Louisville - ABC Kids Expo
Louisville - ABC Kids Expo
The New Place to Be in 2011 ABC Kids Expo® September 23-26, 2011 • Louisville, KY The premier juvenile products show in the world is moving to Louisville. Meet with international buyers, suppliers and media against the backdrop of this vibrant city on the banks of the scenic Ohio river. 9th Annual ABC Kids Expo ® Kentucky Exposition Center The Premier Juvenile Products Show in the World Why ? e l l i v s i Lou Why Not! • N ew e s t , m o s t i n no va tive p rodu c t s a v a i l a b le • More t h a n 9 0 0 e xhib ito rs • N ea r l y 1 m i l l i o n sq ua re f eet of e x h i b i t s p a c e • Them e d p ro d u c t sho wca se a rea s ALL THE PRODUCTS. ALL THE PEOPLE. ALL IN ONE PLACE. • P ri v a t e i n d u s t r y event cl ose d t o t h e p u b lic Call the ABC Hotline: (210) 691-4848 If your company name begins with: 0-9 and A-K Contact: Jonathan Walton Ext. 101 jonathan@theabcshow.com L-Z Contact: David Rice - Ext. 112 david@theabcshow.com Sept. 23-26, 2011 Kentucky Exposition Center Louisville, KY ABC Kids Expo® ABC Hotline: (210) 691-4848 • Fax: (210) 691-4849 Email: info@theabcshow.com • Web: www.theabcshow.com 9th Annual ABC Kids Expo ® Kentucky Exposition Center Top Ten Reasons to come to Louisville ... ➊ tI ’s All Here! Lo u i s v i lle i s no t La s Vega s Although scheduling conflicts brought us here, Las Vegas can’t compete with this venue, with all exhibits on one level and a massive arena to accommodate our biggest reception and concert ever. ➋ Lo u i s v i lle i s c entra lly lo c a ted ➏ It is consistently ranked as one of the most affordable tradeshow destinations in the United States. ➍ o uisville is L a c c o mmo da ting It has over 100 hotels and 17,000+ rooms to fit every taste and budget, including two of the nation’s finest historic hotels and one dedicated to 21st century contemporary art. ➎ Photo by David Modica o uisville is L t he ga tew a y to Bo urbo n Co untry People here know how to raise their spirits along the city’s own Urban Bourbon Trail. Add a day or two to your trip to explore the actual Bourbon Trail starting just a few miles away. ou is ville L kn ows h ow to party From dives to trendy cocktail bars, you’ll find lots of nightlife with over 360 establishments—many of which are open from 6AM to 4AM. That’s 22 hours to chill out or let loose. There’s also a 24-hour casino within a half hour’s drive. o u i s v i lle i s ea sy L on y o ur wa llet Over 100 Hotels ➑ Fourth Street It is within a day’s drive of half of the U.S. population. Louisville International Airport, just across the street from the Kentucky Expo Center, can be reached from many major cities via direct or one-stop flights. ➌ Event photos courtesy of www.gotolouisville.com. Photo by Dan Dry ➐ ou is ville is a L gre at place to e at Dining & Gathering oui s v i l l e i s L a n or i g i na l It’s home to the world’s largest bat, a boxing legend and the oldest operating river steamboat in existence. The “Belle” Steamboat Photo by James Moses ➒ oui s v i l l e offer s L l ot s t o s ee a nd d o The question here isn’t what to do, but what to do first. From enjoying world-class performing arts to exploring an “extreme” state park, there are plenty of ways to spend your free time. Waterfront Park Whether your taste runs from elegant ambiance to casual eateries, you won’t go hungry in what’s quickly becoming known as one of the country’s most exciting and innovative restaurant scenes. REGIS T ER T ODAY! ➓ Call the ABC Hotline at (210) 691-4848 or visit www.theabcshow.com Louisville is rolling out the red carpet for ABC Kids Expo to make sure you go home saying “I love Louisville” — and that won’t just be the bourbon talking! L oui s v i l l e i s ful l of s ur p r i s es