Marble snakehead, Channa lucius Marble loach, Mastercembelus


Marble snakehead, Channa lucius Marble loach, Mastercembelus
Duong Nhut Long, Bui Minh Tam, Nguyen Van Kiem
College of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Can Tho University, Viet Nam
Catfish, Wallago attu
Mature broodfish in captive
Ovulating rate of100% after
Hormone injection
Fertilizing rate 50-90%
Hatching rate 75-95%
Survival rate 12% after 30
days or rearing
Giant snakehead, Channa micropeltes
Mature broodfish in captive
Ovulating rate of 100%
after hormone injection
Fertilizing rate: 7575-80%
Hatching rate: 8080-95%
Survival rate of 2020-30%
after 60 days or rearing
Marble snakehead, Channa lucius
Eggs hatch after 36
hours, hatching rate
Broodfish spawn after
injection of Hormone 24hrs.
Fecundity of 26000 eggs/kg
Marble loach, Mastercembelus favus
Broodfish spawn 100%
after hormone injection
Fertilizing rate: 7070-80%
Hatching rate: 90%
Survival rate of 5050-60%
after 60 days of rearing
Cirrhinus jiulleni
Brood fish with fecundity of 600.000 –
900.000 eggs/kg
Egg hatching rate of (%): 87,5 – 95 %, Survival tate of fry over 30 % after 30 dyas

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