GHTL Series Newsletter
GHTL Series Newsletter
GLOBAL HEALTH TRUE LEADERS SERIES Leading to A Better World INDOHUN National Coordinating Office: Kampus UI Baru Depok, Faculty of Public Health G Building 3rd Floor, Depok, West Java, Indonesia 16424 (+62)2191018778 (+62)81295951160 Leading to A Better World: The Global Health True Leaders Series A series of Global Health True Leaders (GHTL) training has been successfully conducted in four countries: Indonesia (January 17-26, 2014), Thailand (April 18-22, 2014), Vietnam (April 25-29, 2014) and China (May 5-9, 2014). Ninety-two students and eighty-nine young professionals from 10 countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Lao PDR, Cambodia, China, Nepal, and Myanmar participated in this prestigious event. They were the best of 269 submitted applicants come from several countries in Asia and Africa. The participants were A total of 181 participants to the Global Health True Leaders (GHTL) Series were carefully selected based on their academic records, previous experiences, honored awards as well as their potential as a future leader. (Photo credit: Global Health True Leaders Series, 2014) “I saw self-confident improvement of True Leaders participants after they exercised in the training. Congratulations.” —Prof. Wiku Adisasmito, Coordinator of Global Health True Leaders Series components including classroom training and site visit in the designed place. The empowerment of leadership skills are also implemented in Indonesia through the mental and leadership training at the military headquarters of RINDAM VII/ Wirabuana. across professions including graduate and These series of training was led by Prof. postgraduate students, medical doctors, Wiku veterinarians, Indonesia. The trainers for the 3-4 day NGO’s staff, lecturers, Adisasmito from Universitas researchers, associate professor, managers, classroom government officer, young public health international trainer involving Mr. Marc practitioners, Baril etc. The events were exercises from consisted Stelerix of Strategic sponsored by IDRC Canada while GHTL Management Inc. in collaboration with in Indonesia also sponsored by USAID- 12 national trainers in each countries, RESPOND and the Indonesia National including Universitas Indonesia, Bogor Armed Force. It had 2 major Agricultural Indonesia GHTL, 17-‐26 January 2014 China GHTL, 5-‐9 May 2014 Thailand GHTL, 18-‐22 April 2014 Vietnam GHTL, 25-‐29 April 2014 University, Mahidol University, A young Indonesian True Leader exercised his confidence & professionalism to give a press release about disease outbreak. (Indonesia GHTL, 17-26 January 2014 Hanoi School of Public Health, Thailand One Health University Network (THOHUN) Kunming Medical and University. Ms. Margaret Morehouse from EPT-RESPOND was also invited as the global trainer during the GHTL in Indonesia. The trainers delivered lectures, facilitated role plays and games and administered table top exercises to facilitate learning on the following topics: (1) Ecohealth & System Concept, (2) Global Issues and Challenges, (3) Culture, Beliefs, Values, Ethics, (4) Life In his welcome address, Prof. Wiku conducted at 3 villages in Gowa. Values for True Leaders, (5) Adisasmito said that he organized The site visit in Koh Chang, Public the event with the thought of Thailand Morality, (6) Behavior Change, developing a cadre of participants (7) Social Communication, (8) practitioners who are able to act Ecohealth Public and locally and think globally. He said unhygienic Infectious that he saw the need for this type public health services in Koh (10) of activity when he noticed that Chang Hospital, learning the Agriculture and Health, (11) top graduates only showed high surveillance program in Malaria Disease Prevention and Control, GPA, but still lacked the ability to Clinic Koh Chang. In Vietnam, (12) Advancing Network and contribute to national and regional the Partnership (13) How to Develop priorities. Ecohealth Leaders: Speaking Presentation, Disease Ethic (9) Management, and a Winning Proposals. The classroom exercise health were followed by a site visit activities in the designed place to observe the Ecohealth problem in community level. A community outreach at Gowa District in South Sulawesi was conducted in Indonesia. The community outreach allowed the participants to apply the concepts Participants in Thailand were smiling showing their certificates, they had a great time during the training. (Thailand GHTL, 18-22 April) 2014) that they learned from classroom activities to the medical check-ups, livestock supplementation community seminars they and allowed to the observe problem arose migrant participants the in villages, visited research the site in Vietnam. The participants were being given observe the the chance biogas to system implementation in the small-scale pig farm and integrated farming in Ha Nam province. In China, the selected YuanMou site County visit was where participants learned about the health facility at township and village level as well as the pesticide usage in the plantation farms and its potential environmental health effects. After following several days of intense training and field practice, participants believe that their communication skills were improved, their ability in developing proposals were sharpened and their leadership skills being enriched with the true leaders values. During the program, participants with different backgrounds were sharing knowledge and experience, learning other profession’s system concept and empowering partnership multidisciplinary and multi-cultures. Liu Maoling, a A student gave a mini-lecture on health issues at the medical check-up organized by the military and the local health office of Gowa District, South Sulawesi for 286 residents. (Indonesia GHTL, 17-26 January 2014) Chinese participant said that it was the first time for her to speak in front of the public and she got the chance to train her ability. The GHTL network platform has been already built in form of twitter, facebook, mailing list, and Instagram. The GHTL alumni can spread information and build partnership through the platform. The Indonesian participants opened a discussion group on Twitter for Global Health True Leaders (#GHTL). An Indonesian student participant, Riris Dwi, tweeted that he had lots of Marc Baril facilitated a role play on handling press conferences for outbreaks of diseases. The participants found this activity interesting because it allowed them to test their ability to be calm, poised and collected when grilled by the media. (China GHTL, 5-9 May 2014) hope for the Global Health True Leaders and encouraged his co-participants to make the call for being a true leader come true. Yunus Kuntawi Aji, a participant who works as a medical doctor at Dompu regency, one of isolated areas in Indonesia, said "Global Health True Leaders program taught me a lot about things needed to become a leader in health sector. I learned about teamwork, public speaking, Participants were enjoying the Marshmallow games to exercise their ability on networking and teamwork in Vietnam. (Vietnam GHTL, 25-29 April 2014) leadership, as well as the concept of one health during the program. Being one of its participants was one of the best experiences in my life. The program gave me opportunity to meet such smart, talented, and inspiring people from Southeast Asia. I believe in the near future, the alumni will work together across professions and across nations to solve many health problems." GHTL video can be accessed by clicking the link below Dr. Arlyne Beeche of IDRC explained about IDRC program and their concern on Ecohealth FBLI projects. (China GHTL, 5-9 May 2014) INDOHUN National Coordinating Office Kampus UI Baru Depok, Faculty of Public Health G Building 3rd Floor, Depok, West Java, Indonesia 16424 (+62)2191018778 (+62)81295951160