leipzig card - Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
leipzig card - Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
Benefits at a glance LEIPZIG CARD Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH Important advices Please note that the LEIPZIG CARD is only valid once you The LEIPZIG CARD Prices and Validity have signed it and entered the date of first use on LVB public transport. It may not be used on the local railway network run by DB AG. Please present the LEIPZIG CARD before ordering in restaurants. If the price of the LEIPZIG CARD rises, any LEIPZIG CARDs already purchased shall only be valid for a period of three months The LEIPZIG CARD is just the ticket! Valid for one or three days, and for individuals or groups, the LEIPZIG CARD is the ideal way to explore the city. Get to know this boomtown famous for music, culture and the arts with a guided tour – on foot, by coach or on the “Grand Leipzig Tram Sightseeing Tour”. When you’re feeling peckish, take advantage of the special offers available with the LEIPZIG CARD at a number of Leipzig restaurants. Afterwards you might like to visit the Tourist Information, some of the specially selected shops, one of Leipzig’s museums and exhibitions, or Leipzig Zoo with the Gondwanaland Tropical Experience. Of course, you can also take a boat trip on Leipzig’s waters. And following a busy sightseeing programme, what better way to round off the day than by visiting the Gewandhaus, Leipzig Opera or Centraltheater, perhaps the Krystallpalast Varieté theatre, the Moritzbastei (Europe’s largest student club) or even a satirical revue – all at reduced prices. The LEIPZIG CARD also gives benefits for the concerts of the Leipzig Bachfest or the Mendelssohn Festival and the events at Gohlis Palace or at the University of Music and Theatre. Of course, the LEIPZIG CARD also allows free travel on all trams and buses run by transport operator LVB within the city limits (except special routes). following the price increase. Day ticket 8.90 8 90 valid for one person 3-day ticket 18.50 valid for one person To ensure your visit is a success, we’ve listed all the prices, discounts and other information on the LEIPZIG CARD on this handy leaflet. Happy exploring! Your Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH 3-day group ticket 34.00 valid for 2 adults and up to 3 children (under 14) on 3 successive days Public Transport Free travel on all trams and buses (except special routes) run by Leipzig’s transport operator LVB within the city limits (Zone 110). One-day LEIPZIG CARDs are valid from 9 am until 4 am the following day. Three-day LEIPZIG CARDs for individuals and groups are valid from 9 am on the first day until midnight at the end of the third day. Leipzig, Tram and Bus Routes D Zone 251 > Bitterfeld / Wittenberg Goethepl. 67 Bf. Leutzsch Ph.-ReisStr. BöhlitzEhrenberg, 62 W.-Winkler- Markranstädt, Ostsiedlung Binzer Str. Markranstädt, s-Bf. Karlsruher Str. 61/161 AlleeCenter 66 GrünauSüd 66 61 Lausen Zscham- Krakauer Ratzelbogen 2 Stuttgarter Str. pertaue Allee 61 Lausen, Ärztehaus Schönauer/ Ratzelstr. Zone Arthur-Nagel-Str. A.-Zickmantel-Str. 3 Bismarckstr. Siedlung Florian Geyer Waldsiedlung Albersdorfer Str. 63 3 Bf. Knauthain Zone Knautnaundorf, Mühlenweg Gefrierzentrum Knautnaundorf, Rundkapellenweg 120 Abzweig nach Hartmannsdorf B 118 > Belantis (saisonale Linie) 107 Hartmdf., Azaleenstr. 79 Hartmannsdorf, Gasthof Hartmannsdorf, Erikenstr. 550 > Gera 100 > Zwenkau Markkleeberg, Forsthaus Raschwitz Cospudener See MarkkleebergWest Gautzscher Pl. 65 Ring Friederikenstr. Leinestr. Markkl., Schulstr. Seenallee 11E 151 Connewitzer Str. Markkl., Markkl., H.-Heine-Str. Goldene Höhe 81 582 147 An der Brauerei ColmbergSiedlung Meusdorf Monarchenhügel Schwarzenbergweg S-Bahn-Linie oder Eisenbahnlinie mit Haltepunkt und Liniennummer bzw. Kursbuchstrecke Zone 15 2 Umsteigehaltestelle Umsteigehaltestelle 75 > Naunhof Richtungshaltestelle Roßstr. Richtungshaltestelle nur für mittlere Linie Seifertshain Liebertwolkwitzer Markt 75 Großpösna, Übergangsmöglichkeit Auensiedlung Bf. Liebertwolkwitz Schwarzes Ross 4E Feldstr. 65E zeitweise Endstelle Zur alten Sandgrube Wachau, Gewerbegebiet zeitweise Linienführung An den Badeanlagen Fuchshainer Str. Liebertwolkwitz, Störmthaler Str. Wachau, 108 Atlanta Hotel 108 141 75 Eulengraben E Zone 151 Tarifhaltestelle LVB-Servicestelle Alter Gasthof Großpösna, Neue Gaststätte 143 > Güldengossa / Wachau An der Hohle Markkleeberger See D Buslinien mit Haltestelle, Endhaltestelle und Liniennr. 172 Franzosenallee Roseggerstr. 75 76 141 > Espenhain / Borna 143 > Güldengossa / Liebertwolkwitz MRB2 > Borna 530 > Altenburg 19 7 Russenstr. 74 74 W.-Heise-Str. Schweizerbogen Crostewitzer Str. Wachau, Am Bach 60 60 Feldstr. 76 Höltystr. 172 11 Markkleeberg-Ost, Schillerplatz 72 72 A.-Polenz-Str. Bf. Holzhausen Markkl., Virchowstr. Markkleeberg, Seepromenade Straßenbahnlinie mit Haltestelle, Endhaltestelle und Liniennr. Holzhausen, Hauptstr. Sächsisches Haus Strümpellstr. 3 11 11 Holzhausen, Herzzentrum 75 Am Eichwinkel s-Bf. 3 8 76 Prager/Russenstr. Probstheida 10 16 Lößnig Markkleeberg, 60 Minuten und seltener Kärrnerstr. Sophienhöhe Pahlenweg 108 Takte 74 Zuckelhausen Dölitz, Strbf. 107 > Zwenkau 108 > Großstädteln Zone C Raschwitzer Str. Kirchweg Legende Mölkauer Str. Südfriedhof Probstheidaer/ Moritz-Hof W.-Bredel-Str. Silbersee Dankwartstr. Parkstr. Markkl., Mehringstr. 9 An der Märchenwiese Energiestr. Sonnesiedlung Cospudener See, Erlebnisachse 10 s-Bf. Connewitz Wildpark Cospudener See, Nordstrand Knautkleeberg Hildebrandstr. Baalsdorf, 10-15 Minuten Siedlung Waldfrieden Kolmstr. Buswendestelle Triftweg 16 168 20-30 Minuten Holzhäuser Str. 74E Kom.-Prendel-Allee Kleinpösna Stötteritz, Schwimmhalle Südost Probstheida, Meusdorfer Str. s-Bf. Marienbrunn Pfeffingerstr. 9 Koburger Brücke Cospudener See, EXPO-Pavillon Knauthain, Am Weiher Th.-MüntzerSiedlung Am Klucksgraben Knautndf., Werkstr. 120 > Kitzen / Pegau A Rehbach An der Tabaksmühle A.-Nitzsche-/ A.-Hoffmann-Str. Wiedebachplatz Mathildenstr. Pleiße Knauthain, Schönbergstr. 63 © Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB) GmbH Stand: 28.10. 2011 70 89 Wasserwerk Windorf Fortunabadstr. 4 70 Altenburger Str. Kreuz G.-Freytag-Str. Huttenstr. Großzschocher, G.-Ellrodt-Str. Seumestr. 61 > Schkeitbar 164 > Schkeitbar / Kitzen Völkerschlachtdenkmal Zaucheweg 73E K.-Friedrich-Str. 4 Rathaus Stötteritz Naunhofer Straße 2 Brand-/Selneckerstr. Weiße Elster Göhrenz, Albersdorfer Str. 155 Connewitz, 110 R.-Lehmann-/ Zwickauer Str. 100 A.-Hoffmann-/ R.-Lehmann-Str. 65 Göhrenz, Schachthäuser Zone An den Tierkliniken Brandiser Str. Mölkau Süd Weißestr. Schönbachstr. s-Bf. Völkerschlachtdenkmal Dösner Weg K.-Eisner-/ A.-Hoffmann-Str. Steinpl. 9 K.-Liebknecht-/ R.-Lehmann-Str. Kunzestr. Lauerscher Weg 65E Bf. Großzschocher Gärtnerei Gaststätte am See A.-Bebel-/ R.-Lehmann-Str. Lößniger Str. 74 60 Weidenweg Raiffeisenstr. 161·164 > Markranstädt Kulkwitz, Göhrenzer Str. KurtKresse-Str. Großzschocher, Regen- Lausen, Am Sonneneck bogen Wolkenweg 61/161 Kötzschauer Str. K.-Liebknecht-/ K.-Eisner-Str. 11 Lausener Bogen H.-Meyer-Str. Dreiecksweg 162 Renn- Fockestr. bahn Steinstr. Schwartzestr. Lausner Weg 62 156 A.-Bebel-/ NonnenK.-Eisner-Str. weg Rochlitzstr. 3 Altes Messegelände 2 Am Silo 1 Antonien-/ Gießerstr. 65 161 > Kulkwitz / Schönau 164 > Kulkwitz / Kitzen 2 Rödelstr. Adler 1 Südplatz Technisches Johannis- Rathaus allee Dt. Nationalbibliothek Körnerstr. Breslauer Str. Zone Baalsdorfer Str. Lintacherstr. Bf. Mölkau An den Platanen Oberdorfstr. s-Bf. Stötteritz 12 Witzgallstr. 110 60 Zweenfurth, Hirschfelder Str. Hirschfeld Gottschalkstr. Zweenfurth, Großer Weg Althen, Freundschaftsring Hasenheide 15 1 74 10 89 Schenkendorfstr. (S1) 66 11 Holsteinstr. Handwerkerhof Borsdorf, H.-Heine-Str. Althener Anger Am BahnMölkau, Gemeindeamt damm Schulstr. Zone Riebeck-/ Stötteritzer Str. 4E Bayrischer Platz Liebigstr. Hohe Str., LVB Telemannstr. Stieglitzstr. 60 Diezmannstr. Ringstr. R.-Schumann-Str. Karlbrücke Siemensstr. s-Bahnverkehr zur Miltitzer Allee ausgesetzt s-Bf. Allee-Center Alte Salzstr. Roßplatz Mozartstr. Holbeinstr. Schleußig, Markranstädter Str. 550 Weißdornstr. Schönauer/ Lützner Str. 80E Schkeuditzer Str. 15 Parkallee Schönau, 80E ElsterPassage E.-Zeigner74E Allee Naumburger Str. Lipsiusstraße Mölkauer 72 Dorfpl. Anemonenweg 73 Pommernstr. Engelsdorf, Kirchweg Engelsdorf, E.-GuhrEngelsdf., Str. Kirche Gymnasium Engelsdorf, Ärztehaus 172 77 Dr.-W.-KülzStr. Klempererstr. s-Bf. MRB11 > Wurzen 500 > Riesa 506 > Grimma 172 73 172 H.-AurigStr. A.-WinklerStr. 72 Werkstättenstr. Borsdorf, Althen, Oertgering H.-Weigel-Str. Opalstr. 525 Str. Abzw. Drei- nach Leipziger ecksiedlung Althen 175 Str. Sternenstr. Sabinenstr. s-Bf. Engelsdorf 2 173·175 > Taucha Sommerfeld 3E 7 73 Bf. EngelsdorfWerkstätten 74 2 14 S-Bf. Plagwitz 500/506 Uhlandweg Martinstr. 4 PaunsdorfCenter Güterbahnhofstr. Paunsdorfer Str. Ostfriedhof 90 Paunsdorf, SchonStrbf. MRB11 gauerstr. 79 Stünz 74 Selliner Str., Gesundheitszentrum 80 Saarländer Str. Grünauer Allee 2 Markranstädt, Bahnhof Plovdiver Str. 66 Schönau, Kirche Schönauer Ring 100 > Hbf. (Ostseite) 14 72 Wiebelstr. 16 Straße am See 62 Am Anger Kulkwitzer See An der Schachtbahn Kiewer Str., Kaufland Am Kirschberg 15 Wächterstr. Klingerweg Th.-HeussStr. Barbarastr. Edlichstr. s-Bf. AngerCrottendorf Breite Str. Gutenberg70 platz Riebeck-/ Oststr. 15 12 SchulzeBoysen-Str. Ostplatz Am Vorwerk s-Bf. Paunsdorf Geithainer Str. Emmausstr. Paunsdorfer Allee/ Permoserstr. Ahornstr. Permoser-/ Hohentichelnstr. 7 Ostheimstr. 8 Reudnitz, Koehlerstr. 2 62 Am kleinen Feld Kiewer Str. Radiusstr. 70 s-Bf. Sellerhausen Volksgarten Geißlerstr., Bülowviertel 7 Gerichtsweg WilhelmWilhelmLeuschnerLeuschnerPlatz Platz Neues Rathaus Dornbergerstr. Augustusplatz Markt Westplatz 14 Elsastr. Bergstr. 73 65 Robert-Koch-Str. 65 8 Saturnstr. Jupiterstr. Großmiltitzer Str. Nonnenstr. Johannisplatz Goethestr. Citytunnel (im Bau) s-Bf. LeipzigTorgauer Ost Platz Hermelinstr. 90 E.-Schumacher-Str. Volksgarten- Einertstr. Wintergartenstr./Hbf. Reichsstr. Gottschedstr. Thomas- 89 9 kirche Marschnerstr. 74 Felsenkeller K.-Heine-/ Gießerstr. Demmeringstr. Hafenbecken Lindenau GrünauNord Waldplatz 8 Geschw.Scholl-Str. Miltitz, Friedhof 66 Uranusstr. Sportforum Stöckelstr. Stannebeinplatz str. H.-Liebmann-/ Eisenbahnstr. Paunsdorf, Friedhof Bautzner Str. Schwantesstr. Permoser-/ Torgauer WeinbrenStr. L.-Frank-Str. 90 nerstr. Löbauer Str. 77 Mariannenpark Fr.-ListPlatz Hofmeisterstr. 1·3 12 Angerbrücke, Strbf. Lützner/Merseburger Str. Henriettenstr. 3 K.-Heine-/Merseburger Str. Lindenau, Bushof Lindenau, Dr.-H.Dr.-H.-Duncker-Str. 15 Miltitz 165 > Lützen 60 Siriusweg Gröpplerstr. 60 Zone 163 > Altranstädt Morgensternstr. Plaut-/ Schomburgkstr. Lindenauer Markt MRB2 S10 MRB11 Hohentichelnstr. 110 77 PaunsdorfNord 8 Arcus Park Zone B.-Brecht-Str. J.-Marchlewski-Str. Ossietzky-/Gorkistr. Fliederhof / 72 80 Plautstr., KANN-Beton en Lindennaundorf, Schmiede rbeck Lindenau, Friedhof Braun-/Bautzner Str. 72 73 89 Goerdelerring 12 Lortzingstr. Leibnizstr. 4 1E Hauptbahnhof Hbf., Westseite Zoo 131 > Hbf. (Ost) Feuerbachstr. Volbedingstr. Heisenbergstr. Heiterblick, Teslastr. Leupoldstr. Stöhrer-/ Braunstr. Schönefeld-Ost, Verbundnetz Gas AG Rackwitzer Str. Rathaus Schönefeld 14 Am Mückenschlösschen 74 7 130/131 WilhelmLiebknecht-Platz Nordplatz Nathanaelkirche Wielandstr. G.-Schwarz-/ Merseburger Str. Merseburger/ Schomburgkstr. Bf. Rückmarsdorf Correct as of: Nov 2011 582 > Weißenfels 74 Lindenau, Weinbergstr. Großer Marktweg Bf. Miltitz 110 Diakonissenhaus E.-Keil-Str. 156 Zone Rathaus Leutzsch 67 Wittenberger Str. 9 190 > Hbf. (Ost) FritzSeger-Str. Stallbaumstr. Parthe O.-Schmiedt-Str. Elste Pfingstweide Zur Kaninchenfarm Löwencenter 62 Rückmarsdorf, Einkaufspassage Frankenh., Friedenseiche Gewerbegebiet 130/131 130 Frankenh., 130 > Markranstädt 130 Hopfenweg Frankenheim, Rückmarsdorf, Zum Bahnhof Bürgeramt 67 Leutzsch Arkaden Menckestr. Natonekstr. Mathiesenstr. P.-Michael-Str. Wittestr. Miltitzer Str. Rückmarsdf., 131 > Merseburg / Günthersdorf, Nova Eventis Rathenaustr. Hamburger Str. Chausseehaus Wiederitzscher Str. Gohlis-Süd, 85 Abtnaundorf Schönefeld, Wilhelminenstr. G.-Schumann-/ Lützowstr. 10·11 Apelstr. Kietzstr. Str. Breitscheidhof s-Bf. Möckern Braun-/Heiterblickstr. Brahestr. 90 2 Burghausen 62 G.-Schumann-/ Lindenthaler Str. 550/582 Leutzsch, Strbf. 8 Elster-Saale-Kanal S10 Huygensstr. Am Sportpark L.-MeitnerStr. 16 Portitzer Allee, Bf. Heiterblick 70 2 H.-HeineBarnStr. ecker Str. s-Bf. Gohlis Schönefelder Str. 60 L.-Jahn-Str. Theresienstr. Kleiststr. Pleißenburgwerkstätten 79 Heiterblickstr. Döringstr. Zone 168 197 > Hbf. (Ostseite) Freiberger Str. Bf. Thekla Friedrichshafner Str. Mockauer/ Volbedingstr. Taucha, Klebendorfer Str. Taucha, O.-Schmidt-Str. Sosaer Str. RB Südstr. Forstweg 196 > Hbf. (Ostseite) Maximilianallee 90 Hartzstr. M Gundorf, Friedhof Virchow-/ Eutritzscher Coppistr. Zentrum Eutritzscher Markt An der Bürgerruhe Bogumils Garten 79 225 Dantestr. Luppe Gottschallstr. M.-Kazmierczak-Str. E.-vonBrockdorff-Str. Faradaystr. Seelenbinderstr. Möckern, Historischer Strbf. 90 ·11 10 80 Burghausener Str. Viertelsweg 4 Manteuffelstr. Taucha, 3 Freiligrathstr. Th.-KörnerTh.-KörnerStr. Str. 3E Böhlitz-Ehrenberg, 7 Zone Auensee Post Taucha, Zur Waldenau Cradefelder Str. Bf. Heiterblick S.-Lampel-Str. Mockau, Taucha, Bahnhof 81/82 Portitz, 82E Cleudner Wodanstr. Teichsiedlung Str. Neutzscher Str. Lidicestr. Mockau, Kirche Bagger 1 81 Grundstr. Am langen Teiche An den Pferdnerkabeln 173·175 > Borsdorf 176 Taucha, Lindnerstr. Parthe Krätzbergstr. W.-Götze-Str. M.-ErzTaucha, berger-Str. Am Obstgut 7 80 Luppe 85 s-Bf. Olbrichtstr. s-Bf. Coppiplatz Möckern, 90E Slevogtstr. Annaberger Str. 1 Mosenthinstr. 80 Komarowstr. 70 Alte Theklaer Str. 195/197 > Eilenburg 176 > Hohenheida Plaußig, 83 Gewerbegebiet Am Kellerberg Plaußiger Dorfstr. 83 Thekla 3 Wahren Auensee 85 Zschortauer 80 Str. 12 GohlisNord 9 10 11 Weise Elster Bremer Str. Olbrichtstr. s-Bf. Slevogtstr. Teschstr. S.-Bolivar-Str. 1 Pittlerstr. 87 88 90 E 9 OttoMichaelStr. Rosenowstr. 50 4 Stahmeln Lützschena Gypsbergstr. 8 Freirodaer Weg 1 11 Modelwitz 86 BMW Werk, Portitzmühlweg Schildberger Weg 215 > Eilenburg / Cottbus Ferag BMW Werk, 79 80 81 82 83 MockauWest 70 Hornbach Baumarkt Delitzscher/ Essener Str. Fr.-Mehring- Gohlis-Nord, Virchowstr. Str. Zone 176 > Taucha 86 Zentralgebäude Tor 1 Am alten Flughafen 110 16 Beyerleinstr. Landsberger/ M.-LiebermannStr. Sternsiedlung Nord Messeverwaltung Siedlung Gottscheina, Am Ring 82 Paetzstr. Landsberger Str. Gut Seehausen Messegelände 16 Messe Zone Klinikum St. Georg S10 Stahmelner Allee 86 Future Electronics 82 86 Gottscheina, Hohenheida, Am Anger Gasthof 86 Hohenheida, Lindengasse CongressCenter 196 Dachauer Str. Martinshöhe Gohlis, 4 s-Bf. Wahren 190 Hänichen, Bismarckturm Bf. Wiederitzsch Siedlerweg Buchfinkenweg s-Bf. Lützschena Schkeuditz, Gartenstadt Altscherbitz 11 Schkeuditz, Rathausplatz 3 Melissenweg Landsberger/ Bahnhofstr. Zeisigweg Wilhelmstr. 130 > Rückmarsdorf 163 > Günthersdorf 87 87 Äußerer Zeisigweg W.-Pfennig-Str. Radefeld, GVZ/ Am Exer S10 > Halle (Saale) To help you find your way around, tram and bus stops specified are followed by their coordinates in the map of LVB‘s public transport network (for example, Leipzig Central Station is located in D 2). 90 WiederitzschMitte Bf. Seehausen, Schule Einfahrt Sachsenpark 86 Göbschelwitz Seehausen, Alte Mühle 3 Lange Trift Seehausener Allee Alte Dübener Landstr. G.-HerweghStr. Wiederitzsch, Bürgeramt 90 87/88 s-Bf. Schkeuditz Salzhandelsstr. Wiederitzscher Landstr. Lindenthaler Hauptstr. R.-Breitscheid-Str. Zone Breitenfeld, Gewerbegebiet Lindenallee 85 Sachsenpark 53 0 1 Autohaus Lindenthal, An der Windmühle Sophienstr. Pelzgasse 85 87 88 Wiederitzsch-Nord, 25 1/ Radefeld, GVZ/ Deutsche Post AG Zur Lindenhöhe An der Schule Lindenthal, Gemeindeamt Radefeld, GVZ/ Porsche An der Hufschmiede 88 Zone 163 Breitenfeld, Tierheim Breitenfeld, Kutscherweg 21 5/ 190 > Delitzsch Radefeld, Transport & Service 162 Gewerbegebiet Podelwitz Breitenfeld, Parkring Leipzig/Halle Flughafen F 164 Hohenheida, 504 504 > Halle (Saale) E 196 > Bad Düben 79 164 70 C Zone 162 79 B 1 A PösnaPark Damaschkestr. 75 Bf. PflaumenGroßpösna allee Großpösna, Brauteich / behindertengerechte Straßenbahnhaltestelle/ nicht in allen Richtungen Fahrradabstellplatz "Bike and Ride" Parkplatz "Park and Ride" Bf. Oberholz 525 > Geithain / Chemnitz F 4 Guided Walks and Tours Discounts of up to 26% are available on guided walks and sightseeing tours, while reductions of at least 10 % are granted on the “Grand Leipzig Tram Sightseeing Tour”. Discounts are also offered on boat trips on the Lake Cospuden, on Leipzig‘s waters and tours of Red Bull Arena. Boat trip on the “Cospuden” passenger ship on Lake Cospuden Organiser: T&F Tourismus- und Freizeitservice GmbH Tel: +49 (0)341 940 4297, fax: +49 (0)341 940 4296 info@aufinsabenteuer.de, www.aufinsabenteuer.de Boarding for the “Cospuden”: Cospudener See / Nordstrand, Zöbigker Hafen and Bistumshöhe, D-04249 Leipzig Departure times: see timetable or call +49 (0)341 940 4297 Cospudener See / Nordstrand and Cospudener See / Erlebnisachse (LEIPZIG CARD valid as far as Cospudener See/Erlebnisachse), (See map: C4) LEIPZIG CARD holders are entitled a 1 reduction on the regular rates for adults and children, and a 4 reduction on the regular rates for families. Grand Leipzig Tram Sightseeing Tour Organiser: Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB) GmbH Tickets: • LVB – Mobility Centre opposite Leipzig Central Station, D-04109 Leipzig Ticket sales: Mon – Fri 8 am – 8pm, Sat 8 am – 4 pm Hbf. (Central Station), Wintergartenstraße / Hbf. und Hbf. / Westseite (See map: D 2) • LVB Service Centre at Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz, Petersstraße/corner of Markgrafenstraße, D-04109 Leipzig Ticket sales: Mon – Fri 8 am – 8 pm, Sat 8 am – 4 pm Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz (See map: D3) • LVB online shop: www.lvb.de (no reduced tickets available) Information and reservation also on ticket hotline +49 (0)341 19449 The Grand Leipzig Tram Sightseeing Tour departs and ends at Hbf. (Central Station) / Westseite, siding on Kurt-Schumacher-Straße (See map: D 2), Sat 11 am – 1 pm, 2 pm – 4 pm and Sun (May – Sept) 11 am – 1 pm LEIPZIG CARD holders are entitled to a discount of at least 10 % on the valid ticket price for LVB’s Grand Leipzig Tram Sightseeing Tour. Guided tour of Red Bull Arena Organiser: ZSL Betreibergesellschaft mbH Am Sportforum 3, D-04105 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 234 1123, fax: +49 (0)341 234 1111 j.brand@sportforum-leipzig.com, www.sportforum-leipzig.com Tour Dates: Apr – Sept Wed – Sat 4 pm (except during sports fixtures and concerts), Oct – Mar for groups by prior arrangement Tickets: call +49 (0)341 234 1123, fax +49 (0)341 234 1111 or visit www.sportforum-leipzig.com Waldplatz Feuerbachstraße (See map: C 2) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders Guided walks and excursions Organiser: Leipzig Details Haus der Demokratie, Bernhard-Göring-Straße 152, D-04277 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 303 9112 Fax: +49 (0)341 303 9113 post@leipzigdetails.de, www.leipzigdetails.de LEIPZIG CARD holders are entitled to a 10 % discount on the valid ticket price for public tours and excursions on foot, by bicycle, coach, rail and boat organised by Leipzig Details. Guided walks and tours Organiser: Leipzig Erleben GmbH Tourist Information Katharinenstraße 8, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 710 4280 Fax: +49 (0)341 710 4231 info@leipzig-erleben.com www.leipzig-erleben.com Sightseeing tour desk open: Mon – Fri 9.30am – 6 pm (Nov – Feb 10am – 6 pm), Sat 9.30am – 4 pm, Sun / public holidays 9.30 am – 3 pm Hbf. (Central Station), Wintergartenstraße / Hbf. und Hbf. / Westseite (See map: D 2) • Guided walks: Leipzig live – a guided walk Duration: 2 hours (approx.), Prices: 8 per head, LEIPZIG CARD holders 7 • Combined city sightseeing walk / tour (walk 1 h / tour 1.5 h), in German/English Duration: 2.5 hours, Prices: 15 per person, discounted price 13 (students, schoolchildren, disabled persons) LEIPZIG CARD holders 11, children under 6 years of age 6 NB: Unfortunately, LEIPZIG CARD holders are not entitled to any discounts on thematic walks or coach tours. Further offers: A 10 % discount is available on tours offered by Leipzig Erleben GmbH in conjunction with a third party. For dates and times of guided walks and sightseeing tours please ask at Tourist Information or visit www.leipzig-erleben.com. Motorboat trip on Leipzig’s waters Organiser: SC DHfK Leipzig e. V. – Bootsverleih Klingerweg Klingerweg 2, D-04229 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 480 6545, fax: +49 (0)34 480 6555 bootsverleih@scdhfk.de, www.bootstour-leipzig.de Open: Apr – Oct (times subject to weather restrictions!) Klingerweg (See map: C 3) LEIPZIG CARD holders: Discount of 10 % on the price of a 70-minute motorboat trip Phoenix Tour – From Mining to Lake District Organiser: Rundum Leipzig – Mai-RegioTour Tel: +49 (0)341 860 5901 Fax: +49 (0)34206 55992 info@rundum-leipzig.de, www.rundum-leipzig.de Ticket sales: Tourist Information, Katharinenstraße 8, D-04109 Leipzig Current information is available at www.rundum-leipzig.de Duration: about 4 hours with picknick Hbf. (Central Station), Wintergartenstraße / Hbf. and Hbf. / Westseite (See map: D 2) LEIPZIG CARD holders are entitled to a 10 % discount on the valid ticket price of “Phoenix Tour – From Mining to Lake District”, from April – November, Sat at 9 am; from Leipzig, Goethestraße. Steamer trip on board the “MS Neuseenland” Organiser: Pier 1 GmbH & Co. KG Hafenstraße 23, D-04416 Markkleeberg Tel: +49 (0)341 356510 Fax: +49 (0)341 356 5129 info@cospuden.de, www.schiffsdepot.de Departure times: Apr – Oct: tours by request and reservation (all offers at www.schiffsdepot.de) Cospudener See / Nordstrand and Cospudener See / Erlebnisachse (LEIPZIG CARD valid as far as Cospudener See / Erlebnisachse), (See map: C 4) LEIPZIG CARD holders are entitled to a 10 % reduction on the regular charter price for the “MS Neuseenland”. The Multimedia Sightseeing Tour Organiser: Videobustour Leipzig Lützowstraße 19, D-04157 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 9029 0289 Fax: +49 (0)341 9029 0253 kontakt@videobustour.de, www.videobustour.de Ticket sales: Buy ticket directly at the Böttchergäßchen / Reichsstraße meeting point; for up-to-the-minute information visit www.videobustour.de Hbf., Wintergartenstraße / Hbf. and Hbf./Westseite Reichsstraße (See map: D 2) LEIPZIG CARD holders enjoy a discount of 3 per person on all applicable ticket prices. Eating out 10 % discount The LEIPZIG CARD entitles you to a 10 % discount on the special LEIPZIG CARD three-course set menu and two beverages (two soft drinks, or two glasses of beer or wine). Instead of a set menu, children can also be granted a 10 % reduction on children’s portions. See details below for additional benefits! NB: For organisational reasons, please show your LEIPZIG CARD to your waiter/waitress before placing your order. Augustus Brasserie – Café – Restaurant Augustusplatz 14, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 960 9603, fax: +49 (0)341 960 9613 info@restaurant-augustus.de, www.restaurant-augustus.de Open: daily 11 am – 12 midnight Augustusplatz (See map: D 2/3) LEIPZIG CARD holders receive a 10 % reduction on the total bill. Bayerischer Bahnhof – Gasthaus & Gosebrauerei Bayrischer Platz 1, D-04103 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 124 5760 Fax: +49 (0)341 124 5770 info@bayerischer-bahnhof.de www.bayerischer-bahnhof.de Open: daily 11 am – open end Bayrischer Platz (See map: D 3) LEIPZIG CARD holders receive a 10% reduction on the total bill. Gasthaus Barthels Hof Hainstraße 1, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 141310 Fax: +49 (0)341 141 3120 info@barthels-hof.de, www.barthels-hof.de Open: daily 7 am – 12 midnight Thomaskirche (See map: C 3) Goerdelerring (See map: C 2) Gosenschenke “Ohne Bedenken” Restaurante Mückenschlösschen am Rosental Menckestraße 5/Poetenweg 6, D-04155 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 566 2360 Fax: +49 (0)341 566 2310 info@gosenschenke.de www.gosenschenke.de Open: Oct – Easter Mon – Fri 5 pm – open end, Sat / Sun12 noon – open end; Eastern – Sept daily 12 noon – open end Fritz-Seeger-Straße (See map: C 2) LEIPZIG CARD holders receive a 10% reduction on the total bill. Waldstraße 86, D-04105 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 983 2051 Fax: +49 (0)341 983 2052 mueckenteam@online.de www.mueckenschloesschen-leipzig.de Open: daily summer 10 am – 12 midnight winter 11 am – 12 midnight Am Mückenschlösschen (See map: C 2) LEIPZIG CARD holders receive a 10% reduction on the total bill. Restaurant “LA TOSCANA” Kiwara Lodge at Leipzig Zoo and Marché Restaurant at Gründergarten Leipzig Zoo and Marché Restaurant Patakan at Gondwanaland Leipzig Zoo Pfaffendorfer Straße 29, D-04105 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 593 3494 Fax: +49 (0)341 593 3499 leipzig-zoo@marche-restaurants.com www.marche-restaurants.com Open: Jan – Mar 9 am – 5 pm, Apr 9 am – 6 pm, May – Sept 9 am – 7 pm, Oct 9 am – 6 pm, Nov – Dec 9 am – 5 pm Zoo (See map: C2) LEIPZIG CARD holders receive a 10 % reduction on the total bill. pentalounge c/o pentahotel Leipzig Großer Brockhaus 3, D-04103 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 129 2106 Fax: +49 (0)341 129 2125 info.leipzig@pentahotels.com www.pentahotels.com/de/leipzig Open: 24 hours a day Hofmeisterstraße (See map: D 2) Johannisplatz (See map: D 3) Augustusplatz (See map: D 2/3) LEIPZIG CARD holders receive a 10 % reduction on the total bill. Restaurant Hacienda Las Casas at Leipzig Zoo Gourmet Restaurant “Amaroso” at Balance Hotel Leipzig Alte Messe Breslauer Straße 33, D-04299 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 86790, fax: +49 (0)341 867 9444 info@balancehotel-leipzig.de, www.amaroso.de Open: daily 6.30 am –11 pm Breslauer Straße (See map: E 3) LEIPZIG CARD holders receive a 10 % reduction on the total bill. Pfaffendorfer Straße 29, D-04105 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 583 0957 Fax: +49 (0)341 583 0958 zooleipzig.1232@sodexo.de Open: Jan – Mar 9 am – 5 pm, Apr 9 am – 6 pm, May – Sept 9 am – 7 pm, Oct 9 am – 6 pm, Nov – Dec 9 am – 5 pm Zoo (See map: C 2) LEIPZIG CARD holders receive a 10 % reduction on the total bill. at Suite Hotel Leipzig Permoserstraße 50, D-04328 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 25890 Fax: +49 (0)341 258 9444 info@suitehotel-leipzig.de www.suitehotel-leipzig.de Open: Mon – Sun 6 pm – open end Ostheimstraße (See map: E 2) Elisabeth-Schumacher-Straße (See map: E 2) LEIPZIG CARD holders receive a 10% reduction on the total bill. Restaurant “Le Jardin” at Novotel Leipzig City Goethestraße 11, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 99580 Fax: +49 (0)341 995 8200 H1784@accor.com www.novotel.com Open: daily 10 am – 11 pm Hbf. (Central Station), Wintergartenstraße / Hbf. and Hbf. / Westseite (See map: D 2) Restaurant Panorama Tower Augustusplatz 9, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 7100-590 Fax: +49 (0)341 7100-589 info@panorama-leipzig.de www.panorama-leipzig.de Open: Mon – Thu 11 am – 12 midnight Fri / Sat 11 am – 1 am, Sun 9 am –11 pm Augustusplatz (See map: D 2/3) Eating out Shopping 10 % discount Discounts of up to 5% or a gift of your choice Restaurant Schnitzel-Culture Thüringer Hof zu Leipzig Leipzig-Laden Nr. 1 and Große Fleischergasse 21, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 224580, fax: +49 (0)341 224 5820 info@schnitzel-culture.de, www.schnitzel-culture.de Open: daily 11 am – open end Goerdelerring (See map: C 2) Thomaskirche (See map: C 3) Burgstraße 19, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 994 4999 Fax: +49 (0)341 994 4933 reservierung@thueringer-hof.de www.thueringer-hof.de Open: daily 11 am – 12 midnight Thomaskirche (See map C 3) Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz (See map: D 3) Old City Hall, Markt 1, D-04109 Leipzig Tel / fax: +49 (0)341 960 1922 evbachmann@aol.com, www.leipzig-laden-nr1.de Open: Mon – Fri 10 am – 8 pm, Sat 10 am – 6 pm, Sun 11 am –6 pm Restaurant “Steaktrain” at Seaside Park Hotel Leipzig Richard-Wagner-Straße 7, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 98520 Fax: +49 (0)341 985 2750 info@parkhotelleipzig.de www.parkhotelleipzig.de Open: daily 6 pm – 12 midnight Hbf. (Central Station), Wintergartenstraße / Hbf. and Hbf. / Westseite (See map: D 2) LEIPZIG CARD holders receive a 10% reduction on the total bill. “Victor’s Stube” at Victor’s Residenz-Hotel Leipzig Georgiring 13, D-04103 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 68660 Fax: +49 (0)341 686 6899 info.leipzig@victors.de, www.victors.de Open: daily 6.30 am – 10.30 pm Hbf. (Central Station), Wintergartenstraße / Hbf. and Hbf. / Westseite (See map: D 2) Restaurant “Tiffany” at RAMADA Hotel Leipzig Schongauer Straße 39, D-04329 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 254 1578 Fax: +49 (0)341 254 1550 leipzig@ramada.de www.ramada.de/leipzig Open: daily 6 am –10.30 am, 12 noon –2.30 pm, 6 pm – 11 pm Paunsdorf Center (See map: F 2) Schongauer Straße (See map: F 2) LEIPZIG CARD holders receive a 10% reduction on the total bill. Weinstock Seeterrasse Cospuden YAMATO, Japanese Restaurant Harbour Restaurant & Café Hafenstraße 23, D-04416 Markkleeberg Tel: +49 (0)341 354 2683 Fax: +49 (0)341 350 2744 info@seeterrasse-cospuden.de www.seeterrasse-cospuden.de Open: daily 10 am – 11 pm Cospudener See / Nordstrand and Cospudener See / Erlebnisachse (LEIPZIG CARD valid as far as to Cospudener See / Erlebnisachse; continue by boat to Zöbigker Hafen, or walk along the shore – takes half an hour); or alternatively continue by bus (surchage payable) to Zöbigker, Schmiede (See map: C 4) LEIPZIG CARD holders receive a 10% reduction on the total bill. Gerberstraße 15, D-04105 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 988 1088, 211 1068 Fax: +49 (0)341 462 4926, 211 1068 restaurant-yamato@t-online.de www.westin.com/leipzig Open: daily 12 noon – 2 pm and 6.30 pm – 10.30 pm Hbf. (Central Station), Wintergartenstraße / Hbf. und Hbf. / Westseite (See map: D 2) LEIPZIG CARD holders are entitled to a 10% discount on the special seven-course LEIPZIG CARD menu including two beverages (two glasses of beer, wine or soft drinks, or a combination thereof). Young diners are entitled to a 10% discount on a children’s portion (i. e. 50% of the full LEIPZIG CARD menu). Reservations recommended. Markt 7, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 1406 0606 Fax: +49 (0)341 225 2365 info@restaurant-weinstock-leipzig.de www.restaurant-weinstock-leipzig.de Open: Sun – Thu 11 am –1 am, Fri – Sat 11 am – 2 am Augustusplatz Markt (See map: D 2/3) Thomaskirche (See map: C 3) LEIPZIG CARD holders receive a 10% reduction on the total bill. MuseumsShop Old City Hall, Markt 1, D-04109 Leipzig Tel / fax: +49 (0)341 149 5484 Open: daily 10 am – 6 pm Augustusplatz Markt (See map: D 2/3) Thomaskirche (See map: C 3) Discount for LEIPZIG CARD holders: 10 % on total purchase from range of souvenirs (min. 20; cash payments only) LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics Petersstraße 39 – 41, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 225 1491 Fax: +49 (0)341 225 1560 shop.leipzig@lush-shop.de, www.lush.de Open: Mon – Sat 10 am – 8 pm Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz (See map: D3) Discounted prices for LEIPZIG CARD holders: a 10 % discount will apply to the respective sale price across the entire range. Meissener Porcelain in the Old City Hall Markt 1, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 960 1714, fax: +49 (0)341 211 8884 info@bodo-zeidler.de, www.bodo-zeidler.de Open: Mon – Fri 10 am – 7 pm, Sat 10 am – 4 pm Augustusplatz, Markt (See map: D 2/3) Thomaskirche (See map: C 3) Gift of your choice for LEIPZIG CARD holders: as of a minimum purchase of 150 shoppers can select a Meissen pocelain medaillon of their choice from the Leipzig collection absolutely free. Taschenkaufhaus Leipzig (Leipzig Bag Store) Ritterstraße 9 –13, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)800 202 0212, fax: +49 (0)341 35055 7720 info@taschenkaufhaus.de, www.taschenkaufhaus.de Open: Mon – Fri 10 am – 8 pm, Sat 10 am – 7 pm Hbf. (Central Station), Hbf. / Wintergartenstraße and Hbf. / Westseite (See map: D 2) Discounted prices for LEIPZIG CARD holders: 5 % or 8 % for cash payments on applicable sales prices (excluding ‚aunts & uncles‘ branded items), complimentary welcome drink in the lounge area Tourist Information Festivals, Concert halls, Theatres, Variety Theatres, Live Comedy 10 % discount on most souvenirs Reduced admission or other discounts Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH “a cappella” Leipzig International Festival of Vocal Music Cabaret-theatre SanftWut (live comedy club) Tourist Information Katharinenstraße 8 D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 710 4260 Fax: +49 (0)341 710 4271 info@ltm-leipzig.de www.leipzig.de, www.leipzig.travel Open: Mon – Fri 9.30 am – 6 pm (Nov – Feb 10 am – 6 pm) Sat 9.30 am – 4 pm Sun / public holidays 9.30 am – 3 pm (closed for Christmas and New Year) Dates: 20 / 04 –29 / 04 / 2012, 24 / 05 – 02 / 06 / 2013 Organiser: Verein zur Förderung der Vokalmusik – a cappella e. V. Landsberger Straße 1, D-04157 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 9107 5575, fax: +49 (0)341 9107 5576 info@a-cappella-festival.de, www.a-cappella-festival.de We expect tickets and information on the event to be available from December 2011 all the usual advance ticket agencies. Admission: concessionary prices for LEIPZIG CARD holders at all performances during “a cappella” where reductions are offered Mädler Passage, Grimmaische Straße 2 – 4, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 961 2346, fax: +49 (0)341 961 2348 www.sanftwut.de, www.kabarett-theater-sanftwut.de Box office open: Mon 12 noon – 4 pm, Tue – Sat 12 noon – 6 pm Augustusplatz Markt (See map: D 2/3) Admission: LEIPZIG CARD holders are entitled to a 2 reduction on all SanftWut performances where reductions are permitted (Tue – Sat; no discount for guest performances or during the Lachmesse comedy festival) Hbf. (Central Station), Wintergartenstraße / Hbf. und Hbf. / Westseite (See map: D 2) LEIPZIG CARD holders are entitled to a discount of 10 % on souvenir items such as t-shirts, bags, cuddly toys, jewellery and Leipzig specialities at the Tourist Information. For details of other special offers available at the Tourist Information in conjunction with the LEIPZIG CARD, see as well as Magazines. Centraltheater Cabaret academixer (live comedy club) Kupfergasse 2, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 2178 7878, fax: +49 (0)341 2178 7700 info@academixer.com, www.academixer.com Box office open: Mon – Fri from 12 noon, Sat from 13 pm, Sun/Public holidays 2 hours prior to the performance and, with double performances, 1 hour prior to the first performance – right up to the start of the performance Augustusplatz (See map: D 2/3) Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz (See map: D 3) Admission: LEIPZIG CARD holders enjoy a discount of 2 on regular admission prices for the academixer programme from Sunday to Thursday Cabaret Leipziger Pfeffermühle (live comedy club) Magazines 15 % discount on the following magazines A 15 % reduction is available when purchasing magazines published by Kreuzer Medien GmbH at Tourist Information Katharinenstraße 8, D-04109 Leipzig Open: Mon – Fri 9.30 am – 6 pm (Nov – Feb 10 am – 6 pm) Sat 9.30 am – 4 pm Sun / public holidays 9.30 am – 3 pm Hbf. (Central Station), Wintergartenstraße / Hbf. and Hbf. / Westseite (See map: D 2) This discount is available on the following publications: KREUZER – Leipzig. Subjektiv. Selektiv. (city magazine) KREUZER – Leipzig Tag & Nacht (Leipzig restaurant guide) Bosestraße 1, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 126 8168 Fax: +49 (0)341 126 8169 besucherservice@schauspiel-leipzig.de www.schauspiel-leipzig.de Advance box office opens: Mon – Fri 10 am –7 pm, Sat 10 am – 1 pm Evening box office opens 90 minutes prior to performances Thomaskirche (See map: C 3) Gottschedstraße (See map: C 2) Admission: 10% reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders for all Centraltheater performances where reductions are permitted euro-scene Leipzig Festival of Contemporary European Theatre Katharinenstraße 17 / Kretschmann’s Hof, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 960 3196, fax +49 (0)341 960 3107 kabarett.pfeffermuehle@t-online.de, www.kabarett-leipziger-pfeffermuehle.de Box office open: Mon – Fri 11 am – 8 pm, Sat 3 pm – 8 pm, Sun / public holidays 2 hours before performances Hbf. (Central Station), Wintergartenstraße / Hbf. and Hbf. / Westseite (See map: D 2) Admission: LEIPZIG CARD holders are entitled to a 2 reduction on all Cabaret Leipziger Pfeffermühle performances where reductions are permitted (Cabaret Leipziger Pfeffermühle performances, Sun – Thu) Date: 06 /11 – 11/11/2012, 05 /11 – 10 /11/ 2013 Gottschedstraße 16, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 980 0284, fax: +49 (0)341 980 4860 info@euro-scene.de, www.euro-scene.de Information about events and tickets from euro-scene Leipzig (Tel: +49 (0)341 980 0284) Admission: 10 % reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders on all euro-scene performances Cabaret-theatre Leipziger Funzel (live comedy club) Grassistraße 8, D-04107 Leipzig or Dittrichring 21, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 214455, fax: +49 (0)341 214 4503 kbb@hmt-leipzig.de, www.hmt-leipzig.de Ticket sale at the event: starting 1 hour before the concert Grassistraße: Neues Rathaus (See map: C 3) Dittrichring: Thomaskirche (See map: C 3) Admission: concessionary prices for LEIPZIG CARD holders Nikolaistraße 6 –10, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 960 3232, fax: +49 (0)341 960 2044 info@leipziger-funzel.de, www.leipziger-funzel.de Box office open: Mon – Sat 10 am – 8 pm Augustusplatz (See map: D 2/3) Admission: LEIPZIG CARD holers enjoy a discount of 10 % on box office prices – Tue to Sat – for performances of in-house productions at the Leipzig Funzel Cabaret and from 27 / 07 – 05 / 08 / 2012 at the summer cabaret at Leipzig Zoo. This discount rises to 20 % if the customer states the code phrase “Small art writ large” at the booking office. Events at the University of Music and Theatre “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” Festivals, Concert halls, Theatres, Variety Theatres, Live Comedy Reduced admission or other discounts Gewandhaus concert hall Augustusplatz 8, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 127 0280 Fax: +49 (0)341 127 0222 ticket@gewandhaus.de, www.gewandhaus.de Gewandhaus box office open: Mon – Fri 10 am – 6 pm and until performance starts, Sat 10 am – 2 pm and 1 hour before performances Augustusplatz (See map: D 2/3) Admission: 10 % reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders for Gewandhaus performances where reductions are permitted Gohliser Schlösschen (Gohlis Palace) Menckestraße 23, D-04155 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 589690 Fax: +49 (0)341 589 6919 kontakt@gohliser-schloss.de www.gohliser-schloss.de Ticket sales/ticket reservations: ½ hour prior to the start of the performance or reservation by phone: Tue – Fri 10 am – 4 pm, Tel: +49 (0)341 589690 Menckestraße Fritz-Seger-Straße (See map: C 2) Admission: LEIPZIG CARD holders are entitled to ticket reductions for all performances at Gohlis Palace International Johann Sebastian Bach Competition Leipzig and Performances at Bach Museum Leipzig Leipzig Bach Archive Thomaskirchhof 16, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 913 7302 Fax: +49 (0)341 913 7305 wettbewerb@bach-leipzig.de, museum@bach-leipzig.de www.bach-wettbewerb-leipzig.de, www.bachmuseumleipzig.de Tickets for the Opening Concert and the Competition Prizewinners’ Concert and for events in the Bach Museum at all online pre-sale ticket offices, by phone on +49 (0)1805 562030 and online at www.bach-wettbewerb-leipzig.de / www.bachmuseumleipzig.de Thomaskirche (See map: C3) Admission: discounts for LEIPZIG CARD holders in the form of reduced admission prices for all events of the Bach Competition Leipzig and at the Leipzig Bach Museum Krystallpalast Varieté Leipzig Magazingasse 4, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 140 6610, fax: +49 (0)341 140 6620 kartenverkauf@krystallpalastvariete.de www.krystallpalastvariete.de Varieté box office open: Mon – Sat 10 am – 8 pm, Sun 1 pm – 6 pm Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz (See map: D 3) Admission: 10 % reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders for all Krystallpalast Varieté performances where reductions are permitted (Wed, Thu 8 pm, Sun 6 pm) Leipzig Bachfest Dates: 07/ 06 –17/ 06 / 2012, 14 / 06 – 23 / 06 / 2013 Organised by the Leipzig Bach Archive on behalf of Leipzig City Council Thomaskirchhof 15 –16, D -04109 Leipzig Ticket presale from 15th October at all online pre-sale ticket offers, by phone on +49 (0)1805 562030 and online at www.bachfestleipzig.de Admission: LEIPZIG CARD holders enjoy price concessions for all Bachfest events at which concessions are permitted Admission: Reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders for all LOFFT performances where reductions are permitted Mendelssohn Festival Dates: 07/ 09 – 16 / 09 / 2012, 12 / 09 – 22 / 09 / 2013 Organiser: amoungst others Gewandhaus Concert Hall, Augustusplatz 8, D-04109 Leipzig and Mendelssohn House, Goldschmidtstraße 12, D-04103 Leipzig Contact details and information on ticket sales: please refer to the entries for the Gewandhaus Concert Hall and Sunday Concerts at the Mendelssohn House Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz (See map: D 3) Augustusplatz (See map: D 2/3) Admission: 10 % reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders for Gewandhaus performances where reductions are permitted. LEIPZIG CARD holders benefit from a reduction in the form of a discounted entrance price for performances in the Mendelssohn House. Leipzig Opera Moritzbastei Leipzig Opera House, Augustusplatz 12, D-04109 Leipzig Augustusplatz (See map: D 2/3) Musikalische Komödie, Dreilindenstraße 30, D-04177 Leipzig Angerbrücke Straßenbahnhof (See map: C 2) Advance box office for all venues: Mon – Sat 10 am – 7 pm Evening box office opens 1 hour prior to performances. Tel: +49 (0)341 126 1261 Fax: +49 (0)341 126 1300 service@oper-leipzig.de www.oper-leipzig.de Admission: 10% reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders for all performances by Leipzig Opera at Leipzig Opera House and Musikalische Komödie where reductions are permitted Universitätsstraße 9, D-04109 Leipzig Tel. +49 (0)341 702590 Fax +49 (0)341 702 5959 info@moritzbastei.de, www.moritzbastei.de Advance box office open: Mon – Fri 12 noon – 6 pm Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz (See map: D 3) Admission: Reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders for all Moritzbastei performances where reductions are permitted LOFFT – Leipziger OFF-Theater Theaterhaus at the Lindenauer Markt Lindenauer Markt 21, D-04177 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 3559 5510 Fax: +49 (0)341 3559 5519 info@lofft.de, www.lofft.de Box office open: ½ hour before performances Lindenauer Markt (See map: C 2/3) Orchestra and choirs of Central German Broadcasting (MDR) Augustusplatz 9 a, D-04109 Leipzig klangkoerper@mdr.de www.mdr.de/konzerte Information about events and tickets: Ticketgalerie GmbH, tel. +49 (0)341 141414 Box office open: Mon – Fri 9 am – 8 pm, Sat 10 am – 6 pm Concerts at the Gewandhaus, Old City Hall and MDR Studio Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz (See map: D 3) Augustusplatz (See map: D 2/3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders in the form of reduced admission prices for the events “Reihe Eins”, Matinee Concert, Magic of Music (Gewandhaus), City Hall Concert (Old City Hall) Festivals, Concert halls, Theatres, Variety Theatres, Live Comedy Reduced admission or other discounts RevueTheater Am Palmengarten Jahnallee 52 / corner of Erich-Köhn-Straße, D-04177 Leipzig Tel. +49 (0)341 225 5172 reservierung@palmengarten-leipzig.de www.palmengarten-leipzig.de Opening times of the RevueTheater box office: 90 min before the start of the show Angerbrücke Straßenbahnhof (See map: C 2/3) Admission: LEIPZIG CARD holders enjoy a discount of 2 per ticket on the official ticket price (not applicable in December) Sunday concerts at Mendelssohn House Goldschmidtstraße 12, D-04103 Leipzig Tel. +49 (0)341 127 0294, fax +49 (0)341 211 5288 ims@mendelssohn-stiftung.de, www.mendelssohn-haus.de Concert tickets available daily from museum ticket office: 10 am – 6 pm Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz (See map: D 3) Augustusplatz (See map: D 2/3) Admission: LEIPZIG CARD holders benefit from reduced admission to Sunday concerts (11 am) at Mendelssohn House Bach Museum in the Leipzig Bach Archive GRASSI Museum of Applied Arts Thomaskirchhof 16, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)3 41 91 3 72 02 Fax: +49 (0)3 41 91 3 72 05 museum@bach-leipzig.de, www.bachmuseumleipzig.de Open: Tue – Sun 10 am – 6 pm Thomaskirche (See map: C 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders Johannisplatz 5 –11, D-04103 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 222 9100 Fax: +49 (0)341 222 9200 grassimuseum@leipzig.de, www.grassimuseum.de Open: Tue – Sun , public holidays 10 am – 6 pm Closed on 24th and 31th December Johannisplatz (See map: D 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders Da Capo Vintage Car Museum and Venue Karl-Heine-Straße 105, D-04229 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)3 41 926 0137, fax: +49 (0)3 41 926 0147 dacapo@michaelis-leipzig.de, www.michaelis-leipzig.de Open: Wed – Sat 11 am – 6 pm*, Sun 10 am – 6 pm* (* except during private functions) K.-Heine-/Gießerstraße S-Bahnhof Plagwitz (See map: B / C 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders Dölitz Gate House Tin Figure Museum in the Dölitz Gate House Helenenstraße 24, D-04279 Leipzig Tel / fax: +49 (0)341 338 9107 www.Zinnfigurenfreunde-Leipzig.de Open: Wed, Fri, Sat 10 am – 4 pm Guided tours by prior arrangement Leinestraße (See map: D 4) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders Egyptian Museum of the University of Leipzig Museums and Exhibitions Reduced admission of up to 50% asisi Panometer in Leipzig Experience the breathtaking 360° panoramas by the artist Yadegar Asisi! Richard-Lehmann-Str. 114, D-04275 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 355 5340 Fax: +49 (0)341 3555 3450 office-leipzig@asisipanometer.de, www.asisi.de Open: Tue – Fri 10 am – 5 pm, Sat / Sun / public holidays 10 am – 6 pm Arthur-Hoffmann-Straße / Richard-Lehmann-Straße (See map: D 3) Karl-Liebknecht-/Richard-Lehmann-Straße (See map: D 3) Altenburger Straße (See map: D 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders – Georg Steindorff – Goethestraße 2, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 973 7015 Fax: +49 (0)341 973 7029 aegmus@rz.uni-leipzig.de, www.aegyptisches-museum.uni-leipzig.de Open: Tue – Fri 1 pm – 5 pm, Sat / Sun 10 am – 5 pm Augustusplatz (See map: D 2 / 3) Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) (See map: D 2) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders German Allotment Museum Aachener Straße 7, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 211 1194 Fax: +49 (0)341 261 8697 Kleingaertnermuseum@t-online.de Open: Tue – Thu 10 am – 4 pm, additional Jun – Aug Sat / Sun 10 am - 5 pm Guided tours for parties of at least 20 at other times by prior arrangement Marschnerstraße Waldplatz (See map: C 2 / 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders GRASSI Museum of Ethnology State of Saxony Ethnographic Collection / Dresden State Art Collection Johannisplatz 5 –11, D-04103 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 973 1900 Fax: +49 (0)341 973 1909 mvl-grassimuseum@ses.museum www.mvl-grassimuseum.de Open: Tue – Sun 10 am – 6 pm Johannisplatz (See map: D 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders GRASSI Museum of Musical Instruments of the University of Leipzig Johannisplatz 5 –11, D-04103 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 973 0750, fax: +49 (0)341 973 0759 musik.museum@uni-leipzig.de www.grassimuseum.de Open: Tue – Sun 10 am – 6 pm Johannisplatz (See map: D 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders Historical Tram Station in Leipzig-Möckern Georg-Schumann-Straße 244, D-04159 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 392 8904, fax: +49 (0)321 2123 2269 info@strassenbahnmuseum.de, www.strassenbahnmuseum.de Open: every third Sunday of the month, May – Sept 10 am – 5 pm Möckern, Historischer Straßenbahnhof (See map: C 2) Slevogtstraße (See map: C 2) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders Leipzig Camera and Photo Museum Gottschalkstraße 9, D-04316 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 651 5711 langner@fotomuseum.eu www.fotomuseum.eu Open: Wed / Sat / Sun 1 pm – 5 pm and by prior arrangement Gottschalkstraße (See map: E 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders Museums and Exhibitions Reduced admission of up to 50% Leipzig Museum of City History The Museum of History includes the following five institutions: · Old City Hall Markt 1, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 965130 For more details, see New Leipzig Museum of City History (below). · New Leipzig Museum of City History Böttchergäßchen 3, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)3 41 965130, fax: +49 (0)341 965 1352 stadtmuseum@leipzig.de www.stadtgeschichtliches-museum-leipzig.de Open: Tue – Sun, public holidays 10 am – 6 pm Hbf. (Central Station), Wintergartenstraße/Hbf. und Hbf. / Westseite (See map: D 2 / 3) Markt (Old City Hall), Reichsstraße (New Leipzig Museum of City History) (See map: C 2 / 3 und D 2 / 3) As the museum is located in the city centre you can also alight at the following stops: Goerdelerring, Thomaskirche, Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz and Augustusplatz (See map: C 2 / 3, D 2 / 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders Leipzig Museum of Fine Arts Katharinenstraße 10, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 216990 Fax: +49 (0)341 2169 9999 mdbk@leipzig.de, www.mdbk.de Open: Tue, Thu – Sun 10 am – 6 pm, Wed 12 noon – 8 pm, public holidays 10 am – 6 pm Hbf. (Central Station), Wintergartenstraße / Hbf. und Hbf. / Westseite Reichsstraße (See map: C 2 / 3 und D 2 / 3) As the museum is located in the city centre you can also alight at the following stops: Goerdelerring, Thomaskirche, Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz and Augustusplatz (See map: C 2 / 3 und D 2 / 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders Leipzig Museum of Printing Art Nonnenstraße 38, D-04229 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 231620 Fax: +49 (0)341 231 6210 info@druckkunst-museum.de, www.druckkunst-museum.de Open: Mon – Fri 10 am – 5 pm, Sun 11 am – 5 pm Nonnenstraße Holbeinstraße (See map: C 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders · Schiller House in Leipzig-Gohlis Menckestraße 42, D-04155 Leipzig Tel / fax: +49 (0)341 566 2170 schillerhaus-leipzig@leipzig.de www.stadtgeschichtliches-museum-leipzig.de Open: Apr – Oct Tue – Sun 10 am – 5 pm Nov – Mar Mi – Sun 11 am – 4 pm Menckestraße Fritz-Seger-Straße (See map: C 2) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders · Monument to the Battle of the Nations and · FORUM 1813 Straße des 18. Oktober 100, D-04299 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 241 6870 Fax: +49 (0)341 24168 7137 mail@voelkerschlachtdenkmal-leipzig.de www.stadtgeschichtliches-museum-leipzig.de Open: Apr – Oct daily 10 am – 6 pm Nov – Mar daily 10 am – 4 pm Völkerschlachtdenkmal An der Tabaksmühle (See map: D / E 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders Mendelssohn House Goldschmidtstraße 12, D-04103 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 127 0294 Fax: +49 (0)341 211 5288 ims@mendelssohn-stiftung.de www.mendelssohn-haus.de Open: daily 10 am – 6 pm Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz (See map: D 3) Augustusplatz (See map: D 2/3) Admission: 1 reduction for all LEIPZIG CARD holders Museum of Antiquity of the University of Leipzig Alte Nikolaischule, Nikolaikirchhof 2, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 973 0 700 Fax: +49 (0)341 973 0 709 klarch@rz.uni-leipzig.de, www.uni-leipzig.de/antik Open: Tue – Thu, Sat / Sun 12 noon – 5 pm Augustusplatz (See map: D 2 / 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders Natural History Museum Lortzingstraße 3, D-04105 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 982210 Fax: +49 (0)341 982 2122 naturkundemuseum@leipzig.de Open: Summer time Tue – Thu 9 am – 6 pm Winter time Tue – Thu 9 am – 4.30 pm all year Fri 9 am – 1 pm Sat / Sun 10 am – 4.30 pm Goerdelerring (See map: C 2) Lortzingstraße (See Map: C 2) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders Saxon Pharmacy Museum Thomaskirchhof 12, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 336520 Fax: +49 (0)341 336 5210 Open: Tue / Wed, Fri – Sat, Public holidays 11 am – 5 pm Thu 2 pm – 8 pm Thomaskirche (See map: C 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders Schumann House Inselstraße 18, D-04103 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 393 9620 Fax: +49 (0)341 393 9622 info@schumann-verein.de www.schumann-verein.de Open: Wed – Fri 2 pm – 5 pm Sat / Sun 10 am – 5 pm and by prior arrangement Johannisplatz (See map: D 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders VDI – GaraGe gemeinnützige GmbH Youth Technology Centre Karl-Heine-Straße 97, D-04229 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 870860 Fax: +49 (0)341 870 8610 kontakt@g-a-r-a-g-e.biz, www.g-a-r-a-g-e.biz Open: Mon – Fri 9 am – 6 pm, Sat / Sun only by prior arrangement for groups of 25+ K.-Heine-/Gießerstraße S-Bahnhof Plagwitz (See map: B / C 3) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders Museums, Exhibitions and Botanical Gardens Fun Attractions Free Admission Reduced admission of up to 35 % Botanical Gardens of the University of Leipzig Leipzig Museum of City History Cineplex Leipzig Linnéstraße 1, D-04103 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 973 6850, fax: +49 (0)341 973 6868 botgasek@uni-leipzig.de, www.uni-leipzig.de/bota – Outdoor areas: Nov – Feb 9 am – 4 pm; Mar*, Apr*, Oct* 9 am – 6 pm, May – Sept* 9 am – 8 pm, admission to the outdoor gardens is always free. *Including the pharmaceutical garden, and the touch and smell garden. – Greenhouses: Oct – Mar Tue – Fri 1 pm – 4 pm weekends / public holidays 10 am – 4 pm Apr – Sept Tue – Fri 1 pm – 6 pm weekends / public holidays 10 am – 6 pm Sorry, but free admission does not apply to special events. Johannisallee Ostplatz Liebigstraße (See map: D 3) The following institutions also belong to Leipzig Museum of City History: Ludwigsburger Straße 13 D-04209 Leipzig Tel: + 49 (0)341 426 9622 Fax: +49 (0)341 426 9616 www.cineplex.de Open: daily programm from 3 pm, at the weekend and on public holidays from 11 am Stuttgarter Allee (See map: B 3) Schönauer Ring (See map: B 3) Admission: from 7 – LEIPZIG CARD-Nutzer 5,50 (Plus surcharge with selected films; excluding evening shows on Saturdays and all 3-D shows) German Books and Manuscripts Museum of the German National Library Deutscher Platz 1, D-04103 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 227 1324, fax: +49 (0)341 227 1240 dbsm-info@dnb.de, www.dnb.de Open: from 14 / 03 / 2012 Mon – Wed and Fri – Sun 10 am – 6 pm Thu 10 am – 8 pm Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (See map: D 3) KUNSTHALLE der Sparkasse Leipzig (Sparkasse Art Exhibition Hall Leipzig) Otto-Schill-Straße 4 a, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 986 9898 Fax: +49 (0)341 986 9899 info@kunsthalle-sparkasse.de, www.kunsthalle-sparkasse.de Open: Tue, Thu – Sun 10 am – 6 pm, Wed 12 noon – 8 pm, public holidays 10 am – 6 pm Thomaskirche (See map: C 3) Neues Rathaus (See map: C 3) House of German History Foundation Leipzig Forum of Contemporary History Grimmaische Straße 6, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 22200 Fax: +49 (0)341 222 0500 zfl@hdg.de, www.hdg.de/zfl Open: Tue – Fri 9 am – 6 pm, Sat / Sun 10 am – 6 pm Augustusplatz Markt (See map: D 2 / 3) As the museum is located in the city you can also alight at the following stops: Hauptbahnhof (Central Station), Goerdelerring, Thomaskirche and Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz (See map: C 2 / 3, D 2 / 3). · Coffee Museum “Zum Arabischen Coffe Baum” Kleine Fleischergasse 4, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 965130, fax: +49 (0)341 965 1352 stadtmuseum@leipzig.de, www.stadtgeschichtliches-museum-leipzig.de Open: daily 11 am – 7 pm Goerdelerring (See map: C 2) Thomaskirche (See map: C 3) · Leipzig Sports Museum Collection and documentation centre, no permanent exhibition Am Sportforum 10, D-04105 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 980 5112, fax: +49 (0)341 980 6491 sportmuseum-leipzig@leipzig.de, www.stadtgeschichtliches-museum-leipzig.de Library and collection open: Tue 1 pm – 4 pm, only by arrangement Am Mückenschlösschen (See map: C 2) Leipzig School Museum Goerdelerring 20, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 213 0568, fax: +49 (0)341 215 5843 info@schulmuseum-leipzig.de, www.schulmuseum-leipzig.de Open: Mon – Fri 9 am – 4 pm and upon request Thomaskirche (See map: C 3) Goerdelerring (See map: C 2) Memorial Museum in the “Round Corner” (Stasi Museum) Permanent Exibition: “STASI – Power and Banality” Dittrichring 24, main entrance D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 961 2443 Fax: +49 (0)341 961 2499 mail@runde-ecke-leipzig.de www.runde-ecke-leipzig.de Open: daily 10 am – 6 pm public tour daily at 3 pm Thomaskirche (See map: C 3) Goerdelerring (See map: C 2) WolkenSchachLenkWal (formerly the Toy Museum) Friedhofsweg 10, D-04299 Leipzig Tel / fax: +49 (0)341 268 2470 kontakt@mehrweg-ev.de, www.mehrweg-ev.de Open: currently only by arrangement Völkerschlachtdenkmal An der Tabaksmühle (See map: D / E 3) LEIPZIG CARD holders enjoy free entry to the Gallery and Museum. Free entry does not apply when events are being held! EuroEddy’s FamilyFunCenter Leipzig Kastanienweg 1 D-04178 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 940 6244 Fax: +49 (0)341 940 6255 info@euroeddy-leipzig.de www.euroeddy-leipzig.de Open: during term time: Mon – Fri 2 pm – 8 pm Sat / Sun 10 am – 8 pm on public holidays and during the school holidays in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt: daily 10 am – 8 pm Löwencenter (See map: B 2) Admission: LEIPZIG CARD holders are entitled to a 20 % reduction on regular day tickets SACHSEN-THERME Schongauer Straße 19 D-04329 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 259 9920 Fax: +49 (0)341 259 9925 info@sachsen-therme.de www.sachsen-therme.de Open: daily 10 am – 11 pm Am Vorwerk Paunsdorf Center (See map: E / F 2) Schongauer Str. (See map: F 2) Prices: Day ticket for adults 20 – LEIPZIG CARD holders Day ticket for children 9 – LEIPZIG CARD holders Family day ticket 40 – LEIPZIG CARD holders 13 6 29 Leipzig Zoo What benefits does the LEIPZIG CARD offer ? Reduced admission of up to 18 % There are 100 ways to use your LEIPZIG CARD: travel free on the trams and buses of Leipzig transport operator LVB within the city limits (Zone 110) with the exception Zoo Leipzig GmbH of special routes. In addition you can enjoy cut-price walking, bike, coach and tram Pfaffendorfer Straße 29, D-04105 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 593 3500, fax: +49 (0)341 593 3303 office@zoo-leipzig.de, www.zoo-leipzig.de Open: Jan – Mar 9 am – 5 pm Apr 9 am – 6 pm* May – Sept 9 am – 7 pm Oct 9 am – 6 pm Nov – Dec 9 am – 5 pm** * Sat / Sun / public holidays till 7 pm ** 24th and 31th December till 3 pm Zoo (See map: C 2) Admission: reduction for LEIPZIG CARD holders tours as well as boat trips. The LEIPZIG CARD also allows free entry or up to 50 % discounts on admission to museums, not to mention reductions on ticket prices for festivals, concerts, variety theatre and social/political satire performances. Last but not least, discounts are also available at restaurants, shops, the souvenir shop at the Tourist Information, at leisure centres, and on boat hire. Where can I buy the LEIPZIG CARD ? The LEIPZIG CARD is available at the Tourist Information, LVB’s Mobility Centre, LVB Service Center at Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz (Petersstraße / corner of Markgrafenstraße), Lake Auensee Campsite, Lake Kulkwitz Campsite, many Leipzig hotels, tour operators, as well as www.leipzig.de, www.leipzig.travel and www.leipzig-card.de. Tour operators are requested to directly contact the tourism marketing department of Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH. How can I find out more ? Boat hire 10 % discount For more information about the LEIPZIG CARD, special events, maps of Leipzig and entertainment listings, just contact Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH. NB: The publication of this leaflet supersedes all previous leaflets on the LEIPZIG CARD. Leipziger Canoe Club boat hire Subject to alterations. Should any of the institutions listed here change their prices, Pistorisstraße 66, D-04229 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0)341 401 4961 bootsverleih@leipziger-kc.de, www.drachenboot-leipzig.de Open: Mon – Fri by arrangement by phone or e-mail, from Easter to the start of October: Sat, Sun, public holidays 10 am – 6 pm (the boat hire office will remain closed during bad weather and high water conditions) Rödelstraße (See map: C 3), then take the footpath along the Pistorisstraße LEIPZIG CARD holders enjoy a discount of 10 % on the applicable kayak and Canadian canoe hire price (dragon boat can be booked by phone) LEIPZIG CARD holders will be entitled to the new reductions which come into effect. Sailboat hire at harbour master’s office and Tourist Information at Lake Cospuden (only on presentation of a Sailing Certificate) Pier 1 GmbH & Co. KG Hafenstraße 23, D-04416 Markkleeberg Tel: +49 (0)341 3565 10, fax: +49 (0)341 356 5 129 info@cospuden.de, www.cospuden.de Open: May – Oct 11 am – 6 pm Cospudener See / Nordstrand, Cospudener See / Erlebnisachse (fare stop, end of LEIPZIG CARD validity) With to Zöbigker, Schmiede for a fee (See map: C4) LEIPZIG CARD holders are entitled to a 10 % discount when hiring sailing boats Bach Monument Leipzig Trade Fair St. Nicholas Church Imprint: Published by Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH Augustusplatz 9, D-04109 Leipzig Tourist-Information, Katharinenstraße 8, D-04109 Leipzig Tel: +49 (0) 341 710 4260, fax: +49 (0) 341 710 4271 info@ltm-leipzig.de, www.leipzig.de, www.leipzig.travel with links Edited by Thomas Köhn Conception and Realisation: Heimrich & Hannot GmbH Photos courtesy of Archiv Fantastic GmbH, Leipzig; Archiv GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Sandig; Archiv Gosenschenke „Ohne Bedenken“; Archiv Leipziger Messe GmbH, Schink; Archiv LTM: Brzoska, Mothes, Schmidt; Archiv Oper Leipzig, Pohlmann; © Arnold, Centraltheater; Schulze © asisi Printed by Messedruck Leipzig GmbH Date of going to press: 01/12/2011; subject to alterations. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holder. Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
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