Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β)
Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β)
DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 Transforming Growth Factor-ȕ (TGF-ȕ) and Inflammation in Vascular (Type IV) Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Running title: Morissette et al.; TGF-ȕ in VEDS Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 Rachel Morissette, PhD1*; Florian Schoenhoff, MD2,3; Zhi Xu, PhD1; David A. Shilane, PhD4; D1; Jie Jie Zhu, Zhu, MS MS2, Justyna Juss Ju Benjamin F. Griswold, BS1; Wuyan Chen, PhD1; Jiandong Yang, PhD Commins, min ins, s, BA BA1, Jennifer Jenn Je n i E. Fert-Bober, PhD2; Leslie Sloper, RN1; Jason Lehman, MD1; Natalie Comm Van Ey Eyk, yk,, PhD2; Nazli B. M McDonnell, cD Donnell, M MD. D Ph D. PhD hD1 Laboratory t tory of Clinicall IInvestigation, nves nv esti es tiga ti g ti ga t on, N National a io at iona nall In na Inst Institute stit ittut u e on o A Aging; g ng gi ng;; 2Jo Johns John hnss Hopkins Bayview hn Bayvv mics Center, Department Dep epar arrtm t en entt off M Medicine, edic ed icin ic inee, JJohns in o ns H oh oppki kins ns University, Uni n veers rsit itty, y Baltimore, MD Proteomics Hopkins MD; 3 Department ment off Ca Cardiovascular ard rdio iova io vasc va scul sc u arr Surgery, ul Surge urrge gery ry ry, y, University Unniv i er erssit ityy Hospital Hoosp spit ital it al B Berne, erne er ne,, Sw ne Swit Switzerland; itze it zerl ze rlan rl andd; 4S an Stanford tanff University, Univ Un iver iv ersi sity si ty, Sc Scho School hool ho ol ooff Me Medi Medicine, dici di cine ci ne, St Stan Stanford, anfo ford fo rd, CA rd 1 Correspondence: Nazli McDonnell, MD, PhD National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health NIA Clinical Unit, 5th Floor 3001 S. Hanover Street Baltimore, MD 21225 Tel: (410)350-7370 Fax: (410)350-7308 E-mail: Journal Subject Codes: [97] Other vascular biology, [109] Clinical genetics 1 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 Abstract: Background - Vascular Ehlers Danlos syndrome (VEDS) causes reduced life expectancy due to arterial dissections/rupture and hollow organ rupture. Although the causative gene, COL3A1, was identified over 20 years ago, there has been limited progress in understanding the disease mechanisms or identifying treatments. Methods and Results - We studied inflammatory and transforming growth factor-ȕ7*)-ȕ signaling biomarkers in plasma and from dermal fibroblasts from patients with VEDS. Analyses were done in terms of clinical disease severity, genotype-phenotype correlations, and body Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 composition and fat deposition alterations. VEDS subjects had increased circulating g TGF-ȕ ȕ TGF-ȕ0&3-1, CRP, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and leptin and decreased IIL-8 versus L--8 ve L vers rsus rs us ccontrols. onttrol on trol ols. VEDS dermal fibroblasts secreted more TGF-ȕZKLOHGRZQVWUHDPcanonical/non-canonical anoniica cal/ l/no l/ nonno n ca ncano noni no nc TGF-ȕVLJQDOLQJZDVQRWGLIIHUHQW. COL3A1 skipping higher Q LQ QDOLQ QJ JZD ZDVV QR ZD Q W W GL G IIHUHQW. Patients with CO COL3 L A1 exon skipp pin ng mutations had hig g plasma ICAM-1 VEDS high AM-1 and VCAM-1, AM VCA CAMCA M-1, M1,, aand nd V E S pprobands ED rob obbandss had had d aabnormally bnnorma mall llyy hi ll igh h pplasma lasm smaa CR sm CRP P versus ver affected patients VEDS tients tie ent ntss identi identified tifi ti f ed d through thrrough h ffamily a il am ilyy members m m me mbbers prior prio or to any anyy disease diseaase manifestations. maniffes estattioonss. V VE E patients hadd higher mean pplatelet volumes, turnover ongoing late la telett vo volu lu umees, suggesting sug uggggeestin ingg increased in incr c ea ease s d platelet p attel pl elet et tur u nover due to on vascular damage, a ge,, as well as in amag iincreased creasedd regional regi giional truncall adiposity. addipo p siity ty. Conclusions These findings suggest VEDS major ns - Th Thes esee fi find ndin nd i gs in g su sugg ggestt th gges that at V EDS ED S is i a ssystemic y temi yste ys micc di mi ddisease seas se asee with with h a ma majo j r jor jo inflammatory component. CRP is linked to disease state and may be a disease activity marker. No changes in downstream TGF-ȕ signaling and increased platelet turnover suggest that chronic vascular damage may partially explain increased plasma TGF-ȕFinally, we found a novel role for dysregulated TGF-ȕ2, as well as adipocyte dysfunction as demonstrated through reduced IL8 and elevated leptin in VEDS. Key Words: aneurysm, extracellular matrix, biomarker, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, inflammation 2 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 Introduction Vascular Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (VEDS), formerly known as type IV EDS, leads to reduced life expectancy due to arterial dissections and rupture, as well as hollow organ rupture, with life threatening complications occurring as early as the second decade of life.1 Despite the identification of the causative gene, COL3A1, more than two decades ago2-4, there has been limited progress on understanding the disease mechanism beyond that of connective tissue weakness due to structural defects or reduced amounts of type III procollagen. The only human Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 treatment intervention trial to date was modestly beneficial to arterial complications utili utilizing liizi zn celiprRORODPL[HGȕ-DGUHQRFHSWRUDQWDJRQLVWDQGȕ-adrenoceptor or agoni agonist istt that thatt is is no nott n thee U nite ni tedd St tat ates.5 Though the drug mechanism mec echa ec h nism remains uunclear, nclear, a protective rrole available in United States. for transforming rminng growth fa rm facto factor-ȕ or--ȕ (TGF-ȕ) (T TGF-ȕ ȕ) ha hhas as bbeen eeen su sugg suggested. geste tedd.5 In te In a CO COL3A1 C OL33A1 haploinsufficiency hap a lo oin nsuuff ffic 6 d st del tud udy dy, ddoxycycline, oxycy cycl cy clline, ine a m atrix me at meta tall ta lloppro ll rotte tein inaas ase in ase inhi hibi hi bito bi t r, reduced to red educ uced uc ed d art rtter eria i l lesi ia llesions. esi mouse model study, matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor, arterial Whether this is will be applicable app pplicabl pp blle to other oth her mutations that tha h t disrupt d sruppt the di th he col collagen llag gen tripl triple p e helix is not no known, norr hha havee th the h res results llts t bbeen e validated alidated alid lidated d iin hhumans. mans The of COL3A1 gene product, procollagen III, is processed to form the mature collagen III homotrimer. The most common COL3A1 mutations in VEDS are missense resulting in the substitution of other amino acids for glycine located throughout the triple-helical domain, with the next most common being splice site mutations that lead to single exon skipping.1, 7 These mutation classes result in a dilated endoplasmic reticulum in skin fibroblasts, reduced type III procollagen secretion, elastic fiber abnormalities, and alterations in the size and distribution of the major collagen fibrils through a dominant negative mechanism.8 By contrast, haploinsufficiency "null" mutations that act via a protein deficiency mechanism result in a milder clinical phenotype with delayed vascular complication onset and absence of hollow organ 3 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 rupture.9, 10 Comparing these patient groups based on mutation type and disease severity by disease-related biomarkers can help to delineate the disease process resulting from abnormally structured type III collagen. With the emerging role of the TGF-ȕ pathway in genetically-mediated aneurysm syndromes such as Marfan syndrome (MFS),11-13 and the identification of multiple TGF-ȕUHODWHG genes that cause syndromes phenotypically overlapping with VEDS,14-16 we sought to study this pathway’s role in VEDS pathogenesis utilizing patient-derived fibroblast cell lines and plasma. Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 The three mammalian TGF-ȕLVRIRUPV7*)-ȕ7*)-ȕDQG7*)-ȕDUHNQRZQWRUHJXODWH DUHNQRZQWRUHJ HJ JXO X diverse biological processes and maintain tissue homeostasis; their functions nctions are dependent d pe de p nd ndeent en on the relative expression exp xpre xp ress re ssio ss i n off the io the h isoforms in vivo.17 In li llight g t of the catastrophic gh catastrrop ophic disease progres progression seen in some me ppatients, me atients,18 w wee qu quantified uantiifi fieed cir circulating i cu ir ulaating ng biomarkers bio omark rker rk ers invo er involved volved d inn vvascular ascuular in inflammation nflaamm 7 7*)-ȕ ȕ0 ȕ 0&3 3-1, 1, CR RP, P ICAM-1, ICA CA AM-1, VCAM-1) VCA CAM M-1)) and an nd their th hei eir i ro ole le iin n th tthee natural natu na natu turall hi hist isttor ory of o (TGF-ȕ7*)-ȕ0&3-1, CRP, role history VEDS. Since c access to vascul ce vascular lar ti tissue issue thr through h ough gh h cclinical liiniicall care iiss li limited, mited, i d, d dermal dermal fibroblasts have haa 19-21 19-21 been utilized ed d to study stt d features feat f t res off genetic etiic disorders dis de 19 which hich hi ch h wee used sed ed d tto st study d TG TGF TGF-ȕ Fȕ biomarkers. The pleiotropic phenotypes seen in the VEDS setting, such as alterations in body composition and fat deposition and related biomarker expression (IL-8, leptin, adiponectin); clinical disease severity; and genotype-phenotype analyses, were correlated to biomarker concentrations to identify disease markers and treatment targets. In addition to evidence of systemic inflammation, we found a novel role for dysregulated TGF-ȕ2, and adipocyte dysfunction as demonstrated through reduced IL-8 and elevated leptin in VEDS. Methods Study Subjects All study patients were enrolled in Protocol #2003-086, approved by the MedStar Health and the 4 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 National Institute on Aging Institutional Review Board, and provided informed consent. Age and gender-matched healthy controls were obtained from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA). Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (Dexa) studies on patients and BLSA controls were performed on a GE Lunar Prodigy Advance scanner. Control plasma and skin biopsy samples were obtained with informed consent at the NIA (#2003-086 and 2003-071). Additional deidentified human dermal fibroblasts from apparently healthy subjects with normal chromosomes and low passage were obtained from the Coriell repository ( All disease Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 complications occurred at least a year prior to sample collection and patients acutely atients were not ac cut u e ill. Genetic Mutation Analysis All VEDS sub included pathogenic COL3A1. ssubjects bje ject ctts in cts incl c udded e in this study have a pat atho at h genic mutationn confirmed ho confirmed in COL3A A Details are aavailable online-only Data Supplement. vailable in the he on nlin ine-oonly D in ata Sup pplem ment. t Fibroblast Celll Cu Culture ELISA Cult l ure andd EL lt LIS I A Assays As Dermal fibroblasts cultured skin biopsy. r roblasts were cul ltured d ffrom rom a 4 mm punch punch h ski k n bi ki ioppsyy. Culture Cullture conditions,, immunoblot online-only ot methods, methods ethhodds andd biomarker bio rkk ELISA ELI LISA SA methods ethhodds are aavailable ail ailable ilabl bl iinn th the he online nli lin onll Data Dat Supplement. COL3A1 Gene Silencing by Allele-Specific siRNA COL3A1 allele-specific gene silencing and protein knockdown in a VEDS patient fibroblast cell line with a glycine mutation [c.755G>T (G252V)] was performed as previously described.22 Details are available in the online-only Data Supplement. Experiments were done in triplicate. Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) and Clinical CRP Measurements Clinical testing for MPV and platelets (n = 35 VEDS, 74 controls) was done using a CLIAcertified, automatic blood counter (Sysmex XE-5000 Analyzer, Sysmex America, Inc., Lincolnshire, IL, USA) and clinical CRP was measured from SST tubes using a Dimension Vista 5 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 3000T analyzer (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) in the Harbor Hospital Clinical Lab, Baltimore, MD. Statistical Analysis Comparisons were made with the unpaired Student’s t-test to assess mean differences. All pvalues are two-WDLOHGDQGFRQVLGHUHGVLJQLILFDQWZKHQ'DWDDUHUHSUHVHQWHGDVPHDQ standard error of the mean (SEM). Due to the potential for correlations induced by related subjects, we also considered generalized estimating equations (GEE) with an exchangeable Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 correlation structure as an alternative method of comparison in assays that utilized related relateed subjects. The normality of the data was checked by constructing quantile-quantile tile-quanti tille (QQ) ti (QQ QQ)) pl plo plots of each samplee an and nd bi biom biomarker. omaarke om keer. r All statistical analysess w were ere done using M Microsoft icrosoft Excel 2010 and R 2.10.1. Results VEDS Clinical nic nic ical al Features Fea eatu ture ress In our clinical cohort of 41 VEDS subjects, 30 were female (73.2%) and 11 were male (26.8%). Cardiovascular medications taken at the time of biological sample collection are listed in Table 1. All patients were normotensive at the time of sample collection. IRB approval did not allow for cardiovascular medication removal prior to the study visit. Patients that suffered an arterial or bowel event leading to a VEDS diagnosis are indicated in Table 1. Two patients (Patients 8, 34) with exon skipping mutations were identified as VEDS through severe bruising before suffering an artery or bowel rupture. Thirteen patients were identified as VEDS through family members prior to any manifestations themselves, which we termed Identified Through Family History (ITFH); familial relationships in the cohort are indicated (Table 1). 6 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 Genetic Analysis Pathogenic mutations in COL3A1 included 19 patients with a glycine substitution in the collagen triple helix (gly),26 10 patients with a splice site mutation resulting in exon skipping (ES),27 8 patients with a null mutation resulting in haploinsufficiency (null),10 2 patients with a small insertion/deletion (indel), 1 patient with a large deletion (del), and 1 patient with a missense mutation resulting in a Pro-Ser change (Table 1). Mutations were submitted to the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Variant Database ( Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 The missense mutation resulting in a proline to serine substitution ion in COL3A1 w was as nnot reported as a SNP in the 1000 Genomes ( g) or iinn more tthan h n 66,500 ha ,5 Exom Ex omee Variant om Vaari riant Serverr ( s wa EVS V ). In silico analysiss exomes on thee Exome ( N, h; ttp://proveean.jcv cv vi.orrg; SI IFT,, h; ttp p:///sifft..jcvi vi.o vi .oorg; P ollyPhhen-2 -22, (PROVEAN, SIFT, PolyPhen-2, bwhh.ha bw harvvar ardd.ed ed du/ u/pp /pp pph2 h2)) id h2 identi tifi ti fied fi ed tthis hiss m hi uta tati ta tion ti on as pathogenic. path path pa t og ogenic ic. Several ic S veera Se rall off tthese the h he identified mutation h been pr ppreviously eviously ly ide d ntif ifiedd iinn other if oth her studies, studi dies,, as indicated di inddicated d iin n Table Table 1. mutations have identified TGF TG F ȕ & W NL G6 WLL I ' O )L )LEE EEOO W Circulating TGF-ȕ&\WRNLQHVDQG6HFUHWLRQIURP'HUPDO)LEUREODVWV We analyzed plasma samples from 35 VEDS subjects and 74 age-, sex-, and BMI-matched controls, matching at least 1:2. Circulating TGF-ȕwas significantly higher in VEDS subjects versus controls (8.3 ± 1.1 vs. 2.5 ± 0.4 ng/mL, p < 0.0001). Similarly, VEDS subjects had significantly increased circulating total TGF-ȕLQSODVPDYVSJP/S < 0.0001) (Figure 1A). TGF-ȕZDVPHDVXUHGEXWDOOVDPSOHVZHUHEHORZWKHORZHUdetection limit. Total TGF-ȕDQG7*)-ȕVHFUHWLRQIURPLVRODWHGKXPDQVNLQILEUREODVWVZDVPHDVXUHG in a subset of the 33 subjects who provided biopsy samples and whose cell lines provided adequate in vitro cell growth, including 17 VEDS subjects (12 F/5 M, representing 7 gly, 3 ES, 3 7 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 null, and 4 other mutations) and 17 controls, which were chosen at random from the initial 74 by a blinded technician. TGF-ȕDQG-ȕVHFUHWLRQZDVQRWVLJQLILFDQWO\GLIIHUHQWEHWZHHQJURXSV (data not shown). However, secreted TGF-ȕZDVVLJQLILFDQWO\HOHYDWHGYV 0.8 pg/mL/mg protein, p < 0.0001) in VEDS subjects versus controls (Figure 1B). Though the secretion difference was only ~15%, the results were highly significant and recapitulated those from plasma. Plasma and in vitro secreted TGF-ȕOHYHOVZHUHSRVLWLYHO\FRUUHODWHGU = 0.53). Downstream TGF-ȕ%LRPDUNHUVLQ'HUPDO)LEUREODVWV Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 Downstream canonical TGF-ȕELRPDUNHUVWUHDWHGZLWK7*)-ȕ1 (pSmad2, ad2, pSmad1/5/8) pSmad1/5/8)) and and n untreated non-canonical (pERK1/2, p-p38 MAPK) markers were analyzed Western blot yzed d bby y We W stern t blo bl ot in the same subsett off dermal VEDS, controls). derma errma mall fibroblasts fibr brob br o lasts as above (n = 17 V E S, 17 controls ED ls). ls ) No significant differences (p were found these VEDS patients (Figure ( > 0.05) we eree fo ound und in the ese pproteins roteein ns between betwee eenn VE V DS pa DS atiiennts andd ccontrols ont ntrolls (F nt F 2A, B) when en nor normalized orrma mali lizedd to li to eeither ithher it he load loading ad din ing co controls ont ntro t ols or or to ttotal ota tall protein prot pr otei ot t in for for phosphorylated phosph ph h ph phoorylat atted d markers. m mark ark ar Additionally, TGF-ȕUHFHSWRU,DQG,,LQ ly, there were no qu ly qquantitative antiitatiive ddifferences iffferences between if between the h T G -ȕ GF ȕ UHFHSW S RU,DQG,,LQQ untreated VE The results TGF-ȕ1 VEDS DS and ndd control troll ffibroblasts ib bl ts (data (data not ot shown). sho ho n)) T he same res llts t seen with iith thh TG TGF F stimulation were found with TGF-ȕ2 stimulation (data not shown). To further investigate possible biomarkers, a human TGF-ȕ%03VLJQDOLQJSDWKZD\P51$DUUD\ZDVXVHGWRVFUHHQ genes of interest; qPCR was used to validate any potential gene hits. Upon validation, no pathway genes were found to differ between VEDS patients and healthy controls (see onlineonly Data Supplement). COL3A1 Allele-Specific siRNA Treatment To further confirm that a dominant negative COL3A1 mutation in VEDS was not affecting downstream TGF-ȕVLJQDOLQJZHXVHGDOOHOH-specific siRNA knockdown in fibroblasts from a VEDS patient with a c.755G>T (G252V) mutation in COL3A1 as previously described.22 This 8 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 knockdown essentially converted a Gly-type COL3A1 mutation to a haploinsufficient mutation, allowing us to study the presence of abnormally structured collagen fibrils versus qualitative deficiency of type III collagen influence on TGF-ȕ downstream signaling. Figure 3A shows that COL3A1 mRNA and protein were knocked down compared to randomized siRNA. The TGF-ȕ biomarkers were again tested by Western blot and showed no differences between the VEDS sample with the mutant allele knocked down and the same sample with the Gly mutation intact (Figure 3B). Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 Inflammatory Biomarkers and Adipokines in EDTA-Plasma VEDS plasma concentrations of MCP-1, CRP, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1, 1, andd lleptin epti tin weree aall ti ll significantly elevated, while y el elev evat ev ated at ted e , wh whil ile IL-8 was significantly il y ddecreased ecreased versus aagege- and sex-matchedd controls (p = 00.001, .001, p = 0.046, 0.00466, p = 0.0004, 0 00004 0. 0 , p = 0.0006, 0.00006 06, p = 0.006, 0.006, p < 0.0001, 0.000 0001, respectively, res e peectivel elly, Figure 4A-F). Plasma were confirmed using clinical - P -F). lasm la asm sma CRP CRP concentrations conc co ncentr trat tr ati at tions io w eree co onffir irme medd us usi ingg a cl linic ini all iimmunoassay mmun unoa oass ssay ay and a they were high correlated with the multiplex hhighly g ly y and ppositively ositiivelly corr ellated d wi ith th he mul ltip i lex CR CRP P assayy (r ( = 0.93). 0.93)). TNF-Į TNF-Į SAA, and adiponectin significantly di ctiin were ere nott si significantl i if ifiic tll different diff di ff t bbetween bet et een groups gro ps according rdi din to an M MSD SD multiplex assay (data not shown). IL-8 secretion by ELISA was not significantly different, and IL-8 receptor I (CXCR1) was not detectible in fibroblasts by Western blot or qPCR. IL-2, IL-6, GM-CSF, IFN-Ȗ,/-10, IL-12, and IL-1ȕZHUHDVVD\HGLQ9('6DQGFRQWUROVDPSOHVEXWZHUH below the standard curve limits according to an MSD multiplex assay (data not shown). Circulating biomarkers in VEDS were compared to a cohort of MFS patients (n = 20). CRP and SAA were different between groups, with CRP significantly elevated (p = 0.046) in VEDS but not MFS (p = 0.075) and SAA significantly elevated in MFS (p = 0.037) but not in VEDS (0.074) (see online-only Data Supplement Table 1). Since haploinsufficient VEDS patients reportedly have a milder phenotype and later 9 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 onset of complications,9, 10 all biomarkers (TGF-ȕ7*)-ȕ0&3-1, CRP, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, IL-8, and leptin) were correlated to the individual mutation type and patient clinical history (i.e. probands versus ITFH). ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 were significantly higher in the ES group versus the gly group (p = 0.05 and p = 0.006, respectively) and the null group (p = 0.02 and p = 0.01, respectively) (Figure 5A). CRP was significantly higher in patients identified as probands versus ITFH (p = 0.01) (Figure 5B). ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 also showed a similar trend to CRP with increases in the probands versus the ITFH group, but results were not statistically significant (p > Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 0.05). None of the other biomarkers studied showed a significant difference rence between grou groups, oupp ou indicating that, with the exception of CRP, disease severity or complications cations were not ffactors. actto ac To deter determine ermi er mine mi ne iiff medications me taken by the VEDS VED EDS patients at th the he time of sample colle collection affected thee ccirculating irrculating and nd secreted seecrreteed biom biomarkers, omaark arkerss, their theeirr concentrations co onccen e traations at were werre analyzed anal alyz al yzeed as ab yz above. abo bo Specifically, y only y, ly ym medications ediccati attions ions with known knnown cardiovascular car ardi diov di ovas ascu culaar ef effe effects fectss were fe were cconsidered, we onsi side si dered, de d iincluding: nclu nc l dinn lu beta-blockers ers (BB, ( B,, n = 16) (B 16), 6)), stati statins ins (ST, (ST, n = 7), 7), ) and andd aspirin asppirin (ASA, (AS ASA, A, n = 66), )),, whi while h le ang hi angiotensin giotensin receptor blockers oockers ck k (A (ARB (ARB, RB n = 4) 4), angiotensin angiotensin-converting giot i sii con erting tii en enzyme me iinhibitors nhi hibi bito ((ACE1 (ACE1, ACE1 AC E1 n = 3) 3), aand calcium channel blockers (CCB, n = 3) were not included due to insufficient sample size. Eighteen patients were on none of these medications. For the remaining individual groups, the levels of TGF-ȕ7*)-ȕ0&3-1, CRP, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, IL-8, and leptin remained significantly higher (or lower for IL-8) in the VEDS/BB group versus controls (p 0.05, same trend as entire VEDS cohort, regardless of drug intervention or not, in Figures 1, 4). For VEDS patients on ST, only plasma TGF-ȕ2 and IL-8 remained significantly higher and lower, respectively, than controls (p 0.05). For VEDS patients using ASA, plasma TGF-ȕ2, MCP-1, and IL-8 remained significantly higher and lower (IL-8), respectively, than controls (p 0.05). Patients that suffered a previous event taking the above medications had significantly elevated 10 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 IL-8 in circulation (p = 0.007) versus patients without a previous event taking the above medications. VEDS Body Composition Analysis Dexa scans that include body composition data28 were available in a subset of VEDS patients (n = 20; 13/20 probands; 7/20 ITFH; 9 gly; 4 ES; 4 null; 3 other mutation) who were found to have an altered body fat distribution versus age-, sex-, and BMI-matched controls (n = 17) (nominal values in online-only Data Supplement Table 2). The BMI and total body fat mass was not Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 significantly different (p > 0.05); however, truncal fat was significantly y increased in VE VEDS EDS D versus controls (p < 0.001). The leg fat/total fat ratio was significantlyy decreased d in i VEDS VED EDS S (p < ile the the trun ttrunk tr run unkk fa at/ t/total fat ratio was significantly signiffic ican ntly increased in nV EDS (p < 0.001) vversus 0.001), while fat/total VEDS igure ig gur 6). We ffound oundd a w e k, ppositive ea osiitiive correlation correl elatio ionn between io betw be weeen TG GF-ȕ ȕ1 and an nd tr runk fat ffaat ((r = controls (Figure weak, TGF-ȕ1 trunk t tients s that th hat a suffered sufffe f re redd an event ntt and a w e k, nnegative ea egattiv eg ive v co correl elat atio tio i n between b tw be twee een TGF-ȕ1 ee TG GF-ȕ ȕ1 and an n 0.16) in patients weak, correlation ppatients tients th hat did d d not suffer di sufff ffer an event. trunk fat (r = -0.22)) in pa that l tV l (MP MPV) V) Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) The mean platelet volume (MPV), a platelet turnover indicator, was significantly elevated in VEDS versus healthy controls (p = 0.0007), although there were no significant differences in the absolute platelet counts (p > 0.05, Figure 7). MPV remained significantly elevated in the proband (p = 0.02) and ITFH (p = 0.01) subgroups versus controls. Discussion TGF-ȕ signaling pathway abnormalities have been implicated in several connective tissue dysplasias with some overlapping, but also distinct, phenotypes. In VEDS the aneurysms and dissections usually occur in the medium sized arteries rather than the aortic root,1 and there is no evidence of long bone overgrowth seen in MFS, where mutations in FBN1 lead to increased 11 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 circulating TGF-ȕ29 and intracellular TGF-ȕVLJQDOLQJ12, 13 In Loeys Dietz syndrome (LDS), mutations in TGFBR1, TGFBR2, TGFB2, and SMAD3 may result in vascular, obstetric, and skin abnormalities similar to VEDS;14-16, 30, 31 however, features such as bifid uvula, hypertelorism, and craniosynostosis are not found in VEDS. TGF-ȕGHILFLHQF\LVNQRZQWR cause developmental defects involving the heart, lung, limb, spinal column, and craniofacial systems in animal models and inactivating mutations in TGFB2 lead to familial thoracic aortic aneurysm with paradoxically elevated TGF-ȕLQWLVVXH15, 32, 33 Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 We found that pro-inflammatory markers TGF-ȕ7*)-ȕ0&3-1, 0&3-1, CRP, ICAM-1, ICAMM-1 and MVCAM-1 were elevated and IL-8 was decreased in circulation in VEDS subjects DS subj bjects bj t versuss ccontrols. on No differences ncess w were eree fo er foun found nd between probands and V VEDS E S patients whoo were ED were identified through throu relatives and who TGF-ȕDQG-ȕ nd w nd ho had no ccomplications om mpl plicat a ions tthemselves, at hem he msellves, indicating inndic icat ic attin i g that th hat elevated ellevate tedd TG te GF-ȕ ȕ DQG QGG-ȕ ȕ may correlate ate to o having hav aviing the the di dise disease, seas a e, bbut ut not necessarily neces e saariily ly to to disease dise di dise seasee seve sseverity se everi rity i oorr aactivity. ctivi viity. ty MP M MPV MPV, PV a platelet turnover n nover indicator,, was sig significantly i nifi ig ifiicantly ly iincreased ncreased d iin n VE VEDS. EDS S. TG TGF-ȕLVNQRZQWREH GF-ȕ ȕ LVNNQRZQWREH abundant in n plat platelets platelets, l elets l 34 which hhich ichh was as the th h rationale tii all for fo performing rff mii measurements meas rements nt in in platelet-free platelet latellet ffre r plasma. Ongoing microvascular damage, even in younger patients without complications, may lead to increased platelet turnover, degranulation, and subsequent TGF-ȕUHOHDVHLQWR circulation, as recently described in a mouse model of cardiac pressure overload.35 Interestingly, we found that CRP was not significantly elevated in MFS, suggesting a different biomarker profile from VEDS. Cardiovascular medication use in VEDS patients modulated TGF-ȕ0&3-1, CRP, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and leptin levels. ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 correlated with VEDS severity. Although the exact role of these proteins is unclear, both markers are increased in atherosclerotic lesions in human coronary arteries,36 indicating a role in injury response. MCP-1 mediates 12 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 vascular inflammatory cell adhesion and contributes to neointimal hyperplasia in arterial injury.37 Elevated CRP is seen in acquired autoimmune disorders and concentrations correlate with inflammation extent and severity.38 Increased CRP has been found in patients with osteoarthritis and progressive joint damage,39 as well as coronary disease.40 We postulate that there is underlying chronic vascular damage in VEDS that alters the vascular environment and may lead to a state of systemic inflammation (MCP-1 and CRP elevation), which may contribute to adverse clinical outcomes. While CRP levels did not correlate with mutation type, the significant Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 increase in probands versus ITFH patients suggests that CRP may be a disease activity indicator; indi in d therefore, monitoring CRP levels in VEDS patients should be considered. red. If elevated, ellevattedd, d, w wee w would hor orte terr arterial te arte ar t riial surveillance intervals and and a low thresholdd for ffoor working up new recommendd sh shorter signs si ign ns with ima aging ngg studies. studi diees. We di W would would ld also alsso recommend reeco omm m en nd aggr aggressive grresssiively y aaddressing dddresssin ng all symptoms/signs imaging aggressively ular ris risk isk is sk fa factor factors orss th tthat att increase inc n reas asse aneu aneurismal uri rism i mall eevent vent ve nt rrisk isk (e.g. isk ( el elevated lev evaated d bblood loodd pressure lo ppressure, ress re ssur ure cardiovascular ipids,, smoking ip g) to improve imp prove outcomes. abnormal lipids, smoking) reted eted dT TGF GF ȕ E W QRWW 7* 7*F F ȕ IURP IU 9('6 9(' ('6 6 IL ILE ILEUREODVWV EUREO EODVW DV HOH HOO DW DWHG HGG HUV V FRQ Q Secreted TGF-ȕEXWQRW7*F-ȕIURP9('6ILEUREODVWVZDVHOHYDWHGYHUVXVFRQWUROV TGF-ȕLVPXFKOHVVDEXQGDQWWKDQ7*)-ȕLQFLUFXODWLRQDQGLQWLVVXHV34 and the finding of excess circulating levels and increased secretion ex vivo in extracellular matrix-producing cells allows the possibility for a role of TGF-ȕLQ9('6SDWKRJHQHVLVGLIIHUHQWIURPWKDWRI7*)-ȕ Interestingly, Western blot analysis of downstream TGF-ȕELRPDUNHUVDQGP51$DQDO\VLVRI TGF-ȕSDWKZD\JHQHVLQILEUREODVWVGLGQRWUHYHDODQ\GLIIHUHQFHVEHWZHHQ9('S subjects and controls. Furthermore, treating a VEDS patient’s fibroblasts with allele-specific siRNA, which converted the gly-type mutation to a null-type, showed that suppressing the structurally abnormal type III collagen did not alter TGF-ȕVLJQDOLQJdownstream of the receptors. Dermal fibroblasts historically have been used to study VEDS, since the disease has a strong skin phenotype, 13 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 mimicking the fragility found in vascular tissues. Therefore, we found it noteworthy that the underlying genetic defect did not impair intracellular TGF-ȕVLJQDOLQJLQWKLVVHWWLQJZKHQWKH expectation would be that it should. While intracellular changes were not found in fibroblasts, it is possible that studying other cell types (e.g. vascular smooth muscle) may demonstrate an effect. The lack of available direct tissue for study precluded the investigation of TGF-ȕDQG TGF-ȕRUGRZQVWUHDPWDUJHWVLQ9('6DUWHULHV+RZHYHUWKLVFRXOGEHXQGHUWDNHQLQWKH future, especially through development of an animal model recapitulating the vascular Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 complications of VEDS, specifically, medium-sized artery aneurysms and dissections. An appropriate animal model does not currently exist. Interestingly, only erest stin st i gl in g y, y, TGF-ȕDQG,/-8 TGF F-ȕDQG,/-8 were the onl nlyy analytes in pl nl pplasma asma m unaffected by the ddrug treatments. IL-8 VEDS versus IL-8 plays important IL-8 was decreased decrreaseed in V EDS ve EDS ersuss ccontrols. ontrrols. s ILL 8 pla Lays an n imp mp portaant rrole olle in i 41, 42 2 angiogenesis, is,41 aand n T nd TGF-ȕLQKLELWV,/-8 GF F-ȕ ȕ LQK ȕ Q LE ELW LWVV ,/-88 secretion secrretio se i n during io d ri du ring ng active ng activ ivee inflammation iv i fl in fla lamma mati ma tiion in in the the vascular vass va endothelium, m, consistent wi m, with ith h our ffindings. indi diinggs.43 A ppotential otentiiall role for for reduced redducedd IL IL-8 L-88 in VEDS andd related aneurismal rismal ri i all ddisorders is de iis iintriguing intrig ntriig iing and ndd warrants arrants nt further f rth rther he st study. d While Whi hille the thhe absence bs off modulation by cardiovascular medications suggest that TGF-ȕDQG,/-8 may have intrinsic correlations to the disease, caution needs to be exercised in interpreting these data, since the study design does not allow for a rigorous analysis of drug effects. Leptin levels were significantly increased (but adiponectin unchanged) in VEDS plasma. Body composition analysis showed that VEDS patients have increased truncal fat mass versus controls. Excess TGF-ȕUHOHDVHE\KXPDQDGLSRVHWLVVXHLQREHVLW\KDVEHHQGHVFULEHGEXWQRW TGF-ȕ44 however, our study subjects are not obese. In a recent study of an Italian VEDS cohort, a similar truncal fat distribution was seen versus controls, suggesting that this is not a diet-dependent effect.45 In the general population, regional adiposity is known to be associated 14 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 with arterial stiffness through the influence of leptin.46 Abdominal adiposity markers have a graded and significant association with risk of stroke/transient ischemic attack.47 In VEDS, the vascular condition is inborn and predates the fat deposition pattern. Though the sample size was small, we found a weak correlation between TGF-ȕDQGWUXQNIDWLQSDWLHQWVWKDWVXIIHUHGDQ event. Therefore, it is possible that vascular inflammation is leading to the abnormal truncal fat accumulation, rather than the reverse. However, a prospective study would be needed to confirm this hypothesis. Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 There are a number of limitations to this study. We used available able dermal fibroblasts, fibrobllas at since an appropriate mouse model and arterial tissues were not available. ble. A Although lthhoughh we eexpect lt xp to o pe in otyp nV EDS ED S de ddermal rmal fibroblasts, we acknowledge ack cknnowledge that other ck otthe her types of extracellular extracelluu see a phenotype VEDS ducing du uciing cells, such suuch as as vasc s ularr smo sc moothh m usccle, ma may yiel eld eld different diiffferren nt re results. esu s lts. A VED VED matrix-producing vascular smooth muscle, yield VEDS d wo del oul uldd perm rmit itt a more mor o e thorough thor th orough or hT GF ȕ pa GF GF-ȕ path hwa way eexamination way xam am min inat ati tion io at tthe h ttissue he i su is suee leve llevel, eve mouse model would permit TGF-ȕ pathway n was not feasib ble wi ith the h stud dy’s y’’ li imiitedd hhuman uman samp ples. S ampl plles sizes were which again feasible with study’s limited samples. Samples imited imi ited d in i this thi his study; stt d ; therefore, therefore th h eff anall ses in in a larger l cohort hort are warranted arranted nted d tto confir nfi fir the relatively limited analyses confirm results. We were unable to perform uniform and exhaustive vascular imaging in all subjects to detect asymptomatic aneurysms or dissections; therefore, a rigorous correlation of vascular lesions with study biomarkers could not be done. Finally, fresh plasma samples, required for more accurate platelet turnover measurements compared to MPV values, were no longer available when we considered the possibility of excess platelet turnover as a source of elevated TGF-ȕ1. In summary, we present evidence for changes in biomarker profiles in VEDS that include TGF-ȕ7*)-ȕ0&3-1, CRP, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, IL-8, and leptin. The absence of correlations with mutation type and disease severity for all but one (CRP) of the biomarkers 15 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 studied suggests ongoing microvascular damage in VEDS patients, even in the absence of an event. TGF-ȕDQG,/-8 are altered and not affected by current drug treatment and could underlie disease-specificity, unlike TGF-ȕ7KHHYLGHQFHIRUH[FHVV7*)-ȕVHFUHWLRQIURP9('6 fibroblasts independent of the organismal milieu suggests a probable role. Regional truncal adiposity and elevated leptin in VEDS point to the role of microvascular damage in adipocyte deposition and dysfunction. Finally, these data represent the first evidence for a preinflammatory state in VEDS, and after validation in affected tissues, open the door to treatment Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 strategies by targeting specific cytokine pathways. Acknowledgments: participants; dgments: dgment ntss: We W tthank h nk Dr. ha Dr Harry Dietz for stu study tudy design contr contributions; rib butions; study partici the NIA clinical sample BLSA nical nic ical cal unit and a d core laboratory for clinicall support an support and d ssam amplle processing; and B investigators use. rs for rs fo data use se. Funding Sources: supported Program o ce ource cess: Th Thiss research res esea earc rchh wass su suppor orrte tedd iin n ppart artt by tthe ar he IIntramural he nttra ramu amura ral Research Rese Re search se hP rogr ro gram am of the NIH, National 5RC1HL100021-02 ational Institut Institute te onn Aging. Agiing n . Grants G an Gr nts 1U54RR023561-01A1 1U U554R 4RR0 R023 R0 2 56 23 5611--01 01A1 A1 and and n 55RC1HL100021-0 RC1HL100021-0 RC were used for biomarker studies Hopkins. f pl pplasma asma biomark ker studi dies at JJohns di ohhns Ho H pkkins. Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None. References: 1. Pepin M, Schwarze U, Superti-Furga A, Byers PH. Clinical and genetic features of ehlersdanlos syndrome type iv, the vascular type. N Engl J Med. 2000;342:673-680. 2. Pope FM, Martin GR, Lichtenstein JR, Penttinen R, Gerson B, Rowe DW, et al. Patients with ehlers-danlos syndrome type iv lack type iii collagen. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1975;72:13141316. 3. Tsipouras P, Byers PH, Schwartz RC, Chu ML, Weil D, Pepe G, et al. Ehlers-danlos syndrome type iv: Cosegregation of the phenotype to a col3a1 allele of type iii procollagen. Hum Genet. 1986;74:41-46. 4. Stolle CA, Pyeritz RE, Myers JC, Prockop DJ. Synthesis of an altered type iii procollagen in a patient with type iv ehlers-danlos syndrome. 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Stroke. 2008;39:3145-3151. 20 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 Table 1. Demographics, medical history, symptoms, physical exam, and genetic features. Patient No. Sex Diagnosis Age (yr) Patient 1 Patient 2 M M 51 24 Sample Collection Age (yr) 51 25 Patient 3 F 50 51 Patient 4 F 54 55 Patient 5 M 26 27 Patient 6 Patient 7 F M 37 25 56 30 Patient 8 Patient 9 F M 11 40 12 41 Patient 10 F 42 42 Patient 11 F 48 51 Patient 12 F 32 38 Patient 13 Patient 14 M F 27 28 46 47 Patient 15 Patient 16 F F 41 45 45 47 Patient 17 Patient 18 M F 51 21 52 23 Familial Relation Mutation in COL3A1‡ Consequence of Mutation§ proband ITFH†, son of Patient 1 ITFH, sister of Patient 1 ITFH, sister of Patient 1 ITFH, nephew of Patient P Pa tient 1 pproband pr obban and IT TFH FH, sonn of ITFH, P atient 6 Patient Prob Pr o an ob nd Proband ITFH FH,, ffather FH ath ther of of ITFH, Pati Pa tien ti entt 8 en Patient ITFH, aunt of Patient 8 proband c.3070C>T, p.R1024X c.3070C>T, p.R1024X null null + - - BB, ST, CCB none c.3070C>T, p.R1024X null - - ST, ACE1 X c.3070C>T, p.R1024X null - - X c.3070C>T, p.R1024X null nu l ll - - BB, ST, ASA, CCB none c.23566G>A, A, p.G786R p.G G78 7 6R R c.2356G>A, c.23 23566G> >A, p.G786R p.G G786R 6R c.2356G>A, gly gly glly gly + - - BB BB c.99 c. 9 7-22 A>G 99 A>G c.997-2 c.99 9977-22 A> 99 A>G G c.997-2 ES ES - - none BB c.997-2 A>G ES + - none c.1501G>A, p.G501R gly + + ITFH, niece of Patient 11 proband ITFH, sister of Patient 13 proband ITFH, sister of Patient 15 proband proband, daughter of Patient 17 c.1501G>A, p.G501R gly - - BB, ACE1, CCB none c.636+5G>A c.636+5G>A ES ES + - - ST, ACE1 BB c.766delA, p.I256Yfx7 c.766delA, p.I256Yfx7 null null + - - none none c.548G>C, p.G183A c.548G>C, p.G183A gly gly + + - ST, ARB BB 21 Arterial Bowel Medications Event Event Refs. 9 23 1 1 7 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 Patient 19* Patient 20* F F 17 12 36 14 Patient 21 Patient 22 Patient 23 Patient 24 F F F F 37 17 52 36 38 36 56 47 Patient 25 M Patient 26 F Patient 27 F Patient 28 F Patient 29 F Patient 30 F Patient 31* F Patient 32 F Patient 33 F Patient 34 M Patient 35 F Patient 36 F Patient 37 M Patient 38 F 23 53 10 27 26 28 38 32 9 22 13 23 39 32 26 56 14 30 30 29 41 42 12 25 29 28 43 33 ITFH c.3499G>T, p.G1167C ITFH, daughter of c.3499G>T, p.G1167C Patient 19 proband c.2221G>A, p.G741S proband c.2816G>A,p.G939D proband c.665G>T, p.G222V proband c.1033G>A, p.G345R proband proband proband proband pproband pr oband prob pr oban ob andd an proband IT TFH ITFH prob pr obban a d proband prob pr oban ob andd an proband prob pr oban ob andd an proband b d proband proband proband proband gly gly + - none none gly gly gly gly + + + + + + - none BB none BB, ST, ASA, ARB BB none none BB ASA ARB none BB, ST none none BB none BB ASA c.755G>T, p.G252V gly + gy c.2284 G>C, p.G762R gly + 8E gly c.3563G>A, p.G1188E gly D gly c.2285G>A, p.G762D gly c 3545G>A c.3545 45G> 45 G A, p.G1182E pp.G1182 G1182E 2E c.3545G>A, gly + + c.21 c. 2 233G> >A, p.G708D p.G G70 7 8D gly c.2123G>A, gly + c.166188G> >A, p.G540R p.G G540R 0R gly gl c.1618G>A, c 13347 c. 47+1 +1G> +1 G>C G> C E c.1347+1G>C ES + + c.11 1149 11 4 +2 49 +2T> T>C T> C c.1149+2T>C ES c.25 c. 2553 25 53+1 53 +1de +1 deelG G c.2553+1delG ES 3039+1G>A 3039 30 39+1G 1G>A A c.3039+1G>A ES + + c.3093+2T>C ES + c.2824-1G>A null + c.1763_1769delGTGCT small indel + + CCinsTAAG, p.G588_P590delinsVS Patient 39 F 49 54 proband c.1106_1108delGAG, small indel + BB, ASA, p.G369del ARB Patient 40 F 38 43 proband c.1764_1871del large del + none Patient 41 F 39 41 proband c.4318C>T, p.P1440S missense + ASA *Proband not part of the study. †ITFH – identified through family history. ‡Nomenclature is based on the coding sequence of the COL3A1 gene (ENSG00000168542) with the adenosine of the annotated translation start codon defined as nucleotide position +1. §Gly – glycine substitution in the collagen triple helix; ES – splice site mutation resulting in skipping of the exon; null – null mutation resulting in haploinsufficiency; indel – insertion/deletion; del – deletion; BB – beta-blocker; ST – statin; ASA – aspirin; ARB – angiotensin receptor blocker; ACE1 – angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; CCB – calcium channel blocker. 22 24 1 25 9 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 Figure Legends: Figure 1. Circulating and secreted TGF-ȕ in VEDS by ELISA. A. Box-and-Whisker plots reveal elevated total TGF-ȕ1 and -ȕ2 in platelet-poor EDTA-plasma from VEDS subjects (n = 35) versus healthy controls (n = 74) are shown. B. Box-and-Whisker plots reveal secreted total TGFȕ2, but not TGF-ȕ1 or -ȕ3, from VEDS subject fibroblasts (n = 17) is elevated versus healthy controls (n = 17) ex vivo. Secretion data are normalized to protein concentration. Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 Figure 2. Western blot analysis of TGF-ȕELRPDUNHUVLQGHUPDOILEUREODVWV A.. Wh Whole EODVWV A olle cell cell lysate from VEDS 17) for pSmad1/5/8, S subject suubj b ec ectt (n= (nn= 17 7) and control fibroblastss (n ( = 17) probed fo or pSmad2 and pSmad treated with TGF-ȕ1 BMP-4, h TG GF-ȕ1 or B MP-4 -44, respectively, resp s ecti sp tivvely ti ly, orr untreated untre reated ed ppERK1/2 ERK1 ER K1/2 and and p-p38 p-p388 MAPK M PK revealed MA revee no significant B.. Box-an Box-and-Whisker Western a differences. ant dif iffe fere fe r nces re es. B B o nd-Whisk W sk skeer pplots lots showing lots sho h wi wing ng the he W esttern es te bblot lott quantification lo quuan anti tifi ti fica fi catii are shown. Data results ta are normalized d to th the he lloading oad dingg control; l; hhowever, owever,, the th he same res ullts are seen when normalized to 0.05 significant). Representative shown; t totall protein oteii (p (p 0 05 considered sid ide d si significant) i if ifiic t)) R Representati e tatii e bblots lots are sho ho however, quantitation graphs include all samples above. Figure 3. COL3A1 gene silencing by allele-specific siRNA. A. Knockdown of the dominant negative mutant allele in COL3A1 in a VEDS patient’s fibroblasts is shown by qPCR and Western blot. mRNA and protein expression are reduced after adding COL3A1 allele-specific siRNA versus a non-specific siRNA. qPCR data are normalized to 18S mRNA and protein data are normalized to ȕ-actin. B. Western blot analysis of dermal fibroblasts from the VEDS patient treated with COL3A1 allele-specific siRNA versus no siRNA shows no change in TGF-ȕ pathway biomarkers, consistent with Figure 1. Data are normalized to the loading control; 23 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 however, the same results are seen when normalized to total protein (p 0.05 considered significant). Figure 4. Circulating inflammatory biomarkers and adipokines in VEDS. A-D show evidence of systemic inflammation through elevated inflammatory markers MCP-1, CRP, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1 in platelet-poor EDTA-plasma from VEDS subjects (n = 35) versus healthy controls (n = 74). Samples were assayed using an immuno-multiplex system. E. Reduced IL-8 is seen in Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 platelet-poor EDTA-plasma from VEDS subjects versus healthy controls. Significantly ols. F. Sign g ificantl tlyy tl increased leptin in platelet-poor EDTA-plasma by ELISA from VEDS subjects S sub bje jectts versus hhealthy ea ealt ea controls is seen. s n. seen Figure 5. Clinic Clinical A.. VE VEDS patients identified C i all analysis ic analy ysiis off biomarkers biomark io rkkers in VEDS. VEDS EDS. A ED EDS DS pat atie at ient ie entts id identi tifi ti fied with fi wit ithh ex it exon on skipping mutations (n VCAM-1 u utations (n = 6)) have have elevated ellevated d ICAM-1 ICA C M-1 CA 1 aand ndd V CA AM-11 versus ppatients atiients with glycine gly ycinn substitutions haploinsufficiency. B. ns (n (n = 11) 11) or null n ll mutations m tati tations io (n ( = 6) resulting res llting tii in i CO COL3A1 COL3 L3A1 A1 hhaploins aplloii fficienc fficii B VEDS patients identified as probands (n = 16) have increased CRP versus patients identified through family history (ITFH) (n = 10). Figure 6. Body composition analysis in VEDS patients. Body fat distribution by Dexa scan in VEDS patients (n = 20) versus healthy controls (n = 17) is shown. Increased truncal fat, but decreased limb fat is seen; however, the total fat mass between groups is the same. 24 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000280 Figure 7. Mean platelet volume (MPV). The mean platelet volume was measured in VEDS patient plasma (n = 35) versus healthy controls (n = 74). Significant platelet turnover is seen by increased MPV in VEDS patients. Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 25 Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 Downloaded from by guest on November 19, 2016 Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β) and Inflammation in Vascular (Type IV) Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Rachel Morissette, Florian Schoenhoff, Zhi Xu, David A. Shilane, Benjamin F. Griswold, Wuyan Chen, Jiandong Yang, Jie Zhu, Justyna Fert-Bober, Leslie Sloper, Jason Lehman, Natalie Commins, Jennifer E. Van Eyk and Nazli B. McDonnell Circ Cardiovasc Genet. published online January 6, 2014; Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 Copyright © 2014 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1942-325X. Online ISSN: 1942-3268 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: Data Supplement (unedited) at: Permissions: Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics can be obtained via RightsLink, a service of the Copyright Clearance Center, not the Editorial Office. Once the online version of the published article for which permission is being requested is located, click Request Permissions in the middle column of the Web page under Services. Further information about this process is available in the Permissions and Rights Question and Answer document. Reprints: Information about reprints can be found online at: Subscriptions: Information about subscribing to Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics is online at: Supplemental Material Supplemental Methods Genetic Mutation Analysis All VEDS subjects included in this study have a pathogenic mutation confirmed in COL3A1. The coding regions and flanking sequences of the COL3A1 gene were amplified and sequenced. Primers were designed by Primer3 ( and are available upon request. Mutations were identified by alignment with the reference sequence (ENSG00000168542). Some patients had mutation detection for COL3A1 or biochemical analysis of procollagen III performed by a CLIA certified laboratory prior to enrollment, which was confirmed in our laboratory. One patient (Patient 41) with multiple dissections had a de novo Pro1440Ser mutation. The parents were negative for the mutation, as verified by a CLIAcertified lab, and were clinically unaffected. Additionally, in silico analysis suggested pathogenicity (see main text under Results, Genetic Analysis). Fibroblast Cell Culture We use established protocols to derive dermal fibroblast primary cell lines from 4-mm punch skin biopsy samples obtained from the forearm of study participants who consented to a biopsy.1 Fibroblast cultures below passage ten from VEDS subjects and age-, sex-, and passagematched healthy controls were cultured to confluence in high glucose Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium, 10.0% fetal bovine serum, penicillin, and streptomycin (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) at 37°C in 5.0% CO2. For Western blot experiments, untreated cells (for pERK1/2 and p-p38) were grown to confluence before lysis. Treated cells were grown to ~80% confluence 1 then serum starved for 18 hours. Cells were then treated for 1 hour with either 10 ng/mL TGFβ1 (for pSmad2) or 50 ng/mL BMP-4 (for pSmad1/5/8) (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA). ELISA Assays For secretion experiments, background TGF-β found in bovine serum was eliminated by a series of washes with serum free medium and then incubation with serum free medium for 24 hours. Total TGF-β1, -β2, and -β3 concentrations in secreted medium from human skin fibroblast cell lines that provided adequate in vitro cell growth (n = 17 VEDS, 17 controls) and total TGF-β2 in platelet-poor EDTA-plasma (n = 35 VEDS, 74 controls) were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with the human TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 Quantikine ELISA kits (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN) and the human TGF-β3 DuoSet ELISA kit (R&D Systems). Samples were acid-activated according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Human leptin in platelet-poor EDTA-plasma was measured using the Human Leptin ELISA kit (Millipore) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Total TGF-β1, MCP-1, CRP, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, IL-8, and adiponectin in human plasma (n = 35 VEDS, 74 controls) were measured using a rutheniumbased commercially available electrochemiluminescence platform according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Meso Scale Discovery, Gaithersburg, MD, USA). Samples used for TGF-β1 were acid-activated prior to assaying. All samples were assayed in duplicate. The percent coefficient of variance was below 20% and above the lower level of quantification for each analyte. Secretion data were normalized to protein concentration. Western Blot Analysis Fibroblasts were lysed with RIPA buffer (Pierce, Rockford, IL, USA) containing protease and phosphatase inhibitors (Cocktail Sets I, II, and III, Calbiochem, Gibbstown, NJ, USA) (n = 17 VEDs, 2 17 controls). Thirty μg protein (as determined by a BCA protein assay of whole cell protein extracts and using BSA as a standard, Pierce) was loaded onto a 4-12% Novex Tris-Glycine precast gel (Invitrogen). Proteins were then electrotransferred onto a PVDF membrane using Invitrogen’s iBlot dry blotting system and immunoblotting was done using the appropriate human antibodies. Specifically, rabbit polyclonal anti-phospho-Smad1/5/8 (1:500, Cell Signaling Technology, Danvers, MA, USA), anti-Smad1 (1:500, Cell Signaling Technology), anti-phosphoSmad2 (1:500, Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA), anti-phospho-Erk1/2 (1:1000, Cell Signaling Technology), anti-p38 MAPK (1:500, Cell Signaling Technology), anti-COL3A1 (1:200, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc, Santa Cruz, CA, USA), anti-β-tubulin (1:2,000, Cell Signaling Technology) or rabbit monoclonal anti-Smad2 (1:500, Cell Signaling Technology), anti-Erk1/2 (1:1000, Cell Signaling Technology), anti-phospho-p38 MAPK (1:500, Cell Signaling Technology), anti-GAPDH (1:2000, Cell Signaling Technology), anti-β-actin (1:1000, Cell Signaling Technology) were used overnight at 4°C, followed by 1 hour incubation with a secondary donkey anti-rabbit IgG ECLHRP linked antibody (1:5000, GE Healthcare, Piscataway, NJ, USA). Immunoreactive products were visualized by chemiluminescence using the ECL Plus kit (GE Healthcare). Quantification of immunoblots was performed using ImageJ software (NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA) and was done within the linear range for each antibody. RT2 Profiler PCR Array System RNA was extracted as described above. An RT2 First Strand Kit (SABiosciences, Valencia, CA, USA) was used to synthesize cDNA using 1 μg RNA. Real-time PCR reactions and all recommended quality controls were run in 96-well Human TGF-β/BMP Signaling Pathway plates (SABiosciences) using SABiosciences RT2 qPCR Master Mix according to the manufacturer’s 3 directions. Data analysis was done using the ΔΔCT method on the SABiosciences PCR Data Analysis Web Portal ( Quantitative Real-Time PCR An RNeasy Plus Mini kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA) was used to extract RNA according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Synthesis of cDNA was done using 100 ng RNA and the qScript cDNA SuperMix (Quanta Biosciences, Gaithersburg, MD, USA). Gene expression was quantified using the SYBR green (Quanta Biosciences) method of real-time PCR and mRNA levels were compared to standard curves and normalized to 18S mRNA. PCR reactions were performed in triplicate with QuantumRNA Universal 18S primers (Ambion, Grand Island, NY, USA) or 200 nM of each gene specific primer. The primers used for the human genes were designed to cross intron-exon junctions and are as follows: ACVR2A [forward (5’-CTGCTGCAAAGTTGGCGTTT-3’) and reverse (5’-ACGGTTCAACACCAGTTTGAT-3’)], FOS [forward (5’-CGGGCTTCAACGCAGACTA3’) and reverse (5’-GGTCCGTGCAGAAGTCCTG-3’)], ID1 [forward (5’ACGAGCAGCAGGTAAACGTG-3’) and reverse (5’-GAAGGTCCCTGATGTAGTCGAT-3’)], IL6 [forward (5’-AAATTCGGTACATCCTCGACGG-3’) and reverse (5’- GGAAGGTTCAGGTTGTTTTCTGC3’)], INHBB [forward (5’-GTGAAGCGGCACATCTTGAG-3’) and reverse (5’GCGAAGCTGATGATTTCGGAAAC-3’)], STAT1 [forward (5’-ATGTCTCAGTGGTACGAACTTCA-3’) and reverse (5’-TGTGCCAGGTACTGTCTGATT-3’)], TGFB2 [forward (5’- CTGCATCTGGTCACGGTCG-3’) and reverse (5’- CCTCGGGCTCAGGATAGTCT-3’)], and TGFBR1 [forward (5’ACGGCGTTACAGTGTTTCTG-3’) and reverse (5’- GCACATACAAACGGCCTATCT-3’)] (Integrated DNA Technologies, Coralville, IA, USA). Quantitative PCR was performed on an ABI Prism 7300 (Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, CA, USA) sequence detection system using standard conditions. 4 Supplemental Results Array and qPCR Analysis of TGF-β Pathway Genes in VEDS Dermal Fibroblasts A human TGF-β/BMP signaling pathway array (SABiosciences) was used to screen for 84 genes of interest in VEDS. Each plate was designed to accept one cDNA sample at a time, therefore two plates were used, one VEDS patient and one control, to narrow down genes that might be up- or down-regulated greater than 2-fold in VEDS compared to a control. After a panel of genes was identified (ACVR2A, FOS, ID1, IL6, INHBB, STAT1, TGFB2, TGFBR1), these were tested in a larger cohort of 12 patients and 12 healthy controls using qPCR. It was found that a large amount of variation existed in each population for each gene, as seen in a Whisker plot, but no significant gene of interest could be identified, lending support to the hypothesis that the observed aberrant TGF-β signaling in circulation and secreted from fibroblasts was not due to an intrinsic genetic defect (Supplemental Figure 1). Supplemental Figure Legends Supplemental Figure 1 – qPCR expression analysis of TGF-β pathway genes in dermal fibroblasts. A TGF-β pathway gene array using a single VEDS patient and control narrowed down several candidate pathway markers that differed more than 2-fold between the two samples. However, qPCR analysis of these target genes using 12 patients and controls each revealed no significant differences in any TGF-β pathway genes tested. The Whisker plot and table shows the results and outliers that represent the range of normal human variation found in these genes. 5 Supplemental Tables Supplemental Table 1. Circulating biomarker comparison between VEDS and MFS†. Marker VEDS (n = 35) MFS (n = 20) Control (n = 74) mean ± SEM P value mean ± SEM P value mean ± SEM 3911 ± 1248 0.046 2700 ± 747 0.075 1264 ± 171 5554 ± 2288 0.074 3142 ± 825 0.037 1281 ± 104 4.99 ± 0.38 0.089 5.04 ± 0.30 0.069 4.33 ± 0.18 8263 ± 1054 <0.0001 9171 ± 1360 0.0001 2470 ± 416 279 ± 18 0.001 270 ± 15 0.0004 211 ± 0.7 313 ± 33 0.0004 265 ± 27 0.005 179 ± 6 580 ± 58 0.0006 542 ± 40 0.0001 347 ± 12 1.85 ± 0.21 <0.0001 1.98 ± 0.21 <0.0001 3.46 ± 0.18 *CRP (ng/mL) *SAA (ng/mL) TNF-α (pg/mL) TGF-β1 (ng/mL) MCP-1 (pg/mL) ICAM-1 (ng/mL) VCAM-1 (ng/mL) IL-8 (pg/mL) P ≤ 0.05 considered significant; SEM – standard error of the mean. †MFS – Marfan syndrome 6 Supplemental Table 2. Patient Characteristics for Body Composition Analysis. Patient No. Sex Age at Visit Height Weight BMI (cm) (kg) 1 M 51 181 95 29.0 3 F 49 157 70 28.4 4 F 50 160 68 26.6 7 M 30 168 76 26.9 9 M 41 180 85 26.2 11 F 60 160 76 29.7 12 F 38 161 71 27.4 19 F 36 147 46 21.3 24 F 47 168 77 27.3 25 M 26 174 84 27.7 29 F 30 159 63 24.9 30 F 29 173 68 22.7 31 F 40 158 62 24.8 32 F 42 149 56 25.2 34 M 22 171 49 16.8 35 F 28 156 50 20.5 37 M 41 176 91 29.4 39 F 53 163 71 26.7 40 F 43 162 60 22.9 7 41 F 39 152 59 25.5 Control No. Sex Age Height Weight BMI (cm) (kg) 1 M 39 177 92 29.4 2 F 53 162 55 21.0 3 F 50 164 57 21.2 4 F 43 177 66 21.1 5 F 38 167 59 21.2 6 F 60 160 67 26.2 7 F 28 165 74 27.2 8 F 42 165 63 23.1 9 F 42 163 58 21.8 10 F 44 166 70 25.4 11 F 55 167 69 24.7 12 F 26 180 76 23.5 13 M 43 186 80 23.1 14 M 30 189 88 24.6 15 F 47 164 72 26.8 16 M 27 198 75 19.1 17 F 35 164 60 22.3 8 Supplemental Figures Supplemental References 1. Normand J, Karasek MA. A method for the isolation and serial propagation of keratinocytes, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts from a single punch biopsy of human skin. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 1995;31:447-455. 9