Bachelor of Nursing - Whitireia New Zealand
Bachelor of Nursing - Whitireia New Zealand
2016 Programme Information for Bachelor of Nursing Please read this information carefully and retain for future reference PROGRAMME START DATE: The programme commences on Monday 15 February 2016. All students are asked to assemble at the Atrium (under the canopy) at the Porirua campus by 10.30am to be formally welcomed onto the campus with a traditional pōwhiri (welcome). Information about the Pōwhiri can be found at: Following the powhiri students will attend class, so please bring paper and pens with you. WHAT TO DO NOW: 1. Complete, sign and return the Confirmation of Study Letter and the Police Vetting form by the date in your letter. 2. In November go to and click the teal button on the right hand side. This will take you to all the important information and essential forms for incoming students (see below). Please read all the documents and follow the instructions to ensure you meet the required deadlines. Booklist & Course Related Costs Details of required books and other course related costs. Frontier Medical Order Form You will need a stethoscope, sphygmomanometer with cuff, nursing scissors and a nurse’s watch. Information on how to order is on the Frontier Medical order form. Health Screening Requirements & Pre-clinical health screening is a prerequisite for all health students at Whitireia. Please read the health screening requirements and follow the instructions. Aotea Pathology Form You need to complete your health screening before the programme starts as students will be excluded from all clinical learning (this includes onsite clinical lab sessions and external clinical placements) until this evidence is provided. Uniform Information Information on uniform requirements, costs and how to order from Arrow Uniforms will be available online. You will need to have ordered your uniform before the programme starts, as you must be in uniform for all clinical learning. You must supply your own footwear; these must be flat, black rubber soled shoes with full polishable uppers. We look forward to welcoming you to Whitireia Bachelor of Nursing – Year 1 2016 Course Related Costs & Book List $ (approximate) Course Related Costs Health Screening 250.00 Stationery 100.00 Stethoscope / BP Kit / Watch (with second hand) 150.00 Textbooks (see below) 602.40 Travel Costs to Clinical (refer to costs for student nurse clinical learning) 200.00 Uniform: Bachelor of Nursing (ordered from Arrow) NB: 150.00 The student must supply their own footwear; these must be flat, black rubber soled shoes with full polishable uppers. 80.00 Required Textbooks $ Brooker, C. (2006). Mosby nurse’s pocket dictionary (33rd ed.). Edinburgh, Scotland: Elsevier Mosby. 44.70 Crisp, J., Taylor, C., Douglas, C., Rebeiro, G. (Eds.). (2013). Potter & Perry’s fundamentals of nursing (4th ed.). Chatswood, Australia: Elsevier. 181.80 Leifer, G. (2015). Introduction to maternity & pediatric nursing (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier/Saunders. 112.50 Levett-Jones, T., & Bourgeois, S. (2014). The clinical placement: An essential guide for nursing students (3rd ed.). Chatswood, Australia: Elsevier. 59.40 McConnell, T. H., & Hull, K. L. (2011). Human form, human function: Essentials of anatomy & physiology. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 150.00 Wepa, D. (2015). Cultural Saftey in Aotearoa New Zealand (2nd ed.). Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press 54.00 The above textbook prices have been supplied by Whitireia Polyshop and are GST inclusive. Student discount has already been deducted. Please note that all prices are subject to Publishers’ price changes. FRONTIER MEDICAL (A DIVISION OF PHARMACO (NZ) LTD) WHITIREIA NURSING KIT ORDER FORM 2016 Name: ............................................................................................................................... Date Order Place: ................................................................... Delivery Address: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Contact No: ................................................................... Email Address: ........................................................................................................................... Institution Attending: ............................................................................ Part No. Description Qty Unit Price Total Price 641 Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope with Name Tag Colour Choice: Lavender, Royal Blue, Light Blue, Black, Red, Teal, Purple or st nd Boysenberry. (Please choose a 1 & 2 choice) st 1 colour choice: FRAD-641 $36.00 nd 2 colour choice: FRAD-775-11AN Adult Dual Tube Sphygmomanometer with Standard Adult Cuff (23-40cm) $46.00 OR FRAD-775-12XN Adult Dual Tube Sphygmomanometer with Large Adult Cuff FRAD-3404SB Sharp/Blunt Nursing Scissors $58.00 (Recommended for those with larger upper arms and those who will be practicing on family/friends with larger upper arms). $4.00 Nurses Watch (with second hand) FROL-78005 FROL-83005 FRVB-08010 FRVB-08029 FRVB-N08003FM Olympic Swiss Nurses Watch - Stainless Steel Olympic Swiss Nurses Watch - Gold Plated Nurses Watch with Date and Bar - Large Nurses Watch with Date and Bar - Standard Silicon FOB watch set; watch face, 5 silicon covers, clips in BK bag Freight $95.00 $95.00 $45.00 $30.00 $25.00 $10.00 TOTAL PRICE Thank you for your order. If you’re looking for other diagnostic items then please visit our website: THE FREIGHT DELIVERY COST IS $10.00 per order. Orders can be placed by: Free Phone: Fax: Email: (0508) 414-564 (09) 307-1307 Payment can be made by direct credit, visa, master-card or debit card. Please note that goods will not be dispatched until full payment has been received. Prices are subject to change without notice. ====================================================================================================================== Credit Card Information for payment: Visa/Mastercard/ Debit card No:................./………..….../…………..…/………...….. Expiry Date:……………………………….…(MM/YY) Name on Card:……………………………………………………………………………………………… Frontier Medical a Division of Pharmaco (NZ) Ltd – Pharmaco House, 4 Fisher Crescent, Mt Wellington, AUCKLAND 1060 Faculty of Health │Te Kura Hauora Health Screening Requirements A pre-clinical health assessment is a prerequisite for all new health students at Whitireia. Your access to the clinical learning component of your programme is conditional on you gaining a successful health clearance. All required investigations/screenings must be completed before you start the programme. If the results are not available to Whitireia’s Student Health Nurse before 26 February 2016, you will not be cleared to attend either the onsite clinical lab sessions or external clinical placements. Any screening needed must be completed in New Zealand. All costs incurred are the responsibility of the student. The cost will be approximately $250. What to do now If your course begins in the next three months, take the Aotea Pathology form to one of the Aotea Pathology locations listed on the form to have your blood tests completed. You will need to pay for these tests at the time they are taken (please note you may need to repeat tests if you complete them too early.) If you do not live in the Wellington region, make an appointment with your doctor or primary health care provider as soon as possible, to ensure your test results are available before you start your programme. Competency Assessment Programme (CAP) students who currently work at the facility where they will be placed do not need to undertake health screening tests. Bachelor of Health Science (Paramedic) students will also need to make an appointment with their medical practitioner to have the Clinical Assessment form completed. Please return to the Faculty of Health admin team by the date stated on the form. What tests do I need to have? You are required to provide results for the following tests: Hepatitis B (Antibody & Antigen) Morbilli (Measles) Varicella (Chicken Pox) Quantiferon Gold (TB) – this test can only be taken at the locations listed on the enclosed form. Copies of all tests will be sent to: Tracy Mitchell, Lab Number 13726 Student Health Nurse, Whitireia New Zealand DX Mail SX33459, Porirua 5240 What will happen to my results? The information will be recorded and then returned to you to keep in your clinical folder. The information, and any advice on medical clearance, will be given to Whitireia’s Clinical Placement Coordinator and/or Programme Manager, to notify them of your fitness for placement. You may request access to, and correction of, such information. On-going monitoring and surveillance may be required. In particular, you may be referred to your GP for a chest x-ray to clarify the result of your TB test, or it may be recommended that you have immunisation for Hepatitis B. Whitireia Polytechnic Surname First Name Address Requestor Code 21445 DoB M/F Tracey MitchellWhitireia Polytechnic Bill Code SELFPAID Patient to pay prior to testing Phlebotomy Collected by Specimen Reception Test Code (APL use only) HBAB HBSG VAZ – option 2 RMOR QUTB Date Time Test Hepatitis B Immunity Hepatitis B Antigen Varicella Immunity Morbilli QuantiFERON Gold* * Monday to Thursday only. At Courtenay Place, Lower Hutt, Porirua or Paraparaumu Rooms ONLY. Specimens must be received at the Main Laboratory no later than 1pm on the day of collection. Please check courier times to ensure this happens. Tel (04) 3815900 Fax (04) 3815948 Faculty of Health │Te Kura Hauora Costs for Student Nurse Clinical Learning Nursing programmes include a significant amount of time spent off-campus in clinical learning environments around the Greater Wellington region. This aspect of the programme involves additional costs for students. Points to note: Clinical learning experiences can be anywhere in the Wellington area e.g. Hutt valley, Kapiti Coast, Wellington, Porirua. Please note these are not arranged based on your home address. Students are unlikely to have more than one clinical learning experience in their own local (home) environment. Our priority is to give students clinical learning in order to meet the competencies to pass the programme; this will therefore involve travel to a variety of areas. Swapping clinical placements is not an option for students. Car-pooling is often not an option as students are placed on their own at a placement and are required to work different times and shifts to others in a group. Students in hospitals are required to work rostered and rotating shifts (see each year for more specific information). Students are advised to budget ahead for these extra costs which can include petrol costs, public transport costs, parking and car maintenance. Students with children must also budget for additional childcare costs related to rostered and rotating shifts. Cost and considerations: Semester One Year One Year Two Year Three About four days Semester Two About 10 days, including 7:00 am starts Twelve weeks clinical placement (Three four week blocks, Monday to Friday) Morning, afternoon and day shifts e.g. 7:00am starts, 11:00pm finishes. Sixteen weeks clinical placement (Three weeks, four weeks and nine weeks blocks) Rostered and rotating shifts including night shifts and weekends in last placement Yearly Cost at $15 per day Yearly Cost at $20 per day $225 $300 $900 $1,200 $1,200 $1,600 (the above costs are approximate only and are given as a guideline)