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PDF version - St. Michael`s Foundation
Annual Report 2014-2015 from vision to reality you have made the difference “The human touch is rooted in St. Michael’s culture across every aspect of the hospital and in Dr. Daniels and his incredible team.” A hunting accident at age 15, when a 12-gauge shotgun blast tore through Charlie’s right foot, meant a series of painful corrective procedures and difficulty walking as an adult. His research led him to Dr. Tim Daniels, recognized as the top foot and ankle surgeon in Canada. Dr. Daniels performed two surgeries at St. Michael’s that finally liberated Charlie from pain. “While some hospitals may be shinier and others have higher profile, none offered the patient experience I received at this hospital. St. Michael’s is world class.” Charlie knows that St. Michael’s is a leader in first-class orthopedic care. Donors to our Inspire 2018 campaign are helping to build a new 16-bed unit in the Peter Gilgan Patient Care Tower, which will connect with our existing 16-bed orthopedic unit, enabling us to help even more patients like Charlie. 2 Support Inspire 2018 stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 3 A world leader in urban health St. Michael’s is a remarkable place with a long history of having the best people delivering the very best patient care – a place that I have been proud to be a part of for more than 30 years. With our Inspire 2018 campaign we will transform St. Michael’s, updating facilities and equipment to give us the tools we need to become the premier critical care hospital in Canada and a world leader in urban health. Our exciting future is quickly becoming a reality. Thanks to the most successful fundraising year ever and investments by our largest individual and corporate donors to date, construction of the new Peter Gilgan Patient Care Tower has begun. The centrepiece of our transformation, this state-of-the-art building, along with our twice-as-large Slaight Family Emergency Department and the Element Financial Atrium and Way, will improve patient care and ensure best-possible outcomes for all of our patients, saving even more lives. Government funding pays for much of our health care costs, but not all of it. Without the support of generous community partners and donors it would be impossible to advance the research and education necessary to innovate and deliver superior care to all our patients. Your contributions allow us to provide the very best in patient care today, tomorrow and into the future. Your support makes all the difference, so simply, thank you. Our vision for the future of St. Michael’s is becoming a reality – please join us on our journey. Bob Howard, MD, MBA President & CEO St. Michael’s Hospital 4 Support Inspire 2018 A terrific year! I am pleased to share our 2014-2015 Annual Report with you. Thanks to our friends and supporters, it has been another terrific year! Once again, our donors have demonstrated their remarkable commitment to the mission of St. Michael’s. This year has seen important contributions from Peter Gilgan and Element Financial, among others. We certainly appreciate all gifts. We are most grateful that, among a host of choices, all our donors continue to make health care, as it is practiced at this hospital, their philanthropic priority. Our skilled teams certainly could not achieve all they do without you. I am also most appreciative of all the work done by our dedicated Foundation volunteers. Although you don’t see them when you come for your hospital visit, they are an essential part of the St. Michael’s team. Their time and energy have been integral to the continuing success of our Inspire 2018 campaign, which, with their help, I am sure will reach its target in the coming year. On behalf of the physicians, nurses and staff of St. Michael’s, I want to say a most sincere thank you to all our donors for the wonderful support you have shown this year. Your generosity supports the care that our people provide to those in need every day. Your gifts to our Inspire 2018 campaign will help us realize our future. Thank you. Let’s celebrate the events of this past year, as together we look forward to an exciting future! With best wishes, L. Alayne Metrick, FAHP President St. Michael’s Foundation stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 5 A Great Team Over the last four years as Chair of the Foundation Board, I have watched this hospital reach extraordinary milestones in its history. The ambitious goal to become Canada’s premier critical care hospital is well underway as we close in on the final $28 million of our campaign. We have made great strides in our research and education programs, continuing to recruit the best and brightest. We have a new strategic plan that will position us as a world leader in urban health. And we have done it all while maintaining the core value of compassionate care to all. Together, we have accomplished a lot. And we should be proud. Great success is not possible without a great team. Our accomplishments would simply not happen without the committed staff, dedicated caregivers, savvy fundraisers and, of course, generous donors. Because of you, we are able to make a measurable impact on the type of care we provide – meaning our patients get better sooner. What a terrific outcome to celebrate. As I pass the leadership reigns to incoming Chair Frank Techar, I am confident we will complete Inspire 2018 and see this hospital transform into a world-class facility, matching our world-class care. With the continued support of our exceptional executive team, led by Dr. Bob Howard, and our committed foundation team of volunteers and board members under the leadership of Alayne Metrick, the future of this hospital is in great hands. I look forward to seeing it come to life. Michael Norris Outgoing Chair St. Michael’s Foundation 6 Support Inspire 2018 The Urban Angel I’m extremely proud to be part of this great place. In my five years as a Director on the Hospital’s Board, I’ve seen first-hand how remarkable St. Michael’s is. It’s not just a great hospital, but also an essential part of the fabric of Toronto. It is the only hospital located downtown founded to serve the needs of the inner city and is also a major centre of critical care for patients. As a leader in urban health and critical care, this hospital is often caring for the sickest of the sick. No wonder it is affectionately known as the “Urban Angel.” St. Michael’s is home to a world-class team. But what makes care in St. Michael’s so great goes further than the medical expertise of its staff. When patients come to St. Michael’s, they are more than just a waiting room number: they are genuinely listened to and treated with respect and compassion. St. Michael’s also contributes significantly to medical innovation. An important facility for research and education with an affiliation with the University of Toronto, it’s counted among the top research hospitals in Canada. With the new Peter Gilgan Patient Care Tower as the centrepiece of our Inspire 2018 campaign, we are poised to take ‘great’ to a new level. Once completed, it will be one of the best hospital campuses in the country, providing even faster, safer and better care for Toronto’s growing population and beyond. Under outgoing Chair Michael Norris, the Foundation has achieved two of its most successful years ever. Please join me in thanking Mike for his inspiring leadership. As the new Foundation Board Chair, I encourage you to join us as we strive to complete Inspire 2018 – help us continue to provide great care for patients, today and in the future. Donor support enables us to truly make a difference – simply, thank you. Frank Techar Incoming Chair St. Michael’s Foundation stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 7 1 a very special celebration A leader in philanthropy, Founder & CEO of Mattamy Homes Peter Gilgan has made a remarkable investment of $30 million to build the Peter Gilgan Patient Care Tower. We honoured Peter at a special event on September 19, 2014, which also served as the launch of the public phase of our Inspire 2018 campaign. 3 2 4 8 Support Inspire 2018 1. John Tory welcomes the audience. 2. New signage on the hospital’s exterior. 3. From left: Bill Downe, John Cassaday, Julie Di Lorenzo, Dr. Bob Howard, John Tory, Alayne Metrick, the Honourable Margaret McCain and Peter Gilgan, absent: co-chair Tony Arrell. 4. Peter Gilgan addresses the crowd. 5. From left: Luke Gilgan, Dr. Bob Howard, Julie Di Lorenzo and Peter Gilgan. 6. Dr. Bob Howard greets His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins. 5 6 8 9 10 7 12 7. Nga Gilgan, Peter Gilgan and Mary Gilgan. 8. Barbara Keenan, who along with the late Patrick Keenan, built the Keenan Research Centre. 9. Trauma patient Allison Freeman describes her experience at St. Michael’s. 10. Dr. Doug Campbell, Dr. Patricia Houston and Peter Gilgan in the Allan Waters Family Simulation Centre. 11. A commemorative silk scarf is presented to Peter Gilgan by Dr. Bob Howard. 12. A staircase showcases the new blueprint for the tower. 11 stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 9 you make all the difference You trust us with your hard-earned dollars. To be as transparent as possible, we owe you a full accounting of our financial management, expenditures and effectiveness. Because of your generous commitment to our hospital this past fiscal year, we were able to provide more than $25 million to support equipment, education and research at St. Michael’s. Thank you for your gifts and for being part of our family. 2014-2015 Grants to St. Michael’s Total: $25.1 million transferred Research: $15.4 million (61%) Capital: $7 million (28%) other programs: $2.7 Million (11%) Visit us at stmichaelsfoundation.com or call 416.864.5000 to request our full financial statements. 61% 28% 11% This past year, generous donor gifts enabled us to support many initiatives across the hospital to a total of $25.1 million. Here are just some of the equipment and projects that you supported: Surgical Robot Endowed & Term Chairs Clinical Fellowships Urban Angel Fund for Homeless People – STAR Project Head Injury Clinic Cystoscopy Suite Equipment Upgrades 10 Support Inspire 2018 Palliative Care (new beds) Heart & Stroke Research Sleep Lab Equipment Upgrade Interoperative Neuronavigation System Corus Inner City Childhood Obesity Research Initiative Rapid Tissue Processor Research Infrastructure Nursing Education & Scholarships Diagnostic Ultrasounds Multiple Sclerosis Patient Registry Kidney Scarring Research Project our track record revenue and expenses 2012 $29.2 2011 $33.7 $27.7 5 10 millions 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 2015 2013 $40.7 $0.14 2014 $53.2 2014 2015 $7.5 $0.16 2013 expenses $0.20 2012 This year, $0.80 of every $1.00 donated directly supported hospital needs $0.18 2011 revenue cost per dollar raised $0.19 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 cents We are honoured that you have chosen to support St. Michael’s Hospital. We are committed to building and maintaining your trust through transparency. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at 416.864.5000. We will be happy to speak with you. Thank You for Your generous Support stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 11 financial highlights The following information is an excerpt taken from St. Michael’s Hospital Foundation’s audited 2014-2015 financial statements. Our financials are audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers and are available at stmichaelsfoundation.com/annualreport SUMMARIZED BALANCE SHEET SUMMARIZED STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (Amount in ’000’s) (Amount in ’000’s) As at March 31, 2015 2015 2014 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Other receivables and prepaid expenses Investments – at fair value 2014 4,007 13,269 Donations 39,142 29,561 1,547 2,367 Bequests 2,195 1,114 131,464 98,116 Events – net of expenses 3,980 1,793 137,018 113,752 Investment income – net of expenses 7,912 8,275 53,229 40,743 7,460 6,654 Excess of revenue over expenses before grants 45,769 34,089 Grants to St. Michael’s Hospital 25,142 15,092 20,627 18,997 Fund balances – beginning of year 113,137 94,140 Fund balances – end of year 133,764 113,137 2,905 445 349 170 3,254 615 General Fund 12,091 4,341 Restricted Fund 54,935 50,594 Endowment Fund 66,738 58,202 133,764 113,137 137,018 113,752 Deferred revenue 2015 REVENUE Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities As at March 31, 2015 EXPENSES Fundraising and administrative Fund Balances 12 Support Inspire 2018 Excess of revenue over expenses and grants for the year investing in the future This year, donor generosity and the efforts of our dedicated volunteers enabled us to establish The Term Chair in Voice Disorders Research. Many donors make gifts as investments to support quality care today and tomorrow. They are investing in the future of the St. Michael’s Hospital. Endowed gifts are invested by the Foundation and the accrued interest supports care, research and education through Chairs or Funds. Here are some examples: named funds The Angel Care Fund The Elizabeth S. Barford Multiple Sclerosis Patient Comfort Fund The Wilfred G. Bigelow Professorship in Cardiac Surgery The Bitove Family Fellow in Neuroendovascular Therapeutics The Bruce Family Lecture Fund The Centennial Scholarship Fund The Eric and Heather Donnelly Endowment Fund The Terrence Donnelly Cardiac Research Day Fund The Gales/Ray Family Endowment Fund The Sister Christine Gaudet Scholarship Fund The M. Audrey Giles Endowment Fund The Dr. H. Patrick Higgins Memorial Scholarship Fund The Daniel Hornik Memorial Fund The Johnson & Johnson Endowed Lecture in Education The Albert C. Johnston Research Fund The Arthur and Sonia Labatt Fellowship in Neurosurgery The Richard Lewar Research Endowment Fund in Gastroenterology The Dr. J.D. Loudon Memorial Library Fund The Love and Barford MS Research Fund The McCain Research Fund The Pat Nichols and Bob Tundermann Endowment Fund in Cancer Care The Dr. Peter Leonard Pelmear Endowment Fund The Dr. S. Gordon Ross Memorial Fund The Savlov Family Endowment Fund for Arthritic Research The Squires Chalmers Professorship in Medicine – Dr. Tom Parker The Squires-Hyland Trust Fund The Sullivan Trust Fund The Urban Angel Fund for Homeless People The Wayne C. Wilson Endowment Fund The Dr. Gerald S. Wong Memorial Fund Chairs at St. Michael’s The Brazilian Ball Endowed Research Chair in Cardiology Research Dr. Howard Leong-Poi The Chair in Homelessness, Housing and Health Dr. Stephen Hwang The Chair in Trauma Research Dr. Sandro Rizoli The Chair in Women’s Health Dr. Guylaine Lefebvre The Cystic Fibrosis Canada Chair in Adult Cystic Fibrosis Research Dr. Elizabeth Tullis The Keenan Chair in Critical Care & Respiratory Medicine Dr. Laurent Brochard The Keenan Chair in Medicine Dr. Arthur Slutsky The Keenan Chair in Surgery Dr. Loch Macdonald The Wallace and Margaret McCain Chair in Therapeutic Endoscopy The Cara Phelan Chair in Critical Care Medicine Dr. Andrew Baker The Robert and Dorothy Pitts Chair in Emergency and Acute Care Medicine Dr. Laurie Morrison The Robert and Dorothy Pitts Chair in Integrated Clinical Research Dr. Muhammad Mamdani The Fondation Baxter and Alma Ricard Chair in Inner City Health Research Dr. Patricia O’Campo The Slaight Family Term Chair in Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy Dr. Paul Kortan The St. Michael’s Hospital Volunteer Association Term Chair in Nursing Research Dr. Lianne Jeffs The Term Chair in Cerebrovascular & Brain Tumor Surgery Dr. Julian Spears The Term Chair in Intersectoral Solutions for Urban Health Problems Dr. Patricia O’Campo The Term Chair in Foot & Ankle Research Dr. Timothy Daniels The Term Chair in Fracture Care Research Dr. Emil Schemitsch The Waugh Family Chair in Multiple Sclerosis Research Dr. Paul O’Connor stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 13 14 Support Inspire 2018 “it was like six people standing on my chest.” It could happen to anyone. When Paul had a heart attack at age 60, he came to St. Michael’s where he was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, three major blockages and a weakened heart, possibly from previous minor heart attacks. He was treated by our cardiology and cardiac team with an angioplasty and triple bypass surgery. Debra, his wife, was impressed by the staff: “That first night I could sleep because I trusted the nurses to look after Paul. I can’t say enough about St. Michael’s.” “Thanks to the immediate and expert care from St. Michael’s, including Dr. Akshay Bagai and Dr. David Latter, I’m still here!” Many donors like Paul and Debra know the importance of great cardiac care. That’s why they’re supporting the construction of the new Coronary Intensive Care Unit in the Peter Gilgan Patient Care Tower, the centrepiece of Inspire 2018. stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 15 thank you We sincerely appreciate all gifts. Generous donor commitment to St. Michael’s in the past fiscal year has made a significant difference to patient care, research and education. We thank all our donors. Because of space limitations, the following lists those who have made contributions of $1,000 or more between April 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015. Builders ($2,500,000 - $4,999,999) RBC Foundation Donald & Nita Reed The Gerald Schwartz & Heather Reisman Foundation Yamana Gold Inc. Anonymous SMH Department of Medicine TD Bank Group TELUS Robert & Bonnie Vistorino Barbara Palk & John Warwick Anonymous (2) Peter Gilgan The Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation Patrons Companions ($100,000 - $249,999) ($50,000 - $99,999) Don & Maris Anderson The Neil W. Baker Family Estate of Barbara Oda Balmer Lloyd & Marie Barbara Bayer Inc. John M. Beck The Bitove Family CIBC John & Mary Cassaday The Liz & Tony Comper Foundation Conam Charitable Foundation The CUMBA Charitable Foundation (Jon & Patricia Johnson) Cystic Fibrosis Canada Alan Dean & Kathy Kinnear Bill & Robin Downe Bill & Barbara Etherington Estates of Harry & Joyce Gibbard Green Shield Canada Jack & Faye Hope Johnson & Johnson Medical Companies Colleen & Brian Johnston Yik Cheung Kwok The Tom Leon Charitable Foundation Bill Morneau & Nancy McCain James Mountain & Joanne Weaver The E&G Odette Charitable Foundation Louis L. Odette & Family David & Anne Patterson Private Giving Foundation Ada Slaight Karen & Bill Barnett Gregory S. Belton BMO Capital Markets George L. Booth The R.P. Bratty Charitable Foundation Burgundy Asset Management Ltd. Canadian Tire Corporation Limited Compass Group Canada Andrew W. & Hillary Cumming James H. Cummings Foundation Mark & Ann Curry D+H C. William Daniel The Daniels Corporation Barbara Dobson The Thor E. & Nicole Eaton Family Charitable Foundation Brian & Patricia Flood Health Nexus Adrian & Reta Hudson Fund Jane Humphreys & Ron Lalonde John S. Hunkin & Susan E. Crocker Nelson Arthur Hyland Foundation The Jarislowsky Foundation Patricia & Roger Lace & Family Lorraine & Claude Lamoureux Terrence & Mari Josette Leon Mark Leonard MasterCard Canada Matthew, PJ & Debbie Mcavan The Margaret & Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc. Rick & Gayle McGraw ($5,000,000 - $9,999,999) Li Ka Shing (Canada) Foundation Visionaries Founders ($1,000,000 - $2,499,999) John & Jocelyn Barford Brookfield Element Financial Corporation The Heart & Stroke Foundation Patrick & Barbara Keenan and Family Jon & Nancy Love The Slaight Family Foundation Fellows ($750,000 - $999,999) Estates of Helen & Maxwell Babad Beth Malcolm Governors ($500,000 - $749,999) BMO Financial Group The Brenninkmeyer Family Cameron Family Memorial Arthur & Sonia Labatt Tim & Frances Price Thomas Vari Benefactors ($250,000 - $499,999) Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited Tony & Anne Arrell The John C. & Sally Horsfall Eaton Foundation Myron & Berna Garron Anthony R. & Helen Graham Krembil Foundation 16 Support Inspire 2018 McKinsey & Company Middlefield Group Estate of Charles Glenn Miller National Bank of Canada Carolyn & Harold Neal Michael & Janet Norris Estate of Lee Liesel Ostan OZZ Electric Inc. Victor & Naomi Pamensky Richard Rooney & Laura Dinner Samsung Heather A. Simmons SMH Emergency Physicians SMH Medical Imaging Consultants Stryker Canada Daniel & Sandra Sullivan John H. Tory, Q.C. & Barbara Hackett Benita M. Warmbold & Gerald N. Wood Rick & Lynne Waugh Champions ($25,000 - $49,999) 1329609 Ontario Inc. Clarke Addison Aimia Inc. Aqueduct Foundation The Harold E. Ballard Foundation Barrick Gold Corporation BFI Canada E.W. Bickle Foundation J-P. Bisnaire & Catherine Ross The BLG Foundation BLJC Nortel Account Bondfield Construction Company Limited Borden, Ladner, Gervais, LLP Estate of Nicole Bouffet Brookfield Johnson Controls Latham & Paddy Ann Burns Bill Butt & Susan Quigley The Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation Keith & Joanne Carrigan Wendy M. Cecil Celestica International Inc. Tai Pang Chai Cineplex Odeon Corporation Ian & Donna Clarke Jenny Coco CompuCom Cossette Communication Inc. The Arthur and Audrey Cutten Foundation Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Deloitte Diamante Development Diamond and Schmitt Architects Incorporated Ericsson Communications Inc. Ernst & Young LLP Manuel Faria The Fenella Foundation Garry & Madelon Fitzpatrick Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc. Francis Family John & Patricia Gouinlock Joan & Clifford Hatch Foundation S. Mary Hatch Honeywell Limited Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP Huawei Technologies Canada Co. Ltd. HKMB HUB International Ken Hugessen & Jennifer Connolly IBM Canada Canada Microsurgical Ahmad Khodkar Allan & Marion Lambert Rita M. Leddy John A. Lederer Lenczner Slaght Royce Smith Griffin LLP Loblaw Brands Limited D. Edward Macklin Nancy E. A. Main Gordon J. & Beverley Manion John Manning Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Ltd. Clifford & Marie Martin Vincent Mercier & Kirsten Halpin Noella & Chris Milne Mmodal Canada Co. Morneau Shepell James Neill Gordon & Janet Nixon Orlando Corporation Lucie & Joe Pal Connie Pangman Leading the Way In December, we welcomed John Beck (top left), Peter Gilgan (top right), Jon and Nancy Love (bottom left) and Beth Malcolm (bottom right) to our Founders, St. Michael’s most generous friends who have cumulatively given $1 million or more to St. Michael’s. Thank you! urban angel fund for homeless people Thanks to the Louis L. Odette Family we have a new resource to help our disadvantaged patients, the Urban Angel Fund for Homeless People. Patricia and the late Louis “Bud” Odette have been tremendous supporters of St. Michael’s over the years, supporting many priorities, including the Louis Odette Family Neurointerventional Angiography Suite which treats patients with complex brain conditions. stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 17 Making the Best even Better Our Multiple Sclerosis Research Program – with the largest clinic in North America under the leadership of Dr. Paul O’Connor (seen above) – got a boost with the creation of the Love and Barford Multiple Sclerosis Research Fund to support research and education. John and Jocelyn Barford made a lead gift, which Jon and Nancy Love matched and Beth Malcolm enhanced. A Breath of Fresh Air This year saw new support for research under VP Research Dr. Art Slutsky. A gift from John Beck created the John M. Beck INNOVENT Fund for mechanical ventilation research and development under Dr. Christer Sinderby (seen centre below). 18 Support Inspire 2018 POI Buisness Interiors/ Steelcase Inc. The Powis Family Foundation President’s Choice Financial Services Jonas J. Prince William & Linda Quinn The Remington Group Eamon & Lynda Ryan William & Meredith Saunderson Michelle Savoy & Chip Pitfield Siemens Canada Ltd. Helen K. Sinclair Harcharan & Prem Singh SMH Department of Surgery St. Michael’s/Wellesley Psychiatric Associates Smith & Nephew Bolesaw Sobczak Karen Soupcoff St. Michael’s Hospital Otolaryngology Association (Outdoors) Taxi Canada Ltd. Frank & Maria Techar Tesari Charitable Foundation Richard & Heather Thomson Torys LLP Estate of Betty Florence Turnbull Valleydene Corporation Inc. Vision7 Communications Inc. Wings of Hope Breast Cancer Dinner Dance Wittington Investments Limited Liora and Simon Yakubowicz & Family Anonymous (3) Partners ($10,000 - $24,999) 1727403 Ontario Inc. 2292540 Ontario Inc. Accenture Aecon Group Inc. Angus Glen Golf Club & Conference Centre Air Canada Alcatel-Lucent Canada David G. Allan Alphora Research Inc. AMDOCS Yveline Audemars & Humberto Rivero Avaya Canada Corp. Rodney Baker Rose Baker BankWorks Trading Inc. J.J. Barnicke Ltd. Bell Canada Geoff & Nancy Belsher Bensimon Byrne Inc. Norma & Larry Bertuzzi Beutel, Goodman & Company Limited Laurie & Ronald Blainey The Boston Consulting Group Kyle Boutros Patrick G. Bradley Derek Bullen Edward & Melitta Bumeister Dorothy Burke Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited The Caldwell Partners International Inc. L. Louise Cannon Carpenters’ Union John & Barbara Carroll CGI Group Inc. CGOV Asset Management Ben & Joyce Chan Ciena Joseph Cipelli Stephen K. Clements Connor, Clark & Lunn Private Capital Limited Gerald & Carla Connor Daniel & Suzanne Cook David Coriat Beatrice Crawford David Crawford & Julia Holland Elizabeth Crawford Crosbie & Company Inc. John Cruickshank Tom & Bev Cryer Cumberland Private Wealth Management Patti & Gordon Cunningham Estate of Carlos Da Costa The Dalglish Family Foundation Joseph & Alma Daviau Brian Davis Jane Deighton & Jean Coté Crosbie & Company Delmeade Construction Ltd. Dentons Canada Services Limited Partnership Aldo & Delia Di Felice Frederick & Douglas Dickson Memorial Foundation Discount Car & Truck Rentals Al & Paula Donald Ashley Eaton Fredrik Eaton Edelman Canada The Max & Larry Enkin Foundation Doone & George Estey Robert & Nancy Evans Facebook Canada Agnes Faraci Dr. Seymour Heisler & Eunice Feldman FirstSevice Corporation Rachel & Ken Flood George Frankfort Estate of Paul Russell Frasca Christine M. French Fujitsu Network Communications Inc. Anthony Gaffney & Dee Patterson Georgiou Family Gluckstein & Associates LLP Goldman Sachs Canada Linda & Tom Goldspink Robert & Janet Gouinlock Antonio & Marianna Greco Tim & Darka Griffin Paul G. Griffiths Jr. Groundlayer Capital Inc. Doug Guzman, Sheila Brown & Family John E. Hall Margaret L. Hamilton McCabe M. Elaine Hamilton Scott & Ellen Hand Robert J. Harding Tim & Jane Hayward Heidrick & Struggles Stuart Kedwell & Dr. Candice Holmes Egon & Dr. Lucie Tuch Homburger Susan & David Howard Robert J. Howard, M.D. & Brenda McDowell, M.D. IAMGOLD Corp. IMAX Corporation Imperial Capital Intact Insurance William James Garth & Mary Jestley Jones Lang LaSalle Americas Urban Joseph, O.C. & Lucille Joseph Miriam, Lana, Sheldon & Angie Kerzner KingSett Capital Partners The Henry White Kinnear Foundation Kinross Gold Corporation KPMG Charitable Foundation Labatt Breweries of Canada Goulding & Elizabeth Lambert Edwarda Leng Lerners LLP LG Electronics Liebherr-Canada Ltd Sid & Janet Lindsay Molly Rundle, M.D. & Stephen Lister Livingston International Inc. Longo’s Family Charitable Foundation LoyaltyOne Inc. Choy MacLellan Manitou Investment Management Ltd. Manulife Financial Marek Hospitality Inc. Stephen Marshall & Jill Denham Evelyn E. Martin Robert & Patricia Martin McCarthy Tétrault LLP McKellar Structured Settlements Inc. David & Peggy McLeish Shawn McReynolds & Elaine Kierans Medcan Health Services Limited Lorne & Norma Melara Lisa & Matthew Melchior Pat & Michelle Meneley Jaime & Sophie Merbaum The Midas Touch Foundation Tom & Sarah Milroy & Family help make our vision a reality We are pleased to share with you that our Inspire 2018 campaign, which will give us the resources to become Canada’s premier critical care hospital, has reached a remarkable $182 million towards our ambitious goal of $210 million. We are striving to complete the funding required in the coming year, but we can’t do it without you! Showing leadership The 2014 Spirit of Philanthropy Award was presented at our annual Founders’ Reception to Dr. Tom Marotta, who is not only a leader in the minimally invasive treatment of aneurysms but also a terrific fundraiser who inspires people to support the hospital. stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 19 1 2 2014 angel ball More than 1,600 people from the arts, business and health care communities gathered at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on October 18, 2014 to make our eighth Angel Ball the most successful in our history. Raising a record $3.5 million net, the event will support the renovation and expansion of our Slaight Family Emergency Department. 3 4 Co-chairs Joe Natale & Melissa Martin and Tony & Lina Gagliano successfully led their third Angel Ball, raising in all $9.3 million net for St. Michael’s. Additionally, we were pleased to welcome new co-chairs Anatol & Alison von Hahn to our Angel Ball team this year. 1. William Close plays the Earth Harp. 2. The BMO table. 3. Joe Natale & Melissa Martin, TELUS. 4. Tony & Lina Gagliano, St. Joseph Communications. 5. Anatol & Alison von Hahn, Scotiabank. 20 Support Inspire 2018 5 6 7 11 8 12 9 13 14 6. Brenda McDowell, M.D. & Bob Howard, M.D., President & CEO, St. Michael’s. 7. Peter & Nga Gilgan, Mattamy Homes. 8. Melanie de Sousa & Steve Hudson, Element Financial. 9. Barbara Hackett & John Tory. 10. Gary & Donna Slaight, Slaight Family Foundation. 11. Jane & Peter Marrone, Yamana Gold Inc., the Honourable Margaret McCain. 12. Former Foundation Board Chair Mike & Janet Norris. 13. Brian Porter, Scotiabank. 14. Alexandra & Galen Weston, Loblaw. 15. John Hickey, Katy Livingstone, Barbara Keenan, Gwen Harvey & Richard Harvey, The Patrick & Barbara Keenan Foundation. 16. Laura, Tony & Anne Arrell, Burgundy Asset Management. 17. Richard & Lynne Waugh, Scotiabank. 18. Bernie & Mildred Syron. 19. Jocelyn & John Barford, Valleydene Corporation. 16 17 10 15 18 19 stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 21 Recognizing the Best In Research In recognition of his dedication to improving the health of Canadians, the Cana dian Institutes of Health Research named Dr. Art Slutsky, vice-president of Research at St. Michael’s Hospital, Canada’s 2014 Health Researcher of the Year. Generous donor support has made us a global leader in research, particularly in critical care. Dr. Slutsky is one of three world experts in mechanical ventilation at St. Michael’s. memorial concert In November, the Krehm family hosted the second Elizabeth Krehm Memorial Concert at the Metropolitan United Church, with a performance of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, with proceeds supporting St. Michael’s Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Unit. 22 Support Inspire 2018 Joseph Mimran & Associates Bruce & Vladka Mitchell The Morkos Family Lino Morra & Piera Gasparotto Patricia Hall Morton Mother Parker’s Tea & Coffee Inc. & The Higgins Family MTS Allstream Inc. Chetan & Clara Mathur Dominic (Sun-Kuen) Ng, M.D. Northwest Nuclear Imaging Limited Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Tom & Susan O’Neill Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP J.E. Panneton Family Foundation Harold R. Peerenboom Peter Perdue Dr. Navindra & Mrs. Sheetal Persaud Petels Corporation Ltd. Rose Pirri PricewaterhouseCoopers Ptarmigan Charitable Foundation Joseph D. Quarin Walter Reimann Carl Renzoni Rogers Communications Inc. Joseph F. Rooney Gioconda D. Rosati Gordon Ross Medical Foundation Ori D. Rotstein, M.D. Salesforce.com Foundation Scotiabank Harry & Lillian Seymour Gerald Sheff & Shanitha Kachan Charitable Foundation Robert & Jessica Shelley Arnold Shniffer John G. Shuter Arthur & Myra Slutsky SMH Department of Anaesthesia SMH Division of Cardiology SMH Department of Critical Care SMH Department of Otolaryngology SMH Department of Pediatrics SMH Division of Urology SMH Family Medicine Associates SMH General Surgery Associates SMH Ophthalmology Group Practice Plan SNC-Lavalin Henry H. So In memory of Lynn Somers The Sam Sorbara Charitable Foundation Sprucegrove Investment Management Ltd. Gordon & Laurie Squires Maria Stritzl Sun Life Financial Teknion Corporation David & Deborah Tennant The Sonor Foundation Bill Thomas Douglas A. Thompson Ivor & Kristine Thompson Toronto Police Association TorQuest Partners Transcontinental Printing Robert L. Tundermann Clay & Linda Ullrich Rajanthini & Kandiah Vaithianathan Luc A. Vanneste Venture Communications Peter & Louise Walter Darryl & Cassandra White Jilla & Robert Williams Foundation Joseph H. Wright Anonymous (3) Leaders ($1,000 - $9,999) 124658 Canada Inc. 2059336 Ontario Inc. 3249531 Canada Inc. 969512 Ontario Inc. 3M Canada Company Abbvie Corporation Beth Abramson, M.D. Acier Wirth Steel Dr. Alun Ackery Medicine Professional Corporation Alun Ackery Actelion Pharmaceutiques Canada Inc. George N. Addy ADS Forensics Inc. Andrew Advani, M.D. Kamran Ahmad, M.D. Najma Ahmed, M.D. Tom & Mary Akin Joni Alexander Mary Ann Alexander Abdul Al-Hesayen, M.D. Lynda J. Allcock Mark Allen Maria Allgeier Filiberto Altomare, M.D. Rupert Altschuler Richard Alway Jennifer Anderson, M.D. Paul Angaran Estate of Eva Arje Josie Armstrong R. Brock & Lynn Armstrong Robin L. Armstrong Stephen & Margaret Arnold Michael A. Victoria Arthur Dan Atkinson Bryan Au, M.D. Audico Services Limited Partnership Nora Aufreiter & Lawrence Pentland Gary & Sandra Austin AutoCapital Canada Inc. AX Management Limited Akshay Bagai Jeffrey P. Baker, M.D. Ernest Balmer Balsam Corporation Ernest Baltz Bedros H. Bambokian Drs. G. Bandiera & J. Ringash Edith Bansen Lynn Barber Lorne & Rosemary Barclay Ralph M. Barford Kenneth & Roby Barnett Marvin Barnett Joan V. Barootes John P. Barrington Lindy Barrow Mary Barrow Bataleur Enterprises Inc. BATB III Productions Inc. Catherine Bateman Nancy Baxter, M.D. Peter & Teresa Baxter Bay Cardiac Diagnostic Inc. Ahmed Bayoumi, M.D. Harvey Beck & Leslie Routhier Robert & Sharron Beder Kaye Beeston Behlen Industries LP Ralph Bellamy Bruno Bellisario Benefaction Foundation Bennett Jones LLP Paul Bennett Christie J. Bentham Eric & Marlies Berg Alan R. Berger, M.D., C.M. Roland & Marie Bertin Domenic Bertucci Marianna Betro Stephen Betschel, M.D. Dusan & Angelic Bezic Aditya Bharatha, M.D. Marc & Tracy Bibeau Fritz E. Bigall Stuart & Elizabeth Birnie Frances D. & William Black Mary T. (Terry) Blair Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Blakely & Associates Peter & Erica Bleach David L. Blenkhorn Jerry Bliley Bloor West Physio Blueberry Records Inc. Max & Yetta Bluestein & Willi Karpel Ross S. Blundell, M.D. BMW Toronto BNP Paribas (Canada) Stefanie Boesch Earl Bogoch, M.D. John M. Bohnen, M.D. The Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Canada Attila Bolla & Andrea Nip Daniel Bonneau, M.D. Michael Borys Ann E. & Thomas Bosley Boston Pizza Bonnie Boucher Nadia & Bruno Bove Continuous Improvement David and Anne Patterson, who previously helped to create our Chair in Trauma, reaffirmed their commitment to our quality improvement initiatives with a contribution of another $1 million. Their support has allowed us to firmly establish ourselves as a trailblazer in quality – one way St. Michael’s stands apart from other hospitals. Longtime Friends Generous supporters of St. Michael’s since the mid-’80s, Bernie and Mildred Syron, whose contributions have supported the Trauma Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit and the Syron Lobby in the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, have committed $1 million toward the Peter Gilgan Patient Care Tower. Their gift also generously took the 2014 Angel Ball over its goal. stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 23 “It was terrifying: my face had doubled in size. Dr. Thomas was calm and very reassuring during a moment of real stress.” Aysa has worked at St. Michael’s for more than 17 years. Recently, however, what turned out to be hives on her cheek on Thursday became an urgent and frightening problem by Saturday. Naturally she sought care in a place where care is unparalleled. At our Sherbourne Family Clinic, she was treated by resident Dr. Hana Susan Thomas – immediately things began to return to normal. “I’ve always known St. Michael’s offers great care, but now I speak from personal experience.” Staff members like Aysa know first-hand that St. Michael’s delivers the very best in compassionate care. That’s why she – and 100% of our physicians – are supporting Inspire 2018. 24 Support Inspire 2018 stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 25 in memoriam: king ward August 2014 saw the passing of G. Kingsley “King” Ward, a great supporter, donor and friend of this hospital for 30 years. As a volunteer he served for 16 years on the Foundation’s Board of Directors – 10 as treasurer, as a member of the Foundation’s Governors’ Council, as a cabinet member for two capital campaigns and as chair of the Sister Gaudet/Dr. Gordon Ross Scholarship Committee. 40 years In April 2015, the Squires-Hyland Trust celebrated the art of medicine with the 40th and final annual Squires-Hyland Dinner and Mentorship Awards. The Trust honours Dr. Arthur Squires, one of Canada’s first hematologists, who combined excellence in research, teaching and clinical care, and Dr. Bob Hyland. 26 Support Inspire 2018 Michael & Lisa Boyd Harold H. Braaksma Giovanni Bragagnolo Brain Angel Run/Walk Cindy & David Brand John & Carol Breen Bregman & Hamann Architects The Derick Brenninkmeyer Charitable Foundation Samuel J. & Irene Brewster Christine Brezden-Masley, M.D. Dr. David & Constance Briant Bridgepoint Financial Services Inc. J. Paul Brisbois Laurent Brochard, M.D. Elizabeth Broden & T. Connell The Brooke Foundation Rob & Teresa Brouwer Estate of Robert Sinclair Brown Janet Brown Joseph Bruni, M.D. Buchner Manufacturing Inc. Gerhard Buchner Donald F. Buckley Maria C. Buenafe Chris Buller, M.D. A.H. Burchfield Family Foundation Albert P. Burchfield Malcolm E. Burford Estate of Phyllis Amelia Burke Michael Burke Michael A. Burke Marcus Burnstein, M.D. C. Bruce Burton Fay Burton Stewart & Gina Burton John T. Butcher George & Martha Butterfield Cable Ready Systems Ltd. The Cambridge Club Margaret H. Cameron Doreen J. Campbell, M.D. Capital IQ Alexander Cappell Edge & Mary Caravaggio Hanne B. & John Card Marilyn Carey-Binstock Donald A. Carmichael David Caspari Medicine Professional Corporation David A. Caspari & Jane Somerville-Caspari Catalyst Capital Group Inc. Catastrophic Injury Management Inc. CGC Inc. Melissa Chacko David & June Chambers David K. Chan, M.D. Doreen Chan Murray Chant Felix P. Chee Joe Cheng Dr. Amy H.Y. Cheng Medicine Professional Corporation Amy H. Cheng Isabella Cheng Joe & Vincenta Cheng Vincent Chien, M.D. Miguel L. & Elida Childe Robert & Virginia Chisholm Anton & Birte V. Chlumecky-Bauer Chi-Ming Chow, M.D. David Chow, M.D. David Christie Frances Christoforidis Jennifer Chu DiBernardo Dr. Jennifer Chu Medicine Professional Corporation James D. Church Roberto Ciasca John & Lynn Clappison Kenneth J. Clark Neil Clark Terence Clarkson & Cornelis Van De Graaff Clarus Securities Incorporated John & Pattie Cleghorn Geri Clever Jack Cockwell & Lynda Hamilton Halle & Howard Cohen Errol Colak, M.D. The Lucia Colavita Foundation Cynthia Collantes Maria & Terence Collier The Earlaine & Gerard Collins Foundation Peter Colomvakos Gary Colter & Victoria Shipp James Colvin Comfort Vacuum Service Ltd. Commercial Drywall Supply (Ontario) Inc. Andrew A. Common, M.D. The Condo Store Realty Inc. William A. & Marlene Connacher Mark & Holly Connelly Kim Connelly, M.D. Dean Connor Conval-Aid Inc. Marilyn Cook Craig Lauder & Jane Cooke-Lauder Cooper Mediation Inc. Barry & Susanne Cooper Joseph Cooper Terence D. Corcoran Brian Cornelson, M.D. Sante Corona Lino R. Correia Diane & Gary Cotton Dermot G. Coughlan Court Holdings Limited Robert & Phyllis Couzin Gordon Creber Mary & John Crocker Ross & Mary Cross Crowe Soberman LLP Michael Cruickshank Linda Cullen Paul Curley & Debra O’Rourke Edward Curran Cushman & Wakefield LePage Ruth da Costa Fern Daiter Michelle Dalcourt Louise V. D’Andrea Daniels Sharpsmart Canada Ltd. Edgar & Patricia Daniels Raymond Danniels Daphco Holdings Limited Sunit Das, M.D. Dawn L. Davis Douglas & Janet Davis Florence De Camprieu & Alexander Adams Luigino De Faveri John & Margaret Deeks Patricia A. DeGeer Wayne Deitel, M.D. John Dekker Delgrove Enterprises Inc. Pavlina Deliivanov William S. & Ann P. Deluce Jill Denwood Douglas & Margaret Derry Marie Desjardins Jacqueline Desmarais Nasim & Zahir Dhalla DIALOG Tercio Dias Ian Dick Jeremy S. Dietrich Alan & Elizabeth Dilworth Dimock Stratton LLP Wilfrid S. & Brenda Dinnick Sebastian Distefano DKMAN Inc. Estate of Mildred Iona Dobbs Richard T. Dobson Doctors at CVOGA Leonard Dodds Dole Packaged Foods Company Dominion Warehousing & Distribution Services Ltd. Paul Dorian, M.D. Dorval Mechanical Inc. Ashley Dos Anjos Claudia Dos Santos, M.D. Robert & Lynda Douglas Vera Dounaevskaia, M.D. Steven Douville Timothy Dowdell, M.D. Jane Downs H.W. Osmond Doyle Pamela Dries-Smoley Duncan G. & Elizabeth Drummond Karen A. D’Silva Julian Dukacz Dukes Cycle Brad Dunkley Stephen J. Dunn Insurance Agency Ltd. Erin Dunphy Valerie A.E. Dyer E.B. Rich Research Graeme M. Eadie Jennifer Eaton John D. & Lisa Eaton Ross B. & Susan Eddy Todd Edgar Jeremy M. Edwards, M.D. Jacqueline Elliott Emerald Foundation in memoriam: hart macdougall In September, we said goodbye to one of our most extraordinary ambassadors. Hartland “Hart” MacDougall was a tireless St. Michael’s advocate and volunteer for more than 40 years. He was the Founding Chair of the Board of Directors for the St. Michael’s Foundation and then a Director, serving for 18 years. Best Care Brookfield, which has supported a number of hospital priorities over the years, including the Chairs in Women’s Health and Trauma and our new Women’s Health Centre, has generously pledged $5 million to create the new Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Unit in the new Peter Gilgan Patient Care Tower. stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 27 Volunteer, Donor, Advocate and Friend John Tory has been an ardent and invaluable supporter of St. Michael’s for more than 20 years. He has co-chaired three of the Foundation’s last four campaigns and served in the leadership cabinet of the fourth. During his long association with this hospital before he became Mayor of Toronto, John also chaired the Foundation Board and has been a key member of the Foundation’s executive committee. He has been responsible for introducing many new friends to the mission and work of St. Michael’s. John, we most sincerely appreciate all you have done for us. We cannot say Thank You enough! 28 Support Inspire 2018 perfect score Our Urban Angel Golf Classic celebrated its 28th anniversary in July 2014 with 288 friends of St. Michael’s giving by golfing. This is the eighth consecutive year this signature event has raised more than $1 million net for St. Michael’s priorities. A new feature this year was the addition of pro golfers from PGA Canada who provided on-course advice to our participants. The event was co-chaired again by our terrific volunteers Vas Georgiou, John Manning and Michael Thompson. stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 29 A Stellar Year This was the most successful year to date for our St. Michael’s Young Leaders! Congratulations to co-chairs Tyler Howard and Brad Lawrence for this great achievement. We are grateful for their leadership and enthusiasm during their first year. The committee raised a total of $290,000 net from their three events: The Dodger, The Duffer and The Giver. Breathing Much Easier The Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation, which in our previous fiscal year made a wonderful pledge of $5 million to create a new respirology unit in the Peter Gilgan Patient Care Tower, made a second gift of $40,000 which will provide opportunities for respite care for those inpatients who have lengthy hospital stays. 30 Support Inspire 2018 emergiTEL Jonathan Evans Rosalie Fabricius E. Arthur Faint Falls Management Company Neil Fam, M.D. Graham Farquharson W.R. & Gail Farquharson Marie E. Faughnan, M.D. Joyce Feheley Mark J. Feldman & Alexandra Hoy Robert Fenn Ronald S. Fenton, M.D. Peter & Catherine Ferren Evangeline Ferrer Ella & Paul Ferris John & Pierrette Ferth Fidelity Investments Fiera Foods Company William & Rosemary Fillmore Finer Space Corporation Laurence & Vera Finkelstein Tony Firmin Pamela J. Fisher David Fitchett, M.D. Ignatius W. Fong, M.D. Peter Fong Shirley Forde Michael Forsayeth Elizabeth Forster Vito Forte, M.D. Guy Fortin Stuart Foster Four Seasons Drywall George & Susan Fowlie Fox Rehabilitation Irving & Bella Fox Terry Fox John G. Foxwell Fraktals Chocolates Norman Fraser Wayne D. Fraser Marvin Freed Eileen Freedman Michael R. Freeman, M.D. J. Wilson French Michael French Wendy French Joseph Frieberg Jan Friedrich, M.D. Functionability Rehabilition Services Inc. G.K. Associates & Construction Inc. Adoracion S. Garcia Stan & Diane Gasner Suzanne Gayn Nance J. Gelber Rick & Mindy Gelman GENBAND General Internal Medicine Association Ralph George, M.D. Georgian Bay Fire & Safety Ltd. Estate of Erma Frances Gerry Virgenette C. Gesulgon Louis R. Giavedoni, M.D. David & Dooney Gibson Edward Gilbert Richard Gilbert, M.D. Harold & Joyce Giles Valerie Gillis Howard Ginsberg, M.D. Marianne E. Girling Global Precast Inc. Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin Charitable Foundation David J. & Marilyn Gluskin GMP Securities L.P. Michele Goddard Rahat Godil Louis M. Goelman Frank Goldberg, M.D. Michael & Nancy Goldberg Golden Thai Restaurant Louise & Mark Golding Warren & Barbara Goldring Marie E. Goldthorpe Shaun Goodman, M.D. & Family Crawford Gordon Michael Gordon Gottardo Masonry & Contracting Ltd. Kevin Gough, M.D. Suzanne Gourley G.P. Tarulli Medicine Professional Corporation Anthony F. Graham, C.M., M.D. John Graham, M.D. Granite Real Estate Inc. Maxine Granovsky Brock & Elsie Grant Mary K. Grant Gordana Graovac Bruce Gray, M.D. Douglas D. Gray Sara Gray, M.D. Hartley & Lorna Greenbaum Gerald & Madelaine Greenberg John H. Greenhough Edward L. Greenspan Griggs Family Foundation Mary Rita Grimshaw Groupe Petra Ltd. Samir C. Grover, M.D. Raymond & Audrey Groves Gryphon International Investment Corporation Sieunarine & Cynthia Gualbance Dr. Neeru Gupta & Dr. Yeni Yucel, M.D. Dr. Rajesh & Sonia Gupta Samir Gupta, M.D. H & G Medical Imaging Inc. H.H. Angus & Associates Ltd. Estate of Mary Helen Haddock David A. & Lillian Haibeck David Hall, M.D. Supt. Lorne E. Hall, RCMP (Ret’d.) Rosemary C. Hall Keith Halliday Mitchell L. Halperin, M.D. Gabrielle S. Hamilton Robert K. Hammill Paul Hanley Amir Hanna, M.D. Laura Hans, M.D. Palle Hansen Rashida Haq, M.D. Ziv Harel Judy Harquail David Harris Christopher & Janet Harrop Mr. & Mrs. D.J. Hartnett Alex Harvey Joan and Clifford Hatch Foundation Kevin P. Haverty Christopher Hayes, M.D. The Healing Cycle Foundation Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada (HIRO) Michael Heaton George & Linda Heller Henderson Structured Settlements LP William Henderson Gail D. Hendrie & Anthony O. Hendrie Stuart & Aurelia Hensman E.A. Hergott Christopher Hicks, M.D. Lisa Hicks, M.D. Brian Higgins Adrian Hill Sara Hill Donald W. Hillhouse Diana Hillman Himelfarb Proszanski LLP Simon E. Hirsch Gloria W. Ho Iu Tai Ho & Yuk Chun Choi Victor Hoffstein, M.D. G. Malcolm Hogarth Marika J. Hohol, M.D. Peter Hollidge Jerry Holloway & Julie White Marion V. Holmes R. John D’A Honey, M.D. Aaron Hong, M.D. Joan M. Hood Martin J. Horak, M.D. & Carolyn Calpin Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. The Horsepower Sports & Entertainment Group Inc. Joan P. HoSang Patricia Houston, M.D. Ryan Howard Tyler J. Howard Janice Lynne Howe Ralph E. Hu J. Lloyd Hudson Steve Hummel Donald F. Hunter Charitable Foundation Basil & Nancy Hunter Gilbert A. Hurwitz, M.D. Stephen W. Hwang, M.D. IBK Capital Corp Teresa Ierullo Impark Raising Spirits In October 2014, Chris Pierre, Sean and Clark Lonergan and Nitin Patel celebrated the 12th anniversary of the McGee-Clark Fundraiser, remembering Mary (McGee) Pierre and Catherine (Clark) Lonergan. The committee’s grand total is now more than $196,000 net. Proceeds from this event will support their new pledge of support for a patient room in the new Oncology Unit. Staying Aloft In October, the Wings of Hope Committee held its eighth annual benefit to support our CIBC Breast Cancer Centre. Founded by breast cancer survivor Anna Rossetti (below, third from left), the proceeds from Wings of Hope have enabled the purchase of specialized equipment, as well as supported vital breast cancer survivorship research. stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 31 32 Support Inspire 2018 “WHEN PEOPLE SAY THEY NEED BACK SURGERY, I SAY ‘GO TO st. michael’s.’ ” Imagine playing soccer one day, and the next you’re in a wheelchair. Only 25, Nicole came to St. Michael’s with two herniated discs and early degeneration of two vertebrae. The pain got so severe that Nicole resorted first to using crutches and then a wheelchair to get to her classes at York University. Dr. Sunit Das and his team swung into action. Standing up after surgery, Nicole felt no pain: “I had the biggest smile on my face at that moment.” “Dr. Das was phenomenal. He treated me as if I was his own daughter. Thank you, St. Michael’s!” Nicole and patients like her know that great surgical care is critical. That’s the reason they’re supporting the creation of five new hybrid operating rooms in the Peter Gilgan Patient Care Tower. stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 33 Another First Dr. Elizabeth Tullis, director of our Adult CF Program, which is the largest in North America, was named the first Cystic Fibrosis Canada Chair in Adult Cystic Fibrosis Research. CF patients are living longer and so Dr. Tullis is focused on managing the challenges faced by this growing and aging population. hole in one In September 2014, Associate Sponsors Howie, Sacks and Henry LLP, Lerners LLP and Shekter Dychtenberg LLP presented the 2014 Out of the Rough Golf Tournament, netting $132,000 for our Head Injury Clinic. More than 2,000 patients visit the clinic for treatment and care annually, some travelling from across Canada to access the highly specialized services our team offers. 34 Support Inspire 2018 In Accessories International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local 50 Rod H. Ioi E. Jan Irvine, M.D. Kristian & Margaret Isberg Elko & James Ito Richard & Donna Ivey Jackman Foundation Trevor W. Jamieson Sandra Jenkinson Ole & Hanne Jensen The Norman & Margaret Jewison Charitable Foundation Arthur & Claire Jobin Michelle John Yvonne Johnston Dr. Robert & Ruth Josephson Robert G. Josse, M.D. Paula Kalil Kamel S. Kamel, M.D. Gabor Kandel, M.D. Pierre & Mariel Karch Thomas Kaul, M.D. K-Bro Linen Systems Edward Keays David P. & Stephanie Keeley Margaret Keen Burton H. Kellock Estate of Joyce Kelly P. Anna Kempff Ross L. & Ann E. Kennedy Robert Kenny Tim & Audrey Kenny David Kent KeyNorth Professional Services Group Inc. Jacques Khammar Kamran Khan, M.D. Hyung Seob Kim Young-In Kim, M.D. David C. King Limited Barbara Kinnear (Oyler) Carolyn Acker & David W. Kinnear William Kinnear Mary Kirby-Diaz Anish Kirpalani, M.D. James Kitchens, M.D. Michelle & Ian Klaiman David Klein, M.D. Hubert & Bernice Kleysen Holger & Claudette Kluge Audree M. Koehle Peter & Ine Koonings Marshall S. Korenblum Victoria Korley, M.D. Marianna Korman Paul Kortan, M.D. Judy & Carl Korte Sheila A. Kotsopoulos Robert & Helen Koturbash Alice Kousaie Olga & Walter Kowal Zenta L. Krastins Grazyna Krigstin Sunil Kumar Michael Kutryk, M.D. Gordon Kuzmanovic Archie Kwan Claire O. Kyle Ignazio La Delfa, M.D. Alice Lai-Ma Linda Lam Giovanni Lamenza Richard Laprairie David A. Latter, M.D. Charles Lau Ginny Lau Andreas Laupacis, M.D. Paul Laurent Patrick Lavelle Paul A. Lavoie Judy & Bill Lawlor Hugh & Carolyn Lawson LeadingEdge Payroll Group Darren Lee John Lee, M.D. Karen K. Lee Michelle Y. Lee Warren Lee, M.D. Yuna Lee, M.D. Lawrence A. Leiter, M.D. Robert S. Leon Howard Leong-Poi, M.D. Marcel & Lyne Leroux Fok-Han Leung, M.D. Richard Leung, M.D. Susan G. Levesque Wendy Levinson, M.D. Steven Levy, Ph.D & Michelle De Los Santos Halyna Levytsky Emma Lewzey Brian Leyes Christopher K. Li, M.D. Life Recovery Systems HD, LLC Galit Liffshiz & Associates Inc. Dr. Steve Lin Medicine Professional Corporation Angela Lin Hui-Tung Tony Lin Yan Sun Lin The Lipton Family Vito & Marisa Lisena Ka-Yau & Eppie Liu Liuna Local 183 The Frank and Azniv Lochan Family Foundation Michael & Deborah Locke Peter Lockie Huston & Ivy Loke Catherine Longley, M.D. Linda and Steve Lowden Fund – Toronto Community Foundation Lundbeck Canada Inc. David Lyn & Pamela Mark Neil MacCarthy Lilias M. MacDonald R. Loch Macdonald, M.D. Rory MacDonald Allan & Pam MacFarlane Susan MacGregor David MacKinnon, M.D. Tim D. Macklaier Stephen A. & Janet MacLachlan Barbara & Gordon MacNeill Dharini Mahendira James L. Mahoney, M.D. A. Peter Maika Walter Mak, M.D. Malach & Fidler Mediation & Arbitration Services Iqwal Mangat, M.D. Lili Manson Manulife Asset Management Manulife Financial John Mappin Alan R. & Patricia Marchment Norman Marcon, M.D. Danny Marcuzzi, M.D. Thomas Marotta, M.D. Philip A. Marsden, M.D. Jennie & William Marsh Patricia Marsh Ronald Martin William D. Martin James Maskalyk, M.D. Ronald A. Masleck Robert Mason Irving Matlow Larissa Matukas Gary R. May, M.D. Michael Mayhew Mazin & Associates Professional Corporation Michael Mazzuca Larry McArthur Patrick F. McBrien David McCann Estate of Mary Henrietta Grace McCann The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation Mary McConville & Mark Ellis Frederick G. McDowell Patricia McEwan Robert & Cheryl McEwen Philip McFarlane, M.D. Alexander W. McGregor Sandra G. McGuire Kieran McIntyre Ian McKinnon Kenneth McLaughlin Joanne L. McLean Dianne M. McNeil John & Susan McNeil Michael McTaggart MedPlan Communications Inc. Meducom Health Inc. Filomena Meffe, M.D. Mega City Tiling Roy & Barbara Megarry Dieter W. Menzel Clement M. Messere Andrea Metrick Alayne & Ron Metrick Metropolitan Plumbing and Heating Contractors Association Michael Bros. Excavating Gyl Midroni, M.D. Olga Milionis-Brajkovic Olive Millson Generous commitment A wonderful commitment from Ronald and Barbara Besse has made it possible to establish our new Cystic Fibrosis Canada Chair in Adult Cystic Fibrosis Research. St. Michael’s has North America’s largest clinic to treat adults with CF, the most common fatal genetic disease affecting Canadian children and young adults. Emergency Help Long-time friends of St. Michael’s, Hans and Suzy Brenninkmeyer, who helped make our new Women’s Health Centre and Chair in Women’s Health realities, made an additional $1 million commitment to support the Slaight Family Emergency Department renovation — an important part of our Inspire 2018 campaign. stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 35 in memorY of patrick j. keenan In May 2014, we mourned the loss of Patrick (Pat) J. Keenan, one of our dear friends and most generous benefactors. His relationship with the hospital spanned nearly 30 years, and included important roles as hospital Board Chair, dedicated volunteer and advocate, philanthropist and friend. We remember Pat with great gratitude and thank his wife Barbara and the rest of the Keenan family for their continued commitment to St. Michael’s. 36 Support Inspire 2018 creating a new “main street” With its investment of $15 million, Element Financial has established itself as a leader in philanthropy by making the largest single investment by a corporation in our history. This donation will help people navigate St. Michael’s more easily by creating the Element Financial Way and a new public meeting place and hub for information and retail services called the Element Financial Atrium in the new Peter Gilgan Patient Care Tower. stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 37 Staff Spirit The FunRaisers, a group of St. Michael’s staff and volunteers, have successfully held numerous events, including a Holiday Bazaar. In December 2014, for the second time, they arranged this popular event with more than 20 vendors of holiday gifts and specialty food items participating. Fun = Funds! Take Me to St. Mike’s campaign The phrase Take me to St. Mike’s appeared as a temporary tattoo on people doing every day activities that could be potentially dangerous. This year’s holiday campaign reminded people to “Take care… but if you need care, St. Michael’s is where you want to be.” It highlighted our leadership in the care of the critically ill, those who need care within the hour to survive. 38 Support Inspire 2018 Minogue Medical Inc. Mint Pharmaceuticals Inc. Stanley Mintz Florence Minz Modern Niagara Toronto Inc. Gordon W. Moe, M.D. Robert & Barbara Moffatt Juan Carlos Monge, M.D. Walter J. Montanera, M.D. Edward J. Mooney & Harriet Stairs Joan Moore Terrence L. Moore, M.D. Barbara Moses & Andrew Weiner George W. O. Moss Chris Mottoo Ophyr Mourad, M.D. Mitze Mourinho Matthew Muller, M.D. Multi Disciplinary Assessment Centre Rajeev Muni, M.D. Derek Muradali, M.D. Brendon Murphy In memory of John Murphy Gabriel Nachman Narinder Kumar Garg Medicine Professional Corporation Anthony Natale Sharon Neilson Neinstein & Associates LLP Network Reporting & Mediation W. Douglas & Janet Newlands Erone Newman Bernardine Ngan & Daniel Lee Bruce & Joan Nicholson Paul Nicoletti Douglas Noble Lyne Noel de Tilly, M.D. Edward & Joan Norris The Nottawasaga Foundation Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. Peter Nycz Oakhaven Investments Ltd. Jackson Family Fund – The Community Foundation of Oakville Paul O’Connor Funeral Home Ltd. Marie E. O’Connor Paul O’Connor Paul W. O’Connor, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. O’Donoghue Georgina Alanne O’Gallagher Margaret O’Gara & Michael Vertin Jiwon Oh, M.D. Michelle Olding Omega Medical Associates Ltd. Onex Corporation OPG Employees’ and Pensioners’ Charity Trust Fund David Ostella John O’Toole Clifford A. Ottaway, M.D. Bruce & Anne Owen Owens Corning Canada Kenneth Pace, M.D. Valerie L. Palda, M.D. Rocco & Antonietta Palmieri Giuseppe P. Pandolfo Dr. Thomas & Mrs. Joanne Parker James M. Parks Parsons Brinckerhoff Halsall Inc. PCL Constructors Canada Inc. Estate of Irma Evelyne Pearce Dawn Pearce, M.D. Joy & Arie Pekar Pelikan Inc. Arthur Peltomaa Nancy Pencer Jeffery Perl, M.D. Mark D. Peterson Medicine Professional Corporation Tony Petricca Thomas Phelps Arnold Pinter, M.D. The Pittsburgh Foundation Plan Group Inc. Alan Plaxton Judith Poe Dale Ponder & Jon Venutti Catherine Ponesse Port Royal Place (Phase VII) Developments Inc. Patsy Porter Portfolio Management Corporation Mary Jean & Frank Potter Francis W. Powell Vikramaditya Prabhudesai, M.D. William Prager Ramesh Prasad, MBBS John A. Prentice Principe Nafekh Ltd. Pringle Portfolio Management Group Andrew & Valerie Pringle Private Service Realty Gerald Prud’homme, M.D. Rudolf & Madeline Radics John A. Rae Enzo Ragno Randstad Joel Ray, M.D. Raymond James Financial Inc. Raymond James Foundation Raymond James Ltd. Bobby Rayner Fahad Razak Reap Capital Corp. David Reese Rehab First Inc. Rehab Results Rolf Reininghaus Revay and Associates Limited Jacqueline H. Ribordy Sarah Richard Karen Richards David I. Richardson Alexander & Shirley Richman The Richter Charitable Foundation Richter S.E.N.C.R.L./L.L.P. Jennifer Riley, M.D. Anne Ritchie Cedric E. & Barbara Ritchie Susan Robillard & Phil DeBruyne James Robinson Trevor I. Robinson, M.D. Caroline Roe John & Lynda Rogers Edith Rogoman Barrie D. Rose Michael Rose Rex H. Rose Andrea S. Rosen Lawrence Rosen Diane M. Ross Roslyn Roth Robert Rottapel, M.D. Bryan & Elizabeth Rowntree The Royal Canadian Legion E. Ian & Barbara Rugeroni William J. Rupert Russel Metals Inc. Geri Lea Russett Dale Ryan, M.D. Heather Ryan Mahdokht Safari Gustavo Saposnik, M.D. Robert Sargeant, M.D. Dipanka Sarma, M.D. Abheha Satkunaratnam, M.D. Robert Saunders Michael T. Sawa, M.D. Patricia Sawa Erika Sayers Scarborough Orthopaedic Society Joseph Schlesinger Jacob H. Schneiderman, M.D. Martin Schreiber, M.D. Eileen Schwartz Charles Scott Lawrence Scott Arthur Scrannage Jamie See Daniel Selchen, M.D. Anthony Seljak Sentinel (Church) Holdings Inc. Laurene & Vicente Sering William Sewell Michael D. Sgro, M.D. Ronald B. Shacter Hiren & Sima Shah Peter Sharawy Raymond A. & Queenie Shaver Robert & Sheila Sheaffer & Family Shekter, Dychtenberg LLP Donna & Stanley Shenkman Barbara Sheperd Keith Sheridan Robert Sherrin Shin, Dong-Sam & Choong-Nyu Judith Shostack Rachel Shupak, M.D. Godyne N. Sibay & Alessandro Cupillari Stephen P. Sigurdson Ivor M. & Renee Simmons Doug & Paula Sinclair Singer, Kwinter Ronny Sirizzotti SK Law Management Inc. Skill Builders Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centre Rudi Skvorc New Directions for Education Under the leadership of Dr. Patricia Houston, our Education Program team has developed a new education strategy for patients and families, as well as staff and students. This will allow us to leverage our successes while pursuing opportunity, outreach, and outcomes across our education strategic directions. Nurses Leading by Example Cardiovascular surgery nurse Marnee Wilson has been recognized with the prestigious Jerry Gerow Nurse Practitioner Leadership Award. After seeing the compassionate care shown to her father who was successfully treated here for heart trouble, Wilson – a staff member since 2000 – was inspired to join the St. Michael’s nursing team, led by Executive VP and Chief Nursing Executive Ella Ferris. stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 39 Showcasing Our People Our Urban Angel magazine was awarded first place for External Communications by the Health Care Public Relations Association of Canada. It was also honoured by SOFII (Showcase of Fundraising Innovation and Inspiration), a UK-based site recognizing fundraising creativity, as a “unique and creative approach to donor communications.” Urban Health Director of our Centre for Research on Inner City Health, Dr. Patricia O’Campo was appointed as the first Chair in Intersectoral Solutions for Urban Health Problems. The resources provided by this new position will enable Dr. O’Campo and her team to continue groundbreaking research to support social change and reduce health inequities. 40 Support Inspire 2018 Slate Properties SMC Bay Inc. Catherine Smee SMH Department of Laboratory Medicine SMH Division of Neurosurgery SMH Finance Department SMH Professiorial Fund SMH Specialized Complex Care Program Management SMH Volunteer Association Smith & Andersen Consulting Engineering The Philip Smith Foundation Lorna Smith Wendy P. Smith Burke Smyth Sokoloff Lawyers Rishi Sood Julian Spears, M.D. Grace E. Speer Julia Spence, M.D. Spencer Stuart & Associates (Canada) Ltd. Spoolon Manufacturing Limited G. Wayne Squibb St. Joseph’s College School SMH Division of Orthopedic Surgery Estate of Helen Allen Stacey Taylor Statten & Janet Boland-Statten The Steele Family Foundation Tom Steeves, M.D. Brian D. Steinhart, M.D. Anne Stephenson, M.D. Vicky Stergiopoulos, M.D. E.A. Stevens John Stinson Peter K. Stinson Hervey Stockman Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation Strathbridge Asset Management Inc. Jocelyn Stratton Sharon Straus, M.D. Louis A. Strauss Catherine Streutker, M.D. Art Strileski Ambury Stuart The S. Sturino Family Andrew Suboch Murray P. Sullivan A. Dean & Lynda Summerville Joanne R. Sutherland Robert Sutherland Francoise Sutton Leonard & G. Sylvester Symcor Inc. Sysco Corporation Darrell H. Tan, M.D. Phyllis Tanaka Jordan E. Tang Kathy Tang Sandra Tang Tapstone Restoration Inc. Richard F. Tayler Martin Taylor TD Securities Inc. TD Securities Tech Data Canada Jerome M. Teitel, M.D. The Teixeira Family Leon Tessler The George and Kay Goldlist Family Foundation The Herjavec Group The Ouellette Family Foundation The W.P. Scott Charitable Foundation Edward G. Thompson Margaret A. Thompson, M.D. Ursula A. Thomson Richard & Judy Thorpe Kiem Thung Alina Toma, M.D. Toronto Columbo Lions Larry Toste Anne Trafford Khai M. Tram, M.D. Hien Thanh Tran Martina A. Trinkaus, M.D. Victor & Susan Tron James Truill Jacqueline Tuffin Elizabeth Tullis, M.D. Jeffrey Turnbull Andrew Tylman Don & Betty Tytler Foundation Tetiana Tyzkyj Marisa Uffelmann & Dean Connor Unisource Canada Peter Vadas, M.D. Van Berkom & Associates Inc. Bert & Joy Van Kleef Mark Van Slooten Hilde Vandenberghe Helen Vander Hoeven Linda Vanderburgt Francesco Vergati Marinus Verhoog John E. Verity Vertex Solutions Corporation Vestcap Investment Management Inc. Grant Vistorino Voila Holdings Inc. Nicholas T. Vozoris, M.D. Sergio Vulej Tu Vuu James P. Waddell, M.D. Sheila Waengler Rachel Wald, M.D. & Ron Wald, M.D. Margaret Walker Bill Wallace Blake & Rita Wallace Gladys E. Walrond Harmony W. Walsh Allan Walton Christopher & Betty Wansbrough Dixie C. Wansbrough David G. & Anne Ward Ralph E. Warren, M.D. Waternish Farms Limited V. Prem & Nalini Watsa John & Josie Watson Nicholas Watson William J. Watson, M.D. Jaime Watt & Paul Ferguson Wedge Capital Management LLP David & Margaret Weinberg Jordan Weinstein, M.D. Lawrence Weir William J. Weiser, M.D. Wendell & Christina Wigle Mark Wilk Will Davidson LLP Michael Willemse William Prager Limited Drew M. Williams & Samira Drapeau Sykes & Joan Williams Maureen P. & Peter Williamson David Wilson J. Gary Wilson Michael H. Wilson Winberg Foundation Waldemar Winogradow WinRoc Matthew Winters The Honey & Leonard Wolfe Family Charitable Foundation Natalie Wolpert, M.D. Camilla Wong, M.D. Cheuk-Kwong Wong David T. Wong, M.D. Natalie Wong, M.D. Thomas Y. & Eva Wong Wright Rehab William Wyatt Wanda Wyrzykowska Minnie Yack Andrew Yan, M.D. Kam-Ling Yao Thambirajah Yogarajah Carl Young William M. & Mary Young Catherine Yu Richard Yu, M.D. Bernadette Yuen Darren Yuen Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Zalev Jeffrey Zaltzman, M.D. Fred Zander Lily Zhang Molly Zirkle, M.D. Maria L. Zorzitto, M.D. Beth & Ray Zucchiatti Anonymous (11) new Brain Surgery chair Our first Chair in Cerebrovascular and Brain Tumor Surgery is held by Dr. Julian Spears, co-director of our Neurovascular Program. St. Michael’s is known for providing highly specialized care for conditions affecting brain function like aneurysm, stroke-related diseases or abnormal tissue growth, which are dangerous and life-threatening. Full Moon In May 2014, Well Living House’s Second Annual Fundraiser was held in support of an action research centre for indigenous infant, child and family health. With Dr. Evan Adams hosting, Counsel of Grandparents member Jan Kahehti:io Longboat shared a full moon ceremony and Grammy-nominated cellist, composer and educator Dawn Avery performed. stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 41 “Coming to Canada, I was told the best hospital for glaucoma was St. Michael’s.” Diagnosed with glaucoma as a boy in Poland, Chris had the help of Dr. Neeru Gupta when his condition deteriorated later in life and when he developed cataracts. Because of family history, Dr. Gupta also investigated the eye health of Chris’s daughters. Chris now considers Dr. Gupta his family’s guardian angel. Two generations of the Polis family, Chris and his daughter Natalia, have now been treated at St. Michael’s. “We will never be able to adequately thank St. Michael’s or Dr. Gupta for the quality of life they gave my daughter, now studying to be a lawyer.” Grateful patients like Chris and his daughter have had life-changing experiences at St. Michael’s. That’s why friends like them are supporting Inspire 2018 and the new Donald and Nita Reed Ophthalmology Centre. 42 Support Inspire 2018 stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 43 cumulative gifts We wish to pay tribute to a special group of friends who inspire others through their outstanding generosity and deep commitment to St. Michael’s. The following lists those individuals, corporations and foundations who have given or pledged more than $500,000 over the years to help Toronto’s Urban Angel. Guardians ($25,000,000+) Peter Gilgan Patrick & Barbara Keenan & Family Li Ka Shing (Canada) Foundation Angels ($10,000,000 - $24,999,999) Element Financial Corporation Louis L. Odette & Family The Slaight Family Foundation Builders ($5,000,000 - $9,999,999) BMO Financial Group Brookfield Terrence Donnelly LL.D., O.Ont The Heart & Stroke Foundation Estate of Leona Hummel Krembil Foundation Arthur & Sonia Labatt Doug & Jean Martin The Margaret & Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc. Allan Waters Family The Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation Visionaries ($2,500,000 - $4,999,999) Tony & Anne Arrell John & Jocelyn Barford CIBC Cara Operations Limited George & Kathy Dembroski John S. Hunkin & Susan E. Crocker Johnson & Johnson Medical Companies Sophie Lewar Trust Stephan R. Lewar Trust The R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation F.K. Morrow Foundation David & Anne Patterson Estate of Dorothy Margaret Pitts Tim & Frances Price RBC Foundation Scotiabank SMH Volunteer Association Bernie & Mildred Syron Anonymous 44 Support Inspire 2018 Founders ($1,000,000 - $2,499,999) Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited Estate of Elizabeth Aleen Aked AstraZeneca Canada Inc. The Harold E. Ballard Foundation Lloyd & Marie Barbara Ralph M. Barford John M. Beck The Bitove Family The R.P. Bratty Charitable Foundation The Brenninkmeyer Family Estate of Robert Sinclair Brown John & Mary Cassaday Celebration of Voice Clarice Chalmers, LL.D., O.Ont Elizabeth A. & Richard J. Currie, O.C. Mark & Ann Curry Toni Danisi Elisa Di Bartolomeo-Di Lorenzo Bill & Robin Downe The John C. & Sally Horsfall Eaton Foundation Bill & Barbara Etherington Estates of John and Margaret Fairlie Roy Foss & Family Myron & Berna Garron Anthony R. & Helen Graham The Jarislowsky Foundation Karl Storz Endoscopy Canada Ltd. Lombard Canada Ltd. Jon & Nancy Love Beth Malcolm George E. Mara & Diane Mara Rick & Gayle McGraw Robert W. McRae Middlefield Group Bill Morneau & Nancy McCain Municipality of Metro Toronto RBC Foundation Donald & Nita Reed Fondation Baxter & Alma Ricard Rotary Club of Toronto Charitable Foundation The Gerald Schwartz and Heather Reisman Foundation Ada Slaight SMH Department of Medicine St. Michael’s Young Leaders Daniel & Sandra Sullivan The Squires-Hyland Trust TD Bank Group John H. Tory, Q.C., O.Ont & Barbara Hackett Peter & Louise Walter Rick & Lynne Waugh Don Wright, Mus.D. Estate of Viola M. Young David Young, M.D. Anonymous (2) Fellows ($750,000 - $999,999) Estates of Helen and Maxwell Babad Baxter Corporation Wendy M. Cecil The Thor E. and Nicole Eaton Family Charitable Foundation IBM Canada The Henry White Kinnear Foundation Manulife Financial Roche Canada Estate of Lawrence Edmund Ryan Sanofi-Aventis Michael J. Thompson/OAS Governors ($500,000 - $749,999) 4539745 Canada Inc. Amgen Canada Inc. Don & Maris Anderson The Neil W. Baker Family Estate of Rodney Stewart Barron Bayer Inc. BMO Capital Markets Canadian Heart Research Centre Cameron Family Memorial The Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation W.C. Cheung, M.D. Jack Cockwell & Family Elizabeth & Tony Comper ConDrain Group The CUMBA Charitable Foundation (Jon & Patricia Johnson) Patti & Gordon Cunningham Cystic Fibrosis Canada Dominic & Pearl D’Alessandro Stanley Deluce & Angela Deluce Tony & Lina Gagliano General Motors of Canada Ltd. Mr. & Mrs. Len Gillis Great West Life, London Life and Canada Life Green Shield Canada Joan & Clifford Hatch Foundation Jane Humphreys & Ron Lalonde Nelson Arthur Hyland Foundation William James Colleen & Brian Johnston Joseph J. Kaposi Patricia & Roger Lace and Family Merck Frosst Canada & Co. Mother Parker’s Tea & Coffee Inc. & The Higgins Family National Bank of Canada Edmond & Gloria Odette Estate of Peter L. Pelmear RBC Capital Markets SMH Medical Imaging Consultants Smith & Nephew St. George’s Society of Toronto The Clement Talbot Foundation (for the Prevention of Vascular Disease) Estate of Elizabeth Tackaberry Frank & Maria Techar TELUS Estate of Betty Florence Turnbull Thomas Vari Yamana Gold Inc. Anonymous (2) tribute and memory gifts We received cumulative gifts of $1,000 or more in honour or in memory of these individuals between April 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015. Beth Abramson, M.D. Alexander J. Adams Antonino Agueci Henry Ahn, M.D. Jonathan Ailon Norman J. Anreyko Paul Angaran, M.D. Tony Arrell Ray Bala William Ballard Michael Barylo Nancy Baxter, M.D. Ian Bellman Alan Berger, M.D. Eddie W. Black Earl Bogoch, M.D. Maria Bove Paul Bracken Christine Brezden-Masley, M.D. Heather Leckie Bryant Alfred H. Budweth Marcus Burnstein, M.D. Mr. Man Chai Bok Chan. M.D. Robert Chisholm, M.D. Krystine Comanici Louis P. Correia Purdy Crawford Michael Cusimano, M.D. Tim Daniels, M.D. Larissa Derzko-Dzulynsky, M.D. Colette Deveau Mrs. Norine Devine Irfan Dhalla, M.D. Alan and Elizabeth Dilworth Alan Dilworth Pamela Dixon Gerald George Dobbs Douglas Dobson Terrence Donnelly William D. Dorian Mr. R. Darren Dunn Peter J. Dymott Mohammed Elahi, M.D. Audrey Errett Lee Errett, M.D. Yvonne Erwin Neil Fam, M.D. Lolita Faria David Fitchett, M.D. Beniamino Forno Lisa A. Frauley Michael Freeman, M.D. Jimmy Fuller Lucy Gangursky Robert Gaudet Ralph George, M.D. Louis Giavedoni, M.D. Howard Ginsberg, M.D. Johanna Marie Goldthorpe Irv Gora, M.D. Tony Graham, M.D. Dale E. H. Gray, M.D. Jim & Rosalie Gregory Samir Grover, M.D. Mr. Sohanlal Gupta Rosaleen Hampton Rashida Haq, M.D. Janice M. Hartmann Sharon Helleman H. Patrick Higgins, M.D. Karen L. Hill Victor Hoffstein, M.D. R. John Honey, M.D. Daniel Hornik Reta Isabelle Hubble Frederick Ford Hutchings Robert Hyland, M.D. Khursheed Jeejeebhoy, M.D. Robert Josse, M.D. Kamel Kamel, M.D. Gabor Kandel, M.D. Patrick Keenan John G. Kempff, M.D. John H. Kenney Hugh Kerr, M.D. James M. Kitchens, M.D. James Koen Paul Kortan, M.D. Elizabeth Krehm stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 45 Ramanan Kumareswaran, M.D. Bettina Kuypers-Supol Ignazio La Delfa, M.D. Angel Yee Lam David Latter, M.D. Wayne Paul Leavoy Jason K. Lee, M.D. Guylaine Lefebvre, M.D. Howard Leong-Poi, M.D. Myrna Lichter, M.D. Olga Litvinchuk Angelo Lo Faso Mrs. Carla Long Stamp Mr. Benito Lupetto Anne MacCarthy Mr. Dane MacCarthy Hartland M. MacDougall Helen M. Macklin Jean Maga James Mahoney, M.D. Margaret Mahoney, M.D. Desmond Mallalieu George Mallon Norman Marcon, M.D. Nicholas Martin John Mavrinac Ronald W. McCallum, M.D. Clara McGovern Catherine Ann McIsaac-Wieczorek Michael McKee, M.D. Terrance Moore, M.D. Desmond N. Morton Antonio Moura Matthew P. Muller, M.D. Rajeev Muni, M.D. John Thomas Murphy Melinda A. Musgrave, M.D. Paul O’Connor, M.D. Jamie Oestreicher, M.D. Kenneth Pace, M.D. Mr. John F. Pangman Antonio (Tony) Parisi Albert John Pest Mark D. Peterson, M.D. Arnold Pinter, M.D. Rinaldo (Ron) Prato Elan Prentice Margaret Quinn Lois Rae Rizwanaur Rahman Perla Rappos Kathleen B. Richardson Vern Sabourin Leanne Sachs Jessica Sangregorio Michael Sawa, M.D. Ronald Scott Daniel Selchen, M.D. Valerie Violet Seljak Antonio Sestito William Sewell Nadine Sharawy Rachel Shupak, M.D. Arthur Slutsky, M.D. Lynn Somers Julian Spears, M.D. Gordon Squires, M.D. Wilfred Steinberg, M.D. Beverley Stewart Robert Stewart, M.D. Laura Teague Barry Tigert Loi Tran Martina Trinkaus, M.D. Barbara Vari, M.D. Subodh Verma, M.D. Robert Vistorino Bridget Vorps Margaret J. Walter G. Kingsley Ward William J. Watson, M.D. Peter Williamson David T. W. Wong, M.D. Ett Kong (Dick) Wong Jane Wren Max Yak Jeff Zaltzman, M.D. st. michael’s society People who remembered the Hospital in their wills or have made a gift of a life insurance policy, RRSP/RRIF or charitable remainder trust become members of our St. Michael’s Society. Those who made this commitment between April 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015 are listed here. Their names have been added to our Donor Recognition Wall. Martha Hinder Nancy E.A. Main Phyllis McCarthy Betty-Lou Northway Donna Ouchterlony, M.D. Gioconda Dolores Ginestre Rosati Jacqueline Tuffin Anonymous (2) thank you It is impossible to list the names of all the friends who helped us this past year. But we truly believe that all gifts are great – and appreciated. We could not do it without you! 46 Support Inspire 2018 how you can help st. michAEl’s As St. Michael’s evolves to become Canada’s premier critical care hospital, our generous donors and volunteers remain crucial to our success. Please help us complete our Inspire 2018 campaign by making a gift or sharing your story. There are many ways to help: Monthly Donor Program Monthly giving is easy, secure and convenient, with donations deducted from your bank account or credit card each month. Gift in Thanks Has one of our doctors, nurses or other health care professionals made a difference in your life? Consider letting them know how special they are by making a gift in their honour today. Planned Giving You can remember St. Michael’s in your will with a bequest, or by making a gift of life insurance, stock or RRSP. A Gift in Tribute or Memory A gift in tribute or memory is a meaningful and lasting way to honour someone special. By choosing to make a gift in tribute or memory, you will enable St. Michael’s to continue its mission of providing exemplary and compassionate care to all those in need. Hold Your Own Event Many of our generous donors show their appreciation for the care that they or a family member received by creating a special event to raise funds for St. Michael’s. If you have an idea for an event, contact our Special Events team! Share Your Story Are you interested in sharing your experience as a patient with us? By telling your story, you can inspire others and show them what St. Michael’s unique culture of caring is all about. Young Leaders St. Michael’s Young Leaders is a group of young professionals between the ages of 25 and 35. Through annual events, St. Michael’s Young Leaders raise funds for some of the hospital’s most urgent priorities. Volunteer You can make a difference in the lives of our patients and their families by simply giving your time. For more information, or to contact us about getting involved, you can reach us at 416.864.5000 or foundation@smh.ca. all gifts are gratefully appreciated stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 47 1 1 BREAKING NEW GROUND Health Minister Dr. Eric Hoskins was on hand, along with donors and friends, on April 17th 2015, as we broke ground for our new 17-storey Peter Gilgan Patient Care Tower to care for critically ill patients and renovations that will nearly double the size of the Slaight Family Emergency Department. Construction of the tower is expected to take three years, during which time the hospital will remain open. Dr. Hoskins with shovel in hand said that St. Michael’s is “the heart and soul of the city. This bold redevelopment project will touch the lives of many. This project is visionary.” 2 3 1. Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Dr. Eric Hoskins welcomes the media and guests. 2. Foundation Board members John Barford, Greg Belton and Mike Thompson. 3. Shovels in the ground. 4. Dr. Tony Graham, Jack Diamond and Anthony Graham. 5. John Cassaday and Doug Guzman. 6. The Honorable Margaret McCain. 4 48 Support Inspire 2018 5 6 7 8 7. Celebrating Inspire 2018. 8. Dr. Eric Hoskins addresses the media. 9. Campaign Co-chairs John Cassaday, Bill Downe, Tony Arrell, Honorary Chair Margaret McCain, Alayne Metrick and Dr. Bob Howard; absent: John Tory. 10. Event décor. 10 9 stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 49 our volunteers Audit & Finance Committee Al Donald, Chair & Treasurer Lloyd Barbara Greg Belton Louise Cannon Sarah Chow Michael P. Forsayeth Tim Griffin Andrea Horan Stephen Smith Donor Recognition Committee Jane Humphreys, Chair Wendy Cecil Tom Cryer Patti Cunningham Terrence Donnelly Nicole Eaton Anthony Graham, M.D. John S. Hunkin Melissa Martin Daniel F. Sullivan Jaime Watt Executive Committee Michael Norris, Chair Frank Techar, Incoming Chair Tony Arrell John Barford John Cassaday Allan Donald, Treasurer Bill Downe Bob J. Howard, M.D., MBA Pat Lace L. Alayne Metrick Tim Price Daniel F. Sullivan John H. Tory, Q.C., O.Ont (until Nov. 14, 2014) 50 Support Inspire 2018 Inspire 2018 Campaign Cabinet Hon. Margaret McCain, Honorary Chair Tony Arrell, Co-Chair John Cassaday, Co-Chair Bill Downe, Co-Chair John H. Tory, Co-Chair (until Nov. 14, 2014) Lloyd Barbara John Barford Geoff Belsher Greg Belton Egizio Bianchini Julie Di Lorenzo Bill Etherington Anthony R. Graham Kenneth N. Hugessen Jane Humphreys The late Patrick J. Keenan Pat Lace Gerald T. McCaughey Lisa Melchior Bill Morneau Michael Norris Tom C. O’Neill Tim Price Ori Rotstein, M.D. Helen Sinclair Daniel F. Sullivan Frank Techar Bill Thomas Benita Warmbold Rick Waugh Darryl White Urban Angel Golf Classic Vas Georgiou, Co-Chair John Manning , Co-Chair Michael Thompson, Co-Chair Angel Ball Tony & Lina Gagliano, Co-Chairs Anatol & Alison von Hahn, Co-Chairs Joe Natale & Melissa Martin, Co-Chairs Rose Baker J-P. Bisnaire Michael Bratty Bill Etherington Vas Georgiou Doug Guzman Colleen Johnston Michael Norris Tom O’Neill Joseph Rooney President’s Council Bill Butt, Chair Rose Baker Michael Boyd Michael Bratty John H. Clappison David Crawford Aldo Di Felice Sebastian Distefano Michael G. Flux Ed Giacomelli Huston Loke Jonathon Maguire, M.D. Mike Mahoney Vincent Mercier Michelle Morin Kenneth Pace, M.D. Paul Pew William Quinn Shubo Rakhit Joseph Rooney Anna Rossetti Ori Rotstein, M.D. Heather Simmons C. Alexander Squires Lorne Stephenson David Tennant Hait Tran Viet Christopher Wright Joseph Wright Governors’ Council Wendy Cecil, Chair William Blundell Cynthia Bowden Rudolph Bratty Suzy Brenninkmeyer Latham Burns Peter Cathcart William Daniel William Deluce Robert J. Howard, M.D. William James Thomas McCarthy John Petch C. Alexander Squires M. Bernard Syron Christopher Wright Squires-Hyland Trust Board of Directors Patti Carmichael Pilon, Co-Chair Diane Mara, Co-Chair Henry “Mac” Borden, Vice Chair Debby Beatty Alan F. Eaton David Gibson David R. Glue Anthony F. Graham, M.D. Robert H. Hyland, M.D. Betsy Lumbers-Chubb Jeffrey F. Olin Thomas Parker, M.D. C. Alexander Squires Gordon Squires, M.D. Young Leaders Executive Committee Tyler Howard, Co-Chair Brad Lawrence, Co-Chair Mike Alfieri Julia Barrett Dustin Brown, Chair, Marketing Kyle Boutros Craig Burton Kate Cassaday David Cooper, Chair, Sponsorship Lee Colucci Scott Conly Chelsea Conway Damian Creber, Treasurer Lorne Creighton Kyle D’Arcey Amanda Dawson Jeremy Dietrich, Co-Chair, Alumni Julia Dyck Alanna Fedak-Tarnopolsky Ashley Ferrier-Scott Andrew Forgione James Gibson Sandy Gibson Lindsay Godbold James Grant Luana Harris Michelle Heffernan, Chair, Int. Com. Spencer Hurley Marco Isakov, Chair, Dodger Kendell Johnson Stan Kuliavas Jonathan Lin Marc Marzotto Kate Moraca David Mowat John Mulvihill James Musson, Chair, Giver Julia Nugent Courtney Paterson William Pringle Chelsea Rasmussen Sarah Richard Scarlett Rounthwaite Lesley Rowan, Co-Chair, Alumni Max Sawka Krista Schiestel Jay Scull Nicole Steffan Caroline Stern Carolyn Stroz RJ Taylor Graham Thompson Greg Thompson, Co-Chair, Duffer Steve Thompson, Co-Chair, Duffer Adrian Turchet Jillian Wade Stephanie Watsa Steve Waugh, Chair, Ext. Com. Lily Zhang FUNRAISERS Filomena Machado, Co-Chair & Treasurer Charmaine Mothersill, Co-Chair Tony Nyguyen, Co-Chair St. Michael’s Foundation could not operate without the time and talents of hundreds of dedicated volunteers – from longstanding Board members to new Young Leaders, Gala Chairs and everyone in between, we couldn’t do this without you! On behalf of the patients, staff and supporters of St. Michael’s – thank you. stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 51 board of directors MiKE Frank John BOB Al Alayne Michael Norris Frank Techar John Cassaday Robert J. Howard, M.D., MBA Allan Donald L. Alayne Metrick, FAHP Incoming Chair St. Michael’s Foundation Vice Chair Vice Chair Treasurer President and CEO St. Michael’s Hospital Partner, Deloitte Chief Operating Officer BMO Financial Group Former President & Chief Executive Officer Corus Entertainment Inc. President St. Michael’s Foundation BIll Nicole Tim Gwen Tyler Ken William Downe The Honourable Nicole Eaton Timothy K. Griffin Gwen Harvey Tyler Howard Ken Hugessen Chairman Connor, Clark & Lunn Private Capital Ltd. Founder & President Bridgewater Family Wealth Services Outgoing Chair St. Michael’s Foundation President & Chief Executive Officer BMO Financial Group The Senate of Canada Co-Chair, Young Leaders St. Michael’s Foundation Founding Partner Hugessen Consulting Inc. Director Investor Products Group Scotiabank Melissa Shawn BIll Tom David Tim Melissa Martin Shawn McReynolds William Morneau Tom O’Neill Timothy R. Price Director St. Michael’s Foundation Managing Partner Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg Executive Chairman Morneau Shepell The Honourable David Peterson 52 Support Inspire 2018 Chair St. Michael’s Hospital Chair, BCE & Bell Canada Senior Partner & Chairman Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP Chairman Funds Management Brookfield Asset Mgmt. Tony Lloyd John Greg Tom H. Anthony Arrell Lloyd Barbara John Barford Greg Belton Thomas W. Cryer, F.C.A. Patti Cunningham Chairman Burgundy Asset Management Ltd. Senior Vice President & Director Burgundy Asset Management Ltd. President Valleydene Corporation Ltd. Chairman HKMB HUB International Director St. Michael’s Foundation Director St. Michael’s Foundation Jane John Pat Brad John Brett Jane Humphreys John S. Hunkin Patricia Lace Brad Lawrence John Manning Brett Marchand Director St. Michael’s Foundation Director St. Michael’s Foundation Director St. Michael’s Foundation Managing Director Equity Capital Markets BMO Capital Markets CEO Vision7 International & Cossette Co-Chair, Young Leaders St. Michael’s Foundation Senior Account Executive Salesforce.com Patti Doug Helen Mike John Jaime David Douglas Sinclair, M.D. Helen Sinclair Michael Thompson John H. Tory, Q.C. O. Ont Jaime Watt David Young, M.D. Executive Vice President & Chief Medical Officer St. Michael’s Hospital Special Advisor Deloitte President Ontario Acoustic Supply Inc. Former Board Member Former Campaign Co-Chair Executive Chairman Navigator Ltd. Managing Director Actium Capital Advisors stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 53 “St. Mike’s is where you want to be. You’ll get the best care there. You’ll fly in, but you’ll walk out.” That’s what the air ambulance paramedic told police sergeant Kelly when her cruiser was hit head-on by a pick-up truck. The accident broke both her legs, her wrist and several bones in her neck and back, injuries that could have kept her in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. At St. Michael’s, Dr. Michael McKee and his team got her back on the road to recovery. The consideration shown by physicians and staff meant she never felt alone and never had to wonder about the next steps in her recovery. “I’m blessed that I was taken to St. Mike’s. It’s a world-class hospital with amazing staff.” Airlifted to St. Michael’s, Kelly knows the benefit of receiving expert care. Donors to our Inspire 2018 campaign who, like Kelly, have been treated here are making sure that St. Michael’s is equipped to serve its patients into the future. 54 Support Inspire 2018 stmichaelsfoundation.com/inspire 55
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