PDF version - St. Michael`s Foundation
PDF version - St. Michael`s Foundation
Annual Report 2013-2014 Inspire Greatness Through Giving 2 St. Michael’s Foundation Inspiring Year What an amazing year we have had! Thanks to the terrific efforts of our remarkable team of volunteers and so many generous friends, we have raised an extraordinary $130 million towards our latest campaign, Inspire 2018. This campaign will help transform St. Michael’s into the premier critical care hospital in Canada by providing our expert teams with the latest resources to treat life-threatening diseases as quickly as possible. We already have first-class infrastructure for research and education; now it is time to advance our patient care facilities to the same level, while supplementing our research and education initiatives. Inspire 2018 will fund a new state-of-the-art patient care tower and a new Emergency Department, along with other priorities, creating a new synergy across the entire hospital. When seconds count, you’ll want to come to St. Michael’s. This is my fourth campaign at St. Michael’s. I continue to be humbled by the energy and devotion of our extraordinary volunteers, led by our campaign co-chairs and cabinet, with the able support of our foundation and hospital boards. They know what great work happens here, and they are tireless on behalf of the thousands of patients we serve. Thank you for the gift of your time and energy. To our many, many donors, thank you so very much for your support this year. In September 2014, we will officially announce to the world our progress on this critical development. We will be giving you all an opportunity to get involved in Inspire 2018 in the coming year. Thank you again! L. Alayne Metrick, FAHP President St. Michael’s Foundation Inspire 2018 5 As Chair of the Foundation Board, I want to share with you my impressions of St. Michael’s, a leading critical care hospital that is truly world-class. St. Mike’s embraces a culture of caring from every staff member, and we save lives every day through the dedication and skill of these professional individuals. St. Mike’s is also extremely well run. We have a tremendous executive team, now led by Dr. Bob Howard, who has delivered over 20 years of consecutive balanced budgets despite government funding challenges. I have the opportunity to work closely with our Board members who give generously of their time, advice and resources to guide and benefit St. Michael’s. Additionally, the Foundation is blessed with a best-in-class fundraising team who are committed to raising the funds to realize our vision of the hospital of the future – St. Michael’s 3.0. Along with our great team of volunteers, we are committed to ensuring our Inspire 2018 campaign comes to a successful conclusion. We have made great progress toward our goal this year with record-setting results thanks to you and other committed donors. I thank you for your generous support to St. Michael’s. The next few years are going to be very exciting here. With your support, we can make St. Mike’s the premier critical care hospital in Canada. I hope you will share this journey with us. Michael Norris Chair St. Michael’s Foundation 6 St. Michael’s Foundation At St. Michael’s, we strive to provide you with the best care, backed by the best education and research. At the same time, we remain conscious of our responsibility to those who support us: our government funders, our community partners and our generous donors. We honour your commitment by being effective and accountable stewards of the resources and dollars entrusted to us. Your generosity has transformed the fabric of this hospital and the lives of those within it. We know that we cannot do our work without your support. In turn, receiving the best care is your return on the investment you have made in this hospital. The transformation funded by our Inspire 2018 capital campaign will translate into even better care for you and your family. Building on our past achievements, Inspire 2018 will ensure we have: • • • The best specialized care for the sickest of the sick; The best people pursuing the best research; and The best standards for infection control, quality improvement and safety. St. Michael’s will become, indisputably, the premier critical care hospital in Canada. A place you want to bring your family to in your time of need. We are excited to share this future with you – it is indeed bright. Thank you. Bob Howard, M.D., MBA President & CEO St. Michael’s Hospital Inspire 2018 7 Your Generosity Makes All the Difference We want to make sure you trust us to use your gift as you wish. To maintain that trust, we know we owe you a full accounting of our financial management, expenditures and effectiveness. Because of your generous commitment to St. Michael’s, we were able to provide $15.1 million to support equipment, education and research at St. Michael’s. Thank you for your gifts and for being part of our family. 2013-2014 Grants to St. Michael’s Capital: $2.3 million (15%) Research: $10.7 million (71%) Clinical and Education: $2.1 million (14%) Visit us at stmichaelsfoundation.com or call 416.864.5000 to get our full financial statements. 10 St. Michael’s Foundation 15% 14% 71% Our Track Record REVENUE AND EXPENSES REVENUE 2014 $6.6 2013 2013 2012 2012 $0.18 2011 2011 $0.19 2010 $0.16 2010 $40.7 2014 EXPENSES COST PER DOLLAR RAISED 5 10 MILLIONS 15 20 25 30 40 This means that $0.84 of every dollar directly supports hospital needs. $0.20 $0.16 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 CENTS We are honoured that you have chosen to support St. Michael’s Hospital. We are committed to building and maintaining your trust through complete transparency. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at 416.864.5000. We will be happy to talk with you. Thank You for Your Support Inspire 2018 11 Financial Highlights The following information is taken from St. Michael’s Hospital Foundation’s audited financial statements. Our financials are audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers. SUMMARIZED BALANCE SHEET (Amount in ’000’s) As at March 31, 2014 2014 SUMMARIZED STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (Amount in ’000’s) 2013 Assets As at March 31, 2014 2014 2013 29,561 17,676 REVENUE 13,269 23,109 Donations Other receivables and prepaid expenses 2,367 1,896 Bequests 1,114 3,653 Investments – at fair value 98,116 69,773 Events – net of expenses 1,793 3,342 113,752 94,778 Investment income (loss) – net of expenses 8,275 4,533 40,743 29,204 6,654 6,105 Cash and cash equivalents Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 445 337 EXPENSES Deferred revenue 170 301 Fundraising and administrative 615 638 Excess of revenue over expenses before grants 34,089 23,099 Grants to St. Michael’s Hospital 15,092 9,732 and grants for the year 18,997 13,367 Fund balances – beginning of year 94,140 80,773 Fund balances – end of year 113,137 94,140 Fund Balances 4,341 5,595 Restricted Fund 50,594 48,527 Endowment Fund 58,202 40,018 113,137 94,140 113,752 94,778 General Fund Excess of revenue over expenses This past year, generous donor gifts enabled us to support many initiatives across the hospital to a total of $15.1 million. Here are just some of the equipment and projects that you supported: Surgical Robot ECG Machines Research Infrastructure Knowledge Translation Research Quality Innovation Nursing Scholarships Women’s Health Centre Equipment 12 St. Michael’s Foundation Spinal Navigation Equipment Endowed & Term Chairs Head Injury Research Clinical Fellowships Cystic Fibrosis Education Minimally Invasive Surgical Suite Upgrade Diagnostic Ultrasounds Microscopic Slide Scanner Urgent Care Concussion Centre Gastroenterology Research Head Injury Clinic Oncology Patient Comfort Fund Inspiring Friends Patrick and Barbara Keenan St. Michael’s was most honoured to receive a gift of $4 million from long-time friends of the hospital Patrick (Pat) and Barbara Keenan. The funds created a Chair in Critical Care and Respiratory Medicine and were used to recruit Dr. Laurent Brochard, one of the world’s leading experts in mechanical ventilation. His arrival confirms the hospital’s respiratory diseases, lung injury and mechanical ventilation group as one of the best in the world. This new gift brought the Keenans’ cumulative total giving to an astounding $30 million, making them the most generous cumulative donors in our hospital’s history. Barbara and the late Patrick Keenan established a remarkable legacy at St. Michael’s. We will remember Pat, who passed away on May 1, 2014, with deep affection and tremendous gratitude. Inspire 2018 15 Gary and Donna Slaight “Philanthropy is the engine that drives research and innovation,” says Gary Slaight. This past fall, the Slaight family gave a $10 million gift to help St. Michael’s renovate and double the size of our Emergency Department, allowing it to become a best-in-class facility to be known as the Slaight Family Emergency Department. The gift will establish the definitive 21st century Emergency Department by revolutionizing the space to provide faster, more efficient care in a comfortable environment while reducing wait times – even with a growing population. We are grateful to the Slaight Family for this transformative gift. 16 St. Michael’s Foundation Anonymous A blueprint to end homelessness. Thanks to the Urban Angel Fund for Homeless People On any given night in Toronto, over 5,000 people are homeless. St. Michael’s, founded to serve the disadvantaged, is now an international leader in the care of homeless people. But there is more to be done. Now, thanks to a $10 million gift from an anonymous donor, we’ve created the Urban Angel Fund for Homeless People. This fund will establish a “health-solutions incubator” under the leadership of our Chief of Psychiatry, Dr. Vicky Stergiopoulos, to test new approaches to help homeless people regain their lives and their dignity. Thanks to the generous commitment of this donor, we will work to solve the issue of homelessness in Toronto. Inspire 2018 17 The Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation Geoffrey H. Wood (1896 – 1995) was a Canadian entrepreneur whose success was built on a fierce commitment to innovation. Since his passing, The Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation has made a number of investments in St. Michael’s and now honours his legacy with a $5 million gift to create the state-of-the-art Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation Respirology Unit in our new patient care tower. This unit will provide care for patients with a variety of lung conditions, including the largest adult cystic fibrosis clinic in North America. Our thanks are extended to Chair John Broley, Peter Cathcart and all the Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation Board members for this gift. 18 St. Michael’s Foundation Thank You We sincerely appreciate all gifts. Your support of St. Michael’s this year has made an important difference to patient care, new research and education. The following lists the names of those who made contributions of $1,000 or more between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014. ANGELS ($10,000,000 $24,999,999) Anonymous FOUNDERS ($1,000,000 $2,500,000) Patrick & Barbara Keenan and Family The Slaight Family Foundation FELLOWS ($750,000 - $999,999) The Heart & Stroke Foundation GOVERNORS ($500,000 $749,999) Mark & Ann Curry Arthur & Sonia Labatt BENEFACTORS ($250,000 $499,999) Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited Tony & Anne Arrell BMO Financial Group Brookfield George & Kathy Dembroski Bill & Robin Downe Goldene, Paul & Katherine Gerstl Fund Estate of Neil John Kernaghan Krembil Foundation Tim & Frances Price Donald & Nita Reed PATRONS ($100,000 - $249,999) Amgen Canada Inc. Don & Maris Anderson The Neil W. Baker Family Lloyd & Marie Barbara John & Jocelyn Barford Family Foundation Ronald & Barbara Besse CIBC John & Mary Cassaday The CUMBA Charitable Foundation (Jon & Patricia Johnson) Bill & Barbara Etherington Estates of Harry & Joyce Gibbard Green Shield Canada Jack & Faye Hope Johnson & Johnson Medical Companies Richard & Mai-Liis McCoy Florence Minz RBC Foundation The Gerald Schwartz and Heather Reisman Foundation Scotiabank Ada Slaight SMH Department of Medicine Bernie & Mildred Syron TD Bank Group Allan Waters Family COMPANIONS ($50,000 - $99,999) Astellas Pharma Canada Inc. Estate of Evelyn Anne Ballard Barrick Gold Corporation The R.P. Bratty Charitable Foundation Estate of Robert Sinclair Brown BTGin Co., Ltd. Burgundy Asset Management Ltd. Canada Microsurgical Compass Group Canada Corus Entertainment Inc. Andrew W. & Hillary Cumming The Thor E. and Nicole Eaton Family Charitable Foundation Estates of John and Margaret Fairlie Estate of Paul Russell Frasca Daniel & Joanne Gallo GMD Pharma Solutions/ Ophthalmic Direct Jane Humphreys & Ron Lalonde John S. Hunkin & Susan E. Crocker The Jarislowsky Foundation Patricia & Roger Lace and Family Lorraine & Claude Lamoureux Leon’s Furniture MasterCard Canada Rick & Gayle McGraw Merck Frosst Canada & Co. Middlefield Group James Mountain & Joanne Weaver National Bank of Canada The Naylor Family, in Memory of Peter Lanzarini Michael & Janet Norris In Memory of Ilse Ruff The Seifried and Laciak Family Harcharan & Prem Singh SMH Department of Surgery Smith & Nephew The Sobeys Foundation Daniel & Sandra Sullivan TD Securities Inc. Michael J. Thompson/OAS Benita M. Warmbold & Gerald N. Wood Anonymous (3) CHAMPIONS ($25,000 - $49,999) William O. S. Ballard Bell Canada E.W. Bickle Foundation J-P. Bisnaire & Catherine Ross Bondfield Construction Company Limited Latham & Paddy Ann Burns Stewart & Gina Burton Carpenters’ Union The Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation John & Barbara Carroll Ronald & Susan Chapman CIBC World Markets Cisco Systems Canada Limited Ian & Donna Clarke Inspire 2018 19 FOUNDERS We welcomed six couples as new members to our Founders group, those who have cumulatively given $1 million or more to St. Michael’s. This year we inducted John & Mary Cassaday, William & Barbara Etherington, Anthony & Helen Graham, Donald & Nita Reed, Gerald Schwartz & Heather Reisman and Daniel & Sandra Sullivan. Several of these donors’ gifts will support Inspire 2018. Jenny Coco CompuCom The Marsh & Doris Cooper Charitable Foundation Robert D. Cudney The Arthur and Audrey Cutten Foundation Element Financial Corporation Ellis-Don Construction Ltd. The Fenella Foundation TGA Group Len & Mary Gillis Doug Guzman, Sheila Brown & Family Joan & Clifford Hatch Foundation Egon & Dr. Lucie Tuch Homburger Honeywell Limited Annette N. Jones Ahmad Khodkar Rita M. & Murray J. Leddy John A. Lederer Lenczner Slaght Royce Smith Griffin LLP Donald C. & Susan Lowe Gordon J. & Beverley Manion Estate of Roy Alexander McArthur Morneau Shepell Bill Morneau & Nancy McCain OZZ Electric Inc. Lucie & Joe Pal Frank & Sue Penny The Pottruff Family Foundation The Powis Family Foundation BFI Canada William & Linda Quinn Richard Rooney & Laura Dinner Eamon & Lynda Ryan William & Meredith Saunderson Siemens Canada Ltd. Heather A. Simmons Murray Sinclair SMH Department of Anaesthesia SMH Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology SMH Emergency Physicians SMH Family Medicine Associates SMH Medical Imaging Consultants SMH Volunteer Association Stryker Canada Frank & Maria Techar Teknion Corporation Tesari Charitable Foundation John & Melinda Thompson Richard & Heather Thomson Robert & Bonnie Vistorino Rick & Lynne Waugh Anonymous (2) PARTNERS ($10,000 - $24,999) AACR Inc. Giovanni Agozzino Yveline Audemars & Humberto Rivero Nora Aufreiter & Lawrence Pentland Avaya Canada Corp. Dennis & Julia Bausch Baxter Corporation Estate of Doreen Bear Geoff & Nancy Belsher Beutel, Goodman & Company Limited The Boston Consulting Group Bonnie Boucher Douglas Bradley & Mary Killoran John Brooks Delores Y. Buka-Huculak Edward & Melitta Bumeister Kenneth R. Butler, M.D. Paul Campbell L. Louise Cannon Keith Carrigan Wendy M. Cecil Joseph Cipelli Stephen K. Clements Jane Conte Professional Corporation Sante Corona David Crawford & Julia Holland Elizabeth Crawford William G. Crerar John Cruickshank Tom & Bev Cryer Patti & Gordon Cunningham The Dalglish Family Foundation C. William Daniel Lloyd Darlington Joseph & Alma Daviau FRACTURE CHAIR Dr. Emil Schemitsch was named the Chair in Fracture Care. Created by donor support, this position will support his research on how to best care for patients with musculoskeletal injuries, including gene therapy, bone substitutes, computer-assisted surgery and the stimulation of fracture healing. 20 St. Michael’s Foundation NEW CHAIR Dr. Muhammad Mamdani, director of our Applied Health Research Centre, was named to the Robert and Dorothy Pitts Chair in Integrated Clinical Research, to honour this couple’s wonderful legacy at St. Michael’s. Their generosity has also created chairs in Ophthalmology and Vision Science, held by Dr. Neeru Gupta, and Emergency and Acute Care Medicine, held by Dr. Laurie Morrison. Davis + Henderson Alan Dean & Kathy Kinnear Jane Deighton & Jean Coté Delmeade Construction Ltd. Deloitte Jill Denham & Stephen Marshall DIALOG Diamond and Schmitt Architects Incorporated Frederick & Douglas Dickson Memorial Foundation Sebastian Distefano Al & Paula Donald Dorval Mechanical Inc. Estate of Philipp Eberhardinger Ecosystem Inc. Agnes Faraci Francis Family D.H. Gales Family Charitable Foundation of Toronto Georgiou Family The Melvin & Annette Gilbert Family Garth M. Girvan Global Precast Inc. Linda & Tom Goldspink G.P. Tarulli Medicine Professional Corporation Tim & Darka Griffin Paul G. Griffiths, Jr. John E. Hall M. Elaine Hamilton Scott & Ellen Hand S. Mary Hatch Dr. Seymour Heisler & Eunice Feldman Gavin & Christine Higgs The Hornik Family, In Loving Memory of Daniel Hornik David & Susan Howard Keith & Mary Howard Robert J. Howard, M.D. & Brenda McDowell, M.D. Ken Hugessen & Jennifer Connolly IBM Canada Imperial Capital Intact Insurance William James Estate of Julie-Anne Jarus Garth & Mary Jestley Urban Joseph, O.C. & Lucille Joseph Donna & Fred Kaufman Stuart Kedwell & Dr. Candice Holmes Miriam, Lana, Sheldon & Angie Kerzner Vahan & Susie Kololian Michael & Jane Lay Jae Joon Lee Lerners LLP LoyaltyOne, Inc. Jeffrey C. Lozon & Donna Doherty Lozon Lundbeck Canada Inc. Nancy E.A. Main John Manning & Yahphen Chang Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Ltd. Marek Hospitality Inc. Clifford & Marie Martin McLean Smits Family Foundation Seaton S. McLean McLeish Orlando LLP David & Peggy McLeish Pat & Michelle Meneley Vincent Mercier & Kirsten Halpin Alayne & Ron Metrick Tom & Sarah Milroy and Family Mirza Family David Morkos Fouad F. Morkos Robert Morkos Mother Parker’s Tea & Coffee Inc. & The Higgins Family Estate of Robert Murenbeeld Tom & Susan O’Neill J.E. Panneton Family Foundation Helen McCrea Peacock Foundation Rose Pirri POI Business Interiors/Steelcase Inc. President’s Choice Financial Services Jonas J. Prince Process Products Limited Elly H. Rigg Gioconda D. Rosati Gordon Ross Medical Foundation Molly Rundle, M.D. & Stephen Lister TRAUMA CHAIR Dr. Sandro Rizoli, internationally renowned for his work in trauma and critical care medicine, was recruited from Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre to become our Chair in Trauma Research, made possible by generous donors. Inspire 2018 21 INVESTING IN OUR NURSES Nurses who work at St. Michael’s are passionate about professional nursing that promotes excellence in practice, research and education. Our donors understand the importance of nursing as they have generously supported nursing scholarships and the St. Michael’s Hospital Volunteer Association Chair in Nursing Research, held by Dr. Lianne Jeffs. Gerald Sheff and Shanitha Kachan Shekter, Dychtenberg LLP Arnold Shniffer Helen K. Sinclair Arthur & Myra Slutsky SMH Department of Ophthalmology SMH Department of Otolaryngology SMH Department of Pediatrics SMH Division of Neurosurgery SMH General Surgery Associates St. Michael’s/Wellesley Psychiatric Associates Stephen A. Smith Sokoloff Lawyers The Sonor Foundation The Sam Sorbara Charitable Foundation State Farm The Steele Family Foundation David & Deborah Tennant Richard & Judy Thorpe John H. Tory, Q.C. & Barbara Hackett Robert L. Tundermann Sheila Waengler The W. Garfield Weston Foundation Jilla & Robert Williams Foundation Yorkville Asset Management Inc. Anonymous (7) LEADERS ($1,000 - $9,999) 1203840 Ontario Limited 1249752 Ontario Inc. o/a Mega City Tiling 1274730 Ontario Inc. 3M Canada Company 7576340 Canada Inc. Michael A. Simon Abrahamson, M.D. Beth Abramson, M.D. Acier Wirth Steel Paul Adam, M.D. Estate of Gordon Adams George W. Adamson George N. Addy ADS Forensics Inc. Andrew Advani, M.D. AGMO Drugs Ltd. o/a Main Drug Kamran Ahmad, M.D. Najma Ahmed, M.D. Tom & Mary Akin Naomi Akler Joni Alexander Mary Ann Alexander Alene Alexanian Lida Alexanian Abdul Al-Hesayen, M.D. David G. Allan Lynda J. Allcock Clive V. Allen Maria Allgeier Alpha Laboratories Inc. Filiberto Altomare, M.D. Rupert Altschuler Richard Alway Keith Ambtman Amir - Hessam Limited Estate of Ishbel Kate Anderson Jennifer Anderson, M.D. Aqueduct Foundation Robert D. Armstrong Robin L. Armstrong Victoria Arthur Dan Atkinson Bryan Au, M.D. Avenue Building Corporation AXIA Corporation Kenneth & Dianne Axmith Sydney Bacon Akshay Bagai Andrew J. Baker, M.D. James Baker, M.D. Jeffrey P. Baker, M.D. Ernest Balmer Bedros H. Bambokian Drs. G. Bandiera & J. Ringash Lara L. Banks BankWorks Trading Inc. Lynn Barber Marvin Barnett J.J. Barnicke Ltd. Tony Barozzino, M.D. WINGS OF HOPE More than $55,000 was raised at this year’s 8th annual benefit dinner. Held at the Le Parc Banquet and Conference Centre, and led once again by breast cancer survivor Anna Rossetti and her dedicated committee, the event raised funds to support oncology care at St. Michael’s. 22 St. Michael’s Foundation TAKING A SWING AT SUCCESS The 2013 Urban Angel Golf Classic was another hole-in-one event, despite extreme heat on the tournament day. Thanks to Mike Thompson, John Manning, Vas Georgiou and John King for their extraordinary efforts, leading to our best result yet – $1.1 million net – to support areas of greatest need. Mary Barrow Stella Bartsocas Bass Lake Road House Marion G. Bassett Catherine Bateman Rita Bawa Nancy Baxter, M.D. Bayer Inc. Ahmed Bayoumi, M.D. Christina Beatty Becton Dickinson Canada Inc. Robert & Sharron Beder Kaye & Paul Beeston Oscar Belaiche Bruno Bellisario Gregory S. Belton Benefaction Foundation The Benjamin Foundation Joan M. Bennett Paul Bennett Eric & Marlies Berg Alan R. Berger, M.D., C.M. Philip B. Berger, M.D. Rudolf Bernhardt Roland & Marie Bertin Norma & Larry Bertuzzi Bess-Con Construction Ltd. Marianna Betro Stephen Betschel, M.D. Dusan & Angelic Bezic Aditya Bharatha, M.D. Anita Bhattarai Heleni Bibas Fritz E. Bigall G.A. Birkett Enterprises Inc. Margaret Birkland Mary T. (Terry) Blair Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Blakely & Associates The Leonard & Felicie Blatt Foundation David L. Blenkhorn The BLG Foundation Bloor West Physio Ross S. Blundell, M.D. William & Monique Blundell BMO Capital Markets Joan A. Boardman Stephanie Boesch Danny Bogdanovic John M. Bohnen, M.D. The Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Canada Bonavista Investment Corporation Daniel Bonneau, M.D. Boorne Canadian Graphics Gillian L. Booth Anita Mary Boothe Borden, Ladner, Gervais, LLP Michael Borys Michael & Lisa Boyd Christopher Bozek Cheryl Bozynski Harold H. Braaksma Suzanne Bradbury Swan Patrick G. Bradley Estate of Ernest A. Bradshaw Giovanni Bragagnolo Gerry Brand Ryan Brandham Robert Bray John & Carol Breen Christine Brezden-Masley, M.D. Dr. David & Constance Briant Bridgepoint Financial Services Inc. Bridgewater Associates, LP J. Paul Brisbois The Brooke Foundation Rob & Teresa Brouwer David A. Browne Russ Bruch Joseph Bruni, M.D. Buchner Manufacturing Inc. Gerhard Buchner Donald F. Buckley Harry A. Buckley Chris Buller, M.D. Albert P. Burchfield A.H. Burchfield Family Foundation Malcolm E. Burford Dorothy Burke Michael Burke Michael A. Burke Marcus Burnstein, M.D. SPIRIT OF PHILANTHROPY This year our Spirit of Philanthropy winner was Dr. Alan Berger, chief of the Department of Ophthalmology, who has been exceptional in his support of our fundraising for the new eye centre, part of our Inspire 2018 campaign. With over 70,000 visits last year alone, the St. Michael’s eye clinic is the busiest in the province. Inspire 2018 23 SQUIRES-HYLAND TRUST DINNER The 39th Annual Squires-Hyland Trust Dinner, organized by the committee chaired by Patti Carmichael Pilon, recognized nine physicians for their practice of medicine and mentorship and raised over $40,000. The guest speaker was Dr. Peter A. Singer, chief executive officer, Grand Challenges Canada. John T. Butcher George & Martha Butterfield Robert J. Byrick, M.D. John C. Cairns Caldwell Securities Ltd. C. Douglas Caldwell Elizabeth Caldwell Cambridge Drywall Services Ltd. Vern Campbell, M.D. Capital IQ Edge & Mary Caravaggio John Carayanis Donald A. Carmichael Carson Dunlop & Associates Ltd. Catastrophic Injury Management Inc. CGC Inc. CGT Management Ben & Joyce Chan Bok Chan, M.D. David K. Chan, M.D. Deven Chandra, M.D. Murray Chant David Chapman Charities Aid Foundation America Allan C. Chartrand Felix P. Chee Sohail Cheema, M.D. Robert J. B. Chen, M.D. Amy H. Cheng Joe & Vincenta Cheng Peter Ka Wah Cheng Connie Chiang Vincent Chien, M.D. Robert & Virginia Chisholm Catherine Chiu Christine Chiu Anton & Birte v. Chlumecky-Bauer Heather Y. Choi Chi-Ming Chow, M.D. David Chow, M.D. Valerie & David Christie James D. Church Myroslav Chwaluk Roberto Ciasca CIP Group Citrolad Canada (Juices) Inc. John & Lynn Clappison Karl Clarke Ann Clavelle Robert Close, M.D. Club 2000 Terence & Margaret Coates Halle & Howard Cohen Errol Colak, M.D. Angela Colavita The Lucia Colavita Foundation Cynthia Collantes The Gerard & Earlaine Collins Foundation Gary Colter & Victoria Shipp James Colvin Comfort Vacuum Service Ltd. Commercial Drywall Supply (Ontario) Inc. Andrew A. Common, M.D. Mark & Holly Connelly Kim Connelly, M.D. Marilyn Cook Cooper Mediation Inc. Barry & Susanne Cooper David J. Cooper Joseph Cooper Terence D. Corcoran Brian Cornelson, M.D. Cosella-Dorken Products, Inc. Diane & Gary Cotton Dermot G. Coughlan Court Holdings Limited James A. Coutts James Raymond Cowling Foundation Creative Planning Corporate Insurance Services Inc. Cresa Toronto Crestridge Asset Management Inc Dominic & Lynda Cristina Mary & John Crocker Ian & Beth Croft Estate of Dorothy Irene Helen Cronyn Michael Cruickshank CSL Behring Canada, Inc. Paul Curley & Debra O’Rourke Edward Curran Cusimano Family YOUNG LEADERS Our St. Michael’s Young Leaders had another record-breaking year raising $227,000 with their three signature events, The Duffer, The Giver and The Dodger. The group has committed to raising $1 million for our new Emergency, a key element in our Inspire 2018 campaign. Jesse Cassaday and Ryan Howard have been succeeded as co-chairs by Tyler Howard and Brad Lawrence. 24 St. Michael’s Foundation THE BEST EDUCATION According to a survey of students who did their placements at St. Michael’s, 97 per cent would opt to do it here once again. A great testimonial to the quality of the educational experience that this hospital offers! St. Michael’s welcomes close to 3,000 students from 20 universities and colleges each year. Adrianna Czornyj Michelle Dalcourt Jenny & Peter Damianoff Evridiki Damilatis Daniels Sharpsmart Canada Ltd. Edgar & Patricia Daniels William Darrah, M.D. Sunit Das, M.D. Will Davidson LLP Dawn L. Davis Luigino De Faveri Michelle De Los Santos Scott Debenham John & Margaret Deeks Wayne Deitel, M.D. Delgrove Enterprises Inc. Margaret Fuoger Depew Brenda Derbyshire Douglas & Margaret Derry Tercio Dias Ian Dick Jeffrey Dickson, M.D. Mary Anne Dickson Jeremy S. Dietrich Alan & Elizabeth Dilworth Estate of Mildred Iona Dobbs Leonard Dodds Christopher James Doig Professional Corporation Dominion Warehousing & Distribution Services Ltd. Paul Dorian, M.D. Claudia Dos Santos, M.D. Ronald & Lynda Douglas Vera Dounaevskaia, M.D. Steven Douville Timothy Dowdell, M.D. Stephen Downes Duncan G. & Elizabeth Drummond Karen A. D’Silva Joe C. Dwek E.B. Rich Research Merrill Ed-Pierre Jeremy M. Edwards, M.D. Jacqueline Elliott Emerald Foundation Endo Networks Inc. Lee Errett, M.D. Doone & George Estey Jonathan Evans Robert & Nancy Evans Rosalie Fabricius E. Arthur Faint Neil Fam, M.D. Ross M. Farewell Timothy Farlow Marie E. Faughnan, M.D. Mark J. Feldman & Alexandra Hoy Frank G. Felkai Ronald S. Fenton, M.D. Eugenia Fenzor Peter & Catherine Ferren Evangeline Ferrer Ella & Paul Ferris John & Pierrette Ferth William & Rosemary Fillmore Laurence & Vera Finkelstein Pamela J. Fisher Scott Fisher David Fitchett, M.D. Michael Flammia Ignatius W. Fong, M.D. Peter Fong Shirley Forde Nicholas & Sally Forrest Michael Forsayeth Elizabeth Forster Fort House Investments Limited Vito Forte, M.D. Stuart Foster Four Seasons Drywall George & Susan Fowlie Fox Rehabilitation Fox Family Terry Fox Margaret J. Francis Frank Fraser Hillary Fraser Eileen Freedman Michael R. Freeman, M.D. Sloane Freeman, M.D. Christine M. French J. Wilson French MCGEE-CLARK “The Boys” celebrated the 11th anniversary of the McGee-Clark Fundraiser named in honour of Mary (McGee) Pierre and Catherine (Clark) Lonergan who lost their lives to cancer. Proceeds from this event, which cumulatively have topped $165,000, will support a patient room in our new Oncology Inpatient Unit, part of our Inspire 2018 campaign. Inspire 2018 25 Charlotte Huitema can’t remember the January 19th car accident. Her parents, however, will never forget. OPP officers approached her father, Nick, at his farm in Cayuga: their daughter had been flown from the scene to St. Michael’s Hospital. Charlotte was placed in a coma for 20 days to reduce the swelling of her brain. It was another nine days before she could speak. Her family was reading to her when Charlotte whispered, “I can read.” For her mother, Cindy, it meant her daughter’s brain was functioning, and she knew that Charlotte would be okay. Charlotte, 19, a Mohawk College student and varsity athlete, lost 15 pounds lying in bed. Recovering at home, Charlotte says, “I’m learning how to do things again and it’s hard, but I’m grateful I’m still here.” Her mother adds, “St. Michael’s was the best place, with the best care. We thank God every day it was a good outcome.” Charlotte, second from the right, is seen with her family, including, from left, brother John, sister Stephanie, father Nick, sister Nicole and at far right, mother Cindy. 26 St. Michael’s Foundation OUT OF THE ROUGH Howie, Sacks and Henry LLP once again was the presenting sponsor of Out of the Rough Golf Tournament at Angus Glen Golf Club and the tournament raised over $98,000 to benefit St. Michael’s Head Injury Clinic. The largest of its kind in Ontario, our clinic provides care for over 1,400 patients a year in the Greater Toronto Area. Michael French Wendy French Jan Friedrich, M.D. Functionability Rehabilition Services Inc. G. K. Associates & Construction Inc. John & Barbara Gable Gamma-Dynacare Medical Labs Dava Gangursky Gateway Chevrolet Geo Oldsmobile Nance J. Gelber Ralph George, M.D. Georgian Bay Fire & Safety Ltd Virgenette C. Gesulgon Louis R. Giavedoni, M.D. David & Dooney Gibson Glenn & Megan Gibson Edward Gilbert Richard Gilbert, M.D. Gilead Sciences Canada, Inc. Valerie Gillis Howard Ginsberg, M.D. Marianne E. Girling David R. Glue Rahat Godil Louis M. Goelman Jeannette Goguen, M.D. Barry I. Goldberg Frank Goldberg, M.D. Michael & Nancy Goldberg Golden Thai Restaurant Louise & Mark Golding Gomberg Mediation Solutions Inc. Shaun Goodman, M.D. & Family Google Crawford Gordon Hubert Gottlob Kevin Gough, M.D. Robert & Janet Gouinlock Anthony F. Graham, C.M., M.D. John Graham, M.D. Brock & Elsie Grant Gordana Graovac Bruce Gray, M.D. Douglas D. Gray Green For Life Waste & Recycling Solutions Corp Hartley & Lorna Greenbaum Samir C. Grover, M.D. Raymond & Audrey Groves Gryphon International Investment Corporation The Guarantee Company of North America Dr. Neeru Gupta and Dr. Yeni Yucel Dr. Rajesh & Sonia Gupta Samir Gupta, M.D. H.H. Angus & Associates Ltd. Estate of Mary Helen Haddock David Hall, M.D. Supt. Lorne E. Hall, RCMP (Ret’d.) Mitchell L. Halperin, M.D. Ahmed Hamdy, M.D. David I. Hamer Margaret L. Hamilton McCabe Gabrielle S. Hamilton Robert K. Hammill Paul Hanley John Hanlon, M.D. Amir Hanna, M.D. Laura Hans, M.D. Palle Hansen Rashida Haq, M.D. Gregory Hare, M.D. Ziv Harel Bethany Harper Judy Harquail David Harris Mr. & Mrs. D.J. Hartnett Christopher Hayes, M.D. The Healing Cycle Foundation Health Care Solutions Construction Management Elena M. Heard Audrey M. Heinz George & Linda Heller Henderson Structured Settlements LP William Henderson Gail D. Hendrie & Anthony O. Hendrie Stuart Hensman Mary E. Herman Christopher Hicks, M.D. Lisa Hicks, M.D. CARPENTERS’ UNION GOLF TOURNAMENT The Carpenters’ Union hosted their first of four annual golf tournaments, bringing in $40,000 to support St. Michael’s Division of Gastroenterology. Representatives from the group presented the cheque to Dr. Jeffrey Baker and Mae Burke. Our inpatient clinical teaching unit is the largest of the University of Toronto teaching hospitals, treating over 600 patients each year. 28 St. Michael’s Foundation TREE OF LIFE CAMPAIGN We were privileged to be the beneficiary of Shoppers Drug Mart’s Tree of Life campaign for the second year in a row. Representatives from Shoppers Drug Mart locations across Toronto presented a cheque for more than $65,000 in support of oncology. Karen L. Hill Donald W. Hillhouse Himelfarb Proszanski LLP Alexander Ho, M.D. Gloria W. Ho Victor Hoffstein, M.D. G. Malcolm Hogarth Geoffrey H. Hogarth Marika J. Hohol, M.D. Richard L. Holbrook Peter Hollidge Marion V. Holmes R. John D’A Honey, M.D. Aaron Hong, M.D. Joan M. Hood Patrick & Andrea Horan Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. George Horner Dorothy M. Hornung Joan P. HoSang Lloyd J. Houser Patricia Houston, M.D. Tyler J. Howard Janice Lynne Howe Marina Hromadka William P. Hudd Kim Gee Hum Glenn B. Hunnings Bryce & Connie Hunter Gilbert A. Hurwitz, M.D. James A. Hutton Stephen W. Hwang, M.D. Robert H. Hyland, M.D. Frank Iacobucci IBM Canada Ltd. Employees Charitable Fund Teresa Ierullo In Accessories Industrial Textiles Limited Inkwell Marketing Inc. International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local 50 E. Jan Irvine, M.D. Kristian & Margaret Isberg Elko & James Ito Richard & Donna Ivey Jackman Foundation Neye Jainudeen Peter Janetos A. Fred Jarvis Fred Jarvis Paul Jelec Owen Jenkins Sandra Jenkinson Ole & Hanne Jensen The Norman & Margaret Jewison Charitable Foundation Arthur & Claire Jobin Michelle John Yvonne Johnston Hwan Joo, M.D. Ronald Jorgensen Robert G. Josse, M.D. Philip Kaegi Kamel S. Kamel, M.D. Gabor Kandel, M.D. Mariel O’Neill Karch & Pierre Karch Charles W. Karn Kasian Architecture Ontario Incorporated Mark D. Kassirer Beverly & Mark Kataoka, M.D. Abraham Katz, M.D. Thomas Kaul, M.D. Andreas & Evridiki Kazas K-Bro Linen Systems Edward Keays Margaret Keen Hazel Kelleher Burton H. Kellock Michelle Kelson P. Anna Kempff Ross L. & Ann E. Kennedy Kensington Capital Partners Limited David Kent KeyNorth Professional Services Group Inc. Jacques Khammar Kamran Khan, M.D. Valli Kichodhan Han K. Kim FOSTERING A CULTURE OF GIVING We are pleased to announce Dr. Anthony Graham as our new Medical Director of Philanthropy, whose role is to encourage physician and staff support for fundraising. We would like to acknowledge the dedication and work of Dr. Bob Hyland, who first held this position and who has finished his term in this role. Inspire 2018 29 A NEW URBAN ANGEL Building on past successes while anticipating future trends and the needs of our donors, we launched an entirely redesigned Urban Angel newsletter in a magazinestyle format. The new style and content, which included recipes, health tips and reading suggestions, aimed to be more consumer-focused and a publication that readers would want to refer to and share with family and friends. Hyung Seob Kim & Heather Choi Young-In Kim, M.D. David C. King Limited Eric King Barbara Kinnear (Oyler) Carolyn Acker & David W. Kinnear Mary Kirby-Diaz Anish Kirpalani, M.D. James Kitchens, M.D. David Klein, M.D. Hubert & Bernice Kleysen David M. Knight Audree M. Koehle James E. Koen Andrew Kolody Peter & Ine Koonings Peter A. Kopplin, M.D. Victoria Korley, M.D. Marianna Korman Paul Kortan, M.D. Judy & Carl Korte Sheila A. Kotsopoulos Alice Kousaie KPMG Charitable Foundation Jonathan Krehm Philip J. Kroft Sunil Kumar Michael Kutryk, M.D. Gordon Kuzmanovic Shiu Bing Kwan Yik Cheung Kwok Claire O. Kyle Ignazio La Delfa, M.D. John G. Laffey Wah Sam Lai Alice Lai-Ma Melenda Lam Bill Lambert Giovanni Lamenza Lape Holdings Corp. Richard Laprairie Gregory Larivee Craig Lauder & Jane Cooke-Lauder Andreas Laupacis, M.D. Paul Laurent Patrick Lavelle Donna Law Susanne Law Virginia Law Judy & Bill Lawlor Josephine Laxton LeadingEdge Payroll Group Alexander Lederman Daniel Lee Darren Lee Jason Y. Lee John Lee, M.D. Karen K. Lee Michelle Y. Lee Patricia J. Lee Sabrina K. Lee Warren Lee, M.D. Yuna Lee, M.D. Lawrence A. Leiter, M.D. Leon Frazer & Associates Inc. Constance Leon Terrence & Mari Josette Leon Robert S. Leon Howard Leong-Poi, M.D. Janet C. Leslie Steve Lessard Fok-Han Leung, M.D. Peter T. Leung, M.D. Richard Leung, M.D. Richard Levene, M.D. Susan G. Levesque Wendy Levinson, M.D. Steven Levy, Ph.D & Michelle De Los Santos Christopher K. Li, M.D. Kevin Li Galit Liffshiz and Associates Inc. Kenneth Lin, M.D. Roger Lindsay Sid & Janet Lindsay Lipton Polisuk Inc. The Lipton Family Littlejohn Barristers Peter Liu Nick Lo, M.D. The Frank and Azniv Lochan Family Foundation Deborah and the late Michael Locke 2013 HOLIDAY CAMPAIGN This year’s holiday campaign drew on the theme of health as the “The Best Gift of All.” We featured seven compelling grateful patient and family stories highlighting successful recoveries and experiences at St. Michael’s. Seen in the poster to the left with his dog, Kennedy, is Paul, who had an “awake craniotomy” at St. Michael’s to treat a brain tumour. 30 St. Michael’s Foundation New Support for the Homeless St. Michael’s is known for its outreach to Toronto’s inner city and for its expertise in treating the homeless people who are mentally ill. The Urban Angel Fund for Homeless People, established this year through the generosity of an anonymous donor, will give our Chief of Psychiatry, Dr. Vicky Stergiopoulos new resources to develop new models of mental health care for this vulnerable population. Carol Loffelmann, M.D. Huston & Ivy Loke Longford International Ltd. Catherine Longley, M.D. Hugh F. Lorriman Robert Ludvik Hang Luong Elio Luongo Neil MacCarthy John D. MacDonald Lilias M. MacDonald R. Loch Macdonald, M.D. Rory MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Hartland M. MacDougall Neil A. MacDougall Ronald L. MacFeeters Susan MacGregor MacGregors Meat and Seafood Ltd. Jane MacKeil David MacKinnon, M.D. Tim D. Macklaier D. Edward Macklin James L. Mahoney, M.D. Ryan Mai, M.D. A. Peter Maika Walter Mak, M.D. Malach & Fidler Mediation & Arbitration Services Mike Malascalza Laurie Malone Joseph K. Man Iqwal Mangat, M.D. Manulife Asset Management Manulife Financial Diane M. Mara Millie Maranich Norman Marcon, M.D. Danny Marcuzzi, M.D. Mariani’s Custom Clothier Guido A. Marini Thomas Marotta, M.D. Pauline Marrec Philip A. Marsden, M.D. Patricia Marsh Patrick Marston Martin Merry & Reid Limited Evelyn E. Martin Rachel Martin, M.D. Waldtraut (Wally) G. Martin Ronald A. Masleck Robert Mason Irving Matlow Gary R. May, M.D. C. David Mazer, M.D. Michael Mazzuca Patrick F. McBrien Linda M. McCain McCarthy Tétrault LLP William & Patricia McDermott Wendy & Chris McDowall Frederick G. McDowell Lois H. McDowell Philip McFarlane, M.D. Sandra G. McGuire Catherine McHugh Kieran McIntyre McKellar Structured Settlements Inc. Ian McKinnon McKinsey & Company Dr. David J. McKnight Kenneth McLaughlin Joanne L. McLean John Stuart McLean, M.D. Mary McLoone, M.D. McNabb Roick Events Dianne M. McNeil John & Susan McNeil Medbuy Corporation Filomena Meffe, M.D. Roy & Barbara Megarry Beverlee Melamed & Associates Inc. Lorne & Norma Melara Dieter W. Menzel Andrea Metrick Metropolitan Plumbing and Heating Contractors Association Anneliese Meyer Michael Bros. Excavating Gyl Midroni, M.D. Barbara Milligan Frank & Barbara Milligan Mint Pharmaceuticals Inc. Shirley Missios President’s Council The President’s Council this past year made a gift of $1 million toward several priorities of our Inspire 2018 campaign. Their investment will support a number of initiatives, including the new eye centre, the Chair in Voice Disorders and the new Emergency Department. The Council, led by Bill Butt, seen in the photo, is a group of business leaders, who provide advice and counsel to the Foundation. Inspire 2018 31 New Support for Cardiac Research St. Michael’s is one of 19 institutions chosen to be part of a new funding commitment from the Heart & Stroke Foundation. The $7.2 million donation to St. Michael’s aims to accelerate progress to reduce the rate of heart disease and stroke by 25 per cent by 2020. David Sculthorpe, CEO, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada, is seen in the photo, announcing the gift. Bruce & Vladka Mitchell Eva Mocarski, M.D. Gordon W. Moe, M.D. Robert & Barbara Moffatt Nancy & Christopher Molson Juan Carlos Monge, M.D. Walter J. Montanera, M.D. Larry Moodie Joan Moore Terrence L. Moore, M.D. F.K. Morrow Foundation George W. O. Moss, M.D. Bradley Moulton Ophyr Mourad, M.D. Mitze Mourinho Matthew Muller, M.D. Rajeev Muni, M.D. Derek Muradali, M.D. Aaron Murenbeeld Alexandra Murphy Brendon Murphy In memory of John Murphy Steve & Linda Muzzo Munira Nanji James Neill Nelson Aggregate Co. Erone Newman Lilian Wai-King Ngai Bernardine Ngan Tony Nguyen Bruce & Joan Nicholson Paul Nicoletti Bienvenido Nisperos Lyne Noel de Tilly, M.D. Alain Normand Nicole Normand Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. Marie E. O’Connor Paul O’Connor Paul W. O’Connor, M.D. Octapharma Canada Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. O’Donoghue Antonietta Olimpio Omega Medical Associates Ltd. Onex Corporation OPG Employees’ and Pensioners’ Charity Trust Fund Pauline S. Orr Solveiga Osis-Brand John O’Toole Clifford A. Ottaway, M.D. Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish #0620 Owens Corning Canada Helen Owh Kenneth Pace, M.D. Valerie L. Palda, M.D. Rocco & Antonietta Palmieri Paradigm Capital Bo Park Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Joanne Parker James M. Parks Parkview BMW Cornelius Pasichny Murray & Marjorie Paterson Katerina Pavenski, M.D. Dawn Pearce, M.D. John Peers Jeffery Perl, M.D. Perry’s Roofing Ltd. Mark D. Peterson, M.D. & Mala Chidambaram, M.D. Pfizer Canada Inc. Thomas Phelps Christopher & Merrill Pierre Arnold Pintér, M.D. The Pittsburgh Foundation Raymond Pladsen Rhona & Leon Platt Judith Poe Rachel A. Poley Brian A. Pollard, M.D. Dale Ponder & Jon Venutti Catherine Ponesse Francis W. Powell Thomas E. Powers Vikramaditya Prabhudesai, M.D. Ramesh Prasad, MBBS John A. Prentice Prime Data Joan Primeau Principe Nafekh Ltd. Andrew & Valerie Pringle The Gift of Rest Thanks to the generosity of the Serta Mattress Company, and the help of Hudson’s Bay, our residents have five new mattresses for their on-call rooms. Chief Medical Resident Dr. Reena Pattani, in photo, and Dr. Fahad Razak, were joking about the precious moments of sleep on-call when they both had an idea – and reached out to Hudson’s Bay, a St. Michael’s community partner for 20 years. 32 St. Michael’s Foundation GLOBAL FIRST A gift from Barbara and the late Patrick Keenan recruited Dr. Laurent Brochard, one of the world’s leading experts in mechanical ventilation, from Geneva University Hospital in Switzerland. Joining Dr. Arthur Slutsky and Dr. Christer Sinderby, Dr. Brochard’s arrival confirms the hospital’s respiratory diseases, lung injury and mechanical ventilation group as one of the best in the world. Antoine Pronovost, M.D. Sara Pulla Joseph D. Quarin J. Vincent Quigley Maureen Quigley & Patrick Reid Rudolf & Madeline Radics Enzo Ragno Raj Rampersaud Shirley Rance Joel Ray, M.D. Lesley G. Rayner Darcy G. Rector Mary Redekopp Rehab First Inc. Joseph Reiss Carl Renzoni Revay and Associates Limited Ian & Diane Rhind Jacqueline H. Ribordy Karen Richards Richardson GMP David I. Richardson Alexander & Shirley Richman Andrea Rigamonti, M.D. Anne Ritchie David F. Ritchie Margot Ritchie Ralph Robinson Trevor I. Robinson, M.D. Caroline Roe John & Lynda Rogers Cathy Roozen Barrie D. Rose Michael Rose Rex H. Rose Andrea S. Rosen Ian G. Rosmarin The John & Tuula Ross Charitable Foundation Charles F. Ross Roslyn Roth Bruce M. Rothney Ori D. Rotstein, M.D. Robert Rottapel, M.D. Katherine Rouleau, M.D. Bryan & Elizabeth Rowntree The Royal Canadian Legion Patricia and David Rubin Family Trust William J. Rupert Estate of Marjorie Helen Russell Geri Lea Russett Dale Ryan, M.D. Heather Ryan Mahdokht Safari Salesforce.com Foundation Salumatics Inc. Sanders Steel Inc. Jane Sanderson Sands Commercial Floor Coverings Gustavo Saposnik, M.D. Robert Sargeant, M.D. Dipanka Sarma, M.D. Abheha Satkunaratnam, M.D. Robert Saunders Michael T. Sawa, M.D. Patricia Sawa Erika Sayers Angela Scalisi Joseph Schlesinger Jacob H. Schneiderman, M.D. Martin Schreiber, M.D. Arthur Scrannage Daniel Selchen, M.D. Gavin Sendrowski Heather A. Senst Peter D. Senst Serta Mattress Company Services OR LP/SEC William Sewell Harry & Lillian Seymour Michael D. Sgro, M.D. Dilawar Shaban Peter Sharawy Uma Shastri Robert & Sheila Sheaffer and Family Donna & Stanley Shenkman Dong-Sam & Choong-Nyu Shin Judith Shostack Rachel Shupak, M.D. John G. Shuter Stephen P. Sigurdson Humberto Simao Doug & Paula Sinclair Giving Back “St. Mike’s is my hospital,” says Dick Bezic, businessman and father of celebrated figure skaters Val and Sandra Bezic. Dick was inspired to give back because of the care he received from cardiologist Dr. Anthony Graham. “Donor support is very important,” he says. “I would not be here if it were not for the modern equipment used to perform my angioplasty that donors helped to purchase.” Inspire 2018 33 Kwinter Singer Tara Singh Ronny Sirizzotti Estate of Hannah Po Yau Siu SK Law Management Inc. Pamela Sloan Catherine Smee SMH Breast Centre SMH Department of Laboratory Medicine SMH Division of Cardiology SMH Division of Infectious Disease SMH Division of Orthopedic Surgery SMH Division of Plastic Surgery Practice Plan SMH Division of Urology Janet Smylie, M.D. Ken Snowdon Henry H. So Julian Spears, M.D. Julia Spence, M.D. Gregory Sportun Gordon & Laurie Squires Estate of Helen Allen Stacey George & Cynthia Stalk Tom Steeves, M.D. Brian D. Steinhart, M.D. Anne Stephenson, M.D. Lorne & Sue Stephenson E.A. Stevens James M. Stewart, M.D. Robert B. Stewart, M.D. Stikeman Elliott Zoe Stikeman Elizabeth A. Stinson Peter K. Stinson Alan J. & Cheryl Stoddart Strathbridge Asset Management Inc. Sharon Straus, M.D. Catherine Streutker, M.D. Ivor and Maureen Stuart-Sheppard The S. Sturino Family Murray P. Sullivan Joanne R. Sutherland Robert Sutherland Sysco Corporation T.W. Noseworthy Professional Corporation Darrell H. Tan, M.D. Phyllis Tanaka Ihor G. Taraschuk 34 St. Michael’s Foundation Richard F. Tayler Ronald Taylor Tecumsethview Farms Jerome M. Teitel, M.D. The Teixeira Family Leon Tessler The Herjavec Group Bill Thomas Tim Thomas Douglas A. Thompson Edward G. Thompson Greg Thompson Margaret A. Thompson, M.D. Ursula A. Thomson Kiem Thung Elizabeth Todd Alina Toma, M.D. Toronto East Rotary Club Foundation Claude Tousignant, M.D. Anne Trafford Khai M. Tram, M.D. Robert S. Trimbee Martina A. Trinkaus, M.D. Elizabeth & William Truelove James Truill Jacqueline Tuffin Elizabeth Tullis, M.D. Cable Ready Systems Ltd. Don and Betty Tytler Foundation Tetiana Tyzkyj Clay & Linda Ullrich Unisource Canada UPS-SCS - Mississauga Imelda R. Uy Peter Vadas, M.D. Bert & Joy Van Kleef Mark Van Slooten Hilde Vandenberghe Luc A. Vanneste Barbara J. Vari Mariamillai Velan Francesco Vergati John E. Verity Vestcap Investment Management Inc. Grant Vistorino James P. Waddell, M.D. Rachel Wald, M.D. & Ron Wald, M.D. John A. Walker Margaret Walker Gladys E. Walrond Peter & Louise Walter Allan Walton Jeffrey Wassermann, M.D. John & Josie Watson Nicholas Watson William J. Watson, M.D. Jill R. Webster David & Margaret Weinberg Jordan Weinstein, M.D. William J. Weiser, M.D. Stephen Wetmore Darryl & Cassandra White Wendell & Christina Wigle William Prager Limited David Williams David & Susan Willmot David Wilson Michael H. Wilson Winberg Foundation Waldemar Winogradow The Honey & Leonard Wolfe Family Charitable Foundation Barbara & Harvey Wolfe Maria Wolfs, M.D. Natalie Wolpert, M.D. Camilla Wong, M.D. Cheuk-Kwong Wong David T. Wong, M.D. Natalie Wong, M.D. The Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation Robert G. Woodrooffe Minnie Yack Andrew Yan, M.D. Kam-Ling Yao YM Inc. Morden S. Yolles The Young Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Zalev Jeffrey Zaltzman, M.D. Fred Zander Aldo S. Zicarelli Molly Zirkle, M.D. Maria L. Zorzitto, M.D. Beth & Ray Zucchiatti Carole Zucker Zwig Family Foundation Anonymous (16) Cumulative Gifts We wish to pay tribute to a special group of friends who inspire others through their outstanding generosity and deep commitment to this hospital. The following lists individuals and corporations who have given or pledged more than $500,000 over the years to help Toronto’s Urban Angel. Archangel ($25,000,000 +) Patrick & Barbara Keenan and Family Li Ka Shing (Canada) Foundation Angel ($10,000,000 - $24,999,999) The Slaight Family Foundation Anonymous Builders ($5,000,000 $9,999,999) BMO Financial Group Terrence Donnelly LL.D., O.Ont. The Heart & Stroke Foundation Estate of Leona Hummel Krembil Foundation Arthur & Sonia Labatt Doug & Jean Martin The Margaret & Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc. Mr. & Mrs. L.L. Odette Allan Waters Family The Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation Visionaries ($2,500,000 $4,999,999) Tony & Anne Arrell Brookfield CIBC Cara Operations Limited George & Kathy Dembroski Johnson & Johnson Medical Companies Sophie Lewar Trust Stephan Lewar Trust The R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation F.K. Morrow Foundation Dorothy M. Pitts RBC Foundation Scotiabank SMH Volunteer Association Anonymous Founders ($1,000,000 $2,499,999) Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited Estate of Elizabeth Aleen Aked AstraZeneca Canada Inc. The Harold E. Ballard Foundation Lloyd & Marie Barbara John & Jocelyn Barford Family Foundation Ralph M. Barford The Bitove Family The R.P. Bratty Charitable Foundation Brazilian Carnival Ball 2002 The Brenninkmeyer Family Estate of Robert Sinclair Brown John & Mary Cassaday Celebration of Voice Clarice Chalmers, LL.D., O.Ont Elizabeth A. & Richard J. Currie, O.C. Mark & Ann Curry Elisa Di Bartolomeo - Di Lorenzo Bill & Robin Downe Bill & Barbara Etherington Estates of John and Margaret Fairlie Roy Foss & Family Gaetano & Giuseppina Gagliano Anthony R. & Helen Graham John S. Hunkin & Susan E. Crocker The Jarislowsky Foundation Karl Storz Endoscopy Canada Ltd. Lombard Canada Ltd. George E. Mara & Diane Mara Rick & Gayle McGraw Robert W. McRae Middlefield Group Bill Morneau & Nancy McCain Municipality of Metro Toronto David & Anne Patterson Tim & Frances Price Donald & Nita Reed Fondation Baxter & Alma Ricard The Rotary Club of Toronto The Gerald Schwartz and Heather Reisman Foundation Sisters of St. Joseph Ada Slaight SMH Department of Medicine Squires-Hyland Trust St. Michael’s Young Leaders Daniel & Sandra Sullivan Bernie & Mildred Syron TD Bank Group John H. Tory, Q.C. & Barbara Hackett Peter & Louise Walter Rick & Lynne Waugh Don Wright, Mus.D. Estate of Viola M. Young Antonietta Danisi & David Young, M.D. Anonymous Fellows ($750,000 - $999,999) Baxter Corporation The Thor E. and Nicole Eaton Family Charitable Foundation The Henry White Kinnear Foundation Manulife Financial Roche Canada Estate of Lawrence Edmund Ryan Sanofi-Aventis SMH Head Injury Clinic Governors ($500,000 - $749,999) 4539745 Canada Inc. Amgen Canada Inc. Don & Maris Anderson The Neil W. Baker Family Estate of Rodney Stewart Barron Bayer Inc. Canadian Heart Research Centre The Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation Wendy M. Cecil Inspire 2018 35 W.C. Cheung, M.D. The CIBC Wood Gundy Children’s Miracle Foundation Clear Channel Outdoor The Clement Talbot Foundation (for the Prevention of Vascular Disease) Con-Drain Company Limited Patti & Gordon Cunningham Dominic & Pearl D’Alessandro Stanley Deluce & Angela Deluce General Motors of Canada Ltd. Len & Mary Gillis Great West Life, London Life and Canada Life Green Shield Canada Joan & Clifford Hatch Foundation Jane Humphreys & Ron Lalonde Nelson Arthur Hyland Foundation IBM Canada William James Merck Frosst Canada & Co. Mother Parker’s Tea & Coffee Inc. & The Higgins Family Edmond & Gloria Odette Estate of Peter L. Pelmear RBC Capital Markets SMH Medical Imaging Consultants Smith & Nephew St. George’s Society of Toronto Estate of Elizabeth Tackaberry Michael J. Thompson/OAS Estate of Betty Florence Turnbull Anonymous (2) Tribute and Memory Gifts We received cumulative gifts of $1,000 and more in honour or in memory of these individuals between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014. Dr. Beth Abramson Alice Adams Henry Ahn, M.D., PhD, FRCSC Dr. Jameel Ali Margeuretta M. Allen Dr. Filoberto Altomare Nikolaos Anastassiou Dr. Jennifer Anderson Clarence Wilfred Ausman Ray Bala Joseph J. Barnicke Michael Barylo Dr. Nancy Baxter Betty May Beaumont Dr. Philip Berger Dr. Aditya Bharatha Gabriel S. Blackett Dr. Earl Bogoch Dr. Daniel Bonneau Cheryl Bozynski Anna Marguerite Bradbury Gerald Brand Dr. Christine Brezden-Masley T. Connell Broden Heather Leckie Bryant Dr. Chris Buller Eleanor Butler 36 St. Michael’s Foundation Dr. Kenneth Butler Shari Canning Deh Yen Cheng Margaret Wai-Man Cheung & Kai Wing Cheung Dr. Robert Chisholm Dan Chiu John T. Christie Joyce Comber Marsh Cooper Dr. Michael Cusimano Dr. Tim Daniels Dr. Sunit Das Salvatore DeCaria Michael DeFrancesco Gerald George Dobbs John A. Donald Dr. Paul Dorian Yvonne Erwin Dr. Michael Freeman Lucy Gangursky Dr. Ralph George Dr. Louis Giavedoni Mel Gilbert Len Gillis Dr. Howard Ginsberg Mary Godfrey Steven Golick Paul B. Gourlie Audrey Gouskos Dr. Anthony F. Graham Dr. Dale E.H. Gray Dr. Samir Grover Julius Hamilton Dr. Rashida Haq Sharron Head Dr. Lisa Hicks Abigail Higgins Dr. R. John Honey Daniel Hornik Erast Huculak Dr. Robert Hyland The Honourable Frank Iacobucci Dennis W. Jones Dr. Robert Josse Hans Peter Kaegi Dr. Kamel Kamel Dr. Gabor Kandel Aliki Kopchis Dr. Paul Kortan Elizabeth Krehm Dr. Michael Kutryk Peter Lanzarini Dr. David Latter Shou Qun Lau Dr. John Lee Dr. Kut Yau Lee Ann Levitt Linda Lilge Ruth Lipson-Nathan Julia Lisena Gwen Liu David King Tik Lo & Queenie Shim Kuen Yu Dane MacCarthy Dr. R. Loch Macdonald Mr. John Madden Dr. Haricharan Maharaj Dr. Norman Marcon Nicholas Martin Rose Marie Martin Dr. George P. Mayer Fred G. McBrien William J. McDermott Bryce McKiel Ernest McMackin Dr. Samuel Mednick Dr. Filomena Meffe Patricia Lillian Membery Dr. Stanislaw Mocarski R. Darren Moffatt Dario Molinaro Dr. Tony Moloney Dr. Terrence Moore Dr. Rajeev Muni John Thomas Murphy Robert Murenbeeld Dr. Melinda A. Musgrave Dr. Aaron Nauth Phyllis Neals Bishop Anthony Night Frank Ninno Giovanni Olimpio Dr. Clifford Ottaway Dr. Kenneth Pace Carmine Patullo Mike Peros Dr. Richard Perrin A.J. Pest Dr. Mark D. Peterson Elan Prentice Yvan John Michael Prodeus M. Adele Lane Quail Elly Herlina Rigg Dr. Ori D. Rotstein Dr. Laurence Rubin Ilse Ruff Dr. J.L.T. (Tommy) Russell Marjorie Helen Russell Dr. Emil Schemitsch Dr. Harvey Schipper Karen Schloo Margaret Armstrong Sclater William Sewell Nadine Sharawy Dr. Rachel Shupak Ted Simeonov Hannah Po Yau Siu Peter Smuszkowicz Kathleen Solarski Dr. Julian Spears Helen Sportun John Sportun Marc St. Martin Dr. Wilfred Steinberg Dr. Robert Stewart Matilde Suppa Carolina Tedesco Michele Tedesco Dr. Martina Trinkaus Alfredo Uy Robert Vistorino Dr. William J. Watson Dr. Jordan Weinstein Brent White George Winogradow Michael Wissell Dr. David Tak Wah Wong Max Yak Dr. Jae Won Yang Kwok Yiu Yau Constable John Zivcic Morrie Zucker St. Michael’s Society (as of April 2, 2014) Individuals who have remembered St. Michael’s Hospital Foundation in their wills or have made a gift of a life insurance policy, RRSP/RRIF or charitable remainder trust become members of our St. Michael’s Society. Those who made this commitment between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014 are listed here, and their names have been added to our St. Michael’s Society Recognition Wall. Francis Barnsley Sal & Mona Bayoumi Laurie & Ronald Blainey Rena Blatt Robert L. Borden Jane Cooney Lin Fitzgerald-Rogers Michael Flammia Anthony Heughan Josephine Heughan Elaine Iannuzziello Jamshid Noghreh-Nikbakht Patricia K. O’Connor Charles Petersen & Riki Turofsky Rose Pirri Ron Charles Rogers Allan & Joyce Sinton Thomas U Anonymous (13) Inspire 2018 37 Ensuring the Best Care Now & For the Future This year, thanks to our generous supporters and dedicated volunteers, we established five new chairs and a new endowed fund at St. Michael’s: The Cystic Fibrosis Canada Chair in Adult Cystic Fibrosis Research The Keenan Chair in Critical Care & Respiratory Medicine The Robert and Dorothy Pitts Chair in Integrated Clinical Research The Term Chair in Cerebrovascular & Brain Tumor Surgery The Term Chair in Intersectoral Solutions for Urban Health Problems The Urban Angel Fund for Homeless People Many donors make gifts as investments to support quality care today and tomorrow. Endowed gifts are invested by the Foundation and the interest supports care, research and education through chairs or funds. Here are some examples: Named Funds The Angel Care Fund The Elizabeth S. Barford Multiple Sclerosis Patient Comfort Fund The Wilfred G. Bigelow Professorship in Cardiac Surgery The Bitove Family Fellow in Neuroendovascular Therapeutics The Bruce Family Lecture Fund The Mary Cassaday Pelvic Health Lectureship The Centennial Scholarship Fund The Eric and Heather Donnelly Endowment Fund The Terrence Donnelly Cardiac Research Day Fund The Gales/Ray Family Endowment Fund The Sister Christine Gaudet Scholarship Fund The M. Audrey Giles Endowment Fund The Dr. H. Patrick Higgins Memorial Scholarship Fund The Daniel Hornik Memorial Fund The Johnson & Johnson Endowed Lecture in Education The Albert C. Johnston Research Fund The Arthur and Sonia Labatt Fellowship in Neurosurgery The Richard Lewar Research Endowment Fund in Gastroenterology The Samuel and Rose Levy Charitable Endowment Fund The Dr. J.D. Loudon Memorial Library Fund 38 St. Michael’s Foundation The McCain Research Fund The Pat Nichols and Bob Tundermann Endowment Fund in Cancer Care The Dr. Peter Leonard Pelmear Endowment Fund The Dr. S. Gordon Ross Memorial Fund The Savlov Family Endowment Fund for Arthritic Research The Squires – Chalmers Professorship in Medicine – Dr. Tom Parker The Squires-Hyland Trust Fund The Sullivan Trust Fund The Urban Angel Fund for Homeless People The Wayne C. Wilson Endowment Fund The Dr. Gerald S. Wong Memorial Fund Chairs at St. Michael’s The Brazilian Ball Endowed Research Chair in Cardiology Research – Dr. Howard Leong-Poi The Chair in Homelessness, Housing and Health – Dr. Stephen Hwang The Chair in Trauma Research – Dr. Sandro Rizoli The Chair in Women’s Health – Dr. Guylaine Lefebvre The Cystic Fibrosis Canada Chair in Adult Cystic Fibrosis Research The Keenan Chair in Critical Care & Respiratory Medicine – Dr. Laurent Brochard The Keenan Chair in Medicine The Keenan Chair in Surgery – Dr. Loch Macdonald The Wallace and Margaret McCain Chair in Therapeutic Endoscopy The Cara Phelan Chair in Critical Care Medicine – Dr. Andrew Baker The Dorothy Pitts Term Chair in Ophthalmology and Vision Science – Dr. Neeru Gupta The Robert and Dorothy Pitts Chair in Emergency and Acute Care Medicine – Dr. Laurie Morrison The Robert and Dorothy Pitts Chair in Integrated Clinical Research – Dr. Muhammad Mamdani The Fondation Baxter and Alma Ricard Chair in Inner City Health Research – Dr. Patricia O’Campo The Slaight Family Term Chair in Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy – Dr. Paul Kortan The St. Michael’s Hospital Volunteer Association Term Chair in Nursing Research – Dr. Lianne Jeffs The Term Chair in Cerebrovascular & Brain Tumor Surgery The Term Chair in Intersectoral Solutions for Urban Health Problems – Dr. Patricia O’Campo The Term Chair in Foot & Ankle Research – Dr. Timothy Daniels The Term Chair in Fracture Care Research – Dr. Emil Schemitsch The Waugh Family Chair in Multiple Sclerosis Research – Dr. Paul O’Connor Inspiring Future Our Campaign Inspire 2018 St. Michael’s has already earned its place as a Canadian health care leader in clinical care, research and education. We have established first-class infrastructure for our research and education programs. Now, we must advance our patient care facilities to the same level of excellence. Our $200 million Inspire 2018 campaign will give us the resources to make St. Michael’s the premier critical care hospital in Canada. The Patient Care Tower Critical care means treating patients with life-threatening problems as rapidly as possible. Our new 17-storey tower at the corner of Queen and Victoria Streets will transform care throughout the hospital in order to change – and to save – countless lives. It will provide state-of-the-art facilities for programs now challenged by outdated spaces. Larger, brighter and quieter, the all-private rooms will offer patients and their families greater comfort. Our new main entrance will welcome all with the utmost convenience and accessibility. The Best-in-Class Emergency We will expand our Emergency to offer first-class efficiency and up-to-date services for the growing volume of patients. The new space will allow for more patient treatment areas, additional room for vital imaging equipment, a dedicated mental health space as well as a special area for more efficient diagnosis and treatment of patients with less severe problems. These changes will result in patients getting better care, experiencing shorter wait times and more privacy and comfort during their stay. New Research and Education Initiatives Building on our excellence in innovation, we will continue to invest in education and research initiatives as part of our Inspire 2018 campaign to reach our goal of becoming the premier critical care hospital in Canada. Inspire 2018 41 42 St. Michael’s Foundation St. Michael’s is a great hospital dedicated to serving Toronto’s urban core for over 120 years. We feel privileged to lead Inspire 2018, the campaign which will facilitate our latest and perhaps most remarkable evolution. This transformation will encompass a new building, an expanded Emergency Department, renovations and equipment, as well as support for exciting new research and education initiatives. The embodiment of our vision is a new tower at the corner of Queen and Victoria Streets dedicated to offering the very best in critical care. This means treating patients with life-threatening problems with the best care as rapidly as possible. We will be able to offer our leading-edge care for conditions like respiratory and cardiac problems in new custom-designed space that will allow for faster, better recoveries. We will also offer programs for brain injury, respirology and lung support ventilation that are setting new global standards – all right here, in downtown Toronto. Building on the hospital’s acknowledged strengths, this campaign will make St. Michael’s the premier critical care hospital in Canada. This transformation will have tremendous impact on our community and across the country. St. Michael’s inspires passionate commitment in all its volunteers, and we have a phenomenal group of business leaders and hospital friends in our Campaign Cabinet. These are people who are dedicated to seeing that St. Michael’s is equipped to continue its mission of compassionate and innovative care well into the 21st century. We invite you to learn more about our campaign, and we hope you too will be inspired to join us on this remarkable journey. Margaret McCain, Honorary Chair John Tory, Tony Arrell, Bill Downe, John Cassaday, Co-Chairs Inspire 2018 Inspire 2018 43 Inspire 2018 Campaign Cabinet Lloyd Barbara Vice Chairman Burgundy Asset Management Ltd. Jane Humphreys Director St. Michael’s Foundation Timothy R. Price Chairman Brookfield Asset Management John Barford President Valleydene Corporation Ltd. The late Patrick J. Keenan, FCA Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Keewhit Investments Ltd. Dr. Ori Rotstein Surgeon-in-Chief Department of Surgery and Division of General Surgery, St. Michael’s Hospital Geoff Belsher Group Co-Head & Managing Director Wholesale Banking CIBC World Markets Patricia Lace Director St. Michael’s Foundation Greg Belton Executive Chairman HKMB HUB International Julie Di Lorenzo President Diamante Urban Corporation Lisa Melchior Senior Managing Director Private Equity OMERS William Etherington Director St. Michael’s Hospital L. Alayne Metrick, FAHP President St. Michael’s Foundation Anthony R. Graham, LLD President & Director Wittington Investments Limited President & Chief Executive Officer Sumarria Inc. Bill Morneau Executive Chairman Morneau Shepell Inc. Bob Howard, M.D., MBA President & CEO St. Michael’s Hospital 44 Gerald T. McCaughey President & Chief Executive Officer CIBC Group of Companies St. Michael’s Foundation Helen Sinclair Chief Executive Officer, BCN.tv Special Advisor, Deloitte Daniel F. Sullivan Director St. Michael’s Foundation Bill Thomas Chief Executive Officer & Senior Partner KPMG LLP Benita Warmbold Senior Vice-President & Chief Financial Officer Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board Michael Norris Chair St. Michael’s Foundation Richard Waugh Former President & Chief Executive Officer Scotiabank Thomas O’Neill Chair St. Michael’s Hospital Chair, BCE & Bell Canada Darryl White Head, Global Investments & Corporate Banking BMO Capital Markets Inspire 2018 45 Late one morning, Andrew McCallum was doing what he did most days: walking his shortcut along the train tracks near his house. The next thing he knew, it was seven weeks later and he was in St. Michael’s Intensive Care Unit. He had no memory of what brought him here – or of the previous 10 years of his life. He had been rushed to St. Michael’s after a neighbour called the police. Somehow he had suffered a traumatic brain injury and needed a craniotomy, which was performed by Drs. James Mahoney and Richard Perrin. He underwent several other surgeries and was induced into a coma to let his brain heal. It’s been six years since his accident and Andrew has regained almost all of his memory. Although he still regularly visits St. Michael’s for appointments and check-ups, he feels lucky to have come out of the experience stronger – and alive! “I feel quite lucky to be very close to the kind of person I was before this incident,” he said. “And it’s all because of St. Mike’s.” Andrew is seen here with his father, Ian. Inspire 2018 47 Our Volunteers Audit and Finance Committee Allan Donald, Chair Lloyd Barbara Greg Belton Louise Cannon Sarah Chow Thomas W. Cryer Michael Forsayeth Timothy Griffin Andrea Horan Stephen Smith Donor Recognition Committee Jane Humphreys, Chair Wendy Cecil Thomas W. Cryer Patti Cunningham Terrence Donnelly Senator Nicole Eaton Anthony Graham, M.D. John S. Hunkin Melissa Martin Daniel F. Sullivan Jaime Watt Executive Committee Michael Norris, Chair Tony Arrell John Barford John Cassaday Allan Donald William Downe Robert J. Howard, M.D., MBA John S. Hunkin Patricia Lace L. Alayne Metrick Timothy R. Price Daniel F. Sullivan John H. Tory 48 St. Michael’s Foundation Chairs: Fundraising Committees Chair in Cystic Fibrosis Tony Arrell Daniel F. Sullivan Chair in Voice Disorders Heather Simmons, Co-Chair John Vivash, Co-Chair Thomas I. A. Allen Jennifer Anderson, M.D. Jeanne Hammill Margaret Hollingsworth Nicole Muzzo Steven Pezim Urban Angel Golf Classic Vas Georgiou, Co-Chair John King, Co-Chair John Manning, Co-Chair Michael Thompson, Co-Chair 2014 Angel Ball Lina Gagliano, Co-Chair Tony Gagliano, Co-Chair Melissa Martin, Co-Chair Joe Natale, Co-Chair Alison von Hahn, Co-Chair Anatol von Hahn, Co-Chair Cabinet Members Rose Baker J-P. Bisnaire Michael Bratty William Etherington Vas Georgiou Doug Guzman Colleen Johnston Michael Norris Tom O’Neill Joseph Rooney President’s Council Bill Butt, Chair Rose Baker Thomas J. Bitove Michael Bratty Michael G. Boyd John Clappison Jane Cooke-Lauder David Crawford Aldo Di Felice Gerry Frascione Sebastian Distefano Michael Flux Rob Fox Ed R. Giacomelli Andrea Horan Patricia Houston, M.D. Ken Hugessen Huston Loke Jonathan Maguire, M.D. Vincent A. Mercier Michelle Morin Ken Pace, M.D. Paul Pew William E. Quinn Shubo Rakhit Joseph Rooney Anna Rossetti Ori Rotstein, M.D. Rob Sainsbury Heather Simmons Lorne Stephenson Alex Squires David Tennant Christopher Wright Governors’ Council Wendy Cecil, Chair Ianthe Alleyne Bill Blundell Cynthia Bowden Rudolph Bratty Suzy Brenninkmeyer Latham Burns Peter Cathcart John Clappison William Daniel William Deluce William James Allan Leach Hartland MacDougall Thomas McCarthy Ron McLaughlin Joe Pal Jack Petch Alex Squires G. Kingsley Ward Christopher Wright Squires-Hyland Trust Board of Directors Patti Carmichael Pilon, Chair Mac Borden, Vice-Chair Diane Mara, Vice-Chair Debby Beatty Alan Eaton, Jr. David Gibson David Glue Anthony Graham, M.D. Robert Hyland, M.D. Betsy Lumbers-Chubb Jeff Olin Thomas Parker, M.D. C. Alexander Squires Gordon Squires, M.D. Young Leaders Executive Committee Jesse Cassaday, SMYL Co-Chair Ryan Howard, SMYL Co-Chair TREASURER Jonathan Lin Dodger Committee Brad Lawrence, Chair Samira Amini Dustin Brown Scott Conly Damian Creber Amanda Dawson David Mowat John Mulvihill Scarlett Rounthwaite Adrian Turchet Duffer Committee Greg Thompson, Co-Chair Steve Thompson, Co-Chair Julia Barrett Scott Beitel Scott Fisher Mike Richardson Graham Thompson Giver Committee James Musson, Chair Adam Brueckner Sandy Gibson Marc Marzotto Ashley Mulvihill Jessica Newton Nicole Steffan Aynsley Wright External Communications Steve Waugh, Chair Jill Christie Chelsea Conway Julia Dyck Max Sawka Jay Scull Kate Taylor Renee Wilde Internal Communications Michelle Heffernan, Chair Sponsorship Committee Tyler Howard, Chair Craig Burton David Cooper Jeremy Dietrich Hessam Ghadaki Bridget Higgins Marco Isakov Stan Kuliavas Courtney Paterson Stephen Shore Caroline Stern Tina Tieu Ana Wheeler Alumni Lesley Rowan, Co-Chair Katie Taylor, Co-Chair Tennyson Cho Andrew Farncomb FunRaisers Sharon Freitag, Co-Chair Filomena Machado, Co-Chair Charmaine Mothersill, Co-Chair Tony Nguyen, Co-Chair Linda Ahn Anju Anand Diane Clarke Charmaine Clayton Cecilia Craig Loreen Douglas Sarah Grant Alvarado Tonia Griffith Shanaz Karim Glenda Kerr Sharon Kim Eva Leek Tasha Michael Kevin Pacheco Fatma Rajwani Grace Seeram Jessica Smith Erika Szego Julie Tsao Erin Walsh June Watkins Drew Williams Inspire 2018 49 St. Michael’s Foundation Board of Directors Michael John Robert Allan Alayne Tony Michael Norris John Cassaday Robert J. Howard, M.D., MBA Allan Donald L. Alayne Metrick, FAHP Tony Arrell Chair St. Michael’s Foundation Vice Chair President & Chief Executive Officer Corus Entertainment Inc. Vice Chair President and CEO St. Michael’s Hospital Treasurer Partner, Deloitte President St. Michael’s Foundation Chairman Burgundy Asset Management Ltd. Patti William Nicole Timothy Doug Ryan Patti Cunningham William Downe Timothy K. Griffin Doug Guzman Ryan Howard Director St. Michael’s Foundation President & Chief Executive Officer BMO Financial Group The Honourable Nicole Eaton Chairman Connor, Clark & Lunn Private Capital Ltd. Managing Director Head of Global Investment Banking RBC Capital Markets Co-Chair Young Leaders Ontario Power Generation Timothy Douglas Helen Daniel Tom O’Neill Timothy R. Price Douglas Sinclair, M.D. Helen Sinclair Daniel F. Sullivan Chair St. Michael’s Hospital Chair, BCE & Bell Canada Chairman Funds Management Brookfield Asset Mgmt. Executive Vice President & Chief Medical Officer St. Michael’s Hospital CEO, BCN.tv Special Advisor Deloitte Director St. Michael’s Foundation William William Morneau Executive Chairman Morneau Shepell 50 St. Michael’s Foundation Tom The Senate of Canada Lloyd John Greg J-P. Jesse Thomas Lloyd Barbara John Barford Greg Belton J-P. Bisnaire Jesse Cassaday Thomas W. Cryer, F.C.A. Vice Chairman Burgundy Asset Management Ltd. President Valleydene Corporation Ltd. Chairman HKMB HUB International Senior Executive Vice-President Business Development & General Counsel Manulife Financial Co-Chair Young Leaders St. Michael’s Foundation Director St. Michael’s Foundation Jane John Patrick Patricia John Melissa Jane Humphreys John S. Hunkin The late Patrick J. Keenan, F.C.A. Patricia Lace John Manning Melissa Martin Director St. Michael’s Foundation Director St. Michael’s Foundation Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Keewhit Investments Ltd. Director St. Michael’s Foundation Managing Director Equity Capital Markets BMO Capital Markets Director St. Michael’s Foundation Michael John Jaime David Michael Thompson John H. Tory, Q.C. O Ont Jaime Watt David Young, M.D. President Ontario Acoustic Supply Inc. Chair, CivicAction Alliance Corporate Director & Broadcaster Executive Chairman Navigator Ltd. Managing Director Actium Capital Advisors Inspire 2018 51 How You Can Get Involved Throughout its history, St. Michael’s has always been fortunate to have generous friends, like you, who are committed to our vision of compassionate care for everyone. As we reach another milestone in our history, we know that you will help us create the St. Michael’s of the future, the place that you and your family and friends can rely on for the best care for years to come. You can help make Inspire 2018 a reality. Here’s how: • Find out more by visiting stmichaelsfoundation.com or call 416.864.5000. • If you are a young professional aged 25-35, join our Young Leaders and help them in their fundraising drive to support our new Emergency. • Become a St. Michael’s champion and volunteer with us. • Donate – make a gift in support of St. Michael’s exciting future. Like feathers, every donor’s contribution is unique. Regardless of size, the investment coming from you, like feathers, not only provides our patients with warmth, protection and comfort in a time of greatest need, but continues to allow St. Michael’s Hospital to deliver compassionate, innovative care to all. The power of one becomes the power of many, and in doing so can make great things happen. You, our donors, are critical to the continuing success of St. Michael’s. We could not do it without you. 52 St. Michael’s Foundation Join us – Inspire 2018 Inspire 2018 53 54 St. Michael’s Foundation
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