Outbound student mobility to Indonesia and the New Colombo Plan


Outbound student mobility to Indonesia and the New Colombo Plan
Outbound student mobility to Indonesia and
the New Colombo Plan:
Lessons learnt from ACICIS
Ms Elena Williams, MA
ACICIS Resident Director
What is The Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’
Indonesian Studies (ACICIS)?
Non-profit consortium established in 1994 to enable students to
undertake credited study at Indonesian universities
We have 22 Australian and 2 international university members
We organise semester-long, short course and study tour programs at
Indonesian universities, allowing students to receive credit towards
their home degrees
Since 1995, over 2,000 students have studied through ACICIS
ACICIS member universities
7 Indonesian university partners:
›  Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Universitas Sanata Dharma (USD), and
Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) in Yogyakarta;
›  Universitas Parahyangan (UNPAR) in Bandung;
›  Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya in Jakarta;
›  Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) in Malang;
›  and Institute Pertanian Bogor (IPB) in Bogor.
Work through International Offices and faculty-level mobility offices,
plus language and cultural learning centres.
Semester-long courses:
Short courses:
›  Flexible Language Immersion
›  Development Studies Practicum*
›  East Java Field Studies*
›  Journalism Professional Practicum*
›  West Java Field Studies*
›  Business Professional Practicum*
›  Indonesian Business, Law and
›  Creative Arts & Design Professional
Practicum (January 2017)
›  International Relations*
›  Teaching Immersion
›  Development Studies Immersion*
›  Agriculture Semester Program
(launching August 2016)
* Suitable for non-Indonesian language speakers
Study tours:
›  School tours
›  Educational tours
›  Public Health Study Tour
(December 2016)
ACICIS and the New Colombo Plan (NCP)
Since 2014 we have supported an additional
250 students to study and intern in Indonesia
on both semester and short-course programs,
through the mobility grant stream
Our total student numbers up by 35% for 2015
Helping students establish internship
placements: emphasis on vocational, hands-on
learning experiences
Connecting current and future professional
leaders in a range of sectors
Creating opportunities, opening the
door to Indonesia
The NCP has opened up new
opportunities for ACICIS programs
in ‘non-Indonesian Studies’ areas.
Around 60% of our NCP-supported
students are not studying an
Indonesian/ Southeast Asian/ Asian
Studies major and this is their first
time in Indonesia.
Through the NCP/ ACICIS they’re
able to ‘re-configure’ what Indonesia
means to them
From ACICIS students themselves re. NCP
›  ‘I wouldn’t have come to Indonesia otherwise’ (Flexible
Immersion semester student, Yogyakarta, June 2015)
›  ‘I had no idea Jakarta was so modern- it’s nothing like I
expected! Even though it’s busy, I feel really at home
here.’ (Business student, February, 2015)
›  ‘I couldn’t even say “terima kasih” six months ago, and now I
want to keep learning Indonesian back in Melbourne.’ (Intl
Relations student, Bandung, July, 2015)
›  ‘After doing this semester, I know that Indonesia will be a part
of my career plan’ (Development Studies student, Yogyakarta,
June, 2015)
Academic vs. vocational experience: the results?
In-depth knowledge of politics, business and society in Indonesia,
learning that from an Indonesian perspective through the workplace
Students who know and understand the Indonesian professional sector
will make better informed future leaders in our region
Mutual respect: really getting to know their peers, colleagues and
Cultural and linguistic skill sets that other business professionals don’t
Moving forward?
Growing our programs through the 2016 – 2017
NCP funding rounds: Agriculture, Creative Arts &
Design, Public Health. Potential for new partner
universities in Creative Arts and Public Health.
Continue to work with the NCP to promote the
initiative in Indonesia and among our member
universities/ students in Australia.
Through ACICIS/ NCP alumni, work to create
pathways for recent graduates who really
understand the context: internship programs,
mentorships, graduate recruitment.
For further information, please visit:
Or contact us via:
Elena Williams:
ACICIS Secretariat:
@elewilliams/ @ACICIS

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