Comunidad de Argentine Abre Nueva Biblioteca
Comunidad de Argentine Abre Nueva Biblioteca
El Pachuco says that when love goes, spells won't do the trick. PRSRT STD U.S POSTAGE PAID See page 6 for complete story. KCMO PERMIT NO. 990 Periódico Bilingüe Kansas VOL 16 No. 04 City El Pachuco dice que cuando el amor se va, los hechizos no harán el truco. Vea la historia completa en la página 6. 4 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2012 YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 | TÚ CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 Anniversary Argentine Community Opens New Library By DEBRA DECOSTER T he residents of the Argentine neighborhood in Kansas City, Kansas wanted a new library with access for all. The Carnegie Library had served the neighborhood for 95 years but had steep steps at the entrance and provided cramped quarters. The community’s dream library would be user friendly for handicap and senior citizens. It would include wide aisles for easy movement, meeting rooms and enough computers that residents would not have to wait to surf the web. Last week, following a much anticipated ribbon-cutting ceremony at 3104 Strong Avenue, hundreds of residents got a close look at the new $6 million, 21,000 square foot South Branch Library and were thoroughly impressed. Where the old library had 22 computers and lines of people waiting to use them, patrons at the new library are in for a treat. The library has 22 laptops available for use, 20 desktop computers for children and 24 desktops for adults. Besides books, audio books and movies that patrons can check out, library patrons can also check out books on Nook e-book readers. Alice Rios home schools her two children, Anna and Paul, and they use the library on a regular basis seeking materials for their classes. “I am really excited about the library and the open space they have now. We are beginning to learn Spanish and they Ramon Murguia, chair of the KCK Public Library Community Campaign Committee, thanked residents for supporting the capital campaign for a new library. “We could not have done this without the community support. We really appreciate everyone in the community.” Comunidad de Argentine Abre Nueva Biblioteca THEY HAVE GREAT... / PAGE 2 Ramón Murguía, presidente del Comité de la Biblioteca Pública de KCK Campaña comunitaria, agradeció a los residentes por apoyar la campaña de la capital para una nueva biblioteca. "No podríamos haber hecho esto sin el apoyo de la comunidad. Realmente apreciamos a cada uno en la comunidad". Traduce GEMMA TORNERO L os residentes del vecindario Argentine en Kansas City, Kansas querían una nueva biblioteca con acceso para todos. La Biblioteca Carnegie, había servido al vecindario durante 95 años, pero tenía escalones empinados en la entrada, y brindaba cuartos apretados. La biblioteca soñada de la comunidad sería facil de usar para discapacitados y ancianos. Esta incluiría pasillos amplios para el fácil movimiento, salas de reuniones y bastantes computadoras para que los residentes no tuvieran que esperar para navegar en la red. La semana pasada, después de la muy esperada ceremonia de corte de listón en el 3104, de Strong Avenue, cientos de residentes consiguieron un vistazo cercano a la nueva Biblioteca Sucursal del Sur (South Branch Library), de $6 millones de dólares, de 21,000 pies cuadrados, y estuvieron muy impresionados. La vieja biblioteca tenía 22 computadoras, y filas de personas que esperaban usarlas, los clientes en la nueva biblioteca están invitados a algo muy especial. La biblioteca tiene 22 computadoras portátiles disponibles para su uso, 20 computadoras estacionarias para niños y 24 para adultos. Además de libros, audiolibros y películas que los clientes pueden tomar a préstamo, los clientes de la biblioteca también pueden tomar a préstamo, libros en lectores de libro electrónico Nook. ELLOS TIENEN GRANDES... / PÁGINA 2 New Law Practice To Focus On Immigration Community Center Extends Hours – Opens 7 Days A Week Nuevo Bufete Jurídico Se Concentra En Inmigración Attorney Jessica Piedra was surrounded by friends, family, clients and business associates as she celebrated the opening of the Immigration Professionals law practice in the Crossroads Arts district. La Fiscal Jessica Piedra, estaba rodeada de amigos, familiares, clientes y socios de negocios, mientras se celebró la inauguración del bufete jurídico ‘Profesionales de Inmigración’, en el Distrito de Arte Crossroads. By JOE ARCE & JOSE FAUS F Traduce GEMMA TORNERO amily, friends, supporters, business partners and clients enjoyed catered Mexican food and Latin jazz during the recent ribbon-cutting ceremony La familia, los amigos, los clientes y los socios del negocio, disfrutaron del catering de comida mexicana y el jazz latino durante la reciente ceremonia de REFERRAL HELPING... / PAGE 3 LAS REFERENCIAS AYUDAN... / PÁGINA 3 Photo by Eduardo "Lalo" Uviña T he Tony Aguirre Community Center hours will be extended starting this coming weekend. KCMO Park Board president Jean Paul Chaurand and Mayor Sly James announced at a joint press conference. Also starting this weekend, the center will open on Sunday from noon- 6p.m. Parks & Rec officials said the changes are a direct result of the recent passage of the sales tax question in August. Hispanic News will have more details next week on the changes including residents’ reaction. If You Want To Continue The Conversation On A Story You Read, Facebook Us Now! Contactenos en Facebook! Si desea continuar la conversación en una historia que ha leído NEWSROOM: (816)472.5246 | FAX: (816) 931.6397 | | E-MAIL: | 2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108 2 4 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2012 | “They Have Great Resources Here” CONT./PAGE 1 have great resources here for us,” she said. The library boasts one of the largest collections of Spanish books in the area. Rose Schulze, who recently quit working to be home with her children, brought her young son to the opening and let him play in the children’s area while she found books to read to him. “The library is important to us and it is great to have it in our community. Since I stopped my [working] hours … we don’t have the means that we used to have to buy books so it is wonderful for us. They love reading. They love having the DVDs to watch. I read to my son a lot and it is important for us to be able to come here and get books to help him get ready for school,” said Schulze. Parents like Rios and Schulze are part of the grass roots effort that brought about the new library. Residents began talks with the Kansas City Kansas School District Board of Education about the need of a new library in Argentine. An agreement was reached obligating the district to raise $4 million for the library if the community would raise $2 million towards the project. Ramon and Sally Murguia, Victor and Delia Hernandez and Jane Humphries organized as the Kansas City Kansas Public Library Community Campaign Committee and began to spread the word that they were working to raise money for a new library. The committee grew to 18 members and was able to obtain large donations from foundations in Kansas and Missouri. Money also trickled in form the neighborhood. School children held penny drives, library patrons dropped change and dollar bills into collection bottles at library sites. Endless car washes, bake sales and zumba classes helped raise money towards the goal. When the committee raised the first $500,000, the school board purchased the old grocery store building and demolition began. “We could not have done this without the community support. A lot of people were behind us, opened doors for us. We had quite a few events to raise money and there were so many people that gathered around us for this project that it made it possible for us to raise the money. We really appreciate everyone in the community,” said Ramon Murguia. The community stills needs to raise $200,000 towards the $2 million goal, but the campaign committee isn’t worried. Victor Hernandez told Hispanic News that they still have outstanding gifts yet to come in. “We did significant fundraising and really utilized the local and national philanthropic communities for the larger gifts. It was a great plan that we put together and now the results are right here in front of us and we are excited about the library,” he added. Director of libraries Carol Levers held her hands up and exclaimed, “This is a dream come true for this community and the library staff.” Gloria Willis, president of the Kansas City Kansas School Board of Education, told the crowd waiting to see the library that she was told by her friends in the senior’s building to the north of the library that they were excited to walk over and check out books and movies. “Their message was ‘Carol Levers be ready to be invaded by senior citizens,’” laughed Willis. The seniors are accommodated in the library’s plans. New sidewalks were built around the library and connect to the senior citizens high rise and to El Centro’s pre-school building. Dr. Cynthia Lane, superintendent of Schools, greeted everyone with a quote from Margaret Mead, ‘Never doubt that a small group of committed people will change the world. Indeed, that is the only thing that ever has.’ “That is what happened here. A group of highly committed individuals spent their own resources, had bake sales and were fully committed to doing whatever it would take, including having zumba classes to raise money. They knocked on doors, talked about their vision and what it would mean for their community,” said Lane. The library is in Kansas House Representative Louis Ruiz revised district. As he walked into the library, he was amazed at the open space and the large selection of books shelved at eye level. When Hispanic News asked Ruiz if he had a library card, he pulled his out and said that his mother, who is 89 years old, also uses the library to check out audio books. “This library shows what grassroots efforts can do. People who live here should be proud of their accomplishment,” said Ruiz. Ramon Murguia emphasized that libraries are still relevant in communities in the 21st century. “They are a place for people to come and look for a job, they are still a place for students to come and do their homework, and residents and students can come to the library and access the Internet. Libraries are about giving people the opportunity so that they can get educated and they can go out into this world and help others,” he said. The new library is a symbol of a resurgent Argentine community. Residents have seen many changes in the past year including new curbs and sidewalks, new housing and a recently opened Dollar General Store on the east side. Soon construction will begin on a $3.2 million dollar grocery store to be built next to the Dollar General Store by the old structural steel building site on Metropolitan and 18th street. “We have worked hard at what we have today, a $6 million dollar library, a $3.2 million dollar grocery store. I don’t think this community has seen those kinds of improvements in over two decades. I think we have an amazing start and we are going to do amazing things in the future,” said Unified Government/WYCO Commissioner Ann Murguia. (Lower Right) Home schooler Alice Rios, with her daughter Anna and son Paul, visits the library regularly. “We have been learning about King Arthur and his round table of knights and in science we are learning about rocks and minerals, so we look for books that will help us with those lessons.” South Branch Library in the Argentine neighborhood of Kansas City, Kansas opened last week. The 21,000 square foot facility features wide aisles, a large meeting room and several smaller study rooms for patrons’ use. The library has a large children’s section and a story time area. Commissioner Ann Murguia said, “Argentine has had a library in the neighborhood for over 95 years. It has created an opportunity for people in the community and outside the community to read, learn and educate themselves. I am looking forward to the new library doing the same.” (Parte inferior derecha) La estudiante en Casa, Alicia Ríos, con su hija Anna y su hijo Paul, visitan la biblioteca con regularidad. "Hemos estado aprendiendo sobre el rey Arturo y su mesa redonda con los caballeros; en ciencias estamos aprendiendo sobre las rocas y minerales, por lo cual buscamos libros que nos ayuden con esas lecciones." La Biblioteca del Sur, en el barrio argentino de Kansas City, Kansas, abrió la semana pasada. La instalación de 21,000 pies cuadrados cuenta con amplios pasillos, sala de reuniones grandes y varias salas pequeñas de estudio para su uso. La biblioteca tiene una sección grande para los niños y una zona para leerle historias a los niños. La Comisionada Ann Murguía, dijo que, "Argentina ha tenido una biblioteca en el barrio desde hace más de 95 años. Se ha creado una oportunidad para que las personas en la comunidad y fuera de la comunidad lean, aprendan y se eduquen. Yo espero que la nueva biblioteca haga lo mismo. “Ellos Tienen Grandes Recursos Aquí” CONT./PÁGINA 1 Alice Ríos, educa en casa a sus dos niños, Anna y Paúl, ellos usan la biblioteca de manera regular, buscando materiales para sus clases. “Realmente estoy emocionada con la biblioteca y el espacio abierto que ellos tienen ahora. Comenzamos a aprender español y tienen grandes recursos aquí para nosotros”, declaró ella. La biblioteca presume de una de las colecciones más grandes de libros en español en el área. Rose Schulze, quien recientemente dejó de trabajar para estar en casa con sus niños, trajo a su joven hijo a la apertura, y lo dejo jugar en el área de niños mientras ella encontraba libros para leerle a él. “La biblioteca es importante para nosotros, y es estupendo tenerla en nuestra comunidad. Ya que no tengo mis horas de trabajo y no tenemos los medios que solíamos tener para comprar los libros; entonces es maravilloso para nosotros. Ellos aman leer. Ellos aman tener los DVD’s y mirarlos. Le leo mucho a mi hijo y es importante para nosotros tener la posibilidad de venir aquí y conseguir los libros que le ayuden a prepararse para la escuela”, afirmó Schulze. Los padres de familia como Ríos y Schulze, son parte del esfuerzo y la base que trajo la nueva biblioteca. Los residentes comenzaron conversaciones con el Consejo de Educación de Distrito Escolar de Kansas City Kansas, sobre la necesidad de una nueva biblioteca en Argentine. Se llegó a un acuerdo, obligando al distrito a reunir $4 millones, para la biblioteca sí la comunidad reunía $2 millones para el proyecto. Ramón y Sally Murguía, Victor y Delia Hernández, y Jane Humphries se organizaron como el ‘Comité de Campaña Comunitaria de la Biblioteca Pública de Kansas City Kansas’, y comenzaron a extender la voz de que ellos trabajaban para reunir el dinero para una nueva biblioteca. El comité creció a 18 integrantes y fue capaz de obtener grandes donaciones de fundaciones en Kansas y Missouri. El dinero también llego poco a poco de parte del vecindario. Los alumnos llevaron a cabo colectas de centavos; los clientes de la biblioteca dejaron las monedas sueltas y billetes de un dólar en botes de recolección en bibliotecas. Auto lavados interminables, ventas de repostería y clases de zumba, ayudaron a reunir el dinero hacia el objetivo. YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 | TÚ CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 Cuando el comité reunió los primeros $500.000, el consejo escolar compró el viejo edificio del supermercado, y comenzó la demolición. “No pudímos haber hecho ésto sin el apoyo de la comunidad. Mucha gente estuvo detrás de nosotros, a puertas abiertas para nosotros. Teníamos bastantes eventos para reunir el dinero, y había tantas personas que se unieron a nosotros para éste proyecto, que hizo posible que nosotros reuniéramos el dinero. Realmente agradecemos a cada uno en la comunidad”, comentó Ramón Murguía. La comunidad aún tiene que reunir $200.000 dólares, hacia el objetivo de $2 millones, pero el comité de campaña, no está preocupado. Victor Hernández le dijo a Hispanic News, que ellos aún tienen regalos excepcionales por recibir. “Hicimos una recaudación de fondos significativa y, realmente utilizamos las comunidades filantrópicas locales y nacionales para los regalos más grandes. Fue un gran plan el que creamos y, ahora los resultados están aquí mismo, delante de nosotros y estamos emocionados con la biblioteca”, añadió él. La directora de bibliotecas Carol Levers, alzo sus manos y exclamó, “Esto es un sueño hecho realidad para esta comunidad, y el personal de la biblioteca”. Gloria Willis, la presidenta del Consejo Escolar en Educación de Kansas City, Kansas., contó a la gente reunida, que esperaba ver la biblioteca, le comentaron sus amigos del edificio para las personas mayores al norte de la biblioteca, que estaban emocionados de caminar y ver los libros y las películas. “Su mensaje era ‘Carol Levers, preparate para ser invadida por ancianos’”, se rió Willis. Las personas mayores estan dentro de los proyectos de la biblioteca. Se construyeron nuevas aceras alrededor de la biblioteca, y se unen con la torre de personas mayores, y con el edificio preescolar de ‘El Centro’. La doctora Cynthia Lane, la Directora de Escuelas, saludó a todos con una frase de Margaret Mead, ‘Nunca dude que un grupo pequeño de gente comprometida, cambie el mundo. En efecto, es la única cosa que sin duda alguna lo hace’. “Es lo que pasó aquí. Un grupo de individuos muy comprometidos, gastó sus propios recursos, tuvieron ventas de repostería y pastelería y, estuvieron totalmente dedicados a hacer lo que fuera necesario, incluso tener clases de zumba para reunir el dinero. Ellos tocaron a las puertas, hablaron acerca de su visión y lo que esto significaría para su comunidad”, puntualizó Lane. La biblioteca se encuentra en la Casa de Representantes de Kansas, del distrito modificado de Louis Ruíz. Cuando él camino por la biblioteca, estaba asombrado del espacio abierto y la gran selección de libros en los estantes a la altura del ojo. Cuando Hispanic News le pregunto a Ruíz, si él tenía una tarjeta de la biblioteca, él saco la suya y dijo que su madre; quien tiene 89 años, también usa la biblioteca para tomar a préstamo audiolibros. “Esta biblioteca muestra lo que los esfuerzos de bases pueden hacer. La gente que vive aquí, debería estar orgullosa de su logro”, declaró Ruíz. Ramón Murguía, subrayó que las bibliotecas, todavía son relevantes en las comunidades en el siglo veintiuno. “Ellas son un lugar para que la gente venga y busque un trabajo, todavía son un lugar para que los estudiantes vengan y hagan su tarea, y los residentes y los estudiantes pueden venir a la biblioteca y tener acceso a Internet. Las bibliotecas tratan de dar a la gente, la oportunidad, de tal manera, que ellos puedan educarse y puedan salir a este mundo y ayudar a otros”, explicó él. La nueva biblioteca, es un símbolo de una comunidad Argentine renaciente. Los residentes han visto muchos cambios en el año pasado; incluso nuevos bordes de banqueta y aceras, nuevas casas y una tienda de ‘Dollar General’, recientemente abierta en el lado del este. Pronto comenzará la construcción de un supermercado de $3,2 millones, a ser construido al lado de la tienda ‘Dollar General’, junto a la vieja obra de acero estructural en la calle Metropolitan y la calle 18. “Hemos trabajado mucho en lo que tenemos hoy, una biblioteca, $6 millones de dólares, un supermercado de $3,2 millones. No creo que esta comunidad haya visto esta clase de mejoras en más de dos décadas. Creo que tenemos un inicio asombroso y vamos a hacer cosas asombrosas en el futuro”, explicó la Comisionada del Gobierno Unificado/WYCO, Ann Murguía. Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City 4 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2012 Referrals Helping Build Business By JASON ALDERMAN Lawyer Roger McCallister told Hispanic news that it was time to move into the immigration law business after he saw the dedication passion and network that Jessica Piedra had established in the field. El Abogado Roger McCallister, dijo a Hispanic News que era el momento para entrar en el negocio de las leyes de inmigración después de haber visto la dedicada pasión y contactos, que Jessica Piedra ha establecido en el campo. “The tide is turning in our [Latino community] favor. We are seeing new defered action cases and soon there will be other things that will provide relief to our families.” Piedra finds the not for profit status of the firm suits her activism. “Instead of the profits going back to the owners, the majority of our profits go to Kansas Legal Services. We also donate to various nonprofits and that is the advantage of this.” Piedra brings a long history working in the Latino community. She is also a passionate promoter of the culture having studied and spent time in Mexico. “After studying in Mexico, I really fell in love with the Spanish language. It is my second language … and that has facilitated my work in the immigrant community,” she said. “I worked in immigration law in the early part of the 2000’s. I was part of an immigrant family and went through the immigration process myself with my family members. I know what it is like for our clients. I feel like I bring that to the table, not only the technical expertise but the life experience.” Piedra said that experience is leading to a lot of referrals. “The community has really come out. We have gotten a lot of referrals from the main community centers and our clients have been happy with our service and we have been getting a lot for referrals to their friends especially with the deferred action cases. We have seen people from the same apartment complexes. They come in and we say, ‘oh, we recognize that address.’ They have been referred to us by one of our other clients that also live in that street.” The Crossroads location will offer services in the area of Disability and Immigration law with Anna Haas leading the disability part of the practice. For more information or an appointment call (816) 221-2277. Las Referencias Ayudan a Construir El Negocio CONT./PÁGINA 1 inauguración del bufete jurídico ‘Profesionales de Inmigración’, en el Distrito de Arte Crossroads. El bufete es una nueva empresa para la abogada/activista de inmigración por mucho tiempo, Jessica Piedra. “Después de diez años de trabajo en las leyes y en las calles, en nombre de los inmigrantes; ya sea en protestas, es simplemente grandioso estar de regreso y trabajar con individuos cara a cara”, Piedra dijo a Hispanic News. “Es realmente estupendo celebrar con la comunidad. Es necesario para todos nosotros y para hacer de la comunidad un mejor lugar, y aprecio todo el trabajo de la gente que ha venido para divertirse hoy con nosotros”. Según Piedra, la nueva ubicación tiene algunas ventajas comerciales. “Escogimos ésta área, porque quisimos estar en una ubicación donde la gente supiera dónde estamos, y también estar cerca del corazón de la comunidad. Estamos a sólo dos cuadras del Consulado Mexicano. Es obviamente un indicador para la gente. También estamos cerca de Servicios Profesionales Judíos (JVS por sus siglas en inglés). Trabajé estrechamente con ellos en mi trabajo anterior en Asistencia Legal (Legal Aid) trabajando con refugiados. Quiero trabajar con esa comunidad y ayudar a nuevos norteamericanos de toda clase a encontrar su lugar aquí en Kansas City”. El nuevo proyecto, como Piedra lo llama, ocurrió como un descubrimiento inesperado. Ella dejó Asistencia Legal de Missouri Occidental para tomar un trabajo con Profesionales de Invalidez, un bufete de abogados sin fines lucrativos, con base en Blue Springs. Su experiencia previa en la ley de inmigración, llamó la atención de Roger McCallister, el dueño del bufete. Él fue el director ejecutivo de servicios jurídicos de Kansas, durante 36 años antes de abrir el bufete sin fines lucrativos. “El bufete de abogados hace trabajo de invalidez, pero vimos cambiar la política del mundo y decidimos que éste era el tiempo para expandirse y hacer trabajo de inmigración”, explicó McCallister. “El consejo del bufete de abogados, decidió moverse en esa área. Contratamos a Jessica para hacer aquí el trabajo en invalidez y supimos sobre su experiencia en inmigración y dijimos, ¿por qué no?. Somos capaces de hacer ésto, porque Jessica tiene la experiencia. Hemos añadido a mas personal aparte de ella, hemos decidido extendernos en ésto y tal vez ampliar un poco en otras de sus redes”. “Esto es fantástico y realmente grandioso, el ser una parte de este proyecto y estar realmente apoyada por un bufete de abogados regional, y tener éste nuevo proyecto que he comenzado para ellos”, comentó Piedra. “La marea se esta llendo a favor de nuestra comunidad latina. Vemos nuevos casos de acción aplazada y pronto habrá otras cosas que proporcionarán alivio a nuestras familias”. Piedra encuentra que el estatus, de sin fines lucrativos del bufete, le queda a su activismo. “En vez de que las ganancias regresen a los dueños, la mayoría de nuestras ganancias van para Servicios Jurídicos de Kansas. También donamos a varias agencias no lucrativas y es la ventaja de esto”. Bilingual Newspaper Kansas City 3 Money-Saving Open Enrollment Tips CONT./PAGE 1 for the Immigration Professionals law practice in the Crossroads Arts district. The practice is a new venture for longtime immigration attorney/ activist Jessica Piedra. “After ten years of working in law or in the streets on behalf of immigrants, whether it is in protests … it is just really great to be back and working one-on-one with individuals,” Piedra told Hispanic News. “It is really great to celebrate with the community. It takes all of us to make the community a better place and I appreciate all the work of the folks that have come to celebrate with us today.” According to Piedra, the new location has some business advantages. “We picked this area because we wanted to be in a location where people would know where we are and also be close to the heart of the community. We are just two blocks away from the Mexican Consulate. That is obviously the marker for folks. We are also close to the Jewish Vocational Services. I worked closely with them in my previous job at Legal Aid [working with] refugees. I want to work with that community and help new Americans of every kind to find their place here in Kansas City.” The new project, as Piedra calls it, came about serendipitously. She left Legal Aid of Western Missouri to take a job with the Disability Professionals, a not for profit law firm based in Blue Springs. Her previous experience in immigration law drew the attention of Roger McCallister, the owner of the practice. He was executive director of Kansas legal services for 36 years before opening the not for profit service. “The law firm does disability work, but we saw the politics changing in the world and decided it was time to branch out and do immigration work,” explained McCallister. “The board of the law firm decided to move into that area. We hired Jessica to do the work here in disability and found [out] about her background in immigration and decided why not. We were able to do that because Jessica had the background. We have added other staff behind her and we have decided to branch out into that and maybe expand into some of her other networks.” This is fantastic and really great to be a part of this project and to actually be supported by a regional law firm and to have this new project that I have started for them,” said Piedra. | Piedra trae una historia larga de trabajo en la comunidad latina. Ella también es una promotora apasionada de la cultura ya que ha estudiado y pasado tiempo en México. “Después de estudiar en México, realmente me enamoré de la lengua castellana. Es mi segunda lengua y eso ha facilitado mi trabajo en la comunidad inmigrante”, explicó ella. “Trabajé en la ley de inmigración al inicio de los años 2000. Yo era parte de una familia inmigrante y pasé por el proceso de inmigración, junto con los integrantes de mi familia. Sé lo qué es ésto para nuestros clientes. Siento que traigo ésto a la mesa de negociaciones, no sólo la maestría técnica, sino la experiencia de vida”. Piedra dijo que esa experiencia ha llevado a muchas referencias. “La comunidad realmente ha salido. Hemos conseguido muchas remisiones de los principales centros sociales, nuestros clientes han estado contentos con nuestro servicio, y hemos estado recibiendo muchas recomendaciones de sus amigos sobre todo de los casos de acción aplazada. Hemos visto gente de los mismos complejos de departamentos. Ellos entran y decimos, ‘ah, reconocemos esa dirección’. Ellos han sido enviados con nosotros por uno de nuestros otros clientes que también viven en aquella calle”. La ubicación de Crossroads, ofrecerá servicios en el área de la ley de Inmigración e Invalidez con Anna Haas al frente de la parte de invalidez en el bufete. Para más información o para concertar una cita llame al (816) 221-2277. Over the next few weeks, millions of Americans will receive their 2013 open enrollment materials. Although it’s tempting to simply check “same as last year,” that can be a costly mistake – especially if your employer is offering different benefit plans next year or your family or income situation has changed. Plus, an important feature of health care flexible spending accounts, which many people use to reduce their tax bite, is changing next year (more on that below). Here’s what to look for when reviewing your benefit options: Many benefit plans – especially medical – change coverage details from year to year. If you’re offered more than one plan, compare features side by side (including plans offered by your spouse’s employer) to ensure you’re choosing the best alternative. Common changes include: Dropping or replacing unpopular or overly expensive plans. Increased monthly premiums for employee and/or dependent coverage. Increased deductible and/or copayment amounts for doctor visits, prescription drugs, hospitalization, dental or vision benefits, etc. Revised drug formularies. Doctors and hospitals sometimes withdraw from a plan’s preferred provider network. Raising maximum yearly out-of-pocket expense limits. If offered by your employer, health care and dependent care flexible spending accounts (FSAs) can significantly offset the financial impact of medical and dependent care by letting you pay for eligible out-of-pocket expenses on a pre-tax basis; that is, before federal, state and Social Security taxes are deducted from your paycheck. This reduces your taxable income and therefore, your taxes. You can use a health care FSA to pay for IRS-allowed medical expenses not covered by your medical, dental or vision plans. Check IRS Publication 502 at for allowable expenses. Dependent care FSAs let you use pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible expenses related to care for your child, spouse, parent or other dependent incapable of self-care. Here’s how FSAs work: Say you earn $42,000 a year. If you contribute $1,000 to a health care FSA and $3,000 for dependent care, your taxable income would be reduced to $38,000. Your resulting net income, after taxes, would be roughly $1,600 more than if you had paid for those expenses on an after-tax basis. Keep in mind these FSA restrictions: Important: Effective January 1, 2013, employee contributions to health care FSAs are now limited to $2,500 a year; however, if your spouse has FSAs at work, you still may contribute up to $2,500 to each account. The dependent care FSA limit remains unchanged at $5,000. Health care and dependent care account contributions are not interchangeable. Estimate planned expenses carefully because you must forfeit unused account balances. Some employers offer a grace period of up to 2 ½ months after the end of the plan year to incur expenses, but that’s not mandatory, so review your enrollment materials. Outside of open enrollment, you can only make mid-year FSA changes after a major life or family status change, such as marriage, divorce, death of a spouse or dependent, birth or adoption of a child, or a dependent passing the eligibility age. If one of those situations occurs mid-year, re-jigger your FSAs accordingly for maximum savings. You must re-enroll in FSAs each year – amounts don’t carry over from year to year. Also remember that if you marry, divorce, or gain or lose dependents, it could impact the type – and cost – of your coverage options. Jason Alderman directs Visa’s financial education programs. Consejos Para La Inscripción Abierta Para Ahorrar Dinero En las próximas semanas, millones de estadounidenses recibirán los materiales para la inscripción abierta para el 2013. Aunque es tentador marcar simplemente “lo mismo que el año pasado”, eso puede ser un error costoso; especialmente si su empleador ofrece diferentes planes de beneficios para el próximo año o su situación familiar o de ingresos ha cambiado. Además, una característica importante de las cuentas de gastos flexibles para la atención de la salud, que muchas personas utilizan para reducir el mordisco impositivo, cambiará el próximo año (más adelante se tratará sobre este tema). Esto es lo que debe buscar al revisar sus opciones de beneficios: Muchos planes de beneficios -sobre todo los médicos- cambian los detalles de la cobertura de un año a otro. Si le ofrecen más de un plan, compare punto por punto las características (incluyendo los planes ofrecidos por el empleador de su cónyuge) para asegurarse de elegir la mejor alternativa. Los cambios comunes incluyen: Abandonar o reemplazar los planes poco populares o demasiado caros. Aumento de las primas mensuales para los empleados y/o la cobertura de dependientes. Aumento en los montos de deducibles y/o copagos para las consultas médicas, medicamentos recetados, internación, beneficios dentales u oftalmológicos, etc. Formularios de medicamentos revisados. Los médicos y los hospitales a veces se retiran de la red de proveedores preferidos del plan. Aumento de los límites máximos de desembolso anual. Si lo ofrece su empleador, las cuentas de gastos flexibles (también llamada FSA, por sus siglas en inglés) para la atención médica y la atención de dependientes pueden compensar de manera significativa el impacto económico de la atención médica y de los dependientes al permitirle pagar gastos de desembolso elegibles antes de descontar los impuestos, es decir, antes de deducir los impuestos federales, estatales y del Seguro Social de su cheque de pago. Esto reduce su ingreso imponible y, por lo tanto, sus impuestos. Puede utilizar una FSA para la atención de la salud para pagar gastos médicos permitidos de IRS no cubiertos por sus planes médicos, dentales o de visión. Revise la Publicación de IRS 502 at para conocer los gastos admitidos. Las FSA para la atención de dependientes le permiten usar dólares antes de descontar los impuestos para pagar los gastos elegibles en relación con la atención de su hijo, cónyuge, progenitor u otro dependiente incapaz del cuidado personal. Así funcionan las FSA: Digamos que gana $ 42,000 al año. Si contribuye $ 1,000 a una FSA para la atención de la salud y $ 3.000 para la atención de dependientes, su base imponible se reducirá a $ 38.000. Su ingreso neto resultante, después de los impuestos, sería de aproximadamente 1.600 dólares más que si se hubiera pagado esos gastos sobre una base después de impuestos. Tenga en cuenta estas restricciones de la FSA: Importante: El 1 de enero de 2013, las contribuciones de los empleados a las FSA de atención de la salud están limitadas a $ 2,500 al año, sin embargo, si su cónyuge tiene la FSA en el trabajo, aún puede contribuir hasta $ 2,500 para cada cuenta. El límite de las FSA para la atención de dependientes se mantiene sin cambios en $ 5,000. Los aportes de las cuentas para la atención de la salud y la atención de dependientes no son intercambiables. Calcule los gastos planeados cuidadosamente, ya que debe renunciar a los saldos no utilizados de la cuenta. Algunos empleadores ofrecen un período de gracia de hasta 2 meses y medio después de fin del año del plan para incurrir en los gastos, pero no es obligatorio, así que revise sus documentos de inscripción. Además de la inscripción abierta, sólo se pueden hacer cambios a mitad de año para la FSA después de un cambio de estado de vida importante o de familia, como el matrimonio, el divorcio, la muerte de un cónyuge o dependiente, el nacimiento o la adopción de un hijo, o el paso de la elegibilidad de la edad de un dependiente. Si una de esas situaciones se produce a mediados de año, reorganice su FSA según corresponda para maximizar su ahorro. Debe volver a inscribirse en las FSA todos los años: los importes no se transfieren de año a año. Asimismo, recuerda que si se casa, se divorcia, se suman o se restan dependientes, podría influir en el tipo – y el costo – de sus opciones de cobertura. Jason Alderman dirige los programas de educación financiera de Visa. YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 | TÚ CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 4 4 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2012 CLASSIFIEDS & PUBLIC NOTICES | | Facilities Manager The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) is seeking a highly motivated, energetic, experienced, and progressive operations manager to over-see its fast paced, multi-faceted Plant Management/ Facilities Department which includes a 20-acre Central Service Complex, metropolitan-wide passenger amenities, Park & Ride facilities, off-complex restrooms, security, and capital construction. This position will direct both union and salaried staff, and manage facility contractors, consultants and vendors used by the organization. To qualify, this position requires at minimum, a high school diploma/ GED with advance certifications in facilities management plus five years’ management level experience in facility and/or building maintenance in an industrial or transit environment. A college degree and five years facilities management experience is preferred. In addition, the successful candidate must be a problem solver with an above average knowledge and documented experience with mechanical and building systems involving at least four of the following areas: HVAC, water, utilities, building maintenance, utilities management, bus washers, fuel storage and pump monitoring systems. A working knowledge of computerized maintenance/facility management systems; budget analysis; experience supervising in a Union environment; and strong interpersonal, writing and oral communication skills are also necessary. Qualified applicants should immediately apply with resume, three professional references, certifications, and salary history to: KCATA, Attention: HR Director, 1200 East 18th Street, KCMO or submit documents to This position will be open until filled. EOE/AA Sealed bids for REPLACE ROOF TOP HVAC UNITS, Missouri Highway Patrol Toop H, St Joseph, Missouri, Project No. R1206-01 will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, 11/1/2012. The pre-bid meeting is 10:30 AM, on 10/16/2012. For specific project information and ordering plans, go to fmdc/dc/list.htm. Public Notice Kansas City Kansas Community College FILL DIRT AVAILABLE (North end of the campus) FREE WITH RELEASE OF LIABILITY Contact Jeff Sixta at 288-7163 or David Root at 288-7424 Llame para anunciarse en nuestra sección de clasificados: (816) 472.5246 Web Producer Opening WDAF-TV is seeking qualified applicants who understand local news gathering & have a desire to break news across multiple platforms. Candidate will be responsible for generating original content, have basic understanding of web & mobile metrics & possess the ability to implement our strategic plan for building viewers & users for both web & mobile. A 4-year degree is preferred. Successful candidates must be organized, detail oriented, communicative & capable of completing multiple, complex tasks on deadline. Apply with resume & letter to: Michelle Pekarsky WDAF-TV 3030 Summit Kansas City, MO 64108 EOE/M/F/D/V In Loving Memory CLASIFICADOS & ANUNCIOS PUBLICOS PUBLIC NOTICE The Full Employment Council, Inc. (FEC) will receive proposals for: PARKING LOT RESURFACING SERVICES Request for proposals and specifications may be obtained by calling the Full Employment Council, located at 1740 Paseo, Kansas City, Missouri, 64108, at (816) 471-2330, ext. 1316, or from the Full Employment Council website at Proposals must be received and stamped at the Full Employment Council no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, October 19th. The Full Employment Council reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to take any or all proposals under advisement, or to accept any proposals as may be deemed in its interest as meeting the standards of best and lowest proposal. A pre-bid conference will be held at 1740 Paseo, in the conference room, on Friday, October 5th at 11:00 a.m. All interested parties are required to attend. EOE/AA/M/F/V/ADA EMPLOYER JACKSON COUNTY MISSOURI PURCHASING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Purchasing Department Jackson County Courthouse Roon G1, 415 E. 12th St., Kansas City, MO 64106. Bid documents and specifications may be obtained at this office. Bid closes at 2:00 pm on the date indicated below and will be publicly opened at that time. Bid closes at 11/06/12, the bid is as follows, Bid number 77-12 Medical Dental for Inmates. *Bids Indicated by asterisk must be accessed via the Internet at If you have questions, Contact the Purchasing Department at (816) 881-3267 JACKSON COUNTY MISSOURI PURCHASING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Purchasing Department Jackson County Courthouse Roon G1, 415 E. 12th St., Kansas City, MO 64106. Bid documents and specifications may be obtained at this office. Bid closes at 2:00 pm on the date indicated below and will be publicly opened at that time. Bid closes at 10/16/12, the bid is as follows, Bid number 8412 Monument Sign with Electronic Message Center. *Bids Indicated by asterisk must be accessed via the Internet at If you have questions, Contact the Purchasing Department at (816) 881-3267 Accepting Proposals Long Motor Corporation Have the following Opening FT Warehouse positions, Weekend shift, min 50lbs lift, $10.25 p/hr. Apply at Long Motor Corp, 14600 W 107th St Lenexa KS 9 am - 4 pm, M-Th. Bi-Lingual FT Call Center RFP for Sidewalk and Curb Repair in the River Market District area. The River Market CID is accepting proposals from qualified MBE/WBE professionals. The RFP is available online at or by emailing Mark Rowlands at Performance Manager I Student Employment Services Coordinator For more info: EOE/AA Reps: 4 wk day@10 am 7 pm & a Sat or Sun. Min 3 mos exp in customer service. $9.75 p/hr. Apply at Long Motor Corp, 14600 W 107th St Lenexa KS 9 am - 4 pm, M-Th. Senior Applications Analyst, Long Motor Corp., Lenexa, KS. Requires Magic Programming experience. Contact EOE Josephine “Honey” Ramirez Josephine “Honey” Ramirez, 76, of Kansas City, MO was called home by her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Sept 24, 2012 at her home. Family and friends gathered at Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine on October 1 for a visitation and to share their love for Honey and for her family. At noon, a mass was celebrated in her honor. Later that afternoon she was laid to rest at Leavenworth National Cemetery. Honey is survived by her children, Steve Ramirez, Linda Capetillo Rodriguez, Deborah Chavez, Racqual Ramirez; sisters, Connie Gonzales and Francis Arzola; and other extended family members. Online condolences may be made at Lola Hernandez Mom, it’s been five long years since you went away and yet it seems like yesterday. Each and every day that passes you are in our hearts and in our prayers. We miss you and dad so much. Life is not the same without you. We miss the big family picnics, going to dances and watching you two together dancing. We still get together and try to keep everything going as if you were still here; softball games, horseshoes, and grilling out at the house. We know you both are watching and trying to guide us. We feel your love. You will be both happy and proud to know that our family is growing and prospering. You now have a total of 19 Grandchildren, 38 Great Grandchildren and 8 Great-Great Grandchildren and a few on the way. We had a few weddings too. April married Tom. Brian married Tonia. Sal married. Casey Sidonia married Rick. Alex married Danielle. Frank is next to walk the aisle. We know you and dad will be there watching. You will be proud to know you have some college graduates in the family now. April, Sal, Brian and Alex all are college grads. Mom, we just want you to know you have not been forgotten. Each new life that enters our family will know all about you and dad. We strive everyday to be the people and live the lives you and dad raised us to be. Please continue to watch over our family and be our Guardian Angels in Heaven. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers will be with you forever. Your Loving Family, Paulie, Rita, Eddie, Manuel, Carol Michael, Elizabeth, Rudy, and John Joe. All of your sons and daughters. In-laws, grandchildren, great and great-great grandchildren. DIABETES EDUCATION & SELF-MANAGEMENT CLASSES “Stand Strong with Diabetes” Classes are: Thursdays October 11, 18 and November 1, 8, and 15 From: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Location: Riverview/St. Luke’s lounge (722 Reynolds Ave., KCK 66101) CLASES DE EDUCACIÓN Y CONTROL PROPIO DE DIABETES. “Stand Strong with Diabetes” Jueves 1:00 pm a 3:00 pm. En el salón de Riverview/St. Luke’s (722 Avenida Reynolds, KCK 66101) El 11 y 18 de octubre y el 1, 8 y 15 de noviembre. YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 | TÚ CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 These classes will be in English Spanish classes will be offered soon! Estas classes serán en inglés Las clases en español vendrán pronto! Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City CLASSIFIEDS & PUBLIC NOTICES | CLASIFICADOS & ANUNCIOS PUBLICOS CALL CENTER OPERATOR Store Management Opportunities Hobby Lobby is a leader in the Arts & Crafts industry with over 500 stores located in 42 states. Candidates must have previous retail store management experience in one of the following: Supermarket chain, Craft chain, Mass merchant, Drug chain, Building supply chain. Must be willing to relocate. Benefits include: • All Stores Closed on Sunday! • Competitive Salaries • Paid Vacations • 401K Plan • Medical/Dental/LTD • Life Insurance • Merchandise Discount • Flex Spending Plan Qualified Candidates with Retail Management experience as listed above must apply on-line. EOE The METRO is looking for customer-oriented person to answer telephone questions and provide schedule info to transit customers. This job requires excellent customer service skills, a good voice, patience, excellent attendance, & the ability to work in a fast paced call center environment. Requirements: HS/GED, ability to type 40 WPM, good work record, call center exp. & passing basic skills test, drug screen & physical exam. Great benefits. Pay: $13.36/Hr. Accepting only completed applications. Find application at www.KCATA.ORG & email to: or in lobby at 1200 E. 18th Street, KCMO 64108. EOE Seasonal, On-Call MoDOT seeks workers CDL desired HS grad or GED 816-607-2142 DRIVER WANTED Delivery Drivers: US Foods. CDL-A, Kansas City Area. Excellent Hourly Pay & Full Benefits w/Pd Time Off & Retirement Plans. Apply: (Search by Req 1003893) Submit Before 10/9/12. 800-397-2672 To advertise in our classified section please call: (816) 472.5246 ADJUNCT FACULTY POSITIONS Spanish and ESOL Instructors For position requirements and application information, please view our website at KCKCC is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer and encourages applications from minorities. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE FIRST AMENDMENT OF THE JUDICIAL SQUARE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN Pursuant to RSMo 99.825, and in accordance with RSMo 99.830, notice is hereby given by way of certified mail to inform you about a public hearing that will be held by the Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri (the “Commission”), commencing at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, October 10, 2012 at the Commission Offices, located 1100 Walnut, Fourth Floor, Kansas City, Missouri, regarding the First Amendment of the Judicial Square Tax Increment Financing Plan (the “Plan) as described by the Plan. The purpose of this hearing is to consider recommending to City Council the correction of the legal description of the Judicial Square Tax Increment Financing Plan (the “Plan”). 4 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2012 | LBE/MBE/WBE INVITATION TO BID A.L Huber, General Contractor, is seeking bids from qualified LBE, MBE and WBE subcontractors and suppliers for the Wyandotte Plaza Phase 1 – Tenant Relocations for H & R Block. This project is located at N.E. Corner of 78th Street & State Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. At this time, A.L. Huber is seeking qualified subcontractor and supplier bids from all trades that specialize in this type of project. Phase 1 is the turnkey relocation of multiple existing tenants into the main mall to prepare for the Phase II – Demolition and Utility Relocations of the northeast and east buildings. Concrete, Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical have been contracted under previous work. Construction for Phase 1 H & R Block shall begin on October 22, 2012, with project completion December 14, 2012. The project is being completed in coordination with the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas which requires but is not limited to compliance with LBE/MBE/WBE participation, Prevailing Wage as established by Davis-Bacon Act, and Utilization Reporting. Bids are due no later than 2:00 p.m. on Friday, October 5, 2012. Fax bids to A.L. Huber at 913-341-1940. Plans and specifications are available for review at the following locations: A.L. Huber’s office, Builders Association, Minority Contractors Association of Greater Kansas City, National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) c/o Mark One Electric, National Native American Chamber of Commerce, Kansas City Hispanic Association of Contractors Enterprise, Inc. (KCHACE), Hispanic Contractors Association c/o Rodriquez Mechanical Contractors and Kansas Black Chamber of Commerce. Interested parties can contact Jaime Pallas for more information at 913-341-4880. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Mid‑America Regional Council (MARC) will release a Request for Proposal (RFP) document for the provision of the following services in the Missouri counties of Cass, Clay, Jackson, Platte, and Ray for half of SFY 2013 (January 1, 2013, through June 30, 2013): Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs Evidence-Based Medication Management An RFP will be released on Friday, October 5, 2012. There will be a pre-bid conference on October 5, 2012 at the MARC office, at 3:00, focusing on these services. The MARC office is located at 600 Broadway, Ste. 200, Kansas City, Missouri. Copies of the RFP will be available at this conference, or can be obtained on or after October 5th by contacting Ms. Tonya Boston at (816) 701-8290, or by email at Questions relating to proposal procedures, requirements and evaluation will be answered at this conference. Sealed proposals will be accepted at the MARC office no later than Monday, 12:00 noon, November 5, 2012. MARC hereby notifies all interested parties that it affirmatively ensures that all respondents to this notice are afforded full opportunity to submit proposals and that no respondent will be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, nationality, origin, disability, or sex in consideration of an award. YOUR AD COULD BE HERE 816-472-5246 Drivers wanted to transport railroad crews in the Kansas City area. Paid training, benefits, & company vehicle provided. Starting pay $.18 per mile or $8.50 per hour while waiting. Must apply online at REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS/COST PROPOSAL THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, THE LAND CLEARANCE FOR REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING COMMISSION OF KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI for BOND COUNSEL October 4, 2012 The Redevelopment Plan Area is generally bound by E. 13th Street on the north, the vacated north-south alley between Oak Street and Locust Street on the east, the east-west alley between Oak Street and Locust Street on the south, and Oak Street on the west, all in Jackson County, Kansas City, Missouri. Proposal requirements and instructions are available online at http:// or available to be picked up at the office of the Economic Development Corporation, 1100 Walnut, Suite 1700, Kansas City, MO 64106. The document, as proposed, may be reviewed by any interested party on or after October 3, 2012 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the Commission Offices. Submissions for all qualification statements/cost proposal for Briarcliff Tax Increment Financing Revenue Bonds are due by 3:00 p.m., Friday, October 19, 2012, by email to or by fax at 816-691-2159. Submissions received after 3:00 p.m. on that date will not be considered. According to Section 99.830.2(3) all interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard at the public hearing. According to Section 99.830.3, each taxing district located wholly are partially within the Redevelopment Area may submit comments or objections to the Commission concerning the subject matter of the public hearing prior to the date of the public hearing. Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri 1100 Walnut, Suite 1700 Kansas City, Missouri 64106 Bilingual Newspaper Kansas City 5 The Economic Development Corporation or the respective agency reserves the right to accept or reject any or all submissions. Heather A. Brown Executive Director Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri 1100 Walnut, Suite 1700 Kansas City, Missouri 64106 816-221-0636 YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 | TÚ CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 6 4 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2012 | ii Is it Stupid To Pay a Santero (Santería Priest)? By LUIS CORDOBA AND KATHY JULIO In the last column, I responded to a reader who asked me if she was stupid for paying a santero (Santería priest) $1,500 to bring back her husband who had left her for another woman. (If you missed this column, you can read it in the archives section at I repeat, I do believe that there are certain people who have special gifts and abilities. But no matter how you look at it, asking for this kind of money, especially to promise to give what is not anyone’s to give, es una estafa (is a rip-off ). This is because no one has the right to control another person’s free will. To deceitfully influence or force a person to do something that he or she does not want to do, whether in person or through a spell, is self-serving, destructive and even dangerous. Dangerous because anything we do that manipulates the emotions or behavior of another person can backfire. This is because free will is considered the strongest power in the universe, a power that is not meant to be tampered with by anyone in a deceptive or dishonest way. There are santeros, curanderos (folk healers), and brujos (witches) who will tell you that there is no harm in casting a love spell. How can it be wrong when it is about love? Okay, so let’s say you use a love spell to plant the seed of attraction so that your Romeo or your Juliet will come to you. This seed of attraction sprouts and then grows… and grows. The spell works and your beloved comes to you. And keeps coming to you. Suddenly you find that the person you conjured to be with you becomes a jealous lover or even an abuser. So who is responsible for this abuse? Your true love? What about the person who cast the spell? What about you, the one who paid for the spell? You may feel that my words are extreme and even ridiculous. However, in my work, I have had many men and women tell me, “I can’t live without her,” “I can’t see my partner with anyone else,” and “I’d kill myself if she ever left me.” Love spell or not, there are consequences to all of our actions, good and bad. Be very careful about what powers you use over people and how you get what you want. In the end, no relationship is perfect. So in those moments when things are not going so well between you and the one you wanted, whom will you blame for your troubles? And even if you do get your perfect partner, one day you will ask yourself, “Do they love me for me, or do they love me because of the spell?” If you are hurting and looking for help, you need to be able to discern and recognize the true healers from the swindlers who have selfish motives or who are not able to produce results. An authentic and trustworthy healer or professional will not tell you that he has the power to change another person’s behavior or attitude. A caring healer will not use fear to make you pay money or tell you that things in your life will get worse if you do not pay more. With kindness and love, a true healer will be honest with you about your situation, not just tell what they think you want to hear so that they can get more from you. Look for someone who can help you to manage your situation, someone who can provide you the tools to help you be calm and at peace regardless of your circumstances. Finally, know that because each one of us has the gift of free will, not all things can be changed. Some things are truly out of our control. I am not saying, “Don’t go to a curandero.” But how can he or she take care of your needs when they tell you that the answer is to change the other person? Tolstoy, the Russian novelist, had it right when he said, “Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves.” It is within you to feel better. To bring about change in the people we care about, we must first change ourselves. Esta columna, esta dedicada, a la ayuda de la juventud y las familias. Mi misión como “El Pachuco Educado”, es ayudar a la gente de todas las edades a vencer prejuicios y estereotipos. Mi deseo es animar a la juventud y a las familias a examinar la vida desde un nuevo punto de vista, con la esperanza de motivar a todos los pueblos hacia el cambio de vida positiva. Si usted tiene una pregunta o preocupación con la que lucha, por favor póngase en contacto conmigo en Facebook en Espero llegar a conocerle. “El Pachuco Educado”. El consejo ofrecido por el Pachuco Educado tiene propósitos informativos unicamente. Si usted tiene una preocupación específica que requiere la ayuda profesional, por favor consulte con un especialista calificado y entrenado apropiadamente. Cuando usted presente propuestas y/o cualquier otra información, a Hispanic News y a El Pachuco Educado usted estará otorgando permiso para usar, reproducir, o modificar sus presentaciones en todas las publicaciones electrónicas e impresas aquí y/o en otros lugares. La información de identificación nunca será incluida o distribuida. Debido al gran número de propuestas, lamentamos que no podamos responder personalmente a cada una. La información presentada no representa la opinión de Hispanic News o de cualquiera de sus empleados. En la última columna, respondí a una lectora que me preguntó, si ella fue estúpida por pagarle a un santero $1.500, por devolverle a su marido, quien la había dejado por otra mujer. (Si usted no leyó esta columna, usted puede leerla en la sección de archivos en kchispanicnews. com.) Repito, realmente creo que hay cierta gente que tiene dones especiales y capacidades. Pero no importa como usted lo vea, el pedir esta clase de dinero; sobre todo para prometer dar lo que no le corresponde a nadie dar, es una estafa. Esto es porque nadie tiene el derecho de controlar el libre albedrío de otra persona. El influir deshonestamente u obligar a una persona a hacer algo que él o ella no quieren hacer, ya sea en persona o por un hechizo, es egoísta, destructivo y hasta peligroso. Peligroso, porque lo que hagamos para manipular las emociones o el comportamiento de otra persona, le puede salir el tiro por la culata. Esto es porque el libre albedrío se considera el poder más fuerte en el universo, un poder que no es destinado para ser manipulado por cualquiera de un modo falso o deshonesto. Hay santeros, curanderos, y brujos que le dirán que no hay ningún daño en lanzar un hechizo de amor. ¿Cómo puede ser malo cuando se trata sobre el amor?. Bien, digamos que usted usa un hechizo de amor para plantar la semilla de atracción de modo que su Romeo o su Julieta vengan a usted. Esta semilla de atracción brota y luego crece y crece. El hechizo funciona y su amado vienen a usted. Y COME and TRY OUR Ven a Degustar Nuestro "STREET TACO" Tuesday - Saturday 3pm to 9pm Buffet $ 7.99 Advice offered by the Educated Pachuco is intended for informational purposes only. If you have a specific concern that requires professional help, please consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist.When you submit responses and any other information, you grant the Educated Pachuco and Kansas City Hispanic News permission to use, reproduce, or modify your submissions in all electronic and print publications here and/ or elsewhere. Identifying information will never be included or distributed. Due to the large number of submissions, we regret that we cannot respond personally to each one. The information presented does not represent the opinion of Kansas City Hispanic News or any of its employees. sanador humanitario no usará el miedo para hacerle pagar dinero, o decirle que las cosas en su vida empeorarán si usted no paga más. Con bondad y amor, un sanador verdadero será honesto con usted acerca de su situación, no sólo dirá lo que ellos creen que usted quiere oír, de manera que ellos puedan obtener más de usted. Busque a alguien que pueda ayudarle a manejar su situación, alguien que puede proveerle con los instrumentos para ayudarle a estar tranquilo y en paz, sin tener en cuenta sus circunstancias. Finalmente, sepa que porque cada uno de nosotros tiene el regalo del libre albedrío, no todas las cosas pueden cambiarse. Algunas cosas están realmente fuera de nuestro control. No estoy diciendo, “No vaya a un curandero”. ¿Pero cómo puede él o ella cuidar de sus necesidades cuando ellos le dicen que la respuesta esta en cambiar a la otra persona?. Tolstoy, el novelista ruso, estaba en lo correcto cuando dijo: “Todos quiere cambiar el mundo, pero nadie quiere cambiarse a ellos mismos”. Esta dentro de usted el sentirse mejor. Para causar el cambio en la gente por la que nos preocupamos, debemos cambiarnos primero. sigue viniendo a usted. De repente, se da cuenta que la persona que conjuró para estar con usted, se convierte en un amante celoso o hasta un abusador. ¿Entonces quién es responsable de este abuso?. ¿Su amor verdadero?. ¿Que hay de la persona que hechizó?. ¿Qué hay acerca de usted, la que pagó por el hechizo?. Usted puede sentir que mis palabras son extremas y hasta ridículas. Sin embargo, en mi trabajo, he tenido muchos hombres y mujeres que me dicen, “No puedo vivir sin ella”, “No puedo ver a mi compañero con alguien más”, y “yo me mataría si ella alguna vez me abandonara”. Hechizo de amor o no, hay consecuencias en todas nuestras acciones, buenas y malas. Tenga mucho cuidado sobre lo que le impulsa sobre la gente y como consigue lo que usted quiere. Al final, ninguna relación es perfecta. ¿Entonces en esos momentos cuándo las cosas no van tan bien entre usted y el que usted quiso, a quien culpará de sus problemas?. Y aún si usted realmente El Pachuco Educado consigue a su compañero perfecto, un día usted se preguntará, “¿Me aman por ser yo, o me aman debido al hechizo?”. Si usted esta sufriendo y buscando ayuda, tiene que ser capaz de discernir y reconocer a los sanadores verdaderos de los estafadores que tienen motivos egoístas, o quiénes no son capaces de producir resultados. Un sanador auténtico y de confianza o el profesional no le dirán que tiene el poder de cambiar el comportamiento de otra persona o la actitud. Un Los Market Alamos y Cocina We are Open (Abrimos): Mondays (Lunes) 10am - 2pm Tuesday - Saturday (Martes a Sabados) 6am to 9pm Sundays (Domingos) 6am to 3pm The Educated Pachuco. The Educated Pachuco Es Estúpido Pagar Un Santero (Hechicero)? Traduce GEMMA TORNERO This column is dedicated to helping youth and families. My mission as the Educated Pachuco is to help people of all ages overcome prejudices and stereotypes. My desire is to encourage youth and families to examine life from a new perspective with the hope of motivating all peoples toward positive life change. If you have a question or concern that you are struggling with, please contact me on Facebook at (www.facebook. com/educatedpachuco). I look forward to getting to know you. Visit us on... La Familia Juarez les dan la Bienvenida!! Visítanos en... To Go $ 8.99 Auténtico Bufet Mexicano 816-471-0450 Kansas City Hispanic News 1667 Summit, Kansas City, Mo 64108 YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 | TÚ CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City 4 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2012 | Coming off a career game last week against the New Orleans Saints, running back Jamaal Charles scored two touchdowns, ran for 92 yards, caught three passes for 23 yards and managed to lose two key fumbles in a horrendous 37-20 loss to division leaders San Diego Chargers at Arrowhead Stadium. SPORTS D E P O R T E S Chiefs’ Turnovers Keep Them In Basement By JOHN SILVA After an extremely odd first three weeks of the season, KC came home with a chance to vault into the penthouse of the AFC West if they could win their first divisional game. Facing a Chargers team that was vanquished at home last week at the hands of the Falcons, it seemed the chances were in the home side’s favor. Before the game, everyone took a shot at the NFL’s version of the old inflatable punching bag, the replacement refs. Head referee Bill Leavy said at midfield prior to the coin flip, “Hello, captains. It’s great to be back with you today,” to a roar from a near capacity crowd. Taking the opening drive downfield former Chiefs running back Jackie Battle enjoyed his own version of Chiefs alumni weekend by helping move the chains for his new team during a 9-play, 76-yard drive that ended in a four-yard touchdown pass from Phillip Rivers to former Bronco Eddie Royal. On the Chiefs first possession, offensive coordinator Brian Daboll tried to establish a connection between quarterback Matt Cassel and wide receiver Dwayne Bowe against a beat up cornerback group. The first two passes to Bowe went for 7 and 8 yards. Cassel’s third consecutive throw to Bowe never got close to the receiver. Chiefs’ nemesis Chargers safety Eric Weddle easily picked off the pass and set substitute kicker Nick Novak up for a short 24-yard field goal. Trying hard to respond, the Chiefs committed a false start penalty followed by a Jamaal Charles run in which the league rusher in the league tried too hard to get extra yards. The ensuing fumble set up Battle for a one-yard plunge into the end zone as he had done in red and gold many times last year. This time it put his old team in a 17-0 hold before 10 minutes of game time elapsed. Another field goal in the second quarter made the score 20-0. Charles would do his best to make up for the gaffe by taking a pitch at his own 37 yard line and looking a bit like Walter Payton. Stretched out to his right with no hole in sight, Charles ran from the right hash back to the middle of the field leaving most of the Chargers defense chasing him. Once he burst out to the left side he was not going to be caught en route to another highlight reel touchdown this season. A blooper reel entry followed when holder Dustin Colquitt showed off a spinning move worthy of a dance floor following a muffed snap, the extra point attempt went nowhere. After stopping the Chargers on their next possession, Cassel tried to regain his footing. He looked for tight end Tony Moeaki who was open. Throwing the ball a bit behind him, Moeaki tipped the ball high and into the arms of linebacker David Butler who strolled into the end zone after a 21yard jaunt for a 27-6 halftime lead. Despite scoring two touchdowns in the second half with their top two threats, Charles and Bowe, the Chiefs gave up 10 more points as San Diego left town the clear leaders in the AFC West with a 37-20 win. After missing the chance to enter the penthouse of the division Head Coach Romeo Crennel was clearly concerned with his team’s performance. “It was a total team effort, basically, in not playing very well. It was bad football. You could see it was bad football,” the candid coach said. After five first half turnovers, the Chiefs return home next Sunday to face the team playing perhaps the best football in the entire league. The bruising Baltimore Ravens come calling in a telling tilt that can leave KC one game below .500 at 2-3 or plummeting to the bottom of the league standings at 1-4. Sporting Kansas City Keeps Foot To The Pedal Well even if you have to go across town to Kansas City, Kansas there is no denying that the best sports story in the city in the last few years has to be Sporting Kansas City. The franchise secured a playoff spot with a dominating win over second- place nemesis Chicago Fire 2-0 last week at Livestrong Sporting Park. Kansa City has been a picture of futility against the Fire having lost all its home contests against Chicago over the last five years. The team stands five points ahead for the Eastern Conference crown and is playing some of its best futbol nearing the end of the season. The team has not lost since July 28 and is 7-0-3 over that span. The team also reached the highest team point total in its history with “That (qualifying for the playoffs) absolutely was the goal,” said coach Peter Vermes. “It’s another one we check off at the bottom of our list. We’re working our way up. The next one would be to win the division so that we have home-field advantage through the playoffs.” US national team member Graham Zusi scored both goals for the club giving him five for the season. Playoff starved sports fans can scramble to get MLS playoff seats as the team announced that tickets will go on sale October 19 with season ticket holders getting a special preview chance. A n nive r s a r y Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 | TÚ CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 7 8 4 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2012 | WJ Cole Floor Products Is proud to Announce the... Se orgullese en presentar... Mattie Rhodes 2012 Featured Artist: "Supernatural" by Juan Moya Acryic on Canvas 4th Annual Warehouse Sale! Open to the Public 2 days only Abierto al Publico solo por 2 dias Oct. 12th and 13th Friday 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM Saturday 9:00 AM- 3:00 PM We will be liquidating Remnants, Ceramics, Roll Ends, Carpets Tiles Closeouts & Supplies Vamos a liquidar Retazos, Cerámicas, Terminacion de rollos, Azulejos en Tapete y Suministros Financing Available! Financiacion Disponible! 1630 Liberty Street KCMO near Kemper Arena 816-474-5554 Trae a tu familia y Amigos VICE PRESIDENT (Vicepresidente) Ramona Arce EDITOR (Editor) Jose Faus SALES REPRESENTATIVES (Representante de Ventas) Richard Ware REPORTERS/WRITERS (Reporteros/Periodistas) Debra DeCoster, Jose Faus, John Silva, Yvonne Bruner DESIGN/LAYOUT (Diseño Editorial/Diagramación) Janneth-B Rodríguez Gemma Tornero SPANISH TRANSLATION (Traducción a español) Gemma Tornero STUDENT INTERN (Becario) Jose Muñiz Noel Baquedano Eduardo “Lalo” Uviña Festival de la Calle Saturday (Sabado) , October 6th 1:00-11:00 p.m. Bring your family and friends PUBLISHER/PRESIDENT (Editor/Presidente) Jose “Joe” Arce Street Festival This wonderful exhibit celebrates the colorful and loving holiday of Mexico. The exhibit hosts altars created by local artists and families as well as a display of Day of the Dead inspired works of arts. The evening's festivities include live music, food and fun! Come dressed as your own Day of the Dead inspired character, and experience the celebration, memories, love and creativity! Esta exposición celebra el día de fiesta maravilloso colorido y amorosa de México. La exposición acoge altares creados por artistas locales y familias, así como una exhibición del Día de los Muertos, inspirada en obras de arte. La celebracion en la noche incluirá música en vivo, comida y diversión! Venga vestido como su propia inspiracion del Día de Muertos, y experimente la celebración, los recuerdos, el amor y la creatividad! KCHN is a weekly publication of Arce Communications Inc. who bears no responsibility for accuracy or content advertisements. All rights reserverd. Arce Communications Inc does not guarantee the absence of error and every attempt will be made to remedy in KCHN at our next edition. KCHN es una publicacion semanal de Arce Communications Inc. quienes no se hacen responsables por la presición o contenido de los anuncios. Todos los derechos reservados. Arce Communications Inc. no garantiza la ausencia de errores en KCHN los cuales seran corregidos en nuestra siguiente edición. 2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108-1911 PHONE: (816)472.KCHN FAX: (816)931.NEWS E-MAIL: YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 | TÚ CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City