Veilings - The Boran Cattle Breeders` Society of South Africa
Veilings - The Boran Cattle Breeders` Society of South Africa
Auctions Ve i ling s 88 89 90 91 B oran Boran B o ran 92 X X X Afr ik a ner Bra hm a n Bo ns m a r a B or a n B or a n B or an X X O s s e B e e f m as t e r X He r e f or d Kruisteling Boran Bo r a ne 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 From the book: “The Indigenous Cattle of the British Dependent Territories in Africa”P g . 3 2 - 3 8 Published by the Colonial Advisory Council of Agriculture, Animal Health and Forestry, 1957. Boran OTHER NAMES USED East African Shorthorn Zebu; Toposa cattle; Galla cattle. A Boran Breed Society was formed in Kenya in1951 to further the interests of the breed. CLASSIFICATION East African Thoracic Humped Zebu. (Large type). WHERE FOUND The Northern Frontier Province and the European owned ranches situated west of Mt. Kenya in Kenya; the Karamoja District of Uganda; the southern part of Ethiopia; the western part of Italian Somaliland, British Somaliland and the south eastern part of the Sudan (Toposa). The only population figures available are those for Toposa cattle which number 200,000. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH FOUND In their natural condition in Kenya, Somaliland and the southern part of Ethiopia, the Boran cattle are owned chiefly by nomadic tribesmen, the Borana and the Galla. The area in which they are found consists of semi-desert grassland, bush and desert scrub at altitudes varying from just above sea level in Italian Somaliland to 1,500-2,000 ft. in the Northern Frontier Province of Kenya and even higher in the Karamoja District of Uganda and in Ethiopia. Mean annual temperatures are generally above 70 F. and the rainfall varies from 5 ins. to 15 ins. per annum. Over large parts of the area only camels are able to survive the rigorous conditions. Conditions are somewhat more favorable in Karamoja and Toposa where the rainfall permits crop production. Both the Karamoja and the Toposa have permanent villages around which the cattle graze during the wet season (April-November ). At the end of this season, however, they are moved away to dry season grazing areas. On the European ranches in Kenya where the Boran has achieved its high reputation during recent years, conditions are much better. Disease control and management are of a generally high order and while rainfall is low and erratic, grazing, if properly managed, provides a high plane of nutrition throughout the year. No supplementary feeding is given on most of the ranches, the provision of adequate reserve grazing areas being sufficient to carry the cattle over the dry periods. USE Essentially a beef type and bred for this purpose by European ranchers. Used for milk and draft by both African and European stockowners. There is little doubt that the type has considerable potentialities for milk production and in this respect is similar to the Kennana and Butana cattle of the Sudan. CHARACTERISTICS Description Size- In general the Boran is a large type African cattle, the bull weighing 1,200 - 1,500 lbs. live weight and the cows from 850-1,050 lbs. Average weights and measurements of typical animals have been recorded by Faulkner as follows (32) : Table No.21- AVERAGE WEIGHTS (LBS.) AND MEASUREMENTS (INS.) Live Weight Male 1316 (596) Female (5) 841 (381) Steers (5) 1356 (615) (Kg and cm. in brackets). 104 (1) Height at Withers Length Shoulder to Pin Bones Width at Hips Heart Girth Depth of Chest 49 (124) 47 (119) 55 (139) 60.5 (153) 54.6 (138) 62.5 (158) 19.5 (495) 16.0 (406) 21.0 (533) 81 (205) 64 (162) 82 (208) 28 (71) 24 (60) 30.1 (76) It must be appreciated that the animals involved in the above records were bred and raised on European ranches; weight and measurements of Boran cattle under their natural conditions are likely to be considerably lower than these. In fact a Galla Boran bull and five cows purchased in the Northern Frontier District of Kenya where conditions are arid and held under reasonably good conditions on a Government station for a few months averaged 903 lbs. and 523 lbs. live weight respectively. Conformation-The Boran possess a compact body of excellent depth, width and capacity. The shoulders are well placed and not unduly prominent. The top-line slopes very slightly up to the rump and is of good width which, with the well sprung ribs, gives a wide back well covered with flesh. The loin also is well covered passing smoothly onto the rump. The rump is of good length, the slope from hook to pins varying considerably but in general not being so marked in the Boran cattle kept under European farming conditions as when under their natural conditions. For African cattle the proportion of hindquarter to forequarter of the Boran is unusually good. The upper thighs are well developed being plump and thick with a deep twist while the lower thighs although not so well developed are long and better developed than in most African cattle. The tail which is long and slender is set fairly low. The limbs of good quality bone are of moderate length. The Boran is not usually “leggy” even under natural conditions. The hooves are well formed, small and hard. Hump and Dewlap- The hump varies greatly in size, shape and prominence. In some cases it is small while in others it is high with the top rounded from front to back. In many bulls the hump has a marked backward fall while in others it is distinctly pyramidal and prominent. In some animals it commences well forward and is long and wide. In position the hump is usually thoracic and composed of a light muscular frame-work filled with fatty tissue. The dewlap is well developed and is sometimes somewhat pendulous, skin folds being marked, however, in only a small proportion of animals. It passes down from the chin to well between the legs. Umbilical and sheath folds vary but in general are well developed. In some bulls the sheath tends to be over pendulous. Head and Horns- The head is well proportioned. It is long but wide between the supra-orbital processes. The profile is straight but sometimes slightly dished below the eyes. The muzzle is of excellent width. The horns vary greatly. They are generally short, fine and round in cross section. The tips are usually blunt. Sometimes, however, the horns show great thickness at the base probably the result of interbreeding between the Thoracic Humped Zebu after its arrival in East Africa with the Sanga types which at that time were found over the whole of the region. They may however be short and thick throughout, except near the tips, and with little curve in them. In the Karamoja District of Uganda and in Toposa in the Sudan grotesque shapes may be seen amongst the horns of the Boran type cattle in those areas, especially in the animals having larger than average sized horns since these are deliberately trained into such shapes by their owners. Udder Development- The udder is well developed, of good shape and with reasonably large well placed teats. Colour Markings-The great majority of Boran cattle have pigmented skins either black or light red. The tail switch is generally coloured. The most common hair colour is undoubtedly white. In numerous cases, especially in bulls, the white merges into dark grey or even black on the neck and shoulders and down the thigh of the animals. Alternatively a light fawn may be substituted for the dark grey and black. Whole red is also a common coat colour ranging in shade from a pale wheaten colour to a medium red. Sometimes red is accompanied by black. Whole black is also seen. Broken colour markings or spotting are not often seen but when they are present consist generally of irregular mottled patches of white on red. It would appear that the Boran with coat colours of red or black originate form the Boran herds kept on the Ethiopian border whereas white is the most common colour in the Galla Boran herds of the eastern part of the Northern Frontier Province of Kenya and Italian Somaliland. The Karamoja and the Toposa are very fond of branding their cattle and animals can be seen covered with systematically designed branding lines. Between the Boran found on the Ethiopian-Kenya border and the Galla Boran cattle found in the eastern part of the Northern Frontier Province of Kenya and in Italian Somaliland there does appear to be some difference in the type as well as in coat colour, the former being less compact and of a more open “rangy” type than the latter and having far more red coloured and even black coated animal amongst them. These differences, however, do not appear to be some marked as to merit separate descriptions for the two types. Physiological Characteristics- Undoubtedly the Boran is exceedingly well adapted to the hot dry areas of East Africa. Although little critical wok in East Africa has been carried out on the adaptability of the Boran, Walker (82) has reported on certain tests made ate the Mazabuka Veterinary Research Station in Northern Rhodesia to which a small herd of Boran cattle was moved from Kenya. In referring to heat tolerance tests conducted on these Boran cattle Walker states “The highest Heat Tolerance Coefficient was obtained at 86 F. where it was 97.5 and the lowest at 103.5F. where it was 92. These figures are significantly higher than comparable figures by Bonsma for the Africander or Rhoad for the Zebu and the Boran may thus be taken as an animal extremely well adapted to life under high temperature conditions.” It is of some interest to record that Walker also found that the Boran did not appear able to withstand prolonged periods 105 of cold weather. Below 65-70F. he reports “live weight losses were significantly heavier than for equivalent cattle (local Angoni cattle) despite the provision and consumption of supplementary feed.” In a comparison of respiratory rates at different temperatures Walker also records that “It would appear that the Boran has a higher pyrexeal threshold than the Africander.” On the European ranches of Kenya calving rates are consistently high, ranging form over 70%-100%. On at least one ranch an average calving rate of over 70% has been maintained for a period of 18 years. Mortality rates are low being generally under 2.5% per annum, including calves, while the calving interval is generally about one calf each year or a little longer. TEMPERAMENT, WORKING ABILITY AND PRODUCTION Temperament and Working Ability- The Boran vary somewhat in temperament but if trained early make excellent working animals and are quiet to handle. Dairy Production- Few records are available on which to assess the Boran’s potentiality for milk production but the impression gained is that it is high. One rancher who has undertaken milk recording of part of his herd for a number of years has stated, “These cattle have milked through the severest drought and from the herd has been developed a pedigree herd of selected cows that average 3,687 lbs. of milk fat testing 5% in average lactation of 295 days. This yield is without supplementary feeding and under grazing conditions in which high grade cattle could not produce milk.” It should be mentioned that these cattle are milked only once a day, and allowance of 6 lbs. of milk for the calf being added to the total weight actually recorded each day. Other information supplied by this breeder is as follows: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Average lactation period 295 days. Average yield of milk in pounds per day 12.5 lbs. (including the calf allowance). Average butter fat test 5%. Calving interval: 14 months Age of heifers at first calving: 45 months. Maximum yield of some selected cows: Cow No: 59 66 90 140 lbs.Milk 4,178.8 5,045.8 4,451.7 5,665.4 Days 322 378 350 399 A number of Boran cows were purchased in Kenya by the Tanganyika Government for use at its Government Dairy at Tanga. Some of these cows have given surprisingly good yield as may be seen form Table No.22. TABLE NO.22- MILK YIELDS FROM SELECTED BORAN COWS AT THE TANGA DAIRY, TANGANYIKA (1951) Cow No. Lactation Days in Milk Total Yield Daily Average 8 19 32* 44 44 46 60 1 2nd 2nd 1st 2nd 2nd 1st 346 306 295 278 300 305 305 3,941 3,545 3,455 2,813 3,477 3,762 3,246 11.39 11.58 11.71 10.08 11.59 12.33 10.64 st * Holds the record for the highest individual yield in 24 hours giving 2,652 lbs. in some 34 days after calving. Recently it has been reported that a Boran cow at one of the Veterinary Department’s Livestock Improvement Centers in Kenya produced 801 gallons of milk in a 295 day lactation at 5.3 butter fat. Beef Production-The Boran has for many years achieved a high reputation for beef production. For this purpose the Boran is of excellent conformation, fleshing and quality and compares very favorably on the hook with high grades of the European beef breeds. Finish, weight for age and condition of steers depends largely of course on the stage of development and standards of management reached on the ranches form which they come. Under reasonable conditions steers will slaughter out at various ages as follows: 4 years old 480 lbs. c.d.w. 106 5 years old 600 lbs. c.d.w. 6 years old 700 lbs.-750lbs. c.d.w On one large ranch in Kenya where some 4,500 head are maintained and where steers are slaughtered at just over 5 years old, slaughter weights rose between 1943 and 1949, as follows: 1943-583 1945-615 1947-650 1949-699 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. c.d.w. c.d.w. c.d.w. c.d.w. 1944-608 lbs. c.d.w. 1946-655 lbs. c.d.w. 1848-688 lbs. c.d.w. The steady increase in weights achieved over the period (and entirely off grass with no supplementary feeding) correspond to the rate of development of the ranch in respect of padlocking, fencing, dipping tanks and water supplies. These figures give some idea of the increase in size and condition which can be achieved by a primitive unimproved type when brought under reasonably good environmental condition. It has been estimated that dressing percentage average between 54-56% but as will be seen from the figures included in Table No.23 this figure may be higher. In any case these compare very favorably with Zebu slaughter stock in other countries as South America where a yield of 56% from heavy weight prime Zebu steers can be considered good (62). TABLE NO 23.-CARCASS YIELDS OF SELECTED 5 YR. OLD BORAN STEERS, KENYA 1951 Live Weight Live Gain Cold Carcass No. (a) Weight Or Dressed Yield (b) Loss Weight % 1 2 3 4 5 6 1,288 1,316 1,284 1,260 1,372 1,176 1,352 1,260 1,440 1,316 1,404 1,188 + 64 - 56 + 156 + 56 + 32 +12 Average (a) Off Grass (b) Two months with supplementary feed. 794 694 848 773 814 691 58.7 55.0 58.8 58.7 57.9 58.1 769 57.8 Grading 1st Std. 1st 1st 1st The quality of meat in a Boran carcass compares very favorably with meat form carcass of the European beef breeds reared under similar conditions. There is little doubt that under the ranching conditions of Kenya, where no supplementary feeding is provided, no European breed could reach the weight or quality of the Boran carcass; and its productivity in terms of survival rate and fertility would be greatly inferior. ADAPTABILITY AND FUTURE OF BREED The Boran appears well adapted to the varying conditions of East Africa. In the coastal belt, behind Tanga for example, it is thriving, showing considerable potentialities for milk production. In Kenya itself it is used at the higher colder altitudes over 8,000 ft. with apparent success although it is reported form Northern Rhodesia that Boran cattle raised at Mazabuka have fallen back during the cold dry winter which is experienced there. In any case the future of the Boran Breed Society has been formed and the demand for bull from the stud breeders steadily mounts. 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Lede NAME Member s TELEPHONE MOBILE L ed e EMAIL GAUTEN G ARGENTO TRADING 92 CC 083 679 0242 BIYAKA BORAN BONSMA BORAN BOERDERY 011 954 0822 COLEMAN JH Dr. 083 672 3820 082 781 6374 082 808 4714 083 557 3841 CW BORAN BREEDERS 011 951 0731 083 415 1766 DANEL 011 431 0500 082 497 6137 082 878 7383 DRIEKOP DANLOSA CC DE LA VIDA 011 803 9912 082 452 1365 ELJAVELO EDMS BPK 011 918 3458 082 447 1757 FLEETWOOD FARMS 011 968 9800 082 902 4226 GLOBAL HASA t/a AFRICAN ELITE 011 230 1900 083 272 7932 H & M JANSE V.RENSBURG TRUST 011 908 8368 082 451 8261 083 799 0299 JARTA BOERDERY ISKABE BK 082 346 6447 082 854 6970 KOTZé I J - 082 600 2884 LEANJO BOERDERY - 083 324 4625 LUDICK P.L 011 468 3868 082 889 7086 MCLINTOCK T.L. 011 266 7148 083 627 5858 NTABA NYONI ESTATES CC 012 803 1929 082 403 5655 ODENDAAL PJL (DR) 012 343 2070 082 923 3466 PRETORIUS H.J. 011 794 1445 083 326 3810 RANKIN BEEF RANCH (PTY) LTD 012 991 5139 082 906 0663 RION BORAN FARMING 012 997 5628 083 734 3472 ROOIKOP BORANE - SEGAI BORAN STORMBERG BORANE 011 900 2844 TANAKA BORAN 082 787 0222 083 387 4387 082 992 0177 083 387 4387 TAURUS KOOPERASIE 012 667 1122 082 807 1544 THE DIAMOND-D 011 474 9150 083 254 6275 VAN SCHALKWYK D (DR) 011 837 6207 082 558 8984 ARDÉ A.A. 036 352 1890 082 805 3508 BERGSTROOM BOERDERY 034 341 1634/6 082 800 2453 BOETTIGER A. 036 468 1330 083 281 2754 BOTHA FAMILIE TRUST 039 757 5878 083 440 8720 CALVERLEY G.J. 035 450 7042 082 409 1825 CERILOG 228 CC 017 826 4660 082 337 5836 GRIFFIN W.N. 033 234 4159 083 320 3455 HANSMEYER I.M. - 083 578 7816 HLANZENI BORANS 036 352 4724 - - HODGSON S.E. 036 422 2585 082 900 5182 MASENKOMO FARMING CC 036 352 2593 082 566 6776 MTEBENI RANCHES (PTY) LTD 034 414 1083 083 2270 608 NGUBO BOERDERY 034 212 2707 082 800 7859 OAKDALE 082 615 1685 082 577 1512 PG’S BORANS 034 983 2373 082 899 1502 TALANDA A.P. 034 393 2420 082 802 8987 - TERBLANCHE A.L. 083 303 8782 083 303 8782 K WAZUL U- N AT AL 118 M e Led e Me mbe rs e mbe r s TOJO RANCHING CC 034 341 1005 083 696 7362 UMGENI BORANS 033 266 6831 083 357 7325 UP ONE FARMING 033 417 1264 082 376 3766 VEEPLAAS TRUST 034 413 1783 082 945 7616 WINTERBACH D.J 082 926 4041 073 858 1387 073 858 1387 ABBA BORANE 014 721 0719 082 442 8657 BAR CIRCLE INVESTMENTS 012 325 1212 ZEBU BOERDERY LIM PO PO BARON BORANE 082 924 6078 079 882 6001 BOSCH PW & MC 014 733 0704 083 453 0954 BOTHA A.J. 014 755 3924 084 581 5539 BOTHMA BORANE - 082 452 3865 BUISKOP BORANE 014 736 3990 082 708 6605 - JOOSTE J. 087 808 4913 MAIN ROAD REPAIRS CC 082 776 8137 083 265 1100 MARONES STOET 014 763 2632 083 655 0185 OMKEER BORAN 014 717 5860 072 080 1017 PISTORIUS J.C.C. 014 754 4462 078 912 4148 - PRINSLOO J.J. 014 730 0147 082 320 5493 SONDELA 014 736 8800 - STEGMANN M.C (MEV) 015 516 6169 MOUNT KAYA INVESTMENTS 083 441 0930 083 564 8818 VAN DER MERWE A.C (Dr) 014 721 0068 083 477 7277 VAN DER WALT W.A. 015 491 8000 082 494 7415 VAN DYK M.J. - 082 374 2913 - VERWEY J.P 014 717 1125 082 897 8739 WILNICK BORANE 014 767 1341 Members ZOUTPANSBERG 082 441 0643 82 929 2358 MPUMAL AN G A ALBERTS N.F. & J.B. 013 282 7064 082 447 7974 BB AGRI BOERDERY TRUST 017 753 1867 084 491 0310 BOTHASBERG BOERDERY 013 271 7103 082 487 0060 BUNDU BORANS 013 758 1208 082 450 9283 BYRNE VALLEY BORANS 033 212 4777 DELAREY BORANE DE ROODEPOORT BORANE 017 811 2305 082 851 2161 DU TOIT J.R. 013 272 7180 082 870 9574 EAGLE RANCH BORAN 017 730 0595 ERASMUS P.I.M GERMIT BOERDERY 073 630 9885 082 450 6705 082 789 2933 HURWITZ FARMING 017 629 3256 082 388 0053 JANVOS LANDGOED 017 629 3263 082 559 7861 LAEVELD BOERDERY 013 751 3800 082 552 8453 MEYER W.J 017 819 1936 082 800 4913 MOSOMA L.P (Phillip) L ede 076 781 9404 082 855 8280 PRETORIUS P. 082 705 7291 017-811 5455 SWANEPOEL L Mev. 082 556 5619 - 082 717 0309 UITZICHT BORANE 017 646 5054 082 388 2211 VAN OUDTSHOORN S.W.C. V R 082 376 2699 082 376 2699 119 120 121 013 243 3308 082 571 2591 WASSERMAN N.J.S. 017 712 4202 082 897 6064 WELGEKOZEN FAM.TRUST 017 826 0902 082 785 1094 WILZAK TRUST 017 702 3033 083 630 8090 BIEWENGA (JNR) H. 026 462 568 102 026 481 128 1614 CB COETZEE FARMING 0026463 241224 081 128 3937 KENA BORAN STUD 0926467 306649 +26481 2704 427 TSUSEB.G 00264 6124 5777 00264 081 129 3538 ALLERS W. 053 474 0731 082 925 3313 BASSON E.G. 0536612 vra 2241 082 774 7180 BEN SPIES FAMILIE 083 282 3996 082 800 4686 FERREIRA A.T 053642 vra 2411 082 944 9180 GILLMER F.B. 049 843 1505 083 455 2052 HAVENGA & C. 053 664 0173 082 821 1527 HAVENGA J.D. 053 664 0173 082 578 5556 HENLU BORANS 053 581 7202 083 305 0123 KIMONATE BORAN 053 591 7075 082 424 7065 LALTA TRUST 053 663 0539 Me mbe rs VAN ZYL G.J.L. N AM IB Ië LIA-MAR BORANE 083 282 3996 083 655 1436 L&L FARMING 053 832 1731 082 441 9848 MACAS 053663 1721 083 459 0602 - TALJAARD J.J.N. 0536612 vra 1511 082 926 5660 - TRIO B BOERDERY 053 739 2373 083 542 5363 L ed e N OOR D - KAAP N OOR D - W ES CHARIS BORANE 018 632 7740 082 824 6063 CLOETE A.J. 053 927 4333 082 660 3266 DE LA REY R. 012 250 2359 082 553 1260 DOUBLE CC BORANS 018 473 0153 083 655 0519 ERASMUS D.J. - 083 297 6165 ERASMUS J.H. 014 549 2658 083 664 0075 FOURIE JJ(JNR)Koos 012 252 2772 082 925 1998 GROBLER P.A.H. - 084 671 6379 I.D. VAN ZYLTRUST 014 549 2011 083 273 8332 IGBOR BOERDERY - 082 823 3249 JOWILTRUS 079 871 9665 082 466 2121 083 270 4695 083 285 2460 KALAHARI BORANS KIERAS BOERDERY 053 963 1353 KIRSTEIN P. 018 291 1127 MARBOR BORAN STOET 082 852 8116 082 808 0715 MAXIMUS BORANE 018 473 3330 082 570 5482 MEYER J.I 018 264 3098 076 166 0186 MIENIE BORANE 122 082 852 4581 082 905 7997 083 388 5533 MODEL BORANE - 083 629 8236 MOUTON JH 014 534 0474 073 177 8889 O’DRISCOLL D.C 011 416 1755 084 899 4841 PRATOS BORANE 018 632 1455 084 606 4817 Members 014 577 3883 BOONSTEPLAAS BK L ed e BOON E.H. QUADROS BORANE 053 963 2095 083 667 7075 RAJAN’S BORAN STOET 014 503 0102 072 366 7373 RASELEKA L.P. 014 569 7964 RUDMAN BORANE SKOONHEID BORANE 053 963 2900 SOLA GRATIA TRUST BORAN STOET 082 336 5227 083 251 2112 082 926 7311 072 611 3318 STOX 053952 6522 082 975 2085 THEO SCHEEPERS FAM TRUST - 083 681 7934 - TOM’S BORANS 018 297 2455 082 586 0444 TRIPLE O BORAN 018 462 0632 083 273 6181 C&C BORAN 048 885 9050 082 367 9779 CEV TRUST 041 365 3008 082 877 7226 riaan@pcvr/ CHAN-TE-MAR 042 291 0393 083 278 2116 COLLETT C.R. 051 654 0538 083 458 8305 CORN VAN DER WATT FAM. TRUST 042 291 0524 082 885 3188 DOUBLE D 051 654 0545 082 550 8518 DU PLESSIS LWM 042 295 1678 082 457 1779 DU PREEZ J.D 042 283 0720 082 466 1465 EDLYN FAMILY TRUST NO.2 043 782 0730 082 877 2357 FERREIRA O.J 042 283 0688 082 821 4572 GELEGEFONTEIN BDRY 051 653 1660 082 577 2891 GREEN.H.M 011 021 7060 072 858 5836 JB FERREIRA BOERDERY BK 087 807 9696 082 788 0446 JOBELLA 042 295 2311 083 663 3453 JOHNSON S.P. 046 645 411 082 552 1357 KLIPRUG BORANE 042 296 2936 076 374 1210 LELIEKLOOF TRUST 087 550 0589 083 760 7851 M M BORANE 042 291 0624 082 344 3786 MBOMVANE 046 684 0705 083 342 5913 MULLER A.A. 013 747 2101 082 828 4538 NEL F.J. 042 296 1964 082 878 8208 - NICO ANDERSON FARMING PTY LTD 042 295 1614 082 896 0413 NORMAN KROON TRUST 049 891 7007 082 774 3843 NORVAL TRUST 046 684 0814 082 821 7897 OSTERLOH E.L 043 831 2012 082 927 7886 PEET STEENKAMP FAMILIE TRUST 042 295 2734 082 925 3932 PEINKE RANCH 043 736 9334 084 941 1341 RIKUS DU PREEZ BOERDERY 042 283 0506 082 828 2005 RYNHEATH LANDGOED 049 891 0379 076 374 7225 SEREGON BORANS 046 624 1225 072 614 3259 STRYDOM B.C. 042 291 1049 083 383 3016 THYSENJOHMA 046 653 0929 082 789 7086 TOPTANI BORAN 042 293 1827 083 229 3568 TRIANGLE BORANS 046 622 6165 072 390 4326 TULPIESKRAAL BORANE 042 273 2126 083 444 2365 VAN COLLER G.G 046 684 0144 074 177 6734 VIENINGS P.A. 041 360 1291 082 320 2453 VLAMKLOOF BORAN 042 295 1617 084 800 0528 WELLWOOD BORANS 049 840 0302 769 138907 OOS-KAAP 123 Members WOODVALE FARMS PTY LTD 046 653 0144 082 492 6743 AL BURGER NR 119 CC 044 343 1650 083 299 0469 BASSON G.P. 044 874 6072 082 823 4156 DE JAGER L.A. 044 696 6612 083 700 8919 HESSI BOERDERY 044 695 2376 082 492 5035 JANNIE MEYER & SEUNS BOERDERY 044 698 1114 082 921 2958 KLAPPERBOS BORANE 044 272 2433 084 606 2899 MELVILLE W.W.H. 044 691 3824 082 923 2015 MEYER A.F. 044 272 8852 082 578 5427 MORNING DEW TRADING 485 CC 028 735 2440 082 416 0857 MULLER D. 012 653 6236 082 772 2566 MULLER SI & SEUN 044 651 1634 082 416 6518 PRETORIUS C.J. - 082 375 4562 - A.N.L BOERDERY (EDMS) Bpk. 056 515 2712 083 298 1577 ARGENTUM BUSINESS TRUST 051 821 2123 082 551 2433 BEKKER J.F 051 421 1259 082 962 6850 BLIGNAUT R.J. 051 451-2111 082 902 8657 BLOODLINE BORANE 082 492 4786 082 492 4786 BOTHA G.D. 053272 1803 082 386 7724 gideon& BW STAAL EDMS BPK 056 212 6567 082 463 0358 CAMBRAI STUD - 082 783 5985 CARDAN BORANE 082 447 3896 082 447 3896 CHAIM BOERDERY TRUST 051 523 3628 082 859 5826 CIRCLE C RANCHES CC 051 973 7068 083 255 8665 COMARO BOERDERY BK 056 777 1149 082 967 3496 COMBRINCK.M.N 051 853 2413 072 182 1168 CORMA BOERDERY 051 451 1486 082 469 2377 CRONJÉ F.J. 053 204 0072 082 782 2756 DE BEER H.P.J. 051 881 0159 072 263 2869 - DU TOIT J.J. 051 831 1050 073 816 3201 - ELDERS TRUST 058 622 3473 082 924 9838 ELDRU BORAN STUD 05572 vra 2902 083 235 3742 HAGESDAM BORAN 051 575 0692 082 416 2559 HEELTEVREDE BOERDERY 051 451 1570 082 575 7775 SUI D - KAAP VRYS T AAT HILL & DALE BORAN 083 456 0108 HMD BORAN 053 421 9363 082 929 6846 INDIKUH STOET 056 818 1263 083 443 3705 JANSEN V.VUUREN J 051 505 2617 083 454 5705 082 577 9847 071 125 0920 - KLIPRANT-5 BORANE 124 LANGE A.H. 058 853 0860 LERAN BORAN TRUST 057 212 8662 083 272 1644 LODUS 082 873 3064 LOMBARD A.C. 074 102 2365 MC STOETERY 051 811 0957 083 407 1485 MEANDER TRUST 051 447 6352 082 801 7043 MINNAAR A.H. - 082 332 2326 MOLL J.C.C. 051 933 6301 082 821 1114 MON BIJOU SMALDEEL 053 421 9344 082 211 1751 - 125 NAUDE C.J. 058 853 0089 072 436 5588 - NEL L.W.A. 051 821 1577 082 824 1163 NEL P.J. 051 831 1052 082 463 3784 OLIVIER N. 051 982 vra 1503 073 747 3239 082 773 9363 RALL A. OOSTHUIZEN T 058 853 0656 082 554 0745 RIETFONTEIN TRUST 056 212 6567 082 463 0358 ROUX G.W. 051 651 4797 083 264 5487 - SCHMIDT F.W. 058 924 0684 082 852 7942 SLABBERT JH 057 733 5800 083 798 8572 SP ELS FAMILIE TRUST 051 973 7192 083 409 7381 STADLER A. 051 501 3181 083 555 3352 STEYN A.J. 058 863 1595 082 371 6940 STRYDOM D.J 056 212 3092 082 410 3455 SWANEPOEL C. 058 481 4498 083 301 2656 TAU BORANE 051 853 1963 082 345 8110 THABA EIENDOMS TRUST 051 436 5491 082 556 8704 pdelport! THUYNSMA BOERDERY 053 421 9561 082 496 0930 TRIP T BORANE 051 410 3172 083 272 2718 UYS F.A 013 231 9178 083 455 0974 VAN DER WALT G.F.H. 051 436 9271 082 415 2275 VAN ZYL J.T.P - 082 466 2467 VASTRAP BORAN 051 924 2424 WAVEREN BOERDERY WESSELS J.R.S 084 592 4245 072 158 9217 082 952 6036 WPF TRUST 048-885 9058 083 696 9694 ZWIEGERS R.A. 051 522 3713 082 322 7992 ARNOLDI FAMILIE TRUST 023 413 1621 082 668 2786 BORAN WP 021 761 3189 082 495 6829 CLANWILLIAM BORAN STOET 021 761 3189 082 495 6829 DROSDY BORANE 028 514 2750 083 284 2592 DU TOIT J.P. 021 976 0180 083 252 4499 EMBOSS PROPERTIES PTY LTD 021 888 7400 083 753 5247 GROOT PHESANTEKRAAL BOERDERY 021 976 2114 082 570 0641 andré KEULDERSFONTEIN Boerdery 023 342 2534 082 771 1189 LOUBSER N.H 022 715 3605 082 370 2337 OLIVIER BOERDERY 021 883 9042 WES- KAAP VAN DER RIET B.E VILTRA VERVOER BK VIRGIN EARTH BORAN 021 972 1110 082 881 9119 082 372 1570 082 8233 808 082 888 1441 ZI MBABW E 126 FORRESTER ESTATE 00263 0 912 238 881 HOOK BORANS 026391 223 6491 026391 223 6491 KAISER BORANS *2634 883 493 *263 772 248 080 Me mbe rs L ed e 082 578 3851 M e m b er s 051 991 0082 Le de MOUNT KENYA BORAN Members 127 128 129 Stories Stokman Ek weet nie veel van genetika af nie, maar ek weet wel, dat as jy jou beste bul paar met jou beste koei gaan jy nie noodwendig die beste kalf kry nie. Ek sien dit so, as jy ‘n paring maak dink mens outomaties dat al die goeie eienskappe van die bul en ook van die koei saamgeslaan gaan word en iets enorms gaan uitkom. Dit werk nie so nie. Omdat die kalf 50% van elke ouer erf, verdun jy die bul se genetika en die koei se genetika met mekaar, met 50%. So, jy kan net hoop dan die bul se sterk punte, die koei se swak punte regmaak en dat die koei se sterk punte die bul se swak punte aanvul. Ek verstaan dat die saamsmeld van gene op chromosome so ‘n kompleks chemiese verbinding is en die variasie so groot is, dat die eindproduk letterlik half gelukskoot is. So sê hulle, dat vol broers of susters deel gemiddeld slegs 50% dieselfde gene. Vir hierdie rede kan een bul soos ‘n bom teel en sy vol broer nie die mas op kom nie. The young cattle farmer complained endlessly to his older neighbour, about losses he suffered with his cattle herd. He acquired the best stock to start with and ran them on the best grazing on his farm and still there was no progress. The old man handed him a small bottle and instructed him to put a few drops in their drinking water everyday. It wasn’t long before the young chap was back, and impressed with his neighbours advice, asked for more of the drops. His herd excelled and he suffered minimum losses. The old man took the bottle and filled it from the nearest water trough. He handed it back to his bemused young neighbour. Clearly the success didn’t lie in the contents of the bottle but that the young man visited his cattle every day, he explained. Die natuur kan ‘n man soms, verbysterend onregverdig behandel. Vars in my verskrompelde geheue le’ soveel kere waar ek sonder raad of plan my kop in ongeloof moes laat sak het. Die weerlig slaan daai mooi jong stoetbulletjie morsdood, my mooiste vers vrek aan hartwater, die kosbaarste koei op die plaas breek haar been en my hoofstoetbul word deur ‘n slang afgemaai. Hierdie is maar net ‘n paar voorbeelde wat die beesboer kan deurgaan en steeds sy varkies moet bymekaar hou. Vriende, soos ‘n ou wyse oom dit aan my gestel het toe ek nog ‘n jong opgeskote beesboer was. Hy se’, “as jy wil lank en lekker boer, moet jy kan vrede maak met die dood, anders kan jy dalk mal word.” En so, het dit my gehelp om voorentoe te kyk as dit gelyk het asof geluk sy rug op my gedraai het. 130 Ek was so gelukkig om eendag na ‘n wyse Proffessor van Bloemfontein te luister. Hy het ons in 5 minute ‘n “trip down memory lane” te gee. Hy meen dat die beesbedryf oor die afgelope klomp dekades deur 4 fases gegaan het. Dit was ongelooflik interesant. Eerste was die voorkoms fase, alles het gegaan oor hoe ‘n bees lyk. Almal het geselekteer vir velkleur, bouvorm en beeste is op skoue geparadeer en beoordeel. Daarna het prestasie toetsing gekom waar streng volgens gewigte en groei geteel is. Informasie oor verwante diere het help om beraamde teelwaardes uit te werk. Die volgende fase was produksie fiksheid en ‘n koei se vrugbaarheid, kalfintervalle en melk was oorbeklemtoon. Die laaste fase waarin ons tans beweeg is die tegnologiese fase. Hier doen ons genetiese studies van DNA en bepaal sekere eienskappe soos vleissagtheid, marmering, voeromset, temperament ens. en sommiges wil voorspel dat hierdie studies die oog, skaal en rekenaar gaan vervang. Hy het egter baie mooi gewaarsku dat in suksesvolle beesteling, daar nie plek is om met enige van hierdie uitkyke weg te hol nie. ‘n Gebalanseerde noukeurige gebruik van al 4 hierdie fases is die wen resep. Dit het my laat dink aan my pa wat altyd gese’ het, as jy te veel selekteer vir groei, verloor jy melk en as jy te veel selekteer vir vrugbaarheid en melk dan verloor jy konstitusie. Dit wil se’ dat die “ middle of the road” bees die een is om mee te teel. Nie die uitskieters en “curve benders” nie. Hulle is nie so funksioneel nie en jy verloor te veel ander goeie eienskappe. Groete Die Stokman When I first started cattle farming I got very good advice from a true stockman. He said “ Son, you must start your business the way you want to end it. If you want to keep cattle with bad temperament, you are going to run after their offspring and jump out of their way, for the rest of your life. If you want to keep slow breeders, you are going to wait long for their daughters to calf all your life. Select what you want and get rid of bad faults as quickly as possible. “ This worked for me because from then on there was no excuse for offenders. If I discovered a bad trait in a breeding line, I loaded the whole family. It was harsh but in years to come I picked the fruits. My customers always came back to buy more cattle and obviously it made me proud if I heard my cattle performed well elsewhere. Om ‘n goeie beesman te wees moet jy jou beeste kan bemark. Moenie swak of maer beeste vir mense wys nie behalwe as die kalwers by hulle uitstaande is. Mense is snaaks, hulle sien een koei met swak spene of ‘n bul met ‘n slordige skede en hulle vertel die wereld jou kudde het maar ‘n speen of skede probleem. Moenie ooit maar nooit ‘n bees op ‘n veiling sit wat nie in kondissie is nie. Spandeer ‘n klein bietjie tyd en geld en jy kry dit dubbel en dwars terug. Vertel mense waarmee jy besig is, jou teelbeleid en toekoms planne. Jy leer dalk iemand iets en jy wen ‘n klient vir altyd. Ken jou beeste en hulle stambome, dit beindruk meeste. Wees altyd eerlik en opreg, en mense sal met jou besigheid wil doen. Steek jou helpende hand uit na nuwe telers en telers wat miskien bietjie sukkel, dit kom altyd terug na jou toe. As jy adverteer, dan moet jy doelgerig ‘n boodskap uitstuur, daai bees wat jy afneem is partykeer al waarmee jy geassosieer gaan word. Plaas eerder geen foto nie as wat jy iets plaas waar die bees maer is of nie mooi staan nie. Jy dink dalk die wereld van ‘n bees maar ‘n lelike foto kan jou en jou bees, baie skade berokkel. As jy ‘n bees verkoop, doen opvolg daarop met ‘n oproep of self ‘n besoek. Jou aanbod op ‘n veiling mag nooit jou uitskot wees nie, dit moet amper seermaak om daai bees te verkoop. Almal sien die dier en is beindruk, jy behaal ‘n goeie prys wat die bankbestuurder bly maak en dis hoe jy naam maak in die stoet bedryf. mos geglo mense wat jou nie in die oe” kan kyk nie het iets om weg te steek. Dan is daar daar ander wat glo dat “jy maar moet lig loop vir iemand wat met die Bybel onder die arm loop”. Ek wil my nie uitlaat oor hierdie ou mens stories nie, maar wat ek wel weet is dat ek in my tyd darem al ‘n paar onderduimse karakters tee gekom het in die bees bedryf. Jou woord is jou eer en sulke goed soos doen aan ander soos jy aan jouself wil gedoen he’, is blykbaar nou ‘n rare verskynsel. Ek dink soms dat mense mekaar beduiwel nie net oor geld nie maar ook persoonlike satisfaksie. My ouma het altyd gese’, jy kan nie ‘n goeie reputasie terug koop nie en jou naam is jou belangrikste skat. Ek dink nog steeds dit is nie verkeerd om almal te vertrou nie en dat reg op die einde tog geskied. Die wiel draai altyd...vandag is jy onder en more is jy weer onder. I think a true cattleman must be a down to earth bloke that always strives to learn something new. Now at my old age I find it difficult to keep up with technology. I find it hard to see on my cellphone let alone operate the darn thing, but I try. A young cow, with a young calf, once had a go at me and I thought, this is it. Fortunately my grand children played around will my cellphone and put the most bizarre ringtone on it. At that moment when this cow was giving me the Uli Schmidt treatment, my cellphone rang and amazingly enough she backed off. I answered with a thin breath and it was my insurance broker informing me that my life insurance upgrade had been approved. That cow produced more calves and everytime I was the only one allowed to come close to her newly borns. Regards The Stockman My pa het altyd gese’, as jy iemand groet kyk jy hom reguit in die oe” en gee hom ‘n stywe handruk. Die ou mense het 131 132