2016 ABC CBME SEA prospectus
2016 ABC CBME SEA prospectus
E X H I B I TO R P R O S P E C T U S TM + C H I L D R E N - B A B Y- M AT E R N I T Y E X P O SOUTH EAST ASIA CBME SOUTH EAST ASIA 2016 SUNTEC SINGAPORE CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTER SINGAPORE SOUTH EAST ASIA TM C H I L D R E N - B A B Y- M AT E R N I T Y E X P O • APRIL 13 - 15, 2016 G R OW YO U R B U S I N E S S ... Be part of ABC Kids’ Pavilion at CBME South East Asia 2016 2015 SHOW PROFILE CBME SEA provides an ideal platform for international manufacturers and suppliers to access the children, baby and maternity markets in South East Asia, as well as showcase their products and services at the only children, baby and maternity trade exhibition in South East Asia. of exhibit space South East Asia has an average birth rate of 19 for every 1000; this accounts to more than 175 million children under the age of 14 within the South East Asia region. In addition, the top six markets in the region, namely Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam have a GDP purchasing power of 3.5 trillion USD, contributing a large dominance to the market shares and growth in the juvenile industry. 75 exhibitors 1,171 visitors from 3,000 square meters Over 100 global brands 24 countries Join us for the second edition in ABC’s newest North American Pavilion! Space is limited, don’t delay! Reserve Your Space Today! ABC Kids Expo (USA) + CBME (South East Asia) Contact: Taylor Hamman (210) 691-4848 Ext. 116 • E-Mail: taylor@theabcshow.com • www.theabcshow.com E X H I B I TO R P R O S P E C T U S • Page 2 CBME SOUTH EAST ASIA 2016 • APRIL 13 - 15, 2016 CBME South East Asia 2016 North American Pavilion EXHIBITOR INFORMATION Specifications: ABC’s North American Pavilion will be comprised of shell scheme stands. Each “turnkey” exhibit space includes: • HARD WALL (SHELL) • INFORMATION DESK • WASTE PAPER BASKET • CARPET • CHAIRS • COMPANY FASCIA • POWER OUTLET • LOCKABLE CUPBOARD Multiple stands are possible and based on availability. For pricing, please contact Taylor Hamman. ABC Kids Expo (USA) + CBME (South East Asia) Contact: Taylor Hamman (210) 691-4848 Ext. 116 • E-Mail: taylor@theabcshow.com • www.theabcshow.com