May 2010 Hive - Honey Creek Presbyterian Church


May 2010 Hive - Honey Creek Presbyterian Church
The Hive
Publisher HCPC
Volume No. 006
Pastor's Column:
Two pictures of Resurrection! On the
left, Gerry Cummins is enjoying a balloon ride
(see her article a bit later in the Hive). On the
right, Haitians are hard at work hauling out
the rubble of St. Joseph’s Home for Boys, so
that the new building can go up. In this postEaster season, we are called to reflect on the
gift of new life given to us, and these seemed
like great images. Even though Gerry is
fighting cancer, she is also fulfilling dreams.
Even though two of the three St. Joseph
Family homes have to be demolished, the
family leadership is already excited about the
possibilities of rebuilding homes that will
match the needs of the children of Haiti in
even better ways.
Issue No 05
Date May 2010
Sometimes it is easy to get stuck on
the negative things in life, to focus on what is
going wrong instead of seeking out ways to
turn tragedy into hope. The message of
Easter is that Life and Hope will never die,
because of the power of the resurrection.
One of the things spending time in Haiti has
taught me is that I am incredibly blessed in my
life. One of my favorite messages from the
Bible is Paul’s affirmation that there is
nothing, nothing that can separate us from the
love of God in Christ. I invite you to take the
Life and Hope of Easter into the summer with
you, and make your lives moments of
resurrection living.
May and early June
May 7 Troy Fowler
May 11 Gujrmena Botello
May 13 Mark Deem
May 13 Jim Peters
May 14 Mayra Botello
May15 Bill Allen
May 17 Debbie Sluterbeck
May 20 Janet Dusko
May 29 Geneva Slanker
June 5 Beverly Baker
June 5 James Rath
HEAR OUR PRAYER, O LORD . . . for the
transforming work of your Spirit within,
among and through us,
for your comforting presence with: Tom
and Jerry Irwin and all of Iva Snyder's
family; Ruth Hild and all of Ron Hild's
family; Bud and Elaine Brubaker and all
of Jenna Sherick's family; Karen and
Don Brubaker and all of Rex McDaniel's
for renewed health for: Jim Peters, Elaine
Brubaker, Ted Flora, Bill Hatcher, Roger
Meyerhoeffer, Gerry Cummins, Dave
McCabe, Tom Irwin, Jerry Irwin, and Bev
for those homebound and in nursing
homes: Lucille Estridge, Howard
McCullough, Geneva Slanker, Ann &
Floyd Stahl and Lester Weinland.
for family and friends: Julie Grusenmeyer,
Bev Smithey, The people of Haiti,
Andrew Raeburn, Jo Dusko, Barrett
Bollinger, Charles Keller and Jim Keller.
for those in military service: James Rath.
The following actions were taken by the
1 -- It was moved, seconded and passed to
sponsor a Honey Creek Presbyterian Church
Solidarity Work Team sometime after October
15 to help with rebuilding the St. Joseph
Home for Boys in Haiti.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cindi Cook
MOM Committee met April 22, 2010. We
finalized plans for the "Beds for Babies"
Shower to be held on April 25 after church.
A special thanks to Ron Fowler, Cindi
Cook, Shelley Wiley and Curt McAdams
for preparing the food for the Haitian
dinner, and also to Shelley for her
informative talk of her trip to Haiti.
We discussed looking into applying for
grants to help fund more cribs for Beds for
Babies. There is a real need for these cribs
and they are dispersed as soon as we get
them. A new crib and mattress costs $139,
at the least, so we need to be on the
lookout for used cribs.
We are planning a progressive dinner for
September, the date will be decided later.
The Lunch Bunch will be planning an
outing for June, and there will be an
International dinner sometime in July.
Sue Nichols
The Finance Committee met on May 2nd.
We are considering ways to move forward on
some of the big projects of the church, and
are working with the Buildings and Grounds
Committee to consider funding options. We
are also working to make sure all church
accounts are secure.
The Worship Committee met on April 8,
2010. We discussed Mother's Day and
Pentecost. Candles were ordered for the
Thank you to the following greeters for April:
Sara and Mark Deem
Mary Webster and Imy McFarland
Larry Allinham and Doug Chaffins
Mildred and Gil Doggett
Imy McFarland
Worship Chairperson
. "Heritage and Hotdogs!" Mark the second
Wednesdays of the month in June, July, and August,
and plan to join in this program at the church. Bring a
dinner dish to share, and then learn about our heritage
as Presbyterians. Bob Bateman is working on some
creative ways for us to understand more about who we
Watch out for future news about Vacation Bible
School and the ongoing adult Sunday School class.
The big event for this period was the cleanup
day the 1st of May. The weather was rainy
preventing any outside work and probably
causing a smaller turnout than usual.
However, we cleaned, dusted, vacuumed,
rearranged furniture, replaced light bulbs, etc.
A special thanks to Stu Cummins, Doug
Chaffins, Ron and Mary Jane Sterrett, Cindi
Cook, Beverly Quinn and Jo Campbell for all
of the above work. Mary Jane and Jo
Campbell also prepared a delicious meal
which we all enjoyed and appreciated very
much. Sorry you “out of towners” missed that.
We still have a good bit of outside work that
we need to get on pretty soon so expect
something to be scheduled soon.
Seems there was a bumper crop of
dandelions everywhere this year. We owe
thanks to Ron Sterrett for eliminating ours.
They were going fast on cleanup day. We
also want to thank Don and Karen Brubaker
for keeping the grass looking so good again
this year. It only lasts for a very short time but
for a couple of Sundays each Spring when the
grass is freshly mowed and all of the bushes
are in bloom the walk from the parking lot
between the buildings to the front door of the
church is special. Wish it could last longer.
We have received a quotation from Dayton
Art Glass for restoration of the stained glass
windows. The quotation has been passed to
the Finance Committee and we will be hearing
more from them in the near future.
I found this quote by Robert Bloch on the
internet; “The man who smiles when things go
wrong has thought of someone to blame it
on.” I think Robert was on to something.
Our Website is Running!
While we are still working on the details, we
now have a church website. Visit Soon there will be
more pictures and information about all the
great things happening here!
Thank you to everyone who made the
"Beds for Babies" shower a big success! In
addition to the crib linens, we received a crib
and two mattresses and a grand total of $865.
These gifts are greatly appreciated, especially
by the families who are the recipients of your
The Honey Creek family has come through
again; you can always be counted on to open
your hearts and wallets for those in need.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Gerry's Balloon ride- April 28, 2010
If anyone asks how the hot-air balloon ride
was the first word out of my mouth is "WOW".
It's the ease of talking to people on the
ground. It's the wonder of picking leaves from
the top of a tree. It's amazement at being
able to hop over a fence to land where we
needed to be. And it's really awesome to see
the sun setting and the moon rising at the
horizon-- very orange, changing gradually to
bright yellow, and full at that.
We traveled over 10 miles "as the crow flies"
and for about a little over an hour for a ride
that was "WOW!. Gerry.
Picture description:
Landing--This shot with the basket is just
after a hard landing through the trees, and as
Pilot Ron was adding lift and the balloon was
being moved to a better location-- up and
over a fence.
Pastoral Care Emergency
In case of pastoral care emergency, please contact
Rev. Shelley Wiley at her cellular phone
(937-654-0078). Shelley will be here at the church
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
A huge thanks to all who helped in
anyway or participated in the May Lunch. Sue
Curtis presented an interesting as well as
amusing talk about the life of women in the
Roaring 20's. A special thank you to Jo
Campbell, Bev Chipman and Stella Grasmick
for helping decorate and prepare food. Many
attendees admired the beautiful quilts made
by Ruth Yoesting's mother and grandmother,
Bob Campbell's mother and Sue Nichol's
grandmother. Some of the dishes, quilts and
linens displayed were 100-150 or more years
old. The clean-up help by Doug Chaffins and
Ron Sterrett was deeply appreciated.
Mary Jane Sterrett
I want to thank all for the phone calls, visits,
prayers and good wishes from my Honey
Creek Church Family.
Gerry Cummins.
Please submit inputs and suggested articles for the
HIVE to The deadline
for submission for the March HIVE is April 1st.