The castles.
The castles.
Füssen The romantic soul of Bavaria Neuschwanstein Hohenschwangau The romantic fascination of Füssen. There is one place where contrasting facets meet: the magic of the monarchy and authentic folklore, wild mountains and gentle hills, a rich culture and imposing natural surroundings. Discover this place for yourself – one of Bavaria‘s finest beauty spots. Füssen awaits you. 2 Füssen Contents The Castles ................................................................................ 4–7 The Town ................................................................................. 8–11 Culinary delights ...............................................................12–13 Sports and more................................................................14–15 Winter....................................................................................16–17 Forggensee boat trips .............................................................18 Day trips .......................................................................................19 Lifelines · Romantic Road.............................................. 20–21 Accommodation and restaurants ..............................22–26 Museum of the Bavarian Kings ..........................................23 Arrival · Publisher details ......................................................27 3 Neuschwanstein Castle 4 Dream and reality. The legend lives on: K i n g L u d w i g I I (1845–1886), who met his death under mysterious circumstances in Lake Starnberg, is a fascinating figure. Every year millions of visitors flock to the palaces of this shy monarch who loved art and loathed state affairs. Ludwig‘s father King Maximilian II had H o h e n s c h w a n g a u C a s t l e built as a summer residence by the idyllic Lake Alpsee. Ludwig spent a happy childhood and youth here. The palace is well worth a visit: with its richly decorated rooms and original furniture, it vividly recalls the everyday life of the royal family. On the shores of the Alpsee with a view of Neuschwanstein Castle, the new M u s e u m o f t h e B a v a r i a n K i n g s opened in 2011. A walk-through family tree provides an introduction to the history of the Wittelsbachs, one of the oldest dynasties in Europe. See page 23 for details. Fantastic: N e u s c h w a n s t e i n C a s t l e , Germany‘s most famous historic building, is the fairy-tale king‘s medieval Castle of the Grail. The castle rises majestically against the snow-covered Alpine peaks. A visit to the castle is especially enjoyable in winter when you can explore the royal apartments without the crowds of summer visitors. 5 Facts and figures The castles. Ticket Center Prices of admission per person Ticket Center Alpseestrasse 12 Scale of Scale of 87645 Hohenschwangau charges I charges II Telephone +49 (0) 83 62-93 08 30 • Neuschwanstein 12.00 11.00 Telefax +49 (0) 83 62-9 30 83 20 • Hohenschwangau 12.00 11.00 • King's Ticket 23.00 21.00 • Wittelsbach Ticket 19.50 17.00 Tickets can also be booked online: • Swan Ticket 28.50 27.00 Valid for Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau on the same day Sale of tickets for Neuschwanstein Castle • 16th October to 31st March 9 am to 3 pm * • 1st April to 15th October 8 am to 5 pm * * Throughout the year from Monday to Sunday Neuschwanstein Castle opening hours • 16th October to 31st March 10 am to 4 pm • 1st April to 15th October 9 am to 6 pm Closed on 1st Jan., 24th, 25th + 31st Dec. Sale of tickets for Hohenschwangau Castle • 16th October to 31st March 9 am to 3.30 pm * • 1st April to 15th October 8 am to 5.30 pm * * Throughout the year from Monday to Sunday Hohenschwangau Castle opening hours • 8th October to 31st March 10 am to 4 pm • 1st April to 7th October 9 am to 6 pm Closed on 24th December Valid for Hohenschwangau and the Museum of the Bavarian Kings on the same day Valid for Neuschwanstein, Hohenschwangau and the Museum of the Bavarian Kings on the same day Reservation charges For the reservation of less than 15 tickets: • Hohenschwangau or Neuschwanstein 1.80 per person • King's Ticket 3.60 per person Groups of 15 persons or more: • Hohenschwangau or Neuschwanstein 0.90 per person • King's Ticket 1.80 per person Scale I Adults Scale II Groups of at least 15 people, senior citizens of 65 or over, students, school children, disabled persons and required escort (pass must be shown). Free admission: Children and young people under 18 years of age accompanied by adults (does not apply to school classes at Hohenschwangau), tour guides and tour operators‘ drivers in the group. Prices as of February 2014. Subject to alteration. The time it takes to walk from the Ticket Center • Neuschwanstein: about 40 minutes • Hohenschwangau: about 20 minutes The approach road to Neuschwanstein Castle is closed to general motor traffic. In the village of Hohenschwangau horsedrawn carriages are available at Hotel Müller which take you to the castle inn located 984 feet, 300 metres/yards below Neuschwanstein. Buses run between Hotel Lisl and the “Jugend” lookout point. From there it is a steep downhill walk of about 10 minutes (1312 feet, 400 metres/yards) to Neuschwanstein Castle (not suitable for anyone who has difficulty walking). From the “Jugend” lookout point it is a 2-minute walk to the Marien Bridge situated 295 feet (90 metres) above the Pöllat Gorge with a fine view of the castle and the 147 feet (45 metre) high waterfall. A guided tour of Neuschwanstein or Hohenschwangau lasts about 30 minutes. During the tour in Neuschwanstein Castle there are 173 steps up and 207 down. Taking photographs during the castle tour is strictly prohibited. Museum der bayerischen könige Museum of the Bavarian Kings Opening hours: 1st April to 30th September daily 9 am to 7 pm 1st October to 31st March daily from 10 am to 6 pm See page 23 for details. 6 The romantic landscape of hills and lakes offer front-row seats with breath-taking views of the castle and its majestic mountain setting. To Hopfen am See To Roßhaupten Forggensee To Schongau Boat trips Lake Forggensee To Weißensee Tourist Information Pölla t FÜSSEN B17 Schwangau To Weißensee h Lec B17 Kalvarienberg Hiking trail to Füssen approx. 4 miles (7 km) Castle Neuschwanstein Hiking trail to Füssen approx. 3 miles (5 km) Castle Hohenschwangau Hohenschwangau P Schwansee To Reutte P P P Ticket-Centre Marienbrücke Alpsee Please note: The royal castles of Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau are signposted with the German word “Königsschlösser”! Hohenschwangau Castle, the nursery of the fairy-tale king, as well as Neuschwanstein Castle are only 3 miles (5 km) away from Füssen. 7 Füssen – between mountains, lakes and the River Lech A romantic setting. In Füssen, B a v a r i a n t r a d i t i o n s are still very much a part of people‘s day-to-day lives. Guests from all over the world can experience these customs entirely authentically – for example at an alphorn concert by Lake Hopfensee. The fascinating mountain panorama, the glittering lake and sonorous alphorns – that‘s pure Bavaria. 8 High above the River Lech: the Benedictine monastery of St Mang and Füssen‘s High Palace (Hohes Schloss). Savour the town‘s special charm while strolling through the streets and taking a look at the shops: that, too, is something that is especially pleasurable in Füssen. Far from the roar of the traffic, you can enjoy the atmosphere of the R e i c h e n s t r a s s e (main road), wander down crooked lanes and discover many a fine souvenir. Culinary delights and authentic beer gardens are all included, of course. 9 Füssen City Tour Tourist Information Train Station Neuschwanstein Castle 1 2 10 9 6 4 7 8 Tourist Information at Kaiser-Maximilian-Platz. The Schrannenplatz once served as the town‘s corn market. The late Gothic Corn House is nowadays a popular meeting point with market stands and small catering outlets. The Franciscan M o n a s t e r y . The venerable monastery buildings with the Baroque St Stephan’s Church are situated on a small hill above the River Lech from where there is a magnificent view of the medieval town centre. Next to them is the old S t S e b a s t i a n C e m e t e r y with historical gravestones, parts of which border on the old town wall. The path along the banks of the River Lech runs upstream to the district of Bad Faulenbach and downstream to Lake Forggensee. During a walk you repeatedly catch sight of fine views of the river, which up to the 19th century was an important traffic and trading route navigated by rafts. 10 3 4 5 Holy Ghost HospitalC h u r c h . The richly decorated Rococo façade of the Holy Ghost Hospital Church depicts St Florian as a help in preventing fires (the previous Gothic church burnt down in 1733) and St Christopher, who as the patron saint of raftsmen has his appropriate place here on the mighty River Lech. complexes in southern Germany. It now houses the Town Gallery of Paintings and a branch of the Bavarian State Collections of Paintings, where late Gothic and Renaissance works of art are on display. The High Palace ( H o h e s S c h l o s s ) . The former residence of the Augsburg prince bishops, with unique illusionist paintings on the façades of the courtyard, is one of the most important late Gothic castle St Mang Monastery a n d C h u r c h . The former Benedictine monastery dates back to the 9th century. It was given its present Baroque style by Füssen architect Johann Jakob Herkomer. Today the historical rooms house the municipal authorities and the Füssen Heritage Museum. For 50 years summer chamber music and jazz concerts have been held in the magnificent Prince‘s Hall. The for- The medieval town centre. mer monastery church and presentday parish church is the largest and most impressive of Füssen‘s baroque churches. The crypt is thought to date back in its architectural history to the times of St Magnus and houses Bavaria’s oldest fresco. The Füssen Heritage M u s e u m . Archaeological finds and art treasures have provided evidence of 1000 years of monastic history. The splendid Baroque rooms, which include the Prince’s Hall, give some idea of the former monastery’s wealth. The museum also boasts one of the finest collections of historical lutes and violins in Europe. In the A n n a C h a p e l , which can be reached via the museum, is the impressive Death Dance cycle by Jakob Hiebeler (1602), the oldest of its kind in Bavaria. The area of the present-day Bread Market is thought to have been the origin of the medieval town. Today it is here that the Lute-Makers Fountain recalls the historical importance of Füssen as the “Cradle of LuteMaking” in Europe. The Reichenstraße, historical patricians‘ houses, huddling side by side, line the main shopping street in the pedestrian precinct, which is identical to the route of the earlier Roman road Via Claudia Augusta. T h e T o w n F o u n t a i n at the upper end of the Reichenstrasse shows St Magnus, Füssen‘s patron saint. At the fountain a narrow metal strip has been set into the street paving to recall the ancient Roman route of the Via Claudia Augusta in this area. Mobile phone city guide You can use your mobile phone to hear information about the history of Füssen in German or English at eleven points around the old town. You will recognise the individual points and buildings by the information panels bearing the insignias of our partners tomis and the History Channel. Just dial in – don’t worry there are no roaming charges. The mobile phone city guide is also available as an app via iTunes (price: EUR 1.59). Online-City Tour You can view Füssen’s loveliest squares and sights before you arrive using YouTube: In English: In German: 11 Bavarian specialities The restaurants and inns of Füssen offer true Bavarian-style hospitality. Bavarian specialities have a long tradition here and are delicious. These two pages show some examples of typical Bavarian dishes. Please note that they may be prepared slightly differently in the various restaurants. Boiled white sausages (Weißwürste) are served with sweet mustard (süßer Senf) and a pretzel (Brezel) , a typical Bavarian bread speciality. Meat loaf (Leberkäse/Fleischkäse) is the favourite dish of many Bavarians. It tastes great with a tangy light or dark wheat beer (Weizenbier) . Bavarian-style culinary delights. A Bavarian snack platter (bayerische Brotzeitplatte) includes ham, various kinds of sausage, spicy Allgäu cheese and bread. This also goes well with a wheat beer (Weizenbier) . 12 Fried pork sausage with sauerkraut (Schweinsbratwürste mit Sauerkraut) . These sausages are frequently eaten in a roll as a snack, too. Cheese spaetzle (Käsespätzle) are an Allgäu speciality consisting of noodles mixed with spicy Allgäu cheese and sprinkled with fried onion rings. Apple Strudel (Apfelstrudel) , Apples wrapped in sweet strudel pastry with custard or vanilla ice cream and/or whipped cream. Knuckle of pork (Schweinshaxen) is grilled or roasted and usually served with bread dumpling or po- tato dumpling and red cabbage or sauerkraut. A good hearty Bavarian speciality. An idyllic place to relax and unwind: the restaurant garden of St Mang, formerly a monastery. 13 A Journey of Discovery Experience the Allgäu. Hike in King Ludwig‘s f o o t s t e p s : The route runs from Füssen across the River Lech and past the hidden Lake Schwansee to Hohenschwangau Castle, King Ludwig II‘s childhood paradise. From here the path winds its way uphill to Neuschwanstein Castle. Approx. 6 km, an easy hike. Shorter route: take the scheduled bus for either the outward or return trip. 14 Discover the Allgäu from water! Take a trip on Forggensee, Bavaria‘s fifth largest lake and enjoy a fantastic panoramic view of the king‘s castles of Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau, the historical town of Füssen and the surrounding Alpine peaks! See page 18 for details. It is hard to imagine a more romantic way to watch the sun go down than on an evening boat ride on the Forggensee. The two-hour trips start from the jetty in Füssen at 7.30 p.m. every Wednesday in July and August. The Allgäu – yours to discover. The Allgäu: Bavaria's most beautiful holiday area. The Füssen region with its 935 miles (about 1500 kilometres) of perfectly signposted routes and 65 circuit paths is regarded as a p a r a d i s e f o r c y c l i s t s . Whether for those with sporting ambitions or more for pleasure, the foothills of the Alps offer the appropriate route for every type of cyclist. (GPS tracks) Insider’s Tip Take it easy on a flat walk, sticking to the water’s edge in the heart of some impressive mountain scenery. By following the Lechuferweg trail to the shores of the Forggensee, the Hopfenseerundweg, the Weißenseerundweg and the lakeside circuit in the Faulenbach Valley you can discover nature at its most beautiful. The monumental hulk of the Säuling, Füssen’s very own mountain, is never out of sight. S al o b e r- A lm Leave the historical centre of Füssen, go through the car-free Faulenbach Valley, pass by Lake Alatsee and then go on uphill to the Salober-Alm (located at an altitude of 1087 metres), where food and drinks are available. Approx. 6–6. 5 km one way, a simple hike. Altitude differential approx. 300 m. Duration: approx. 4.5–5.5 hours round trip.* Hopfensee The starting point is the car park by the lakeside road (Uferstraße) in Hopfen am See (can also be reached by scheduled bus from Füssen bus station!). From here you follow th * Homepages only available in German. 15 Winter wonderland The pleasures of the snow. Have your winter fairy-tale come true: wrapped up in cosy blankets, you glide through the glittering, snow-covered landscape in a horsedrawn sleigh. For example at Lake Hopfensee or Lake Bannwaldsee, where you can observe up to 150 deer living in the wild. Winter time in Füssen: magnificently fresh winter air and a crystal-clear view of the mountains. The mountain hut tobogganing combination is very popular: climb your way up cleared tails to a warm welcome in a cosy mountain hut, after which you can fly back down the valley on a sled. Twinkling lights, Allgäu arts and crafts, the delicious fragrance of roast apples and punch: F ü s s e n C h r i s t m a s M a r k e t is held on two weekends in December in the festively illuminated monastery courtyard of St Mang, at the heart of Füssen‘s historical town centre. Enjoy a unique blend of the traditional and modern. Brass band music and the sound of rifle fire are an integral part of the experience. 16 17 Boat trips on Lake Forggensee See Treat yourself to a magnificent waterborne panorama: the further the Forggensee boat moves away from the lake‘s southern shore, the more splendid the view of the mountain world of the Ammergau, Lechtal and Tannheim Alps, Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau castles and the silhouette of Füssen. Get to know the Allgäu Königswinkel from the water on a relaxing boat excursion on Bavaria‘s fifth largest lake. From June 1st to October 15th the two passenger boats of the Füssen shipping company run two round trips of differing length several times a day. The short circuit in the southern section of the lake lasts approx. 55 minutes. The large circuit lasts two hours and runs to the dam at the northern end. At each stop-off point you can leave the boat or take a lunch or coffee break as you please. Both boats have catering on board and can also be booked for special trips. It is also possible to alternate sections of a hike or cycle tour with a boat trip. page 2 Daily schedule 01.06. to 15.10.: Large circuit: (scheduled service) Departure DepartureDeparture 10:00 12:30 15:00 10:05 12:35 15:05 10:15 12:45 15:15 10:20 12:50 15:20 10:30 13:00 15:30 10:45 13:15 15:45 10:55 13:25 15:55 11:00 13:30 16:00 Bootshafen/Harbour (Füssen) Festspielhaus (Füssen) Waltenhofen (Schwangau) Brunnen (Schwangau) Osterreinen (Rieden) Dietringen (Rieden) Tiefental (Roßhaupten) Kraftwerk/Power station (Roßhaupten) _________________________________ back towards Füssen 11:15 13:45 16:15 11:30 14:00 16:30 11:40 14:10 16:40 11:45 14:15 16:45 11:55 14:25 16:55 12:00 14:30 17:00 Arrival ArrivalArrival Dietringen (Rieden) Osterreinen (Rieden) Brunnen (Schwangau) Waltenhofen (Schwangau) Festspielhaus (Füssen) Bootshafen/Harbour (Füssen) Small circuit: (only if there are enough passengers – at least 10 – from Füssen) MS Füssen Upper covered deck with 120 seats (can be booked separately on scheduled runs); lower covered deck with 130 seats; 150 seats on deck. Buffet catering can be booked on request for groups of up to 200. Departure DepartureDepartureDepartureDepartureDeparture 10:3011:30 13:0014:2015:3016:30Bootshafen/Harbour (Füssen) 10:35 11:35 13:05 14:25 15:35 16:35 Festspielhaus (Füssen) 10:50 11:50 13:20 14:40 15:50 16:50 Osterreinen (Rieden) 11:10 12:10 13:40 15:00 16:10 17:10 Waltenhofen (Schwangau) -------- 12:20 13:50 -------- -------- 17:20 Festspielhaus (Füssen) 11:20 12:25 13:55 15:10 16:20 17:25 Bootshafen/Harbour (Füssen) ArrivalArrivalArrivalArrivalArrivalArrival Fares per person: MS Allgäu Covered deck with 110 seats; 110 seats on deck. Buffet catering available on request for groups of up to 80. Boat e trips in th Allgäu Large circuit: Adults: €11,00 (without guest ticket) €10,00 (with guest ticket; groups from 20) Children (4 –14 years): € 6,00 (without guest ticket) € 5,50 (with guest ticket) Small circuit: Adults: € € Children (4 –14 years): € € 8,00 (without guest ticket) 7,00 (with guest ticket; groups from 20) 4,00 (without guest ticket) 3,50 (with guest ticket) The reduced group fare only applies when tickets are paid for together. Fares for individual sections of the large circuit on request. Information and reservations for travel groups · Provider: Städtische Forggenseeschifffahrt Füssen Tel. +49 (0) 83 62/92 13 63 or +49 (0) 83 62/93 85-22 · Fax: +49 (0) 83 62/92 13 64 or +49 (0) 83 62/93 85-20 (01.06.–15.10.) or · Discover the region Day trips. Z u g s p i t z e Germany’s highest mountain, (about 43 miles, 70 km). At an altitude of almost 3000 metres (9842 feet), its peak can be reached by rack railway from Garmisch-Partenkirchen. M u n i c h Bavaria’s capital is one of the most interesting cities in Germany (about 71 miles, 115 km) – hourly train connection. O b e r a m m e r g a u can be easily reached by car (about 28 miles, 45 km). This holiday resort is world-famous for its Passion Play. Yet the numerous house-wall paintings, called Lüftlmalereien, and the artistic wood carvings are themselves worth a visit. Follow the German Alpine Road to L i n d a u and discover the only Bavarian town on Lake Constance (about 143 miles, 230 km). It is popular for its historical Old Town, round trips by ship and a fantastic view. Detours to the flower-bedecked island of Mainau are possible via Meersburg. Herrenchiemsee C a s t l e In 1873 King Ludwig II of Bavaria acquired the Herreninsel on Lake Chiemsee as the location for his Royal Palace of Herrenchiemsee. The actual building of this “Bavarian Versailles” was begun in 1878. When Ludwig II died in 1886 the palace was still incomplete, and sections of it were later demolished. L i n d e r h o f p a l a c e This palace was also built by Ludwig II, and for many Ludwig fans it is in fact the finest (about 31 miles, 50 km). The Hall of Mirrors, the Palace Park with its Moorish Kiosk and Peacock’s Throne as well as the artificial grotto with a wave machine, through which the King was rowed in his shell boat, are some of the exceptional sights. 19 Lifelines Romantic Road Frankfurt a. Main Würzburg Bad Mergentheim Rothenburg o.d.T. Dinkelsbühl Nördlingen Donauwörth Augsburg Via Claudia Augusta Herrenchiemsee Bad Tölz Salzburg Tegernsee Oberammergau Füssen Bad Hindelang Schongau Wieskirche Oberstaufen Lindau Bodensee Munich Landsberg am Lech Schloss Linderhof Ettal Schloss Neuschwanstein Reit im Winkl Berchtesgaden Garmisch-Partenkirchen Zugspitze German Alpine Road Meran Bozen Altino Verona Venice Via Claudia Augusta The region has always been at the centre of European culture. Built under the Roman Emperor Claudius as a military road, the Via Claudia Augusta remained one of the most important alpine crossing routes for many centuries. This was a much-used route for traders, travellers and armies. These days, the link between northern Italy and the Danube is a popular tourist trail. 20 Ostiglia German Alpine Road Over 450 kilometres long from Lindau on the shores of Lake Constance to Berchtesgaden in the south-eastern-most tip of Bavaria, this holiday route sweeps through the foothills of the Bavarian Alps and always affords unforgettable mountain views. A day trip along the German Alpine Road in either direction starting from Füssen is a truly worthwhile experience. W ü r z b u r g The start or finish of the Romantic road, with a wide range of sights worth seeing: Marienberg Fort, the Cathedral, the historical town centre and the Prince-Bishop‘s Residence (UNESCO World Heritage Site) – a magnificent Baroque specimen by Balthasar Neumann. Romantic Road The Romantic Road is one of Germany‘s most popular tourist routes. Over a distance of only 240 miles (385 km), it features an exquisite series of tourist attractions. Rothenburg ob der T a u b e r The medieval appearance of this little town bewitches every visitor. The wall encircling the town, for example, is still preserved, providing the perfect setting for the Gothic and Renaissance gabled houses (about 155 miles, 250 km). W i e s k i r c h e This Rococo church (1746–1754) is a UNESCO World Heritage site and should be a stop on every travel route. Seldom have cheerfulness and devoutness been combined more beautifully than in the light-flooded interior, which can also be enjoyed during one of the frequent concerts (about 16 miles, 25 km). 21 Hotel Schlosskrone ★★★★S Comfort: Heavenly Bavarian style, 62 rooms & suites (built 2011), partly air conditioned. Breakfast buffet, SAT-TV, safe, minibar, underground parking and free wireless internet access. Culinarium: Bavarian cooking heaven! Sitting in the wooden “Himmelsstube” or conservatory from lunch to dinner with buffets and à la carte! Relax at the “Chili – Bar, Ristorante, Vinoteca” – a hip themed restaurant with wine cellar. Chocolate-Heaven: Pastry shop “Kurcafe” - Homemade sweet dreams of chocolate since 1896! It is a must to come and taste these gorgeous delights! Chilling at Spa “Schloss-Therme”: Relaxing in 300 m² of royal spa facilities with beauty studio, massage department and fitness. Conference and more: 150 m² meeting facilities for 10 to 100 people with lots of incentive possibilities. Celebrating and more: 200 m² ballroom and banquet suite for all kind of celebrations. Culture and nature: From Neuschwanstein Castle to the historical city of Fuessen – just a minute away from your Schlosskrone! We look forward to welcome you! Accomodation · Restaurants Hotel Schlosskrone ★★★★S Family Schöll · Kur-Cafe Hotel Allgäu GmbH Prinzregentenplatz 2–4 · 87629 Füssen Tel. +49 (0) 83 62/93 01 80 · Fax +49 (0) 83 62/9 30 18 50 · M V Hotel Hirsch ★★★★ Pleasant memories are best planned in advance Central ... in the town centre and extremely close to King Ludwig‘s Castles Convenient ... private parking as well as secure garages Family owned ... for four generations Elegant ... 53 individually decorated, spacious rooms Inviting ... cosy restaurants with regional specialities A house with charisma, a house with charm – a building with 100 years of history. Traditionally decorated rooms, each of them in their own unique style. Our hotel is a family-run business and we aim to offer our guests an experience they will never forget. A number of restaurants decorated to original Bavarian designs offer a variety of local culinary dishes. Allgäu specialities as well as modern cuisine. Visit us for a quick lunch or for a romantic candlelight dinner. Our conference rooms can cater for business meetings, family celebrations or dinner parties. Welcome to HOTEL HIRSCH FÜSSEN. Hotel Hirsch ★★★★ Hotel Hirsch GmbH & Co. KG Kaiser-Maximilian-Platz 7 · 87629 Füssen Tel. +49 (0) 83 62/9 39 80 Fax +49 (0) 83 62/93 98 77 · A M V 22 = Group Price on request = Menu in english = Bavarian Specialities · Accept Credit Cards: A = American Express M = Mastercard V = Visa = EC-Cash Luitpoldpark-Hotel 1111 Various restaurants and bars offer Bavarian and international specialities. 7 banquet and conference rooms each for up to 100 people. Spacious 1,500 m² “LöWe” wellness and fitness park. Ayurveda studio and beauty treatment department. 300 underground parking spaces. 4 km to Neuschwanstein Castle. Luitpoldpark-Hotel ★ ★ ★ ★ LUITPOLDPARK-HOTEL Betriebs- und Vermietungsgesellschaft mbH Bahnhofstraße 1–3 · 87629 Füssen Tel. +49 (0) 83 62/9 04-0 Fax +49 (0) 83 62/9 04-6 78 A M V Accomodation · Restaurants All 131 comfort rooms and suites with direct-dial telephone, safe, flatscreen TV / radio, wireless LAN (WLAN), bathroom with bathtub, WC, some with bidet, vanity mirror and hair dryer. Covering almost 1,000 square metres, the museum, which opened in September 2011, provides a richly-illustrated insight into the story of the Wittelsbach dynasty, which played a key role in shaping the history of Europe. The exhibition focuses on the reign of the Kings of Bavaria from 1806 to 1918. Opening hours: 01.10.–31.03. Daily 10 a.m.–6 p.m. 01.04.–30.09. Daily 9 a.m.–7 p.m. Tickets and guided tours: Tickets can be purchased at the museum ticket desk and at the Ticket Center in Hohenschwangau Castle. For our current programme of guided tours and events please see our homepage: Audio guides in eight different languages are available free of charge to visitors to the museum, allowing them to take in the exhibition in their own time. Contact: Museum der bayerischen Könige Alpseestraße 27 87645 Hohenschwangau Phone: 0 83 62-9 26 46 40 Further reading and special gift ideas can be found at our museum shop. Then, why not round off your visit with a bite to eat at the “Alpenrose am See” museum restaurant with its picturesque view of Hohenschwangau Castle and the alpine panorama? THE KING’ TICKET. THE ALL-INCLUSIVE VISITOR TICKET. meinsam EG – ge lten INTERR zenlos gesta gren = Group Price on request = Menu in english Subsidised by the European region with backing from the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRD) = Bavarian Specialities · Accept Credit Cards: A = American Express M = Mastercard V = Visa = EC-Cash 23 Accomodation · Restaurants ZEIT UND HERZLICHKEIT Füssen im Allgäu Hotel Sommer ★★★★ Our ★★★★ Spa-Hotel Sommer enjoys a secluded location with a panoramic view of the Allgäu Alps and the royal seat of Neuschwanstein Castle. The famous Wieskirche and Linderhof palace are only minutes away by car. Our rooms and suites offer every comfort and have been decorated with an eye for detail. You can choose to enjoy delicious, fresh, regional dishes in our pleasant, rustically styled restaurant, Mediterranean conservatory or on the sun terrace. The historic old town is just a few minutes’ stroll away. Afterwards, why not stop off at the hotel bar? Our generously proportioned 1,500 square metre spa complex has everything you could wish for, with all-year-round heated outdoor saltwater pool, indoor pool and sauna complex. In our beauty and massage department, expert masseurs and beauticians will care for your every need. Bicycle hire, sports studio, fitness programme, conference rooms, underground car park, outdoor parking, generous breakfast buffet, free Wi-Fi in all rooms. Hotel Sommer ★★★★ Hotel Sommer GmbH · Proprietor Wolfgang Sommer Weidachstraße 74 · 87629 Füssen Tel. +49 (0) 83 62/91 47-0 · Fax +49 (0) 83 62/91 47-14 · M V 24 = Group Price on request = Menu in english = Bavarian Specialities · Accept Credit Cards: A = American Express M = Mastercard V = Visa = EC-Cash Filser Relaxhotel ★★★S A well-run house, very quiet and yet centrally situated in the Saeulingstraße / Koenig-Ludwig-Promenade. Only a few minutes on foot to the Music Theatre, Lake Forggensee and the historical town centre. About 4 km (2.5 miles) to the royal castles of Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau. Live comfortably – be pampered a little. A personal atmosphere. Comfortable rooms with shower and WC. Magnificent view of the mountains and the town of Fuessen. A lovely lawn for sunbathing, terraced garden, a cosy rustic-style lounge with a tiled stove. Lift, ecological or Finnish sauna, small fitness room, cosmetic and spa treatment, massages. A lavish breakfast buffet, delicious cooking with a choice of dishes, whole food, weightwatcher meals, special diets, culinary buffet. Free parking in front of our house. Free WLAN. Welcome in our hotel. Filser Relaxhotel ★★★S Hotel Filser GmbH · Family Thanner / Filser Säulingstraße 3 · 87629 Füssen Tel. +49 (0) 83 62/91 25-0 · Fax 91 25-73 · M V Villa Toscana ★★★S The 31 rooms are individually laid out and decorated in the Mediterranean style. For some rest and relaxation, pay a visit to our small spa or the large sunbathing area with views of the Bavarian Alps. Villa Toscana ★★★ S 2. MB Mitteldeutsche Betriebsges. mbH Von-Freyberg-Straße 28 · 87629 Füssen Tel. +49 (0) 83 62/91 37-0 Fax +49 (0) 83 62/91 37-19 A M V Vitalhotel Wiedemann ★★★S The rooms are spacious and modern in design with fresh colours and fitted with This family-run hotel is located in the idyllic shower, WC, telephone and TV; some have Bad Faulenbach valley. Here you have won- either a balcony or a terrace. Family rooms derful natural surroundings right on your and apartments for up to four people. doorstep and beautiful lakes offering utter We provide creative, healthy cooking to tranquillity. The historical centre of Füssen indulge you with selected set meals, is just a short walk away (approx. 8 minutes). buffets and à la carte dishes. Kurhotel Wiedemann KG ★★★ S Dr. Anni Derday · Am Anger 3 87629 Füssen-Bad Faulenbach Tel. +49 (0) 83 62/91 30-0 · Fax 91 30-77 M V Accomodation · Restaurants This historical villa is situated in the middle of beautiful parkland near Füssen’s old town. Enjoy the personal atmosphere and the fabulous view of Füssen’s High Palace. Hotel Restaurant Frühlingsgarten ★★★ In the Faulenbach Valley A family-run hotel with a tradition of hospitality going back more than 150 years. Located in a wonderfully quiet spot, yet only five minutes on foot to the town centre. Comfy guest rooms All rooms are comfortably and pleasantly fitted with bathroom/WC or shower/WC, telephone, television, some with a balcony. Cars can be parked at the hotel. Here the proprietor does the cooking with fresh produce from local farms. We provide delicious delicacies for guests with a hearty appetite and those who are = Group Price on request = Menu in english = Bavarian Specialities · Accept Credit Cards: A = American Express more interested in a snack. With foaming beer and fine wines. With homemade cakes and great ice cream creations. Look forward to your holiday. Hotel Restaurant Frühlingsgarten ★★★ Family Weyerer Alatseestraße 8 87629 Füssen-Bad Faulenbach Tel. +49 (0) 83 62/91 73-0 Fax +49 (0) 83 62/91 73-40 M V M = Mastercard V = Visa = EC-Cash 25 EuroParkHotel International Open all year around. Located in the quiet "Faulenbach" valley, at the river Lech. Short walking distance into the centre of Fuessen and just 5 km away from Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau. All 141 rooms, most with balcony, are Non-smoking rooms. WLAN is available in all rooms (fees apply). 24 h reception, free sauna, fitness & table tennis. Restaurant with Bavarian Specialities. Our "Jaegerstuberl" pub encourages you to get together. Lobby with coffee machine and a PC with free internet access. Parking is available in our garage for a fee. EuroParkHotel International Europarkhotel und Gesundheit GmbH & Co. KG Am Kapellenberg 2 87629 Füssen-Bad Faulenbach Tel. 0 83 62/508-0 · Fax 0 83 62/508-113 A M V Apartments Accomodation · Restaurants Mein lieber Schwan f Beautiful art nouveau villa, excellently situated, fully renovated, with a large garden, quiet, idyllic, near the town centre, with a view of the mountains and castles. All apartments are furnished with antiques and have a balcony, marble bathroom, fully fitted kitchen, internet, flatscreenTV, parking. Mein lieber Schwan f P. A. Bletschacher Augustenstraße 3 · 87629 Füssen Tel. +49 (0) 83 62/50 99 80 or Tel. +49 (0) 1 71/4 02 35 56 Fax +49 (0) 83 62/50 99 14 Restaurant Wirtshaus „Herzl am Rathaus“ The “Herzl am Rathaus” inn awaits you with delicious Bavarian specialties, various locally brewed beers from the Allgäuer brewery, which you can pour for yourself if you wish, and a pleasant atmosphere where you will feel right at home. Our pub is open daily from 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. The kitchen is open from 11.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. We look forward to your visit! Wirtshaus „Herzl am Rathaus“ Lechhalde 4 · 87629 Füssen Tel. +49 (0) 83 62/9 30 09 79 Mobil +49 (0) 160/3 51 02 84 Fax +49 (0) 83 62/9 30 09 89 26 = Group Price on request = Menu in english = Bavarian Specialities · Accept Credit Cards: A = American Express M = Mastercard V = Visa = EC-Cash Arrival · Publisher details How to get to Füssen. The holiday resort of Füssen lies at the heart of Europe, directly on the border to Austria. The cities of Munich, Augsburg and Innsbruck are each about 100 km away, providing attractive destinations for day trips. The Swiss border at Lake Constance is 120 km from Füssen, Italy is within easy reach, only 140 km away over the Brenner Pass. Tunisia By car Lisbon A (= Autobahn / motorway) A 7 Ulm – Füssen B (= Bundesstraße / main road) B 309, B 310, B 16 and B 17 (Romantic Road from Würzburg to Füssen) Airports / Trains Munich Airport: München-Erding, about 100 miles (160 km), take S-Bahn (suburban railway) or bus to Central Station, then continue to Füssen by rail (hourly train connections). Stuttgart Airport: about 143 miles (230 km), S-Bahn to Central Station, hourly train connections to Füssen via Augsburg. Memmingen Airport: about 47 miles (75 km). Innsbruck Airport: about 62 miles (100 km). Note Reschenpass Publisher details St. Moritz/Meran The hotel and restaurant owners bear sole responsibility for the content and legality of the hotel and restaurant advertisements published here in relation to pictures and text as well as for any other descriptions or information provided. Published by: Füssen Tourismus and Marketing – Tourist Information Füssen, Erscheinungsbild Allgäu GmbH: 3K München, Concept / Design / Realisation: JUNG Agentur für Kommunikation und Werbung, Munich, Photography: Allgäu GmbH, Arthur F. Selbach / Bavarian Ministry of Trade, Infrastructure, Transportation and Technology, Munich / Andreas Bestle, Congress – Tourismus – Wirtschaft Würzburg / Petra Gasteiger, Hopfen am See / Andreas Hub / Helmut Kroiß, Füssen / Munich Tourist Office, A. Kupka / Hubert Riegger, Füssen / Rothenburg Tourismus Service / Günter Standl, Laufen Copy: Füssen Tourismus und Marketing Translation: CAT Translations, Cartography:, Gilching, Print: Holzer GmbH, Weiler im Allgäu, No section of this brochure may be reproduced or distributed without written consent of the publisher. This also applies to commercial reproduction, inclusion in electronic databases and reproduction on CD-ROM. All rights reserved. Subject to error and alteration. Last revised: 02/2014 27 Füssen The romantic soul of Bavaria See you in Füssen Bad Faulenbach Hopfen am See Weißensee KönigsCard – We’re ready! Füssen Tourismus und Marketing Tourist Information Hopfen am See Uferstraße 21 a 87629 Füssen Telefon +49 (0) 83 62/74 58 Telefax +49 (0) 83 62/3 99 78 German Alpine Road Tourist Information Füssen Kaiser-Maximilian-Platz 1 87629 Füssen Telefon +49 (0) 83 62/93 85-0 Telefax +49 (0) 83 62/93 85-20 Tourist Information Weißensee Seeweg 4 87629 Füssen Telefon +49 (0) 83 62/65 00 Telefax +49 (0) 83 62/3 92 65
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