The Audience - Hunter School Of The Performing Arts
The Audience - Hunter School Of The Performing Arts
The Audience “Performing At Our Best” Weeks 4 & 5, Term 2, 2016 P: (02) 49523355 I F: (02) 49562428 I W: E: Assessment schedules can be downloaded here. Stay in touch via our free app and Facebook page. Subscribe to this fortnightly 7-12 newsletter via the HSPA website. Contact the office for more information. Week 4 Mon 16/5 Tue 17/5 Wed 18/5 Thur 19/5 Fri 20/5 Yrs 8-11 Parent/Teacher Night Zone Cross Country Excursion: Yr 12 Ext 2 to Sydney Writers' Festival/State Library Senior and 7/8 Choirs to Sydney Stage 6 Premier's Debating Challenge-Rd 2 Excursion: Yr 12 to Jewish Museum Assessment: Yr 12 EES (p2) Assessment: Year 9 HSIE (p6) Newcastle Careers Expo Assessment: Yr 12 English (p4) Assessment: Prelim Business Studies (Task 1.1/1.2/1.3) Excursion: Senior Concert Band to Canberra Open Girls Soccer Wed 25/5 Thur 26/5 Fri 27/5 Processes have commenced for the selection of the next Principal of Hunter School of the Performing Arts as I have announced my intention to retire at the end of the term. This is a unique school and I believe one of the best schools in the country and I have had the privilege to be part of this school community for the last 17 years as Science Head Teacher, Deputy Principal and the last 5 years as Principal. In the remaining term I look forward to continuing to support staff students and families to achieve the best possible educational outcomes and ensure an effective transition with the new Principal when announced. Richard Jennings Topping the Charts Week 5 Mon 23/5 Tue 24/5 on May 18. The scholarship is for students studying Italian and will provide an opportunity for language immersion in Rome during the Summer holidays. Zone Athletics Assessment: Visual Arts/Multimedia Preliminary Year 8 Debating Year 7 Showcase 6.30pm Hunter Theatre Welfare Performance Years 7-8 (p1-2) Years 9-10 (p3-4) Short Sharp Theatre ensemble- Riverview Theatre heat Theatre: APRA/AMCOS Workshop (Yr11-12) Theatre: APRA/AMCOS Workshop (Yr11-12) From Centre Stage Congratulations to Stage Band and Marching Band for their performances at the Scone Horse Week Festival. Rehearsals have commenced for the Lion King and tickets have already gone on sale for what will be expected to be another display of the wonderful talent of our staff and students in the school. Year 12 reports are being issued as this issue of the Audience is distributed and reports for other years are being prepared at the moment for issue later this term. Parents of students in Years 8 – 11 will have an opportunity to meet class teachers on Monday 16/5 in the Bini during our second parent- teacher evening. Whilst the interviews are limited to only 5 minutes, a follow up interview can be made if further discussion is required. Many thanks to the parents in the P and C Primary Sub Committee for the successful Mother’s Day stall on Friday May 7. Congratulations to Elizabeth Gioia of Year 11 who has been awarded the prestigious Mama Lena and Dino Gustin Foundation Scholarship. Elizabeth will be presented the scholarship at an awards ceremony at the Sydney Town hall Maths MoneySmart parent videos. David Koch and his wife Libby talk about raising MoneySmart kids: StartSmart This program will run in Mathematics classes on May 31st and June 1st. The presenter will be taking about earning, saving, investing and spending money wisely, and about superannuation for the seniors. The lesson long sessions will cover concepts that are part of the Mathematics curriculum in a fun and interesting way. HSIE HSPA's Mock Trial team competed at the Newcastle Court House against St Pius X High School. HSPA were the defence on a negligent riding case that occasioned in grievous bodily harm. They succeeded in beating St Pius X High School with final scores of 238 to 207 and face Lambton High next Monday. Year 7 The Year 7 Showcase evening will be held on Tuesday 24th May at 6:30pm. Tickets can be purchased from the front office for $5. QTIP HSPA has recently invested in a collaborative program with the University of Newcastle that is designed to enhance current assessment methods. The committee has wide faculty representation and participated in a 3 day workshop to build a better understanding of the Quality Teaching Framework and Assessment Coding Principles at the end of Term 1. This enthused group has already led the staff in task evaluation activities that employ coding skills and has begun the cooperative process of refining existing tasks to support better learning outcomes for all students. Stay tuned for updates on the progress of the QTIP program. Aboriginal Education Congratulations to Millabah. They have performed at two major rugby league games recently: Australia vs NZ match and the Indigenous Round for the NRL. Well done Millabah for representing our school so well. What is your favourite song? Hurt (Johnny Cash), Praise You (Fat Boy Slim) and Love Will Tear Us Apart (Joy Division). James and Maleak attended a workshop at Bangarra Dance Theatre in Sydney. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Hydra, Greece. Year 12 Aboriginal Studies students are completing their major projects for submission. Topics include identity; the didgeridoo; Awabakal nation; Dreaming stories; female Indigenous artists; the misrepresentation of Aboriginal culture. Do you have a special talent? Dance. Year 11 Aboriginal Studies students are in the early stages of planning ideas for their community research project. This will help prepare them for the Year 12 major project. The Lion King Now On Sale Please make sure you know which cast your child/children are in before purchasing tickets. Ticket prices are as follows: Adults ~ $22.00 and Concessions ~ $16.50. There are no group or family ticket options. Tickets should be purchased by choosing first the appropriate matinee or evening performance for the cast in which your child is in. Then you may either purchase tickets directly from HSPA Main Administration Office on 4952 3355 or online at: Junior AECG training was held in Week 2. A committee was formed by the students and regular meetings will be held at school. Western Front Tour 2017 Places are still available for the trip to the Western Front in April 2017. The trip will be available for student in Years 10, 11 and 12 in 2017. Please see Mark Anderson in the HSIE faculty before the end of next week. Getting To Know….Mr John Matthews (STLA) What do you teach and where did you teach before HSPA? I’m a Learning and Support Teacher. Prior to this I was a PDHPE teacher. Besides HSPA where I have been for about 7 or so years I have taught at Francis Greenway H.S and Wallsend H.S. Where did you go to school? St Philips Christian College School, Newcastle. What made you decide to become a teacher? I had an influential teacher in High School who said I should go into teaching, my parents gave me a book called Teacher Man by Frank McCourt that made me think that teaching could be fulfilling and finally the enjoyment I gained from working with children in a coaching/mentoring role when I was younger. What do you like to do in your spare time? Travel, tennis, reading, walk the dog, gardening, watching a bit of sport. What has been your biggest challenge? Coming to terms with the aging process. What did you want to be when you were younger? Architect/Landscape Designer or a Professional Sportsman of some sort. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? Explore a new country. If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have? Time travel. What was the last book you read? No Great Mischief by Alistair Macleod What was your first job? Painter’s assistant. What is your favourite all-time movie? Little Miss Sunshine. What would you tell your 15 year old self? Make the most of the opportunities that present themselves. What would you name the autobiography of your life? My First Hundred Years. Do you ever wish you could be someone else, if yes, who? Roger Federer. We have the following availability of tickets for each show. Please be aware that marketing to all schools/retirement villages for matinees has begun. Matinee Cast: 11:00am Tickets Available Evening Cast: 7:00pm Tickets Available Tuesday 18th October Tuesday 18th October Tuesday 18th October Tuesday 18th October Matata Hakuna Matata Hakuna 153 177 243 240 Hakuna Matata Hakuna 249 311 240 Matata NEARLY SOLD OUT 84 In Concert Just as our Primary Musicians have many opportunities to attend State Music Festivals, such as the festival of Choral Music, Festival of Instrumental Music and Primary Proms, our Secondary Musicians have the opportunity to be involved in In Concert, which is the Secondary Choral Music Festival. I invite all community members to watch the webcast on: In Concert Tuesday 17 May 2016 ( We will have nearly 70 students participating on Tuesday, 17th May at this event, along with many of our Hunter Singers members down there for In Concert Monday 16 May 2016 ( Please note that on Windows Computers, Google Chrome and Firefox web browsers are more reliable for YouTube live streaming than Explorer. Youth On Purpose The School has been provided with 15 free double-passes for parents/caregivers of Year 11-12 students to attend a community event: Youth On Purpose, where students who have dealt with adversity will be inspired by a range of motivational speakers, including Andrew Morello, Justin ‘Mad Dog’ Morris, Hayden Walsh, Andy Marselos, and two of our senior pupils Siobahn and Samantha O’Toole. Please contact Mrs Hardie via Main Administration (4952 3355) if you are interested in finding out more or visit to book paid tickets. NAPLAN Thanks to Mrs O’Neill, Mrs O’Brien, Mrs Wilson, Mr Stewart, Mr Neale, Ms Harvey-Bice, Mr Matthews, Mr Jennings and Mr Hanlon for their support during this very big week of NAPLAN and the time leading up to it. Today, all Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students who were present and had missed a paper between Tuesday-Thursday were caught up on in the School Library. NAPLAN results should be available to parents by next term. Revised HSPA Assessment Policies All assessment policies, including the newly launched Primary Assessment Policy and the Term 2-revised Year 79, Year 10 (RoSA), Year 11 (Preliminary HSC) and Year 12 (HSC) assessment policies are available for download at: Smith Family Should parents in both our Primary and Secondary Department be experiencing financial hardship, the school can provide you with information regarding the joint Smith Family-ANZ Incentive Saver accounts, where up to a total of $500 contributed over the February-November period will be matched (doubled) by The Smith Family-ANZ Bank. Please contact Mr Khay or visit for more information. Star Struck Star Struck tickets are now on sale to the general public through Ticketek. All Year 3-12 students will have the opportunity to watch the Friday 17th June matinee performance as part of a school excursion. Information and permission notes will be sent home by next Friday. Chess Congratulations to our primary and secondary chess representatives, who today compete against teams from 5 other secondary schools and 7 other primary schools. The school had 21 students from its secondary department and 4 from its primary department competing. Congratulations to all and to Mr Bonjekovic for his coordination. LIBRARY th May the 4 …
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Hunter School of the Performing Arts
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