City of EI Cajon
City of EI Cajon
City of EI Cajon Planning Commission Agenda Tuesday, August 16, 2016 Meeting 7:00 PM . Council Chambe rs ANTHONY SOTIILE, Chairman DARRIN MROZ, Vice Chairman PAUL CIReo JERRY TURCH IN VERONICA LONGOR IA Meeting Location: City Counci l Chambe rs, 200 Civic Center Way, EI Cajon, CA CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL CHAIRPERSON'S WELCOME PUBLIC COMMENT This is the opportunity the public to address the Commission on any item of business within the jurisdiction of the Commission that is not on the agenda . Under state law no action can be taken on items brought forward unde r Public Comment except to refer the item to staff for administrative action or to place it on a future agenda . CONSENT Agenda Item: 1 Planning Commission minut es of July 19, 2016 PUBLIC HEARINGS Agenda Item: 2 Project Name: Boomer's Beer and Wine Request: Beer and wine sales for on-site consumption from existing restaurant at Boomer's amu sement center CEQA Recommendation: Exempt STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Project Number(s): Amendment of Conditional Use Permit No. 1538 1155 Graves Avenue Location: Applicant: Apex Parks Group LLC (Doug Honey);; 949.349.8461 Project Planner: Lorena Cordova; Icordova@cityofelcajon .us; 619.441.1539 City Council Hearing Required? No Recommended Actions: I 1. Conduct the public hearing; and 2. MOVE to adopt the next resolution in order approving Amendment of Conditional Use Permit No. 1538, subject to cond itions 3. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Transit Specific Plan and Housing Element Rezoning update District Elect ions 4. ADJOURNMENT This Planning Commission meeting is adjourned to September 6,2016 at 7 p.m . Decisions and Appeals - A decision of the Plannin g Commission is not final until the appea l period expires 10 days from th e date of transmittal of the Commission's resolution to the City Clerk. The appeal period for the items 011 this Agenda w ill en d on Monday, August 29, 2016 at 5:30 p.m., except that Agenda items which are forwarded to City Council for final action need not be appealed. AGENDA ITEM NO.1 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JUly 19, 2016 The meeting of the £1 Cajon Planning Commis sion was called to order at 7:00 p.m . Chairman SOTIILE noted the recent death of former Planning Comm issioner Adel DANKHA, and said that he served the Commission and Cit y of EI Cajon well during his term . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & MOM ENT OF SILENCE COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Anthony SOTIIL E, Chairman Darrin MROZ, Vice Chairman Veronica LONGORIA Paul CIRCO Jerry TURCHIN COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Non e STAFF PRESENT: Majed AL-GHAFRY, Assist ant City M anager Anthony SHUTE, Deputy Director / Planning Commission Secreta ry Barbara LUCK, Assist ant City Attorn ey Ron VALLES, Administrative Secretary SOTIILE explained the mission of the Planning Commission. CONSENT CALENDAR Agenda Item: 1 Planning Com mission minutes of June 7, 2016 Motion was made by LONGORIA, seconded by CIRCO, to adopt the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of June 7, 2016; carr ied 5-0. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS Agenda Item: 2 Project Name: 17 2 Wells Rezoning Request: Rezone property fro m Office Professional (O-P) to Residenti al Multi-family (RM-1450) CEQA Recomm endation: Exempt STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Project Number(s): Zone Reclassification (ZF) No. 2321 Location: 172 Wells Avenue 20 Applicant: Project Planner: City Council Hearing Requi red? Recomm end ed Actions : Faisal Yacoub; faghka; 858.735 .8074 Lorena Cordova; Icordova@cityofe lcajon .us; 619.441.1539 Yes I August 9, 2016 1. Conduct the publ ic heari ng; and 2. MOVE t o adopt t he next resolution in order recomme nding City Coun cil appro val of proposed Zone Reclassification No. 2321, subj ect t o condit ions. SHUTE summarized the agenda repo rt in a PowerPoi nt presentation. LONGORIA noted that this is another project th at encourages residential development. SOTTILE opened the pub lic hearing. Faisal YACOUB addressed the Commi ssion. He noted finding reasonably priced units for rent is difficult. Comm issioners encouraged own er-occupied units and thanked him for effo rts . In response to Chairman SOTIILE, the property owne r replied t hat he did not read cond itions of approval. SOTIILE recommended th at he read t hem. Rabie MIKHA, designer, approach ed t he podium . He noted t hat t he property is very small and residential use is more func tional. Commi ssioners reiterat ed support of owner-occupied use of property. Motion was made by CIRCO, seconded by MROZ, t o close t he public hearing; carried 5-0. Motion was made by MROZ, seconded by SOTTILE, to adopt the next resolution in order recommending City Council approval of proposed Zone Reclassification No. 2321, subject to conditions; carried 5-0. Agenda Item: Project Name: Request: CEQA Recommendation: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Project Number(s): Location: Appli cant: Project Plann er: City Co uncil Hearing Req uired ? Re commended Action s: 3 Somb rero' s Restaur ant St orage Additi onal storage for an existing restaurant without providing additional parking spaces Exempt APPROVE Amendment of Condit ion al Use Permit (CUP) No. 1616 1215 West Main Street Studio 76 Inc. (Jorge Gonzalez); Jorge.studi076@gm ; 619.3 39.6897 Loren a Cordova; Icordov a@ cityofelcajon .us; 619.441.1539 No I 1. Conduct th e public hearing; and 2. MOVE to adopt t he next resolut io n in order approving Am endment of Conditional Use Permit No. 1616, subject to conditions 21 SHUTEsumm arized the agenda report in a PowerPoint presentation . Commissioners comm en ded the applicant for having a clea n rest aurant, and keepi ng t he prope rty clean. SOTTILE opened the publ ic hearing. Jorge CORR EA, Jr., applicant, approached the podium. He advised he was in agreement w it h all condi tions of approval. Motion was made by SOTTILE, seconded by CIRCO, to clo se t he public hearing; carri ed 5-0. Motion was made by CIRCO, seconded by LONGORIA, to adop t the next resolution in order approving proposed Amendment of Condi tional Use Permit No. 1616 , subject to conditions; carried 5-0. STAF FCOMMUNI CATI ONS SHUTE presented the Admi nist rative Decisions Biannu al Repo rt . In response to Commission ers, SHUTE replied a denial notice fo r Substan t ial Conforma nce Review was mailed to SAC W irele ssfor T-Mobile at 525 Jamacha Road with vario us op tion s. In response to LONGORIA's pr evious comm ents to attract inv estment in EI Cajon, SHUTE updated the Commission of many positive projects that are taking place in the City of EI Cajon, including new Mercedes Benz dealersh ip, Panera Bread, Jamb a Juice, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Courtyard by Ma rriot and Hampton Inn . He also note d staff' s on going efforts th rough the Housing Element Rezoning project, wo rkin g w ith an archit ect fi rm on design prin ciples in EI Cajon, and emphas ized t hat the City does not have development imp act f ees as othe r citi es. ADJ OURNMENT Motion was made by CIRCO, seconded by TURCHIN, to adjourn the meeting of t he EI Cajon Planning Commission at 8:03 p.m. thi s 19th day of July until August 2, 2016; carried 5-0. Antho ny SOTTILE, Chair man ATTEST: Anthony SHUTE, AICP, Secret ary 22 Community Development Department PLANN ING COM MISSION AGENDA REPORT City of EI Cajon Agenda Item: Project Name: Request: CEQA Recommendation: STAFF RECOMM ENDATION : Project Number: Location: Applicant: Project Planner: Cit y Cou ncil Hearing Required ? Recommended Actions: 2 Boomers ! EI Cajon Estab lish o n-site beer an d win e sales at an existing rest aurant Exempt APPROVE Amendment to Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 1538 1155 Graves Avenue Apex Parks Gro up, LLC (Doug Honey); 949.349 .8461 Lorena Cordova, 619.441.1539, No I 1. Conduct th e public hearing; and 2. MOVE to adopt the next resolution in order APPROVING Amendment to CUP No. 1538, subject to conditions PROJECT DESCRIPTION This proj ect proposes to establish on-sale beer and wi ne serv ice at an existing res taurant of appro ximately 3,500 square feet within th e main building of the existing amusement park. The subject property is located on th e sou theast corne r of Hart Driv e and Grav es Avenue , and is addressed as 1155 Graves . The applican t is app lying for a Dep artment of Alcoholic Bevera ge Contro l (ABC) Typ e 41 describ ed as an "On-Sale Beer and Wine for Bona Fide Eating Place" license. The amusement park is a separately reg ulated use that was ap proved by Conditiona l Use Permit (CUP) . The restau rant's dine in hours of operation are Monday through Thursday 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. , Friday 12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Satur day 11:00 a.m . to 11:00 p .m., and Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m . If approved, th e CUP would allow the res taura nt to 'sell beer and wine for on-site consumption during their hours of ope ration. BACKGROUND Gen eral Plan: Regional Commercial (RC) Specific Plan s: Specific Plan (SP) No. 452 Zon e: Regional Commercial (C-R) Other City Plan: N/A Regional and State Plan: N/A Alcoholic Beverage Control Act Notable St at e Law: 200 Civic Cent er Way I EI Cajon I Californi a I 92020 I 619-441-1742 www.cityofelcajon .us/your-governm ent/d epartm ent s/community-developm ent/pl anning-division Planning Commission Agenda Report August 16, 2016 Project Site & Constraints The site is 4.57 acres, comprised of seven separate parcels, and locat ed on the southeast corner of Hart Drive and Graves Aven ue . The north ern boundary of the site is immediately adj acent to prop erty within the Co unty of San Diego. The su bject site is an existing amusement park with indoor and ou tdoor activity areas. There is a two -story building which includes the restaurant, private party rooms, as well as a games and a priz e center. The outdoor area includes a mini ature golf course , rides, a rock climbing wall, go-kart track, baseball batting cages, bumper boats, and an outdoor seating area . The restaurant occupies the firs t floor of the tw o-stor y building and is comprised of a dining, point of sale area and kitchen and storage areas. There is also a standalone onestory maintenance building of 2,800 square feet. The site is accessed by a two-wa y driveway lead in g to a surface parking lot that provides 217 parking stalls on the eastern and sou thern portion of the site. Ther e is a total of 8,468 squ are feet of landscaped area. Surroun ding Context Surroun ding properties are developed and zoned as follow s: Direction North South East West Zones RU (Couniu of San Diego) C-R RS-9 and PRD - Low M Land Uses Multi-family residential Target sh opping center Single-family residences State Route 67 and mi scellaneous industrial uses General Plan The proj ect site is de signated Regional Commercial (RC) on the General Plan Land Use Map . As described in the General Plan, RC designated areas are intended for a broad range of uses in conjunction with faciliti es having regional significance. This request by Boomers for on -site consumption of beer and wine w ithin the existing restaurant of the existing amusement center is cons istent with the intent of the RC General Plan land use designation. Specific Plan The site is governed by Specific Plan (SP) N o. 452 for development of a recreation center. The proposed addition of on-sale beer and wine at the existing restaurant within the existing amusement center is in alignme n t w ith the approve d SP. Municipal Code EI Cajon Municipal Code (ECMC) Chapter 17.210 Alcohol Sales and Deemed Approved Alcohol Sales Regulations ("D eemed Approve d Ordinance"), regulates the conduct of alcohol sales, and requires approval of a CUP for the sale of alcoholic beverages for onsite consumption at a restaurant. Distance restrictions are not applicable to restaurants 2 Planning Commi ssion Agend a Repo rt August 16, 2016 as long as th e eating area has a greater square footage than an ancillary bar, if on e is proposed. The CUP ensures com pliance with applicable development standards, use restr ictio ns, and compatibility with surr oundi ng properties and land uses. Furthermore, Sections 17.210.150 and 17.210.160 list specific operational standards and required findings w he n deciding a request for alcohol sales. A detailed discussion of applicable Municipal Cod e requirements is included below in the section of this report titled "Discuss ion." Alcohol Beverage Con h"ol Act The sale of alcohol is regul ated by the Alcoho lic Beverage Control Act (Business and Professions Code §§ 23000-25762). Accordingly, the Departme nt of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) was esta blished to oversee th e licensing p rocess. ABC has specific criteria to issue and revoke licenses, which allows for local participati on th at can impose regulati ons pursu ant to both its va lid police p ow ers and land use au tho rity . DISCUSSION The alcoho l sales or dinance (ECMC Cha pter 17.210) conta ins provisions applicabl e to on-sale beer and wine sa les in conjunction wi th a res tauran t. ECMC Section 17.210.140, p ertaining to distance requirements for on-sa le establishme nts, exemp ts restaurants with on-sale alcoholic service where the bar cons ists of less total square footage th an the resta ur ant eating area from the requirement tha t the establishme nt be located m ore than 1,000 feet from an existing on-sale alcoholic beverage establishment and more than 600 feet from resid entially zoned prop erty, public or private schools, health care faciliti es, religi ou s faciliti es, and parks or playgrounds. New on-sa le establishments must manage such premises in accor dance w ith the requ ireme nts of the permit and operationa l standard s listed in ECMC Section 17.210.150. These standards ar e summarized as follows: • Tha t th e establishme nt d oes not result in adverse effects to health, peace or safe ty in the sur ro und ing area; • Tha t th e establishment does not jeopardize or endanger the public health or safe ty in the surr ound ing area; • Tha t the establishme nt d oes not res ult in re peated nuisance activities; • Th at it complies with all local, state or federal laws, regu lations or orders; and, • Tha t it d oes not adverse ly affect the livability or appropriate development of a bu tting properties and the surround ing neighborhood. There a re additional cons iderations pertaining to permits for on-sale alcoholic beverage sales activities such as th e potential for an overconcen tra tion of licenses in a censu s tract and the crime ra te. The su bject site is located in censu s tract 165.04. This census tr act 3 Planning Commission Agenda Report August 16, 2016 currently has three acti ve on-sale licenses and ABC' s au thorized number of on-sale licenses for this census tract is seve n, thus the cen su s tract where this business is located has capacity. The crime rate in thi s Polic e Reporting District is low. The Police Department is recommending approval of the proposed use as long as no beer and wine be sold for consumption off the premi ses, which is inherent with the licen se type, and that beer and wine sales be limited to the hours spe cified in the applicant's project description which are as follows: Monday through Thursday 12:00 p .m. to 8:00 p.m., Friday 12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., and Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m . The applicant must also comply with certain ABC standards prior to being able to offer beer and wine on the premises. Furthermore, because the amusement center caters primarily to th e youth, Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) training will be required as a condition of approval. RBS is training used to educate and guide alcohol servers of ABC-licensed establishments at various levels. RBS provides individually customized training for special event servers, professional servers, and supervisor/managers of servers, about pertinent laws, polices, rules and regulations associated with alcohol service. All of these con siderations are to ensure there are no adverse effects or the potential to endanger the re siding or working community. FINDINGS In addition to the CUP findings listed in ECMC Section 17.50.060, the Commission shall approve issuance of the permit to allow new on-sale alcoholic beverage sales activity upon making the findings listed in ECMC Section 17.210.160. If the Commission can make all of the findings, it must approve the issuance of the CUP. The findings for CUP approval are as follows: A. The proposed project is consistent with applicable goals, policies, and programs of the General Plan. The RC General Plan land use designation is established to provide for a broad range of uses in conjunction with faciliti es having regional significance. The amusement park and restaurant provide a place for people to gather, and serve the surrounding community. On-sale beer and wine for the existing restaurant adds variety to the eating establishment. B. The proposed project is consistent with all applicable use and deoelopmeni standards. Operational standards for on-sale alcoholic beverage establishments are part of the permit conditions of approval. The existing site and building design are consistent with all applicable use and development standards. Moreover, the proposed beer and wine sales are congruent with restaurant operations, and there is no modification that would compromise the development standards of the underlying C-R zone. 4 Planning Commission Agenda Report August 16, 2016 C. The proposed project will be operated in a manner that is compatible with existing and planned land uses in the vicinity of the proposed use. The vicinity of the subj ect property is developed with commercial and residential uses. A restaurant is consid ered an ap propriate and compatible land use in a regional commercial center, and the sale of beer and wine at the restaurant would be a compatible accessory to the overall recreation center experience if: all activities are conducted within the thresholds of the Perfor mance Stand ards Listed in ECMC Sections 17.115.130 and 17.210.150; the applicant adheres to operating characteristics required by local, state and federal law s, including but not limited to those of Alcoholic Beverage Control and applicable sections of the Business and Professions Code; the hours of beer and wine sales are in conjunction with food service; no beer or wine is sold for off-site consumption; and all tho se involved in the sale of beer and wine successfully pass Responsible Beverage Service training. D. The proposed project will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare, including but not limited to matters of noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, and hazards or excessive concentrations of traffic. Impacts are not anticipated in the normal conduct of a restaurant with alcohol serv ice. However, if the sale of alcohol does become a nuisance, this CUP may be revoked, and the ability to sell beer and wine will be removed. Furthermore, there are no identified existing problem s in the proj ect vicinity that may be exacerbated by on-sale alcohol service such as loitering, public drunkenness, noise, and littering. Moreover, alcohol related operational standards will be in place as conditions of approval to prevent any increase in the crime rate of the surrounding area. E. The proposed use is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity. The proposed on-sale service is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity. The subject census tract ha s capacity for seven licenses and there are currently three. Also, there is a convenience to have beer or wine with a meal at a restaurant in a recreation center that serves famili es where there are activities for all ages and for celebratory gatherings. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT The proposed project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) subject to a Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines. Section 15301 provides an exemption for existing facilitie s where ther e is negligible expansion of an existing use. In this instance, there ar e no exterior or interior modifications proposed for the existing structure and this request is solely to allow on-site sale of beer and wine. No new environmental impacts would result. None of the exemp tion exceptions listed under CEQ A Guidelines Section 15300.2 exists. 5 Planning Commi ssion Agenda Report August 16, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICE & INPUT Notic e of this public hearing was mailed on Augus t 4, 2016, to all property owners within 300 feet of the proj ect site and to any one who requ ested such notice in writing, in compliance with Government Code Sections 65090, 65091, and 65092, as applicable. Additionally, as a public service, th e notice was posted in the kiosk at City Hall and on the City's website under "Public H earin gs/Public Notices." The notice was also mailed to th e two public libraries in the City of EI Cajon, located at 201 East Dou glas Avenue and 576 Garfield Avenue. 6 Planning Commission Agenda Report August 16, 2016 ATIACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Public Hearing Notice/Location Map P rop osed Resoluti on APPROVING of the Ame nde d CUP No. 1538 P olice Dep artm ent comments da ted Jun e 2, 2016 ECMC Sections 17.210.130 through 17.210.160 Aerial Phot ograph of Subject Site Application & Disclosure Sta tement Busin ess Description Reduced Plan s Licenses in Cens us Tract Full-sized site plan (Commissioner's Binders) 7 Boomer 's Beer & W ine Attachment 1 Public Hearing Notice All property ow shall receive notification ~ <C :i o z e <C :i!: z i -11 - •• - :0.•• _ •• _ County of San Diego •• - •• C;,r'o7'Er~ajon " - " -~~_-_~ ,--__ i• •• _....... i i ~ .... '7:,.,,~_ ... HART DR .,..,"T~,..,.,.., ~ - 1'· IaIl....... M PRD-L OW-MED COOGANWY C-R CoR N M CoG o 100 20 3 0 I 1 1---11 / I ~ Fee t I /1 I NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF CONDITIONALUSEPERMIT FORBOOMERS BEER AND W INE * NOTICE IS HER EBY GIVEN th at th e EI Cajon Planning Commission wi ll hold a publi c heari ng at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 16,2016, in th e City Council Chambers, 200 Civic Cente r Way, EI Cajo n, CA, t o consider: AMENDMENT OF CONDITIONAL USE PER MIT NO. 1S38, as subm itt ed by Apex Parks Group LLC(Doug Honey). requestin g beer and w ine sales for on-sit e consumpt io n at an exist ing restauran t in th e Boomers amusement cente r. The subject propert y is addressed as 1155 Graves Avenue. This project is exempt fr om th e California Envir onment al Quality Act (CEQA). The public is invit ed t o at te nd and parti cipate in t his pub lic hearing. The agenda report for t his project w ill be avail able 72 hours prior t o t he Planning Commission meeti ng at htt p://www .cit yofelcaj your -government / calendar-meet ings-Iist. In an effor t t o reduce t he City' s carbon footprint , paper copies w ill not be provided at t he publi c hearing, but w ill be available at t he Project Assista nce Cent er upon request. If yo u challenge th e matt er in court , you may be limited to raising only t hose issues you or someone else raised at the publi c hearings described in thi s noti ce or in writte n correspo ndence delivered t o th e Comm issio n or Council at, or prior to, th e publ ic hearings. The City of EI Cajon encourages th e participation of di sabled individuals in th e services, acti viti es, and programs provided by th e City. Indivi duals wit h disabilit ies w ho require reasonable accommodat ion in order t o part icipat e in the p ublic hearin g should contact Planning at 619.441.1742. M ore inf orm at ion about plan ning and zoning in EI Cajon is availab le at htt p:// www.cityof your-government/d epartm ents/ communit y-development / planning-division. If yo u have any qu estio ns, o r wish any additi onal informati on, please contact LORENA CORDOVAat 619.441.1539 or via email at lcordova@cityof and reference " Boomers" in t he subject lin e. Boom er's Beer & Win e Attachment 2 Proposed Resolution PROPOSED PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION A RESOLUT IO N APPROVING AN AMEN DMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PE RMIT N O . 1538 TO CO N DUCT ON-SALE BEER AND WINE SALES AT AN EXISTING RESTAURANT IN THE BOOMERS AMUSEME NT PARK IN THE REGION AL COMMERCIAL (C-R) ZONE, APNs: 483-090-15, -16, -24, -25, -26, -41, and -42, GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIO N: REGION AL COMME RCIAL (RC) WHEREAS, th e EI Cajon Planning Comm ission d uly advertised and held a public h earing on August 16, 2016, to cons ider the Amendment to Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 1538, as subm itte d by Doug H oney on behalf of Ap ex Parks Group, LLC requesting on-site consumption of beer and w ine at an existing restaurant in the Regional Commercial (C-R) zo ne, on th e sou theast corner of Graves Av enue an d Hart Drive, and addressed as 1155 Graves, APNs : 483-090-15, -16, -24, -25, -26, -41, and -42; and WHEREAS, the evidence p resented to the Planning Commission at th e public hearing includes the following: A. In determining whether the proposed use is cat egorically exem p t from environmental review in accorda nce with Sections 15301, Cla ss 1 (Existing Facilities) of th e CEQ A Guidelines, evidence p resented to th e Planning Commission shows that th e existing str uc ture will be limited to minor improvements and th e project involves issuing a permit for the res tau ran t to sell beer and wine accessory to th e restaurant use; further th er e was no ev ide nce presented th at new enviro nmen tal impacts w ou ld res ult . B. The RC General Plan land use d esign at ion is establishe d to provid e for a broad range of uses in conjunction w ith facilities h aving regional significance. The amusement park and restaurant provide a pl ace for people to gathe r, and serve the su rro un ding com m u nity . On-sale beer and w ine for the existing restaurant adds v ariety to the eating esta blishme n t. C. Operational stan d ards for on-sale alcoho lic beverage establishm en ts are part of the permit conditions of approval. Th e existi ng site and building design are consist ent with all applicabl e use an d d evelopment standards. Moreov er, the proposed beer and w ine sales are congruen t w ith restaurant op erati on s, and th er e is no modification th at would compromise the d evelopment stand ards of the underl ying C-R zone. D. The vicini ty of th e subject property is d eveloped with commercial and residential u ses. A re staurant is cons ide re d an app ro priate an d com patible land use in a Proposed Planning Comm ission Resolu tion regional commercial center, and the sale of beer and wi ne at the restaurant would be a com pa tible accessory to the overall recreation center experience if: all activities are conducted w ithin the th resh olds of the Performance Standards Listed in ECMC Sections 17.115.130 and 17.210.150; the applicant adheres to operating characteristics required by local, state and federal law s, including but not limited to those of Alcoho lic Beverage Contro l and applicable sections of the Business and Professions Code; the hou rs of beer and wine sales are in conjunction with food service; no beer or wine is sold for off-site consumption; a nd all these involved in th e sale of beer and wi ne successf ully pass Responsible Beverage Ser vice training. E. Impacts are no t anticipated in the normal conduct of a restaurant with alcohol se rvice. However, if the sale of alcohol does become a nuisance, this CUP may be revoked, and the ability to sell beer and wine will be removed. Furthermore, there ar e no identified existing problems in the proj ect vicinity that may be exacerbated by on -sale alcohol service such as loitering, public drunkenness, noise, and littering. Moreov er, alcohol related operational standards will be in place as conditions of approval to prevent any increase in the crime rate of the surr ou nd ing area. F. The proposed on-sale service is in the best interest of public convenience and n ecessity . The subject census tract ha s capacity for seve n licenses and there ar e currently three, Also, ther e is a conven ience to have beer or wine with a meal at a restaurant in a recreation center that serves families where th ere are activities for all ages and for celebratory gatherings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the EI Cajon Planning Commission as follows : 1. The for egoing recital s ar e true and correct, and constitute findings of the Planning Commission. 2. The EI Cajon Planning Commission her eby finds tha t Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines is an appropriate exe mp tion for the proposed project. 3. Based upon said findings of fact, th e EI Cajon City Planning Commission hereb y APPROVES the Amendme nt to CUP No . 1538 for on-site consumption of beer and w ine for a res taurant, subject to the follo wing cond itions : Page 2 of 5 Proposed Planning Co mmission Reso lution a. b. c. d. e. £. g. h. 1. J. k. 1. 4. Prior to conducting beer and wine sales, the applicant sha ll submit a revised, one page my lar site plan to Planning th at includes th e following notes, under the heading "Operational Standards :" The owners and all employees serving alcoholic beverages sha ll be required to be certified in Responsible Beverage Serv ice training. Beer and w ine sha ll be sold in conjunction with food service. No beer or wine shall be sold except Monday through Thursday from 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. , Friday 12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., and Sunday from 11:00 a .m. to 9:00 p .m. The establishment shall ha ve signage indicating off-site alcohol sales are prohibited. No beer or w ine shall be sold for off-site consumption. There sha ll be no alcohol served or cons umed in any of the outdoor ar eas. On- sale beer and w ine shall not result in adverse effects to the health, peace or safety of persons residing or w orking in the surro unding area . On-sale beer and w ine sha ll not jeopard ize or enda nge r the public health or safe ty of persons residing or working in the surrounding area. On-sale beer and w ine sha ll no t res ult in rep eated nuisance activities within th e premises or in close proximity of the premises, including but not limited to disturbance of the peace, illegal drug activity, public drunkenness, drinking in public, har assment of passersby, gambling, prostitution, sale of stolen goo ds, public urination, th eft, assaults, batteries, acts of vandalism, littering, loitering, graffiti, illegal parking, excessive loud noi ses, especially in the late night or early morning hours, traffic violations, curfew violations, lewd conduct, or polic e detentions and arrests. The restaurant with on-sale beer and wine shall comply with all provisions of local, state or fed eral laws, regulation s or orders, including but not limited to th ose of the ABC, Californ ia Business and Professions Cod e §§ 24200, 24200.6, and 25612.5, as well as an y condition imposed on any permits issu ed pursu ant to applicable laws, regul ati ons or orders. This includes compliance w ith annual city business licen se fees. The restau rant w ith on-sale beer and wine shall maintain upkeep and ens ure opera ting characteristics are compa tible w ith, and will n ot adverse ly affect the livability or ap propriate development of abutting pr op erties and th e surrounding neighborh ood . The follow ing are on going conditions of approval for this CUP. a. The use sha ll be op erated in a manner that is compatible at all tim es w ith surr ounding properti es and uses. Page 3 of 5 Proposed Planning Commission Resolution b. An y cha nge in use or expansion of the facility may require prior City approval, including an amendme nt to th is con di tional use permit. c. Pri or to the City's release of protest for the Type 41 licen se, the owners and all employees in volved in the sale of alcoholic beverages shall complete an approved course in "Respo nsible Beverage Sales" (RBS). To satisfy this require me nt, a cer tified program must meet the standards of the Ca lifornia Coord inating Council on Resp onsible Beverage Service or other certifyin g/licensing bod y designated by the state of California. Copies of the certificates shall be maintained on-s ite an d, be av ailable for inspection. 5. The Planning Commission may at an y tim e during th e life of this use permit, after holding a new public hearing and considering testimony as to the operation of the approved use, add addition al conditions as it deem s necessa ry, to ensure that th e approve d use continues to be compa tible w ith surr ounding properti es and continues to be op erated in a manner that is in th e best interest of public conveni ence and necessity and w ill not be contra ry to the public health, safety or welfare. 6. The existenc e of thi s CUP shall be recorded with the County Recorder. 7. The proposed use shall be ope rated substantially as presented in the Planning Commission staff rep ort titled Amendment to CUP No. 1538, dated Aug us t 16, 2016, except as modifi ed by th is resoluti on. O peration of the use in violation of th e conditions of approval is grounds for revocation. 8. If all conditions of approval ha ve not been satisfied or if the uses approved by this CUP have not been commenced, and if no request for an extension of tim e ha s been received, within on e (1) year of the approval Planning Commission or by Au gu st 16, 2017, and subse que ntly approved, this CUP shall be considered null and vo id per El Cajon Zo ning Ordinan ce Section 17.35.010. [REMAINDER OF THIS PAG E INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Page 4 of 5 Pro posed Planning Commission Resolution PASSED AND ADOPTED by the EI Cajon City Planning Commission at a regular mee ting held Au gu st 16, 2016, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Anthony SOTTILE, Chairperson ATTEST: Anthony SHUTE, AICP, Secretary Pag e 5 of 5 CI TY O F E L CAJON Boomer's Beer & Wine . Attachment 3 Pollee Department comments JUN0 6 2016 COMMUN ITY DEVELOPM ENT POLIC E DEPARTMENT M EMORANDUM DATE: JUNE 2,2016 TO: CITY OF EL CAJON PLANNING DIVISION VIA CHIEF OF POLIC E FRO M: SGT. GREG ROBERTSON SPECIAL OPERATIONS UNIT SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit - Apex Parks Group LLC (Boomers), 1155 Graves Avenue , EI Cajon, CA 92020 ~j. .,}7' \C\1 ;'? 1Jrv'" 1"' . In response to the Planning Division's request for comments regarding the C.U.P. for Apex Parks Group LLC (Boomers) located at 1155 Graves Avenue in the City of EI Cajon, it should be noted the facility is located in Police Reporting Census Tract 016504. A comparison of major crime (Part 1) and minor arrests (Part 2) occurring in a Police Census Tract is considered a viable indicator of the level of criminal activity within the area. This type of criminal activity index is often used by Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to assist in determinations regarding the issuance of liquor licenses. During the year 2015, the average index total for the 29 Census Tracts in EI Cajon was 221 . In general, a "very high" crime area is considered to be greater than 200% over the average index, (greater than 442) . A "high" crime area is 120-200% (264-442), an "ave rage" crime area is considered to be 80-119% (176-263) and a "low" crime area is less than 80% (175 or less) of the average crime index. Census Tract 016504 has an index total of 144 which places it in the "low" category. Additionally, Apex Parks Group (Boomers) is located in a Census Tract that borders five other Census Tracts, where two are considered to be a "low" crime area, one is considered to be an "average" crime area, one is considered to be a "high" crime area and one is considered to be a "very high" crime area. 1 Apex Parks Group (Boomers) will be open Monday - Thursday from 12:00pm - 8:00pm, Friday from 12:00pm - 11:OOpm , Saturday from 11:OOam - 11 :OOpm and Sunday from 11:OOam - 9:00pm. Although the proposed premise is located in a Census Tract that is classified as a "Low" crime area, it is adjacent to other Census Tracts that are reported as "High" and "Very High" crime areas. The issuance of an unconditional license without the below described condition s may aggravate existing crime problems and negatively impact public safety. The EI Cajon Police Department hereby petitions for a conditional license as follows: 1. Sales, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted only during regular business hours (noted above). 2. T he sale of alcoho lic beverages for consumption off the premises is strictly prohibited. 3. Gross sales of alcoholic beverages shall not exceed gross sales of food. 4. Food shall be available at all times alcoholic beverages are available. 5. Sales, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall only be permitted in the dining area. 6. There shall be no live entertainment of any type, including but not limited to live music, d isc jockey, karaoke, top less entertainment, male or female performers or fashion shows. If the above listed conditions are met, I would recommend approval of a C.U.P. for a beer and wine permit at Apex Parks Group (Boomers). 2 Boom er 's Beer & Win e Attachment 4 ECMC Sections 17.210.130 thru 17.210.160 17.210.130 New and modified on-sale alcohol establishment standards. EI Cajon Municipal Code II Il II II II II Up Previous Next Main Search Print Title 17 ZONING Chapter 17.210 ALCOHOL SALES AND DEEMED APPROVED ALCOHOL SALES REGULATIONS Il No Frames 17.210.130 New and modified on-sa le alcohol establishment standards . Except as oth erwise provided in this chapter, no person shall establish a new on-sale alcoholic bevera ge est ablishm ent or modify an ex isting on-sal e a lcoho lic beverage establishment in violation of Section 17.120.0 30 of thi s titl e or an appli cabl e conditiona l use permit w ithout first o bta ining a conditional use permit in the manner provided by this chapter. Furthe rmore, the standards contai ned in Sections 17.210 .140 throu gh 17.210 .160 require on-sale alcohol ic beverage estab lishments to sec ure a conditional use permit in the mann er provided in this chapter in ord er to lawfully engage in the sale of alcoholic beverag es from premises located in the city of EI Caj on; and require such establishments to manage such prem ises in accordance with the requirement s of such permit, including operati onal standards and any conditions of approval incorp orat ed as condition s of the permi t. (Ord . 4994 § 3,20 13) Vi ew the mobile ve rs ion. http://qcode .us/codes/elcajon/view.php ?topic=17 -17_2 10- 17_2 10_130& frames=on 8/5/2016 17 .210.140 Distance requirem ents- ap pl ica ble to new on-sale a lcoholic beverage es tablis... Page I of 1 EI Cajon Municipal Code II II Up II Previous II Next II Ma in Search II f rint Title 17 ZONI NG Chapter 17.210 ALCOHOL SALES AND DEEMED APPROVED ALCOHOL SALES REGULATIONS It No Frames 17.210.140 Distance requirements- applicable to new on-sale alcoholic beverage establishments. A . No new on-sa le a lco ho lic beverage establishme nt sha ll be located within 1,000 feet of an ex isting o n-sa le alcoho lic beverage establishment and/or w ithin 600 feet of residenti ally zo ned prop erty, publi c o r pri vat e sc hoo ls, health ca re fac ilities, re ligio us faci lities, park s or playground s, and off-sa le alcoholic beverage establishme nts, except: I. or A restaurant with an anc illary bar with less total square footage than the restau rant eat ing area; 2. On- sale alcoho lic beverage esta blishment w ith alcoho l sa les seco nda ry and incid ent al to an approved, co mpleme ntary , prin cip al use w ithin the boundaries of Spec ific Plan No. 182; or 3. An a lcoho lic beverage manu facturer such as a craft brewery with an anc illary tastin g roo m or craft brewery with a full serv ice restaur ant. B . For purposes of th is sec tion, distances sha ll be measured betwee n the closest property lines of the affected location s. C . For the purp oses of this section, "secondary and incidental," shall mean that the sales of alco ho lic beve rage sha ll be limit ed to not more than 25 perc ent of the gross annua l retai l receipt s ge nerated by the use o n th e site, which sha ll be calculated on a quarterly basis, for the pr ior 12-m onth peri od ending on the last day of the then co ncludi ng quarter of year, and sha ll fu rther mean that sales of alc oholic beverages are not prom oted or adve rtised in any signs, or the name of the business esta blishme nt. D. For the purposes of this section, " principal use," may inclu de, but is not limit ed to, live enterta inme nt, parti cip atory sporting activities, museum s, theat ers, performing arts cente r owned by a public agency, hotels, or othe r, s im ilar uses approve d by the city co unc il, so long as the location of the sa les of alcoholic beverages occ urs on the sa me premi ses as the principal use, and the owner of the prin cipal use is the ow ner of the liqu or license. (Ord. 50 18 § 98 , 2015 ; Ord . 4994 § 3, 20 13) Vi ew th e mobil e versio n. http ://qc ode .us/ codes/elcaj on/vi e w .php ?t opi c=1 7-1 7_ 2 10 - 17_ 2 1O_ 14 0&frame s=o n 8/5/ 20 16 17 .210.1 50 Operational standards-applicable to new on-sale alcoholic beverage sales act.. . Page 1 of 1 I EI Caj on Municipal Code IMP II Previous II Next II Ma in II II Search II Print II No Frames Title 17 ZONING Chapter 17.210 ALCOHOL SALES AND DEEMED APPROVED ALCOHOL SALES REG ULATIONS 17. 210.150 Operati onal standards-applicable to new on-sale alcoholic beverage sales activities. A. That it does not result in adverse effects to the health, peace or safety of person s residing or wor king in the surrounding area. B. That it does not j eopardi ze or endanger the public health or safety of persons residing or worki ng in the surround ing area. C. That it does not result in repeated nuisance activities within the premi ses or in close proximity of the premi ses, including but not limited to disturb ance of the peace, illegal drug activity, public drunkenness, drinking in public, harassment of passersby, gambling, prostituti on, sale of stolen goods, publi c urination, theft, assaults, batter ies, acts of vanda lism, littering, loitering, graffiti, illegal parkin g, excess ive loud noises, espec ially in the late night or early mornin g hours, traffi c v iolations, curfew violat ions, lewd conduct, or police detenti ons and arr ests. D. That it complies with all provisions of local, state or federal laws, regulations or orders, includin g but not limit ed to those of the ABC, Ca lifornia Busin ess and Profession s Code §§ 242 00, 24200.6, and 25 612.5, as well as any condition imposed on any perm its issued pursuant to appli cable laws, regulations or orders. This includ es compliance with annual city business license fees. E. That its upkeep and operatin g characteristics are compatible with, and will not adversely affect the livability or appropri ate developm ent of abutting properties and the surrounding neighborhood. (Ord. 4994 § 3, 20 13) View th e mobile vers ion. http ://qcode .us/codes/el cajon/vi ew .php?topic=17-17_ 2 10- 17_2 10_150 & frames=on 8/51201 6 17.210.160 Required findings-new on-sale alcoho lic beverage sales activities. Page 1 of 1 EI Cajon Municipal Code II Il Up II Previous II Next II Main Search II Print Title 17 ZONING Chapter 17.210 ALCOHOL SALES AND DEEMED APPROVED ALCOHOL SALES REG ULATIONS II No Frames 17.210.160 Required findings- new on-sale alcoholic beverage sales activities. , In addit ion to the findin gs listed in Sect ion 17.50.060, the planning commission shall approve issuance of a conditional use permit to allo w a new on-sa le alco ho lic beverage sales activity upon makin g the follow ing findin gs: A. T he propo sed alcoh olic bevera ge sales activity wi ll not exacerbate ex isting probl em s in the neighborhood created by the sa le of alcohol such as loitering, public drunk enn ess, alcoholic beverage sa les to minors, noise and litterin g. B. The proposed alcoholic beverage sales establishment w ill not detrim entall y affect nearby neighborhood s considerin g the distance of the alcohol establishment to residential buildings, schoo ls, parks, playgrounds or recreati onal areas , nonp rofit youth facil ities, places of worship , hosp itals, alcohol or other drug abuse recovery or treatm ent fac ilities, cou nty soc ial service offi ces, or other alcoho lic bever ages sales activity establishme nts. C . The proposed alcoholic beverage sales esta blishme nt is not located in what has been determined to be a high -crim e area or where a disproportionate number of police serv ice ca lls occ ur. In the alternati ve, if the propo sed alcoholic beverage sales establishment is proposed to be located in a high-c rime area or where a disproportionate number of police service calls occ ur, the es tablishment has or will ado pt appropriate safeg uards, to be set forth in conditions of approval, reasonably intend ed to prevent any increa se in criminal activities and ca lls for serv ice. (Ord. 4994 § 3, 2013) Vi ew the mobile vers ion. http :// 10-17_2 10_1 60&frames=on 8/512016 Boomer 's Beer & Wine Attachment 5 Aerial Photograph !!!!!!!~"l" Boomer's Beer & Wine Attachmen t 6 A pplication & Disclosure Statement Project Assistance Center Planning Group PLANNING PERMIT APPLICATION Type of Planning Permit(s) Requested ~ CUP D SCR D AZP Dsp D PRD D TSM DLLA DTPM Dp UD DVAR D SDP DZR o Other: Applicant Information (the ind ividual or ent it y proposing to carry out the project; not for consultants) Company Name: Apex Parks Group, LLC Contact Name: Doug Honey, CFO Address: Phone: 949-349-8461 Interest in Property: DOwn §] Lease Project Representative Information (if diffe rent t han applic ant; co nsultant information here) Company Name: Alcoholic Beverage Consulting Co ntact Name: Ad dress: Phone: Property Owner Info rmation (if different than applicant) Company Name: John Huish Properties Contact Name: John Huish Address: 33361 Marina Vista, Dana Point, CA 92629 Phone: - - 200 Civic Cent er W ay - - - -- -- Email: I EI Cajon I Califo rn ia I 92020 I 619 -441-1742 Main I 619-441-1743 Fax Project Location Parcel Number (APN): 48J.{)90-4 2 Address: 2Z061 ' .list) DlCelt Reael, 5101ite 188, Alisa ' f oje co 92656- Nearest Intersection : Graves & Hart 11 5 .5 6 t'C1I VI? s flve. Pro ject Descr iption (or attach separate narrat ive) Permit to sell beer and wine for on-site consumption at an existing amusement park. Hazardous W ast e and Substa nces Statement Section 65962.5(f) of the State of California Government Code requires that before the City of EI Cajon accepts as complete an application for any discretionary project, the applicant submit a signed statement indicating whether or not the project site is ident ified on the State of California Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List. This list identifies known sites that have been subject to releases of hazardous chemicals, and is avai lable at Check t he appro priate box and if applicable, provi de t he necessary inf ormatio n: The development project and any alternatives proposed in this application: ~ is/are NOTcontained on the lists compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5. is/are contained on the lists compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5. If yes, provide Regulat ory Ident ificat ion Number: Dat e of List: _ o Autho rization Date: Date: 1. ( ~((6U' r rif,((~ Applican t's Signature : I certify t hat I have r. d th is application and state that the aboveinformation is correct, and that I am th e property owner, authorized agent of the property ner, or ot her person having a legal right, interest, or entitlement to t he use of t he property that is the subj ect of this application . I poli cies and regulations applicable to 0 nderstand t hat t he applicant is responsible for knowing and complying with the governin g proposed development or permit. The City isnot liable for any damages or loss resulting from the act ual or alleged failure to info rm t e applicant of any applicable laws or regulations, including before or during final inspections. City approval of a permit application, including all related plans and documents, is not a grant of approval to violate any applicable policy o r regulation, nor does it constit ute a w aiver by th e City to pursue any remedy, which may be available to enforce and correct violations o f th e applicable policies and regulations. I aut horize representatives of th e City to enter the subject property for inspection purposes. 2. Property Owners Signature: If not th e same as the applicant, property owner must also sign. A signed, expressed lett er of consent to this application may be provided separately instead of signing t his application form . By signing, property owner acknowledges and consents to all autho rizations, requirement s, condit ions and notices described in t his applicatio n. Notice of Restriction: property ow ne r fu rt her acknowledges and consents to a Noti ce of Restriction being recorded on t he tit le to thei r property related to approval of the requested permit. A Notice of Restriction runs with the land and binds any successors inint erest. Proj ect Assist ance Cen t er Planning Group DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Disclosure Statem ent This statement is inten d ed to identify and avoid poten tial conflicts of interest that may exist betw een the p roject p roponen ts and th e decision makers; including City staff, H arming Com missioners, and City Council members. The following information must be disclosed: 1. List the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application. AI Weber Jr. CEO, Apex Parks Group, LLC Dou g Honey CFO, Apex Parks Group, LLC 27061 Aliso Creek Rd.• Suite 100, Aliso Creek, CA 92656 27061 A liso Creek Rd., Suite 100, Aliso Cre ek, CA 92656 List the names and address of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. 2. If any person identified pursuant to (1) above is a corporation or partnersh ip, list the names and addre sses of all individuals owning mor e th an 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnership inte rest in the partnership. 3. If any person identified pursuant to (1) above is a tru st, list the name and address of any person serving as t rustee or beneficiary or trustor of the trust. 200 Civic Cente r W ay I EI Cajon I Califo rn ia I 92020 I 619-44 1-1742 M ain 1619-441-1743 Fax 4. Have yo u or your agents tra nsacted more th an $500.00 worth of business with any member of City staff, Board s, Commissions, Committees and Council within the past 12 months or $1,000 .00 wi th t he spo use of any such person? Yes _ _ No _x_ _ If yes, please indicate person(s), dates, and amounts of such t ransactions or gifts. Doug Honey, CFO Sign~t?re'oraP~te Print or type name of applicant NOTE: Attach appropriate names on additional pages as necessary. Boome r's Beer & W ine Attachment 7 Business Description Statement of Operations for Boomers! 1155 Graves Avenue, EI Cajon, CA 5/21/16 Proposed Use: Permit to sell beer and wine for on-site consumption (ABC Type 41 License) from the restaurant that is part of the amusement center. Consumption area is to be limited to inside the "Castle" building only. Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday: 12:00pm to 8:00 pm Friday: 12:00 pm to 11 :00 pm Saturday: 11 :00 am to 11 :00 pm Sunday: 11 :OOam to 9:00 pm Number of Employees: 50+ Security Measures: Beer and wine are only served at the restaurant counter allowing for ID checks and to observe consumer behavior. All beer and wine is stored in "Employee Only" rooms or coolers. Employees go through corporate training for responsible alcohol sales. There are security cameras located throughout the facility and employees that continuously monitor activity. There are 2 security guards on duty every Friday and Saturday night. m U n r:: o "Um- ~ U) <lJ (1) -l-J o Z E o o co - W w > l- e: , ct: :t w I- \II ' :0 " ' II, .~~~ . ~~ . GRAVES ~ ._---- California ABC - License Query System - Data Portal Boomer's Beer & W ine Attachment 9 Licenses in Censu s Tract California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Contro l On-Sa le Licenses For Census Tract 165.04 Report as of 8/4/2016 3 of 3 Licenses Displayed To create a downloadable CSV File go back and check the Create CSV Dowload Option. Expir License Status License Orig. lss. Pri mary Own er and Premi ses Bu siness Name Type Date Date Numbe Addr. 48 12/17/2002 10/3 1/2016 KELLYS PUB EAST INC KELLYS PUB EAST INC 1)m m ACTIVE 719 E BRADLEY AVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-31 11 2)i l l m ACTIVE 47 3) ~ ~CTIVE 41 Census Tract: 0165.04 06/04/2009 12/31/2016 BLACK ANGUS STEAKHOU SES LLC 1000 GRAV ES AVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-4558 03/21/ 2014 tz/28/2017 Census Tract: 0165 .04 L1 , GUIYAN 500 BROADWAY, STE D EL CAJON, CA 92021-5469 Mailing Address Geo Code 3700 BLAC K ANGUS STEAKHOUSE 1015 4410 EL CAMINO REAL , 3704 STE 201 LOS ALTOS , CA 940221002 CHINA 1968 6912 RUBY LN EMON GROVE, CA 91945 3704 Census Tract: 0165.04 - - - End of Report --- For a definition of codes, view our glossary . http ://ww ort/Adl-IocRep.asp 8/5/201 6 DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL NUM BER OF LICENSES AUTHORIZED BYCENSUS TRACT County County Name SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DI EGO Upd ated: Sep 2015 Population 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,22 7,496 3,22 7,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227, 496 3,22 7,496 3,227,496 3,2 27,49 6 3,22 7,496 3,22 7,496 3,22 7,4 96 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,22 7,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,22 7,496 3,22 7,496 3,22 7,496 3,22 7,496 3,22 7,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,22 7,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,22 7,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,227,496 3,22 7,496 3,227,496 County Ratio County Ratio Off On Sale Sale 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 79 0 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 79 0 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 1,564 I( Census CensusTract Tract # Population 158.01 158.02 159 .01 159.02 160.00 161.00 162. 01 162 .02 163. 01 163.02 164. 01 164 .02 165.02 3,550 4,673 3,450 5,220 2,419 5,788 5,843 3,337 4,919 5,444 4,99 6 7,45 2 6,915 2,784 6,253 7,339 3,388 6,365 2,526 5,2 27 4,163 6,143 1,860 3,912 3,059 4,067 3,102 8,666 6,944 6,942 7,292 4,081 7,135 5,486 2,792 4,374 6,909 2,341 2,876 4,024 3,152 2,416 7,295 3,834 5,883 3,694 3,177 5,316 8,823 17,064 3,853 13,593 ~ 165 .04 ) ~ 166.06 166.07 166 .08 166 .09 166.10 166 .12 166 .13 166 .14 166.15 166 .16 166.17 167 .01 167.02 168.02 168.04 168.06 168.07 168 .09 168.10 168 .11 169.01 169 .02 170.06 170.09 170.10 170 .14 170 .15 170 .18 170.19 170 .20 170.21 170.22 170 .29 170.30 170.31 170.32 On Sale Off Sale ( 4 5 4 6 3 7 7 4 6 6 6 9 8 3 7 ~ 4 8 3 6 5 7 2 4 3 5 3 10 8 8 9 5 9 6 3 5 8 2 3 5 3 3 9 4 7 4 4 6 11 21 4 17 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 1 3 4 2 4 1 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 1 2 4 1 1 2 2 1 4 2 3 2 2 3 5 10 2 8 Page 117