Call 1-800-769-2000, Ext. 3120 - Missouri State Chiropractors
Call 1-800-769-2000, Ext. 3120 - Missouri State Chiropractors
div i dend `` • • (div i dend ) noun • Bonus • Extra • Reward NCMIC chiropractic malpractice insurance policyholders will soon receive a premium dividend for the 18th year in a row. Whether our doctors consider the premium dividend a bonus, payment, disbursement or something else, they know it’s just one of many reasons to be with NCMIC. Does your company pay a dividend? If not, find out how you, too, can become eligible for premium dividends, along with the many other benefits of the NCMIC Malpractice Insurance Plan. Call 1-800-769-2000, ext. 3120 ©2013 NCMIC NFL 3658 Premium dividends are not guaranteed. Selected synonyms are for “dividend” on THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 Page 1 published bimonthly by: MSCA Office 220 E. Dunklin Jefferson City, MO 65101 Telephone: 5736362553 Fax: 5736351470 Clint Publications 720 Oak Knoll Rolla, MO 65401 5733418448 Fax: 5733418494 Anne Fehr, Executive Director Richard McCullough, Government Affairs Director Kim Pike, Membership Coordinator Brandon Atchison, Program Manager McGonagle, Spencer, PC, Legal Counsel Virginia Kessinger, Managing Editor Annette Copeland, Production Manager News items and/or letters pertaining to the chiropractic profession are welcome. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit and/or reject all material received. Submissions may be condensed in order to fit the allotted space. An address and telephone number where the author may be reached during normal business hours should also be included for verification purposes. Deadline for news copy is the first of the month preceding publication. Publication months include: January, March, May, July, September and November, barring any unusual or unforeseen circumstances. Alternating with , the MSCA and Clint Publications publish and distribute by email a newsletter entitled, . The views and opinions expressed are not necessarily representative of those held by this publication, Clint Publications, the MSCA, its staff, officers or contractors. Advertising deadline is the first of the month preceding publi cation. For advertising rates or information, contact Clint Publications at 5733418448. The MSCA does not necessarily endorse any of the companies advertising in this publication. is currently mailed third class, bulk mail to every registered doctor of chiropractic in Missouri and advertisers. Notify the MSCA or Clint Publications if you change your address or office name. MSCA Web Page Page 2 THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 24 hours a day. Please visit and let us know what you think or if you have any suggestions for additional content you would like to see offered. by Anne Fehr Executive Director The MSCA has several upcoming events. This spring the MSCA Headquarters will be sponsoring two by seminars: Posture Practiceknow: with Dr.“You Steven Weiniger can’t have on health care reform without th Patrick Montgomery, DC March 20 and ICD10 chiropractors.” with Dr. Evan Gwilliam onwill have a banner in the The MSCA May 8th. Both seminars will held Building in Jefferson Capitol withCity thatand slogan in red. Last year we nths of working behind the scenes,MSCA the President will be 6 hours of Formal CE credit each. Register had nearly 300 DCs and DC students attend Legislative ed to reveal our newly redesigned early to reserve your spot! Day. It was impressive and we learned a lot about MSCA staff sent out a Technology having that big of an attendance. We are hoping to have mber to help ascertain what DCs in The MSCA 2014 Summer Convention andyear, Vendor a bigger crowd this since the bills in question are oking for from the MSCA and if we Tradeshow will be held August 2023, to 2014 TanTar so important ouratpresent and our future. Three of our heir online needs. According to the A Resort in Osage Beach. The MSCA Auxiliary will Districts, 1, 2, & 5, will be providing buses. We also hose who responded requested online be sponsoring the Casino Night following the Awards need DCs from the other districts, as the legislators in Seminars and Conventions and over Banquet again this year and is sure to be another great your area need to hear from you. This is where online option for joining the MSCA. evening that you won’t want to miss. Our convention Medicaid reform will hit the most. If you have not yet nounce that along withcold a new After a long, andlook, snowy winter, spring is just is a great opportunity to not only get your CE hours in, registered with the MSCA Headquarters that you are on for around Seminars, Convention and to be active again, shake the corner! It is time but to meet and talk with other DCsplease in thecall state get coming, ourand Executive Director, Anne Fehr, hip is now available. off any winter time blues. This is the second year of the a fresh outlook on waysand that she youwill can help improve your you get the necessary materials. two year time period for license renewal credits. Look practice. We hope to see you there! Please join your fellow chiropractors and stand up for nly login to has the also MSCA been updated. websiteThisfor upcoming seminars, Chiropractic! including the MSCA Convention in August. OURI The next big thing for the MSCA is our annual Legislative Day, March 11th. Please join us in lobbying our legislators for bills that are Pro Chiropractic! Medicaid Reform is the big one! We must be included; but, we want to be included on our terms, not others. “If you are not at the table, you are on the menu!” It is time we stand as a profession, all 2,100 practicing Missouri DCs and let our legislators Patrick Montgomery, DC 8007823344 x 1931 Doran Nicholson, DC 8165252822 Robert Kessinger, DC 5733418292 Leonard Suiter, DC 6362274378 CHIROPRACTOR L. Russell Matthias, DC 8162285113 Christopher Maffit, DC 3147253358 Paul Hyland, DC 3145422003 David Zak, DC 8165259900 George Kraft, DC 6368252900 James Scott, DC 5735813259 Mark Pressley, DC 5738750203 Joseph Lane, DC 3149684696 Michael Michel, DC 5737761111 Jered Wayland, DC 5733340100 Jeffrey Ness, DC 6365835775 Jeremy Thornton, DC 4172766306 Jack Crocker, DC 4175329166 March 2014 Sara Vidan, DC 3146789355 Andrew J. Kessinger, DC 5733418292 Page 5 Charles Hughes, DC 8162793319 Gary Carver, DC 8163585100 David Schoeberl, DC 8162447639 Kelley Kirchner, DC 6607273677 David Cosner, DC 8165874325 VACANT Darren Kirchner, DC 6607273677 Robert Riley, DC 8165162864 THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 Page 3 MSCA 2014 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION If You’re Already A Member, Ask Another DC To Join! Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Practice or Company Name ____________________________________________________________________________________ Office Address ______________________________________ Home Address ________________________________________ City/State/Zip ______________________________________ City/State/Zip ________________________________________ Office Phone _______________________________________ Home Phone _________________________________________ Fax Number ________________________________________ E-mail Address _______________________________________ Office County ______________________________________ Date of Birth _________________________________________ Chiropractic College _________________________________________________________________________________________ Graduation Date ____________________________________ If student, Expected Graduation Date ______________________ Date & State of First Licensure _________________________ Missouri License No. __________________________________ Select MSCA Membership Level The MSCA membership year is January 1 through December 31, 2014. Monthly Regular Member Fourth-Year DC Third-Year DC Second-Year DC First-Year DC 65 or Older Faculty Out-of-state Associate (non-DC) Student Quarterly Annually $33.33 $100.00 25.00 75.00 16.66 50.00 8.33 25.00 FREE FREE 16.66 50.00 16.66 50.00 8.33 25.00 16.66 50.00 ($25 one-time charge or $10 annually) $400.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 FREE 200.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 10.00 First-Year DC based on first year licensed in Missouri. I choose not to be a full member at this time, but would like to help the MSCA in it’s fight to defend, preserve and advance chiropractic for all chiropractors in the state of Missouri by contributing as a donor. Donor ($10-199) The tax deductible portion of your 2014 MSCA dues has been calculated to be 95%. The non-deductible percentage is 5% and relates to our lobbying activities. Method of Payment: Convenient payment plans are available. Dues can be automatically charged to your credit card semiannually or quarterly, or they can be debited from your checking account automatically every month. *Important: For your convenience, automatic monthly debits and quarterly charges continue annually. You may call to cancel at any time. **Checking Auto Debit: To start automatic debit from your checking, please call the MSCA office and a debit form will be sent to you. Please bill $____________ to my Annual (check or credit card) Visa MasterCard *Semi-Annual (credit card) Discover *Quarterly (credit card) **Checking Account **Monthly (checking auto debit) Credit Card Number _______________________________________________________________ Expiration Date __________________ Name as it appears on Credit Card ____________________________________________________ 3-Digit V-Code __________________ Signature ______________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Make checks payable to MSCA and mail to: MSCA, 220 E. Dunklin, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Phone: 573-636-2553. Fax: 573-635-1470. by Anne Fehr Executive Director After several months of working behind the scenes, the MSCA is excited to reveal our newly redesigned website. The MSCA staff sent out a Technology Survey in December to help ascertain what DCs in Missouri are looking for from the MSCA and if we were meeting their online needs. According to the results, 60% of those who responded requested online registration for Seminars and Conventions and over 50% wanted an online option for joining the MSCA. We proud to announce that along with a new look, online registration for Seminars, Convention and MSCA Membership is now available. Our Members Only login has also been updated. This new program offers more security and reliability, while also offering convenient passwords retrieval via email 24 hours a day. Please visit and let us know what you think or if you have any suggestions for additional content you would like to see offered. The MSCA has several upcoming events. This spring the MSCA Headquarters will be sponsoring two seminars: Posture Practice with Dr. Steven Weiniger on March 20th and ICD10 with Dr. Evan Gwilliam on May 8th. Both seminars will held in Jefferson City and will be 6 hours of Formal CE credit each. Register early to reserve your spot! The MSCA 2014 Summer Convention and Vendor Tradeshow will be held August 2023, 2014 at TanTar A Resort in Osage Beach. The MSCA Auxiliary will be sponsoring the Casino Night following the Awards Banquet again this year and is sure to be another great evening that you won’t want to miss. Our convention is a great opportunity to not only get your CE hours in, but to meet and talk with other DCs in the state and get a fresh outlook on ways that you can improve your practice. We hope to see you there! Legislative Day & MSCA PAC Fundraiser at the Missouri State Capitol Tuesday, March 11, 2014 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Third Floor Capitol Rotunda, Jefferson City Let Your Voice Be Heard Meet With Your Legislators Have Lunch With Your Colleagues This is your chance to become part of the political process and support the MSCA PAC. Join your fellow doctors at the State Capitol for the annual MSCA Legislative Day. Don’t miss this opportunity to visit with your legislators and promote the chiropractic issues important to you and your patients. Support Your MSCA PAC THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 Page 5 HOWELL DIAGNOSTIC NETWORK offers Doctors of Chiropractic access to deeply discounted lab pricing through Quest Diag ostics. Once you have registered as a Howell Diag ostic Net ork member, you will have access to Quest’s f ll list of discounted lab tests . For more information OR to sign up: Visit: OR Call: 314- 895- 1200 Howell Diagnostic Network P: 314-895 -1200 * 5960 Howdershell RD Suite 107 F: 314-895 -1201 E: * Hazelwood, MO 63042 by Mo McCullough Government Affairs Director Almost midway through the 2014 legislative session and things are really heating up. As is always the case, no one can predict what the final outcomes will be for the over 2,000 proposed bills when session ends on May 16th. Good things and bad things could happen but one thing is sure; if you’re a political junky like me, it will be exciting. Some of the big issues still being debated are: tax cuts, tax credits, gun rights, Medicaid reform/expansion, education issues, economic incentives, job growth and the elephant in the room – the 2015 budget. Hold on to your hats, April and May should be fun. Licensed in Missouri An Attorney for Chiropractors who is a Chiropractor and Committed to Helping Chiropractors • • • THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 The MSCA is working on both the offensive and defen sive fronts. We are fighting off attacks on our lien law and our radiology rights. At this point we have been successful in our efforts, but we will not let up until the last minute of the last day. On the offensive side we are working on any willing provider legislation, tort re form, insurance response time, injured employee’s right to choose their provider and Medicaid reform. Medicaid reform is a hot topic, but a very difficult issue to get much agreement on. It has caused differences of opinion among Republicans in both the House and Sen ate. The MSCA is still trying to get chiropractic in cluded in MO HealthNet (Medicaid) but until actual reform moves forward it is an uphill battle. Keep watch on your emails and be prepared to act on any and all alerts and calls to action we send out. The MSCA is working hard to advance and protect chiro practic in Missouri, give us a hand. Page 7 Missouri State Chiropractors Assn. Political Action Committee (MSCA PAC) 2013-2014 PAC Membership Form July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014 Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Office Address _______________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _______________________________________________________________________________________ Office Phone _______________________________________ Fax Number ___________________________________ E-mail Address _____________________________________ Please use credit card for payment plan option. Select PAC Membership Level PAC membership is an annual commitment from July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014. Quarterly $ 250.00 Ambassador Membership Annually $ 1,000.00 Ambassadors are a prestigious group of chiropractic physicians committed to the advancement of chiropractic and have gone above and beyond the highest level of support through their generous contribution. Ambassadors receive special recognition at the PAC Reception during the MSCA Summer Convention. Scholar Membership 187.50 750.00 Diplomat Membership 125.00 500.00 Emissary Membership 62.50 250.00 Regular Membership 30.00 120.00 Scholar members are a distinguished group of chiropractic physicians committed to the advancement of chiropractic. Scholars receive special recognition at the PAC Reception during the MSCA Summer Convention. Diplomats are a dedicated group of chiropractic physicians committed to the advancement of chiropractic. Diplomats are recognized at the PAC Reception during the MSCA Summer Convention. Emissary members are a special group of chiropractic physicians who give something extra to help support the advancement of the chiropractic profession. Regular members are chiropractic physicians who actively support the advancement of the chiropractic profession. After you have paid your annual PAC membership, purchases at any PAC-sponsored event apply toward reaching the next higher level of membership. Certain individual political contributions may also apply toward reaching the next level of membership. Doctors are responsible for notifying the MSCA office when additional donations are made. MSCA membership is not required to become a PAC member. Method of Payment: Convenient payment plans are available. Dues can be automatically charged to your credit card semi-annually or quarterly. *Important: For your convenience, automatic credit card charges continue annually. You may call to cancel at any time. Please bill $____________ to my Annual (check or credit card) Visa MasterCard *Semi-Annual (credit card) Discover *Quarterly (credit card) Credit Card Number ______________________________________________________ Expiration Date _______________________ Name as it appears on card _________________________________________________ 3-Digit V-Code _______________________ Signature ________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________ Make checks payable to MSCA PAC and mail to: MSCA PAC, 220 E. Dunklin, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Phone: 573-636-2553. Fax: 573-635-1470. District 2 Dr. Russell Matthias 8162285113 District 4 Dr. Jeff Nagle 5734724470 Dr. Paul Hyland 3145422003 THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 Dr. Harold Morrow 5733657699 Dr. Andrew J. Kessinger 5733418292 VACANT Dr. Kelley Kirchner 6607273677 Page 9 by Drew J. Stevens, Ph.D The most important but overlooked issue in business is customer service. Today, patienttopatient influences are stronger than ever. With the proliferation of the Internet and instant connectivity, patients relate instant information about chiropractors and their offices. It is not necessary to react to every patient issue but it is vital to indulge in a culture of service. With over 25 years of research and consultancy in the field, I have found that success for the chiropractor is achieved with a focus on three functional areas 1) Mindset 2) People and 3) Differentiation. Mindset During my collegiate business studies, I discovered a quote that personifies the achievement of every business. Peter Drucker stated, “Every organization is in business for one reason the customer [patient]”. All activities and internal functions rely on acquiring and retaining clients. This imperative concept is needed to ensure that chiropractors focus on the area of acquiring patients. Simply put, chiropractors require a laser like focus on marketing and service. It also presupposes that those hired will also focus on these business attributes. Second, chiropractors also need to understand that upon graduate they are entrepreneurs. Doctors become involved in a myriad of tactical issues that can alter focus and create stress. Doctors therefore need to be confident about their achievements. And, they must continually maintain confidence with staff even during volatile times. This also includes operating the business using prudent risk. Removal from the comfort zone is always difficult for habitual business owners. People Customer service simply comes down to proper communication and implication to patients. When doctors and staff poorly communication; service fails. While conducting research for chiropractic practices, three functional areas help and hinder doctors. Page 10 People There is nothing more prevalent to business then internal employees: they are the frontline to the organization. Failure to exemplify a patient culture only diminishes a firm’s ability to communicate and collaborate with prospects. Working for a chiropractor many years ago, I was greeted by a receptionist that could have passed for an Undertaker. I do not suggest that receptionist require effervescence however, empathy works better for customer care. Service culture needs to run throughout the practice and not just reception. Everyone from the CA to the PT needs to eb empathetic to patient needs. More importantly, people know people. Doctors need take full advantage of referrals and testimonials. Patients are always enamored in hearing of other patient cures. Such stories become more beneficial than any fourcolor brochure. Finally, ensure you spend time and get to know your patients and their families. Individuals do business with those they know and trust. When chiropractors are rushing from treatment room to treatment room this illustrates inward focus. Processes – Patients and prospects are enamored by increased communication. The more you tell them, the more comfortable they become with information. Remember they are investing in your sage advice on health. Communicate the rationale for paperwork, procedural issues, signatures, etc. Ensure the phones are answered promptly and with rapt professionalism. Finally, when patients are serviced appropriately they inform others of their positive experience. Such feedback assists with decreasing marketing and advertising costs while also retaining current patients. Property Individuals always judge books by their covers and patients are no different. On a recent appointment with a supplier, I could not find a spot to park my car. All employees were in visitor spots. On another visit, I entered the main lobby of a potential client to what seemed like a hurricane. These images leave a certain perception of company operations. Simply put pictures say a thousand worlds. The reception area must be tidy, organized and exemplary of the service you provide. Smiling staff and signage drawing attention to the practice’s location. Staff should THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 Dr. Seth Black Dr. Gail Boyer Dr. James Burkhart Dr. Larry Burrell Dr. Sylvie Carpentier Dr. Jack Crocker Dr. Jennifer Drury Dr. Adam Elsey Dr. Richard Emery Dr. Doris Fortuna Dr. H. Kenneth Gilbertson Dr. Tammy Hansen Dr. Mary Hasley Dr. Christina Huff Dr. Brettany Hummert Dr. Katy Kautz Dr. Sharen Kauzlarich Dr. Richard Kayser Dr. Felicity Keough Dr. Morris Kille, Jr. Dr. Robert Klinginsmith Dr. George Kraft Dr. Jeffrey Lamb Dr. James Lewis Dr. Neil Linsenmayer Dr. Michael Martin Dr. Craig Mattox Dr. Brian McIntyre Dr. Steven Meacham Dr. Michael Morack Dr. Jeffrey Ness Dr. Ryan Nogle Dr. Rebecca Northern (Dr.) Rhonda Pittman Dr. Phillip Prater Dr. Marjorie Rhoads Dr. Jack Ruopp Dr. Krystal Rupp Dr. Jack Rushin Dr. Russell Schierling Dr. Travis Sellers Dr. Joshua Sharp Dr. Wendell Utech Dr. Amy Wicks Dr. Gerald Witt Dr. Donald Womack Dr. Craig Anderson Dr. Jonathan Armstrong Dr. Deanna Bates Dr. Cara Bowling Dr. Shawn Bradley Dr. Christopher Bruffett Dr. James Carmichael Dr. J.C. Carpenter Dr. Heather Cluck Dr. David Cosner Dr. Jeffery Davie Dr. New Contact Davie Dr. Scott Devereux Dr. Sam Elashkar Dr. Louis Fiquet, III Dr. Terry Griggs Dr. Louis Hagene Dr. Alexia Hampton Dr. William Heffron, III (Dr.) Ainsley Hendon Dr. Harold Holmes Dr. Ned Hug Dr. Daniel Jablonski Dr. Dennis James, Jr. Dr. Brenda Kingen Dr. Kenneth "Gene" Kirchner Dr. Richard Koelling Dr. Doris KutzCompton Dr. Brian Laiderman Dr. Britney Land Dr. Jeffrey Lawlor Dr. Ryan Lewis Dr. Christopher Maffit Dr. Duane Marquart Dr. Kevin McClain (Dr.) John Mischel Dr. Steven Perkins Dr. Richard Reinhardt Dr. Amy Richard Dr. Bradley Richey Dr. Steven Rickman Dr. Stephen Sankpill (Dr.) Garrett Smith Dr. Terry Spence Dr. C. Gerald St. John Dr. Susan Stockton Dr. Homer Thompson Dr. Wayne Tompkins Dr. James Waddell Dr. John Watts Dr. Jered Wayland Dr. Lori Weinstock Dr. Gerald Wertel Dr. Danna White Dr. Daniel Young Dr. Dana Alter Dr. Alicia Bolzenius Dr. Debra Carpenter Dr. Robert Carter Dr. Marcy Cooper Dr. Melani Crocker Dr. John Curtin Dr. Kenneth Downing Dr. Jeanene Eberhart Dr. Rosanne Fischer Dr. Matthew Flory Dr. Stephen Furjes Dr. Leaman Geosling Dr. Robert Hatten Dr. Sivi Helsel Dr. Justin Hildebrand Dr. Joseph Kayser Dr. Aimee LaBrie Dr. Erosa Lawrence Dr. Dustan Mattingly Dr. Donna Meyer Dr. Michael Michel Dr. Darin Oxford Dr. Raymond Petsch Dr. Ronald Phelps Dr. Jesse Politowski Dr. Leslie ReidSiess Dr. Lee Richardson Dr. John Riordan Dr. Case Ruckman Dr. Stefanie Sanger Dr. Stephen Schoenherr Dr. Richard Solom Dr. Michael Taylor Dr. Michael Tso Dr. Jacob Utterback Dr. Michael Vega Dr. M. Alan Wolchansky Dr. Michael Zimmer Dr. Paul Amato Dr. Gary Anderson Dr. Daniel Armbruster Dr. Mark Baker Dr. Sanela Begovic Dr. Matthew Berman Dr. Gerard Boehmer Dr. Tim Bronson Dr. Connie CarpenterFarley Dr. Howard Chapel Dr. Jason Crockett Dr. Robert Elder Dr. Alethea Eller Dr. Tanya Feldkamp Dr. Kimberly Findley Dr. Alfred Fischer Dr. Michael Franklin Dr. Thomas Gargiula Dr. Joseph Gerard Dr. Stanley Gross Dr. Hank Hammons Dr. Julie Holtz Dr. Brian Kelling Dr. Jaban Moore Dr. Doran Nicholson Dr. R. James Ottomeyer, III Dr. Lisa Patt Dr. Linda Pecaut Dr. Patricia Pellegrino Dr. James Robertson (Dr.) Kimberly Schroeder Dr. Joan Shepard Dr. Randy Steinbrueck Dr. Benjamin Stiles Dr. Lori Stock Dr. Kristine Strouf Dr. Bettie Stuber THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 Page 11 2 0 1 4 Co n v e n WEDNESDAY, AUG. 20 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. ………….………....Golf Check-In The Oaks Golf Course, Tan-Tar-A Resort 11:00 a.m. ………...…...Golf Luncheon & Putting Contest 12:00 p.m. …………...…………..…….Golf Tournament 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m……….Early Convention Registration 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m..….……….…..Early Supplier Set-Up Thursday, Aug. 21 Tan-Tar-A Resort Osage Beach, Missouri August 20-23, 2014 Featured Speakers: Dr. Leonard Suiter Dr. Van Merkle Dr. Kim Fite Dr. Jeff Lewin Dr. Jonathan Mulholland Dr. Ty Talcott Register On-Line at: Register On-Line at: 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m……………………..…….Registration 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m……...…..……..Continental Breakfast 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. …………...…...Supplier Trade Show 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. …..………….Evidence-Based Practice Dr. Leonard Suiter 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m…………………....…..Acupuncture Dr. Kim Fite 9:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. ………………….………..…..Break 10:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m……….Evidence-Based (continued) 10:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m………..…Acupuncture (continued) 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. …………...……Auxiliary Meeting 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ……………..………….Luncheon 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. ……….. *Receive 1 Hour General CE for Meeting 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. ……….……..…Olympic Approach Dr. Jonathan Mulholland sponsored by Foot Levelers 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. ….……….. Acupuncture (continued) 3:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. ….………………...…………...Break sponsored by NCMIC 3:45 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. ...……….....Acupuncture (continued) 3:45 p.m. - 5:30 p.m……... Olympic Approach (continued) 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. ….………..……..Opening Reception 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. ………...…..Awards Dinner (formal) Memorial Service Presented by MSCA Auxiliary Presentation of MSCA Awards 8:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. …………...………….Casino Night sponsored by MSCA Auxiliary Register Today! t i o n Ag e n da Registration Name _________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ FRIDAY, AUG. 22 — DCS 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. …………..……………...Registration 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. ………...……...Continental Breakfast 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m……………...…..Supplier Trade Show 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. …………...……………..Nutrition Dr. Van Merkle sponsored by Science Based Nutrition 9:45 a.m - 10:15 a.m. ……………………...………..Break 10:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ……….…….Nutrition (continued) 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. ……………...……... PAC Meeting 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ………..……..Alumni Luncheons 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m…………..……Supplier Luncheon 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. ………………..…….. Active Care Dr. Jeff Lewin sponsored by TLC 2:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. ……………………..…….……Break sponsored by NCMIC 3:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. ………..……Active Care (continued) 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. ………………...…..PAC Reception 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. ……………...….PAC Live Auction City ___________________________________________ State ______ Zip _______________________________ Phone _________________________________________ Email __________________________________________ Registration includes: Formal CE Hours, General CE Hours, Acupuncture, CA Day, Supplier Trade Show, continental breakfasts, luncheons, breaks, PAC Auction, Membership Meeting and Legislative Planning Session. NOT Included: Awards Dinner & Golf 9:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. …………………………………..….Break 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. General Office Training (continued) 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. …………..……CA Luncheon 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ..General Office Training (continued) SATURDAY, AUG. 23 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. …………..……Continental Breakfast 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. …………..…...Supplier Trade Show 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. …………….…………….. HIPAA Dr. Ty Talcott 9:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. …………………………...…..Break 10:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ………..………HIPAA (continued) 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ……………..……………Luncheon 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. … … … ..… … … … … ..Supplier Tear-Down 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ……..……...MSCA Board Meeting Before Aug. 15 Aug. 15 $215 $245 Non-members $285 $315 $75 $90 Spouse/Guest/CA Name(s) ___________________________ Children $50 $65 Name(s) ___________________________ Students $50 $65 Golf Tournament: The Oaks, Tan-Tar-A Resort 2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. …………………….………………...Break 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m... General Office Training(continued) 4:00 p.m. ………………………...Receive Certificates After Members FRIDAY, AUG. 22 — CA DAY 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. …………….Continental Breakfast 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ……………..Supplier Trade Show 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. ……………..CA Day Registration 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. …...…General Office Training “Early Bird” Each Player $85 Handicap: __________ Registration includes: Luncheon, greens fee, cart and prizes. Awards Dinner & Casino Night $20 per person # attending ________ Method of Payment Amount $ _____________ Check No. ______ MC Visa Discover AMEX Credit Card No. ___________________________ Exp. Date __________ 3-Digit Code _________ Name on Card ___________________________ Signature ________________________________ Dear Fellow Fishermen, Doctors and Sponsors, The will sponsor its to be held at the Lake of the Ozarks on Saturday and Sunday, May 3rd and 4th, 2014. The entry fee for the event will , which includes a $15 fee for a meal at weigh in on Saturday evening. There will be attendance prizes for all, with cash and prize awards for the top finishers. All proceeds from the tournament will be donated to the. As tradition dictates, the highest placed doctor becomes the tournament cochairman. The privilege this year goes to of Lawrenceburg, IN. Last year the fisherman voted to have the tournament at Runaway II Resort, which is located at 267 Runaway Drive in Climax Springs at the 45mile marker of the Osage River. For room reservations, contact Chelsea Goodsman at 8004681655 or 5733454590. The format will be a with fishing on Saturday 6:00 AM4:00 PM, and Sunday from 6:00 AM–12:00 noon. Based on a minimum of 25 boats, the purse will be $1,000 divided among the first top four finishing teams. There will be separate cash awards for the biggest bass on both Saturday and Sunday. There will be prize awards for the subsequent place finishers, the number of which depends on sponsor participation. In 2013, we were in a position to award cash and prizes valued at $7000.00. The tournament is open to doctors of chiropractic, their patients, their friends, those who have participated in the past and limited public. The tournament will be registered. A completed , along with your must be received before , after which a late fee will be assessed. All entries received after April 27, 2014 must be cash only. All B.A.S.S. Coast Guard water safety regulations, and “Catch and Release” procedures will be adhered to and enforced. The date of your paid entry registration will determine your starting positions. A special thanks to our 2013 tournament sponsors. Please support them, as they support us: Associated Insurance GroupSt. Louis, MO 63043, 3144321812**Runway II Resort, Climax Springs, MO 65324, l8004681655**WellsFargo Advisors, GeorgeWalton, St. Louis, MO 63131, 18009994448**MJ’s MiniMart I& II, Camdenton, MO 65037, 5733726298**Lewis Boat, St.Peters, MO 63376, 6369499926**Eberlin Boat, Hermann, MO 65041, 5734865897**Heartland Boating, St.Louis, MO 63l02, 3142414310**Casino Queen, East St. Louis, MO 62201, 618874 5000**Auto Zone, Bridgeton, MO 63044, 314209 l428**Rama Medical, Gentry, AR 72734, l8006433301**Cutco, 1116 East State Street, Olean, NY l4760, 7163723111**Bass Pro Shops, Columbia and St. Louis, MO 6330l, 6366882501**Skeeter Products, One Skeeter Rd., Kilgore, TX 75662**NCMIC, Clive, IA 50325, 18007692000**Eagle Claw, Denver, CO 802l6**Edward Jones, Kevin Brown, Bowling Green, MO 63334, l 8883246608**Vitaherbs, St. Louis, MO 63146, 18003251108**US Bank, Bridgeton, MO 63044, 3l42917465**Lansberg Medical Equipment, High Ridge, MO 63049, l8003259298**Standard Process Labs, Palmyra, WI 18005588740**Cabela’s, Hazelwood, MO 63042, 3142250100**Woods Supermarket, Camdenton, MO 65020, 5738735388**StifelNicolaus, Steve Rothman, Chesterfield, MO 630l7, 18006598111**Anabolic Labs, St. Louis, MO 63l29, 18004456849**James Erbe, St. Louis, MO 63119, 3145252508**Art Brown, Jefferson City, MO 65101, 5736357207**Patrick Carraher, D.C., Columbia, MO 65203, 5738756550**Gerard Boehmer, D.C., Bridgeton, MO 63044, 3143444438**Hanger Clinic, Mike Fisher, Wichita, KS 67214, 8003356543**Luxury Cars Wholesale/Phillips 66, Nick Chahoud, Bridgeton, MO 63044, 3147499697**Missouri Dept. of Conservation, Kirkwood, MO 63122, 3143011500**Missouri State Highway PatrolWaterpatrol Division, Jefferson City, MO 65102**Colliers Funeral Home, St. Ann, MO 63074, 3142981212**OUM, Franklin, TN 37067, We know how much fun this tournament is. We hope you can attend and bring many new friends! For further information, you can call Detach and mail with your payment of $70/$140 to: Makes checks payable to: and mail to: Name_________________________________________ (2) Partner___________________________________________________ Address #1 ________________________________________City/Zip_______________________ Phone______________________ Address #2 ________________________________________City/Zip_______________________ Phone______________________ Page 14 THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 by Melani Crocker D.C. MCSP Insurance Committee Member By now most of you have heard of all the changes that we are facing this year. All of these change are not bad, onerous, or downright difficult to comply with. The GOOD NEWS: MEDICARE HAS GIVEN US A RAISE!!! If you haven’t already looked at your 2014 Medicare Fee Schedule, I encourage you to do so and see what the new fee schedule is currentlyUNTIL MARCH 31, 2014. We will be watching closely and will bring you news as fast as we can if/when this new fee schedule will be approved for the full year. Visit physician_fee_schedule/ for more information. Everyone should download the ACA’s PQRS info “A Guideline to the 2014 Physician Quality Reporting Sys tem. Visit for more informa tion. There are now 3 PQRS measures to report. Two that we should have been reporting this past year and 1 new measure we are to begin reporting this year. Remember if you have not been reporting PQRS correctly in 2013 you will be penalized and reimbursement taken out of your payments in 2015. THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 This is the easiest requirement we have this year. There is a NEW G CODE for measure #182 Functional Out come Assessment – this code is G9227 The provider performed a functional outcome assessment, using a standardized tool, and found functional deficien cies, did not document a followup plan because the patient was deemed ineligible. Patients are not eligible only if one or more of the following reason(s) are documented: ♦ Patient refuses to participate ♦ Patient unable to complete questionnaire ♦ Patient is in an urgent or emergent medical situa tion where time is of the essence and to delay treatment would jeopardize the patient’s health status OUR NEW MEASURE IS #317 ♦ The purpose of this measure is for CMS to collect data on when screening for high blood pressure is conducted, and a followup plan is documented when a higher than normal blood pressure (120/80) is indicated. ♦ Providers are asked to report whether they screened a patient for high blood pressure and whether they documented an appropriate care plan when a higher than normal blood pressure has been identified. ♦ The intent of the measure is to screen patients for high blood pressure at a minimum of once per re porting period and provide recommended followup as indicated. Normal blood pressure followup is not recommended for patients with clinical or sympto matic hypotension. ♦ Blood Pressure (BP) is defined by four BP reading classifications as listed in the “Recommended Blood Pressure FollowUp” table below, including Nor mal, PreHypertensive, First Hypertensive and Sec ond Hypertensive readings. – The current (JNC) report outlines life style modifications which include one or more of the following as indicated: Weigh Reduction, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Eating Plan, Dietary Sodium Restriction, Increased Physical Activ ity or Moderation in Alcohol (ETOH) Consumption. Page 15 < 120 ≥ 120 AND ≤ 139 ≥ 140 ≥ 140 AND < 80 No FollowUp Required OR ≥ 80 AND ≤ 89 Rescreen BP within a minimum of 1 year Recommend Lifestyle Modifications Referral to Alternative/Primary Care Provider OR ≥ 90 Rescreen BP within a minimum of ≥ 1 day and ≤ 4 weeks Recommend Lifestyle Modi fications Referral to Alternative/Primary Care Provider OR ≥ 90 Recommend Lifestyle Modifications 1 or more of the Second Hypertensive Reading Interventions (see definitions) Referral to Alternative/Primary Care Provider The provider performed a blood pressure screening and found that the patient had a normal blood pressure so no followup plan was required. The provider performed a blood pressure screening, PreHypertensive or Hypertensive Blood Pressure was indi cated, AND appropriate followup is documented. The provider documented the patient was not eligible for a blood pressure screening. Patients are not eligible only if one or more of the following reason(s) are documented: Patient has an active diagnosis of hypertension Patient refuses to participate (either BP measurement or followup) Patient is in an urgent or emergent medical situation where time is of the essence and to delay treatment would jeopardize the patient’s health status. This may include but is not limited to severely elevated BP when immediate medical treatment is indicated. The provider performed a blood pressure screening, patient’s blood pressure reading indicated a Pre Hypertensive or Hypertensive blood pressure, but a followup plan was not documented because the patient was not eligible. Patients are not eligible only if one or more of the following reason(s) are documented: Patient has an active diagnosis of hypertension Patient refuses to participate (either BP measurement or followup) Patient is in an urgent or emergent medical situation where time is of the essence and to delay treatment would jeopardize the patient’s health status. This may include but is not limited to severely elevated BP when immediate medical treatment is indicated. The provider did not perform a blood pressure screening, a followup plan was not documented, and there is not documentation the patient was not eligible (see G8784 or G9151 for noneligibility reasons). The provider performed a blood pressure screening and a PreHypertensive or Hypertensive blood pressure was documented, the indicated followup is not documented, and there was no documentation the patient was not eligible (see G8784 or G9151 for noneligibility reasons). References: and Page 16 THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 – Requires a BP read ing of Systolic BP ≥ 140 mmHg OR Diastolic BP ≥ 90 mmHg during the current encounter AND a most recent BP reading within the last 12 months of Systolic BP ≥ 140 mmHg OR Diastolic BP ≥ 90 mmHg. – The current JNC report outlines interventions based on BP Readings show in the “Recommended Blood Pressure FollowUp” table and include one or more of the following as indicated: AntiHypertensive Pharma cologic Therapy, Laboratory Tests, or Electrocardio gram (ECG). The provider should report one of the qualitydata codes (Gcodes) below online 24 D of a paper claim or on service line 24 of an electronic claim. As you can see, it is dealing with blood pressure and it is what we do all the time so reporting the codes won’t be difficult at all. PQRS really is the easiest requirement and it falls into the Value Based Care arena that we now find ourselves in along with any and all other types of providers. If you are not currently doing PQRS it is strongly urged that all DC’s begin. If you need help getting started, the ACA download is very user friendly and we at the MSCA are here to help you. Just contact us. Have you been contacted by this company who is a Medicare Advantage Plan? Most of the DC’s I’ve been talking to have gotten one or more requests for their patient’s records for the year 2013. A few DC’s have been asked for 23 years of their patient records to be furnished by February 14, 2014. Please read through the entire 56 page request as it details what type of information they are looking for, especially the signa ture. “All documents need to have a physician signature and credentials (electronic or handwritten) to be con sidered a valid record”. Your notes must be legible and if you use abbreviations they must be accompanied with a key. Please comply with these requests as they are part of a risk adjustment review and not to be taken lightly. Also, I suggest you send these records certified, regis tered return receipt. This insures they get there on time and have been signed for by a person in case you need to prove timely receipt. If you have questions please feel free to contact the MSCA and they will get you to the insurance depart ment. THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 By now you should already have been studying and going to seminars on ICD10 and increasing your knowledge on how to convert your most used diagnosis codes into ICD10 codes. Dr. Evan Gwilliams pre sented to the 5th District relicensing seminar our first ICD10 seminar and I want to let you doctors know that you CANNOT wait until the last minute to begin changing over to these new diagnosis codes. Dr. Gwil liams will be in Jefferson City at the MSCA presenting ICD10 on May 8, 2014. Please sign up you and your support team to help you with this conversion. It is a VERY BIG endeavor to be taken in small bites daily to make up a whole code list for our offices. We posted a timeline in the January journal of where you should be as the year progresses. I hope this helps you and your team to plan and prepare implementing these codes. WPS Medicare Chiropractic Care seminars are being offered in Kansas in March and in Missouri in April. They will be offering a threehour session designed specifically for those who wish to increase their knowl edge of chiropractic care as it relates to Medicare. This seminar will help both new and experienced providers and billers understand chiropractic claim submissions, medical policy, medical documentation, medical neces sity, and more. Please join us for this important semi nar. Registration is available online, and space is lim ited. Visit event?oeidk=a07e8ugual6db717ee1&llr=pipq86oab for more information. CMS 1500 Form: CMS1500 form (0212) is effective as of January 6, 2014, use of the revised form is optional until March 31, 2014. Please make sure you are using this new form. These are just a few of the big issues facing us this year. HIPPA, A Compliance Manual, SelfAuditing or having a certified records auditor to review your files, OBAMACARE, just to name a few. The MSCA is al ways ready to help our members be proactive not reac tive with these issues. We all look forward to spring, sunshine and an office full of happy patient’s. Until next time…. Page 17 The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) required the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop regulations protecting the privacy and security of certain health information. HHS published what are commonly known as the HIPAA Security Rule. The Security Rule for the protection of electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) establish a national set of security standards for protecting certain health information that is held or transferred in electronic form. Key elements of the Security Rule include who is covered, what information is protected, and what safeguards must be in place to ensure appropriate protection of electronic protected health information (ePHI). Microsoft announced that on April 8, 2014, support and updates for Windows XP will no longer be available. As a result, after April 8, 2014, technical assistance for Windows XP will no longer be available, including automatic updates that help protect your PC and the information contained on it. The lack of Microsoft security updates could impact your HIPAA security compliance. Per the U.S. Depart ment of Health and Human Services HIPAA Security Rule: A covered entity must implement hardware, soft ware, and/or procedural mechanisms to record and examine access and other activity in information systems that contain or use ePHI. It is your responsibility to be compliance with the HIPAA rules and regulations. If you fail to prepare, it may be your business and cash flow that will be affected. : JlXHFPWcQuUI2G7PUnCW9U9GYi3t7WaTDW32wW8RBWgaUL3zKxl7UHpdiFKHZ8H PAadOqs5ybxAFwdlj4UBZki2pjGrJlm3MEclcBv8d2oSjSSgkfSJt1vLkXN2o6 ♦ Lfdzmgi_chzqtvM3N6J31QPK_PeqbW22uG64yavaFZJBDwIoJMUjVWUUSLaN3fWOk7cl0Zkf9N6IOZp0CBnR KANhh7pzbMdDJdNbuFU7TOQm6aM= ♦ Page 18 THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 Customer Srevice: dress professionally and preferably have nametags. It took five trips to my current chiropractor (Yes I do use one) before I even knew the name of his receptionist! Differentiation The deterrent to practice growth is a lack of focus on simple things. While working with chiropractors I typically ask them to identify their value proposition. I also inquire if patients can repeat it. The rationale is if patients understand the value provided they repeat it, thus becoming marketing avatars. The largest compliment received by a doctor is the referral and testimony of current patients informing others. However, customer service must be part of everyday living stemming from holding doors during shopping excursions, smiling when meeting others in public, and general posture and attitude. Introversion is no excuse; chiropractors are part of communities. Empathy and excitement must be in everything you do. I know of one chiropractic associate that is so shy, some take him as being aloof. Hence their portion of the practice produces negative results. Ensure inclusion in everything you do. The cacophony of competition is too strong to avoid the power of customer service. With many practices and many patients having the power to influence other patients, service is the marketing differentiator. Ironically, many chiropractors look at how many patients they see per week. Curious how many patients don’t you see because of your customer service? Email me today! About the Author THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 Page 19 Dr. Susan Albers, O'Fallon Dr. Laurie Allen, Poplar Bluff Dr. Dana Alter, Manchester Dr. Paul Amato, Imperial Dr. Craig Anderson, Florissant Dr. Gary Anderson, Bethany Dr. Khonda Andrews, Jackson Dr. Ronald Arconati, St. Louis Dr. Daniel Armbruster, St. Louis Dr. Jonathan Armstrong, Shepherds ville Dr. Michael Arnold, Springfield Dr. Courtney Baalman, Kansas City Dr. Kristine Baker, Kansas City Dr. Mark Baker, Bridgeton Dr. Matthew Baker, Maryville Dr. Alec Barinholtz, St. Louis Dr. Britton Batchelor, Independence Dr. Carlos Bateman, Independence Dr. L. Wayne Bateman, Independ ence Dr. Deanna Bates, Chesterfield Dr. Raymond Bechtold, St. Louis Dr. Jeffrey Becker, O'Fallon Dr. Eric Becking, Jackson Dr. Sanela Begovic, St. Louis Dr. Keith Berger, University City Dr. Karen Bergman, St. Louis Dr. Brent Berlener, Jefferson City Dr. Matthew Berman, Clayton Dr. Casey Berry, Kansas City Dr. Armon Bert, Perryville Dr. Edward Bickmeyer, St. Charles Dr. Jeffery Birkenmeier, Creve Coeur Dr. Diann Bischof, Pacific Dr. Seth Black, Cuba Dr. John Blalock, St. Louis Dr. Norman Bliss, Carrollton Dr. Aaron Boehmer, Columbia Dr. Alicyn Boehmer, Columbia Dr. Gerard Boehmer, Bridgeton Dr. Rachel Boehmer, Webster Groves Dr. Martha Boelter, St. Louis Dr. Alicia Bolzenius, Union Dr. Anna Bone, St. Louis Dr. David Bone, St. Louis Dr. Melissa Bosch, Salisbury Dr. Cara Bowling, St. Peters Dr. Gail Boyer, Lenexa Dr. Shawn Bradley, Arnold Dr. Curtis Brennan, Lee's Summit Dr. Roger Brick, Chillicothe Dr. Gary Bridges, Cape Girardeau Dr. Kelly Brinkman, Wentzville Dr. Donald Broman, Linn Dr. Tim Bronson, Independence Dr. Joan Brower, Wentzville Dr. Erik Brown, St. Peters Dr. James Brown, Warsaw Dr. Lori Brown, Centralia Dr. Thomas Brown, Mountain Grove Dr. Joshua Browning, Festus Dr. Christopher Bruffett, Webb City Dr. Laura Buck, St. Louis Dr. Linda Buckmiller, Smithville Dr. Jon Buriak, Newport News Dr. Laurie Burke, Ellisville Page 20 Dr. James Burkhart, Kansas City Dr. Kenneth "Burle, Jr.", Mexico Dr. Karin Burmeister, Osage Beach Dr. Hailey Burpo, Webb City Dr. Larry Burrell, Chesterfield Dr. W. Damien Busold, Brentwood Dr. Michael Butler, Maryland Heights Dr. Michael Buttenob, Mansfield Dr. Frank Calhoon, Warrensburg Dr. Jessica Carlstrom, Festus Dr. James Carmichael, Springfield Dr. Connie CarpenterFarley, God frey Dr. Debra Carpenter, Pueblo West Dr. J.C. Carpenter, Ballwin Dr. Sylvie Carpentier, Columbia Dr. Jeffrey Carr, Monett Dr. Patrick Carraher, Columbia Dr. Rodney Carson, Webb City Dr. Robert Carter, Springfield Dr. S. Elaine Carter, Springfield Dr. Gary Carver, Kansas City Dr. Peter Casey, Kansas City Dr. Sean Casey, St. Louis Dr. Howard Chapel, Chesterfield Dr. James Childers, Lee's Summit Dr. Uchenna Chira, Raytown Dr. Suzanne Clare, Ballwin Dr. Kristina Clay, O'Fallon Dr. Carl Cleveland, III, Overland Park Dr. Heather Cluck, Wathena Dr. L. Diane Cobb, Kansas City Dr. Kevin Coffman, Kansas City Dr. Paul Coggeshell, Sioux Falls Dr. Jon Cole, Chillicothe Dr. Kris Cole, Chillicothe Dr. Michael Cole, Vandalia Dr. Barton Coleman, St. Clair Dr. Katharine Conable, St. Louis Dr. Daniel Coogan, St. Peters (Dr.) Justin Cook, Kearney Dr. Marcy Cooper, O'Fallon Dr. James Copeland, Ellisville Dr. David Cosner, Kansas City Dr. Stephen Costantino, University City Dr. Richard Cranwell, St. Louis Dr. Jack Crocker, Lebanon Dr. Melani Crocker, Lebanon Dr. Jason Crockett, Springfield Dr. Jenny CrosbyWiemann, St. Pe ters Dr. Bryan Crutchfield, Higginsville Dr. John Curtin, Lake St. Louis Dr. Eugene Davidson, Russell Dr. Jeffery Davie, Barnhart Dr. New Contact Davie, Barnhart Dr. Paul Davis, Ozark Dr. Richard Davis, Sullivan Dr. Marcus DeGeer, Chesterfield Dr. John Dennehy Jr., Hannibal Dr. Paul Deschamp, Wentzville Dr. Scott Devereux, St. Louis Dr. Robert Devine, Edwardsville Dr. Joseph Di Carlo, St. Charles Dr. Gary Ditson, Wentzville Dr. Bernard "Ben" Dohrmann, Kan sas City Dr. Paula Dolan, St. Louis Dr. Serge Donikian, St. Louis Dr. James Bradley Doty, Independ ence Dr. David Dover, Kansas City Dr. Kenneth Downing, Westwood Dr. Jennifer Drury, Bloomsdale Dr. Christopher Dugas, Buffalo Dr. Thomas Duke, Kansas City Dr. Thomas Dunlap, Joplin Dr. Connie Dunn, Ava Dr. Paul Dupuis, Jefferson City Dr. Pierre Dupuis, Jefferson City Dr. Andrew Dykeman, East Alton Dr. Brent Easley, West Plains Dr. Jeanene Eberhart, Joplin Dr. Ryan Eckman, Troy Dr. Charles Eddy, Kansas City Dr. Sam Elashkar, Westwood Dr. Robert Elder, Maryland Heights Dr. David Ellenbogen, Pacific Dr. Alethea Eller, Chesterfield Dr. John Ellis, St. James Dr. Adam Elsey, Hazelwood Dr. Richard Emery, Kansas City Dr. Deborah Epps, Forsyth Dr. Kevan Evans, Maryville Dr. Kari Everly, Columbia Dr. Daniel Fahnestock, Marshall Dr. Ronald Farotto, St. Louis Dr. Shayna Fasken, Columbia Dr. Tanya Feldkamp, Kansas City Dr. William Feuerbacher, Wathena Dr. Kimberly Findley, Albany Dr. Tracey Fink, Clayton Dr. Michael Finley, Barnhart Dr. Louis Fiquet, III, Bevier Dr. Michael Fiscella, St. Louis Dr. Alfred Fischer, Washington Dr. Rosanne Fischer, Union Dr. Sharon Fitelson, St. Louis Dr. Megan Floarke, St. Louis Dr. Matthew Flory, Clayton Dr. J. Tim Flynn, Hazelwood Dr. Jennifer Forbes, North Kansas City Dr. Lance Ford, Carthage Dr. Doris Fortuna, Gladstone Dr. Eugene Fortuna, Gladstone Dr. Patrick Fox, Manchester Dr. Michael Franklin, Ozark Dr. Joshua Frankum, Smithville Dr. Margaret Freihaut, Fenton Dr. Todd Frisch, Chesterfield Dr. Stephen Furjes, St. Charles Dr. Thomas Gargiula, St. Louis Dr. Albert Gatrost, Independence Dr. AnneLaure Gauthier, Parkville Dr. Douglas Gauthier, Parkville Dr. Sarah Gayasaddin, Kansas City Dr. Leaman Geosling, Springfield Dr. Joseph Gerard, Wright City Dr. Hugo Gibson, Lee's Summit Dr. H. Kenneth Gilbertson, Bridgeton Dr. Michael Givens, Cape Girardeau Dr. Michael Glickert, St. Louis Dr. Elizabeth GonyawManes, Springfield Dr. Matthew Goodrich, St. Louis Dr. Megan Goss, Union Dr. Rebecca Gould, Clayton Dr. Amy Goulet, Belton Dr. James Gray, Independence Dr. Dolores GrebeJones, St. Louis Dr. James Green, Lee's Summit Dr. Gary Greenlee, Jr., Potosi Dr. William Hunter Greenwood, Nixa Dr. Terry Griggs, Moberly Dr. Robert Grimm, St. Joseph Dr. Kenneth Groh, Kansas City Dr. Shawnda Gross, Gladstone Dr. Stanley Gross, Chesterfield Dr. Gary Guebert, Maryland Heights Dr. Roger Gutshall, Cameron Dr. Stephen H'Doubler, Springfield Dr. Brian Hackleman, Bolivar Dr. Elizabeth Hackleman, Rockport Dr. David Hadden, O'Fallon Dr. Louis Hagene, Cuba Dr. Scott Hainz, Creve Coeur Dr. Robert Haling, Ocala Dr. Jason Hamed, O'Fallon Dr. LeKisha Hamilton, Springfield Dr. Hank Hammons , Columbia Dr. Alexia Hampton, Bonne Terre Dr. Kandy HanafinVice, Nixa Dr. Christi Hancock, Linn Creek Dr. Geralda Hancock, Eureka Dr. Mark Haney, Sedalia Dr. Jason Hanft, Columbia Dr. Tammy Hansen, Hillsboro Dr. Coe Ann Hardwick, Kirksville Dr. Katharine Harmon, St. Peters Dr. Jeffrey Harrison, Sikeston Dr. Michael Harrison, Clinton Dr. Kort Harshman, Springfield Dr. Michael Hartman, Richmond Heights Dr. Mary Hasley, Lee's Summit Dr. Robert Hatten, Butler Dr. William Heffron, III, Unionville Dr. Steven Heiland, St. Peters Dr. Aaron Heitman, Rolla Dr. Sivi Helsel, St. Joseph Dr. Phillip Henady, Monticello Dr. Karen Hendel, Cottleville (Dr.) Ainsley Hendon, Chesterfield Dr. Edward Hengel, St. Louis Dr. Robert Hervey, Union Dr. Justin Hildebrand, Kansas City Dr. Jerod Hill, Branson Dr. Justin Hill, Arnold Dr. Geoffrey Hilton, Joplin Dr. Lynelle Hinden, Webster Groves Dr. Joann Hinnerichs, Kansas City Dr. Scott Hollis, Blue Springs Dr. Stephen Holloway, Kennewick Dr. Harold Holmes, St. Joseph Dr. David Holtwick, Boonville Dr. Julie Holtz, Kearney Dr. Kenri Honda, Kansas City THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 Dr. Amy Horn, Arnold Dr. Brian Hoselton, Fulton Dr. Gerald Howe, Eldon Dr. Mark Howell, Hazelwood Dr. Marc Hubbard, St. Louis Dr. Christina Huff, Pacific Dr. Ned Hug, California Dr. Charles Hughes, St. Joseph Dr. Brettany Hummert, Webster Groves Dr. Ryan Hunter, Pleasant Hill Dr. Lawrence Hurd, Kansas City Dr. Jason Hutchison, Liberty Dr. Paul Hyland, Creve Coeur Dr. Kenneth Inchiostro, Weldon Spring Dr. Daniel Jablonski, St. Albans Dr. Chad Jackley, Independence Dr. Edward Jackson, Archie Dr. Dennis James, Jr., St. Peters Dr. Quinn James, St. Peters Dr. Samuel Jameson, Lawson Dr. Kyle Jensen, Springfield Dr. Dale Johnson, Higginsville Dr. Joe Jones, Leavenworth Dr. Rex Jones, Spencer Dr. Rhonda Jones, Creve Coeur Dr. Todd Jones, Lee's Summit Dr. Bryan Joseph, O'Fallon Dr. Kelly Kadolph, Osage Beach Dr. Martha Kaeser, Chesterfield Dr. Joseph Kappes, Grandview Dr. Katy Kautz, Osage Beach Dr. Sharen Kauzlarich, Lee's Summit Dr. Sharon Kavanaugh, Kansas City Dr. Joseph Kayser, Jefferson City Dr. Richard Kayser, Jefferson City Dr. Brian Kelling, Kearney Dr. Patrick Kennedy, Kirkwood Dr. Felicity Keough, St. Charles Dr. Christina Kessinger, Rolla Dr. Andrew Kessinger, IV, Rolla Dr. Robert Kessinger, Rolla Loree Kessler, Jefferson City Dr. Morris Kille, Jr., Springfield Dr. Robbie Killingsworth, Kansas City Dr. Patti King, Parkville Dr. Brenda Kingen, Brentwood Dr. James Kinnard, Camdenton Dr. Curt Kippenberger, Columbia Dr. Darren Kirchner, Kahoka Dr. Kelley Kirchner, Kahoka Dr. Kenneth "Gene" Kirchner, Ka hoka Dr. Matthew Klemm, Hannibal Dr. Linda KlinginsmithTilford, Kansas City Dr. Robert Klinginsmith, Kansas City Dr. Megan Knox, Pineville Dr. Timothy Knuuttila, Bridgeton Dr. Jerome Kock, Florissant Dr. Richard Koelling, St. Peters Dr. George Kraft, Manchester Dr. Donald Kuhn, Wentzville Dr. Mary Kathleen Kuhn, Wentzville Dr. Gary Kurtz, Nevada Dr. Doris KutzCompton, New Ha ven Dr. Scott Kwapiszeski, Goodman Dr. Aimee LaBrie, Springfield Dr. Brian Laiderman, Chesterfield Dr. Jeffrey Lamb, Independence Dr. Lester Lamoureux, Doniphan Dr. Britney Land, Ozark Dr. Emily Lane, Warsaw Dr. Joseph Lane, Webster Groves Dr. Timothy Laster, Arnold Dr. Jeffrey Lawlor, Weldon Spring Dr. Erosa Lawrence, Hollister Dr. Robyn Lawrence, Ferguson Dr. Kyle LeBlanc, St. Louis Dr. Dong Chang Lee, Kansas City Dr. Paul Lee, St. Louis Dr. David Leonard, Raymore Dr. Sandra Levy, St. Louis Dr. James Lewis, Joplin Dr. Ryan Lewis, Kirkwood Dr. David Limbaugh, Sedalia Dr. James Lindsey, Independence Dr. Susan Linhardt, St. Louis Dr. Neil Linsenmayer, El Dorado Springs Dr. Katey Lipiec, Hopkins Dr. Olav Lipiec, Maryville Dr. Mark Lockhart, Marshall Dr. Steven Loehr, Springfield Dr. Lorenelle Lofquist, Fenton Dr. James Logan, St. Louis Dr. Russell Logan, Lamar Dr. Philip Loyd, Springfield Dr. Christopher Lubeck, Lawson Dr. Janine Ludwinski, Chesterfield Dr. Paul Lumpkin, Pacific Dr. James Lustig, St. Peters Dr. Christina Lynch, OFallon Dr. Christopher Maffit, Clayton Dr. Mark Maher, St. Louis Dr. Donna Mannello, Webster Groves Dr. Duane Marquart, Manchester Dr. Stephanie Marsden, Columbia Dr. Michael Martin, Kansas City Dr. Ronald Marvin, Kansas City Dr. L. Russell Matthias, Blue Springs Dr. Dustan Mattingly, St. Louis Dr. Craig Mattox, St. Joseph Dr. Charles Maurer, Springfield Dr. Lynette Mayfield, Arnold Dr. Steven McAdams, Ironton Dr. Kathleen McAuliffe, Columbia Dr. Nicole McCauley, Depoe Bay Dr. Kevin McClain, Florissant Dr. Russell McDaniel, Joplin Dr. Joshua McElhaney, Doniphan Dr. Brian McIntyre, St. Louis Dr. Branon McMichael, Blue Springs Dr. Timothy McMullen, Liberty Dr. Steven Meacham, Weldon Spring Dr. Brett Mehringer, Washington Dr. Jason Meisenheimer, Nevada Dr. Donna Meyer, Mt. Vernon Dr. Douglas Meyer, Hermann (Dr.) Daniel Michael, Chesterfield Dr. Michael Michel, Poplar Bluff Dr. Joshua Middendorf, St. Joseph Dr. Beverly Miles, Columbia (Dr.) Andrew Miller, Ballwin Dr. M. Kelly Miller, Kansas City Dr. Micheal Miller, Springfield Dr. Andy Minor, Blue Springs (Dr.) John Mischel, Fenton Dr. Frank Mistretta, Kirkwood Dr. Keith Moeckel, Perryville Dr. Terri Monahan, Ste. Genevieve Dr. Darrell Monroe, Memphis Dr. Denis Montgomery, Poplar Bluff Dr. Patrick Montgomery, Chester field Dr. Jaban Moore, North Kansas City Dr. James Moore, St. Louis Dr. Kale Moore, Kirksville Dr. Michael Morack, Independence Dr. Harold Morrow, Lake Ozark Dr. William Morter, Richland Dr. Jeremiah Mosher, Poplar Bluff Dr. David Mullin, Springfield Dr. Darrell Murphy, St. Louis Dr. Michael Murphy, Hannibal Dr. Ronald Muschany, St. Louis Dr. Jeffrey Nagle, Sikeston Dr. Munaba Nasiiro, St. Louis Dr. Nadim Nasrallah, Creve Coeur Dr. Kriston Neifert, Creve Coeur Dr. James Neptune, Springfield Dr. Jeffrey Ness, Union Dr. Duy Nguyen, Manchester Dr. Doran Nicholson, Lee's Summit Dr. Nancy Nitsch, Hillsboro Dr. Tamra Nobbe, O'Fallon Dr. Ryan Nogle, Independence Dr. Rebecca Northern, St. Louis Dr. Geoffrey Norton, Webster Groves Dr. Paul Oden, Eldon Dr. Robert Oexman, Carthage Dr. Shane Ogle, Waynesville Dr. Tabitha Ogle, Waynesville Dr. Dennis Olson, Joplin Dr. Perilyn Olson, Branson Dr. Emmanuel Onuzuruike, Kansas City Dr. Barry Oppenheimer, North Kan sas City Dr. Katherine Orlowski, West Plains Dr. R. James Ottomeyer, III, O'Fallon Dr. Darin Oxford, Seneca Dr. K. Denise Pahmeyer, Liberty Dr. Anthony Pappas, Festus Dr. Martin Parks, Harrisonville Dr. Lisa Patt, Chesterfield Dr. Donald Pattison, Lees Summit Dr. Crystal Peairs, St. Louis (Dr.) Maurice Pearl, Ballwin Dr. Linda Pecaut, St. Louis Dr. Patricia Pellegrino, Maryland Heights Dr. Lana Cay Pennell, Independence Dr. Elizabeth Perez, St. Charles THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 Dr. Muriel Perillat, Chesterfield Dr. Steven Perkins, Springfield Dr. Louis Perretta, Crestwood Dr. David Peters, Cape Girardeau Dr. James Peterson, Springfield Dr. Raymond Petsch, St. Louis Dr. Ronald Phelps, Springfield Dr. Mark Pick, Dodge City (Dr.) Rhonda Pittman, Belleville Dr. Denise Plaisance, Webster Groves Dr. Jesse Politowski, Affton Dr. Marcel Popa, Springfield Dr. A. Christine Potter, Bolivar Dr. David Powers, Northmoor Dr. Phillip Prater, Laurie Dr. Mark Pressley, Columbia Dr. Richard "Pete" Ragain, Laurie Dr. James Rains, Belton Dr. Angelo Ramos, University City Dr. Jacquelyn Reed, St. Louis Dr. Leslie ReidSiess, Ellisville Dr. Richard Reinhardt, Granite City Dr. Daniel Reiter, Bonne Terre Dr. Marjorie Rhoads, Cameron Dr. Amy Richard, St. Louis Dr. Lee Richardson, Kansas City Dr. Penny Richardson, O'Fallon Dr. Bradley Richey, Richmond Dr. Steven Rickman, Independence Dr. Mary RickyStradford, Raymore Dr. Daryl Ridgeway, Wentzville Dr. Robert Riley, Lees Summit Dr. John Riordan, Warrensburg Dr. Bruce Rippee, Gladstone Dr. James Robart, Jr., Potosi Dr. Ranee Roberts, West Plains Dr. James Robertson, Hannibal Dr. Dennis Robinson, Farmington Dr. Mark Roesler, Florissant Dr. Terry Ross, Hamilton Dr. David Rozeboom, St. Louis Dr. Case Ruckman, Albany Dr. R.J. Runge, Wentzville Dr. Jack Ruopp, Cape Girardeau Dr. Krystal Rupp, Chesterfield Dr. Jack Rushin, Poplar Bluff Dr. Jeffrey Rutherford, St. Louis Dr. Mary Saale, St. Louis Dr. Stefanie Sanger, Clayton Dr. Stephen Sankpill, Hannibal Dr. Russell Schierling, Mountain View Dr. Lynne SchmidtBarlow, St. Louis Dr. David Schoeberl, St. Joseph Dr. Stephen Schoenherr, St. Peters (Dr.) Kimberly Schroeder, Ballwin Dr. Martha Schroeder, Harrisonville Dr. David Sciortino, St. Louis Dr. Mark "Jake" Sehnert, O'Fallon Dr. Travis Sellers, Forsyth Dr. Joshua Sharp, Warrenton Dr. Vincent Shelby, Maryville Dr. Joan Shepard, El Dorado Springs (Dr.) Syrece Sherman, Lees Summit Dr. Warren Shoemaker, Kahoka Dr. Delbert Shroyer, Marshall Page 21 Dr. Robert Sieve, Willard Dr. John Simmons, Washington Dr. Amber Simpson, Troy (Dr.) Taylor Sirois, Salem Dr. Steven Skaggs, Joplin Dr. Scott Eric Slaughter, Kirksville Dr. Allyn Smith, St. Joseph Dr. Derek Smith, Baraboo (Dr.) Garrett Smith, Liberty Dr. James Smith, St. Joseph Dr. John Smith, Jr., Ellisville Dr. Brian Snyder, Florissant Dr. Chelsea Sogard, Jefferson City Dr. Richard Solom, St. Louis Dr. Josh Sonsiadek, Independence Dr. Danielle Spath, Affton Dr. Terry Spence, Plattsburg Dr. C. Gerald St. John, Houston Dr. Randy Steinbrueck, Palmyra Dr. Jeffrey Steinle, Springfield Dr. Sarah Stephens, Warrensburg Dr. Wayne Stewart, Kansas City Dr. Benjamin Stiles, Independence Dr. Lori Stock, St. Peters Dr. Susan Stockton, Warrensburg Dr. Todd Stojeba, O'Fallon Dr. Mark Strathman, Kearney Dr. William Straughn, Florissant Dr. Kristine Strouf, Kansas City Dr. Bettie Stuber, Kansas City Dr. Leonard Suiter, Ellisville Dr. Terry Surtin, St. Peters Dr. Pamela Tanner, Arnold Dr. Brett Taylor, Town & Country Dr. Jessica Taylor, Kansas City Dr. Michael Taylor, Tulsa Dr. Tracy Tebbs, Smithville Dr. Stephen Teeple, Springfield Dr. David Thayer, Glen Carbon Dr. Christina Thomas, Springfield Dr. Darryl Thomas, Jefferson City Dr. Homer Thompson, Springfield Dr. Michael Thompson, Boonville Dr. Patricia Thompson, Neosho Dr. Christopher Thornburgh, Kansas City Dr. Jeremy Thornton, Stockton Dr. Thomas Thurman, Macon Dr. A. Ralph Todd, Marshfield Dr. Wayne Tompkins, Hollister Dr. Timothy Towers, St. Louis Dr. Rick Townsend, St. Robert Dr. David Treadwell, Princeton Dr. Theodora Tryfonas, St. Louis Dr. Michael Tso, Maryland Heights Dr. Glenn Tucker, Jamesport Dr. Kevin Tucker, Blue Springs Dr. David Turnbull, St. Peters Dr. Herman Turner, Mountain Grove Dr. Mary UngerBoyd, Cedar Hill Dr. Joseph Unger, Jr., St. Louis Dr. Wendell Utech, Grinnell Dr. Jacob Utterback, Kirkwood Dr. Jared Van Anne, Maryland Heights Dr. Kenneth Van Wyk, Pella Dr. William Vance, Sedalia Dr. Gerald Vanden Hoek, Brentwood Dr. Michael Vega, Ozark Dr. David Vickerman, Cabool Dr. Alexander Vidan, Clayton Dr. Sara Vidan, Clayton Dr. Charles Vifquain, Lee's Summit Dr. Joseph Vitale, St. Louis Dr. Larry Von Holten, Carthage Dr. James Waddell, Gladstone Dr. Michael Waddell, Gladstone Dr. Aaron Wahl, Chesterfield Dr. David Wallace, St. Charles Dr. Brian Walsh, Cassville Dr. Eric Waltemate, Creve Coeur Dr. Mark Walters, Mount Vernon Dr. John Watts, Aurora Dr. Jered Wayland, Cape Girardeau Dr. Katrina Waynar, Kansas City Dr. Chancellor Wayne, Kennett Dr. Wayne Webb, Diamond Dr. Lori Weinstock, St. Louis Dr. Rebecca Wells, Savannah Dr. Emily Wentworth, Springfield Dr. Eric Werner, St. Louis Dr. Gerald Wertel, St. Louis Dr. Daniel Wesling, Wentzville Dr. Beth West, Cameron Dr. Kevin Wheat, Jefferson City Dr. Brandi Whitaker, Kansas City Dr. D. Matthew White, Columbia Dr. Danna White, Shawnee Mission Dr. Thomas Whitty, Lebanon Dr. Jane Wibbenmeyer, St. Louis Dr. Amy Wicks, St. Charles Dr. Kelly WilkersonDullenty, Poplar Bluff Dr. Michael Williams, O'Fallon Dr. Mercedes Williamson, Louisiana Dr. James Wills, Jackson Dr. Kelli Winarski, Columbia Dr. Bethany Winther Galimore, Linn Creek Dr. Gerald Witt, Kansas City Dr. M. Alan Wolchansky, Creve Coeur Dr. Donald Womack, Houston Dr. Bradley Woodle, Overland Park Dr. Christina Woodle, Lees Summit Dr. Angela Woodson, Fenton Dr. Timothy Wulfert, Farmington Dr. James A. Wyllie, Gladstone Dr. Daniel Young, Park Hills Dr. David Zak, Lee's Summit Dr. Michael Zimmer, Maryland Heights Purification and Weight Management Program Are you overburdened, overweight, or overtired? The Standard Process purification programs utilize whole food supplements, pure food, and water to give the body the resources it needs so that it can purify and rebuild itself naturally. Hippocrates once said, “The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.” Ignite the healing force. The Standard Process purification programs will help you achieve a higher level of health by cleansing the body from the inside out. SP Cleanse® - for purification SP Complete™ - for nutritious supplement shakes Gastro-Fiber® - for fiber support SP Green Food™ - for phytonutrients Page 22 For more information, contact your Standard Process representative In eastern Missouri: Dawne Watters (800) 532-2128 In Western Missouri/Kansas: Jerry McFarland (816) 769-1043 REFRESH, REPLENISH, REJUVINATE THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 1200 Sq Feet. Great location in one of the fastest growing areas of Kansas City. Located right on the Belton/Raymore city line. 50K cars drive by daily. This is a former dentist office, 4 operatory layout with a private office break room. Perfect for a chiropractic office. The location of this office is amazing. Located 2 blocks east of 71 hwy on the south side of 58 Hwy. 8011 E 171st street Belton, MO. 64012. Join a dentist and veterinarian in this professional office building. Brand new beautiful exterior. Please call or email for details. Jacob 8166953712 or Office is centrally located less than 2 miles from Highway 270/44. Well established doctor looking for positive, selfmotivated DC to share 1500 sq. ft. space. IC will have own office and adjusting room, as well as shared therapy room and massage therapist. We are a family practice with caring staff in a professional environment. Contact Dr. Traci for more information. is the Midwest’s premiere chiropractic doctor fillin service. All doctors have at least 3 years experience in medium and high volume practices. Fees based on a full and half day flat rates avoiding fee splitting or sneaky additional charges. Free introduction survey to gain as complete an understanding of your chiropractic procedures. Call 8473679641. Friendly team of chiropractors available for vacation relief. Will accommodate short notice. Multiple techniques and acupuncture. Greater St. Louis & willing to travel. Contact 6366754774 or to Kansas City airport and Fort Leavenworth and just twenty minutes north of downtown Kansas City. There are two treatment rooms with a physical therapy bay. Call (816)529 9950 or email for more information. Fulltime tandem associate that is passionate about chiropractic, motivated, teachable. This is an Integrity Management office. Not a revolving door practice. Our patients get the care they need, including therapies like stem, traction, laser, IASTM (Graston), massage, HEP, etc. Diversified, Cox, and Thompson techniques used. Are you the right fit for our team? Submit CV for consideration: in St Charles Mo. Great established practice of over 50 years with same owner DC. Looking for highly motivated DC to take over a large portion of my practice with option to buy the entire practice after initial transition..Prefer someone certified in acupuncture....Send resume to Wonderful Location near Hwys 40 & 141. Very Nice, well equipped, chiropractic office has availability for additional doctors. Well Established with 28 years practice experience. This is a Great Low Overhead / Low Maintenance Practice Opportunity for Independent Contractors. Several options for days and times are available with a flexible number of hours. Experience preferred. Please call Dr. Bates at (314) 4520897 Chiropractic Physicians Group Chiropractors: Act to Beat the IRS! Emergency, vacation, maternity, short and long term coverage. Full, half day and weekly rates. Largest data base of licensed and insured chiropractors. We can help with your coverage and associate needs. Call 8005016111 for a free quote. Web site : Practice for sale in Platte City, Missouri. The office is located in Northwest Missouri close When was the last time your tax professional said "Here's an idea I think will save you money"? ♦ ♦ ♦ ●● ● THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 Call us now at (6608853919) For Your Consultation Page 23 Mo McCullough, 5736362553 Anne Fehr, 5736362553 Anne Fehr, 5736362553 Anne Fehr, 5736362553 Anne Fehr, 5736362553 12:00 1:30 p.m. Anne Fehr, 5736362553 1:00 4:00 p.m. Anne Fehr, 5736362553 Anne Fehr, 5736362553 Page 24 THE MISSOURI CHIROPRACTOR March 2014 UPCOMING SEMINARS 00% OFF “The Posture Practice” Seminar Presented by Dr. Steven Weiniger The Posture Practice: StrongPosture® exercise Protocols and Strategies for Results, Retention and Referrals 6 Formal CE Hours Thursday, March 20, 2014 Capitol Plaza Hotel, Jefferson City Register On– Line or call 573-636-2553 Member Rate DC: $65 CA: $35 Non-Member Rate DC: $95 CA: $45 ICD-10 Seminar Presented by Dr. Evan Gwilliam 6 Formal CE Hours Thursday, May 8, 2014 ChiroCode ICD-10 Book Required To Order call 800-944-9877 Use Coupon Code : MSCA20 To receive $20 off purchase Capitol Plaza Hotel, Jefferson City
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