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Marketing for Habitat for Humanity's Home Discount Center
An Honors Thesis (HONRS 499)
Amanda Burge
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Peggy Fisher
Ball State University
Muncie, Indiana
May 2009
Expected Date of Graduation: May 9, 2009
Marketing for Habitat for Humanity's Home Discount Center
An Honors Thesis (HONRS 499)
Amanda Burge
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Peggy Fisher
Ball State University
Muncie, Indiana
May 2009
Expected Date of Graduation: May 9, 2009
Section One
Project Overview and Purpose
Meeting Minutes
Section Two
Marketing Plan and Appendixes
Section Three
Marketing Materials
I would like to thank Dr. Peggy Fisher for both advising my thesis project and leading our
Building Better Communities team. Without the support of both Dr. Fisher and my BBC fellows
teammates, I would not have been able to learn so much in so many ways this semester. I would like
to thank our community partners, Bill and Kelli, for their guidance throughout this project as well.
This project was printed with a smaller, economized font that requires 20% less ink than
standard fonts. In addition, the pages have smaller margins and are printed on both sides whenever
possible to reduce paper use.
The goal of the Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center Building Better Communities
Fellows team was to raise awareness of the Home Discount Center within the Ball State University
community. We used several types of outreach to connect with the target community including
teasers, posters, press releases, information tables, and an event at a visible campus location. We
not only informed the Ball State community of the Home Discount Center, but we created a
relationship between the university and Habitat for Humanity for future years.
Project Overview and Purpose
At the beginning of the semester, I was still unsure of my role with Building Better
Communities and our team's work with the Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center in Muncie.
knew I would be working on a marketing plan to draw in new customers, but who were these
customers going to be, and how were we planning to reach them? When I learned of the desire of
the Home Discount Center to reach Ball State University students, I knew I would excel in the tasks
our team of nine needed to complete over the course of the semester.
The local business our Building Better Communities fellows team worked with this semester is
a branch of Habitat for Humanity of Muncie called the Home Discount Center. Home Discount
Centers (HDCs)/ReStores are retail stores where gently used or excess household goods and building
materials are sold at approximately half the normal retail prices. Community members and
businesses donate these items, and HOCs/ReStores sell the items back to members of the
community in order to fund the building of houses in the community through Habitat for Humanity.
Several hundred stores, including the store in Muncie, are in successful operation and provide funds
to build many houses for families in need each year.
Our Building Better Communities team created a strategic marketing plan to inform the Ball
State community of the Home Discount Center. Last semester, the students created the plan to
present to the Home Discount Center, and this semester, we edited the previous plan and were
hoping to help the HOC implement the different parts of the plan and to become the connection
between the HOC and Ball State University.
One of the first activities with which I was involved was revising the existing strategic
marketing plan for the Home Discount Center. Since I have spent many hours as a peer tutor for
writing in the Ball State University Learning Center, editing this marketing plan was effortless and
simple for me. I felt I made a unique contribution to the team by using my distinct skill set. This
plan will be reviewed by citizens of the community and Ball State students and faculty, so I wanted to
ensure it would be of great quality to reflect positively on our team as a whole and individually. In
revising the marketing plan, I not only had to look for grammar errors, but I also had to look into the
reality of some of the ideas. One instance of this occurred when the plan stated that we would have
contacted 100% of the Ball State community. Although this idea is wonderful in concept, actually
reaching tens of thousands of people would be nearly impossible in the three months we had to
implement our plans.
Soon after we revised our marketing plan, our team began work on planning how to reach Ball
State University students through our ideas in the plan. Because several members of our team are
involved in marketing and communication organizations, many of them already had ideas of how to
reach the students through advertising and public relations. As we reviewed the marketing plan, we
looked to each individual aspect of the outline and started to decide how to implement all of our
ideas before the end of the semester.
The section of the plan that caught my attention first was the idea of an outdoor event on
campus during class times to raise awareness of the Home Discount Center with students and faculty
on campus. I have had two internships and other experience in event planning with non-profit
organizations, so I was thrilled to know I would be helping to plan our campus event. A few team
members and I worked on planning the beginnings of the event behind the scenes as we joined
several subcommittees to tackle communicating with different parts of the Ball State community.
We split our group into three main subcommittees to begin to implement the marketing plan.
The first group, the on-campus group, dealt with campus organizations and other parts of student life
attempting to find additional volunteers to staff the HDC and to share knowledge of the store. The
second group, off-campus group, worked with apartment complexes and other off-campus housing to
reach students who do not live on campus. The third group, and the group I have worked with the
most, is the residence hall group. We attempted to reach students on campus to let the students
know what the HDC is and where they can donate items on campus at the end of the year.
As our plans for the marketing campaign began taking shape, our group took a trip to Fort
Wayne, Indiana to meet with other individuals working with Habitat for Humanity. We were able to
see another example of a flourishing HDC and learn how the staff there is able to run a successful
store. The focus of the trip was to speak with a representative from Fort Wayne Habitat for
Humanity about their aluminum can collection. We discovered this almost volunteer-run program
funds the building of almost two houses each year. The aluminum can collection in Fort Wayne has
already been in existence for several years, which is enough time to see what has worked and what
has not. We were able to ask specific questions about how to begin such a program in Muncie.
Upon our return from Ft. Wayne, we were armed with more knowledge and a realistic sense of
how little time we had left in the semester to fulfill the strategic marketing plan. My group, the
residence halls group, set a meeting with Matt Kovak, who is the Director of Residence Ufe, to ask
about advertising to students living in the residence halls. He approved our posters to hang in the
residence halls, but he would no longer allow us to advertise in Welcome Week packets distributed to
all new students.
Matt also helped us communicate with the University to establish a relationship with the
Home Discount Center. We had listed in our original marketing plan to have a way to collect items
from residence halls at the end of the school year from students who would otherwise throw them
away. Our group came to an agreement to have a designated area in each residence hall during
move-out week where students can place their items. The Home Discount Store manager, Bill, would
bring his box truck over to campus once or twice during the week to take the items back to the store.
Another point of concern, with both our team members and our community partner, was the lack of
signage at the donation piles. We were worried students may think the pile was a "free-for-all," and
they might take items that may otherwise help a greater cause. We remedied the situation by
printing large posters to put next to the pile that will explain why we are collecting the donations.
As we worked with Residence Ufe throughout the rest of the semester, we began to work on
our campus event and information tables for the fast-approaching end of the semester. We decided
a week of events would certainly catch students' attention. We requested space for information
tables in Bracken Library and outside the bookstore in the Atrium. The tables were to be set up from
10 o'clock in the morning until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Although we ran into a few staffing issues
due to inflexible, demanding schedules of our team members with classes and other previous
obligations, the information tables were successful overall. Several students approached the table
with interest, and we passed out hundreds of mini-fliers to students walking near the table. At first
we were wondering how effective the tables were, but in the end, we realized we spread the word to
hundreds of students. These information tables taught us a true lesson about our marketing plan;
we do not need to reach every single student, but instead we should try to reach many who will take
interest and spread the message.
Directly after our information tables, we hosted a two-day event at the Scramble Light (on the
southwest corner of Riverside Avenue and McKinley Road). Our event could not have any more
successful than it was. We had several members of our team present to pass out informational flyers
and speak with people as they walked by the tables. We also used several attention grabbers in an
attempt to stop students walking to class. We had live music for part of the time and a large stereo
system the rest of the time. We raffled off several donations from local businesses and a gold spraypainted toilet with the "Pass it on!" logo. We collected names and email addresses to use as a
contact list for the HDC to use for marketing purposes next school year. With this informative and
fun event. I feel we shared an important message with the Ball State community.
The experience of creating and implementing a strategic marketing plan with other students
is not one many students are able to have. The professional development I have gained will help me
utilize this experience in my career after graduation as well. I am grateful to have had this
experience, and I know the skills and knowledge I have gained from this opportunity are both
invaluable and unique.
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 20th 2009
Call to Order: 5:10
Attendees: Jennifer Bishop, Natalie Bruce, Kellie Burch, Amanda Burge, Peggy Fisher, Taylor
Hammond, Lauren Schneider, Jordin Tillich, Dana Ziebarth
Announcements/Filling in the New People
-New BBC members need to attend an orientation session if you have not already
-There will be some other events new members will need to attend
-Team Building session will take place Tuesday, Feb. 3rd in Cardinal Hall B, and all BBC team
members will be attending this
-Gave updated on our Strategic Plan as well as each smaller group plans
-All groups are to have a finalized strategic plan with dates of implementation for next Tuesday
-Everyone start thinking of/designing ideas for our posters that we will hang up later in the semester
-We want to choose three options by February
so we can present them to Bill and Kelli and get
their input and feedback
-We will start putting up the plain "Pass it On" signs right after Spring break to catch students'
interest in our campaign
-The big posters with all of the Pass it On and HOC info will be put up in April ... this was planned for
later in the semester when people will be moving out/moving into new places
-Will pass out letters to separate groups in accordance to these dates based on the needs of the
individual group marketing plans
-Dana will figure out how much money we can get for the cans based on weight
-Natalie and Jordin will check on collecting cans at apartments
-Kellie and Amanda will explore options for can collections on campus
-Jennifer will look into other groups on campus that possibly collect cans and their purpose
-We need to discuss all of this with Bill and Kelli to see if we are actually able to implement such a
program on campus and what they would do as far as collection, etc. as well as what we would need
to do in the process
Meetings-Leading, Minutes
-We will be taking turns leading the meetings and taking minutes
-Whoever takes minutes at one meeting will lead the next, so we need to be we send minutes in a
timely manner
Meeting Adjourned: 6:03 pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 27th at 5:00 p.m.
Burge 19
BBC Meeting Minutes
Wednesday January 28th 2009
Call to Order: 8:05am
Attendees: Jennifer Bishop, Kellie Burch, Amanda Burge, Peggy Fisher, Taylor Hammond, Bill Koen,
Lauren Schneider, Jordin Tillich, Dana Ziebarth
Introduction of new members
Introduction of Bill
Conference call with Kelli
Old Business
• Update on Marketing Plan
o Revising grammar and spelling mistakes in strategic plan
o Do we need a measurable objective? How?
o Bill want us to begin at zero and at the end of the semester check where we are
o No need to do a survey now at the beginning of the semester
o Peggy said that if we do a survey in the store we are not considering the people who
are aware of the store but not shopping
o We still need to revisit the measurable objective
o Dana will try to get information from Charlie in the Atrium on Friday about table tents
Marketing Event on Campus
o Kellie and Amanda updated Bill and Kelli on Scramble Light event
o Bill and Kelli like the idea
o Bill says it is definitely a possibility to do
On-Campus Apartments
o Switched from on-campus students group to off-campus students group
o Putting flyers in office, laundry rooms, and bus stops
Work Groups
o On-Campus: Jordin, Jennifer, Amanda
o Off-Campus: Dana, Natalie
o Student Organizations: Taylor, Lauren, Kellie
o Faculty and Staff: Kellie is now the leader of this group, we all will work on it as well
o Peggy is emailing Kelly and Emily about possible group additions
Student Voluntary Services (SVS)
o Natalie thought this student organization should be involved with the Home Discount
Center for volunteers
o Natalie is contacting the head person
o When we get more information, let Bill know
Can Collection
o Dana: 35 cents per pound from OmniSource, phone number: 765-282-2238
o Ketlie and Amanda: on-campus groups doing a can drive depends mostly on the
individual organization or department, no one currently is having a fundraiser
o Jennifer, Taylor, and Lauren: off-campus organizations doing can drives include Muncie
Missions Ministries. Muncie Sanitary District, and Animal Rescue Fund (ARF) - Peggy
still wants ARF contacted to get information about how much they make from can
o Peggy asks if the City of Muncie makes money off cans. Bill says yes
Burge 110
Kelli: thinks local events like Ribfest and Muncie Gras might be profitable, if they do a
can drive, she wants to start very targeted with minimal effort, she thinks schools
would be a great place to start, but we really need more research done
Fort Wayne Habitat for Humanity is very successful with their own aluminum can drive,
they build 2 houses a year with can profits alone
Plan for Thursday February 19th , 2009 visit to the Fort Wayne Habitat for Humanity 8am12pm ish, Peggy will provide field trip notices, Kellie cannot come, Peggy will contact
Kellie and Amanda's professors
Dinner at Peggy's
o Wednesday Feb 4th 2009, 7:30pm
o Bill won't be able to attend
o We will still have Wednesday morning meeting
New Business
• Diversion Program
o The Home Discount Center already receives volunteers from this program
o Bill says most likely due to the economy: traffic to store is increasing but donations are
• Bill is on vacation February 10th, 11th, and 12th
• We will not have next Tuesday night's meeting, instead we will have a team building activity in
the Student Center Cardinal Hall B 5-7pm
• Bring poster ideas to next Wednesday morning meeting
• Meet with small groups before next Wednesday to discuss implementation dates
Meeting Adjourned: 9:00am
BBC Meeting Minutes
Tuesday February 10, 2009
Home Discount Center
Call to order: 5:12 p.m.
Attendees: Jennifer Bishop, Kellie Burch, Amanda Burge, Dr. Fisher, Kelli Koen, Lauren Schneider,
Jordin Tillich, Dana Ziebarth, Robert Kanedy, Natalie Bruce, and Taylor Hammond.
Old Business:
1. Team updates:
1. On-Campus: Lauren, Kelli and Taylor have received the official list of sororities and
fraternities on campus and are working on contacting them via email.
Is there a central location to offer free drop-off and pick-up for houses and
Lauren will help decide which Greeks are most likely to help.
2. Off campus: Robert will be joining the off-campus group. They will be arranging drop
off and pick up locations for Schiedler and Anthony apartments and plan to meet with
a representative on 2/11/09. Will distribute posters in central locations of the
3. Residents Halls: Jennifer contacted Matt Kovach regarding fliers, mailbox handouts,
welcome week bags and other residence hall materials. He will need to get back to
her regarding the next step.
4. Faculty- Do we want to form a faculty group?
2. Event
at Scramble-Light:
April 15 & 16
Dana contacted person about dates for scramble light.
Do we want to have people pass out free beverages? Natalie will contact Concannon's
regarding this.
New Business:
1. Tour of store:
2. Can drive:
a. Do we want to wait for the Ft. Wayne trip to see what they do?
b. Muncie Gras: Do we want to pick up cans during and after the events?
3. Ft Wayne trip:
a. Discussed plans to meet at roundabout (between Lafollette and R.B) at 8:00 am on
the 19th , Peggy will get a van to take and we will get lunch on the way back. We will
probably be back around 2:00.
4. No morning meeting. We will use this time to meet with groups.
Burge 112
BBC Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Call to Order: 8:03 a.m.
Attendees: Jennifer Bishop, Natalie Bruce, Keliie Burch, Amanda Burge, Taylor Hammond, Robert
Kanedy, Lauren Schneider, Jordin Tillich, Peggy Fisher, Kelli Kern, Kelley
Old Business:
1. Team updates:
1. On-Campus: Lauren, Kellie, and Taylor have a list of contact info and will be sending
out an email. There will be a follow-up email closer to the end of the semester. They
are also producing a formal letter and they will be sending a copy to other team
members first.
Created a team Gmail account for Bill and Kelli for future use.
• Password: billandkelli
Will add Gmail to the strategic plan.
2. Off campus: Met with Anthony and Scheidler apartments. Trying to arrange for a day
to pick up items at the end of the semester. Day will possibly be in late May after
school is finished.
Possible ideas for Anthony and Scheidler apartments: Newsletter for residents
about pickup, garage sale, hall council, check/in folder with flyers, and
3. Residence Halls: Jennifer, Amanda, and Jordin will be meeting with Matt Kovach
Tuesday morning at 9:00am regarding fliers, mailbox handouts, welcome week bags
and other residence hall materials.
4. Faculty Group: Kellie contacted Campus Update (newsletter) and has not heard
anything back. Possibly will contact Daily News as well.
5. Need to show Robert the strategic plan.
6. Will move Anthony and Schiedler from the On Campus group to the Off Campus group.
7. Need to design poster rough drafts.
8. Team needs to pick out a toilet.
9. Pick date for landscaping.
2. Event at Scramble-Light:
1. April 15 & 16
2. Team needs to contact Usa Grant about taking pictures for scramble light event.
3. Amanda will contact Student Life.
3. Showcase in AJ
1. Wednesday April 22, 2009
2. Held during lunch.
3. Twelve to fourteen tables.
4. Design our own display with group photo and pictures.
New Business:
1. Can drive
2. Discuss Ft Wayne trip
3. Discuss Posters
Burge 113
BBC Meeting Minutes
Wednesday February 25,2009
LB 104
Call to order: 8:04AM
Attendees: Jennifer Bishop, Kellie Burch, Amanda Burge, Dr. Fisher, Kelli Koen, Lauren Schneider,
Jordin Tilfich, Dana Ziebarth, Robert Kanedy, Natalie Bruce, and Taylor Hammond.
Group Updates:
-On-Campus: Kelly has contact info of all Principals in Muncie Lauren will write draft
of script to principles Taylor will check on Bill selling on campus for the beginning of
Fall Semester Report for Wednesday Meeting
'Off campus: Set up another meeting with Holly who is in charge of Off Campus
Apartments International Organization- Natalie will contact CAS
'Residents Halls: Will Meet with Hall Council Presidents Pamphlet for welcome week
to focus on Donations for HOC Jennifer will speak with Matt about Daily Pickup
instead of one day Jordan will check on vehicle for Habitat
-Faculty- Press Release
'Design, quantity, quality?
Dana and Natalie will have design for Wednesday
Event at Scramble Light: 4/15-16/09
- Donations for raffle, Gift Cards, etc. - Natalie to talk to Miles
- Baking cookies and brownies as last resort
Meeting Adjourned: 8:56AM
Burge 114
BBC Meeting Minutes
Wednesday March 4, 2009
LB 104
Call to order: 8:06
Attendees: Jennifer Bishop, Kellie Burch. Dr. Fisher, Kelli Koen. Lauren Schneider, Jordin Tillich, Dana
Ziebarth, Robert Kanedy.
Old Business:
1. Team Updates
L ON Campus
Sending out letters to all campus organizations via campus mail March 16th
2. OFF Campus
Garage Sale May 2. We can pick up at 4 p.m.
Move out pick up May 29, 30, 31
3. Residence Halls
Bill wants up to monitor piles. but this would be very difficult because there are
8 piles. We could put up a sign. Kelly looking into CS Kern printing reusable
Matt is against everyday pick up
Contact RAs
4. Faculty Group
To do more when event gets closer
Putting flyers in department offices
Sending news releases to newsletter
2. Scramble Light Updates
1. Need WCRD contact info from Amanda
2. Sponsorship letter was passed out
3. Bill has at least one toilet
3. Pictures of Home Discount Center
1. Jordin and Robert to pick up by 17th
New Business:
1. Report of Principals of schools
2. Info Tables Times
1. Dana is talking with Charlie
2. Do we want past members to help?
3. Sponsorship
1. Letter is written. Needs to be edited
2. Jordin got okay from Dominos
3. Waiting on Olive Garden
4. Peggy feels we can get help from Johnny Carino's
5. Lauren is contacting McDonald's, $20 deposit for orange containers
4. Vehicle for Habitat cans
1. Not much luck. Jordin still contacting places
2. U-Haul is offering a very low price.
5. Posters
L Posters need to be finalized by the 17th
2. Bill asked to check on printing posters with CS Kern, 20 16x22 posters
Burge 115
BBC Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 17th
Outside LB
Call to Order: 5:07 p.m.
Old Business
I. Team Updates
a. Campus Organizations-labels are ready, letters to be sent out Friday
b. Off Campus-just need to turn stuff in
c. Residence Halls-Kelli looking into putting signs up, need to talk to Matt to see
if this is okay - waiting on that date for the April President's meeting
d. Faculty-Will just use campus update
2. Scramble Light Event and Sponsorship Updates
-Peggy wrote to Mark at Carino's and will follow up with a phone call
3. Habitat Vehicle
a. Update- Jordin's dad may possible be able to get a donation, if not can get for
cheap-discussed possible fund raisers for this
4. Pictures of the HOC-Robert will upload to Google docs
5. Report of Schools and Principals-Everyone should post info on the school list in
Google docs
6. Info Tables-will sign up at Wednesday's meeting and ask old members to help if
New Business
1. March 28th Build-All members need to sign up for this
2. Student Symposium-can't do it
3. Posters-Dana and Natalie will continue working on these-will post in Google docs this
week and we will finalize next week
4. UMC coming to meeting Wednesday to take pictures-look nice
Burge 116
BBC Meeting Minutes
Tuesday March 24, 2009
Call to Order: 5:00pm
Attendees: Jennifer Bishop, Kellie Burch, Natalie Bruce, Amanda Burge, Peggy Fisher, Taylor
Hammond, Robert Kanedy, Lauren Schneider, Jordin Tillich, Dana Ziebarth
Old Business
• Team Updates
o On-Campus Organizations
• Letters are all ready to go out to organizations
• Kellie just found out it will cost money to send on campus mail. She is looking
into an exact cost. We might use our budget money to send out the letters.
o Off-Campus
• No new updates
o Residents Halls
• No new updates
• Next step is distributing flyer to residents halls on Monday March 30 th
o Faculty
• Waiting for posters/flyers
• Scramble Light Update
o Sign-up
• Members who missed last meeting signed up for available times
• Ryan (member last semester) would like to help
• Amanda will get Peggy the sign-up sheet to let Ryan know where we need more
• KD (Lauren's sorority) would really like to help with scramble light event. KelBe
will resend the email to the group giving them information.
o Sponsorship
• Peggy got Johnny Carino's to donate dessert coupons. She also got
toothbrushes donated and will look into more dentistry items to be donated.
• Dana says Olive Garden said they will be need the formal letter first before they
• Kellie will post the letter on the letterhead in Gmail Documents by Wednesday,
March 25 th , morning meeting
o Decorating Toilet and Tri-Fold Poster Board
• We split into two groups:
• Toilet Group includes: Amanda, Dana, Jordin, Kellie, and Robert
• Poster Board Group includes: Natalie, Jennifer, Taylor, and Lauren
• We will decorate at our April 7th meeting
• Toilet Group will meet at the Home Discount Center
• Poster Group will meet in LB 104
• Taylor will print off photos for the boards and buy art supplies, Jennifer will
bring tape, and Lauren will being Sharpies
• Ask Bill what paint, finishing coats, and other items are at the HOC to buy
• Can Collection Update
o Vehicle
• Peggy has someone from American Chevy who will donate a Van
• Jordin may still be able to get another vehicle donated or for very low cost
School Contact List
• Members are supposed to have updates the comments section by Wednesday
(March 25th ) morning so we can give Kelli/Bill a final idea of the local school's
• Jennifer will print off the list and bring it to Wednesday mornings meeting
New Business
• Posters
o Three color poster ideas were uploaded to Gmail Documents
Burge 117
We are going to change the paragraph to bullet points
We want to use Kellies poster idea for residents halls and apartments
More poster ideas were thrown around and we wl11 present those ideas to Bill at the
Wednesday morning meeting
Calendar for Bill and Kelli
o Kellie will make calendar and bring to Wednesday morning meeting with dates and
contact information
Jordin will make more "teaser posters" for people who did not get any the first time to post
around campus
• Group Picture is tomorrow morning (Wednesday the 25 th ). Please be there!
• Toilet and Poster Decoration Day is April 7th
• Information tables in Bracken and Aj are April 13th and 14th
• Scramble Light Event is April 15th and 16th
• BSC Showcase is April 22 00
Meeting Adjourned: 5:55pm
Next Meeting: Wednesday March 25th , 8:00am, LB 104
Burge 118
BBC Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April!. 2009
Call to Order: 8:03AM
Attendees: jennifer Bishop, Dr. Fisher, Bill, Lauren Schneider, Dana Ziebarth. Robert Kanedy, Natalie
Bruce, and Taylor Hammond.
Team Updates
• On Campus
o Taylor will call office to find out how and where to contact organizations
Residence Hall
• 150 posters have been dropped off, going up in the next few days pending approval
• Creating map for Residence Hall pickups for Bill
• Donation Pile Posters - giving to Matt on Monday
20 color posters will cost $15 per poster
• Agreed to do them
• Charge BBC
• Possible lamination to reuse
• Lauren will tell Kellie/Lauren
• Lauren will check with Hyatt Printing
• Natalie will check with A.J. Printing service (Cardinal Copy Center)
o They will have it completed by today
• Kellie will put on Google Docs
• Aj 328, 2 nd of left is Dana's Office, Green paper for fliers will be there
• Natalie will email jordin.Kellie. Amanda.
Kellie will post Sponsorship letter on Google Docs
Peggy will contact past members for participation in Scramble Light event
Dana will pick up poster and pens from Habitat.
End of Year get together either Monday May
Meeting Adjourned: 8:50AM
or Tuesday May 5th , will be decided by next meeting.
Burge 119
BBC Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Call to Order: 8:00 A.M.
Attendees: Jennifer Bishop, Kellie Burch, Natalie Bruce, Amanda Burge, Peggy Fisher, Taylor
Hammond, Robert Kanedy, Kelli Kern, Lauren Schneider, Jordin Tillich, Dana Ziebarth
Old Business
• Team Updates
o On-Campus Organizations
• 115 letters have gone out to the organizations.
o Off-Campus
• Flyers being put in Scheidler and Anthony about Garage Sale and move out
o Residence Halls
• Matt has not gotten back to us about hall presidents meeting.
• Posters have been put up in the residence halls.
o Faculty
• One color poster to each office.
Scramble Light Update
a Sign-up
• Time slots are set for Scramble Light.
• KD (Lauren's sorority) would really like to help with scramble light event. Kellie
will resend the email to the group giving them information.
a General
• Kellie asked her friend to play guitar at the Scramble Light event.
• Jordin will bring his stereo and corn hole boards to the event.
a Sponsorship
• Sponsorship letters are up on Google Docs and have been given to our
New Business
• Posters
• Kellie is to contact the media about the HOC.
• Natalie will arrange teasers on paper.
• Monday is the deadline for teasers and posters.
a Kellie will give Kelli information for the new posters
o Posters will be put up in LB, AJ, Architecture, Lucina, Music Building, Bracken, Rec.
a Boards have been made and the toilet has been painted.
a $268.00 in the budget!!
• Information tables in Bracken and AJ are April 13th and 14th
• Scramble Light Event is April 15th and 16th
• BBC Showcase is April 22 nd
Meeting Adjourned: 8:56am
BBC Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2009
LB 104
Call to Order: 5:00pm
Attendees: Jennifer Bishop, Kellie Burch, Natalie Bruce, Amanda Burge, Peggy Fisher, Taylor
Hammond, Robert Kanedy, Lauren Schneider, Jordin Tillich, Dana Ziebarth
Old Business:
• On Campus
o Kappa Delta to help at Scramble light Tues. and Wed.
• Off Campus
o Will put notice in University Apartment newsletter
• Residence Halls
o Still contacting Matt about hall presidents' meeting
o Posters about the donation piles will go up Monday
• Scramble Light
o Amanda and Kellie setting up at 9:30am
o Live music Thurs. at noon
o Donations
• johnny Carino's - 2 x $25
• Olive Garden?
• Domino's - 3 x Medium pizza
o jordin to take care of toilet transportation, cornhole, and stereo system
o Natalie to make new logos for display boards
o Drawing Thurs. at 2pm - Peggy making green boxes for slips
• CS Kern posters
o Can't hang them where we wanted, has to be on bulletin boards
• Peggy - RB
• Lauren - Atrium and ACx2
• Taylor - Bracken and TC
• Amanda - CAP and Rec
• Robert - Lucina
• jennifer - Business
• Info Tables
o Fairly successful
o Had to move tables a number of times
o Many people came up to the table to ask about Habitat and HOC
o Handed out many fliers
• Media - Comm Center, press releases, ON, Muncie Star Press
Meeting Adjourned: 5:55pm
I 20
Executive Summary
Lack of awareness and knowledge of the public are concerns of the Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center. The resolution of these issues can be achieved through our
research, marketing plan, and "Pass It On" campaign. These contributions should significantly increase the objectives of creating awareness, increasing donations and purchases,
and improving the overall evaluation of the Home Discount Center.
Research hall included a survey administered through Ball State University Business Fellows Habitat for Humanity team at the Home Discount Center on two separate occasions.
This survey included questions that will improve the store based on customer feedback.
The intended outcome of the survey was to gain insight on the consumers' perception
of the store currently, ways to make improvements and create additions to better fit the
needs of the consumer.
Our plan is set to completely saturate the target market with the "Pass It On" campaign to
increase word of mouth advertising. A part of our entire project is to guarantee the plan
and all of its components are low cost and customer friendly. There is a significant lack of
knowledge and preconceived attitudes toward the Habitat for Humanity Home Discount
Center and its reasoning for being open. In our plan we have embraced this advantage
and plan to take precautionary measures to ensure the plan and campaign will instill a
positive image and influence in the mind of the consumers for now and in the future.
This strategic, marketing plan and the "Pass It On" campaign focus on accomplishing our
objectives within four different target audiences. These audiences include residence and
housing life, groups and organizations within Ball State University, off campus housing
and landlords, as well as faculty and staff of Ball State University. We recommend implementing this marketing plan in the spring semester of Ball State University'S 2008-2009
academic calendars and to become a repetitive event for the entire academic calendar
every year. We also recommend evaluating the objectives and goals set forth through the
plans at the academic calendar year's end and implementing changes to better achieve the
objectives and goals.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ........................ '" ...................................... .1
Mission Statement .......................... , .........................................3
Problem Statement. ................................................................. 3
Situational Analysis
Summary of Research .......................................................4
Internal Factors ...............................................................6
External Factors ...............................................................6
SWOT Analysis ..............................................................7
Competitive Analysis ..........................................................8
Position Statement. ................................................................... 9
Goal 1 - Students living on campus ...................... " .................... 10
Goal 2 Student Organizations ............................................. .11
Goal 3 - Students living off campus ..................................... 12
Goal 4 University Faculty and Staff....... " .......................... .14
Time Line ....................................................................... , ..... .15
Appendix .............................................................................. .16
Mission Statement
The mission of the Habitat for Humanity Business Fellows Team is to make the Ball State
Community more aware of the Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center, as well as
encourage them to donate and purchase items or even volunteer to work in the Horne Discount Center. Also, we are working to improve the store itself through surveys and customer opinions.
Problem Statement
The majority of the Ball State community has never heard of or is not interested in the
Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center. Also, there are issues within the store that
customers have expressed.
Summary of Research
Two similar surveys were conducted by the Business Fellows team working in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity to customers, first time and repeat, of the Habitat for
Humanity Home Discount Store. This research was conducted in the Fall Semester of
2008. The purpose of this research was to gain information from the Home Discount
Store customers to learn and improve the store to better serve the purpose of Habitat for
Sixty-one customers reported that the outside of the store was "very good," 67 reported
"good," 49 reported "neutral," 3 reported as "poor," and only 1 reported the outside
of the store as being "very poor." Regarding the entrance of the store, 70 customers
reported "very good," 52 reported "good," 50 reported "neutral." 7 reported "poor," and
1 reported the entrance of the store as being "very poor." Eighty customers reported
the display of goods as being "very good," 68 reported "good," 26 reported "neutral,"
3 reported "poor," and 0 reported the display of goods as "very poor." Eighty customers reported the overall appearance of the store as "very good," 66 reported "good," 30
reported "neutral," 2 reported "poor," and 0 reported the overall appearance of the store
as "very poor." The result shows a high satisfaction among customers regarding the appearance of the Home Discount Store.
Sixty-nine customers reported that the prices of the products were "very good," 60
reported "good," 43 reported "neutral," 10 reported "poor," and 2 reported the prices of
the products were "very poor." Fifty-nine customers reported that the quality of goods
were "very good," 78 reported "good," 40 reported "neutral," 3 reported "poor," and
1 reported the quality of goods were "very poor." Fifty-six customers reported that
the quantity of goods was "very good," 83 reported "good," 37 reported "neutral," 2
reported "poor," and 2 reported the quantity of goods was "very poor." 74 customers
reported the variety of goods was "very good," 71 reported "good," 30 reported "neutral," 2 reported "poor," and 1 reported the variety of goods was "very poor." The result
shows a high satisfaction among customers regarding the goods or items offered by the
Home Discount Store.
Twenty-one customers reported that the store hours were "very good," 28 reported
"good," 64 reported "neutral," 48 reported "poor," and 21 reported the store hours as
"very poor." Regarding the location of the store. 64 customers reported the location as
being "very good," 74 reported "good," 40 reported "neutral," 2 reported "poor," and
1 reported the location of the store as "very poor." Ninety-three customers reported
customer service as "very good," 59 reported "good," 23 reported "neutral," 2 reported
"poor," and 0 reported customer service as "very poor." Seventy customers reported
the layout of the store as "very good," 81 reported "good," 27 reported "neutral," 2
reported "poor," and 0 reported the layout of the store as "very poor." Sixty-seven customers reported the overall convenience of the store as being "very good," 72 reported
"good," 36 reported "neutral," 3 reported "poor," and 0 reported the overall convenience of the store as "very poor." The results show customers were satisfied regarding the convenience of the store; however, customers were not satisfied with the store
From the two open-ended questions (favorite part of the store and least favorite) to
which the customers responded, their favorite parts of the store were the "good service
and personnel," "prices," and "variety of goods." Regarding the least favorite part of
the store, customers reported that the store hours were their least favorite part.
Of the 173 customers who responded to the question, "What are you shopping for at the
Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center?" 109 reported that they were shopping for
their homes, 36 reported "property/rental," 15 reported "family/friend," 2 reported "business," and 11 reported "other." Regarding how often customers visited the Home Store,
41 customers were there for their first visit, 32 customers shopped the Home Store once a
week, and 36 shopped the store once a month. The remaining data regarding visiting the
Home Store is considered insignificant.
The majority of customers learned about the Home Store by family/friends and driving by
the store. In the section of the survey where additional comments were given an allotted
space, customers' comments were mainly positive, although there was one negative comment. This survey was aimed at gaining information about the Home Discount Store from
customers who were at the store while the surveys were conducted.
The survey was aimed at gaining information from three areas regarding the Home Discount Store: store appearance, goods or items being sold at the store, and convenience.
Internal Factors
The Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center is a home improvement store in Muncie, Indiana. The store staff consists of one manager, one assistant manager, and as many
volunteers who arrive to help the store on any given day that they are open. This number
can vary widely depending on who is available to volunteer in the community. The store
provides many different types of home improvement such as lighting, cabinets, paint, sinks,
and almost anything that could be found at a commercially run home improvement store.
The Home Discount Center provides individuals with an opportunity to volunteer if they
would like to or need to do community service. It also offers individuals a place to purchase home improvement goods at approximately half of normal retail value. It also provides individuals with a location to donate their used or unwanted horne supplies, such as
old cabinets if one is installing new cabinets. These items are picked up from the donating
home or can be delivered by the donating individual. The donations give the donator a tax
write off, while all profits from donated items go directly to Habitat for Humanity.
Because the store only officially has two employees, the hours are very limited. All other
employees are volunteers with no set schedule; therefore, the store is sometimes understaffed and not reaching the desired production levels. The store only sells items that have
been donated, so if there is ever a stop in donation, the store has no merchandise to sell, and
therefore cannot operate efficiently.
Though it is a strong source of revenue for the Greater Muncie Area Habitat for Humanity,
the community's awareness of the store is low, and many citizens are unaware of its existence or motives.
External Factors
There are multiple versions of Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Centers throughout
Indiana. Some are called ReStores, but they all serve the same purpose. Because the stores
are all working for the same goal and cover different regions, competition from other Home
Discount Centers is not a problem. Habitat for Humanity helps provide services the Home
Discount Center would need, such as in-store signs and printing for literature. This sometimes happens indirectly through a donating organization.
Within Muncie there are different stores that are in unintentional competition with the
Home Discount Center. Stores that cover the areas of donation and selling of goods at
lowered prices include the Muncie Mission and the Goodwi11 store. In order to avoid direct
competition, the Home Discount Center focuses on the donation and sale of home improvement products only, as opposed to everything from furniture to clothes and toys.
Even though the Home Discount Center has tried to create its own market of this type of
donate/resale store, many citizens are again, uniformed of the existence and purpose of the
Home Discount Center. Because of this, many Muncie residents continue to donate items
to Goodwill and the Muncie Mission, eliminating potential goods that could be more easily
sold at the Home Discount Center.
The Home Discount Center currently focuses on contractors and individuals trying to
model or improve their homes. In the future they hope to concentrate on Ball State "LU''''''U
and faculty.
S.W.O.T. Analysis
• Motivated volwlteers/workers
• Provide discounted goods
• AJ1 goods/products donated
• Ability to collect goods
• Have web site
• Store hours
• Lack of volunteers/staff
• Lack of funding for advertisement
• Not able to sel1 furniture with cushions
• Environmental benefits- reduces waste in landfills
• Reputation of Habitat for Humanity
• All proceeds go to helping those in need
• Staff/volunteers give back to community
• To increase Ball State community awareness:
o Designing campaign to promote awareness on BSU campus
• Take away money/customers from other service businesses
• Lack of community awareness
• Students may think there is nothing in the store that is useful to them
Situational Analysis: Competitive Analysis
Profile Industry
Profile Community
Home Improvement
Off of McGalliard, outside
of Muncie
Large, one stop home
improvement store with a
motto for low prices
One stop shop superstore,
carries home goods
Off of McGalliard, next to
Geared towards low prices
and convenience of one
stop shopping
Items are new, not used
Home Improvement
Off of McGalliard, next to
Large, one stop home
improvement store with a
promise of great customer
Items are new, not used
Full price for items
Full price for items
Items are new, not used
Wal-martts low price
Full price, with the WalMart Guarantee
Bargain Hunters Flea
Resale shop that sells
furniture and home goods
Off of Broadway Avenue,
down the street from
For the community to come
see different booths and fmd
multiple different kinds of
Items are new, not used
Low prices
Low price, but used items
Position Statement
To be the premier home improvement resale store known to BaH State University students and faculty so more money can be given to and used by the Habitat for Humanity of
Greater Muncie, Ind.
Goal 1: To increase awareness of the Home Discount Center to students in University
Housing and Residence Life
Target Public: Residents of Anthony Apartments, Scheidler Apartments, El1iott Hall,
Park Hall, Johnson Complex, Lafollette Complex, Noyer Complex, Studebaker East &
West and Woodworth
Objective 1: To have an effect on the awareness of the Home Discount Center to student.;; in University Housing and Residence Life. The student's awareness should increase donations to the store and purchases from the store.
Strategy 1: Increase donations from students
Tactic 1: Distribute fliers in residence hall mailboxes and all high-traffic
Tactic 2: Inform Residence and Housing Life about the end of the year
pickup plan
Strategy 2: Increase purchases from the store
Tactic 1: Distribute fliers in residence hall mailboxes and all high traffic
Tactic 2: Formal Residence Assistant letter to students discussing the
Home Discount Center
Tactic 3: Distribute information about the Home Discount Center in all
welcome packets to new students
Strategy 3: Begin a lasting relationship between the Home Discount Center
and Ball State' University Housing and Residence Life
Tactic 1: Keep close contact with Housing and Residence Life Director
Tactic 2: Encourage Housing and Residence Life to implement the
donations and purchasing plan in residence halls
Goal 2: To increase awareness of the Home Discount Center
Target Public: Ball State off-campus students
Objective: To increase awareness of the Home Discount Center throughout the Ball State
University off-campus students by May 2009
Strategy 1: Increase interest and awareness in the store
Tactic 1: Utilize the Off-Campus Newsletter e-mail to inform students about the
Tactic 2: Post flyers in high traffic areas (bulletin boards, kiosks, etc.) stating the
name of the store and the campaign slogan to increase curiosity
Tactic 3: Put up flyers in table tents at the Atrium
Tactic 4: Encourage off-campus students to inform their landlords about the store
through off-campus e-mail
Tactic 5: Run an event on campus with information tables
Tactic 6: Include the UALA (University Area Landlord Association) in information
al e-mails to off-campus students
Strategy 2: Inform students what the store is/does
Tactic 1: Hold an informational assembly on campus
Tactic 2: Send e-mails to all students with information on how the store works and
how to best utilize the store
Tactic 3: Send e-mails with the location and directions to the store, as well as the
store phone number
Target Public: Ball State off-campus students
Objective: To increase sales of the Home Discount Center throughout the Ball State University off-campus students by 15% by May 2009
Strategy 1: Increase knowledge of store (see above)
Strategy 2: Advertisement
Tactic 1: Put items in the advertisement that appeal to students
Tactic 2: Put advertisement in the Ball State University newspaper
Tactic 3: Put advertisement in the Muncie newspaper
Tactic 4: Put advertisement on the Ball State University radio station
Tactic 5: Put advertisement on vehicles in the commuter lot
Strategy 3: Making items a need, not a want
Tactic 1: Students will save money
Tactic 2: Parents will save money
Target Public: Ball State off-campus students
Objective: To increase donations from Ball State University off-campus students by 1
by June 2009
Strategy 1: Inform students about the store
Tactic 1: Hand out flyers around campus (ex: at the scramble light)
Tactic 2: Set up information tables
Tactic 3: Put flyers on cars in commuter lots
Tactic 4: Put advertisements in the Daily News and the Star Press
Tactic 5: Put an advertisement on WCRD radio
Strategy 2: Inform students about tax-deduction
Tactic 1: Provide tax-deduction forms at information tab1es
Tactic 2: Provide tax-deduction information on flyers
Tactic 3: Provide tax-deduction information on radio/newspaper advertisements
Strategy 3: Provide pick up for goods
Tactic 1: Set up a time and a place twice a year for pick up (December/May)
Tactic 2: Arrange volunteers to pick up goods on those days
Tactic 3: Arrange to have at least two trucks available on those days
Tactic 4: Arrange for a drop-off spot-people should be able to drop off for one or
two weekls prior to pick-up day
Tactic 5: Information about pick-up day should be included in all information
handed out to off-campus students
Goal 3: To increase awareness and give information
Target Public: Students who are members of organizations at Ball State University
Objective: To increase awareness about Habitat for Humanity's Home Discount Center
among sludenls who are members of organizalions on Ball Slate's campus
Strategy 1: Get in contact with each campus organization
Tactic 1: Contact the professional staff member who oversees campus
organizaions (Student Life Office)
Tactic 2: Compile a list of all campus organizations as well as their presidents and
faculty advisors
Tactic 3: Compose a letter that will go to the president of each organization that
will include store information
Tactic 4: Encourage presidents to pass on the information to other group
Strategy 2: Inform each organization about the HDC, its purpose, and it's benefits
Tactic 1: Highlight the Home Discount Center's affiliation with Habitat for
Tactic 2: Include information about the store in the letter, including where the
money goes, what types of donations they accept, and their hours of
Tactic 3: Be sure to include the HOC's website in our letter, as weB as contact
information so students who are interested can obtain further
Goal 3-1: Encourage involvement with the Home Discount Center
Target Public: Students who are members of organizations at Ball State University
Objective: Encourage students in organizations to get involved with the Home Discount
Center through purchases, donations, and volunteering
Strategy I: Increase volunteers in the store
Tactic I: Be sure organizations are aware that some campus groups already
donate to, buy items from, and volunteer at the store
Tactic 2: Highlight philanthropic opportunities these organizations can gain by
by volunteering in the store
Tactic 3: Show students this could be a bonding opportunity for the group, as
they could work together to do something beneficial for the community
Strategy 2: Encourage students to purchase items from the store
Tactic 1: Inform students of the low prices and quality goods the HDC has to offer
Tactic 2: Remind students that any money they spend in the store helps
someone in need become a homeowner
Tactic 3: Encourage students to be creative when purchasing items and use them
in a non-traditional manner (such as using a door for a table top)
Strategy 3: Increase donations to the store by students
Tactic 1: Especially toward the end of the year, encourage students to donate
items they no longer need or do not want to transport
Tactic 2: Inform students of the tax benefits obtained by donating to the HDC
Tactic 3: Be sure the students are aware of the environmental impact donating
to the HDC has, as each piece of furniture donated is saved from going
into a landfill
Goal 4: To increase the awareness of the Home Discount Center to Ball State faculty and
Target Public: Ball State faculty and staff
Objective 1: To have an effect on the awareness of the Home Discount Center to Ball State
faculty and staff, specifically to increase the donations and sales in the store
Strategy 1: rnform the faculty and staff about the Home Discount Center
Tactic 1: Send a professional letter (through e-mail) describing the Home Discount
Tactic 2: Distribute professional letter about the Home Discount Center at the
annual faculty meeting (usually held in August before Pall Semester
classes begin)
Strategy 2: Increase donations by faculty and staff
Tactic 1: Arrange a mass e-mail about an official day (once a semester) for a faculty
and staff pick up
Tactic 2: Arrange an additional e-mail for the spring semester only (right before tax
season) informing faculty and staff about the tax deduction
Strategy 3: Increase sales by faculty and staff
Tactic I: Give faculty and staff the option to sign up for a monthly newsletter
about the Home Discount Center through the initial e-mail discussed in
"Strategy 1"
Implementation Timeline
February 2009
3Team Building Workshop
5-7 p.m.
_ 19 Visit to Fort Wayne, Ind. Home Discount Center
Awareness Letter sent via E-mail to Ball State Sororities and Fraternities
24 March 2009
3Professional Etiquette Dinner
5 p.m.
6Contact potential sponsors or donors for Scramble Light Event
25 - Final Draft of Posters Due
April 2009
3Meeting with Residence Hall Council
7Create Display Poster for Information Tables and BBC Showcase
Decorate Give-Away Toilet at Home Discount Center
13 - Information Tables at the Atrium and Bracken Library
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Information Tables at the Atrium and Bracken Library
14 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
15 Scramble Light Event
10 a.m. 4 p.m.
16 - Scramble Light Event
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
20 Flier for donation piles and pick-up information delivered to Residence Halls
22 - BBC Fellows Showcase
Fliers to KHL office
27 May 2009
On-campus donation pick-up
Table of Contents
Discount Center Customer Survey.................................................................... 17
Discount Center Customer Survey Results ....................................................... 19
Collateral Material ............................................................................................. 29
Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center Survey
1. On a scale of 1 -5, 1 being very poor, 3 being neutral, and 5 being very good, rate the appearance of the following:
Very Poor
Very Good
Outside of store
Entrance of store
Display of Goods
Store Overall Appearance
2. Rate the products sold at the store in regards to:
Very Poor
Very Good
Quality of Goods
Quantity of Goods
Variety of Goods
3. Rate the convenience of the following:
Very Inconvenient
Store Location
Customer Service
Store Layout
Overall Convenience
4. What was your favorite part of the store?
What was your least favorite part of the store?
What merchandise would you like the Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center to
have or have more or?
5. What are you shopping for at the Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center?
_Your home
_A friend Ifamily
_Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
How often do you visit the Home Store?
_First visit
_Second visit
_Twice a week
_Once a week
_Once every two weeks
_Once a month
_Once every 6 months
_Once a year
6. How did you hear about the Horne Discount Center?
_Newspaper Advertisement
_Newspaper Article
_TV Advertisement
_Drive by
_Through Habitat for Humanity
_Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1. On a scale of 1 -5, 1 being very poor, 3 being neutral, and 5 being very good , rate the appearance of the following:
Very Poor
Outside of store
Very Good
Entrance of store
Display of Goods
Store Overall Appearance
2. Rate the products sold at the store in regards to:
Very Poor
Very Good
Quality of Goods
Quantity of Goods
Variety of Goods
3. Rate the convenience of the following:
Very lnconvenienl
Very Convenient
Store Location
Customer Service
Store Layout
Overall Convenience
4. What is your favorite part of the store?
1. The good service and personnel (19)
2. Prices (13)
3. The variety of products (9)
4. The layout and the good space of the store and cleanliness (6)
5. Lighting (6)
6. Cabinets (5)
7 . Countertop Selection (4)
8. The store helps Habitat (4)
9. Doors (3)
10. Plumbing (3)
11. Paint selection and prices (3)
12. Building supplies (2)
13. Wallpaper (2)
14.Wood supplies (2)
15. The good display of items (2)
16. Electric
17. Flooring
18. Small Items
19. Kitchen and bath area
20. Windows
21. New items every week
22. Carpets
23. Trim
What was your least favorite part of the store?
1. Hours (20) - need to be open more days each week & very difficult to get here on
one of those days, otherwise we would be here all the time
2. Prices (3) - getting too high & increased since opening
3. Sign out front (3) - hard to find & see from road
4. Location (3)
5. Bathroom access (2)
6. Doors not easy to use (2)
7. Parking lot and entrance to the store (2)
8. Lack of hardwood interior doors
9. Back room
10. Dirt
11. Furnaces & heating
12. Cabinets
13. Appliance section
14. Paint
15. Windows
16. Electrical selection
17. Organization
18. Wallpaper
19. Burned out, flickering lights
5. What are you shopping for at the Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center?
Property jRentdl
Family jFriend
How often do you visit the Home Store?
Fi rst Visit
Second Visit
Twice a Week
Once a Week
Once every 2 Weeks
Once a Month
Once a Year
6. How did you hear about the Home Discount Center?
__ 5
Newspaper Article
Drive by
Family Friends
i-IClbit,H for Humanity
1. Open maybe 3 days instead of 2
2. Love the idea - need some evening hours or more weekday hours
3. Advertise or post notices about the store on Muncie Cafe, a part of
4. This is a wonderful idea for a good reason
5. Give Bob a raise
6. Keep up the good work
7. Tt was upbeat and fun being here
8. We like this store
9. Someplace I will come back to
10. Help sucks
11. Curious as to why prices raise if everything is donated, but one of the better stores
they have been to
12. Prices are way too high
13. Hours are not good for people to come back later in the week to purchase things
14. Great place and friendly people
15. Word of mouth is good-do not waste money on advertising
16. Nice store
17 . A welcome addition to the business community
18. Good place to come and get supplies to remodel home
19. Appreciate the store who offers better prices than retail
20. Store much cleaner and organized than Indianapolis store , staff is helpful
21. Great place for economy
22. Most organized Habitat Store seen
23. More hours needed
24. Store manager is nice guy
25. Larger quantity of tile- able to finish a whole room
~ ....
1m' Habitat for Humanity'
Home Discount Center
November 4 , 2008
1923 S. Hoyt Ave
Muncie, IN 47302
info@munciehabitat .org
Dear [ ]:
2620 N. Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. Blvd .
Muncie. IN 47303
(765) 288·1814
Store Hours :
Friday: 9 am . 6pm
Saturday: 9a m . 3pm
About Us
The Habitat for Humanity
Business Fellows Team is an
immersive learning program
that is working with the
Habitat for Humanity Home
Di scount Cp. ntp.r for a year
to create a marketing plan .
Our goal is to make the Ball
State Community more aware
of the Habitat for Humanity
Home Discount Center, as
well as encourage them to
donate and purcha se items
or even volunteer to work in
the Home Discount Center.
We are work ing hand in hand
with the Habitat for Humanity
of Greater Muncie. Ind. and
the Home Discount Center
to make every student and
faculty member aware of the
opportunities and benefits of
the Home Discount Center.
As members of the Habitat for Humanity Business Fellows Team , we would like to
inform you about the Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center and our plan
to " Pass it On!' to the Ball State Commu nity.
Through research , we have discovered that the majority of Ball State Students
have never heard of the Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center. The Home
Discount Center is an extension of Habitat for Humanity where home supplies
such as lighting, cabinets, and sinks are donated, cleaned up, and sold back
to community members at a low price. Volunteers run the store and all of the
proceeds build Habitat for Humanity homes .
The "Pass it On!" campa ign and slogan is the center of our plan to inform the Ball
State Community about the Home Di scount Center. "Pass it On!" means passing
on your older home materials, while also passing on your time to volunteer in the
sto re. Most important , it means passing on your knowledge about the store to
others so that the Home Di scount Center can be more productive and beneficial
for Habitat for Humanity and the people they help.
[A s members of a Ball State University organization, we anticipate that you frequently
seek out philanthropic opportunities such as volunteering in the Home Discount Center.
We would like to challenge your organization to "Pass it On!" and encourage members
of other organizations to do the same. This can be done by spreading the word about
the Center, volunteering, donating and even purchasing home goods.]
Our goal is to bring new Ball State customers to the Habitat for Humanity Home
Discount Center through the donation of products and time as well as purchasi ng
home goods at the sto re. All of the products within the store come from donations
from larger stores and community members like you . Please help to "Pass It On!"
so the Home Discount Center and Habitat for Humanity can continue to help
those in need .
The Habitat for Humanity Fellows Team
Student living on campus
[One of our strategies is to increase donations from the Housing and Residence Life by
arranging an end of the year pick-up event where students can simply donate unwanted
items to the Home Discount Center and receive a tax deduction in return. Bill Koen, manager of the Home Discount Center, would be able to pick up any items in his truck. Either
Bill or a representative from the Housing and Residence Life could arrange a schedule for
picking llP the items (locations, times, etc.). Habitat for Humanity and the Home Discount
Center hope to make this a yearly event and will be able to weigh the items donated for
the HOllsing and Residence Life's donation records.]
Students Organizations
[As members of a Ball State University organization, we anticipate that you frequently
seek out philanthropic opportunities such as volunteering in the Home Discount Center. We
would like to challenge your organization to "Pass it On!" and encourage members of other
organizations to do the same. This can be done by spreading the word about the Center,
volunteering, donating and even purchasing home goods.]
Students Jiving off campus
[As members of Ball State's off-campus community, we realize that for you living in a
place that's your own (or almost your own) requires access to more than just hand-medown microwaves and futons. We invite you to come into the Home Discount Center for
all of your home improvement needs, whether new lighting or doors or just some paint to
spruce up what you already have. We then challenge you to "Pass it On!" and tell other
friends who may be in the transition to real life to visit the Home Discount Center for their
housing needs as well.]
(roJ ..
1ft: Habitat for Humanity'
Home Discount Center
November 4 , 2008
1923 S. Hoyt Ave
Muncie, IN 47302
765·286 ·5739
info@munciehabitat .org
Matt Kovach
Ball State UniverSity
Housing and Residence Life
LA N·10
Munci e, IN 47306
2620 N. Dr Martin Luther
King Jr. Blvd .
Muncie, IN 47303
(765) 288·1814
Store Hours:
Friday: 9am . 6pm
Saturday: 9am . 3pm
About Us
The Habitat for Humanity
Business Fellows Team is an
immersive learning program
that is working with the
Habitat for Humanity Home
Discount Center for a year
to crea te a marketing plan .
Our goal is to make the Ball
State Community more aware
of the Habitat for Humanity
Home Discount Center, as
well as encourage them to
donate and purchase items
or even volunteer to work in
the Home Discount Center.
We are working hand in hand
with the Habitat for Humanity
of Greater Muncie, Ind . and
th e Home Di scount Center
to make every student and
faculty member aware of the
opportunities and benefits of
the Home Discount Center.
Dear Mr. Kova ch,
We are representatives from Ball State Business Fellows program and the Habitat
for Humanity Home Discount Center In building better communities between
Muncie and Ball State University, it would be extremely helpful to make a
connection with the residents living on campus.
Students living in the dorms could benefit from our Home Discount Center and
the store would be grateful to receive donations from the students . We would
like to begin a partnership between Ball State University Residence Life and the
Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center We would like to implement lasting
events that would become a traditional way for students to " Pass It On " . Would
you grant us permission to plan and mar ket our ideas to all of the dorms on Ball
State Un iversity's cam pus?
The Home Discount Store is an extension of Habitat for Humanity that offers
home improvement supplies at half the retail price. The supplies offered include
donations from the commun ity and wholesale stores. All donations qualify as a tax
reduction and the proceeds from the store go to helping with the cost of building
Habitat homes. The goal of our " Pass It On " campaign is to encourage the Ball
State University community to become involved with donations and purchases
of goods with the Home Store. This is an excellent opportun ity to g ive bac k to
the community through volunteering and by simply donating home improvement
supplies that can then be recycled for future use. Please use the information we
have given you and " Pass It On" to everyone and anyone that could benefit from
the Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Store.
To become involved or for further questions please call Bill Koen, Manager of
Home Discount Store, at 765 ·288·1814 .
Habitat for Humanity Home Store & Ball State Business Fellows Team
~ r.'"",,,,,,,,
fWf Habitat for Humanity'
Home Discount Center
April 8, 2009
1923 s. Hoyt Ave
Muncie, IN 47302
Dear [Pita Pit]:
As members of the Habitat for Humanity Building Better Communities Team,
we would like to invite your company to participate in a Habitat for Humanity
Home Discount Center and Ball State University event by making a donation to
our raffle.
2620 N. Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. Blvd.
Muncie, IN 47303
(765) 288-1814
Store Hours :
Thursday . 9am - 6pm
Friday: 9am - 3pm
Saturday: 9am - 3pm
About Us
The Habitat for Humanity
Building Better Communities
Team is an immersive
learning program that is
working with the Habitat for
Humanity Home Discount
Center for a year to create a
marketing plan. Our goal is to
make the Ball State
CU!lHl'IUI);ly rn ore dwale or Ule
Habitat for Humanity Home
Discount Center, as well as
encourage them to donate
and purchase items or even
volunteer to work in the Home
Discount Center. We are
working hand in hand with the
Habitat for Humanity of
Greater Muncie , Ind . and the
Home Discount CCr1ter to
make every studer1t and
faculty member aware of the
On April 15th and 16th , the BBC Habitat team will be holding an interactive
awareness event at the Scramble Light on Ball State's campus. We will be
serving drinks and playing games, while also collecting names for the raffle and
talking with students about donating, purchasing and volunteering at the Home
Discount Center.
By donating items for the raffle, your company will be showing support for
Muncie Habitat for Humanity. Participa ting companies will have the opportun ity
to market to the Ball State community through donated items, while also having
their names displayed on a sign at the event.
As BBC Fellows, we are striving to bring new Ball State customers to the
Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center through the donation of produ cts
and time, as well as purchasing home goods at the store.
The Home Discount Center is an extension of Habitat for Humanity where home
supplies such as lighting, cabinets and sinks are donated, cleaned up and sold
back to the community at a low price. All profits go directly toward building
homes in the Muncie area.
Any donations are greatly appreciated. Please ta ke advantage of this
opportunity to join Habitat for Humanity and make a difference in Muncie .
Thank you for your timel For more information on donations, please contact
Kellie Burch by cell phone at (815) 341-3886 or by email at
Building Better Communities Habitat for Humanity Team
ullllftdt, Indio..
Habitat for Humanity·
Home Discount Center
Grealer "Iant t. Imll.JnJ
ijlf Habitat for
Home Discount Center
8all State University
Habitat for Humanity Business
Fellows Team:
Peggy Fisher, '
Ryan Sherwood,
Betsy Bill, '
Jennifer Bishop,
l(clUe Burch,
Leland Fecher,
Marty Filogamo,
Taylor Hamm<>nd,
Andrew Skaros,
Dana Ziebarth,
2620 N Dr M",tm Lumu King Jr. Blvd.
IN 47303
Phorw765 ·288 · 1814
t-l uOlcle,
The Home Discount Center and Ball State University's Business Fellows
team would like to thank you for taking part in the improvement of the
Home Discount Center. It is very important for the store to be successful
because it benefits Muncie's Habitat for Humanity.
The Business Fellows team is developing a marketing plan to create
awareness for the Home Discount Center among Ball State students and
the surrounding community. With your time in filling out the survey, you
are helping our team begin the marketing process to improve the store.
The Business Fellows team is very motivated to improve the store and
make it enjoyable for every customer. With our marketing plan, our goal
is to increase business in the store through donations and sales, creating
more benefits to Muncie's Habitat for Humanity.
11 IUf lCI ctl:tbl[;-lLorg
frid"y 9 ' 6
S,1 tw'd,y' 9 . 3
Ball State University Habitat for Humanity Business Fellows Team
Donate apartment items.
Help Habitat for Humanity.
Tables. Microwaves. Lamps. Refrigerators. Foutons. Televisions.
Drop off your dorm and apartment items at the Habitat for Humanity
piles around campus during move out.
rttf Habitat" for.Humanity"
iscou t Center
lII_.. Io,M.-.,
, "
for HumanHy"
e OJ oun
For more information go to or e-mail
Greater Mundl', lndlana
ifiT Habitat for Humanity-
Home D·scount Center
Bring your new and Llsed home goods to the store
to donate, or call the store to request a pick up .
We accept all home goods except fabric items.
The refurbished donations are sold back to the
community at a discounted price . All profits go
to building Habitat homes in the Muncie area.
For the store to be successful, volunteers are
needed to pick up donations, refurbish home
goods and work in the store.
For more information on donating, purchasing and volunteering call (765) 288-1814 or visit
Home Discount Center
2620 N. [)-. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Muncie, IN ~ 7303
Hours: Friday 9am to 3pm
Saturday 9am to 3pm
Thursday 9 am to 6 pm
w.. ... H_11
Discoun Center
ltrltlttt MUrlf,.lC', lncklfn.-
~ Gnatff "'lIndt. II\dIJU
rm Habitat for Humanity·
~ Habitat
Home Discount Center
for Humanity·
Home Discount Center
Bring your new and used home goods to
the store to donate, or call the store to
request a pick up, We accept all home
goods except fabric items ,
Bring your new and u sed home good s to
the store to donate , or call the store to
request a pick up, We accept all home
goods except fabric items ,
The refurbished donations are sold back
to the community at a discounted price,
All profits go to building Habitat homes In
the Muncie area,
The refurbished donations are so ld back
to the community at a discounted price,
All profits go to building Habitat homes in
the Muncie area ,
For the store to be successful, volunteers
are needed to pick up donations, refurbish
home goods and work in the store ,
For the store to be successful, vo lunteers
are needed to pick up donations, refu rbish
home goods and work in the store,
For more information call (765) 288-1814 or visil www,
For more Information call (765) 288- 1814 or visll 'Aww,munc
How{j Dlscounl Ct:fllt;;r
HOlXS: Friday 98111 lo:\lln
2620N. D".Mct1i1urlt-aKi,,{)Jr.£fI.d. Salr a-daygernto .'lr.-rl
MI.J10li. 1N47303
n llrsday 9 Ci:11110GI>ITl
Homt Dl$twrtt Cnlla
~ Gltdlff Munu~ I"dwhol.
Home Dlsr...()wI Cenler
HOJrs: Friday ~am 10 3pm
2620N. cr. Martin ultfl€r KJr,og Jr. EJvd. 5ahlday gam 10 31)111
MlXloe. IN 473U3
Thll"sday 9 811110 0 pm
"..-.., .. ......,
HolM Obcow,I Coltl ..
~ Cltala My" Ii' I"di~"a
iftf Habitat for Humanity·
iiff Habitat for Humanity·
Home Discount Center
Home Discount Center
Bring your new and used home goods to
the store to donate , or call tile store to
request a pick up , We accept all Ilome
goods except fabric items ,
Bring your new and used home goods to
the store to donate, or ca ll the store to
request a pick up, We accept all home
goods except fabric items,
The refurbished donations are sold back
to the community at a discounted price,
All profits go to building Habitat homes ill
the Muncie area,
The refurbished donations are sold back
to the community at a discounted price,
All profits go to building Hab itat homes in
the Muncie area ,
For the store to be successful, v olunteers
are needed to pick up donations, refu rbisrl
home goods and w o rk in the store ,
For the store to be successful, volunteers
are Ileeded to pick up dOllations, refurbish
home goods and work in the store ,
For more Information call (765) 288-1814 or visit www,munclehabltal.Org
HOllie Di scOll rt ~11~r
I--k:.u,$: Friday ~&lllt o ~rl
2620N, IX, Ma1nWt...-I<i1gJr,EI\d, Sa1LOdoy 9am to3pm
nusday 9 8lnlo6p n
. .........
Dil<ount Ctntl'f'
For more Information call (765) 288-1814 or visit www,mu
Hcus: Friday 9am to 3pm
2G2O N.D'. Mana 1 WIn Kll{l j. f!'...d. SalLXday 9ft1n to ~n
MlJ1Cie, IN 47303
Trusday 9 am 10 6 pm
Home Discounl Center
110m. Dlscount C,,,,u
Kappa Delta
Philantbropy: Prevent Child Abuse America, Girl Scouts USA, American Academy of
Othopaedic Surgeons, Children's Hospital of Richmond, Virginia
Philanthropy: Children's Miracle Network
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Director of Student Life
Lynda Wiley
SC 133
Assistant Director of Student Life
Cara Luyster
SC 133
Program Coorrunator for Greek Life
Kenneth Burger
SC 133
Sororities on Campus
Alpha Chi Omega
Philanthropy: Support of victims of domestic violence
Alpha Gamma Delta
Philanthropy: Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation (Juvenile Diabetes)
Alpha Omicron Pi
Philanthropy: Arthritis Research Foundation
Alpha Phi
Philanthropy: Cardiac Care and Alpha Phi Foundation
Chi Omega
Philanthropy: Battle of the Sexes, Make-A-Wish Foundation
Delta Zeta
Gallaudet University, Sound Beginnings, Riley Children's Hospital
Kappa Alpha Theta
Philanthropy: CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates)
Students living on campus:
Housing & Residence Life
Matt Kovach
Director of Housing & Residence Life
Student Organizations:
Greek Life Contacts
President of Interfraternity Council: Meetings in the Student Center at 6 p.m. on Thursdays
Cody Willis, Sigma Phi Epsilon
Interfraternity Council
Ball State University
Student Center Box 60
Muncie , Indiana 47306
765 -285-5631
Vice President of Community Outreach
Austin Gerber, Delta Tau Delta
Interfraternity Council
Ball State University
Student Center Box 60
Muncie , Indiana 47306
President of Panhallenic Council: Meetings in the Student Center at 5 p.m. on Thursdays
Amanda Hendrix, Kappa Delta
Pan hellenic Council
Ball State University
Student Center Box 50
Muncie , Indiana 47306
765 -285-2621
Vice President of Community Relations
Nicole Botich
Pan hellenic Council
Ball State University
Student Center Box 50
Muncie , Indiana 47306
Pi Beta Phi
Philanthropy: Arrowmont, Links to Literacy, Arrow in the Arctic, Champions Are Readers,
Read Across America
Sigma Kappa
Philanthropy: Gerontology with a focus on Alzheimer's research, Maine Sea Coast Mission
Fraternities on Campus
Delta Sigma Phi
Delta Tau Delta
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Sigma Kappa
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Chi
Sigma Nu
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Theta Chi
List of all student organizations and contacts
http://cms .bsu .eduiCampusLife/StudentOrganizations .as px
Students living off campus
Ball State Daily News
Charles W. Scofield
Facilities Assignment Coordinator
Student Center Operations
SC 114
P: 765-285-1850
Off Campus Newsletter/Student Services
Student Center 224
2000 W. University Ave.
Muncie, Ind . 47306
Fax : 765-285-2856
The Star Press
P.O. Box 2408
Muncie, Ind. 47307
1-800-783-2472 SERVICE03
BaJI State University
http://bsu .edu/wipb/about/contact.asp
Faculty and Staff
Update. News for Ball State Employees
Gail Werner
Update/News Center Editor
Kevin Burke
Director of University Communications
AC 224B
Layne Cameron
Media Relations Manager/Assistant Managing Editor
Marc Ransford
Media Relations Manager
AC 213A
Anthon y Romano
Media Relations ManagerIVideo Specialist
AC 213B
Donate residence hall items.
elp Habitat for Humanity.
Tables. Micro'Naves. Lamps. Refrigerators. Foutons. Televisions.
Drop off your dorm and apartment items at the Habitat for Humanity
piles around campus during move out.
Go _'
Habitat for Humanity'
H m Discount Center
tilt Habitat for Humanity'
\' "
for Humanity'
Home Drscount Center
For more information go to www, or e-mail usatbbc.habitat@gmai\.com
onate apartment ite
Help abitat for u a
Tables. Microwaves. Lamps. Refrigerators. Foutons. Televisions.
Drop off your dorm and apartment items at the Habitat for Humanity
piles around campus during move out.
Habitat for Humanity'
Home is( unt Center
1N- Habitat for Humanity'
,J , , for Humanity
Home Discoun Center
For more information go to or e-mail
Greater Muncie, Indiana
ijff Habitat for Humanitye
ome Di
nt Ce er
Bring your new and used home goods to the store
to donate, or call the store to request a pick up.
We accept all home goods except fabric items.
The refurbished donations are sold back to the
community at a discounted price. All profits go
to building Habitat homes in the Muncie area.
For the store to be successful, volunteers are
needed to pick up donations, refurbish home
goods and work in the store.
For more information on donating, purchasing and volunteering call (765) 288-1814 or visit
Home Discount Center
2620 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd .
Muncie, IN 47303
Hours: Friday 9am to 3pm
Saturday 9am to 3pm
Thursday 9 am to 6 pm
* Home Discount Center
1Qb1t.a. lor HD....II'·
April 8, 2009
Dear [Pita Pit]:
As members of the Habitat for Humanity Building Better Communities Team, we would like to invite your company
to participate in a Habitat for Humanity Home Discount Center and Ball State University event by making a
donation to our raffle.
On April 15th and 16th, the BBC Habitat team will be holding an interactive awareness event at the Scramble Light
on Ball State's campus. We will be serving drinks and playing games, while also collecting names for the raffle and
talking with students about donating, purchasing and volunteering at the Home Discount Center.
By donating items for the raffle, your company will be showing support for Muncie Habitat for Humanity.
Participating companies will have the opportunity to market to the Ball State community through donated items,
while also having their names displayed on a sign at the event.
As BBC Fellows, we are striving to bring new Ball State customers to the Habitat for Humanity Home Discount
Center through the donation of products and time, as well as purchasing home goods at the store.
The Home Discount Center is an extension of Habitat for Humanity where home supplies such as lighting. cabinets
and sinks are donated, cleaned up and sold back to the community at a low price. All profits go directly toward
building homes in the Muncie area.
Any donations an: greatly appreciateu,
make a difference in Muncie.
lake advantage of thi~ opportunity to join Habitat for Humanity amI
Thank you for your time! For more information on donations, please contact Kellie Burch by cell phone at (815)
341-3886 or bye-mail
Building Better Communities Habitat for Humanity Team
1923 S. Hovt Ave
Muncie, IN 47302
2620 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Blvd .
Munde. Indian,
Greater Mundt, Inellanil
~ Habitat for
Habitat for Humanity·
Home Discount Center
Home Discount Center
Bring your new and used home goods to
the store to donate, or call the store Lo
request a pick up. We accept all home
goods except fabric items.
Bring your new and used home goods to
the store to donate, or call the store to
request a pick up . We accept all home
goods except fabr ic item s .
The refurbished donations are so ld back
to the community at a discounted price .
All profits go to building Hab itat homes in
the Muncie area .
The refurbished donations are sold back
to the community at a discounted price.
All profits go to building Habitat hom es in
the Muncie area.
For the store to be successful, volunteers
are needed to pick up donations, refurbish
home goods and wo rk in the store .
For the store to be successful, vo lunteers
are needed to pick up donat ions, refurbish
home goods and work in the store.
For more information call (765) 288-1814 or visit www.munciehab
For more information call (765) 288-1814 or visit
Home Discount Center
Hours: Friday gam to 3pm
2620 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Saturday gam to 3pm
Muncie, IN 47303
Thursday g am to 6 pm
• HoOi.... _
Ifome DIscount Cenler
Greater Muncie, Indiana
1t.lIIi'lM ... ~~
Home Discount Center
2.620 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Muncie, IN 47303
~ Gr~ater
a1f Habitat for Humanity·
Hours: Friday gam to 3pm
Saturday gam to 3pm
Thursday g am to 6 pm
Home Discount Center
Munde, Indiana
iftT Habitat for Humanity·
Home Discount Center
Home Discount Center
Bring your new and used home goods to
the store to donate, or call the store to
request a pick up . We accept all home
goods except fabric items.
Bring your new and used home goods to
the store to donate, or call the store to
request a pick up . We accept all home
goods except fabr ic items.
The refurbished donations are sold back
to the community at a discounted price.
All profits go to building Habitat homes in
the Muncie area.
The refurbished donations are sold back
to the community at a discounted price.
All profits go to building Habitat homes in
the Muncie area.
For the store to be successful, volunteers
are needed to pick up donations, refurbish
home goods and work in the store.
For the store to be successful, volunteers
are needed to pick up donations , refurb ish
home goods and work in the store.
For more information call (765) 288-1814 or visit
fir ..............,
Home Discount Center
Hours: Friday gam to 3pm
2620 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Saturday 9am to 3pm
Muncie, IN 47303
n1ursday g am to 6 pm
Home Olsc.ount Center
For more information call (765) 288-18 14 or visit
Home Discount Center
Hours: Friday gam to 3pm
2620 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Saturday gam to 3pm
Muncie, IN 47303
Thursday 9 am to .6 pm
, .........
Greater MunCIe, Indiana
mHabitat for Humanity~
Home D·sco
e ter
Greater Muncie, Indiana
ijff Habitat for Humanity
oeD· scoun Ce ter
Greater Muncie, Indiana
ijff Habitat for Humanitye
Ho e Disco
Ce ter
Fellows Program Spring 2009
Certificate of Recognition
Awarded to
Amanda R. Burge
Habitat for Humanity and the Home Discount Center
J4mhJr .__
BBC Fellows Project Manager
Peggy FrsHeVU
BBC Fellows Faculty Mentor