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Masters of Sheet Metal | Magazine for Sheet Metal Processors
As is seen in Istanbul, tradition and the modern world are often close neighbors in Turkey. The unique location between Europe and Asia
makes the country an important trading partner.
In the fast Lane
Turkey — the bridge between Europe and Asia — is one of the
most important export markets for the mechanical
engineering industry. Being used there are extremely modern
machine tools, especially in the rapidly growing sector of
manufacturing automobiles and working vehicles.
Vehicle construction in Turkey is a relatively new branch of industry.
Beginning in the 1960s, local vendors came into being and, as of the mid1980s, multinational companies penetrated the market. The motor vehicles
industry, initially anchored in the Bursa region, profited from a high level of
direct foreign investment. Many of the privately owned Turkish production
companies became subsidiaries of international car corporations or
developed into Tier 1 suppliers.
In the wake of this success, the working vehicles industry had an easy start.
Today, Turkey is Europe’s largest producer of utility vehicles and busses.
Vehicle manufacturing in Turkey is concentrated in the meantime not only
in Bursa but also in Istanbul, Izmir, Izmit and Adapazi and has sacrificed
nothing of its dynamics. Major investments in the most modern
manufacturing systems are characteristic of Turkish vehicle production. The
German mechanical engineering industry also profits from this. In the year
2013 alone, it exported to Turkey merchandise valued at about 3.5 billion
euros. Thus the country holds the 15th position among the industry’s most
important export markets. Four examples offer a glance into the world of
sheet metal on the Bosporus.
On site
At the close of September 2014
TRUMPF founded its own
subsidiary in Turkey. This was
done by taking over 80 percent
of the shares in the company
KOZ Makina Sanayive Dis¸
Ticaret A. Ş.The firm, located in
Istanbul, employs a staff of about
40 and in the past was the
authorized dealer for TRUMPF
lasers and machine tools in
The 77.3 million residents of
Turkey live on an area of 783,562
square kilometers. The GDP in
2013 came to 820 billion USD.
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Masters of Sheet Metal | Magazine for Sheet Metal Processors
Positive Cutting
Reliable processes are indispensable for Beyçelik Gestamp A. Ş., a
manufacturer of vehicle parts, located in Bursa. This enterprise, founded in
1978 by Falk Çelik, began as a job shop in 1983 for the automotive industry.
In 2007 the Spanish Gestamp Automociòn Group purchased half of the
shares. Beyçelik Gestamp employs a staff of 2,200 and delivers metal parts
to renowned companies like Ford and Toyota. During three shifts, six days a
week, batch sizes between 100 and 1,000 pieces leave the line. When it
comes to laser cutting systems, Beyçelik Gestamp swears on machines built
by TRUMPF. A 5-axis TLC 1005 laser cell and fi ve TruLaser 8030 Cell models
are already in place in manufacturing operations, and two additional
TruLaser Cell 8030 machines are to follow in the course of this year.
“We took a close look
at the specifications of
a variety of machines
in advance. Process
reliability, cutting
speed and quality,
along with the short
set-up times featured
by TRUMPF machines
were thoroughly
convincing,” explains Kutlu Şahin, vice president at Beyçelik Gestamp. All
the machines are equipped with an automatic loading and unloading
system. “Our customers expect us to deliver not only the best quality, but a
good cost-benefi t ratio. To make sure this happens, we constantly work on
improving our processes,” says Şahin.
Everything automotive
Beyçelik Gestamp A.S¸ ., Bursa,
Foundes 1978. 2.200 employees.
Supplier of sheet metal
components to the automotive
5 x TruLaser Cell 8030, TLC 1005
Kutlu Şahin, deputy director
general at Beyçelik Gestamp,
focuses on the optimization of
processes. That is why, in his
three-shift operations, he
depends on machines built by
Large units made up quickly
Founded in 1965, the Koluman Holding is the largest Mercedes-Benz dealer
in Turkey. Now a part of Koluman Holding is Koluman Otomotiv Endüstri A.
Ş., located in Yenice, in the Mersin Province. The company, which was
founded in 1999, produces trailers and superstructures. Its high-volume
production includes articulated trailers, tankers, dumpers, concrete pumps
and runway and road sweepers. With 450 employees, the company
generated revenue of 30 million euros last year. Processed in two- and
three-shift operations are steel, stainless steel and aluminum, in
thicknesses of from 2 to 15 millimeters.
“The CNC cutting
processes are the
most difficult work in
our production
operations and that is
why we focus on the
best possible cutting
results and
processes,” reports
Hakan Yaman, deputy general manager at Koluman Otomotiv Endüstri A. Ş.
Heavy movers
Koluman Otomotiv Endüstri A.S¸
., Yenice, Mersin, Turkey,
Koluman Group. Founded 1999.
450 employees.
Production of truck trailers and
superstructures, along with semitrailers, tankers, dumpers,
runway and road sweepers, and
TruLaser 3060, TruLaser 5060
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Masters of Sheet Metal | Magazine for Sheet Metal Processors
To achieve this, he uses a TruLaser 3060 and a TruLaser 5060, both made
by TRUMPF. This machines are distinguished by a working range of 6,000 ×
2,000 millimeters. “In addition to the cutting velocity, the machines’
capacity to cut a variety of materials was a primary reason for our selecting
them,” Yaman explains. Over the long term, the company wants to
establish itself as a global brand and, to achieve this, will continue to invest
in the production site. Expanding the manufacturing facilities, taking lean
production into account, is being planned for the upcoming years.
High-speed bending
Yarış Kabin, located in Balikesir, was founded in 1976 by three brothers:
Hüseyin, Hasan and Nazmi Yarış. This company’s specialty is manufacturing
cabs for agricultural and earthmoving machines. With revenues of 115
million euros last year, it is among the market leaders in this sector. The
company employs about 1,000 workers, in two plants, with total floor area
of 300,000 square meters and 70,000 square meters of production space.
For executive Nazmi Yarış, the daring to undertake even major investments
is one key to his company’s success.
When taking up
automated bending,
Yarış Kabin decided on
a TruBend Cell 5000
as well as the highspeed bending cell,
the TruBend Cell
7000. “With these
machines we were
able to slash by 60
percent the time needed for bending. In addition, we need fewer operators
and automation guarantees the best part quality,” explains Ömer Arabacı,
metal processing manager at Yarış Kabin. He adds: “Our aim is to supply
the highest-quality products at minimum cost, even to the most demanding
customers. That is possible only with the most modern technology.”
Great flexibility in processing a
variety of different materials was
the deciding factor for Hakan
Yaman, deputy general manager
at Koluman Otomotiv Endüstri A.
Ş., when he purchased a TruLaser
3060 and a TruLaser 5060.
Specialists for cabs
Yarıs¸ Kabin, Balıkesir, Turky.
Founded 1976. 1.000 employees.
Manufacturer of cabs for
agricultural and earthmoving
TruBend Cell 5000, TruBend Cell
As a
result of
nt in
Reliable manufacturing
Mercedes-Benz Türk A. Ş., with an investment volume of 885 million euros,
is one of Turkey’s largest direct investors. It has been on hand in this
country since 1976 — at that time operating under the “Otomarsan” name.
Located at the Hosdere site, in Istanbul Province, is one of the world’s most
modern bus production facilities. Also to be found there is the MercedesBenz Türk R&D Center, a development complex for buses and trucks and
one of the most important in the globe-spanning R&D network.
Ömer Arabacı, metal processing
manager at Yarış Kabin, was able
to reduce the time needed for
bending by 60 percent.
Powerful busses
Mercedes-Benz Türk A.S¸ .,
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Masters of Sheet Metal | Magazine for Sheet Metal Processors
In production at
Hosdere since 1995
are the Conecto public
transit bus and the
Travego, Tourismo,
Intouro and Setra UL
Business overland bus
models. The company
is the largest bus
exporter to Western
Europe. Eighty percent of production output is destined for export.
Hosedere Plant, Istanbul, Turkey.
To make about 12,000 parts, of which 4,500 go directly to the assembly
lines, the firm works steel between 0.75 and 15 millimeters in thickness,
aluminum and stainless steel from one to two millimeters, and galvanized
sheet metal at gauges of 0.75 to two millimeters. Lot sizes of from 20 to
1,200 items are turned out in two shift s. In the search for a precise and
efficient punching machine, Mercedes-Benz Türk as early as 1992 chose a
TRUMATIC 260 ROTATION machine and, since then, has continuously
expanded the number of TRUMPF machines in this plant. “We boost our
production capacities every year and, as a result, our inventory of TRUMPF
machines continues to expand,” says Nusret Kanat, technical service bus at
Mercedes-Benz Türk in Instabul. In addition to seven 2D laser cutting
machines, there are two TRUMATIC 500 ROTATION units along with two
TruPunch 5000 machines in service. An additional TruPunch 5000 is slated
to be purchased this year. “Only by drawing on the best technology
available we can manufacture dependable products. We also require
efficient machines, so that we can deliver at favorable prices,” Kanat
2 x TruLaser 3030, TruLaser 3030
Founded 1995. 3.300 employees.
Produktion des Citybusses
Conecto sowie der Modelle
Travego, Tourismo, Intouro und
Setra UL Business
fiber, TruLaser 5030, 3 x TruLaser
3530, 2 x TRUMATIC 500
ROTATION, 2 x TruPunch 5000
Türk A. Ş.
is the
of buses
Europe. The rise of production
capacities parallels the climb in
the inventory of TRUMPF
machines. “Only with the best
technology can dependable
products be manufactured,” says
Nusret Kanat, technical service
Any questions?
Contact us:
bus at Mercedes-Benz Türk in
This article was first published in autum 2015.
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