hoosier state press association foundation
HSPA FOUNDATION HISTORY Each year while reviewing financial and program activity, we also reflect on the history of the HSPA Foundation. We focus on the values, philosophies and societal needs that framed our creation and helped establish our goals. The Hoosier State Press Association Foundation, incorporated in 1999, serves the citizens of Indiana through newspapers. In the fall of 2000, the original board of directors launched a founding fund drive to raise $1 million to sustain its programming. In February 2001 the family of Eugene S. Pulliam, former publisher of The Indianapolis Star and The Indianapolis News and longtime supporter of HSPA, announced a lead gift of $250,000, a challenge grant with a one-for-two match. For the next 16 months, parent companies, individual newspapers, family foundations and individuals donated to help the Foundation reach its financial goal in January 2003. Prior to the formation of the HSPA Foundation, the Hoosier State Press Association incorporated in 1933 as a not-for-profit trade association representing the interests of more than 200 paid-subscription newspapers in Indiana. Earlier newspapers across the state were organized into three publishers groups that often presented a divided rather than united front – two representing each of the major political parties and the third for nondaily newspapers. Proposed actions in the General Assembly during the Depression deemed hostile to the state’s newspaper industry gave impetus to the Association’s creation. Representing Indiana newspapers in the legislature and other venues remains a cornerstone service of the Association. Over the years HSPA services expanded into publications, a legal hotline, workshops, legislative services, contests, affiliations and an information source and exchange. In 1994 the Association recognized that funds from business income surpassed dues income and reorganized into a for-profit C corporation. In December 1999 the HSPA board of directors created the HSPA Foundation to assume the existing tax-exempt functions of the Association. Through the dedication of our board, continued generosity of HSPA-member newspapers and the financial support of other organizations and individuals, the HSPA Foundation continues to fulfill its mission and strives to improve its services each year as outlined in this report. By working together we benefit the citizens of Indiana through newspapers. BOARDS AND COOPERATING ORGANIZATIONS 2011 HSPA Foundation Board of Directors 2011 Indiana Newspaper Advertising Executives Association Board President: Henry Bird, cnhi Vice president: John Rumbach, The Herald (Jasper) Secretary: Pat Lanman, Vevay Newspapers Inc. Treasurer: Jeff Rogers, Home News Enterprises Linda Chandler, Ripley Publishing Curt Jacobs, The Madison Courier Barbara King, North Vernon Plain Dealer & North Vernon Sun Kevin Lashbrook, Landmark Community Newspapers Mayer Maloney, Hoosier Times Inc. Jack Pate, Evansville Courier & Press Neal Ronquist, Paxton Media Group Gary Suisman, Journal and Courier (Lafayette) President: Laurie Ragle, The Herald-Times (Bloomington) Vice president: Mark Sheridan, The Star Press (Muncie) Secretary/Treasurer: Mike Rossetti, The Republic (Columbus) Connie Alexander, The Herald Bulletin (Anderson) Christina Cosner, Daily Journal (Franklin) Dave Hedge, Evansville Courier & Press Kristin Johnson, Kokomo Tribune Judy Kercheval, Pharos-Tribune (Logansport) Jacki Krolczyk, South Bend Tribune Mark McKee, The Madison Courier Stacey Ramsey, The Goshen News Karen Vojtasek, The Rochester Sentinel 2011 HSPA Foundation Newsroom Seminar Committee 2011 Indiana NIE Advisory Board/ Foundation Chairman: Darron Cummings, The Associated Press, Indianapolis Mike Fender, The Indianapolis Star Lisa Green, The Journal-Gazette (Fort Wayne) Max Jones, Tribune-Star (Terre Haute) Curt Kovener, Crothersville Times Mike Marturello, Herald-Republican (Angola) Paul Mullaney, The Times (Munster) Jo Ann Spieth-Saylor, The Corydon Democrat Scarlett Syse, Daily Journal (Franklin) Stephanie Taylor Ferriell, The Salem Leader Bill Wilson, The Rochester Sentinel Bob Zaltsberg, The Herald-Times (Bloomington) Chairwoman: Robyn Young, Avon High School Foundation president: Jack Humphrey Barbara Barbieri, News-Banner/Ossian Journal (Bluffton) Karen T. Braeckel, HSPA Foundation Greg Erbeck, The Indianapolis Star Earlene Holland Louanne Holladay Carol Lutz, Darrough Chapel Elementary School, Kokomo Lisa Plank, Indiana Department of Education Justin Rumbach, The Herald (Jasper) Susan Scholl, Carroll County Comet (Flora) Mike Snyder, The Commercial Review (Portland) Libby Turner, University of Indianapolis John Wolf, Indiana Department of Education Courtney Zellars, Tribune-Star (Terre Haute) HSPA STAFF – HERE TO HELP YOU Steve Key, Executive Director and General Counsel (317) 624-4427, skey@hspa.com Pamela Lego, MAP Advertising Director (812) 350-7711, plego@hspa.com Yvonne Yeadon, Office Manager (317) 624-4433, yyeadon@hspa.com Karen T. Braeckel, Director, HSPA Foundation (317) 624-4426, kbraeckel@hspa.com Milissa Tuley, Communications Specialist (317) 624-4430, mtuley@hspa.com Shawn Goldsby, ICAN Coordinator (317) 803-4772, sgoldsby@hspa.com 8 HOOSIER STATE PRESS ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION 2011 Annual Report www.HSPAFoundation.org HSPA Foundation • 41 East Washington Street • Suite 301 • Indianapolis, IN 46204 • (317) 803-4772 HSPA FOUNDATION MISSION STATEMENT The Hoosier State Press Association Foundation believes free speech and a free press benefit all citizens and help preserve constitutional rights. Our society faces challenges to the concept of open government and to the marketplace of ideas necessary for democracy to flourish. The HSPA Foundation exists to foster public understanding of the role of a free press in society, to increase public literacy, to enhance the ability of Indiana newspapers to fully educate and inform the public, and to defend the principles of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. A letter from our president 2011 HSPA FOUNDATION FINANCIAL SUMMARY Changes in Foundation Equity Beginning balance January 1, 2011 ...................................................................$1,125,541 Ending balance December 31, 2011 ................................................................$1,055,650 Operating Results Income Voluntary Donations From Member Newspapers ...............................................................................................$13,054 Fundraising Events and Other Donations.............................................................................................................. $5,200 Investment Income (Net of Losses)................................................................................................................... $43,976 Colleagues: in 2011, we State Press Association Foundation As we review the work of the Hoosier ember A-m ressing our gratitude to the 106 HSP would be remiss not to begin by exp r generosity You port through voluntary donations. newspapers that provided financial sup g and avoid cutting services. allowed us to continue our programmin including the t from other entities and individuals The Foundation also received suppor ment Freedom C. Cline Endowment for First Amend annual contribution from the Yandall ask you to We munity Foundation of Boone County. for a Fund, a component fund of the Com gift a or honor of an individual or to give consider ways to contribute in memory project of special interest to you. gave to the will find a complete list of those who On Page 6 of this Annual Report, you r. ude a financial summary for the yea Foundation in 2011. On Page 7 we incl 1. Traditionally we various services we provided in 201 The rest of this report describes the centration in our mission statement: divide these into the four areas of con the role of a free press in society, • Fostering public understanding of • Increasing public literacy, the public, and spapers to fully educate and inform • Enhancing the ability of Indiana new stitution. Con t Amendment of the United States • Defending the principles of the Firs only for your of directors, I sincerely thank you not On behalf of the Foundation’s board or serve on one ak time and talent shared to judge, spe financial contributions but also your ’s services. tion unteers help us improve the Founda of our event committees or boards. Vol ntary donation, we If you have not made your 2012 volu ate your support and encourage you to do so now. I appreci s or concerns to me. ask you to please direct any suggestion Best regards, Henry Bird on) Publisher, The Herald Bulletin (Anders i cnh nt, side Senior Vice Pre (765) 640-2307 • hbird@cnhi.com Total “Cash” Income . ....................................................................................................................................$62,230 Unrealized Increase in Value of Investments.................................................................................................. ($54,738) TOTAL INCOME ...........................................................................$7,492 Expenses Grants ............................................................................................................................................................ $57,850 Net Expenses Over Income for Training Programs ................................................................................................$7,272 General and Administrative Expenses................................................................................................................ $12,261 TOTAL EXPENSES .....................................................................$77,383 INCREASE IN NET WORTH 2011 ..............................................($69,891) 2011 HSPA FOUNDATION GRANTS SUMMARY Internships and Scholarships Eugene S. Pulliam Internships........................................................................................................................... $40,757 High School Newspaper Adviser Internship............................................................................................................... $700 High School Print Journalism Scholarships.......................................................................................................... $3,000 First Amendment and Additional Requests Franklin College Statehouse Bureau..................................................................................................................... $6,000 Indiana Bar Association Civic Health Index........................................................................................................... $5,000 Amicus Brief (Miller vs. Junior Achievement of Central Indiana)............................................................................. $1,270 IU Law School for Journalists.................................................................................................................................... $625 IU & IUPUI SPJ Chapters Workshop for Indianapolis Public Schools Student-Journalists............................................ $498 2 7 INCREASING PUBLIC LITERACY Newspaper in Education Again in 2011 the HSPA Foundation partnered with the Indiana State Reading Association, the Indiana Newspaper in Education Foundation and the Indiana Department of Education to provide teachers with activities for using the newspaper in the classroom. As technology continues to change the newspaper industry, it also affects schools and education. This year the activities were available online – categorized by both grade levels and topics. Each activity matched Indiana Academic Standards. The partnering organizations sent a flier announcing the activities to nearly 4,000 educators who belong to the Indiana State Reading Association, several hundred more who make up the Association of Indiana School Librarians Association, college professors who teach reading methods to undergraduate education majors and, of course, our member newspapers who sent them to teachers in their areas. Newspapers continue to provide students access to current events and opportunities to practice critical thinking and reading skills. Teachers can use either print or digital editions of the newspaper to increase students’ literacy skills and understanding of the importance of being informed citizens. Indiana NIE Advisory Board and NIE Foundation The HSPA Foundation provides administrative support and a nonvoting representative on this board comprised of seven educators and seven newspaper professionals who oversee the statewide Newspaper in Education program. The Foundation also accepts grants from corporations and other foundations for purchasing classroom sets of newspapers for schools or sponsoring other NIE-related activities such as spelling bees and contests. NIE Round Tables The HSPA Foundation assists with regional training sessions to allow NIE professionals the opportunity to discuss sponsorship, programming, teacher workshops and other topics. Indiana Civic Health Index The Indiana Bar Foundation and the HSPA Foundation partnered with other groups on the Civic Health Index to measure Hoosiers’ commitment to civic engagement, political knowledge, community service – and understanding of the First Amendment. The index focuses on the importance of an informed and engaged citizenry. With results in hand, the organizations can advocate for policy change such as additional requirements for civic education in the high school curriculum. Partners included Indiana Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard, former State Rep. Lee Hamilton, the Indiana Supreme Court, The Center on Congress, the Indiana Secretary of State’s office, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the League of Women Voters, Indiana University Northwest and others. Following the release of the findings, the Indiana Bar Foundation hosted an advance screening of “We the People,” a documentary on the founding documents and history of the United States produced by the Smithsonian Institution and other groups. Kenny Rogers and Morgan Freeman narrate the film that will be released in February 2012. The National Conference on Citizenship performed the analysis. 4 ENHANCING THE ABILITY OF STATE NEWSPAPERS TO FULLY EDUCATE AND INFORM THE PUBLIC Recruiting and Training Internships and scholarships • Eugene S. Pulliam Internships and Mentors The Foundation encourages young journalists to choose careers in newspapers by offering $3,300 grants for 10-week internships in Indiana newsrooms. Two mentors – a multimedia adviser and a writing coach – worked with interns in 2011. 2011 Pulliam interns, their schools and papers Shelly Bradbury: Huntington University, The Goshen News Suzannah Couch: Franklin College, Brown County Democrat (Nashville) Tara McElmurry: Butler University, The Truth (Elkhart) Sara Pruzin: Butler University, The News and Tribune (Jeffersonville) Colleen Sikorski: Indiana University, PostTribune (Merrillville) Mary Jane Slaby: Indiana University, Journal & Courier (Lafayette) Patrick Svitek: Northwestern University, The Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne) Rachel Trees, Indiana University, Indianapolis Recorder Jessica Wray: Franklin College, The Moores ville/Decatur Times Jake Wright: Indiana University, South Bend Tribune 2011 credit-only interns, their schools and papers The Foundation placed three interns selected as alternates who worked for college credit. Tyrone Malik Cato, Ball State University, The News-Sentinel (Fort Wayne) Katherine Wehlann, Ball State University, The Star Press (Muncie) Bailey Loosemore, Indiana University, Evansville Courier & Press • High School Newspaper Adviser Internship In cooperation with the Indiana High School Press Association, the HSPA Foundation provided half of a high school adviser’s stipend to work in a professional newsroom for four weeks. • High School Print Journalism Scholarships Two graduating seniors who plan to major in print journalism received $1,500 scholarships in 2011 through this Foundation program. • Journalism Job and Career Fair This annual event sponsored by the Indiana Associated Press Managing Editors and the HSPA Foundation brings editors and students together to explore potential employment and internships. Educating and Training HSPA Foundation offers seminars and conferences at reduced rates. • Government Conference (March, due to weather postponement) • Spot-On Video workshop, Ball State University (May) • Two APME/HSPA Foundation Road Shows for Reporters (June) • IAEA/HSPA Foundation Advertising Conference (September) • Metering webinar (October) • Public Notice Advertising Training (November) • Newsroom Seminar (December) Rewarding Excellence The Foundation encourages excellence by recognizing outstanding work each year. • Advertising Contest • Better Newspaper Contest 5 2011 REPORT OF GIFTS The generous support of individuals, organizations and member newspapers allows the HSPA Foundation to fulfill its mission and better serve the citizens of Indiana. Donors Yandall C. Cline Endowment for First Amendment Freedom Fund Journal Gazette Foundation (Fort Wayne) Steve Key HSPA Donors 64 percent of member papers contributed in 2011 Albion New Era The Alexandria Times-Tribune The Herald Bulletin (Anderson) Hendricks County Flyer (Avon) The Herald Tribune (Batesville) Times-Mail (Bedford) Berne Tri-Weekly News The Herald-Times (Bloomington) Bluffton News-Banner The Brazil Times Chesterton Tribune Churubusco News Clay City News The Republic (Columbus) The Corydon Democrat The Paper of Montgomery County (Crawfordsville) Crothersville Times Cedar Lake-Lowell Star (Crown Point) Spencer County Leader (Dale) The Republican (Danville) The News and Sun (Dunkirk) The Truth (Elkhart) The Ellettsville Journal The Call-Leader (Elwood) Evansville Courier & Press Ferdinand News Carroll County Comet (Flora/Dephi) South Gibson Star-Times (Fort Branch) The Benton Review (Fowler) Francesville Tribune Daily Journal (Franklin) Springs Valley Herald (French Lick) Twin City Journal Reporter (Gas City) Banner-Graphic (Greencastle) Daily Reporter (Greenfield) Greensburg Daily News Greensburg Times The Hope Star-Journal Northwest News (Huntertown) The Huntingburg Press Indianapolis Business Journal Court & Commercial Record (Indianapolis) Franklin Township Informer The Herald (Jasper) The Evening News (Jeffersonville) The Observer (Kewanna) Knightstown Banner The Kokomo Herald Kokomo Tribune LaGrange News LaGrange Standard Dearborn Co. Register (Lawrenceburg) The Lebanon Reporter Daily World (Linton) Pharos-Tribune (Logansport) The Loogootee Tribune The Madison Courier The Reporter Times (Martinsville) Middlebury Independent The Mail-Journal (Milford) The News & Review (Monon) Herald-Journal (Monticello) The Mooresville Decatur Times Mount Vernon Democrat The Star Press (Muncie) The Times (Munster) The Tribune (New Albany) The Times (Noblesville) The News-Journal (North Manchester) North Vernon Plain Dealer North Vernon Sun Odon Journal The Progress Examiner (Orleans) Ossian Journal The Paoli News-Republican The Times-Post (Pendleton) The Press Dispatch (Petersburg) The Commercial Review (Portland) The Posey County News (Poseyville) The Rochester Sentinel The Spencer Co. Journal Democrat (Rockport) Parke County Sentinel (Rockville) Rushville Republican The Salem Democrat The Salem Leader Scott County Journal and Chronicle (Scottsburg) The Shoals News Owen Leader (Spencer) Spencer Evening World Sullivan Daily Times Oak Hill Times (Swayzee) Perry County News (Tell City) Tribune-Star (Terre Haute) The Tipton County Tribune The Courier (Upland) Osgood Journal (Versailles) The Versailles Republican The Switzerland Democrat (Vevay) Vevay Reveille-Enterprise Times-Union (Warsaw) Washington Times-Herald Westville Indicator Pulaski County Journal (Winamac) The News-Gazette (Winchester) The New Wolcott Enterprise Zionsville Times Sentinel Please accept this tax-deductible contribution to help the HSPA Foundation fulfill its mission of serving Indiana through newspapers. Name ____________________________________________ Your gift is appreciated. Address __________________________________________ This contribution is: City, State, ZIP _ ____________________________________ A personal gift Phone _ __________________________________________ In memory of ____________________________________ Email ____________________________________________ From __________________________________________ Amount $ _________________________________________ In honor of _ ____________________________________ Donation made by: From __________________________________________ Enclosed check payable to HSPA Foundation Please notify: Visa Name ____________________________________________ Card No. __________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ Expiration Date ______ / ______ City, State, ZIP _ ____________________________________ Card Signature _____________________________________ My employer will match this gift. Please find the enclosed form. Steve Key’s Educational Sessions on Legal and Access Issues HSPA Executive Director and General Counsel Steve Key represents newspapers before the Indiana General Assembly, lobbying for the public’s right to know. He creates greater awareness of open door, public access and libel laws in presentations throughout the year to professional journalists, students, public officials and citizens. In 2011 Key spoke for: Series of public access law presentations for citizens, public officials and journalists sponsored by the offices of the Indiana attorney general and public access counselor and HSPA • Indianapolis • South Bend • Lake County • Terre Haute • Fort Wayne • Lafayette • Evansville Newspaper professionals • Panel for APME spring conference • APME/HSPA Foundation Road Show for Reporters (Bloomington & Rochester) • cnhi of Kokomo and Logansport (Walton) • Libel presentation for rural writers of Farm World magazine (Indianapolis) • Public notice advertising workshop (Indianapolis) Journalism students • Panel at Franklin College marking 40th anniversary of the Pentagon Papers publication HSPA Foundation Donation Form MasterCard FOSTERING UNDERSTANDING OF THE ROLE OF A FREE PRESS and DEFENDING THE PRINCIPLES OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT Citizens/visitors • International visitors, Indianapolis International Center Newspaper in Education Activities In 2011 HSPA Foundation included First Amendment learning activities on the Newspaper in Education section of the Foundation’s website to help teachers broaden young citizens’ awareness of the rights the amendment protects. Each lesson lists Indiana academic standards to make teachers’ jobs easier. Visit www.HSPAFoundation.org and click Newspaper in Education. For information on including the HSPA Foundation in a will or estate plan, contact Karen T. Braeckel at (317) 624-4426 or kbraeckel@hspa.com. Please return form to Karen T. Braeckel, Director, HSPA Foundation, 41 E. Washington St., Suite 301, Indianapolis, IN 46204. 6 3
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