CAP 609 General information booklet
CAP 609 General information booklet
Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme CAP 609 General information booklet i Construction Skills Certification Scheme Affiliated Revised February 2013 Education in Access Professional scaffolding training courses l CISRS Part 1and Part 2 Tube & Fitting. Layher, Cuplok, Plettac, Kwikstage, Haki, Peri Up, TRADLok, K Lok l CISRS 5 day BASE courses l CISRS Advanced l CISRS 2 day Product Training Layher, Cuplok, Plettac, Kwikstage, Haki, Peri Up, TRADLok, K Lok l l l l l CISRS 5 Day Supervisor Courses CISRS Scaffolding Inspection (Basic and Advanced) QCF/NVQ Level 2 and 3 EWPA Level 2 (Experienced Worker Practical Assessment) Skills Test 1 Day and 2 Day l SMSTS (Site Manager Safety Training Scheme) l SMSTS 2 Day Refresher l SSSTS (Site Supervisor Safety Training Scheme) l l l l l l Scaffolding Apprenticeships PASMA Mobile Towers and Low Level System Scaffolding Experts CSkills Test Centre Rescue Training CITB Overseas Scaffolder Training Full details of all our courses are available from our website - SaFETY + Training + aCCESS ConSULTanTS Tel: 0845 602 2418 email: Centre number 7084 Certificate no. 045329 WarringTon | London | UaE Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme CAP 609 General information booklet CISRS, 4th floor, 12 Bridewell Place, London EC4V 6AP Tel: 020 7822 7400 Fax: 020 7822 7401 CISRS General Information Booklet Published by: Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS) First published 1978 Revised 1986 Revised 1988 Revised 1993 Revised 1996 Revised 1997 Revised 2000 Revised 2003 Revised 2007 Revised 2008 Revised 2011 Revised 2013 © Copyright CISRS 2013 NOTES The National Access and Scaffolding Confederation (NASC) represent the Scaffolding Employers within the Construction Industry Joint Council (CIJC). The Unions, UNITE and UCATT (Union of Construction Allied Trades and Technicians), represent the Employees within the CIJC. The CIJC has delegated the management and administration of Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS) to the NASC. CISRS Ltd fulfils this role on the NASC’s behalf. CISRS Limited is responsible for the management and administration of Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS). CISRS is grateful for the advice given on the contents of this publication by the NASC, the Access & Scaffolding Industry Training Organisation (ASITO) and its members. CISRS has made every effort to ensure that the information contained within this publication is accurate. CISRS accept no liability whatsoever in connection with this document or any part thereof. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the CISRS. Acknowledgements CISRS would like to thank Simian Skills Ltd. for allowing them to use photographs of their equipment and training centre when producing this booklet. Printed by: Witherbys Lithoflow Printing, London Designed by: Steve Phillips 2 Contents Contents Page no. Foreword 5 1. Scope of the Scheme 7 2. Scaffolding Operative Schemes 8 2.1 CISRS Scaffolder (Tube and Fittings Route) 2.1.1 Trainee Scaffolder (Tube and Fitting) 2.1.2 Scaffolder (Tube and Fitting) 2.1.3 Advanced Scaffolder 2.2 CISRS Scaffolder (System Scaffolding Route) 2.2.1 Trainee Scaffolder (System) 2.2.2 Scaffolder (System) 2.3 System Scaffold Product Training Scheme (SSPTS) 2.4 Scaffolder Apprenticeships 2.5 Basic Access System Erector (BASE) 2.6 Scaffolding Labourer Card 3. Scaffolding Management and Supervisory Training 22 3.1 Scaffolding Management and Supervisory Training 4. Scaffold Inspection Training Scheme (SITS) 24 4.1 Retrospective training 4.2 Scaffold inspection training scheme (Basic) 4.3 Scaffold inspection training scheme (Advanced) 4.4 Refresher Training 4.5 CISRS Scaffolders, Advanced card holders 5. Vocational Qualification 27 5.1 Work Based Evidence 5.2 Experienced Worker Practical Assessment (EWPA) 5.3 On-Site Assessment and Training (OSAT) 6. Record Cards 29 6.1 Applying for a new record card 6.2 CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test and recognised Exemptions 6.3 Card renewals 6.4 Upgrading expired CITB/CISRS Cards 6.5 Lost Cards 6.6 Card withdrawal/cancellation 6.7 Checking Record Cards 6.8 ECITB/ECI Skills Database Cards 6.9 Appeals Process 7. Grant Aid and Training Funding 35 7.1 CITB Grants available 2013 (CISRS Adult) 7.2 CITB Grants available 2013 (CISRS Apprenticeship) Appendices A Training Objectives - Trainee Scaffolder (Part 1) Course - Tube and Ftting 37 B Training Objectives - Scaffolder (Part 2) Course - Tube and Ftting 40 C Training Objectives - Advanced Scaffolder Course - Tube and Ftting 43 D Training Objectives - Trainee Scaffolder (Part 1) Course - Systems Scaffolding 46 E Training Objectives - Scaffolder (Part 2) Course - Systems Scaffolding 49 F Training Objectives - Systems Scaffold Product Training Scheme 52 G N/SVQ Access and Rigging Operations Units 54 H Useful Contacts 55 I CISRS Accredited Training Providers 56 J SSPTS Recognised Systems Scaffolding Products 58 3 Make sure you insist on… Competent Compliant Regulated Scaffolding NATIONAL ACCESS AND SCAFFOLDING CONFEDERATION “NASC wholly endorses the CISRS scheme and insists that member operatives prove their competence via CISRS Training and assessment programmes”. Foreword Foreword The Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS) has been operating within the UK for over 40 years. It is the industry recognised qualification for those working within the scaffolding and access sector. The scheme offers a full range of practical and theoretical training and assessment courses aimed at Scaffolding Labourers, Trainees, Scaffolders, Advanced Scaffolders, Supervisors/Managers and Scaffolding Inspectors. The scheme is based upon the principles of achieving qualification via formal off-site training, on site work experience, completion of S/NVQ Accessing Operations and Rigging (Construction), Practical Skills assessment and Health and Safety training/testing. Over the years CISRS has ensured the scheme remains current, valid and robust by seeking to incorporate relevant legislative or Technical and Health and Safety changes as they occur. Unlike many other trade schemes CISRS does not offer a “fast track” route to qualification. In order to maintain the integrity of the scheme, all delegates must meet all of the criteria laid out at the time of their registration and entry into the scheme. There is a requirement to renew registration to CISRS on a regular basis (usually 5 years) after completing a CITB Health, Safety and Environment test or a recognised exemption. In order to keep qualifications current, CISRS are introducing a series of refresher courses and a requirement to repeat short duration training after a set period of time has elapsed. The Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme has changed considerably in the last 40 years. In this time we have witnessed the introduction of mandatory formal training, S/NVQ, Health, Safety and Environment testing, practical assessment, systems scaffolding and inspection courses. It is this commitment to improvement that allows CISRS to retain its status as one of the most highly regarded trade qualification schemes within the industry. CISRS Scheme Manager February 2013 5 ADULT COURSES IN SCAFFOLDING Call 0191 200 4000 or visit for further details or to enrol. CISRS Courses available: CISRS Part 1: Tubes and Fitting CISRS Part 2: Tubes and Fitting CISRS 1 Day Assesment / Skills Test CISRS Scaffold Inspection - Basic Additional Courses available: Safe Working at Height Harness Inspection PASMA Mobile Tower SG4 Edge Protection Ladder Awaremess and Inspection General Health and Safety Courses Abrasive Wheels Confined Spaces Asbestos Awareness Manual Handling Scaffold Awareness TG20-08 We also have Level 2 Scaffolding Apprenticeships available call 0191 200 4000 for further details. Section 1 – Scope of the Scheme 1. Scope of the Scheme The Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS) continues to expand and develop operative and management/supervisory training. CISRS is now divided into three categories, with each category offering different courses and programmes. These categories are: I. Scaffolding Operative Schemes II. Scaffolding Management and Supervisory Training III. Scaffold Inspector Training The operative training schemes apply to all scaffolding operatives who are at any time required to erect, alter or dismantle scaffolding. An operative who has not attained prescribed levels of training, assessment and experience in scaffolding of a given kind, must not be employed on such scaffolding work unless they are under adequate supervision. Employers must demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Work at Height Regulations, the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations and other relevant statutory provisions with regard to training, competence and supervision. Since September 1996, in addition to completing CISRS Pt.1, Pt.2 and Advanced practical courses it has been a mandatory requirement of the operative scheme for candidates to achieve the relevant National or Scottish Vocational Qualification (N/SVQ) i.e. Level 2 VQ for a Scaffolder Card and Level 3 VQ for an Advanced Scaffolder Card. The scheme has since been further enhanced by the inclusion of a mandatory skills test/assessment following Pt.2 and Advanced training. The aim of CISRS is to provide a range of management and supervisory training that meets the specific needs of the scaffolding industry. The first course to be introduced into the scheme was the 5-Day Scaffolding Supervisors course, which is aimed at first line management of Scaffolding Contractors’ (i.e. Contracts Supervisors, Foremen and nonworking Charge-Hands). It is the intention of the Scheme to align all management and supervisory training with relevant vocational qualifications in the future. The purpose of the CISRS Labourer Card is to provide a CSCS Affiliated Card for nonscaffolders who support scaffolding operations on site. This will assist employers and clients who require a fully CSCS qualified workforce on site. It also ensures that all operatives can demonstrate a minimum level of health and safety knowledge in achieving the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test. As of September 2013 completion of a New Entrant Trainee/ Labourer course will become a mandatory scheme requirement. Training and assessment within the CISRS can only be provided by CISRS Accredited Centres with content and facilities approved and regularly audited by CISRS. The requirements of centres and the training and assessment they provide is laid down in specific scheme criteria documents and the vocational qualification standards.The following sections provide information and an overview of the various schemes available. 7 Section 2 – Scaffolding Operative Schemes 2. Scaffolding Operative Schemes The scaffolding operative schemes provided by CISRS Accredited Centres are the nationally recognised training and assessment schemes for Scaffolding in the UK. It is also viewed by many employers as scaffolding industry best practice overseas. In addition to the traditional Scaffolder card scheme, based predominately on tube and fitting equipment, CISRS also provides training, assessment and card schemes for Scaffolding operatives who use modular system scaffolding. These include a proprietary system scaffolding training and assessment scheme for Scaffolders, limited basic training for non-scaffolders who regularly use system scaffolding equipment and a Scaffolding Labourer’s card scheme. CISRS Scaffolder Cards are only issued to candidates who: I.attend the relevant CISRS training course(s) II.have the required site experience in scaffolding operations III.provide suitable evidence for assessment IV.complete the relevant skills test and VQ assessment V.complete the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test or a recognised exemption The Record Cards are endorsed with the training courses and VQ qualifications achieved. The flow chart (Figure 1) summarises the main CISRS Schemes available for Scaffolders. 2.1CISRS Scaffolder (Tube and Fitting Route) The CISRS Scaffolder (Tube and Fitting) is the original scaffolders’ scheme. It is aimed at scaffolding operatives who require scaffolding skills and knowledge in using traditional tube and fitting scaffolding equipment. You can find more information on Scaffolder Apprenticeships in section 2.4. 2.1.1 Trainee Scaffolder (Tube and Fitting) Affiliated Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme MR A SAMPLE The authenticity of this card can be checked by telephoning 0870 4177 223 Registration No: 00000000 Registration No: 00000000/1 PHOTO Part 1 (Tube and Fitting) Expiry Date: End Jan 2015 H&S TESTED TRAINEE SCAFFOLDER The cardholder has met the Health and Safety Awareness requirements as laid out in the CSCS Scheme Booklet CSCS is a registered Certification Mark An operative is considered a trainee until they have completed their Pt.1, Pt.2,VQ Level 2, 1-day CISRS Skills Test and the CITB H, S & E Test irrelevant of their time in the industry. As of 1st September 2013 there will be a requirement to complete a 1-day New Entrant Trainee Scaffolder course prior to the issue of an initial Trainee card. 8 Section 2 – Scaffolding Operative Schemes New Entrant Scaffolding Trainee Scaffolding Labourer Complete New Entrant Trainee/Scaffolding Labourer CISRS 1 Day course (Sept. 2013) Existing CISRS Scaffolders / Advanced Scaffolders Card Holders Complete CITB Health, Safety and Environmental Test CISRS Trainee Scaffolder Card CISRS Scaffolding Labourer Card 6 months practical experience Tube and Fitting System Scaffold Route (Product Specific) Tube and Fitting Part 1 Training System Scaffolding Part 1 Training Tube and Fitting Part 1 Trainee System Scaffolding Part 1 Trainee 6 months practical experience 6 months practical experience Tube and Fitting Part 2 Training and Register for S/NVQ System Scaffolding Part 2 Training and Register for S/NVQ 6 months practical experience 6 months practical experience 1-Day CISRS Skills Test & Assessment (VQ2) 1-Day CISRS Skills Test & Assessment (VQ2) Scaffolder Card (Tube and fitting) Scaffolder Card (System) 2-Day System Scaffolding Product Training 12 months practical experience CISRS Advanced Scaffolder Training 6 months practical experience 2-Day CISRS Skills Test & Assessment (VQ3) CISRS Advanced Scaffolder Card Figure 1 Overview of the CISRS Scaffolders Scheme 9 Section 2 – Scaffolding Operative Schemes A training and assessment package will be available which will include a Power Point presentation, a Manual Handling DVD, a series of test questions, practical exercises and certificates etc. This will allow the course to be delivered via a CISRS approved provider or in house by Scaffolding companies; assuming they have a suitably qualified member of staff. For further information on in-house delivery of The New Entrant Trainee/Scaffolding Labourer course go to: The New Entrant Trainee/Scaffolding Labourer course will include: Relevant Regulations and Codes of Practice General Responsibilities Basic Scaffold Terminology (Components & Application) Servicing of Equipment, Tube, Fittings, Boards & Stock - Quality Control Health, Welfare, Hygiene & Housekeeping. Electrical Safety Fire Prevention & Control Noise & Vibration Work at Height Accident Prevention & Reporting Personal Protective Equipment Site Transport Safety (Including Loading & Unloading) Equipment & Tools Manual Handling (Including a practical element) Lifting Equipment Using a Rope & Wheel Questions/Test Paper Once an employer or sponsor accepts an operative to be trained as a Scaffolder, the operative must complete the 1-day New Entrant Trainee course, pass a CITB H, S & E Test or a recognised exemption and apply for their initial CISRS trainee Scaffolder card. An operative must have a minimum of 6 months practical on-site experience prior to attending Pt.1 training. Pt.1 training courses are booked directly with an Accredited Centre. A list of Accredited Centres and contact details can be found in Appendix I. The Pt. 1 training for tube and fitting is held over 2 weeks (10 consecutive working days Monday to Friday). Upon successful completion of Pt.1 training, the Trainee will be issued with a CISRS Completion Certificate and an application form to have their Trainee Card endorsed with the Pt.1 training for tube and fitting. The Accredited providers will notify CITB of successful completion. Trainees who fail to demonstrate the required levels of experience, skill and knowledge will fail the course. They will be required to attend the 2 week course again once they have gained sufficient experience if they wish to progress. 10 Section 2 – Scaffolding Operative Schemes Trainee Scaffolders may now be registered for Vocational Qualification Level 2 (VQ2) and start gathering records of work based evidence (see section 5 for further information about vocational qualifications). 2.1.2 Scaffolder (Tube and Fitting) Affiliated Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme MR A SAMPLE The authenticity of this card can be checked by telephoning 0870 4177 223 Registration No: 00000000 Registration No: 00000000/1 Expiry Date: End Jan 2015 H&S TESTED SCAFFOLDER PHOTO Part 1 (Tube and Fitting) Part 2 (Tube and Fitting) S/NVQ Level 2 The cardholder has met the Health and Safety Awareness requirements as laid out in the CSCS Scheme Booklet CSCS is a registered Certification Mark Trainee’s must have at least 6 months practical scaffolding experience following the successful completion of the Pt. 1 course before they can progress to the next stage – Pt. 2 Scaffolder training. CISRS Accredited Centres are required to check the individual holds a valid completion certificate or an updated CISRS Trainee Card showing proof of Pt. 1 training before accepting a booking. Trainees then attend a further 2 week Pt. 2 training course for tube and fitting at an Accredited Centre (10 consecutive working days Monday to Friday). Trainees do not have to use the same Accredited Centre as attended previously. Note: A Trainee who has completed a Pt. 1 in tube and fitting is eligible to switch to the System Scaffolding Route and complete the Pt. 2 System Scaffolder in a particular system scaffolding product and vice versa. If this is the case the trainee would be expected to gather work based evidence relevant to the type of Pt. 2 course they had attended e.g. tube and fitting or system. Following the successful completion of the Pt. 2 training for tube and fitting, trainees will be issued with a CISRS completion certificate by the Approved Centre. However, they will not qualify to have their card upgraded and endorsed until the VQ2 and relevant skills test has been completed. The Accredited providers will notify CITB of successful completion. Candidates who fail to demonstrate the required levels of experience skills and knowledge will fail the course. They will be required to attend the 2 week course again once they have gained sufficient experience if they wish to progress. Trainees require a further 6 months site experience, gathering work based evidence, before submitting their portfolio for assessment and signing off prior to returning to an Accredited Centre to undertake their 1-day skills test. The 1-day skills test can take place at weekends. As of 1st January 2011 successful completion of the 1-day skills test is a mandatory element of the CISRS scheme. This is regardless of whether the trainee has previously achieved their VQ via another route e.g. OSAT. A CISRS card will 11 Section 2 – Scaffolding Operative Schemes not be issued to those who fail to successfully complete the 1-day skills test. If a candidate fails the skills test, they must re-sit at a later date after gaining sufficient experience. As an alternative to completing the VQ portfolio of work based evidence, Employers/Sponsors can choose for Trainee’s to undertake the Experienced Worker Practical Assessment (EWPA) route. This would negate the need to complete the 1-day skills test, for further information see section 5.2. Trainees who cannot demonstrate the required skill level to pass the EWPA course will be referred back to their Employer / Sponsor for further practical experience. They may, if they wish, complete their VQ via an alternative route. Upon successful completion of Pt1, Pt 2, VQ2, CISRS 1-day skills test and CITB H, S & E test, or recognised exemption, Trainees can apply for the CISRS Scaffolder Card (Tube and Fitting), and may be deemed a qualified Scaffolder. 2.1.3 Advanced Scaffolder Affiliated Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme MR A SAMPLE Registration No: 00000000/1 Expiry Date: End Jan 2015 H&S TESTED ADVANCED SCAFFOLDER The authenticity of this card can be checked by telephoning 0870 4177 223 Registration No: 00000000 Part 1 (Tube and Fitting) Part 2 (Tube and Fitting) S/NVQ Level 2 Advanced Course (Tube and Fitting) S/NVQ Level 3 The cardholder has met the Health and Safety Awareness requirements as laid out in the CSCS Scheme Booklet CSCS is a registered Certification Mark When a Scaffolder has been in possession of a CISRS Scaffolder Card (Tube and Fitting) for a minimum of 12 months they can then progress to complete the approved training and assessment for Advanced Scaffolder (Tube and Fitting) VQ3. CISRS training providers are required to check that a valid Scaffolder Card has been held for the required length of time before accepting a booking. Scaffolders attend a further 2 week Advanced Scaffolder training course at an Accredited Centre (over 10 consecutive working days Monday to Friday). Following the successful completion of the Advanced Scaffolder training for tube and fitting, Scaffolders will be issued with a CISRS Completion certificate by the Accredited Centre. However, they will not qualify to have their card upgraded and endorsed until they have met all of the required criteria. The training providers will notify CITB of successful completion. Candidates who fail to demonstrate the required levels of experience, skills and knowledge will fail the course. They will be required to attend the 2 week course again once they have gained sufficient experience if they wish to progress. Operatives require a further 6 months practical experience gathering work based evidence before submitting their portfolio for assessment and signing off, prior to 12 Section 2 – Scaffolding Operative Schemes returning to an Accredited Centre to undertake their 2-day skills test. Successful completion of the 2-day skills test is a mandatory element of the CISRS scheme. This is regardless of whether the scaffolder has previously achieved their VQ via another route e.g. OSAT. A CISRS card will not be issued to those who fail to successfully complete the 2-day skills test. If a candidate fails the skills test, they must re-sit at a later date after gaining sufficient experience. Candidates who cannot demonstrate the required work based evidence for VQ3 will be referred back to their Employer / Sponsor for further practical experience. Once a delegate has met all of the scheme requirements for the Advanced Course, VQ3, 2-Day Skills test, CITB H, S & E Test or recognised exemption, they are eligible to upgrade their card to Advanced Scaffolder (Tube and Fitting) VQ3. Currently the Advanced Scaffolder training and assessment scheme is only available via the Tube and Fitting route. 2.2 CISRS Scaffolder (System Scaffolding Route) The CISRS scheme for training and assessment using proprietary system scaffolding equipment was introduced in 2006. It is aimed at Scaffolders who require formal training and assessment in the skills and knowledge for the use of specific modular system scaffolding products (e.g. Cuplok). It follows the same programme as the Tube and Fitting route and vocational qualification to level 2. Existing CISRS record card holders can attend a CISRS 2-day System Scaffolding Product Training Scheme (SSPTS) to have their card endorsed with a specific CISRS recognised product. For more information about the 2-day System Scaffolding Product Training Scheme see section 2.3. 2.2.1 Trainee Scaffolder (System) Affiliated Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme MR A SAMPLE The authenticity of this card can be checked by telephoning 0870 4177 223 Registration No: 00000000 Registration No: 00000000/1 PHOTO Part 1 (System Scaffold - Cuplok) Expiry Date: End Jan 2015 H&S TESTED TRAINEE SCAFFOLDER The cardholder has met the Health and Safety Awareness requirements as laid out in the CSCS Scheme Booklet CSCS is a registered Certification Mark An operative is considered a trainee until they have completed their Pt.1, Pt.2, VQ Level 2, 1-day CISRS Skills Test and the CITB H, S & E Test, or a recognised exemption, irrelevant of their time in the industry. As of 1st September 2013 there will be a requirement to complete a 1-day New Entrant Trainee Scaffolder (System) course prior to the issue of an initial Trainee card. A training and assessment package will be available which will include a Power Point presentation, a Manual Handling DVD, a series of test questions, practical 13 Section 2 – Scaffolding Operative Schemes exercises and certificates etc. This will allow the course to be delivered via a CISRS approved provider or in house by Scaffolding companies; assuming they have a suitably qualified member of staff. For further information on in-house delivery of The New Entrant Trainee/Scaffolding Labourer course go to: The New Entrant Trainee Scaffolder (System) course will include: Relevant Regulations and Codes of Practice General Responsibilities Basic Scaffold Terminology (Components & Application) Servicing of Equipment Boards & Stock - Quality Control Health, Welfare, Hygiene & Housekeeping Electrical Safety Fire Prevention & Control Noise & Vibration Work at Height Accident Prevention & Reporting Personal Protective Equipment Site Transport Safety (Including Loading & Unloading) Equipment & Tools Manual Handling (Including a practical element) Lifting Equipment Using Rope & Wheel Questions/Test Paper Once an employer or sponsor accepts an operative to be trained as a Scaffolder, the operative must complete the 1-day New Entrant Trainee course, pass a CITB H, S & E Test or a recognised exemption and apply for their initial CISRS trainee Scaffolder card. An operative must have a minimum of 6 months practical on site experience prior to attending Pt. 1 training. Pt. 1 training courses are booked directly with an Accredited Centre. A list of Accredited Centres who may offer the various system scaffolding training courses can be found in Appendix I. The Pt. 1 training for a system scaffolding product is held over 2 weeks (10 consecutive working days Monday to Friday). Upon successful completion of the Pt. 1 training the Trainee will be issued with a CISRS Completion Certificate and an application form to have their Trainee Card endorsed with the Pt. 1 training for the specific system scaffolding product they have been trained in. The training providers will notify CITB of successful completion. Trainees who fail to demonstrate the required levels of experience, skills and knowledge will fail the course. They will be required to attend the 2 week course again once they have gained sufficient experience if they wish to progress. Trainee Scaffolders may now be registered for Vocational Qualification Level 2 (VQ2) and start gathering records of work based evidence (see section 5 for further information about vocational qualifications). 14 Section 2 – Scaffolding Operative Schemes 2.2.2 Scaffolder (System) Affiliated Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme MR A SAMPLE The authenticity of this card can be checked by telephoning 0870 4177 223 Registration No: 00000000 Registration No: 00000000/1 Expiry Date: End Jan 2015 H&S TESTED SCAFFOLDER PHOTO Part 1 (System Scaffold - Cuplok) Part 2 (System Scaffold - Cuplok) S/NVQ Level 2 The cardholder has met the Health and Safety Awareness requirements as laid out in the CSCS Scheme Booklet CSCS is a registered Certification Mark Trainee’s must have at least 6 months practical scaffolding experience following the successful completion Pt. 1 course before they can progress to the next stage – Pt. 2 System Scaffolder training. CISRS Accredited Centres are required to check the individual holds a valid completion certificate or an updated CISRS Trainee Card showing proof of Pt. 1 training before accepting a booking. Trainees then attend a further 2 week Pt. 2 training course for a specific system scaffolding product at an Accredited Centre (over 10 consecutive working days Monday to Friday). Trainees do not have to use the same Centre as attended previously. Note: System Scaffolding Trainees who have completed their Pt. 1 System Scaffolder training have the following options to progress to the Pt. 2 Training: I.Continue with the same system scaffolding product as the Pt. 1; or, II. Switch to a different recognised system scaffold product; or, III.Switch to the Tube and Fitting route and enrol for a Tube and Fitting Pt. 2 course. The content of the Pt. 2 course and the VQ evidence will determine what the CISRS card is endorsed with e.g. Cuplok or Kwikstage. Following the successful completion of the Pt. 2 system training, Trainees will be issued with a CISRS completion certificate by the Training Provider. However, they will not qualify to have their card upgraded and endorsed until the Vocational Qualification Level 2 (VQ2) and relevant skills test has been completed. The training providers will notify CITB of successful completion. Trainees who fail to demonstrate the required levels of experience, skills and knowledge will fail the course. They will be required to attend the 2 week course again once they have gained sufficient experience if they wish to progress. Trainees require a further 6 months site experience, gathering work based evidence, before submitting their portfolio for assessment and signing off prior to returning to an Accredited Centre to undertake their 1-day skills test. The 1-day skills test can take place at weekends. 15 Section 2 – Scaffolding Operative Schemes Successful completion of the 1-day skills test is a mandatory element of the CISRS scheme. This is regardless of whether the trainee has previously achieved his VQ via another route e.g. OSAT. A CISRS card will not be issued to those who fail to successfully complete the 1-day skills test. If a candidate fails the skills test, they must re-sit at a later date after gaining sufficient experience. As an alternative to completing the VQ portfolio of work based evidence Employers/ Sponsors can choose for Trainee’s to undertake the Experienced Worker Practical Assessment (EWPA) route, this would negate the need to complete the 1-day skills test. For further information see section 5.2. Trainees who cannot demonstrate the required skill level to pass the EWPA course will be referred back to their Employer / Sponsor for further practical experience. They may if they wish complete their VQ via an alternative route. Upon successful completion of Pt1, Pt 2, VQ2, CISRS 1-day Skills test and CITB H, S & E test or recognised exemption. Trainees can apply for the CISRS Scaffolder Card (System). The Card will be endorsed with the name of the specific product in which the training and assessment was undertaken. The card holder may be deemed a qualified Scaffolder for those products only. For use of other recognised system scaffolding products, CISRS System Scaffolders would need to attend a 2-Day System Scaffolding Product Training Scheme (SSPTS) at an Accredited Centre. 2.3 System Scaffolding Product Training Scheme (SSPTS) Affiliated Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme MR A SAMPLE The authenticity of this card can be checked by telephoning 0870 4177 223 Registration No: 00000000 Registration No: 00000000/1 Expiry Date: End Jan 2015 H&S TESTED SCAFFOLDER PHOTO Part 1 (Tube and Fitting) Part 2 (Tube and Fitting) System Scaffold Product Training - Layher System Scaffold Product Training - Kwikstage S/NVQ Level 2 The cardholder has met the Health and Safety Awareness requirements as laid out in the CSCS Scheme Booklet CSCS is a registered Certification Mark This 2-day System Scaffolding Product Training Scheme was introduced along with the CISRS System Scaffolder scheme in recognition of the significant differences between the various proprietary system scaffolding products covered by CISRS. The aim of this scheme is to provide Scaffolders with skills and knowledge for safe use in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions. Only CISRS record card holders, who have achieved a minimum of Pt. 1 training (in either Tube and Fitting or System) are eligible to attend these 2-day training courses. If the operative has only completed Pt. 1 training they will still be classed as a Trainee. They may use the specific system they have been trained in, but only under the direct supervision of a CISRS qualified Scaffolder who also holds that system endorsement. 16 Section 2 – Scaffolding Operative Schemes CISRS courses are available in several different products. Accredited Training Centres offering product specific training can be found in Appendix I. Attendees who successfully complete the training and assessment must apply to have their CISRS record card endorsed with the name of the specific system scaffold product on which they have received their training. If an operative wishes to use a 2nd type or brand of a similar systems product e.g. Cuplok and Genlok the employer will be required to ensure all relevant product information is passed onto the operative and that the operative is aware of any differences in product capability, erection procedure, tie patterns etc. This only applies to products/manufacturers that have submitted all relevant product information, proof of testing to European Standards, user guide, erection and dismantling sequence etc. to CISRS and a CISRS approved course exists for that product. A list of CISRS approved product courses can be found on the CISRS website: 2.4 Scaffolder Apprenticeships The Scaffolder Apprenticeship programme is held over a minimum of 18 months at participating Accredited Centres. It includes the training route to qualify as a CISRS Scaffolder (Tube and Fitting or System) and VQ Level 2. The Apprenticeship scheme is structured to allow the trainees more time to complete the Construction Diploma (DIP 022), attend the practical training courses and complete VQ. See Figure 2, page 18. Successful completion of the VQ2 1-dayskills test is a mandatory element of the CISRS Scaffolder Apprenticeship. Section 2 – Scaffolding Operative Schemes New Entrant Accepted by Managing Agent (e.g. CITB) Trainee Enrolled at an Approved CISRS Centre 2 Week Foundation 4 months practical experience 2 Week Part 1A 4 months practical experience 2 Week Part 1B 3 months practical experience CISRS Trainee Card upgraded to Tube and Fitting Part 1 2 Week Part 2A 3 months practical experience 2 Week Part 2B 3 months practical experience 1 Week Assessment Part 2 Scaffolder Card Functional Skills Level 1 Construction Diploma ERR* & VQ Level 2 Figure 2 Scaffolder Apprenticeship Programme 18 * Employers Rights and Responsibilities Section 2 – Scaffolding Operative Schemes 2.5 Basic Access System Erector (BASE) CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY SCAFFOLDERS RECORD SCHEME The authenticity of this card can be checked by telephoning 0870 4177 223 Registration No: 00000000 BASE (Basic Access Systems Erector) 5 day course MR A SAMPLE Registration No: 00000000 Expires End Jan 2015 H&S TESTED The cardholder has met the Health and Safety Awareness requirements as laid out in the CSCS Scheme Booklet CSCS is a registered Certification Mark BASIC ACCESS SYSTEMS ERECTOR The aim of this 5-day training course is to provide accredited training for nonscaffolders who erect, alter and dismantle simple and routine scaffolding structures using specific modular system scaffolding. The course is held over 5 consecutive working days (Monday to Friday). The aim of this scheme is to provide operatives with limited skills and knowledge for safe use in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions within restricted conditions and environments. BASE card holders are only permitted to construct simple system scaffold structures with the product used when completing their CISRS BASE Training. These structures must not exceed a maximum height of 6m and must not be in an environment with a general public interface. Any works exceeding these parameters should be carried out by a CISRS Scaffolder or CISRS Advanced Scaffolder depending upon the scope of the work. Upon successful completion of the training the Trainee will be issued with a BASE Completion Certificate and an application form to apply for a BASE record card for the specific system scaffolding product they have been trained in. They will be required to hold a current CITB H, S & E Test or a recognised exemption. The Accredited Centre will notify CITB of successful completion. Once an operative has held a BASE card for a 3 year period they could be eligible to attend a CISRS Systems Scaffold Pt. 2 course. This would be dependent upon having the relevant experience. The Pt. 2 course would need to be carried out using the same product e.g. Cuplok that they had completed the BASE course in. Upon successful completion of a Pt. 2 Systems course, VQ assessment, 1-day skills test and H,S & E Test they could apply for a System Scaffolders Card. Please Note: A Basic Access Systems Erector is not a qualified Scaffolder and as such is prohibited from carrying out any scaffolding operations outside the limitations of their training course. 19 Section 2 – Scaffolding Operative Schemes 2.6 Scaffolding Labourer Card The authenticity of this card can be checked by telephoning 0870 4177 223 Affiliated MR A SAMPLE Registration No: 00000000 Registration No: 00000000 PHOTO LIMITED SITE SKILLS ONLY Expires End Jan 2015 LIMITED SITE SKILLS ONLY H&S TESTED SCAFFOLDING LABOURER The cardholder has met the Health and Safety Awareness requirements as laid out in the CSCS Scheme Booklet CSCS is a registered Certification Mark The Scaffolding Labourer record card is available for operatives who carry out only labouring/driving duties in support of scaffolding operations. Labourers are only allowed to work at ground level or on a fully boarded and double guard railed section of a scaffold platform passing scaffolding equipment. The purpose of the Scaffolding Labourer card is to show that the holder has both current up-to-date health and safety knowledge, and the relevant industry skills and knowledge required to carry out his duties in a safe manner. If the operative is expected to erect, alter or dismantle scaffolding whilst on site they will need to hold an Advanced Scaffolder, Scaffolder or Trainee card. There are currently 2 ways of obtaining this card: I.By experience/industry accreditation. The application form lists a range of tasks you must be able to do under supervision, to get your card. Your employer should sign the form to confirm that the information given is correct. II.By achieving VQ Level 1 in Accessing and Rigging Operations. s of 1st September 2013 there will be a requirement to complete a 1-day A New Entrant Labourer course prior to the issue of an initial Labourers card. A training and assessment package will be available which will include a Power Point presentation, a Manual Handling DVD, a series of test questions, practical exercises and certificates etc. This will allow the course to be delivered via a CISRS approved provider or in house by Scaffolding companies; assuming they have a suitably qualified member of staff. For further information on in-house delivery of The New Entrant Trainee/Scaffolding Labourer course go to: The New Entrant Labourer course will include: Relevant Regulations and Codes of Practice General Responsibilities Basic Scaffold Terminology (Components & Application) Servicing of Equipment, Tube, Fittings, Boards & Stock - Quality Control Health, Welfare, Hygiene & Housekeeping. 20 Section 2 – Scaffolding Operative Schemes Electrical Safety Fire Prevention & Control Noise & Vibration Work at Height Accident Prevention & Reporting Personal Protective Equipment Site Transport Safety (Including Loading & Unloading) Equipment & Tools Manual Handling (Including a practical element) Lifting Equipment Using a Rope & Wheel Questions/Test Paper Operatives wanting to apply for this card must also pass the CITB H, S & E Test or a recognised exemption. They should apply for their card within 2 years of the test date or they will have to complete another test. CISRS Scaffolding Labourer CISRS New Entrant 1 day course via approved centre or employer (Sept 2013) Complete CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test within 2 years prior to application Experience / Industry Accreditation Route * Submit application form verified by the employer * To be withdrawn 31st August 2013 VQ1 Route Achieve VQ Level 1 in Access and Rigging Operations CISRS Scaffolding Labourer Card Figure 3 Overview of Labourer’s Scheme 21 Section 3 – Scaffolding Management & Supervisory Training 3. Scaffolding Management & Supervisory Training To meet the demands of today’s scaffolding industry; CISRS has identified the need for management and supervisory training to provide the knowledge and management skills tailored for contract scaffolding. Affiliated Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme MR A SAMPLE Registration No: 00000000/1 The authenticity of this card can be checked by telephoning 0844 815 7223 Registration No: 00000000 Supervisor Course Expiry Date: End Jan 2015 H&S TESTED SCAFFOLDING SUPERVISOR 3.1 The cardholder has met the Health and Safety Awareness requirements as laid out in the CSCS Scheme Booklet CSCS is a registered Certification Mark Scaffolding Management and Supervisory Training The 5-day CISRS Scaffolding Management and Supervisory training is available from CISRS Accredited Centres. It is aimed at scaffolding contractors’ first-line supervision (i.e. Contract Managers/Supervisors, Foremen and Non-Working Chargehands). The course can be held in block over 5 consecutive days (Monday to Friday) or in modules of 1-day per week over 5 consecutive weeks. The topics covered within this course are designed to be comparable to that of SMSTS. The CISRS Scaffolding Management and Supervisory training is recognised by the UKCG. The course content includes: Health and Safety l Legal Overview – Health & Safety Law l Health and Safety Management l HSE ACOP’s and Guidance Performance Standards l British and European Standards l NASC Safety and Technical Guidance l Design Engineering Appreciation Employment Basics l Legal Overview – Employment Law l Recruitment l Discipline and Grievance l Managing Absence l Managing Conflict and Resolution 22 Section 3 – Scaffolding Management & Supervisory Training Supervisory Skills l Planning and Organisation l Materials and Logistics l Competence and Allocating Duties l Effective Supervision l Commissioning and Handover l Statutory Scaffold Inspections and Inspection Practices l Effective Communication (including basic presentation skills, briefings and toolbox talks) l Meeting Skills l Customer Relations Commercial Essentials l NASC Commercial Guidance l Sales, Estimating and Surveying l Contracts Awareness l Managing Variations l Valuations and Payment l Payment Disputes and Remedies Risk Assessment Project Delegates are required to sit a written test and submit a project which contributes to the overall assessment. Successful delegates will receive a CISRS endorsed certificate and can apply for the CISRS Management and Supervisory Card, providing they have passed the CITB Supervisory Level H, S & E Test within the previous 2 years or hold a recognised exemption. Refresher training As of September 2013, delegates will be required to attend a 2 -day CISRS Management and Supervisiory refresher course on a 5-year cycle if they wish to maintain their CISRS status and be eligible to renew their card. 23 Section 4 – Scaffold Inspection Training Scheme (SITS) 4. Scaffold Inspection Training Scheme (SITS) In order to provide a nationally recognised training qualification, CISRS developed two new scaffold inspection qualifications. The Basic and Advanced Scaffold Inspection courses were launched in May 2010. 4.1 Retrospective Training The issuing of CISRS SITS cards based on non-CISRS retrospective training ceased in May 2012. Retrospective Training can still be used as proof of prior learning provided the applicant has completed a 2-day Basic or Advanced Scaffold Inspection Course, with an approved CISRS Centre, within 10 years of the date of their application. When applying for the Advanced course, the applicant must have completed their training at least two years prior to their application. 4.2 Scaffold Inspection Training Scheme (Basic) CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY SCAFFOLDERS RECORD SCHEME The authenticity of this card can be checked by telephoning 0844 815 7223 Registration No: 03111097 MR A SAMPLE Registration No:03111097 Scaffold Inspection Course Health & Safety Tested Expires End Feb 2015 SCAFFOLD INSPECTION The cardholder has met the Health and Safety Awareness requirements as laid out in the CSCS Scheme Booklet CSCS is a registered Certification Mark The Basic Scaffold Inspection training will be delivered by Approved CISRS Centres over 2 consecutive days. It will be aimed at anyone who is responsible for carrying out statutory scaffold inspections in accordance with the Work at Height Regulations and scaffolders wishing to expand their knowledge of scaffold inspection. Delegates may include employees from outside of the scaffolding industry such as Site Managers and Agents, Site Engineers, Health and Safety Professionals etc. The course will cover basic scaffolding structures and the fundamental requirements for safe and legally compliant scaffolding. 24 Section 4 – Scaffold Inspection Training Scheme (SITS) The Basic SITS course will include the following: l l l l l l l l Initial Practical Inspection Session Relevant Legislation Relevant Industry technical and Safety guidance Identification of Scaffold components Correct Erection procedure Fault finding Practical Inspection and Report Writing Assessment Theory test The delegate will be required to successfully complete both the practical inspection and report writing assessment as well as the Theory test in order to pass the course. 4.3 Scaffold Inspection Training Scheme (Advanced) CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY SCAFFOLDERS RECORD SCHEME The authenticity of this card can be checked by telephoning 0844 815 7223 Registration No: 03111097 MR A SAMPLE Registration No:03111097 Advanced Scaffold Inspection Course Health & Safety Tested Expires End Feb 2015 ADVANCED SCAFFOLD INSPECTION The cardholder has met the Health and Safety Awareness requirements as laid out in the CSCS Scheme Booklet CSCS is a registered Certification Mark Industry experience alone does not make a delegate eligible to attend an Advanced SITS course. They must meet at least one of the following criteria before being accepted onto the course: Hold a CISRS Basic SITS card for a minimum of 2 years Hold a CISRS Scaffolder card for a minimum of 2 years Hold a CISRS Advanced card Have attended a retrospective Basic Inspection course, with a CISRS approved provider, within a 10 year period prior to their application. The Basic course must be over 2 years old prior to being eligible to attend the Advanced Course. Have attended a retrospective Advanced Inspection Course, with a CISRS provider, within a 10 year period prior to their application. 25 Section 4 – Scaffold Inspection Training Scheme (SITS) Have attended a BASIC SITS course, following acceptance of historic (over 10 year period) CISRS recognised inspection training. The requirement for an individual to hold a Scaffold Inspection card for 2 years prior to attending an Advanced SITS course will only apply to New Entrants. New Entrants are classed as individuals who have not previously undertaken any Scaffold inspection training or have no evidence of previous training with an approved CISRS centre. The 2-day Advanced Scaffold Inspection training will cover both basic and more complex scaffolding structures. It will be aimed at professional Scaffold Inspectors, Scaffolding Supervision and Management and others who would be responsible for statutory scaffold inspection for more complex structures. To be eligible applicants would need to have extensive scaffolding industry experience and have previously attended the Basic Scaffold Inspection training course. CISRS Scaffolders, providing they have held their card for a minimum of 2 years, and Advanced card holders will be eligible to attend this course without having to initially attend the SITS (Basic) course. The Advanced SITS course will include the following: l l l l l l l l l Initial Practical Inspection Session Relevant Legislation Relevant Industry technical and Safety guidance Identification of Scaffold components Correct Erection procedure Reading and Interpretation of Scaffold Drawings Fault finding Practical Inspection and Report Writing Assessment Theory test 4.4 Refresher Training Delegates will be required to attend/repeat the current 2-day SITS courses (Basic or Advanced) on a 5 year cycle if they wish to maintain their CISRS status and be eligible to renew their card. Those delegates who received a 2 year CISRS SITS card based upon retrospective training will be required to attend the current SITS course (Basic or Advanced) in order to renew their card. 4.5 CISRS Scaffolder, Advanced card holders The stance of both the NASC and CISRS is that CISRS Scaffolders and Advanced card holders are competent to inspect scaffold structures up to the grade of the card they hold, based upon completion of their CISRS training and assessment, and providing their employer can demonstrate they have the necessary knowledge and experience. This will remain our position until 31st December 2014 at which point it will become open for review. 26 Section 5 – Vocational Qualification 5. Vocational Qualification CISRS is committed to vocational qualifications (S/NVQ). Where applicable, training and assessment under the record scheme supports the achievement of National Vocational Qualifications NVQ Diploma in Accessing Operations and Rigging (Construction) (QCF) for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, or Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQ) in Scotland. Trainees for Scaffolder training and assessment must be registered for VQ. This is completed through the CISRS Accredited Centres. Registration usually takes place when the Trainee attends the CISRS Pt. 2 course. The VQ’s currently applicable under CISRS are: Level 1Accessing Operations & Rigging - Scaffolding(Construction)Labourers Card Level 2Accessing Operations & Rigging - Scaffolding(Construction)Scaffolder Level 3Accessing Operations & Rigging - Scaffolding(Construction)Advanced Scaffolder Every VQ level has a number of Units that must be achieved. A summary of the VQ levels and the units required can be found in Appendix G. All core scheme (Pt. 1, Pt. 2 & Advanced) CISRS Accredited Centres are also registered VQ assessment centres. Please note a VQ alone does not entitle an operative to a CISRS Scaffolder or Advanced Scaffolder Card. The applicant must meet all of the CISRS scheme requirements which would include CISRS Pt. 1, Pt. 2, VQ2, CISRS 1-day skills test plus a current H, S & E Test for a CISRS Scaffolder Card and CISRS Pt.1, Pt.2, Advanced VQ3, CISRS 2-day skills test plus a current H, S & E Test for an Advanced Card. As of 1st January 2011 successful completion of the relevant CISRS skills test is a mandatory element of the CISRS scheme. This is regardless of whether the trainee has previously achieved his VQ via another route e.g. OSAT. A CISRS card will not be issued to those who fail to successfully complete their VQ and relevant CISRS skills test. If a candidate fails the skills test, they must re-sit at a later date after gaining sufficient experience. 5.1 Work Based Evidence VQ programmes followed under CISRS are based on the philosophy of train, gain experience, gather evidence of that experience and then be assessed for competence. Trainees are required to compile a portfolio of work based evidence for assessment against the relevant VQ level. Accredited Centres provide information and advice for Trainees in gathering work based evidence and assessing the evidence against the VQ requirements. 27 Section 5 – Vocational Qualification The onus of gathering evidence and completing the portfolio is with the Candidate. Employers/Sponsors should assist and support the Candidates by checking portfolios, offering encouragement and planning work to allow Candidates to gain the appropriate work experience required. Candidates are assessed against the VQ at each stage of the Scaffolder training. It is a requirement of CISRS that the majority of evidence presented must be aligned with the training carried out. For example, when gathering evidence for the Tube and Fitting route the portfolio must have examples of works the Candidate has carried out in Tube and Fitting rather than Systems Scaffold. 5.2 Experienced Worker Practical Assessment (EWPA) As an alternative to completing VQ portfolios for level 2, Candidates can undertake a practical assessment and interview, at a participating Accredited Centre. This is the Experience Worker Practical Assessment (EWPA), where Candidates attend a 2-day practical assessment to prove they have the skills and knowledge to be deemed competent. The successful completion of EWPA would negate the requirement of attendance and successful completion of the CISRS skills test and VQ assessment. If the operative fails the EWPA they will be advised by the centre of alternative methods available for completing their VQ. To be eligible for EWPA a Candidate must have had a minimum period of 12 months practical experience after completing their CISRS Pt.1 and Pt. 2 training. EWPA is only currently available at scaffolder Level VQ2. 5.3 On-Site Assessment and Training (OSAT) Some Candidates may choose to achieve their VQ qualification via the OSAT route. Please note that this route is not offered by many of the CISRS Accredited Centres. Achievement of VQ via OSAT does not negate the requirement of attendance and successful completion of the CISRS skills test. (1-day - Scaffolder, 2-day Advanced Scaffolder) Section 6 – Record Cards 6. Record Cards To comply with CISRS, an employer/sponsor must be satisfied that an operative is suitably qualified by training and experience to be employed on given scaffolding operations. The level of CISRS training and assessment completed determines the grade of CISRS card issued. The record card bears the operative’s name, unique record number and photograph. Record cards will state the category of the scaffolder (Trainee, Scaffolder or Advanced etc). The CISRS cards are also embossed with the CSCS logo and the CITB H, S & E Test Hologram. Each card will also show an expiry date. The rear of the card will show the route by which the card holder qualified for his CISRS status. It will also show any systems scaffold endorsements he may have achieved. A CISRS Record Card is evidence of satisfactory completion of industry approved training and assessment. 6.1 Applying for a new record card Application forms are available from CITB, CISRS Accredited Training Centres or by visiting the website Telephone CISRS: 0844 815 7223 The completed form should be returned to: CISRS PO Box 1055 Bircham Newton King’s Lynn Norfolk PE31 6XQ Together with the form, the applicant must supply one passport-size colour photograph, copies of any relevant training certificates (including the CITB H, S & E Test or a recognised exemption) and payment as stated on the form. 6.2 C ITB Health, Safety and Environment Test and recognised Exemptions Prior to the issue or renewal of CISRS records cards it will be necessary to pass the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test (H, S & E Test). For the purposes of card application the H, S & E test will remain valid for a period of 2 years only. If a further card application is made outside of this period the applicant would be required to complete a further test. CISRS do accept some other industry recognised Health and Safety qualifications as an exemption to the H, S & E test. Those listed below must be completed within 2 years of the date of application. 29 Section 6 – Record Cards lCompletion of CISRS Recognised Scaffolding Apprenticeship Induction (Initial Trainee card only) lIOSH Working Safely/IOSH Managing Safely/IOSH Directing Safely l FAS Safe Pass l NEBOSH (General/Construction/International) H&S Certificate l SMSTS Certificate l SSSTS Certificate Other recognised exemptions l Current CCNSG Safety Passport (SCATS) Current CCNSG Safety Passport Supervisor (SCATS) l Current MIST/BOSIET/OPITO Approved Offshore Certificate l For these exemptions to apply, a copy of the certificate must be attached to the application form. Please note when applying for CISRS Management and Supervisory Cards that only CITB Supervisors H, S & E Test, Management & Professional tests or Supervisory and Management level exemptions are accepted e.g. CCNSG Supervisor, SSSTS, SMSTS, NEBOSH, IOSH Managing/Directing Safely. 6.3 Card renewals In order to maintain their CISRS status, all existing cardholders will be required to renew their cards in line with scheme rules and timescales. Cards are required to be renewed at the following frequencies: l Scaffolding Labourer Cards are valid for 5 years. (As of1st September 2013 the applicant will be required to complete the 1-day CISRS New Entrant Labourer course in order to be eligible to renew their card) l Initial Trainee Cards are valid for 18 months. Within this time a trainee must commence training and successfully complete a minimum of CISRS Pt. 1 Training in order to be eligible to renew their Trainee card. l 2nd Trainee Cards are valid for 18 months. Trainees would be expected to complete their Pt. 2, VQ 2 and their CISRS 1-day skills test within this second 18 month period. No further Trainee cards will be issued following the 2nd 18 month period. l Scaffolder Cards are valid for 5 years. Scaffolders will be required to complete the CITB H, S & E Test or recognised exemption in order to renew their card. l Advanced Scaffolder Cards are valid for 5 years. Advanced Scaffolders will be required to complete the CITB H, S & E Test or recognised exemption in order to renew their card. l Scaffolding Management and Supervisory Cards are valid for 5 years (As of 1st September 2013 the applicant will be required to complete a 2-day CISRS Management and Supervisory Refresher course prior to renewal) 30 Section 6 – Record Cards l Scaffold Inspection Training Scheme Basic Cards are valid for 5 years (The applicant is required to resit the CISRS Basic SITS course in order to be eligible to renew their card) l Scaffold Inspection Training Scheme Advanced cards are valid for 5 years (the applicant is required to resit the CISRS Advanced SITS course in order to be eligible to renew their card) l Scaffold Inspection Training Scheme cards issued via retrospective training, are valid for 2 years only. (The applicant is required to resit the CISRS Basic or Advanced SITS course in order to be eligible to renew their card)* *This route was closed in May 2012. Card holders are required to renew cards using the standard application form; they will be required to have completed the relevant H, S & E Test (or a recognised exemption), within 2 years of the application date. CISRS will issue a renewal notice to all existing card holders approximately 3 months prior to the cards expiry. Renewal notices will be sent to the last known address. 6.4 Upgrading expired CITB/CISRS Cards Operatives who still hold old style CITB/CISRS cards must apply for re-registration to the CISRS scheme. They must complete the CITB H, S & E Test (or a recognised exemption) prior to their new CISRS card being issued. Anyone wishing to upgrade an old style CITB/CISRS card will be required to make an appeal in writing to the Scheme Manager to explain why they have failed to renew their card prior to this date. They will be required to complete CISRS training, CISRS Skills test (1-day scaffolders, 2-day Advanced Scaffolders) and VQ assessment in order to gain a CISRS card if their appeal is unsuccessful. 6.5 Lost Cards If a record card is lost, the operative should contact the CISRS helpline (Tel: 0844 815 7223) for a replacement card. Applications can be made by post using the application form or by telephone using a credit/debit card for payment. The replacement card will show the same expiry date as the original. 6.6 Card withdrawal/cancellation Record cards remain the property of CISRS, who can cancel or withdraw the card if it becomes apparent it was issued under false pretences. The CISRS reserves the right to take legal action against any person involved in the production of fraudulent copies of CISRS cards. The CISRS reserves the right to withdraw the card of any individual who is successfully prosecuted by the HSE for contraventions of access/scaffolding health & safety regulations. 31 Section 6 – Record Cards 6.7 Checking Record Cards The validity of CISRS cards can be checked by contacting the CISRS helpline. You will require 3 out of the following 5 pieces of information in order to carry out a check: CISRS registration number, full name, address, date of birth or National Insurance number. By telephone: 0844 815 7223 By post: CISRS PO Box 1055 Bircham Newton King’s Lynn PE31 6XQ By email: Employers who are CITB Registered can use the CITB on line web service called Phoenix Online to view an individual’s details and achievements at: 6.8 ECITB/ECI Skills Database Cards The ECI Skills Database (also known as the ECITB) has ceased issuing cards to scaffolders. The ECI Skills database was an entirely separate scaffolder’s registration scheme to the CISRS. No formal training or assessment was required to obtain these cards and as such they are not recognised by CISRS. If an ECI Skills card holder wishes to obtain a CISRS card they would be required to meet the full CISRS scheme criteria (i.e. Pt 1, Pt. 2, VQ etc), as would any experienced scaffolder who could not provide evidence of CISRS training. 6.9 Appeals Process Where a grievance arises over the application of the Record Scheme rules, an appeal may be made to the Scheme Manager. In order to be considered there must be reasonable grounds for an appeal. e.g. An individual has failed to complete the training and assessment programme within the requisite timescale due to injury/ill health or, an individual has failed to maintain their CISRS status as they have been working/living outside of the UK. All appeals must be made in writing (e-mail is acceptable) outlining the grounds of the appeal and must contain all relevant supporting evidence, e.g. letter from GP or hospital, proof of employment or residence outside of the UK. 32 Section 6 – Record Cards All appeals must include the following details (where applicable) which will assist us in dealing with the appeal in a timely manner. Full Name Date of Birth N.I. Number CISRS card number (if registered) Proof of old style CITB/CISRS card (photocopy/scan of card) Proof of Training Certificates (photocopy/scan of certificates) Supporting evidence from a CISRS Approved Training provider that training has taken place, including course details and dates, that VQ portfolios have been submitted and confirmation that future training/CISRS skills assessments have been pre booked with the Training provider. Relevant supporting evidence - letter from GP, DHSS, probationary service or overseas visa. An appeal request for a CISRS card based upon industry experience alone, membership to an alternative card scheme or the achievement of a VQ in isolation, would not constitute valid grounds for an appeal and as such would not be considered. Please forward appeals to: CISRS Scheme Manager CISRS 4th Floor 12 Bridewell Place London, EC4V 6AP Alternatively by email to: In the first instance, appeals will be considered by the Scheme Manager. Any further appeal may be reviewed by an Appeals Panel, made up of relevant industry parties, with an employer and/or a union representative. Their decision will be final. 33 BUILD Appendix E Y T E F A S HING INTO EVERYT YOU DO Our CISRS Onsite Accreditation allows us to carry out training throughout the UK. CISRS SSPTS (System Scaffold Product Training Scheme) CISRS BASIC SITS (Scaffold Inspection Training Scheme) call | 0800 587 5224 email | visit | Glasgow • Gateshead • Durham • Wakefield • Liverpool • Birmingham • Stevenage • London Part of the Altrad Group Section 7 – Grant Aid and Training Funding 7. Grant Aid and Training Funding CITB levy registered employers are entitled to claim grants for CISRS training and assessments schemes. There may also be funding available for CISRS training and assessment through other sources. For more information regarding grant and funding assistance contact: lCITB website lCITB Company Development Advisor via your regional CITB office. See the website at – l 7.1 CISRS Accredited Training Providers (see Appendix I) CITB Grants available 2013 (CISRS Adult) This grant information was correct at the time of printing). Part 1 Attendance Grant @ £50 per day (5 days max) £250 Part 2 Attendance Grant @ £50 per day (5 days max) £250 VQ Level 2 Achievement Grant £400 Advanced Attendance Grant @ £50 per day (5 days max) £250 VQ Level 3 Achievement Grant £400 Total = £1550 7.2 CITB Grants available 2013 (CISRS Apprenticeship) Additional funding may be available for apprenticeship training contact CITB or a CISRS Accredited Training Centre for further details. 35 Appendix F 36 Appendix A Appendix A Training Objectives – Trainee Scaffolder (Pt. 1) Course – Tube and Fitting Overall Objectives 1. The 2-week Pt. 1 course will cover the following elements: lHealth and Safety Awareness comparable to SSSTS, including Legislation, regulations, best practice, tool box talks l½ Day Instruction/Training SG4 lInterpretation of drawings lTie Methods and TG4 l Independent tied scaffold (in tube and fitting and in an approved system) lPutlog scaffold lBirdcage scaffold lStatic Tower lAluminium Towers lAlterations to scaffolds (e.g. dropping lift height on independent) l50 Question Test Paper (include intermediate test at the end of 1st week) 2.The trainee operative will be able, as a member of a team, to erect, alter and dismantle the above scaffold structures safely and in their correct sequence. Note: Trainee Scaffolders should not be carrying out any work unless under the direct supervision of a CISRS qualified scaffolder. A Trainee Scaffolder cannot lead or supervise a scaffolding gang in any work operations. An operative is considered a trainee until they have completed Pt. 1, Pt. 2, VQ Level 2, 1-day CISRS skills test and the H, S & E Test, regardless of their time in the industry. Detailed Training Objectives Knowledge At the end of the course, the trainee operative should have knowledge of: 1.Statutory regulations and safety requirements (including SG4) relating to the erection and dismantling of simple scaffolds. 2.The types, uses and purposes of scaffold tubes, boards and fittings in common use. 3.The methods of handling and stacking scaffold tubes, boards and fittings, and the inspection procedures. 37 Appendix A 4.The methods of founding scaffolds on three types of surface (ground, concrete and steel). 5.The correct and safe means of attaching and staggering joints, and the spacing of standards and ledgers to form scaffold frames. 6.The types, methods and spacing requirements for attaching bracing to the various scaffold structures. 7.The correct and safe means of attaching and spacing transoms to support working platforms and strengthen the scaffold structure. 8.The basic tying pattern for un-sheeted scaffolds and moveable and non-moveable tie arrangements. 9.The dimensional requirements of working platforms to comply with the Work at Height Regulations. 10.The statutory requirements for access including ladders, and ladder towers and stairways. 11.The methods of carrying, raising, lashing, securing, stacking and lowering pole ladders, and the methods of inspection. 12.The regulations governing inspection of scaffolds. 13.The correct and safe methods of erecting independent and putlog scaffolds with returns, towers and birdcages at three lifts high in tube and fittings. 14.The types, uses and methods of inspection, and the correct and safe method of fixing and operating gin wheels. Skill At the end of the course, the trainee operative should be able to correctly and safely: 1.Carry out work in compliance with statutory regulations, and having regard for their own safety (particularly in relation to collective and personal fall prevention and the use of other PPE where appropriate), the safety of the workforce, and the public and future users of the scaffold. 2. Identify scaffold tubes, boards and fittings in common use. 3.Select serviceable scaffold tubes, boards and fittings for use; and stack, carry and raise scaffold materials to and on the working platform correctly and safely. 4. Prepare the base of a scaffold to prevent sinking and slipping of the standards. 38 Appendix A 5.Select, measure, set out and erect standards and ledgers within recommended tolerances. 6. Select and fit appropriate tubes and fittings to form bracing and stiffen scaffolds. 7.Support scaffold boards to form working platforms and install sufficient transoms to stiffen the scaffold structure. 8. Install tie arrangement to basic scaffolds. 9.Erect scaffolds of the correct dimensions to provide working platforms conforming to current Regulation and industry best practice. 10. Provide safe and suitable access for operatives to the working platform. 11.Inspect pole ladders for serviceability. Carry, raise, lash, secure and lower pole ladders. 12. Inspect scaffolds prior to handover. 13.Determine the material requirements for independent and putlog scaffolds with returns, towers and birdcages up to three lifts high. Lay out materials, set out scaffolds and overcome obstacles to erect scaffolds safely. 14.Inspect gin wheels for serviceability, position and fix securely, reeve, rope, tie knots and correctly use gin wheel to haul up scaffold tubes, boards and fittings. Take down gin wheel and coil rope. 39 Appendix B Appendix B Training Objectives – Scaffolder (Pt. 2) Course – Tube and Fitting Overall Objectives 1. The 2-week Pt. 2 course will cover the following elements: l ½-Day Instruction/Training SG4 and Safety Awareness comparable to SSSTS, including Legislation, regulations, best practice, tool box talks Basic Independent Tied Scaffold Truss-out Scaffold Scaffolds with prefabricated beams Protective fans Pavement gantry Loading Bay Roof saddle scaffold Splay Scaffold Aluminium Towers Roof Edge Protection TG4 Tie Testing Tool box talks Alterations (e.g. removing standards from a structure) 50 Question Test Paper (include intermediate test at the end of the 1st week) lHealth l l l l l l l l l l l l l 2. The trainee operative will be able to interpret scaffold drawings. 3.The trainee operative will be able, as a member of a team, to erect, alter and dismantle the above scaffolds safely and in their correct sequence. 4.The ‘Scaffolder’ grade is the established trade competency for the scaffolding industry and enables scaffolders to lead or partake in the majority of scaffolding operations, as covered by this training and assessment. Note: Trainee Scaffolders should not be carrying out any work unless under the direct supervision of a CISRS qualified scaffolder. A Trainee Scaffolder cannot lead or supervise a scaffolding gang in any work operations. An operative is considered a trainee until they have completed Pt. 1, Pt. 2, VQ Level 2, 1-day CISRS skills test and the H, S & E Test regardless of their time in the industry. CISRS Scaffolder 1-day skills test As of 1st January 2011 successful completion of the 1-day skills test is a mandatory element of the CISRS scheme. This is regardless of whether the trainee has previously 40 Appendix B achieved his VQ via another route e.g. OSAT. A CISRS card will not be issued to those who fail to successfully complete the 1-day skills test. If a candidate fails the skills test, they must re-sit at a later date after gaining sufficient experience. Detailed Training Objectives Knowledge At the end of the course, the trainee operative should have knowledge of: 1.The relevant British and European Standards, NASC guidance and statutory regulations applicable to the correct and safe erection and dismantling of scaffolds listed in the overall objectives. 2.The types, uses and methods of inspection, and the purpose of various scaffold tubes, boards and fittings in common use. 3.The types, uses and purposes of prefabricated beams, and the rules for their assembly and connection to scaffold frames. 4.The purpose, types, uses and loadings of protection fans. The methods of supporting fans by scaffold tubes and wire ropes. 5.Local Authority rules for the erection of scaffolds on pavements and public places to ensure protection of the public. 6.The correct methods of attaching spurs, rakers, check fittings, droppers and puncheons to scaffolds. 7. The safe and correct method of erecting and dismantling Aluminium towers. 8.The methods of attaching anchor bolts and specialist fixings to provide ties for scaffolds and testing in accordance with NASC Guidance TG4. 9.How to calculate the number of ties and the spacing required to restrain sheeted and unsheeted scaffolds depending on the capacity of the tie arrangements. 10. The regulations governing the inspection of Basic scaffolds. 11.How to interpret design layout drawings and determine the correct and safe methods of erecting and dismantling the scaffolds listed in paragraph 1 of the overall objectives. 12. How to organise men and materials to lead a gang of Scaffolders carrying out Scaffolding operations. 41 Appendix B Skill At the end of the course, the trainee operative should be able to correctly and safely: 1.Make adequate provision for the safety of themselves, the workforce, the public affected by scaffolding work, and future users of the scaffold structure by working to the relevant British and European Standards, NASC guidance and statutory regulations. 2.Select serviceable scaffold tubes, boards and fittings. Use them correctly and safely. 3.Select, inspect assemble and install prefabricated beams into and onto scaffold structures. 4.Support scaffold protection fans according to requirements of current industry practice. 5.Erect scaffolds on pavements and public places safely and correctly, with regard to Local Authority regulations. 6.Install spurs and rakers within the correct operating angles. Attach check fittings, droppers and puncheons in the correct positions to scaffolds. 7.Install anchor ties and other specialist fixings to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Testing and reporting in accordance with TG4. 8.Select, space and install the correct amount of ties to restrain sheeted and unsheeted scaffolds in unexposed areas, to current industry practices. 9.Determine the materials required to set out, erect and dismantle in a safe sequence the scaffolds listed in paragraph 1 of the overall objectives. 10. Inspect Basic scaffolds prior to handover. 11.Have the skills to lead a Scaffold gang carrying out Scaffolding Operations. 42 Appendix C Appendix C Advanced Scaffolder Course – Tube and Fitting Overall Objectives 1. The 2 week advanced course will cover the following elements: l ½ Day Instruction/Training SG4 lHealth and Safety Awareness comparable to SSSTS, including Legislation, regulations, best practice, tool box talks etc l Tubular drop scaffold from steelwork l Cantilever drop scaffold l Two-way shore/dead shore/raking shore l Temporary roof scaffold l Stairways l Aluminium Towers l Risk Assessment l Method Statements lTesting of Ties Tool Box Talks l 50 Question Test Paper (include intermediate test at the end of the 1st week 2.Upon qualification at Advanced Scaffolder level the operative will be able to interpret complex design drawings. 3.The operative will be able, as a member of a team, to erect, alter and dismantle the above scaffolds safely and in their correct sequence. 4.The operative will be suitably qualified to lead operations as a charge hand in a scaffold gang carrying out all types (Basic and Advanced) of scaffolding works. Advanced scaffolder CISRS 2-day skills test As of 1st January 2011 successful completion of the 2-day skills test is a mandatory element of the CISRS scheme. This is regardless of whether the operative has previously achieved his VQ via another route e.g. OSAT. A CISRS card will not be issued to those who fail to successfully complete the 2-day skills test. Training Objectives Knowledge At the end of the course, the operative should have knowledge of: 1.The relevant British Standards, Codes of Practice and statutory regulations applicable to the correct and safe erection and dismantling of scaffolds. 2.The correct and safe method of erecting and dismantling drop scaffolding off steelwork. 43 Appendix C 3.The correct and safe method for the erection and dismantling of cantilever drop scaffolds. Including overturning moments, safety factors, counterbalance etc. 4. The correct and safe method for the erection and dismantling of shoring structures. 5. The safe and correct method of erecting and dismantling Temporary Roof Scaffolds 6. The safe and correct method of erecting and dismantling staircases and ramps. 7. The safe and correct method of erecting and dismantling Aluminium towers. 8.How to interpret scaffolding drawings and specifications for the structures listed in paragraph 1 of the overall objectives. 9. The regulations governing the inspection of Advanced structures. 10.How to organise men and materials to lead a gang of Scaffolders carrying out Advanced Scaffolding operations. Skill At the end of the course, the operative should be able to correctly and safely: 1.Make provisions for the safety of themselves, the workforce, the public affected by scaffolding work, and future users of the scaffold structure by working to the relevant British Standards, Codes of Practice and statutory regulations. 2.Determine the materials required for drop scaffolding off steelwork. Lay out materials. Set out and erect drop scaffolding off steelwork. Dismantle a tubular hanging scaffold. 3.Erect cantilever scaffolds applying appropriate weights with due regard to the safety measures required to prevent overturning. 4.Determine the materials required for shoring structures. Lay out materials. Provide a means of access. Set out and erect shoring structures. Dismantle shores and, where applicable, the means of access. etermine the material requirements for Temporary Roof Scaffolds in accordance with 5. D drawings and specifications. Lay out materials. Set out and erect Temp Roof Scaffolds including levelling to reasonable tolerances. Dismantle Temp. Roof Scaffolds. 6.Determine the material requirements for staircases and ramps in accordance with drawings and specifications. Lay out materials. Set out and erect Staircase/ramp. Dismantle Staircase/Ramp. 7.Read scaffold drawings and erect scaffolds from those drawings and specifications as listed in paragraph 1 of the overall objectives. 8. Inspect Advanced scaffolds prior to handover. 9.Have the skills to lead a Scaffold gang carrying out Advanced Scaffolding Operations. 44 Appendix D Appendix D Appendix D Training Objectives – Trainee Scaffolder (Pt. 1) Course – System Scaffolding Overall Objectives 1. The 2-week Pt. 1 course will cover the following elements: l ½-Day Instruction/Training SG4 lHealth and Safety Awareness comparable to SSSTS, including Legislation, regulations, best practice, tool box talks etc l Manufacturers Instructions l Interpretation of drawings l Tie Methods and TG4 l Independent tied scaffold l Birdcage scaffold l Static Tower l Aluminium Towers l Stairway l Alterations to scaffolds (e.g. dropping lift height on independent) l 50 Question Test Paper (include intermediate test at the end of 1st week) 2.The trainee operative will be able, as a member of a team, to erect, alter and dismantle the above scaffold structures safely and in their correct sequence. Note: Trainee Scaffolders should not be carrying out any work unless under the direct supervision of a CISRS qualified scaffolder. A Trainee Scaffolder cannot lead or supervise a scaffolding gang in any work operations. An operative is considered a trainee until they have completed Pt. 1, Pt. 2, VQ level 2, 1-day CISRS skills test and the H, S & E test regardless of their time in the industry. Detailed Training Objectives Knowledge At the end of the course, the trainee operative should have knowledge of: 1.Statutory regulations, manufacturers instructions and safety requirements (including SG4) relating to the erection and dismantling of simple scaffolds. 2.The types, uses and purposes of the various components specified by the original manufacturer. 3.The methods of handling and stacking system scaffold components, and the inspection procedures. 46 Appendix D 4.The methods of founding system scaffolds on three types of surface (ground, concrete and steel). 5.The correct and safe means of setting out and connecting, standards, ledgers and transom in accordance with the manufacturers recommended sequence of erection. 6.The types, methods and frequency requirements for attaching bracing to the various scaffold structures in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. 7.The correct and safe means of supporting decking/boarding to working platforms and strengthen the scaffold structure in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. 8.The basic tying pattern for un-sheeted scaffolds and moveable and non-moveable tie arrangements. 9.The dimensional requirements of working platforms to comply with the Work at Height Regulations. 10.The statutory requirements for prescribed methods of access including ladders, and ladder towers and proprietary stairways. 11.The methods of carrying, raising, lashing, securing, stacking and lowering pole ladders, and the methods of inspection. 12. The regulations governing inspection of scaffolds. 13.The correct and safe methods of erecting basic independent scaffolds with returns, towers and birdcages, stairways and adaptions, in proprietary system scaffolds. 14.The types, uses and methods of inspection, and the correct and safe method of fixing and operating gin wheels. Skill At the end of the course, the trainee operative should be able to correctly and safely: 1.Carry out work in compliance with statutory regulations, and having regard for their own safety (particularly in relation to collective and personal fall prevention and other PPE where appropriate), the safety of the workforce, and the public and future users of the scaffold. 2.Identify components and their use in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. 3.Select serviceable components for use; and stack, carry and raise scaffold materials to and on the working platform correctly and safely. 47 Appendix D 4.Prepare the base of a system scaffold to prevent sinking and slipping of the standards. 5.Select, measure, set out and erect base in accordance with the manufacturers recommended sequence of erection. 6. Select and fit appropriate components to form bracing and stiffen scaffolds. 7.Construct and Board/deck working platforms in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. 8. Install tie arrangement to basic system scaffolds. 9.Erect scaffolds of the correct dimensions to provide working platforms conforming to the Regulations and the manufacturers instructions. 10. Provide safe and suitable access for operatives to the working platform 11.Inspect pole ladders for serviceability. Carry, raise, lash, secure and lower pole ladders. 12. Inspect scaffolds prior to handover. 13.Determine the material requirements for erecting basic independent scaffolds with returns, towers, birdcages, stairways and adaptions to proprietary system scaffolds. Lay out materials, set out scaffolds and overcome obstacles to erect scaffolds safely. 14. Use suitable materials to adapt proprietary system scaffold structures. 15.Inspect gin wheels for serviceability, position and fix securely, reeve, rope, tie knots and correctly use gin wheel to haul up scaffold tubes, boards and fittings. Take down gin wheel and coil rope 48 Appendix E Appendix E Scaffolder (Pt. 2) Course – System Scaffolding Overall Objectives 1. The 2-week Pt. 2 course will cover the following elements: l ½ Day Instruction/Training SG4 and Safety Awareness comparable to SSSTS, including Legislation, regulations, best practice, tool box talks etc Manufacturers Instructions Basic Independent Tied Scaffold Truss-out Scaffold Scaffolds with prefabricated beams Protective fans Pavement gantry Loading Bay Roof saddle scaffold (in tube & fitting if not applicable to the system) Splay Scaffold Roof Edge Protection Aluminium Towers TG4 Tie Testing Alterations (e.g. removing standards from a structure) 50 Question Test Paper (include intermediate test at the end of the 1st week) lHealth l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 2. The trainee operative will be able to interpret scaffold drawings. 3.The trainee operative will be able, as a member of a team, to erect, alter and dismantle the above scaffolds safely and in their correct sequence. 4.The ‘Scaffolder’ grade and VQ2 assessment is the established trade competency for the scaffolding industry and enables scaffolders to lead or partake in the majority of scaffolding operations, as covered by this training and assessment. Note: Trainee Scaffolders should not be carrying out any work unless under the direct supervision of a CISRS qualified scaffolder. A Trainee Scaffolder cannot lead or supervise a scaffolding gang in any work operations. An operative is considered a trainee until they have completed Pt. 1, Pt. 2, VQ Level 2, 1-day CISRS skills test and the H, S & E test regardless of their time in the industry. CISRS Scaffolder 1-day skills test As of 1st January 2011 successful completion of the 1-day skills test is a mandatory element of the CISRS scheme. This is regardless of whether the trainee has previously 49 Appendix E achieved their VQ via another route e.g. OSAT. A CISRS card will not be issued to those who fail to successfully complete the 1-day skills test. If a candidate fails the skills test, they must re-sit at a later date after gaining sufficient experience. Detailed Training Objectives Knowledge At the end of the course, the trainee operative should have knowledge of: 1.The relevant British and European Standards, Manufacturers Instructions, NASC guidance and statutory regulations applicable to the correct and safe erection and dismantling of the system scaffolds listed in the overall objectives. 2.The types, uses and methods of inspection, and the purpose of the various proprietary system scaffold components used. 3.The types, uses and purposes of pre-fabricated beams, and the rules for their assembly and connection to scaffold frames. Also alternative methods for creating openings specified by the manufacturer e.g. using braces. 4.The purpose, types, uses and loadings of protection fans. The methods of supporting fans, as per manufacturer’s recommendations and by traditional means using scaffold tubes and wire ropes. 5.Local Authority rules for the erection of scaffolds on pavements and public places to ensure protection of the public. 6.The correct methods of attaching spurs, rakers, check fittings (if necessary), droppers and puncheons to scaffolds. 7. The safe and correct method of erecting and dismantling Aluminium towers. 8.The methods of attaching anchor bolts and specialist fixings to provide ties for scaffolds and testing in accordance with NASC Guidance TG4. 9.How to calculate the number of ties and the spacing required to restrain sheeted and un-sheeted scaffolds depending on the capacity of the tie arrangements and in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations. 10.How to interpret design layout drawings and determine the correct and safe methods of erecting and dismantling the scaffolds listed in paragraph 1 of the overall objectives. 11. The regulations governing the inspection of Basic scaffolds. 12.How to organise men and materials to lead a gang of Scaffolders carrying out Scaffolding operations. 50 Appendix E Skill At the end of the course, the trainee operative should be able to correctly and safely: 1.Make adequate provision for the safety of themselves, the workforce, the public affected by scaffolding work, and future users of the scaffold structure by working to the relevant British and European Standards, Manufacturers’ Instructions, NASC guidance and statutory regulations. 2. Select serviceable components. Use them correctly and safely. 3.Select, inspect assemble and install prefabricated beams into and onto scaffold structures. 4.Support scaffold protection fans according to requirements of the manufacturer and current industry practice. 5.Erect scaffolds on pavements and public places safely and correctly, with regard to Local Authority regulations. 6.Install spurs and rakers within the correct operating angles. Attach check fittings, droppers and puncheons in the correct positions to scaffolds. 7.Install anchor ties and other specialist fixings to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Testing and reporting in accordance with TG4. 8.Select, space and install the correct amount of ties to restrain sheeted and unsheeted scaffolds in unexposed areas, to current industry practices. 9.Determine the materials required to set out, erect and dismantle in a safe sequence the system scaffolds listed in paragraph 1 of the overall objectives. 10.Inspect Basic scaffolds prior to handover. 11.Have the skills to lead a Scaffold gang carrying out Scaffolding Operations provided their employer can demonstrate they have the necessary experience. 51 Appendix F Appendix F Training Objectives – System Scaffold Product Training Scheme Overall Objectives 1. The 2-Day Product Training covers the following: l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Introduction, welcome and registration Basic Product Information and Manufacturers Instructions Legal Overview – Health and Safety British & European Standards Overview of Product Accreditation and Testing Schemes (e.g. BSI Kite mark) Guidance and Industry Standards Component Range Basic system(s) of work Bracing Requirements Ties, Stability and Tie Patterns Loading & Duties Access Towers – Theory & Practical Independent Tied Scaffolds (including returns and hop-ups) – Theory & Practical Birdcage Access Scaffolds – Theory & Practical Loading Towers – Theory & Practical Methods of Access and Egress (including stairways) – Theory & Practical Test Paper Summary, Course Evaluation & Close 2.The trainee will be able to use the specific system scaffold product in accordance with the requirements of the Work at Height Regulations, the manufacturers instructions and industry standards, including NASC Guidance Notes. Note: This training is only available to existing CISRS Record Card Holders who have attended a minimum of a Pt. 1 Training course. If the operative has only completed Pt. 1 training they will still be classed as a Trainee. They may use the specific system they have been trained in, but only under the direct supervision of a CISRS qualified Scaffolder who also holds that system endorsement. If an operative wishes to use a 2nd type or brand of a similar brand or similar systems product e.g. Cuplok and Genlok the employer will be required to ensure all relevant product information is passed onto the operative and that the operative is aware of any differences in product capability, erection procedure, tie patterns etc. This only applies to products/manufacturers that have submitted all relevant product information, proof of testing to European Standards, user guide, erection and dismantling sequence etc. to CISRS and an approved training course is in place. 52 Appendix G Layher’s scaffolding, protection and access training packages… …designed to help you make the most of your investment. Safely and profitably. EQUIPMENT DESIGN SUPPORT CISRS approved training provider EXPERIENCE VERSATILITY EXPERTISE Layher Limited, Works Road, Letchworth, Herts. SG6 1WL Tel. 01462 475100 Fax. 01462 475101 Layher Limited, Letham Road, Houstoun Industrial Estate, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 5BY Tel. 01506 440220 Fax. 01506 440110 Z-8.22.64 and Z-8-22-64.1 07 P VGS-L 10 53 Appendix G Appendix G NVQ Diploma in Accessing Operations and Rigging (Construction) (QCF) LEVEL 2 QCF 641 Conforming to General Health and Safety in the Workplace QCF 642 Conforming to Productive Workplace Practices in the Workplace QCF 643 Moving and Handling and Storing Resources in the Workplace QCF 247 Erecting and Dismantling Independent and Birdcage Scaffolds in the Workplace QCF 248Erecting and Dismantling Mobile and Static Scaffold Towers in the Workplace QCF 249 Erecting and Dismantling Cantilever Scaffolds in the Workplace QCF 251 Erecting and Dismantling Pavement or Roof Scaffolds in the Workplace QCF 252EUtilising Provision of Fall Protection Systems and/or Equipment in the Workplace NVQ Diploma in Accessing Operations and Rigging (Construction) (QCF) LEVEL 3 QCF 01 Conform to General Health, Safety and Welfare in the Workplace QCF 209 Conforming Work Activities and Resources for an Occupational Work area in the Workplace QCF 210Developing and Maintaining Good Occupational Working Relationships in the Workplace QCF 211 Confirming the Occupational Method of Work in the Workplace QCF 252A Utilising Provision of Fall Protection Systems in the Workplace QCF 405 Erecting Specialised, Designed Scaffolds and Rigging in the Workplace Level 3 - Aditional units QCF 406 Erecting and Dismantling Overhead Scaffolds in the Workplace QCF 407 Erecting and Dismantling Falsework Scaffolds in the Workplace QCF 408 Erecting and Dismantling Shoring Scaffolds in the Workplace QCF 411 Inspecting Scaffolding and Rigging Ststems in the Workplace QCF 609 Erecting and Dismantling Temporary Roof Scaffolds in the Workplace Notes All candidates attending Pt. 2 and Advanced courses are required to register and complete the relevant S/NVQ. Although SVQ unit numbers differ from England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the unit content is the same. 54 Appendix H Appendix H – Useful Contacts CISRS Scheme Manager CISRS 4th Floor 12 Bridewell Place London EC4V 6AP For card enquiries / applications Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS) PO Box 1055 Bircham Newton King’s Lynn Norfolk PE31 6XQ CISRS Scaffolding Helpline Tel. 0844 815 7223 To book a CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test go to alternatively Tel. 0344 994 4488 55 Appendix I Appendix I – CISRS Accredited Training Providers SCOTLAND and NORTHERN IRELAND CITB-ConstructionSkills – Northern Ireland 17 Dundrod Road, Crumiln, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland, BT29 4SR Tel. 02890 825 466 Excel Training International St. Mirren Business Park, Greenhill Road, Paisley, PA3 1RU Tel. 0141 416 2199 Muehlhan Training Services - Paisley 10 East Lane, Paisley PA1 1QA Mobile: 07791 553333 National Construction College (Scotland) 4 Fountains Way, Inchinnan Business Park, Inchinnan, Renfrewshire, PA4 9RQ Tel. 0344 994 8800 / Course Bookings 0844 844 0466 NORTH and NORTH WALES Astra Access Safety Training Ltd National Access Skills Academy, Unit 3, Junction 38 Business Park, Huddersfield Road, Darton, Barnsley, S75 5QQ Tel: 0800 1214951 Generation Training Services Unit 20B, Green Industrial Park, Calder Vale Road, Wakefield, WF1 5PH Tel: 0800 587 5224 Interserve Industrial Services Ltd Unit 2, Olympic Park, Poole Hall Road, Ellesmere Port, Chester, CH66 1ST Tel: 0151 373 7660 Lawson Training Ltd Whinbank Farm, Distington, Workington, Cumbria, CA14 4QH Tel.01946 833313 The Manchester College Ashton Old Road, Openshaw, Manchester, M11 2WH Tel.0161 920 2609 NETA Training Group Pennine Avenue, North Tees Industrial Estate, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland, TS18 2RJ Tel. 01642 616 936 56 Appendix I Safety and Access Ltd Humberside Training Centre, CATCH, Redwood Park Estate, Stallingborough, NE Lincolnshire, DN14 8TH Tel.01469 552 848 Simian Skill Ltd Wallis House, Birchwood Park, Warrington, WA3 6FW Tel. 0845 602 2418 Training 2000 Furthergate Business Park, Harwood Street, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 3BD Tel.01254 54659 / 586535 MIDLANDS National Construction College (Midlands) 83 Lifford Lane, Kings Norton, Birmingham, B30 3JH Tel. 0121 459 4262 / Course Bookings 0300 456 5620 Safety & Access Ltd Dabell Avenue, Blenheim Industrial Estate, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 8WA Tel. 0115 979 4523 London and South East CHSG Construction Health & Safety Group, John Ryder Training Centre, St Ann’s Road, Chertsey, KT16 9DG Tel. 01932 561 871/563 121 Layher Ltd Works Road, Letchworth, Hertfordshire, SG6 1WL Tel. 01462 475 100 National Construction College (South) Manor Road, Erith, Kent, DA8 2AD Tel: 01322 349 638 / Course Bookings 0844 844 0466 National Construction College (East) Bircham Newton, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE31 6RH Tel: 01485 577 724 / Course Bookings 0844 844 0466 National Construction College (Waltham Forest) Hollydown Way, Leytonstone, London, E11 4DD Tel: 0208 539 8729 / Course Bookings 0844 844 0466 57 Appendix I South West and South Wales LTC Training Services Wixenford Depot, Colesdown Hill, Plymouth, PL9 8AA Tel. 01752 485303 WCTS Building Services Limited Unit 7 Curran Road Industrial Estate, Cardiff Bay CF10 5DF Tel. 01656 331261 / 07875 555315 International Cape East (Philippines) 6th Floor. NOL Tower, Commerce Avenue, Madrigal Business Park, Ayala Alabang Mutinlupa City 1780 Metro, Manila, Philippines Tel. +63 02 809 9000 Note: CAPE East operates an Accredited CISRS Centre in the Philippines. This list of CISRS Accredited Training Providers is current at the time of printing. Some centres do not operate the full range of CISRS courses, please consult the website or contact the centre directly to confirm which courses are offered. Contact centres directly in order to book a course. 58 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY SCAFFOLDERS RECORD SCHEME MWdjje][jjej^[jef_diYW\\ebZ_d]5 J>;DOEKÊBBD;;:FHEF;HJH7?D?D= 9?IHI>[bfb_d[0&.**.'+-(();cW_b0[dgk_h_[i6Y_ihi$eh]$ka mmm$Y_ihi$eh]$ka The Access Industry Safety Experts…. Services Offered Clients Include CISRS Skills & Management Training Health & Safety Executive (HSE) C. Skills SSSTS/SMSTS/Operative Total Retained Health & Safety Consultancy Willmott Dixon Group Independent Scaffold Inspections Kier Group UKATA Asbestos Awareness Training Esso General Health & Safety Training Brookfield Multiplex International Training & Consultancy Mace Group Nottingham - Grimsby - United Arab Emirates Visit our new website at Safety & Access, Dabell Avenue, Blenheim Industrial Estate, Bulwell, NOTTINGHAM, NG6 8WA Tel: 0115 979 4523 Email: Appendix J Appendix J – List of CISRS courses that are available in the following System Scaffolding Products Product Name Manufacturer Cuplok Harsco Infrastructure Services Ltd DSL Climastage Deborah Services Ltd Genlok Generation (UK) Ltd Genuine Kwikstage Interserve Industrial Services Limited Haki Universal HAKI Limited K-LOK George Roberts Ltd. Layher Allround Layher Limited Peri Up Rossett Flex Peri Ltd Plettac Altrad Scaffom Ringscaff Scaffom Rux TRADlok TRAD Hire & Sales Ltd Turner Plus Eight Turner OCTO Turner Access Note This list of CISRS Recognised System Scaffolding products is current at the time of printing. Check the website for an up to date list. 60 Layher’s fast, versatile Allround modular scaffold system. Design flexibility and full system integration – enhancing project safety, scheduling and profitability, every time. EQUIPMENT DESIGN SUPPORT CISRS approved training provider EXPERIENCE VERSATILITY EXPERTISE Layher Limited, Works Road, Letchworth, Herts. SG6 1WL Tel. 01462 475100 Fax. 01462 475101 Layher Limited, Letham Road, Houstoun Industrial Estate, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 5BY Tel. 01506 440220 Fax. 01506 440110 Z-8.22.64 and Z-8-22-64.1 07 P VGS-L 10 CISRS, 4th floor, 12 Bridewell Place, London EC4V 6AP Tel: 020 7822 7400 Fax: 020 7822 7401
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