June 2010 - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
June 2010 - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
TRI-POWER JUNE 2010 2010 Trail Jamboree July 7 -11, 2010 Registration begins February 15, 2010 Contact 509.698.3703 or www.pnw4wda.org/trailjam for information. Registration is online; however if you would like to mail in your registration; please contact Kelda Hagemeier at 509.698.3703. PRESORTED STD. US POSTAGE PAID GRESHAM, OR PERMIT #88 Sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact us. 4-Wheelin’ News June 2010 www.pnw4wda.org 1 pnw4wda news CONTENTS FEATURES JUNE 2010 REPORTS 13 Anatomy of an 4 Presidents Message Organized Event 4 Washington Dir. Report 9 V-Team Awards Cle Elum District 4-5 Oregon Dir. Report 8 Sand Flea’s 2010 RALLY 10-13 Region Reports 6-7 PNW4WDA’s Board Teleconferance 19 APPLICATION for 8-9 Land Matters Information Membership 16 Looking for Members DEPARTMENTS 3 PNW Officers List 6 Change of address 17 Classified ADS 17 Video Library 19 Associate Members 18 Check out the Calendar of Events FUN RUN - Evans Creek - AD Page 16 ~ Ahtanum State Forest ORV Tails Clean-up -AD PAGE 13 ~ CADILLAC RANCH MOTORSPORTS EVENT INFO AD page 14 ~ SUMMERS END PLAYDAY - AD page 14 ~ Off Road Racing AD - Page 16 ~ Off Road Animals FUN RUN AD - Page 11 ~ PNW4WDA SUMMER CONV. AD - Page 15 PNW4WDA SUMMER CONV. Registion FORM - Page 15 www.pnw4wda.org 800-537-7845 God Bless America 2 June 2010 www.pnw4wda.org PNW4WDA T R I - P O W E 800-537-7845 PNW4WDA Officers List R Volume 39 Number 6 JUNE 2010 The mission of TRI-POWER is to enlighten fellow enthusiasts by educating, inspiring and informing. Editor/Publisher PRESIDENT SECRETARY Angie Marek/Dan Sande Nettnin/Earl 14202 4th Ave. E. Tacoma, WA 98445 800-537-7845 / 253-537-3172 President@pnw4wda.org 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 Secretary@pnw4wda.org TREASURER IDAHO EXEC. DIRECTOR OPEN 800-537-7845 Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg” Ron McDonald 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 Treasurer@pnw4wda.org tripower@pnw4wda.org Mailing Address 3902 NE 61 Ave Vancouver, WA 98661 MESAGES (360) 695-0595 Email Address tripower@pnw4wda.org All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA TRI-POWER is published monthly for the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. Photographs are edited and prepared with Adobe Photoshop. Layout is performed in Adobe InDesign. In house ads are created with Adobe Illustrator. Prepress product is converted with Adobe Acrobat Professional. TRI-POWER makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the completeness, accuracy or utility of these materials or any information or opinion contained herein. Any use or reliance on the information or opinion is at the risk of the user, and TRI-POWER shall not be liable for any damage or injury incurred by any person arising out of the completeness, accuracy or utility of any information or opinion contained in these materials. These materials are not to be construed as an endorsement of any product or company, nor as the adoption or promulgation of any guidelines, standards, or recommendation. Subscription: You can obtain a subscription to TRI-POWER by becoming a member of the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. This can be accomplished by filling out the application form in this publication or going to the PNW4WDA web site www.pnw4wda.org Circulation: If you are a member of the PNW4WDA and are not receiving your subscription to TRI-POWER or have moved please contact our Membership department member@pnw4wda.org This publication is the result of information submitted by our readers. We do not have a staff of reporters, journalist or photographers. If you have an article or information you would like to share with our readers please contact us. We prefer communication via Email. If you submit an article please send it in size 10 Arial font to tripower@pnw4wda.org or put it on a Floppy, CD or DVD disk and send it to Tri-Power 3902 NE 61 Ave, Vancouver, WA 98661 *fourwheelatize \four*wheel"a*tize* A. To eat, sleep and drive four wheel drive. B. To become obsessed with four wheeling. C. To exceed the limits of ordinary four wheeled vehicles. D. To traverse unforgiving terrain in harsh environments. Advertising Rates (Display ADS): Clubs: Full page-$175 / 1/2page-$100/ 1/4page-$55 / BC-$20 Members: Full page-$200 / 1/2page-$120 / 1/4page-$70 / BC-$22 NON-Members: Full page-$250 / 1/2page-$150 / 1/4page-$85 / BC-$25 4-Wheelin’ News www.pnw4wda.org June 2010 OREGON EXEC. DIRECTOR WASH. EXEC. DIRECTOR Randy Drake/Mona Arlene Brooks/Bob 19210 Pinehurst Rd. Bend, OR 97701 541-389-7265 OrExec@pnw4wda.org 21520 SE 346th Auburn, WA. 98092 253-833-8747 WaExec@pnw4wda.org INTER ASSOC. DIRECTORS COMPETITION CHAIRMAN Don & Carol Jensen Rob Stafford/Diana 946 - 18th, Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX iad1@pnw4wda.org iad2@pnw4wda.org 19302 6th Ave. E. Spanaway, WA 98387 253-691-4351 CompDir@pnw4wda.org REGION I DIRECTOR Angela Holm/Rich 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 / 206-617-9478 Cell Reg1Dir@pnw4wda.org REGION II DIRECTOR Edward Campbell/Sue Preble 12443 Zeller Rd SE Yelm, WA 98597 360-878-1677 Reg2Dir@pnw4wda.org REGION III DIRECTOR REGION IV DIRECTOR Kyle Wiebold Earl Nettnin/Sande 1087 Lewis River Rd. Woodland,WA 98674 360-772-5682 Reg3Dir@pnw4wda.org 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 reg4dir@pnw4wda.org REGION V DIRECTOR OPEN Alan D. Paulson REGION VI DIRECTOR 4751 Happy Valley Rd. Roseburg, Oregon 97471 541-679-0571 Reg6Dir@pnw4wda.org Call 800-537-7845 REGION VII DIRECTOR Jeff Williams/Gwen 5998 #4 Hwy 291 Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 509-467-4177 / 509-869-8228 Cell Reg7Dir@pnw4wda.org PARLIAMENTARIAN Luke May/Grace 22635 NE Woodinville Duval Rd Woodinville, WA 98077 425-788-2848 parliamen@pnw4wda.org MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Angela Holm/Rich 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 / 206-617-9478 Cell Members@pnw4wda.org SAFETY/ED CHAIRMAN Linda Jessen/ Walter 2952 Garfield Longview, WA 98632 360-636-1675 SafeEduDir@pnw4wda.org WEBMASTER Club Power/We Did it Chairmem Edward Campbell/Sue Preble Beth Ayer/Butch P.O. Box 393 Bucoda, WA 98530 360-878-1677 Webmaster@pnw4wda.org 711 Bennett Creek Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 541-954-4880 WeDidIt@pnw4wda.org TRAIL JAMBOREE CO-CHAIR WAYS & MEANS CHAIRMAN Sid & Kelda Hagemeier Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg” 911 cabin Lane, Selah, WA 98942 509-698-3703 Trailjam@pnw4wda.org 603 Meridian, Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 Ways&Means@pnw4wda.org VIDEO CHAIRMAN PUBLIC RELATIONS Don Jensen/Carol Diana Stafford/Rob 946 - 18th, Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX VideoChairman@pnw4wda.org 19302 6th Ave. E. Spanaway, WA 98387 253-732-2818 PR@pnw4wda.org TRI-POWER EDITOR Ron &Diana McDonald 3902 NE 61stAve. Vancouver, WA 98661 Day: (360) 901-8376 • Messages: (360) 695-0595 tripower@pnw4wda.org 3 Angie Marek PNW4WDA President June is here and everyone is kicking into his or her busy summer schedule. Looking at the calendar you have many options to keep you busy; from work parties, to trail runs, to competition and much more…. If you every find yourself asking, “What do I get out of this Association”? , take a look of all that is offered by the volunteer members of the PNW4WDA. Almost every weekend you can be involved in some type of activity, you can run trails that without our involvement would have been closed long ago, you can take your family out to the races and spend the weekend camping and if desired competing, you can socialize with some of the best people on earth! So don’t spend a lot of time asking, “What do I get?”, spend more time thinking “How can I get involved?”. At the time of this printing the board will have completed the June board meeting. Due to the busy schedules of everyone and in an attempt to save money we held the board meeting by conference call. Providing all went well we might be able to do this once and awhile. I think it is important to have meetings in person but we can also use the technology we have to conduct some of the others with the use of phone and computer. I am fortunate to have a great board of elected and appointed people supporting me as president. They are each doing a great job in the tasks appointed to them. The Web Master and his team have some ideas to get more involvement on the web site. You will see more of that information coming out in the future. So when you get a chance log on to PNW4WDA.org and see what has been happening. This past month I had the opportunity to attend to a couple of other club meetings. Thank you to Good Time Harry’s and WOW for inviting me to attend and talk about the PNW. If you ever have any questions or would just like one of the board members to attend your meeting let us know. Thank you also to Dan (my husband) for going with me, I am very fortunate in the 4 support my family, friends and club give me. I would love to hear from the members of our Association. What would you like to see happen in the next year or two? What goals would you like to see accomplished? This is your organization and we need your input. Email me or give me a call you can find both contacts in the officers section of Tri-Power. Soon you will get your copy of the slick magazine being published by the PNW4WDA. Not only will you get enjoyment out of the history and articles that are in the publication but also we will be using this as a PR tool. If you need a copy to give someone who is interested in our group let us know and we will get one to you or mail it to them. As I sign off I want to wish everyone a “Happy Summer” and I hope to see you at one of the many events that is scheduled. Stay safe and have fun! Angie Marek mainly of Forest Service and County roads; something we need to reverse for the four wheel drive owners in the southeast corner of the state. Comments on the Plan were due May 25th. The proposed Draft Western Yacolt Burn Forest Recreation Plan (File No.10-051001) just released on May 10th and is now available for public review and comment. It is intended to guide DNR’s recreation management in that area for the next ten years. The Plan provides for motorized and non-motorized recreation opportunities by expanding existing recreation management activities; outlines recreation program goals; and development of new facilities. Comments were directed to the SEPA Center (State Environmental Policy Act) and would be considered through June 1st. Till next time, Arlene Brooks, WA State Director ~ ~ Kevin Hoskins and his 4-door assessing the rock pit at Virtue as Corey Cartwright and Joe Houston wait to pick their way through. prettiest place on earth to be well over a ton and even a little at this time. The snow is mostly head butt or wondrous itching gone and the green grass and spot to rub off the straggly flowers are fast coming on. winter hairs, would leave The farmers are waking the lots of damage to our fragile land up from the winter sleep. plastic houses. Camp for me Tractors billow smoke into was unfortunately done lots the quiet countryside as their sooner than anticipated as the blades dig deep into the earth rear of the motor home sunk to churning the soil back to life its belly. for yet another season. Since setting up camp was The wildlife are bunched up being put off by Mother Nature from the long winter nights still. we decided to gather up While others poke their heads firewood. There were many out of dark, dreary holes to juniper trees felled as they had see sunshine for the first threaten the only power line in time in months. Some are still miles. It is hard to imagine how considering who will be their a fifteen-foot tree could do mate to raise a new family with much damage to a towering for the summer. All seems power line but free wood a little slow to react to us as is good thing. In about two none have seen a man, the hours, we had almost a cord of aggressive predator since fall. dry juniper stacked up next to Soon they would remember us the fire pit. and, “run for your life” would return to their dulled senses. Just as we finished this fun For now, they hardly fear us little project, campers began at all. Even the fat old range showing up. By 2:00pm, about bulls bellow, reminding us seven had showed up and we that this has been their turf for went four wheeling to find our Randy Drake Oregon Exec. Director Arlene Brooks Washington Exec. Director June 2010 The Blue Mountains Forests Revised Land and Management Plan proposed action has been released. Each of the three National Forests in the Blue Mountains is in the process of leading separate planning decision for travel management and recreation – Washington’s impact is mostly on the Umatilla National Forest. The Umatilla invited the general public to participate in evaluating their recreation sites to ensure the agency would focus on visitor changing demands. It sets management direction, suitable use and design criteria land managers use in project planning which would include three types of recreational settings; developed, dispersed and back country. Unfortunately, there are no specific designated four wheel drive trails available – the 4x4 opportunities consist Oregon Executive Director Report June 2010 The last week of April Mona and I headed east from Bend. No we did not fall off the edge of the earth and become a meal for some great sea monster. I realize many of you did not know the PNW stretches hundreds of miles to the east of Bend but it does. In fact, if you paid attention to your odometer it would almost go 293 miles northeast of our starting point. The PNW runs to the farthest north and south corners of our state, far beyond Bend. I have been to these places many times in the past but to see the beauty of this area again burned within me. Some would argue with me but the last week of April is the best time to visit all areas east of Central Oregon. Northeast Oregon however is by far the June 2010 Colton and Jamie Wiseman and their yj with a tire in the air months now and they survived the frigid snows. Slowly they give it back but not before the earth at their feet is flung high into the air, as they paw the damp earth. It is plain in their eyes that they would love us to challenge them for it but we dare not. This time, it is our fear that allows them plenty of time to give up the sage lands for camping on to us. It was only after promising them we would not eat any of the grass bunched so plentifully under the junipers that they slowly move off bellowing deeply to one another. With watchful eyes, we slowly set up camp just east of Little Glass Butte. These bulls weigh trails around the Glass Butte area. It is hard to understand how Mother Nature is equipped to hide these two-tracks from us in just eight months or less. It did take us over four hours to travel about eleven miles of this neat area. With the resetting of the mental GPS we returned to camp and to getting Wind Dancer unstuck. With three winch lines and six rigs attached to each other she was once again level and on relatively stable land. The three days were filled with four wheeling and reminiscing about old times around the campfire. We wheeled the Glass Buttes on the south Continued on page 5 www.pnw4wda.org Continued from page 4 side of Highway 20 and the Ochoco National Forest on the North side. Elk were viewed on two runs and most desert animals were seen. It is hard to say which run was the best as the terrain varied so much from grasslands to old growth forest and everything in-between. We saw old rocks from before time and obsidian of all colors, which is very rare in the world. We saw momentary lakes, hundreds of acres wide with birds of all kinds. One of these we name Walking Bird Lake, as the birds were not swimming but just walking throughout the giant body of water. It was a very good weekend and all too soon, we were saying goodbye to our wheeling friends. Clubs talking to the Vale BLM District on their court-mandated amendments to the 2002 and 2003 Record of Decision. By the time this is read the meetings will be over. The comment period will end July 7, 2010. Go to the PNW web site for information or please call me, as I will have attended at least three or four of these. Tuesday afternoon we met with the foresters of Blue Mountains Forest (Malheur, Umatilla and Wallowa-Whitman National Forests). Class II vehicles were the topic of consideration at this meeting. They need representatives of Class II users to work with them. They are through the TMP and now are working on the RMP. This Plan has been in the works for some time and the first Joe in his Cherokee with tires in the air. present were the Deschutes County 4-Wheelers and Harney County High Desert Wheelers. These two clubs work and play well together all over Oregon. Monday took us to Burns looking for parts for the YJ. Burns is the home of the HCHD Wheelers. Here they have worked with the BLM and created the first Class II trails in this area. One of those trails is located on Radar Hill and is open to all OHVs. These trails are located on very steep runs so be prepared to have it locked in low-range. They are working with the BLM on Cold Springs Road and it is located within a wilderness at the Steens Mountain. They have adopted it and have several runs a year. It is very scenic for all and most Class II vehicles would enjoy going on this run. The key to the gates is at the BLM office in Hines and must be checked out. The last run of the year is making sure the gates and cabins are locked for the winter, and it is usually a very challenging run even for the best-built rigs due to snow. This is fast becoming a favorite run for many hardcore wheelers. They are also working to GPS trails for the Vale BLM. For a small and new club they have done considerable for Class II users of the PNW. Tuesday morning we were 4-Wheelin’ News comment period is due on May 25, 2010. There will be very little time to organize ourselves for that comment period but by the time the next comment period is up that will have changed. The meetings for the Blues were in April and a new club within this region attended these. We will write our concerns to the foresters as we addressed them at John Day headquarters. Our next designation was Mt Emily OHV Park. Many OHVers in the know are talking about this area. It is right out of La Grande on Second Street. Within minutes of purchasing your soda at Safeway, you are in the OHV park before the cold has even begun to wear off. This park is open year around to OHVs. The great news is it is only half done. Class II users are creating our trails and they do understand the short stick and its purpose. I think this new club is doing some outstanding work, the county, Oregon Park and Recreation and the US Forest Service will create some very good trails for Class II with their guidance. I just hope if they need help joining the PNW they truly understand we will help. These men and women understand four wheeling and will make an excellent addition to our association. This park is on county land with hopes of trails going into the adjoining US Forest Service lands. It is located on a mountain overlooking La Grande and the farmlands, which can be seen from many vistas. Do you remember the difference between a hill and a mountain? Like, you get quite elevated in this park very quickly and it is very pretty terrain. This terrain will allow the short stick to be engaged most of the time particularly during the winter months even on the roads. On this run, we met the sheriff twice as he made his rounds for the day. This is what will make an OHV area a success. Unfortunately, it only takes a few yahoos to undo what we have spent years creating. Our next stop was at Joseph where we spent the night. There are not enough words in the dictionary to describe the drive from I- 84 to Joseph or from I-84 to Halfway at this time of year. It is just beautiful and you just have to slow down and enjoy the ride. Just be thoughtful and let the zoomers, zoom by and do not hinder them. The next morning we went to find out about Sled Springs OHV area. This area is located in the WallowaWhitman Forest. At this time, it is in court and I am unsure what the outcome will be. It is located about thirteen miles from Enterprise to the north on Hwy 3. It is a very neat area. At this time of year, the snowdrifts were the only four-wheel challenge. There are many areas here, which could be used for mudding and would not allow silt into a stream. In the main proposal for this area, Class II would have approximately 75 miles of shared routes. Wildlife abounds in the area from elk to very noisy frogs. Whitetail deer live in these Our last stop was the main reason for going on this run to Northeast Oregon. Saturday night we camped at Virtue Flats. It is an OHV area just eleven miles from Baker, Oregon. It is located on 5000 acres of Vale BLM lands. It is an open riding area, which means you can ride anywhere you want. With that being said, most of the riders stay on the existing trails as they all lead to somewhere exciting. If you were to drive by this area in a jeep, you would most likely not stop unless you like to go very fast as it does not look challenging enough to slow you dooooown. From the highway, it looks like short sage and gentle rolling hills. Once you pull into the staging area, it quickly changes. The first Class II trail play area we went to quickly engaged the short stick. The YJ just likes to show off its belly button to the boys. True to her form, she was up on two wheels showing off her belly button within minutes of engaging the short stick at a quarter mph. From there the YJ just disgraced us more and more as her belly button was seen by all not once but probably two dozen or more times. This place is full of little gullies and old streambeds that swallow up jeeps. If you were standing sixty feet away, you would not even see a jeep let alone eleven jeeps just vanishing into that short foot high sage. The terrain of this area will challenge all 4X4s from beginner to built trail rig and there is plenty to do here for a weekend. I hope this will become a yearly trek for us, as it is a great four-wheeling area. Here we met for the first time the club we had been hearing so much about. This club is called North East Oregon 4-wheelers. At this time, it has members Joe McNeil and son TJ working their way up the hill towards the deer. trees and the man predator does not seem to bother them much. It is possible they just think they are very sneaky like a cottontail and can hide by just standing still. At any rate, this area would make a very good OHV area. We just hope the forester is successful in the lawsuit and the OHV plans go ahead. June 2010 from all over Northeast Oregon. Baker, La Grande, Stanfield, Irrigon, Cove, Union, Pendleton, Hermiston, Ontario, Vale are just some of the towns the members reside in. It is a big area and I hope they join our association. They are very responsible wheelers and we enjoyed wheeling with them very much. Thank you for guiding us around your beautiful area. This club is working hard to make changes for Class II vehicles in Region 5 of the PNW. We need to do whatever it takes to get them into our association as quickly as possible. They understand if you do not involve yourselves into the equation, the BLM and Forests Service alike will exclude you off public lands. To get a hold of this club go to there website Links4Jeeps.com. This was a hard trip to end however homeward we went with lots of new memories of beautiful lands and new wheeling friends. Even as the last bit of light struggled to hang on, darkness set in at Picture Pass along the John Day River. Wind Dancer made light of the grades and descents and like a horse heading to the barn she was going home. The darting deer, elk and long eared rabbits did little to slow her down. Unlike her, I had a few heart moving moments as the animals slid into the darkness only inches from her fragile body. It did take a few hours of staring into the darkness but finally we were home. It was the end of a very awesome eleven day run to Northeast Oregon. I truly hope this can become a yearly trip for many in the future. Four wheeling from Bend to the farthest northeast corner of Oregon is a worthy adventure and never will it be the same as the past run. Respectively submitted; Oregon Executive Director Randy Drake 541 419 9952 e-mail jRMDrake@msn.com ~ ATTENTION TO ONE AND ALL DON’T FORGET TO TAKE PICTURES & WRITE UP A STORY ABOUT THE EVENT(S) YOU HAVE GONE TO THANK YOU, RON EMAIL: tripower@ pnw4wda.org 5 PACIFIC NORTHWEST 4-WHEEL-DRIVE ASSOCIATION OREGON—WASHINGTON—IDAHO PNW4WDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS TELECONFERENCE JUNE 2, 2010 PNW4WDA President Angie Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners) called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM. Roll call was taken with the following logged on: President Angie Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners); Secretary Sande Nettnin (Desert Rats); Treasurer Dave McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Columbia Basin Sand Commandos); WA State Director Arlene Brooks (Green River Valley Jeepers); IAD #1 & Video Don Jensen (Individual Members Club & Sand Fleas); IAD #2 Carol Jensen (Individual Members Club & Sand Fleas); Competition Rob Stafford (Overbored Racing & Cascade 4X4’s); Region 1 Director & Membership Chairman Angela Holm (Happy Campers); Region 2 Director & Web Master Edward Campbell (Dog Pound Off Road); Region 3 Director Kyle Wiebold (Our Gang Off-Road & Overbored Racing); Region 4 Director Earl Nettnin (Desert Rats); Parliamentarian Luke May (Dirty 13 & Outdoor 4X4’s); Trail Jamboree Co-Chairmen Sid & Kelda Hagemeier (Shindig Wheelers); Ways & Means Kathy (Frogg) McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Columbia Basin Sand Commandos); Public Relations Diana Stafford (Overbored Racing & Cascade 4X4’s). NOT PRESENT: OR State Director Randy Drake (Deschutes County 4-Wheelers); Region 6 Director Alan Paulson (Umpqua Valley Timber Cruisers); Region 7 Director Jeff Williams (CJ’s Only); Safety Education Linda Jessen (Trailbreakers Inc); Club Power/ We Did It Beth Ayer (Wolf Pack 4X4); and Tri-Power Ron McDonald (Clark County 4-Wheelers). A motion was made by Carol Jensen, seconded by Arlene Brooks to approve the March 6, 2010 Board minutes as printed. Motion passed. A written Treasurer’s Report was submitted by Dave McMains. Dave commented that the funds are down slightly. Some questions on the report were about the amount of money in the Trail Building & Maintenance Fund and the Naches Trail fund. The amounts listed on the report are correct. Edward Campbell made a motion seconded by Kyle Wiebold to approve the Treasurer’s report. Motion passed. Dave said he had received a bill from Net River for $316 for Web services. After discussion on if we should keep Net River a motion was made by Don Jensen, seconded by Edward Campbell to keep Net River. Motion passed. Arlene Brooks asked to have this as a discussion item at the December Board meeting, as we are also looking another program called AVECTRA. A written Membership report was submitted by Angela Holm. After discussion on the numbers Angela said she would re-due her report. Rob Stafford asked if Individual Members could receive notification when it’s time to renew their membership. Angela said that they all get notified in November just like clubs. Kyle Wiebold asked about Associate Members, Northwest Off Road Outfitters; he said they had paid their dues and were not listed on the roster. Angela Holm will check this out. A written Secretaries report was submitted by Sande Nettnin. She reminded everyone of the June 14th deadline to submit By-Laws or Money Matters to be voted on at Fall Delegates and also the deadline of November 15th for voting at Winter Convention. They must be original signed copies sent snail mail – no e-mail will be accepted. A written Oregon State Director’s Report was submitted by Randy Drake. He was not present to answer any questions so President Angie Marek will contact him with two questions that were asked; #1 how can you have a class II trail within a wilderness and #2 what do the initials ONDA stand for? A written WA State Director’s Report along with a current update was submitted by Arlene Brooks. Arlene said so far we don’t have an official date for the signing of the Proclamation by the Governor for Operation Shore Patrol 2010. Arlene said that Bonnie Nettnin (Region 2 Vice-Director & The Hombres) had been appointed to the Mt. Baker/Snoqualmie RAC. Jeff Williams (West) retired from being the Land Chairman for the Tahuya State Forest and Mike Welander and John George have taken over this position. Arlene said she will have a meeting with our current Land Commissioner on June 10th. A written IAD #1 & IAD #2 report along with an update was submitted by Don and Carol Jensen. Arlene Brooks asked if they knew any more about United. Carol said the only thing they knew was they have an annual meeting in Michigan but was unsure just when it would be. A written Competition report was submitted by Rob Stafford. A question was asked about who the hosting club for the June 5th & 6th race in Ethel is; the report stated that it was hosted by Independent Members. Rob said that his club Overbored Racing is hosting the event and Independent members will be helping with the activities. He said it should have said that on the flyer that went out. REGION REPORTS Region 1 - A written report was submitted by Angela Holm. No questions were asked. Region 2 - A written report was submitted by Edward Campbell. Edward said his region was having issues with width and tire size restrictions in the Evans Creek area. Region 3 - A written report was submitted by Kyle Wiebold. Kyle added to his report that BFG (B. F. Goodrich) had picked the Yacolt Burn as their trail of the year and awarded them $4000. He also said that Piston’s Wild had raised $16,000 for the trail also. Region 4 - A written report was submitted by Earl Nettnin. When the Travel Management plans open up for comment, we’d better be writing letters letting them know what we want. This past weekend our areas of the Naches and CleElum were really hammered due to the rainy conditions and recreation areas that had been closed on the west side of the mountains seemed to bring a lot more use; so we may be looking at seasonal closures. Earl reported he found out at the TWIG meeting that five projects of the 2011 Title II Project Funding for the Yakima RAC grant applications had passed and one of them was Deep Creek Trailheads Relocation/ Reconstruction Planning. This on the 1808 road going to Copper City, however, the final reconstruction of the trail was not approved. They had a list of ten things and after approving five of them they were out of money. We are not allowed to go into the area to finish the bridges this year. Back Country Horsemen are pressuring for this because of the Horse camp at the end of the road. Juniper Dunes was discussed following a BLM meeting at the Track in Pasco. Our land Coordinator (Doug Conner, Roamin’ Chariots) attended the meeting. He said there was a lot of discussion on gaining access, so it’s on their agenda; they know we need and want public access to the land. There are somewhere in the neighborhood of 42 owners of that private road we have to deal with. Region 6 - Alan Paulson was not present and he did not send a written report. Region 7 - Jeff Williams was not present and he did not send a written report. Idaho State Report - Angie Marek reported she has been working with a motorized club to try and get something going in Idaho. A written Club Power/We Did It report was submitted by Beth Ayer. She was not present, but a question was brought up about her idea of coming up with some kind of special recognition for participants; something along the line of the Kathy Sterner Award but specific to Club Power/We Did It. According to our by-laws this must be presented to the Board and passed before it can be brought to the delegation for a vote. Angie will contact Beth and discuss it with her. A written PR report was submitted by Diana Stafford. She said that she now has packets available to hand out to prospective new clubs; thanks to Jim Putman (The Hombres) for putting them together. A written Safety Education report was submitted by Linda Jessen. She was not in attendance. A written Trail Jamboree report was submitted by Sid and Kelda Hagemeier. They reported that they had just found out today that 4-Wheel Parts will not be one of the major sponsors. A lot of discussion followed on who we might approach to be a sponsor. We need to get the word out ASAP that we need help. Carol Jensen suggested maybe we could ask the regions to all chip in and sponsor a campership/dinner etc. Contact Sid or Kelda if you have ideas. Angie Marek said the 50th Anniversary Banner is available for use at the Jamboree also some door prizes courtesy of the Spanaway Moonshiners. Sid said we still don’t have the permit, but was hoping it would be coming soon. Ways & Means did not have a written report, but Kathy (Frogg) McMains reported she will be at Trail Jamboree selling things again this year. Angie Marek said someone in their club has made some things that are pretty nice and she will send samples to Frogg to see if they were something we might be able to sell in our Ways & Means trailer at Jamboree. A written Web Master report was submitted by Edward Campbell. He said if anyone says they have trouble getting signed in on the Forum ask them to call or e-mail the Web Master. Continued on page 7 6 June 2010 www.pnw4wda.org Continued from page 6 Tri-Power did not have a written report and Ron McDonald was not present. A written report from our Video Chairman was submitted by Don Jensen. OLD BUSINESS The Business Plan has been updated and everyone received a copy of it prior to the meeting. A motion to support the plan was made by Rob Stafford and seconded by Kyle Wiebold. Motion passed. The updated Business Plan will be added to the SOP’s, and the plan will be presented at Winter Convention. ACTION ITEMS Angie Marek – work with Dan Rheaume & Edward Campbell to see why we have problems with the Access Program. Contact Gary deMoss regarding the Lind property. Work on finding a Marketing Manager. Arlene Brooks – the following are on going; finish with old Tri-Powers, write the history of the first PNW flag, secure and inventory the box with the Under The Hill Gang stuff and return to storage. Dan Rheaume – work with Angie Marek on Access program, work with Web team putting the video of the 50th Anniversary on the front age of the Web Site, work with Don Jensen and Edward Campbell to put information on the Web Site about the Video’s we have available for rent. Sande Nettnin – work with Angie Holm to improve sign-in sheets for delegates meetings. Rob Stafford – design custom cut foam packaging to mail radios when rented out, find the missing PNW4WDA Banner. Send a copy of the form and policy for renting radios to the Board so we can be prepared to ratify it at the December Board meeting. Sid Hagemeier asked about using the radios at Trail Jamboree and Rob said he had them reserved and would be bringing them over himself. Kyle Wiebold – continue working on Incentive program and bring ideas to the December BOD meeting. Diana Stafford – the following are on going – Write articles for Off-Road publications, contact News papers & TV with news releases prior to our activities. Dave McMains said he was friends with someone who worked with Crawl Magazine and would get that information to Diana. Arlene asked that Operation Shore Patrol be promoted in the media. Rob Stafford said that JP Magazine people may come to Summer Convention. Edward Campbell – present Incentive program ideas at the December Board meeting. Put Video titles on the Web Site. Send the Board a list of who the members of the Web Team are ASAP. Work on putting the 50th Anniversary video on the front page of the Web Site. Work with Don Jensen and Dan Rheaume putting information on the Web Site about the videos we have for rent. Create a Web page for Operation Shore Patrol. Don Jensen – Write articles for Tri-Power on how to do things. Work with Edward Campbell and Dan Rheaume putting information on the Web Site telling a little bit about the Videos we have for rent. Beth Ayer – Sponsor letter needs positive statements at the beginning otherwise looks pretty good, Diana Stafford volunteered to work with Beth and Angie Marek will help too, and bring back to the December Board meeting. Linda Jessen - the following are on going: update Safety Manual, and find someone to write about GPS knowhow. Randy Drake – work on getting help from a club/clubs to help realign the Pacific Crest Trail on McKenzie Pass. Work on getting a land person in the Tillamook area. Dave McMains - please explore the Avectra program and bring back to the December Board meeting. Work on setting up on-line registration to allow members to pay their membership dues. Angela Holm – continue working on improving the sign-in sheets with the Secretary for Delegates meetings. Continue trying to see why the Access program doesn’t seem to work for everyone. Carol Jensen – continue working with Ron McDonald on the 50th Anniversary Slick Magazine. Carol sent a copy to everyone to proof read. Luke said he noticed that there were only pictures of Jeeps and Carol said she went with what was sent to her. She had been asking for pictures and articles since March. Some corrections will be made: straighten out the Region 4 logo; fix the area code on Kyle Wiebold’s phone number; remove 2005 from the front page picture; remove article and picture on page 15 on the All Wheelers Off Road because they are not PNW members; replacement pictures must be sent to Carol by noon on the 5th of June. Angie thanked Carol and Ron for all their hard work. The magazine looks great. What has happened with the Honorary Pins? Carol sent them to the Secretary and she is waiting for someone to write a cover letter and make the Honorary Membership Cards. After much discussion, Kyle said he has a program the will make cards and put a water mark on them. Dave McMains will send Kyle the list so he can make the cards and Angie Marek will write the cover letter. It was suggested that a copy of the 50th Anniversary Slick Magazine be sent with the card and pin. Region Directors – remind delegates to ask their members how they feel about the Lind Property and bring back to the December Board meeting. Come up with ideas for an Incentive Program to grow the membership and bring back to the December Board meeting. Contact clubs who haven’t renewed to see why and what we can do to get them back. Everyone – Continue working on the Trail Building & Maintenance Fund Reimbursement guide lines; portions of the guidelines were approved in March by the Board, keeping #3,and #4. Removed from consideration was #2; we need to continue to address #1 and #5 and have this ready and on the agenda for the December Board meeting. NEW BUSINESS WARN Contract: After lots of discussion a motion was made by Kyle Wiebold seconded by Don Jensen that we approve the WARN Contract through December 2010. Motion Passed. Angie Marek will begin working with WARN on a contract for 2011. ARB notified Luke May that they don’t plan to continue their relationship with the PNW4WDA at this time. Don and Carol Jensen offered to make contact with business who may want to step up and be a sponsor or make a donation to the PNW4WDA. The 800 number finally got transferred to Angie Marek; however, it will ring in on her home phone. CORRESPONDENCE Angie Marek said she had received correspondence from the family of Bob Baker who passed away just after Winter Convention 2010; also correspondence regarding membership from Rick Levine of the Jolly Jeepers Jeep club stating they were no longer going to be PNW4WDA members because of the 100% rule. Treasurer Dave McMains was directed to return the check to Rick Levine. Angie replied to them that they would be welcome back if they sent in a complete 100% membership roster and sent the appropriate dues. This letter is on file with the Secretary. NO OTHER BUSINESS WAS BROUGHT FORTH AT THIS TIME. GOOD OF THE ORDER Kathy (Frogg) McMains has been fighting a bad infection requiring several trips to the hospital. Barb May has breast cancer; she is getting better. Ben Brown (Individual Member) was in the hospital for blood poisoning. ANNOUNCEMENTS Summer Convention will be held in Ethel on August 13th – 15th. Fall Delegates - September 11, 2010, 9AM at the McClelland Center, 915 Delaware Street, Longview, WA hosted by Region 3. December Board Meeting will be on the 4th starting at 9 AM at the Merk in Longview, WA Angie Marek announced she had been able to purchase 5000 minutes for $100 and $0.029 for additional minutes. Dave McMains said he thought this Teleconference had saved us about $2000.00. Everyone congratulated and thanked Angie for a great run Teleconference meeting. Hearing no more Group Gripes and/or Monkey Business the Teleconference adjourned at 9:05 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sande Nettnin, PNW4WDA Secretary ~ 4-Wheelin’ News June 2010 7 2010 Sand Flea Rally The 2010 Sand Flea Rally was a memorial to Sand Flea Karen Fisher who past away last August. Karen was one of the original club members and worked on the rally every year. Most remembered her from her duties at registration. There were 5 checkpoints—participants had to find them and then chase down two roving checkpoints. Finding the rovers proved difficult for some. It rained a little but not enough to dampen the spirits of the participants. The winners of the rally: 1st place: Zach Johnson 2nd place: Scott Stone Winner of the Warn winch was Cory Glover with Aardvark Off Road 3rd place: Jed Beghtol Fee Season Begins at BLM Recreation Sites in the Yakima River Canyon Effective May 15, 2010 Spokane – The BLM began charging fees at its Umtanum, Lmuma Creek, Big Pines and Roza recreation sites on Saturday, May 15, 2010. Site use fees are charged from May 15 through September 15. The rest of the year, there is no charge for using BLM facilities in the Yakima River Canyon. Fees charged at the four recreation sites include a $15 per site overnight fee, which will be good until check out time at 11:00 a.m. the following day, and covers one campsite with up to two vehicles. After checkout time, visitors may continue to use the overnight fee receipt to cover day use at any of the four BLM sites until 10:00 p.m. of that day. The BLM will also continue to charge a $5.00 per vehicle daily fee at the four recreation sites. The daily fee will cover approved activities at Umtanum, Lmuma Creek, Big Pines and Roza, including parking, boat launching, raft put-in and take-out, picnicking and other day use activities. Paying a daily fee 8 at one of the BLM recreation sites allows a visitor to use all four BLM Yakima River Canyon fee sites for the day use hours of 5:00 a.m. to 10: 00 p.m. Overnight and daily fees can be paid through fee envelopes at the self-pay station at each site. Frequent visitors can save money and have the convenience of one pass to use all season long for their day use activities by purchasing a seasonal daily use permit for $25 per vehicle. These seasonal use permits are only useable for day use hours of 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and can be purchased at the BLM Wenatchee Office, 915 N. Walla Walla Avenue in Wenatchee; the Chambers of Commerce in Ellensburg and Yakima, and at Red’s Fly Shop in Ellensburg. Money collected from sales of the overnight, daily and seasonal daily use permits helps to fund garbage collection, facility cleaning, additional law enforcement, seasonal workers, future site improvements, and administrative costs at the four BLM sites. For further information contact the BLM Wenatchee office, 915 N. Walla Walla Avenue, Wenatchee, Washington, 98801 or call (509) 665-2100. Cheyne Rossbach Public Affairs Contact Rep. BLM Spokane District Office 1103 N Fancher Rd Spokane Valley, WA 99212 (509) 536-1297 ~ Comment Deadline on Cape Hatteras Draft ORV Management Plan/DEIS is Tomorrow Apologies for the short notice, but the National Park Service will close public comment tomorrow on a plan that could eliminate motorized access to Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreation Area. The folks at Preserve Beach Access and United Four Wheel Drive Associations are both doing yeoman’s work in keeping this area open. PBA’s website has a page with a lot of additional information and detailed analysis of the Park Service’s Plan. Please take a minute to send the National Park Service comments. We have another one of our INSANELY EASY three-step action items below. Thanks in advance for your action. Brian Hawthorne Public Lands Policy Director BlueRibbon Coalition 208-237-1008 ext 102 Help Keep Cape Hatteras Open! Beach enthusiasts NEED to comment during the Draft ORV Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), and if you have ever been to Cape Hatteras, we need you to June 2010 . comment regarding experience. your BRC’S THREE-STEP ACTION ITEM STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO SEND YOUR COMMENTS: NOTE: Please be polite and, if possible, make your comment letter as personal as you can. STEP 1: Click on the following link, which will take you to the NPS comment webpage. http://parkplanning.nps.gov/ commentForm.cfm?par kID=358&projectID=106 41&documentId=32596 Read and follow the instructions for completing the Comment Form. STEP 2: Use the comments suggestions below as a guideline for your comments. Cut and paste is okay, but try to make your comment letter as personal as possible. STEP 3: Take just a minute to add a bit about where you live, any visits you have made to Cape Hatteras National Seashore, how often you go, how long you have been riding in the area and/or how important the area is to you. Once you have completed your comments, click the “Submit” button. COMMENT SUGGESTIONS: The NPS must formulate a plan that is consistent with the legislation establishing Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreation Area. The enabling legislation for the Recreational Area states, in part, “said area shall be, and is, established, dedicated, and set apart as a national seashore recreational area for the benefit and enjoyment of the people and shall be known as the Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreational Area”. Therefore, it is important to balance resource protection with reasonable access for recreation. Corridors are a vital tool in providing access while managing resources. They provide a small path around temporary resource closures in order to provide access to open areas that would otherwise be blocked. Corridors should be permitted throughout the seashore during the entire breeding and nesting season including ML-1 portions of SMAs. These corridors would provide valuable access without impairment or damage to protected resources. Buffers, or closures, are important management practices for species recovery. However, to have long term benefit for the wildlife and the visiting public, buffers must be based on peer-reviewed science For example, the Piping Plover, a species classified as threatened and not endangered, is given a level of unprecedented protection in Alternative F. A 1,000-meter buffer in all directions represents over 771 acres. The DEIS does not cite any peer-reviewed science in supporting such closure. A more appropriate & effective buffer would be 200 meters. Birds that are not listed as endangered should not be afforded the level of protection given to ESA (Endangered Species Act) protected species. Instead of 300-meter buffers for these birds, a more appropriate buffer would be 30 meters. Also, all birds in the same ecosystem of the seashore should be counted. This includes all the many birds on the dredge and spoil islands located just yards away and within sight of the seashore. The National Park Service should consider turtle management practices successfully used in other federal and state areas to achieve nesting success. More proactive measures include relocating nests to more desirable locations, which is routinely and successfully done in other areas. The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national (non-profit) trailsaving group that represents over 600,000 recreationists nationwide The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) season is beginning. Federal employees, please mark BlueRibbon Coalition and Check #11402 on your CFC pledge form to support our efforts to protect your access. Join us at 1-800-258-3742 http://www.sharetrails.org ~ www.pnw4wda.org V-Team Award winners Cle Elum District - May 1st. For Release: April 30, 2010 Contact: Scott Pavey (509) 536-1200 Release No: OR130-FY2010-010 BLM to Revise Resource Management Plan Spokane, WA² The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Spokane District is seeking public input as it begins revising its Resource Management Plan (RMP). The new RMP will provide overall management direction for the next two decades for approximately 445,000 acres of BLM-administered public lands in Eastern Washington and in the San Juan Archipelago. One of the primary reasons that BLM is revising the RMP is that, through a number of land exchanges, the lands managed by BLM in Washington have dramatically changed, and total acres have increased by more than 100,000 since the previous plan was completed in 1987. Another reason is that the demands and types of uses on of BLM-administered public lands have changed, as have the conditions of the resources they contain. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be developed during the planning process. Hurtin’Units and Columbis Basin Sand Commandoes - Region 4 Clubs In this first opportunity for public comment called ³VFRSLQJ´the BLM is asking the public to help identify issues to be addressed in the plan revisions, as well as offer potential solutions. The BLM will use the information it receives during scoping as it prepares the Draft RMP and an associated Draft EIS. The BLM is hosting six open house meetings to share information. The public is invited to stop by any of the meetings listed below to discuss the RMP with BLM specialists or to provide written comments. Place Date/Time Address Davenport May 17 (6-8 p.m.) Davenport Memorial Hall, 511 Park Street Wenatchee May 26 (6-8 p.m.) Chelan PUD, 327 N. Wenatchee Ave Tonasket May 27 (6-8 p.m.) Tonasket High School, School Commons, 35 Hwy 20 Pasco June 1 (6-8 p.m.) TRAC Center, 6600 Burden Blvd, Rm. 4 Earl and Sande Nettnin - Award Winners at the V-Team ceremony’s May 1st. Commons, 35 Hwy 20 Pasco June 1 (6-8 p.m.) TRAC Center, 6600 Ellensburg June 12 (12-3 p.m.) Quality Inn, 1700 Canyon Rd Burden Blvd, Rm. 4 Friday Harbor June 5 (12-4 p.m.) During this initial scoping period, the BLM is also seeking suggestions regarding land use Mullis Senior Center, 589 issues which should be addressed in the plan. In addition, the public may comment on the Nash Street Ellensburg preliminary planning criteria, which will help guide the planning process. June 12 (12-3 p.m.) The BLM will accept public comments through June 25, 2010. For further information or Quality Inn, 1700 Canyon to have your name added to a mailing list, visit the project website at Rd http://www.blm.gov/or/districts/spokane/plans/ewsjrmp, send an e-mail to During this initial scoping OR_Spokane_RMP@blm.gov, or contact Scott Pavey, at (509) 536-1200. period, the BLM is also seeking suggestions regarding land use revisions, as well as BLM is revising the RMP is that, through a number offer potential solutions. issues which should be of land exchanges, the The BLM will use the addressed in the plan. lands managed by BLM information it receives In addition, the public in Washington have during scoping as it may comment on the planning dramatically changed, and prepares the Draft RMP preliminary criteria, which will help total acres have increased and an associated Draft guide the planning by more than 100,000 EIS. process. since the previous plan The BLM is hosting six open house meetings to The BLM will accept Spokane, WA. The Bureau was completed in 1987. share information. The public comments through of Land Management Another reason is that public is invited to stop June 25, 2010. For (BLM) Spokane District the demands and types by any of the meetings further information or to is seeking public input of uses on of BLM- listed below to discuss have your name added public as it begins revising its administered the RMP with BLM to a mailing list, visit Resource Management lands have changed, as specialists or to provide the project website at: have theconditions of the Plan (RMP). http://www.blm.gov/or/ written comments: The new RMP will provide resources they contain. Place,Date/Time Address districts/spokane/plans/ overall management An Environmental Impact Davenport May 17 ewsjrmp, send an edirection for the next two Statement (EIS) will be (6-8 p.m.) Davenport mail to OR_Spokane_ decades for approximately developed during the Memorial Hall, 511 Park RMP@blm.gov, or contact 445,000 acres of BLM- planning process. Street Wenatchee May Scott Pavey, at (509) administered public lands In this first opportunity for 26 (6-8 p.m.) Chelan 536-1200. in Eastern Washington public comment called PUD, 327 N. Wenatchee ~ and in the San Juan (scoping). the BLM is Ave Tonasket May 27 Archipelago. One of the asking the public to help (6-8 p.m.) Tonasket primary reasons that identify issues to be High School, School addressed in the plan Friday HarborJune 5 (12-4 p.m.) Mullis Senior Center, 589 Nash Street BLM to Revise Resource Management Plan 4-Wheelin’ News June 2010 Change of Address PNW4WDA Membership C/O: Dave McMains 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509765-2922 or E-Mail: members@ pnw4wda.org 9 Edward Campbell Region 2 Director May 20th, 2010 4-Wheel Parts, Tacoma, WA This regular meeting of the Region 2 of the Pacific Northwest 4-Wheel Drive Association was called to order at 7:30 pm by Region 2 Director Edward Campbell, followed by the flag salute and a moment of silence for the sick and departed. Roll call was taken verbally and via the sign-in sheet. Our guests tonight were Gabriel James, and the Wheelers of Washington. Reports Secretary’s report – A motion was made by Jeff Thompson and seconded by derrick Clark to accept the meeting minutes from April as posted in the TriPower and on the Region 2 Forum. Motion Passed. Treasurer’s report- Laura Jungmayer gave both a verbal and written report. A motion was made by Derrick Clark and seconded by Mike Mayfarth to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion Passed . We Did it/Club Power- Kathy Greenwood did not have anything new to report. She asks that if you have hosted work parties to please fill out the paperwork so that we can track our man hours. If you have questions about how to fill out the paperwork please contact her. This paperwork is very important when we are dealing with the state with issues if we are doing our half on keeping our trails maintained. These man hours allow us to get grant funding for projects and other items. Naches – Dave Bauman reported that he ran both sides of the trail this last weekend. There are still areas near the top with lots of snow. Please stand by for information when there will be a work party. Please note that the west side of the trail will be closed until July 14th. Evens Creek- Derrick Clark reported that there will be a work party this weekend the 29th and 30th of May. Each day will start at around 9:00 am. We can use all of the help that we can get. There is still snow about ¾ of the way up the trail. The only trail that is closed is the backside of the 520. There have been people who have been burning the picnic tables at the campground, and leaving piles of trash. IF YOU SEE THIS, 10 PLEASE SAY SOMETHING! Abuses like these are why we battle everyday to keep our trail systems open. A width restriction is now being enforced at the trail system. This restriction has always been in place, but not enforced for many years. The current restriction really only allows for the smaller rigs to be in the trail system, because that is all there was when the trail was built. The Forest Service Ranger at Evens is Bob Pacific, he is willing to re-look at the trail width restriction. By doing this we can come up with a suggestion as to what a good width on this trail would be. Another issue coming up in the near future will be the tire size limit. We also need to come up with a restriction suggestion on this issue also. WHAT WE NEED FROM ALL CLUBS AND ALL MEMBERS BY NEXT MONTH’S MEETING IS A LIST OF YOUR MEMBERS AND WHAT THE WIDTH OF THEIR RIG IS, THE SIZE OF TIRES THEY RUN, AND THE WHEEL BASE. We will be using this information to be proactive in imposing our own restrictions instead of giving that power to the state. Elbe Hills- Joe Wittig reported that there will be a work party June 5th and 6th. There is a new rock crawl on the Rainier Vista trail that is not quite complete, so please be careful. The grant for the trail equipment is moving forward. We should have an answer by October. TahuyaJohn George reported for Jeff Williams. Jeff Williams will no longer be our point of contact for this trail system due to new job requirements. We all thank Jeff for all of the hard work that he has put in for us over the last many years. There is logging going on right now, and trails are being closed as needed. The new signs are starting to go up. Land Matters- Jim Puttman reported that he needs letters written to the Naches Trail and Wilderness Group. This group is asking for funding from the state for programs that are coming up in the wilderness area. The deadline for getting these letters in is July 1st. Please visit the Region 2 forums at www.PNW4WDA.org for details on this letter writing campaign. (there are about 4 pages of details and that is too much to reproduce in this document) OHV Watch- Megan reported that WOHVA now has a Facebook page for those of you who are web savvy, and socially networked. The appeal to the lawsuit for the NOVA has been filed with the state court of appeals District II. At this point there is no solid timeline as far as when we will get a decision. Each section of the appeal process has its own time limit and there is no way to tell if a certain step will take the full amount of the time limit or if it will go faster. Letter writing- Angie Marek asks that if you have written any letters to please let her know who you wrote letters to and when you sent them. You can e-mail this info to Angie at offroadangie@aol.com. Jim Putman passed out a few samples of letters that have been used in the past for letter writing. A letter does not have to be very long, just a paragraph. The important part is to send the letter. Membership- Jim Putman reported that he has sent a packet to the Dusty Duzen Jeep Club. He has also given club packets to Diana Stafford for use at PR events. Ways and Means- Tiffany Morris had nothing to report. PR- Diana Stafford reported that there have not been any PR events since the last meeting. Diana also reported that she is looking into publications that we can use to get positive PR. - If you would like your event posted to the WOHVA web-site please e-mail the details to Megan (megcplk@gmail.com) - There is now a giveaway on the PNW Website. Go into the campfire forum to sign up. -June 12th will be the Quadrapaws Fun Run at Tahuya State Forest. - Trail Jamboree is sold out. There is still room on the waiting list. All PNW4WDA By-Law proposals must be submitted in writing via snailmail to Sandy Nettnin no later than June 14th. There being no more business for the good of the order the meeting was adjourned at 9: 00 pm. The next meeting will be June 17th at Four Wheel Parts in Tacoma. Respectfully submitted, Megan E. Cieplik ~ Future 4-Wheelers- No report Competition- Kevin Kehrberg reported that the race season has kicked off officially with the Webfooter race. There were also a couple of events at the Cadillac Ranch hosted by the land owners. The events were great fun, and we are looking forward to many more there. Please support our new neighbors! Summer Convention application should be on the internet and in the Tri-Power coming up in the next couple of weeks. Moonshiners will be hosting a race at Cadillac Ranch over Memorial Day weekend. They are asking that if you have quads and dirtbikes that they get left at home. This property does not allow for joy riding of these vehicles. Old Business Region 2 Event – nothing to report New Business Award - A motion was made by Jim Putman and seconded by Kathy Greenwood to get a plaque for Jeff Williams thanking him for all of the work that he has put in for us over the years. Motion passed. Jamboree Donation – There was motion from Sue Preble and seconded by Rob Stafford to give $200 for adult door prizes and $100 for kids door prizes for Trail Jamboree. Motion passed. The Jamboree committee has also asked to once again borrow the Region 2 PA system. The Region has agreed. Announcements: -Please e-mail Ed if you need anything posted on the PNW web-site (dogfather @dogpoundoffroad.com) June 2010 Kyle Wiebold Region 3 Director 18 May 2010 Region 3 Director Kyle Wiebold called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m., followed by the flag salute and a moment of silence. GUESTS Oliver is joining us tonight from Dented and Dirty a newly formed club out of Hillsboro. HOSTING CLUB This evening’s dinner was a courtesy of Piston’s Wild. This club was established in 2007 and membership as grown steadily. Currently, the club is working on getting trails in the Yacolt Burn and it is looking like middle to end of June will start-building trails. This year B.F. Goodrich has honored the club with the BFG Outstanding Trails award an invitation will be extended that they will be at the next “Pick up the Burn”. Sand Fleas are hosting the June meeting. ROLL CALL Ten Clubs were present this evening including Flat Broke & 4-Wheeling; Hubs in 4-Wheelers; Mud-A-Rama; Our Gang Off-Road; Piston’s Wild –Oregon; Piston’s Wild –Washington; PNW Individual; Sand Fleas; Trailbreakers Inc; Vancouver 4 Wheelers. MINUTES Rick Smith made the motion, seconded by Ryan Wells, that the March minutes be accepted as printed. The motion carried. OFFICER REPORTS Region Director Kyle Wiebold –The next PNW4WDA board meeting will be via conference call. Kyle received a memo from Randy Drake regarding an upcoming meeting at the Audubon Society of Portland. This is a public comment meeting regarding the closing the Vale and Lakeview BLM lands to OHV’s. We need all the people we can get to attend this meeting. There will be a short speech and then find the OHV person and let them know you support OHV’s on BLM lands. These two lands make up over one third of the public lands in Oregon. The meeting is on June 2 starting at 5:30 p.m. and ending at 8:30 p.m. at 5151 NW Cornell Rd., Portland, Oregon. Comments can be sent via email or address. The email address is OR_Vale_ Mail@blm.gov and letters can be sent attention Eric Mayse, Bureau of Land Management, Vale District Office, 100 Oregon Street, Vale, Oregon 97918 and attention Tomas E. Rasmussen, Bureau of Land Management, Lakeview Resource Area BLM, 1301 South G Street, Lakeview, Oregon 97630. Darryl Maunu reiterated that if at all possible everyone try to attend this meeting. Vice Director Darryl Maunu – Darryl received an application for membership from Dented and Dirty and he will get it sent in. Secretary Margaret Schiedler– Advised that she turned in her meeting minutes to the Tri-Power in a timely matter. Treasurer Rick Levine – Rick was absent this evening Public Relations Linda Continued on page 11 www.pnw4wda.org Continued from page 10 Jessen –The Off Road Expo had a smaller attendance this year. Nine hundred and forty-eight items was given out (fliers, PR pieces, Trifold’s and Tri-Power). Five people came specifically looking for membership applications. Linda thanked Earl and Murray for bringing their jeeps. In addition, thanks go to Richard, Rick, Darryl, and Kyle. Competition Marty Tilford – There is three races that are coming up. Memorial Day weekend, there is a race at Cadillac Ranch. Spanaway Moonshiners will host this race. Then on June 5th and 6th, 1st Annual Play Day is being hosted by PNW4WDA Independent race at Happs Place in Ethel, Washington. All proceeds will be put back into Happs Place to make improvements to the facility. The other race will be held on July 3rd and 4th at Happs Place in Ethel, Washington and will be hosted by Free Wheelers and Four-at-a-Time. Marty made the motion to give PNW4WDA Independent race $50 toward door prizes. Crystal Crowder 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Oregon Land Matters Jeff Bowman –Jeff was absent this evening. Washington Land Matters Kira Dominiak – Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has released the draft recreation plan for the Yacolt Burn on May 10, 2010. The review period for public comments, questions, and/or concerns will end at 5 pm on June 1, 2010. You can send your comments to Department of Natural Resources, SEPA Center, PO Box 47105, Olympia, WA 98504. Send your questions and comments via email. The web addresses are www.dnr.wa.gov/ ResearchScience/ Topics/SEPANonProject/ Pages/amp_sepa_ nonpro_yacolt_jul.aspx, www.sepacenter@dnr.wa. gov, and www.dnr.wa.gov/ Publications/amp_rec_ draftwesternyacolt_rec_ plan.pdf. Please remember that if you are asking a question, comment, or concern regarding the planning process or the conceptual plan. All questions and concerns must be answered before further proceeding. The more items that need to be 4-Wheelin’ News addressed or answered will make the final process longer and the longer the wait to get to groundbreaking trails. Crystal or Kira can try to answer any questions that you may have. Club Power/We Did It/Quill Power – Carol has sent an email to the new chairperson. There are projects that were turned in a year ago and still have not received anything. It was noted that the chairperson has changed hand. Just a reminder that for Quill power you will receive a patch after you have sent ten letters and after that, every ten letters you send, you will receive a star. Once you have reached one hundred letters, you will receive a plaque. IAD Don and Carol Jensen– There is several states that groups are trying to get the land closed to 4 wheel drives. The states are Colorado, Utah (MOAB), and California. California is sending a representative to Washington, DC to discuss their displeasure for what is going on in their state. the region is always being asked to donate food. This delegate would rather see the region make a donation for other items like gravel. Carol Jensen suggested that Region 3 set up a fund like the PNW4WDA board where the clubs fill out a form for trails only. The vote was held and five delegates voted yes and six delegates voted no. Motion is denied. After the vote, more discussion ensued. It was felt by some of the delegates that $500 was too much but that they had permission from their club that they would feel comfortable at $250 and suggested that the club incur the cost and asked for reimbursement afterwards. Kira let the delegates know that last year they club was granted $350 and the reason that they were asking for the additional amount was because of the larger volume of volunteers that was expected. Ever year a club member donates an additional $100 to cover the cost of the food on top of the donation from PNW Region 3. The subject came up that BFG has awarded Yacolt Burn the Outstanding Trails award for 2010 and being that this is the newest off road it would be disappointing if PNW Region 3 did not make a donation. Josh made the motion that Region 3 donates $250 towards food for the Yacolt Burn “Pick up the Burn” event. Carol Jensen 2nd the motion. Motion Carried. NEW BUSINESS Tom Fischer thanked Region 3 for the $50 donation towards door prizes and thanked Our Gang Off Road, and Jolly Jeepers for helping out with the event. Rick Smith (one of the rover’s at the event) thanked everyone for being good sports at the Sand Flea Rally. This was his first event as a Sand Flea member. Rose Festival Parade is coming up on June 11, 12, 13. This is approximately the 35th year that Region 3 has been pulling the floats. The money that is made from this event goes to the Region. The volunteers that tow the floats donate their gas. GOOD OF THE ORDER A work party at the Ethel Race track will be on May 22 and 23rd, to get the track ready for the 2010 season. Camping is available for this weekend. Season Open at Brown’s Camp hosted by Our Gang Off Road and Flat Broke & 4 wheelin will be held on June 5. Our Gang Off Road is holding their 4x4 Show and Shine on June 20 in Woodland, Washington. Operation Shore Patrol is September 18 and 19th in Long Beach, Washington. No one won the money last month and tonight $26 was collected for a total of $85. Three tickets were drawn. Rick Smith, Crystal Crowder, and Marty Telford drew a card. The joker was not pulled and the money will be held over until next month. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business to come before the membership, Region 3 Director Kyle Wiebold adjourned the meeting at 8:34 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Margaret Schiedler Secretary ~ COMMITTEES Future 4 Wheelers – no report Ways and Means Kristen Smith was absent this evening. Rick Smith reported that Kristen is getting low on stickers. Crystal Crowder made a motion that the region purchases 10 each various size PNW stickers. Lance Schiedler 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Reminder that there is a contest going on for the new logo and the winner will be decided at the June 3 meeting. OLD BUSINESS Recap of motion that was held over until this meeting: Pistons Wild is holding the annual Pick up the Burn. This year it is being held on September 25. It is looking like this year will be much larger than years previous. The goal is 250 volunteers and invitations will be sent to BF Goodrich and Del Albright from Blue Ribbon Coalition to attend. Region 3 has been gracious to donate the food for the event in years past. Crystal explained that anticipating so many more volunteers we would need more food. The member’s of Piston’s Wild will serve the food. Crystal Crowder made the motion that Region 3 donates $500 to feed the volunteers at this year event. The motion was 2nd by Lance Schiedler. Discussion: A delegate is asking why June 2010 11 Earl Nettnin Region 4 Director MAY 11, 2010 SELAH, WA Region Director, Earl Nettnin (Desert Rats) called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence for the sick and departed was observed. No Guests were present. Earl asked everyone to go around the room and introduce themselves and tell what club they represented. MINUTES: Al Matson (Ridgerunners) made a motion seconded by Josh Wesselius (Ridgerunners) to accept the April minutes as printed, motion passed. TREASURER’S REPORT was given by Sande Nettnin (Secretary/Treasurer & Desert Rats). Sande presented a bill for $55.40 for ingredients and things for the Hobo Stew at the Jim Sprick Clean-up. Doug Conner (Roamin’ Chariots) made a motion seconded by Al Matson (Ridgerunners) to pay the bill as presented, motion passed. COMP: The only thing we have, a run is planned for Memorial weekend at the Cadillac Ranch near the town of Rainier. For further information contact Rob Stafford, PNW4WDA Competition Chairman at staff ordmotorsports@yahoo.com. MEMBERSHIP: nothing new to report still have a packet out. CLUB POWER/WE DID IT: Kelda Hagemeier (Shindig Wheelers, PR & Trail Jamboree Co-Chair) turned in paper work for the Jim Sprick Park clean-up and the Shindig Wheelers Car Wash. FUTURE 4-WHEELERS: Gloria Joralemon (Shindig Wheelers & Future 4Wheelers advisor) reported they had their first meeting with five kids present. Hanna Hagemeier (Shindig Wheelers) is designing their emblem and they decided they wanted to be known as Junior Jeepers. From now on the Future 4Wheelers in Region 4 will be known as Junior Jeepers. Gloria is waiting for a list of 12 Region 4 members so she can notify the families about the program. WEB SITE: Region 4’s Web Site is still a work in progress. PR: Kelda Hagemeier (Shindig Wheelers, PR & Trail Jamboree Co-Chairman) is ready to promote your activity, so please get information to her. LAND MATTERS: Doug Conner (Roamin’ Chariots) reported – the Bureau of Land Management, BLM, has started a Resource Management Plan, RMP, for Eastern Washington which includes Juniper Dunes. There will be several public scoping meetings for this in Region 4. BLM has approximately 445,000 acres of land in Eastern Washington and in the San Juan Archipelago. BLM is hosting six open houses to share information; the public is invited to attend and you are encouraged to submit written comments. Public comments will be accepted through June 25, 2010. One meeting will be held May 26 from 6-8 PM in Wenatchee at the Chelan PUD, 327 N. Wenatchee Avenue, Wenatchee, WA; another one June 1, 6-8 PM in Pasco, WA at the TRAC Center, 6600 Burden Blvd. Room 4; another one June 12th 12-3 PM in Ellensburg at the Quality Inn, 1700 Canyon Road. A complete list of meeting dates and places can be found on the BLM web site at www.blm.gov/or/districts/ spokane/plans/ewsjrmp. Juniper Dunes is still being used even though there is no legal access. Ron Rutherford (Jeepin’ Nomads) reported on the Ahtanum and Wenas areas. Ron said e-mails had gone out requesting letters for grants for projects in the Ahtanum; one was on the South Fork to develop an area for parking, hiking, biking and horses; and the other grant would benefit motorized. Ron said he had attended the Forest Watch meeting and they discussed education and how the Forest Watch was working. Ron said he had attended a meeting on April 8 for the Wenas area and it was a really big turn out. Discussion was on land closures and what effect that would have on the user groups. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) web site now has the latest version of maps; the Wenas is at the bottom of the list. You will need ADOBIE 8 or 9 to open and print these maps. They look great in color and you are able to read the names if you can print on an 11 X 17 page. Earl Nettnin (Region 4 Director & Desert Rats) gave a report on the TWIG meeting. Earl said they were given a run down on Title II Project Applications for 2011. They announced that they have put a size limit on the Little Rattlesnake of 75 inches wide and 95 inches long; the trail will be one way from the bottom to the top for 4X4’s; motorcycles and quads will be able to go both ways. The Little Naches area will open Memorial weekend. They are working on what they are calling hazard trees (trees that need to be taken down before they fall down). They have asked if we see anyone dumping junk, vandalizing property etc to get information like license numbers, pictures and turn it over to the Forest Service, they will follow up on it. Travel Management Plan will be open for public comment this fall. Two people are cosharing the position that was held by Sam Bissell for front country trails, they are Bernie Snow and Angie Niebuhr. A comment was made that they have very little money for road maintenance. We have been asked to write support letters for the Recreation Conservation Office (ROC) Grants for the Naches District OHV Education Rangers, Copper City 4WD Reconstruction Final Phase, and Naches Motorized Trails M & O 2011-2012. Letters are due by July 1st, be sure to mention the project, who you are and why you support it. DNR has closed some trails in the Reiter foothills. They said that the trails snaked over 4,000 acres of the forest, crossing salmonbearing streams and eroding pristine land. Officials intend to open a few roads to the riders by mid-June, and then phase in access as trails are built. Those trails ultimately will cover about 1,000 acres, a 75 percent decrease in available terrain. Another area of concern is the Yacolt Burn Recreation Plan. Information about this proposal can be viewed on DNR’s website. http://www.dnr.wa.gov/ ResearchScience/Topics/ SEPANonProject/pages/amp_ sepa_nonpro_yacolt_jul.aspx. Forest Watch: Clay Graham (All Wheelers & ORV Trail Watch) reported that pictures had been posted on the internet of illegal happenings in the Wenas Wild Life Area. Resource damage seems to be a big thing for some people and we have our work cut out for us educating people on what is acceptable on our trails. If you see this stuff happening, take pictures, write down license numbers and get as much information as you can and turn it over to the authorities. DNR also has a watch started around the state similar to the Forest Watch; users patrolling the trails and keeping watch, doing some education etc. A lot of people think the government is patrolling the trails, they are not aware that it is volunteers. The Ski Benders (snowmobilers) did a lot of this type of work this past winter and turned in hundreds of volunteer hours. The Okanogan Wenatchee Travel Management Plan is supposed to be putting out a draft impact statement soon. The Rock Crawl is still a work in progress. Barry Collins said things are moving ahead and the National Guard is still going to help set the rocks. Forest Plan Revision: meetings have been held, Earl & Sande Nettnin attended the one in Pasco, WA that was on the Umatilla National Forest; they did confirm that they don’t have any class II roads (4X4 trails), however, we need to write letters asking them to at least put 4X4 trails into the plan, so that if the opportunity arises June 2010 they could put class II roads into the plan. Colville & OkanoganWenatchee Forest Plan Revision is supposed to have a draft out sometime this year. We will notify everyone when that happens so we can make comments. OLD BUSINESS: Trail Jamboree: Kelda Hagemeier (Trail Jamboree Co-Chairman, PR & Shindig Wheelers) said that the trail host packets are due. They are still looking for sponsors and vendors. Still no word on the 5 year permit with the Forest Service. On June 2nd the Forest Service will be taking a tour of the Little Rattlesnake to inspect the trail to see if anything still needed attention; this trail is one that is planned to be run at the Trail Jamboree. Jim Sprick clean-up April 17th had a great turn out; 15 clubs and 83 people turned out. The Hobo Stew was great and we didn’t have a half a cup left. The Nile community posted a couple of signs saying “Thank you Jeepers for all your hard work on the Park”. On Sunday a run was held, lots of fun and snow. Moses Lake Sand Dunes clean-up Saturday, April 24 was one miserable windy day. Sunday turned out to be a pretty nice day and the cleanup continued. Beverly Sand Dunes cleanup May 1st had 46 volunteers sign in and 293 volunteer hours were turned in. It was very windy also and two Toyota pickups fell off the dunes, visibility was quite bad. The dunes weren’t very bad because the week-end before a group from Buckley had been over and had a clean-up. V-Team celebration in Cle Elum on May 1st to honor the volunteers was well attended. Once again the top volunteer group was the Hurtin’ Units from Moses Lake. The up coming work party at Liberty was discussed. We will have lots to do; one will be to take the Deputy Director of the Forest Service out for an experience on the 24th; do a re-route of the 307 trail; put some kind of barrier to stop cross country travel across Tri-Pods Flats; a re-route of the Lion Gulch trail because of a water crossing; Hole in the Rock trail has a loop that has to come out because of environmental concerns; and the usual brushing out of the trails. They also mentioned that ROC funds cannot be used on private lands. Nothing more on the property in the Lind area that Gary deMoss presented at Winter Convention and our last region meeting. NEW BUSINESS: PNW4WDA is working on putting out a “Slick Magazine” to commemorate our 50th Anniversary. Articles were to have been submitted by May 1 and the deadline to take out an ad was May 10th. A motion was made by Al Matson (Ridgerunners) seconded by Kelda Hagemeier (Shindig Wheelers) that Region 4 purchase a quarter page ad for in the magazine, motion passed. Team Trophy Challenge Washington sponsored by the Timber Tamers is scheduled for August 13, 14 & 15. Deadline to register is July 2nd. All profits will go to support the Cle Elum Ranger District. For more information go to www.TTCW.org. Earl Nettnin (Region Director & Desert Rats) announced that the June Board meeting will be by teleconference on June 2nd. CLUB REPRTS: Desert Rats: Leon Preddie reported that the club would be doing security for the Cool Desert Nights Cruise on June 25th and are looking for help; if you would like to help contact Leon at 509-3743922 or bpreddie@owt.com. Billy Tallman a representative from Lithia Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Tri-Cities was at our meeting hoping to generate interest in our helping them to show people what their rig can do. He said they would put together an area behind the dealership so we could demonstrate what a 4X4 can do. Roamin’ Chariots: Doug Conner reported they are looking forward to camping with the Jeepin’ Nomads Memorial weekend in the Rimrock area. Ridgerunners: Josh Wesselius reported they had a Mother’s Day breakfast in Cle Elum that was well attended. They had a run to the Ahtanum area the weekend before Mother’s Day. Ron Jeepin’ Nomads: Rutherford reported they had a run to the Wenas area May 2nd and a run this weekend will be either to the Cowiche or Wenas area. They are looking forward to camping Memorial weekend with the Roamin’ Chariots. Shindig Wheelers: Gloria Joralemon reported they had a big car wash May 1st in Selah and did really good even though it was very windy. This weekend they plan to participate in the Selah Community parade. May 28th they are going to Liberty and June 2nd some will check out the Little Rattlesnake trail and a final work party will be June 12th & 13th. A work party is planned for June 19th & 20th to Rimrock to work on Leaning Tree their adopted trail. Devon Timberwolves: Matson reported they had a run May 8th. He said they don’t plan things very far ahead so he didn’t know what was planned next. Yakima Valley Mountaineers: Morris Aston reported that things were pretty quiet. All Wheelers: Clay Graham reported they attended the Continued on page 13 www.pnw4wda.org Continued from page 12 March 27 clean-up at the Slab with the Dust Dodgers and ORV Trail Watch and picked up 3700 pounds of garbage. April 27th had a snow run in the Ahtanum area with some carnage. May 1st attended and sponsored the Beverly Sand Dunes clean-up along with the ORV Trail Watch. This was the first time they didn’t have a Mother’s Day run. They plan to attend the Selah Parade. A run to Saw Mill Flats will be over Father’s Day. Some work parties are planned; the main one will be July 24th with the ORV Trail Watch in the Ahtanum area. Wade Kabrich is working with the Forest Service on seeing what is needed to refurbish the Jump Off Look Out. Wade will have more to report after he’s able to assess the needs. Work Parties: Liberty – May 22-27 camping at Williams Creek. Dale Neuman is the contact person. Ahtanum – July 24 camp at the Ahtanum Sno-Park, contact Clay Graham (509) 673-3610 or ceg@aworc.com. Pick Up A Mountain – September 17th camp at Jim Sprick Park for $5 a night. Pam Remley is the contact person. More information will be coming soon. Good of the Order: James Harter (Shindig Wheelers) winner of last month’s door prize was not present so - James will provide the door prize for June. Al Matson (Ridgerunners) made a motion to adjourn seconded by Gloria Joralemon (Shindig Wheelers) motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sande Nettnin, Region 4 Secretary/Treasurer ~ Anatomy of an Organized Event So you decided to participate in an organized four wheel drive event? You find out there is an event happening, the date of the event, you send in your application, receive notice of your acceptance, fill out the registration and then the work starts. Am I right? You start getting your rig needs and self ready to attend and at the appropriate date you show up, find the host and wait for instructions. Then you participate in the adventure. Am I right? That is all there is to it; right on? We have always heard there are two sides to every story. So, if that is true, what is the other side? Well, first there is the part about somebody getting the bright idea that they would like to put on and host an organized four wheel drive event. That’s really when the work starts. The idea is jousted about with others and some preliminary thoughts explored. Where, when? Maybe some marketing? You speak with some folks … Hey, if we decided to put on and host an organized four wheel drive event do you think you and your friends would participate; they asks, who, where, when? Ah, answer what you can and stall about what you can’t…that’s still not decided. The idea of an organized four wheel drive event progresses to thoughts and discussion of what would be done and how it could happen and what are we gonna call this event? The invites are sent. Voila; an organized four wheel drive event is born. I don’t know because I wasn’t there, but I am guessing that “Cabin Fever”, “PNW Jamboree”, “Groundhog Rock Crawl”, “Creek N’ Trail”, PNW Summer Convention, beach/ mountain cleanups, “Divide Ride”, “Jeep Safari”, etc., sprang to life by some such. What I can tell you is that the host part of an organized four wheel drive event takes an awful lot of organization, planning and work to be successful. Not just the first time, but each and every time presents its own challenges. I know because I watched… from afar, always thinking how did they pull that off. This year was no different. April 10, 2010 was the eleventh year of “Cabin Fever”. Yet, the tests and challenges of hosting were still there. Even though “Cabin Fever” is tried and true, after eleven adventures, it remains a huge project. Planning began early in the year by establishing a committee of North Idaho Trailblazer members. The committee job was to organize the event and carry through until the cleanup the day after was accomplished; and all before church services Sunday morning. This they did, making this years “Cabin Fever” another bonafide success. How did they do this? Well, you can’t get the answer from me as I don’t know because I wasn’t a member of the committee. However, as a club member I got tidbits here and there of what the committee needed in support of the endeavor by Ahtanum State Forest ORV Trails Clean-up club members. Somehow those on the committee put together and answered all the questions required for the “where, when, how, what, who” and all the concerns about how to get to those questions necessary to again put on the event. I can tell you that every proposed adventure trail for Cabin Fever was ran from time to time and preran just before the day of Cabin Fever to assure that it would provide an adventure of a lifetime with concerns for safety and to minimize damage to guests rides, the trail and the environment of paramount address. I can tell you this, as for this years event, as I was there along with many of my fellow Trailblazers, even many on the committee, doing double or triple duty; a lot of work, but a lot of fun! For more information on the where, when, how, what, who of Cabin Fever, check out the Cabin Fever caption on the North Idaho Trailblazers website. Until next time around, may your trails be delightful! Epic ~ REMINDER The deadline to submit articles and photos for Tri-Power is the 21st of each month Send to: Hosted by the All Wheelers Off Road Club and ORV Trail Watch with cooperation from the DNR. Saturday July 24th, 2010 AhtanumSnoͲparkat10AM. PleasesigninattheAllWheelersOffRoadClubcamp. ThecleanupareatrailsareonSedgeRidge,WhitesRidge,andFoundationRidge.ThismayincludeTrail 613,Strobachtrail,BlueLakeandtheDarlandloop.Thehoursincludingyourtraveltimearecounted andhelpgetfundingfortheAhtanumStateforest.WeplantocampattheSnoͲparkagainthisyear. AfterthecleanͲuparound5:30PMwewillhaveabringͲaͲdishpotluckforallthevolunteers. FreecampingwithFriday&Saturdaymeet&greets. tripower@ pnw4wda.org Articles should be in Microsoft Word with Arial 10pt font ADs can be in word and if you can make a PDF that would be best so it will hold the type styles that you picked Tri-Power Ron McDonald 360-901-8376 3902 NE 61st Ave. Vancouver, WA 98661 FormoreinfoeͲmailClayGrahamatceg@aworc.com 4-Wheelin’ News June 2010 13 Comment Deadline on Cape Hatteras Draft ORV Management Plan/ DEIS is Tomorrow for completing the Comment Form. Apologies for the short notice, but the National Park Service will close public comment tomorrow on a plan that could eliminate motorized access to Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreation Area. The folks at Preserve Beach Access and United Four Wheel Drive Associations are both doing yeoman’s work in keeping this area open. PBA’s website has a page with a lot of additional information and detailed analysis of the Park Service’s Plan. Please take a minute to send the National Park Service comments. We have another one of our INSANELY EASY three-step action items below. Thanks in advance for your action. STEP 3: Take just a minute to add a bit about where you live, any visits you have made to Cape Hatteras National Seashore, how often you go, how long you have been riding in the area and/or how important the area is to you. Once you have completed your comments, click the “Submit” button. Help Keep Cape Hatteras Open! Beach enthusiasts NEED to comment during the Draft ORV Management Plan/ Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), and if you have ever been to Cape Hatteras, we need you to comment regarding your experience. BRC’S THREE-STEP ACTION ITEM STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO SEND YOUR COMMENTS: NOTE: Please be polite and, if possible, make your comment letter as personal as you can. STEP 1: Click on the following link, which will take you to the NPS comment webpage.http: //parkplanning.nps.gov/comm entForm.cfm?parkID=358&pr ojectID=10641&documentId= 32596 Read and follow the instructions STEP 2: Use the comments suggestions below as a guideline for your comments. Cut and paste is okay, but try to make your comment letter as personal as possible. wildlife and the visiting public, buffers must be based on peerreviewed science For example, the Piping Plover, a species classified as threatened and not endangered, is given a level of unprecedented protection in Alternative F. A 1,000-meter buffer in all directions represents over 771 acres. The DEIS does not cite any peer-reviewed science in supporting such closure. A more appropriate & effective buffer would be 200 meters. Birds that are not listed as endangered should not be afforded the level of protection given to ESA (Endangered Species Act) protected species. Instead of 300-meter buffers for these birds, a more appropriate buffer would be 30 meters. Also, all birds in the same ecosystem of the seashore should be counted. This includes all the many birds on the dredge and spoil islands located just yards away and within sight of the Directions: From Yelm head west on Hwy 507 toward Tenino. When you get through Rainier, make a left onto Vail Cut Off Rd. SE. Head 1.3 miles. The entrance is on the right. Signs will be posted. From I-5 North bound take exit 88A toward Tenino. Drive through Tenino towards Rainier. Before you get to Rainier city limits take a right on Vail Cut Off Rd. SE. . Head 1.3 miles down on the right signs will be posted. General Rules and Information Specialties: Tuff Truck, Mud Bogs, Barrel Racing, and Mud Drags Saturday June 19th Saturday June 19th Sunday June 20th Sunday June 20th Saturday July 10th Saturday July 10th Sunday July 11th Sunday July 11th 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Saturday July 31st Saturday July 31st Sunday August 1st Sunday August 1st Participant Rules All Events Classes Classes Coming Soon: Motocross and Rock Garden Tuff Trucks Barrel Races Mud Drags Mud Bogs With obstacles x 4-6 cylinder x 8 cylinder and up x Unlimited pro purse Saturday May 8th x Time Trials Low ground clearance x U.T.V. (rhinos & razors) x 4-6 cylinder x 8 cylinder and up x Unlimited pro purse Sunday May 9th Sunday May 9th Classes x x x x x Diesel 4cyl 6cyl 8cyl Unlimited 1. 2. Classes x x x x x 35” & under 36”- 39” 40” & up Unlimited Powder puff 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Camping is available $10 per day. No facilities available. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Please put trash in receptacles provided. Pets must be kept on leashes at all times, please pick up after your pets. NO WEAPONS ALLOWED! NO OUTSIDE ALCOHOL ALLOWED IN THE SPECTATOR AREAS! NO ALCOHOL IN PIT AREA, PERIOD. Gates fees are non –refundable. All workers are volunteers, please be respectful of the job they are trying to do. Have Fun! All drivers and passengers must wear a seatbelt and a helmet. Vehicles must have a tow or lift point. Securely attached 3/8” chain Or 1/2”cable can be used in place of tow hooks. Tow point strictly enforced! If tow point breaks while in the pit area, You are responsible for hooking it back up. All vehicles must have a fire extinguishers. No loose items. Batteries and fire extinguishers must be securely Attached. Vehicles with soft tops must have a safety cage. Muffler required on all vehicles. You must wear shirt, pants, and shoes while racing. This includes passengers. All vehicles must have duel linkage springs in the carburetor. The possibility of vehicle damage and broken parts exists! Enter at Own Risk! Drivers must limit vehicle wash off time to 8 minutes between runs And 15 minutes at end of the event so that everyone has a chance to clean their vehicles. All vehicles entered in event must wash their vehicles if it does not leave on a trailer. Daily Schedule For All Events Specific Tuff Truck Rules! Registration: 7:30am– 9:45am Drivers Meeting: 10am Racing Starts @ 10:30am Awards Presentation: TBA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All events are held in Rainier WA @ Cadillac Ranch Motorsports Inc. Event information Registration for any event is $25, includes tech fee. Additional driver, same vehicle-$20. Second class $20. Unlimited Pro Purse Classes are $75. $50 goes towards winnings. General Admission: $10 per day. Kids under 12 years are free. Check us out on the web at: www.cadillacranchmotorsports.com OR Contact us by email at: cadillacmotorsports@yahoo.com Damian Mahan @ 360-239-3977 or Jeff Mahan @ 360-561-6364 14 ~ COMMENT SUGGESTIONS: The NPS must formulate a plan that is consistent with the legislation establishing Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreation Area. The enabling legislation for the Recreational Area states, in part, “said area shall be, and is, established, dedicated, and set apart as a national seashore recreational area for the benefit and enjoyment of the people and shall be known as the Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreational Area”. Therefore, it is important to balance resource protection with reasonable access for recreation. Corridors are a vital tool in providing access while managing resources. They provide a small path around temporary resource closures in order to provide access to open areas that would otherwise be blocked. Corridors should be permitted throughout the seashore during the entire breeding and nesting season including ML-1 portions of SMAs. These corridors would provide valuable access without impairment or damage to protected resources. Buffers, or closures, are important management practices for species recovery. However, to have long term benefit for the Cadillac Ranch Motorsports Inc. Saturday May 8th seashore. The National Park Service should consider turtle management practices successfully used in other federal and state areas to achieve nesting success. More proactive measures include relocating nests to more desirable locations, which is routinely and successfully done in other areas. Brian Hawthorne Public Lands Policy Director BlueRibbon Coalition 208-237-1008 ext 102 You must have a 4 point seat belt. Additional waivers must be signed for use of 3 point seat belts. You must have a roll cage bolted or welded to the frame unless you have a hard top vehicle. You must have a battery cut off switch accessible by the driver. Non-street legal vehicles must have a five point safety harness, these will be mandatory. You must wear a helmet. 1. Admission: $10 per day, under 12 years old FREE. 2. The five dollar tech fee is included in the registration fee. 3. Drivers meetings are MANDATORY! 4. Trophies are awarded to each class. 5. Winners are determined as follows: - mud bogs will be determined by the best time or the best distance if no one makes it thru. - tuff trucks will be determined by the best time around the course. - mud drags will be determined by the best time. 6. Must be present at the award ceremony to receive trophies or other prizes. If you win and are not present you forfeit your winnings. 7. Award presentation is about 30 minutes after the last run. June 2010 www.pnw4wda.org SAVE THE DATE FOR SUMMER CONVENTION 2010 AUGUST 13, 14 & 15 AT ETHEL, WA Hosted by the PNW4WDA Competition Committee Watch for registration form in next month’s Tri-Power and on-line on the website. PNW4WDASUMMERCONVENTION August13Ͳ152010 Ethel,WA HostedbythePNW4WDACompetitionCommittee EVENTS Friday BracketDrags Barrels(KidsandAdults) Obstacle(KidsandAdults) CrossCountry FEES AdvancePurchases:$75.00 Saturday CompModifiedDrags Barrels(KidsandAdults) Obstacle(KidsandAdults) CrossCountry TopEliminatorRunͲOffs Sunday TeamRelay RegionChallenge ClubChallenge MustbepostͲmarkednolaterthan07/31/10 Includesimmediatefamily(2adultsanddependentchildrenundertheageof21) Additionalfamilymembers/guestsage16andover$10.00eachifinsamecampingunit AtEvent:$85.00 Ifdidn’tpurchaseadvancetickets Includesimmediatefamily(2adultsanddependentchildrenundertheageof21) Additionalfamilymembers/guestsage16andover$10.00eachifinsamecampingunit Tech:$5.00 Perdriver Age15andunderfree Spectator:$10.00 Perpersonperday Age12andunderfree CampingOnly:$40.00 ADVANCEREGISTRATION MustbepostͲmarkedby07/31/10 Name:______________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________ City,State,Zip_______________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________________________________ ClubAffiliation___________________________________Comp#_____________ AdditionalFamilyMembers(Includesimmediatefamily–adultsanddependentchildrenunderage21) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ MERCHANDISEORDERS Item Price Size Quantity Total TͲShirts $15.00each __________ __________ $__________ Sweatshirts $25.00each __________ __________ $__________ Hoodies $30.00each __________ __________ $__________ TankTops $12.00each __________ __________ $__________ MerchandiseSubtotal Total PAYMENT Mailcompletedformwithpaymentto: PNW4WDAComp c/oRobStafford POBox276 Spanaway,WA98387 4-Wheelin’ News June 2010 $75.00 $ $ Change of Address PNW4WDA Membership C/O: Dave McMains 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509765-2922 or E-Mail: members@ pnw4wda.org 15 We're Looking for Members OREGON: WASHINGTON: 4 At A Time Hillsboro, OR (503) 628-4210 BELFAIR PACK RATS Belfair, WA Sam (360) 275-5253 CASCADE OFFROADERS Lebanon, OR (541)451-2678 Deschutes County 4-Wheelers Bend, OR www.deschutescounty4wheelers.com CLIFFHANGERS Snohomish, WA (360) 568-1663 3LVWRQ¶V:LOG SW Washington/NW Oregon Crystal 360-606-1648 info@pistonswild.com PNW Individual Member Club Longview, WA (360) 577-0111 El Dorado Dust Devils Puyallup, WA (253) 536-6989 FOUR RUNNERS Klamath Falls, OR (541) 545-1630 webmaster@fourrunners4x4.org www.fourrunners4x4.org Green River Valley Jeepers Auburn, WA Arlene (253) 833-8747 GORGE RIDGE RUNNERS The Dalles, OR (541) 298-3487 Oly Stumpjumpers 4x4 Club 18621 Hilt Street SW Rodchester, WA 98579 (360) 273-5521 SPOKANE 4 WHEELERS Spokane, WA (509) 542-1244 maryandart@comcast.net Thunder Trucks Auburn, WA John (253) 606-4019 or Thundertrucks4x4@hotmail.com White Knuckle 4x4 Puyallup, WA (253) 536-8381 hunter@snowgoose.com IDAHO: 800-537-7845 Membership in the clubs listed above offer a wide variety of activities. If a club is not listed in your area call 800-537-7845 or visit our web site www.pnw4wda.org for a complete list of clubs. If you would like your club listed above e-mail us at: tripower@pnw4wda.org FUN RUN!! At Evans Creek ORV Park Put on By: Rednecks & Rug-Rats July 24, 2010 ADMISSIONS: Spectators $10 per day Presented by Free Wheelers & Four-at-a-Time. FIRST JEEP OUT AT 9:00 AM LAST JEEP OUT AT 12:00 PM Cash Prizes, Door Prizes, Raffles and a lot more Fun! Prizes will be awarded at approximately 4:30 pm, Must be present to win! (Need not to be present for THE BIG RAFFLE ONLY) Camping and restrooms available at the Campground Canned Food drive @ Chevron Argo’s Burnett Store Get a SMALL Raffle ticket for Food donation of 2 or more cans per person Northwest Forest Pass Is Required Children 12 & under FREE Tech open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 8:00 am Region 3 Run-Offs Barrels, Dirt Drags, Youth Courses 9:00 am Youth Obstacles, Adult Obstacles, Team Relay, King & Queen Social Gathering Door Prizes Awards For information contact: Dale Tucker 503-793-4966 or Steve Grittman 503-628-4210 steve@lafayetteautobody.com or Cookie Landauer cookie@scottiesautobody.com. All vehicles competing in any event must comply with and meet PNW4WDA safety specifications available at http://www.pnw4wda.org/competition/rules.htm. Camping $60 for weekend Day Racers $25 RACING FEES: Tech Fee $10 per driver Youth 15 & under FREE CONCESSIONS AVAILIABLE!!! DIRECTIONS: From I-5, take exit 68 (Hwy 12 East, Morton, Yakima), go East on Hwy. 12 for 7½ Miles. Turn left onto Leonard Road and go 1 mile. Turn left onto Larmon Road, go 1 mile and Happ's entry will be on the left. Westbound traffic entry: Turn right onto Leonard Road at milepost 74 and go 1 mile. Turn left onto Larmon Road and go 1 mile. Happ's entry will be on the left. Available at US Forest service, Burnett Store and Wilkeson Store 16 June 2010 www.pnw4wda.org 2 Weeks Free use of all Videos* ROLL BAR WANTED Looking to buy a used roll bar for 1980 to 1990 full sized Ford Bronco. Contact John Kalayjian, Klamath Four Runners, 541-505-4248 4-10 Race Jeep for sell at $12,000.00 and it is a turn key ready to go jeep. Dan and Tammy Rheaume 206-935-1400. SEE PHOTO BELOW ~ For sale Black diamond plate sliders off of a 2006 LJ Wrangler $100 OBO. Stock suspension parts DOUBLE DECK TRAILER FOR SALE for a 2006 wrangler $25 OBO. All in good condition 253 549-8484 rjsnodgrass@comcast.net 4-10 We carry our jeep on the bottom and Honda Pilot sand rails on top. Max weight on top is about 1200 lbs. We are asking $5500.00 for it. Located in Shelton, WA. Pictured below. Contact; Dale McKee. 6-10 360-427-5035----- 253-370-7146----- 253-318-5525 ~ 1954 CJ3B Hi Hood This jeep has been off road one time. It lived on a farm hauling water pipe. It has a 231 V6 and a spare. Tilt wheel power steering and brakes. Two speed CJ5 wipers. Full cage, Warn 8000, Caddy hiback leather seats, new tires. I did a LOT of custom work. I have all the orig. parts. The body is old but NO rust or dents and has never been cut up!! Way to many things to list. I need to sell do to medical bills. I’m only asking 6500.00 cash or best offer. You can email me at: butchnguns@ comcast.net 6-10 1992 YJ Jeep Please help me sell this truck to the right guy. My sons and I built the truck up, though we use Dave Sport in North Bend for the Dana 44s, air lockers, and the suspension lift. The motor also was rebuilt by a professional shop in Kent, WA. This truck is set to go, and priced to sell. ~ 1960 Jeep with a Willy’s flat fender body. PHOTOs are OK with your ad. Classified Ads are FREE to PNW4WDA members. Non- Members pay $10 per issue for up to 10 lines + a single photo. Makes checks payable to PNW4WDA Submit ad to: tripower@pnw4wda.org, OR FAX 360-695-1043 Or snail-mail it to: Tri-Power 3902 NE 61st Ave. Vancouver, WA 98661 Send ad in Arial font size 10. Remember the deadline is the 21st of each month. 4-Wheelin’ News Body is straight. 2.3 L engine with new carb, manifold and header. Ford 3 speed, full roll cage, new brakes and tires. Power steering with tilt wheel, new high back seats, black soft top with doors. Extra with purchase is a 1990 2.3 L engine with fuel injection and a 4 speed and transfer case. Asking $4000. Please call Micki Wressell (Thunder Trucks) at 509-607-5900 or Jack at 509-674-9796. 610 ~ 4X4 race ready 350 small block chev turbo 400, 4:11 gears $7,000 OBO (509) 656-3031 ........ 12-09 ~ June 2010 New Rebuilt 4 Cylinder Motor w/ warranty Dana 44 Front and Rear with air lockers Warren 8 Thousand Winch Oversized Wheels, Raised 4 inches (original leaf springs over axels) Slip Yoke eliminator kit Removable Hard Top Great Condition. $6500.00 Steven Fowler | Sr. Consultant. 425-941-6465 http://www.sound-leadership.com 6-10 ~ Ads will be removed after 4 months unless you contact us. If you need an ad extended st or removed the deadline is the 21 of each month. ~ 17 Region 1 Meetings Angela Holm, DIRECTOR 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 • Cell: 206-617-9478 Reg1Dir@pnw4wda.org 3rd WEDNESDAY MONTHLY NO DECEMBER MEETING at 7:00pm-8:30pm - Alfy’s Pizza, 4820 – 196th St. SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036 (425) 775-5459 ~ Region 2 Meetings Edward Campbell, DIRECTOR 360-878-1677 Reg2dir@pnw4wda.org 12443 Zeller Rd SE, Yelm,Wa Our meetings are Held at 4 Wheel Parts 7602 S Tacoma Way Tacoma, WA 98409 Every 3rd Thursday of the month Except December. These meetings are open for anyone whom has an interest in our Wheeling community. If you drive a 4x4 Vehicle down one of our trails We want to meet you! Come on out to a region meeting and Have a Slice of Pizza Provided by 4 Wheel Parts. Working hard to change our environment one Trail/person at a time. Edward Campbell Webmaster www.pnw4wda.org and www.dogpoundoffroad.org President Dogpound Offroad NO DECEMBER MEETING ~ Region 3 Meetings Kyle Wiebold, DIRECTOR E-mail: region3director@hotmail.com Phone 360-772-5682 (are always the third Tuesday of every month) at 7:30pm NO DECEMBER MEETING upcoming events and land matters for the Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington 4x4 recreation areas. Please join us to learn about what is happening on our off-road trail systems in NW Oregon & SW Washington. This is also a great place to find out first hand about work parties, trail events and other 4x4 activities that are taking place. Guests are most welcome and we are always looking for new clubs and individual members to join the association and get involved! ~ Region 4 Meeting Earl Nettnin, DIRECTOR 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 reg4dir@pnw4wda.org MAR 9, ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Doug Conner’s Shop 3300 Road 96, Pasco, WA APRIL 13, ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Standard Battery 400 E.Broadway, Moses Lake, WA MAY 11, ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Magic’s Pizza, 309 S 1st Selah, WA JUNE 8, ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Doug Conner’s Shop 3300 Road 96, Pasco, WA JULY 13 ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Standard Battery 400 E. Broadway, Moses Lake, WA August 10‘10 7:30 PM meet at Magic’s Pizza, 309 S 1st Selah, WA September 14 ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Doug Conner’s Shop in Pasco, WA October 12 ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Standard Battery in Moses Lake, WA November 9,, ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Magic’s Pizza, 309 S 1st, Selah, WA NO DECEMBER MEETING ~ Region 6 Meeting Alan D. Paulson, DIRECTOR 4751 Happy Valley Rd. Roseburg, Oregon 97470 541-679-0571 Reg6Dir@pnw4wda.org at: 4-Wheel Parts Performance Center 2700 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, OR 503-774-4000 All members and guests are welcome at this monthly meeting where Region 3 club delegates gather to discuss 18 March 13 Region 6 meeting/ run/ potluck, Roseburg OR, hosted by Umpqua Valley Timber Cruisers. May 29 Region 6 meeting/ work project/ potluck, Christmas Valley OR, hosted by Klamath 4 Runners. snow park, hosted by Deschutes county 4 wheelers. Sept 25 Region 6 meeting/ Clean-up/ potluck, Hauser OR, hosted by Strawberry Hill 4 Wheelers. Nov. 6 Region 6 meeting/ run/ potluck, Klamath Falls OR, hosted by Klamath 4 Runners. For more Information regarding Region 6 events please see flyer’s or contact Region 6 Director. NO DECEMBER MEETING 2010 NEW INFORMATION ON 2010 TEAM TROPHY CHALLENGE Since we are having a hard time filling the field of 20 teams we are going to try a few things to get this filled before July 1st. If we dont get at least 15 teams by then, it looks like we would have to cancel this years event. So read the following carefully! The Location this year will be Liberty, Washington. We are tweaking the daytime format to be geared more heavily towards the wheeling aspect but are still keeping the “night time search” portion also. We are dropping the width restriction but all competition vehicles still must be street legal, show proof of insurance and go through tech inspection. NO EXCEPTIONS!! Check www.TTCW.org for a list of requirements you will need to clear tech. JUNE 26 & 27 JULY 17-18 Outdoor 4x4s Play Day Ethel, WA JULY 24-25 Mud Daubers Play Day Chehalis Fairgrounds AUG. 14 OFF ROAD AMINALS 18TH ANNUAL FUN RUN First Rig out 8:00AM Short wheel base recommended, winch is advised. All entries must be street legal with snsurance. TRAIL PASSES ARE REQUIRED BY THE US FOREST SERVICE. It is your responsibility to have one for each vehicle! Passes can be purchased in Burnett or Wilkeson on the way to EVANS CREEK. For more info or questions contact: AL SEELEY 253-862-5252 or Brian Abbott 360-761-7151 AUG. 13-15 PNW Summer Convention ETHEL, WA AUG. 13-15 Challenge 2010 4th annual Team Trophy Challenge Washington put on by the Timber Tamers 4x4 club Time to sign up for the Team Trophy Challenge! If you’re looking for information go to www.TTCW.org. AUG. 21 & 22 Tuff Trucks June 26th Registration-to be announced Mud Bog June 27th Registration-7:30am Ethel, WA Mudslingers4x4.com Steve - 253-537-3755 Mike - 253-905-6990 Tuff Trucks June 26th Registration-7am, Mud Bog June 27th Ethel, WA Mudslingers4x4.com Steve - 253-537-3755 Mike - 253-905-6990 Desert Race (non PNW event) Goldendale, WA (Starvation Ridge) JUNE 19-20 SEPT. 4-6 29th Annual Oregon CreekN-Trail, hosted by Region 6 JUNE 25-26 Desert Race(non pnw) Paisley, OR JULY 3-4 4 at a Time Play/ Freewheelers Day Ethel, WA JULY 7-11 2010 TRAIL JAMBOREE Registration begins Feb. 15 Registration online at: www.pnw4wda.org/trailjam for info: 509-698-3703 July 17 Region 6 meeting/ campout/ potluck, Benson June 2010 AUG. 27-29 Overboard Racing Summer’s End Play Day Ethel, WA Info: Shawn Churchill 253-279-5889 SEPT. 12 16th Annual Jeeping Nomads 4x4 Swap Meet - Show & Shine, Yakima WA SEPT. 17-19 Region 4 Presents Pick Up A Mountain Jim Sprick Park, Naches as base camp for more info Contact Pam Remley at: tnrubi76@yahoo.com or 509-658-2496 All users group and outdoor clubs encouraged to attend SEPT. 25-26 Fun Days Ethel, WA REMINDER The deadline to submit articles and photos for Tri-Power is the 21st of each month Send to: tripower@ pnw4wda.org Articles should be in Microsoft Word with Arial 10pt font ADs can be in word and if you can make a PDF that would be best so it will hold the type styles that you picked Tri-Power Ron McDonald 360-901-8376 3902 NE 61st Ave. Vancouver, WA 98661 Events Calendar is FREE to PNW4WDA members. If your Club or Region has any activities. email Tri-Power at: tripower@pnw4wda.org before the 25th of the Month www.pnw4wda.org 2 Dogs Ink Jay Fellenstein 2/05 900 Meridian E St # 19-226 Milton, WA 98354 253 250-8093 Fax: 253-847-1026 www.2dogsink.com B&B Excavating Bob Brooks 7/86 21520 SE 346th Auburn, WA 98092 253 833-8747 Battery Systems Dave McMains 3/06 400 E Broadway Moses Lake, WA 98837 509 765-8246 • Fax: 509 764-2392 dmcmains@batterysystems.com Billy Bobs Offroad & Truck Specialties Bob Hallibueton 5/06 1322 A Meridian St. E Milton WA 98354 (253) 926-0447 Store (253) 927-1972 Fax BillyBobsoffroad@comcast.net Certified Cleaning Serv. Daniel Nobel 2103 112th Street E. Tacoma, WA 98445 253-536-5500 ccsdn@aol.com I-5 Uhlmann RV Northwest Services Venessa Cunningham 12-08 5504 N Regal St/PO Box6425 Spokane 99217 877-5gottax / 509-489-8304 www.thetaxlady4u.com Kip Barker 7/1/1990 1001 SW Interstate Ave Chehalis WA 98532 800.245.5378/360.748.6658 kipbarker@uhlmanns.com www.uhlmannrv.com Brad Hoyt 4/2006 2016 87th Ave. Ct. East Edgewood, WA 98371 206 948-0549 / 253 922-6745 bradkarts@aol.com Northwestservices.net Dan Marek Jantz Engineering Olympic 4x4 Supply Cunningham Financial Services 12909 Pacific Ave. PO Box 44076 Tacoma, Wa 98444 253 537-4000 Fax: 253 536-3338 Drivelines NW David Lee 2/91 3116 Hill Ave. Everett, WA 98201 425-258-4013 /425-259-5973 sales@drivelinesnw.com Fred & Bob’s Construction Bob Dompier 3-09 3951 Evans Lane Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-762-2755 Carl Jantz 5/06 20555 Pugh Road NE Poulsbo, WA 98370 360-598-2773 360-598-3768 FAX www.jantz4x4.com Dan Johnson 7/97 35700 Enchanted Pkway S. PO Box 4986 Federal Way, WA 98063 253 838-7600 Fax: 253 874-7070 www.jetchevrolet.com Kolbe’s Annual Off Road Expo Always the 1st weekend in May! Art Waugh 12-85 5570 S Santiam Hwy # 15 Lebanon, OR 97355 541-409-3390 at the Portland Expo Center Shawn Kolbe PO Box 8836, Portland, OR. 97207-8836 Show info: 503-796-0858 Harrington’s Trophies NW Off Road Outfitters John or Norma 4/03 717 Jadwin Richland, WA 99352 509 943-2593 1087 Lewis River Rd. Woodland,WA 98674 360-772-5682 Gold Hammer Body/Paint Carl Niebuhr 6/94 PO Box 147 Snohomish, WA 98291 360 568-7728 Fax: 360 568-9435 www.oly4x4.com Paul Crawford 9-08 11889 S. New Era Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045 503-557-8911/503-557-9215fax www.r-p4wd.com Rapid Print Inc Ron McDonald 6/87 6202 NE Hwy 99, Stuite 2 Vancouver, WA 98665 360-695-0595 • 360-695-1043 Fax rapid.print@comcast.net Snohomish Transmissions Kyle Wiebold Alan Garrison 8/03 N 605 Fancher Spokane, WA 99212 509 534-5010 • Fax: 509 755-5304 www.TitanTruck.com TLC Plumbing R & P 4WD Parts INC. Jet Chevrolet Titan Truck Equipment Co Inc Rick Pratt 3/92 17476 147th St SE Monroe, WA 98272 360 794-7888 • Fax: 360 805-5367 www.snohomishtransmission.com Terry Johnson 5/94 2442 NW Market St # 9 Seattle, WA 98107 206 783-1548 Tom Matson Dodge & Jeep BOB JONES 4/07 2925 Auburn Way N. Auburn, Wa. 98002 866-785-4809 • 253-833-6700Fax Trailready Products LLC Larry Trim 12410 Beverly Park Rd. Lynnwood, WA 98087 425 353-6776 larry@trailready.com Warn Industries Adel Adams 12900 SE Capps Rd Clackamas, OR 97015 503-722-3015 • 503-785-2001 Fax www.warn.com Woody’s 4x4 Inc Lee Woodruff 8/88 6408 NE St Johns Blvd Vancouver, WA 98661 360 693-6840 Fax:360 693-0067 www.woodys4x4.com Jan $35.00 Feb $32.50 Mar $30.00 Apr $27.50 May $25.00 June $22.50 July $20.00 Aug $17.50 Sept $15.00 Oct $12.50 Nov $10.00 Dec $10.00 Annual fee: $35.00 PNW4WDA TREASURER 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 4-Wheelin’ News June 2010 19