Glenbard East 2016-17 REGISTRATION
Glenbard East 2016-17 REGISTRATION
Glenbard East 2016-17 REGISTRATION Dear Glenbard East Parent or Guardian: Welcome to the 2016-17 school year! We are looking forward to working with your student to make this year a successful and rewarding one! The information included in this packet will make the process as simple and convenient as possible. As you complete the registration materials in this packet, please keep the following items in mind: ● Online Registration & Payment - Our easy to use system streamlines the registration and payment process. A flier is enclosed in this packet that explains the steps to follow to register your student. Online registration will be available July 11th through August 5th. Note: If you do not have internet access, computers are available at school during summer hours and your local library has computers available. Registration and payment of fees are due by midnight August 5th. Please follow the system prompts to pay your fees online by this date to realize your prompt pay discount of $35. Registration payments made after August 5th will pay the full registration fee of $235. Registration and payment of fees are required prior to students receiving instructional devices, materials and schedules during back-to-school week. ● Back-to-school week – Back-to-school week will be held August 10-17th. It is important that students attend on their scheduled day. During back-to-school week, students will receive their class schedules; transportation information; their student handbook; and have their ID/yearbook pictures taken. Your student will be issued instructional materials and/or devices and will need to purchase required consumable items (e.g. PE uniforms, goggles, etc.). ○ iPad Rental Program - All students will participate in Glenbard’s iPad program this school year. The annual iPad rental fee is $189. Students will also receive digital curriculum & required applications to manage assignments and work flow. The digital curriculum fee is $85 and replaces the annual textbook rental fee of $125. Families that make four iPad rental payments over their student’s career at Glenbard own the device upon the student’s graduation. In essence this is a ‘rent to own’ plan. All incoming freshmen and seniors that have yet to receive an iPad will be issued an iPad during back-to-school week. They will receive required training the day that they receive their device. More details are provided in this packet. If you have any questions, please contact our offices at 630.627.9250. We are looking forward to a successful 2016-2017 school year! Sincerely, Shahe Bagdasarian Principal 1 Registration Packet Checklist Did you… th th 1. Register through PowerSchool between July 11 -‐August 5 ? • • • Review/Update student information Register for athletics (if applicable) Pay all required fees 2. Provide Medical Information? Freshmen: Turn in your physicals to the school nurse by August 1st st • Seniors: Turn in proof of meningitis vaccination to the school nurse by August 1 3. Note the specific date and time for your Back-‐to-‐School session (includes iPad training for all freshmen and any other applicable students) on page 4 and 7 of the packet? th th th th 4. Need Financial Assistance? Make an appointment for July 25 , 26 , 27 , or 28 by calling 630.424-‐ 6605 after July 1, 2016. • If you have completed each of these items, you are ready to begin at Glenbard East! Please review the registration packet for more details and any other items that may be needed. 2 KEY DATES: June 10 July 11 -‐ August 5 July 25 -‐ 28 August 5 August 8 August 10 GLENBARD EAST - GENERAL INFORMATION 2016/2017 Residency Verification Due On-‐Line Registration Open Summer Hours, by appointment only Registration and Payment Due Date IHSA Football Start IHSA Fall Start [All Other Sports] August 10 -‐ 12 August 15 August 16 August 17 August 22 BACK-‐TO-‐SCHOOL WEEK Sr./Jr./Soph. Freshman Parent Meeting, 7:00 pm Freshman BTSW & iPad Training Freshman Orientation First Day of School – Full Day – PLC Schedule REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT OF FEES FEES & REGISTRATION: Glenbard utilizes an on-‐line registration process for families. This enhancement has improved the registration process and decreased costs. Please refer to the enclosed “On-‐Line Registration” flyer contained in this packet for instructions. The three required fees for all Glenbard East students are: • • • $235 -‐ Registration Fee (Prompt pay fee of $200 if paid in full by August 5, 2016) $189 -‐ iPad Rental Fee $85 -‐ Digital Curriculum Fee th Deadline: On-‐line registration and payment must be completed by Friday, August 5 . Registration and payments received after this date will pay the $235 Registration & Fee charge fee versus the prompt pay fee of $200. Registration & Fees: ‘Registration and Fees’ charge includes registration, all course fees, student activity pass and handbook. The handbook will be distributed to your student during BACK-‐TO-‐SCHOOL WEEK. Classroom Materials: Students may be required to purchase a PE uniform and a lock for their Physical Education class (top $8.50, shorts $11.00 & lock $6.50). Returning students can use these items from previous years, if desired. Science goggles ($5.00) and other classroom items may also be required. These items are purchased at BACK-‐TO-‐SCHOOL WEEK. Optional Fees: Athletic participation fee is $150 per student, per year. The fee allows your student to participate in unlimited sports. In addition, yearbooks are available for purchase through the on-‐line registration & payment process. PAYMENT OF FEES: It is the policy of the Glenbard Board of Education that prior to the first official day of class students are expected to have paid fees and course materials in full. The cost of these items should be paid PRIOR to BACK-‐TO-‐SCHOOL WEEK. The on-‐line registration process will guide you through the payment process. Families that cannot pay in full due to financial circumstances should refer to the Financial Assistance Program information below. Payments are due by August 5th. PAYMENT PLAN: Glenbard offers a 4-‐pay, payment plan that allows you to pay your fees over the course of the school year. A $7 convenience fee will apply. IMPORTANT: If you want the optional Athletic Participation Fee to be included in your payment plan, you must select this fee when you register online. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS: National School Breakfast and Lunch Program -‐ (Free or Reduced Meals): Families that are eligible for the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program (Free or Reduced Meals) must apply each year for approval. Application procedures and forms are available on-‐line at and refer to Financial Aid – Meals contained within the Parent/Student section of the website. If you believe you are eligible, please complete the application form and provide to the office of the Assistant Principal for Student Services. Forms & procedures are also available directly through the APSS office. 3 Waiver of School Fees: Families that are eligible for waiver of school fees must apply each year for approval. Applications can be completed during Summer “extended evening” Hours through the Office of the Assistant Principal for Student Services. School fee waiver information is available at (refer to Financial Aid – School Fees) contained within the Parent/Student section of the website. Forms are available at the school. If you are not approved for the fee waiver, you can sign up for the 8-‐ payment plan (see your school’s Assistant Principal for Student Services for an application). IMPORTANT: If you want the optional Athletic Participation Fee to be included in your payment plan, you must select this fee when you register online. Summer Hours: Daytime and evening hours are available this summer to apply for the Fee Waiver and Free or Reduced Breakfast th and Lunch programs. Staff will be available until 8:00pm on July 25-‐28 to assist you with the application process, as well as to help with new student enrollment and proof of residency. However, appointments are required to discuss financial assistance. Please call 630-‐424-‐6605, after July 1 for scheduling. iPad RENTAL: The 2016–2017 school year marks the first year that all Glenbard students will use an iPad for coursework. All incoming freshmen, transfer students & seniors that were not issued an iPad in 2015/2016 will be issued an iPad to manage 1 coursework. The annual rental fee for the iPad; case and mandatory insurance is $189 per year , per student. Freshman should refer to the Freshman BACK-‐TO-‐SCHOOL Week page for more details. Returning students that were issued an iPad for the 2015/2016 school year are responsible for maintaining their device in good working order and will use their device for the upcoming 2016/2017 school year. Returning students that currently participate in the iPad rental program are expected to bring their device to BACK-‐TO-‐SCHOOL WEEK for an ‘iPad readiness’ inspection. Students should run all software updates in advance to help expedite this process. 1 After the family has made 4 annual rental payments over the student’s career at Glenbard and the student’s account is paid-‐in-‐full, the device will become the property of the student. Students enrolled in the iPad program for less than four years will have a buy-‐ out option to purchase their device. Digital Curriculum/ App Fee: Students will also be required to pay an $85 annual digital curriculum/ App fee that covers the costs of all digital curriculum (digital textbooks; digital novels; digital workbooks) and applications (learning management system; etc.) 2 that the student will use for their coursework. This charge replaces the textbook rental fee of $125 per year. 2 Certain courses may still require non-‐digital materials (hard bound textbooks; paperback novels or workbooks). Current booklists will be available on the school website after August 1st. If your student is to be provided with these non-‐digital materials, they will be provided at no additional charge. Textbooks must be returned by the student in good condition at semester end (semester classes) or by year end (year-‐long classes), or fines could apply. BACK-‐TO-‐SCHOOL WEEK: -‐ Students are only permitted to take part in BACK-‐TO-‐SCHOOL WEEK during their scheduled time. All returning students are expected to bring their iPad for a readiness inspection. Software updates should be run in advance. Wednesday, August 10 Thursday, August 11 Friday, August 12 Tuesday, August 16 SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOMORES FRESHMAN Last Name A-‐K 8:00 am – 11:00 am Last Name A-‐K 8:00 am – 11:00 am Last Name A-‐K 8:00 am – 11:00 am See page 7 for details. (Closed 1 Hr.) (Closed 1 Hr.) (Closed 1 Hr.) Last Name L-‐Z 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm Last Name L-‐Z 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm Last Name L-‐Z 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm 4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ATHLETICS: Athletic registration information is included in this mailing. BELL SCHEDULES – The schedules can be found in the student handbook or viewed on-‐line at under the Students tab. Please note that our Zero Hour PE Class runs Monday through Friday from 6:40 AM to 7:20 AM. Door 1 opens at 6:30 to check-‐in and get dressed for class. BUILDING ENTRY: Prior to 7:30 AM, Doors 1 and 26 are the initial points of entry for students. Door 20, located on the south side of the building, is for staff only. Visitors are to enter Door 1 and present a photo ID. BUS TRANSPORTATION: Glenbard will contract with First Student for regular education transportation services. Two different firms, Septran & Hopewell will provide transportation services for our special education transportation needs. Glenbard School District 87 uses transportation routing software to lower transportation costs and increase efficiency. Bus routes may be different from one school year to the next as routes are re-‐evaluated. Please look for bus information at BACK-‐TO-‐SCHOOL WEEK in August. Route information for your student will also be available on-‐line at the school website. Students are required to present upon request their student ID to any bus driver. Students will be responsible for riding their designated buses. Bus drivers and school administrators will deny requests for students to ride other routes than previously assigned unless pre-‐approved by the Deans’ office. The 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm buses require either a late bus pass or an athletic sticker affixed to the student ID in order to ride. FOOD SERVICE: District 87 is pleased to partner with Sodexo, Inc. for our cafeteria service. Valuable information regarding Sodexo, menu offerings, on-‐line prepayment instructions for student breakfast and lunch is available on-‐line at We encourage you to visit to sign up for the prepayment option; the system is easy to use & provides parents with management options such as auto-‐refill, balance review, low balance warning email, and visibility to items purchased by your student. INSURANCE: District 87 provides ‘school time’ accident insurance protection for your student as part of its current insurance program. ‘School time’ includes the school day while your student is attending academic school sessions and up to one hour before and one hour after regular classes. Your student is protected during school-‐sponsored activities as well, which further includes travel directly or indirectly and uninterruptedly to and from such school activity. Note: This coverage does not include interscholastic tackle football. Benefits are secondary to all other collectible insurance policies. Accidents or injuries must be reported to the appropriate teacher, coach, trainer or nurse as soon as possible. Accidents that are not reported within 30 days of the accident will not be covered by the insurance carrier. Medical insurance is the responsibility of parents. This insurance program is for ‘school time’ accidents only. Optional coverage can be purchased for two programs: 24-‐Hour Optional Coverage and Grade 9-‐ 12 Interscholastic Tackle Football. Insurance brochures are available during BACK-‐TO-‐SCHOOL WEEK or can be received by calling the school. MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS (PHYSICALS): Freshmen Only: All freshmen and transfer students must provide a completed physical with required immunizations to the School Nurse by August 1, 2016. The physical exam must be completed within one year of entrance into 9th grade. (The IHSA Sports Physical Form is a separate requirement for athletic participation.) Students will not be permitted to participate in BACK-‐TO-‐SCHOOL WEEK, unless the School Nurse has received the required Health Exam and Immunizations. Documentation may be faxed to the health office at 630.424.6438 or questions directed to 630.424.6681. Seniors Only: All seniors will need to provide proof of receiving the Meningitis Vaccine to the School Nurse by August 1, 2016. Without proof, your student will not be permitted to receive his/her schedule. NEWSLETTER: Newsletters are provided to our families electronically via email and are also available on the home page of the East website. 5 PARKING: Applications for parking will be available in the Deans’ Office during BACK-‐TO-‐SCHOOL WEEK. The fee is $100 for on-‐ campus or $50 at Sunset Knolls. PICTURES: Yearbook and ID photos are taken at BACK-‐TO-‐SCHOOL WEEK. Students should dress appropriately. Photo purchases are optional. A separate check is to be made out to Lifetouch. (Note that senior photos need to taken with Prestige Portraits prior to November in order to make the yearbook – call 630.910.6800.) RESIDENCY VERIFICATION: All families must verify residency each year prior to registering for school. Residency verification was due June 10th. Glenbard implemented an electronic residency verification process this year and the majority of our families were electronically verified. However, if we could not electronically verify your residency, you should have received a letter in the mail from us in May, requiring you to verify residency in person or by mail by the due date referenced above. Residency procedures are available on-‐line at (refer to Residency Verification) contained within the Parent/Student section of the website. Verification of residency protects all of our families and ensures that only students that live in our school district boundaries attend Glenbard schools. It is illegal to attend school in a district where you are not a resident. Contact the Assistant Principal for Student Services (APSS) at school for more information. SENIORS ONLY: The on-‐line registration will ask parents and/or guardians for two key pieces of information: 1) Verify student name that should be indicated on his/her student diploma*, and 2) Provide authorization for release of transcripts. *Please note that if the name contains special characters, such as a hyphen, or is not accepted by the system with proper spacing, you must contact the school Registrar in writing prior to Winter Break. STUDENT ID REQUIREMENTS: Students are required to carry, and present upon request, their student ID to any Glenbard staff member. Student IDs are required for entry to the building, lunch purchase, library and lab check in, etc. STUDENT SCHEDULES: Final schedules, with locker information, will be provided to your student at BACK-‐TO-‐SCHOOL WEEK. Counselors will be available on a limited basis for questions beginning August 11th. Call 630-‐627-‐9250, Ext. 1250 or 630-‐424-‐7100. th TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF DUPAGE (TCD): The first day of class for TCD is Wednesday, August 17 . Students registered for TCD may begin attending on this day. However, transportation will not be provided by Glenbard East until August 22, 2016. TRANSFER STUDENTS: An orientation for any sophomore/junior/senior students who did not enter Glenbard East as a freshman is scheduled for 7:45am on August 17th in room 250. We respectfully request that parents do not accompany their student. More details will follow in a separate mailing. YEARBOOK: Your Glenbard East Yearbook can be purchased as part of the on-‐line registration and payment process. After school is in session you will only be able to reserve your yearbook through the online store available at or you may st st find a link to that site on the school website. The purchase deadline is December 31 . Orders placed after November 1 will incur a $5 increase from the current price of $45. Questions should be emailed to PARTNERSHIP FOR EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS: Partnership for Educational Progress or PEP is an educational foundation that provides financial resources to enhance student achievement and enrich learning opportunities for Glenbard Township High School District 87 and its feeder districts. PEP provides funding for: • Educational enrichment: donations used to support curriculum enhancing projects and innovative teaching initiatives that enhance student learning. • Student support: donations used to provide fee-‐assistance scholarships to cover the cost of school fees, activities and instructional materials for students from families undergoing financial hardship. Tax deductible donations can be made online at or send a check made out to: The Pep Glenbard Fund & mail to PEP, 596 Crescent Boulevard, Glen Ellyn, IL. 60137. Please support our students! 6 Freshman Schedule for Back-‐To-‐School Week MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 2016, 7:00 PM FRESHMAN PARENT MEETING (Biester Auditorium) TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2016 BOOK BUY & iPAD TRAINING Group #1: A -‐ CIS (8:00am) Group #2: CIJ-‐GOM (9:00am) Group #3: GON-‐KOY (10:00am) Group #4: KOZ-‐OB (12:00pm) Group #5: OC-‐SER (1:00pm) Group #6: SES-‐Z (2:00pm) The back-‐to-‐school day is designed for students only. Please send your student with cash, check, or credit card (Discover, VISA, or MasterCard) to purchase a PE uniform and lock. Should you choose to purchase photos through LifeTouch, a separate payment will be required. Students should adhere to the schedule above and report to the cafeteria immediately upon arrival. All freshman students will be issued an iPad on this date. In order to ensure that every student is prepared for his/her first day of school, he/she must also participate in one of the iPad training sessions being held in rooms 270-‐289. The entire process should take approximately 2 hours. Feel free to contact us at 630.627.9250 as questions arise concerning book buy or iPad distribution. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2016 FRESHMAN STUDENT ORIENTATION & COOKOUT All incoming freshmen are to report to the East Gym at 7:45 AM. Immediately following orientation, a hot dog BBQ lunch will be provided. If a student has any specific dietary restrictions, please contact the Assistant Principal of Student Services office at 630-‐ 424-‐6603. Students are also welcome to bring their own sack lunch. The BBQ is scheduled to end at 1:30 PM. Buses depart 1:40 PM. FRESHMAN BUS SCHEDULE Freshman iPad Training and Book Buy August 16 AM Pick-‐up Locations Last Name Begins: Stanley Hall School Reskin School Stonegate Apts. (Glen Ellyn Rd.) Marquardt Middle School Wilshire Towers @ Clubhouse / Regency Dr. Blackhawk School Cardinal & Oriole Bloomingdale & Dunteman Greenway & Bloomingdale Winnebago School Morningside & Terry Swift & College Route 53 & Winthrop Glenbard East High School (Northern region of attendance area only) Group 1 A-‐CIS 6:30 6:34 6:37 6:41 6:46 Group 2 CIJ-‐GOM 7:30 7:34 7:37 7:41 7:46 Group 3 GON-‐KOY 8:30 8:34 8:37 8:41 8:46 Group 4 KOZ-‐OB 10:30 10:34 10:37 10:41 10:46 Group 5 OC-‐SER 11:30 11:34 11:37 11:41 11:46 Group 6 SES-‐Z 12:30 12:34 12:37 12:41 12:46 6:49 6:55 6:59 7:01 7:06 7:10 7:16 7:20 7:30 7:49 7:55 7:59 8:01 8:06 8:10 8:16 8:20 8:30 8:49 8:55 8:59 9:01 9:06 9:10 9:16 9:20 9:30 10:49 10:55 10:59 11:01 11:06 11:10 11:16 11:20 11:30 11:49 11:55 11:59 12:01 12:06 12:10 12:16 12:20 12:30 12:49 12:55 12:59 1:01 1:06 1:10 1:16 1:20 1:30 Freshman Orientation August 17 (One Bus Only) 6:30 6:34 6:37 6:41 6:46 6:49 6:55 6:59 7:01 7:06 7:10 7:16 7:20 7:30 7 SUMMER HOURS for Proof of Residency, Fee Waivers & New Student Enrollment Glenbard East has dedicated four days with extended hours: July 25-‐28, 2016. These dates are the ONLY times school staff will be available to assist with proof of residency, new student enrollment and fee waiver applications. Noted below are some critical pieces of paperwork that you will need to bring with you. Registration: There will be limited computer access provided on these evenings on a first-‐come, first-‐served basis to complete on-‐line registration. Please bring the necessary items to complete the process, such as a credit card number, checking account numbers, or any other information you m ay need to be able to pay online. Residency: Current lease, property tax invoice or mortgage documents, along with at least two other proofs of residency (valid driver’s license; a recent gas, water, or electric bill; voter registration card or current auto registration, etc.). Enrollment: Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) transfer form, unofficial transcripts, all test scores, and immunization records. Special Education students must have a copy of their Individualized Education Program. ELL students m ay be tested. Fee Waiver Applications: Supply your recent tax return (2016), W-‐2 form, and your last two pay stubs (for each family member working). Evidence of participation in AFDC, TANF, or Food Stamp Program must also be presented. Please plan on providing a copy of the verification letter that includes the Case ID number. Mediplan cards, Link cards, and Illinois Kid Care Insurance cards will not be accepted as verification of eligibility. Please note that if you are applying for a fee waiver you should call 630-‐424-‐6605 after July 1st for an appointment. Only those families who booked an appointment will be seen. (All appointments will be scheduled prior to 8:00pm when the building closes.) DO NOT MAIL THESE DOCUMENTS! You must meet with the appropriate school staff in order to handle this process. Any questions, contact the phone number noted above. 8 GLENBARD EAST ATHLETICS D’Wayne Bates, Assistant Principal of Athletics Ph. 630.424.6700 Fax 630.627.9260 Web: REGISTRATION: For your convenience, all athletic registration will be performed on-‐line in PowerSchool at Athletic participation fees are $150 per year, per student. Payment of the fee allows your student to participate in unlimited sports. Note: You must register your student for school prior to registering your student for a sport. For questions, call 630.424.6700. The Athletic Participation Fee must be paid before your student can participate in a sport. If you want this optional fee to be included in a payment plan, you must select this fee and register your student for school online by August 5, 2016. After this date, you will no longer be able to add athletic fees to the payment plan. Please complete the following steps to register your student for a sport: 1. 2. 3. Click a student's name from Step 2 of the PowerSchool Online Registration Wizard. Read and agree to the agreements that appear on screen. Follow the on-‐screen instructions to register your student for athletics. FALL SPORTS SEASON ATHLETIC PHYSICAL REQUIREMENT: No participation in any tryouts or practice will be allowed without a current IHSA physical form (not more than 1 year and 1 month old) from a doctor’s examination on file with the athletic office by August 8, 2016. IHSA Physical forms may be downloaded from the athletic home webpage under “Resources.” INSURANCE: It is strongly recommended that all athletes purchase the 24-‐hour optional insurance protection plan. For more information contact the Athletic Department. Your $150 athletic fee does not include insurance. ATHLETIC PARENT NIGHT: A mandatory parent meeting to discuss the mission of East Athletics, IHSA code violations and other topics pertinent to any student participating in the fall sports program is scheduled for August 17, 2016 at 6:00 PM in Biester Auditorium which is located on the second floor near the main gym. IHSA START DATES: Monday, August 8 (football only) and Wednesday, August 10 (all other sports) ATHLETIC TRANSFER STUDENTS: Transfer athletes, new to Glenbard East, must meet with the Assistant Principal of Athletics to complete all requirements for “IHSA Transfer Eligibility” prior to the first competition date. TEAM MEETINGS: All athletes are expected to attend team meetings and practices prior to school start on August 22, 2016. Sport Level Date Time Location Football All Levels July 27, 2016 7:00 PM Rider Hall Girls’ Volleyball All Levels August 9, 2016 8:00 AM Room 250 Boys’ Soccer All Levels August 9, 2016 9:00 AM Room 250 Girls’ Tennis All Levels August 9, 2016 9:30 AM LLMC (Library) Girls’ X-‐Country All Levels August 10, 2016 9:00 AM Rider Hall Boys’ X-‐Country All Levels August 10, 2016 10:00 AM Rider Hall Girls’ Golf All Levels August 10, 2016 7:00 AM Glendale Lakes Golf Course Boys’ Golf All Levels August 10, 2016 8:00 AM Glendale Lakes Golf Course 9 Glenbard East Booster Membership Form 2016 - 2017 Mother's Name________________________________________ Father's Name __________________________________________ Email Address________________________________________________________ Phone__________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street/ Apt City Zip Student Name __________________________________________ Year : 9 10 11 12 Sports _________________________________ Student Name __________________________________________ Year : 9 10 11 12 Sports _________________________________ Student Name __________________________________________ Year : 9 10 11 12 Sports _________________________________ Student Name __________________________________________ Year : 9 10 11 12 Sports _________________________________ Volunteer Opportunities Step One Membership Family Membership Booster Membership $25 (Does Not Include Activity Pass) Step Two Donations optional Become a Booster Sponsor East Side Pride $100 Red Level $50 Black Level $25 White Level Name to be publicized other _____ ______________________________ All sponsors will appear on the Booster website. A 501©3 tax receipt will be provided if requested. Step Three Season Pass Options Must be a Booster Member to purchase an activity pass Individual Activity Pass $ 35 Glenbard District 87 Season Pass admits the pass-holder to all Glenbard High School athletic events contests and concerts. Not included are musicals and plays, state series events (IHSA tournaments ) and other special tournaments. Family Activity Pass $50 Glenbard District 87 Family Season Pass admits the pass-holder, grandparents and thru 8th grade to all Glenbard High School athletic events contests and concerts. Not included are musicals and plays, state series events (IHSA tournaments ) and other special tournaments. Step Four Total Payment Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Grand Total Concessions Committee Red and Black Ball Ram Run Event Series Golf Outing Team Rep. Sponsorship Call Anytime: I will try to help as needed and as available Other Services: I have expertise in an area that may be of assistance ___________________________ anytime you can offer is helpful Where do Booster dollars go? Uniforms Warm Ups Pitching Machine Turf Field Concessions Stand Improvements Athletic Equipment Team Bags Scholarships Recruit U2 Program Wind Screens Balls Matts Timers Hurdles Mobile Concession Stand More added every year Step Five Completion Process Make checks payable to & mail form to: Glenbard East Boosters ℅ Maureen Joiner 1014 S Main Lombard Il 60148 District 87 Senior Citizens are asked to contact the District Office @ 630-469-9100 for their Free Season Pass If you are not a registered GE Booster Club member your child WILL NOT be eligible for the GE Booster Scholarship Questions? Email us at Or visit our website Formulario de Membresía Glenbard Oriente Booster 2016 - 2017 Nombre de la madre___________________________________Nombre del padre__________________________________________ Dirección de correo electrónico_________________________________________teléfono__________________________________ dirección____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Calle / Apt ciudad cremallera Nombre de estudiante ____________________________________ Año: 9 10 11 12 Deportes____________________________ Nombre de estudiante ____________________________________ Año: 9 10 11 12 Deportes____________________________ Nombre de estudiante ____________________________________ Año: 9 10 11 12 Deportes____________________________ Nombre de estudiante ____________________________________ Año: 9 10 11 12 Deportes____________________________ Oportunidades de voluntariado Paso Uno Membresía Membresía Familiar Membresía Booster (no incluye la actividad Pass) $25 Paso Dos Donaciones opcional Conviértase en un patrocinador Booster Orgullo East Side $100 Red Level $50 Nivel de negro $25 Nivel de blanco Nombre de ser publicitada other _____ ______________________________ Todos los patrocinadores van a aparecer en el sitio web de Booster. Se proporcionará un recibo de impuestos 501 © 3 si así lo solicita. Paso Tres opciones de pases de temporada Debe ser un miembro de refuerzo para la compra de un pase de la actividad Actividad individual Pass $ 35 Glenbard Distrito 87 Season Pass admite la transmisión de titular a todos los eventos atléticos Glenbard secundaria concursos y conciertos. No incluidos son los musicales y obras de teatro, eventos estatales de la serie (torneos de IHSA) y otros torneos especiales. Actividad Familiar Pass $50 Glenbard Distrito 87 Family Season Pass admite el titular del pase, los abuelos ya través de octavo grado para todos los eventos atléticos Glenbard secundaria concursos y conciertos. No incluidos son los musicales y obras de teatro, eventos estatales de la serie (torneos de IHSA) y otros torneos especiales. Paso Cuatro Pago Total Paso 1 Paso 2 Paso 3 Gran total Comité de Concesiones Rojo y Negro Bola Ram Run Serie de eventos Golf Outing Equipo Rep. patrocinio Llame a cualquier momento: voy a tratar de ayudar a que se necesita y como disponibles Otros Servicios: Tengo experiencia en un área que pueda ser de ayuda ¿A dónde van los dólares elevadores? Uniformes Calentamientos Pitching Machine El campo de césped Concesiones Soporte Mejoras Equipo Atlético Bolsas Equipo Becas Programa de U2 Reclutar Pantallas de viento bolas Matts Timers obstáculos Puesto de comida móvil Más añaden cada año Paso Proceso Cinco Finalización Haga los cheques pagaderos a & formulario electrónico a: Glenbard Oriente Boosters ℅ Maureen Joiner 1014 S Main Lombard Il 60148 Se les pide a Distrito 87 Tercera Edad en contacto con la Oficina del Distrito @ 630-469-9100 para su Gratis Pass Si no eres un usuario registrado GE Booster Club su hijo no será elegible para la Beca GE Booster ¿Preguntas? Envíenos un correo electrónico en O visite nuestro sitio web (MFOCBSE&BTU.VTJD"TTPDJBUJPO XXXHFNVTJDPSH CHOOSE ONE Member Show your support for the Glenbard East Music Students and support scholarships, awards, trips, and celebra9ons. $ϧϪ Member + District 87 Individual Ac8vity Pass Ac9vity pass valid for 1 adult. $ϫϥ Member + District 87 Family Ac8vity Pass Ac9vity pass admits cardholder & spouse, their parents, and their children through 8th grade (does not admit high school students) $ϬϪ As a benefit of membership District 87 offers an Ac9vity Pass, providing prepaid admission to all D87 regular spor9ng events and music concerts. (Pass will NOT be honored at conference and invita9onal spor9ng events OR at theatrical produc9ons.) Become a GEMA Sponsor (Addi9onal dona9on beyond membership) SOLO - A solo donor stands out from the membership crowd and shines. $1 - $30 DUET - A duet level donor appreciates the harmony of sound and rhythm. $31 - $80 ENSEMBLE - An ensemble donor enjoys the coming together of all the pieces and parts to create a complex and pleasing sound. $81 - $130 COMPOSER - A composer donor goes beyond the role of spectator and creates a work to be shared. $130+ Your generous sponsorship will be recognized with dis9nc9on in all of the season’s concert programs. GEMA is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt public charity. Your sponsorship is a tax deduc9ble dona9on. Fun! Car Decal $5 Yard Sign $20 Holiday Concert RESERVED Parking $20 Checks payable to: Glenbard East Music Associa3on (GEMA) Mail to: Glenbard East High School, a5n: GEMA, 1014 S. Main Street, Lombard, IL 60148 TOTAL Adult’s Name(1)______________________________________________email_________________________________________ Adult’s Name(2)______________________________________________email_________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________City_______________________Zip Code_____________ Preferred Phone # ( ______ ) ______________________________ Student’s name______________________________________________ 9th 10th 11th 12th Band Orchestra Choir Student’s name______________________________________________ 9th 10th 11th 12th Band Orchestra Choir □ I do NOT have children in the program at this Eme □ I do NOT wish to be listed in the concert programs GEMA quesEons? Contact Bob Biddle at Membership auesEons? Contact Susan OBrien at for membership use check number D87 pass number GEMA member number Getting Started With PowerSchool Note: If you have an incoming freshman and an existing PowerSchool account, this page does not apply. Add a student to your account by clicking on Account Preferences in PowerSchool. First Time PowerSchool Users: In order to create your parent account you must have your student(s) “Access ID” and “Access Password”. This information can be found within your student’s FirstClass account or in a letter that will be mailed the week of July 6th (see picture below). This information also can be obtained with a photo ID when you verify residency at your school. Once you have the Access ID and Access Password, follow the step-by-step instructions below for creating a parent account. For your convenience we also have a brief video tutorial and written instructions on creating a new account available at 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to Click “Don’t have an account yet? Click Here”. The create Parent/Guardian account page appears. Use the following table to assist with entering information in the creation process: Field First Name Last Name Email Desired Username Password Description Enter your first name. Enter your last name. Enter your email address. The email address you enter can be used to send you select information, as well as account recovery. Enter a username you would like to use when logging into PowerSchool. The username must be unique from all others usernames in the district. Enter the password you would like to use when logging into the PowerSchool Parent Portal. The password must be a minimum of 6 characters. 5. Use the following table to enter information in the “Link Students” to Account section. Field Student Name Access ID Description Enter the name of the student you want to add to your account. Access Password Relationship Enter the unique Access Password for the student. (Located in the previous mailing) Please note that the Access Password is case sensitive. Select your relationship to your student from the drop-down menu. Enter the unique Access ID for the student. (Located in the previous mailing) Online Registration Through Glenbard Establish Your Account: Do you already have a PowerSchool parent account? • • • YES – Great, then the entire registration process can be completed with just a few clicks. YES, but I have an incoming freshman – Simply add a new student to your existing parent account by clicking on the Add new students through Account Preferences link. NO - If you have not created a parent account on PowerSchool you will need to establish one before proceeding. We have provided some basic instructions on the back of this flyer and more information at to establish your account. Register & Pay: 1. If you received a letter in May to verify residency this must be completed before proceeding to PowerSchool. Reference the instructions in the May letter to verify residency. * 2. Log in to PowerSchool on or after Monday July 11, 2016, and follow the on-screen instructions. There are help files and video tutorials there to assist you. 3. Review your information and your student’s information. Submit changes if needed. 4. Register for a sport if your student will participate. There is no longer a prepay option. 5. Click on Student Fees to complete the process and make your Registration Payment online. If you would like to pay for athletics on a payment plan, your student must be registered for at least one sport before setting up a payment plan for registration fees. You must register and pay by midnight August 5th, 2016 to receive the discounted registration fee. * For details on residency verification, click “Residency Verification” located under the “Parents” menu on the school website. Issues/ Questions: • • No internet access? Visit your school during summer hours & personnel will assist you OR take advantage of the resources at your local public library for computer access Additional information is available at your school or district websites
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