First Newsletter.Q3.4
First Newsletter.Q3.4
Chris Learns to Trust • RATS! Comes to Town IT’S A KID’S LIFE Caring For the Whole Child HEALING AND A NEW BEGINNING W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 • VO L U M E 1 0 • N U M B E R 1 HORIZONS A N E W S L E T T E R F O R FA M I L I E S A N D F R I E N D S O F C R O T C H E D M O U N TA I N THE RIGHT STUFF R O N N O D TIO L A NI I EC OG SUE P S EC IS R C RO T C H E D I Healing and a New Beginning by Don Shumway President and CEO On the Cover Andrew Burgher and his dad Daniel Thanks to Our Photographers: Robin Boyd, Geoff Forester, Michael Havey M O U N TA I N | H O R I Z O N S 2 to update you about the programs at Crotched Mountain that serve people with many kinds of disabilities. But this time I’d like to talk about one young man, whom I’ll call Chris, whose life has changed significantly for the better while at Crotched Mountain’s Cedars Point program for adolescents with serious emotional disturbances. Chris, who is 17, came to us after residing in a number of different living situations. He was referred to us because his conduct had become problematic and those caring for him could no longer manage his behaviors. Since arriving in October, Chris has come a long way, in part because he has begun to experience the safety of trusting relationships that have eluded him his whole life. This was accomplished through a clinical program that focuses on self-regulation of emotions and behaviors, and finding self-worth through self-acceptance, knowledge and understanding. Granted, healing takes time and a great deal of hard work, and Chris has a long way to go. But we know the healing has begun and that, with continued care, safety and guidance, it will continue. Chris’ healing journey was facilitated not only by skilled clinical interventions. His healing was also advanced by something more ineffable—a trusting connection we can’t measure, hold in our hands or post as an image on our website. You can only experience it through knowing Chris and witnessing the progress he has made in his journey of healing. One way to get a glimpse into this journey is to read the moving songs and poetry he’s composed since arriving at Cedars Point, one of which he has agreed to share below. Chris and young people like him are our teachers. They remind us every day of the resiliency of the human spirit and that the work we do is valuable to the people we serve—and to the larger world. When Chris returns home it will be with new skills and confidence, and the knowledge that healing is possible, life can get better. OFTEN USE THIS FORUM C RO T C H E D M O U N TA I N | H O R I Z O N S RATS!O 3 17, Crotched Mountain School’s (CMS) Performing Arts classes, along with the Active Ingredients Dance Troup, performed Rats! The Story of the Pied Piper. The performance was directed by music teacher Bonnie Arpin and reading specialist Karen Vincent. Together, they worked for many months with the students and staff of the school to make this delightful holiday production. N DECEMBER C RO T C H E D M O U N TA I N | H O R I Z O N S 4 It’s a Kid’s Life CARING FOR THE WHOLE CHILD AT CROTCHED MOUNTAIN Maria starts the day in the therapy pool with her aide, Lisa Brissette. F OR MOST CHILDREN, a visit to the hospital is a rare and brief occurrence. But for children with chronic, medically complex conditions, the hospital is a fact of life. At Crotched Mountain Specialty Hospital, medical care comes with some pretty great amenities, allowing students attending Crotched Mountain School (CMS) to enjoy life as typical kids, as they go to class, explore the woods, play video games, swim and participate in Special Olympics, dance and even hang out in a tree house. This may come as a surprise to those who know the hospital as a rehabilitation center for people recovering from brain injuries and other neurological conditions. But for many years now, we’ve provided skilled nursing care for children with complex medical conditions so that they can go to school. Today, eight children receive skilled nursing supports through the hospital and attend Crotched Mountain School. “It takes a community like Crotched Mountain to provide for the whole child,” says Jean Harding, a care coor- C RO T C H E D M O U N TA I N | H O R I Z O N S 5 dinator who works with the eight students and their families. “We offer students a busy life with all the benefits of a full campus of activities.” The hospital works very closely with CMS, a fully accredited special education school adjacent to the hospital. “If a student has a bad night, the teacher will know about it, or if a student isn’t feeling well in class, communication with the medical team is immediate. Dr. McCartie, our fulltime pediatrician, has a relationship with all the students on the unit and sees them in all settings,” Jean adds. Thirteen-year-old Maria has attended CMS since 2005. She is diagnosed with autism, developmental delays and a number of other complex medical conditions that require 24-hour skilled nursing care. She came to Crotched Mountain Specialty Hospital after her family could no longer provide the care she required at home. Maria’s mother, Carol, is a nurse practitioner. She says that even with her advanced medical training, Maria’s needs were too complex to manage at home. “We did everything we could, and it just became too difficult for everyone.” Maria is also unable to digest food, and receives nutrition and medications through a J-tube that connects directly to her intestines. This, along with other medical needs, requires her to leave the classroom several times a day and return to the hospital unit for care. “When she was at home, if she had to see the doctor, I would leave work, pick her up at school, take her to the appointment and then bring her home,” says Carol. “I was missing work and Maria was missing school.” At Crotched Mountain, everything Maria needs is within a short walk, beginning with her early morning, 90-minute swim in the therapy pool where, with Lisa Brissette, her LNA and teaching assistant, Maria enjoys playing in the water. “The pool satisfies her sensory needs. She loves it and would spend all day here if she could.” says Lisa. “After expending energy here in the morning, she can focus better in class.” Maria likes to be on the move. In the classroom, she might spend 20 minutes using her picture communication system to choose activities like playing with her favorite musical toy, or doing a shape-matching puzzle. “Then she’s ready for a walk,” says Lisa, who admirably keeps up with Maria’s impressive energy level. Teacher Ellen Banning notes that since arriving at CMS, Maria, who is non-verbal, has made improvements making eye contact and communicating with pictures and hand gestures. Carol couldn’t be happier. “Crotched Mountain goes above and beyond. I especially trust the staff with non-verbal patients. I see how they interact with them and get to know them. I never have to worry,” she says. Jean says the unit does everything it can to make the atmosphere as warm and home-like as possible. “It’s family-centered care. We’re never closed to family and friends who can take part in therapy and other campus activities.” Carol agrees. “Crotched Mountain provides love. There is nothing better than this.” Maria and her teacher, Ellen Banning, work together on a puzzle. Maria can return to her room periodically for medications and nutrition. C RO T C H E D M O U N TA I N | H O R I Z O N S 6 The Right Tools REVEAL THE RIGHT STUFF Andrew could be evaluated for an augmentative communication device,” recalls Erika, Andrew’s mother. “ATECH Services speech and language pathologist Heather Gray came to the house with a number of different devices so we could determine what would work best.” From that day onward, says Heather, “Andrew just blew everyone away. He was a brilliant kid right from the start.” Andrew’s chair is normally equipped with leg rests but sometimes he chooses not to use them as he can control his knee switch better without them. W the intrusion of technology in our lives—cell phones, e-mail, Twitter and too many remotes with too many buttons—but for some, technology is the medium that helps them shine. The staff of ATECH Services of Crotched Mountain can attest to that. ATECH provides assistive technology solutions to New Hampshire residents with disabilities. They’ve witnessed again and again what the right tools E MAY BEMOAN can do to help an individual achieve his fullest potential. Five-year-old Andrew Burgher is one of those shining examples. Born with cerebral palsy, Andrew has little volitional control of his body and has difficulty speaking. But with the right tools, Andrew can move independently from one place to another and easily communicate with his family, friends and classmates. “When Andrew was three, we were referred to ATECH Services so Thanks to his communication device, Andrew is in the highest reading group in kindergar ten. When choosing a communication device, as well as other adaptive equipment, ATECH consumers have the opportunity to give the new technology a trial run before purchase. “Two weeks into the trial, Andrew came into our office in Concord and with his device said, ‘Hello!’ then asked, ‘How are you?’ “How many three-year-olds do you know who ask that?” Heather marvels. “Once he had C RO T C H E D M O U N TA I N | H O R I Z O N S With Bluetooth software loaded into his wheelchair operating system, Andrew can control the computer with his knee switch. the device, we also learned what a great sense of humor he has,” Erika adds. Andrew uses an augmentative communication device called a Vantage which features a computer screen display that scans images, words and letters and is controlled by the user through a switch. Using this strategy, Andrew puts individual words together to make full sentences. The device then vocalizes with synthesized speech or can be customized to use recorded human speech. “After testing switches with Andrew’s head and feet, we discovered that he had the most control with his knees,” says Erika. With a switch controlled by his left knee, Andrew chooses concepts and words to communicate with those around him. According to Heather, he scans quickly—at four-tenths of a second—and is in the highest-level reading group in his kindergarten class. ATECH was called in to evaluate Andrew again about six months later— this time for a power wheelchair. “Previously we used a large stroller which made him dependent on others to move him from place to place. I had no idea he would be able to operate a wheelchair without using his hands,” recalls Erika. Again, ATECH set up a number of different possibilities to determine what would work best for him. And again, Andrew’s knees showed the most control. Now, while Andrew operates his communication device with his left knee, he drives his wheelchair with his right. “His personality really developed with the use of the chair,” says Erika. “He was able to assert his independence. Before he got the chair Andrew 7 was more quiet and reserved. Now his personality is vibrant, and he can get away from his mother when he wants!” she jokes. Now that Andrew is mobile and able to communicate, ATECH continues to monitor his needs, including home and school computer access, as well as other accessibility requirements in his classroom. And they keep the family up-to-date on technological advances. So far, they’ve looked into a foot-controlled joystick to drive his chair and are exploring an eye scan computer system. But the best thing of all, says Erika, is the joy Andrew gets from showing his cousins the latest computer games he’s found. “Independence, communication, playing games on the computer —it’s all fabulous!” C RO T C H E D M O U N TA I N | H O R I Z O N S 8 ATECH Services: What We Do ATECH’s four programs offer a comprehensive mix of exploration, consultation, training and equipment. New Hampshire Assistive Technology Evaluation and Consultation (NH-ATEC) provides evaluations, consultations and recommendations to individuals and organizations in the areas of seating and mobility, communication, computer access, electronic aids, and home and worksite modifications implemented by a team of occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech-language pathologists and rehabilitation technicians. Approximately 1,650 services were provided last year. ATECH occupational therapist Rob Tacker conducts a seating pressure map. The sensors in the cushion show where pressure is the greatest and skin breakdown most likely. ATECH then designs a cushion and seating protocol to address the trouble spots. A offers creative solutions for everyone —from outfitting a two-year-old boy with a power wheelchair, to pressure mapping a mattress for a 97-year-old woman. If a person has difficulty completing a task because of a disability, the use of the right assistive technology solution can make all the difference. Evaluations by ATECH’s staff of speech-language pathologists and occupational and physical therapists can happen in the home, classroom, workplace or wherever a client experiences an accessibility challenge. Clinical staff and consumers are then supported by ATECH’s crack team of certified technicians. ATECH began solving accessibility problems in 1994, following the closing of the Laconia State School. Over the years it evolved from a Laconia-based program to a multi-site organization offering an array of assistive technology services and products to individuals, schools and organizations across the state. ATECH Services has helped over 20,000 New Hampshire residents with disabilities to reach their goals through assistive technology. ATECH joined Crotched Mountain’s family of services in 2007. TECH SERVICES The Technology Exploration Center (TEC) offers cutting-edge product research and training, adaptive technical support and a technology loan program. The Refurbished Equipment Marketplace (REM) makes donated and refurbished durable medical equipment available for purchase at reduced cost. REM staff is certified to repair and service equipment according to manufacturers’ specifications and safety recommendations. Approximately 500 people were served last year. Vision and Hearing Services (VHS) coordinates several projects to assist students who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing or deaf-blind. Educational and consultation services are provided on a fee-for-service basis for schools serving students with these disabilities. Through the New Hampshire Department of Education (NH DOE) ATECH also: • Loans large-print and Braille books and materials and related assistive technology to students, parents and educators; • Provides information and referral services to schools and families for students with vision and/or hearing loss; • Offers professional development resources related to best practices in vision education. For more information, go to, click on Community and follow the link to ATECH Services, or call 1.800.932.5837. C RO T C H E D M O U N TA I N | H O R I Z O N S 9 THE FACE OF PHILANTHROPY Ted Bacon:World Traveler, Philanthropist T BACON settles back in his chair and smiles as he recounts a recent trip to France. “I was showing a group of Amherst College alumni around the little town at Arrowmanches Beach, where the US Navy had constructed an artificial port to supply the D-Day invasion,” he explains, “when someone must have overheard and realized that a World War II veteran was visiting.” A little later, the mayor came out of his office wearing a fancy sash, and to Ted’s complete surprise, presented him with two medals, honoring him as a returning US Navy war hero. The mayor made a little speech, capturing the attention of dozens of visiting schoolchildren, all of whom then wanted to have their photo taken with Bacon. Married 67 years to Sarah, his eyes light up when he speaks of his late wife. The Bacons became engaged while both were in the Navy, just 36 days after meeting in a cryptography class he was teaching. Among the first “in service” personnel to marry during the war, Sarah was required to have orders from the secretary of the Navy to be “out of uniform” and wear her wedding dress! Ted and Sarah traveled the world during and after the war, including 24 trips to Egypt, where Ted was a trustee at The American University in Cairo. ED Ted taught Urban and Regional Planning at UMass Amherst for 30 years while he and Sarah were raising three sons. “I loved the subject and the students,” he recalls. Ted remembers that his parents always gave modest amounts to several charities and as soon as he was able, he began his own personal philanthropy. Moving to nearby Peterborough in 1997, he learned about Crotched Mountain and has been a generous supporter, making several major gifts including setting up a Crotched Mountain Charitable Gift Annuity. “You do good work,” he smiles. Ted should know, as he is a client of our Audiology Clinic. “And I certainly encourage others to support Crotched Mountain as well,” he adds. Nominated by Crotched Mountain Foundation and several other hospitals he supports, Ted was recently presented with the Distinguished Service to Philanthropy Award for 2010 by the New England Association of Healthcare Philanthropy at their annual luncheon. Today at 91, Ted enjoys living at the RiverMead retirement community in Peterborough, although he’s not home much. Earlier this year, he visited Australia and New Zealand, and he has just returned from London and Paris. “I’m never bored,” he admits. Last year on a Thanskgiving trip to Florida, he drove the length of the Keys. When he is home, Ted attends Crotched Mountain’s annual meeting and keeps up to date on our latest accomplishments. He has visited the wood chip plant and looks forward to walking the new accessible trails. But in the meantime, he has more traveling to do. “When I’m old,” he laughs, “I’ll visit eastern Canada and places closer to home.” For now he has his sights set on returning to China and Europe. For more information about the many ways you can support Crotched Mountain please contact Laura Rauscher, development officer, or Pat Whitney, director of annual giving, to explore the kind of gift that feels right for you at 603.547.3311 or C RO T C H E D M O U N TA I N H O N O R RO L L 1 0 Crotched Mountain Honor Roll Contributors, July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Lois S. Moore Florence B. Mudgett Trust NH State Council on the Ar ts Norweb Foundation Ocean Bank/People’s United Bank Anne & Thomas O'Reilly PHILANTHROPIST’S CIRCLE $25,000 + Anonymous Public Consulting Group Cooke & Currie Fund Paper Thermometer Co. Inc. Raytheon Company Matching Gifts Dr. Seddon Savage & Dr. Carl Cooley Lisa & William Pezzoni Donna Foote & Rober t Demers Rare Coins of New Hampshire, Inc. for Education BAE Systems Barbara Slaff Elisabeth & Ar thur Dyer Laura & Michael Redmond Beatrice J. Ellison Trust Elizabeth Steele Eastern Fat Tire Association Linda & Terry W. Robinson Endowment for Health Story Land Eckhardt & Johnson, Inc. Sam’s Club Grace Holland Trust Trex Company, Inc. Edelweiss Charitable Foundation Jim and Dorian Scammon Family Samuel P. Hunt Foundation Ruth Wilson Endurance Capital/Endurance Asset Eva M. Montembeault Louise & John Young Management Fund Miriam & Donald Shumway Fairpoint Communications Samantha E. Skove Rowland Foundation PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE $1,000 + Lori & Peter Fogar ty Kevin Slack Dr. Carol & Howard Stoner Anonymous Frontier Capital Management Co. Susan M. Slaff All Metals Industries, Inc. John Gikas Catherine & John Sommers FOUNDER’S CIRCLE $10,000 + Allied Irish Bank Giorgio’s Ristorante NH State Council on the Ar ts Anonymous Amity Lodge, AF & AM Global Interconnect, Inc. The Stettenheim Foundation, Inc. The Bank of America Charitable Anthem BlueCross BlueShield Amy & Andrew Glover Swerling Milton Winnick Aspen Specialty Grand Royal Arch Chapter of MA United Way of Greater Nashua Frank W. Bar tlett Trust Autodesk, Inc. Granite Group Benefits USI New England Fred D. Hemenway Trust Babson Mustard Family Fund Ernest O. Guer tin Trust Elsie Van Buren New Hampshire Charitable Foundation BAE Employee Community Service Pearl & Harry Haymes Major W. Wheelock Heritage United Way Ellen & Michael Whitney Bank of America Mary T. Hogar ty Workplace Systems, Inc. Susan M. Fennelly & Edward Taylor Valerie & David Barnes Janet L. Holland John Young The Gladys Tegoulis Revocable Trust Gretchen & Stephen Bates John A. and Carol A. Hubbard Cynthia & William Yuknewicz Roger R. and Theresa A. Thompson Lisa & Rober t Baumbach Roger Nash II Irrevocable Trust Foundation, Inc. Harry K. & Frances D. Noyes Memorial Fund Fund Charitable Foundation Christine L. Beck Trust Oliver Wentwor th Hubbard Madelaine G. von Weber Trust Belfor Proper ty Restoration Louise W. Huntoon Elizabeth Whittemore Charitable Amedine & Rev. Igor Bella Johnson & Johnson Family of Endowment Fund Trust Bonnie B. Bennett Companies Zelle, Hoffman, Voelbel, Mason & Gette, LLP MEMBER’S CIRCLE $500 + Anonymous Bethesda Lodge #30 I.O.O.F. Knights of Columbus Council 5093 Jane & Andrew Abu CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE $5,000 + Boot Scootin’ Boomers Marjorie E. Leggett June & John Adams Anonymous Edith Bowen Stephanie & Thomas Lewry Sherri & David Ahearn William H. Bearden Pauline Brine Agnes M. Lindsay Trust Susan & Douglas Anderson Charles A. and Jessie M. Brooks Trust Cam Media Inc. Margaret A. Lins Michael Anderson Sarah Cogswell Irrevocable Trust Cambridge Trust Company Londonderry Professional Firefighters Carolann & Roger Ball Terry & Charles Giacopelli Capital Group Proper ties F. Cameron Ludwig Patricia & Joseph Beauregard Harvey Industries, Inc. Barbara & Jerry Cassell Mae Casali Bonvicini Charitable Fdn. Richard C. Beeman Hudson Salvage, Inc. James and Christine Chandler Magnan Graizzaro & Associates, Berry Fund Charitable Foundation Marden's Inc. Foundation CPA, LLC Kim & James Bock Otter Brook Foundation Laurie L. Chandler Matson Driscoll & Damico LLP Edith Bristol Mildred W. & Charles P. Page Fund Alber t E. & Clara F. Chorley Fund McGuirk Children Minna Brodsky J U LY 2 0 0 8 - J U N E 2 0 0 9 1 1 Jocelyn & Craig Cain Lucienne E. Paradis John E. Amorello, Sr. Susan & Dr. Dennis Carlson Jeannette M. Cate Louis F. Petroni Elizabeth & Stephen Anderson Joan & John Caro Caulo Family Fund Philanthropic Lodge F. & A.M. Peter Andrews Yolande Caron Colleen & Raymond Charleston RBC Wealth Management - Boston Antonia’s Flowers Rachel M. Carroll Colby College Deborah & Richard Reed Renate & Stanley Arnold Clifford Caseley Adrienne & Wayne Colsia Susan Reeves Nancy August Stefania Caverly Barbara & Joseph Comer Ruth A. Reider Automatic Data Processing June Chandler Leslie & Steven Crowell Ride-Away Handicap Equipment Theodore S. Bacon, Jr. James M. Chapman Marie & Lou Bakanowsky G. Steve Chirigotis, Col. USAF (Ret.) Geneva D. DaPrato Corporation Liz LaRose & Mike Dionne Doris L. Robinson Rober t Baldi Rober t W. Christy Dole & Bailey, Inc. Rocky’s Rangers Charles H. Baldwin Nordice & Ar thur Chute Nanette & Brian Donovan Eugene O. Ronshagen Bank of America Matching Gifts Norman W. Clapp Richard Fennelly Barbara & Gordon Russell Colleen Finegan Judy & Philip Ryan Lucille Baril Club National Charitable Fund, Inc. Alice & Dr. Gilber t Fuld Salem - Zebulun Council Bernice Wetmore Barnes Trust/Rose Ar thur D. Coddens David Getchell Sanel Auto Par ts Rober t Giordano Susan & Michael Sassano Doris M. Baron Laurie & Michael Coffey Give with Liber ty Scammon Family Fund Iva & Henry Bar tlett Rosemary & David Coffin Pamela & L. Taylor Goode Janet U. Schaefer Elaine C. Beals Steven Cohen Marilynne & Dr. David Hedstrom John F. Shepard Sharon & Mar tin Beaver Sharon & Ronald Cole Frederick E. Her tel Herber t Shumway Patricia A. Beffa-Negrini David P. Conley Jean & John Hoffman Elizabeth & Edgar Soule Belletetes, Inc. Tina M. & Bryce P. Connors Anne S. Howells Charitable Trust Phil Stockton Ann & R. Mark Benbow June & Forrest Cook Hutter Construction Sun Life Financial Jonna & Lorenzo Benet, Jr. Mar tha & Dr. William Cooper Irwin Siegel Agency, Inc. David C. Sundelin Polly N. Berry Mar tha & Bernard Corson Wendy & Paul Kangas The Dry Cleaner by Val Bethlehem-Lewis Commandery #18 Joan & William Cossaboon Miriam & Donald E. Kent Faye & Joseph Torro Kenneth W. Bickford Costa Fruit & Produce Jane & Bruce Keough Steve Tulley John Biron Kathleen M. Courchesne Kites Over New England Jeanne & Philip Tulley, Jr. Blair Fund of Fidelity Charitable Gift Sandy & Steve Couto Sandra Knapp United Way of Nor th Central Kronos Mass., Inc. Program & Richard Mallon Fund Thomas F. Cleary Kathleen Y. Coffey Lucilla Crocker Bob Wilson Builders J. Leo Cronin, Jr. Mary Frances & Don Lawler James W. Varnum Priscilla Bohanan Joan & Roger Crooker, Jr. Loretta & Rober t Locatelli Suzannah & Tod Warren Boy Scout Troop 99 A. B. Cur tis The LPM Charitable Foundation Weston & Sampson Thomas Brady Arlene & Rober t Dar t Gerard MacLellan Patricia Whitney Helen & Richard Brockelman Paul Deeley MacLellan Oil Co. Donna & Chris Woerner Lorraine M. Brooks Margaret Finch Delong Mary & Kenneth Brown Nancy & Rober t Dennis MacMillin Co., Inc. Harry W. MacPherson FRIEND’S CIRCLE $100 + Susan Browne Rev. Rober t J. Densmore Dede & Charlton MacVeagh, Jr. Anonymous Susan Bucknam Closey & Whit Dickey Diana & David Mattoon Alice E. Aittama Cynthia & Donald Burgess Alfred W. Dietz & Gretchen Robin & Lucas Merrow Alber to’s, Inc. Archie C. Burnett, III & Hope W. John Mitchell Joseph A. Alkinburgh Monadnock Community Hospital Allard’s Furniture Leah & Anthony Butler Carl E. Doane Monahan & Associates, P.C. Marion & Frank Almeida Samuel Cabot, III Olive G. Dobles Davi Lyn Morse & Gregory Bubnash Rober t B. Almy, Jr. Stephen Camann Brenda Donahue Richard K. Murphy Peggy Alzmann & Paul Koning Rosemary & Colin Campbell Richard E. Donahue Norwich University Alexander R. Amell Mary E. Campopiano Todd Donahue Oticon, Inc. Amica Companies Foundation Joseph Cariello, D.D.S. Eugene Dudley Burnett Orhenburger Lynn & Neal Dini C RO T C H E D M O U N TA I N H O N O R RO L L 1 2 Donna V. Dunlop & Andrew Spahr Gwendolyn Glass Joan V. Ingraham Law Companies & Employees Suzanne & Joseph Duquette Matthew Godoff Intel Foundation Matching Gifts Anita & Michael Lawler Virginia & Lewis Dutton Lee Goldstein Ipswich-Ferson Royal Arch Chapter Ernestine & Kent Lawrence Mae E. Eagleson Walter H. Goodnow Ann & Carl Jacobs Sue & Allen Leach William Earle, Jr. Mor ton E. Goulder Diane & William Jaquith Flora LeClerc Thomas G. Ebber t E. M. & Rober t E. Grady Jellison Funeral Home Jean & Richard Leopold Ed Csenge & Son, LLC Stephen E. Grande, III Jenkins Family Fund Christina & David Lewis Mary & Douglas Elliott Catherine & Kevin Gray Joe Boutin, Jr. & Son Logging Susan D. Licsak John H. Ellis, Jr. The Greata Family Irene John Life Safety Fire Protection, Inc. Theresa Ellis Patricia & David Gregg Lois & William Jones Jill Matsumoto & Stephen Limon Kathryn & Charles Ethier Jennie & Joseph Grilli Joni and Friends - Greater Boston Audrey M. Lindgren Kathleen & Michael Etzel Ruth Guernsey Ruth & John Joslin Keith L. Lion JoAnn S. Eurich Kelley Hails Robin K. Julian & Rober t G. Julian Carol & Alber t P. Loening Lucia P. Ewing Elizabeth, Sam & Sarah Hallowell Peter J. Kahn Linda & Anthony LoProto Cindy Ritter & Tom Ewing Ellen Halpin Janice & Bur t Kaliski Babette & Peter Loring Dean, Brenda, Mar tie & Ella Fairchild Leonard K. Handeland June & Dr. Charles F. Kane Shirley & Warren Lundin Dr. Charles S. Faulkner, II Annette Handy Ruth & Dr. Lawrence Kane Mary & Camille Lynch April & David Fellows Suzanne Harding Christos G. Karageorgos Aimee Maisano Catherine & Alexander Felton Jane D. Harker Marcia Kayser Madelyn Mallein S. Jean Fernandez Elizabeth & Rt. Rev. Donald Har t Howard W. Keegan Katherine & Richard Mandeville Henry H. Ferrell, III Lin and Joe Har t Family Fund Richard & Marcia O. Keller Alan Marrone Kathryn Fessler Kevin A. Har te Diana C. Kelley Michelle & Chuck Marshall Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Carolyn M. Har tloff Jane A. Kennedy Patricia A. Mar tin Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts Elizabeth & Rober t Haskell Mary A. Kiernan Jake Mar tz Joan & John Hay David W. Kiley, Jr. Nancy & Roger Mathes Susan S. Fish Marie & Charles Heaphy Mary & Bruce P. King Michael Matthew Rober t M. Fitzgerald Jeanne E. Heath Elsie M. King Priscilla K. Maynard Christine & Woodbury Fogg Judtih E. Heck Ellen Kingsbury William E. McCabe Holle & Allen Forbes Paul Heffernan Dorothy & Walter Kirsch Dr. Maureen E. McCanty & Jane & Allen Forbes Muriel & Edmund Henault Cherie & Matthew Kish Betti & Tony Forma Ann D. Hibbard Donna & Wayne Klocko Philip McCarron Diana & Kenneth Forrence Tammy & Fred Hill Knights of Columbus Council #6902 Pamela & Gardner McCormick Alber t S. Foster Beverly & John Hill Jean & Vernon Knowlton Eugenia McDonald Glenna L. Foster Charlotte H. Hill Thomas Kokx Associates Mary M. McGoldrick G.N. David and Son, LLC Eastham Hockmeyer Arlene & Daniel Kopcza Maxine & Edward McKenzie Dr. Steven H. Gardner Hodges Development Corporation Barbara & Paul Koutras Nancy & Eugene Mellish Geoffrey Garfinkle Lisa M. Hogenkamp Colleen & Stephen Krause Elizabeth Merrill Stephanie R. Gaskins Caroline & G. Clay Hollister Kristina & Dr. Gregory Kriebel Mar tha & Andrew Michaud Mary & Francis Gaul, Jr. Holten Royal Arch Chapter Linda Krysieniel Agnes & Edward Miner Gretchen & Thomas Gaul Kim & Rober t Horyn Arlene & Chester Kucinski Peter G. Minot Constance & Henry Gauthier Houghton - Walden Royal Arch Roseanne & Scott Kurposka Gail & John Mintken Michael Laidlaw & Susan Zimmerman Judith W. Miskell Nancy & Ray Howell Kyle Lamerand Monadnock View Farm Nancy G. Hurlin Terese Lane Bill C. Monbouquette Anna & Daniel Giacopelli Marilyn & John Hutchinson David M. Lang Alber ta & Howard Mooney Stephen J. Gikas Randi & Tim Hutchinson Allen Larrabee Marilyn L. Moore & Donna, Jeffrey Mary J. Gilber t ICAP Shirley & George Lasky Louise I. Gillis Janet & Joseph Idzal Bonita LaTorre to Education Pamela & David Gerlach Gethsemane Demolay Commandery #7, Knights Templar Chapter Dr. Dennis J. Card and Gregory Smith Deborah R. Moreshead J U LY 2 0 0 8 - J U N E 2 0 0 9 1 3 Elizabeth & Frederic Morris R.M. Mancuso & Assoc., Inc Damon Smith Richard M. Tinglof Jason S. Morris Cynthia, Rober t, Joe & Katie Ramsay Donna & Jeffrey Smith Jamie Toale NACL Branch 72 Rober t Rand Gladys & John Smith Paul E. Troxell Alicia & Dann Nerich Thomas D. Rath Marcella Smith John Trudel Mary Sue Newbery Laura & James Rauscher Rober ta C. Smith Mary E. Tuttle Diane L. Newton & Andrew F. Jacqueline J. Ray Amelia Borman & John Smitka The Tyrian - Acacia Lodge AF-AM Peter Raymond Frances R. Snook Doris & Jerome Underwood NHSHP Beverly W. Raynor Mary Jane & Rober t Solomon Underwood Engineers, Inc. Norfolk & Dedham Group Mike Reed Virginia W. Soule Linda & Frank Underwood Nor th Lake Window and Door, Inc. Janet & Paul Reed Truda Bloom & Rober t Speigelman United Way of Merrimack County Nor theast Delta Dental Thomas C. Reed St. Paul’s School Carolyn A. Valley Beverly & David Nor ton M. Susan & L. Mark Reiner David G. Stahl, D.M.D. Vanderbilt University Marshall I. Nurenberg Joseph H. Reiser t, Jr. David Staples William A. Varkas Office Max Marguerite & G. Herber t Repass Pauline & Bradley Steele Gary Varnese Building Inc. Bevolyn & Peter Oliver Anne & Felix Rexer Roger C. Steele Vigilant Capital Management, LLC Gretchen & William Orme Richie McFarland Children’s Center Therese & Stephen Stepenuck Maryanne H. Waldman & Tad William Pananos Peter Robar t Debra A. Stephens Joanne & George Pappas Dorothy P. Robinson John C. Stergiou Mary B. Waldo Jennie & Paul Pappas Jeffrey D. Rose Rober t M. Stewar t Ralph D. Walter Anthony J. Parisi Berenice Rosenwald Stiel Consulting Group Karen B. & Alber t Weisswange Lynn & John Parisi George Rowe, Jr. Allison Stoner Linda & John Wesley Carolyn & Rodney Patenaude Joseph E. Rowley Mary Leadbeater & Michael Strack Sandra & Howard Weston Bill & Sandie Peabody Tricia & Craig Russ Stromgren Plumbing & Heating Co., Frederick E. Whitcher Ute Peaslee Jacqueline & Thomas Rzasa Muriel & Claude Pelletier Saint-Gobain Corp. Foundation Laura R. Studen White Mountain Survey Co., Inc. Jeanette & Francis Penney Arpiar G. Saunders, Jr. Jeannette Sturrock Nancy White Barbara & Allan Peskin Mrs. Lucille C. Savage Sullivan Brothers Paving Sandra & Kevin Whitney Alber t Peterson Elizabeth J. Scarchilli Charles F. Sullivan, III John M. Widyn Dorothy & Walter Peterson Rober t Schechter Elizabeth & David Sullivan Sharon & Richard Wilson Augusta & Amb. Joseph C. Petrone Alan D. Schlemmer Jacquelyn & Ronald Sullivan Danette & Stephen Wineberg Helen L. Pettersen John B. Schulte Sun Microsystems, Inc. Melvin R. & Audrey E. Wintman Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Richard C. Schwabe Beverly W. Sutherland Ann Schwar tzwalder & Jody Blouch Sutton Royal Arch Chapter Phillips, DiPisa & Associates Wendy & Francis Schwarz Kenneth M. Swanson Dr. Eugene R. Piana Raymond F. Sebold Sysco Food Svcs. of Nor thern New Pied Piper International Linette A. Seigars Sally G. Pore M. P. Sellers Hon. Rober t Taft Kay & Gary Woods Phyllis E. Por ter Janice & Melvin Severance, III Taylor Home Residents-Ledges Assoc. Patricia & Raymond Woolson Philip G. Post, Sr. Rober ta & Edmund Shaw Temco Tool Co., Inc. Joyce & Gary Young Dr. Norma Powell Pauline & Mor ton Shea Sharon S. Thagard Patricia & Rober t Zeamans Richard Price Karen L. Shipley Beulah L. Thayer Ar thur J. Zetes Elaine & Daniel Priestley Elsa & Stanley Sidel Lynn T. Thibodeau Laura & James Zisson Professional Disability Associates, LLC Margaret & Francesco Siega Dr. Rober t D. Thomson & Lucy Thomas Zubricki Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts John F. Simione Newton Program Inc. England Hodder, Esq. Rober t E. Simoneau Alfred L. Thurlow Gerald L. Pucillo Herber t Simpson Carolyn & William Tiffany Rona & Kenneth Purdy Carol & Craig Slaff Ginny Timmons Constance O. Putnam Barry David Smith Sara R. Timmons Program Connelly Nancy & Peter Whitcomb Family Fund Women’s Circle of First Baptist Church Women’s Fellowship of Westminster Hazel L. Wood C RO T C H E D M O U N TA I N H O N O R RO L L 1 4 A Celebration of Life Krista Lucas Contributors, July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 Elliot Mattheson E ACH YEAR , gifts are made by friends of Crotched Mountain who wish to remember someone special. These gifts are in memory of, in honor of or in celebration of the lives of family members, friends and others who have touched the donors’ lives in some way. Crotched Mountain is pleased to recognize the following individuals whose lives we celebrated over the past year. Richard C. Beeman Susan J. Beeman-Hollins & Rober t J. Hollins Adam Janet A. Eagleson Courtney Ahearn’s 20th Birthday Shirley & Warren Lundin Victoria Arleu Theodore A. Pickett Heather C. Gagnon Marilyn & Henry Audet Wedding of Seth Barnes & Samantha Saffir Kathryn Fessler Kim Sokolowski Mary B. Waldo Charlie Bates Suzannah & Tod Warren The Bates Family Tricia & Craig Russ Lisa & Graham Baynes Anne Hall Anthony Gamboli Kate Gamboli Christopher Giacopelli Brianna McLaughlin Mary D. McLaughlin Norma Noone Anna & Daniel Giacopelli Margaret Glover Amy & Andrew Glover Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Rev. Rober t J. Densmore Ginny Timmons Mary Beth Carrier Mary M. McGoldrick John Allen Colburn Armand A. Comtois, Jr. Mor ton E. Goulder Sherri Hard Patricia Thomas Brenda Henderson for the good care she received while at Crotched Mountain Charles S. Goodwin Beverly Hibbard Blanche Lawton Sherry & Richard Wheeler Katie Hill Diuma Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Eugene O. Ronshagen Judith P. Ronshagen Tammy & Fred Hill Beverly & John Hill Karen Hills Pamela Nation Ann D. Hibbard Chris Pappas Marian Pleakas Jack Parnes Betsy Krauss Kerry A. Pinheiro James P. Murphy Ruth Plaisted Eugene A. McCar thy Richard Reed Claire & Richard Stevens Jeffrey A. Foster Andrew Donovan John Trudel Eva M. & Gerard J. “Monty” Montembeault Claire T. Goulder June & John Adams Crotched Mountain Mary Sue Newbery Eva M. Montembeault Rev. Bernard Campbell Robert Baker Frances B. Watkins Caitlin Gamboli Molly Mintken 50th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Carl Blanchette Zofia Bak Eva Bak Ms. Carol A. Barker & Pamela A. Wiggin Mary Pat McMahon Megan Bishop Barbara C. Curran IN HONOR OF Barbara Slaff The Hogarty Family Mary T. Hogar ty The Reichheld Family; Stevie, Tim & Aly Kim Stevens Maria Drescher Joseph H. Reiser t, Jr. Lindsey Huntoon Rosemary & Hollis French Kaitlin Rooney Donna M. Rooney The Drover Family Kendrick Child Elizabeth Kenney Leah & Anthony Butler Donna V. Dunlop Stephen Camann Gracie Ann Kontak’s 9th birthday Myr tle M. Stevens Leonard Elliott Thelma D. Elliott Harris Wayne Forbes Jane & Allen Forbes Elizabeth Tarasevich Irene M. Messier & Christopher Messier Jacqueline & Thomas Rzasa Jeremiah Salter Matthew Kouropoulos Nina Kouropoulos Derek Ethier Kathryn & Charles Ethier Greg Rzasa Mary A. Salter Sarah Mrs. Mary Frances Lawler’s Living Testimonial Deborah R. Moreshead Roger W. Lander Herbert & Joan Seigars Linette A. Seigars J U LY Deena, Shannon & Richard Slaff Carol & Craig Slaff Stephanie Sontag Claudia F. Kelley Joey Spaulding Constance & James Marrion The Crotched Mountain Staff Susan Reeves The Crotched Mountain School Staff who work with Matthew Jones Lois & William Jones Martin Stieglitz Jane Stieglitz 2 0 0 8 IN MEMORY OF Floyd S. Amadon - J U N E 2 0 0 9 1 5 Bill Crandell Geoffrey Garfinkle Deborah R. Moreshead Margery Amadon Carole Crowell Alan Buxton Deborah T. Ames Marcia & Scott Caswell Leslie & Steven Crowell Gwendolyn I. Johnson Arlene & Chester Kucinski Susan & Wayne Lammel Sheldon Motor Service Janet Shipley Eugenia McDonald Michael J. Dagostino Dr. James H. Connor M. Susan & L. Mark Reiner Berenice Rosenwald Carbone's Window & Awning Gertrude & Patrick Dubreuil Diane & Patrick Dubreuil Donna & Jeffrey Smith Raymond F. Dundas Donna & Jeffrey Smith Carolyn K. DeBell Patricia Kain Doris P. Carbone Edward Driscoll Geneva D. DaPrato Carmella DeBell Ruby Elen Callahan Carolyn Driscoll Eugene Dudley Charles DaPrato Christopher Edgcomb Robert N. Deming Dr. Carol Stoner Shirley E. Sanborn Kim & Mike Schwar tz Stewar t Proper ty Management Phyllis B. Johnson & Ralph Johnson Augusta Hodgdon L. J. Elliot Rober t R. Keller & Associates, Inc. James Sturtevant Nora Boisver t Buffy D. Sullivan Charles F. Sullivan, III The Teachers & Caregivers at Crotched Mountain Susan M. Slaff Raymond Carbone Verna M. Carbone Lucien Cartier Irene Car tier Doris Rita Desrosiers Patti Crandall Roger G. Duhamel Elaine D. Ethier Stanley Yanuskevich Leonard J. Elliott Thelma D. Elliott Capt. Thomas W. Fitzgerald Ann M. Fitzgerald Shirley Ann Cary Susan Bucknam Brian Robb Dickey Elizabeth & David Dickey Carroll M. Fogg Bette & John Lessard The Doherty family Marianne C. Doher ty The Thompson Family Ruth M. Thompson Joseph D. Clement, Jr. May D. Clement Barbara C. Curran Muriel & Edmund Henault Michele D. Double James Willis Peter D. TenBroeck Robert & Mary Wilson Bob Wilson Builders The Dedicated Workers at Crotched Mountain Robin & John Ayotte Yamilla & Louis Defazio Louise & John Young Pauline V. “Polly” Cooper Gilda & William Blackstock Pamela A. Borden Beatrice Bradley Bettie & C. Warren Bruton Jeanne Canovitch June & Chuck Carelis Diana & Conrad Cyr Wanda & Chester Domoracki Duncan C. Farmer Joseph Lacroix Shirley E. Fogg Christine & Woodbury Fogg Bette & John Lessard James J. Donahue Mary Frances & Don Lawler Albert & Irene Foster Alber t S. Foster Baby Colin Kathe Young Cooper Jacob Whelan Phyllis B. Johnson & Ralph Johnson Dean King Colburn Philip Tulley, III Virginia Couturier George Rowe, Jr. Philip C. Tulley, Sr. Elaine Dobrowski John H. Donahue, Jr. Anonymous Eleanore F. Brooks & James J. Griffin, Jr. Dorothy E. Chase Helen L. Damato Brenda Donahue Richard E. Donahue Troy Donahue Barbara French Al Gagnon Happy Senior Citizens Amanda Lahait & Dennis A. Knowles Eugenia McDonald Frances Mello William E. Foster Gail & John Mintken Margaret Garrahan Leo F. Garrahan Brian Gatten Deborah R. Moreshead Morton H. Gavens Annette & Seymour Gavens Sandy Gilman Gemma J. Hardy C RO T C H E D Arthur O. Gormley, Jr. Barbara & James Copley Harry A. Gregg Ted R. Guerette Susan Beth Gustafson Lorraine E. Antonevich Jennifer B. Chase Community House Calls Inc. Marcella & Ron Danielson Janice W. Fawcett Esther & Rev. Charles Gustafson Marlene R. Hanson & Harold R. Hanson, Jr. G. Merwin & Nancy Jones Janet G. Kates Judy Lundmark Evelyn & Rober t Parsons Diane & Gregory Paterniti Rita & Harold Perry Mildred & Rober t Roach Jean & Kenneth Saff Carolyn E. Thomas Sherry & Richard Wheeler Jason Hagerman Melissa Gullotti Evans Dustin Hamlyn Olivia & Edward Hamlyn Fannie Haniotes Ar thur Kamberis Mrs. Ernest Hatzigoga Ernest Hatzigoga Jean E. Heath Jeanne E. Heath M O U N TA I N Alan Horne Kathy L. Horne Christopher Huntoon Rober t B. Almy, Jr. Applied Management Systems, Inc. Bass River Tennis Club Crabs Anne E. Bigelow Marlys G. Bigelow Samuel Cabot, III The Catania Family Steven Cohen Colby College Lisa W. Cowie Aaron Emig Mary & James Esdaile April & David Fellows Catherine & Alexander Felton Ruth S. Felton Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Rober t F. Frederick Rosemary & Hollis French Stephanie R. Gaskins The Greata Family Elizabeth, Sam & Sarah Hallowell Jane D. Harker Joan V. Ingraham Janice A. Kassman Mary & Kevin Kilpatrick Babette & Peter Loring Pamela & Gardner McCormick Judith W. Miskell Elizabeth & Frederic Morris Mr. & Mrs. R. Henry Norweb, III Shore Country Day School Sandra Traynelis Allan P. Vaughan Maryanne H. Waldman & Tad Connelly Melissa J. Woods & William LePard H O N O R RO L L 1 6 Edward A. John, Esq. Irene John Grover & Grace Joudrey Ann & John Wilcox, Jr. Halina Kaminski Phyllis B. Johnson & Ralph Johnson Ruth Kamitian Carol & Ronald Kater Patrick J. Kelly Barry A. Johnson Paul Kennedy, Sr. Milford Special Needs Group George J. King Mary & Bruce P. King Mary E. Kopcza Arlene & Daniel Kopcza Dr. Thomas Kottke Richard C. Dupre Peter M. La Prad Lorraine A. Bachand Beatrice W. Gagnon Janet M. Kay Richard Price Steven & Mar tha Rooney Janet J. Rzasa Jacqueline & Thomas Rzasa Tyco Employee Matching Gift Program Judtih E. Heck Beverly Gale Lillian I. Hogan Joseph W. Hogan Nancy & Jeffrey Imonti Mary P. Lawrence Cynthia J. Abaz Anna F. Beck Marsha Clegg Elaine Cyr Bernice I. Kaiser Sue Stephenson Sandra Yanuszewski Marie A. Zboya & Sandra Baxley Stacy Lucas Janice & Bur t Kaliski Daniel Mackey Jeffrey W. Cady Cast & Brass Antique Machinery Club Diane D. Clark Alfred W. Dietz & Gretchen Orhenburger Dean, Brenda, Mar tie & Ella Fairchild Mary A. Geres Mary B. Upton Timothy M. McCarthy Mary Frances & Don Lawler Harold MacMcEwan,Jr. Dorothea & Augustine Filosi Doris & Rene Therrien Eleanor & James McGuirk McGuirk Children Alber ta R. Mooney Alber ta & Howard Mooney Walter Moson June Moson Timothy C. Imonti Nancy & Jeffrey Imonti Deceased Parents, Brothers and Relatives of Mary & Camille Lynch Dr. Richard Lawrence Ernestine & Kent Lawrence Diane L. Newton & Andrew F. Newton Mary & Camille Lynch Louis Hoitsma Margaret H. Gross Julie Lord Arco & Blacky Imonti (family dogs) Ernestine & Kent Lawrence Clint Hilliard Alcide G. Light Carol Mooney Paul F. Lamontagne Therese & Stephen Stepenuck Adam C. Heck Carmen L. Light My Dear Family Bernice L. Boland Adam Nation-Ames Ann D. Hibbard Basil S. Liamos Endla & William Jackowski McGuirk Children Jane Liamos Kenneth Norton Eleanor & William Nor ton J U LY Christos Nougias Ariadne Nougias Lucille D. Palmer Russell W. Palmer 2 0 0 8 Marge Simpson Ar thur D. Coddens Dimitra Sklavounos Giorgio’s Ristorante Allen Larrabee Jules Paradis Mary Frances & Don Lawler Joanne M. Parks Albert H. Smith Norfolk & Dedham Group Rober ta C. Smith Stephen A. Parks Joseph Smith Dr. Karen Pendleton Alber to’s, Inc. Christine Emma Linderman Philip E. Smith Dr. Howard E. Pratt Mary Leadbeater & Michael Strack Mary Frances & Don Lawler Walter St. Cyr Marguerite H. St. Cyr Adeline Price Jeannette R. P. LaPrad Elizabeth W. Staples David Staples Jack Putnam Betty Putnam Clint Stevens Bradley M. Stevens Richard (Dick) B. Putnam Betty Putnam Ruth B. Stewart Barbara Stewar t Theodore (Ted) Rebollo Mary Frances & Don Lawler John G. Stowell Sharon & Ronald Cole Beth Rice Pied Piper International Jacqueline Streitburger Herman C. Streitburger Eric L. Richardson Patricia Whitney Edith R. Teague American Legion Aux. #34 Eugene O. Ronshagen Linda & Rober t Bruno Susan S. Fish Steven A. Hampton Lamber t Funeral Home, Inc. New Hampshire Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. Beth L. Patrick Mark Patrick Maria O. Sayles Lisa M. Hogenkamp Frankie Siega Margaret & Francesco Siega Billy Thomas Judith & Edward Markey Kitty Ann Towne Mary Frances & Don Lawler Dorothy A. Tulley Mary E. Campopiano Arthur Wheeler Mary Frances & Don Lawler - J U N E 2 0 0 9 1 7 Minor Wheelock American Legion Post #23 Valerie & David Barnes Dr. Jean Blacketor Boy Scout Troop 99 Roxanne & Douglas Britland Janet & James Britland Christine A. Coffey Kathleen Y. Coffey Laurie & Michael Coffey William Coffey Gerald Connors Keith M. Connors Claire & Neil Connors Tina M. & Bryce P. Connors Phil DuBois John J. Duclos Jean Enos Donna L. Fernandes Franklin Pierce University Geoffrey Garfinkle Ruth & Howard Gaskill Hodges Development Corporation Ruth & John Joslin Marcia Kayser M. Kathleen & Edward Kingsbury James M. Kirwin & Joan C. Kirwin Shari Landry Cora-Lou & Rocco Laraia Mary Frances & Don Lawler Dede & Charlton MacVeagh, Jr. Aimee Maisano Shirley & Leroy Mills Jeanne & Donald Ouellette Laura & Michael Redmond RiverMead Retirement Community Diane & Donald Sampson Miriam & Donald Shumway January Van Leeuwen Brenda S. & Stephen E. Weyl Major W. Wheelock Patricia Whitney John Young Cynthia & William Yuknewicz Patricia & Richard Zaluki Gloria P. Willey Claudette Por ter & Lewis Por ter, Jr. SMSGT. Ryan Willey & Family Minnie Witham Laura & Herber t Verry Gertrud Z. Wolf Thomas F. Wolf Paul Wolosz Dr. Janis Stoklosa Donald (Woody) Wood Hazel L. Wood Austin Ryan Worthen Gerard MacLellan Alfred C. York, Jr. William Otenti Mary E. & Domenick Zanni Dorothy M. Zanni Stephen Zisson Laura & James Zisson C RO T C H E D BEQUESTS AND TRUSTS Frank W. Bar tlett Trust Christine L. Beck Trust Charles A. and Jessie M. Brooks Trust Sarah Cogswell Irrevocable Trust Beatrice J. Ellison Trust Ernest O. Guer tin Trust Fred D. Hemenway Trust Grace Holland Trust Blanch Hyslop Fund Florence B. Mudgett Trust Roger Nash II Irrevocable Trust Harry K. and Frances D. Noyes Memorial Fund Mildred W. and Charles P. Page Fund Elizabeth Whittemore Charitable Trust PLANNED GIFTS AND ANNUITIES Shirley and Frederic Greenberg CORPORATE MATCHING GIFTS Amica Companies Foundation Bank of America Matching Gifts Berry Fund Charitable Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Matching Gifts Cellular Specialties, Inc. Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Give with Liber ty Intel Foundation Matching Gifts Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Microsoft Matching Gifts Norfolk & Dedham Group Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Raytheon Company Matching Gifts for Education Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation Sun Life Financial Sun Microsystems, Inc. GIFTS IN KIND All Metals Industries, Inc. Atlas Advanced Pyrotechnics Valerie & David Barnes Beatrice & Marshall Barrett BestBuy Boston Red Sox Boston Spor ts Club Joanne Caputo CDW Government Inc. Char ter Oak Country Club Conway Scenic Railroad Jeanette Cook Crotched Mountain Ski & Ride Michael D’Alessio James Daly M O U N TA I N Kim Deane Devine Millimet Dick’s Spor ting Goods Disney Worldwide Outreach Nanette & Brian Donovan Drs. Desilets, Byrne, Manzoli & Russo, PC DWS Scudder Retirement Services Fischer Spor ts USA Holle & Allen Forbes Debra & David Foster Thom Frye Gretchen & Thomas Gaul Giorgio’s Ristorante Doris Glendinning Carla Goodman Joyce & Cyrus Gregg Hannaford Supermarket Marcia Kayser Keene Country Club George H. King Kingdom Contract Flooring, LLC Lake Sunapee Bank Rose & Richard Mallon Clara Mattheson Milton CAT Power Systems Gail & John Mintken Mr. Eric Murphy & Family NH Fisher Cats Nor theast Delta Dental Northeast Delta Dental Foundation, Inc. Ocean Bank/People’s United Bank Kathryn B. Perkins Raymond F. Sebold Shaw’s Supermarket Michael Shearin Shell Vacations Hospitality Sim’s Press, Inc. Southwest Airlines Co. Starlight Children’s Foundation of New England Steele’s Stationers Stop & Shop SymQuest Technology Susan M. Fennelly & Edward Taylor The Centennial Hotel The Common Man The Home Depot The Home Depot Foundation The Knitting Connection, Inc. The Mountain Corp. Narda Whiting Theobald USI New England Vermont Pure Springs Susanne & Alexander Vogel W.S. Badger Company Walmar t Women’s Christian Fellowship of Alton Louise & John Young H O N O R RO L L 1 8 VOLUNTEERS John Adams Tom Badgely Bilal Bahir Boot Scootin’ Boomers Diane Brown Keith Brown Leah Buchar Tim Carson City Year NH Debbie Colpitts Ashley Dalquest Denice Dalquest Linda Davis – Winter Village Marcia Davis Paul Davis – Winter Village Colin Etzel Zoe Falk Paula Forrest Cameron Foster Elder Ty Fullmer Olivia Gawlik Elder Dax Gillilander Nancy Gladding Edward Glidden Brittany Gullimette Elder Richie Harman Andrew Har t Lindsey Huntoon Luci Johnson Aimee Joyce Elder Douglas Kiss Madeline Kolodziej Gail Landry Allen Larrabee Erin Larson Karen McCormick John McKenna Mondanock Quilters’ Guild Leona Nazzaro Elder Brad Nicholls Norwich University Laura Parker Jean Polovchik Alana Samuelson Jonathan Sbat Doug Schumann St. John Newman Parish Elder Kenneth Stumpf SUNY Oswego Loriann Tessier Vanderbilt University Heidi Wehmeyer Kyle Williams Carl Wilson C ROTCHED M OUNTAIN continues to need your help to make our wonderful and effective services and programs available to the thousands of children and adults we serve each year. If you would like to make a gift to help individuals with disabilities achieve their goals, we would be most grateful. Many companies will match their employees’ donations to a charitable organization, thereby increasing your gift to your special charity. If you are interested, please see your Human Resources Office for further information. Great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this report of donations made to Crotched Mountain during the fiscal year July 2008 through June 2009. Please report any errors or omissions to us at 800.394.3311, ext. 1482, as we would like the opportunity to apologize and correct our records. HOW YOU CAN HELP For more information about the various ways to make a gift, including information about potential tax advantages, please contact: PATRICIA C. WHITNEY DIRECTOR OF ANNUAL GIVING CROTCHED MOUNTAIN ONE VERNEY DRIVE GREENFIELD, NH 03047 TEL: 800.394.3311, EXT. 1482 C RO T C H E D M O U N TA I N | H O R I Z O N S 1 9 BRIEFLY noted BRIEFLY noted BRIEFLY noted BRIEFLY noted BRIEFLY noted BRIEFLY noted BRIEFLY MEET THE GRAIN BARREL CREW TRACKING CHANGES Most Tuesday mornings, visitors to Sunnyfield Farm are likely to see our lively crew, John, Andy, Harris and Chris, carrying buckets of grain from the main barn down to the chicken house. Through all kinds of weather, these intrepid students use teamwork to carry the grain supply for some 80 chickens. Each student has gained skills in staying on task and following directions while enhancing gross motor abilities. “IT” IS A BEAUTIFUL THING Kin Schilling, a good friend to Crotched Mountain School and former consultant to the Earth Connections class, was recognized as one of 25 New Hampshire people you need to know on New Hampshire Magazine’s It List. An artist and entrepreneur who has spearheaded numerous successful businesses in the area, she connected with CMS through her Cornucopia Project, which “teaches sustainable and nourishing life practices to children by connecting them to the land.” Kin worked with CMS students to create accessible garden beds on campus, and at the Norway Hill gardens in nearby Hancock. T EACHER D ONNA C OLLINS ’ fourth grade science class has been keeping an eye on the Dutton Brook Trail as part of a project to study changes in the landscape over time. The students chose five places along the trail to track over the year to understand how WE’RE NOT IN GREENFIELD FOR NOTHIN’ Patients and residents at Crotched Mountain are more comfortable this winter, thanks to a new connection to our central biomass district heating system made possible by a $176,532 grant from the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Fund (GGERF). The project allowed two of the larger buildings on campus to be connected to our central district heating plant that uses wood chips harvested from New Hampshire forests. Previously these buildings used a less efficient steam heating system powered by fossil fuels. CM projects an annual reduction of close to 25,000 gallons of oil use, and a corresponding emmission reduction of over 250 metric tons of carbon dioxide. life adapts to the changing seasons. Students take pictures, make graphs and record changes at the five areas every other week through the fall, winter and spring months, and will document their findings in a Seasonal Changes Portfolio. FLYING HIGH Kites Over New England (KONE), a kite-flying enthusiast group and a perennial favorite at CM, hosted their indoor kiteflying competition in the CM gymnasium in November. After the official competition, CMS students had an opportunity to show their skills during an impromptu contest. Students True and Hannah won the top two spots. KONE has taken CM under its wing over the years, providing us with entertainment and excitement with activities like kite-making and indoor flying. KONE will return for the 2010 Fall Festival on Columbus Day weekend, and if the wind is right, over forty kites of every shape and size will soar overhead. NONPROFIT OFFERING A LIFELONG ALLIANCE TO PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES ORGANIZATION CROTCHED MOUNTAIN US POSTAGE PAID GREENFIELD NH 03047 PERMIT NO. 1 HORIZONS Published by The Office of Advancement Editor: Robin Boyd Crotched Mountain Foundation One Verney Drive Greenfield, NH 03047 603.547.3311, ext. 1490 Please write us at the above address if you wish to have your name removed from fund-raising requests supporting Crotched Mountain. Hearing Voices (Speaking in Tongues) April 22, 3:30 - 5pm Carter Hall at Crotched Mountain Crotched Mountain presents an awardwinning show about love and schizophrenia. Michael Mack was a little boy when his mother was first diagnosed with schizophrenia— becoming convinced that she was the Virgin Mary. One in every five families faces a major mental illness, and the stunning transformation of a loved one can strike a child mute. But Michael Mack has found his voice, and he shares it with others in his feature-length, solo play Hearing Voices (Speaking in Tongues). Over a decade in creation, Mack’s multicharacter, one-man show is a lyric memoir of his mother’s odyssey through state hospitals, halfway houses, jails and homelessness, until she finds recovery through unexpected grace. Exploring the shadowy landscape between psychosis and religious illumination, Hearing Voices (Speaking in Tongues) is one family’s remarkable journey of deliverance. Mack has toured with the show nationwide and excerpts have been published in major publications. For more information, visit In celebration of Poetry and Mental Health Months (April and May), Crotched Mountain is pleased to welcome Michael Mack on Thursday, April 22 with a Q&A after the show. The performance will be held in Car ter Hall at Crotched Mountain. The performance is free and open to the public. It is sponsored by the Crotched Mountain Hilliard Series which honors Clint Hilliard, former head of the Speech and Language Depar tment. Please RSVP to Joan Crooker by April 15 at 603.547.3311, ext 1481 or email
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