B ht A d H - Southeastern Oklahoma State University
B ht A d H - Southeastern Oklahoma State University
* * * ·* y **** OPPICUL OBQAlf 8011'1'BEA8TEHN- STATB C~LLBQB f *'* * ***** V-O-~~X-X-XV--------~----------------D-U __ R_A_N_T_,_O_K_L_A~.,~DNESDAY,NOVEMBER2.1~ • :0 NO.8 • onor J 'College Students '~Who's Who'' Nt11J1es College UPerclassmen Twenty-three Southeastern State elementary education major from been chosen Durant; Waura.ne Foster, math-, Who's Who ematics major from Idabel Among Students In American Col~ legea and Universities, John T . 1 Bar~ara G~dy, English major Krattiger; dean of students, has fro~ Tempi~, Kenneth Goach, been informltd mUSic ,education major from DeniTife 23 students, all of whom son, Texa l s; John Griffith, English ~ect to be graduated from major from_ New Albany, Ind.; . Southeastern by the en4 of the ~atsy Hams, elementary. educaSUinlJler term, were nominated by tton ptajor ~m Daisy.' Fran a faculty -committee following ~rtn~s, busmess education mal recommendations by students and JOr fi'Qfl Durant. · faculty. ·' EIJl!llett H~dgins, elemen~ Those chosen are Norvin Allen. ed_uca~n- maJ~r from ~kchito; sp,eech major from Idabel; Jim Milam King, history maJOr from • Amerson, _ il\dustrial arts major Ch~ot ; De&:n Lafevers, history from Healdton· Annie Astoli. maJor \from Milburn; Dorothy Me.. elementary ~duc~tion major from J?aniel .. elementary education rnaOrange, Calif., Bud Bahner, in-: JOr from_ Duran_t; John Me~. dustrial arts major from Ardmore. mathematics maJor from Madill; -Norma Case, elementary educa- Dan_ N;utter, history. major from tion major from Atoka; Betty J?eruson! Texas; Jan Owen, EngCrosslan~ Engllish major from lish m~J~r fn;>m LB;wton; and PatCaney; Roxie Doyle, elementary sy Pe;;~ mUSlc maJor from Calera: e<Jucation major from Indianola; Sel ·on is -based on BcllolarBillie · Easter, business .education ship, leadership, • and potential m~jor'from Bokchito; Madge Fort, qualiti«f of service as citizens. colleg~ stud~ts have ~or ,memberihip In I . I I I . . • CJIJI:MISTBY PROFESSOR c. w. BROUGHTON Is standing by his "Cow", 8D experimental apparatUs I_ that. may eh.ulp the IDdustrtal world. Reporter AI Riley seems sHgbtly bewildered by the wllole affair. · _ . ( Third Annual PoetT~y - ~Fes''t"'al 1 .·> . • Y'L • ''( , -. . . · ·Wil(~e Held At SSClriday A d H ht Broug on n ~ IS . ow Blue Key Holds Fd Highschool students of the His Son·· . ay Revolut·.·o·n.·•ze ln.d~·ustry W•'lh Sexy Style Show·.~~~~~:~r:as~:~c~ta~ll ~lle~~ I~is ~~~~o~fo?~~~~8ll~ M ~ ~ . campus Friday~ for the third an- ture of the southwest .and of Oknual poetry festival. lahoma., ·one of the selections chosMan, did you see those scroun- ; Registratipn iS scheduled for 9 en for .a mixed chonJ.S is by _a ges and thOse luscious dolls at the a . m. m "th.e administration build- state pqet._ The 9klahom_f lyric ~ assem . bly . ye.sterday? Was that 8.11. fing. President A. E. Shearer will Don Blllnding's Death fYfa God. uly man contest or a dog show? I wefcome 1;,he .visitors. lllterest a~-· . Blue Key reports that nearly: · Choral reading of suggested rnaMembers of the English departterials1 s e n t to participating who i~'tiated the poetry festival everyone was nonunated, faculty schools in advance· of the festival, as an experiment two years ago included. will be fe{Ltured, Ruth Hatchett, are pleased with its development,Here are the ten finalists: Jim English .professor and festival sup- Miss Hatchett said. Increased at"ugh" Amerson, Bu<! · "the, stud". ervisor, ;explAined. tendance and interest marked ~ Bahner Bob "peepers" CWmlng. Boys .BelecUODet year's meeting and a greater mham, Hoot "turkey" Gibson. Bob Narrati-ve P9etry and selections · crease fit expected this year. "po1¥1um" Hoskins, Charles ·~goph- particularly suitable for male preFolloWing a noon luucheQil in er" Irwin, Bill "beaky" Jones, Bill sentition wjll be included for the Hallie llcKinney hall and a short. "jowls" McCarthy, G. W. "_G arry first Ume this year. The selection attem~ session. the students. Warren" McVay, and R. E. "rufus" chosen for a boys chorus i8 Mary will visit the colle&'e Ubrary. Shearwood. Austin•a "Lament of a . Man for I (See 'l'WO--J'ale 6) ----------~~~..-.....--~-· :---------------------- By AI Blley -There's a cow ill the chemistry de~ent! • ~ Th~w' ill a product of C. I . . W. Broug ton's work on his Ph. D. d from the UDiverstty of ~ Texas. er 11,1ore, the Cow may . become the center of an lndus.-trial . revolution. . Southeastern homecon}jng will 1 t 16 it_a eadler atage it was dubb- be "Saturday, Novembe.r 19. IG ''BtoucJlton'• Kouter'' by felOrganizations on the campus low student. at Texaa. RecenUy tt have plans well under way to baa been naJDel!l "the Cow" by make this years homecoming a Dr. L. 0. :aloqaD. ,cbem!atry pro- successful event. tuaor at the Unhenllty of Texaa, To start the activities, a parade~ and'"it aeeDUI Uaat this name Will through town will take place at •• .Uck. 11 a. m. Organizations will enter 1 YMI' ~ floats which Will _ cOmpete for Brougllton'a role will be. in- prizes. They wt11 be judged on veatlp.tiDt the problems of elec- ey~ appeal, originality, and ap- l troplating - ~ metal on propriateness to the theme. Dickel or 8teel ill the ame manThe student senate has selected ner as chromium. Tile reeearch, a "Fairy Tales" for the theme this three year project. wu ~ year. • · and conducted by the Atomic' EnFollowing the parade, a lunch• · ercy commtwon, and wu under eon will be held in the Hallie Mel a grant from than until Jut year. Kinney hall aining room at 12 Now Soutbeutern baa taken noon for former students. over the apouonblp and hall turThe main event of the day will · niahed much of the equipment. take place when the Southeastern . The myaterlowtlituatlon 18 that Savages meet ' their opponents, the tungsten and chromium bave the East Centn.l Tigers, on the footsame chemical cbaracterl8tlca, but ball field. The kickoff is schedul· the proce• that worb for chrom- ed for 2 p. m. The football queen "!ul falls for tunpten. Al8o, after w1U be crowned during half tiJne much research tbe proceaa for ceremonies at the game. electroplating chromium _ 18 aWl After the game, a reception for unknown. :_ . alumni ~ be given by Faculty Would ......,.._ au. Dames in the lounge of Hallie MeThis is where Broup~ and Kinney hall. . the Cow take over. Fl1wt he muat To cl1max the day, a dance find out why, and under what sponsored by the student senate condition, tungsten wfll depolit on will take place in ·the college ballnickel or steel. It JDeCbantam room. could be found for tunpten, a · clue would ~ establlahed for chromium deposition. '1ft ..1 _ Some clues have been found • to how the investigation should .. • proceed, and the experiment will The Southeatem band held an be conducted at SSC. election of officers September 28. This is a very ambitious proThe newly elected officers are , gram, because it requires more president, Frank Rickard; vice 1 · · • elaborate equipment than most president, Aaron Townsend; and THE GROUP PIC'I't1RII:D 18 TID: THE .JAZZ COMBO bae receatly been fo~ed. Altboap tile types of research. Radio tracer secretary-treasurer-reporter Judy outfit 11M been together Oldy a abo~ Ume, It 11u already 1IIIMie II8Venl appearailces. These Include BlUe techriique is employed, which re- 1McVeigh. ' 1 Key's ugly man contest allow aad t\to eooeerta at the Daruat· .Jualor Jalllaecllool.. _ quires the use of radioactive The band .has been very active 'l'be ~mbo is apoaeored by the Beta Gamma colony at sse, aad the musl~s a re all members of • · chemicals and a very aensitive on the campus this year. They that colony. Its scope lDcludee playlug for. tbe_ co!«Jay twleUODB and perfonu~g for chartty-~lve work · scaler. The 8C&Ier ill a · Geiger have received thankS for their help and non-profit campus, Pf'OII'IYDL ' . · . '· counter bullt here at sse. at all the pep rallies and at the· Members of tile combo are Deaa-,CJoonrod, plano; · .Jolla Gllffttll, bua; Ken Goacll, di'1UllS and (S.ee ONE, Pap I) Ihome games. sax; and Bob WeddeD, trai'IPfJt · _ ', -l j · Homecoml·ng Is INovember 19 . . I # Sou........a ...ern landNames ItS Officen I I •or b. #I PAGB -7'WO W~DNESDAY. f'lae 80Uf'BBAS7'ERN. Durtlllt. OltlahoiiUI z. 1166 NOVEMBER To Direct Choral Festival· LQoking At Both Sides J tc I •ta·•' •jGiltf*.._ Th~ Southeastern A880CLlTir~LL.QLlT. Paltlldlet P&B88 Blaeelette•._., . _ Official oqan of tbe Soutla••"' CoDese UeocJ&tion publillhed Illweekly during every month 10t the year except June, J"uly and Auguat a t Durant, Oklahoma. In the Inter: est of Southeastern State Collep!, Durant, Oklaho~. and of )higher education. · PI coming way. for thE expecU yea,r. The will be bera, 1 smoke11 hotel l football . Evei'J Tau. is "Graad ·M ERii Tay Durt~~~t FlmDe.r. .. Shop Flowers for All 0Ct".asioDR _._ ,.,.- Pholle 180 • SHERRER'S . " F'OR REALLY FINE FOODS Funeral Home AMBULANOE -VICE DAY or NIGilT 881 ~w. Mala GREEN SPRAY Super Market 514: South Ninth Lee,s • Drive-Inn M U· RRAY us Jimmy VICKI'S ~ TASTY SANDWICJIIES 521 N. 11Nt • Mt-.A. ...... Skelly Station 120 N. 1st ·~en You Want 'lbe Best of ffervice" Southeastern Coffee Shop n w Very nu~.o~o~ F • •• •• 0 WBDNWJDAY. NOVBMBBR !, 1MS .... ,. l'ie SOUTHBA.Bf'BRN. . Keeli!Jgs i4 tteitd: CoH~ FalllilyS~Ie: S ,. I · J , 0 C I Ei I r • F .y I. _ ·.·,J!ou. Ca6tfeterr'l l~o WeJ. 1. rfJ.ifam ~ng '2;Yecemter 26 0 ¥!'- ·and Mrs. L. C. Castlebeny, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lou Etta, ~- Milam M. King' jr., Checotah. 3 'he · coupl_e will be married In the -First ¥ethodist church, Bokchito; December 26 at i :30 p. m. . LQu~ a g~duate of Bennington highschool,· is a sophomore at Sc?~theastern, majoring in business education. She ia a member Qf Pi Kappa · Sigma social soror~nnington, ~ the be ity. ~ !4ilam attended Checotah highschool, and was graduated from Oklahoma Military a,cademy. He -i.'l a ·-senior at Southeastern, and will receive :his degree in .January. l;le is president ofJ the student senate,.- president of Phi Alpha The~, histoey fra~Aity, a member of the Pfii Si~ Epailon 1110cial fraternity, a member of Blue Key honorary- fraternity, and Red _ , Red . Rose, men's fellowship or' "TAJtiQI,Y STYLE" dellerlbes tbe way tile lleellll&'• go to college. In .the picture above are tbe three 1p.nization. ~ .Keeltnl' brotben,--Bob, Hoy, aad ..-,-eac~ tllell' ... !;er Joyce. . '. . · They Will continue tbeir studies ; '. •. at Southeastern with Milam doing The latest trend of enrollment iety of interests. Bob and Roy, ·, charged from ~e armed force& grad.uate 'W~Fk. · • at Southeutern is family style, seniors, are majoring i.n biological . All four are following in the according to the Keeling&. acienoe and math, respectively. I footsteps of their .father who is a Four members of the Keeling Joyce is pUl'BUing an eleme~tary teacher at Wade, their homet9wn. 1 JUIIIILR.Inilll ... family, Bob, Don, Roy, and .Joyce, major and Don is majoring- t.n in- I Anybody care to · guess what ~ are enrolled th1a aemeater at dustrial arts. The latter ~o are Mrs. Keeling c;loes on weekends? 1 An , automatic w~ef is probably - - I I U Southeastem. ' freshmen. 1181.. This fo6rsome has a wide<' varBob and Don were recently dis- her life's demre. · __.....________________________ • I · • . • . • Sigma TausMokeBigPI~ns Spooks v -I Sit • 'Scheel I u e GI•r Is· D - orm· Fer FuII. Homecommg rear tt~r eln ot • _.._. .. ftt.b iey . r.......A'!'!Il··-- Dt!l.pllst 1 r........... ,....... Slate BSU M ....,. ~~~~~~ .'' .·_ ~·God's ~ ., ' Kap~a Delta ~ Picks F st A p .d nl ' Q er e S fesJ 1.. 1 Waurane Foster wu elected president of Kaypa Delta PI, national education fratenrlty, at it. World-My Life-Now" fir~e:g::n~o:_.:rc: 1 wiU be the theme of the Oklaho- cuued.J The initiation . c:tiJmer wu ma . Baptist Student convention eet for >November 21. • for 1955, aaid Waurane Foster, Th~ invited to join were ~ Th girls f Ha1l1 Jocal BSU preaiqent. Bostic . Loxia Cockrell, OWe Jeaa0 e . e McKinney, · The . COQ.Vei!tion will t»e\ iNovem- ne Co~er, Betty CrosslaDd, Roxie hall let their hair down and 'had ber 4-6 at the First Baptist church Jlgyle, Eurith Erwin, Letha Jo j a gay old ~e Wednesday night. i_!.l Norman..: • ,. Fly, Madge Fort, Barbara GaDdy, Gail Sammona 'lf&a in charge of The goal of Southeastern's BSU Ken G$ch. Patsy llarrl8, Travl8 the' recreation. .Juat ask Os-, ia to. bave ~ people attend the Hyde, !Milam King.. Dean La- . . Plana for Sip& Tau's boaae- 10~ R. Bridges will be host at the coming activiiles are well under · emoker, -~ · way. The Pledges have their duties Ow WMII Day for the JIM'8de aa4l membere are The Taus proclaimed Oct. 22 as expectiq a winning float thill national car wuh ~-If you hapyea,r. ' P.enjlld to pua Jimmy Lee'a station, oan The ldghUghts of laomecorning you mlgbt have aeen the ~ ·borne, Sarah Gu.zick, or Jane Par- c:onvealiOn. . Fevers, .fBetty Lou llaurer, Pb7IUIJ will be a amoker for al~, mem• scramble fill Horman Villarreal due how to play "Dentiat"-Thei .· ~rtiLtion and housing are I Meek, and Patay Pen. bera, sponaofS an• pledges. The and Phil McKinzie on the wash love lt! ]>ro~ded. The only aollt will be ; - - ' _ _ _....__ _ _ __ smoker will Jte held in .u.e Dunm~ rack; pledg• ahfntng dirty winRel th rder f ' th for food. -Anyone who attends hotel tmmedlately folloWing the 1dows; or Joe Houaton on the bust- · night,a\~t w;r~: ~ ..:cwed~' and is interested in ping ahoul_ l .~¥ THE . foo~ ga.ute. . r j ness end of tbe vacuum cleaner. after playing "Spin the Box.'"'· ~toe W..::~'!.-2! WUma . Everyone affiliated with Sigma Dan Nutter, trea..urer and inatl- •Even the housemoth~rs got in on, , qg ' ~ ..qry. Tau. la urged -to ~ preaent. The gator of tbe deal, reported very that one-Brother, what a ' race! ·· • · • '· "Graad Ole Man" of Stama Taq, favorable return& Everyone elae They staggered all over the place EATS. DRINK& PL&n · find waa too 1\ang around ..- - - - - - - - - - - - : . out UNCI wbatto~ take was and an Two skits were given-one a\.·. 1 lSI 0 L1Jli[CIIIB lie too anx1ou11 to be otf to the wem- hilarioua take-off on Cinderella· . · ·M EBL• NOBM.AN, C08KB'fiC8 er· rout tbat follo~ - written and directed by Kathryn Mrs. Lillian S!UppeJ'8. southwest WeiDer Baeat West. Edith Reidt portra~d the district president of Alpha SJgma - MTBTLB &~8WJU..L, ~. .James "Pudgy'' Bowers, apon- ["petite, graceful. femlninef' Cin- j Tau-will be on the SOutheastern .ar and ho.t at the weiner roaat, derella; Joyce Keeling was the .campus November H5 tO inspect had nearly all the hot dop to eat 'tall, maniy, suave" prince; and Rho Chapter, . aid Joan Bouk, blmeelf. When members arrived . Jan Owen was the fairy god- l cbapter president. with their ~ the designated 1 mother with her tennis racket 1, ~~ 'will arrive froDJ. st. Louis ;;;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;;:;:;;n;:;;::;:;;:;:;;:;:;:;::a:rr;;; road wu b 1 o c ked by two ' wand. · by -plane and ~ be met in Dal- ' Ready-T~Wear DI DDDDDDD' DDo o I Do II I 1:0 I I highway patrol cars. Everyone The other skit was splendidly las by .a gi_'O~p of Aldha Sigs. ·' decided he didn't ~t to g~ to· done by Tommy Payne, Edith • ~rs. .Shippen will lit a guest at a weiner rout, especially do~ the· Reidt, and .Jan Owen. (If there ~ Founder's· Day program to be Headquarter$ for College road. ' a stray talent scout arout:ere presenttfd by the cbapter Friday Students lt aeema th1a wu a come anq are some hams!) - night_in the private dining room go party. l'ollowing the chow the Since the party was o y of Hallie Mc¥in•ey hall. --L 1 party adjourned to swiss Village planned as a Halloween pa.rty, Alpha $igma Tau . , . founded Feel At Hom~ TG L~~~VA for an eventna of dancing. even though the Haloweeny flavor Novembq 4, 1898 ill Ypsilanti, I ~l'lllle• loell..... ~$. 8tMe wore off, tbere ~e a ftw cute Mi~higan ~d llas 32 coUegt&te 1, Phone 951 130 MaiD St. 8Jaoe . . - . I fatronlze nte Southeastern ad- cost1.imea that added to tb~ party.: cha(>ter~t in the· Unit.l S~tea. 'I _ · IOII.fUIIAARIWIAflllftle" tVeitiaeN. Chlrlene .Johnson was. the quiet- _ _ _ _ .. _-----~""'!""----..t ---"--....,----------, est she had ever been-:._the ~ileq~ r:---.-..~'"f-.._;;,..........---""": cowboy. · · • Refreshments df taffy apples, H~ttoii routed ~uta, and cokes wete· senred to a, hungry bunch of spooks. • .Just as the final ghost stoi-y A foll year's subscription to any began ,tn the pitch-dark ~~ ~ of these th!ee weekly a light flasJled upon the group. 1 . Quality Jewelry r and _ the watchman informe4 us PROD . . ~gaziilea at these reduced prices that it was time for an young and Gifts ••. for collep students Qnly. T•e ghosts to be in bed-so we 'r attled off upstairs. --'-B. C. · Tb,e Weekly Newsmagazine, 1i 'j , NUGGEI' .L -" Alpha Stg Officer· w·I·l . v · . ,•t c 11ege . 1 WHITE'S · I ESHCIAttM f1ll !OU one ballroom: ireat Grocery & ilarketj .··.. FJC.EE · . SANDEFUR'S j Jewelry 'i'm:B, for . _ .t.baD fk a week ... or Lin, Ameri.oa's favorjte aictorial, for leas than 8¢ © ••. 01' SPQIII'S ILLlii- the filrat DB.tional ·sports weekly, for leet than ~ an issue. TilATQ, Our advertiaera help them . . '" ~elp ua; you -·-. -·- - BUDTU'OL PLOWUS ·• Leo~~~Jrd Floral I ..... .... CDinfJGftll. Sip up today at tbe camp\i& book· . - . Gl' with your ooUep -t. ·PA·J , ~ TAlE·. IT F08 BHaJ' OOC.Ut•w UAJJOKA~ Pate•• &113 ••:... .• .~. . . . . . . . ~- PII.... .' •. .. ' Jlarket - Baper . ,· Open 7 Days k Week-7:00A.M. To 9:00P.M. . CALL 1644 . . ~· ~ - for - '~ ·: ·l'lliJ. DELIVERY I ' ·• WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER J, 1115 .( TIM SOUTHEASTERN, Durant, Oklahoma PAGE ' Sinister New GroUp Three Murals Sociology Students ! WESLEY GROUP BAS FIRESIDE CHATS Threatens Bachelors By SS Artists learn What's Behind ':oe:~ro:t~:~d~!::id:S:~{t.: ~ A 'll Jhose Phone (·alis Bough By Op\J Bachelors b e w a r e ! or the SPBOM will get ¥OU. As a bonafide confirmed b~chelor I feel it! is my duty to warn· my fellowmen about a sinister organization on (and off) the campus. This sinister group is thorough-' ly organized and dedicated to , the restriction or downright abolishment of the freedom of men. Men, it is not for us to panic at: this threat to our inalienable right. Nor is it a time for viol-. ence-yet. We must stand strong in the sterling beliefs of bachelor• hood. Although it is r a woman's duty to catch a husband; it is a man's right to stay single as long as possible. The challenge has been given, the guantlet thrown. Bachelors, stand firm. Stay bachelors, and this organization will be for naught. The Society for the Prevention of Becoming an Old Maid will fail miserably. Hoo-ray foil' the freedom of man. Greetings Children: Having for quite some time admitted that we were the moat popular columnist in these parts, we have Rt last taken cognizance of the demand for a letters to the <'olumnist feature. So here goes. Dear D. C.How come, if the Daze is such a :good column, you don't have no humor in it? ANS. So what do ya want for nothptg? · I H ey You: Why don't you start a campaign for better music on the juke ln the cofshop ? Darold Dingle, Rt. History Group Plans. November Initiation 1 1 23. Members of Rho Chapter of Phi Alpha T)leta, honorary historical Most Revereil and Venerable ·Sir: society, ljllet Monday, Octobew 24, Greetings f. r o m Hollywood, in the home of Dr. James Morlahoma. I have a suRe.nttos;ie., rlson with president Milam King Oklahoma! I have a · suggestion: Why don't you print a ''Letters to thP. Columnist" oncet:' Yours for Libby, OWen, Ford. • T. J. Smerd Howdy, bub: . Thought I'd drop a line to let you know rm feelin flne. Hope you are too. Just want you to know that what this acllool needs is a good five cent piece of pte. I'm tired of E' ting cake, Marte Antoinette to e contrary. Joel L , &00 Montgomery Drive. a !Hallowe'en party · Wednesday : night, bctober 26, in the student I union ba],lroom. Three mural painted by South: R. W. Fleak, along with five of 1 The weekly firealde chat , held eastern State ollege art students 1 hi~ spciology students were guests by Wesley foundation started at have been purqhased by Oklahoma 1of the Southwestern Bell Tele- 6:30 with the group joining in a Presbyterian cpllege. "These mur.:. phone c.o mpany recently and were discussion on a few pertinent als willS&ld h_ang the college ~ining 1 taken on .>a . tour of the plant and religious questions. Dan Batchelor, hall," Amy Robmson, • p~sident of who made the central orfice m Durant. Methodist youth director, led the · purchase. Owl, Bascom I They saw the plant in operation discussion. Melson and . Bornoski w~re 1and watched traffic department The group also participated ln the painters the murals. complete both local ll;lld long dis- a few folk games which we~ fol1 Another :woject o{ lance calls on the swttchboaJ:d. lowed by refre9hments of cupCak• the art Y,e an ex- ~ Harry Arfstrom, manager of the and apple cider. hibit of and modern Jap~ Durant office, talked to the group , Tonight's fire-side chat will be anese prints. department has a :1d explained how the · telephone held in the home of Nancy Ratalready sent the prints and company contributes to the econ- cliff, 1402 North Second, at 6:30 they should here in the very, omy of Durant. There are 76 local p . m. All are invited. near future," said Miss Minnie employees. &nd 56 of this number 1 - - - - - - - Baker, art . are operators. The payroll for The be Of\ sale dur- j these &mployees totals over $19.1 ing the The public is 000 a month. · featuring invited to and see them. The op rators complete on the average 23,000 locals calls and ap• Tuag proximately 850 long distance presiding. · calls daily. DuBarrg During the meeting they ~is- 1 • Jack H. Davis, wire chief, and cussed plans the approachmg j Ruth Alley, chief operator. helpI initiation of new pledges De- ed conduct the group through the 1 cember 2. A was pla~ed for j plant and .explained its operation. November 5 R~se H1ll, his_ torical site. The elected Dr. Mor- Doctor: I don't like the looks of rison to ,...,,,,...,....,,n the chapter in your husband. Phone 1730 119 N. 8rd the coming convention to Lady: I don't either, but he's good bP held at ~t.iill\IIITAt.er_ to the kids.~--------~~------------------------------~~----~--- -r-- I e COSMETICS i I DURANT DRUG C'MON PQODLE, 'LET'S DROODL~! I • For~ ... paragraph·below. WHAT'S THIS? I Afte1 first te the Soli ed for first JHi second to rou1 Friday It WI bles a9 the SaJ ing fla. minuteJ at one yard lil downs. Aftet forcing got pos qwn 11 muster ,. Bayne down. A Io1 past B the fi they to yard lil John! back, a a,• - the ext were 01 Four second in tron dog tol pulled i and we 87 yard touchd ed the ages t Sou~ times f them a • • aa the .. In tli quarter aation&l son Pel touehdCJ the .I ANS. The columnlat iB weU aware that th!i!re are, perhaps, some deficiencies in thle wonder ot wonders. What this 8Cbool needs is man.i nly what every other school needs, namely more ot this column. Onions and Orchidll: Onlorut to the person who has upsetting the nocturnal engagements of the residents of Shearer ball Th08e firecrackers will have to go. That is all. Orchids: To the carnation growers society of Iri8h potato peelers. NOTI()JI: • ARE YOU BUJJ.TJ:D? PUSHED AROUND? AN INCOMPET• •ENT BUNG~? TAKE DELTOID BICEPA'S MUSCLE CORSE, AND YOU TOO CAN BE extJ been A BULLY! by now,· d. c. Phon TWO . In addition to seeing special literary ~xhibits prepared for them, the students will have an opportunity to view the current. art work. The series of paintings is being exhibited by the college and the Durant Festival 'Of Arts through membership in the American Federation of Arta, New York. The original rnaaterpi6ce, which ls the November selection and is being br6ught here from the Art · Instftue of Chicago, 1a the 18th century Italian work, "The Beg· ger Boy" by Giovanni Battista Piazetta. I I ,. C · GARETTES • • • I • CON....SIOIIC REIGNS il;l the Droodle above, titled: Switchboard operated by ., absent-minded Lucky smoker. Poor girl's been swamped by too many phoue calla. But isn't confused abput better taste- she smokes Luckie&. Lucldes taste better,. first of all,.because Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. Then "Ifs Toasted" tO taste even·~ ••• cleaner, fresher, smoother. Swif:ch to Lucky Strike yourself. You'll say it1s the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked-and you won't have your · wires either. DROODLBS. Copyrlpt 18G8 by&.- Pl'b sJie Studentsl ·-V181.t- EARll •2s01! TBE MODBRN , BEAUTr SHOP 106 North s-.4 Phoae IN AIB-CONDITIOJIBD ~ m on tbe Luck:v DrooCDe aoid miDe. We pay $26 for all we u.e-aud ·for a Whole raft we don"t u.l Seud ~w DroocUe. with de.criptive titlee. IDClude yolll' name,~ colleae aDd cia. and tbe oamellllll acldn. of tbe deal. m yoarcoiJep town from whom ~ ~ ~ IDOIIt often. ~: Lucky Droodle, Bo~ 67 A. I I I Q .0 Cut WH7TT~ HOUSE ~RQCERY Mount VarDODo N.Y. LUCIOIS 1 uu Ji IOSCHP N. ,.,._.,. H.:=.ar.r.c. PLYINeiAUCIR , CHAI•eao~ea_. 1Mlie PoWIJ , 8rlrM .c.ar..- - C/eanel; ·Fres/Jer, Smoo'lll.! -WBDNBSDAY. NOYB.BBB J. _lllf 'I'Ae SOU'I'BBAS'I'BRN. o.r..t~ · ~ . Bulldogs Deal Wanted: .S upport · Sn~g&s Travel To Maanola Crushing ·Blow "Let's back up our team." How •Cfften do you hear _'F·or'SecOnd Arkansas Match statement? It appears that this 8aying with . ··ro Savage$ thisbutthe statement about the weather. Everyone talks about it,. , no one does anything about it. I5 p k' N c1 1 ~oincides The downhearted Savaa: n~y · to I Ma:gno1la, Ar jour ~day The lack of team support at SSC seems to be a combi- ~::.~~e~:kS::~~g ta~ ~ t:":tSo~th~:~~ ~~'::Ue:: nation of fair-weahter fans and "suitc~e,: st~de~ts. ·The . num~r two. against fi e losses ed for one touchdown late in the j first category backs the team only when It IS wmnmg. The and one tie.- . . first period, ~our more scores in the second group heads for home as soon as the last Friday • On~ pr~~~~~ ~ s!!~ stecondtqutharters, an~ the5n9 W enth on · class is out. This leaves our team to play the game .with ~g:~ eke~ ~ut a 6 to o 'wm over o rou night e avages -13 ere support f rom a meager crow d compose · d mam · l y of D uran t Ouachita. . T~?-ey are hopmg . to t urn Friday · d lt d h'Igh SC h 00 1 k'd · . · . the trick again Friday night. It was the same story of tum- a U S an 1 s. ·TheSavages will be working bles and mistakes which have cost I found that most of the football boys were qmte hard othis week as they try once the Savages all year long. Play- concerned over it. One first -stringer told rne1 "I was used agaiJ;t to pull over 'into the win 1 ~~!:' ~f\~~g~e ~e ~T!agt: to lack of spirit from playing ball in the service,. But even C91~. Thteyf _willth·~ ~9·tglto3 · ... h h GI' t to 1 , · compensa e or ar ... o at on~ tune drove to Bull~ 15 t ere t. e s carne ou see us. P ay. shellacking by Southwestern last yard lme. only to lose the on Th1~ problem poses a senous threm: to our team weekend. It iS hoped they can downs. morale. It may not be evident, but they hear your cheers find..a victory for~ula. . ' Bayue Punts and know someone is pulling for ·them. · · 1 A week from Fnday mght, N~ After holding Southwestern and , 'l h b t ? · ~. vember 11, they have a home game forcing them to kick, the savages LetS back our team. I 1 try, ow a .o u you· , · with the Ardmore airbase team. got possession of the ball on their 1 - John ·Griffith. · " -'----·--.....-. After being outmanned in the te~e steve Paskorz, Russellton, Pa., was named chief of the Savagettes, girls pep organization, at pep rally o'n October 20. Jan~ Pardue, president, crown~ ed P~orz while Savagette membe rs sang "Let Me can You Btc Chief.' · Other officers of the Savagettes for 1955 are Christine Kitchens, vice .- ~resident; pean McNeely, secretary-treasurer; and Lynne Dwight, reporter. _ l Le~'s Skate! qwn 17 yard line but could not ~ Coatenace .Taylor_ Beauty Shop O'dell Kirby VenO.. llmmle 8mltla PRONE 70 ).. , f!te=amp 0 1.000 ••. 4: Southwestern ... · 4: 1 •••••••• 3 1 1 0 3 -' ~------------, - Northeastern Central Northwestern Southeastern .East Central . . . 0 3 Congested· Corridors DBasketball B t• onThe~t eut of e1t7 Cause Escape ·Plan ~oy~ .• eg1n !jo~'F.:=~o;~ ao~~ec\ W~rk~ng Out .._:~wa~~-;-..:-= SkaUDgriDk loa.ted tbe Ia hlgbway '70 He.s anyone noticed .U:e stairways in any of the b1,1ildings between classes lately? In -case you haven't, let me ten you something. It's pretty bad. Upon recently being mauled down ~ stairs, and dragged up them, ~ think its high ' time sometJl!.D& ~ done. · • We could of course, jump out. of the windows, but that wouldn't be too comfortable. We could alide down the banistenJ, but 'come to think of it, thoae are taken t~. As niy suggestion, I think fireman's poles beside the stairways should be installed for UBe of the boys, then the girlS could .have complete use of the sta.lrB. That would then relie~e eome of the congestion then girla the CQuld atairwaya. course, try them when no one wa8 looking. Kind& meaky like. . ._ , Anyone else bave any sucgeations? All suggestloDa will be received by the joumaiiiiJD otftce. -c. .800 It 1e eia,Joyed by over 11 rnP"•. The · .1955-56 edition of the people. More people pMUelJIIIte Ia Southeastern. Savage basketball abiiBe a.a aay ou.er ...-to WilT team began worko11ts Tuesday, not trt It yoanelff Yo11'11 11e p.4 November 1·. · you did. · The . Savages will swinJr Into -r toughe.lt schedule in lilstory A~ tile Duaat....,...,. llak , _ in,· the month which beg1Da lVDl ~ ·ID air eoDdltaalle4 comwith the pre-aeaaon national tour- fort o a - of U. filleR DoGn Ia nament at Omaha, Ne~. and allo ao~ OkiMoma. includes · tournaments m Indiana We teatare aped~~~ to and· LQnisiana _p lus ~ea with t h e dlecllool, =s dbj;_. ..._. -Un.tversity .of_ Arkanwas, all before putleL the ~Dference ae&IIOD opens. . Coach Bloomer Sullivan returns H For Fall Paa1lelllaa all ·by.,_t two of his last .years squad which wu runner-up for DURANT the !Ultional championabip p~ aeveral ~e freshman prospects. ' . _ _ _..;..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ low...._ KA 7'1NG ;.- .. - Drug . ' WB. DBLIVBB w. .'150 And then there was the protM.250 sor who was seen at a local lum.000 1ber company loo~g for. the Pbo~ tl ·uows HAMPTON OIL .000 board of education. ' McVay Ends Career As'Piayef. . But Looks To Coaching Future : . RINK ., . Vancil - Gunter ----------------------~~ May- Wakefield Music Shop ame Ch1ef Of SavageHes I muster a first down and sent Bob Savage scoring was over for the •• Bayne back to pWlt on fourth night. down. . The Iaat Southwestern score A low pass from center rolled 1 came with less than a minute 'to past Bayne and the Bulldogs got play when Donnie McDonald swept the first break of the game as right end for 11 yards and the they took over on the Sav. two touchdown. The try for point was yard line. blocked. . • John Buck, the Bulldog quarter- 1 _ back, scored on a sneak and added CONFERENCE RESULTS the extra point and the Bulldogs October 11 aa4 11 were out in front 7-o. So theastern 20 Memphi8 airbase 'Four more quick scores in the u 20 ~econd period put the Sulldoga out Northeastern 13 Southwestern 7 m front 33-o. After the fifth Bull- Missouri Valley 21 !Northwestern dog touchdown big Ray .Chandler 12 pulled in the kickoff on hia own 13 Central 19 East Central 13 and went down the west sideline 87 yards to score the t1nt Sarip Oetober 28 and 18 touchdown./. W. Laudermllk added the extra point and the Sav- Southwestern 59 Southeastern 13 Central 21 Memphi8 naval base 6 ages trailed 33-7 at halft1me. ·East Central 34: Murray S~te 0 '.l'blrd Period 8oorell Northwestern 19 Sterling (Kans.) Southwestern scored three more 6 times in the third period th give them a 53-7 lead which they held . CONFERENCE SCHEDULE . •... • as the third qu.,rter ended. N~ ' aad -I In the beginJ'dDg of the fourth Southeaitern at Southern State quarter W. D. Largin made a 11e11(Ark.) satlonal catch of a Jimmy Dob- Panhandle AAK at Southwestern son pua for the l!leCODd Bavage ' Northwestern at East Central touchdown. Troy Drlv.er'a kick for Central at Northeutem · the extra point wu wide and the as orz ... o- COMPAtf BELL PROD·fJ!CTS •• ' . The Savages came out of the huddle in a quick kick formaInstead of kicking, it was to Phone 966 109 N. Srd tion. be a pass to the right end. Me!------------~ Vay was in the fullbac~ position. The ball was snapped to Jiggs. He faded to the right to p888, but the linebacker was too wise and had the end blapketed. So Jiggs elected to keep the ball apd OPEN 24 HOUR~ PHONE 388 FOR F·i rst and Ninth Sts. Durant, Okla. run. ....... --n•• n Pick Up aad Delivery UNIQUE CLEANERS Phontt_ 1061 He cut down field. raced by the defensive end. Someone CJ!t the linebacker down and he was into the secondary. He side-step- I . · .'. STEAKUY COLLEGE GROCERY Che.vr~let ', .~ '• \ ' ~ ... Corner of Flltb 8Dd .. College BlVd. .,_ : ·.'. POWELL . BIOTHERS eed Repairing? - ' ' COME IN FOR PARTS . ;. ,. ...... . ... . ~ P-ONTIAC NEW 'QIU/, UBED Cars 412 N. laSt. ' -· . ,. 1S10 N. lth ~ , \ ·. ANDSERVI E -- .. ! ~ .·. - t' DUII,ANT, OKLA -- the MC:Ntarlal ,_atlcla. ltalpb.... Caler .. ..aaed .. CCftD!Mnd u w. ,~~ namatal paipa11·1 arouptGD doll DOt - plaD fo ~ 80ive the total prooe& ~ ~ Colltp ~ aDd tllelr IPOD-: . A-.tiDg with an educ&Uoul TV procn.m 11 a project ftlcll hU beeB added to the .,..ell departmeDt"8 fall llclledUJII. T!le TV abow, wldch 18 eliDed 'nle Blue Plate SpeCial. wtll be preeented over K-10 tn tile uear fUture. · It is chietly concemed with the funcUonmg of the · home ecoaomtea department and cOllege cafe- .... b 5 ki .or, V'lYiaD ~ ~ to' 8bould tbe problem eftllwally portloa wtll be aufftclellt fell' Ida n.at.on October 18 tq 11M tbe be 80iftd, a aew IDd1l8tr7 waa1c1 doctoral dlpee. · ' movie ""Tile VlrstD Queen." It be ~ 81Dce tunpt.a 18 a- 1 ""BenlD U• the practical work portr&7'Kf the 111e of Sir Walter' a-tel)' dunlale, one could pro- of IICieDce, Ill that every man, _. • Ralelsb d111'1q tbe reJBn of QueeD Iduce .ucla oommoMU• u n110r bl8 own oMeUI"e way, and by bUI Dt•heth. tllat would Denr ...... oat; ~ COiltrltJute. .otnet.bine Of A II'OUP of lila Dowu' apeech, c1rtJUDc tocU that would n.lllt ftlue to .,.... fUture 1Cielltl8t. atudenta wtU preaent a radio pro-, duDID&': and cuttlllg ~ wlddl With the .auptloll of a ftl'7 ffiW P'&lll at 2:30 eadl Konda)' and would be 8barper &Del lllOI'e .dUr-. mea. web u •"...,..., a 8Cleat18t Wedneactay afternoon. It wD1 deal able. The proce. woul4 a1110 make rarely . . . bl8 problem eolved With~ new. and items of col- avallable briPter flntllhM b' or- completely," llroalhton satd.l lege tnterut. ------- lbJUe. Golden ~amed Head o.!'!;... oc:!u:!.1term!w.~~= SS.C Mathmatics Club teria. 1 ternity, recently elected otftcen and four sse students b&ve been elected to executive pomtiona. Norvin Allen is president and J:ciward Gordon vtce-preeldent. theOwen, otheraecretary, two ke~ .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . Holding positions down are .Jan All right, all right already! At ease you kata in tbe back row and we'll kick otf with the ditty of the week Ever read one of those rags they call a hwnor magazine? Umm, too much t A:Jqway, they all seem to knock themaelvea out to clue you in on how nice an the Hollywood slobs are. You know man, real nice kats, real homey like a gob of apple pie. Real normal kats these actors and never a mention about their cloaeta fUll of loot. You'll notice a few rucks of the klops in their levis and pepsodent smiles as ~ey putter around thp yard real no'rmally like. Steady -:now, Here's a sample: A DAY AT HOME WITH MARL~N BRANFLAKES. Marlon, apparently hasn:t let hia two million bucks go to his normal- head, for he is shacked in a pad that looks like a two-story out-house. Marlon looks sexy in hta levis, tahirt, four-day beard, and two Wflek layer of B. 0. Nature Boy (spelled backwards Serutan) is busy pegtng while trying to down ~e sawd\18t flakes for a cereal advertisement. We'll leave Marlon while he ls being r eal normal, telling our r~ porter why he digs life in the boondocks and why he doesn't particularly care for girls. · ~ow we'll take up (ugh) the typical Hollywood family, Lucille Bull and Dizzy Arnutz. Lucy and Diz are up at six a. m. for the sake of our Silver Scream photographer. They are snarUng at each other and hitting the jug of Seagrams to keep their eyes open. ''To what do you owe your typical successful' marriage, Lucy?" says our r eporter. "Well, when Diz acts up I just knock him on his cottonpickin' can," smile• Lucy. We hate to leave this typical home. Diz is happlly weeding out the backyard marijuana patch and Lucy ia blowing feverl8bly in our roving reporter's eu. We could go on and on. Like letters -~o Louella Poasum, ~ famous columnist: 18 It true that Marilyn Monroe Weal'l!l G. L skivvies? What brand of tooth pute does Rory Calsmoon uae? Are those stories true about Liberace? Does .Jane Russell have an inflated ego T Has Luade really been running around with Rtn Tin Tin? Did the Holl)";Yood street cleaners r eally put in a petition to keep Trig ger off the streets! Oh well, we don't have eyes for any more of thia. Let's chop it off until next week. So, keep cool (no sweat) and we'll dig you next week. -John Griffith . Leveret Golden, Ft. Towson, was elected president of Magic Penta-' gon, mathematics organization, when it met in a call business meeting 25. GoldenOctober will succeed .John Means, and .Julius Kelly, treasurer. Madill, who reaigned to return to College Players have al8o elect- the armed forces. ed their officers for the year. Bill Plans for a homecoming float McFatridge holds the chi~ ex- Iwere also discusseQ. at the meetecutlve chair and - Lillian Embree 1ing. YOUR BIG Ford----MeTcu,rY A•1 U•etl Car• 419 West Main Durant, Oklla. · R~D , LElT£R -DAY "tkdoJt~ • I 1. SUPERIOR FILTER Only L&:M gives you the superior filtration of the Miracle Tip, the P,urest tip that ever t~uchedyour lips. It's white ... !!! white ... pure white! 2. SUPERIOR TASTE LatM's superior taste comes from superior tobaccos - espeeially , selecte~ for filter smoking. Tobaccos that -are ri~er, ~ •.. and ~ and !!!!!!!· work," The o ften ., F oot educati ' les anyone devotlol andse Miss mlssinl!! that~ repair. OtheJ to the ~~ To c coming ate is ··· crepe ganizatl The , grea~er • petitive Aft er given ~ t he stu~ A bai A lester occasion · ·Pictu Rob Lees Pedwins Life Strides Natural izers Robinettes -~ pic eastern ster, a~ ...- issue o ·• MethodiJ Webs · other m young - will giv sion se church. r,ration Nashvilll p. will go i
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