2013 Gullane (Thomas) Limited. - Fisher


2013 Gullane (Thomas) Limited. - Fisher
© 2013 Gullane (Thomas) Limited.
HIT and the HIT logo are trademarks of HIT Entertainment Limited.
On the Island of Sodor there are lots
They all have different jobs and
of engines that work on the railways.
they all want to be Really Useful.
Thomas is the number 1
blue engine on the
railway. While he can be a
bit cheeky, Thomas works
hard and always
strives to be a
Really Useful Engine.
Percy is a small engine.
He is Thomas’ best
friend. Percy does lots of
jobs on the on the Sodor
Railway, but his favourite
job is delivering the mail.
Gordon is the No. 4 blue
engine who pulls the
Express. He is the fastest
and most powerful of the
Steam Team - and he
knows it.
Henry is the No. 3
green engine. He is
a long and fast
engine that tends
to be a little
high-strung and
a bit of a worrier.
Luke is a very small
friendly Narrow Gauge
engine. He works at the
Blue Mountain Quarry.
Because he is small he
can move around the very
small tracks and tunnels
in the quarry.
Flynn is a really red
fire engine and a
member of the Sodor
Search and Rescue team.
He can ride on both the
roads and rails.
Stafford is an electric
engine who runs on
batteries. His range isn’t as
far as the other engines and
often needs to remind them
that his batteries
need charging.
Diesel is a very oily, sneaky
engine. He runs on diesel fuel
instead of coal and water like
the steam engines. He likes to
boast that diesel engines are
best. Like all engines, he still
wants to be Really Useful.
The railways on the Island of Sodor are very busy.
The engines start
and end their day at Tidmouth Sheds. Tidmouth
Sheds is the biggest engine shed on the island.
Seven of the engines sleep here including,
Thomas, Percy, Gordon and Henry.
Knapford Station is the biggest railway station on
Sodor. Hundreds of passengers come here to catch
their trains as they travel across the island. The
station has six platforms and a big glass roof.
There is always a lot for the engines to do.
The little Narrow Gauge engines that work at
the Blue Mountain Quarry carry slate and gravel
to the bigger engines who take them on
the mainline to the builders’ yards and the docks.
The Sodor Steamworks
is where the steam engines
go to get repaired.
Brendam Docks is one of the busiest places on
the island. Huge ships full of passengers and
cargo arrive here every day. The engines take
the cargo and passengers from the docks to lots
of places around the Island.
The Fat Controller is the director of the
railway. He gives all the engines their
jobs and makes sure that they are on
track and on time.
One day, The Fat Controller came to Tidmouth Sheds.
‘Tomorrow there will be a special party,’ he
said. ‘Spencer will be bringing the Duke and
Duchess of Boxford to Knapford Station.’
All the engines were very excited.
‘I can’t wait to see the Duke and Duchess,’
tooted Thomas. ‘I can’t wait to see all the
party decorations,’ puffed Percy.
That night, there was a terrible storm on the island...
The next morning the engines saw all the damage that had been done.
Trees were blocking the tracks…
..and the glass roof at Knapford Station had been smashed. ‘Oh no! Look at
Knapford Station!’ moaned Percy. ‘If we work quickly we might be able
to get the station ready before the Duke and Duchess arrive!’ chuffed Thomas.
Thomas puffed across the island. ‘Calling all engines! Calling all engines!’ He bellowed.
Soon the engines set to work puffing and chuffing across the Island of Sodor.
Flynn raced to put out a fire
caused by the storm!
Luke was working hard at
the Blue Mountain Quarry,
popping in and out of small
tunnels to get supplies ready.
Stafford collected the workmen from the Sodor Steamworks.
Gordon raced to pick up the party guests...
...while Henry picked up coal to keep
the engines steaming along.
Even Diesel helped out! At Brendam Docks,
he shunted a long line of trucks full of logs
and building supplies.
Knapford Station was soon repaired.
Then there was trouble.
Percy was racing to
get the decorations to
Knapford on time when
he hit a bump in the
track and crashed into a
siding. Thomas helped
get Percy back on track!
The party was ready just in time. ‘Hooray!’ all the engines cheered.
The Duke and Duchess of Boxford were very pleased. ‘I would like to thank
all of the engines for being Really Useful today,’ said The Fat Controller.
‘But I’d like to thank Thomas most of all for making sure Knapford Station
was ready in time for the party!’ ‘You’re welcome Sir,’ puffed Thomas.
‘But I couldn’t have done it without my friends!’