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Tobo a, C. Gonzalez a, S.C. Siachoque a a b Antek S.A. e Environmental & Petroleum Geochemistry Laboratory, Calle 25B #85B-54, Bogotá, Colombia PetroMarkers, Inc. e Petroleum Geochemistry Laboratory, 830 Bay Star Blvd., Webster, TX 77598, USA a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 8 May 2013 Accepted 13 July 2013 The bulk properties and molecular organic geochemical composition for crude oils from the Apiay, Suria and Reforma/Libertad producer areas, which integrate the Apiay field located in the southwest area of the Llanos Basin in Colombia were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC/FID), isotopic analysis and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis. The main producing intervals in the Apiay field are known as the K2 and K1 units of the Guadalupe Formation, a thick siliciclastic sequence deposited during the Upper Cretaceous to Upper Eocene in a fluvial and transitional marine system. The crude oils analyzed are paraffinic, with saturate fraction >60%, the d13C isotopic composition ranging from 26.19 to 25.62 for the saturated fraction, 25.84 to 24.02 for the aromatic fraction, and canonical variable (C.V.) <0.47, which characterized them as nonwaxy marine oils. The saturated fraction analyzed by GC/FID presents a unimodal distribution between n-C10 to n-C33 with n-C15 to n-C17 as the major peaks. CPI is close or slightly greater than 1.0, Pr/Ph ratio >1.5, low z high molecular weigh hydrocarbons indicating an input of algal/microbial organic matter with a significant input of terrigenous matter (higher plants). Branched/Cyclic biomarkers, previously separated from n-alkanes by silicalite/ZSM-5 (S-115), were analyzed using SIM-GC/MS. Samples from the Apiay area showed higher concentration of tricyclic terpanes than samples from Suria and Reforma-Libertad, respectively, which suggests an early diagenetic influence of marine saline water, consistent with early generation from marine organic matter. However, the presence of a great suit of sesquiterpanes and diterpanes in all samples confirming an angiosperm input. Ts/Ts þ Tm falls in the range of 0.25e0.66, all samples present gammacerane, C31-Hopane isomerization index ranged between 0.50 and 0.71. A predominance of C29 over C27 and C28-steranes in the Apiay area indicates terrigenous source rock for most of the samples, however samples from the Reforma-Libertad and Apiay areas show mixing characteristics of crude oils originated from marine and terrigenous sources. Diasteranes are higher than regular steranes, which predicts a siliciclastic lithology for these Upper Cretaceous sourced oils. Thermal maturity, according to 20S/20S þ 20R-C29 and bb/aa þ bbC29 steranes and aromatic parameters, suggests that some of the oils were generated in the peak oil window. Biomarker results suggest a transitional fluvio-deltaic depositional environment with a predominance of continental fluvial type facies with marine episodes, which agrees with the marine input (algal/microbial) and with a moderate input of highland organic matter. The norhopane index indicates a greater biodegradation process in the Apiay area that in Suria and Reforma/Libertad areas. Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Sesquiterpanes Hopanes Steranes Biodegraded mixed oils Apiay field Colombia 1. Introduction * Corresponding author. Petromarkers, Inc. e Antek S.A., 830 Bay Star Blvd., Webster, TX 77598, USA. Tel.: þ1 713 261 4828. E-mail address: (J.E. Cortes). 0895-9811/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. The Apiay field is one of the most important petroleum producing field under administration of the Colombian Petroleum Company (Ecopetrol S.A.). The field has an area of 15,000 km2 and is located in the Apiay-Ariari sub-basin of the Llanos basin in Meta, Author's personal copy J.E. Cortes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 47 (2013) 166e178 Colombia. Discovered in 1981, at the present time, its original reserves have been estimated in 50,000 barrels of crude oil and 15 million-ft3 of natural gas (Carta Petrolera, 1999; El Tiempo, 2011). Various studies of the Apiay field have been reported in the literature. The National University of Colombia has done various studies related with the stratigraphic and the petroliferous potential of the basin, in addition to several petrographic and paleontological studies in oils and source rocks (Mayorga and Vargas, 1995; Varela, 1997; Cabrera, 1999). The Colombian Petroleum Institute (ICP) has done many multidisciplinary studies of source rocks and crude oils samples in the Llanos basin (Tegelaar et al., 1995; Rangel et al., 1996; Rangel et al., 1999). Bonilla (1996) evaluated 82 samples from this basin using SARA, GC/FID, and biomarkers analysis. Luna et al. (1996) studied samples of crude oils and seeps from the Apiay and Castilla fields to characterize its origin, maturity, and biodegradation. Dzou et al. (1999) have reported the application of new diterpane biomarkers to evaluate source, biodegradation and mixing effects on samples from the central Llanos basin. Palmer and Russell (1988) have defined 5 oil families in Llanos basin based on the analyses of 53 crude oils. Ramon et al. (2001) evaluated the evolution of the Cretaceous organic facies in Colombia studying samples from the Llanos basin without including samples from the Apiay field. More recently, Cortes et al. (2010) have used CSIA and GC/MS to differentiate Cretaceous and Tertiary crude oils from the Llanos basin. 167 This paper presents a detailed analysis of the bulk properties and biomarkers composition crude oils from the Apiay field in order to predict the geochemical characteristics of its source rock, depositional environment, maturity, organic matter origin, and age. The analyses were performed by gas chromatography (GC/FID), bulk isotopic analysis, and gas chromatographyemass spectrometry (GC/MS). 2. Geological setting Fig. 1 shows the localization of the area study. As it is observed, the Apiay oil field has three producing areas named Apiay, Suria and Reforma-Libertad. Fig. 2 presents a generalized stratigraphic column of the Llanos basin (NHA, 2010; NHA, 2012). The sedimentary column is represented by rocks from the Lower Paleozoic (Cambro-Ordovician), Upper Mesozoic (Upper Cretaceous) and Cenozoic (Tertiary and Quaternary). The units of petroliferous interest are found in the Upper Cretaceous and Upper Eocene rocks (Bohorquez and Valderrama, 1991). The Cretaceous sequence presents ages ranging from Cenomanian to Maestrichtian, thinning to 1650 feet. This sequence has been divided from base to top in the K2 and K1 operational units. Perez and Bolivar (1985) argue that the K2 unit lies unconformably over Paleozoic rocks with a thickness of 700 feet and is comprised of thick grained of quartz sand; which overlies in transitional contact the K1 unit with a thickness of aprox. 450 Fig. 1. Regional map and well localization of the Apiay, Suria and Reforma-Libertad areas in the Apiay Oilfield. Author's personal copy 168 J.E. Cortes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 47 (2013) 166e178 Fig. 2. Generalized Lithostratigraphic column of Llanos basin (NHA, 2010, 2012). feet, comprised of greasy dark shale, sand sandstone, and occasionally carbon mantles. These authors have postulated a littoral to continental environment for K2 unit and coastal transitional environment for K1 unit. Castro (1989) defines the K2 unit as a fluvial system with light transgressive pulses and the K1 unit as a transitional environment with continental influence in the lower part of the sequence grading up to marine. This author correlated the K2 unit with the Une formation and the K1 unit with the Chipaque formation and Guadalupe group (Castro, 1989). During the Cenozoic era a thick sedimentary sequence was deposited, which had a great variety of depositional environments, according to the existent paleogeographic characteristics and the marine transgressive process. The Tertiary is represented by rocks deposited from the Upper Eocene to the Middle-Upper Miocene, to which belongs the Mirador formation. In the Apiay-Ariary subbasin, Kendall et al., (1982), describe the Mirador formation as marine-influenced, sand-rich valley fill deposits that passed upward into muddier coastal plain sediments, and is considered one of the major reservoir in the basin (Dzou et al., 1999). The Middle Oligocene-Lower Miocene sequence is represented by the Carbonera formation, which consists of a marine-influenced lower coastal plain. The Leon formation has been described as a series of green shales with occasional presence of limolite, whose thickness varies from 130 ft. to 1900 ft. The younger section in the Middle Miocene-Plio-Pleistocene sequence has not been studied in detail and its nomenclature and correlation are different throughout the basin. In general, they are known as Guayabo and Necesidad formations, respectively. Perez and Bolivar (1985) describe this formation in the Apiay-Ariari sub-basin, as a sequence of red layers with brown sandy mudstones interbedded with gray, white, and reddish sandy mudstone. It is understood that the sequence was deposited in a continental environment, with few deposits of marine environment. It has been proposed that the Apiay-Ariari sub-basin was deposited under a deltaic transitional marine environment with a Author's personal copy J.E. Cortes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 47 (2013) 166e178 169 Table 1 Bulk parameters of selected crude oils from the Apiay Oilfield, Llanos basin. Well Area SAT ARO RES ASPH Sat/Arom. Resin/Asph d13Ca SAT d13Ca AROM CV APIAY-3/K1 APAIY-5 APIAY-11 APIAY SURIA-1/K1 SURIA-3/K1 GUAYURIBA-2 POMPEYA-1/K1 POMPEYA-1/K2 TANANE-1/K1 REFORMA-2/K1 LIB NORTE-3/K2 LIBERTAD-4/K1 LIB. NORTE/K1 APIAY APIAY 64.00 SURIA SURIA SURIA SURIA SURIA SURIA REF/LIB REF/LIB REF/LIB REF/LIB 62.46 63.39 17.64 60.13 65.36 75.54 77.48 78.96 78.16 58.06 69.39 80.60 63.77 19.34 22.11 9.08 18.45 15.57 6.74 16.99 17.68 16.78 21.66 18.07 16.09 17.72 9.11 5.53 9.28 19.78 17.26 16.58 4.01 1.80 3.36 16.87 11.26 2.45 17.59 9.09 8.97 3.63 1.64 1.81 1.14 1.52 1.56 1.70 3.41 1.28 0.86 0.92 3.23 2.87 0.98 3.26 4.20 11.21 4.56 4.47 4.66 2.68 3.84 5.01 3.60 1.00 0.62 2.55 12.06 9.54 14.54 2.64 1.15 1.98 4.95 8.80 2.85 19.12 26.19 26.24 26.45 25.75 25.87 25.94 25.62 25.71 25.67 25.83 25.67 25.77 25.74 25.84 25.86 25.87 23.90 25.15 25.45 24.04 24.03 24.06 24.35 24.18 24.02 24.12 2.8 2.7 2.2 0.4 2.0 2.5 0.2 1.3 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.1 d13C relative to PDB. CV: canonical variable ¼ 2.53*d13CSAT þ 2.22d13CARO 11.65. 3. Experimental 3.1. Samples Crude oil samples were collected in the head of producing wells, so they are considered “fresh” samples. Samples were collected, after purging the line, in 1-liter capacity amber glass bottles with screw cap and Teflon septa. Each sample was carefully labeled, stored in polystyrene coolers and moved to the laboratory (Antek S.A., 2011). 3.2. Methods 3.2.1. SARA analysis After precipitation of asphaltene with 20 mL of n-pentane, and filtration, the maltene fraction was separated by conventional liquid chromatography on activated alumina. The saturated fraction was eluted with n-hexane, the aromatic fraction was eluted with nhexane:dichloromethane (70:30), and the polar (NSO) fraction was eluted with dichloromethane:methanol (98:2). The saturated fraction was analyzed by GC/FID. The branched and cyclic fraction (biomarkers) were separated from n-alkanes by silicalite powder S115 (Union Carbide, Des Planes, IL) and then analyzed by GC/MS. The aromatic fractions were analyzed directly by GC/FID and some selected samples were analyzed for aromatic biomarkers by gas chromatographyemass spectrometry (GC/MS). 3.2.2. Stable carbon isotope analysis The saturate, aromatic, resin and asphaltene fractions of selected samples were analyzed using a static combustion method described by Engel and Maynard (1989) and the carbon isotope ratios were measured in a Finningan Delta-E Mass Spectrometer. The reference material employed was a NBS-22 working standard (d13C ¼ 29.81&) relative to PDB carbonate (d13C ¼ 0&). 3.2.3. Chromatographic conditions GC/FID analysis for both saturate and aromatic fractions was made on a Hewlett Packard 5890 Series II-Plus gas chromatograph equipped with FID and coupled with a 30 m 0.25 mm 0.25 mm HP-5 fused silica capillary column. The GC oven temperature was programmed from 40 C to 300 C at 5 C/min. Helium was used as carrier gas at a linear velocity of 50 cm/s (12 psig). Data handling was collected with Agilent Chemstation chromatographic software. GC/MS of branched and cyclic fractions (biomarkers) were analyzed using a Varian 3400 CX gas chromatograph coupled to a Finningan-MAT TSQ 70 Mass Spectrometer. The separation was carried out using a 60 m 0.25 mm 0.25 mm DB-5-MS fused silica capillary column heated from 40 C to 140 at 15 C/min and then to 300 C at 2 C/min. The SPI injector temperature was programmed from 40 C to 300 C at 180 C/min and then kept isothermal until the analysis was finished. The column was coupled directly to the ion source through a transfer line operated at 300 C, the ion source was operated in electronic impact (EI) mode at 70 eV. The MS was operated in multiple ion detection (MID) monitoring the following ions: internal standard, C24-d50 (m/z ¼ 98 and 114); n-alkanes (m/ z ¼ 99); sesquiterpanes and diterpanes (m/z ¼ 123), terpanes (m/ z ¼ 191), demethylated hopanes (m/z ¼ 177), and steranes (m/z 217 and 218). The Interactive Software Chemical Information System (ICIS) version 7.0 (Finningan Corp.) was utilized as data acquisition system. Biomarker quantitation was done using the high peaks from the GC/MS traces. 4. Results and discussion 4.1. Bulk properties The bulk properties studied in selected samples of the Apiay field are listed in Table 1. In general, samples from the Apiay field have an API gravity varying from 17 to 57 API, with 0.1e2.0% sulfur -28,0 -27,5 -27,0 -26,5 -26,0 -25,5 -23,5 -24 AROMATICS predominance of fluvial continental facies with marina episodes to the top. Bohorquez and Valderrama (1991) concluded from their organic and inorganic sedimentary structure studies, facies analysis, body geometries, and the stratigraphic relations, a fluvialdeltaic environment for this sub-basin. -24,5 -25 13C a -25,5 -26 -26,5 -27 13C APIAY SATURATES SURIA REF/LIB Fig. 3. Cross-plot of bulk carbon isotope values of aromatic vs. saturate fractions for selected samples from the Apiay Oilfield. Author's personal copy 170 J.E. Cortes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 47 (2013) 166e178 content (results not shown). En general, most of the crude oils are considerer heavy oils, except for Tanane-1/K1 (57 API). High to medium API gravities and low sulfur contents are generally associated with non-biodegraded oils (Tissot and Welte, 1984; Pan et al., 2003). SARA analysis was done using “stabilized” (non-topped) crude oil ranging between 15.57% and 22.11%, low values of resins (NSO compounds), except for Suria-1/K1, Suria-3/K1, Guayuriba-2, Reforma-2/K1, and Libertad Norte/K1 (>16%). Crude oils are relatively low in asphaltenes, with the notable exception of The Apiay3, The Apiay-5 and The Apiay-11 wells. Saturate d13C values for all crude oils span in a relatively narrow range from 26.45 to 25.62&, whereas aromatic fractions range between 25.87& and 23.90&, which permits to associate these samples with a marine origin and suggests that these crude oils were derived from a source rock composed of a similar type of organic matter (Ramon and Dzou, 1999). A plot of aromatic vs. saturate stable carbon isotope values is given in Fig. 3. As it can be seen, all samples fall in the range of marine oils (non-waxy). For all samples, the aromatic fractions are more enriched in d13C than saturate fractions. Samples from the Suria and Reforma/Libertad areas are more enriched in d13C than Apiay samples due to its greater marine contribution. Canonical variables (C.V.) show results <0.47, which confirms a non-waxy marine oil origin (Sofer, 1984). More negative C.V. indicates more marine input (Peter et al., 2005). Crude oils from the Apiay-Ariari sub-basin are richer in d13C than other crudes oils of the Llanos basin, due to the generation of gas in the sub-basin, which is very reduced in 13C such that the remaining hydrocarbons in the fluid become d13C enriched (Wang, 1993). Additionally, the d13C values in the samples present a low dispersion, except for the Apiay-3 well, indicating that there are not significant variations of organic facies in the source rock. In general, samples with marine characteristic show d13C values in the range of 25 to 27&, while hydrocarbons with terrigenous (land plants) signature are characterized by d13C values lighter than or less than 30& (Langdon and Abrajano, 1999). 4.2. GC analysis 4.2.1. n-Alkanes and isoprenoids Gas chromatographic profiles of selected crude oils are shown in Fig. 4. The geochemical ratios based on n-alkanes distribution are displayed in Table 2. In general, the n-alkanes are the most abundant components in the hydrocarbon fraction for all samples (>60%). Crude oils have an n-alkanes distribution between n-C10 and n-C33 with unimodal distribution and maximum between nC15 and n-C17, indicating an algal/microbial input. However, some samples (e.g. Apiay-15, Libertad Norte-3/K2, and Reforma-2) display a bimodal distribution with maximum at n-C15 and n-C25 to n-C27, indicating an algal/microbial input with a significant input of terrigenous organic matter. A dominance of n-alkanes Fig. 4. GC/FID chromatograms of saturate fractions of selected crude oils from the Apiay Oilfield. Author's personal copy J.E. Cortes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 47 (2013) 166e178 171 Table 2 Biomarker ratios based on n-alkane and isoprenoid distribution in the Apiay Oilfield, Llanos basin. Area No Well CPI Pr/Ph Pr/n-C17 Ph/n-C18 LMWH/HMWH n-Alkane dominant APIAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 APIAY-1 APIAY-3 APIAY-4 APIAY-5 APIAY-7 APIAY-8 APIAY-9 APIAY-10 APIAY-12 APIAY-15 APIAY-16 APIAY ESTE SURIA-1/K1 GUATIQUIA-2 GUAYURIBA-2/K1 SURIA-1/K2 SURIA-2/K2 SURIA-3/K1 SURIA-4/K2 SURIA-5/K2 SURIA SUR-1/K2 SURIA SUR-2/K2 SURIA SUR-3/K1 SURIA SUR-4/K1 SAURIO-1/K1 POMPEYA-1/K1 POMPEYA-1/K2 TANANE-1/K1 REFORMA-2/K1 LIB. NORTE/K1 LIBERTAD-1/K1 LIBERTAD-4/K1 LIB. NORTE-3 LIB. NORTE-2 1.03 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 0.99 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.02 1.07 1.02 1.04 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.01 3.36 1.52 3.31 3.63 3.36 3.60 3.55 3.48 3.47 3.06 3.54 1.92 2.99 2.72 3.03 3.10 3.02 3.29 3.10 3.12 3.12 3.00 3.11 2.99 3.14 3.08 2.99 3.01 2.62 2.84 2.73 2.88 3.02 2.93 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.48 0.46 0.47 0.52 0.47 0.56 0.50 0.52 0.50 0.50 0.51 0.59 0.50 0.51 0.51 0.50 0.51 0.46 0.54 0.53 0.51 0.52 0.56 0.47 0.49 0.51 0.47 0.46 0.15 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.19 0.14 0.34 0.18 0.20 0.18 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.17 0.17 1.01 0.96 0.98 1.41 1.18 1.36 1.24 1.09 0.90 1.26 1.06 1.03 1.54 0.92 1.77 1.04 0.99 1.15 0.82 1.06 1.09 1.19 1.25 1.10 1.16 1.18 1.03 1.05 0.86 1.27 0.73 0.90 0.91 0.75 n-C15-n-C17, n-C27 n-C15-n-C17, n-C21-n-C23 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17, n-C21-n-C23 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17 n-C15-n-C17, n-C27 n-C15-n-C17, n-C27 n-C15-n-C23, n-C27 n-C15-n-C19, n-C27 n-C15-n-C23, n-C27 n-C15-n-C23, n-C27 SURIA REF./LIBERT CPI: carbon preference index: ((n-C23 þ n-C25 þ n-C27) þ (n-C25 þ n-C27 þ n-C29)/2*(n-C24 þ n-C26 þ n-C28); Pr/Ph ¼ pristane/phytane ratio; LMWH/HMWH ¼ low/high molecular weight hydrocarbons ratio. around of n-C17 is thus interpreted as an indication of a marine source (Jones, 1986). There is not evidence of strong biodegradation of the oils based on GC/FID profiles, although some crudes show a little unresolved complex mixture (UCM) in the range between n-C12 to n-C33, which decreases as the Apiay > Reforma/Libertad > Suria areas (Fig. 4). However, as we will see later, the presence of high concentrations of demethylated hopanes (25-norhopanes, m/z 177) would be taken as evidence of severe biodegradation in some of these crude oils. Thus, the presence of well preserved n-alkanes profiles plus high concentrations of demethylated hopanes in the Apiay field samples is suggested as a “mixed crude oil” evidence which is the result of mixing of crude oils from old and fresh generation-migration pulses. Low molecular weight hydrocarbons (<n-C23) are quit similar than high molecular weight hydrocarbons (>n-C25), establishing relations of LMWH/HMWHz1.0 for most of the samples and with an odd-even predominance around the unity (CPI ¼ 0.99e1.07), which confirms homogenous maturity for all samples (Hunt, 1995; Peter et al., 2005). However, some samples show values of LMWH/HMWH<1.0 (Apiay-3, Apiay-4 and Apiay-12, Guatiquia-2, Suria-2, Suria-4, Reforma-2, Libertad-1, Reforma-4, Libertad Norte-2 and Libertad Norte-3) suggesting low thermal maturity for these crudes oils. Pristane/Phytane (Pr/Ph) ratios show values in the range of 1.52e3.63 for Apiay area, 2.99 to 3.29 for Suria area, and 2.62 to 2.84 for Reforma-Libertad area, indicating light differences in the depositional environment. The highest values correspond to crude oils with oxic environment and terrigenous input, while the lowest values are associated with sub-oxic environments with marine influence. According to these results, Apiay crude oils seem to have a more oxic environment with terrigenous input, while the Suria area had a fluvio-deltaic marine-microbial environment more oxic than the Reforma-Libertad depositional environment, which shows a marine environment with minor terrigenous input. The relationship between Pr/n-C17 and Ph/n-C18 has been proposed by Lijmbach (1975) to characterize the depositional environment of the crude oils. As shown in Table 2, samples present homogenous values of Pr/n-C17 and Ph/n-C18 through the sub- Fig. 5. Correlation between Isoprenoid hydrocarbons/n-alkanes showing the sources of organic matter and the depositional environment in the Apiay Oilfield. Author's personal copy 172 J.E. Cortes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 47 (2013) 166e178 Fig. 6. GC/FID of aromatic fractions of selected crude oils from the Apiay Oilfield. 4.2.2. Aromatic hydrocarbons The GC/FID chromatograms of aromatic hydrocarbons of selected crude oil are shown in Fig. 6 as reference. The major aromatic and its alkyl compounds are methyl-, dimethyl- and trimethylnaphthalenes, phenanthrene, methyl- and dimethylphenanthrenes while the major organosulfur components, analyzed by GC/MS, included benzothiophene, dibenzothiophene and a series of methyl-, dimethyl- and trimethyldibenzothiophenes. The distribution of the aromatic compounds in Colombian basins will be analyzed and discussed in detail in another paper ready for publication (Cortes et al., 2012). The dibenzothiophene/phenanthrene ratio (DBT/P) is thought to be an indicator of source rock lithology (Radke et al., 1986; Hughes et al., 1995). DBT/P values range from 0.09 to 0.22 showing the highest values in the Apiay area and decreasing in Suria and Reforma/Libertad areas, respectively. A plot of DBT/P vs. Pr/Ph ratio depicted in Fig. 7 indicates that most samples from the Apiay area, except for the Apiay Este well and Suria crude oils, fall in the border between fluvio-deltaic shale and marine and lacustrine shale, while samples from Reforma/Libertad are in the marine and lacustrine shale classification. However, there is not evidence for a lacustrine environment in Llanos basin, at least in Apiay sub-basin, which is confirmed for steranes distribution (Fig. 13). 7 1A. Marine carbonates 1B. Marine marls 2. Hypersaline Lacustrine and marine anoxic 3. Marine and Lacustrine shale 4. Fluvio-deltaic shale and coal 6 DBT/PHENANTHRENE basin, varying from 0.46 to 0.52 and 0.14 to 0.24, respectively, except for The Apiay Este oil. Fig. 5 shows the Pr/n-C17 vs. Ph/n-C18 ratios, where all the samples fall in the region of terrigenous organic matter (type III kerogen) in an oxidizing environment, with the exception of Apiay Este, which falls in the border between terrigenous and transitional environment (type II & III kerogen). This last well seems to be the result of chemical transformation of organic material from mixed marine/terrigenous sources (Barakat et al., 1997). The total carbon preference index, CPI, calculated between n-C23 to n-C29 ranged from 0.99 and 1.04. Low maturity oils often exhibit CPIs either greater than or less than 1 (Hunt, 1995). 1A 5 4 3 1B 2 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pr/Ph APIAY SURIA REF/LIB Fig. 7. Depositional environment for the Suria, Apiay and Reforma-Libertad areas in the Apiay Oilfield. Author's personal copy J.E. Cortes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 47 (2013) 166e178 SURIA SUR 1/K2 8β(H)-HD E+03 4.783 BIS HD ISOM. DMHD-2 EU ND-1 50 RD-2 ND-2 RD-1 8β(H)-D DMHD-1 NB m/z:123 4β(H)-EU 100 173 600 700 800 900 1000 Fig. 8. Partial m/z 123 mass chromatogram for bicyclic sesquiterpanes distribution in Suria Sur 1/K2 crude oil. ND-1 & 2: Nordrimane 1 & 2 (M.W. ¼ 194), 4b-EU: C15 4b(H)Eudesmane, Nor-Bis: Norbisabolane, RD-1 & 2: Rearranged drimanes 1& 2 (M.W. ¼ 208), EU: Eudesmane, 8b(H)D: 8b(H)-Drimane, DMHD-1 & 2: Desmethylhomodrimane 1 & 2, Bis: Bisabolane, HD-isom.: Homodrimane isomer (M.W. ¼ 222), 8b(H)HD: C16 8b(H)-Homodrimane. 4.3. Molecular biomarkers by GCMS The biological markers were identified based on full scan GC/MS analysis, comparing the mass fragmentograms of the specific biomarkers with data previously reported (Philp, 1985; Wang, 1993; Peter et al., 2005) and with crude oils of known composition (e.g. NGS NSO-1 oil sample, NPD-Nigoga; Boscan crude oil, Venezuela; Cusiana & Cupiagua crude oils, Colombia) (NPD-Nigoga, 2000; Antek S.A., 2011). Bicyclic sesquiterpanes are polymethyl-sustituted decalins present in crude oils and ancient sediments (Miceli and Philp, 2012; Yang et al., 2013). Its origin has been associates to high plants/resins (Van Aarssen and de Leeuw, 1999) but also to algae or bacteria source (Yang et al., 2013). The 8b(H)-configuration seems to be more stable than the 8b(H)- (biological configuration), the 8b(H)drimane and homodrimanes dominate in nature sediments and oils (Noble et al., 1987; Nytoft et al., 2009). As biomarkers, the sesquiterpanes have been used as maturity (Weston et al., 1989), origin, and depositional environment indicators (Wang, 1993). Thirteen sesquiterpane compounds, including homodrimane, drimane, eudesmane, bisabolane and two rearranged drimanes, named RD1 and RD2, were found in all samples in variable concentrations, with the exception of the Suria-3/K1 and Reforma-2/K1 wells. The relatively high concentration of drimanes and homodrimanes found in the Apiay field samples may be related to prokaryotic organisms (Volkman, 1988; Wang, 1993), while the 4b(H)m/z:123 E+04 1.175 19NIP 100 eudesmane thought to be related to higher plants. Chromatographic profiles and results are shown in Fig. 8 and Table 3. The Apiay area shows the highest concentrations of sesquiterpanes followed by Suria and Reforma/Libertad. The results in Table 3 indicate that 8b(H)-homodrimane has higher concentration than 8b(H)-drimane in the Apiay area ranging between 42.8 and 85.6%, indicating higher maturity over Suria and Reforma/Libertad areas; while Suria area shows more homogeneous values, suggesting similar maturity in this area, except for Suria Sur2/K2, Tanane-1/K1 y Guatiquia-2/K1. In the Reforma/Libertad area, the drimanes seem to have a greater concentration. The wide distribution of the (HD/ 30H) ratio ranging between 0.03 y 5.25% supports the concept of a variable input of marine/terrigenous organic matter through the sub-basin due to a great variety of depositional environments, according to the existent paleogeographic characteristics and the marine transgressive process. In all the cases, 8b(H)-Homodrimane is widely distributed and in higher concentration than eudesmane compound. Thus, HD/HD þ EU vary between 41.3 and 99% through the sub-basin. Previous studies have showed that the concentration of C14 sesquiterpanes is higher at the immature stage, while those of C15 drimanes and C16 homodrimanes are relatively lower (Yang et al., 2013). A set of bi-, tri- and tetracyclic diterpenoids were detected at m/z 123 in relatively high concentrations in all samples compared with C15 and C16 sesquiterpanes (Fig. 9 and Table 3). The compounds detected included 19-NIP, 18-NIP, b-labdane, phyllocladane, nor- SURIA SUR 1/K2 6 2 9 βL 50 1 3 18NIP 7 4 αL 5 R IP 1100 1200 βF αK βK αF 1300 1400 1500 Fig. 9. Partial m/z 123 mass chromatogram showing diterpane distribution in Suria Sur 1/K2 crude oil. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5: unknown Diterpane (m.w: 274), 6: Bicyclane, 7: Nor-isopimarane (tricyclane), bL: 8b(H)-Labdane, 9: unknown Diterpane, 19NIP: 19-Nor-isopimarane, aL: a-Landane, 18NIP: 18-Nor-isopimarane, R: Rimuane, IP: Isopimarane, bF: 16b(H)-Phylocladane, bK: ent-16b (H)-Kaurane, aF: 16a(H)-Phylocladane. Author's personal copy J.E. Cortes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 47 (2013) 166e178 23/3 m/z:191 A E+03 6.771 APIAY EAST 29H 30H C32 C33 C3 G1 2500 E+03 9.531 2500 E+03 1.224 D33 D31 D32 D30 1500 m/z:217 2000 25,28-BNH D27/3 D28/3 D24/3 D25/3 25,28,30-TNH D22/3 D23/3 50 100 1500 m/z:177 B Tm Ts 25-NH 22/3 19/3 100 25/3 50 24/4 26/3 20/3 24/3 21/3 100 25-NH 174 2000 C21 C27 C Steranes Pregnanes Diasteranes ααR C28 50 C22 1400 ββR ββS ααR C29 1600 1800 2000 Fig. 10. Mass fragmentograms showing the A) Terpane (m/z 191), B) Demethylated hopane (m/z 177), and C) Sterane (m/z 217) distribution in the Apiay East crude oil. labdane, isopimarane, among others, which have been associated with Podocarpaceae and Araucariaceae conifers contribution (Macedo et al., 1999; Fabianska et al., 2003). Its origin has been associated to conifer (gymnosperms) and resins (Peter et al., 2005). However, some diterpanes have been found in Athabasca tar sand and associated to microbial origin (Dimmler et al., 1984) and marine algae (Peter et al., 2005). In general, the Apiay area shows higher concentrations of diterpanes than the Suria and Reforma/Libertad areas. Isopimarane compounds show a greater concentration between the diterpanes in which 19NIP shows the higher concentrations as showed for IP/SDT ranging between 3.40 and 15.39% and 19NIP/ 19NIPþ18NIP ratios varying between 45 and 94% throughout the basin, except for Saurio-1/K1 well in the Suria area ratios. High concentrations of diterpanes were found by Palmer and Russell (1988) in Central Llanos oils. Samples from the Apiay field show similar diterpanes distribution than samples reported by Dzou et al. (1999). The abundance of sesquiterpanes over diterpanes could be evaluated by HD/SDT ratios in Table 3, which vary widely between 1.1 and 42.9%, except for Libertad-4/K1, confirming that sesquiterpanes are higher than diterpanes through the sub-basin. Fig. 10A shows a terpane mass fragmentogram (m/z 191) of the Apiay Este well. The chromatographic profile contains significant amounts of the tricyclic terpanes ranging from C19/3 to C30/3 whose origin is associated with algal/microbial input. Tricyclic terpanes are higher than pentacyclic terpanes in all samples with TT/ 30H > 1.5, except for Libertad-4/K1 well (Table 4). C23/3 is the dominant tricyclic terpane in the sub-basin, which can be associated with a marine source (Aquino Neto et al., 1983). When Ts/Ts þ Tm is used as a maturity parameter, it is assumed that the larger the value, the less mature a particular sample is in relation to others of a similar source (Jones, 1986). According to the results in Table 4, Ts/Ts þ Tm in the Apiay field vary from 0.25 to 0.66, indicating different maturity grades between samples. However, the Ts/Ts þ Tm ratio is affected by the thermal maturity process and also by mineral composition of the siliciclastic source rock, which catalyzes the biological configuration (Tm) into the geological configuration (Ts). (Seifer and Moldowan, 1978; Peter et al., 2005). Oleanane, a biological marker diagnostic of higher plants has been suggested as a marker for angiosperms (flowering plants) (Ekwozor et al., 1979; Moldowan et al., 1994). The oleanane index (O.I) provides information on the age of the source rock from oil Author's personal copy J.E. Cortes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 47 (2013) 166e178 175 C-27 100 APIAY 90 SURIA 0 10 REF/LIB 20 80 PLANKTON 70 60 30 MARINE 50 50 40 40 60 ESTUARINE 70 30 80 20 10 TERRIGENOUS LACUSTRINE 0 C-28 Fig. 11. Depositional environment for the Suria, Apiay and Reforma-Libertad areas in the Apiay Oilfield based on Oleanane index vs. Pr/Ph ratios. characteristics (Alberdi and Lopez, 2000). An O.I. over 0.2 is characteristic of Tertiary source rocks (Peter and Moldowan, 1993). The results in Table 4 show that most of the samples display O.I. values less than 0.2, which indicates that these samples were generated from the Cretaceous or very early Tertiary source rocks. On the other hand, samples with O.I. values >0.20, could indicate that some samples in this sub-basin originated or received input from source rocks deposited in the Tertiary (mixed crude oils). Fig. 11 correlates the depositional environment and geological time for the Apiay field through the O.I. against Pr/Ph ratio indicating a marine deltaic depositional environment for the Cretaceous source rock. Oleanane index data were used to consistently determine the age of the source rock for the Apiay field. As it is shown in Fig. 12, according to samples evaluated in this study, source rock range in age from the Campanian-Maestrichtian (Late Cretaceous) to Paleogene (Early Tertiary) which is consistent with the geological data (see geological setting above). However, Fig. 12 permits us to observe that samples from all three areas have an oleanane index in HIGHER PLANTS 90 100 C-29 Fig. 13. C27, C28, and C29-Steranes ternary diagram for selected samples from the Apiay Oilfield. both the Cretaceous and Tertiary, which could be interpreted as crude oil being expelled from different source rock or organic matter from the same source rock at different generation-migration pulses (Lo-Monaco, 2013). Demethylated hopanes (m/z 177) profiles are shown in Fig. 10B, which shows the set of 25-norhopanes better preserved than terpanes (m/z 191) and steranes (m/z 217). Norhopane indices (NH index) show high ratios for crude oils from the Apiay sector varying between 0.70 and 3.80, while samples from Suria and Reforma/ Libertad show similar values ranging between 0.28 and 0.79, with Guayuriba-1/K1, Suria Sur-3/K1, Suria-3/K1, and Suria Sur-2/K2 as an exception, indicating a possible selective biodegradation process. Microbial conversion of hopanes to 25-norhopanes in oils is the process currently invoked for the presence of these compounds in crude oil mixtures (Peter and Moldowan, 1993). Samples containing both 25-norhopanes and n-alkanes suggest paleobiodegradation followed by filling of the reservoir by a second pulse of non-biodegraded oil. A typical partial steranes (m/z 217) mass fragmentogram of the Apiay-Este sample is shown in Fig. 10C. The relative abundance of Fig. 12. Age of Suria, Apiay and Reforma-Libertad crude oils in the Apiay Oilfield based on Oleanane index. Author's personal copy 176 J.E. Cortes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 47 (2013) 166e178 Table 3 Biomarker ratios based on Sesquiterpanes and Diterpanes in the Apiay Oilfield samples. Area No Well HD/HDþD (%) HD/30H (%) HD/HDþEU (%) IP/SDT (%) HD/SDT 19NIP/19NIPþ18NIP (%) APIAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 APIAY-1 APIAY-3 APIAY-4 APIAY-5 APIAY-8 APIAY-10 APIAY-15 APIAY-16 APIAY ESTE SURIA-1/K1 SURIA-3/K1 SURIA-4/K2 SURIA SUR-3/K1 SURIA SUR-4/K1 SURIA SUR-1/K2 SURIA SUR-2/K2 SAURIO-1/K1 TANANE-1/K1 GUATIQUIA-2/K1 GUAYURIBA-2/K1 POMPEYA-1/K2 REFORMA-2/K1 LIB. NORTE/K1 LIBERTAD-4/K1 LIB. NORTE-3 77.9 63.4 85.6 57.3 67.0 65.8 42.8 58.5 80.0 64.4 N.A. 64.8 67.7 75.4 52.7 35.1 56.7 46.0 47.4 54.4 63.9 N.A. 33.3 54.3 57.4 0.71 1.12 2.42 2.90 0.52 2.54 2.74 0.93 0.41 1.35 0.60 0.28 0.76 0.63 0.81 N.A. 0.91 5.25 1.65 2.80 0.64 0.16 0.08 0.03 0.87 92.1 87.4 92.0 67.9 77.8 85.4 77.6 77.7 74.3 91.2 83.9 91.4 54.7 84.8 86.4 65.9 69.4 74.2 46.9 79.8 70.6 86.7 99.0 54.7 41.3 6.48 5.81 3.40 14.18 7.25 14.96 7.38 7.38 15.39 7.05 5.86 5.93 7.35 5.64 6.32 13.07 5.72 8.01 12.70 5.70 8.32 5.19 7.69 8.27 5.50 11.4 22.1 29.0 38.0 5.5 36.2 42.9 19.7 7.5 23.4 12.7 1.1 14.1 9.3 14.1 3.8 15.2 15.4 40.2 33.9 7.8 3.5 1.6 0.6 16.7 83 81 81 51 82 45 79 80 79 57 81 80 64 82 84 80 15 89 75 64 76 82 81 86 94 SURIA REF./LIBERT N.A.: Not Available; HD: 8b(H)-Homodrimane; D: 8b(H)-Drimane; EU: 4b(H)-Eudesmane; IP: Isopimarane; 30H: 17a(H),21b(H) Hopane; SDT: Total Diterpanes. C27, C28, and C29 steranes in the oils reflects the carbon number distribution of the sterols present at the time of deposition and reflects the organic matter type input to the source rocks of the oils (Huang and Meinshein, 1979). Fig. 13 shows the ternary diagram of C27, C28, and C29 steranes distribution based on results on Table 4. The relative abundance of cholestane, methylcholestane and ethylcholestane from all samples range from 19 to 52%, 16 to 42%, and 24 to 63%, respectively. Based on data in Table 4, it can be seen that the concentration of C29 regular steranes, especially the bb epimers, is higher compared to the C27 and C28 regular steranes, which suggests a terrigenous contribution in the Apiay area. The Suria samples are comparatively rich in cholestane (C27), while the Reforma/Libertad and Apiay samples are richer in ethylcholestane, which permits to establish differences in the biological source input Table 4 Biomarker ratios based on Terpanes (m/z 191), Demethylated hopanes (m/z177) and Steranes (m/z 217 & 218) in the Apiay Oilfield, Llanos basin. Area APIAY No Well 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SURIA 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 REFOR. 21 LIBERT 22 23 24 APIAY-1 `APIAY-2 APIAY-4 APIAY-5 APIAY-8 APIAY-10 APIAY-15 APIAY-16 APIAY ESTE SURIA-1/K1 SURIA-3/K1 SURIA-4/K2 SURIA SUR-3/K1 SURIA SUR-4/K1 SURIA SUR-1/K2 SURIA SUR-2/K2 SAURIO-1/K1 TANANE-1/K1 GUAYURIBA-1/K1 POMPEYA-1/K2 REFORMA-2/K1 LIB. NORTE/K1 LIBERTAD-4/K1 3.67 LIB. NORTE-3 Ts/Ts TT/30H I.O þ Tm C31 I.I.,% C31 H.I.,% C27 C28 C29 D/S steranes steranes steranes C28/C29 C29 C29 H/S DBT/P NH 20S/20Sþ20R bb/aa þ bb bb-sterane index 0.44 0.26 0.25 0.41 0.39 0.41 0.35 0.37 0.40 0.59 0.47 0.62 0.53 0.48 0.65 0.47 0.40 0.37 0.66 0.47 N.D. 0.52 0.50 0.47 0.64 0.52 0.58 0.49 0.54 0.62 0.63 0.45 0.65 0.64 0.66 0.54 0.61 0.59 0.51 0.71 0.52 0.56 0.64 0.68 0.49 0.59 0.51 0.59 0.43 0.33 0.40 0.53 0.18 0.44 0.24 0.42 0.51 0.60 0.52 0.75 0.50 0.36 0.39 0.60 0.48 0.53 0.60 0.38 0.29 0.29 0.24 0.44 4.61 5.25 5.94 5.69 3.93 4.57 6.46 3.71 9.41 2.47 1.93 2.86 2.90 2.65 2.32 2.19 3.75 6.62 2.49 1.58 1.52 2.62 0.50 3.80 0.23 0.16 0.07 0.08 0.14 0.29 0.12 0.12 0.09 0.13 0.16 0.29 0.24 0.08 0.28 0.14 0.23 0.09 0.27 0.08 0.19 0.08 0.36 0.16 36.8 35.7 31.1 30.3 34.0 35.2 35.0 35.4 29.8 31.2 38.1 33.7 29.3 38.6 36.6 24.3 33.3 34.7 29.9 39.9 36.5 39.2 52.2 33.2 20.2 21.9 32.6 19.6 29.8 34.3 21.2 31.1 35.6 52.4 20.2 41.7 40.6 20.6 26.8 39.3 26.5 38.1 38.1 28.5 22.3 33.8 18.9 30.8 29.3 35.6 21.4 24.6 16.0 16.0 35.2 27.3 22.2 19.3 37.0 34.5 34.0 17.1 24.2 32.5 27.3 33.2 23.8 31.0 30.0 19.5 17.6 28.3 50.5 42.5 46.0 55.6 54.2 49.6 43.7 41.6 42.1 28.4 42.9 23.7 24.4 62.3 49.0 28.2 46.2 37.7 38.1 40.5 47.7 46.6 63.5 42.0 4.34 3.47 5.08 5.64 3.86 4.32 4.18 3.52 3.87 12.6 5.51 13.7 9.09 3.94 3.63 11.2 3.53 5.94 6.79 9.66 7.12 5.48 3.05 6.08 0.48 0.54 0.54 0.65 0.68 0.48 0.64 0.53 0.33 0.62 0.60 0.66 0.54 0.52 0.61 0.53 0.57 0.62 0.63 0.60 0.64 0.73 0.65 0.58 0.58 0.83 0.46 0.44 0.29 0.32 0.80 0.65 0.52 2.71 0.86 1.45 1.39 0.27 0.49 1.15 0.59 0.80 0.62 0.76 0.62 0.41 0.27 0.67 4.67 3.34 4.73 4.80 5.37 4.06 6.33 4.56 2.92 5.90 4.06 4.88 6.47 2.85 5.31 N.A. 3.22 4.24 4.71 6.49 8.11 3.61 4.66 4.82 0.16 0.18 0.22 0.14 0.16 0.15 N.A. N.A. 0.62 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.09 0.09 0.10 2.27 2.36 2.24 1.97 0.71 2.09 0.70 0.68 3.80 0.79 1.37 N.A. 2.22 0.44 0.28 0.06 0.68 0.64 2.91 0.48 0.43 0.51 0.54 0.53 N.A.: Not Available; Ts/(Ts þ Tm) ¼ 18a(H)-/[18a(H)- þ 17a(H)]-Trisnorhopane ratio; TT/30H ¼ C19eC28 Tricyclic Terpanes/C30-Hopane; O.I. ¼ Oleanane/C30-Hopane; C31e I.I. ¼ C31-Isomerization Index ¼ C31 (S)/C31 (S) þ C31(R), the same calculus for C32 and C33; C31eH. I. ¼ C31-Homohopane Index ¼ 100*C31 (S þ R)/(C31eC35)-Homohopanes; C27, C28-, C29Sterane (%) ¼ relative percentages of C27, C28 and C29 steranes within the C27eC29 steranes; D/S: C27eC29 Diasteranes/Regular Steranes ratio; C29(20S/ 20S þ 20R) ¼ C29aa20S/(20S þ 20R)(m/z 217); C29 (bb/aa þ bb) ¼ C29(bb 20S þ 20R Steranes/C29aa 20S þ 20R Steranes þ C29bb 20S þ 20R Steranes (m/z 217); C28/C29bbSterane ¼ C28bb-Sterane/C29 bb-Sterane; H/S: C30-Hopane (m/z 191)/C29aa 20S þ 20R Steranes (m/z 217); DBT/P: Dibenzotiophene/Phenanthere; NH Index¼ (BNH þ TNH)/ (C29 þ C30)-Hopanes. Author's personal copy J.E. Cortes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 47 (2013) 166e178 of these oils. Thus, Suria shows a greater input in marine organic matter whereas Apiay and Reforma/Libertad show a greater terrigenous organic matter input. The Apiay field samples exhibit a medium to high (3.05e17.3) abundance of diasteranes/sterane ratios, which suggests a siliciclastic source rock. Clay mineral catalysis, thermal maturation, and oxic/anoxic depositional conditions have been proposed and discussed as the principal factors controlling diasteranes formation (Peter and Moldowan, 1993). The C29 20S/20S þ 20R isomers range from 0.18 to 0.60 (Table 4) decreasing systematically from Suria to Reforma/Libertad (south to north). The most mature oils (Suria area) fall in or near the equilibrium range of 0.50e0.55 (Mackenzie et al., 1980). The ratio C29 bb/aa þ bb isomers range from 0.33 to 0.73 showing an increase from Reforma/Libertad to Apiay area (westeeast). However, the Suria area shows the higher maturity indices followed by the Apiay and Reforma/Libertad, respectively. 5. Conclusions Crude oils from the Apiay field show the following characteristics: high concentration of saturate hydrocarbons, LMWH/HMWH y1, nC15 and n-C17 are dominant n-alkanes in the Cþ 15 unimodal distribution in the Apiay and Suria areas, while the Reforma/Libertad area shows, in addition, a significant input of n-C27 and n-C29 alkanes. Pr >> Ph, CPI y1.0, d13CSAT ¼ 25.62 to 26.45, d13CARO ¼ 23.90 to 25.87 with canonical variable ¼ 2.8 to 0.4, sesquiterpanes > diterpanes, homodrimanes > drimanes, tricyclic terpanes > hopanes, hopanes >> steranes; Ts < Tm, diasteranes/steranes>3.0; predominance of C29 steranes over C27 and C28 steranes, C29 20S/(20S þ 20R) sterane ratio ranging from 0.18 to 0.60, while C29 bb/aa þ bb steranes vary between 0.33 and 0.73 and presence of 25-norhopanes in high concentration. These geochemical characteristics suggest a transitional fluvio-deltaic depositional environment with predominance of continental facies of fluvial type and marine episodes, which agrees with a marine input (algal/microbial) and with a moderate input of highland organic matter. A severe biodegradation process was identified in most of the samples, which is supported by the presence of the complete 25norhopanes series. The presence of 25-norhopanes along with a well-preserved profile of n-alkanes and isoprenoid hydrocarbons characterized those samples as “mixed crude oils” as a result of mixtures of highly biodegraded oil from Gacheta source rock with a fresh non-biodegraded oil during accumulation in the reservoir. Molecular organic geochemistry of the Apiay-Ariari sub-basin in the analyzed samples indicates a complex generation history (several generationeexpulsion processes), a severe biodegradation process, and a mixing process from at least two (Cretaceous and Tertiary) source rocks. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Ecopetrol, Gerencia Llanos for permitting us monitoring samples. The experimental assistance of J. Allen of the Organic Geochemistry Laboratory in the University of Oklahoma and Dr. M.H. Engel and R. Maynard for the determination of stable carbon isotope analysis is highly acknowledged. J. Cortes wishes to thank to the University of Oklahoma and the Organic Geochemistry Laboratory (Dr. R.P. Philp) in the Geology and Geophysics School for permitting him to do the experimental work for his Ph.D. Dissertation. The authors are grateful with the reviewers Dr. L. Lopez and Dr. S. Lo Monaco for their comments, which contributed to improve the original manuscript. 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