European Boards` Meeting - AEGEE


European Boards` Meeting - AEGEE
European Boards’
Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l'Europe
24th – 27th February 2010
AEGEE-Kraków & AEGEE-Europe
Table of contents
Preface by the Chair
Preface by the President
I Programme
II The guide to EBM
III Interim Activity Report of the Comité Directeur
President – Agata Patecka
Secretary General – Olga Basova
Financial Director – Nico Huurman
Network Director – Anita Kalmane
Director for European Institutions – Denis Maksimov
External Relations Director – Agnes Leyrer
Projects Director – Manos Valasis
IV Workshops
V Working Format EBM
Preface by the Chair
Dear Network,
As we are getting closer to the opening of the European
Boards’ Meeting in Kraków months of preparations are
culminating in what is promising to be a wonderful
event. An event that will shape our actions for the
upcoming year and an experience that we’ll hopefully
never forget.
The concept of this EBM is
three-parted. Each of those
three parts roughly coincides
with one day of the EBM. The
first part aims at evaluating the actions in Action Agenda 2009 and
at reflecting on where AEGEE stands now. The second part is about
shaping our Action Agenda for 2010. And finally on the third day
we would like to brainstorm about AEGEE´s future in a broader
and more long-term perspective. Therefore we decided to change
the traditional Network Affairs session to a real Open Space where
everyone can propose a topic to be discussed (the procedure will
be announced during a plenary).
Compared to the previous EBM we have made two other major
changes to the Agenda. First of all the evaluation of the Action Agenda 2009 will be conducted
in a similar fashion as the Activity report sessions at Agora Kyiv. This will be a chaired session
parallel to the workshops on Thursday, with it’s first part dealing with the Thematic and the
second part dealing with the Organizational Focus Areas. The second change concerns the
Round Table discussions. Since you might be interested in more than one Project Team or
Working Group, we decided to split this session into two parts of 40 minutes each.
It has been said that the European Boards’ Meeting is ‘something special’ for AEGEE. And it
does indeed have the potential to be so. At the EBM we reflect upon our steps taken in the
past. We shape our future actions rather than our words. We join together to achieve common
goals. And we can make a true leap forward if we all contribute.
It’s only through our combined efforts that EBM Kraków will be remembered as another
Sido de Weerd
Chairperson of the Agora/EBM
Katja Behrendt
Vice-Chairperson of the Agora/EBM
Preface by the President
Dearest Network,
The 25th anniversary of AEGEE is in front of us, as we are
stepping towards a new stage of our network. The
forthcoming European Boards` Meeting Kraków 2010 gives
you the unique chance to get fully engaged into discussions
and give direct input to the development of our association.
In order to make our organization stronger and keep it stable
for the next generations of members, this is the right time to
have a more structured focus on the organizational and
financial sustainability. The evaluation of the Action Agenda
2009 clearly shows us that, including the three outstanding projects, which successfully
conducted all their planned activities, only 46% of the Action Agenda 2009 was realized. This
number should raise our concerns on the current status of the European level of AEGEE and
push us into in-depth reflection, analysis and recognition of problems in order to increase the
percentage of successfully organized activities within 2010.
We encourage you to participate in the Round Table Discussions, where representatives of
Working Groups, Project Teams and Commissions will present their strategic plans and shape
the activities scheduled in the Action Agenda during the six different Action Meetings.
Alongside, in the agenda of the EBM, you will find a series of different thematic workshops
that aim at increasing your knowledge on various topics, as well as at inspiring and providing
a platform for further interaction and co-ordination of future co-operative actions among
European Level bodies, Antennae and individual members.
We are impatiently waiting to meet you, the Network, and to discuss over the important
issues that are determining our path to the future and deciding on our presence. EBM Kraków
is a time to get a fresh input from all of you in order to revise and confirm the general
direction of our association.
We, the CD, are ready to listen to the Network`s vision of AEGEE`s work in the next months
and open to receive a feedback, since it is more than valuable for all of us. Therefore we want
to welcome you all to Kraków. Feel warmly invited to take initiatives and, let`s altogether
shape our future.
Yours truly,
Agata Patecka
President of AEGEE-Europe
I Programme
Agenda EBM Kraków
(24th-27th February 2010)
Wednesday 25th February
Registration AEGEE-Kraków
Registration AEGEE-Europe
Polish Language Course
“AEGEE for newbies”
Speed Course EBM
Session Facilitators meeting (Action Meeting leaders)
Opening Ceremony
Thursday the 25th of February
09:00 - 11:30 Opening Plenary
 Official words of welcome
 Attendance list
 Ratification of the agenda
 Interim Activity Report Comité Directeur
 Presentation of sessions of the day
11:30 - 13:30 Action Agenda 2009 Evaluation - part 1
Workshop session - part 1
 CAP Focus Group - Institutional Communication
 Europe, Turkey and more: SMILE AT DIFFERENCES, BE
 European sub-level
 Position Papers of AEGEE
 Upgrade your old SUmmer love!
 Zero Waste
13:30 - 15:30 Lunch, AEGEE-Fair
15:30 - 17:30 Action Agenda 2009 Evaluation - part 2
Workshop session 1 - part 2
17:30 – 18:00
Coffee Break
18:00 - 19:30 Round Table Discussions (two consecutive sessions of 40 min each)
19:30 - 20:30 Dinner
Friday 26th February
09:00 - 10:30 Plenary
 Action Agenda 2009 Evaluation/ Results of Workshop session 1
 Presentations of new AEGEE-Europe Project Plans
 Presentation of the Action Meetings of the day
 Presentation of the Open space (concept)
 Presentation of the workshops of the day
 Vote on the Interim Activity Report of the Comité Directeur
10:30 - 12:30 Thematic Action Meetings
1. European Citizenship
2. Global Perspectives
3. Intercultural Dialogue
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 16:00 Organizational Action Meetings
4. Human Resources Development
5. Organizational Development
6. Quality Assurance
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 - 18:30 Workshop session 2 - part 1
 Development – a challenge for YOU?
 How to sell AEGEE? / The truth about Youth in Action
 Human Resources: from game to fame!
 YOUrope needs YOU 2!
 Where Does Europe End - for you?
18:30 – 20:30 Internal Meetings
18:30 - 20:00 Dinner
 Informal meeting CD candidates
Saturday 27th February
10:00 - 11:30 Plenary
 Future events
 Presentation Action Agenda + Questions
 Results of the vote on the Interim Activity Report Comité
 Presentations of any by Organisations cooperating with AEGEE
 Vote on the Action Agenda
 Presentation of the open space (open call for posters)
11:30 - 13:30 Workshop session 2 - part 2
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch
15:00 - 17:00 Open Space
17:00 - 17:30 Coffee break
17:30 - 19:00 Closing Plenary
 Presentation of Future Events
 Results of Workshop session 2
 Results of the Open space
 Signing of the Convention d’Adhésion
 Result of the vote on the Action Agenda
 Presentation upcoming Statutory Meetings
 Closure of the European Boards’ Meeting
19:00 Dinner
The Chair Team reserves the right to change this Agenda.
II The guide to EBM
1. What is the EBM?
The European Boards’ Meeting (EBM) started in 2005 and is a statutory meeting of AEGEEEurope which has replaced the previous Planning Meetings. The EBM takes place once a year
and is held at least six weeks before the Spring Agora.
The aims of the EBM are:
- to introduce the European level to the network
- to create a coherence between what is planned and what is done
- to have the opinion of the network on our future activities; to get input and criticisms
- to create a sense of belonging in the network, make them feel the plans are for their interest
and they suit to the focus areas
The EBM also finalises the annual Action Agenda and votes upon the Interim Activity Report
of the Comité Directeur.
2. The Working Methods of the EBM
The EBM takes place during four intensive days starting on Wednesday afternoon and
finishing on Saturday evening. The main working methods are:
i. Round Table Discussions
ii. Action Meetings
iii. Action Agenda Evaluation Session
iv. Workshops
v. Plenary Sessions
vi. AEGEE Fair
vii. Open Space
In order to understand the entire working methods of the EBM, it is important to outline the
following two issues:
A. Focus Areas
The Focus Areas for AEGEE-Europe can be found in the Strategic Plan. The Focus Areas give a
direction to concentrate the efforts of the association during the three years the Strategic Plan
is valid. Focus Areas can be either thematic or organizational; a thematic focus area outlines a
field and is usually non-measurable, an organizational focus area is usually measurable or
B. Action Agenda
The Action Agenda contains the actions under every Focus Area that are going to be carried
out in the coming year. The Comité Directeur prepares a draft Action Agenda which is the
basic working document for the Round Table Discussions and Action Meetings. This draft is
based upon the activity plans from the European bodies. After the Action Meetings, the
changes made are incorporated in the final Action Agenda. The final version of the Action
Agenda is then voted upon in a decisive vote.
The main Working Methods of the EBM:
2.1. Round Table Discussions
The Round Table Discussions are conducted by each European level Body (example- Working
Groups, Project Teams, and Commissions) on the actions (i.e. activities) that this particular
body will carry out the coming year in each respective Focus Area. Before these meetings take
place, each European level Body presents to the Plenary a summary of the activities planned
on the specific Focus Areas. The Round Table Discussions are open to anyone interested in
contributing to the discussion and have duration of 40 minutes. At EBM Kraków there will be
two consecutive sessions of Round Table Discussions, allowing the participants to get
involved in the discussion of actions of two bodies. Working Groups are also obliged to
present their general strategic plan at the beginning of their Round Table Discussions.
2.2. Action Meetings
There is one Action Meeting for each Focus Area from the Strategic Plan. The Action Meeting
has the Draft Action Agenda and possible amendments from the Round Table Discussion as
During the meeting the participants go over the list of actions under that Focus Area,
discussing for each action whether it:
a. is to be included in the Action Agenda;
b. belongs to this Focus Area;
c. can possibly be carried out together with other European Level bodies or local antennae to
form possible synergies.
After this is done, the participants brainstorm about other possible actions/parts of the Focus
Areas that are currently not in the Action Agenda. This has two advantages: firstly, extra input
is gathered on possible actions that were not thought of before and secondly it makes the
meeting more interesting. These suggestions get a special place in the final Action Agenda, but
carry no responsible time frame, body or place. They can be picked up either during the
running year or in the next Action Agenda.
It is important to note that the Action Agenda is formed bottom-up, so bodies themselves have
to state which actions they will carry out, no actions can be imposed upon them.
2.3. Action Agenda Evaluation Session
The objective of the Action Agenda Evaluation Session is to be found in its name. Indeed, this
session is all about the evaluation of last year’s Action Agenda. Which actions were
successfully carried out? Are there actions that have not been carried out at all? What could be
improved? Are there actions that have not been carried out but can be included in this year’s
Action Agenda? Since the Focus Areas remain the same for three years the results from this
session can be valuable input for the Action Meetings. The Action Agenda Evaluation Session
is carried out parallel to the Workshops on the first day. The first two hours will be spent to
discuss the actions in the thematic Focus Areas; the second half of the session will focus on the
actions in the organizational Focus Areas.
2.4. Workshops
During the EBM there are also workshops, offering the possibility to the participants to have
the time being to talk, discuss and draft plans on a specific theme or idea. The topic and aims
of workshops vary widely, from thematic ones working on possible new projects to ones that
are more training oriented to big debates. For sure there are some to your liking.
2.5. Plenary Sessions
Besides working in smaller groups in the different meetings and workshops there are also
some things that have to happen with all the participants together in plenary sessions. For
instance the Activity Report of the Comité Directeur is presented, questioned and voted upon
during a plenary session.
Every Plenary Session is lead by the Chairperson and the Vice-Chair. In these sessions,
delegates and envoys (visitors need to ask for speaking rights to the Chairperson) are allowed
to ask questions or draw observations about any issue being presented.
2.6. AEGEE Fair
The AEGEE structure can be a strange mystery to be understood especially by the new people
within our vast Network. Therefore there is the possibility to take part in the AEGEE Fair to
get to know the European Level in a relaxing and informal setting. During the AEGEE Fair
participants move around between different stands where the bodies of AEGEE-Europe
present their projects, events, materials and where its members are ready to answer
questions, discuss ideas, etc.
2.7. Open Space
At the end of the EBM there is an Open Space reserved to discuss topics of wide general
interest for the network. Normally, there are several sessions happening in parallel to one
another and participants can freely choose which session is most interesting to them or talk
about other things they want to discuss; that’s the beauty of the ‘Open Space’ method.
Of course… there are more things to tell about the EBM… so if you’re still curious, email us via and do not forget to attend the EBM SPEED COURSE on the arrival day.
III Interim Activity Report of the Comité Directeur
Name: Comité Directeur 2009 - 2010
Body: AEGEE-Europe
Dear Network,
the Comité Directeur 2009-2010 proudly presents you the Interim Activity Report
for the first six months of work.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us directly or at All your questions are also welcomed at the European
Boards’ Meeting Kraków.
Enjoy your reading,
Agata, Olga, Nico, Anita, Denis, Agnes and Manos
Function: President
Name: Agata Patecka
Local: AEGEE-Poznan
Personal remarks
“The road of 1000 miles starts with the first step”
When I look back to end of July when I came to Brussels, it seems so far away. Without any doubts, the past
months I spent in the CD House cannot be compared to anything. A lot of challenges, some stress, strong
emotions, self-development, exceptional people I have met and constant inspiration…
When I decided to candidate I was ready to work hard, spend endless hours on computer and to be multitasking,
since being in the CD is a daily challenge. New ideas are always popping up, and the “To Do” list is growing. What
I noticed in this last months, and it is a difficult things for me to accept, is lack of time to do all the things I would
like to do, no matter how many working nights I have.
It is hard to believe that I am supposed to make already a kind of summary of what has happened; the time here
passes faster than anywhere. But even if it still feels like the beginning I can for sure say that it is an amazing
experience to be in Brussels and I never felt AEGEE more than now. Facing both, all the nice and dark sides of
undertaken responsibility I am still convinced that it is what I wanted to do and I am ready to do my best until
the end of my term… having still Your support of course 
Coordination of The Team
After the Agora Magusa, one of the first priority that I had was to build a team out of the elected CD members. In
this house you never choose with whom you are going to work, or with whom you are going to live for the next
year. Before coming together to Brussels, we used to have couple of Skype meetings to start getting to know each
other better and to plan our common journey.
From the early beginning we were challenged by a fact that only four of us were present in Brussels for the
knowledge transfer, therefore a future CD-team could not go for a teambuilding in August, as it was planned, and
happened in the mid of December.
Especially hard was the beginning of the term, when due to the “famous” Belgian administration, two of our team
members – Denis and Olga, were till mid of September in Russia still waiting for their visas. This was a period
when, together with the rest of the CD, I had to cover the task of the Secretary General in the office (i.e. register
CD in the Monitour Belge, or take care on cleaning and cooking schedule). Thanks to help we received from
Percin we submitted YiA applications for September 1st deadline, which was also our official 1st “in office” day.
In my opinion a positive atmosphere in the clean house is crucial for normal functioning of the entire CD, as well
as proper communication between team members. We have CD meetings on a regular basis (mostly weekly), and
once a month an evaluation meeting in order to get in-depth into work progress and teamwork. At the beginning
of the term I was trying, and partly succeeded to implement so-called “coordination meetings” that would let us
updating each other what we will do during the upcoming week and what we did during week. I see the need to
increase the level of personal communication, what is sometimes hard, bearing in mind that most of us are
constantly travelling. Another of my priorities is to have meetings apart from the CD meetings, where we have a
joint discussion over thematic issues that concern us; as well as meetings providing a thematic input into our
During the weekends, the CD members are free to spend their time as they want – for AEGEE or not. Additionally
to keep a healthy balance, when working 24/7 for AEGEE, we agreed to have a limited amount of 28 days-off
during a year.
As President, I have a shared responsibility for managing the finances of the association. At the beginning of our
term, together with Nico we arranged all bank-related issues and we prepared a budget together with the CD
members trying always to optimize the costs in the Headoffice. Financial Director is performing his task on his
own, I`m covering up only for the time when he is away from the house, mainly dealing with the payments
towards the external world.
FATF – Foundation AEGEE Trust Fund, as a member of the Board of Control, I had a meeting with Olivier
regarding the current relation between AEGEE and FATF, future and I was involved in the consultation process
when selecting the new FATF Board.
All CD members were encouraged to go for external meetings and conferences in order to share the external
representation of CD. This has been important also for our network, so that they could use the information for
the benefit of our Projects.
Personally I have been in constant contact with European Movement International and kept the contact with
European Youth Forum, which for its particular nature I shared also with the other CD member.
European Movement International
I held a meeting with representatives of European Movement International to clarify the situation with past
projects (Day of Europe 2009 and Y Vote partnership) and to plan the future cooperation. AEGEE-Europe
submitted 10 applications to organize events in a frame of “Day of Europe 2010” in a year of 60th anniversary of
the Schuman Declaration. I attended the Political Committee of EMI on “Citizens` Europe and European Identity”
followed by Civil Society Permanent Forum on European Citizenship Initiative giving an AEGEE input to the
discussions. What is important to mention is a fact, that AEGEE together with Young European Federalists (JEF)
are the only two organizations representing youth among the EMI members organizations.
European Youth Forum(YFJ)
At the beginning of the term CD took part in YFJ Open Days to showcase AEGEEs work and publicized its
activities to general public. Later on, together with Ildiko Ferencsik, the Liaison Officer towards YFJ, I took part to
the Council of Members (COMEM) of the YFJ in Torino: it was very important first of all for contact building and I
took part to the interest groups regarding Democracy, Lisbon Strategy, Recognition of Volunteer experiences.
In general all CD members were encouraged to contact the YFJ whenever it was necessary for their work. I have
been personally in contact with YFJ regarding a youth work development, reaction to the Green Paper on
learning mobility of young people finalized with a joint press release and on the Quality Assurance project.
Moreover I have provided YFJ with the AEGEE-Academy contribution to the Pool of Trainers Kit, HRWG opinion
on youth rights in Europe and with questionnaires and needed documents regarding our membership status.
To enhance the level of professional knowledge on Brussels-based institutions, media relations and lobbying our
media partner provided us a short training during the Knowledge Transfer Period. I had several meetings with
Dan Luca (CD member in the 90s and now employee of EurActiv) who gave a lot of suggestions regarding
AEGEEs presence in Brussels and helped with the organization of the Preview of the Flagship Project 2010-11 by
providing for free a conference center.
Les Anciens
Since the beginning of the term I have got a contact with Les Anciens. The first meeting with Gunnar and Egens
took place in CD house, where we discussed the way of co-operation between CD and LA. Straight after EBM,
together with my CD members, we will organized the annual reception “Back to Brussles” for the Les Anciens
members in the CD House. We are grateful to LA for the financial support they provided to our assistants to
partly cover their costs of staying in CD house.
By now, there were two massive external representation events organized this term. First of them was a BBQ
organized together with CD 2008/2009 in the end of August, where we were introduced to the Brussels-based
partners, and the second was the Pre-Christmas NGO reception. On both meetings we gathered all youth NGO’s,
where we offered possibilities for networking among the associations and used the occasion to gather even more
partners for the upcoming activities of AEGEE-Europe.
One of my goals for this term is to evaluate and revive the partnerships AEGEE had in a past with other students
organizations and were not followed up last year. Cooperation with boards of European Students` Union (ESU)
and International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS) has not been followed up yet. With Erasmus
Student Network (ESN) we plan to meet to define the possible fields for cooperation in the upcoming years. With
Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) we agreed on signing a cooperation agreement, as follow up of
the mutual visits of each other Statutory Events and several meetings we had. We plan to strengthen each other
by sharing experience and best practices in a field of Fund Raising, Trainings, organization structure and
projects` support. With European Law Student Association (ELSA) and European Pharmaceutical Students`
Association (EPSA) we keep good informal relations.
Agora Magusa formed the Comité Directeur composed out of six people, leaving a vacancy on a position of 7 th CD
member. Therefore, after evaluating our needs, we decided that we will need an assistant, who will arrive to the
house with September 1st. That time, the CD-elect had chosen, Manos Valasis from AEGEE-Peiraias, who was
dealing mostly with all IT related tasks and Activity Plans for General Subvention. After Agora Kyiv, when Manos
has been elected as Projects Director, we decided that we would like to have assistants in the house, who will
arrive straight after NY. Each of them got a specific tasks, meaning that one is working together with us on
financial matters and preparing the materials increasing the external visibility of AEGEE, and the other apart of
providing a general assistance is working on IT needs of the House. The CD elected Anya Petrova from AEGEESankt Petersburg and Sorin Vulcu from AEGEE-Sibiu.
Extra tasks
Between September 1 and Agora Kyiv I had other internal obligation I was fulfilling with pleasure, being a CD
contact person to the AEGEE-International Politics Working Group. I have been following their discussions,
giving advices and input whenever needed.
Beyond Europe
As one of the CD contact person to the Flagship project I have participated in the Project Development Meeting
and I`m in constant contact with is Christian, the Project Manager and other core team members in order to
ensure them all needed support and advice from AEGEE-Europe side.
Personally I was involved in organization of the Preview Presentation of "United Nations Millennium
Development Goals – A Challenge for Today`s Youth" initiative and Beyond Europe Flagship Project to the AEGEE
stakeholders. Being the Brussels-based Flagship Project supporter, apart of inviting guests I was dealing with
facilities for the meeting with partner organizations: AIESEC Baroda, Gujarat Public School (India), Social Justice
Coalition (South Africa), AEGEE-Utrecht and AEGEE-Europe.
Last but not least there are always some General CD member`s tasks like receiving and sending hundreds of emails, carrying a long skype meetings and of course helping out fellow CD members with preparing i.e. General
Mailing, General Subvention or Y Vote 2009 Multimeasure report.
Travels overview
July 30, 2009
September 11-13, 2009
October 20-28, 2009
October 30 – November 1,
November 11-16,2009
November 20-23,2009
December 2-7, 2009
December 15-17, 2009
December 18-21, 2009
December 23, 2009 –
January 4, 2010
January 23-25, 2010
February 3-5, 2010
Moving in
Yes: 94,50€
Yes: 116,08€
Las Palmas
Network Meeting
Network Meeting
Christmas & New Year
(free trip home)
AEGEEBrescia conference
Yes: 91,90€
Yes: 207,02€
Yes: 59,00€
Yes: 342,88€
Yes: 75,42€
by the local organizers
Function: Secretary-General
Name: Olga Basova
Local: AEGEE – Sankt-Peterburg
Personal remarks
My life as a CD member started with on-line CD meetings carried out through
Skype. Not the easiest thing to do, but this was inevitable: me and Denis were
stuck in Russia waiting for the visas. I started to fulfil my obligations from the distance, though obviously not all
of them could be done like that.
After arriving to the House on the 18th September I went deeply into my new CD-life getting used to life and work
in the same place as well as to living, working, going to events and vacation all the time with the same people.
Task of the Secretary General means that I have to spend most of the time in front of my computer: checking emails, taking minutes during the CD-meetings, compiling reports, making booklets etc. Being an active person I
still cannot get fully used to that. Fortunately apart from staying in the House all the time we have to visit
different meetings in and outside of Brussels, represent AEGEE at various events and so far I manage to get some
“outside of Schaerbeek” life :)
Though being here means a lot of difficulties and challenges, it still has many positive points, and so far I didn’t
regret candidating for the CD! :)
General Administration
House Issues
Being a Secretary-General I am the one who makes cooking and cleaning schedules. That is not a difficult task
though. Making people respect the schedules – this is the most tough part. Thanks to “This is our home”
approach of my team so far the schedules are working. Not always of course, but we are doing our best to keep
this House a comfortable and safe place to live in.
During these months we had dozens of guests coming to visit us, meetings of several WGs happening at the same
time, several projects developments meetings – these were successfully handled and lived through with a
pleasure of having friends here.
As everyone knows the condition of the House is far from being sufficient. Many things have been promised to be
done by the owner, though almost nothing happened. That is why with the help of Nico we revived the contact
with the landlady, her lawyer and architect. So far architect has visited us twice and now we are waiting for the
calculations from her side. Afterwards we will be able to decide which reparations would be done and when, and
who will pay for what.
Apart from that in the end of December two IKEA trips were made. New office chairs, desks, kitchen chairs,
wardrobes and beds (for our assistants) were bought, bringing joy of “make you furniture yourself” to our office
HeadOffice account
Checking Head Office account consumes a big part of the Sec-Gens working time. But this is one of the priorities
in my work to maintain the healthy communication with the Network as well as with the external world via Thousands of e-mails were checked during the first part of my term; and of course even
when I was on any kind of trips. Taking days-off or participating in the events, doesn’t matter: my laptop always
travels with me, so as soon as I can connect to the Internet none of the mails can be overseen.
General Mailing
General Mailing is one of the most important tasks of me. PR materials have to be delivered to the whole
Network and we are successfully dealing with this with the help of AEGEE-Delft. Of course big thanks goes to
Manos who is helping me with this task bringing me to Delft with his car. And to all the CD-members who always
help me with sorting out the materials and filling the envelopes.
Though I have faced some problems before the first General Mailing, meaning the Lotus Notes going off-line that
made it impossible to print the labels with the addresses, by now I have managed to collect all the missing
addresses, create a clear database of them and labels’ templates. Keeping in mind that the first General Mailing
happened in three weeks after my arrival to the House this caused a bit of a headache for me. Until now two
General Mailings were made and the third one will be conducted right before EBM-Kraków.
Invitation letters
Being a visa_always_needed person I think I had an advantage while fulfilling this task. From my own experience
I know which kinds of documents embassies can ask for, which purposes of journey should be indicated in the
invitation letter, and if the embassy will ask for the original invitation or the scanned version will be fine. As
there are still several countries in our Network which citizens need visa to be able to attend European events I
am always helping our members in this matter.
Statutory meetings
The next day after my arriving to Brussels I have left to Paris for the Chair meeting. AGORA-Kyiv preparations
came to their pick: checking everything with the Chair Team, consulting with the JC, collecting Activity Reports,
making booklets, communicating with the organisers from Kyiv and many other things. The communication was
easy and effective, especially due to the fact that both me and the organisers could speak our native languages
while discussing relevant topics. This helped a lot on the preparatory stage and helped even more when I was
dealing with the final preparations (such as printing booklets and ballots) in Kiev. During Agora itself I did my
best taking care of not Russian speaking JC and Chair team, making sure that they have everything they need and
safely arrive to the Plenary every day :)
Already back in November the arrangements for the EBM Kraków have started: compiling a contract, discussing
hundreds of issues with a newly elected Chair Team, helping organisers in everything I could. I should say that
everything went really smoothly and I hope that you all will enjoy Kraków and EBM :)
Also in November CD House hosted Chair Team knowledge transfer meeting and guests from AEGEE-Leiden.
After participating in knowledge transfer process of the Chair Team, I had an informal meeting with Agora
Leiden organisers, which was useful and productive for both parties. The work continues, applications are
already opened and Spring Agora Leiden 2010 is getting more and more close. Weeks following EBM Kraków
will be extremely busy and overloaded with work for me, but isn’t it what I wanted? Oui, bien sur! I do enjoy this
highly important part of my CD life!
General CD member’s tasks
Alongside with our specific tasks we have some general responsibilities. Participating in NWMs is one of them. In
November I attended Space NetMet in Katowice. It was a big, well organised and planned Network Meeting,
where I made a workshop about the life and work of the CD. After NetMet I went to Kraków to meet EBM
Kraków 2010 organisers in order to discuss some issues and to answer their questions.
Helping with the submission of the grant reports and contributing to the General Subvention are also the things
we all are doing.
Of course I cannot leave aside an initiative that we have started together with Denis and Agnes: we have
prepared a concept of drafting Position Papers of AEGEE-Europe. This aims at increasing visibility and advocacy
and lobbying opportunities for AEGEE-Europe. The first Position Paper is almost finished and work on the next
Position Papers is already in progress.
External Trainings
According to the task division made back in September I am the person responsible for the external trainings. I
am subscribed to various mailing lists and couriers and constantly update the information about available
external trainings in our Blog, as well as send out open calls to AEGEE-L if needed.
At the same time I am always in contact with Ildiko (our Liaison officer towards YFJ). Together with her we sort
out the events organised by Youth Forum that AEGEE members can be interested in, send open calls, chose
participants and make sure that their applications reach YFJ office.
External representation
In December I have participated in the IFISO meeting that took place in Southern Italy next to the city of Lamezia
Terme. Together with 15 representatives of different students associations I have discussed various topics of our
interest and of course have shared experiences. One of the main topics raised was fundraising. Being a
representative of AEGEE that is famous for being successful with grants applications I have tried to show the full
picture of the whole process from submission of the grant applications to reporting on them afterwards. Many
other questions were discussed, such as training projects, specific problems of different regions, promotions and
PR etc.
I have participated in the International Human Rights Day organised by GHRD (Global Human Rights Defence) in
The Hague. Representatives of different NGOs gathered there to discuss topics related to human rights with the
aim of writing a manifesto on Human Rights to present it at the Dutch Parliament. I was present there as a
member of FLARE (Freedom Legality and Rights in Europe) delegation and has also discussed the possibilities
for future cooperation.
In the beginning of 2010 I have attended an intensive course of French language. Now I can not only understand
people speaking French as before (and afterwards call Nico to communicate with them), but reply as well. This
will be a new CD task for me: help Nico in communication with the French speaking people around us :)
Travels overview
September 18, 2009
Moving in
September 19-20, 2009
October 5, 2009
October 18-28, 2009
November 5-9, 2009
November 24-30, 2009
December 1-8, 2009
Sicily, Italy
Lamezia Terme
December 9-11, 2009
December 14, 2009
December 15-17, 2009
December 22 – January 9
Den Haag
Las Palmas
St. Petersburg
Chair team meeting
General Mailing
Network Meeting
International Human
Rights Day
General Mailing
Trip home
(in EUR)
€ 185,57 Yes
€ 0,00
(Thanks to Erwan Lacoste)
€ 50 Yes
€ 232,80 Yes
€ 205,44 Yes
€ 102,13 Yes
€ 76
€ 50
€ 59,00
€ 310,01
Yes (By GHRD)
Function: Financial Director
Name: Nico Huurman
Antenna: AEGEE-Delft
Personal Remarks
Living in Brussels for a year is a very interesting experience. It is a complicated
city, that on one hand is the capital of the European Institutions, and on the other
hand is the capital of a country struggling not to fall apart in two halves. Although the city is officially bilingual,
in the part where we are living, Schaarbeek (or Schaerbeek), it is not easy to find people that speak Dutch.
Another part of the experience is having to live in the same house where you also “work”, being surrounded by
the same people all day long and sometimes not leaving the for a few days on a row, accept for visiting the
nearby supermarket. Luckily my colleagues also became friends, and so far I’ve enjoyed living together with
them a lot.
Managing the finances of AEGEE-Europe is mostly an administrative job, meaning that there are a lot repeating
things that have to be done either every day, every week or every month. Listing all those things here would
create a very boring story. You can read the list of these tasks in the monthly CD telegrams.
The more interesting half of my job is the financial reporting of Youth in Action grants. The previous CD left two
very big grants to be reported by us. As the financial side of these projects was quite challenging, this took a lot of
time and caused some stress. By now, we reported both the Y-vote Multimeasure (Groningen, Poznan, Rome)
and the Y-vote UK Tour. Let’s hope no more surprises pop up regarding them and they can be closed as soon as
the final grant decision is known.
Other grant reports that were due in the lasts months are Yourope Needs You Multimeasure (Oviedo, Canakkale,
Kraków), SUFU Danube (Cluj-Napoca, Bratislava) and Where Does Europe End (Köszeg). These reports were a
lot less complicated from the financial aspect, but it nevertheless means a considerable workload.
In October I was busy with informing antennae about the payment of their membership fees. As there are always
a lot of them that were not present at previous Agorae, I had to answer their questions about previous payments
and outstanding debts.
In the same month we were preparing our application for the general subvention 2010 and had to prepare for
the Autumn Agora in Kyiv. All in all, October was a very busy month.
Since December I’m learning how to work with a new bookkeeping programme, that was bought in September.
The structure of this new programme is quite different from the one we’re using now, but by the time all initial
settings has been done and the bookkeeping of 2010 will be done using this new programme, it will make the
work of financial directors a lot easier.
General CD member’s tasks
My tasks that were not related to finances mostly had to do with the fact that I’m the only CD member that
speaks any of the two official languages of Brussels. Although my native language, Dutch, is one of the two, most
contact with official institutions happen in French, because most government workers only speak French. In
September I was calling the commune of Schaerbeek almost every day when arranging the registration of Olga
and Denis. This was a rather urgent matter, as their visa conditions required a registration at the commune
before they would be allowed to travel outside of the Schengen area to the Agora in Kyiv. The regular procedure
takes 4 months, although delays are always possible. For example, Agata and Ágnes started their procedure in
August and are still in the procedure. By the time of writing this report (4th of February) they should receive their
residence card within the coming days.
Apart from the commune, other contact in French include maintenance personnel (for heating, water, internet,
phone), postman delivering registered mail and our contact person at ING Bank.
Recently Olga is taking intensive French courses in Brussels, which I very much appreciate. Hopefully we’ll be
two people speaking French in the house soon.
Travels overview
(in euro)
September 3-5, 2009
September 11-13, 2009
/ Nijmegen
September 16-20, 2009
Network Meeting
October 9-11, 2009
October 20-28, 2009
October 30-31, 2009
November 5-10, 2009
Training new
bookkeeping software
€ 14,40
December 15-17, 2009
Las Palmas
€ 59,00
December 23, 2009 – January 5, 2010
Nijmegen /
December 3, 2009
€ 78,35
€ 124,02
Function: Vice President & Network Director
Name: Anita Kalmane
Antenna: AEGEE-Ogre
Personal Remarks
Whoever thinks that living, working and breathing in the CD House is full time (not 8 hours, but 24 hours per
day) devoted to AEGEE, is more or less right. Before moving in, I did not believe it. I have managed to do more
tasks at the same time and I did it successfully. I thought I will be able to do it also this time. I was wrong.
Something needed to be sacrificed, and unfortunately these were my studies – being full time AEGEE-Europe
European Board member did not give me time to finish my master thesis and therefore graduate in February as I
was hoping, but to postpone it for unknown period of time. I hope I will manage to do it at least after this
Whoever thinks that it is possible to work here, have your private life and manage to do other things, is also
more or less right. It is all about priorities and time you are devoting to your tasks. If you do just a minimum, you
will have more time for yourself. If you aim for maximum dedication and doing the best, you will even dream
about AEGEE and not be able to have conversation with the rest of CD members without mentioning word
“AEGEE” even for an hour. I chose my way long time ago – to serve AEGEE no matter how many hours does it
take for me. No matter how many dinners I need to skip, how many conversations I need to have at the same
time and how many e-mails I need to send.
General CD member’s tasks
I would like to point out that besides our direct duties CD members have the general tasks and duties which all of
us are taking care of and which takes an important amount of time as well, therefore it would not be fair to leave
them out as well.
So all these months from September till February I was taking part in all CD meetings and monthly evaluation
meetings when I was in Brussels, I was part of the cooking and cleaning schedule in the house and together with
other CD members I was representing AEGEE in various occasions – including European Youth Forum Open
Days, meeting with BEST, dinner with ELSA, ESN welcome drink as well as dinner with European Movement
International. Furthermore I was replying to e-mails whenever AEGEE members sent them directly to me about
staying in the CD House and I was also taking active role in the discussions over CD-L – I believe that other CD
members might have got quite tired of the amount of e-mails sometimes.
I can’t forget also helping out the fellow CD members whenever needed – including filling the General Subvention
and Y Vote Multimeasure 2009 report.
Vice President’s tasks
Luckily the President was performing her tasks herself and let me rest for most of the time, however, I have been
caring out some Vice President responsibilities as well – chairing CD meeting once when she was absent,
arranging our Christmas reception (finding and booking the place, coordinating the guests list, sending out the
invitations and checking who is going to come and who is not) as well as back in September compiling and
finishing the final Activity Plan of the CD together with Agata.
The tasks what I was performing as Network Director could be simply copied from my predecessors as the basic
things remain the same. However, let me rewrite and clarify them again:
Day-to-day communication with Network Commission – I was taking active part in all their discussions
and meetings (both online and in the real life) as well as initiating some myself. I was also keeping
NetCom busy with asking them to help and gather different information from locals. On every day basis I
was also chatting with NetCommies online, answering to their
questions and getting updates from their locals. Together with Speakers’ Team I was preparing agenda
for NCM Katowice, approved NetCom trips and kept an overview of their budget.
Network Update – not only before Autumn Agora Kyiv, but also on regular basis I am taking care of
Network Status and Network Update, meaning making sure that locals are fulfilling antenna criteria.
This means that I need to check which events have happened every month, which local elections have
been held and if they have all the necessary board members etc.
Network Registration – together with some NetCommies in Agora Kyiv I was registering the locals in the
registration desk in order to get to know the situation in their locals and necessary help. In the next
NetCom meeting it was decided to change the questions asked in the registration desks to make them
shorter and more relevant to delegates, who are not always board members, so I am looking forward to
the next implementation in Agora Leiden.
New contacts – as I am responsible for enlarging the Network, I am the main contact person for the
contacts (with a great help of Network Commission). This means replying to e-mails whenever there is
an interesting person who wants to building up a new AEGEE local, guiding them through the process of
becoming a contact and later contact antenna as well as encouraging them to join the statutory
meetings. From September 1 till January 27 (the day when this Activity Report was written) the CD has
approved seven new contacts, but six contacts have signed Convention d’Adhesion and become contact
antenna. In this EBM Kraków we’ll welcome two more contact antenna, and more cities are about to join
AEGEE Network in the next months!
Network Meetings – together with NetCom we are organising the bi-annual Network Meetings all over
the Network. I was especially involved in NWM Tirane (developing the NWM, observing the
coordination and preparing the program together with Manos), NWM Warwick (went there as CD
member and lead workshops) and NWM Izmir (went there as CD member and lead workshops).
Locals – I do not even count how many e-mails from AEGEE locals I have received in these months.
There were different questions, requests and doubts, to which I needed to answer and clarify. I was also
congratulation every new board and making sure that they update information about the board changes
both on intranet and mailing lists.
International student festivals – as mentioned in my plan when I was candidating for the CD, I want to
make AEGEE more visible and let our Network expand through different international student
gatherings, at the same time giving our members chances to take part in more large scale events. By
implementing this approach, so far we have made an agreement to cooperate with two – Students
Forum Maastricht 2010 (17 AEGEE members have been accepted to go there, Miguel Gallardo Albajar
from EnWG is going to lead a workshop, AEGEE-Maastricht will organise one social evening for SFM and
there will be AEGEE presentation in the closing plenary, done by AEGEE members) and International
Student Week in Belgrade 2010 (at the moment we are still discussing the final arrangements, but for
sure it is known that there will be places for 10 AEGEE members as well as Thomas Leszke (NetCom,
WDEE) and Julia Batkaeva (IPWG, Beyond Europe) will lead a workshop). I have approached several
other student festivals about the possible cooperation and currently waiting their reply.
Internal communication
The second biggest part of my tasks is internal communication as we divided PR Director’s tasks between me
and Agnes, who is taking external communication.
CD Telegram – as one of our main aims is to increase the information flow from the CD to the Network, I
restarted the monthly CD Telegram, which is now being sent out every month again. The biggest amount
of time goes, chasing after my fellow teammates and reminding them to give the information about the
things they have done in the previous month, but the CD Telegram is still one of my favourite tasks to do.
CD Blog – another my responsibility is CD blog (, so in September I wrote down
basic blogging guidelines for the blog. The main aim was to make CD blog relevant to our AEGEE tasks
and happenings in the CD house. We also implementing the concept of having guest bloggers. Every
week I am also updating Member/-s of the Week, so do not forget to nominate those AEGEE members
who have done something outstanding!
PR Materials – after few months of brainstorming and changing the concept of the new common PR
materials for all AEGEE locals (in English) finally they have been finished (thanks to Georg from AEGEEMünchen) and sent to the printing house. Wait for new flyers, posters and folders in the next General
Facebook – together with Daniele (Liaison Agent towards Facebook) I have been going through
Facebook groups and pages which are related to AEGEE to have an overview of them. We have agreed to
close those Facebook groups which harm the image of AEGEE to the outer world and are not directly
related to AEGEE bodies (e.g., the infamous AEGEE creditors group).
Regarding Public Relations European School 1 Leiden, I had the chance to be part of the trainers’ team
there and joined them for the first two days. Together with other trainers Ramon and Hilde we went
through the entire program on a first day to make the necessary changes and later on I gave two
workshops to the participants (PR in AEGEE-Europe & strategic partners of AEGEE locals). It was a
wonderful possibility to see new and enthusiastic AEGEE members and speak with them about the topic
both they and I am so interested.
As CD member responsible for Public Relations Working Group, I have been following their discussions
on the mailing list. When the new board was elected, together with Manos and Agnes we had meeting
with Laura (PRWG Speaker) to speak about PRWG strategic plan and priorities in 2010 as well as clarify
how PRWG can support CD in PR matters.
In October, when for two days I was joining the workshop for young journalists, organised by European
Youth Press (EYP) in European Parliament, I also used a chance to give a short presentation about
AEGEE and speak with EYP about possible closer cooperation.
Also I need to mention that I was responding to locals whenever they needed some article or another
input from CD in their monthly magazines (so far received requests from AEGEE-Delft, AEGEE-Leiden
and AEGEE-Maastricht). If your local also wants to have CD in the spotlight in your monthly magazine,
let me know!
Human Resources
As CD contact person towards AEGEE-Academy, I have been in close contact with them as well, taking part in all
their meetings and following the discussions on the mailing list.
Furthermore, I was part of the Human Resources European School (HRES) concept development team, through
online meetings, e-mails and later on in December also concept development meeting shaping the concept of
future HRES.
Together with Tomek (AEGEE-Academy) in Autumn 2009 we finished the support round of Local Training
Courses (LTCs) – getting in contact with locals who previously applied for LTC support, finding them trainers
and keeping an eye on the budget. We made evaluations both for local organisers and trainers and saw what
should be improved in the next LTC round. Later on in January with Virginia (AEGEE-Academy) we made a new
open call for Spring LTC support and I was very happy to see that this time we have got 28 applications from
locals, which is a big improvement! Although now we are not able to support all LTCs financially because of the
restricted budget, we are still helping them with the content support and finding trainers.
I also lead one LTC myself – together with Tomek (AEGEE-Academy) we prepared the program and lead all LTC
Lund ourselves, giving them the basic knowledge about AEGEE, project and event management, PR and
Whenever necessary, I was also writing and sending support letters from different AEGEE members who
requested them.
Back in September I also made sure that Members’ Manual 2009, what my predecessor Tena started, is finished
and sent to the printing house and afterwards being distributed to the locals in Agora Kyiv and through General
Mailing. More copies of MM are being printed now, so locals could have them also in the next General Mailing.
In November together in Manos I took part in the meeting about Quality Assurance in Non-Formal Education,
organised by European Youth Forum. Together with five other YFJ member organisations we were speaking
about quality assurance indicators and brainstorming how to implement them in youth NGOs. Afterwards Manos
and European School 1 Riga trainers’ team were testing our quality assurance system in ES1 Riga to give back
feedback afterwards in the next meeting.
Working Groups
In the first two months of my term I was also responsible for coordinating the overall work of all Working
Groups (till Autumn Agora Kyiv, when Projects Director was elected and took it over). Following the outcomes of
Working Groups’ Speakers Meeting in August, I suggested them to submit the proposal for CIA changes and took
an active part in the discussions in Agora about it myself. I issued an open call for Working Groups Manual team
(both for the co-editors and team members) and together with PRWG launched the common monthly Working
Groups’ newsletter.
As CD observer in Culture Working Group, I have been actively following their discussions and giving an input
whenever necessary. I was also preparing the agenda and chairing their new board meeting in January.
Travels overview
(in euro)
September 12-13,
September 20-22,
Th!nk about it #2 – Climate
Yes, by organisers
September 23-27,
Network Meeting
Yes, way there by Th!nk
about it, way back by CD
October 2-4, 2009
Local Training Course
October 17-18, 2009
October 20-28, 2009
Autumn Agora 2009
November 4-8, 2009
Network Commission’s
November 13-15, 2009 Warwick
Network Meeting
November 16-17, 2009 London
November 21-22, 2009 Amsterdam
November 23-25, 2009 Leiden
Public Relations European
School 1
December 15-17, 2009 Las Palmas
CD Teambuilding
December 19-20, 2009 Amsterdam
December 27, 2009 – Toronto &
January 7, 2010
January 11, 2010
Meeting with Student Forum 14.80
Maastricht 2010
January 23-25, 2010
January 30-31, 2010
February 10-13, 2010
February 14, 2010
February 24-28, 2010
European Boards’ Meeting
Yes (free trip home)
Function: Director for European Institutions
Name: Denis Maksimov
Antenna: AEGEE-Moskva
Personal Remarks
The year in AEGEE Board of Directors has started with Skype-CD-meetings, completing tasks on distance and
absence of proper knowledge transfer. Alongside with Denis's contribution to non-formal education
acknowledgment project application to the European Youth Forum, I have launched my work on usual tasks
right after September 1.
Brussels September started for me at 17th evening, when I finally left Russia with visa in my passport.
The European Commission – Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency
General Subvention application (the biggest AEGEE-Europe administrative grant, which our association applies
for regularly being able to operate the head office in Brussels) was handled in the respective deadline and was
approved by the European Commission in the end of December 2009. It is crucial to mention, that the whole
Comite Directeur team contributed to the application and it was one of the first occasions of productive
I was managing communication with European Commission on reporting on finished projects of AEGEE-Europe:
Y Vote series, YNY, WDEE, Danube, etc. Even considering huge and unbearable on the first view workload of
reporting the project of several AEGEE actions (mostly – Y Vote) of the past year, including Y Vote – almost
without content of the report and with missing sufficient part of the budget proofs – we managed to get reports
approved by the Commission, thanks to support of the substantial part of the CD team.
Also I devoted quite some time to consulting Beyond Europe with operating grant for ambitious kick-off project
"The UN Millennium Development Goals - A challenge for Today's Youth?".
On February 1st deadline of the Executive Agency, 2 projects were submitted by AEGEE-Europe – from Where
Does Europe End and Beyond Europe Flagship Project respectively.
The Council of Europe – European Youth Foundation
I worked on the applications for October 1 deadline of European Youth Foundation. 2 applications for both grant
categories were submitted, raising AEGEE-Europe chances to get full administrative grant of the Council of
Europe. One grant application was approved and we are waiting for the results of assessment of the
administrative grant application, which was submitted by me for February 1st deadline of the European Youth
Apart of the application for the future events, I spent quite a lot of time for reporting the projects that should
have been closed previously, but due to the lack of communication between partners still were remaining
unreported, which was visible threat to the reputation of the association itself and could become the reason of
losing AEGEE-Europe's institutional credibility. It was made in the most efficient of all the possible ways for
AEGEE Europe budget and reputation.
External Representation & Institutions
Together with Robin Verschuren, I represented AEGEE-Europe on the meeting with new prospective partner of
the association - EABIS (European Association of Business in Society). Affiliated partnership is an ultimate aim of
AEGEE in these negotiations: it will open an access to direct communication with reach record of EABIS
members, which includes major multinationals and top business schools, ready to support AEGEE-Europe
projects in sphere of corporate responsibility.
I visited headquarters of UNESCO in Paris for participation in the meeting of Joint Programmatic Committee on
Youth. With priceless support of Viktoriya Voytsekhovska (former Liaison Officer towards UNESCO), I got the
complete overview of the possibilities for AEGEE out of cooperation with UNESCO structures and its partners,
particularly for development of Beyond Europe Flagship Project initiatives.
I also participated in 4th Non-Formal Education Dialogue of European Youth Forum, where I made presentation
of AEGEE position strive towards the importance of recognition of unique value of non-formal learning practices
in educational systems.
I was representing AEGEE and European youth together with JADE and ESU at the global youth meeting of
leaders on Higher Education perspectives in Paris, supported by UNESCO and organized at its venue. Together
with representatives of South-East Asia, Americas, Australia, Arab states and Africa AEGEE signed the Global
Student Declaration on common understanding of worldwide problems in development and management as well
as on necessity and topicality of global student cooperation on the issue. AEGEE, as the largest interdisciplinary
student association at the European continent, will take its stake in fulfilling global students' responsibility of
being the active participants in processes of higher education theoretical and practical development. Precisely,
AEGEE as a leading youth association in sphere of non-formal education, will contribute contently to the
formulation of the common youth voice as well as will be responsible for cooperation of the consortium with
decision-drafting and decision-making world institutions in sphere of higher education.
I went to capital of Italian Puglia, Bari, where inaugural World Youth Meeting, organized by Italian ministry of
education and Puglia region with extensive support of world institutions and corporate stakeholders took place.
As guest of FLARE Network (AEGEE-St. Petersburg is one of the founding members of it), I presented interests of
AEGEE in global youth cooperation and delivered presentation about AEGEE profile and expertise at the
workshop of FLARE. AEGEE also got an offer to join youth platform for promotion of legality, initiated by FLARE
recently. In the framework of partnership, AEGEE and FLARE will promote events, support each other with
trainers and expertise as well as will organize joined events on legality (in the framework of peace & stability
action line of AEGEE).
In these months in Brussels I’ve attended numerous conferences, seminars and round tables, devoted to different
European policies. Among them are several European Policy Centre meetings (on Eastern Partnership
perspectives and new strategies of Community after the Lisbon Treaty implementation. Youth unemployment,
future of European Neighborhood Policy, etc.), CIFE research centre meetings (on perspectives of Multilevel
Governance concept implementation, Committee of Regions development, etc.), EU-Russia expert hearings and
development meetings and several other events in the European Parliament, Bavaria House in Brussels, etc.
AEGEE Projects & Creative initiatives & Travels
With extensive support from Agnes and Olga, I prepared concept and procedure of drafting Position Papers of
AEGEE-Europe, which are aimed on increasing advocacy and visibility resources of our association. Receiving
feedback from the Network and developing accordingly the concept, the project is getting more constructive
support and legitimacy from the Network. We also drafted the first Position Paper, which is devoted to Visa for
volunteers & trainees’ issue, which will be soon delivered to policy-drafting and policy-making institutions with
comments and input of the Network.
I was enjoying true Balkan spirit and hospitality in wonderful Zagreb during Network Meeting. I gave workshops
on CD profile, Intranet and The Lisbon Treaty innovations & Croatia accession to the EU. And of course I fell in
love with Zagreb .
I was writing the content of AEGEE Europe applications for Day of Europe celebrations in 2010.
Also I was managing meeting of Corporate Affairs Project of AEGEE-Europe at CD house. During the productive
two days lots of ideas and initiatives were generated by the team; among them are first AEGEE research on
creative fundraising, conference about funding tools in Moscow, multi measure training courses for AEGEE
members interested in fundraising, advocacy and interests' representation. I was working on the concept of
Corporate Affairs Project focus group that will be organized during EBM in Kraków.
I’ve strongly supported initiative of establishing and contributed to the drafting of the concept of Young
Progressive Art project – innovative initiative of AEGEE members for gathering ideas and creativity of young
artists in European scale in order to develop united European culture in diversity of unique heritage and
contemporary values of rich national cultures.
Liaison Office
I was working on the strategy of Liaison Office as a consistent and unified AEGEE body together with Liaison
Officers. Several Liaison Officers visited head office for development meeting and also attended Christmas
reception at the second weekend of December, helping the Comite Directeur with occupying the attention of
AEGEE Europe guests. I made arrangements for first Liaison Office meeting as a body with unified voice in
Brussels, which happened at the second weekend of December. Although half of Liaison Officers were not be able
to present, the meeting results showed the potential of Liaison Office. For instance, I proposed to issue online
Liaison Office Magazine, where LOs would not only inform Network about the updates in their work, but there
will be also space for analytical discussion, where AEGEE members could post their articles and opinions on the
topics of general concern.
After consultations with former Liaison Officer towards UNESCO Viktoriya Voytsekhovska I also casted votes on
behalf of AEGEE at the elections of new Board of the UNESCO Liaison Committee on youth issues.
Travels overview
Office travels
Statutory Meeting
Network travels
Office travels
Moving in
€ 213.45
Network Meeting
€ 307.90
€ 175.36
€ 49.40
Las Palmas
UNESCO meeting
4th Dialogue on Non-Formal
Trip home
UNESCO meeting
NMC World Youth meeting
€ 12.40 Yes
€ 59.00 Yes
€ 333.17 Yes
Yes, reimbursed
by organizers
Yes, reimbursed
by organizers
Function: External Relations Director
Name: Agnes Leyrer
Antenna: AEGEE-Szombathely
Personal Remarks
Since September the CD House is the place what we call “Our home in Schaerbeek”. I spend so
much time here that if I’m not here for 2 weeks sometimes, in a weird way I start to miss it 
But CD life is not only about staying at home and working, we attend a lot of conferences,
policy briefings in Brussels, go out, or travel to AEGEE events or other events to represent
AEGEE. It is a very exciting lifestyle that I can advise to everyone who doesn’t like to be alone!
As External relations Director I’m responsible for all the partners of AEGEE-Europe,
universities, language schools and companies and I also fulfil several other tasks. You are
welcome to read my report further if you are interested in the external life of our beloved
association, or my life inside of it 
Fund Raising
As for Fund Raising we have to distinguish between FR in money and in kind. In money the
biggest partners are Maastricht University and Central European University in Budapest,
Education First Language Schools. Fund Raising in kind includes other universities and
language schools, career companies, IT companies, a phone company, and a company dealing
with study choice tests.
Study Fairs: At Agora Kiev the first time AEGEE-Europe and AEGEE-Kyiv organised the Study
in Europe Forum, which will be followed by the Career Event and Study Forum at Agora
Leiden. In the CD I was, and I am responsible to get exhibiting universities to these Forums.
Maastricht University, CEU, HUB and London Business Schools have signed up so far for the
event in Leiden.
Language Schools: The number of language schools giving discounts for AEGEE member has
increased: EF – Education First in all European countries (50 Euro and 250 Euro discout) ,
Instituto Venezia (20% discount), ISCAPI (special discount), Tömer (25% discout) , Kluken
Russian Language School (10% discount + free participation in Summer Camp), Esperanto
Summer School (50% Off registration fee), and IEDC (10% discount). Most of them have
advertisements in the Summer Unviersity Booklet and al discounts are announced at under “Discounts for AEGEE members”.
Toolani, a low-cost telephone company: Toolani offers 10% discount for AEGEE members and
60 Minutes for free every month. Free voucker cards of the company were alyo distributed
among active members during the Agora.
Icares: Study Choice Tests for AEGEE members with the extra information, “on which
universities can I find an AEGEE local?” The company offered its platform and services for
AEGEE, the site is available directly from
Media partnerships: The two biggest media partners of AEGEE in Brussels are Euractive and
European Voice. I was mainly in contact with European Voice, who in return of advertising
their Study in Europe Fair offer AEGEE free advertisement possibilities, at their Study Fair,
online and printed newspaper.
External PR
I am updating our webpage, on a regular basis. I am in contact with our printing
house and take care of the printing of all AEGEE-Europe publications and PR materials.
Completed 2 Gazettes in October and in December. Maintaining the media partnerships
mentioned previously.
External Representation
Visiting youth related conferences in Brussels is usually in my weekly schedule. The
programme on the conferences is always networking, asking questions in the name of AEGEE
Most important conferences:
o CIFE: Copenhagen: Will the EU be a climate leader?, 6 th October
o U-Ranking: Initiative for a multi-dimensional university ranking, 8th October
o European Youth Forum Panel Debate: UN and regional initiatives to promote
youth participation, New York/Brussels, 12 th October
o European Policy Centre (EPC) Dialogue on putting Europe’s economy back on
track in November
o EPC Putting Europe’s Economy Back on Track, 9th November
o JEF: Tear Down This Wall on 9th November
o Hans Seidel Stiftung: Die Herausforderung der Implementierung des Vertrages
von Lissabon, 11th November
o EPC: European Growth and Jobs in 2010, 14 th January
o EPC and CoR: Implementing Multilevel Governance in the European Union 19th
o Conference of ESN: PRIME Study – Problems of Recognition of Making Erasmus:
attending the conference, contributing to discussion and distributing the results
afterwards. (22d January)
Giving a Seminar at the Campus in Brescia on the 28th of January. Titile: 25 Years of European
Integration – The achievements of European youth associations.
General CD member’s tasks
Since the idea was born I am actively contributing to the forming the concept and the outcome
of position papers of AEGEE. After developing the concept, we issued the first position paper
on Mobility, and I collected seve4ral other ideas during NWM Hamburg during my workshop.
I gave workshops about the usage of the intranet at the Autumn Agora, NWM Hamburg and
WDEE event in Kőszeg. I was leading the Progress Meeting on a new visual identity at Agora
Kiev and I gave a workshop on Fund Raising at NWM Hamburg as well.
Contributing to the General Subvention, Report of Y-Vote Multimeasure and other big reports
for the European Commission are self-evident.
Travels overview
August 3, 2009
September 11-13,
September 23-30,
September 23, 2009
October 20-28, 2009
November 14, 2009
November 26-28,
December 5-6, 2009
December 15-17,
December 19 2009 –
January 4, 2010
(in euro)
€ 108.00
Moving in
Where Does Europe End?
€ 173.79
Meeting Toolani
Meeting Icares
Network Meeting
€ 3.40
€ 116.08
€ 35.90
€ 102.26
Las Palmas
€ 59.00
Trip home
€ 74.40
Function: Projects Director
Name: Manos Valasis
Antenna: AEGEE-Peiraias
Personal Remarks
My term started after AGORA-Kyiv at the end of October. A very short
Knowledge Transfer followed and then I dived directly into my tasks. My work mainly consists of tons of emails
being sent and received at/from any possible direction. Phone calls, a bit of External Representation, physical
attendance to Working Group & Project Team meetings, IT in the house and IT for the Network are the parts that
almost make my working puzzle complete. The remaining piece is my passion, which is no other than trainings.
Life in Brussels is grey and cloudy, but I managed to get accustomed with the climate and the way of living much
easier than expected!
EBM Preparations - Evaluation of Action Agenda of 2009 & Action Agenda of 2010
The European Boards Meeting was reformed in the very recent past and was conceptualized by my predecessors.
The concept was quite clear. Evaluating the Action Agenda of 2009 together with the Network and drafting the
new Action Agenda for 2010 together with Projects Teams & Working Groups. However, my involvement also
included several meetings with the Chair Team regarding preparations, selection of the Thematical Workshops.
Moreover, I worked on preparing the Action Meeting Leaders (after finding the perfect balance between fresh
and experienced people and selecting them). Last, but not least, a proposal was made at STATUTORY-REFORMSL mailing list, in order to close the gap between the Strategy Plan and the Action Agenda, that will be forwarded
most probably at AGORA-Istanbul.
Working Groups & CIA
Talking about CIA reforms, I’m looking forward to change the criteria on CIA about Working Groups and finally
start using them, so that we can easily create new Working Groups, when needed, but also delete them when
they stop existing. Also, a reform for supporting Working Groups and the Academy seems to be necessary, as
well as changing the Financial year of the WGs, that is not any more in compliance with the one of AEGEEEurope.
Beyond Europe (Flagship Project)
Beyond Europe is a responsibility I am sharing with Agata. Uncountable e-mails were sent from me to this
mailing, advising, helping and commenting. I also attended the opening conference in December, the meeting
with the partners from S. Africa & India, helping basically to raise the mutual understanding between the two
sides and acting as local organizer at some cases arranging food, helping with transportation, etc. Most important
part was establishing a few contacts that I hope will prove to be very useful for the Project!
CIA Reforms seem to be needed here as well. Problems have been located in the CIA in cooperation with the JC &
Talking about the rest of the projects, Where Does Europe End?, AEGEE25 and YOUrope Needs YOU! 2nd Cycle
appear to be the most active ones. I joined the physical meetings of all three of them, offered my support, when
needed, and kept a continuous communication flow. Especially with AEGEE25, I helped drafting the project
outline and made numerous proposals for the project, including offering AEGEE-Europe as the host of the final
conference in Brussels, for which some contacts have already been made. The European Day of Languages
needed me a bit more, so I urged and helped them to reform the project team and the project outline. Sustaining
Our Future was already two months before closing when I took over and the closing event was already
happening, so, not so much contribution was needed. On the other hand, the Cyprus Project was a very ambitious
one that was left out without any Human Resources, so after discussing a lot with the Project Team, I brought up
a proposal of closing it to the CD.
Summer University Project
A lot of work was needed here. The very motivated Summer University Co-ordination Team took advantage of
my help supporting them in IT matters, proofreading the SU booklet, even calling locals that were violating the
CIA – apart from the usual support, help and comments that I provided to the rest of the Project Teams.
Day of Europe
AEGEE together with European Movement International is once again organizing the day of Europe on the 9 th of
May. I worked on spreading the events around Europe, contacted the locals and arranged everything and
submitted the applications with the help of Denis.
Working Groups
The story is a bit different for Working Groups. Apart from joining meetings, offering help, support,
communicating and forming their budget for 2010 together, which is the case of IPWG, HRWG & EnWG, I also
had to headhunt for participants for VFWG, ITWG and contribute and help forming the Strategy Plan of EWG &
DWG. Also, I participated in a brainstorming meeting on biodiversity on behalf of EnWG at the headquarters of
European Youth Forum (not formal responsibility)
After participating in a start-up meeting of YFJ on Quality Assurance together with Anita, we decided to delegate
as pilot event on testing the Quality Assurance concept of YFJ to the European School 1 in Riga. The event already
concluded successfully and reporting will follow.
Another action of the YFJ that AEGEE-Europe is participating to is the Youth Employment Initiative. Our
upcoming project on Youth (Un)Employment, for which the Project Team will be decided right after the EBM
following the relevant open call, is already a member of this initiative. The needs analysis has already been
performed in cooperation with the rest of the CD members. More projects will come soon.
Other tasks
Helping in preparing the General Mailing and driving the envelopes to Delft 3 times, creating a website for the
Activity Plans and managing its database, proof-reading Activity Plans for the General Subvention, creating a
website for the Activity Reports and managing its database, assisting on Youth in Action deadlines by proofreading, maintaining the Headoffice computers, working with Philipp on the IT budget of AEGEE-Europe,
supporting intranet users, headhunting for people to work on IT, installing new hardware in the Headoffice,
maintaining the internet & wireless connections, developing scripts for intranet and SU application page in order
to assist Raul, etc.
As I mentioned in the beginning, trainings are my passion. That lead me in being trainer at the ES1 in Riga, a LTC
in Sofia and at SUPS in Peiraias, in which I ended up being “on the spot content manager”, after the last minute
cancellation of the content manager.
The Juridical Commission also was one of my formal responsibilities, which meant a lot of communication,
research, contribution and support to Mirjam & Ester.
Statistics (from 01/11/2009 till 09/02/2010)
Attended physical & CD meetings: 17
Attended Online Meetings: 43
E-mail conversations I initiated or participated towards the CD: 187
E-mail conversations I initiated or participated towards the Network: 1098
Being in the CD: priceless
Travels overview
October 20-28, 2009
November 12-17,
November 18-20,
November 21-29,
November 30 –
December 3, 2009
December 5-7, 2009
December 15-17,
December 18-21,
December 23-30,
Agora-Kyiv (only way back)
(in euro)
59,12 €
Local Training Course
87,34 €
Chair team meeting
27,00 €
Las Palmas
59,00 €
Network Meeting
97,40 €
97,94 €
IV Workshops
CAP Focus Group Institutional
Thursday Come share your experience of interaction
with the institutions, come learn about how
your fellow locals benefit from smart
communication with the local and EU
authorities, come raise your awareness of
these issues. Join the innovative Focus group
workshop aimed to create the framework for
institutional communication across Europe.
Brought to you by Corporate Affairs Project.
Europe, Turkey and Michela Onali Thursday The most fascinating challenge in Europe is its
more: SMILE AT
incredible cultural diversity but this can be a
misunderstandings and intolerance.
We want you to FEEL, We want you to LIVE
and mutual recognition. We want you to give
where you live and how your antennas can
you to be aware on the ongoing social
the society where you live. We want you to
European sub-level Eszter Virag
Thursday How to create a sub-European level in AEGEE
The pros and contras of cooperating as a
region. Developing a concept and its
working format. How to remain big and
become more effective by the additional
regional support?
Position Papers of
Upgrade your old
SUmmer love!
Zero Waste
Thursday AEGEE is meant to be a platform of discussion
and forming the opinion of European Youth.
Ágnes Leyrer,
We do have an opinion to tell to Europe about
nonformal education, youth representation in
and Olga
politics, or the freedom of movement for
youth; and Position Papers are the way to
express our concerns.
After the introduction of the procedure of
drafting position papers participants will be
asked in groups to discuss and draft concrete
position papers, which will then go through
then procedure and hopefully become Position
Papers of AEGEE.
Thursday I am desired by 4000 people per year, I can be
Europe every summer, I create friendships,
romances and broken hearts (sometimes). Still
I have a place in the hearts of all AEGEE
to get to know me? You want plan our future?
and I will make you happy. Come to the
workshop, plan the future of the SU
project, learn how to promote the SU project in
members. I will be waiting... for YOU!
Thursday Zero Waste is a growing trend to reduce the
amount of waste produced in events... more
than we are used to. Zero Waste goes beyond
recycling, it takes a whole system approach.
Together we will redefine the concept of
waste, reduce consumption, minimize waste,
maximize recycling and ensure reusability.
With this workshop, you will contribute to the
creation of a
useful set of guidelines while you learn the
needed tips and tools to organize a
Zero Waste event. Come join us!
V Working Format EBM
Agora Eskisehir, November 2007
Article 1: Definition
(1) 1The European Boards’ Meeting has the objective to involve antennae in the projects and
activities of the working groups, project teams and commissions. The European Boards’
Meeting finalises the annual Action Agenda.
(2) 1The European Boards’ Meeting offers the possibility to express opinions, discuss and
exchange experiences. 2The European Boards’ Meeting provides platform for further
interaction and co-ordination for AEGEE locals, Working Groups, Commissions, Project teams
and the Comité Directeur.
Article 2: Structure
(1) The EBM has as main working methods:
- Informing the network about the work of the Comité Directeur by presenting its interim
activity report;
- Working Groups & Project teams present their future activities and organise intense
workshops for the thematic part for antennae to get enrolled in European activities.
- Action meetings aim to finalise an Action Agenda out of the draft presented by the CD. (cf.
Article 3 of the Planning Working Format).
(2) The minimum duration of a short workshop is 4 hours and of a long workshop 8 hours. A
workshop leader can apply for a single (4 hours) or double (8 hours) session in case he/she
feels more time is needed. For a workshop to be accepted at the European Boards’ Meeting,
the workshop leader must hand in a short proposal with an outline of the workshop and the
working methods used as well as a personal record showing the level of experience in giving
workshops. All workshop applications should be submitted within the deadline set by the CD
in co-operation with the Chairperson. A participant signs up for exactly one long or two short
workshops when registering for the European Boards’ Meeting. During the European Boards’
Meeting, each workshop appoints a “rapporteur” who will present the results in the plenary
session. The workshop results will then be discussed. A short summary of the workshop
results shall be provided to the network not later than one week after the European Boards’
(3) The European Boards’ Meeting discusses the interim activity report as presented by the
Comité Directeur and votes upon it by an indicative vote.
(4) On the first day (not being an arrival day) time is reserved for Internal meetings of
Working groups, Project teams and Commissions.
(5) The minutes of the European Boards’ Meeting shall be collected by the Secretary of the
European Boards’ Meeting and published no later than two weeks before the subsequent
Spring Agora.
Article 3: Meeting and Convocation
(1) The European Boards’ Meeting takes place once a year, at least six weeks before the Spring
(2) 1The working languages shall be English or French. 2Cross-translation shall be made on
(3) 1The President of AEGEE-Europe convokes the European Boards’ Meeting. 2The Comité
Directeur sets the agenda with the approval of the Chairperson. 3The agenda is subject to
ratification at the beginning of the meeting. 4The European Boards’ Meeting may change the
proposed agenda with an absolute majority at any time during the meeting. 5The European
Boards’ Meeting may modify the order of the topics listed in the agenda with a simple
majority at any time during the meeting.
(4) 1The Comité Directeur ensures that the agenda and preparatory material for each of the
workshops is communicated to the network at least two weeks before the meeting.
Article 4: Members
(1) 1The members of the European Boards’ Meeting are:
· the members of the Comité Directeur and of the commissions of AEGEE-Europe;
· up to three delegates of the AEGEE Antennae appointed by the local boards;
· up to three delegates of the AEGEE Working Groups;
· up to two board members of AEGEE Contact Antennae (envoys);
· up to two members of the Thematic or Support Working Groups or Projects of AEGEEEurope (envoys);
· liaison officers and liaison agents of AEGEE-Europe
· up to three AEGEE members per workshop with specific expertise on the topic of that
2A final selection of the participants shall be made by the Comité Directeur in co-operation
with the Chairperson.
(2) All members of the European Boards’ Meeting have the right to speak and to present
(3) 1In exceptional cases, more members from AEGEE locals may have the right to attend the
European Boards’ Meeting as a visitor with the permission of the Chairperson. 2Visitors do
not have the right to speak, vote or present proposals. 3Only the Chair may -upon requestgrant visitors the permission to speak.
(4) 1Contacts of AEGEE have the right to send two representatives (observers) to the
European Boards’ Meeting. 2Observers have neither speaking nor voting rights. 3Only the
Chair may -upon request- grant observers the permission to speak.
Article 5: Chairperson
(1) 1The Chairperson of the Agora is also the Chairperson of the European Boards’ Meeting.
2He/She is assisted by the Vice-Chairperson and the Juridical Commission.
(2) 1The Chairperson is responsible for the execution of the agenda. 2He/She opens, suspends
and adjourns the European Boards’ Meeting. 3He/She does not participate in the discussions.
(3) 1The Chairperson is responsible for ensuring parity of speaking time for the main
opinions on a proposal or motion. 2He/She can decide to have a speakers list or a speaking
time limit.
(4) The Chairperson is responsible for counting the votes.
(5) 1The Chairperson can nominate Assistants to the chair to help him with his task. 2The
Chairperson shall inform the Secretary in advance about the agenda of the meeting.
Article 6: Secretary
(1) The Secretary of the Agora is also the Secretary of the European Boards’ Meeting.
(2) The Secretary is responsible for the minutes, which should be sent to the Comité Directeur
not later than two weeks before the Spring Agora.
(3) The Secretary can nominate Assistants to help with his/her task.
Article 7: Voting
(1) 1Each AEGEE Antenna and AEGEE Working Group has the right to vote. The number of
votes is distributed according to Article 14of the Statutes of AEGEE-Europe.
(2) In order to accept a proposal or an amendment simple majority is required.
(3) Only the voting on the Action Agenda is decisive, all other votes are indicative and have to
be finally approved by the Agora.
Article 8: Practical Organisation
(1) 1The organising AEGEE local is solely responsible for the practical organisation of the
European Boards’ Meeting. 2The budget for the European Boards’ Meeting is set by the
organising local after approval by AEGEE-Europe.
(2) 1Members of the European Boards’ Meeting participate for free. 2The services minimally
required for the meeting are:
· use of the meeting rooms;
· sufficient technical equipment for the production of the workshop conclusions;
· lodging for the days the meetings take place;
· breakfast and lunch.
(3) 1Exceptions to sub-article 2 are only possible after approval by the Financial Director of
AEGEE-Europe. 2The organising AEGEE local must show the Financial Director of AEGEEEurope that it will not rely on the deficit guarantee when balancing their budget in order to
guarantee the financial viability of the event, but must prove adequate sources of external
funding to cover all costs incurred in the budget. 3If according to the Financial Director of
AEGEE-Europe the above-mentioned condition is met, a fee can be set in consultation with the
Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe. 4This fee is regulated according to the procedure
described in Article 29 of the Financial Working Format.
(4) The organising AEGEE local informs the network of precisely what is offered to and what
is demanded from the participants at least one week before the deadline for application for
Article 9: Modifications
1The Agora draws up the Working Format of the European Boards’ Meeting.2Only the Agora
can make modifications to the European Boards’ Meeting Working Format.
We wish you a pleasant and fruitful EBM!
Do not hesitate to contact us before and during the EBM.
Rue Nestor de Tiere 15
1030 Brussels- Belgium
tel. +32 2 246 03 20
fax +32 2 246 03 29
e-mail :
Olga Basova
Secretary General of AEGEE - Europe
© AEGEE-Europe, 2010