Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for
Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for
Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 SUBMITTED TO: Town of Longboat Key Public Works Department 600 General Harris, Longboat Key, FL 34228 SUBMITTED BY: Tony Tucker Ph.D., Ryan Welsh, Kristen Mazzarella, Kendra Garrett, Sarah Hirsch, and Paula Clark Sea Turtle Conservation and Research Program Mote Marine Laboratory 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway Sarasota, FL 34236 December 18, 2009 Mote Marine Laboratory Technical Report No. 1431 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................... ii LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................................. iii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................. iii LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................... iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .....................................................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................3 BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................4 Project Location.......................................................................................................................... 5 Procedures .................................................................................................................................. 6 Hatching Surveys and Nest Evaluations ..................................................................................... 7 Sea Turtle Protection Measures.................................................................................................. 8 Data Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 8 NESTING SUCCESS ............................................................................................................................8 Turtle Emergences (Nests and Non-Nesting Emergences) ......................................................... 8 Categorization of Non-Nesting Emergences (NNEs).................................................................. 9 Visual Assessment of Obstructions to Nesting .......................................................................... 10 Nest Site Selection..................................................................................................................... 11 Nest Chamber Characteristics.................................................................................................. 12 Nests Lost to Erosion or Inundation ......................................................................................... 12 Nest Damage by Depredation or Invasion................................................................................ 12 REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS ................................................................................................................13 Incubation period...................................................................................................................... 13 Hatch Success ........................................................................................................................... 13 Emergence Success ................................................................................................................... 14 Hatchling Disorientation Events............................................................................................... 14 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .....................................................................................................................16 LITERATURE CITED.........................................................................................................................17 APPENDICES Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: Nests and Non-Nesting Emergences 2009 FWC Marine Turtle Disorientation Reports 2009 Sarasota County Trends 2009 STCRP Research Progress 2009 Longboat Key Photographs and Incidental Notes 2009 MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 ii LIST OF TABLES Page No. Table 1. Nest and non-nesting emergence (NNE) numbers and nesting success for sea turtle nesting on Longboat Key, 1979-2009. ................................................. 18 Table 2. Categories of non-nesting emergences (NNE) for Longboat Key, 20052009............................................................................................................................ 19 Table 3. Sea turtle nest chamber measurements for Longboat Key, 2005-2009. ....................... 20 Table 4. Sea turtle nests affected by tidal activity on Longboat Key 2005-2009. ...................... 21 Table 5a. Nest damage and preventative measures taken due to predation or invasion on Longboat Key, 2007-2009...................................................................... 22 Table 5b. Identified nest predators on Longboat Key, 2007-2009. ............................................ 22 Table 6. Total incubation period of relocated and in situ nests that experienced hatch on Longboat Key, 2005-2009........................................................................... 23 Table 7. Hatch Success for relocated and in situ nests on Longboat Key, 20052009............................................................................................................................ 24 Table 8. Hatchling Emergence Success for relocated and in situ nests on Longboat Key, 2005-2009. ........................................................................................ 26 Table 9. Sea turtle disorientations on Longboat Key, 2009. ....................................................... 28 LIST OF FIGURES Page No. Figure 1a. Longboat Key Nourishment Project conducted in 2005-2006. ................................. 34 Figure 1b. Longboat Key Nourishment Projects Prior to 2005. ................................................. 35 Figure 2. A non-nesting emergence and a nest. .......................................................................... 36 Figure 3. Sea turtle nest sign and a marked sea turtle nest. ........................................................ 37 Figure 4. Number of sea turtle nests and non-nesting emergences (NNEs) on Longboat Key by week in 2009. ................................................................................ 37 Figure 5a. Longboat Key, Manatee County nest location for 2009............................................ 38 Figure 5b. Longboat Key, Sarasota County nest locations for 2009. ......................................... 39 Figure 6. Longboat Key sea turtle nesting and non-nesting emergence (NNE) data from 1991-2009.................................................................................................. 40 Figure 7. Distribution of nests and non-nesting emergences (NNEs) on Longboat Key in 2009 by FDEP monument.............................................................................. 40 Figure 8. A comparison of the number and type of nesting obstructions encountered by sea turtles on Longboat Key from 2000-2009.................................. 41 Figure 9. A comparison of the number and type depredation events on Longboat Key from 2000-2009.................................................................................................. 41 Figure 10. Trends in hatchling disorientation events on Longboat Key in 20012009............................................................................................................................ 42 Figure 11. Sources of disorientation events on Longboat Key, 2009. ........................................ 42 MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 iii LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna cm centimeter(s) ESA U.S. Endangered Species Act FDEP Florida Department of Environmental Protection ft feet FWC Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission GMD Gulf of Mexico Drive GPS Global Positioning System GSR Gulfside Road km kilometer(s) m meter(s) LBPD Longboat Key Police Department LBKTW Longboat Key Turtle Watch MML Mote Marine Laboratory NNE Non-nesting emergence No./# number STCRP Sea Turtle Conservation and Research Program MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report summarizes sea turtle monitoring by Mote Marine Laboratory’s Sea Turtle Conservation and Research Program for the Longboat Key shoreline in 2009, three years after construction activities for the Longboat Key Nourishment Project (FDEP Permit No. 0202209001-JC). Monitoring data are presented for both sections of layered fill and white fill as well as the non-nourished area to evaluate potential impacts from the Project. Longboat Key shoreline contains 19.4 km (12.1 mi) of sea turtle nesting habitat with 10 km (6.2 mi) in Manatee County and 9.4 km (5.8 mi) in Sarasota County. Loggerhead turtles accounted for 100% of sea turtle activity on Longboat Key in 2009. Loggerhead nesting occurred between May 4 and August 13. Nesting activity peaked during the last week of June. Beach monitoring efforts documented 216 loggerhead nests, 208 loggerhead NNEs. There were 203 in situ and 13 relocated nests. Manatee County hosted 104 loggerhead nests and 97 loggerhead NNEs. Sarasota County hosted 112 loggerhead nests and 111 NNEs. Within the layered fill sections, there were 83 loggerhead nests and 72 loggerhead NNEs. In the white fill sections, there were 129 loggerhead nests and 131 loggerhead NNEs. In the non-nourished section, there were four loggerhead nests and five loggerhead NNEs. Nesting density was 11.1 nests/km (17.9 nests/mi) for the entire island, with 10.4 nests/km (16.8 nests/mi) for Manatee County and 11.9 nests/km (19.1 nests/mi) for Sarasota County. Nesting success on Longboat Key was 51.0% with 51.7% in Manatee County and 50.2% in Sarasota County. Nesting success was 53.5% in layered fill sections, 49.6% in white fill sections, and 44.4% in the non-nourished section. Regions with lower nesting success in Manatee County were FDEP monuments R-43 to R-44 (2 nests: 7 NNE), R-60 (6 nests: 12 NNEs), and R-63 (1 nest: 5 NNEs). Regions of lower nesting success in Sarasota County were FDEP monuments R-4 to R-6 (5 nests: 13 NNEs), and R-19 to R-21 (9 nests: 22 NNEs). Regions with highest nesting success in Manatee County were FDEP monuments R-49 to R-50 (12 nests: 3 NNEs) and R-55 to R-57 (14 nests: 8 NNEs). Regions with highest nesting success in Sarasota County were T-22 (15 nests: 4 NNEs), R-10 (9 nests: 1 NNE), and R-7 to R-8 (11 nests: 5 NNEs). Turtles accessing the Longboat Key shoreline encountered obstacles on 149 emergences, representing 35.1% of all activities. Of these emergences, 51.0% (76/149) resulted in NNEs. Turtles were obstructed by escarpments (127), beach furniture (15), seawalls (9), vegetation (2), rocks (1), a geotube (1), a beach walkover (1), and beach debris (1). Of the nests on Longboat Key, 26.8% (56/209) were in the upper third of the beach, 33.5% (70/209) were in the middle third, and 39.7% (83/209) were in the lower third. For nests in layered fill, 16.3% (13/80) were in the upper third of the beach, 20.0% (16/80) were in the middle third, and 63.8% (51/80) were in the lower third. In the white fill, 32.5% (41/126) were in the upper third of the beach, 42.1% (53/126) were in the middle third, and 25.4% (32/126) MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 1 were in the lower third. For nests in the non-nourished section, 66.7% (2/3) were in the upper third of the beach, 33.3% (1/3) were in the middle third, and 0% (0/3) were in the lower third. There were no hurricanes or named storms contributing to coastal erosion and/or sand accretion for the 2009 nesting season. Tidal activity caused inundation of 37.0% (80/216) of nests on Longboat Key, twelve of which washed out. Predators affected 4.2% (9/216) of nests on Longboat Key. The depredation incidents involved raccoons (5), roots (2), unknown predators (2), fire ants (1), ghost crabs (1), and a nesting female turtle breaking her own eggs (1). Zero incidents of nest vandalism and zero poaching events occurred in 2009. The average incubation period for both in situ and relocated loggerhead nests on Longboat Key (n = 168) was 52.6 days with a range of 37 - 72 days. The first loggerhead nest hatched on June 30 and the last nest hatched on October 3. Loggerhead nests had an average incubation period of 51.3 days for layered fill sections, 53.7 days for white fill sections. No hatches were observed for nests in non-nourished sections and therefore incubation periods could not be determined. The hatch success for both in situ and relocated nests (n = 143 nests and 13,742 eggs) was 70.1% with 28.3% unhatched eggs and 1.6% pipped eggs. Loggerhead nests had a hatch success of 75.8% in layered fill sections (n = 48), 68.9% in white fill sections (n = 91), and 29.7% in the non-nourished section (n = 4). Hatch success was 48.1% for inundated nests (n = 51) and 81.8% for non-inundated nests (n = 92). The emergence success for all loggerhead nests (n = 143) was 67.7%. The emergence success for loggerhead nests was 74.5% in layered fill (n = 48), 66.0% in white fill (n = 91), and 26.9% in non-nourished sand (n = 4). Inundated nests (n = 51) had 43.6% emergence success while non-inundated nests (n = 92) had 80.6% emergence success. Excavations of loggerhead nests for which complete excavation data were documented (in situ: n = 140; relocated: n = 3) revealed that 9,308 hatchlings emerged independently prior to nest excavation. A total of 13,161 live hatchlings emerged independently from Longboat nests. One adult turtle and 69 hatchling disorientation events were documented, resulting in a minimum of 2,753 disoriented hatchlings. Using only viable nests (i.e., those from which hatchlings emerged) a disorientation rate of 39.0% was observed. The disorientation rate of all nests, both viable and nonviable (i.e., zero emergence success), was 31.9%. Disorientations were related to interior or exterior lighting from hotels or condominiums (54), single family residences (29), sky glow (18), parking lots (16), street lights (23), dune crossovers (7), pool lights (4), restaurant/bars (3), constructions lights from Lido Key (3), construction lights from work on a home (1), unknown causes (1), and car headlights (1). MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 2 INTRODUCTION The Gulf of Mexico shoreline of Florida is used as nesting habitat by loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) (SWOT 2007). Sea turtles (including loggerheads, greens, Kemp's ridleys, and leatherbacks) are included in Annex II of the SPAW Protocol to the Cartagena Convention, requiring that Parties “ensure total protection and recovery” to this species, including prohibiting take, possession and killing; commercial trade (including eggs, parts or products); and, to the extent possible, disturbance during periods of breeding, incubation or migration, as well as other periods of biological stress. The species are also included on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), a designation which effectively bans trade in specimens or products except by special permit. Such permit must show that the trade is not detrimental to the survival of the species and is not for primarily commercial purposes. Sea turtles are fully protected (listed in Appendix I) under the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), obliging Parties to prohibit the hunting, fishing, capturing or harassing of these species, as well as to conserve their habitat. Finally, the species are included in the annexes to the Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation in the Western Hemisphere (Washington, or Western Hemisphere Convention), a designation intended to convey that their protection is of “special urgency and importance.” The species are protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, the Marine Turtle Protection Act Chapter 370.12 (Florida Administration Code), and the Sarasota County Sea Turtle Protection Ordinance (No 97-082). The loggerhead was listed in 1978 as a threatened species (43 Federal Register 32800). Internationally it is considered “Vulnerable” and is listed as a species threatened with extinction in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). A recent 5-year re-evaluation of the loggerhead status remains classed as Threatened (NMFS/ USFWS 2007). In addition to loggerhead turtles, other sea turtle species have been documented nesting in small numbers on the central Gulf beaches. In 2009, there were eleven green turtle (Chelonia mydas) nests in Sarasota County, following seven nests laid in 2008. There have been a total of 101 green turtle nests in Sarasota County since 1994. Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) nests were documented twice on Casey Key, once on Venice, and once on Manasota Key (Charlotte County) during the 2009 nesting season. This is the first documentation of a Kemp’s ridley sea turtle nesting in Sarasota County since 1999. In 2001, a leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) deposited a clutch on Longboat Key, which marked the first documented nesting of this species on the central west coast of Florida. A second reporting of a leatherback turtle nesting was documented on Sanibel Island (Lee County) in 2009. Juvenile loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley, and green turtles also utilize the near-shore waters of the central Gulf coast of Florida as developmental habitat. The green turtle is listed as endangered in Florida and federally listed as a protected species since 1978 (43 Federal Register 32800). The Kemp’s ridley is the most critically endangered of all sea turtle species and as such is protected throughout its range in the Gulf of Mexico and northwestern Atlantic Ocean. The leatherback is listed as endangered worldwide and federally listed since 1978 (35 Federal Register 8491). All sea turtles are listed in Appendix I of CITES. Land-based threats to these protected sea turtles include beach erosion, beach armoring, beach nourishment activities, artificial lighting, beach cleaning, increased human presence, recreational MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 3 beach equipment, exotic dune and beach vegetation, nest depredation, nest loss to abiotic factors, and poaching. Threats within the marine environment include, but are not limited to, incidental take from dredging, marina and dock development, pollution, sea grass bed degradation, fisheries activities including hook and line fisheries, boat collisions, offshore artificial lighting, ingestion of marine debris, poaching, and predation (NMFS/USFWS 2009). The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) evaluate data pertaining to sea turtle species, their use of habitat, nesting success, and any protection measures undertaken to protect the adult turtle, the nest, and emerging hatchlings. This is in support of identifying appropriate construction techniques that occur in sea turtle nesting habitat. The Town of Longboat Key contracted Mote Marine Laboratory’s (MML) Sea Turtle Conservation and Research Program (STCRP) to identify critical issues related to the protection of sea turtles, their nesting habitat, nests, and hatchlings on Longboat Key beaches. This 2009 report summarizes STCRP’s sea turtle monitoring, evaluation and protection efforts for the Longboat Key Beach Nourishment Project 2005-2006 for the third year following construction activities. BACKGROUND The Longboat Key shoreline is used as nesting habitat by sea turtles that are protected by the ESA of 1973, the Marine Turtle Protection Act Chapter 370.12 (Florida Administrative Code), the Town of Longboat Key Ordinance (No. 87-16), and the Sarasota County Sea Turtle Protection Ordinance (No. 97-082). Beach nourishment or restoration can result in changes in beach properties such as sand density, beach shear resistance, moisture content, beach slope, sand color, grain size, and shape (Crain et al. 1995, Davis et al. 1999, Peterson and Bishop 2005, Rumbold et al. 2007, Brock et al. 2009). These changes may affect the nesting activity of sea turtles and the hatch and subsequent emergence success of the nests. Consequently, special conditions are included in beach construction permits to minimize impacts to the turtles, nests, and hatchlings. The 2005-2006 Longboat Key Beach Nourishment Project (Permit No. 0202209-001-JC), hereafter referred to as the ‘Project’, placed 1.4 million cubic meters of sand, on 14.5 kilometers of shoreline, extending approximately from Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) monument R-44.5 in Manatee County to R-29.5 in Sarasota County. The Project started in May 2005 and was completed in July 2006. The main objective of the Project was to restore the eroded coastline and to protect beach property. Sections of Longboat Key were nourished with both coarse and white sand while other sections were filled with only white sand. The regions with two layers of sand will be referred to as “layered fill” while the white sand areas will be referred to as “white fill” (Figure 1a). The special permit conditions for the Project included fill material composition requirements, permitted construction material and machinery locations, requirements for escarpment formation surveys, post-construction beach compactness monitoring, and sea turtle activity monitoring. STCRP personnel documented sea turtle activity and implemented nest protection and evaluation measures. Special permit conditions pertaining to sea turtle monitoring activities included: MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 4 Daily dawn sea turtle nest surveys of the beach were to be conducted starting May 1 and continue through the end of the sea turtle nesting season, October 31, or until all nests were excavated. For 2005 and 2006, all nests laid inside the Project area were relocated. Nest relocation was required to be completed no later than 9 a.m. of the morning following deposition. All nests, in situ or relocated, were to be marked and the actual location of the clutch determined. All nesting surveys, nest relocations, nest caging activities, and nest success evaluations were to be conducted by persons with prior experience and training in these activities and duly authorized to conduct such activities through FWC Marine Turtle Permits #054, #027 and #155, current and valid permits issued by FWC, Imperiled Species Management, pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 62R-1. Monitoring of nesting activity following construction was to include daily surveys and any additional measures authorized by the FWC. The required report included nesting success rates, hatch success of all in situ and relocated nests, and names of all personnel involved in nest surveys and relocation activities. These data were to be reported separately for filled areas and non-filled areas. Permit Conditions require sea turtle monitoring and reporting of the initial nesting season following completion of the beach placement of maintenance-dredged material (2005-2006) and for a minimum of three additional nesting seasons (2007-2009). This Project was the fifth nourishment project to occur on Longboat Key that was subsequently monitored for turtle activity by MML (Table 1). Prior to beach monitoring, Longboat Key was nourished two times from 1977-1991 (Bush et al. 2001). Prior to the current Project, the most recent was in 2003 when nourishment sand dredged from the New Pass Inlet Channel was placed between FDEP monuments R-20 and R-27 in Sarasota County. Summaries of previous nourishment projects are archived online at Florida State University’s Beaches and Shores Resource Center (Florida State University 2007). This report summarizes the data collected in 2009, the third year after the construction activity, to fulfill monitoring requirements for Longboat Key Nourishment Project (FDEP Permit No. 0202209-001-JC). This report is submitted to the Town of Longboat Key, Coastal Planning and Engineering, Inc, the FWC Imperiled Species Management Division, FDEP, the USFWS, and archived in the offices of the MML STCRP. SEA TURTLE MONITORING Project Location Longboat Key is located in Sarasota and Manatee Counties on the central Gulf coast of Florida. The surveyed shoreline contains 19.4 km (12.1 mi) of sea turtle nesting habitat with 10 km (6.2 mi) in Manatee County and 9.4 km (5.8 mi) in Sarasota County. Longboat Key is bounded to the north by Longboat Pass and to the south by New Pass. The sandy beach extends from 400 ft northeast of FDEP monument R-42, south through the Manatee-Sarasota County boundary (350 MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 5 ft north of R-67; 200 ft north of T1), to 500 ft south of R-29, then extends 1700 ft east along the northern New Pass shoreline of Lighthouse Point. The shoreline has been restored during previous dredging of Longboat and New Pass, including the two nourishments between the years of 1977-1991 (Bush et al 2001), 1993 Beach Restoration Project, the 1997 Mid-Key Restoration, the 2001 Mid-Key Interim Restoration, and the 2003 New Pass Inlet Channel dredging (Figure 1b). The Longboat Key shoreline is characterized by high density residential development of both single and multifamily structures (Moreton and Peterson 2003). State Road 789 (Gulf of Mexico Drive) runs parallel to the beach between 4021 Gulf of Mexico Drive and 3715 Gulf of Mexico Drive (approximately R-2 to 600 ft south of R-4). Procedures Daily monitoring of Longboat Key shoreline began on May 1 and continued until the final nest excavation on October 9 to fulfill the FWC guidelines for sea turtle protection. This monitoring effort was conducted by MML STCRP personnel, interns, and volunteers authorized under FWC Marine Turtle Permits #054 and #027 issued to Ms. Paula Clark. Personnel monitored for turtle nesting activity by walking the shoreline at dawn above the mean high water line. Upon discovery of an emergence, permitted personnel determined visually whether the emergence was a nest or a non-nesting emergence (also known as a false crawl). A nest was defined as a turtle emergence that resulted in the turtle successfully depositing eggs. A non-nesting emergence (NNE) was defined as an emergence that did not result in egg deposition. Signs of an NNE can include an abandoned body pit or nest chamber. A body pit refers to the sandy depression cleared by a sea turtle’s front flippers prior to digging a nest chamber. A nest chamber is a vase-shaped hole excavated by a turtle’s rear flippers. The following are examples of NNEs: 1) a turtle that emerged on the beach but did not body pit or excavate a nest chamber and returned to the water, 2) a turtle that emerged and made one or more body pits but did not excavate a nest chamber, or 3) a turtle that emerged, created a body pit and excavated a nest chamber but did not deposit any eggs (often these aborted nest excavations are left uncovered by the turtle). Figure 2 illustrates a NNE and a nest. During the survey along the beach, NNEs and nests were recorded on MML Nest Data Forms (see Appendix A). Nesting success is defined as the proportion of nesting attempts by a sea turtle (emergences onto the beach) that resulted in eggs being deposited. Nesting success = (# nests) / (# nests + # NNEs) In previous years, nests laid close to the water line were immediately relocated. However, in order to document the effects of beach nourishment on nest site selection, FWC Guidelines (2007) state that eggs were not to be relocated until they were uncovered by high tides and documented washing out. If relocated, eggs were placed in a bucket lined with sand and were transported higher on the beach into an artificially produced nest chamber closely resembling the original nest chamber in shape, size, and depth. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 6 All nests were marked by two to four wooden stakes connected with flagging tape and signage identifying the site as a protected sea turtle nest (Figure 3). Each nest was additionally marked with the date the nest was laid and the original location of the nest. Nest location was documented by three methods. In the field, monitoring personnel located nests by (1) relative position to the inland street address, building, or other landmark and by (2) global positioning system (GPS) coordinates. In the STCRP office, these descriptions were checked against annotated aerial photographs to associate the locations to (3) the nearest FDEP monuments. Hatching Surveys and Nest Evaluations During incubation, nests were monitored in the early morning and occasionally again in the evening. Observance of one or more of the following was used to determine the first day of hatch to calculate incubation periods: 1) A hatchling or hatchlings present at the surface, 2) A hatchling crawl or crawls in the sand leading out from the nest area, and/or a depression or emergence hole directly over the nest. Each nest was excavated three days after the initial hatch to enumerate the contents for a hatch success calculation. The delayed nest excavation allowed the majority of hatchlings to emerge from the nest on their own. Nest excavations were recorded on MML Nest Data Forms (see Appendix A). Upon excavation, the contents of the nest were sorted and counted into the following categories: (1) Hatched eggs referred to empty or hatched eggshells (fragments were not included in the tally); (2) Pipped eggs referred to either live or dead hatchlings that punctured the eggshell but did not fully emerged from the egg; (3) Unhatched eggs referred to unopened eggs remaining in the nest at excavation. Hatch success was defined as the proportion of eggs in a nest that produced live hatchlings. Hatch Success = # hatched eggs # total clutch size Emergence success was used to adjust for within nest mortality of hatchlings and to evaluate the number of hatchlings that left the nest. Emergence success represents the number of hatchlings that emerged independently from the nest prior to nest excavation: Emergence Success = # hatched eggs - (live hatched + dead hatched in nest chamber) # total clutch size Any live hatchling(s) within a nest were either released immediately or were transferred to a bucket containing moist sand. These buckets of hatchlings were kept in a warm, darkened location until their release on the beach the following evening. Nest excavations and hatchling releases were conducted according to FWC Marine Turtle Conservation Guidelines (2007). MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 7 Sea Turtle Protection Measures Sea turtle protection measures were implemented during the 2009 season that followed protocols dictated by FWC Marine Turtle Conservation Guidelines (2007) and included: Relocating endangered nests if placed in immediate threat of washing out Caging nests with self-releasing or restraining cages when nests were threatened by predators or lighting Placing an FWC approved fire ant control (Amdro) around nests when fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) were observed Communicating with the Longboat Key Code Enforcement regarding artificial illumination of the beach and hatchling disorientation events due to non-compliant lighting Data Analysis Sea turtle emergence and hatching data were compiled in a Microsoft Access database. Figures and tables were created in Microsoft Access, Excel, or Word. Statistical analyses were conducted using Access or Excel with the PopTools add-in or with S-Plus 8. Maps were prepared with Google Earth 5.1 using 2007 aerial photography. These data are also available upon request as an ArcMap 9.2 layer using aerial photography with 12” resolution and flown in January 2007 (Spatial references were FL State Plane W NAD 83). NESTING SUCCESS Turtle Emergences (Nests and Non-Nesting Emergences) Loggerhead turtles accounted for 100% of sea turtle activity on Longboat Key in 2009. Loggerhead nesting occurred between May 4 and August 13 (Figure 4). Nesting activity peaked during the last week of June. Beach monitoring efforts documented 216 loggerhead nests and 208 loggerhead NNEs (Appendix A). This is a decrease from the number of nests (n = 252) and an increase from the number of NNEs (n = 185) documented in 2008. There were 203 in situ and 13 relocated nests. Nest relocations were conducted due to the proximity to the mean high water line or because they were witnessed washing out. All nest locations were documented using a handheld GPS and are mapped on Figure 5a (Manatee County) and Figure 5b (Sarasota County). Manatee County hosted 104 loggerhead nests and 97 loggerhead NNEs. Sarasota County hosted 112 loggerhead nests and 111 loggerhead NNEs. Within the layered fill sections, there were 83 loggerhead nests and 72 loggerhead NNEs. In the white fill sections, there were 129 loggerhead nests and 131 loggerhead NNEs. In the non-nourished section, there were four loggerhead nests and five loggerhead NNEs. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 8 Historically, nesting densities of sea turtles on Longboat Key range from 7.1 to 19.0 nests/km for all of Longboat Key with 4.8 to 19.2 nests/km for Manatee County and 8.5 to 18.8 nests/km for Sarasota County. Nesting density was 11.1 nests/km (17.9 nests/mi) for the entire island (Table 1), with 10.4 nests/km (16.8 nests/mi) for Manatee County and 11.9 nests/km (19.1 nests/mi) for Sarasota County. Nesting success on Longboat Key was 51.0% with 51.7% in Manatee County and 50.2% in Sarasota County. Nesting activity was observed from May 15 to August 13 in Manatee County and between May 4 and August 2 in Sarasota County (Figure 5a and 5b). Nesting success in the layered fill sections was 53.5% in 2009, compared to 55.5% in 2008, 44.9% in 2007, 43.5% in 2006, and 47.2% in 2005. Nesting success in the white fill sections was 49.6% in 2009, compared to 60.2% in 2008, 41.1% in 2007, 54.6% in 2006, and 60.0% in 2005. Nesting success in the non-nourished section was 44.4% in 2009, compared to 50.0% in 2008, 38.5% in 2007, 75.0% in 2006 and 45.1% in 2005. In the layered fill sections, nesting activity was observed from May 14 to August 13. In the white fill sections, nesting activity was observed between May 4 and August 1. In the non-nourished section, nesting activity was observed between June 21 and July 16 (Figure 5a and 5b). The 2009 nesting data for the Longboat Key shoreline indicate a 14.6% decrease in loggerhead nest numbers from the 2008 season (Figure 6). Since 1999, Longboat Key loggerhead nesting numbers have shown a downward trend, except for a brief upturn in the 2008 season (Table 1, Figure 6). The decline in Longboat Key loggerhead nesting reflected a general downward trend in loggerhead nesting documented throughout the southeastern U.S. (FWC 2008, Witherington et al. 2009) and mirrored the trend in Sarasota County which hosts the densest loggerhead nesting in the Gulf of Mexico (Appendix C). The 2009 decrease in sea turtle nesting on Longboat Key is also mirrored by other beaches within Sarasota County, and by nesting beaches statewide. Possible causes for the decade-long declining trend in loggerhead nesting numbers include incidental fisheries bycatch (longlines, gill nets, shrimp trawling, artisanal), coastal development, and beach armoring (NMFS/USFWS 2009, Witherington et al. 2009). According to the FWC, a nest with no subsequent evidence of hatching is termed a mystery nest. Five of the 216 nests (2.3%) were mystery nests. Without independent evidence, it can only be presumed that a nest was inaccurately classified, inundated, or poached. Mystery nests are included in calculations of nesting success, but are omitted from calculations for hatch success and emergence success. Categorization of Non-Nesting Emergences (NNEs) Sea turtles searching the shoreline for a suitable nesting site may abandon a nesting attempt and return to the water without depositing a clutch. Non-nesting emergences (NNEs) can be categorized by the stage at which the turtle abandoned or terminated nesting (Table 2). In 2009, the 207 NNEs on Longboat Key were categorized as: 1) 143 emergences with no digging; 2) 50 emergences with one or more body pits but no nest chamber; and 3) 14 emergences with a minimum of one abandoned nest chamber. The 72 NNEs documented in the layered fill sections were categorized as: 1) 39 emergences with no digging; 2) 28 emergences MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 9 with one or more body pits but no nest chamber; and 3) five emergences with a minimum of one abandoned nest chamber. The 130 NNEs within the white fill sections were categorized as: 1) 99 emergences with no digging; 2) 22 emergences with one or more body pits but no nest chamber; and 3) nine emergences with a minimum of one abandoned nest chamber. The five NNEs within the non-nourished section were categorized as: 1) five emergences with no digging; 2) zero emergences with one body pit but no nest chamber; and 3) zero emergences with a minimum of one abandoned nest chamber. The 2009 data are consistent with those from 2008, with most NNEs categorized as emergences without digging a body pit or nest chamber. Based on FWC data collected throughout Florida’s nesting beaches, the proportions of nests to NNEs should be relatively similar and the balance between the two serves as an indicator of a beach’s nesting suitability. When numbers of NNEs substantially exceed that of nests, it typically indicates that some combination of factors deters the turtles from nesting. The skewed ratio of nests:NNEs can be associated with natural causes (e.g., escarpments, beach compactness, or flooding) or human-related factors (e.g., beach lighting, beach armoring structures, beach furniture, or physical harassment). The first NNE on May 13 occurred nine days after the first nest was laid. In 2009, 49.0% of turtle emergences were classified as NNEs. The distribution of NNE events along the length of Longboat Key identified specific problem areas (Figure 7). In relation to the FDEP monuments, the relative number of nests and NNEs along Longboat Key highlight specific zones for elevated NNEs. Troublesome areas with many NNEs should be reviewed to flag the problem sources (e.g., unshielded lights) and beachfront property owners should be advised of more ‘turtle-friendly’ solutions. Using this proactive approach could potentially reduce the number of NNEs during the 2010 nesting season. Regions with lower nesting success in Manatee County were FDEP monuments R-43 to R-44 (2 nests: 7 NNE), R-60 (6 nests: 12 NNEs), and R-63 (1 nest: 5 NNEs). Regions of lower nesting success in Sarasota County were FDEP monuments R-4 to R-6 (5 nests: 13 NNEs), and R-19 to R-21 (9 nests: 22 NNEs). Regions with highest nesting success in Manatee County were FDEP monuments R-49 to R-50 (12 nests: 3 NNEs) and R-55 to R-57 (14 nests: 8 NNEs). Regions with highest nesting success in Sarasota County were T-22 (15 nests: 4 NNEs), R-10 (9 nests: 1 NNE), and R-7 to R-8 (11 nests: 5 NNEs). Visual Assessment of Obstructions to Nesting Turtles accessing the Longboat Key shoreline encountered obstacles on 149 emergences, representing 35.1% of all activities (Figure 8). Of these emergences, 51.0% (76/149) resulted in NNEs. Turtles were obstructed by escarpments (127), beach furniture (15), seawalls (9), vegetation (2), rocks (1), a geotube (1), a beach walkover (1), and beach debris (1). Some turtles encountered multiple obstacles. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 10 In the layered fill sections, 50.5% (46/91) of turtles that encountered obstacles (five turtles encountered multiple obstacles) did not nest; obstacles included escarpments (88), seawalls (5) a beach walkover (1), rocks (1), and a geotube (1). In the white fill sections, 49.1% (27/55) of turtles that encountered obstacles (three turtles encountered multiple obstacles) did not nest; obstacles included escarpments (39), beach furniture (15), and seawalls (4). In the nonnourished section, 100% (3/3) of turtles that encountered obstacles did not nest; obstacles included vegetation (2) and beach debris (1). A common finding with new nourishment projects is a relative increase in the number of NNEs due to escarpment encounters because nourished beaches usually have a flatter profile and are more susceptible to escarpment formation. Vertical escarpment heights were a maximum of five feet during the 2009 nesting season, compared to five feet in 2008, 2.5 feet in 2007, and four feet in 2006. In 2009, turtles encountered escarpments on 30.0% of all emergences (127/424), compared to 25.2% of all emergences (111/439) in 2008, 13.2% of all emergences (45/341) in 2007, 9.1% of emergences (29/318) in 2006, and 1.2% (4/344) of emergences in 2005. Of all escarpment encounters, 49.6% (63/127) resulted in NNEs. In 2009, 3.5% of all sea turtle emergences (15/424) encountered beach furniture, compared to , 3.6% of all sea turtle emergences (16/438) in 2008, 3.2% of emergences (11/341) in 2007, 1.5% of emergences (5/318) in 2006, and 6.1% (21/344) of emergences in 2005. Of these emergences encountering beach furniture, 53.3% (8/15) resulted in NNEs (Appendix E). Condominium and hotel locations were associated with 86.6% (13/15) of beach furniture encounters. Instances were recorded at the following properties: Beachplace - 1055 Gulf of Mexico Drive (1), Castillian - 4545 Gulf of Mexico Drive (1), Club Longboat - 5055 Gulf of Mexico Drive (2), The Colony - 1620 Gulf of Mexico Drive (1), Gulf Front - 5201 Gulf of Mexico Drive (1), the Hilton - 4711 Gulf of Mexico Drive (1), Inn on the Beach - 220 Sands Point Drive (1), LK Towers 603-601 Longboat Club Road (1), Regents Place - 675-655 Longboat Club Road (1), Sand Cay 4725 Gulf of Mexico Drive (1), Sandpipers - 5635 Gulf of Mexico Drive (1), and Sea Twig 5645 Gulf of Mexico Drive (1). Turtles encountered beach furniture at single family homes at 3037 Gulf of Mexico Drive and 865 Longboat Club Road. While it is impossible to prevent obstructions from permanent structures such as rock revetments, seawalls, and outfall basins, action can be taken to reduce the number of abandoned nesting attempts due to temporary structures. For example, in Sarasota County, a 2005 amendment to Sarasota County’s Sea Turtle Protection Ordinance requires the nightly removal of beach furniture and other temporary structures from May 1 through October 31. Nest Site Selection Monitoring personnel measured the beach width on the morning after nest deposition. Measurements were taken from the nest to the closest upland vegetation or barrier and from the nest to the day’s mean high water line. By dividing the available beach into thirds, turtle preferences for nest site selection on the upper, middle or lower third of the beach could be determined, regardless of beach width. Nests which lacked distance measurements (n = 7) were omitted from the analysis. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 11 Of the nests on Longboat Key, 26.8% (56/209) were in the upper third of the beach, 33.5% (70/209) were in the middle third, and 39.7% (83/209) were in the lower third. For nests in layered fill, 16.3% (13/80) were in the upper third of the beach, 20.0% (16/80) were in the middle third, and 63.8% (51/80) were in the lower third. In the white fill, 32.5% (41/126) were in the upper third of the beach, 42.1% (53/126) were in the middle third, and 25.4% (32/126) were in the lower third. For nests in the non-nourished section, 66.7% (2/3) were in the upper third of the beach, 33.3% (1/3) were in the middle third, and 0% (0/3) were in the lower third. These data are useful indicators because studies suggest that nesting sea turtles have limited energy resources to utilize when ascending a beach (Brock et al. 2009, Crain et al, 1995, Wood and Bjorndal 2000). These energetic constraints are thought to create a pattern of nest site selection closer to the high water line on recently nourished beaches that are broader and flatter than on more steeply profiled beaches. This situation is troublesome as nests close to the high water line have a higher probability of being inundated or washed out during storms. The 2009, Longboat Key data show this expected pattern. In the Project area (both layered and white fill sections), 26.2% (54/206) of nests were in the upper third of the beach compared to 40.3% (83/206) in the lower third. Nest Chamber Characteristics Nest chamber measurements were tabulated for nests inside and outside the Project shoreline on Longboat Key (Table 3). Sea turtles dig their nest chambers using only their rear flippers. Nests that were determined to be laid by turtles with rear flipper deformities were excluded from this analysis because the focus is on differing sand characteristics between native and non-native beaches and not sea turtle morphometrics. Nests in the layered fill sections averaged 41.0 cm in depth (range 24-69 cm), 21.3 cm in width (range 10-30 cm), and 26.0 cm from the sand surface to the top of the clutch (range 5-46 cm). Nests in the white fill sections averaged 41.7 cm in depth (range 7-69 cm), 22.0 cm in width (range 13-36 cm), and 25.6 cm from the sand surface to the top of the clutch (range 0-52 cm). Nests in the non-nourished section averaged 37.0 cm in depth (range 35-38), 21.5 cm in width (range 18-26 cm), and 26.0 cm from the sand surface to the top of the clutch (range 18-30 cm). Nests Lost to Erosion or Inundation There were no hurricanes or named storms contributing to coastal erosion and/or sand accretion for the 2009 nesting season. Tidal activity caused inundation of 37.0% (80/216) of nests on Longboat Key, twelve of which washed out (Table 4). Forty-four nests were affected by more than one storm event. Inundations during 2009 impacted Longboat Key to a lesser extent than in 2008 when 48.2% (122/253) of nests were inundated by storms. Of the nests affected by tidal activity, 97.1% (66/68) of inundated nests and 100% (12/12) of washed out nests were located inside the Project area. Nest Damage by Depredation or Invasion Predators affected 4.2% (9/216) of nests (Figure 9). The depredation incidents involved raccoons (5), roots (2), unknown predators (2), fire ants (1), ghost crabs (1), and a nesting female MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 12 turtle breaking her own eggs (1) (Tables 5a and 5b). Some nests were affected by multiple depredation events. The percentage of depredated nests decreased from 13.8% (35/253) in 2008. A 2-ft3 self-releasing cage or 4-ft2 self-releasing screen of 2” x 4” wire mesh was placed over five nests that were either depredated or in danger of depredation. The exact location of the clutch was determined before placement to avoid damaging the clutch. Nests were treated with an FWC approved fire ant control (Amdro) when fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) were observed in or near the nests. In 2009, three nests were affected by fire ants; one of those was excavated early to prevent fire ants from colonizing the nest. Zero incidents of nest vandalism occurred in 2009. Incidents of human disturbance on Longboat Key beaches fell in 2009 compared to 2008 when six nests were vandalized. No nests were poached in 2009. REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS Incubation period Calculations of mean incubation period only included nests for which both the date laid and date hatched were known (n = 168; Table 6). Several inter-related factors such as nest location on the beach, amount of rainfall, substrate color, and environmental temperature contribute to the complex variations in incubation temperature that in turn dictate incubation period. The average incubation period of both in situ and relocated loggerhead nests on Longboat Key (n = 168) was 52.6 days with a range of 37 - 72 days. The average incubation period for in situ loggerhead nests (n = 157) was 52.8 days with a range of 37 - 72 days. The average incubation period of relocated loggerhead nests (n = 11) was 50.6 days with a range of 48 – 58 days. The first loggerhead nest hatched on June 30 and the last nest hatched on October 3. In the layered fill section, the average incubation period for in situ loggerhead nests (n = 59) was 51.3 days with a range of 45 - 60 days and 50.9 days with a range of 48 - 58 days for relocated nests (n = 10). In situ loggerhead nests in the white fill sections (n = 98) had an average incubation period of 53.7 days with a range of 37 - 72 days. The single relocated nest in the white fill sections incubated 48 days. No hatches were observed for nests in non-nourished sections and therefore incubation periods could not be determined. When hatches are not observed, nests are inventoried at 70 days from the date laid and are therefore included in calculations of hatch success and emergence success. Hatch Success Hatch success was calculated for 140 in situ loggerhead nests and three relocated loggerhead nests for which complete excavation data were documented. These nests were separated into inundated and non-inundated categories (Table 7). Nests were excavated and inventoried with contents sorted into categories of hatched eggs, unhatched eggs, live or dead pipped hatchlings, and live or dead hatchlings. Statistics were compiled from the results pooled for all individual MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 13 nests. Nests that were washing out were not included in the hatch or emergence success calculations. The hatch success for both in situ and relocated loggerhead nests (n = 143 nests and 13,742 eggs) was 70.1% with 28.3% unhatched eggs and 1.6% pipped eggs. The hatch success for in situ loggerhead nests (n = 140) was 70.2% with 28.2% unhatched eggs and 1.6% pipped eggs. The relocated loggerhead nests (n = 3) had a hatch success of 64.8% with 31.7% unhatched eggs and 3.5% pipped eggs. The hatch success for in situ loggerhead nests is higher than in 2008 (67.8%, n = 100). The hatch success for relocated nests is lower than in 2008 (85.4%, n = 2), but the small sample size precludes a rigorous comparison across years. Loggerhead nests had a hatch success of 75.8% in layered fill sections (n = 48), 68.9% in white fill sections (n = 91), and 29.7% in the non-nourished section (n = 4). Hatch success was 48.1% for inundated loggerhead nests (n = 51) and 81.8% for non-inundated nests (n = 92). Emergence Success Emergence success was calculated for nests for which complete excavation data were documented. The emergence success for all loggerhead nests (n = 143) was 67.7%. The emergence success of in situ loggerhead nests (n = 140) was 67.9%. The three relocated nests had an emergence success of 26.9%. The emergence success for in situ loggerhead nests is higher than in 2008 (64.4%, n = 99). The emergence success for the relocated nests is lower than in 2008 (83.3%, n = 2), but the small sample size precludes a rigorous comparison across years. The emergence success for loggerhead nests was 74.5% in layered fill (n = 48), 66.0% in white fill (n = 91), and 26.9% in non-nourished sand (n = 4). Inundated nests (n = 51) had 43.6% emergence success while non-inundated nests (n = 92) had 80.6% emergence success. Excavations of loggerhead nests for which complete excavation data were documented (in situ: n = 140; relocated: n = 3) revealed that 9,308 hatchlings emerged independently prior to nest excavation. In addition, at excavation, a total of 79 live hatchlings were found remaining in nests for which complete excavation data were documented (Table 8). Nests with incomplete excavation data (n = 60; i.e., nests that were excavated early, depredated or partial washouts) produced an additional 3,853 live loggerhead hatchlings that emerged independently. A total of 13,161 (9,308 + 3,853) live hatchlings emerged independently from Longboat nests. Hatchling Disorientation Events One adult turtle and 69 hatchling disorientation events were documented, resulting in a minimum of 2,753 disoriented hatchlings (Table 9, Appendix B). Using only viable nests (i.e., those from which hatchlings emerged) a disorientation rate of 39.0% was observed compared to 31.3% in 2008 37.0% in 2007, 36.4% in 2006, and 19.6% in 2005 (Figure 10). MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 14 The disorientation rate of all nests, both viable and nonviable (i.e., zero emergence), was 31.9% compared to 18.5% in 2008, 27.6% in 2007, 31.3% in 2006, and 6% in 2005 (Figure 10). Although the percentages vary among years, disorientations reached a high in 2009 but have remained steadily around 30% since 2006 (Figure 10). When compared to other Sarasota beaches, Longboat Key disorientations have been consistently high (Appendix C). Disorientations were related to interior or exterior lighting from hotels or condominiums (54), single family residences (29), sky glow (18), parking lots (16), street lights (23), dune crossovers (7), pool lights (4), restaurant/bars (3), constructions lights from Lido Key (3), construction lights from work on a home (1), unknown causes (1), and car headlights (1). In some events, there was more than one cause for disorientation (Table 9, Figure 11). Condominiums or hotels were the most frequent causes of disorientations, accounting for 77.1% of all reports. In each documented case, STCRP or Longboat Key Turtle Watch (LBKTW) personnel communicated with the Longboat Key Code Enforcement Officer about artificial illumination of the beach and hatchling or adult turtle disorientation events due to non-compliant lighting. Evidence documented by FWC from past Florida beach nourishment projects has demonstrated that nourished beaches are taller and wider, thus allowing more light to be visible for a greater distance along the beach axis. The steep rise in disorientation events observed in 2006, 2007 and 2008 continuing in 2009 is consistent with this pattern. Locations between FDEP monuments R-7 and R-26 (3315 Gulf of Mexico Drive south to 455 Longboat Club Road) were responsible for 64.7% (44/69) of hatchling disorientations. This area is characterized by high density condominiums and single family homes. Lighting workshops co-hosted by STCRP, Manatee and Sarasota County, Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch, the Town of Longboat Key, Florida Power and Light (FPL), FWC, and USFWS were held in 2007, 2008, and 2009 to help decrease the occurrence of disorientations. Representatives from the local, state, and federal levels discussed lighting and its impacts to nesting sea turtles and emerging hatchlings as well as options for turtle friendly lighting. Attending homeowners and property owners were given the chance to complete the official sea turtle exterior lighting exam. To reduce the potential impacts from the current nourishment project in future years, property owners must put into effect what they learned at the lighting seminar and the Sarasota Beach Lighting Ordinance must be strictly enforced. Lighting workshops co-hosted by STCRP are planned for 2010 and hopefully will encourage improved compliance with the Sarasota Beach Lighting Ordinance. Each FDEP permit for a specific nourishment project stipulates that nighttime lighting inspections must address outstanding lighting issues before May 1. Ongoing lighting checks should reoccur in July at the advent of hatching season and continue until the last nest hatches. Put simply, frequent nighttime lighting inspections must begin early in the sea turtle nesting season and continue until the last nest has hatched. Disorientations are easily preventable by adhering to the rules of “Keep it low, keep it long, keep it shielded.” Improved lighting MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 15 compliance is needed to stem the concern about hatchling disorientations on Longboat Key, which were the worst in Sarasota County in 2009. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge the assistance of volunteers from LBKTW and STCRP who together contributed 4789 hours (estimated $96,977 of in kind support) to the Longboat Key efforts in 2009. The community based conservation effort on Longboat Key included Mote Staff (T. Tucker, K. Mazzarella, R. Welsh, K. Garrett, S. Hirsch, J. Cormany, P. Clark), college interns (Y. Fernandez, J. Jones, L. Reifel, D. Schaefer, C. Hulsey, E. McCullough, and A. Ortiz), permitted volunteers on Marine Turtle Permit 054 (P. Clark, H. Luciano, N. Machenheimer, V. Socha, D. Liebler, J. Brown, M. Benjamin, C. Wilson), volunteers on Marine Turtle Permit 027 (P. Clark, A. Albee, T. Thurman, S. Boynton, F. Perrotta, E.L. Gilbert, C. Seamon, J. Williams, M.J. Wenzel, R. Treonis, N. Pinder, E. Williams, G. Fiore, D. Heffner, R. Schuh, C. Schindewolf, J. Schindewolf, D. Williams, P. Goodrich, B. Town, K. Wernimont, N. Treonis). other beach walkers under an FWC Letter of Authorization 054 (A. Rosebrock, C. Scarbrough, C. Hersberger, C. McGonigle, F. Younger, G. McKendrick, G. Kinney, G. Hoffmann, H. West, H. Longyear, J. Isaac-Lowery, J. Panka, J. Brown, K. Rosebrock, L. Longyear, L. Peters, L. Trulock, M. Abraham-Kinney, M. Patorello, N. Holmes, P. Younger, R. Sommers, R. Sommers, R. Holmes, S. Alessi, S. Murray, S. Neubert, S. Hoffmann) and other beach walkers under an FWC Letter of Authorization 027 (A. Lemoniades, C. Lemoniades, A. Nemoytin, B. Napiecek, B. White, D. Riley, E. Jensen, J. Williams, S. Sherer, L. Riley, M. Brugger, M. LaFollette, P. Ellis, P. Kingman, R. Andrews, S. Slocum). Mote volunteers Cyndi Seamon, Freda Perrotta, Cindy Hayworth, Ann Tannen, Cindy Samwebber, Judie and Denny Lutsky, and Zander Srodes distributed pre-season lighting information to beachfront properties. Additional thanks go to Juan Florensa and James Linkogle of the Town of Longboat Key, to Randy Fowler, Heidi Micale, and Paula Clark for lighting inspections, and the Longboat Key Fire Station for ATV storage. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 16 LITERATURE CITED Brock, KA, JS Reece, and LM Ehrhart. 2009. The effects of artificial beach nourishment on marine turtles: differences between loggerhead and green turtles. Restoration Ecology 17:297-307 Bush, DM, NJ Longo, WJ Neal, LS Esteves, OH Pilkey, DF Pilkey, and CA Webb. 2001. Living on the edge of the Gulf: the west Florida and Alabama coast. Duke University Press, Durham, N.C. Crain, DA, AB Bolten, and KA Bjorndal. 1995. Effects of beach nourishment on sea turtles: review and research Initiatives. Restoration Ecology 3:95-104 Davis, RA, MV Fitzgerald, and J Terry. 1999. Turtle nesting on adjacent beaches with different construction styles: Pinellas County, Florida. J. Coastal Research 15:111-120 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 2008. 2008 nest survey results do not change turtle nesting trends. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 2007. Sea turtle conservation guidelines. URL: Florida State University. 2007. Beaches and shores resource center. URL: Morton, RA and RL Peterson. 2003. Coastal classification atlas. West-central Florida coastal classification maps - Anclote Key to Venice Inlet. USGS Open File Report 03-227, Version 1.1. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. URL: National Marine Fisheries Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2009. Recovery plan for northwest Atlantic population of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta). URL: National Marine Fisheries Service and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2007. Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) 5-year review: summary and evaluation. 67 pp. URL: Peterson, CH and MJ Bishop. 2005. Assessing the environmental impacts of beach nourishment. Bioscience 55: 887-896 Rumbold, DG, PW Davis, and C Perretta. 2001. Estimating the effect of beach nourishment on Caretta caretta (loggerhead sea turtle) nesting. Restoration Ecology 9:304-310 SWOT. 2007. State of the world’s sea turtles, Vol. 2. URL: Witherington, B, P Kubilis, B Brost, and A Meylan. 2009. Decreasing annual nest counts in a globally important loggerhead sea turtle population. Ecol. Appl. 19: 30-54 Wood, D, and K Bjorndal. 2000. Relation of temperature, moisture, salinity and slope to nest site selection in loggerhead sea turtles. Copeia 2000:119-12 MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 17 Table 1. Nest and non-nesting emergence (NNE) numbers and nesting success for sea turtle nesting on Longboat Key, 1979-2009. Year 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993* 1994 1995 1996 1997* 1998 1999 2000 2001* 2002 2003* 2004 2005* 2006* 2007 2008 2009 Activity Nests NNE Nest Success Km Nest density density 15 45 0.25 5.8 2.58 10.34 17 26 0.40 5.8 2.93 7.41 20 30 0.40 8 2.5 6.25 37 121 0.23 16.4 2.25 9.63 40 103 0.28 16.6 2.40 8.61 43 65 0.40 16.6 2.59 6.50 54 69 0.44 18.3 2.95 6.72 90 92 0.49 18.3 4.91 9.94 95 109 0.47 18.6 5.10 10.96 98 98 0.50 18.4 5.32 10.65 146 150 0.49 18.3 7.97 16.17 150 128 0.54 18.5 8.10 15.02 148 195 0.43 18.2 8.13 18.84 168 195 0.46 19.5 8.61 18.61 132 544 0.20 18.6 7.09 36.34 193 201 0.49 18.6 10.37 21.18 226 432 0.34 18.6 12.15 35.37 288 391 0.42 18.6 15.48 36.50 287 320 0.47 18.6 15.43 32.63 324 299 0.52 18.6 17.41 33.49 354 303 0.54 18.6 19.03 35.32 319 321 0.50 19.4 16.44 32.98 262 250 0.51 19.4 13.50 26.39 213 217 0.50 19.4 10.97 22.16 294 344 0.46 19.4 15.15 32.88 162 245 0.40 19.4 8.35 20.97 150 194 0.44 19.4 7.73 17.73 160 158 0.51 19.4 8.14 16.34 145 196 0.42 19.4 7.47 17.57 253 185 0.57 19.4 13.04 22.57 216 208 0.51 19.4 11.13 21.85 Grey areas illustrate years before monitoring was standardized for effort in 1991. Longboat Key was nourished two times between 1977-1991 (Bush et al 2001). * indicates the years of nourishment projects on Longboat Key MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 18 Table 2. Categories of non-nesting emergences (NNE) for Longboat Key, 2005-2009. NNE Type Outside Project Layered Fill White Fill 2009 Three Years Post-construction # Emergence-no digging 5 39 99 # With preliminary body pit 0 28 22 # With abandoned egg chamber 0 5 9 Total # NNEs 5 72 130 2008 Two Years Post-construction # Emergence-no digging 10 63 72 # With preliminary body pit 1 15 10 # With abandoned egg chamber 0 6 8 Total # NNEs 11 84 90 2007 One Year Post-construction # Emergence-no digging 7 69 97 # With preliminary body pit 1 4 14 # With abandoned egg chamber 0 2 2 Total # NNEs 8 75 113 2006 Year of Construction # Emergence-no digging 1 62 69 # With preliminary body pit 0 7 12 # With abandoned egg chamber 0 5 2 Total # NNEs 1 74 83 2005 Year of Construction # Emergence-no digging 143 23 1 # With preliminary body pit 18 2 1 # With abandoned egg chamber 3 1 0 Total # NNEs 164 26 2 Total NNE 143 50 14 207 145 26 14 185 173 19 4 196 132 19 7 158 167 21 4 192 MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 19 Table 3. Sea turtle nest chamber measurements for Longboat Key, 2005-2009. Values are means followed in parenthesis by sample size, one standard deviation, and range. Values exclude measurements from female with rear flipper injuries. Nest Chamber Measurements Surface to top of clutch (cm) Nest chamber depth (cm) Nest chamber width (cm) Outside Project Layered Fill 2009 Three Years Post-construction White Fill 26.0 (3, 6.9, 18-30) 26.0 (50, 7.7, 5-46) 25.6 (97, 8.8, 0-52) 37.0 (3, 1.7, 35-38) 41.0 (50, 8.8, 24-69) 41.7 (97, 10.6, 7-69) 21.5 (4, 3.4, 18-26) 21.3 (62, 4.3, 10-30) 22.0 (115, 4.2, 13-36) 2008 Two Years Post-construction Surface to top of clutch (cm) Nest chamber depth (cm) Nest chamber width (cm) 36.5 29.1 (4, 16.3, 24-60) (47, 8.9, 10-47) 59.2 45.0 (4, 19.4, 37-80) (47,10.0, 21-70) 21.4 21.5 (5, 8.0, 8-28) (56, 4.2, 12-33) 2007 One Year Post-construction 27.0 (66, 8.0, 10-47) 42.4 (66, 9.4, 27-67) 22.1 (73, 3.4, 16-32) Surface to top of clutch (cm) Nest chamber depth (cm) Nest chamber width (cm) 23.8 25.2 (4, 11.3, 14-40) (36, 9.4, 7-45) 47.0 44.0 (4, 14.0, 31-63) (36, 9.5, 22-73) 22.3 21.9 (4, 5.4, 15-28) (39, 4.9, 14-35) 2006 Year of Construction 23.9 (38, 6.2, 12-34) 42.4 (38, 9.7, 28-64) 22.0 (44, 4.6, 9-31) Surface to top of clutch (cm) Nest chamber depth (cm) Nest chamber width (cm) 32 24.9 (3, 3.5,30-36) (42, 8.9,8-49) 49 44.6 (1, n/a, 49) (30, 10.2,27-76) 21 21.6 (1, n/a, 21) (45, 6.7,10-40) 2005 Year of Construction 22.3 (87, 7.5,8-43) 41.1 (67, 9.8,19-63) 20.4 (70, 4.8,11-36) Surface to top of clutch (cm) Nest chamber depth (cm) Nest chamber width (cm) 25.2 (111, 8.1,7-54) 47.0 (86, 8.6,30-74) 22.9 (90, 3.7,11-35) 20.3 (3, 4.0,18-25) 47.0 (3, 3.6,43-50) 22.3 (3, 4.0,20-27) 21.6 (15, 6.3,8-30) 45.6 (12, 10.7,24-70) 23.5 (14, 3.0,18-29) MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 20 Table 4. Sea turtle nests affected by tidal activity on Longboat Key 2005-2009. Outside Project Layered Fill White Fill Storm Event Inundation Wash Out Inundation Wash Out Inundation Wash Out 2009 Three Years Post-construction Un-named Events 2 0 30 7 36 5 Total 2 0 30 7 36 5 2008 Two Years Post-construction Hurricane Gustav 1 4 1 19 1 16 Hurricane Ike 0 0 1 1 7 27 Gustav & Ike 0 0 2 0 8 0 Un-named Events 3 2 10 4 12 3 Total 4 6 14 24 28 46 2007 One Year Post-construction T.S. Barry 0 0 1 7* 2 2 Hurricane Dean 3 0 9 1 6 1 Un-named Events 1 0 2 0 2 0 Total 4 0 12 8 10 3 2006 Year of Construction T.S. Alberto 0 2 14 7 15 4 Un-named Events 0 0 2 1 3 0 Total 0 2 16 8 18 4 2005 Year of Construction T.S. Arlene 0 0 0 0 3 0 Hurricane Dennis 2 1 48 3 46 0 Hurricane Katrina 0 0 5 0 6 0 Un-named Events 1 0 0 0 0 0 Total 3 1 53 3 55 0 Total 80 80 42 36 10 34 122 12* 20 5 37* 42 6 48 3 100 11 1 115 * Includes two Green Turtle nests. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 21 Table 5a. Nest damage and preventative measures taken due to predation or invasion on Longboat Key, 2007-2009. 2007 2008 2009 Total nests on beach 145 253 216 Nests affected* 35 35 9 % Nests affected 24.1% 13.8% 4.2% Total predation events* 44 41 12 Nests caged before predation % Caged before predation Nests caged after predation % Caged after predation 17 11.8% 22 15.2% 11 4.3% 16 6.3% 3 1.3% 2 0.9% * Total predation events include all instances of predation on a given nest (i.e., a nest predated by a ghost crab, fire ants, and a raccoon equals three predation events but only one nest affected.) Table 5b. Identified nest predators on Longboat Key, 20072009. Nest predators 2007 2008 2009 Armadillo 0 0 0 Bobcat 0 0 0 Cat 0 0 0 Coyote 0 0 0 Crow 0 0 0 Dog 4 4 0 Fire ants 3 0 1 Fox 9 21 0 Ghost crab 0 4 1 Hog 0 0 0 Human (Poaching) 0 0 0 Raccoon 5 6 5 Roots 7 0 2 Turtle 2 2 1 Unknown 14 4 2 Total predation events 44 41 12 MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 22 Table 6. Total incubation period of relocated and in situ nests that experienced hatch on Longboat Key, 2005-2009. Out Project Layered Fill White Fill Total Relocated In situ Relocated In situ Relocated In situ # of Nests Average Incubation (days) Range of Incubation (days) 0 # of Nests Average Incubation (days) Range of Incubation (days) 0 # of Nests Average Incubation (days) Range of Incubation (days) 0 - - 2009 Three Years Post-construction 0 10 59 1 98 168 48 53.7 52.6 48-58 45-60 48 2008 Two Years Post-construction 2 1 63 0 37-72 37-72 65 131 - 54.8 53.3 59-63 47 44-61 2007 One Year Post-construction 2 2 37 0 47-65 44-65 62 103 - 61 50.9 47 51.3 51.7 - 56.5 49.5 53.5 - 54.0 53.8 - 54-59 47-52 47-60 - 47-61 47-61 13 68 128 54.6 56.7 56.1 49-63 47-64 47-65 0 0 38 # of Nests Average Incubation (days) Range of Incubation (days) 0 2006 Year of Construction 1 17 29 - 56 - # of Nests Average Incubation (days) Range of Incubation (days) 11 56 47-65 49-64 2005 Year of Construction 24 1 2 55.4 55.6 52.5 53.2 49 50.5 - - 52.7 47-65 46-62 49 48-53 - - 46-65 MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 23 Table 7. Hatch Success for relocated and in situ nests on Longboat Key, 2005-2009. 2009 Three Years post construction Nests Not Inundated Out Project Layered Fill White Fill Out Project Relocated In situ Relocated In situ Relocated In situ Relocated In situ of Nests 0 2 2 26 0 62 0 2 # Hatched 114 144 2076 4998 2 # Live Pipped 0 0 1 4 0 # Dead Pipped 5 0 59 58 1 # Destroyed 0 0 0 0 0 # Unhatched 86 53 421 946 183 Total Eggs 205 197 2557 6006 186 Hatch Success 55.6% 73.1% 81.2% 83.2% 1.1% 2008 Two Years post construction Nests Not Inundated Out Project Layered Fill White Fill Out Project Relocated In situ Relocated In situ Relocated In situ Relocated In situ # of Nests 0 1 0 32 0 38 0 4 # Hatched 40 2606 3054 143 # Live Pipped 0 0 1 0 # Dead Pipped 0 27 90 1 # Destroyed 0 0 1 0 # Unhatched 2 512 749 290 Total Eggs 42 3145 3895 434 Hatch Success 95.2% 82.9% 78.4% 32.9% 2007 One Year post construction Nests Not Inundated Out Project Layered Fill White Fill Out Project Relocated In situ Relocated In situ Relocated In situ Relocated In situ # of Nests 0 1 1 18 0 30 0 1 # Hatched 119 95 1176 2196 60 # Live Pipped 0 0 0 20 0 # Dead Pipped 0 1 8 21 1 # Destroyed 0 0 0 0 0 # Unhatched 10 12 638 936 84 Total Eggs 129 108 1822 3173 145 Hatch Success 92.2% 88.0% 64.5% 69.2% 41.4% MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 24 Nests Inundated Layered Fill Relocated In situ 1 19 38 1244 0 1 10 22 0 5 36 510 84 1782 45.2% 69.8% White Fill Relocated In situ 0 29 1014 1 61 0 1649 2725 37.2% Nests Inundated Layered Fill Relocated In situ 1 9 78 480 0 0 0 38 0 0 9 362 87 880 89.7% 54.5% White Fill Relocated In situ 1 16 45 393 0 0 0 82 0 0 12 1033 57 1508 78.9% 26.1% 102 6839 1 238 1 2969 10048 68.1% Nests Inundated Layered Fill Relocated In situ 0 7 296 0 34 0 357 687 43.1% White Fill Relocated In situ 0 7 138 2 4 0 492 636 21.7% Total 65 4080 22 69 0 2529 6700 60.9% Total 143 9630 7 216 5 3884 13742 70.1% Total 2006 Year of Construction # of Nests # Hatched # Live Pipped # Dead Pipped # Destroyed # Unhatched Total Eggs Hatch Success Out Project Relocated In situ 0 1 109 0 0 0 8 117 93.2% Nests Not Inundated Layered Fill Relocated In situ 11 28 904 2222 3 1 16 30 0 1 196 504 1119 2758 80.8% 80.6% # of Nests # Hatched # Live Pipped # Dead Pipped # Destroyed # Unhatched Total Eggs Hatch Success Out Project Relocated In situ 23 24 577 1021 4 0 61 13 0 0 1592 1147 2234 2181 25.8% 46.8% Nests Not Inundated Layered Fill Relocated In situ 0 2 182 0 1 0 28 211 86.3% White Fill Out Project Relocated In situ Relocated In situ 9 49 0 0 595 3976 13 3 28 40 1 0 276 923 913 4942 65.6% 80.5% 2005 Year of Construction White Fill Relocated In situ 0 0 - Out Project Relocated In situ 11 16 263 479 2 3 7 12 0 0 878 1223 1150 1717 22.9% 27.9% MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 25 Nests Inundated Layered Fill Relocated In situ 1 0 78 0 2 0 38 118 66.1% - White Fill Relocated In situ 1 9 98 594 0 0 0 15 0 0 3 260 101 869 97% 68.4% Total 109 8576 20 131 2 2208 10937 78.4% Nests Inundated Layered Fill Relocated In situ 0 0 - White Fill Relocated In situ 0 0 - Total 76 2522 9 94 0 4868 7493 33.7% Table 8. Hatchling Emergence Success for relocated and in situ nests on Longboat Key, 2005-2009. 2009 Three Years Post Construction Nests Not Inundated Out Project Layered Fill White Fill Out Project Relocated In situ Relocated In situ Relocated In situ Relocated In situ # of Nests 0 2 2 26 0 62 0 2 # Hatched 114 144 2076 4998 2 # Live in Nest 3 2 23 32 0 # Dead in Nest 6 0 16 27 2 # Emerged 105 142 2037 4939 0 Total Eggs 205 197 2557 6006 186 Emergence 51.2% 72.1% 79.7% 82.2% 0.0% Success 2008 Two Years Post Construction Nests Not Inundated Out Project Layered Fill White Fill Out Project Relocated In situ Relocated In situ Relocated In situ Relocated In situ # of Nests 0 1 0 31 0 38 0 4 # Hatched 40 2520 3054 143 # Live in Nest 0 7 21 0 # Dead in Nest 0 41 27 53 # Emerged 40 2472 3006 90 Total Eggs 42 3058 3895 434 Emergence 95.2% 80.8% 77.2% 20.7% Success 2007 One Year Post Construction Nests Not Inundated Out Project Layered Fill White Fill Out Project Relocated In situ Relocated In situ Relocated In situ Relocated In situ # of Nests 0 1 1 18 0 30 0 1 # Hatched 119 95 1176 2196 60 # Live in Nest 0 0 4 8 0 # Dead in Nest 0 0 1 89 1 # Emerged 119 95 1171 2099 59 Total Eggs 129 108 1822 3173 145 Emergence 92.2% 88.0% 64.3% 66.2% 40.7% Success MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 26 Nests Inundated Layered Fill Relocated In situ 1 19 38 1244 1 4 5 10 32 1230 84 1782 38.1% 69.0% White Fill Relocated In situ 0 29 1014 14 177 823 2725 30.2% Nests Inundated Layered Fill Relocated In situ 1 9 78 480 0 88 3 37 75 355 87 880 86.2% 40.3% White Fill Relocated In situ 1 16 45 393 0 3 0 29 45 361 57 1508 78.9% 23.9% 101 6753 119 190 6444 9961 64.7% Nests Inundated Layered Fill Relocated In situ 0 7 296 0 116 180 687 26.2% White Fill Relocated In situ 0 7 138 23 6 109 636 17.1% Total 65 4080 35 213 3832 6700 57.2% Total 143 9630 79 243 9308 13742 67.7% Total 2006 Year of Construction # of Nests # Hatched # Live in Nest # Dead in Nest # Emerged Total Eggs Emergence Success Out Project Relocated In situ 0 1 109 0 0 109 117 93.2% Nests Not Inundated Layered Fill Relocated In situ 4 15 257 1144 22 7 1 5 234 1132 343 1476 68.2% 76.7% Out Project Relocated In situ 18 19 393 762 14 9 16 32 363 721 1642 1733 22.1% 41.6% Nests Not Inundated Layered Fill Relocated In situ 0 0 - White Fill Relocated In situ 7 34 454 2593 58 75 2 38 394 2480 704 3366 56% 73.7% Out Project Relocated In situ 0 0 - Nests Inundated Layered Fill Relocated In situ 1 0 78 1 0 77 118 65.3% - White Fill Relocated In situ 1 6 98 374 0 11 0 6 98 357 101 578 97% 61.8% Total 69 5107 174 52 4881 6803 71.7% Nests Inundated Layered Fill Relocated In situ 0 0 - White Fill Relocated In situ 0 0 - Total 59 1719 26 68 1625 5765 28.2% 2005 Year of Construction # of Nests # Hatched # Live in Nest # Dead in Nest # Emerged Total Eggs Emergence Success White Fill Relocated In situ 0 0 - Out Project Relocated In situ 8 14 187 377 0 3 2 18 185 356 847 1543 21.8% 23.1% MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 27 Table 9. Sea turtle disorientations on Longboat Key, 2009. Date Nest location 6/22 1241-1245 GMD (The Water Club) 7/12 7/12 2401 GMD (Vizcaya) 3105 GMD 7/13 6701 GMD (Whitney Beach) 7/14 2813 GMD 7/14 6803 GMD (Beachwalk) 7/14 6565 GSR 7/15 7/15 7/15 6685 GMD Hatchlings attracted to Direct Northwest to Water 2525 (Islands West), 2509 (Veranda), 2425 (Sea Gate), 2401 (Vizcaya) & 2301 GMD (Islander Club) 3105 GMD 6701 (Whitney Beach) & 6695 GMD 2813, 2801 & 2721 GMD (Beachcomber) 6751 GMD & 6701 GMD (Whitney Beach) 6565 GSR & 6541 GSR 6685 GMD 7/15 6441 GSR 835 LCR 2425 GMD (Sea Gate) 6441 GSR 825, 835 & 845 LCR 2401 GMD (Vizcaya) 7/16 1945 GMD (Sea Place) 1945 GMD (Sea Place) 4311 (Longboat Beach House), 4235 (Turtle Crawl Inn) & 4401 GMD (Longboat Harbour Towers) 7/17 4311 GMD (Longboat Beach House) Minimum # Disoriented Probable light type 1 (Adult) Condominium (Interior & Exterior),Skyglow 149 10 50 73 75 34 33 7 7 4 95 In/Out Project Condominium (Interior & Exterior), Pool Lights SFH (Interior & Exterior) SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Exterior) Street Light, SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Exterior) Parking Lot, Dune Crossover, Street Light, Condominium (Interior & Exterior), Skyglow Street Light, SFH (Interior & Exterior) Street Light, SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Interior & Exterior), Skyglow Street Light, SFH (Interior & Exterior), Skyglow SFH (Interior & Exterior) Condominium (Interior & Exterior) Condominium (Interior & Exterior), Pool Lights In In In In In In In In In In In In In 75 Condominium (Interior & Exterior), Pool Lights MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 28 7/19 7/19 7/22 7/23 7/24 7/24 7/24 7/25 7/26 7/26 7/26 3500-3660 GMD 3500-3660 GMD (Buttonwood Cove) (Buttonwood Cove) 5881 GMD Direct South 2675 (Veinte), 2721 (Beachcomber), 2741, 2605 (Four Winds), 2721 GMD 2525 (Islands West) & 2425 GMD (Sea Gate) (Beachcomber) 6751 GMD 1620 GMD (The Colony) 6751 & 6701 GMD (Whitney Beach) 1620 (The Colony), 1511 (The Club), 1425 (The Players Club), 1241-1245 (The Water Club) & 1211 GMD (Promenade) 4485 (Arbormar) & 4401 GMD (Longboat Harbour 4477 GMD Towers) 3800-3810 (Beach Harbor Club), 3465 (The Beach) & 4401 GMD 3500-3660 GMD (Longboat Harbour (Buttonwood Cove) Towers) 545 (Sanctuary), 535 (Sanctuary) & 565 LCR 455 LCR (The Pierre); (Sanctuary) Direct South 1620 GMD (The Colony) 3155 GMD (The Diplomat) 845 LCR. 1620 GMD (The Colony) 3155 GMD (The Diplomat) 845 & 835 LCR 1 17 63 86 Condominium (Interior & Exterior), Skyglow Unknown In In In Parking Lot, Dune Crossover, Condominium (Interior & Exterior) & Pool Lights Parking Lot, Dune Crossover, Street Light, SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Interior & Exterior) In In 70 50 Parking Lot, Restaurant/Bar, Street Light & Condominium (Interior & Exterior) Parking Lot, Dune Crossover, Street Light, SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Interior & Exterior),Skyglow In In 20 21 93 unk 25 Condominium (Interior & Exterior), Car headlights Parking Lot, Condominium (Interior & Exterior), Skyglow Parking Lot, Dune Crossover, Restaurant/Bar, Street Light, Condominium (Interior & Exterior) Parking Lot, Condominium (Interior & Exterior) SFH (Interior & Exterior) MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 29 In In In In 7/26 835 LCR 7/29 1701 GMD (Aquarius) 7/29 7/29 8/3 8/10 8/11 2801 GMD 2721 GMD (Beachcomber) 5393 GMD (Longboat Terrace) 3850 GMD (Bayport) 7020 SB 835, 845 & 825 LCR. 1945 (Sea Place), 1701 (Aquarius) & 1620 GMD (The Colony) 2721 (Beachcomber), 2729, 2735, 2741, 2801,2813, 2819, & 2823 GMD 2721 (Beachcomber), 2675 (Veinte) & 2525 GMD (Islands West) 5393 GMD (Longboat Terrace) 3850 GMD (Bayport) Broadway Beach Access, 7001 (Longbeach Condos), 6951 (Sea Pines), 6925 (Sea Pines), 6899, 6877, 6855, 6847, 6845 (Beachwalk), 6827 (Beachwalk) & 6803 GMD (Beachwalk) 6951 GMD (Sea Pines) 6845 (Beachwalk), 6827 (Beachwalk) & 6803 GMD (Beachwalk) 8/12 3315 GMD 3303 & 3235 GMD (Portobello) 8/12 2401 GMD (Vizcaya) 8/11 8/13 603-601 LCR (LK Towers) 2401 GMD (Vizcaya) 603-601 (LK Towers) & 675-655 LCR (Regent’s Place); Direct South to Lido 42 SFH (Interior & Exterior) 30 Condominium (Interior & Exterior) 95 SFH (Interior & Exterior) Condominium (Interior & Exterior) In In In In 30 Condominium (Interior & Exterior) 1 Condominium (Exterior) 7 Parking Lot, Street Light In In In 10 26 26 68 Street Light, SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Interior & Exterior), Skyglow Street Light, SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Interior & Exterior), Skyglow Street Light, SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Interior & Exterior) Street Light, Condominium (Interior & Exterior) In In In In 73 Condominium (Interior & Exterior), Skyglow MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 30 8/13 8/13 8/13 675-655 LCR (Regent’s Place) 455 LCR (The Pierre) 100 SPD (Sands Point) 8/14 5393 GMD (Longboat Terrace) 603-601 LCR (LK Towers) 8/16 2509 GMD (Veranda) 8/14 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/19 8/19 8/20 8/20 8/20 8/20 8/21 8/22 2100 GMD (Sunset Beach) Unknown 4325 GMD (Tiffany Plaza) 1211 GMD (Promenade) 675-655 (Regent’s Place) & 603-601 LCR (LK Towers) Direct South to Lido Key Direct South to Lido Key Direct South Direct South to Lido Key 2509 GMD (Veranda) 1945 (Sea Place) & 2120 GMD (Bay Isles Beach Club) 760 BDW (Mar Vista) 4325 GMD (Tiffany Plaza) 1145 GMD (Beachplace) In 88 98 112 20 unk 23 10 15 50 22 891 & 865 LCR 88 835 LCR 845 & 775 LCR (Beaches) 1000 LCR (Privateer) In In Skyglow Parking Lot, Condominium (Interior & Exterior) In In 835 & 775 LCR (Beaches) 3021 GMD 401-405 LCR (L’Ambiance) In In 91 865 LCR 1000 LCR (Privateer) 6701 GMD (Whitney Beach) Condominium (Interior & Exterior) Condominium (Exterior), Construction lights from lido SFH (Interior & Exterior), Construction lights from lido Parking Lot, Dune Crossover, Street Light, SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Interior & Exterior),Skyglow Parking Lot, Condominium (Exterior) Restaurant/Bar Out In Condominium (Exterior) Condominium (Interior & Exterior) SFH (Exterior), Condominium (Interior & Exterior) In In In 6701 (Whitney Beach), 6695, & 6685 GMD 3005 GMD (Gulf Tides) 401-405 LCR (L’Ambiance) 775 (Beaches), 675-655 (Regent’s Place) & 603-601 LCR (LK Towers) 28 85 62 80 SFH (Interior & Exterior) SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Interior & Exterior) Parking Lot, Street Light, SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Interior & Exterior),Skyglow Condominium (Interior & Exterior) Condominium (Interior & Exterior) In In In In In 30 SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Interior & Exterior) MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 31 8/22 8/22 8/23 8/23 8/25 8/25 8/25 8/25 8/26 8/29 8/29 8/30 8/30 9/5 865 LCR 3800-3810 GMD (Beach Harbor Club) 401-405 LCR (L’Ambiance) 1109 GMD (Beachplace) 6121 GMD 4949 GMD (Positano) 2801 GMD 2825 GMD 3155 GMD (The Diplomat) 4425 GMD (La Playa) 2121-2161 GMD (En Provence) 1945 GMD (Sea Place) 2175 GMD (Villa Di Lancia) 3850 GMD (Bayport) 855, 845, 775 (Beaches), 675-655 (Regent’s Place) & 608-601 LCR (LK Towers) 3800-3810 GMD (Beach Harbor Club); Direct North & South 200 SPD (Inn on the Beach) 1055 (Beachplace) & 1045 GMD (Beachplace) 6061 GMD 4949 (Positano) & 4825 GMD (Westchester) 2741, 2801, 2813, 2819, 2823, 2833 & 2850 GMD (Neptune Condos) 2850 (Neptune Condos), 2819, 2823, 2833 & 2837 GMD 3105 GMD 4425 GMD (La Playa) 2100 (Sunset Beach), 1945 (Sea Place) & 2121-2161 GMD (En Provence) 1945 GMD (Sea Place) In 10 60 105 SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Interior & Exterior), Skyglow Dune Crossover, Condominium (Interior & Exterior) Condominium (Interior & Exterior) In In In 18 4 7 Condominium (Interior & Exterior) Street Light, SFH (Interior & Exterior), Skyglow Parking Lot, Street Light, Condominium (Interior & Exterior), Skyglow In In In 22 Street Light, SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Exterior) In 51 2 2 Street Light, SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Exterior) Street Light, SFH (Interior & Exterior), Condominium (Interior & Exterior) Parking Lot, Street Light, Condominium (Interior & Exterior), Building Signage In In In Direct South 1 Parking Lot, Street Light, Condominium (Interior & Exterior) Condominium (Interior & Exterior),Skyglow Condominium (Interior & Exterior) 3959 ROYR 5 SFH (Interior & Exterior) 8 4 In In In MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 32 9/7 9/8 1425 GMD (The Players Club) 401-405 LCR (L'Ambiance) 2923 GMD 9/16 2509 GMD (Veranda) 9/6 1425 GMD (The Players Club) Direct South to Lido Key 2903 & 2837 GMD 2509 (Veranda), 2425 (Sea Gate) & 2525 GMD (Islands West) 15 2 Condominium (Interior & Exterior) Skyglow, Construction lights from Lido SFH (Interior) 61 Condominium (Exterior), Construction Lights 8 BDW = Broadway Street, GMD = Gulf of Mexico Drive, GSR = Gulf Side Road, LCR = Longboat Club Road, ROYR = Royal Road, SB = Seabreeze Ave, SFH = Single Family Home/Residence, SPD = Sands Point Drive. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 33 In In In In Figure 1a. Longboat Key Nourishment Project conducted in 2005-2006. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 34 Image copyright 2003 Beaches and Shores Resource Center, Florida State University <> Figure 1b. Longboat Key Nourishment Projects Prior to 2005. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 35 Figure 2. A non-nesting emergence (NNE) evident by the abandoned nest chamber (top) and a successful loggerhead nest (bottom) confirmed by the thrown sand during body pitting and nest covering. Species is confirmed by the alternating flipper tracks. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 36 Figure 3. Sea turtle nest sign used to identify nests on Sarasota County beaches (left) and a marked sea turtle nest (right). 35 Nest NNE 30 25 Number 20 15 10 5 9/13-9/19 9/6-9/12 8/30-9/5 8/23-8/29 8/16-8/22 8/9-8/15 8/2-8/8 7/26-8/1 7/19-7/25 7/12-7/18 7/5-7/11 6/28-7/4 6/21-6/27 6/14-6/20 6/7-6/13 5/31-6/6 5/24-5/30 5/17-5/23 5/10-5/16 5/3-5/9 4/26-5/2 4/19-4/25 4/12-4/18 0 Week Figure 4. Number of sea turtle nests and non-nesting emergences (NNEs) on Longboat Key by week in 2009. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 37 Longboat Key 2009 Manatee County Sea Turtle Nesting Sarasota Bay Gu lf of Mexico Manatee County Sarasota County Figure 5a. Longboat Key, Manatee County nest locations for 2009. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 38 Manatee County Sarasota County Longboat Key 2009 Sarasota County Sea Turtle Nesting Sarasota Bay Gu lf of Mexico Figure 5b. Longboat Key, Sarasota County nest locations for 2009. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 39 Longboat Key (Manatee and Sarasota Counties) 600 # NNE 500 # Nests Numbers 400 300 200 100 0 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 Years Figure 6. Longboat Key sea turtle nesting and non-nesting emergence (NNE) data from 19912009. Pre-1991 data was not standardized to length of beach and so should not be included in cross-year comparisons. 20 Nest 18 NNE 16 14 Number 12 10 8 6 4 2 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 9 7 11 Monument 5 3 1 66 64 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 0 Figure 7. Distribution of nests and non-nesting emergences (NNEs) on Longboat Key in 2009 by FDEP monument. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 40 Beach Debris Beach Furniture Escarpment Nourishment Pipe Outfall Basin Road Rocks Seawall Stepped Revetment Vegetation Walkover Other 160 140 Number of Obstracles Encountered 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Year Figure 8. A comparison of the number and type of nesting obstructions encountered by sea turtles on Longboat Key from 2000-2009. Armadillo Bobcat Coyote Domestic Dog Fire Ants Fox Ghost Crab Hog Nesting Turtle Raccoon Roots Unknown 50 45 Number Of Depredation Events 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Year Figure 9. A comparison of the number and type of depredation events on Longboat Key from 2000-2009. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 41 Longboat % of nests disoriented all nests viable nests 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 0% Figure 10. Trends in hatchling disorientation events on Longboat Key in 2001-2009. 1 23 54 Condominiums Dune crossover Other Parking lot Pier Restaurant/bar Sign Single Family Residences Skyglow Street lights Unknown 18 29 7 9 4 16 Figure 11. Sources of disorientation events on Longboat Key, 2009. MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for the Town of Longboat Key 2009 42 APPENDIX A NESTS AND NON-NESTING EMERGENCES MOTE MARINE LABORATORY SEA TURTLE PROGRAM For questions call: 941.388.4331 Please return all datasheets via email: or fax: 941-388-3547 2009 DATA FORM Date:______________ Nest/FC ID#:___________________________________ Observer: __________________________ (date laid, original address, observer) Key:__________ Species: FDEP Monument Zone: _______ to the NORTH: ___________ Address: _______________________________ Condo Name: ____________________ Use # ft S of FDEP Monument (e.g., 50S130) for Zones L1, SK 6B, CK1, V4, V5, V6 Loggerhead (Cc) Green (Cm) GPS: Lat: 27. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Other: ___________________ Long: -82. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ if 'Green' or 'Other' please contact Mote ACTIVITY DETAILS NNE (False Crawl)* Not Verified Nest* IF RELOCATED Unmarked Nest (UMN)*** Date: ____________ (found at later date) **Record original nest cavity measurments in Nest Cavity section New Address: _____________________________________ Dist. to top of eggs ________ cm Lat: 27. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Long: -82. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Verified Nest** Triangulated? # eggs relocated: ________ Stake A ______ft Stake B ______ft Reason for relocation: Stake C ______ft # of abandonded body pits: _______ Draw in diagram ( ) Mean high water Construction/Nourishment Predation Research/Study Project Washing out # of abandoned egg chambers: _______ Draw in diagram ( • ) NEST TREATMENT LOCATION NOTES NEST LOCATION: Open beach In / At vegetation OBSTACLES ENCOUNTERED: Sloped Escarpment Upland barrier: ______ft Vertical Escarpment Crawled over? Y N CAGE INFORMATION: DATE: CAGE TYPE: WHEN CAGED? _________ B S R Before depredation After depredation _________ B S R Before depredation After deredation _________ B S R Before depredation After depredation Height: ________ ft BEACH MEASUREMENTS: Length: ________ ft Dist. to MHW: _________ft CAGE TYPES: Self Releasing Box (B), Self Releasing Screen (S), Restraining (R) Furniture (take pictures) Upland barrier: _______ft (vegetation line, seawall, etc.) Other: _______________ Mote Only: Initial Treatment ______ Final Treatment ______ COMMENTS: CRAWL DIAGRAM (please include permanent inland buildings or markers) TAG #s (Casey Key) RFF: _________________ LFF: _________________ PIT #: ________________ Attach copy of Tag Form SAT TAG? Name: _______________ Radar Golfball? Mote only Turtle #: Water Line * NNE/Not Verified Nest : Activity Details, Location Notes, and Crawl Diagram ** Verified Nest: Activity Details, Location Notes, Crawl Diagram, Nest Treatment *** UMN: Address, GPS, Nest location, Upland Barrier, Diagram Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix A - 1 2009 DATA FORM Date:______________ Observer: __________________________ Nest/FC ID#:___________________________________ (date laid, original address, observer) Key:__________ Zone: _______ FDEP Monument to the NORTH: ___________ Address: _______________________________ FATE OF NEST HATCH / EXCAVATION DATES EGGS DESTROYED Drop date: ___________ DEPREDATION: Options : Turtle, Racoon, Fox, Crab, Armadillo, Dog, Coyote Date: Date: Date: Date: ________ ________ ________ ________ Predator: _______________ Predator: _______________ Predator: _______________ Predator: _______________ ROOTS: *Do not include in Unhatched Eggs # Eggs: ______ # Eggs: ______ # Eggs: ______ # Eggs: ______ Hatch date: ________________ Add'l hatch date: ____________ Disorientation? Fill out and attach disorientation form with diagram Date: __________________________ FWC Disorienation form #: ___________________________ Excavation date: ______________ Excavated by: _____________________________________ Encased: # Eggs: ______ EXCAVATION DATA Invaded: # Eggs: ______ NEST CAVITY DATA (In situ and Original nests only): A B PATROLLER (when verifying and relocating): # Eggs: ______ Surface to Eggs WATER DAMAGE DATE(S): Condo Name: ____________________ ALL dates should be recorded Include Storm Name if applicable Nest Wash Over (A): _______cm A Surface to Bottom (B): _______cm Cavity Width C (C): _______cm C Standing Water B Partial Washout Samples Taken Total Washout What Samples? _________________________________________ Stake Loss ____________________________________________________ call Mote immediately HUMAN DAMAGE take pictures Y N HATCHING DATA: Vandalized Date: _________________________ Live in nest: _________ Hatched shells: ________ Poached Date: _________________________ Dead in nest: ________ Live pipped: ________ Details:(Signs, Clues, How)______________________________ ** DO NOT include 'Live in nest' and Dead pipped: ________ Dead in nest' in Total Eggs sum** Unhatched: ________ Mote only Eggs destroyed: ________ Mote only TOTAL Eggs: ________ DO NOT add to Total Eggs Yolkless eggs: ________ COMMENTS (include date, comment and initials) Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix A - 2 Key LB LB LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LB LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LB LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LB LB LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LB LBMC LBMC LB LB LBMC LBMC LB LB LBMC LB LB LB LB LB Zone Species Nest Date Address DNR Monument # Relocated Caged? Type Cage X CC Nest 04-May-09 3105 GMD 8 N N 3 CC Nest 07-May-09 1211 GMD 19 N N B CC False Crawl 13-May-09 6601 GSR 48 N N C CC False Crawl 14-May-09 6021 GMD 53 N N X CC Nest 14-May-09 2605 GMD 11 Y N A CC False Crawl 15-May-09 360 NSR 44 N N B CC Nest 15-May-09 6751 GMD 47 N N C CC Nest 16-May-09 5757 GMD 55 N N D CC False Crawl 16-May-09 4621 GMD 64 N N C CC False Crawl 16-May-09 5393 GMD 58 N N 1 CC Nest 17-May-09 2401 GMD 12 N N B CC Nest 17-May-09 6685 GMD 48 N N D CC Nest 17-May-09 4711 GMD 63 N Y Restraining Cage 1 CC False Crawl 17-May-09 2401 GMD 12 N N 1 CC Nest 17-May-09 2401 GMD 12 N N B CC Nest 18-May-09 6701 GMD 47 N N D CC False Crawl 18-May-09 5201 GMD 60 N N D CC False Crawl 18-May-09 5055 GMD 60 N N C CC Nest 18-May-09 5655 GMD 55 N N 2 CC Nest 20-May-09 2100 GMD 14 N N VTP CC False Crawl 20-May-09 4051 GMD 1 N N 4 CC Nest 20-May-09 835 LCR 22 N N X CC False Crawl 20-May-09 2741 GMD 10 N N D CC Nest 20-May-09 5005 GMD 60 N N C CC False Crawl 20-May-09 6031 GMD 53 N N C CC False Crawl 20-May-09 5871 GMD 54 N N VTP CC False Crawl 20-May-09 3500-3660 GMD 5 N N 1 CC Nest 20-May-09 2425 GMD 12 N N VTP CC Nest 22-May-09 3850 GMD 3 N N 2 CC Nest 22-May-09 1945 GMD 15 N N D CC False Crawl 22-May-09 4141 GMD 67 N N X CC Nest 23-May-09 2813 GMD 10 N N D CC False Crawl 23-May-09 5211 GMD 59 N N B CC Nest 23-May-09 6803 GMD 46 N N B CC Nest 23-May-09 6441 GSR 50 N N B CC Nest 23-May-09 6565 GSR 49 N N C CC Nest 23-May-09 5393 GMD 58 N N C CC False Crawl 23-May-09 5393 GMD 58 N N 4 CC Nest 23-May-09 565 LCR 25 N N X CC Nest 23-May-09 3105 GMD 8 N N 3 CC False Crawl 24-May-09 1145 GMD 20 N N 3 CC False Crawl 24-May-09 1045 GMD 21 N N VTP CC Nest 24-May-09 3500-3660 GMD 5 N N D CC False Crawl 24-May-09 4525 GMD 64 N N 3 CC False Crawl 24-May-09 1425 GMD 18 N N C CC Nest 25-May-09 5881 GMD 54 N N B CC False Crawl 25-May-09 6803 GMD 46 N N B CC Nest 25-May-09 6685 GMD 48 N N X CC Nest 26-May-09 3105 GMD 8 N N D CC Nest 27-May-09 4525 GMD 64 N N 4 CC Nest 28-May-09 891 LCR 22 N N D CC False Crawl 28-May-09 4795 GMD 62 N N C CC False Crawl 29-May-09 6121 GMD 52 N N C CC False Crawl 29-May-09 5821 GMD 55 N N D CC Nest 29-May-09 4949 GMD 61 N N C CC False Crawl 29-May-09 5441 GMD 58 N N C CC Nest 29-May-09 5645 GMD 56 N Y Self-releasing Screen VTP CC Nest 29-May-09 3500-3660 GMD 5 Y N VTP CC Nest 29-May-09 4131 GMD 1 Y N C CC False Crawl 29-May-09 5621 GMD 56 N N D CC Nest 30-May-09 4311 GMD 66 N N X CC Nest 30-May-09 3303 GMD 7 Y N 4 CC Nest 30-May-09 585 LCR 25 N N C CC Nest 31-May-09 5330 GMD 59 N N C CC False Crawl 31-May-09 5321 GMD 59 N N X CC Nest 31-May-09 3105 GMD 8 N N VTP CC Nest 31-May-09 4000 GMD 2 N N D CC False Crawl 31-May-09 4141 GMD 67 N N 3 CC False Crawl 01-Jun-09 1045 GMD 21 N N 3 CC False Crawl 01-Jun-09 1145 GMD 20 N N 4 CC False Crawl 01-Jun-09 603-601 LCR 24 N N 4 CC False Crawl 01-Jun-09 603-601 LCR 24 N N 4 CC Nest 01-Jun-09 825 LCR 22 N N Predator Ghost Crab Date 5/30 Innundation? Y N N N Y N Y N N N Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N Y Y N N Y N N N Y N N N N N N N Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Other Events Event Date Disorientation Date(s) Date Hatched # Hatched Total Eggs 30-Jun-09 135 143 06-Jul-09 116 121 93 7/12 7/13 7/15 103 123 12-Jul-09 149 162 21-Jul-09 124 127 16-Jul-09 13-Jul-09 36 76 37 83 10-Jul-09 0 86 96 125 15-Jul-09 111 129 23-Jul-09 71 93 7/16 15-Jul-09 13-Jul-09 16-Jul-09 114 53 104 126 93 110 7/14 14-Jul-09 73 93 7/14 7/15 7/14 14-Jul-09 14-Jul-09 14-Jul-09 19-Jul-09 100 92 43 73 110 98 57 75 7/25 7/12 25-Jul-09 12-Jul-09 60 107 76 122 17-Jul-09 82 85 7/19 19-Jul-09 96 101 7/15 15-Jul-09 16-Jul-09 19-Jul-09 90 99 85 0 94 105 98 80 7/15 Roots encased eggs 27-Jul-09 7/19 7/17 23-Jul-09 116 123 30-Jul-09 19-Jul-09 17-Jul-09 99 64 38 106 17-Jul-09 17-Jul-09 31-Jul-09 29-Jul-09 150 62 68 103 159 20-Jul-09 19-Jul-09 82 114 94 118 26-Jul-09 88 111 84 73 106 Appendix A - 3 Key LB LBMC LB LBMC LB LB LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LB LBMC LB LB LB LB LBMC LB LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LB LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LB LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LB LBMC LB Zone Species Nest 4 CC Nest B CC Nest 2 CC False Crawl D CC Nest X CC Nest 2 CC Nest D CC False Crawl X CC False Crawl A CC Nest B CC Nest D CC Nest X CC False Crawl D CC Nest D CC Nest C CC Nest D CC False Crawl 2 CC Nest A CC Nest D CC Nest B CC Nest D CC Nest 4 CC Nest 4 CC Nest 1 CC Nest 2 CC Nest C CC False Crawl VTP CC Nest 2 CC Nest 3 CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest B CC Nest VTP CC False Crawl 2 CC Nest 2 CC False Crawl X CC Nest C CC Nest C CC False Crawl B CC Nest 2 CC False Crawl C CC Nest X CC Nest D CC False Crawl D CC False Crawl C CC Nest C CC False Crawl X CC Nest X CC False Crawl 1 CC Nest 2 CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest X CC Nest 4 CC False Crawl D CC Nest D CC False Crawl D CC Nest 4 CC Nest X CC False Crawl B CC Nest 1 CC False Crawl A CC False Crawl C CC Nest A CC False Crawl C CC Nest A CC Nest 2 CC False Crawl 1 CC Nest B CC Nest C CC Nest VTP CC Nest D CC Nest 4 CC Nest B CC Nest 4 CC False Crawl Date 01-Jun-09 01-Jun-09 01-Jun-09 01-Jun-09 01-Jun-09 01-Jun-09 01-Jun-09 02-Jun-09 02-Jun-09 02-Jun-09 02-Jun-09 02-Jun-09 03-Jun-09 03-Jun-09 03-Jun-09 03-Jun-09 04-Jun-09 04-Jun-09 05-Jun-09 05-Jun-09 05-Jun-09 05-Jun-09 05-Jun-09 05-Jun-09 06-Jun-09 06-Jun-09 06-Jun-09 06-Jun-09 06-Jun-09 07-Jun-09 07-Jun-09 08-Jun-09 08-Jun-09 08-Jun-09 08-Jun-09 08-Jun-09 08-Jun-09 08-Jun-09 08-Jun-09 09-Jun-09 09-Jun-09 09-Jun-09 09-Jun-09 09-Jun-09 10-Jun-09 10-Jun-09 10-Jun-09 10-Jun-09 10-Jun-09 10-Jun-09 10-Jun-09 11-Jun-09 11-Jun-09 11-Jun-09 11-Jun-09 11-Jun-09 11-Jun-09 11-Jun-09 11-Jun-09 11-Jun-09 12-Jun-09 12-Jun-09 12-Jun-09 12-Jun-09 12-Jun-09 12-Jun-09 12-Jun-09 12-Jun-09 13-Jun-09 13-Jun-09 14-Jun-09 14-Jun-09 14-Jun-09 Address DNR Monument # Relocated Caged? Type Cage 835 LCR 22 N N 6925 GMD 46 N N 1945 GMD 16 N N 4525 GMD 64 N N 2721 GMD 10 Y N 1620 GMD 17 N N 5055 GMD 60 N N 3341 GMD 6 N N 7095 SB 45 N N 6751 GMD 47 Y N 4477 GMD 65 N N 3175 GMD 7 N N 5201 GMD 60 N N 5135 GMD 60 N N 5941 GMD 53 N N 5005 GMD 60 N N 2175 GMD 13 N N 360 NSR 44 Y N 5055 GMD 60 N N 6951 GMD 46 N N 4949 GMD 61 N N 845 LCR 22 N N 865 LCR 22 N N 2401 GMD 12 N N 1620 GMD 17 N N 5811 GMD 55 N N 3500-3660 GMD 5 N N 1945 GMD 16 N N 1241-1245 GMD 19 N N 401-405 LCR 27 N N 6685 GMD 48 N N 3710 GMD 4 N N 1701 GMD 17 N N 1945 GMD 15 N N 3155 GMD 8 N N 5393 GMD 58 N N 5951 GMD 53 N N 6565 GSR 49 N N 1620 GMD 17 N N 5635 GMD 56 N N 3115 GMD 8 N N 5055 GMD 60 N N 4711 GMD 63 N N 5611 GMD 56 N N 5841 GMD 54 N N 2801 GMD 10 N N 2913 GMD 9 N N 2301 GMD 13 N N 1945 GMD 15 N N 220 SPD 28 N N 2721 GMD 10 N N 575 LCR 25 N N 5135 GMD 60 N N 5125 GMD 60 N N 4425 GMD 65 N N 1050 LCR 21 N N 3341 GMD 6 N N 6803 GMD 46 N N 2425 GMD 12 N N 360 NSR 44 N N 5655 GMD 55 N N BCGS 43 N N 5481 GMD 57 N Y Self-releasing Screen 7020 SB 45 N N 2175 GMD 13 N N 2401 GMD 12 N N 6529 GSR 49 N N 6351 GMD 50 N N 4131 GMD 1 Y N 5055 GMD 60 N N 603-601 LCR 24 Y N 6951 GMD 46 Y N 220 SPD 28 N N Predator Raccoon Date 7/27 Innundation? N Y N N Y Y N N N Y Y N Y N Y N Y Y N N N N N Y N N Y Y N N Y N N N N Y N N N N Y N N Y N Y N Y N N Y N N N N Y N Y N N N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Other Events Event Date Disorientation Date(s) 7/26 Date Hatched # Hatched Total Eggs 26-Jul-09 83 94 0 101 7/22 7/24 19-Jul-09 22-Jul-09 24-Jul-09 62 73 92 64 107 112 7/23 7/24 24-Jul-09 23-Jul-09 24-Jul-09 110 87 73 124 102 102 31-Jul-09 03-Aug-09 30-Jul-09 92 68 19 106 85 101 7 7 64 91 104 113 71 93 98 87 7/26 28-Jul-09 24-Jul-09 31-Jul-09 02-Aug-09 29-Jul-09 26-Jul-09 29-Jul-09 26-Jul-09 26-Jul-09 66 122 113 123 73 96 111 7/24 24-Jul-09 83 2 99 103 03-Aug-09 100 108 7/29 29-Jul-09 128 134 7/26 8/3 26-Jul-09 02-Aug-09 71 101 99 105 7/26 29-Jul-09 83 89 02-Aug-09 26-Jul-09 87 78 95 0 116 7/29 29-Jul-09 106 159 03-Aug-09 83 91 8/13 7/29 13-Aug-09 29-Jul-09 98 94 102 98 07-Aug-09 93 96 02-Aug-09 88 107 14-Aug-09 31 75 07-Aug-09 0 87 94 96 03-Aug-09 69 83 02-Aug-09 31-Jul-09 41 22 82 0 41 86 8/11 11-Aug-09 83 Appendix A - 4 Key LB LB LB LBMC LB LB LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LBMC LB LB LB LB LBMC LB LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LB LB LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LB LB LB LBMC LBMC Zone Species Nest 3 CC False Crawl VTP CC False Crawl 2 CC False Crawl D CC False Crawl 3 CC False Crawl 2 CC False Crawl D CC False Crawl D CC False Crawl 4 CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest 3 CC False Crawl 1 CC False Crawl 3 CC Nest VTP CC False Crawl 4 CC False Crawl C CC Nest 4 CC False Crawl 3 CC False Crawl X CC False Crawl 4 CC False Crawl C CC Nest VTP CC Nest 4 CC Nest C CC Nest B CC False Crawl B CC False Crawl A CC Nest B CC False Crawl A CC Nest B CC False Crawl C CC Nest 4 CC Nest 4 CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest VTP CC False Crawl C CC False Crawl D CC Nest 3 CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest 4 CC Nest X CC False Crawl X CC Nest 3 CC False Crawl X CC False Crawl VTP CC Nest 4 CC Nest X CC False Crawl 1 CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest 1 CC False Crawl 4 CC False Crawl C CC Nest D CC False Crawl A CC Nest 4 CC Nest B CC Nest VTP CC False Crawl X CC Nest 3 CC False Crawl 2 CC Nest 1 CC Nest B CC Nest C CC False Crawl X CC False Crawl B CC False Crawl B CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest B CC Nest X CC Nest 4 CC False Crawl VTP CC Nest B CC False Crawl B CC Nest Date 14-Jun-09 14-Jun-09 14-Jun-09 15-Jun-09 15-Jun-09 15-Jun-09 15-Jun-09 15-Jun-09 15-Jun-09 15-Jun-09 15-Jun-09 15-Jun-09 15-Jun-09 16-Jun-09 16-Jun-09 16-Jun-09 16-Jun-09 16-Jun-09 16-Jun-09 16-Jun-09 16-Jun-09 17-Jun-09 17-Jun-09 18-Jun-09 18-Jun-09 18-Jun-09 18-Jun-09 18-Jun-09 18-Jun-09 18-Jun-09 19-Jun-09 19-Jun-09 19-Jun-09 19-Jun-09 19-Jun-09 19-Jun-09 19-Jun-09 20-Jun-09 20-Jun-09 20-Jun-09 20-Jun-09 20-Jun-09 20-Jun-09 20-Jun-09 21-Jun-09 21-Jun-09 21-Jun-09 21-Jun-09 21-Jun-09 21-Jun-09 21-Jun-09 21-Jun-09 21-Jun-09 21-Jun-09 21-Jun-09 22-Jun-09 22-Jun-09 22-Jun-09 22-Jun-09 22-Jun-09 22-Jun-09 22-Jun-09 23-Jun-09 23-Jun-09 24-Jun-09 24-Jun-09 24-Jun-09 24-Jun-09 24-Jun-09 25-Jun-09 25-Jun-09 25-Jun-09 25-Jun-09 Address DNR Monument # Relocated Caged? 1045 GMD 21 N N 3500-3660 GMD 5 N N 1945 GMD 15 N N 4949 GMD 61 N N 1211 GMD 19 N N 1945 GMD 16 N N 4401 GMD 65 N N 4711 GMD 63 N N 1000 LCR 22 N N 565 LCR 25 N N 1055 GMD 21 N N 2301 GMD 13 N N 1211 GMD 19 N N 4031 GMD 1 N N 1050 LCR 21 N N 5393 GMD 58 N N 455 LCR 26 N N 1109 GMD 20 N N 2525 GMD 11 N N 220 SPD 28 N N 6271 GMD 51 N N 3800-3810 GMD 3 N N 1000 LCR 22 N N 5341 GMD 58 N N 6417 GSR 50 N N 6695 GMD 48 N N BCGS 43 N N 6751 GMD 47 N N 7020 SB 45 N N 6877 GMD 46 N N 5881 GMD 54 N N 603-601 LCR 24 N N 675-655 LCR 24 N N 1050 LCR 21 N N 3740 GMD 4 N N 5921 GMD 54 N N 4401 GMD 65 N N 1055 GMD 21 N N 603-601 LCR 24 N N 801 LCR 23 N N 2923 GMD 9 N N 3105 GMD 8 N N 1241-1245 GMD 19 N N 2675 GMD 11 N N 3850 GMD 3 N N 845 LCR 22 N N 3105 GMD 8 N N 2301 GMD 13 N N 100 SPD 29 N N 2425 GMD 12 N N 220 SPD 28 N N 6041 GMD 53 N N 4621 GMD 63 N N BCCS 42 N N 100 SPD 29 N N 6601 GSR 48 Y N 3850 GMD 3 N N 3235 GMD 7 N N 1241-1245 GMD 19 N N 2251 GMD 13 N N 2301 GMD 13 N N 6577 GSR 49 Y N 5251 GMD 59 N N 3037 GMD 8 N N 6701 GMD 47 N N 6685 GMD 48 N N 675-655 LCR 24 N N 6925 GMD 46 N N 2741 GMD 10 N N 401-405 LCR 27 N N 4051 GMD 1 N N 6899 GMD 46 N N 6489 GSR 49 N N Type Cage Predator Fire Ants Date 9/2 Innundation? N N N N N N N N N Y N N Y N N N N N N N N Y N Y N N Y N Y N Y N N N N N Y N N Y N Y N N Y N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N Y N N N N Y Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Other Events Event Date Disorientation Date(s) 8/14 Date Hatched # Hatched Total Eggs 14-Aug-09 44 50 05-Aug-09 65 67 05-Aug-09 33 90 2 75 8/11 11-Aug-09 42 124 8/13 13-Aug-09 0 76 94 77 05-Aug-09 78 88 12-Aug-09 43 86 14-Aug-09 95 1 103 106 09-Aug-09 90 101 8/10 10-Aug-09 10-Aug-09 57 95 82 104 8/13 13-Aug-09 116 121 0 119 09-Aug-09 10-Aug-09 110 90 47 125 113 93 10-Aug-09 118 154 12-Aug-09 12-Aug-09 12-Aug-09 81 132 97 82 139 104 116 8/14 6/22 8/13 13-Aug-09 108 10-Aug-09 80 88 14-Aug-09 91 101 Appendix A - 5 Key LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LB LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LB LBMC LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LB LBMC LB LB LBMC LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LB LB LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LB Zone Species Nest C CC Nest C CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest A CC False Crawl C CC False Crawl X CC False Crawl X CC Nest C CC Nest B CC False Crawl B CC False Crawl D CC Nest 4 CC False Crawl 1 CC Nest D CC False Crawl D CC False Crawl B CC Nest D CC Nest 1 CC Nest D CC False Crawl D CC Nest 3 CC Nest C CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest 3 CC False Crawl 2 CC False Crawl C CC False Crawl C CC Nest C CC Nest C CC False Crawl C CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest 2 CC Nest C CC Nest 4 CC Nest 2 CC False Crawl 3 CC False Crawl C CC False Crawl D CC Nest 3 CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest 4 CC False Crawl VTP CC Nest B CC Nest X CC Nest X CC Nest C CC Nest 4 CC Nest X CC False Crawl X CC False Crawl 4 CC False Crawl X CC Nest 4 CC Nest 4 CC Nest D CC Nest D CC Nest 1 CC False Crawl C CC False Crawl B CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest D CC Nest B CC Nest VTP CC Nest 4 CC False Crawl B CC False Crawl B CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest C CC False Crawl X CC False Crawl X CC False Crawl VTP CC False Crawl B CC Nest B CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest Date 25-Jun-09 25-Jun-09 25-Jun-09 25-Jun-09 25-Jun-09 25-Jun-09 25-Jun-09 25-Jun-09 26-Jun-09 26-Jun-09 26-Jun-09 26-Jun-09 26-Jun-09 26-Jun-09 26-Jun-09 26-Jun-09 26-Jun-09 26-Jun-09 26-Jun-09 26-Jun-09 27-Jun-09 27-Jun-09 27-Jun-09 27-Jun-09 27-Jun-09 27-Jun-09 27-Jun-09 27-Jun-09 27-Jun-09 27-Jun-09 27-Jun-09 28-Jun-09 28-Jun-09 28-Jun-09 28-Jun-09 29-Jun-09 29-Jun-09 29-Jun-09 30-Jun-09 30-Jun-09 30-Jun-09 30-Jun-09 30-Jun-09 30-Jun-09 01-Jul-09 01-Jul-09 01-Jul-09 01-Jul-09 02-Jul-09 02-Jul-09 02-Jul-09 02-Jul-09 02-Jul-09 02-Jul-09 02-Jul-09 03-Jul-09 03-Jul-09 03-Jul-09 03-Jul-09 04-Jul-09 05-Jul-09 05-Jul-09 05-Jul-09 05-Jul-09 05-Jul-09 06-Jul-09 06-Jul-09 06-Jul-09 06-Jul-09 06-Jul-09 06-Jul-09 07-Jul-09 07-Jul-09 Address DNR Monument # Relocated Caged? Type Cage 6271 GMD 51 N N 5757 GMD 55 N N 401-405 LCR 27 N N BCGS 43 N N 5931 GMD 53 N N 3355 GMD 6 N N 3315 GMD 7 N N 5645 GMD 56 N N 6701 GMD 47 N N 6751 GMD 47 N N 4949 GMD 61 N N 603-601 LCR 24 N N 2509 GMD 12 N N 4485 GMD 65 N N 5005 GMD 60 N N 6417 GSR 50 N N 4825 GMD 62 N N 2401 GMD 12 N N 5055 GMD 60 N N 4215 GMD 67 N N 1211 GMD 19 N N 6301 GMD 51 N N 675-655 LCR 24 N N 1211 GMD 20 N N 1945 GMD 16 N N 5655 GMD 55 N N 5757 GMD 55 N N 6051 GMD 52 N N 5931 GMD 53 N N 6311 GMD 51 N N 835 LCR 22 N N 2100 GMD 14 N N 5655 GMD 55 N N 401-405 LCR 27 N N 1945 GMD 16 N N 1211 GMD 19 N N 5757 GMD 55 N N 4325 GMD 66 N N 1045 GMD 21 N N 865 LCR 22 N N 1000 LCR 22 N N 3710 GMD 4 N N 6701 GMD 47 N N 3021 GMD 9 N N 2741 GMD 10 N N 5393 GMD 58 N Y Self-releasing Box 865 LCR 22 N Y Self-releasing Box 2525 GMD 11 N N 2525 GMD 11 N N 585 LCR 25 N N 2819 GMD 10 N N 675-655 LCR 24 N N 220 SPD 28 N N 4485 GMD 65 N N 4525 GMD 64 N N 2401 GMD 12 N N 6231 GMD 51 N N 6751 GMD 47 N N 1000 LCR 22 N N 4949 GMD 61 N N 6477 GSR 49 N N 3800-3810 GMD 3 N N 220 SPD 28 N N 6681 GMD 48 N N 6803 GMD 46 N N 675-655 LCR 24 N N 5451 GMD 58 N N 3155 GMD 8 N N 3155 GMD 8 N N 3950 GMD 2 N N 6417 GSR 50 N N 6701 GMD 47 N N 220 SPD 28 N N Predator Nesting female turtle, Raccoon Date 7/1 Innundation? Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Other Events Event Date Disorientation Date(s) Date Hatched # Hatched Total Eggs 3 95 8/23 23-Aug-09 105 112 8/12 12-Aug-09 93 99 17-Aug-09 111 127 8/16 16-Aug-09 50 81 8/12 14-Aug-09 21-Aug-09 12-Aug-09 80 107 68 85 114 98 8/19 19-Aug-09 87 115 20-Aug-09 80 83 25-Aug-09 17-Aug-09 124 94 128 102 8/20 8/17 20-Aug-09 17-Aug-09 8/21 21-Aug-09 83 83 37 82 87 92 108 97 8/19 19-Aug-09 100 114 8/19 19-Aug-09 83 106 8/20 8/20 20-Aug-09 20-Aug-09 21-Aug-09 25-Aug-09 22-Aug-09 85 66 68 115 10 96 69 83 120 88 20-Aug-09 25-Aug-09 27-Aug-09 23-Aug-09 23-Aug-09 73 61 78 80 54 108 83 91 106 61 22-Aug-09 25-Aug-09 22-Aug-09 22-Aug-09 34 45 8 86 72 95 18 105 29-Aug-09 97 107 20-Aug-09 79 86 03-Sep-09 91 104 8/22 8/22 8/25 8/22 Appendix A - 6 Key LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LB LBMC LB LBMC LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LB LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LB LB LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB Zone Species Nest C CC Nest D CC False Crawl D CC False Crawl C CC Nest B CC False Crawl C CC False Crawl B CC False Crawl D CC False Crawl D CC False Crawl VTP CC False Crawl 4 CC False Crawl 4 CC False Crawl 4 CC False Crawl X CC Nest X CC False Crawl 1 CC False Crawl 4 CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest 4 CC False Crawl C CC Nest C CC Nest 3 CC Nest VTP CC Nest 2 CC Nest 1 CC False Crawl 1 CC False Crawl X CC Nest 2 CC Nest D CC Nest D CC Nest 2 CC Nest 4 CC Nest 3 CC False Crawl VTP CC Nest D CC Nest D CC Nest 4 CC Nest X CC Nest 4 CC False Crawl VTP CC False Crawl C CC False Crawl 3 CC Nest D CC False Crawl VTP CC False Crawl 1 CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest B CC Nest D CC Nest D CC False Crawl VTP CC False Crawl C CC Nest C CC False Crawl VTP CC False Crawl 4 CC Nest D CC Nest D CC False Crawl D CC False Crawl A CC Nest X CC False Crawl C CC False Crawl 3 CC Nest 4 CC Nest 3 CC False Crawl 4 CC False Crawl 3 CC False Crawl C CC Nest D CC Nest C CC False Crawl C CC False Crawl C CC False Crawl B CC False Crawl B CC False Crawl 4 CC False Crawl Date 07-Jul-09 07-Jul-09 07-Jul-09 07-Jul-09 07-Jul-09 07-Jul-09 08-Jul-09 08-Jul-09 08-Jul-09 08-Jul-09 08-Jul-09 08-Jul-09 08-Jul-09 08-Jul-09 08-Jul-09 09-Jul-09 09-Jul-09 09-Jul-09 09-Jul-09 09-Jul-09 09-Jul-09 09-Jul-09 09-Jul-09 09-Jul-09 09-Jul-09 09-Jul-09 09-Jul-09 10-Jul-09 10-Jul-09 10-Jul-09 10-Jul-09 10-Jul-09 10-Jul-09 10-Jul-09 11-Jul-09 11-Jul-09 12-Jul-09 12-Jul-09 12-Jul-09 12-Jul-09 12-Jul-09 13-Jul-09 14-Jul-09 14-Jul-09 14-Jul-09 14-Jul-09 14-Jul-09 14-Jul-09 14-Jul-09 14-Jul-09 15-Jul-09 15-Jul-09 16-Jul-09 16-Jul-09 16-Jul-09 16-Jul-09 16-Jul-09 16-Jul-09 16-Jul-09 17-Jul-09 17-Jul-09 17-Jul-09 17-Jul-09 17-Jul-09 17-Jul-09 18-Jul-09 18-Jul-09 18-Jul-09 18-Jul-09 18-Jul-09 18-Jul-09 18-Jul-09 18-Jul-09 Address DNR Monument # Relocated Caged? Type Cage 6121 GMD 52 N N 4425 GMD 65 N N 5005 GMD 60 N N 5523 GMD 57 N N 6827 GMD 46 N N 6231 GMD 51 N N 6669 GMD 48 N N 4545 GMD 64 N N 5005 GMD 60 N N 3500-3660 GMD 5 N N 835 LCR 22 N N 545 LCR 25 N N 535 LCR 25 N N 2825 GMD 10 N N 3355 GMD 6 N N 2425 GMD 12 N N 603-601 LCR 24 N N 585 LCR 25 N N 401-405 LCR 27 N N 6327 GMD 50 N N 5941 GMD 53 N N 1109 GMD 20 N N 4131 GMD 1 N N 1945 GMD 15 N N 2401 GMD 12 N N 2301 GMD 13 N N 2801 GMD 10 N N 2175 GMD 13 N N 4239 GMD 66 N N 4949 GMD 61 N N 2121-2161 GMD 14 N N 455 LCR 26 N N 1425 GMD 18 N N 4031 GMD 1 N N 4425 GMD 65 N N 4561 GMD 64 N N 401-405 LCR 27 N N 2605 GMD 11 N N 775 LCR 23 N N 3850 GMD 3 N N 6151 GMD 52 N N 1109 GMD 20 N Y Self-releasing Box 4241 GMD 66 N N 3500-3660 GMD 5 N N 2301 GMD 13 N N 1000 LCR 22 N N 6665 GMD 48 N N 4525 GMD 64 N N 5005 GMD 60 N N 3500-3660 GMD 5 N N 5861 GMD 54 N N 5635 GMD 56 N N 3850 GMD 3 N N 775 LCR 23 N N 5211 GMD 59 N N 4621 GMD 63 N N 5055 GMD 60 N N BCCS 42 N N 2929 GMD 9 N N 5635 GMD 56 N N 1145 GMD 20 N N 865 LCR 22 N N 1211 GMD 19 N N 565 LCR 25 N N 1211 GMD 19 N N 5621 GMD 56 N N 4425 GMD 65 N N 5251 GMD 59 N N 5921 GMD 53 N N 6301 GMD 51 N N 6633 GMD 48 N N 6517 GSR 49 N N 545 LCR 25 N N Predator Raccoon Unknown, Raccoon Raccoon Date Innundation? N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N Y 8/30 N N N N N N Y N Y Y N N N N 7/14, 7/15 N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N Y N N 7/17 N N N N N Y N N N N N N N Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Other Events Event Date Disorientation Date(s) 8/25 02-Sep-09 66 92 8/25 25-Aug-09 51 101 30-Aug-09 111 121 8/23 8/30 02-Sep-09 03-Sep-09 23-Aug-09 26-Aug-09 30-Aug-09 37 23 83 74 74 96 102 88 106 85 8/25 8/30 25-Aug-09 30-Aug-09 39 98 79 97 99 89 8/29 31-Aug-09 29-Aug-09 04-Sep-09 41 68 87 80 8/29 29-Aug-09 59 78 9/7 07-Sep-09 31-Aug-09 73 135 88 157 31-Aug-09 38 118 20-Aug-09 04-Sep-09 01-Sep-09 85 34 68 96 109 74 06-Sep-09 86 88 06-Sep-09 09-Sep-09 94 74 103 79 0 111 2 63 32 58 119 67 8/20 Roots encased eggs Date Hatched # Hatched Total Eggs 25-Aug-09 80 86 11-Sep-09 04-Sep-09 06-Sep-09 Appendix A - 7 Key LB LB LB LBMC LB LB LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LB LB LB LB LB LBMC LB LB LBMC LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LB LBMC LB LB LB LB LBMC LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LB LB LB LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC LBMC Zone Species Nest Date Address DNR Monument # Relocated Caged? 3 CC False Crawl 18-Jul-09 1055 GMD 21 N N 3 CC Nest 18-Jul-09 1425 GMD 18 N N VTP CC Nest 18-Jul-09 3850 GMD 3 N N C CC False Crawl 19-Jul-09 6121 GMD 52 N N VTP CC False Crawl 19-Jul-09 4131 GMD 1 N N VTP CC False Crawl 19-Jul-09 4000 GMD 2 N N C CC Nest 19-Jul-09 5231 GMD 59 N N VTP CC False Crawl 19-Jul-09 3500-3660 GMD 5 N N D CC False Crawl 19-Jul-09 4325 GMD 66 N N B CC False Crawl 19-Jul-09 6669 GMD 48 N N C CC Nest 19-Jul-09 5655 GMD 55 N N D CC False Crawl 19-Jul-09 4311 GMD 66 N N D CC False Crawl 19-Jul-09 4725 GMD 62 N N X CC False Crawl 19-Jul-09 2525 GMD 11 N N 4 CC False Crawl 19-Jul-09 603-601 LCR 24 N N 4 CC False Crawl 19-Jul-09 675-655 LCR 24 N N C CC False Crawl 20-Jul-09 6151 GMD 52 N N C CC Nest 20-Jul-09 5921 GMD 54 N N 4 CC Nest 20-Jul-09 855 LCR 22 N N C CC Nest 21-Jul-09 5821 GMD 55 N N 2 CC False Crawl 21-Jul-09 2100 GMD 14 N N X CC Nest 21-Jul-09 2923 GMD 9 N N 2 CC False Crawl 21-Jul-09 1701 GMD 17 N N 4 CC False Crawl 21-Jul-09 855 LCR 22 N N 4 CC Nest 21-Jul-09 401-405 LCR 27 N N C CC False Crawl 21-Jul-09 5393 GMD 58 N N X CC False Crawl 22-Jul-09 3005 GMD 9 N N X CC Nest 22-Jul-09 3155 GMD 8 N N B CC False Crawl 22-Jul-09 6577 GSR 49 N N C CC Nest 22-Jul-09 6031 GMD 53 N N VTP CC False Crawl 22-Jul-09 3710 GMD 4 N N D CC False Crawl 23-Jul-09 4725 GMD 63 N N B CC Nest 23-Jul-09 6669 GMD 48 N N B CC False Crawl 23-Jul-09 6681 GMD 48 N N B CC Nest 23-Jul-09 6477 GSR 49 N N D CC False Crawl 23-Jul-09 4825 GMD 62 N N 4 CC False Crawl 24-Jul-09 801 LCR 23 N N 4 CC False Crawl 24-Jul-09 585 LCR 25 N N 1 CC False Crawl 24-Jul-09 2425 GMD 12 N N 3 CC False Crawl 25-Jul-09 1109 GMD 20 N N B CC False Crawl 25-Jul-09 6801 GMD 47 N N 1 CC Nest 26-Jul-09 2509 GMD 12 N N 1 CC Nest 26-Jul-09 2301 GMD 13 N N 3 CC False Crawl 26-Jul-09 1109 GMD 20 N N 3 CC False Crawl 26-Jul-09 1425 GMD 18 N N D CC Nest 26-Jul-09 5211 GMD 59 N N 3 CC False Crawl 26-Jul-09 1135 GMD 20 N N A CC False Crawl 27-Jul-09 BCGS 43 N N A CC False Crawl 27-Jul-09 BCGS 43 N N D CC Nest 31-Jul-09 5211 GMD 59 N N D CC Nest 31-Jul-09 4765 GMD 62 N N 2 CC False Crawl 01-Aug-09 1945 GMD 16 N N 3 CC Nest 01-Aug-09 1055 GMD 21 N N VTP CC Nest 02-Aug-09 3495 GMD 5 Y N A CC Nest 02-Aug-09 100 BW 45 N N A CC Nest 09-Aug-09 7020 SB 45 N N B CC Nest 13-Aug-09 6661 GMD 48 N N A CC Nest UNK BCCS 42 N N A CC False Crawl UNK BCGS 43 N N Type Cage Predator Unknown Date 7/30 Innundation? N Y Y N N N Y N N N Y N N N N N N Y N Y N Y N N Y N N N N Y N N Y N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y N N N Y Y N N Y Y N Y N N Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Other Events Event Date Disorientation Date(s) 9/6 9/5 9/8 Date Hatched # Hatched Total Eggs 06-Sep-09 05-Sep-09 98 92 107 98 22 101 35 101 09-Sep-09 58 50 64 87 66 82 08-Sep-09 35 81 0 104 63 103 8 50 11-Sep-09 85 102 10-Sep-09 81 100 16-Sep-09 16-Sep-09 61 43 86 58 4 70 0 0 86 96 22-Sep-09 22-Sep-09 67 5 101 03-Oct-09 94 118 4 80 07-Sep-09 9/16 Appendix A - 8 APPENDIX B FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORTS , , "\).r! .... ~I I \ LJ Nesting Attempt (ONA) Pennit Holder Initials Year Month Dis. "by Day Day County Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM Ifyou have any questions please contact FWC althe Tequesta Field lAboratory (56/) 575-5407 Fax reports 10: (561) 743-6228 or Ema" reports 10: Send reports 10: Dlsorienlation Reports, FWC, 19100 SE Federal Highway, Tequesta, FL 33455 0: 'I Turtle Pennit #: Observer's Name: S' \-1.,;0,) Date of Incident: --/ / I ~- icC] / 1';. J'i(l ? <1 ; !In _.!.-i--'-"'--''-''''--L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ m Telephone (include area code): '1""1 \, :':' C~)f'- tr"; 3\ E-mail address: ' \ itl 11 \ c;\-,'h,.. r' )10"1""1\(· ~ ~.. , "'. l) Location of Disoriented Nesl: (address, beach name aDd/or nearest landmark): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I~'II'\! -=>'--l0 \ l')' J'..\()."H "· ~ "i)·Iv' GPS Coordinates of Dest location (in Ihe WGS projection in decimal degrees i.e., Lat 16.845412 Long ,80,458796) : Latitude ::J."7, ~ LD & 13, Longitude -~a., j, d. '7 City: Jt-j b~':I-. ~', J _ County:-,:,,?i"'\.!.'''' ''';'''',,"'~I.lI':..:·__ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Local nest ID#: '': 11 ,;) '-IQi Zone Dest was located in: L--" ',,,,.,,,,',- 'N~\ Addressesnandmarks ha(chlings disoriented towards: ---,,---,----:--_-:-----,,----_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ :),." ~ S. ; 1'-·7" ;,.J rl ~" ;}LiO' :t.~\,)\ ~. ","" , \ I'-i."' fl \..)t\\-( Vi t \', (.;'.,ntm i ,t What..!lpe(s) of light(s) were identified as a probable/possible lighting source? (please circle) U parking lot §street light ~ondominium (intetior) o dune crossover single family home (interior) o restaurantlbar o pier o sign fi3condominium (exterior) single family home (extetior) Dsky glow/urban glow O ,too many lights present to determine Ono possible lights observed !9other: -t'0,,"-"';\~_!.,_'?_"_','...C_"'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ *I/you circled "Too many li'ghts presC!nl to determine" puase circle ""hal lights were present in area Desctibe lighting source(s); include number, fixture type & location of lights observed (use back if necessary): _ GPS Coordinates of light sources, or the properties with the light sources that caused the disorientation: Lat' Long' Lat' Long' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Long' Lat' Long' -:-:-:-:-c:--=-:-::c=:-:-cPlease report GPS Coordinates ill II.. WGS projeclion in decimal degrees (i.e., La116.845411 Long -80.458796) Lat' Incident was documented dUringrircte one~ORNING SURVEY []NIGHT SURVEY Was this a caged nest? YES** NOp;J..: **Ifyes: (circle one) DRESTRAINING DSELF-RELEASING Was a temporary light barrier used (i.e. Silt screen)? YES NO Was this a relocated nest? YES TI... NO Was the incideDt photographed? YES NO D... Was the nest located? YES ',' NO Was the nest excavated? YES ', NO If yes, provide date of excavation? A.,/.,-l ADULT EVENT: Nesl D False era;;1 HA TCm~ING EVENT ,~ JSL. D. i ..m.. ..D..D- tJ LOOGERHEAO No. OF TURTLE 5 DISORJENTED GREEN LEATHERBACK UNIDENTIFIED I'- \tt \ No. OF TURTLE S FOUND DEAD WalcTlinco No. OF TURTLES FOUND ALIVE d No. OF DISORIENTED TURTLES REACHING WATER ;\ .~ \ , Additional comments (please elaborate and use back If Decessary):--''''---''-'--''''''=-''--'-''--t--=--'~.Ll~,_.---'"'_'-,-.,,-,-,,,,'l'~'"-'I ' \, *! ," \.tt") , ·, .... ~v ct.\- Was .. ~,~\"I ~. '.\- .... ; t -.',- ~ :.' " ,,~ ,- , d:1j\"'I",f\.\\.' h,'x\1'.J.,,''1'' ~ . " j " -i. ~ "."i ;" , ,' ." '- " a..w)\ loc~l authority provided a copy of this report? YES tJ City: \\-;i, ,- ;-,:t .... "'l , Keporting an Obstructed "''''- ,k ri ," ,"" ,.) , .... l.··"·'~f i' f'!' , P'dTj NO...!J... o County: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~ Other: -,\-,;",-,~,,-I_'_ _ _ __ 7/,,,, /.:: 'I w.. l'l ~ Signature of Observer , Date FWC Revised 6/92. 11196,9/97. 11'99,1101, );'02, 1108 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 1 ' \ - ' I. T' I 0 ~ 1 1 ~~ , ~, 5f I-~ - 1-1: If ~u: ~ '.; ~ , " Q vJ ~ r}' 9..- ;t~ ~ r v V' 0 -t ~ ~ ...J J -\ Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 / v~ . I"- W " " , I5!O f , \\ ---9-- ..,J(" ~ ~ .1:1; ./ /' ~ ')3, Appendix B - 2 D Nesting Reporting an Obstructed Attempt (ONA) Year Pennit Holder Initials Month Day Dis, # by Day County Code FWe MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM lfyol/ halle any questions please cOnJact FWC oJ the Tequesta Field Laboratory (56/) 575-5407 Fal reports to: (561) 743-6228 or Email Send reports to: Disorientation Reports, FWC. 19100 SE Federal Higbway, Tequesta. FL 33455 r I, "7 /1 7 ':--'. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Turtle Pe~it #: 1,/ _ I?ate of!pcident: ____ ..'71 , I.', _ '...;:--''--_ Observers Name: En " )'l.l.!j J "I.-", \" ,I} f I- I Telephone (include area cod'e):' -' , E-mail address: _ ' Location of Disoriented N,est: (address, beach name and/or nearest landmark): /r.7( ,:~; -/ of 0)', if", ," t~ ~ / of: ~ i:. ;, \; ~f ':" r ~\~.: . ." .t ') ~~ ·q'"t_"~~ - GPS Coordinates of nes location (in the WGS projection in decimal degrees i.e., Lat 26.845411 Long -80,458796) : f, C·I J',t ,'r \/' -; ~"I II · , l.'~, Latitude "'1 ~~1 . f¢;I Longitude -',y;,t,., ! ' It ~ . ' I ", . rClty: b"l - V' ,:", "1 n~ '> County:....l,c.::I~;,!.,C...:.:L1l..!. ..:',,'..!I~rr .".-:... • •~ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ r Local nest ill#: ~b ;; ,: J 7,.. Q'; i' 'ld L t~Addressesllandmarks hatchlings disoriented towards: "~i~~ :': ~ \ ( . r-~..~ \ J - " ~'.~ Zone nest w_~s located in: L.I?) ;::..:-, ." I.), /·,'7(' .... It, ",' , ~ . '..:' b~ 'J\);t -!..~ ,f"l~(~, ·,,· t:· ... \ f ,!" r _ ! . Jl'.rf;" i .. _,_ ..,,~ . ) -:l ,'II " Whatj};'pe(s) oflight(s) were identified as a probable/possible lighting source? (please circle) U parking lot §treet light Ocondominium (interior) dune crossover s~ngle fam~ly home (interi~r) ~ondominium (exterior) restaurantJbar . Stngle famIly home (extenor) Osky glow/urban glow pier Otoo many lights present to detennine Ono possible lights observed sign Oother: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ oo oo *qyou circled "Too many lights present to determine" please circle what lights were present in area Describe lighting source(s); include n.umber, fiJ\ture ... · t ·\ ... ·.~ ... i ·1." 1.,-- ,,-,,', .. ~ ,. 1,. . ,) .... l ";. -4 . .... \.--: of lights observed (use back if necessary): _ . e & location i' " •• • ' !"'1~ •• GPS <?~or~~t~s ~~.light sources, ~r the ~r~per:i~s with the liglit sources that caused the disorientation: Lat l : J .. "i ,, ) : 'i \ ~ Long l • /) : ). !;. I "J'"; Lar Long2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Lae Long 3 Lat 4 Long4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please report GPS Coordinates in the WGS projeclioll in decimal degrees (i.e., Lat 26.84541.1 Long -80,458796) , Incident was documented dUringClrcle one)~ORNING SURVEY []NIGHT SURVEY Was this a caged nest? YES** NO ~ **lfyes: (circle one) ORE STRAININ G DSELF-RELEASlNG Was a temporary light barrier used (i.e. Silt screen)? YES ~ NO ~ Was this a relocated nest? YES ~ NO Was the incident photographed? YES ~ NO ~ Was the nest located? YES --'EL NO ~ Was the nest excavated? • YES JSL NO I~ If yes, provide date of excavation? "!" h ~ :' " ADULT EVENT: Nest D False Craw) 0 ' HATCID..lNG EVENT =rn= , D- - m' LOGGERHEAD No. OF TURTLE S DISORIENTED LEATHERBACK UNIDENTIFIED 1:3C' No. OF TURTLE S FOUND DEAD No, OF TURTLES FOUND AUVE No OF DISORIENTED TURTLES REACHlNG WATER Waterline GREEN , . ~- r:-~ .~ \' , Additional commen!S (please elaborate and ~se back if necessary):..Lf'...,},,·,_,-,;-,'u,r_?.!..f~---'-_--.!..:":"":...!...l;..-:-'-'--71'_'l:..:.·1....;r.'·'_' ...; -t--:-"r,~"". ,·", fI, · ' ; ' \-. '.1 " , ,,;'\ ... ." +',r . . "", ~( ,#'> \1 -:.~.l .' If r '"\ <" .~ ":....... ,-Irl~' 'l ,~. . ,~,!,_ ; - " ,. ~ , I f \' '" ,.• ~:. ;1, ~. ",' , r 1 ' ', ~ \,.-. Was local authority provided a copy of this report? YES J:L NO .....bL GCity: ~ r· ~d· lL· 'i \ ~ DCounty: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature of Observer KJ Other: ....:l_--\"-,._~(_,_ _ __ Date FWC Revised 6192, 11196. 9/97. 1199.3101. 1102. 1108 _.____ ._~, c:"" Turtle Monitoring , Nest Evaluation , and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B-3 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 I I /' Appendix B - 4 - D Reporting an Obstructed Nesting Attempt (ONA) Penni! Holder Initials Year Month Day Dis. # by Day County Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM Ify ou have any questions please cOlltact FWC at the Tequesta Field Laboratory (56/) 575-540 7 Fax reports to: (561) 743-6228 or Email reports to: Send reports to: Disorientation Reports, FWC, ]9100 SE Federal Highway, Tequesta, FL 33455 1'I· e", Turtle Permit #: '(l,t7 Date of Incident: _----'='·-----'7_----L\_L~{_C _",_,.-'. -{~________ Observer's Name: -_--''''--''i,...:....::::....:._'__-=._~-=-::_'__::..:::...~---------------------Telephone (include area code): E-mail address: Location ofDis~rient.!?d Nest: (adflress, beach name and/or nearest landmark) :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ h 1-'-\ 1\' ("6 ~ • I." I. ( GPS Coordinates of nest location (ill (he WGS projection ill decimal degrees i.e-, Lat 26.845412 LOllg -80.458796) : Lat~tude o() . 1;L Longitude .(,;::1-.33$ J..... City: L ".\~-.I I, ·"t }=~ . \ . . ._ County: 1"\,:'0 ;l.+~'~ ,e) ( b. \ - \ 4a€ - ftJ Local nest ID#: ") L '~ C' ;, t':: /"'1' ) I~(. ! Addresses/landmarks hatchlings disoriented towards: (; -7~ I (;" \·f ,~~ Ii.! ljJ (, ~ " C f~ :f;!. b ... Zone nest was located in: _ _..i...!.._ _ _ _ _ _ __ . .,}. .\-,. ....-.·'h~;....-\.-h-,Tt-\-~ --,•. - .-, -,I-=-.:,' ),---.,.{,-,·",",-,_-, .-rl-;;t.-,-~\ --;--- -, -,-!-, I. Wha~ I~ ' type(s) of light(s) were identified as a probable/possible lighting source? (please circle) . [lj'parking lot ~treet light ~ondominium (interior) gxlune crossover single family home (interior) condominium (exterior) restaurantlbar single family home (exterior) sky glow/urban glow pier Otoo many lights present to determine no possible lights observed sign Oother: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o o o *lfyou circled "Too mallY lights present to determille" please circle wllat ligltts were presellt ill area Describe lighting source(lj) ; include number, fixture type & location of lights observed (use back if necessary): _ ") (:I t? (. ), 1)[, <:. )1... GPS Coordinates of light sources, or the properties with the light sources that caused the disorientation: l 2 2 l Long Lat Long - - - - - - - - Lat 4 3 Lat Long) Lat Long 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please report GPS Coordinates ill the WGS projection in decimal degrees (i.e., Lat 26.845412 Long -80.458796) Incident was documented duringorcle one)~ORNlNG SURVEY []NIGHT SURVEY Was this a caged nest? YES** NO **Ifyes: (circl e onefDRESTRAINTNG DSELF-RELEASfN G NO Was a temporary light barrier used (i.e. Silt screen)? YES Was this a relocated nest? YES ~ NO ~ Was the incident photographed? YES >; ! NO ~ Was the nest located? YES NO Was the nest excavated? YES NO .~ If yes, provide date of excavation? _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C ADULT EVENT: Nest 0 False Crawl 0 HATCHLING EVENT J!L rK1 D.. DJRL b!1 '. '6 LOGGERHEAD No OF TU RTLE s DISORIENTED No. OF TU RTLE S FOUND DEAD No OF TURTLES FOUND ALIVE Wa terline No OF DISORlENTED TURTLES REACHING WATER GREEN LEA TIIERBACK UNIDENTIFIED t, () _ 7,J. Additional comments (please elaborate and use back Ifnecessary):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o Other: _ _ _ _ _ __ 7 - 11...( - ("L7 Date Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring , Nest Evaluation , and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 5 ~ • I, ,f . ~ 9-- .' ~ 0 -, ~J-- > ::s-- ('0 ,r-.. (b -, ~ ~ 0 >J (D (b -J\. ~ .a y..-- Vi I \ -c-- \ (j" 0' \ e G '-v <::. r ( / ( (t> u t ~ > r ;::,. ~_ n> l::r rf> _ -:s r- ~ -'" , ---J.- Q ---+- J. ~ f;:> ~ ~v ('> (b ~ (b - ? -+- 0 I!\ $l-.. f \f) t';) 7"* 6's- Co ro ; : -' I'D -L~ ~ ~~i-: ~(> r-S (0 \ .> Q --+- () ;n f ?J-v ~c;- ~ '-, \J V,) >cJ'"P -. ~VJ \Jl o y-"'\J '-f---,--J.- o , :;>~~ P ~c /~VJ ('\Jl ~D()~>" ( ( ( I ( ') \ f r - ( ( ( ( a- J' ~ '" .....i- v-.' Q~ ~w $l.... > / ,;;,n .J '" :> --J 0 IT" ~ ~ , ~~ f' -~ f ;s- o ~ I' '"" ,J:) - . --J ::cU\ rC :-i ( \ r / ~D" Appendix B - 6 _ /' "" ,- ~ <)...;l-l +-JtS-.r ;;-11) ~ c ( ++5 ~lD:> - ('" '-.l -+-cv - ::::-~. > ~ \.f\ -;:;- '" C1 - . -~ . _ a --L-....~ ~ --'-~? K ---r~ ;s;:, y -" rv ~ o -~ <: (f) \ Gn,@;S-rrs>:::> \ ~ D ---I- J > c ro ro -.l- 5; ~ --+- ~:> --.L- -+- --h~ -d--- ~ T (1) a (1) ", -=1-- v:;, ,2r'\.I) ,-~ _' >" r '8 ~~ ~ C 0-1- tilg~5TV'~ ~ V' $ ~ ---J-- 0 V' V\ 5":>' ? o K"I 0>~ f1> -1-""0 r:S2 * Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 ~ Zf S ;; f J\ if» -t-- eSc/) -, s-::, +-~ (' ~o --+- .s K> S ro f -) ):) . ~ t~ 'J\---+>~ 0 AJ ) "r (C;~ t (\ CJ p 0 () - J, c _' -, 0 ....., S)2 '=::> D Nesting Reporting an Obstructed Attempt (ON A) Permit Holder Initials Year Month Day Dis. # by Day County Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM /fyotl have any quesliollS please cOlltact FWC at the Tequesta Field Laboratory (56!) 575-5407 Fax reports to: (561) 743-6228 or Email reports to: SeaTurtieLightin!! Send reports to: Disorientation Reports, FWC, 19100 SE Federal Highway. Tequesta, FL 33455 Turtle Pennit #: MTP- ott - 0 (j. 7 Date of Incident: -...!..'if-'j.,,II:-lf-" 'o Ir..,~,--'..:-l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . i I Observer's Name: I ..:':' sf .th 14,":'''1 r ' lJ~_~' Telephone (include area code): . _ _ _ E-mail address: ~_ _ _ __ . Location of Disoriented Nest: (address, beach name and/or nearest landmark) :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,t' I ' '':' ''~ 0"_ - t U -e I ')j I "~ I: " II GPS Coordinates of nest location (ill the WGS projectioll ill decimal degrees i.e., Lat 26.845412 LOIrg -80.458796): Latitude Longitude -82.l.tA-8'iO '· i ,', 'II. . '1' /"... C ounty .._~""' ',i I.' • A' C (ty. "J .d',"" " f!~ • 1'1 _ '_!.t..:.:&"_ , .:.l '..1/~t""._..:_-------Local nest ID#: .)'f ~ ~ l: ',l d (;' 'J u/ Zone nest was located in: _ _-=-i1-"--________ Addresses/landm~rks hatchlings disoriented towards: --.,..-------------,--c--------- ·-n·-· 0/.7.40lkec J - < c. ,m, « Q:.i~Lf<z!· d(.; f( [J "1 --::-','YIl;tli t-,.~,e"" G$!; ,ft, What.,U'pe(s) of light(s) were identified as a probable/possible lighting source? (please circle) U parking lot istreet light Dcondominium (interior) dune crossover . single family home (interior) ~ . Bcondominium (exterior) restaurantlbar ' single family home (exterior) sky glow/urban glow pier Otoo many lights present to determine ~no possible lights observed sign Oother: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o o o o " *Ifyou circled "Too many lights present to determine" please circle what lights were presellt ill area Describe lighting squrce(s); include numper, fixture ") E~ O~\ow c,'<A.ot DAdt pe & location of lights observed (use back if necessary) : _ l? GPS Coordinates of light sources, or the properties with the light sources that caused the disorientation: l l 2 2 Lat Long Lat Long - - - - - - - - 4 3 Lae Long Lat Long 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please report GPS Coordinates ill the WGS projectioll ill decimal degrees (i.e., Lat 26.845412 LOlfg -80.458796) o Incident was documented during rc1e one).@ttORNING SURVEY DNlGHT SURVEY Was this a caged nest? YES** NO....GL **Jfyes: (circle one)DRESTRAlNING ELF-RELEASING NO Was a temporary light barrier used (i.e . Silt screen)? YES ~ Was this a relocated nest? YES ~ NO Was the incident photographed? YES NO~. Was the nest located? YES NO Was the nest excavated? YES NO JW..... If yes, provide date of excavation? _ _ _-,-,-_ _ __ ADULT EVENT: Nest 0 False Crawl 0 HATCHLING EVENT @ Os lJ... l:l_ =ff LOGGERHEAD N~. OF TURTLE S DISORIENTED No. OF TURTLE S FOUND DEAD GREEN l.EATH ERBA CK UNIDENTIFIED ':;;" "/ ~~, -" '. I No. OF TURTLE'S fOUND ALIVE No OF DISORIENTED TURTLES REACHING WATER '~ i(1 Adcli'lional comments (please elaborate and use back lfnecessary) :--'-/.!.. l _..._:!...-~..!..:.~,.._,,..!__'_...,,-:~-"--~---~ ,'- II . 1.. ... i ' ' ) 1. :" k ( t" . i· r • -t Was local authority provided a copy of this report? YES J:L NO J:L County: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o o Other: _ _ _ _ _ __ I . Date FWC Revised 6192.11 196.9/97. 1199.3101 . 1102.1 /08 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring . Nest Evaluation . and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 7 / ,I '/ / / Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 8 1ppendix A, Forms Permit Holder Imtlals Year Month Day DIs. rf by Day County Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM Jfyou have any questIOns please contact FWC aI the Tequesta Field Laboratory (56/) 575-540 7 Fax reports to: (561) 743-6228 Send reports to: Disorientation Reports, FWC, ]9100 SE Federal Highway, Tequesta, FL 33455 {)5! ~)~e ~fI 7,;fJ410 Ct Turtle Pe;nnt #:. 71 cident: Observer s Name. '/ ( k:. C( _Ij(,_ I, r ....! Telephone (include area code): ~ ?jl! 9 Location of Diso.rient N . (addres~ of source,., beac name and/or nearest landmark q - k to Vi ?i :--,~:--_ _ _ _ _ __ L PS Co~ates Qf nest 1.0 . tio: atitude _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tlo~itude City: tdJJ1 ~h &t ,/(tALl. County: '?dJAA;;-j-;;--ljif--:r-i/-"".---Local nest ID# ~/or zone nest w';-J located m: ~ t lIiiJ!i.l!!r () t;J !d&ijp)it2fi2&U<ie A Was a probable/possible lighting source identified? YES t,Y *NO _ _ Ifso, what type(s) oflight(s) wer ' . d? (please circle) parking lot street Ii ht ~=;;;g~e~a~IDl::;:::ly~h-om-e-:(~inte .or) dune crossover restaurantlbar . Ie family home (exterior) pier other: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ *Ifnot. why?: (please circle) Too many lights present to determine escHfte lighting source(s); include numbt;r. t{'Pe &}ocation of lights 0 serve t . L! g _ ~~~~~~~I--Incid nt was documented during (circle o~e): ORNING SURVEY NI HT VEY Was this a caged nest? YES** _ _ NO *lfyes: RESTRAINING Was a temporary light barrier used (i.e. Silt screen)? YES Was this a relocated nest? YES Was the incident photographed? YES Was the nest located? YES ( ..... Was the nest excavated? YES lr If yes , date of excavation'? 7 t2 M'l1 1-/1't-t= ADULT EVENT D LOGGERHEAD No. OF TU RTLE S DISORIENTED No. OF TURTLE S FOUND DEAD No. OF TURTLES FOUND ALIVE Waleriine No. OF DISORIENTED TURTLES REACH.ING WATER J1-1. / F NO~ NO NO NO NO q -- If/'" V HA;CHL~G EYENT ~ GREEN LEATHERBACK UNIDENTIFIED .£)1 / ! 2.2- Sketch Additional comments ( local authority provided a copy of this report? YES __ NO _ _ please indicate perso d city/county/state department report was copied to : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ AiI~~,ftlfyes , r I FWC ReVISed 6/29/92.111\2/90. 9/97.1 /99, 3/01. 1/02 . 10/07 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring , Nest Evaluation , and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Page A-7 Appendix B - 9 \ \. \ \ \ ®- ,~ ------= ./ ~/ ~/ ~' / /' " /' / ~' ,/' 11//£ cs.~ i-\t.± Mote Marine Laboratory Sea'--------7 Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 \ ('J Appendix B - 10 --D \'J -J l5\ <....JJ N --J ~ ~ ~ Y i D Reporting an Obstructed Nesting Attempt (ONA) Permit Holder Initial s Year Month Day Dis. # by Day County Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM IfYO ti have all)' qllestiol1S please COlllael FWC at the Tequesla Field Laboratory (561) 575-5 40 7 Fax reports to: (561) 743-6228 or Email reports to: Send reports to: Disorientation Reports, FWC, J9100 SE Federal Highway, Tequesta, FL 33455 0 ;')"1 Turtle Pennit #: Date ofIncident: .,--_rJ--L--_--;'S~-_O_~-'Observer's Name: ;""DN"lY \...C\J..-. G '\ \ \0 ec\: Telephone (include area code) : _ _ - , _ E-mail address : _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Location of Disori<;,nled N st: (address, beach name and/or nearest landmark): _ _-,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ \:;, \A.. \ I ~ u :. ., ,.Jr · ·~ GPS Coordinates of nest location (ill the WGS projectioll ill de,cimal degrees i.e., Lat 26.845412 LOllg -80.458796) : Latitude _ = Longitude County: "\Cl",,,,,,-' \ e City: LQao\XXl\;..f I?.e. y. Local nest r[)ft: _ _- __ GN)D S~ Zone nest was Jo-c"":'a-te'-d=in"::":-'--=:}3""'= ' __________ l =c..=_______ Whatj}:'pe(s) of light(s) were identified as a probable/possible lighting source? (please circle) U parking lot jstreet light .~condominium (interior) dune crossover single family home (interior) condominium (exterior) restaurantlbar . single family home (exterior) sky glow/urban glow pier Otoo many lights present to determine Dno possible lights observed o o o o sign Oother: ~~:!J~~iili~L--_----____ *lfyoll circled "Too ",allY lights presellf to determill e " please circle what lights were preseltt iI/ area Describe ligh\ing source(s)~ include number, fixture type & location of Jigh!~ observ ~d (usf lJayk if necessary): ~~ @ 6(\1.0 ,'f\. s~e... IfV\O+~ $~Ol.4l~ ~'tvt GPS Cooroinatesci'flight sources, or the properties with the light sources that caused the disorientation: l l 2 Lat Long Lat2 Long 4 4 Lat) Long) Lat Long Please report GPS Coordiltates illlhe WGS projectioll ill decimal degrees (i.e., Lat 26.845412 LOllg -80,458 796) Incident was documented during (circle one).}XMORNING SURVEY []NIGHT SURVEY Was this a caged nest? YES** NO ~ **Ifyes: (circle one)ORESTRAINING DSELF-RELEASING Was a tern ora light barrier used (i .e . Silt screen)? YES ~ NO ~ Was this a relocated nest? YES ~ NO ~ \ \i Was the incident photographed? YES ~ NO Was the nest located? YES NO-.O.... Was the nest excavated? YES NO If yes , provide date ofexcavation? _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADULT EVENT: Nest 0 False Crawl 0 HATCHLING EVENT TI.- 18L H.. )Q LOGGERHEAD No OF TURTLE S DISO RI ENTED WaTerline GREEN LEA THERBACK UNIDENTIFIED 33 No OF TURTLF S FOUND DEAD G No. Or: TURTLES FOUND ALIVE 0 No . OF DISORIENTED TUR TLES REACIiIN G WATER 30 Additional comments (please elaborate and use back ifnecessary): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ D Other: _ _ _ _ _ __ S'gllature of Observer r: p".. p*-> . . :H~ lMd Vp\l'cal11 7 15 -oq Date FWC Revised 6192, 11196.9/97. 1199. 3/01, 1102. 1/08 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring , Nest Evaluation , and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 11 ~+ lI-oeeK. JUr"I G~ 27 SCAMON 08: 5C.'!I F': :Jur ,Ing ~: ~ I ( ~I..::,,~ II I L"\ c-J ',:,~: .ng '\l[clrn rvvc rUl A I t 10 ll,h MARINE TURTLE J rav '.114 : lOll ': ,:,.·.. e PerIni:": _ er : \';llrJ~: a fn 1' /· ';J '(JIl~ reflflrt~ t il : <:; ~t1 J r ~ pcrts 1." lSCf\ 8413831424 ,50 j F' &-c......... D[SORIE~TATION t,:t' II'C CI rff'C REPURT FOR1\1 ~r!II:~'(' -;~ "'I l I f!hnrul.Jn r_~·'!'.':5 .1' ihc 1 .. .J ';'(j"; , i~~-o2:~: 01" Email reports 10: ')cu 'r IIrtle Ughtlllc,!a.:...1v F\'\ C .c(lm w' U ',,,l'i"!I tal l" l! R·: ?or: ., F\\ C'. : 9111!) S:E F tl el lli! I i';!h ,v,n, l":'l!Je. ~t". J-'L :13455 0 :;:r}__._ _. :::'ltf;' l'(JW:i1p. 1" t:. t1l.{hYl (::, \ \~o(" '4\1.- j"j'phfli1t \,1l('11U'~ ~,::a 'CoJ'~" ~\ \ !ilQ.L-__ t _ ' _____ _ ,_.--r.- - --- I::: :l:~l' :'C:lress: _ __ I \K~tlQn .If r.'l;.,.m~ - d . k~:' ,~t' ',' . Dea~ nj!,.'::- l:~d /,l r :Jt'11, :1 l;", ndl~'HI.;; ' . _____ . . .~ f' . . -0 on.c.& _.. ,_i f LU':.<S:~-!::\o -- _ .~ 1-' d' i1 :::..;t 1!J~.J. }~~:! (tIl t.lle hJ-rUi at .. ·.. Latitude _ (';0': ,_ .)"I\'-:'~ a ......'lc r.<.~al ne~i :D;:! ~ ..... JJ:\.,S~:~~dr. _ . \<.€'-\ - .......... _ ....... J""I"lrlr . . . . _ . _ _...~ .... ' \. ;~.\n~ mUi\<l:\ '~~ ____ _ _ Ih :;(":;2, i!)(' J !oed m: _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ UdlJl' ~' :rll~';O.~' r _. ll r ...,'·'a}-· ·'···F-J("('1'11~ l J . /;":,t,,. _ ."·L . . . .\t'''''' . . . . .\(~l"."'c::. .... ... -,r- !~' light -.. J.Co;;j')l~lmIUT"'. IHII : .. ,,; ~) '-In;;l,, la'1l1!:-' I:<>'tl<! (:" " '·'"r l ~' ~~Jld.)rr;in!l' n 'I!~(crio r i 'm:;;:: l.ll\\ i! .v :ILl'lI:: i :':!,!ri0r ';II:Y glo ... ·,' urhan ;10)1'1 l _.". ~ ... ,, __ 1.1. . . . . . . . l. ln 111[:,1'.' I ~lll ~ "rejtni , ';' gl. OClht'r ' If I nn , 'r, C/t!lJ ~1~'1!.1.t:" . ____.. ~-8~_ ~_-_ "" ..... "; •. e,t [ 1ie;; t ~\.r~m·b;H (-,i'> COU:Hv. ___ - :J .,,,r,, J:Jf1 J: t D ...·'-::ll'j~ . ar1-.~ ~~C , ,!:5rr::;'lLed lC',(;:iS: . ______ ~~ "~Il of • " ~rl"';1 ~ 'I' "' \ ' " (.r ..... l 'J ...Jt.',. II " . ':) ... \~. o -- - . ' j;6RJ~'VJ lli....J :J r - ;0-:5 "I'(}J~' l:(1U ;:; ~L'tUI:·t~d,!~,.: r,J!~ !.. t!~ . La,! ."' 1). 84 j..J} :! I 'JI'~ -"<O.J5rf 7?(,.1 Lon":I\'.ue- •. r~~ VI};"';'\, a'J. II • •• . r 'if itl5 j1 j'{" _"I: ' ' ."1 ct~":l';J"nlft::" . n o ;c' !'"~i ~l= l!ghf:.· obser/·~ j ________ _ 1.. ~, enllrhi,1 J' t /::-.l ,\ ~ lnc~.! , :~ [)urrjt~~. ll~·:n~:~ r)y"' "x ~-t cil cit: wl".1f l igius le~;.Jt,:i of .l,;h t ~ ere pr c~( ... f!( III lJr:'iI f' c!:JC':y':"d {U5e bac<: 11 necessary " _ CI.1CIUIJl;,l.~:, 1'j(i'1jh: ~.", n.... .:.3 ,-r:h' "Tl:::' ',vi:h 11 :.(" :l~~)·,t :.\ ll"t'eS t ~-tl c(ll"t.\I~tl'he jlS·),ieldJi.'J11: !.~·l;l' _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ I :J:' __ ._ _ _ _ ___ . Lrmg: _ ______ .. _ _ _ U:' .. _ ___ _____ t-:H' _ _ _ ___ __ I,"l!!:! _..• __ ._ __ _____. L:Jj' ill ,41r:' JV<.:S p JojCCjj';1l :1: rl,(I(';/II,;.)i :!(~.,c:..;s ti.c.. . r;t:4J~ t;.· rt~rf}rr ( ;IJ~~' ('(tf'rtlll ,(f(e~ Lcu!!!; ___ ___. _ _ _ _ L fll 2(,.1:.1_'·:"i-: L:Jr:~ "'t1;b.. J5~-!J6) ,'.J~ ..!~. ·:~r:~r,',. d j); r:rg' ,.. ·CI" . n ~(:R!'J:>'(: '.' ,R-..:f.;y Ql<iHT 51_ R\'~ Y t" ", :: ::'t!:::(. t· .. · : ·: ·~·[S ",. rl_ 'n __ .• . [f .:5 ,·.::d~ 'm.:: i.-lg ESTF" '.l ...... l 'C D::,5LF·RfU:'\:-':-',,-; Ilc:,lrc:nt vI, J '. '.'::1'~' 1l·-i\f.' , 'r. ".'! ,'" kirt!: '_<cd (I'. Sill SC:C.. J~ ·~ \V~:, \11,:;.1 rd'.' I. :J.led 1lt!~' ~ ',\':1:; the .1::S1 !f :'~" .'l.Dl 'l Pi""\ y~S .il... e~. c J\'a l::d·' 'I!SI &_ YES _ [J "~C ~ t-.U j~L. Y-:'.s i.... \:'\ S _ rr "() .UE5L. 'rr :) _ :Jr.: Jate' o' t',\I·.3\'...ili ' ll:'.' _ _ • ._ _ _ r E\TNT: '~() '~::~ _~ 0 Falsf ''''- - Crall! 0 H.A. 1 CHUJ\G EVE1\'T G -----.. _~~ .. _~li) ____ _ - .1 , ..... 1 1..-) \--~ - ----..~:..... .- - - / I I....} ( CJ'(' Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring , Nest Evaluation , and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B· 12 an Obstructed O Reporting Nesting Attempt (ONA) Pmnit Holder Initials Year Month Day Dill. II by Day County Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM Ifyou have any questions pleare contact FWC at the T~uesta Field lAboratory (56/) 575·$407 Fax reports to: (561) 743-6228 or Email reports to: Se.Tyrtje!.!abtln!!@MYFWC,com Send reports to: Dlsorlent.tlon Reports, FWC. 19100 SE Federal Hlllbw.y. Tequesta. FL 334~5 Turtle Permit #: <;;"~'1 Date of Incident: _~ .L7.L1..:.1.::.5...J./~c~9-,-____________ Obse~ersN~e:~t\~l~'~)~~~'-~"L-~7<~~~~~____~__~~~__~____~__~______~_________ Telephone (include area code): 9LfI- '>'3.1,-<, ~ -:ll E-mail address: ·h'; t(,ddc_0 ' ,W.1'\: ,(1/ 0 Location of Disoriented Nest: (address, beach name and/or nearest landrnark):________________________ .}I.j ~.~- (;11 ,VI.:i\(!; Dr'''~ GPS Coordinates of nest location (in 'he IJ'GS projection in decimal degrees ie" Lot 26.845-112 Long -80.-158796): Latitude ;).}: 3(, 7 ·) ~ Longitude - li..), (,,). '13' I City: Le,li\.b.>::~'t 'k'j County: __S<=~:'.,:" ...'_',,,,;r..::,,~.~-'-:--------Local nestJDii: ) I dU ;>''1;rrc; -M.V \) E5 Zone nest was located in: "'/-oo·",fL, -"'!.~_____________ Addresses/landmarks hatchlings disoriented towards: __________________________________________ i.e ,It ~'1 0'\ ~ C:,.IIt ,,(LMex.t\.v Dnve. What..!Xpe(s) oflight(s) were identified as a probable/possible lighting source? (please circle) U parking lot §street light ~ondominium (interior) Odune crossover single family home (interior) ondominium (exterior) restauf'dntlbar single family home (exterior) sky glow/urban glow pier Otoo many lights present to determine Ono possible lights observed Osign Oother: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o o *lfyou circled "Too many lights p1'l!st!nt 10 d6t!nn;ne" please circle whallights were present in area Describe lighting source(s); include number, fixture type & location oflights obse~ed (use back if necessary): __ GPS Coordinates of light sources, or the properties with the light sources that caused the disorientation: Long' Lat' Long' ________________ Lat' Long' Lat' -::-::-:::==_ Lat' Long' .-:-:-::-::-:-__ Please report GPS Coordinales in '''e IJ'GS projeclion in decimal degree>' (i,e" La126.845412 Long -80,458796) Incident was documented dUringCircie one)1::)4,ORNING SURVEY []NIGHT SURVEY Was this a caged nest? YES" NO ~"lfyes: (circle one)DRESTRAINING DSELF-RELEASING Was a temporary light barrier used (i.e. Silt screen)? YES N0I Was this a relocated nest? YES NO Was the incident photographed? YES D. NO, Was the nest located? YES ~ NO Was the nest excavated? YEs..:cL. NO [[yes, provide date of excavation? ~ • ADULT EVENT: Nest 0 False Crawl 0 HATCHLING EVENT)r;:l D. D. LOGGERHEAD No. OF TURTLE S DISORIENTED UNIDENTIFIED LEATHERBACK '-[ 0 No. OF TURTLE S FOUND DEAD a No. OF TURTLES FOUND ALIVE No. OF DISORIENTED TURTLES Waterline GREEN 3- REACHING WATER Additional comments (please elaborate and use back If necessary): ___________________________________ J&. NO J:L Was local authority provided a copy of this report? YES tiQ. City: Hi,,:!> ,..\\~,., L:.... 0 County: _____________ (;1(Other: ?;;::-e't f.e"-.... Signature of Observer -LC,,:,,'..:.K"'-" --_ ___ 7/ ts /(t9 ~ Date FWCRe"ised 6192,111'96,9197,1199. )/01,1102, 1/08 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 13 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 14 D Reporting an Obstructed Nesting Attempt (ONA) Permit Holder lniliab Year Month Day Dis. ny Day Counly Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM /fyou he"'!! any qlles/ions please contacl FWC althe Tequesta Field Laboratory (561) 575.$407 Fu reportl to: (Slit) 743.6228 or Email reports to: SgTyrtleLi,htJng@MYFWC,Cem Send reports to: Dlsorlent.tlon Reports, FWC,19100 SE Federal Hlpway. Tequesta, FL 3J45~ Turtle Pennit #: Date of Incident: --!.7+(",,-,.r/<~Zi-();:::;....q!..-.._ _ _ _ _ _ _- -_ __ Observer's Name: _-l-4-~..u..;.V:=-'J~CV:-=:-:-":.-?;:';:;---::;:;-:-,:-;-:-,-:--_ _-:-_-::--:-:--_--;-_-:--_-:---:-_ _ _- _ _ __ Telephone (include area code): qt.; 1- .?:R-* -'iS3i E-mail address: -h..'f· ·~k.4c;hu'::i "1'''' 't: ' { <' j Location of Qisoriented Nest: (address, beach name and/or nearest landmark): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ :5.'-) kVl,b'(;:\: (' 112h fS\l:! { Wbat,..!XPe(s) of light(s) were identified as a probable/possible lighting source? (please circle) U parking lot Itreet light Dcondominium (interior) Ddune crossover ' single family home (interior) Bcondominium (exterior) D restaurantlbar lngle family home (exterior) sky glow/urban glow D pier - too many lights present to determine Dno possible lights observed Dsign Dother: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ *lfyou circled "Too many lights present to determine" please circle what lights were present in area Describe lighting source(s); include number, fixture type & location of lights observed (use back if necessary): _ GPS Coordinates of light sources, or the properties with the light sources that caused the disorientation: Long l Lae Longl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Lat l Lae LongJ Lat4 Long4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please report GPS Coordinates ill tire WGS projection in decimal degrees (i.e., Lal 26.845412 Long -80.458796) Incident was documented dUring8ircle one)~10RNING SURVEY DNIGHT SURVEY Was this a caged nest? YES** NO **lfyes: (circle one)ORESTRAlNING DSELF-RELEASING Was a temporary light bamer used (i.e. Silt screen)? YES ~ NO-'2.lWas this a relocated nest? YES NO ~ Was the incident photographed? YES NO--l2LWas the nest located? YES NO Was the nest excavated? YES NO .J;L If yes, provide date of excavation? _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -I2L D- -.-D- D-- JZh -.n. ADULT EVENT: Nest D False Craw) LOG<lERHEAD No. OF TURTlE S DISORIENTED Waterline D GREEN HATCHLING EVENT LEATHERBACK El UNIDENTIFIED 7 No, OF TURTLE S FOUNO DEAD C No. OF TURTLES FOUND ALIVE C" No. OF DISORIENTED TURTlES REACHING WATER '/) '- Additional comments (please elaborate and use back If necessary): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ YEs:it- Was local authority provided a copy ofths report? NO ~ ,~City: W,A •.i"\, (~ .~(' County: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o &- , .?- G \:k. ,,\... '. ftl0ther: -:....'~£~_ __ -l.. .....: .. 4"11 "/01 r ' Date Signature of Observer VC Re\'ised 6192, 11 /96.9/97. 1199, 3/0 I. 1102. 1/08 Appendix B - 15 , . _ , _kMd",,, Sea Turtle Monitoring , Nest Evaluation , and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 ~I Appendix B - 16 D Nesting Reporting an Obstructed Attempt (ONA) Pennit Holder Initial!! Year Month Day County Code Dis. ' by Day FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM Ifyou haYe any questions please contact FWC althe Tequesta Field Laboratory (56/) 575--5407 Fax reports 10: (561) 743-6228 or EmaD reports 10: SaTurtleUgl! Send reports 10: Disorlenlallon Reports, FWC. 19100 SE Fed.raJ Higbway, Tequesta, FL 33455 ---'7...1.. . Turtle Pennil #: oS.y Date ofIncident: /u/pO<-LI....,o"'...... 9____________ Observer's Name: ~enn'~':&.1):'::et<.~""-;;-;--__::_-_::____::-__;.,__r..__,__.___:::_--=----_ Telephone (include area code): ('1":1 f) ~'i{K-J.j 33 I E-mail address: t..Y::"tle.dt>'fo..ti:a)):l~" Location of Disoriented Nest: (address, beach name and/or nearest landmark)~5kJJf c':'o Drive', ~Jw& o¢ tb... nodb end GPS Coordinates of nest location (in tire WGS projection in decimal degrees Le., fAt 16.845412 Long -80,458796): Latitude ~ "1 0 ~ (,o&. . Longitude ~8'&.. /; I .., 6 City: ~~_.h~".. County: So-~~...--_ __ Local nesl ID1t: W~ L'lB5Q:mo.~~CL. Zone nesl was located ill: Addresses/landmarks hatchlings disoriented towards: C.... k fuCX; rz .BtLi IT 0 I : WhalJXPe(s) of lighl(s) were identified as a probable/possible lighting source? (please circle) Uparking lot §street light ' g condominium (interior) Odune crossover ~ nndominium (exterior) single family home (interior) o restaurantlbar o pier o sign single family home (exterior) [ .I , <'y glow/urban glow Otoo many lights present to determine Dno possible lights observed & 111er: ~ILJbU!.t,... s ____________ pao-l *lfyou circJd "Too many lights pra#!nt IV deU",,;II#! please circle what lights were present in ana Describe lighting source(s); include number, fixture type & location of lights observed (nse back if necessary): _ GPS Coordinates of light sources, or the properties with the light sources that caused the disorientation: Long' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Lat' Long' Lat' Lat' Long' Lat' Long' .-:-::::-::-::---:-:--c-:=:-::-Please "port GPS CoordinaJes in the WGS projection in decimal degrees (i.e,. LaJ 16.845411 Long -80.458796) Incident was documented duringfJrcle one i~ORNING SURVEY []NIGHT SURVEY NO ··Ifyes: (circle one)ORESTRAINING DsELF-RELEASING Was this a caged nest? YES·· Was a temporary light barrier used (i.e. Silt screen)? YES ~ NO JR1_ Was this a relocated nest? YES __Q NO Was the incident photographed? YES J;<L NO fl.Was the nest located? YES __~ NO fl.Was the nest excavated? YES ~ NO fl.Ifyes, provide date of excavation? WcA M ADULT EVENT: Nest 0 False Crawl 0 HATCHLING EVENT Jo!Il 1&-. M __ '111 ~t1.D.cheJ LOGGERHEAD GREEN LEATlIERBACK UNIDENTifiED No. Of TURTlE S DISORIENTED No Of TURTLE S FOUND DEAD No. OF TURTlES FOUND ALIVE No. OF DISORIENTED TURTLES REACHCNG WATER Waterline 75 .' , "\ FWC Revised 6192. 11196,9197. 1199. )I() I , 1102. II(l8 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 17 . ... . " ., , ' . Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 , ~ Appendix B - 18 o o , 0 Pennit Holder Initials Year Month Day Dis. # by Day County Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM 1/you have any questions please contact FWC at the Tequesta Field Laboratory (56/) 575-5407 'r' '- Fax reports to: (561) 743-6228 or Emall reports to: ~ 4 urtl~L}211 iJ.l~7 "h} .('<jlll Send reports to: Disorientation Reports, FWC, 19100 E Fed ral Highway, Tequesta, FL JJ4SS ~) -;;2 7 Observer'sName:J)d'(J~a 1'~~y.ef ~§!dent: -I.l'-i!'--...L../--<GfI-,!~(_l-I~'"' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ J~- t-17 ...... . Turtle Permit #: 0 Telephone (include area code): Location of Diso' ted,N~t: ( E-mail address: ss beach O8.Ipe andlo ne8{est landmaik):,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ eX/LO -y- ' f'I GPS Coordinates ~f nest location (In the WGS projection in tkd""'!!.. degrees Le., Lat 26.845412 Long .80.458796): . - , Longitude •" I L~titud~. City: J.--..6!lq <-I 1'£5 County: c~ 11~ Le E:. Local nest IIi#: _ <;;rOt] tone nest was located in: Addressysllanclmarl& hatchlings hisoriented tow~ps: .,. ! --"--"'--------- r.n fiqt[.;t 1{e hea tied ~c, ',f (\ .. ~ )- C.,;' be(?~ c..ti..- I O ' YI .//14. iVe'l 1 /d 6- til:P Wbat~pe(s) oflight(s) were identified as a probable/possible lighting source?§lease circle) U parking lot Ddune crossover o restaurantlbar o pier o sign §street light condominium (interior) single family home (interior) condominium (exterior) single family home (exterior) sky glow/urban glow Otoo many lights present to determine 'Beo possible lights observed Oother: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ *lfyou circled "Too many Ughls present to determine" pkase drcle what Ughls were present in area Describe lighting source(s); include number, fixture type & location of lights observed (use back if necessary): _ GPS Coordinates of light sources, or the properties with the light sources that caused the disorientation: Long I Lar Long2 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Lat l 4 3 Lae Long Lat Long4 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please reportGPS Coordinates in the WGS projection in decimal degrees (Leo, Lat 26.845412 Long-B0.458796) ~---- - Incident was documented during8ircle one) jRNJNG SUR Was this a caged nest? YES·· NO . Was a temporary light barrier used (i.e. Silt screen)? Was this a relocated nest? Was the incident photographed? Was the nest located? Was the nest excavated? If yes, provide date of excavation? ADULT EVENT: Nest 0 =0=- -D- No. OF TURTLE S FOUND DEAD No. OF TURTLES FOUND ALIVE No. OF DISORIENTED TURTLES REACHING WATER J¥L \ \"v-( ~-t J.~'-C V iA -g, (' (v-V) ItATCHLING EVENTli!J.. J 7, (}.()~(:!4 False Crawl LOGGERHEAD No. OF TURTLE S DISORIENTED i IGHT SURVEY RESTRAINING DSELF-RELEASING YES ~ NO YES NO NO YES D:.. YES ~ NO "I ~ YES -.Il..,. NO UNIDENTIFIED LEATHERBACK GREEN 17 IJ 0 . . 17 , Was 10<,;aJ ~utho~ity wovijed a copy of this report? YES....bL NO....bL [jClty: I: - ,/ ;) ./, DCounty: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OOther:_-'----''--_ __ ! Signature of Observer Date !'Wc Revised 6/'Y2, 11196,9197, 1/99,3/01, \/02, 1/08,4/08 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring , Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 19 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 20 O Nesting Attempt (ONA) Reporting an Obstructed Pennit Holder Inihals Year Month Day Dis. flby Day County Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM /fyou have any quesliOfU please conlact FWC af the Tequesta Field Laboratory (56/) 5 75-5407 FlU reports to: (561) 743-6ZZ8 or Email Send reports to: Disorientation Repom, FWC, 19100 SE Federal Highway, Tequesta, FL 33455 Turtle Permit # : 05'-1 Date of In ciden I: _"'I!..JI-"-'ctCJIc::({=.:k:::::"'_q-'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Observer's Name: -="'-'''--LL>''--:;"''''''h-==-;-;-=;c----::----:-::-c:-----,-~-__;c_=_:_;_;_'"'__-;-:--Telephone (include area code): E-mail address: l\JI<..W ·· Location of Disoriented Nesl: (addre~beach name andlor nearest landmark):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3nC)() - 3(o(cO G\df I.Lj- N.ex\cO Qr\Ve.. GPS Coordinates of nest location (in the WGS projection in decimal d!;!Irees Le., Lat 26.845412 Long -80.458796) : }-atitude ,;(?,~7CJ~ Longitude -'4Z. (034)4 d.. City: d1)~-'t County:-"'.J""o;"'-("'~~r_=":_7_."...,,_,.___:"""':"TY-Local nestlb'#:5!.zt:l 3 tr(iiQ 6AlJ Zone nest was located in: <fc,\'\A't!O VI P Addressesllandm.rks hatchlings disoriented towards: 3b\X.,"- ,~a(o 0 (;l\ ~ MR)'i Dr\\I{. l UI lit oJ «() What..!Xpe(s) of light(s) were identified as a probable/possible lighting source? (please circle) U parking lot §street light ~ndominium (interior) dune crossover single family home (interior) condominium (exterior) restaurantlbar single family home (exterior) sky glow/urban glow pier Otoo many lights present to determine Ono possible lights observed sign Dother: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o o oo *I/you circled "Too many lights present to dDermine" please circle whal lights were present in area Describe lighting source(s); include number, fixture type & location oflights observed (use back if necessary): _ GPS Coordinates of light sources, or the properties with the light sources thai caused the disorientation: Lat' Long' Lat' Long' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Lat' Long' Lat' Long' -::-:c:-::-c:---::-:---:-::-=c::-Please report GPS Coordinates in Ihe WGS projection in decimal degree., (Le., Lat 26.845412 Long -80.458796) i i Incident was documented duringfJrcle one)jgo.10RNING SURVEY []NIGHT SURVEY Was this a caged nest? YES" NO ··lfyes: (circle one)ORESTRAlNING DSELF-RELEASING Was a temporary light barrier used (i.e. Silt screen)? YES NO Was this a relocated nest? YES NO Was the incident photographed? YES NO YES ~ NO DWas the nest located? Was the nest excavated? YES fl-. NO ~ If yes, provide date of excavation? _ _ _= ____ ADULT EVENT: Nest 0 False Crawl 0 HA TCHLlNG EVENT J8t III UXJGERHEAD Nu. OF llJRTLE S UISORJCNTED LEATHERBACK UNlDENTlFIED \ No OF TURTLE S FOUND DEAD {; No. OF TURTLES FOUND ALIVE rt No OF DISORIENTED TURTLES REACHING WATER Wllnlirot GREEN f6 Additional comments (please elaborate and use back tfnecessary):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ A NO ...!.:L Was 10c.1 authority provided a copy of U,is report? YES ~ City: ~illt\t. County: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ »fi(AI Ji-l:uoJ7C9 dt. ~ - Signature orObse~ FWC Rt,,;sed 6192. II ~. 0 ~Other: .JTLvJC=-_ ___ 31 lq {OS Date 9/97. 1f99. 3/01. 1/02. 1108 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 21 D Nesting Reporting an Obstructed Attempt (ONA) Pennit Holdet Initials Year Month Dis_tI by Day Day County Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM Ifyou have any questions please contact FWC at the Tequesta Field Laboratory (561) 575-5407 Fax reports to: (561) 74~228 or EmaU reports to: Send reports to: Disorientation Reports, FWC, 19100 SE Federal Higbway, Tequesta, FL 33455 Turtle Permit #: (~ 9i ate oflncident: ~_ _-, ·1,-+ 1.;::.;>:: .;J:'-L.::():"".Ji.,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Observer's Name: 1,,-'1- 2-&-!Te l '. - re; Telephone (include area code): E-mail address: .....JLW>LL1Jt&.'-",",-"'=--"-..1lJ,,,,--u,..e..>""';a_ Location of Disoriented Nest: (address, beach name and/or nearest landmark): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---"'" GPS Coordinates of nest location (in the WGS projection in decimal degrees i.e., Lat16.845411 Long -80.458796): Latitude Longitude _ -_ "_ _ _ _ __ City: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ County: _ _,..,-_ _~------Local nest !O#: Zone nest was located in: _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Addresses/landmarks hatchlings disoriented towards: _ _ _:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -=-__ Whal!l!'pe(s) of light(s) were identified as a probable/possible lighting source? (please circle) §street light ocondominium (interior) LJparking lot '0 dune crossover single family home (interior) Bcondominium (exterior) restaurantlbar single family home (exterior) sky glow/urban glow pier Otoo many lights present to detennine Dno possible lights observed .... sign oother: Cc' ';;'">Ol'j e-:-i11 D :-- :.I..!(Cr; c:. 111 1) I ~,\. ; .;! / . ) / Lnl1i) o o o e.>'''', *lfyou circled '-Too many lights pres~nt to d~ur",;n~" plc!as~ circl~ what lights wer~ present;n area Describe lighting source(s); include number, fixture type & location oflights observed (use back if necessary): _ GPS Coordinates of light sources, or the properties with the light sources that caused the disorientation: Long' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Lat' Long' Lat' Lat' Long' Lat' Long' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please report GPS Coordinates in the "'GS projection in decimal degrees (i.e., LI11 26.845411 Long -80.458796) Incident was documented dUringorcle one)[}10RNING SURVEY []N[GHT SURVEY NO.iJ.. ··[fyes: (circle one)ORESTRAlNING DSELF-RELEASING Was this a caged nest? YES" Was a temporary light barrier used (i.e. Silt screen)? YES ~ NO Was this a relocated nest? YES _~ NO ~ Was the incident photographed? YES ~ NO Was the nest located? YES DNO Was the nest excavated? YES DNO Ifyes, provide date of excavation? _ _ _-=,---___ ADULT EVENT: Nest 0 False Crawl 0 HA TCHL[NG EVENT 0 il-. il-. BB- LOGG~RHEAD GREEN LEATHERBACK UNIDENTIFIED No. OF TURTLE S DISORJENTED No. OF TURTLE S FOU ND DEAD ~ W.ltrlille No. OF T URTLES FOUND ALIVE No. OF DISORIENTED TURTLES REACHING WATER Additional comments (please elaborate a~~~~ack if necessary): l?¥.st-u·lA,:( rs:~ o rta\bn'3hhl~ 0\" f. ' ,t il .'.', IlA {1! i\,t-t'V'> (~ 2/,.. · '. il· · (j ti > Was local authority proVided a copy of this report? YEs.J1.. NO .J1.. ~ City: H" I f.i V ,l i.' D County: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ '.il ~l' I ....":l"'' -'(L.. .._·-.!.'-.'::<:c..!._ I ' -'.. 1,'" D Other: ..l:1" '- 1 • f Signature of Observer , ,dc.- If) 1tJ.+./DateD'l FWC Rcyi,sed 6192. 11196, 9197, 1f99,lIOl , 1102. 1108 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 22 .• ].) ~• ••" . , ., . ( , Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 f - Appendix B - 23 / / 'b V' , ..... .-,, " ~. I><> -' ~ Vj ('10 i. ~ ~ - D Reporting an Obstructed Nesting Attempt (aNA) Permil Holder Initials Year Month Day Dis. # by Day County Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM Ifyou have any questio/ls please colllac( FWC at the Tequesta Field Laboratory (56/) 575-5407 Fax reports to: (561) 743-6228 or Email reports to: Send reports to: Disorientation Reports, FWC, 19100 SE Federal Highway, Tequesta, FL 33455 '-~, Turtle Permit #: Observer's Name: ..-' ! C, I\".~ \ Date oflncident: ~ 0'-1 ~ t.,:.:{. N-:-C-:\~---"~-=------'------------ I - "3 ' 'S Telephone (include area code): _ _ - ... _ E-mail address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Location of Pis oriented ~est: (Address, beach name andLor nearest landmark):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ b~ t t ~--\ N ~K''':''' r,..)CGPS Coordinates of nest location (ill tlte WGS projection ill decimal degrees i.e., Lat 26.845412 LOllg -80.458796) : ~atitude. :1/ 1 t-t.:} bfl , Longitude - 8 ,). lot . ~~ . City: L-o I\ ":j D ,..,) t2 ~ • ., '"' .. County: t. \ .1\ , "'1 . ~ Local nest ID#: 7 ! y\,.. \ .. '- T Zone nest was located Ill: _ _--'l:""~ ~_______ +. £ K Addres~es/landmarks qatcbJings disori~.nted tfwarps: 6 L ", t e rr-r----; . ,~--I.... ...... ~~-------------- \ ...J r ct (11\ ~'(,t L ~ What~pe(s) of light(s) were identified as a probable/possible lighting source? (please circle) ~' street light condominiurl'l (interior) parking lot dune crossover single family home (interior) . f condominium (exterior) D restaurantlbar . single family home (exterior) sky glow/urban glow Dno possible lights observed D pier too many lights present to detennine sign Dother: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ml D *Ifyou circled "Too mallY lights presellt to determille" please circle what liglrts were presellt ill area De ~ribe light~ng source(~); include I\umber, _fixn.u-e type ,& I,ocation of lights observ;d (l!se b~ck if.necessaty) :I-?T g . " " ,'\l;>~' " . C' " 1 ' ,\ . t ".;f ~'l-" f} v J' '',,,! 1 C''' t:'(t.,<.) e ) l c.H ' C' ~ 1·')1 ( ~ GPS Coordinates of light sources , or the properties with the light sources that caused the disorientation: L at-' L ong 2 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Lat 1 Long I Lae Long.1 Lat 4 Long 4 _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Please report GPS Coordillates ill lite WGS projectioll ill decimal degrees (Le., Lat 26.845412 LOllg -80.458796) « t i rncident was documented duringorcle one)JSrvtORNING SURVEY QNIGHT SURVEY Was this a caged nest? YES** NO ~ **rfyes: (circle one) DRESTRAINING DSELF-RELEASING Was a temporary light barrier used (i.e. Silt screen)? YES NO Was thi~ a relocated nest? YES NO ~ Was tho incident photographed? YES . NO ~ Was the nest located? YES > _ NO.rr Was the nest excavated? ' I) ' , ~ ~S . NO ~ If yes, provide date of excavation? 7 -~ ~ -0'- ( .. ADULT EVENT: Nest 0 False Crawl 0 HA TCHLING EVENT Ji:L ba LOGGERH EAD No OF TURTLE S DISORI ENTED J No. OF l URTLE S FOUND DEAD (":;; No OF TURTLES FOUND ALIVE C'" No OF DISORIENTED T URTLES REAC HING WATER W 3t e rl i n~ i¢!:c ...."l ~ GREEN UNIDENTI FIED LEATH ERBA CK , . "", .~ . r('- -"'- Additional conunellts (please elaborate and use back If necessary):_ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Was authority pr?ride~, a copy of this report? YES J:L NO ...I;:L Citr'.., • /) rC ;} t ' 0 County: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .~Other: .....EL-·-....:.t,_.J_('_ _ __ .B;1 , "J3 -c"1 , Date FWC Revised 6/92 . 11 196.9 /97 . 1/99. 3/01. 110 2. 1/08 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring , Nest Evaluation , and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 24 t~111 r; ~, I --.J 0 I -9 (> 0' 3 -0 8 ~ (9 (2) S @) Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 It> .-" ~ ~ ~ s ® ~ ( \ /' , Appendix B - 25 '" ( \( \ / " ~ ~ -~ ------- -, • - ") 'f a-' + C -, £.V\ r- Vl J:: ~ -£i J , C1' cr if S\.. r:J:J 0' ()'. . .i' ~ Ij" a-- - C>J ::J: \-J .J ~ - -l J\ cr -) 1" ~ ~ OO 0 t- JJ ",C>- ;::::i.:) D Reporting an Obstructed Nesting Attempt (ONA) FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM Ify ou have any questions please cOnJac/ FWC at the Tequesla Field Laboratory (561) 575-5407 Fax reports to: (561) 743-6228 or Email reports to: Send reports to: Disorientation Reports, FWC. 19100 SE Federal Highway, Tequesta, FL 33455 Turtle Penn it #: t:x..~ Date of Incident:,...-I!..--~a~~...!:,_ -~OL'q~ Observer's Name: ry\c.J\)'l~~ ~~ Q Telephone (include area cod~ _ E-mail address: Locatior of p.:Soriented Nest · (address, beach name and/or earestlandmark): 0 ____________ lc _a.ta" ' L- \J ) 1\. -~ \ GPS Coordinates of nest IQcation (in the WGS projection in decimal del!re i.e., Lat 16.845411 Lon J-atitude _ , Longitude . County: n~X~ City: "69i~l~i:~ Local nest I@f: , . elmD RLl0 Zone nest was located in:c8 ~< Addresses/landmarks hatchlin~disoriented towards : 1)(}-ctiI -to tnG1+-h~)'d \) Q.·Lbz..)}J~O; ~ 0 CnRI/~"1C sOltiJI. -Ie- ltUttl? L1-d ~&il'fJc1iiffbJ.~\ /t~ What..!Xpe(s) oflight(s) were identified as a probable/possible lighting source? (p'lease circle) ~parking lot ~street light londominium (interior) ~ dune crossover single family home (interior) ondominium (exterior) restaurantlbar single family home (exterior) sky glow/urban glow pier too many lights present to determine no possible lights observed Dother: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ D sign 61'-\ 0 o o *lfyou circled "Too many lights present to determine" please circle what lights were present in area De~ribe.Ji,ghting so rce(s); inclt'~!! nu be fixture type & location ofli ts obs rvee! (use back if necessary): _ . v')JJ'lJ.] \ ....... . ~\ " ' ..J , Ac.-C-~_..:).-'~GPS Coordinat of light sources, or the propert{ with the light sources that caused the disorientation: 2 l l 2 Long Lat Long - - - - - - - - Lat 4 Lat] L ong 3 Lat Long4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please report GPS Coordinates in tlte WGS projection in decimal degrees (i.e., Lat26.845411 Long -80.458796) Incident was documented dUringocie one~ORNING SURVEY []NIGHT SURVEY **lfyes: (circle one)ORESTRAINING DSELF-IASING Was this a caged nest? YES** NO NO Was a temporary light barrier used (i.e. Silt screen)? YES ~ Was this a relocated nest? YES ~ NO Was the incldent photographed? YES NO ' YES ~ NO ~ ·'"Was the nest located? Was the nest excavated? YES JXL NO ~ If yes, provide date of excavation? ~y, . , ~~\.....ADULT EVENT: Nest 0 False CraWl D HATCHLING EVENT)Q B- -D- 2- o/cp .. ~ LOGGERHEAD o. O F TURTLE S DI SORI ENTED No OF TURTL E S FOUND DEAD GREEN LEATHERBACK UNIDENTIFIED ~ .~O 0 No. OF TURTLESl'OUND ALIV E ~J-1 No OF DISO RIENT ED TURTLES REA CHI NG WATER ,~Jc .. Signature of Observer ocr o Other: _ _ _ _ _ __ Date FWC Revised 6/92 . 111?6. 9197. 1199.310 1, 1/02 . \ /08 Appendix B - 26 , _. . ~r~'M" "p~ . rotection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Turtle Monitoring , Nest Evaluation , and P t:" ,. . Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 ~e. --11111' JOhlt-O/::,o)rld t, I $'8 h b Appendix B - 27 ') E Reporting"" Obstructed . O Nesting Attempt (DNA) Month PermIt Holder Initials County Code DU . • by Day FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM Ifyuu haW' lUly questioIU please CONact FWC allhe Tequesla Field /..Dboralory ($6/) 575-j407 Fas reports to: (561) 743-6228 or EmaD reports 10: StaTurtleUchtlng@MyFWC.eom Send reports to: Disorientation Reports, FWC. 19100 SE Federal Highway. Tequesta, FL 33435 "",,,, _ '"><!' Tunle Permit #: OS "'/ Datt;oflncident: _-";;:.J'/_-z._'i.;;./~:l2=-(f):"';'O"'-+f-- __________ Observers Name: (<-"J . Ii) " "Telephone (include area co<le): <=f'i' 3f.t 7'3 >1 E-mail address: ",k < h ,,,,0) nlJ1c drd '" Location of Disoriented Nest: (address. beach name andlor nearest landmark): J ::L'+~ YQLo oj!\'i 11';~$ ':3 121'D /. u Itt !£ jv1e " r sO' i) r' W. ; (&~ "I<r;,( (UPS Coordinates of nest location (in the WGS projection in decimal degie .. Le-, Lat 26.845411 Long -80.458796): I. 'LI" b,/' Latitude j Longitude _ _ _ _ _ __ Lonj boq}- , I(~/ . County:__(= o<.:,,-,~=':S_c.-7_______ City: Local nest 10#: 61t 3.$:6" - 3660 (ofVj]) CA.J Zone nest was Iqcated in: _.::./J-.:./-".P-;::--:--:-;;--,---,,:-- i' CO" /'\.f:....J.i(2 0""', k;v If.£ Me x/to Drn"<wI 2'i£ 5 Gut{.-f ,*"(0 .Dr! vC- U 1-.1<~' "',. , } i I i . r, 'J . ..... ) Addressesllandmarks iptchlings disoriented towards : ;. R.. . /}. ." .- (. I ' . . . . What,..!Xpe(s) ofhght(s) were Idenufied as a probable/posSIble hghtmg source? (please cltele) U parkmg lot §StTeet light ~condominium (interior) Ddune crossover single family home (interior) ~condommium (extenor) restaurantlbar smgle family home (exterior) Dsky glow/urban glo", p,er 0100 many Ii hts p{'isent to determine no possible~hts obser~ed sign Mother: f<-<O-liq~'[:,.c tJ ul!' of I() i~ o o o • I -- - *lfyou circled "Too man)' lights pusenr to dDermine-pulI.St! circle ..,hal lights were present in area Describe lightmg source(s): inelude number, fixture type & location oflighlS observed (use back if necessary) : _ GPS Coordinates of light sources, or the propenies with the light sources that caused the disorientation: L ong-' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Long , LaC' Lat , Lat ' Long' Lat' Long' -,-...,-_ _-,-,--.",..,-,...,-_ Please report GPS Coordinates in the WGS projection in decimal degrees (Le-. LaJ 26.845411 Long -80.458796) 1= i InCldent was documented dunng (errele one)jJvlORNING SURVEY []NIGHT SURVEY Was rhis a caged nest' YES" NO.AIL .oIfyes (crrele one)ORESTRAlNTNG OSELF-RELEASING Was a temporary light barrier used (I.e . Silt screen)? YES NO Was this a relocated nest? YES NO Was the inCIdent photographed? YES NO Was the nest located' YES NO Was the nest excavated? YES NO If yes, provide date of excavation? ",,[Ilk 7/2.1 n n n D- 1 ADULT EVENT: Nest D False Crawl D HATCHLING EVENT. LOGGERHEAD No. OF 11JRnE S DISORJENTEO No. OF TIJR TLE S fOUND DEAD No OF TURTLES FOUND ALJVE No. OF DlSORJ901ED TURTI..ES REACHING WATER GREEN LEATHERBACK UNIDENTIFIED ~ ..L. ('7 C) 0 I 3, Additional comments (please elaborate and use back Ifnecessary): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 7 ?t/~/I Was local authority provided a copy of this report' YES o Ci':.! o County : J:L NO J:L o Other: _ _ _ _ _ __ --:>U<W12 ? .' ature of Observc:r Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Date Appendix B - 28 , - G '" I o:t o -~ +- ,- " Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 j \ j Appendix B - 29 ) 0 " -, ~ x '--\) ()./ I ~ "\ D Reporting an Obstructed Nestmg Attempt (ONA) Permit Holder Initials Year Month Day Dis. # by Day County Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM lfyou have allY questiollS please colllact FWC at the Tequesta Field Laboratol), (561) 575-5407 Fax reports to: (561) 743-6228 or Email reports to: Send reports to: Disorientation Reports, FWC, 19] 00 SE Federal Highway, Tequesta, FL 33455 ~05~L S ea Turtle Permit #: Date ofIncident: _ _ J.I---_d==--.y--'--.---=O=-Cl ___________ Observer's Name: ~J~' 'S f'-'L~ "Telephone (include area code) : . . E-mail address: Location of Disoriented Ne;;t:. (address, ~ach nam,e andlornearest lanc!mark) :-,--.,.--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6k \ { (\-\~\'(O ~Y' h ~ { c 101\ '-\ '\<:'eso l'- \ ' GPS Coordinates of nest location (ill the WGS projectioll ill decimal degrees i.e. , Lat 26.845412 LOllg -80.458796): Latitude d ' .' 3 <So 8 b Longitude - 8 d ' b! 'QO S ~--JiTi3?:d City: LOI\s" b"c,.,-j ICe.." . County: ~ ~ ~(Ar~c.... Local nest lD#: b I b d. a 6 /lI\. 0 PM C Zone nest was located in: eJ.. Addresses/landmarks hatchlings disoriented towards: \ b 'J.O G(VI 0 \ '5 \ ~ -6-M-='b;:O--)--'14""--'p.~S;--.--.,/ -M-O I 0' t e i, ';t.Y1-=7 \)45 GC"--O ) 1;1 \ ~ (:, (\1\0 What@pe<S)Oflight(S)Wereidentifiedasa probable/possible lighting source? (please circle) parking lot MPtreet light ~ondominium (interior) dune crossover Dsingle family home (interior) condominium (exterior) Dsingle family home (exterior) sky glow/urban glow R}restaurantlbar pier . D~oo many lights present to detennine Dno possible lights observed sign IfJbther: I t\.-1~'iof\ ! ext f!'~ o/' oo i<eSo!"-t *Ifyou circled "Too mallY lights preseflf to determine" please circle what lights were present ill area Describe lighting source(s); include number, fixture t):pe & location of lights observed (use !:Jack if necessary): _ Ct-t(il' ;af l tOe~"'" @. 1\..:.~ Colo/\. L:l 1Jt4.5 <:1. bcv..dl t;~"\ OA c\u.I', "-6 o...J-" it:'c \ GPS Coordinates of light sources, or the properties with the light sources that caused the disorientation : Long l Lat 2 Long} _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Lat l , 3 4 4 Lar' Long Lat Long Please report GPS Coordillates ill the WGS projectioll ill decimal degrees (i.e., Lal 26.845412 LOllg -80.458 796) pa.. .~ I Incident was documented during (circle one)lXJv!ORNING SURVEY []NIGHT SURVEY Was this a caged nest? 'YES** NO **lfyes: (circle one) DRESTRAlNING DSELF-RELEASING Was a temporary light barrier used (i.e. Silt screen)? YES ~ NO Was this a relocated nest? YES NO Was the incident photographed? YES"; NO Was the nest located? YES NO Was the nest excavated? r:ES NO ~ If yes, provide date of excavation? / ._;). L{ - 0'1 rr -D- ADULT EVENT: Nest 0 False Crawl LOGGERHEAD No OF TURTLE S DISORIENTED No OF TURTLE S FOUND DEAD No or TliRTLES FOUND ALIVE No . OF DISORIENTED TURTLES Waterline REACHING WATER rxr =m= -.rr ' il.- 0 HATCHLING EVENT ;g GREEN LEA THEItBACK UNIDENTIFIED 70 D \0 yq Additional comments (please elaborate and use back If necessary ): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Was local authority provided a copy of this report? YES D City: ~ ~ D County: L FWC- Revised 6 Qc . 11 '<;16 . Q 197. I/QQ. 3101. 110::. J:L NO J:L D°ther: _ _ _ _ _ __ ;-d-Li-oq Date I /O~ ' Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring , Nest Evaluation , and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 30 ( ~, ( \ \ ~o \) Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 \ '~ :., Appendix B - 31 ".# .... ...:... ~'G\ ~ C} --> * f" u- ~ l""'. -:J ~ C) (j-. ~ ~ " J i< sr"" -K. D Reporting an Obstructed Nesting Attempt (ONA) Ptrrrut Hokier lnlOals Year Month Du . • by Day Day County Cooe FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM J/you have any questions please concact FWC althe Tequesta FIeld Laboratory (56/) )75·5407 Fax reports to: (561) 743-6228 or Email reports to: Send reports to: Di... rienution Reports, FWC, 19100 SE Federal High .. ay, Tequesta. FL 33455 Date oflncident: _1-'--...:;:;(:.:....:5""==-_______________ Turtle Pennit #: Obs~ersNarne: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-_c~~~~~~~~~_=~- Telephone (include area code): q,. .q - 3M, Lj 33 \ Location of Disoriented Nest: (address. beach name andlornearest Ian .... 0..-t ( L (l.ou. GPS Coordinates of nest location (ill/he WGS rojeroon in decimal <kgrus i.~, Lat 26.845411 Long -80.458796): LatJtude ;)1 . 7> 3 S S'd. Longitude -)Sd,. ':>9 (06 ?- City: County: -'='. S'..!:AllQ;..:A ~SO ~ l:'-e-'---.,_,_-- SO({)YYCU Local nest [0#: S (JSJ 5 \..t! l L( !Z. 12CW Zone nest was located in: 10()SP oQ.. \' 4 AddressesJIandmaE.ks hat,hh1}gs disorient.<:,d towards: _ _-."._ _ _ _ _--,_ _ _ _-..,_ _ _ _ _ _ _-..,. SLf S ; 5 3<;" I ~ Lj<):, \p 0Qh:o." CUAb eoOd , :p,iu\ed. til ~ r • ",'J ~" .,,'"'"'§street ., """."" ....,, light m lot une crossover restaurantlbar pier ',,,'m, '~"i,"'J') . ommlUm (mtenor) dommlUm (extenor) sky low/urban glo\.\' no possible lights observed smgle family home (intenorJ smgle family home (extenor) Dtoo many hghts present to determme o oo sign voJC>-I-(!V 8! ')::u:W1 Dother: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ *lfyou cirded "Too many lights pr~t!nt to deurmine" pleast! circle what lights were prt!senl in ana Describe hghtmg source(s) ; include number, fixture type & location of lights observed (use back if necessary): GPS Coordinates of hght sources, or the properties with the light sources that caused the disorientation: I Long I Lat 2 Long-., _________________ L at Lat' Long' -:c:cc:-::----::-::-==cc- Lat' Long' Please report GPS Coordinates in the WGS . decimal degrees (i.e., Lat 26.845412 Long -80.458796) InCIdent was documented dunng (clIele 0 NG SURV Y []NIGHT SURVEY Was thIS a caged nest' YES'* N *Ifyes. \ClIcle one)ORESTRAlNING OSELF~ASlNG Was a temporary hght bamer used (I.e SIlt screen)? YES N YEri N Was this a relocated nest? Was the inCIdent photographed? Y NO Was the nest located' YE NO Was the nest excavated' _ YE " NO If yes, proVIde date of excavatton' '1-;;;1.,,) '2Cx29 ADULT EVENT: Nest 0 False Crawl D HATCHLING EVEN~ D.... n ...rr... ...rr... ...rr... LOGGERHEAD No. OF TURTlE S No OF TURTLE 5 FOUND DEAD No OF TIJRTLES FOUND ALIVE OF R.E.ACHING WATER }'I.o . Watahne <2> ;{ \ DISORIENTED GREEN LE ATHERB ....CK UNIDENTIFIED 0 0 (ZJ 0 dl Additional corrunents (please elaborate aDd use back If Decessary):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Was local authonry proVIded a copy of thi~rt' YE@NO ~ty , ~nry : " QJ\, 'Y) D \-\c \!1 1 a'\.Ttl\C-- €]pther: _y...,:lJ\l ,c..v=----_ ___ 7 - J.~- - o Cj Date Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 32 I 1(_ '-'<...J 0 I 501<. I f I I I I Jl ( I I I (( jt \, \ I , / <.(\ ~ ->'t,- 0;,'/;; ,G / \' r-- , <1') .s: rJi ------- f:' '1\ f, \..~ Appendix B - 33 '9,: <.....J Q- ~ a 3 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 I I / Prnc. 09 07 o Reponmg an Obstructed Nesnng Attempt (ON A) Penmt Holder lmoais Year Month Day Du. tI by Day County Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM Jfyou have Qlly questions please COlllact FWC allhe Tequ.esta Fjeld Laboralory (56/) 575-5407 Fu reports to: (561) 743-6228 or Email Send reports to: DisorieDtation Reports, FWe, 19100 SI: Federal Highway, Tequesta, FL334~S osY Tunle Pennit #: Date oflncident: _---JJ'--I..>ldl"" · ",R,-,-I..:o,--C.:...(_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Observers Name: " m~ Z,LCI...r"fl La, Telephone (include area code): E-mail address : !:;.n l; h:.I\ @JYlO1L. Q\"YI Location of Disoriented Nest: (address. beach name andlor nearest landrnark):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'0""-___ 'Nr -fu-!J33[ l(p/),o GvJf-of mOLrCD GPS Coordinates of nest location (in 'he WGS projection in decimal degrees L<-, Lat 16.845411 Long -80.458796): Latitude a.l . ?'S"I If 8 Longitude -8,;J. . (p I 338 .ICity: L.irn§bQO.. J-- ICe..I.{ County:--'S""-=O"-<-'-~..:..::=O:.,:Ic-" "--~-=-_____ Local nest lD~ Zone nest was located:--0'; ~ Addresses/landmarks hatchlings disoriented towards: ,ft,;;<O 6-m D ~ ,;,Wtp Whalets) oflight(s) were Identified as a probable/possible lighting source" (please circle) §street light ~ondomimum (interior) parking lot dune crossover smgle family home (interior) condominIum (ex tenor) sky g)owJurban glow restaurantlbar single fami1y home (extenor) pier Otoo many lights present to detennme no possible lights observed e.l sign Dother: \\' \3 O'h) -to J.. \1\ lull -h~"'+::Oo -ttl/you cirded "Too man)' lights pr~ent to deurmine" phase cire what/ights were present art!ll C£t'f\,. h~ Describe ligbting source(s); include number, fixture type & location oflights observed (use back if necessary): o lot- o GPS Coordinales of lIght sources. or the properties Long I L at I WIth the hght sources that caused the disorientation: Lat 2 Long-' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Long' Lat' Long' -:-:-:-:-:-_=-:-:-==_ Please report GPS CoordinaJes in the WGS projecrion in decimal degrees (Le., La! 26.845412 Long -80.4S8796) Lat' i J8L ...EL ..n.. LEATHERBACK UNIDENTIFIED Incident was documented dunng (errcle one)~ORNING SURVEY [)NIGHT SURVEY Was thiS J caged nest? YES" NO "Ifyes: (circle one)ORESTRAlNrNG DSELF-RELEASrNG Was a temporaty IIgbt barrier used (I.e. Silt screen)" YES NO ..QL Was this a ,elocated nest? YES NO Was the incident photographed? YES NO ~ o C") 0 Was the nest located? YEs.l3L NO..n.. 4. CJ. V ( Was the nest excavated? YES NO If yes, provide date of excavation? . ADULT EVENT: Nesl D False CraWl D HATCHLING EVENT:&, n J::lL t tc LOGGERHEAD D1SORJENTED ~I GREEN q3 No. Or TlJRnE S No OF TURTLE S FOUND DEAD Q- No OF TURTLES FOUND ALrvE 1-=1- 1'00. OF OISORJENTED TURnES REA CHING WATER Ito . Additional cOlTUIlents (please elaborate and use back if necessary): 7 fry, nA r (\'1 n ad pyt>:n Ic'" ill .L 15 s , Was local authoriry proVided a copy of this report" YES NO..n.. City: ,. OCounry: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o h ' rI 19, I Y1 rnr. rf I n 0J'b \ hndtla all I~ o Other: f'L2lG I/d-LRI b'1 Date FW(" Re,ISrd ()l9~ 1 11"Joo. Q""n. 1f99.)iOI. 1/0 :'. . I·og Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 34 )J ~4 ~ - ~ 0 -0 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 ...i) !lJ '- ::r- Y' VI S<" ~ <" 10:) :::r" C!) ~ ~ 'I 1~ 0- ~'" Appendix B - 35 I 110 _ \ l o s o Reporting;m Obstructed Nesting Anempt (ONA) Permit Holder Inlnais Year Month Du. " by Day Day County Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM Ifyou hove an)' que:SUOfU pJease contact FWC aJ the Tequesta Field Laboralory (561) 575-5407 Fu reports to: (561) 743-0228 or Email reportslo:SeaTurtleU& Send reports 10: Disorientation Reports, FWe, 19100 SE Federal Highway, Teques ... Fl33455 Turtle Pennit #: Date oflncident: _ _ _7.:...L1c9-~£.0::....!.I-=D,,-5.L---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Observer's Name: K . rY\D.-,-to..re1l~ Telephone (include area code): 94 I - 3'BB -</ 33) E-mail address: KnS±-en M 0 +c . OX] Location of Disoriented Nest: (address. beach name and/or nearest landmark): , _\ 'Y1~ t.J GPS Coordinates of Dest location (in the WGS projection in d«imai dJilJrees Le., Lat ]6.84541] LOllg -80.45 Latitude ,;0. 3-=1- 3Cli Q LODgltude -S;!.lR 2> 1-, I City: ~h~±:'tw County: ,"CVRS. Qt-a. Local nestIDi (Alp, 31s'SGmD K-fh"l Zone nest was located m: kBI::; X Addressesllandmark;/latchlin~s disonented towards: 3155' G-rn Q &.. Len I:.n C'}u'Y) - 0(1 l'f r-ep~rt- oS'-/' e blv hoJ-chll~ kat! O,\z,o 5=.1\4 . CD \\~e(S) oflight(s) were identified as a probable/possible hghtmg source" (please circle) o o parkmg lot dune crossover res13.urantlbar pier §street light Single family home (i nterior) single family home (exterior) Otoo many Iigh~ present to detennine ~ondomm1Um (i nterior) condommium (ex tenor) sky glow/urban glow Dno possible lights observed Ds;gn ~~~ '* Ifyou circled "Too many lights pusentto tletermin e" please CIrcle what lights were present in area Describe hghtmg source\s): include nwnber. fixture type & location of lights observed (use back if necessary )' GPS Coordinates of LIght sources, or the properties WIth the light sources that caused the disorientation: Long I Lat 2 Long-' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ L at I Lat ) ) J 4 Long Lat Long ~:-:-::---====Please report GPS CoordinaJes in the WGS projection in decimal degrees (i.e., LaI 26.845412 Long ..&0.458796) Incident was documented dunn g (circle one~OR.N1NG SURVEY []NIGHT SURVEY Was this a caged nest" YES" NO J:iS[. "Ifyes: (crrcle one) DRESTRAlNING D SELF-RELEASING Was a temporary !lgbt barrier used (i.e. Silt screen)" YES NO Was this a relocated nest? YES NO Was the incident photographed? YES NO . a Was the nest located? YES NO Was the nest excavated? YES NO If yes, provide date of excavation? _ _ _ ADULT EVENT: Nest 0 False Crawl 0 HATCHLlNG EVENTX n n A. i n & D.R. -=;---=---=:-::: LOGGERHEAD NQ. OF TURTI.E 5 DISORJENTED No OF TIJRTLE 5 FOUND DEAD Additional comments (l1W,rl (ple~se Ut-.J~ =I- N(), OF OISORJENTED TURnES REACHING WATER LW~ UNIDENTIFIED I 4- No OF WRTLES FOUND ALIVE elaborate and use back lf necessary):--,._ _,-_-,.._ _ _ _--r_ _,-=_-,.._ 1vu~~:;~~!:£10~\I~~t:3~n~~?t,~:IZ:?J\~:~~ Was local authonry prOVIded a copy of this report" YES .~ NO....bL City: \ 0 County : o LEATHERBACK GREE.....: 0 Other: FJ."JC.-- 71<%>! 0'1 Date Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 36 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 37 Appendix A, Forms Permit Holder Initials Year Month Day DIS. # by Day Counry Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM LO~'tude . Jl /iiifiL - -Id!.!<"'-'--:po.--"R-4rIoC...=""""" ....-'-~-----------County: I or zone nest wa located in: --=-f-'o--toward!'!' +=- -;:i! Address/lamhl1ad~ hatc!llin~disorie~d , ~ fIlmJLM to L~ J _---P'tdl'-'-""-'-iD""'--4(j""-"'j......l.:....c.aU.d~~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Was a probable/possible lighting source identified? YES V If so, what type(s) oflight(s) were identified? (please circle) parking lot crossover restaurantlbar pier *If not, why?: (please circle) Too many liglits present to determine *NO condominium (interior) condominium (exterior) sky glow/urban glow No possible lights observed 2.. {UU La"! fA Incident was documented during (circle ne): Was this a caged nest? YES** _ _ NO _ _ *Ifyes: (circle one) Was a temporary light barrier used (i.e. Silt screen)? Was this a relocated nest? Was the incident photographed? Was the nest located? Was the nest excavated? If yes , provide date of excavation: GHT SURVEY RESTRAINING YES YES YES SELF-RELEASING NO · VNO----V NO ~ YES~ NO~ 1/l1/o'f{S ~ D. ADULT EVENT LOGGERHEAD NO_ I HATCHL~G EYENT GREEN LEATHERBACK W UNIDENTIFIED 2-5 No. OF TURTLE S DISORIENTED ({). (f) No. OF TURTLE S FOUND DEAD No. OF TURTLES FOUND ALIVE Waterline I No. OF DISORIENTED TURTLES REA CHING WATER 12- Sketch Additional comments (please elaborate and use back if.necessary): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Was local authority provided a copy of this report? YES L NO _ _ ~q.m~ - If yes, please indicate person and city/county/state department report was copied to: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ r FWC ReVISed 6129192. 11/12196. 9197.1 /99 . 3 /01. 1102. 10/07 7 Page A-7 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring , Nest Evaluation , and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 38 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 lIIJ C> ()" , II...- I 8 ~I I " 1 Appendix B - 39 Appendix A, Forms Permit Holder Initials Year Month Day Dis. # by Day County Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM Ifyou have any questions please contact FWC at the Tequesta Field Laboratory (56/) 575-5407 Fax reports to: (561) 743-6228 Send reports to: Disorientation Reports, FWC, 19] 00 SE Federal Higbway, Tequesta, FL 33455 O~t, ~pat~OflnCident: t!. Turtle Permit #: 7/7-10 / [)q . Observer's Name: _7!JjjjlA (:U..A-l I f i I I Telephone (include area code) : _--J.1.--,'/-'fL--_?'--Yf....L.'l_/-....9f--'-y-l-y-f.J________________ Location of Disoriented ~est: (ad ress of s e, ea1:. n e an.dlor nearest la Longitude Coordinates f ne t 10 ati City: Cou~ty :,_~~~if1A'd.:.1l~~-"--';;-J.-0...-~-_-_-_-_~-_-_-_-_-_-_Local nest ID# lor zone nest as located in: ~<~L=':...JC ....Jt..4~...J.A!!Jl;-.L7f1A...!......I.Q....f:........ _ _-_ _______ Addr5!s~/l:iEdm.9rk hat~hling~ diso_riel1ted towarfts: - '!'"t;;-;1t-1,t)1f---!-t---£l:tr:r+-A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . ' h~£Qca .LLJ'Jl41 ~ V *NO Was a probable/possible lighting source identified? YES Ifso wbattype(s) oflight(s) were identified? (please circle) condominium (interior);7-~_ parking lot condominium (exterior) dune crossover sky glow/urban glow restaurantlbar pIer other: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ *Ifnot, why?: (please circle) Too many lights present to determine ident was ocumented during (circle one) : GHT SURVEY Was this a caged nest? YES** _ _ NO *Ifyes: CITC e one) RESTRAINING SELF-RELEASING Was a temporary lIght barrier used (i.e. Silt screen)? YES NO ' vWas this a relocated nest? YES NO ./' Was the incident photographed? YES NO""'/ Was the nest located? YES --V NO Was the nest excavated? YES VNO If yes, provide date of excavation'? __-+.!.f::Y!.e::I.I~aL....l.__ _ v I'- /0 : 9 7 ADULT EVENT D LOGGERHEAD - HATCHL~GEyENT GREEN LEATHERBACK W UNIDENTIFIED rJ No. OF TURTLE S fOUND DEAD @ No. OF TURTLES FOUND ALIVE No OF DlSORlENTEDTURTLES REA CHING WATER I 4-2- No. OF TURTLE S DlSORlENTED Waterline r 30 Sketch Additional comments (please elaborate and use back if.necessary):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ as local authority provided a copy of this report? YES x... NO _ _ {a~.ta.lfyes , please indicate person and city/county/state department report was copied to : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~cti. M!. W FWC ReVISed 6/29192.11112/96 . 9197.1/99. 3/01. 1102. 10/0' Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring , Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Page A-7 Appendix B - 40 Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 % -, ~ , v. o t G' 9 I ..-f o I -£" o I o ~ !... Appendix B - 41 D Reporting an Obstructed Nesting Attempt (ONA) Pennlt Holder InlDals Year Month Day DlS. II by Day County Code FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM lfyou have any questions please conract FWC at the Tequesta F,eld lAboratory (56/) 575-5407 Fax repons to: (561) 743-6228 or Email reports to: SeaTurtleLighting@MyFWc'com Send reports to: Disorientation Reports, FWe, 19100 SE Federa! Highway, Tequesta. FL 33455 Turtle Penn it #: 0 Dat{!lf Incident: ---'/?..L..~-,c~1/:~/_£9_7-+-1 ___________ Observer's Name: fl vi " I v-. Is.:. Telephone (include area code)/ 1 ,-// J 't" '-133 } E-mail address: vAe /~ t, /,-/ (2 M e? .J r.() r L Location of Disoriented Nest: ( address. beachAflme and/or nearest landmark): T I b CI we fz Jlf 0 f j VIt '¥/ c. D ()t': V"f GPS Coordinates of nest location (in the WGS projection in d~cimal deJ!rees i.e., Lat 26.845412 Long -80.458796) : L~de _ Longitude _ __ ~"r)!Pbe""'--t tG-e.v County: 5.,J~~ <..---City: Local nest ID#~lf 6); 0 7t: /., (;" Zone. nest was located m: _X' L:>L-_ _ __ Addressesllandrnarks hatchlings disoriented towards: ,--_ _ _~---.--_ c,.; ?<i,di6MD =- bufF C' f A~;(/t.:. D r , v<... # ' What...!l'pe(s) oflight(s) were identified as a probable/possible lighting soprce? (please CIrcle) U parking lot ~street light ~condomimum (interior) dune crossover smgle famil y h. orne (interior) con. dominium (extenoT) restaurantlbar smgle fami1 y home (exterior) sky glow/urban glow pier too many lights present to determine Dno possible lights observed sign Dother: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o o o o *Ifyou circled "Too many lights present to determine" please circle what lights were present in area Describe hghting source(s); include nwnber, fixture type & location oflights observed (use back ifnecessary): _ GPS Coordinates of hght sources. or the properties WIth the light sources that caused the disorientation: l 2 1 l Long Lat Long - - - - - - - - Lat 4 4 Lae Long) Lat Long _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PLease report GPS Coordinares in the WGS projection in decimal degrees (i.e_, Lar 26.845412 Long -80.458796) I i Incident was documented during (crrcJe one )~ORNlNG SURVEY []NIGHT SURVEY Was this a caged nest? YES** NO.-m.. **lfyes: (circle one) ORESTRAlNING DSELF-RELEASING Was a temporary light bamer used (i.e. Silt screen)? YES ~ NO Was this a relocated nest? YES ~ NO Was the incident photographed? YES NO Was the nest located? YES NO ~ Was the nest excavated? YES NO ~ If yes. provide date of excavation? ---.,;/-I'c...z i- -f l _____ ADULT EVENT: Nest 0 False Crawl 0 HATCHLING EVENT n. m LOGGERHEAD GREEN LE ATHERB ACK UNIDENTIFIED No. OF TURTLE S DISO RIENTED No. OF TU RTL E S FOUND DEAD No OF TURTL ES FOUND ALIVE ~ No OF DISORIENTED TU RTLES REACHING WATER Wa lt'rl me o Additiona lcomrnents (pleaseelab orateand useback if necessary):. .JJ/M<!)'1 .f ' :tJ(¥d. o pe ~. t jv-{ +_11- 1", 1 Was I cal authon ry prOVided • City: Li3/L _ • ./' c-:rtu (/CC- r / copy of this report? YES /J V 7 ~-H ... C~"'~ ()e .....l l'<.. r t 'fJ I Io L b:r./,5 -( 'H b.." b :f.J $ fJ"r ~r'J eft..rl . 1 jJl NO ~ ~~~(~'o~!I~nN ~_~'===~~~_________ fiR Oilicr: ~5~/_ e/_~~_____ ~/t1/0") ok FWC ReVISed 0192. 111% 9 /'r . 1199.310 1.1101 , 1' 08 Appendix B - 42 " est Evaluation , and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 _._ ... ~o" Tllrtle Monltonng , N Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 43 D Nesting Reponing an Obstructed Attempt (ONA) Pemut Hok1er Inltals Month Day County Cooe (h$. " by Day FWC MARINE TURTLE DISORIENTATION REPORT FORM lfyou hove any questions please conlact FWC aJ tlte Tequesta Field Laboratory (561) 575~Jtl07 Fax reports to: (561) 743-6228 or Email reports to: SeaTurtleL!gl!tlng@MyFWC'com Send reports to: Di""rlentation Reports, FWC. 19100 SE Federal Highway. Tequesta. FL 33455 Tunle Permit #: oS' Date of Incident: --'2..c+Y;-,C~Z:7"/c,-"'qf.::::+-- _________ Observer's Name: lA1£;k.L.' Telephone (include area tode): 8~ '173} E·mail address: /Je!,)l/y r->ote. 07 Location of Disoril"lted Nest: ddress. beach nam~dlor nearest l.andrnark): ___'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ </ RVeI"'" g fu3 7...7 2 I ' ..... 0+ fAI ( 0 [) / : GPS Coordinates of neSt location (in the WGS projection in d«imal degrees Le., £at 16.845nl Long -80.458796): Latitude 27. 56 5'1 Longitude ~ Z. t.::: tf,s 6 City: ~ {,o.,<zb<>·,t JC'f'1 County: ;;",{<J.S.Di....... Local nest 7 ZI (/1I1?i it LC f ~ne nest was located m: ~6----:---;;-:--;----,~ Addressesllan arks hatchlin2s disoriented towards: Z. I Z I 675 0 ::s '3 mlf:W07 -z. (, 0; ; _ c;){ WhatJXpe(s) of light(s) were identified as a probable/possible lighting source?llease circle) Uparkmg lot §srreet light ondomimum (i nterior) Ddune crossover single family home (interior) ndominium (extenor) restaurantlbar stogie family home (exterior) sky glow/urban glow pier many lights present to determine Dno possible lights observed Dsign Dother: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o o Dloo *l/you cird~d "Too many lights presenllo det~rmine" please circle what lights were present in area Describe lightmg source(s); include number, fixture type & location oflights observed (use back if necessary): _ GPS Coordmates of bghl sources, or the propenies with the hght sources tluil caused the dtsorientation: L at ' Long , L ong' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ L at ' Lat' Long' Lat' Long' :-ccc::-c:--::-:-==:-Pleose report GPS Coordinates in the WGS projection in decimal degrees (Le., LaJ 26.845412 Long -80.458796) Incldenl was documented dunng (crrele one~ORNlNG SURVEY []NIGHT SURVEY Was thIS a caged nest? YES·· NO ___ ·'lfyes. (mcle onelDRESTRAINING DSELF'IEASING Was a temporary lIght bamer used (I.e SIlt screen)" YES..ll... NO Was this a relocated nest? YES..ll... NO Was the mCldent photographed? YES NO 'Was the nest located? YES NO Was the nest excavated? YES NO . . . " If yes, provide date of excavation? _~/I,-,,:/=--::::-=-=-~ ADULT EVENT: Nest 0 False Crawl D HATCHLING EVENT . . n i V :J'/ } i:! C,} LOGGERHEAD 1'00. OF TURTLE S O!SORJENTED 0 No OF ruRTLES FOUND ALIVE i REACHING WATER 1.''1 Additional c0"t,ents (please elaborate and use back if n<;cessa~) : ,/)cc/utl , ,(; .J, It? 'ie «<,-5"- -'" LEATHERBACK UNIDENTIFIED 30 No OF TURTLE 5 FOUND DEAD No OF DISORIENTED TURTLES GREEN D... I h I,('Jkle/ tI~"- ( ., , ,foh<1 q I : ,n ( I Was local authority provided a copy of this report? YES J:L NO J:L City: "-'13 Ie 0 County: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ Other: r1f (A------ ~ .....J....E<-=C'.=: J .... L~, ___ *?2<'" ; Date Mote Marine Laboratory Sea Turtle Monitoring, Nest Evaluation, and Protection Measures for Longboat Key 2009 Appendix B - 44