A Note from Our Principal - Van Hise Elementary School


A Note from Our Principal - Van Hise Elementary School
Van Hise Elementary Monthly Newsletter
February 2014
Peg Keeler, Principal
Kim Mohoney, Editor
A Note from Our Principal
Dear Van Hise Families,
 Principal’s Letter
 School Calendar
 PTO Notes
 Newsletter
Editor Needed
 Safe Routes
 BoxTops or
 VHE Carnival
 Visiting Artist
Penny Drive
 Schools of Hope
 West High
Regent Resale
 5th Grade
 Multicultural
 4K and 5K
Safe Arrival:
School Office:
Welcome to February! It’s about the half-way point of the school year, and we
sure see some amazing progress in our children’s learning at this time. You
should have received your child’s report card by now. If you have questions
about the report card, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher(s). We
believe in strong and open communication. There will be times that we see
things differently, and by engaging in conversation we become clear about how
we can work together as a team for our children’s benefit.
As a professional learning community of educators we strive to be inclusive and
culturally responsive each and every day. The rich diversity of languages,
abilities, and backgrounds of our families and staff are important aspects of what
makes Van Hise Elementary such a special place to work, learn and play! As a
staff, we continuously reflect upon how we celebrate and acknowledge different
holidays that come up in the yearly calendar to make sure activities connect with
our core beliefs about being an inclusive school. You will notice less emphasis
on ‘holidays’ such as Valentine’s day and more emphasis on character
development and celebrating things we have in common at Van Hise
Elementary. Our Positive Behavior Support (PBS) team organizes activities and
materials connected to a theme each month. In February, our theme is
“Kindness”. As part of our work to build and acknowledge kindness in our
children, there will be a number of activities throughout the month. During the
week of February 10-14th, students will engage in “Random Acts of Kindness”
that teachers will organize within all classrooms. We ask that families not send
commercial or other Valentine’s cards to be passed out to classmates
during this week. We feel that by focusing on common themes and practices
across our classrooms, we are being responsive to our children’s diversity.
Together we will celebrate kindness in both big and small ways.
In addition to celebrating kindness, on February 7th we will have our first ever
“Read Your Heart Out (RYHO) day! RYHO is a program that brings African
American parents, family members, and community members into our
schools to read to classes. RYHO is coordinated by the Instructional Resource Teachers for
Cultural Relevance and the Department of Family and Community Engagement. This year there
are 15 Madison Metropolitan District (MMSD) schools participating in the event. You will hear more
about this exciting event very soon. A big thank you goes out to Shahanna Baldon (mom to Yosef
and Amira and the Director of Family and Community Engagement for MMSD) for coordinating this
event for Van Hise!
I am grateful for the work that Chris Frakes (mom to Samantha and Finnegan) and many others do
to organize and implement our monthly school-wide healthy snack program, “Backyard Bites”. In
addition to focusing on eating healthy, we are working in movement breaks throughout the day to
keep our students focused and grounded as they learn. We ask that when families bring snacks to
school for parties and celebrations, that you bring healthy food options, versus snacks with high
sugar content. Healthy food is fun too!
We have our annual Carnival held on February 28th (more in this newsletter about this wonderful
event as well!). If you can do it, there will be an opportunity to help out at your child(ren)’s
classroom Carnival game. You will not be disappointed if you come! All the proceeds go directly to
supporting teaching and learning at Van Hise.
Thank you for all you do to support your child(ren)’s learning at Van Hise. Let’s have a wonderful
month ahead!
Peg Keeler, Principal
Estimadas familias de Van Hise,
Bienvenidas a febrero! Febrero es la mitad del camino de nuestro año escolar y estamos seguros
que veremos un progreso increíble en el aprendizaje de nuestros estudiantes en este momento.
Ustedes ya debieron haber recibido la tarjeta de calificaciones de su hijo. Si usted tiene preguntas
acerca de las calificaciones no dude en ponerse en contacto con el maestro (s) de su hijo/a.
Creemos en la comunicación solida y abierta. Habrá momentos en que vemos las cosas de otra
manera pero mediante conversaciones se podrán aclarar las diferencias para así poder trabajar
unidos como un equipo para el beneficio de nuestros hijos.
Como una comunidad de aprendizaje profesional los educadores nos esforzamos por ser inclusivos
y culturalmente sensibles cada día. La gran diversidad cultural es lo que hace de Van Hise un lugar
muy especial para trabajar, aprender y jugar! Como personal de la escuela nosotros reflexionamos
continuamente sobre cómo celebrar y reconocer diferentes celebraciones que se presentan en el
calendario anual para asegurarnos de que las actividades se conecten con nuestras creencias
fundamentales acerca de ser una escuela inclusiva. Usted notará menos énfasis en algunos días
festivos tales como el día de San Valentín y más énfasis lo relacionado con el desarrollo del
carácter, estos eventos son los que celebramos y tenemos en común en Van Hise Elementary.
Nuestro equipo de Apoyo de Comportamiento Positivo (PBS) organiza actividades y materiales
relacionados con un tema cada mes. En febrero nuestro tema es "bondad”. Como parte de nuestro
trabajo para construir y reconocer la bondad en nuestros niños, habrá una serie de actividades
durante todo el mes. Durante la semana del 10 al 14 de febrero los estudiantes participarán en
diferentes proyectos sobre la bondad que los maestros organizaran en todos los salones. Pedimos
a las familias que no envíen tarjetas de San Valentín con fines comerciales o de otro
tipo para pasárselas a sus compañeros de clase durante esta semana. Creemos que al
centrarse en temas y prácticas comunes en los salones de clase estamos siendo sensibles a la
diversidad de nuestros niños. Unidos celebraremos la bondad en forma grande y pequeña.
Además de celebrar la bondad, el 7 de febrero vamos a tener nuestro primer día de " Leer con su
corazón (RYHO) ! RYHO es un programa que une a los padres afroamericanos, sus familiares y
miembros de la comunidad y vienen a leer a las clases en nuestras escuelas. RYHO está coordinado
por los Maestros de Recursos de Instrucción en la Relevancia Cultural y el Departamento de la
Familia y de la Comunidad. Este año hay 15 escuelas que participan en el evento del Distrito
Metropolitano de Madison (MMSD). Usted recibirá mas información sobre este emocionante evento
muy pronto. Un gran agradecimiento va para Shahanna Baldon (madre de Yosef y Amira y el
Director de Participación Familiar y Comunitaria de MMSD) por la coordinación de este evento en
Van Hise!
Estoy muy agradecida por el trabajo que Chris Frakes (mamá de Samantha y Finnegan) y muchos
otros hacen de organizar y poner en práctica nuestro programa de merienda saludable mensual de
toda la escuela, " Backyard Bites". Además de centrarnos en comer saludable estamos trabajando
en tener ‘pausas de movimiento’ durante el día para mantener a nuestros estudiantes concentrados
y conectados al aprendizaje. Les pedimos que cuando las familias manden bocadillos a la escuela
para fiestas y celebraciones envíen únicamente opciones de alimentos saludables en lugar de enviar
bocadillos con alto contenido de azúcar. La comida sana también es muy divertida!
Tendremos nuestro carnaval anual que se celebrara el 28 de febrero (encontraran más información
en este boletín de noticias sobre este maravilloso evento!) . Si se les facilita, habrá una oportunidad
de ayudar en la clase de su hijo (s) en los juegos del carnaval. No se decepcionará si viene! Todos
los ingresos de este evento irán directamente a apoyar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en Van Hise .
Gracias por todo lo que hacen para apoyar a su hijo (a) en su aprendizaje en Van Hise. Tendremos
un mes maravilloso por delante!
Peg Keller, Directora
School Telephone: 204-4800
Voice Mail: 204-4801
School Fax Number: 204-0419
To report absences: 204-4807
5K Kindergarten and 4K Registration, 1:00-6:00 p.m.
PTO Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
NO SCHOOL – Convention
School Carnival, 5:30-8:00 p.m.
PTO Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
EARLY RELEASE, 11:30 a.m., Staff Development
Multicultural Night, 5:30 p.m.
EARLY RELEASE, 11:30 a.m., Grade Reporting Day
Don’t forget…
Hedgehog Herald
Newsletter Articles Due
March Newsletter
articles due Monday, February 10
(If possible, no pdf’s please.)
Email to Kim Mohoney at
Come and join the fun!
Support your kids and Van Hise Elementary!
Our next PTO meeting is:
 March PTO
Meeting VHE Capacity
and Enrollment
Tuesday, February 4
at 6:30 p.m. in the Art Room
(This is a business meeting.)
March PTO General Meeting –
Topic: Van Hise Capacity and Enrollment
Van Hise Elementary needs your help!
After six and a half years of editing The Hedgehog Herald,
Kim Mohoney is stepping down after this school year.
If you are interested in becoming the next newsletter editor,
please contact Shelby Connell. (sconnell@tds.net)
Safe Routes and Walking School Bus
The Safe Routes Team at Van Hise is interested in hearing what you
think about children walking and biking to and from school. Please
complete the quick online survey at the link below and follow the
instructions given at the beginning of the survey.
We appreciate your participation!
The VHE Safe Routes Team
As indicated in the January Newsletter,
our Box Tops “Winter Challenge”
Contest is underway and the competition is intense! The contest runs January
13 - February 7. Prizes are as follows:
 If your classroom collects 250 Box Tops, each student will win a carnival
game ticket.
 If your classroom collects 500 Box Tops, each student will win a carnival
prize ticket.
 If your classroom collects 750 Box Tops, each student will win a carnival
prize ticket and game ticket.
In addition, the winning classroom will win an extra PE class using the
gymnastics equipment.
Please remember to label your submissions with your child’s teacher’s name. If
you submit loose box tops, counting them and putting the number on the bag is
Feel free to contact Shelby Connell (sconnell@tds.net) or Stacey Chandler
(staciapc@gmail.com) with any questions.
Thanks and have fun!!
Stacey “Snip” Chandler
Friday, ● February 28, 2014 ● 5:30-8:00 p.m
Join us in the Gym and Auditorium. Event includes food sales (so you don’t have to make dinner that night. )
New to Van Hise or the Carnival and have questions? Contact juliasbarnes@gmail.com or 617 997-1865
RAFFLE: New this year: Classroom Raffle Basket. Watch for more info coming from your
classroom PTO rep. Want to help now? Please contact Raffle coordinator: Carousel Bayrd
Raffle Tickets available for purchase Fri 2/28 8am-830a, 1030a-1p, 230-7p on Fri 2/28
Three ways to sign up to help: please signup by Fri 1/17/2014
Return below portion to Child’s Classroom
EMAIL mlskemp@gmail.com
I will donate a cake for the Cake Walk.
I will donate a NEW stuffed animal for the Animal Walk.
II will
(or more)
donate aa dozen
& orcookies.
Fruit for the meals (circle which one
able toitem_______________________.
a raffle
Please sign up to work TWO shifts—one in the general carnival and one in your child’s classroom game.
Food Sales
Sell Tickets
Work Raffle/Prize Table
5:15-5:45 PM
5:45-6:15 PM
6:45-7:15 PM
7:15-7:45 PM
Sign up here to help with your child’s Classroom Game
Classroom Game Captain:
Help solicit game crew.
6:30 – 7:00 PM shift
Set up game – Friday afternoon February 15 3pm
7:00 – 7:30 PM shift
5:30 – 6:00 PM shift
7:30 – 8:00 PM
6:00 – 6:30 PM shift
8:00 PM game cleanup
Parent Full Name:__________________________________Phone:______________
Child Full Name:______________________________________________________
Child’s Teacher:_____________________Your e-mail:________________________
If you have not already heard Van Hise will be hosting a visiting artist
next fall. We have been working hard to raise $10,000 so we can have
muralist and gardener Megan Cain come to help us design, assemble and
hang an amazing glass mosaic mural. The mural will reflect our beautiful
school garden and will be worked on by every student at VHE.
For the entire month of February we will run a penny drive to collect
money to go towards our $10,000 total. The collection jars will be located in the office and in the art
room, and at the end of each week we will total the money collected and update our graph hanging near
the VHE office.
Our money collected so far:
 $350 from Sara Gordon, owner of Fine Earth Studio (from the Van Hise Pottery Spectacular)
 $1,000 from an anonymous parent donor (WAHOO!!!)
 $314 from an art supply donation
 The PTO will also be donating money raised from the Box Tops for Education collection, the
after school art class profits, and the money that the VHE Art and Craft Fair will bring in. Since
we won’t have the totals for the PTO donation until the end of the school year I am going to keep
thinking up ways to raise funds so we don’t run short.
Thank you in advance for your help. The last time we ran a penny drive for a visiting artist we were able
to raise $1700 in two weeks because you are all so generous. Every penny helps, so if you feel
comfortable helping no amount is too small. Please feel free to send in your donations with your kids.
Beth Cantwell 
VHE Families,
VHE is a proud host of the Schools of Hope AmeriCorps program,
through which students are tutored in literacy and math during
the school day by very dedicated volunteers. My name is Alexis
Vargas and I'm the Schools of Hope Tutor Coordinator this year.
Since I started at Van Hise in the fall, we've accomplished so much! So far this year, over 50 students at
VHE are working 1-on-1 with one of our 11 Schools of Hope volunteers. This work has resulted in over
300 hours of tutoring being completed with our Hedgies this past fall! We truly have a great community
of dedicated Schools of Hope volunteers, without whom none of this would be possible!
-Alexis Vargas
Schools of Hope Tutor Coordinator
The West High School PTSO will be holding their Spring Regent Resale in conjunction with
the West High Green Club Recycling collection on Saturday, March 8 from 8:00AM-1:00PM
in the West High School Cafeteria. This popular resale will include gently used items
contributed by the entire West High community. Items will include winter coats, teen clothing,
holiday lights and ornaments, sports equipment, bikes, children’s books and board games,
video games and systems, toys, stereo equipment, newer CD’s, videos, collectible knick
knacks, tableware, furniture, and more.
The West High Green Club will be sponsoring a recycling collection at the same time and will
collect electronic items such as computers, printers (only desktop), laptops, cable boxes, cell
phones and TVs (with a charge of $15 or $30 for TV’s depending on the size).
West High School is located at 30 Ash Street. Please enter the Regent Resale and the Green
Club Recycling Collection by following the signs on Regent and Van Hise Street. All proceeds
will directly benefit West High teachers, students and school.
The committee for the 5th grade
Graduation Celebration is now forming.
If you are interested in being
on the committee, please contact
Shelby Connell (sconnell@tds.net).
Thank you!
Call for Performers and Volunteers for
VHE Multicultural Night 2014
Friday, March 21st, 5:30pm–8:00pm
in the Van Hise Cafeteria
Multicultural Night is a PTO-sponsored event devoted to celebrating the cultural diversity within our VHE
community. The night includes a potluck dinner and a cultural program, both for the purpose of learning
more about the cultural traditions and heritage of our friends and classmates.
For information, or to volunteer, please contact one of the committee members: Daniela Sponseller
233-1941 daniela.sponseller@gmail.com, Rosemary Barrientos 231-6988 rosemary@erssfam.net, or
Elizabeth Gaus elizg16@hotmail.com
Share Your Talents!
We would like to invite you to share your cultural heritage with the Van Hise community! If you have a song, a
dance, or a musical piece that is representative of your country and you would like to perform for us, please
let us know! Also, we are in need of volunteers to help plan the event, as well as to help with different tasks
the night of the event. Please submit the following information to your child’s teacher or any of the
committee members by Monday, February 17th.
Parent’s Name:
Phone number:
Child’s name, grade and teacher:
Yes, someone from my family will do a short cultural performance.
I would like to be a member of the committee and help plan the event.
We would like to help in another way:
EVENT SETUP Decorate, set up supplies and signs
SERVERS/GREETERS Help manage buffet lines and tables
ALLERGY-FRIENDLY TABLE Coordinate a table for allergy-friendly foods
Kindergarten Registration
for the 2014-2015 school year
Monday, February 3, 2014
1:00 – 6:00 PM
at your neighborhood elementary school
4-year-old Kindergarten (4K)
5-year-old Kindergarten
All children who are four years old on or
before September 1, 2014, and live in the
Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD)
are eligible to participate in the 4K program.
Families who are new to Madison or have a
child who is starting school with the MMSD for
the first time need to attend registration.
4K is not required, and is tuition-free.*
If your child attended a MMSD 4K program, you do
not need to attend the February 3 registration, but
you will need to attend enrollment in August.
This half-day program is held at several
MMSD elementary schools and participating
early care and education centers
throughout the Madison community.
For more information,
call your school office or visit
For more information, visit mmsd.org/4K or call (608) 442-2933
*There is a $35 consumable materials fee
Inscripción para Kindergarten
para el ciclo escolar 2014-2015
Lunes, 3 de febrero del 2014
1:00 a 6:00 PM
en la escuela primaria en su vecindario
Program de kínder para niños de 4 años (4K)
Kindergarten para niños de 5 años
Todos los niños que tengan cuatro años
cumplidos antes o el 1o de septiembre del 2014
y vivan dentro del área de asistencia del Distrito
Escolar Metropolitano de Madison (MMSD, por
su sigla en inglés) son elegibles para participar
en el programa 4K.
Las familias que son nuevas en Madison o que
tienen un niño o niña que asistirá a la escuela
por primera vez en este distrito escolar (MMSD),
deben inscribirse el 3 de febrero.
4K es gratuito* pero no obligatorio.
Este programa de medio día tendrá sede en
varias de las escuelas primarias de MMSD y en
los centros de cuidado y educación preescolar
participantes dentro de la comunidad de Madison
Si su hijo participó en un programa de 4K dentro de
MMSD, no tiene que asistir el 3 de febrero, solamente el día
la matriculación en agosto.
Para obtener mayor información llame a la oficina de su escuela
o visite mmsd.org/kínder
Para obtener mayor información, visite mmsd.org/4K o llame al (608) 442-2933
*Hay un cargo de $35 por materiales