November 2014


November 2014
Tiger News
Broadcasting our Tiger’s Roar
November 2014
New Writing Lab: Are you there yet?
Hash tag, comma splice, run-on sentences, and fragments, all day long, if I
want to! OMG! Where is the help?
Vol. 88, Issue 5
Movie Review: “Dear White People”
Why I Chose to go to College
This movie is a complete satire of racism in the
America. This movie is not only a hilarious, comedy but is based off of true life events.
>> Pg. 2
Going to college was a big deal in my family. My
parents insisted I go off to pursue my dreams.
They thought that college was the perfect place
>> Pg. 4
for me to come out of my shell.
>> Pg. 4
Homecoming Week 2014 Highlights
Mr. & Miss Benedict Luncheon
Coronation & Fall Ball
Homecoming Events
Fashion Show
Pep Rally/Bonfire
BC Underground
Alida B. Wilson
Miss Benedict 2014
“BC underground really helped me to
break out of my shell. What a great experience! Go Tigers!”
~ Allison Laribo
Christopher Daughtry
Mr. Benedict 2014
The Mr. and Miss Benedict Luncheon was held
Thursday, October 9 in the Swinton Center. It
provided an opportunity for the Royal Court and
SGA members to meet and greet and was the opening event of this year’s Homecoming celebration.
Miss Benedict (Alida Wilson) stunned
the crowd when she gracefully rode in
on a beautiful white horse. Her gown
was nothing less than elegant and simply
Luncheon and Coronation Photos by: Rose M. Fuller
Mr. & Miss Homecoming
Football win!
Pink Power: BoldandBreastless
This year’s exciting The Pink Power Health and Wellness Forum
Homecoming Pageant that was held Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014 in the
was held Sunday, Oct. Swinton Center. Mrs. Shondia McFaddenBenedict College Senior Selected to Host Entertainment
19 in HRC Arena. Talk
was the keynote speaker for the event.
Executive Director of BOLDANfor New TV Network Channel “Revolt
Carrington Hardin DBREASTLESS, Inc. She is also a Benedict
and Markela Tarrance alumna.
took the trophies and
Columbia, SC – November 5, 2014— Benedict College senior, Travis
on this former elementary school
sashes for
Mr. and
Miss signed
In 2010,
for a six-week sneak peak deal with P. Diddy’s TV Network Channel
TV.” Theteacher, was diagnosed with breast cancer.
upcoming Entertainment Talk Show, “The Travis Ware Show”, will air in February 2015.
Since then, this survivor is very passionate
Last year’s Homecom- about inspiring and motivating men and
ing King,
Brian Golden,
that have been affected by breast L-R: Bridgette Jones, Student Activities, Shondia
The Show will feature well-known guest personalities, as well
as new
and up and
and Queen, Sekyra Jack- cancer. Her brand, BOLDANDBREAST- McFadden-Sabari, BOLDANDBREASTLESS,
celebrities. It promises to capture the authenticity of the celebrities
Ware is
son will
turn the reign
hasnoreached countless individuals Coach Washington pose after the wellness forum
to the
talk show2014:
He hasHardin
as Porshaand
Mr. & Miss
& Markela
Tar- oversuch
to Carrington
social media. She had a
cameo appearance on the reality
(Region 2), Federal Women’s Program,
rance pose with last year’s winners: Brian Golden & Sekyra Jackson. Markela.
Breast Cancer Awareness event. Shondia
Sergio Hudson, Lil’Mo, Tamar Braxton, The Spiff Kids, Kim Kimble, Sebastian Mikael,
the to Medicine, the
women of Atlanta episode, on
was awarded a key to the city for Tupelo,
means the
list continues.
Bravo TV. Mrs. McFadden- most to me: Mississippi, Marion, South Carolina and
Sabari was also featured when people also Columbia, South Carolina.
is a will
Mr. Ware
is anot
Weather come up to me
in February 2015. The Communication major, Channel, for her partnership and say you’ve During the event, Mrs. McFadden-Sabari
Show will feature
who notChoir,
only stays
on with the
American Cancer inspired me combined humor and compassion to
known guest Leadership
personali- topExcellence
of his academics,
Society. In
and Success),
anaddition to her and you’ve convey her story. She said, “What I really
ties, as well as that
new strives
and but
active with
the many
engagements in supwant is for everyone to whisper to themhelped
to isimprove
the image,
up and coming
award winning Benedict port of breast cancer awareness,
selves and say ‘I can do anything I want to
of thesheBenedict
celebrities. and
It promises
College Gospel
spoke at the United States
if I really, really try. If I do my very best I will
also serves
as the 2014-15 Senior
to capture
the He
authenand M.A.L.E.S.
Regulatory Commission’s
ticity of the celebrities
interviewed. Mr. Ware He also serves as the
is no novice
to the
talk is2014-15
Senior Class
Mass Communications,
says, “If
show circuit. He has Secretary and most
to be
interviewed celebrities recently became a
Ponder Fine Arts and Humanities
the network
may pick
up Mu
the show as a
such as Porsha
Wil- member
of Phi
Center (Little Theatre). The play was
liams, Peter
Sinfonia please
Frater- email Jesse
written and directed by Mr. Charles
more Alpha
nity of America, Inc.
David Brooks, III, Benedict College
Toya Wright, Darmirra
Professor of Theater, in collaboration
Brunson, Hill Harper, Travis says, “If the sixwith theater students. The original
Columbia, SC – November 5, 2014— Vedo the Singer,Sergio week run of “The Travis
the stage play energetically explored
Benedict College senior, Travis Ware, Hudson, Lil’Mo, Tamar Ware Show” proves to
issues facing today’s youth, their conrecently signed on for a six-week sneak Braxton, The Spiff Kids, be successful, the netcerns, and their fears.
peak deal with P. Diddy’s TV Network Kim Kimble, Sebastian work may pick up the
Channel “Revolt TV.” The upcoming Mikael, and the list con- show as a regular series.
The Theatre Ensemble conceived
Entertainment Talk Show, “The Travis tinues. ###
this production as an answer to ongoing class discussions about current
Media Contacts:
events that affect them in their daily
Kymm Hunter, Assistant Vice President for Communications and Marketing; 803.705.4519
Carolyn Wigfall, Communications and Marketing Manager; 803.705.4366
lives. The play captures realities of
today through voice and movement
in scenes such as “They Don’t Really
by Lauren Horne
from the online voting
The Benedict College Fine Arts Department and The Care about Us.” The play extracts
poll. Keshaun’s video
Theatre Ensemble’s Works-In-Progress presented its fall from protesting with “Hands Up!
One of our very own turned out to be the
stage production of Living in a Dying World on Novem- Don’t Shoot!” to Stop The Violence!
Tigers, Keshaun “Keylo” winner!
ber 11-14, 2014 The performance was held in the Henry Child Abuse! Vote! and Peace!
Jones received an opportunity of a lifetime!
On October 31, Keshaun took the stage,
As an independent front and center as he
BC’s New Writing Lab: Are you there yet? .................... 2
artist, Jones entered opened the show with
Campus Abbreviations.................................................... 2
Philadelphia’s Power 99 his track titled “Message
NGOMA African Cultural Performance Group..................2
FM contest for a chance to My City.”
Congressman Clyburn’s Visit........................................... 3
to perform as the openAT&T’s Calendar honors Dr. Swinton .......................... 3
ing act for the 2014 The concert featured
1st Annual Domestic Violence Program........................... 3
Power House Concert headline artists such as
Tiger Cheerleaders: A Cheerful Roar ............................. 3
in Philadelphia. Nine T.I., J.Cole, Ne-Yo, and
Why I Chose to go to College ...................................... 4
hundred artists sub- Young Jeezy. Also with
Movie Review: “Dear White People”................................ 4
mitted their videos for guest performances
Scan code to visit:
the contest but only 25 from Chris Brown, >>
finalist were selected >> continued on p. 2
Travis Ware Show will air on Revolt Network
Theater Ensemble: Living in a Dying World
BC Student, Keshaun Jones won the Power
99 “Diamond in the Rough” Award
Inside Tiger News
Campus Life
2 Tiger News | November 2014
BC’s New Writing Lab: Are you there yet?
by Jennifer Logan, Learning Special- sor Catherine Smalls serves as the
ist, Writing Lab
Writing Lab Director and Faculty
Liaison. She expressed her passionAs a BC Tiger, have you said the fol- ate expectation that BC students will
lowing to yourself about your writing demonstrate a progressive developassignments? Why did my profes- ment in “critical thinking and writsor grade me so harshly when it’s ing (skills) as powerful writers.”
clear I made an effort and I cared
to do all this work? How is it that Professor Reemer Vereen serves as
my professor failed to get it? Really, the Math Lab Director and Lead
I mean, my thesis is right there! I Instructor. He conveyed empaam truly about to give up and not thy and commitment for students
care anymore and since these are who struggle to achieve excellence,
my personal thoughts, guess what? “Mathematics is not easy. I am here
Hash tag, comma splice, run-on to help build student comprehensentences, and fragments, all day sion in math concepts so they can
long, if I want to! OMG! Where is be successful.”
the help?
Similarly, Dr. Quillian added these
Have you said the following to your- words of wisdom, “Journalist and
self about your current math course? author Malcolm Gladwell once
Why do I need to know how to said, ‘Practice isn’t the thing you do
solve this equation? I am a history once you’re good; it’s the thing you
major! What supernatural power do that makes you good.’ Having
on Earth is going to help me? I do served Benedict College for sevennot understand these concepts. My teen years in varied capacities, Dr.
GPA is about to be put to death by a Quillian, English professor, donates
cruel act of terrorism by covert math time to educate BC Tigers at the
operatives! I am trying to maintain Writing lab.
my sanity, but I am seeing numbers,
equations, and my professor in my The sentiments of both directors are
nightmares! Where is the help?
echoed by Anndrea Thomas, Child
and Family Health Education major,
Never give in to fear and hopeless- who confided, “The writing lab has a
ness, BC Tigers; the answer to both welcoming environment. There are
questions exists at the Writing and English professors and peer menMath Labs sponsored by the Tiger tors with open arms to help you.” In
Academic Support Centers. Profes- addition, Latoya Dukes, social work
by David Richardson
Do you ever feel like shaking your
groove-thang? Ever wish you could
learn moves from the Motherland?
If so, the NGOMA African Cultural
Performance Group might be the
organization for you! It is free to join
and anybody can come. Curtis Boyd
is one of the instructors for the
group. He is a Freshman Institute
Success Coach and a BC Alumni.
He will keep you on your feet with
all types of energetic dance move.
While attending a practice session, I
had an opportunity to chat with Mr.
major, noted how editing her writing line by line has helped improve
her writing skills.
Now, that it is known where to
receive help; it is important to know
what services are rendered by each
Tiger Academic Support Center.
ESL - Speech and Written Skills
Development, Capstone compliance, thesis development, research
papers, MLA / APA format, composition and revision, reading comprehension, grammar, and spelling are
key components, yet not limited to
the scope of the Writing Lab’s capabilities. Equal in breadth regarding
core content, the Math Lab offers
help in complex scientific equations, algebra, trigonometry, order
of operations, and concept mastery.
Knowledge is power; however, it is
limited and weakened when not in
use. Consequently, the knowledge
contained within the Tiger Academic Support Centers must be
accessed by those willing to strive
for excellence.
Please note that both the Writing
and Math labs are located in the
lower level of Benedict College’s
Library, in LRC 112 and LRC
110, respectively. When BC Tigers
access the Writing and Math labs,
they enter with pride and exit with
>> Keshaun Jones...
Co-Editors in Chief
Carrington Hardin
Ginevra Gaitor
Celebity News Editor
Travis Ware
Lauren Horne
Eden June
Leslie Kinard
John Langley
Jennifer Logan
Shakell Williams
David Richardson
Joseph Carter
Rose M. Fuller
Jessica Gaitor
Keneshia Gillard
Hollis Martin
General Staff
Patrisha Hamilton
Tracyona Jackson
Sadaaja Marshall
Keith McGilberry
Deonna Shivers
Quintavious Sims
Samantha Sims
China Terrell
Ivory White
K. Easley
Get InVOlVed - JOIn tHe teAM!
Staff Meetings:
Fridays 2pm-5pm (FAH 206)
If you’re interested in writing or taking photos for Tiger News, attend
staff meetings and send your articles for consideration to:
cont’d from p. 1
Boyd. I asked him to tell me about Trey Songs, French Montana, Jerhimself and what inspired him work emiah, Kid Ink, Migos, Omelly,
with NGOMA.
Quilly Millz, Bobby Shmurda and
K. Camp.
“I went to school in Kenya at
Kenyatta University where I stud- This was one memorable experience
ied Etho-musicology, basically I for Jones, who performed in front of
wanted to do something that has thousands of people. He was honsomething to do with my heritage ored to be surrounded by so many
and that embodies me as a person great artists.
of African descent,” Mr. Boyd said.
“I love the energy.”
Upon the announcement of winning
the contest, Keylo decided to drop
I also interviewed fellow student a 6-track mixtape entitled, “The
Khaleel Bradley and asked him why Opening Act” which was released on
he likes performing with the group. Friday, October 31 at Power House.
“I like to dance, you get to be
exposed to different cultures. It’s
a family oriented atmosphere.”
Khaleel said.
Tiger News Staff
AdVeRtISe WItH uS!
Contact us at 803-705-4590
Tune in
WBCT 90.9 Fm
Roaring Hip-hop/R&B
Many concert goers received a copy
after the show. The CD includes
“Live,” “Wake Up,” and “Message
To My City” as well as 3 other unreleased songs.
So there you have it. It’s really a fun
and energetic atmosphere. Come on To stay tuned for what’s to come
out and join the group.
from Keylo, follow him on popular
social networks Twitter, Facebook,
Class sessions are held every Tuesday Instagram, and Soundcloud: @KEYand Thursday from 7-9 p.m. in the LOofAC. For other inquires email
Benedict Weight Room.
Photo Gallery: BC Student Performed during Vice
President Biden’s Visit to Allen University
We Can’t Believe You haven’t heard of ANIME. Let’s Fix That
Wednesdays and Fridays at 7pm in Starks. BE There!
Campus Abbreviations
Mtotomilagro Mwaniki performed during Vice President Joe
Biden’s visit to Allen University.
Do you know your BC Chants?
Join in with our Marching Band of Distinction and our Tiger Cheerleaders at the next sporting
event when they shout these crowd-stirring chants!
Band Chants:
Cheerleader Chants:
Hello how have you been. I haven’t seen you since I don’t know when.
We are the Marching Tiger Band, and we’re
the best in the land.”
We are the Tigers and we’ll put you to the
test! T-I-G-E-R-S. We will put you to the
test, put you to the test.
“Rep your City, Rep your State, I’m a BC
Tiger and we’re here to stay...
Can you keep up with the BC Tigers?
Study Abroad Locations
Social Work Agencies (Field Instruction)
Alumni Hall
Mays Human Resources Center Arena (Gym)
Business Development Center
Bacoats Hall
Broadcast Center
Duckett Hall
Fine Arts Humanities Center
Wellness Center (Oak and Taylor Streets)
Foreign Language Lab (BC CARES)
School of Honors House (Oak St. Dorm)
Mays Human Resources Center
Lamar Building
Learning Resources Center (Library)
Learning Resources Center Post Office
Room A (Lower level of Library)
Learning Resources Center Post Office
Room B (Lower level of Library)
Learning Resources Center Post Office
Room C (Lower level of Library)
MacIntosh Laboratory (Fine Arts)
Office of International Programs
ROTC Building (Laurel Street)
Starks Computer Lab (Lower Level – Right)
Starks Hall Interactive Classroom
Starks Hall Lecture Classroom
Dance Studio (Third Floor, HRC)
To Be Announced
Fine Arts/Humanities Center Little Theater
University of South Carolina (Obtain details
from ROTC Office)
Campus Life & Arts
Editors’ Letter
P.S. PEACE, LOVE, and good luck on finals!
an Assistant Democratic
Leader of the United
States House of Representatives in South Carolina District #6. President
Obama describes him as
“…one of a handful of
people who, when they
speak, the entire Congress listens.”
by Leslie Kinard
In October, Congressman James E.
Clyburn visited the college for a very
special book signing. Clyburn is
In “Blessed Experiences” Clyburn It was a pleasure meeting Mr. Clytells his story about growing as an burn and having him speak about
African American boy in the Jim his memoir.
Crow-era South and how he was
AT&T Honored Dr. Swinton in SC African
American History Calendar
This year’s South Carolina African American History Calendar
that’s sponsored by AT&T will have some familiar faces inside.
Our very own president, Dr. David H. Swinton, along with
various Benedict Alumni were honored during a ceremony
that unveiled the 2015 calendar.
The night was a big success and at the end of the ceremony
attendees received free copies of the calendar and many were
fortunate to get them autographed by the honorees.
Co-Editor in Chief
able to beat the odds and become
who he is today. Within the book,
the Congressman also includes
details about his long time friend,
who just happens to be a well known
Emmy Award-Winning actress:
Alfre Woodard.
The book signing was held in Swinton Center Ballroom. Students were
given an opportunity to interact
His new book, “Blessed with Congressman Clyburn, interExperiences: Genuinely view him and get their books signed.
Southern, Proudly Black”
was recently released and Dr. Charles P. Austin, Dean of
Benedict College was HASS, presented the Congressman
included in his book with the Life-Time Achievement
signing tour.
Select representatives of the student body attended the unveiling. The Award-Winning Benedict College Gospel Choir performed selections such as “Total Praise” and “Days of Elijah”
which brought the house down.
Co-Editor in Chief
Congressman Clyburn visited Benedict College to
promote new book
Hello Everyone, the Campus energy following Homecoming has
been so busy and productive. School Spirit and advancement have
taken precedence and I believe we are all working to make Benedict College all that it can be! So I would like to take this time to
acknowledge the Student Activities Office staff: Mr. Wright, Mr. P,
Ms. Jones, Ms. Mitchell and Ms. Davis for all that they do for us all.
~ Co-Editor in Chief, Ginevra Gaitor
My fellow Tigers, this month has been really long and hectic! I’ve
learned many things and have seen the blood, sweat and tears that
go into planning events around campus.
Winning Mr. Homecoming 2014 has humbled me and let me
witness first-hand, the arduous life of an SGA member. More credit
should be given to this group of students who have taken on leadership roles. I got just a taste of some of the stress that goes on behind
the scenes -but that doesn’t nearly compare to having to deal with it
every day! So I want to say THANK YOU, SGA. I Love You guys.
I also want to mention that before and after every event, the wonderful hard-working GCA and Campus Police work non-stop. These
fine men and women are the unseen, rarely recognized backbone of
this school and I say THANK YOU for everything that you do to
keep this campus safe, clean and beautiful.
~ Co-Editor in Chief, Carrington Hardin
November 2014| Tiger News
1st Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Program
by Shakell Williams
The First Annual Domestic Violence
Awareness program convened on
Wednesday October 22, 2014 in the
Antisdel Chapel.
It was an inspiring and possibly, even
life-changing event. This event was
blessed with music from our Benedict
College Concert Choir – they set the
atmosphere for the amazing keynote Her testimony was touching and I
speaker, Ms. Yakesha L. Means.
think many students have gained a
new perspective about domestic vioShe brought forth the message: “That’s lence – it’s not something that should
not love, that’s abuse.” Ms. Means be tolerated by anyone.
shared her heart-breaking story about
Tatianna Bradley, Sophomore Mass Communcation major, takes a
moment to donate to the Coins for the Cause drive, presented by
the Gamma Pi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
how she lost her parents to domestic
violence. She talked about how her
struggles made her strive for better in
life with her family. She challenged
students in the audience to think
about how certain events can make
you settle for less or strive for more.
She pushed us to really think about
what a real relationship really means
and what an unhealthy one looks like.
Yakesha Means is a Licensed Professional Counselor, personal coach and
powerful motivational speaker who has worked within the juvenile correctional
system, mental health facilities, traveled the world working with military
serviceman and their family to cope effectively with military lifestyle, as well
as the private practice setting.
Tiger Cheerleaders: A Cheerful Roar
It’s school, of course, then practice... This is my life. I love these people, I love these girls. Missing sleep just to practice with Ms.
Mills at six in the morning - she needs me, I need her too, ya know?
That’s my typical day: school and cheering - literally, school and cheering.”
~ Casey Morgan
4 Tiger News | October 2014
Campus Life & Opinions
Why I Chose to go to College?
by John Langley
Going to college was a big deal in my family.
My mother and step-father insisted I go off to
pursue my dreams. My parents thought that
college was the perfect place for me to come
out of my shell. They also believed that college
would give me the skills needed to do what
they did or were not able to do.
Consistently, they encouraged me to become
a doctor or lawyer. For a short period of time,
I thought that a career in the medical or law
field was what I would later do and enjoy;
however, the words of John Keating changed
my life. Keating was the English teacher in
a movie called, “Dead Poets Society.” He
insisted that his students “carpe diem,” which
is Latin for “seize the day.” He used poetry
to inspire his students and encouraged them
to do so despite all of the obstacles that they
might face.
Those words pierced my heart in such a way
that suddenly, I realized that I wanted to
become a teacher and instill in children that
they could “carpe diem,” and climb to the top
of every trying mountain. This is why I chose
to go to college.
For so long, I thought the world belonged
to me. In fact I made the assumption that
whatever I wanted would fall at my fingertips
upon my command. I imagined becoming
rich, with little to no efforts at all, and famous
without accomplishing anything. I soon
found out that the world owed me nothing,
and if I intended to become something great
I would have to take advice from Keating, and
seize the moment, even if that meant enduring hardships to get where I wanted.
Endurance and hard work are the attributes
that this phrase taught me to embody. Going
to a predominantly white high school, I had to
jump over many hurdles to seize the moment.
The white students, teachers, and administrators often times considered me a failure before
I had even presented myself to them, because
I was black. Many of my white colleagues
would belittle my intelligence when I scored
higher on a test than they did by saying, “you
The teachers would ignore my requests for
help, leaving my hand raised for sometimes
as long as twenty minutes. Administrators
deliberately tossed my permission slips in the
trash, to prevent me from journeying with
the white students to college tours. I actually had to drive my car behind an activity
bus just to attend, because my permission
slip had inexplicably vanished. These prejudice encounters were breath-taking at times,
however I believed that if I ever wanted to
become like Keating, and empower the next
generation, I had to rise to the occasion, and
overcome the hardships I faced. I dedicated
my focus on school and not the issues I faced.
I took control of my present and took the necessary steps to become a college student. The
steps I took to get accepted into college took
a lot hard work, time, and money. I had never
filled out a college application before, so just
the thought of doing so was terrifying. I did
not know how to write an essay, but I foresaw
that much of my time would be spent on perfecting my writing for acceptance. This was
only scraping the surface. I also was unaware
that it cost to submit a college application; I
was broke.
I got so discouraged and I thought I would
never make it to college; however the words
of Keating, carpe diem, electrified my inner
being, and I somehow gained strength to do
what was necessary to get to college.
I sought help. I linked up with a retired black
high school counselor from New Jersey, Mrs.
Dupree. This was the best choice I could have
made, to help with this process. She taught
me that if I wanted to get anywhere in life, I
had to be able to speak up for what I wanted;
this is exactly what Keating taught his students. She then introduced me to a Benedict
College recruiter, Mr. Hurley Reed. When
meeting him, I immediately noticed that he
displayed a sincere passion for Benedict College. After meeting with Mr. Reed, I decided
that Benedict College was the best school
that would help me seize the moment. So,
I researched Benedict College and did what
I needed to do to get accepted. Mr. Reed,
being so gracious, gave me a fee waiver, and
took my application the same day and within
two weeks I was accepted into the Benedict
College family – all because I decided to carpe
diem; to seize the day.
Those words impacted my future as a college
student; they constantly flutter through my
mind, as I walk the grounds of Benedict College. The knowledge and wisdom these words
carry help me to understand that life is what
I make it.
Movie Review: “Dear White People”
“Dear White People” is an amazing movie that
is a must see! Justin Simien, a new coming
director of Hollywood, really did an amazing
job capturing the essence of young African
Americans today.
This movie is a complete satire of racism in
the America. This movie is not only a hilarious, comedy but is based off of true life events
that have occurred in different colleges across
the country. “Dear White People” will keep
you on your toes and laughing nonstop. In
addition to a good laugh, the vocabulary used
in this movie will give you a serious lesson.
Winchester University is a highly recommended Ivy League school that is diverse.
Though the school maybe diverse, the culture
represented there are separated by race and
A bi-racial woman decides to start her own
radio show called, “Dear White People.” In
her show, she reaches out to the white people
and talks about how some of the things that
white people say or do could really be considered racist.
She ends up inducing a riot against both
blacks and whites. Ironically, her creative
antics for acquiring new stories end up unexpectedly raising more money for the school.
College students should be able to relate to
the setting and should enjoy the movie as the
plot unfolds.
The movie is now in theaters. Take a friend
sit back and relax!
BC Print Media wants you!
Tiger News and Benedictus Yearbook Magazine are Benedict College’s
student publications and we want you to contribute.
All Students from every major are invited to join the staff. We are
looking for students who are looking for an opportunity to add publishing credits to their professional portfolios.
We need students who are willing to attend campus events, write articles,
take photographs and assist with other areas of production. Build your
professional portfolio and have fun at the same time!
Join us for our staff meetings on Fridays @2p.m. in FAH 206.
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The CIA has paid student internship, scholarship and co-op opportunities in
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