Metro - San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art
Metro - San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art
HIGHER FIRE CLA CLAYSPACE AYSPACE SAN JOSE MUSEUM OF SAN QUILTS TEXTILESS QUIL TS & TEXTILE MACLA MA CLA ““Antique Antique A Ohio Amish Quil Quilts ts fr from om m the Darwin Darwin D.. Bearley Collection” Collection n” show the br breadth eadth of cr creativity eativity iin n the quil quilt-making t-making tradition tradition from from m 1880-1940. 1880-11940.. Bearley popularizedd the quil quilts ts when he took them out o of the community and sold them m t the to th br broader b oader d American A i public public. blic. Thru Mar Mar.. 1.. “T “Two Tw wo Color W Wonders” onderrs” demonstrate demonstr ate how limiting a color pallette to only two color colors rs can cr create eate stark contr contrasts asts and complimentary dynamics. San Jose. TRITON TRITON MUSEUM OF AR ART T “Ron Dell’ Dell’Aquila: Aquila: Photogr Photography,” aphyy,,” an exhibit of unapologetic intensity and hue. Thru Nov Arastu: Celebration 16. “Salma Ar astu:: Celebr ation n off CCalligraphy,” alligr lli aphy hy,,”” ffeaturing eaturing t i the th blend of textur apphy texturee and calligr calligraphy on sacr ed texts. Thru Nov 16. sacred “K arim Alwali: The Civilization n “Karim Code,”” abstr act paintings. Thr ru abstract Thru Nov 23.. Santa Clar a. Clara. GALLERIES ANNO DOMINI “In the Cave Cave We We Dance” Dance” solo exhibition by Joseph LLoughborough. oughborough. Thru Nov 15. San Jose. Jose ART AR T ARK GALLER GALLERY Y “Fifth Annual The Mor Moree the Merrier Mer rier Holiday Exhibit,” ffeaturing eaturing the work of over B Bay ay Area Ar ea artists. Nov 7 thru Dec 5. San Jose. BRUNI BR UNI GALLER GALLERY Y First Fridays ffeature eature new artwork, demonstr demonstrations, ations, and conversations with artists. San Jose. "Unmasked," An exhibited on "Unmasked," rreal eal and imagined superher superheros. os. Thru Nov 17 17. 7. San Jose. ZERO ZER O 1 GARA GARAGE GE "The Cloud Collection" by KKarolina arolina Sobecka investigates clouds to explor exploree the intersection between art and geoengineering. Thru Dec 19. San Jose. “Perceptual” LLucas “Perceptual” ucas Artist Fellows Chris Fr Fraser aser and Justin LLowman owman explor exploree the rrelationship elationship between per ception, light, space, and perception, place. Thru Feb 1. Sar atoga. Saratoga. PACIFIC P ACIFIC AR ART T LEA LEAGUE GUE “Science, TTechnology, echnology e y, and the Futuree of Art.”” Nov 77-27. Futur -2777.. P Palo alo Al Alto. to. PALO P ALO AL ALTO TO AR ART T CENTER “I’ll Show YYou oou Mine.”” Artists exploree ffamily explor amily portr portraits. aits. Thru Dec 14. P Palo alo Al Alto. to. PHO69 PHO6 9 Watercolors by Made’ Watercolors Made’ Sukerti Ber Berg. g. San Jose. PSYCHO P SYCHO DONUT DONUTSS Works by John Renzel, Lacey Works Bryant, Nicolas CCaesar, aesar, Murphy Adams, Christine Benjamin, Michael Foley Foley, y, Michael Borja, Valery V alery Milovic, CCarlos arlos Villez, Eric Joyner Joyner,, Laur Lauraa CCallin allin Bennett, John Hageman and Robert McColley McColley.. San Jose. “Relics” explor “Relics” explores es what technology embr embraces aces and makes obsolete. Thru Jan 224. 4. San Jose. GALLERY GALLER Y HOUSE Holiday Show Show.. Nov 18-Dec 224. 4 4. Reception:: Fri, Nov 21. P Palo alo Al Alto. lto. GALLERY GALLER Y SSARATOGA ARA ATOGA Judy Bingman Bingman’s ’ss wildlif wildlifee photographs photogr aphs with a special section on P Polar olar Bears. Thru Dec 1. Big Basin W Way, ayy, Sar Saratoga. atogga. GALLERY GALLER Y 290 2905 5 call ffor or inf info. o. Universal Mediaa Access, A ccess, San Jose. WORKS W ORKS SSAN AN JOSE Art by JJ.. Danniel. Mezcal Restaurant, Restaur ant, San Jose. DOWNTOWN DO WNTOWN Y YOGA OGA SHALA A “Beware! YYokai!” “Beware! ookai!” Chris Br Brand andd and TTakahiro aakahiro Kitamur Kitamura. a. Thru Nov 30. San Jose. Daily Classes off offered ered on Art and TTechnology. eechnology. San Jose. MEZCAL MEZ CAL MONTALVO MONT ALVO AR ARTS TS CENTER SEEING THING THINGSS GALLER GALLERY Y “Full Bellies and Empty CCalories” alories” by Sean Boyle. San Jose SLIDING DOOR CCOMPANY OMPANY “One Thousand Thousand Project,” Pr oject,” work workss by Jason McHenry. McHenry y. San Jose. SOUTH FIR FIRST ST BILLIARDS "Art Lif "Art Lifer" er" by Alfr Alfredo edo Reyes and Debbie Doherty with music fr from om DJ Mystik Mike. ““Assemble!” Assemble!” a MESHcollective show.. W show Works orks by various artists. San Jose. ART TECHSHOP TE CHSHOP SSAN AN JOSE “Day Of The Dead.” A cul culturally turally ffestive estive exhibit celebr celebrating ating Mexico ’s most important Mexico’s holiday.. Redwood City holiday City. y. SAN JOSE INS SAN INSTITUTE TITUTE OF ART CCONTEMPORARY ONTEMPORARY AR T EMPIRE SE SEVEN VEN SSTUDIOS TUDIOS “Petrified,” work “Petrified,” workss by Andy Wallace. W allace. San Jose. "The Public is P Personal." ersonal." Alvarado, Alexanna Alvar ado, KKaren aren Haas, and Alayne YYellum eellum exploree how personal explor affect rrelationship elationship aff ect our public conduct. d t Thru Th Nov N 15, 15 San S Jose. J MAIN GALLER GALLERY Y Jazz paintings by Bruni Sabl Sablan. an. Mon-Sat, 1-6pm. San Jose. “San Shui,” paintings by Russell Al Altice tice Case. Case. San Jose. Josee. STUDIO R STUDIO ROCK OCK CLIMBING GYM GY M *events *e vents SHERLOCK SHERL OCK WHO? OR A SCANDAL BARATARIA SCAND AL IN B ARA ATARIA Lamplighters Musical Theatr Theatree is hosting their annual Champagne Gala and Auction. In their 62nd season, their newest, musical spoof will parody par ody BBC pr programming ogramming when Sherlock Holmes is sent into the futur future. e. Sun, Nov 9 at 4pm. $59-$83. Mountain View Center ffor or the P Performing erforming Arts. SOLO SOL O FLAMENC FLAMENCO O On their 48th Anniversary Anniversary, y, Theatree Flamenco pr Theatr premieres emieres original work and ffeatures eatures guest artists fr from om Spain to perform perf orm ““percussive percussive ffootwork, ootwork, expressive expr essive dance, and stir stirring ring song” with the tr traditional aditional flair of Flamenco. Sat, Nov 8 at 8pm. $45. Mountain View Center ffor or the P Performing erforming Arts. SOUTH FIR FIRST ST FRID FRIDAY AY ARTWALK AR TWALK A self-guided evening tour through thr ough galleries, museums, and independent businesses ffeaturing eaturing exhibitions and special performances, perf ormances, including SStreet treet Eats & Live Beats at P Parque arque De LLos os P Pobladores. obladores.. First Friday of the Month. V Venues enues along S. First street street and thr throughout oughout downtown San Jose. SILICON V SILICON VALLEY ALLEY MUSIC FESTIVAL FE STIV VA AL In conjunction with South First Fridays,, the SVMF pr presents esents Anna Maria Mendieta.. Ms.. Mendieta, the principal harpist with the Sacramento Sacr amento Philharmonic,, has performed perf ormed as a soloist and as a member with many symphony orchestras or chestras and chamber music groups gr oups acr across oss the country country. y. THESE WALLS CAN TALK In her new exhibit “Scarcity,” Leyla Cardenas examines San Jose’s relationship with its past using its own forgotten relics. Reading the Ruins A LOT CAN BE gathered from a city’s leftovers. Just ask Leyla Cardenas. The Colombian artist has long been intrigued by the things that societies willingly discard. Leyla Cardenas: ‘Scarcity’ Growing up in a civil war-torn country, Cardenas recalls searching for meaning among the piles of Nov 15-Jan 31, debris and wreckage she would regularly find in 10am-5pm, Free her home town of Bogota. Over time she became San Jose Institute of fascinated with these once so permanent structures Contemporary Art reduced to rubble. “I started collecting things the city would throw away,” she recounts. “Those voids in the city were very revealing to me.” Pondering over the scraps of facade, broken windows, tangles of lumber and crumbled cement walls, she wondered what the ruins suggested about her community and its reverence or disregard for its past and what they might portend for the future. These discarded artifacts and the questions they raised in her mind eventually became the building blocks of Cardenas’ art, which has expanded over the years from considering issues of cultural identity in her native Colombia to exploring the ways other communities around the world deal with their past as they move forward into the future. “The question I’m asking with a city or place is how they deal with memory and the past,” Cardenas says. With Scarcity, opening this Friday at the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), Cardenas puts these questions to San Jose. Cardenas has a particular interest in architecture. Scarcity, which opens Jan. 15, compiles plaster impressions of historic buildings from around Market Street, which she will arrange for display on the gallery’s walls and floor, and tells the story of San Jose’s complicated, and almost adversarial, relationship to its past. Once the “Valley of Heart’s Delight” and the first capital city of California, San Jose has since been branded the “Capital of Silicon Valley,” and its focus on progress and innovation through tech seems to reveal a community more interested in disruption than legacy. “I feel California definitely moves at a different speed, especially Silicon Valley,” Cardenas says. “There’s not that relationship with the past. You feel it is a little bit in transition and there is nothing that takes you back.” The exhibit is asking questions that are especially relevant in the here and now. As this tech-oriented region comes charging out of the Great Recession and new developments spring up all over downtown San Jose, Cardenas hopes her exhibit will get people thinking about the city’s proud past even as they move inexorably forward into the future.— Brandon E. Roos 311 3 NOVEMBER N O V E M B E R 12-18, 12-18 2014 | metr m osiliconvalley com | sanjos se com | metr oactive com YYour oour Angle?”Thru Nov 30.. “Rob “Robert bert Portraits: Henri’s CCalifornia alifornia P ortraits: 1914-Realism,, Race and Region,, 1914 25.””Thru Jan.. TTue-Sun, uue-Sun, 11am-5p 11am-5pm, pm, closed Mon.. San Jose.