A Note from Our Principal - Van Hise Elementary School


A Note from Our Principal - Van Hise Elementary School
Van Hise Elementary Monthly Newsletter
January 2014
Peg Keeler, Principal
Kim Mohoney, Editor
A Note from Our Principal
Dear Families –
 Principal’s Letter
 Newsletter
Editor Needed
 School Calendar
 Blackbird Family
 PTO Notes
 BoxTops or
 Positive Behavior
Support (PBS)
 Foundation for
Madison Public
 A Stone’s Throw
Thank You
 VHE Carnival
 News From Mrs.
 VHE Winter
 MSCR Chess
Safe Arrival:
School Office:
Happy New Year! We are off and running with a strong sense of purpose and
optimism for our children’s learning this January. We are proud of our
students’ progress and soon you will be getting their first report cards of this
school year. If you have questions about your child's learning please do not
hesitate to contact your child’s teacher(s). The connection and
communication that you have with your child(ren)’s teachers is vital to our
During the week of January 13th – 17th is Crossing Guard Recognition!
Please take time to appreciate our fabulous guards; Dick McNeely (on
Waukesha), Les Hanneman (on Mineral Pt./Segoe), and Mike Neuman
(Mineral Pt./Midvale). These people are part of the team who gets our kids
safely to school on Mineral Point and Waukesha streets every day. Thank
you for taking time to show your appreciation for their work throughout the
Please remember to be extra careful during winter when dropping off and
picking up your child(ren). There is an increase of traffic on Waukesha and
Segoe Road during this time. Please reflect upon and make sure the plans
for dropping off and picking up your child includes following the traffic
regulations and safety considerations:
DO park in a location that allows you to leave your car if you want to pick up
your child elsewhere (ex: playground). DO NOT leave your vehicle in the
designated drop-off area in front of our school on Waukesha St. It creates
unsafe conditions for all students and Parking Enforcement has been giving
tickets for failing to follow the regulation.
DO park on Segoe Rd. and walk up to pick up your child - or have your child meet you on Segoe
where you are waiting. DO NOT park in the Segoe side parking lot - this is staff parking and the
bus needs to get through and is often unable to when families park illegally in that lot.
DO use the crosswalk at all times on Waukesha St. If you park your car across the street on
Waukesha, DO NOT model crossing unsafely by walking into traffic and through parked
cars. Walk to the crosswalk and let our fabulous crossing guard, Mr. McNeely, assist you and
your child across the street.
Thank you for working together with us to ensure our children are safe coming and leaving
I am looking forward to our Winter Dance on January 24th. One thing I know about our kids,
families and staff – we like music and love to dance! It’s a great way to warm up on a cold
winter’s eve. Remember that we don’t have school on Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday on
January 20th. Also, we have an Early Release on Friday, January 24th at 11:30.
Here’s to a fabulous new year of learning and fun times ahead at Van Hise!
Peg Keeler, Principal
Estimadas familias.
Feliz Año Nuevo! Estamos comenzando este mes de enero con mucho optimismo y un fuerte
propósito para el aprendizaje de nuestros niños. Estamos orgullosos del progreso de nuestros
estudiantes y pronto usted va a recibir las primeras calificaciones de este año escolar. Si tiene
preguntas acerca del aprendizaje de su hijo por favor no dude en ponerse en contacto con el
maestro(s) de su hijo/a. La conexión y la comunicación que tiene usted con el profesor de su
hijo(s) son vitales para una mutua colaboración.
Durante la semana del 13 al 17 se llevara a cabo el ‘Reconocimiento a los guardias de los
cruces en las calles’. Por favor tómese el tiempo para agradecerle a nuestros fabulosos
guardias: Dick McNeely (en Waukesha), Les Hanneman (en Mineral Pt/Segoe) y Mike Neuman
(en Mineral Pt/Midvale). Estas personas forman parte del equipo que ayuda a que nuestros
niños lleguen seguros a la escuela por las calles Mineral Point y Waukesha todos los días.
Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de mostrarles su agradecimiento por la gran labor que prestan
ellos todo el año.
Por favor recuerden que deben tener mucho cuidado durante el invierno al dejar y al recoger a
su hijo(s). Durante este periodo de tiempo hay un aumento de tráfico en las calles Waukesha y
Segoe. Por favor reflexione y asegúrese de que los planes para dejar y recoger a su hijo
cumplan con las siguientes normas de tráfico y seguridad.
 Estaciónese en un lugar que le permita dejar su coche si usted quiere recoger a su hijo
en otro lugar (por ejemplo: Zona de juegos). NO deje su vehículo en el área designada
para dejar niños al frente de nuestra escuela en la calle Waukesha. Esto crea
condiciones inseguras para todos los estudiantes y el ‘Parking Enforcement’ ha estado
dando tiquetes por no seguir el reglamento.
 Estaciónese en la calle Segoe y suba a recoger a su hijo o que su hijo lo encuentre en la
calle Segoe donde usted estará esperando. No se estacione en el parqueadero del lado
de la calle Segoe. Este es el estacionamiento del personal y el autobús escolar tiene
que pasar y no puede hacerlo a menudo cuando las familias se estacionan ilegalmente
en ese lote.
 Utilice el paso de peatones en la calle Waukesha. Si estaciona su coche al otro lado de
la calle Waukesha, NO cruce de manera insegura la calle caminando por el medio del
tráfico y de los coches aparcados. Camine hasta el cruce de los peatones y deje que
nuestro fabuloso guardia de cruce, el Sr. McNeely, los ayude a usted y a su hijo a
atravesar la calle.
Gracias por su colaboración para asegurar que nuestros niños estén seguros a la llegada y a la
salida de nuestra escuela.
Estoy esperando con alegría la llegada del baile de invierno el próximo 24 de enero. Una cosa
que se sobre nuestros niños, familias y personal es que nos gusta la música y bailar! Es una
manera de calentarnos en este frio invierno. Recuerden que no tenemos escuela el 20 de
enero dado que se celebra el día del cumpleaños del Dr. Martin Luther King. Además
tendremos una salida temprano el viernes 24 de enero a las 11:30 a.m.
Tenemos por delante un nuevo y fabuloso año de aprendizaje y momentos de diversión en Van
Peg Keller, Directora
Van Hise Elementary needs your help!
After six and a half years of editing The Hedgehog Herald, Kim Mohoney
is stepping down after this school year.
If you are interested in becoming the next newsletter editor, please
contact Shelby Connell. (sconnell@tds.net)
School Telephone: 204-4800
Voice Mail: 204-4801
School Fax Number: 204-0419
To report absences: 204-4807
School Resumes
PTO Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
EARLY RELEASE, 11:30 a.m. – Grade Reporting
Winter Dance, 6:00 p.m.
Kindergarten and 4K Registration Da
PTO Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
NO SCHOOL – Convention
School Carnival, 5:30-8:00 p.m.
Don’t forget…
Hedgehog Herald
Newsletter Articles Due
VHE mom Amanda Uphoff is the owner of
Blackbird Family Yoga in Middleton. Blackbird
was built with the whole family in mind; they
offer classes for all ages and stages, as well
as childcare during select adult classes. For
the week of January 13tt (through the
19th), Blackbird is donating 25% of all VHE
family purchases back to the VHE PTO. So
make the commitment to add yoga to your - or
your children's - lives in 2014, and support the
VHE PTO in the process!!!
February Newsletter
articles due Monday, January 13
(If possible, no pdf’s please.)
Email to Kim Mohoney at
Come and join the fun!
Support your kids and Van Hise Elementary!
Our next PTO meeting is:
 Winter Dance
Fri., Jan. 24
5:30-8:00 p.m.
Tuesday, January 14
at 6:30 p.m. in the Art Room
Child care (for school-aged children) is
available in the gymnasium.
Earn money through TerraCycle by recycling your Scotch Tape dispensers, empty
Elmer's glue sticks and bottles, ink/toner cartridges, and damaged/unused cell
phones. Please save these items and drop them in the collection bins located just inside
the doorway leading to your child's classroom (or give them to your child's teacher).
Collect Labels for Education proofs of purchases from the Campbell family of brands.
Clip the UPCs (and corresponding Labels for Education symbol/points if applicable) from
participating products, such as Campbell’s soup, BIC school/office supplies, Dannon,
Pepperidge Farms, Post cereals, Emerald Nuts, Glad containers, Pop Secret popcorn,
and even magazines like People. Then turn them into your child’s teacher or directly to
the PTO mailbox. Van Hise receives points. These have been used to purchase electric
pencil sharpeners for some classrooms and playground balls for recess use.
I hope that you are filling your desk
drawers with Box Tops as we are gearing up for the next contest to get
underway January 13- February 7. Prizes will be related to the Winter Carnival
(scheduled for February 28) as follows:
If your child’s classroom collects 250 Box Tops, each student will win a carnival
game ticket.
If your child’s classroom collects 500 Box Tops, each student will win a carnival
prize ticket.
If your child’s classroom collects 750 Box Tops, each student will win a carnival
prize ticket and game ticket.
More information about other potential prize options will be sent home in your
child’s school folder shortly after the return from winter break.
All Box Tops money earned from this contest will be used for the visiting mosaic
artist project that Mrs. Cantwell is arranging. This is an exciting opportunity for
our school. Let’s show our support with a monsoon of Box Tops!
Stacey “Snip” Chandler
Hello Van Hise families!
January’s PBS theme is ENCOURAGEMENT: To Give Courage.
We are excited to tell you Van Hise was recently acknowledged by the
district for our PBS work. We were honored to be one of three schools
to be selected for exhibiting excellence in PBS implementation and team
Here’s a list of activities we have planned to help us learn about and celebrate encouragement
with students and staff:
Kick -off Assembly: Friday January 10th 2:30-3:30
Kid President video we are watching: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5yCOSHeYn4
Who Encourages You? Each class will think about and write on a Post-it who encourages them
and place it on the encouragement bulletin board outside of the art room. Student will do this
activity as a class.
Encouraging Buddies: Students and their buddies will work in small groups of six (3 big 3 little)
to examine scenarios and brainstorm solutions to everyday issues. Teachers, feel free to
create scenarios that pertain to your students, below are a couple examples:
 A friend does not feel that they are good enough to play tether ball at recess, but they
really want to try. What could you do or say to encourage them?
 Your friend is going on stage at VHE’s Got Talent in the lunchroom this Friday and is very
nervous. What would you say to encourage them?
Encouragement Snowflakes: Each classroom will be asked to create beautiful paper snowflakes
for the breezeway and write encouraging words on them. A handout on my Circle-Taco-Pizza
snowflake method will be included (they turn out great every time
Teaching Tool: PASS THE COMPLEMENT FROM Joyful Learning: A game much like telephone
where students pass compliments along.
Encouragement book checkout: Staff can access a collection of encouragement based books in
the staff lounge
Beth Cantwell 
Van Hise Elementary School Endowment Fund Makes Grants Possible
The Foundation for Madison’s Public Schools’ School Endowments provide each school
with annual income that is used to fund creative and innovative programs and projects that
are not funded within the core school budget. Forty-six schools were awarded grants totaling
This year Van Hise Elementary School had $781 in endowment income available to use to
make grants for imaginative programs and projects that propel student learning which can’t
currently be funded through the core school budget.
Our grants committee decided to fund the following projects using the available endowment
$781 Funds will be used toward the design of an international garden that will help to
represent, celebrate and reflect on the multiculturalism and diversity of the school. Plants and
architectural features will help to emphasize cultural uniqueness and varieties that co-exist at
the school. The garden will be a place for students, teachers and community members to
enjoy, learn and reflect upon the peaceful cultural variety by observing the varieties of plants
and architectural features of the garden. The international garden will also be a comforting
place for the many English language learners at Van Hise Elementary.
If you have any questions about the School Endowments, please contact Mary Bartzen at
232-7820 or mbartzen@fmps.org. To donate to our school’s endowment, visit the
Foundation for Madison’s Public Schools’ website at www.fmps.org.
The Van Hise PTO would like to acknowledge A Stone’s Throw, a local women’s
clothing store on Monroe Street, for generously agreeing to donate 15% of sales
from “Van Hise Shoppers” during our benefit weekend in November. We earned
about $75 during the event but the store doubled their donation and gave $150
to the PTO! So buy local and buy from our supporters. Visit this great store for
a holiday gift or something special for yourself. You can also show your
appreciation by liking them on facebook (shopastonesthrow).
Friday, ● February 28, 2014 ● 5:30-8:00 p.m
Join us in the Gym and Auditorium. Event includes food sales (so you don’t have to make dinner that night. )
New to Van Hise or the Carnival and have questions? Contact juliasbarnes@gmail.com or 617 997-1865
RAFFLE: New this year: Classroom Raffle Basket. Watch for more info coming from your
classroom PTO rep. Want to help now? Please contact Raffle coordinator: Carousel Bayrd
Raffle Tickets available for purchase Fri 2/28 8am-830a, 1030a-1p, 230-7p on Fri 2/28
Three ways to sign up to help: please signup by Fri 1/17/2014
Return below portion to Child’s Classroom
EMAIL mlskemp@gmail.com
I will donate a cake for the Cake Walk.
I will donate a NEW stuffed animal for the Animal Walk.
II will
(or more)
donate aa dozen
& orcookies.
Fruit for the meals (circle which one
able toitem_______________________.
a raffle
Please sign up to work TWO shifts—one in the general carnival and one in your child’s classroom game.
Food Sales
Sell Tickets
Work Raffle/Prize Table
5:15-5:45 PM
5:45-6:15 PM
6:45-7:15 PM
7:15-7:45 PM
Sign up here to help with your child’s Classroom Game
Classroom Game Captain:
Help solicit game crew.
6:30 – 7:00 PM shift
Set up game – Friday afternoon February 15 3pm
7:00 – 7:30 PM shift
5:30 – 6:00 PM shift
7:30 – 8:00 PM
6:00 – 6:30 PM shift
8:00 PM game cleanup
Parent Full Name:__________________________________Phone:______________
Child Full Name:______________________________________________________
Child’s Teacher:_____________________Your e-mail:________________________
Van Hise students are getting ready to skate and roll! Your child will be
rollerblading in Physical Education classes in January. Mr. Hampton’s classes: Jan. 6-17th,
Mrs. Koval’s classes: Jan. 21-Feb. 7th We have two requests from the parents for this unit:
1. Get your child’s bike helmet out and try it on them. Make sure it is properly fitted (see
instructions below.) This may take you 15 – 30 minutes but will save us a lot of class time!
Label the helmet with your child’s name. If your child does not have a bike helmet, a shared
school helmet will be
provided. Your child will also need to wear SOCKS in order to participate.
2. Volunteer to help with our K/1 classes on Jan. 7-10th from 1:15 – 3:15. We need the most help the first 15
minutes of each class helping kids get everything on. Feel free to come for one half hour class or the
whole afternoon. Just show up!
Please call if you have any questions or concerns. Jane Koval and Nick Hampton 204-4816
Fitting a Bike Helmet
Put the helmet on your child’s head so it sits
evenly between the ears and rests low on
your forehead - it should only be about 1-2
finger widths above your eyebrow.
Put foam pads inside the helmet so it feels
comfortable but really snug. Helmet
should not move if the child puts his/her
chin down or tilts head side to side even
when chin strap is not buckled!
Adjust the plastic side junction pieces so
they fit just under the ears. Then tighten
the chin strap as snugly as possible.
Remind you child to not carry the helmet by the straps.
This loosens them and undoes all the work you have just
spent adjusting it. Instead, carry it like a bowl with the
straps tucked inside the bowl.
A Good Helmet Fit is as important as wearing one...but it
takes time. Allow as much as a half hour to get a proper
helmet fit. If you cannot get the helmet to fit properly, it is
probably not the right size.
A bike helmet reduces the risk of serious head and brain
injury by 85-88% but ONLY IF IT IS FITTED
PROPERLY!! Thanks for your time and effort. If your
child does
not have a helmet, one will be provided.
Be a star for the night!
VHE Red Carpet Dance Party
Friday, January 24
6pm-8pm in the gym
Walk the red carpet and get your photo taken by paparazzi!
Dance the night away and show off your lip-syncing skills by
performing to your favorite songs! (optional)
Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at this event. Contact Danielle Thai at
ddthai5121@gmail.com if you have questions or would like to help. If transportation is needed, please contact,
Mrs. Ann Jesse-Schwabe in the office at 204-4800no later than Thursday, January 23.
Madison School & Community Recreation
Chess Championship 2014
Open to all students in the area of Madison,
Kindergarten to 12th grade
Saturday, March 1
Community Recreation Center of Warner Park
1625 Northport Drive, Madison
Awards 1ST, 2nd and 3rd place to the players' individual skills with senior
Trophy of the 1er place the individual with superior ability in each grade level (K-8)
Trophies for 1st and 2nd place for the school teams of primary and middle school
(The draws for the individual trophies are resolved with fast-paced games of five minutes)
# Games
5 Games per player guaranteed
Hours, Saturday March 1
8:15-9:00 (limited to the first 125 players)
First round starts at 9:15
Rounds 2-5 begin at approximately 10: 30, 11:45, 1:15 and 2:30
New this year the rounds for grades K-2 will begin at the end of the
Prior round. The prizes will be to complete the 5 rounds.
Lunch (food/snacks available at the place of the event, the sale
It is carried out by the youth basketball program)
The ceremony begins at 4:00 PM
Control of the time
Each player has 30 minutes to complete all the movements
Touch Movement
Swiss Pairing System accelerated, design in mate to opponents of ages
And similar skills
Panels will be provided, and the parts sheets to keep the data
Please bring a chess clock, if possible
Neil Gleason, 238-4312 or ngleason@charter.net
Ian Hannah, 204-3052 or ihannah@madison.k12.wi.us
Sponsored by Madison School & Community Recreation (MCSR)
Madison School & Community Recreation
Evento Anual
Campeonato de Ajedrez 2014
Abierto a todos los estudiantes del área de Madison,
Kindergarten a 12avo grado
Sábado, 1 de marzo
Lugar Centro Comunitario de Recreación Warner Park
1625 Northport Drive, Madison
Premios 1ero, 2do y 3er lugar a los jugadores individuales con habilidades superiores
Trofeo del 1er lugar al individuo con habilidad superior en cada grado (K-8)
Trofeos de 1ero y 2do lugar para los equipos escolares de primaria y escuela media
(Los empates para los trofeos individuales se resuelven con juegos rápidos de cinco minutos)
# Juegos
5 juegos por jugador garantizado
Horario, sábado 1 de marzo
8:15-9:00 (limitado a los primeros 125 jugadores)
Primera ronda empieza a las 9:15
Horario Rondas 2-5 empiezan aproximadamente a las 10:30, 11:45, 1:15 y 2:30
Nuevo este año las rondas para los grados K-2 empezaran al terminar la
previa ronda. Los premios se darán al completar las 5 rondas.
Almuerzo (alimento/bocadillos disponibles en el lugar del evento, la venta
se lleva a cabo por el programa de básquetbol juvenil)
La entrega de trofeos comienza a las 4:00 PM.
Control del tiempo
Cada jugador tiene 30 minutos para terminar todos los movimientos
Movimiento táctil
Sistema Suizo Acelerado, diseñó en aparear a opositores de edades
y de habilidades similares
Se proporcionarán los tableros, piezas y las hojas para mantener los datos
Traer por favor un reloj de ajedrez, si es posible
Neil Gleason, 238-4312 o ngleason@charter.net
Ian Hannah, 204-3052 o ihannah@madison.k12.wi.us
Patrocinado por Madison School & Community Recreation (MSCR)

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