July 2016 - Corvette Legends of Texas


July 2016 - Corvette Legends of Texas
July 2016
270 N Central Expy, Richardson, TX
(972) 669-0505
Details on page 3
Spring Creek BBQ
11 am, July 9, 2016
July Meeting
Legends members look
over John Cantrell’s
“new” Fawn Beige 1962
Story on page 6
Legends Ledger
July 8 Nat’l Collector Car Cruise In
Dallas Area Classic Chevy Club is hosting the 7th Annual National Collector Car Cruise
In at Keller’s Drive In, 6537 Northwest Hwy, Dallas, TX 75231. The gathering is open to all cars and clubs,
The event will celebrate the greatness of collector cars and the day set aside by Uncle Sam to acknowledge classic iron. Of course, there will be cold beer, hamburgers and lots of tire kicking. There will be a
fantastic turn out of cars and car lovers enjoying the Texas summer evening.
*July 9 Legends Club Meeting Spring Creek BBQ
270 N Central Expy, Richardson, TX (972) 669-0505
*July 17 Legends Brunch
11:00 AM
9:30 AM
Jake’s Uptown, 6195 W. Main St., Frisco, TX 75034 (214) 705-1770
(Across from FC Dallas Soccer Stadium. Exit Dallas North Tollway @ East on Main St.) map on page 3
July 23-24 Corvette Invasion Circuit of the Americas
Austin, TX
Sat. 10am-2pm--Judged car show, live music, vendors and silent auction. Saturday
evening there will be a several excursions to choose from in the Austin area. Sun Morning--first 400 cars
to register will get Corvette Parade Laps on the track and then finish off with traditional cruise over to the
Oasis Restaurant on Lake Travis for lunch. Register online at: www.corvetteinvasion.com $75 early or
$100 late registration. More info on page 11
July 23 Klement Ford 70th Anniv. Show Muenster, TX
1005 E Division St, Muenster, TX 76252 No entry fee. All car clubs welcome Regis:
7-9am. Awards 2pm. $200 for People’s Choice & Best of Show Overall. Info TrishW@MuensterFord.com
July 31 CLoT Club
Parker Square Car Show
Flower Mound, TX
1400 Cross Timbers Rd (FM 1171), Flower Mound, TX 75028 Full class show-Regis.
1am-1pm $10. Dash plaques to first 50 entrants. 26 classes and 7 Best of Shows. Great parking around
the Gazebo and surrounding park. Info: Ray at 940-367-1798 or Ray@Timemachinecarshows.com.
*Aug 13 Legends Club Meeting
Corvette World of Dallas 11:00 AM
1810 N I-35E, Carrollton, TX (972) 446-8388. Lunch provided by Corvette World.
*Aug 21 Legends Brunch
Sept 9-11 Vettes and Jets on the Lex 2016 9:30 AM
Corpus Christi, TX
Registration opened April 1 and all 400 spaces are taken. They are keeping a list of late
entries as alternates when anyone cancels. Full Info: www.vettesandjets.org
Sept 12-14 Solid Axle Corvette Club Convention Effingham, IL
Full Info: www.solidaxle.org Mon.- 9 AM Board Meeting, 2 PM Board/Chapter Reps.
Meeting, 5 PM Convoy to Mid-America Corvette Mike Yager’s Home for Welcome Party. Tues.-Motor
Coach Tour of St Louis, dinner and a show, Wed.-SACC workshops and special women’s workshops.
6PM Solid Axle Corvette Club Annual Banquet Guest speaker, at the Mid America Campus.
Sept 15-18 Mid-America Corvette Fun Fest
Effingham, IL
Thursday starts FUNFEST. The Funfest Road Tour is late afternoon and you must sign
up for this with Funfest registration. Just call 800-500-1500 or corvettefunfest.com for full info.
Sept 17 Wheels for Wellness Car Show
*Sept 19-Oct 10 2016 Legends Cruise
Ft. Worth, TX
New England in the Fall
Three week 4,000-5,000 mile cruise to New England in mid-late Sept. Contact: Bill Tichy
(972) 650-8007 or btichy@gte.net Details on page 10.
Oct 6-9
Eureka Springs Corvette Weekend Oct 14-15 East TX Corvette Show
Ne mb
Yavuz & Defne
1958 Signet Red
Eureka Springs, AR
Longview, TX
Jim & Mary
Flower Mound
66 Nassau Blue
Saturday, July 23 & Sunday, July 24
* This year’s event will be at the world’s famous F1 track the
Circuit of the Americas
Register online at: www.corvetteinvasion.com
$75 early registration, $100 late registration
For info contact Shawn Jones at shawn@corvetteinvasion.com
Hotels: Please mention “Corvette Invasion” to get your group rate
*Hampton Inn & Suites Hutto (512) 846-2992 327 Ed Schmidt Blvd, Hutto, TX 78634
Saturday 10am-2pm-Judged car show (move in 8:30am), awards at 2:30 live
music provided by the “Clutch Kings”, food and specialty
vendors, and silent auction. Some proceeds to benefit charity. Come cool off by sitting in the Velocity Lounge and watch
the elite group of Mexican supercars called the
Autobahners race around the track during the car show.
Saturday evening there will be several excursions to
choose from in the Austin area.
Sunday Morning the first 400 cars to register will get
Corvette Parade Laps on the track. You can watch the Formula 1 race via TV in the Velocity Lounge.
Then finish off with the traditional cruise over to the
Oasis Restaurant on Lake Travis for lunch.
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hutto (512) 846-1168
323 Ed Schmidt Blvd., Hutto, TX 78634
Holiday Inn Express, 512-249-8166
12703 Ranch Rd 620 N Austin, TX 78750
Hampton Inn & Suites Bastrop (512) 321-2898 240 S Hasler Blvd, Bastrop, TX 78602
John Zachary will be organizing a tour down to Austin for this
event, if you want to cruise with other club members. John
is staying at the Hampton Inn in Hutto* on the north side of
For details on meeting to drive to Austin together, contact John,
jzac13tx@verizon.net or (214) 707-2265
701 Shepherd Drive, Suite 108, Garland, Texas 75042
(972) 494-6900
25+ Years Experience
Open Monday-Friday
6:00 to 4:00
Open Saturday
8:00 to 12:00
Specializing in Repair & Restoration
DMSCorvette Shop.com
ASE Master Certified
for July
2016 Legends Cruise
New England
in the Fall
Sept 19-Oct 10
New England Trip
Planning Begins
The Nutmeg State/Constitution
State, aka Connecticut, is going to be the first New England stop for the Legends members on the club's next
great adventure. Leaving Texas on Tuesday, September
19, the Corvettes are expected to arrive in Danbury, CT
on Wednesday the 20th.
Using Danbury as our first tour base, some of the tour
options being considered include:
-West Point tour and museum
-Train trip into NYC
-FDR National Historic Site in Hyde Park, NY
-Culinary Institute of America (CIA) for dinner
-Old Rhinebeck Aerodome for an air show and
museum tour
-Lime Rock Park where the Ferrari Challenge is
scheduled that weekend
When the group got together for a planning meeting
several weeks ago they discussed trip/tour options and
the scheduling flexibility which may result in more than
one tour group on any given day.
Leaving Danbury the group will head up the coast to
the Mystic Seaport & Village.
For CLoT members who have questions or may want
to participate in the New England Trip, but were not able
to join the group planning please call Bill Tichy (972) 6508007
Legends members get fleet pricing on parts at
Huffines Chevrolet
in Lewisville
Batteries Plus+ Discount
Get the commercial price on any batteries and home,
commercial or auto light bulbs at the Lewisville or Denton locations by asking for the
“Corvette Legends” discount.
If your business needs batteries,
contact Tom Atchison 214-215-1948 for a personal quote.
07-01 Adam Romack
07-01 Guy Coyne
07-01 Peggy Weintraub
07-02 Ron Thur
07-03 Linda Deneault
07-05 Susan Morgan
07-06 Don Kingston
07-07 Susie Rohner
07-07 Yavuz Colasan
07-09 Barbara Echols
07-10 John Huffman
07-11 Bruce Jarrett
07-11 Joel Joseph
07-11 Sandy Lainson
07-18 Lannhi Muzquiz
07-21 Dennis Calander
07-21 Greg Hurlburt
07-23 Laura Griffin
07-23 Tom Atchison
07-26 Loudeene Spencer
07-28 Dennis Conte
07-29 Gerry Boren
07-29 Sharon D’Uva
07-30 Jeff Spanier
07-31 Kevin Smith
July Meeting
A week late because of Fathers’ Day
Legends Brunch-9:30 am
Sunday, Ju1y 17, at
11 am, Saturday, July 9
Jake’s Uptown
6195 W. Main St., Frisco, TX 75034
(214) 705-1770
(Across from FC Dallas Soccer Stadium.
Exit Dallas North Tollway @ East on Main St.)
Spring Creek BBQ
270 N Central Expy/US 75, Richardson, (972) 669-0505
Are you getting club e-mails?
If you’re not, please contact
John Zachary at jzac13tx@verizon.net
President:............................................ Sam Deneault.....................sldeneault@verizon.net .............................................(972) 530-8017
VP of Operations:................................ Joel Joseph........................jjjoseph@yahoo.com..................................................(972) 727-6833
VP of Special Events:........................... Jerry Echols........................jerryhe2006@aol.com ...............................................(214) 435-3753
Secretary:............................................. Linda Deneault...................ldeneault@elarnoldandassociates.com......................(972) 530-8017
Treasurer:............................................. Roger Berry............................................................................................................(972) 386-6224
Director of Communications:................ John Zachary......................jzac13tx@verizon.net.................................................(214) 707-2265
Weekend Wrench Coordinator:............ Ken Dobbs...........................ken_dobbs@verizon.net...........H-(972) 423-3732 C-(972) 896-4611
Membership Coordinator:.................... Tom Lainson.......................redvette@ix.netcom.com............................................(214) 862-3555
Newsletter Coordinator:........................ Diane Preston.....................VetteLegends65@earthlink.net..................................(405) 615-3856
Legends Ledger Newsletter: Published monthly. Send submissions to VetteLegends65@earthlink.net
Submission deadline is the 20th of the month.
Club Web Site:
Coordinated by John Zachary (see above)
Send submissions to John at: jzac13tx@verizon.net
Meeting Speakers:
If you have a recommendation for a guest speaker to address the club
at one of our meetings, please contact Joel Joseph.
Membership Information:
Coordinated by Tom Lainson (see above)
$35 for annual membership
Dues are paid annually at a meeting or mailed to:
Club Mailing Address:
Corvette Legends of Texas
P.O. Box 260316
Plano, TX 75026-0316
Jake & Delila came to see the Patriot Paws demo with their grandparents Ron
& Pat Cople.
Tammy Zaleski & Kathy Gordon bring Gator to our Legends meeting.
Saturday, June 11, 2016 at
BJ’s Brewery, Addison, Texas
The meeting was called to order by Sam Deneault,
President at 12:00 p.m.
Lady Legends Winner: Pat Cople. 50-50 Winner: Tom Douglas. Congratulations!!
Patriot Paws is the organization we support yearly with
funds from car shows and our live auction. This year we
presented Patriot Paws with a check in the amount of
Upcoming meetings 2016
July 9
Spring Creek BBQ, Richardson, Texas
August 13 Corvette World
(they will furnish food for our club)
The next big club event will be the State Fair. Jerry
Echols is waiting to hear from them.
Meeting adjourned 12:30 p.m. followed by the raffle.
Minutes submitted by Linda Deneault, Secretary.
Tammy Zaleski accepts donation from the Legends Auction presented by Joel
JC Cherry and Ron Thur
Julia Kelsey, Mike & Vicky Flugstad and Mary Jeanne Entrekin
Gator, a puppy in training, praying for our donations to Patriot Paws.
Need more room for
your VROOM
EVERYTHING for Corvettes
& GM Muscle Cars!
If your passion has taken
over your garage, call
fellow Corvette Legend
Member, Erika WoodCherry!
She can help you find a
home with a larger
garage, covered parking
or a longer drive way!
Don’t leave your “baby”
out in the cold,
For Real Estate
results, call Erika!
Cell: 214/704-3079
Office: 972/987-3800
VM: 972/733-7105
Plano, Texas 972-578-2270
• C1-C6 Specialists
• Knowledge, Maintenance, Repairs & Restoration
• Engine, Trans, Brakes, Chassis, Exhaust, Suspension,
Interior, Fiberglass Repair & Paint
• Factory A/C Repair & Aftermarket Installation
• Power Steering Conversions
• Auto OD and Manual Transmission Conversions
• Multiple National Awards, Magazine Features & Covers
• Resto-Mods, NCRS, Bloomington & Concours
• Magnuson, STS, Street Shop, Inc., Newman Car
Creations, Keisler Overdrive Systems & Many More
We do it all...AND do it right the first time!
Support Patriot Paws Solid Axle Gang
when you buy groceries!!!
By linking your rewards card at Kroger, Tom Thumb,
Amazon and others to benefit Patriot Paws, they donate a
percentage of your purchases to the charity.
2. Take shirt to
Embroidery King
for Legends Logo
& your name
1. Order shirt
with your Corvette
on it from
Galli Shirts
Kroger Plus Card: Charity #80083
Go to Kroger.com, sign in or register.
On the next screen put in your Kroger Plus
Card# or alternate ID you use & your last name.
Go to next screen tos elect Patriot Paws by
name or #80083
Also at these stores and others:
Tom Thumb Rewards Card: Charity #11819
Combined Federal Campaign: Charity #35710
Find Wish List by our name
Check with other stores for Charity Rewards
We have identified 35 Solid Axle Corvettes among those
owned by our CLoT 148 members/couples. Tom Lainson has
designed a special club shirt to identify these car owners.
It features the owner’s car in the appropriate color and
body style on the left and the Legends club emblem,
“Solid Axle Gang” and member’s name on the right.
Polo shirt can be ordered in 16 colors with your car embroidered from Galli Shirts, www.gallishirts.com/id330.htm
or call 1-866-245-5882 $6390 (including shipping)
Right side embroidery is done at Embroidery King
(972) 317-1686, Address: 1297 FM 407 Suite 302A, Lewisville, TX 75077
For more info:
$2106 (including tax)
Tom Lainson, RedVette@IX.netcom.com or 214-348-8396
Club Shirts & Hats
Embroidery King!
We carry Corvette Legends merchandise for you to wear
to your next club meeting or just to show your love for the car.
Men’s Shirts
-Cotton Short Sleeve Polo
Women’s Shirts -5-panel, mesh
-Long or Short Sleeve Oxford
-Cotton Short Sleeve Polo
back, plastic
-Long or Short Sleeve Twill
-Long Sleeve Oxford
snap closure
-Long Sleeve Heavy Denim
-Long Sleeve Twill Dress
-6-panel, self-Long or Short Sleeve
-Long Sleeve Heavy Denim
fabric closure
Lightweight Denim
***Orders placed before the 25th of every month will be available for pickup
at the following month’s meeting.***
Price includes Corvette Legends embroidered logo on upper left chest.
Add your first name to upper right chest for $5.00 extra.
If there are any questions about an item, call Embroidery King at
(972) 317-1686, Address: 1297 FM 407 Suite 302A, Lewisville, TX 75077
Attention Lady Legends!
We can now order “Lady Legends”
iron-ons for Shirts,Jackets and Hats.
The iron-ons come in a
variety of sparkly colors:
multi-color, silver, platinum, navy, blue, red,
green, peach, gold, hot
pink, pink, black, and
Didn’t list a color you
want? Just ask.
The cost is $5 per iron-on. For $1 more you can
supply a shirt or other item and our supplier will
professionally heat press the logo on for you.
If you would like her to press the logo on your item
for you, please put the item/items and payment in a
ziplock bag, labeled with your name and logo color
choice for each item. Bring it to a meeting and Sue
will have it back to you at the next meeting or arrangements can be made to get it sooner. Sue will
start taking orders after January 1. You can order
at any meeting or call Sue Joseph, Lady Legends
Coordinator: 972-727-6833 or email jjjslj@att.net
Mack Rogers, Cindy Dumas, Tom Atchison and Vince Dumas
Bill Preston shows off his “new” 2005 Black Coupe
Susan & Mark Elliot and Rocky Rainbolt
Bill Tichy visits with Ellen & Jerry Fernandes
Craig & Sharon Conde, Walt Plumley and Scott Buzzell
John Zachary and Kevin Shedden
Cynthia & Bruce Nutt
Allen Eggleston and his 1999 Red Hardtop
Cathy Hubbert, Barb Echols and John Cantleberry
Carl Johanson in his 2005 Red Convertible
in the Park
Joel & Susan Joseph’s 1971 Blue Coupe
John Spencers prize winning Red 1954
Dan Jacobs did a lot of cleaning on his 1999 Red Convertible.
Vince & Cindy Dumas/ 2013 White Convertible.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Legends originally had 32 Corvettes of all generations committed to be in
our display at the Cooper show scheduled for Sunday, June 5. The week of rain
made the park setting so soggy that the show had to be postponed a week to
June 12.
We still had 15 Legends cars show up, even though there was a slight
chance of rain on the 12th. We collected up a few non-member Corvettes that
came to the show and claimed it as one of us. It did sprinkle a tiny bit about 1
pm, but not enough to cause problems. John Spencer’s beautiful red 1954 won
second place in the American Car class.
Thanks to Tom Lainson for organizing our display with the Cooper representative and to Sandy for bringing out coffee, tea, sodas, water, donuts and
Bringing out their Corvettes were: Bill & Diane Preston, Dan Jacobs,
Don Sebert, Greg Hurlburt, Joel Joseph, John Cantrell, John Spencer,
John Zachary, Lucky Sluder, Rick & Donna Wadley, Rocky & Chris Rainbolt, Ron & Pat Cople, Tom Hubbert, Tom & Sandy Lainson, Vince Dumas
and Yavuz Colasan. Other members seen that day were: Jack Steward,
Tom & Mary Jeanne Entrekin. Non-members who displayed their Corvettes with us were: SACC member Dale Robertson’s Red 1962, Gordon
Graves’ 1966 Silver Coupe, Corkey Helstrom’s Black 1964 Convertible
and Will Huber’s White 1993 Coupe.
Rick & Donna Wadley brought out their family’s 1959 Black/Silver 1961 while
daughter Kristina and Mary Davis were on a road trip to Wyoming.
New member, Yavez Colasan’s Signet Red 1958
Ron & Pat Cople’s 62, Greg Hurlburt’s White 1959, Rocky & Chris Rainbolt’s Black/Silver
1959, and Don Sebert’s Black/Silver 1956
Tom & Sandy Lainson’s Red/White 1961 and Bill & Diane Preston’s Black/White 1957
Bruce & Faye Jarrett’s Blue/White 1961
Rainbolt’s Black/Silver 1959, Greg Hurlburt’s White/Silver 1962
John Zachary’s 1993 Ruby Red 40th Anniversary Roadster
Tom Hubbert & Bill Preston with Hubbert’s Red 1962
Ron Cople visits with Bruce Jarrett

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