July Meeting 11 am Saturday, July 9


July Meeting 11 am Saturday, July 9
Cooper Aerobic Center Concours
(story page 6)
July 2011
3300 I-35E North @ Frankford Rd.
Carrollton(972) 323-5242
La Hacienda Ranch
11 am Saturday, July 9
July Meeting
Legends Ledger
2 ing
*July 3
KaBoom Town!
Addison, TX
Scott & Donna Buzzell’s Hangar, 15800 Dooley Rd., Addison. (Just east of Midway Rd. between Belt Line Rd. and Keller Springs Rd.) Once again Scott & Donna have invited us to
view the annual air show and fireworks from the apron of their hangar at Addison Airport. Come at 7 pm
to watch the antique planes fly by from Cavanaugh Museum followed at dark by one of the best fireworks shows in the country. Bring your picnic, lawn chairs, sunscreen, boom box, etc. Parking is limited
in front of the hangar, but you can park on the street and other business lots as allowed. Enter through
the front door. You must have the KaBoom Town flyer you received at the June meeting or through the
club e-mail to enter the area.
Upcom ts
Even *July 9
Legends Club Meeting
11:00 AM
Legends Brunch
9:30 AM
La Hacienda Ranch, 3300 I-35E North @ Frankford Rd., Carrollton (972) 323-5242
Speaker: Car Leasing
Directions: From the North--Take I-35E South to Frankford Rd. exit 446. Get in right lane of service
road. Follow the ramp over the freeway and turn right at the light. Turn right at the stop sign at the
northbound service road. Stay in the right lane and we are the big log cabin on the right.
From the South--Take I-35E North to Frankford Rd (exit 446). Stay in right lane of service road and we
are the big log cabin on the right.
*July 17
July 23
Mimi’s Cafe, 2486 S. Stemmons (I-35E), Lewisville, TX
Vette 2 Vette Corvette Only Show
Arlington, TX
Texoma Area Corvette Show
Pottsboro, TX
Registration 9 am, Awards 3 pm Entry: $10 In front of Dave & Busters, 4000 Retail
Connection Way, Arlington, TX. Info: www.rockvette.com/carshow
*CLoT Club Participation Event July
Registration 4-6 pm, Participant Judging 6-7 pm, Awards 8:30 pm Entry: $20
Benefitting Pottsboro Kids Club. Rain date July 30. All concrete parking at Pottsboro School, Hwy 120.
*Aug. 13
Aug. 21
Legends Club Meeting
Sneaky Pete’s Restaurant, 2 Eagle Point Dr., Lewisville, TX 75067 972-434-2500
Legends Brunch
Northwest Bible Church Men’s Steak-Out
9:30 AM
5:30 PM
Northwest Bible Church 13th Annual Men’s Steak-Out and Motor Show. Guest
speaker Exhibitors $10. Non-exhibitors $15. Coming soon--to register a car or purchase tickets: www.
northwestbible.org/mensmotorshow. Contact: Cynthia Thomas 214-368-6436 ext. 148. This is a great
show and the food is awesome. Pre-register to have your car listed in the program. We need to be
there around 4pm, so we can park together and be up wind from the grills.
* Sept. 10 Legends Club Meeting
Sept. 18 Legends Brunch
17 Cowtown Cruisin’ For A Cure
11:00 AM
BJ’s Restaurant & Brewery, 4901 Belt Line Rd, Dallas, (972) 392-4600
9:30 AM
Ft. Worth
Main St. Downtown Ft. Worth. 10am-3pm. Parking entrance at 9th St & Main.
Gates open at 6:30 a.m. Registration Open 7:30am-1pm. No Saving Spots Before 10am.
Complete info: cowtowncruisinforacure.org. Early registration closes Aug. 31
20 Brunch
*Sept. 24 Western Days Rotary Car Show
Lewisville, TX
10 am-Mill & Main in Old Downtown Lewisville in conjunction with Lewisville
Western Days Events. Contact Tom Atchison for details 972-436-6258.
Sept. 30-Oct. 2 Good Guys 17th Lone Star Nationals
Ft. Worth
Texas Motor Speedway. 8a-5p Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars & Trucks
thru ‘72. AutoCross, Show ‘n Shine, Vendors, Swap Meet & Car Corral. www.good-guys.com/events
*Oct. 8
*Oct. 9
Legends Club Meeting
*Oct. 16
Legends Brunch
Blue Mesa Grill, 8200 Dallas Pkwy, Plano, TX 75024 (214) 387-4407
Legends Display-State Fair of TX
11:00 AM
Dallas, TX
Get your name on the list by Sept 10. We have room for 35 cars. Caravans leaving
at 7:15 am: Plano-Collin Creek Shopping Center NE side below TGIFriday. Lewisville-I-35 at Fox Ave.
shopping center on the NW quadrant (old Black-Eyed Pea). Regroup at 8:30 am at the McDonald’s
near Gate 6-Texas State Fair to enter together (get passes from Jerry Echols). Club furnishes bagels &
coffee in Corral A. If you have any questions before you sign up, do not hesitate to contact Jerry Echols
214-435-3753 or JerryHE@aol.com. Your car must stay until 6 pm.
9:30 AM
The 1st Day of Summer
Here it is the middle of 2011
already. Where does time go? We
can make the best of some of our
time by attending club events such
as the dinner cruise we had Saturday, June 18 to Rohmer’s Restaurant in Muenster. We had a lot of fun and some of us even
had German food and beer. After we ate several of us went
to the winery and the local grocery store/meat market. We
bought German wine, beer and brats. How original is that!
I heard Sunday that a bad storm hit Muenster some time
Saturday night and did a lot of damage after we left.
We will have a big party at Scott Buzzell’s hanger at the
Addison Airport on Sunday, July 3. This is Addison KaBoom Town with WWII airplane show and fireworks show.
Look for more information in the newsletter, website and
via email.
We’re starting a new series of articles for the newsletter. If we were school kids it could be called “Where I Went
This Summer in My Corvette”. If you don’t want to write a
whole article... or it wasn’t really that interesting, just send
Diane a couple of photos and a couple of paragraphs for
the newsletter. (see page 8)
See you at the meeting,
FREE-New Driver Door Panel
New in Box. Ebony to fit a 2007 Corvette
Tom Atchison 214-215-1948
Legends Club Meeting
Saturday, July 9, 11 am
La Hacienda Ranch, Carrollton
3300 I-35E North @ Frankford Rd.-Phone: (972) 323-5242
From the North--Take I-35E South to Frankford Rd. exit 446. Get in
right lane of service road. Follow the ramp over the freeway and turn
right at the light. Turn right at the stop sign at the northbound service
road. Stay in the right lane and we are the big log cabin on the right.
From the South--Take I-35E North to Frankford Rd (exit 446). Stay in
right lane of service road and we are the big log cabin on the right.
When should you pay your dues?
Just look at the mailing label on this club newsletter.
Please give your dues to
Tom Lainson at the next meeting or mail to:
Corvette Legends of Texas
P.O. Box 260316, Plano, TX 75026-0316
If you feel we are in error on your current dues, please contact
Tom Lainson 214-348-8396, 214-862-3555 cell, Redvette@ix.netcom.com
President:............................................Tom Atchison......................... tfatchison@aol.com...................................................(214) 215-1948
VP of Operations.................................Sam Deneault........................ sldeneault@verizon.net .......................................... (972) 530-8017
VP of Special Events:..........................Jerry Echols........................... jerryhe2006@aol.com.............................................. (972) 924-2591
Secretary:............................................Linda Deneault...................... ldeneault@elarnoldandassociates.com.....................(972) 530-8017
Treasurer:............................................Roger Berry...............................................................................................................(972)386-6224
Director of Communications:...............John Zachary......................... jzac13tx@verizon.net............................................... (214) 707-2265
Weekend Wrench Coordinator:...........Sam Deneault........................ sldeneault@verizon.net............................................ (972) 530-8017
Membership Coordinator:....................Tom Lainson.......................... redvette@ix.netcom.com.......................................... (214) 862-3555
Newsletter Coordinator........................Diane Preston........................ VetteLegends65@earthlink.net................................. (972) 691-4968
Legends Ledger Newsletter: Published monthly. Send submissions to VetteLegends65@earthlink.net
Submission deadline is the 20th of the month.
Club Web Site:
Coordinated by John Zachary (see above)
Send submissions to John at: jzac13tx@verizon.net
Meeting Speakers:
Coordinated by Scott Buzzell
If you have a recommendation for a guest speaker to address the club
at one of our meetings, please contact Scott at
(214) 641-5590 or westone@sbcglobal.net
Membership Information:
Coordinated by Tom Lainson (see above)
$25 for an Individual membership or
$35 for a Couples membership
Dues are paid annually at a meeting or mailed to:
Club Mailing Address:
Corvette Legends of Texas
P.O. Box 260316
Plano, TX 75026-0316
Birthdays for
Corvette Legends’ Cookbook
Charity Drive to benefit Patriot Paws
Join your fellow Corvette owners in contributing
your favorite recipes to produce the first-ever Corvette
Legend’s Cookbook. The plan is to sell these cookbooks to our friends and family and to visitors at the
State Fair in October. If we sell 200 cookbooks, we
can net almost $1,000 for Patriot Paws.
Send your favorite recipes to me via email:
dyerl-j@live.com or regular mail – Jan Dyer, 5921
Lavon Drive, Flower Mound, TX 75028
Your name will be printed next to each recipe. You
can also include the history of the recipe if you want.
Send up to five recipes – any type.
The categories are:
Soups, Salads
Main Dishes
Breads, Rolls
Please check recipes for accuracy and spelling.
DUE DATE: I need 75-100 recipes by July 15th
A great cookbook is more than a collection of
favorite recipes. It’s a collection of memories of
shared times and it’s a great way to help a great organization. Thanks for your recipes. I look forward to
showing you the finished product.
Jan Dyer
07-02 Ron Thur
07-03 Linda Deneault
07-05 Tom Richards
07-06 Don Kingston
07-09 Barbara Echols
07-11 Joel Joseph
07-11 John McCormick
07-11 Sandy Lainson
07-12 John Mariani
07-15 Rich Ward
07-16 Tom Mullins
07-17 Doug Eubanks
07-18 Dan Hoffman
07-18 Lannhi Muzquiz
07-20 Mark Heck
07-21 Dennis Calander
07-23 Ken Smith
07-23 Tom Atchison
07-24 Hank Orofino
07-26 Micki Trigg
07-28 Dennis Conte
07-29 Gerry Boren
07-6 Tom Martinson
1991 White Convertible/Red Interior
32,500 miles-$15,000
Family-owned vehicle, Excellent condition, White soft top, New
tires, Chrome rims, New Corsa pipes, Amplifier, Infinity speakers, XM stereo with Bluetooth & CD player, Original speakers
and stereo, Includes bra and heavy duty, quality car cover
Karren or Marsha-813-786-9830
1973 Corvette Coupe - Project Car
Body off car on
rolling frame jig,
body straight
and in primer.
78,560 original
miles. Car has
lived in Dallas
its whole life. All
parts are there,
plus new in box, calipers, drilled and slotted rotors x 4.
Also have 1996 LT1 motor with 48,000 miles and overdrive transmission. Also have a factory assembly manual. I have $6,500 in new and used parts plus car, will
take $4,850. Call with questions, Curtis 214-437-6843
ALSO FOR SALE : C5 Subwoofer,
fits in place of rear floor access panel (fits flush)...$150
The Good Old Days at Friends Place
Story & Photos by Tom Lainson
Legends members were asked to bring a few
of our older cars to the Friends Place day center in
Richardson. This is a day facility for older folks, some
with forms of dementia, and the center hoped it would
trigger old memories.
We had a very good representation and participation by members who all enjoyed the time spent
there. Friends Place served us lunch and we heard
John Zachary and Roger Berry
some very interesting tales from their past.
Among the other cars there were Rolls Royce, 57
Chevys, a Pontiac, a Corvair, a Mustang and an Ex
Caliber replica.
Present were: Walter Plumley’s 66, Brian Pautler’s
69, Sam Deneault’s 64, John Zachary’s 05, Tom Entrekin’s 56, Tom Lainson’s 61, Roger Berry’s 71, Greg
Gotses’ 70, and Ken Dobbs’ Turquoise 57 Bel Air.
A Friends Place client admiring Tom Lainson’s 61.
Walt Plumley’s red 66 convertible and Roger Berry’s orange 71 coupe.
Saturday, June 11, 2011 at 11:00 A.M.
Corvette World of Dallas, 1810 N. I-35E, Carrollton, TX
President Tom Atchison started the meeting at 12:15
p.m. The minutes of the May 14, 2011 meeting were
approved. The treasurer’s report by Roger Berry was approved.
The meeting started with Terry Malone, owner of Corvette World of Dallas, giving us an overview of the company. He also had box lunches for all attendees.
Lady Legends winner: Reyna Plumley.
50/50 Cash Pot Winner: Carole Arakelian.
We have the date for our car club display during
the State Fair of Texas. The date is Sun., Oct. 9, 2011.
Please contact Jerry Echols to sign up. River Cities
Corvette Club’s annual show is scheduled for Sept. 9-11,
2011 in Shreveport. If you are interested in going, please
sign up at the next meeting.
Jan Dyer announced she is compiling a cookbook with
proceeds going to Patriot Paws. She asked that any and
Legends members enjoying lunch with the residents
Brian Pautler’s red 69 coupe and Greg Gotses’ yellow 70 convertible.
all recipes be sent to her by email. She wants to get the
book ready to sell while our club is at the State Fair on
Oct. 9th.
Scott Buzzell has, once again, opened up his hangar
at Addison Airport and invited all club members and their
families to Addison KaBoom Town on Sun., July 3rd.
There will be security at the gate and you will need an
invitation letter to present to security when you arrive.
Upcoming Meetings in 2011 (2nd Sat at 11 a.m.)
July 9 LaHacienda Ranch, Carrollton, TX
*Aug. 13 Sneaky Pete’s at Lake Lewisville for brunch?)
Sept. 10 BJ’s Brewery, Addison
Oct. 8 Blue Mesa, Frisco
*You will note that we have tentatively set up a meeting
for Aug. 13th at Sneaky Pete’s in Lewisville. This is a
brunch meeting to start around 9:30 a.m. The cost per
person is $10. Let us know your thoughts regarding this
meeting. For now it is just a one time thing!!!
The meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m. There was no
Minutes taken and submitted by
Linda Deneault, Secretary
“Autos in the Park”
Aerobic Center
June 5, 2011
Our club was invited by the Cooper Clinic to show
our 50-year-old 1961 Corvettes in conjunction with
Chevrolet’s 100th anniversary.
This was a Concours-type show with different
countries represented. There were old and new cars
from Maserati, Porsche, MG, Rolls Royce, Mercedes,
Ferrari, Ford, Chrysler and, of course, GM and more.
We made quite a sight, when you came upon our
display. All the Corvettes but two were red,)) and all but
one were convertibles. We were able to assemble the
-Ted and Lisa Boyer’s Fawn Beige 61
-Dennis and Susan Conte’s Ermine White 61
-Rich and Janie Ward’s Roman Red/Ermine White 61
-Tom and Sandy Lainson’s Roman Red/Ermine White 61
Story by Tom Lainson
photos by Tom Lainson & Sherry Williams
Front and CenterAlbert Turner’s Roman Red/Ermine White 1961 followed by
Rick and Kathy Throckmorton’s Torch Red 2011 GS convertible
We also had three non-members participating with their
1961 Corvettes:
-Eric and Brooks Marye’s Roman Red/Ermine White 61
-Roger and Dee Elliott’s Roman Red/Ermine White 61
-Albert Turner’s Roman Red/Ermine White 61
Legends members also displayed a representative of
each of the C2-C6 Corvette series.
-C2-Jeff and Janice Slakter’s Rally Red 65 convertible
-C3-Jay and Denise Thompson’s Red 81 coupe
-C4-Tom Douglas’ Guards Red 91 convertible
-C5-Sherry William’s Magnetic Metallic Electric Red 99
-C6-Rick and Kathy Throckmorton’s Torch Red 2011
Grand Sport convertible
I hope we get invited back next year, it is a very nice show
Batteries Plus+ Discount
Get the commercial price on any batteries
at the Lewisville or Denton locations by asking
for the “Corvette Legends” discount.
If your business needs batteries, contact
Tom Atchison 214-215-1948 for a personal quote.
Members can also get a club discount at
Huffines Chevrolet in Lewisville.
Jeff and Janice Slakter’s Rally Red 1965 Convertible
Dennis and Susan Conte’s Ermine White 1961
Eric and Brooks Marye’s Roman Red/Ermine White 1961
Tom and Sandy Lainson’s Roman Red/Ermine White 1961
Ted and Lisa Boyer’s Fawn Beige 1961
Rich and Janie Ward’s Roman Red/Ermine White 1961
Roger and Dee Elliott’s Roman Red/Ermine White 1961
Sherry William’s Magnetic Metallic Electric Red 99 convertible, Tom Douglas’ Guards Red 91 convertible, Jay and Denise Thompson’s Red 81 coupe
Legends Members Out and About
Tom Atchison & Julia Kelsey
Julia and I took a little trip (that is why we were not
at the May meeting) to Springfield, MO for my annual
family reunion. My relatives (what’s left of us) live in
northern Iowa and Illinois. We went thru a walk- and
drive-thru zoo and wild animal safari. Saw lots of big
cats, monkeys and a lot of big animals! There were too
many to mention, but two had a personnel touch, you
may say, for me. One was a kangaroo that wrapped its
arms around my arms as I was rubbing his neck and
head and we just had a hard time parting. The other
was a big ox Zebra/Donkey mix
that liked me
so much it
tried to take a
bite out of my
arm. Big red
teeth marks
for about four
days. There
is a lot more
to this story,
but you get the
When we left
Springfield my
navigator, Julia, told me to make a left turn some
place and we ended up at Mt. Rushmore in cold, rain,
sleet and 10+ inches of snow. A big thanks to the
hotel for a snow brush I used and for snow plows that
cleared the roads ahead of us.
We had a great time. Mt. Rushmore is one place Julia has been talking about seeing for a long time. I told
her we would see a lot of snow. She told me later that
I hadn’t mentioned that we would actually be in snow!
Yes we drove the Corvette.
There was a program every evening at Mt. Rushmore. When they were ready to close out the program,
they called all of the veterans to the stage to bring
down the flag. I took part in folding the flag. That was
just real nice.
Have a great summer and send in a story about a
trip you took in your Corvette.
Legends Members Out and About
Have you gone on a trip in your Corvette?
Tell us about where you went and what you did.
Send your story to Diane: vettelegends65@earthlink.net
at Mount Rushmore, SD
w ers
N mb
Rocky Rainbolt-Plano
1959 Black/Silver Cove
Red Interior
Martin Custer-Double Oak
2002 Electric Blue Z06
Paul McIntire-Lewisville
1992 Red Coupe 6 Speed
Joplin NCRS Regional Recap!
by Tom Douglas
Joplin was the site of the National Corvette Restorer’s Society Spring
Regional on April 28-30, 2011. The event was held at the Holiday Inn
Convention Center located next to I-44. (This property was not damaged
in any way by the tornado that went through the city of Joplin in May.) The
event started on Thursday with Operations Checks in the parking lot. Then
the cars were moved into the convention center, followed by the social
hour in the Holiday Inn Bar. There are several restaurants that offer a wide
variety of meals within walking distance.
Friday began Flight Judging, which continued into Saturday afternoon
followed by the Awards Banquet Saturday evening! The event offered five
vendors and several members selling their own parts in the swap and sell
area. The car count was 81 Corvettes for Flight Judging, 12 Corvettes for
Sportsman Display and 3 Corvettes Static Display. There were at least another 30 Vettes driven and parked outside. Overall it was a great weekend!
Bob Demmel’s 1971 Blue
Coupe received a top flight
award at this event.
The next Regional in the
area will be in Frisco,Texas
at the Embassy Suites Hotel
on October 27-29, 2011.
Flight Judged cars will be in
the Hotel Grand Ballroom!
EVERYTHING for Corvettes
& GM Muscle Cars!
Need more room for
your VROOM
Plano, Texas 214-632-2270
• C1-C5 Specialists
• Knowledge, Maintenance, Repairs & Restoration
• Engine, Trans, Brakes, Chassis, Exhaust, Suspension,
Interior, Fiberglass Repair & Paint
A/C Repair & Aftermarket Installation
Transmission Conversions
• Multiple National Awards, Magazine Features & Covers
• Resto-Mods, NCRS, Bloomington & Concours
• Magnuson, STS, Street Shop, Inc., Newman Car
Creations, Keisler Overdrive Systems & Many More
We do it all...AND do it right the first time!
If your passion has taken
over your garage, call
fellow Corvette Legend
Member, Erika WoodCherry!
She can help you find a
home with a larger
garage, covered parking
or a longer drive way!
Don’t leave your “baby”
out in the cold,
For Real Estate
results, call Erika!
Office: 972/987-3800
VM: 972/733-7105
Dinner Cruise
to Muenster
Ken & Kathy Weller planned a dinner cruise for
our members to Rhomer’s Restaurant in Muenster,
Texas. We met at Huffines Plaza near I-35E & Hwy
121 in Lewisville at 1 pm, Saturday, June 18. It was
hot and windy, so a few who signed up failed to show
up--probably those without air conditioning. We
ended up with 30 people at dinner, 15 Corvettes
and one air-conditioned five-passenger sedan.
Meeting in Lewisville were Rob & Jo McEnroe,
Ron & Judy Thur, Tom & Sandy Lainson, Carl
Johanson, Ester Towles, Mary Jeanne & Tom
Entrekin, John & Mickye Zachary, Larry & Jan
Dyer, Roger Berry, Tom Atchison, Julia Kelsey,
Sherry & Pete Snider, Don & Martha Pinson, Bill
& Diane Preston, and Vic Pacheco.
We drove up I-35 past Denton, then headed west
on county roads to enjoy an hour drive through the
countryside. We experienced Krumm, Slidell, Era
and Myra, Texas before arriving in Muenster.
Doug & Doris Jezewski and Mike & Vicky
Flugstad, who live up in Denton, were waiting for us
at the restaurant in Muenster.
There were two Corvettes without air
conditioning and the temperature registered 104!
We proclaimed a “Good Sport Award” for the wives
in those two cars--the “Sweat Sisters”, Kathy Weller
and Jo McEnroe. Roger Berry’s always thinking of
ways to pick up girls... Little did he know that having
Our special award winners, Kathy Weller and Jo McEnroe
Jo & Rob McEnroe ready to head out to JoAnne’s Fabric store after dinner.
an airconditioned car with a couple of empty seats
would be such a come on!! Kathy and Jo wanted to
ride back to town with Roger. Jo’s husband, Rob,
bribed her to ride in the hot Corvette, by promising to
stop at JoAnne’s Fabric for scrapbooking supplies on
the way home. But Ken drove home alone in his 64.
About Rhomer’s Restaurant: In 1953 Emil
Rohmer opened the Ace Cafe on Highway 82 in the
building across the street from Rohmer’s Restaurant
present location. When Emil started his business,
hamburgers were 25 cents and cheeseburgers were
30 cents. With a coke, it was a nickel extra. He offered two sizes of lunches, a small one for 45 cents
Ken Weller, Vic Pacheco and Bill Preston checking the fan clutch on
Ken’s 64 trying to diagnose his overheating problem.
and a large for 70 cents. A piece of pie was 15 cents
and coffee or tea was 5 cents.
In 1959, he moved across the highway and
opened Rohmer’s Restaurant, with a seating capacity of 88. In September of 1995, Emil’s daughter
Dina and her husband, Troy Sicking, became the
managing owners of Rohmer’s. In March 2002 they
moved into the present day building replicating the
rock covered arch of the original building. When Troy
& Dina opened the doors to their new building, their
son, Jason Sicking, joined the business. To the present day Troy, Dina and Jason continue to maintain the
successful business their father and grandfather built
over 50 years ago.
John Zachary having his pecan pie FIRST!!! Tom Entrekin on the right.
Tom Atchison, Julia Kelsey, Larry Dyer, Doris & Doug Jezewski.
Martha Pinson, Esther Towles, Carl Johanson, Rob McEnroe and Bill
Preston facing us. Don Pinson and Sandy Lainson on this side.
Vic Pacheco, Ken and Kathy Weller at Rhomer’s in Muenster.
Foreground: Roger Berry. Facing: Vic Pacheco, Jo McEnroe, Sandy Lainson, Don Pinson and Pete Snider
Rare member sighting... Judy Thur with Ron Thur, Larry Dyer and Doris
Come drive the
NEW 2011 Chevrolet
Our inventory changes daily,
and we will work to get the
vehicle you desire!
Call Ted at
972-538-7106 or 817-996-7258
for Special Club Member Prices
on New and Pre-Owned Vehicles.
Come by
and check it out!
There is NO reason for Corvette Legends Club
Members to go ANYWHERE but Huffines!

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