to make our exceptional services Key Club Pam Richi John Schlunk M OUNTAIN Olivia Thomas, Emily Ward, Colin Richi Kin Schilling C ROTCHED Manchester Central High School Carson Richi Lorrie Rudis HOW YOU CAN HELP Luke Diamond, Michael DiRusso, David Gabris, Alison Gilroy, Will Redmond Samantha Romano Kristen Avery, David Baker, Aaron Brown, Bonnie Corliss, Velvet Young Conval High School Deirdre McElhatton Liberty Mutual - Serve With Liberty Jonathan Bennett, Judith Bosies, Megan Wolf Scott Maslansky Suzy MacDonald RO L L Blaine Ball, Kathy Beam, Jennifer Wilcox Lorna Marshall Karen McCormick H O N O R Greenfield Congregational Covenant Church Katie Welch ORGANIZATIONS GROUPS Luke Mar tin M O U N TA I N Anna Bennison, Margaux Brisnois, Rachel Jozwick, Ashley Mar tin, Chelsea Meloche, Allison Thaler, Jackie Blasik, Elexa Bonogofsky, Erin Burke, Elaine Burnham, Great care has been taken to Joseph Desmond, Monika Diab, report of donations made to Kathy Dunkley, Stacey Ellis, the fiscal year July 2013 Jennifer Gendell, Tammy Griffin, report any errors or omissions Eileen Carr, Tracy Delisio, ensure the accuracy of this Elaine Donaway, Stacey Donlon, Crotched Mountain during Michele Gagnon, Chris Giles, through June 2014. Please Jason Hunt, Phaedra Lady, to us at 800.394.3311, as Katy Makris, Donna Maynard, to apologize and correct our Melissa Maheu, Cathy Mailhot, Mary McLaughlin, Caryn Newhall, Rich Nicholson, Kim Paquette, Maura Pelissier, Melanie Schillemat, Jeff Swenson, Janet Taft, Chris Westfield, Ben Wheeler, Ann Wilder, Vicki Woodard Bailey Tucker, Parker Stockwell, Alison von Werder 20 we would like the opportunity records. Financial Statements JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 (unaudited) Consolidated Statements of Financial Position (in thousands) Fiscal Year Ending June 30 Consolidated Statements of Operations—Unrestricted (in thousands) 2014 2013 Cash and Other Current Assets $6,904 $4,357 Net Accounts Receivable 10,105 12,919 Property, Plant and Equipment 34,218 35,566 16,615 14,850 779 824 Unrestricted Investments at Fair Market Value Other 27,039 22,923 By Donors, Permanent Endowment 8,017 8,018 Beneficial Interest in Perpetual Trust 9,885 8,815 $113,560 $108,272 Current Liabilities 9,697 8,882 30,951 31,856 Fair Value of Interest Rate Swap 1,301 1,312 Charitable Gift Annuity Liability 61 72 4,729 4,729 Long-Term Liabilities Other Long-Term Obligations: Capital Advance Notes Due HUD Total Liabilities $46,740 $46,851 20,389 20,891 Temporarily Restricted 28,384 23,698 Permanently Restricted 18,046 16,832 $66,819 61,421 $113,560 $108,272 Net Assets Unrestricted Net Assets Donor Restricted Funds: $41,463 $40,567 Care Management/Program Service Special Services, Net 5,968 5,750 Rental Income, Net 1,138 1,126 Grant Revenue 359 684 1,666 1,761 1,106 705 $51,699 $50,593 Salaries and Benefits 39,726 39,137 Contracted Services 3,755 3,519 Supplies and Other 8,115 8,149 Depreciation and Interest 4,345 4,407 Total Expenses $55,942 $55,212 Loss From Operations ( $4,243) ( $4,619) Other Operating Revenue Total Revenue, Gains, Other Support Non-Operating Income/Expenses Contributions and Bequests Development Expenses Income from Outside Trusts The Foundation is the beneficiary of several irrevocable charitable perpetual trusts administered by others. In accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 116, Accounting for Contributions Received and Contributions Made, the Foundation has recorded as an asset the fair market value of its interest in the trusts as of June 30, 2014, of $9.9 million and $8.8 million as of June 30, 2013. 330 231 436 11 1,086 133 1,994 $2,312 $3,838 Other Non-Operating Income/Expense ($1,931) ($781) Change in Net Unrealized Gains or Losses on Investments Decrease in Unrestricted Net Assets Net Assets: Unrestricted net assets represent sources that are currently available for support of the operations of the Foundation and affiliates. Temporarily restricted net assets represent resources that may be expended by the Foundation based upon donor restrictions. Permanently restricted net assets represent funds restricted by the donor to be maintained by the Foundation in perpetuity. 338 185 Net Assets Released for Operations Guide to Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (568) 968 Change in Fair Value of Interest Rate Swap Complete audited financial statements are available upon request. 329 (679) Net Realized Gains on Investments Excess of Revenues Over Expenses Total Liabilities and Net Assets 1,356 Investment Income Total Non-Operating Income/Expenses Total Net Assets 2013 Room and Board, Tuition, Satisfaction of Donor Restrictions Investments at Fair Market Value: Total Assets 2014 Net Assets Released Due to Donor Restricted Assets By Donors, Specific Purposes Fiscal Year Ending June 30 1,142 604 287 42 ($502) ($135) Note: In addition to the unrestricted amounts above, the Foundation received and expended restricted funds in fiscal 2014 as listed below. Restricted Fund Activity (in thousands) Contributions and Bequests Investment Income Net Realized Gains on Investments Change in Net Unrealized Gains or Losses on Investments Net Assets Released for Operations Net Assets Released for Capital Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over Expenses (Restricted) 2014 $1,261 1,887 1,767 2,378 (1,106) (287) $5,900 2013 $1,082 612 750 1,822 (672) (569) $3,025 O NE V ERNEY D RIVE N ONPROFIT O RG U.S. P OSTAGE G REENFIELD , N EW H AMPSHIRE 03047 PAID W HT R IV J CT, VT P ERMIT N O . 86 crotchedmountain.org 603.547.3311 EMAIL : info@crotchedmountain.org 22
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