June 2011 Hive


June 2011 Hive
The Hive
Publisher HCPC
Volume No. 007
Back row: Art Lloyd, Shawn Lloyd, Marilyn
Perkins, Leanne Wierenga
Front row: Derrick Weston, Shelley Wiley,
Jennifer Crisler, Ann Morrison
Pastor's Column:
At long last, this cold and dreary winter
is over, and while there is a spring storm
raging as I type these words, we can look
forward to warmer days coming. I am grateful
to all of you for your support of my work in
Haiti, and am excited to be leading this group
of folks from four churches in our Presbytery.
In the picture above, Art, Shawn and Jennifer
are all members of First United Presbyterian
in Bellefontaine, Leanne and Ann are
members of Covenant Presbyterian in
Springfield, Derrick is the pastor of Oakland
Presbyterian in Springfield, and Marilyn and I
round out the team. We fly to Haiti on
Issue No 06
Date June 2011
Tuesday, June 14, and return the following
Tuesday. This trip will find us working on the
early foundation stages at the Wings of Hope
site, and also taking a trip to Jacmel to visit
Trinity House and see all of its ministries. Be
sure to visit the Honey Creek Facebook page
(even if you don’t use Facebook, you can see
it) to read stories and see pictures of our trip.
We are taking specifically requested supplies
with us, and have one more meeting together
as a group before we leave.
The Sunday before we leave for Haiti will be
Pentecost. I like the image of celebrating the
gift of the Holy Spirit right before we take off
on this work trip. Part of the theology of the
Holy Spirit is its ongoing presence, calling us
to the various ministries the world needs, and
giving us the strength and courage to step out
and do the work God calls us to. There are so
many ways in which we can respond to the
Spirit’s calling, from daily prayer to working on
church projects, to community and world
ministries. I pray that the warmth of June will
join itself to the “fire” of the Spirit, so that we
might be visible confirmation of God’s
presence in New Carlisle and in the world.
Blessings, Shelley
June 5
June 5
June 14
June 19
June 20
June 23
Beverly Baker
James Rath
Lester Weinland
Shawn Fowler
Jim Crawford
June Crawford
for the transforming work of your Spirit
within, among and through us,
for your comforting presence with: Dottie
Flora and all of Ted's family, The Family
of Marie Sabec.
for renewed health for: Lita Holloway,
Betty Bateman, Dick Chipman, Ron
Sterrett, Bill Hatcher, Tom Irwin, Jerry
Irwin, and Bev Rath.
for those homebound and in nursing
homes: Lucille Estridge, Howard
McCullough, Geneva Slanker, Ann &
Floyd Stahl, Lester Weinland and Ruth
for family and friends: Troy Fowler, Jean
Connell, Jim Deem, Linda Osteen, Kyle
Terrian, Pearlie Weisenhahn, Jo Dusko,
Charles Keller and Jim Keller.
for those in military service: Robert Bragg,
James Rath and Jesse Daniel
Highlights from the May 2011 Session
1 -- It was moved, seconded and passed to
correct the September 2010 minutes
regarding the date of Jim Peter's death.
2 -- It was moved, seconded and passed to
approve Rev. Wiley's journey to Haiti as a
work related trip.
3 -- It was moved, seconded and passed to
allow Elder Mary Quinn to start a primary
school age youth group.
Respectively submitted,
Cindi Cook
Clerk of Session
MOM committee met on May 12, 2011. Two
cribs were bought and distributed for Beds for
Babies. We discussed the mentoring
program, but need more information on it. At
this time there are 8 people going to Haiti with
Shelley, Marilyn Perkins will be going from
HCPC. Items are being collected for hygiene
kits to be taken with them.
We discussed doing a bowling tournament on
a Wii if we can find one to use. If anyone has
any ideas for other Adult Fellowship activities
please let us know, or you can plan an event (
this would be greatly appreciated )
The Finance Committee met on the 2nd
Sunday of May. We are slightly behind
budget, but some bigger bills have been due,
and lighter months are coming. Of bigger
concern is getting our per capita together to
send to Presbytery. Several years ago, we
began asking individual members of the
church to give this amount as a special
offering, to offset the difficulty we were having
in meeting the budget. So far this year, 31 of
you have responded to this request by giving
this year's amount, $25.25 per person, and
we thank you. We decided to make one final
appeal before we return to the overall church
finances to determine how we can pay the full
amount, calculated this year on the 2009
membership figure of 79 members. If you
have not given the per capita amount and
would like to do so, simply include it in your
offering and earmark it as per capita. Finally,
we discussed briefly that the Capital
Campaign Committee is working toward
beginning the campaign, largely to meet
facilities needs, and we want to be prepared
to handle these finances clearly.
days for the roof repair.
Respectfully Submitted,
The Finance Committee
Presbyterian Women:
The worship committee was busy this month
with the coffee hours celebrating Shelley's
ordination, receiving new members and
saying thank you to the choir.
Thanks to Ron and Mary Jane Sterrett, Ann
Peters and Stella Grasmick, Larry Allingham
and Doug Chaffins, Ron and Jane Fowler,
and Gil and Mildred Doggett for serving as
ushers and greeters this month.
The next communion will be June 5th.
Vacation Bible School will be July 18-21.
Mary Quinn will start an elementary age
group to meet for fellowship.
Update for the Sept trip to La Comedia:
The initial deposit was sent to hold the
reservation. Thanks to those who contributed.
The FINAL (and only) payment will be $45.00
per person. It needs to be to Ann Peters by 28
At this time there are definite reservations for
22, with about 5 other “maybe, will let you
know,” etc.) If you now plan to go, let Ann
know ASAP to reserve more seating. Need
more info? Call Ann (845-0440)
Final meetings for this season:
Martha Circle meeting on Tuesday June 7 at
10:00 am, Ruth Circle meeting on Wednesday
June 8 at 10:00 am in Memorial Room.
(Notice the change of time and place at 10:00
Lita Holloway Tel: 907-947-9005
C/o Dr. Robert and Mrs. Diane Whitten
7268 Smokey Woods Lane
Cincinnati, Ohio 45230
Directions: 675 S to 275 E
Take 275 E to Exit 69: Five Mile Road
Turn right (North) on Five-Mile
After the next traffic light turn left onto
Turn left onto Huntersknoll.
The projector bulb has been replaced
and should last for many years.
Still waiting for enough consecutively dry
Turn left onto Smokey Woods Lane. 7268 is
on the right.
Guests are welcome and there is also a bed in Lita's
apartment for overnight guests!
Our pastor helps write a book!
rebuilding efforts, and to continue to care for some
of Haiti’s most forgotten children. The book costs
$20. Shelley is expecting a shipment of books
sometime this summer, so if you’d like to order
any, please sign up for them in the Memorial
Room (of if you don’t make it to church, send an
Welcome New Members!
On May 8th, we welcomed into membership of
the church Sasha and Scott Rittenhouse, and
their daughters Lara and Lexi, who were also
baptized. We're so glad to have you with us!
Dear Shelley, members of the Worship
Committee, members of Honey Creek
Presbyterian Church,
Thank you for your work in making the
celebration concert for Mom possible and the
ideas you had to give it its form. The evening
was truly a loving celebration and it meant so
much to her! Throughout this time you have
shown both of us so much support – you've
truly been a caring church family. Please keep
us in your prayers – we will miss all of you!
Pray the Beauty All Around, a book of
photographs by Renee Dietrich and prayers by
Shelley Wiley, is now available. After the
devastation of the January 2010 earthquake in
Haiti, Renee began to turn her camera to the signs
of life and beauty that were making their way
through the rubble. Many of you may remember
that Shelley started using those photographs
during the Sunday morning presentations. She
asked Renee for permission before doing this,
noting to her that many of the photos had a
spiritual quality about them. Months later, Shelley
suggested to Renee that she turn her photos into a
book; Renee suggested to Shelley that she write
prayers to go with them, and the book was born!
The New Carlisle Rotary donated $500 toward the
printing cost of the first run of these books, and we
are grateful to them. All proceeds from the sale of
the book, after the printing costs are covered, will
go to the St. Joseph Family, to help with their
With gratitude and love,
Beth Oer and Lita
Pastoral Care Emergency
In case of pastoral care emergency, please
contact Rev. Shelley Wiley at her cellular
phone (937-654-0078). Shelley will be here at
the church Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Please submit inputs and suggested articles for the
HIVE to honeycreekpres@sbcglobal.net The deadline
for submission for the July/August Hive is June 29th.